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World Music PIF Castelfidardo - Italyby Diatonic News |
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Also in the 2019 Edition of the PIF Castelfidardo being held from the 18-22 September 2019, are several competition categories for World Music which are open to soloists, ensembles who use an accordion or diatonic accordion (of any model), a garmoshka or a bandoneon. Castelfidardo is the capital of classical and popular music thanks to its accordion production. The PIF was born as a springboard for young people and it is confirming its role of promotion for the accordion as an instrument for all generations and all musical genres. Following this philosophy, new categories such as the World Music have been introduced plus a jury of excellent quality, which may also have the role of talent scout. The categories are: World Ensemble World Senior World Junior World Student 15 World Student 12 For all information about rules - pls view: https://www.pifcastelfidardo.it/subscription-form-world-senior-category/?lang=en |
Castelfidardo fine ‘800 – Grande successo per le botteghe artigiane e la gara di organettoby Diatonic News |
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![]() Gli allestimenti realizzati nel centro storico di Castelfidardo dai vari volontari dei quartieri hanno creato un’atmosfera suggestiva e le tantissime iniziative proposte hanno suscitato momenti emozionanti di aggregazione e di valorizzazione delle tradizioni e dell’identità fidardense. Sempre più bella e scenografica l’ambientazione nella bottega artigiana di organetti ed “armonici” di fine ‘800, curata in ogni minimo aspetto, dove turisti curiosi e interessati hanno potuto ammirare le varie fasi di costruzione di organetti e fisarmoniche illustrate dagli artigiani stessi, che per l’occasione hanno magistralmente vestito i panni di Paolo Soprani e dei primi artigiani pionieri della fisarmonica. Le botteghe sono state inoltre arricchite e rese più realistiche dalla presenza di due strumenti storici messi gentilmente a disposizione per l’occasione dalla Famiglia Carini. Davanti alle botteghe artigiane si è svolta anche la prima “Gara di organetto amatoriale”, che ha fatto incontrare a Castelfidardo giovani partecipanti da tutte le Marche. Bravissimi ed applauditissimi tutti i musicisti che hanno proposto saltarelli differenti e brani tradizionali, creando la musica perfetta per l’occasione. Il premio, un organetto artigianale “Carletto” in serie limitata, costruito ed offerto dall'artigiano Giancarlo Francenella, è stato assegnato dalla giuria alla recanatese Francesca Guardabassi. Il gruppo artigiani della fisarmonica, coordinato da Laura Francenella, è composto da professionisti che volontariamente mettono a disposizione del progetto di Rievocazione Storica la loro esperienza e competenza: Daniela e Tonino Alessandrini, Sabrina Alba e Gianfranco Marincioni, Roberto Monaci, Rodolfo Spadari, Marinella Petromilli, Giuliana Zanirato, Giancarlo e Lucia Francenella, Paolo Caporaletti. Il prossimo appuntamento per ritornare indietro nel tempo a “Castelfidardo Fine ‘800” è fissato per agosto 2020! Vi aspettiamo! Album fotografico completo su: https://www.facebook.com/pg/tracce800/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1348098355366749 Foto Artigiani durante il corteo storico Partecipanti alla gara di organetto Giuria e pubblico durante la gara di organetto Foto di gruppo artigiani Il pubblico alla Gara di organetto La giuria della gara: L’Assessore Ruben Cittadini, Emanuele Storti, Cinzia Federici |
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Coupe Mondiale World Music Ensemble Competition - Chinaby Harley Jones |
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The Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Coupe Mondiale 2019 was held in Shenzhen, China, 12-17 August. The World Music Ensemble category 1st place and 2nd groups place both featured bandoneon. Video 1: 1st Ice And Fire Tango Orchestra (China) Wang, Dan (bandoneon), Xie, Dongyue (double bass), Jiao, Fuhai (piano), Liu, Zhenyuan (violin), Qiao, Youheng (jazz guitar). Music: A. Piazzolla, Michelangelo 70 Guang Ren, Clouds Chasing the Moon Jian Li, Baikal Lake A.Piazzolla, Concerto Para Quinteto. Video: 2nd The Gardel Trio (Russia), Davydov, Denis (accordion), Ventouras, Felix Arthur Liam (piano), Liu, Xing (violin). Music: D. Davydov, arr. F. Ventouras Memorias (tango) Mariano Mores Taquito Militar (milonga) D. Davydov, arr. F. Ventouras White Arrow (tango) A. Piazzolla, Oblivion D. Davydov, arr. F. Ventouras, Waiting For Her (tango) B. Tihonov, arr. F. Ventouras, Late Express Video above of their competition performance. Coupe Mondiale Video Archive Education Project sponsored by Scandalli and Accordions Worldwide. Picture below: Members of the International Jury (left to right) João Pereira (Portugal), Elizabeta Ilievska (Macedonia), Antonio Spaccarotella (Italy), Haein Yujeong Jeon (South Korea), Vladimir Orlov (Russia), Raimo Vertainen (Chairman of the Jury, Finland), Nenad Ljubenović (Serbia), Stephanie Poole (New Zealand), Mary Tokarski (USA). |
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Roger Morand "objects du cult" - Franceby Diatonic News |
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238very interesting diatonic - accordion "cult" images can be viewed on the FB page of Roger Morand - himself a successful diatonic accordion artist who has participated in many festivals and shows, both in France and abroad, where he performs under his name, as well as with various group formations. He also participates in recording sessions as a guest, to which must be added the ten or so recordings released with his various students and/or assisted by him. Roger Morand also teaches diatonic classes and participates as a trainer in courses dedicated to this instrument. He is the author of a show for children, on Louisiana commissioned by the National Education. He is specialized in Cajun, Creole, Zydeco, Auvergnat & Celtic https://www.facebook.com/roger.morand.3/media_set?set=a.10205557532276502&type=3 roger.morand@free.fr |
71. HerbstMesse Dornbirn - Austriaby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() Fùr Harmonikafreunde: Harmonika Müller GmbH Kunsthandwerk Steirische Harmonika Halle 3, Stand 36 Parz Franz Harmonikaerzeugung Kunsthandwerk steirische Harmonika Musikinstrumente Halle 3, Stand 10 Schmidt Harmonikaerzeugung GmbH Kunsthandwerk Steirische Harmonikas Noten Halle 4, Stand 6 https://herbstmesse.messedornbirn.at/ |
Tango Festival Trieste - Italyby Diatonic News |
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![]() Il Festival è nato nel 2013 dall’idea del Direttore della GB Tango Academy GUILLERMO BERZINS, Maestro e Ballerino argentino trasferitosi in Italia da Buenos Aires nel 2010 ed oggi Direttore Artistico e Maestro dell’Accademia GB Tango Academy. La scelta della location e degli artisti è stata accuratamente studiata al fine di offrirvi un evento che gli ospiti ricorderanno a lungo. Il Festival richiama tangueri appassionati e professionisti provenienti da più di 20 paesi del mondo, riunendo le migliori orchestre ed ospiti di fama internazionale, in un’atmosfera unica nel suo genere e cullata dal mare dorato delle sere triestine. Quest’anno il Festival si aprirà mercoledì 28 agosto 2019 alle ore 20.30 presso il Teatro Miela con uno spettacolo di Tango Argentino: il concerto dell’orchestra Corazón de Tango diretto dalla concertmaister OKSANA PECENY. Durante la serata gli spettatori potranno assistere all’esibizione dei maestri delle più grandi scuole di Tango Argentino del Friuli Venezia Giulia. https://www.triestetangofestival.com/orchestre/ |
The Crawfish and Catfish Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() Other festival activities include cooking demos, you can enter the Jambalaya Cook Off, take Zydeco dance lessons, race crawfish, Catch and Release Catfish pool, enjoy the kid's zone, vendor marketplace. YOU MIGHT COME FOR THE FOOD... AND YOU WILL STAY FOR THE MUSIC CZ and Bon Vivants, Motor Dude Zydeco, Mark St. Mary, Zydeco & Blues Band, Zydeco Mud Bugs, Blues Box Bayou Band, Zydeco Flames, Dirty Chops Brass Band, MJ's Brass Boppers, City of Trees Brass Band, Boco Do Rio, BeaufunK with Michael Jefferies (formerly with Tower of Power), Sol Peligro Band, Alan Rigg Band, Al Lazard & World St. Players, Ophir Prison Marching Group and Souled Out. On Saturday from 11:00 AM to 4:30 PM we have the Super Second Line Brass Band Showcase/Competition featuring 4 bands: City of Trees Brass Band, Element Brass Band, MJ’s Brass Boppers and Dirty Chops Brass Bands New for 2019! Margi Gras meets Carnival on Saturday from 5:00 - 10:00 PM. Entertainment Schedule: 2019Crawfish.pdf More on: http://crawfishandcatfishfestival.com/ |
13. Harmonica Masters Workshops - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
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Trossingen, 30. Oktober - 03. November 2019 Künstlerische Leitung & Konzept: Steve Baker Veranstalter: Hohner Konservatorium / Michaela Kitzke Die Harmonica Masters Workshops, 2003 von Steve Baker initiiert und vom Hohner Konservatorium organisiert, gelten seit langem als No.1 Bildungsveranstaltung für Blues-Mundharmonika in Europa. Wir akzeptieren ab sofort Anmeldungen für die 13. Auflage vom 30. Oktober - 03. November 2019. Mòchten Sie daran teilnehmen, so melden Sie sich rechtzeitig an, da viele dieser Masterklassen frùhzeitig ausgebucht sind - https://www.harmonica-masters.de/de/ |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
9° Folk Contest ETNIE MUSICALI - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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La nona edizione del Folk Contest ETNIE MUSICALI si svolgerà a Barrea (AQ), all'interno del Festival del Saltarello, il 31 agosto e il 1 settembre 2019. Esibizioni itineranti e su palco dei gruppi partecipanti, stage di balli e strumenti tipici del saltarello, conferenze e laboratori per adulti e bambini... |
OPENTREKZAKFESTIVAl - Hollandby Diatonic News |
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10E EDITIE VAN HET OPENTREKZAKFESTIVAL Zaterdag 7 september 2019 10-18 uur locatie:DOMUSICA Radewijnstraat 10 - 8022 BG te Zwolle Van 10:00 - ca. 18:00 uur staat de trekzak weer centraal in Zwolle, in Cultuurhuis Domusica Deur open: 9.30 uur, start met koffie. Wil je deelnemen aan of meer info over één van de workshops de 10e editie? Stuur dan een email naar info@opentrekzakfestival.nl Zie Tab WORKSHOPS en klik door naar de diverse groepen. Klik hier voor een indruk van 2018: https://www.harmonicahoek.nl/archief/2018/2018_09_01/ |
Bandoneon Workshop with Jackline Edeling - Aldeboarnby Diatonic News |
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FB Ardy Proot a Trekharmonica |
Mundharmonika Masterklassen in Klingenthal - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
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https://mundharmonika-live.de/# |
Carrefour Mondial de L'Accordeon Festival, Montmagny - Canadaby Diatonic News |
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Via Rivière-du-Loup Rte 132 Ouest ou Autoroute 20 Ouest (Sortie 378 ou Sortie 376) The Carrefour Mondial de l’Accordeon Festival takes place from August 29 to September 2, 2019 in Montmagny, Via Rivière-du-Loup Rte 132 Ouest ou Autoroute 20 Ouest (Sortie 378 ou Sortie 376) Montmagny is a proudly French-speaking town that is over 300 years old and has 11,885 residents. Artistic Director: Raynald Ouellet From August 29 through September 2, the population swells to more than 50,000, most of them intent on hearing some of the finest accordionists in the world. Quote from a TripAdvisor contributor, "If you love accordion music (or even if you hate it), this place is an adventure. The Carrefour Mondial brings accordionists from all over the globe, and it seems as if every man, woman, and child in Montmagny plays some version of a squeezebox. We camped out, dined where we could (the locals provide their hearty version of baked beans), line danced, and heard the accordion stretched to its ultimate performance abilities. It was so much fun. Highly recommended.” Schedule of Performances: 2019CarrefourMondial.pdf |
NESI 2019 20-22 September - USAby Harley Jones |
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Video: At NorthEast Squeeze-In 2017 Saturday Night Concert. Jody Kruskal ~ The Raven NESI 2019 ~ 9/20 through 9/22, the 31st Squeeze-In. The Squeeze-In is a non-profit laid-back weekend gathering of players and their partners. No one is paid; everyody is just in it for the legendary fun: play...and dance...and jam...and have a blowout Saturday night. Welcome are beginners and the talented advanced alike. The North-East Squeeze-In happens every fall at Camp Chimney Corners (748 Hamilton Road, Becket, MA, directions here) in the Berkshires. Meet friends old and new in a comfortable, low-key setting with many places for workshops and spontaneous squeezings. Hobnob with (other!) free-reed aficionados and behold an assortment of squeezeboxes and their paraphernalia for sale, swap & hagglement. On site is now written: We have reached our maximum and registration is now closed for 2019. Start planning for NESI 2020 (September 25-27). |
Beltango at 22nd International Argentine Tango Festival, Tarbes – Franceby Harley Jones |
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Video: Oblivion composed by Astor Piazzolla performed by Beltango Quinteto & Veliki Tamburaški Orkestar, video production RTV Vojvodina Festival: Novi Sad - Tango city, Serbia. Published April 2019. The 22nd International Argentine Tango Festival was held in Tarbes, Occitanie region of southwestern France from August 17th to 25th. Organised by the Town Hall, Tarbes Tourist Office and the Association of Tangueando Ibos, the Tango Festival is one of the largest tango festivals in the world. The event included a variety of concerts. bandoneon workshops, dancing in the street, movies, a Romeo & Juliette Tango, DJ’s and Milonga performances. Beltango Quinteto which includes Aleksandar Nikolic (bandoneon), Ivana Nikolic (piano & vocals), Antonija Barna (violin), Bogdan Pejic (guitar) and Petar Holik (double bass) entertained at the event with a variety of tango pieces (picture below). Other entertainers during the successful festival included Tango Orchestra band “Bandonegro” (picture below), Carmela Delgado, Duo Mercadante Pacin (picture above right), Duo Faryna Satorre, Duo Luna Tobaldi, Duo Maguba Trosman, Quinteto Ensuenos, Tango Sonos Quartet, Tango Spleen Orquesta and Taxxi Tango XX1. |
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52nd edition of Bromyard Folk Festival - UKby Diatonic News |
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The 52nd edition of Bromyard Folk Festival will be held from Thursday 5th until Sunday 8th September 2019 at various venues in the town of Bromyard, Herefordshire, in the Welsh Border area. It is a traditional music, song and dance festival. Most of the main concerts, ceilidhs and workshops are held in marquees at the Broadbridge site. Also used are The Leisure Centre, The Falcon Hotel, The Hop Pole Hotel and Bromyard Town Football Club. The festival will also play host to morris sides, workshops, dance displays, children's entertainment including Jan's Van, craft fair, dance instructionals, real ale bars, food, pub sessions etc. Line-up Confirmed acts include Kathryn Tickell & The Darkening, Flook, Daoiri Farrell Trio, Les Poules a Colin, Edgelarks, The Tweed Project, Melrose Quartet, Granny's Attic, Topette!!, Kelly Oliver, Cohen Braith ..... for more view https://www.efestivals.co.uk/festivals/bromyard/2019/lineup.shtml |
27. UNA NIT FOLK - Catalagne/Spainby Diatonic News |
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Clifden Arts Festival - Irelandby Diatonic News |
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National Folk Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
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The National Folk Festival An exuberant traveling festival that celebrates the diverse cultural expressions of 21st-century Americans, the National Folk Festival is produced by the National Council for the Traditional Arts (NCTA) in partnership with communities around the country. In 2019, the National will celebrate its 79th year in Salisbury, Maryland. Since it was first presented in St. Louis in 1934, the National has celebrated the roots, richness, and variety of American culture. Championed in its early years by Eleanor Roosevelt, the Festival was the first event of national stature to present the arts of many nations, races, and languages on equal footing. Some of the artists presented at the first festival are now legendary and the recordings and other documentation made possible by the National are precious. “Father of the Blues” W.C. Handy’s first performance on a desegregated stage was at the 1938 National. It was also the first to present to the public musical forms such as the blues, Cajun music, polka bands, Tex-Mex conjunto, Peking Opera, and many others. The National’s three-year stay in each host city is intended to lay the groundwork for a sustainable, locally produced festival that continues after it moves on. Including Salisbury—where the Festival will be in residence from 2018 through 2020—the National Folk Festival has been presented in 29 cities. Musicians and craftspeople from every state and most U.S. territories have participated in this “moveable feast of deeply traditional folk arts.” Presented to audiences free of charge over three days, National Folk Festivals have drawn audiences of 100,000 to 175,000 annually since 1987. https://nationalfolkfestival.com/ |
24° Edizione del Campionato del Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica – SLOVENIAby Diatonic News |
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Portorose 27-29 settembre 2019 1) L’Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici (A.M.I.SA.D.) di Maiolati Spontini (AN) Italia - in collaborazione con l'Associazione Musicale “Amici della Musica” di San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) Italia-, indice ed organizza nei giorni 27-28-29 settembre 2019, la 24° Edizione del Campionato del Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica, a premi. 2) Alla competizione che si svolgerà nelle sale dell’Hoteli Bernardin sito in Portorož (Slovenija) Obala 2, potranno prendere parte candidati di ogni nazionalità con strumenti diatonici di qualsiasi tipo: - selezionati in gare e/o concorsi o premi nazionali e internazionali e nei concorsi indetti dall’A.M.I.SA.D. (o in collaborazione con la stessa Associazione) validi per la partecipazione al Campionato Italiano di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica - ediz.2019 - Campioni Nazionali di Organetto e Fisarmonica Diatonica. - Campioni Europei di Organetto e Fisarmonica Diatonica (Junior e Senior) - Campioni Mondiali di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica che per età accedano alla categoria Over50. - Campioni Mondiali “Junior” di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica che per età accedano alla categoria superiore (Senior) - Campioni Mondiali “Junior” e “Senior” di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica che concorrano ad una Sezione diversa da quella a cui è stato conferito il Titolo. I concorrenti della Sezione OVER50 sono esclusi dalle selezioni 3) Il campionato si articolerà nelle seguenti Sezioni e relative categorie: SEZIONE ORGANETTO (strumenti con una 1 o 2 file di voci al canto 2 o 4 bassi) - Cat. A fino a 11 anni (nati dal 2008 in poi) - Cat. B fino a 13 anni (nati dal 2006 in poi) - Cat. C fino a 15 anni (nati dal 2004 in poi) - Cat. D fino a 18 anni (nati dal 2001 in poi) - Cat. E senza limiti di età SEZIONE FISARMONICA DIATONICA (strumenti con un minimo di 2 file di voci al canto con 8 bassi e oltre) - Cat. A fino a 11 anni (nati dal 2008 in poi) - Cat. B fino a 13 anni (nati dal 2006 in poi) - Cat. C fino a 15 anni (nati dal 2004 in poi) - Cat. D fino a 18 anni (nati dal 2001 in poi) - Cat. E senza limiti di età SEZIONE FISARMONICA DIATONICA/ORGANETTO - Over50 Categoria UNICA da 50 anni in poi (nati prima del 1969) (strumenti diatonici di qualsiasi tipo) 4) I concorrenti della Sezione Organetto saranno tenuti a presentare due brani della durata complessiva non superiore ai 10 (dieci) minuti: - il primo brano, a libera scelta, ad uno dei seguenti ritmi: tarantella, quadriglia, saltarello, pizzica. - il secondo brano, a libera scelta, ad uno dei seguenti ritmi: walzer, polka, mazurka, tango, marcia.. Il concorrente potrà avvalersi della facoltà di eseguire i brani con strumenti diversi (2 o 4 bassi) e di effettuare variazioni sul tema per finalità interpretative/espressive I concorrenti della Sezione Fisarmonica Diatonica saranno tenuti a presentare due brani della durata complessiva non superiore ai 10 (dieci) minuti: - il primo brano, a libera scelta, nel genere musicale World Music. - il secondo brano, a libera scelta, ad uno dei seguenti ritmi: tarantella, quadriglia, saltarello, pizzica, walzer, polka, mazurka, tango, marcia. Il concorrente potrà avvalersi della facoltà di eseguire i relativi brani con strumenti diversi (8 bassi e oltre) e di effettuare variazioni sul tema per finalità interpretative/espressive I concorrenti della Sezione OVER 50 saranno tenuti a presentare due brani a libera scelta, a diversi ritmi musicali, della durata complessiva non superiore ai 10 (dieci) minuti. Il concorrente potrà avvalersi della facoltà di eseguire i relativi brani con strumenti diatonici diversi (2-4-8 bassi e oltre) e di effettuare variazioni sul tema per finalità interpretative/espressive. Per informazioni: - iscrizioni A.M.I.SA.D. roncogia@alice.it - logistica HOTELI BERNARDIN (Portorose - SLO) Nataša Koraca: natasa.koraca@h-bernardin.si, tel. 00386-5-690-7204 (orario 8-16) |
Bromyard Folkfestival - UKby Diatonic News |
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https://www.bromyardfolkfestival.co.uk/ B4203 Bromyard m.me/bromyardfolkfestival phone +44 7990 629203 |
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17. Irish Folk auf Fürsteneck - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() 27. September 2019 18.30 Uhr bis 01. Oktober 2019 13.00 Uhr Kursbeschreibung: Spontane Sessions, Tanzen, Singen, Klönen am offenen Kamin, ein Basar mit allem, was rund um die Musik den Besitzer wechseln soll und vieles mehr lassen ergänzend zum Workshop-Programm spannende Tage und lange Nächte erwarten. An einem von drei Konzertabenden können sich die Teilnehmenden selbst mit einem Beitrag anmelden, sodass auch Amateur-Ensembles oder spontane Kollaborationen die Gelegenheit erhalten, über die eigenen Workshops hinaus zusammenzuarbeiten und sich im geschützten Rahmen auf der Burg-Bühne auszuprobieren. Mehr auf: www.burg-fuersteneck/irishfolk |
Masterclasses @ Opentrekzakfestival - NLby Diatonic News |
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Black Sheep Otley Folk Festival - GBby Diatonic News |
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Black Sheep Otley Folk Festival 20-22 Sep 2018 This year, our venue shortage reached critical proportions. In February, the Black Horse closed and the Methodist Hall was rumoured to be on the market. Fortunately, the Black Horse has been bought and re-furbished by Brudenell Social Club and Kirkstall Brewery. They have done a fantastic job and are looking forward to welcoming the Folk Festival. This year the venues consist of The Labour Rooms, The Woolpack, The Courthouse, The Black Horse, The Parish Church and The Methodist Hall. Friday 20 September will consist of a concert at the newly re-furbished Black Horse Hotel, a concert at the Labour Club and a concert at the Courthouse with Chris Newman & Mairead Ni Chathasaig with support from Kitty MacFarlane. Also Malcolm and Zeke will be running a folk club event at the Woolpack. For entire line-up of artists view: http://www.otleyfolkfestival.com/ |
Future events / Concerts |
Herbstfesttage 2019 mit Marc Pircher - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
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Die Herbstfesttage in See - ein ganz besonderes Urlaubshighlight! Der Herbst im Paznaun verspricht nochmal „Wandergenuss auf höchster Ebene“. Die „HERBSTFESTTAGE in SEE“ finden vom 7. - 21.9.2019 statt. |
Certamen Folklorico "Huellas Junto Al Mar" - Argentina/Buenos Airesby Diatonic News |
![]() Campo Folklorico El Rugir De Los Bombos Calle 12 431, B7610BSI Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, 7600 Mar del Plata Organizzato da Campo Folklorico El Rugir De Los Bombos |
Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne September Tour 2019 - GBby Diatonic News |
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Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne is a folk musician and singer. Cohen has been a musician since the age of 6 and took to squeezeboxes in his teens and has since developed into a fine player of both the melodeon and anglo concertina. Cohen is also a well-regarded singer and in 2014 won Bromyard Folk Festival's Future of Young Folk Award for singing. Cohen has been performing for over a decade and in that time has played in numerous groups, below is a list of the line-ups Cohen currently performs with. If you're interested in booking Cohen in any of the following guises or would like any further details, please get in touch using the contact page. In Granny’s Attic, Cohen plays melodeon, concertina and provides vocals. Cohen has been involved in folk and traditional music for over a decade and is well regarded as both a musician and a singer. In 2014, Cohen had the fortune of winning Bromyard Folk Festivals Future of Young Folk Award for young folk singers. Outside of Granny’s Attic Cohen performs as a soloist with a repertoire of traditional English songs and tunes, as well as performing in various other line-ups. Further details about Cohen can be found at cohenbk.com. 5th-8th September 2019 Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne performing solo and with Granny's Attic at Bromyard Folk Festival https://www.bromyardfolkfestival.co.uk/ 20th September 2019 Granny's Attic performing at Burton Folk Club http://burtonfolkclub.org.uk/ 21st September 2019 Granny's Attic performing at Huddlesford Boat Gathering https://heritagegathering.uk/index.php 22nd September 2019 Granny's Attic performing at Folk at the Froize, Suffolk https://folkatthefroize.uk/ 27th September 2019 Granny's Attic performing at Chaffcombe Village Hall, Somerset http://www.chaffcombe.com/ https://cohenbk.com/ |
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Daniele di Bonaventura in September 2019 - Italiaby Diatonic News |
![]() Festival dell'Aquila - Basilica di Colle Maggio 07 SET solo Bandoneon - Castellano Festival 16 SET con Paolo Fresu e Orchestra da Camera di Perugia Norcia - Sagra Musicale Umbra Festival 17 SET con Paolo Fresu e Orchestra da Camera di Perugia Perugia luogo da definire http://www.danieledibonaventura.com/tour/ |
Ciclo Bandoneomanía / Gabriel Rivano & Emiliano Guerrero - Argentinaby Diatonic News |
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18/09/2019 En esta ocasión podremos escuchar el instrumento insignia de Buenos Aires a solas y en las manos de sus nuevos intérpretes que ya sea a través del tango, el folclore u otras expresiones asientan los cimientos del bandoneón contemporáneo. Horario21:30 hs (En el restó) Precio$250 Gorriti 3780 - Palermo | (011) 4866 6510 | consultas@cafevinilo.com.ar Info: http://cafevinilo.com.ar/event/ciclo-bandoneomania-gabriel-rivano-emiliano-guerrero/ |
IVA NOVA peform in RUSSIAby Diatonic News |
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Genres: Folk, International, Ethno-extreme, Russian Hometown: St.Petersburg Quartet of Russian rock's coolest women plays a mixture of modern rock and ethno music along with jazzy humorous details and electronic flavoring. The sound is strong and driving, connecting rural restlessness with urban insanity. This is music which does not leave anybody unaffected. 4 settembre 2019 18:00 port Sevkabel Kozhevennaya Liniya, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia IVA NOVA - 17! 6 settembre 2019 21:00 Klub Kitayskiy Letchik Dzhao Da Lubyanskiy Proyezd, Moskva, Russia IVA NOVA - 17! 7 settembre 2019 20:00 Hammer, art-club Dorfa 2, Kolomna, Russian Federation IVA NOVA - 17! 21 settembre 2019 20:00 Akvatoriya Zvuka Dvukhpalubnyy Teplokhod Admiralty Embankment, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia http://www.iva-nova.ru/index_en.php |
Renato Borghetti on tour in September - Brazil/Colombiaby Diatonic News |
![]() “Borghettinho”, as his fans like to call him, has been recording cds since the beginning of the 80ies. He has shared the stage with big names such as Dominguinhos, Sivuca, Stephane Grapelli, Ron Carter and Hermeto Pascoal and is the first Brazilian musician to achieve a golden record with purely instrumental music. His direct and playful style slightly reminds of the feeling of Zydeco and Cajun in Luisiana which combines European and African elements in a similar way. And in spite of all experiments Renato Borghetti remains 100% Gaúcho – with long hair, hat and wide riding breeches. he is touring all over Brazil and Colombia in September....for exact information view: http://www.renatoborghetti.com.br/#agenda |
KALASCIMA on tour in - France/Slovenia (IT)by Diatonic News |
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Kalàscima è un gruppo pugliese di world music che nel corso degli ultimi anni si è esibito in numerosi concerti e tour in tutto il Mondo su palchi prestigiosi tra i quali: Tallin Music Week (Estonia, 2018), Mundial Montreal (Canada, 2018), Colours of Ostrava (Repubblica Ceca, 2016), Roskilde Festival (Danimarca, 2016), Fira Mediterrània de Manresa (Spagna 2016), Babel Med (unico gruppo italiano, Francia 2016), South by South West di Austin (USA, 2016) e Sziget Sound Festival (Ungheria, 2012). La cooperative de Mai 13 settembre 2019 21:00 La Cooperative de Mai Rue Serge Gainsbourg, Clermont-Ferrand, France Jeff Festival 14 settembre 2019 21:00 Pokrajinski muzej Koper Kidričeva ulica 19, Koper, Slovenia https://www.kalascima.it/ |
The Green Fields of America in September - USAby Diatonic News |
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The Green Fields of America is an ensemble that showcases some of Irish America's finest traditional performing artists. This group has sparked a renaissance by bringing together Irish vocal, instrumental, and dance traditions on the concert stage. Experience the sounds of The Green Fields of America at National Folk Festival in Salisbury, MD Sept. 6 -8! www.nationalfolkfestival.com |
John Kirkpatrick in September - UKby Diatonic News |
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John Kirkpatrick was born in Chiswick, West London in 1947. A deep love of music was instilled from birth, and family gatherings always included a hearty sing-song. School choirs, the Church choir, playing recorder and piano ensues, until he joined the Hammersmith Morris Men, in their second week, in 1959. Whilst with the team he took up the melodeon, then the button accordion, then the anglo concertina, and got hooked on the traditional songs that were accompanied with a post-dancing pint. John has gone on to become one of the most prolific figures on the English folk scene, performing solo, in duos, acoustic groups and electric bands, and has established an enviable reputation as an instrumental virtuoso and session musician, as well as a leading interpreter of English folk music. Thu 5 Sep 2019 Ammanford Miners' Theatre, Wind Street, Ammanford, Carmarthenshire, SA18 3DN. theatrausirgar.co.uk | 0845 226 3510 Sat 7 Sep 2019 to Sun 8 Sep 2019 Swanage Folk Festival, Dorset JK doing concert spots Saturday afternoon and evening, and Sunday afternoon. www.swanagefolkfestival.com Fri 13 Sep 2019 Leigh Village Hall, Chetnole Road, Leigh, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 6HL. Evening concert with JK. Starts 7.30 p.m. philwithsweets@hotmail.com | bonnieforsyth17k@btinternet.com | 01935 477884 (Phil) or 01935 822287 (Bonnie) Sat 14 Sep 2019 Leigh Village Hall, Chetnole Road, Leigh, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 6HL. JK LEADS A DAY OF WORKSHOPS ON SINGING IN HARMONY - MOSTLY LOOKING AT CAROLS. Doors 10.30 - Starts 11.00 a.m. bonnieforsyth17k@btinternet.com | philwithsweets@hotmail.com | 01935 477884 (Phil) or 01935 822287 (Bonnie) Sun 15 Sep 2019 Cressing Folkfest, Cressing Temple Barns, Witham Road, Cressing, Braintree, Essex, CM77 8PD. JK on stage at 5.30 p.m. www.visitparks.co.uk Fri 27 Sep 2019 The Goose Is Out, The Ivy House, Stuart Road, Nunhead, London, SE15 3BE MARTIN CARTHY & JOHN KIRKPATRICK www.thegooseisout.com Sat 28 Sep 2019 The Green Man Folk Club, Holybourne Theatre, London Road, Holybourne, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 4EL. MARTIN CARTHY & JOHN KIRKPATRICK greenmanfolkclub.weebly.com Mon 30 Sep 2019 Nettlebed Folk Club, The Village Club, High Street, Nettlebed, Henley, Oxfordshire HOME SERVICE - with return appearance of John Tams as well as JK! More on: https://www.johnkirkpatrick.co.uk/gigs.asp |
David Munnelly perfoming in TURNHOUT - Belgiumby Diatonic News |
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Ciclo Bandoneomanía / Renato Venturini trío - Argentinaby Diatonic News |
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25/09/2019 Shino Ohnaga (Piano) Martín Wainer (Contrabajo) Renato Venturini (Bandoneón) Renato Venturini Trío es una agrupación dedicada a interpretar distintos tangos, desde clásicos a actuales, desde una mirada y un estilo más moderno, sin perder de vista la esencia del género, y pasando por varios de los compositores que hicieron a la historia del mismo. Horario21:30 hs (En el restó) Precio$250 Gorriti 3780 - Palermo | (011) 4866 6510 | consultas@cafevinilo.com.ar Info: http://cafevinilo.com.ar/event/ciclo-bandoneomania-renato-venturini-trio/ |
Geno Delafose every day in September - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() Delafose was born and raised in Eunice, Louisiana. At the age of eight, he joined his father’s band, the Eunice Playboys as a rubboard player and continued to play with the band until his father’s death in 1994. He also appeared on the several of the bands recordings. He switched to the accordion in the early 1990s and started to play as an opening act for his father. For his everyday tour-dates view: https://www.genodelafosemusic.com/tour-dates.html |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
'Imaginary Soundtrack' by Paolo Russo - Italyby Diatonic News |
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'Imaginary Soundtrack' is the new instrumental album from renowned Italian composer, bandoneon maestro and multi-instrumentalist, Paolo Russo. Journey with Paolo through this collection of 15 beautifully composed and carefully arranged pieces performed on vibraphone [David Hildebrandt], a family of recorders [Roberto Torto], contrabass [Thommy Andersson] and Paolo Russo on bandoneon. 'Imaginary Soundtrack' is an invitation from Paolo and friends for the listener to create their own narrative to accompany this vivid and suggestive soundtrack. Paolo's early fascination with travel, geography and maps inspired the album's pivotal track #11, 'Azimuthal Equidistant', a piece about challenging and changing perspectives. An azimuthal equidistant projection map views the world from the top of the north pole with all the land masses around the centre - it shows there are different perspectives with which to view the world and that these perspectives at time should be challenged and changed says Paolo. 'De La Meseta Al Océano' [From the Plateau to the Ocean] is about how differently we see things from up high or down low. As Paolo says in his own words, "Change is a constant in our lives as we see in nature, we are changing constantly, instead of fighting change we should embrace it. The more we are open to change, the less we suffer when changes strike, be they social, political or personal." As in life, as on 'Imaginary Soundtrack' we also encounter some 'Volapyk' [Mumbo Jumbo] and magic as we enter the 'La Foresta Dei Giganti' [The Forest of Giants]. 'Imaginary Soundtrack' is Paolo's fifteenth musical offering and releases through Odradek Records on September 20th 2019. Track Listing for 'Imaginary Soundtrack' by Paolo Russo/Odradek Records ODRCD704: Total Playing Time - 51'32 1. Madrugada - Dawn - 02'53 2. Transparent Walking - 04'16 3. The Elegant Jester - 02'18 4. La Fanciulla Dagli Occhi Sognanti -The Girl with The Dreamy Eyes - 03'47 5. Kontra-Tango Counter-Tango - 05'45 6. Og Hvis Det Var Sandt? And If It Was True? - 05'36 7. Un' Improvvisa Rivelazione Notturna - A Sudden Night Revelation - 03'53 8. De La Meseta Al Océano - From the Plateau to the Ocean - 3'09 9. Volapyk - Mumbo Jumbo - 02'15 10. La Foresta Dei Giganti - The Forest of Giants - 02'05 11. Azimuthal Equidistant - 03'03 12. Despertandose - Waking Up - 02'49 13. Den Gamle Kilde - The Ancient Well - 03'02 14. Freaky Dancing Demons - 2'52 15. Atto Finale - Final Act - 03'49 Website: www.paolorusso.com |
A New Book by Bruce Triggs - USAby Diatonic News |
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Uncover the hidden history of the Accordion in North America: from the Industrial Revolution to the Rock and Roll upheaval of the 1960's. African American "windjammers," Country & Western accordions, Irish American button-boxes, Jazz, Zydeco, Klezmer, Tex-Mex, and the lost tale of the Electric Rock Accordion. With over 50 illustrations including the Accordion Family Tree above: 700 Years of (combined) of different kinds of historical accordions. Paperback, 6 x 9 in, 440 pgs. 58 historic illustrations (in English) ISBN: 978-1-9990677-0-0 List Price: $20 US, $25 CAN Info: http://www.accordionrevolution.com/ |
latest CD of Anrdreas Gabalier - Austriaby Diatonic News |
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Best Of Volks-Rock’n'Roller (Jubiläums Edition) [CD+DVD] VÖ: 13. September 2019 Jubiläums Edition Andreas Gabalier Info - https://www.universal-music.de/andreas-gabalier |
CD“Jamais De La Vie” by Bruce Daigrepont - Denmark/USAby Diatonic News |
![]() (Welcome to South Louisiana) “Jamais De La Vie,” the title of this recording, is a common Cajun saying used to express disbelief at something that has happened. It translates into “Never in Life”. In this case, I am surprised to haved made such a simple recording with nothing more than my accordion and voice.accordion and voice. It was recorded live with no overdubs and in, of all places, Copenhagen, Denmark. http://brucedaigrepont.homestead.com/CD-s.html |
Accordion TV/Film/Radio |
TV & Radio Termine von Andreas Gabalier - DEby Diatonic News |
![]() ZDF 20.15 h Willkommen bei Carmen Nebel Viel Spass beim Zusehen |
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Stolen Bandoneon - Please help !by | Modify | Delete |
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if you have any hints regarding this stolen Bandonen pls call the indicated number - thank you |