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The purpose of this site is to provide a readily accessible information service about all aspects of the diatonic type accordions, for accordionists, enthusiasts, accordion businesses and organisations. To encourage the general dissemination of information and maintain a high level of service to diatonic accordionists.

This site offers many free services. To help fund these, we display advertizing banners. Those advertisers enjoy increased traffic to their web sites, from the advertising banners and links from all parts of our site.

"Accordion" Terminology
The term "accordion" is used throughout this site as a generic term that applies to ALL free-reed bellows instruments. We want to support and promote the merits of them all.

The aim of this site is to benefit diatonic accordionists and accordion enthusiasts in general by effectively utilising the advantages of modern technology. We aim to assist the future growth and popularity of the diatonic accordion worldwide.

Diatonic-News.com by Accordions Worldwide Ltd
Registered Office:
Suites 15 & 17
1st floor Watergardens 3
Waterport 1001
Gibraltar. Company No: 96066
Contact Phone: +39-071-7231444 
Email: acc.worldwide@yahoo.com
Company Director: Harley Jones
Email: harleyaccordion@yahoo.com

Diatonic-News.com Editor: Werner Weibert
Email: w.weibert@tele2.at

General Disclaimer

Diatonic-News.com is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, whether expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. Advertisements, references, and links to businesses, their services and products, are also provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In no event shall Accordions Worldwide be liable for any incidental or indirect or consequential damages of any kind, or damages whatsoever resulting from loss to use, data or profits, whether or not advised of the possibility of damage, and on any theory of liability, arising out of or in connection with liability, arising out of or in connection with the use of performance of the information provided within this site. Descriptions of, references to, or links to products, services or publications within Diatonic-News.com does not imply endorsement of that product, service or publication. Diatonic-News.com makes no warranty of any kind with respect to the subject matter, words and information included herein, the products listed herein, the companies listed herein, of the completeness or accuracy of this data. Diatonic-News.com specifically disclaims all warranties, express, implied or otherwise, including without limitation, all warranties of merchantability and fitness. Diatonic-News.com reserves the right to omit any information provided for any reason. Jurisdiction of any of the above information shall be carried out in the Cook Islands, under Cook Islands law.

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Diatonic-News.com and all logos, pictures and diagrams contained within the Diatonic-News.com web site are protected by the International Copyright Treaty. They shall not be reproduced other than for research in part or whole without the express written permission of the Management Board of Diatonic-News.com.
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