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Gara di Organetto amatoriale/Castelfidardo fine '800 - Italiaby Diatonic News |
Castelfidardo ➡️ Botteghe Artigiane (Piazza della Repubblica) 📆 Venerdì 9 agosto 2019 ⏰ ore 18:30 -REGOLAMENTO- 1) L’Associazione Tracce di 800 organizza una gara di organetto amatoriale aperta ai suonatori non professionisti di tutte le età; 2) La gara si svolgerà durante la “V Rievocazione Storica” nei pressi delle Botteghe Artigiane in Piazza della Repubblica il giorno venerdì 9 agosto 2019 alle ore 18:30. Tutti i gareggianti sono pregati di presentarsi alle ore 18:00 presso le Botteghe per la registrazione; 3) Sono ammessi tutti i tipi di strumenti tradizionali diatonici e semitonati. L’organizzazione può mettere a disposizione uno strumento (organetto 8 bassi sol/do) a chi ne faccia espressa richiesta nel modulo di iscrizione; 4) I pezzi da eseguire saranno due: - un saltarello tradizionale di qualsiasi zona (obbligatorio); - un pezzo tradizionale a scelta del partecipante; L’esecuzione non potrà superare la durata complessiva di 5 minuti. 5) Per la partecipazione è richiesto un contributo minimo stabilito in € 10,00 da versarsi entro e non oltre lunedì 29 luglio 2019 a: “Associazione Tracce di Ottocento” IBAN IT 92 C 03111 02684 000000001219 inserendo come causale: NOME PARTECIPANTE PER LA GARA DI ORGANETTO. Il modulo di iscrizione dovrà essere compilato e rispedito all’ indirizzo e.mail dell’Associazione (tracce800@gmail.com) entro la stessa data. Verranno prese in considerazione un massimo di venti iscrizioni in ordine di arrivo. 6) La giuria sarà composta da: un musicista; un esperto della tradizione ed un rappresentante dell’Associazione (o dell’Amministrazione comunale). 7) La lettera per l’ordine di esecuzione verrà estratta il pomeriggio stesso, prima dell’inizio della gara. Verrà data precedenza agli eventuali partecipanti minorenni; 8) Verrà proclamato un solo vincitore della gara, a giudizio insindacabile della giuria, a cui verrà assegnato un organetto artigianale “Carletto” del valore di euro 500,00. Il vincitore potrà inoltre partecipare al corteo storico del sabato; 9) Sono previsti premi di partecipazione per tutti i gareggianti. Ai partecipanti non verrà fornito nessun tipo di rimborso economico. 10) I partecipanti, visto il contesto, sono invitati a presentarsi con abiti tradizionali adeguati, o, in alternativa, con camicia chiara e pantaloni scuri. Non sono ammesse ciabatte da mare. 11) L’organizzazione non è responsabile di eventuali danni derivanti da incidenti occasionali a persone o cose per tutta la durata della manifestazione; Per informazioni rivolgersi a: 📞Laura 3396733293; 📩indirizzo e.mail:tracce800@gmail.com ; pagina facebook: Tracce di Ottocento. |
Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann 2019 - Irelandby Diatonic News |
The 2019 Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann is the world’s largest annual celebration of Irish music, language, song and dance and will take place in Drogheda, Co. Louth from August 11th to 19th. The festival will feature workshops for young musicians, competitions, concerts, singing, céili’s and lots of fun throughout the week. Competition categories include: Ceili Bands and other types of groups, Button Accordion (various age groups), Melodeon, Piano Accordion (various age groups). In recent years the numbers attending Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann have grown with more than 400,000 attending in Derry in 2013. For details email: info@fleadhcheoil.ie https://www.drogheda.ie/whats-on/festivals/fleadh-cheoil-na-héireann-drogheda-2019.html |
ORPHEUS AWARD @ Accordion Art Festival/Roseto - Italiaby Diatonic News |
ORPHEUS AWARD (art dir Gerlando Gatto) Premio della critica per le PRODUZIONI FISARMONICISTICHE (e tutta la famiglia delle ance) uscite nel 2018. Autorevoli giornalisti e critici musicali votano i dischi arrivati e viene redatta una prima classifice che individua le NOMINATIONS. In secondo momento verranno proclamati i vincitori degli Orpheus Award 2019 per 3 diverse categorie: CLASSICA, JAZZ, WORLD. DI BONAVENTURA-FRESU-FILETTA Danse Mémoire, Danse (Tuk Music) Per di più: https://www.accordionartfestival.com/#idorpheus |
76. Villacher Kirchtag - Austriaby Diatonic News |
noch bis 4. August 2019 Im Jahr 2019 feiert Villach zum 76. Mal Villacher Kirchtag! Die Stadt, Besucher und Gruppen aus aller Welt feiern natürlich mit. Über 600 Musiker und Musikerinnen aus dem gesamten Alpen-Adria-Raum und auch weit darüber hinaus versorgen die Besucher und Besucherinnen des Villacher Kirchtags mit der schönsten Volksmusik und der besten Kirchtagsmusi. Über 200 Aussteller aus vielen Teilen Österreichs sorgen über die gesamte Brauchtumswoche für Speis und Trank sowie Spiel und Spaß für Jung und Alt https://www.villacherkirchtag.at/ |
Festival Interceltique de Lorient - Franceby Diatonic News |
Le Festival Interceltique de Lorient c’est : 10 jours de spectacles et divers événements début août 4500 musiciens, chanteurs, danseurs, plasticiens, universitaires, cinéastes, d’Écosse, d’Irlande, du Pays de Galles, de Cornouailles, de l’Île de Man, de Galice, des Asturies, de Bretagne, des USA, du Canada, d’Australie, etc… Une grande parade attirant plus de 60 000 spectateurs le premier dimanche Quelques 80 000 spectateurs payants 750 000 visiteurs et spectateurs 1100 personnes hébergées, 20 hôtels prestataires, 7 lycées partenaires, 800 lits loués en internat, 34 000 repas servis au lycée Dupuy de Lôme, 40 traversées en ferry, 40 navettes en bus locaux, etc. Plus de 1600 bénévoles 120 spectacles sur scène, dont 60 % sont gratuits. La mise à l’honneur d’une nation celte tous les ans une diversité d’activités : un week-end breton (championnat des bagadoù, grande parade retransmise à la télévision, triomphe des sonneurs, danses de Bretagne) Des fest noziou gratuits, des ateliers de musique, des conférences, des concerts tous les jours sur des scènes et dans les bars de la ville, des master class gratuites d’instruments celtes, des défilés journaliers, des concours de cornemuse, de gaita, d’accordéon, de harpe celtique, de batterie, de pipe-bands, un jardin des arts et des luthiers, un espace Paroles et solidaire,… Du sport : courses de voiles (CeltiCup) de golf (Golfceltrophy), du gouren, des jeux athlétiques bretons, … Des expositions d’oeuvres d’arts et de costumes, un quai du livre, un marché artisan en cohérence avec la thématique du festival. https://www.festival-interceltique.bzh/ |
Jim Moray’s Kingstone Press Folk Slam - UKby Diatonic News |
Monday 26,2019 @ Shrewbury Folk Festiavl The Kingstone Press Folk Slam is a Shrewsbury institution. Started in 2012, it’s now the traditional climax of festival fun on the Pengwern Stage. Orchestrated by Jim Moray, you never know who’s been invited to the party…. previous performers include Richard Thompson, Maddy Prior and Steve Knightley. What you can guarantee is you’ll never again experience the year’s unique line and it’ll be a rip roaring end to mark a weekend of musical magic! Check out their YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/user/shrewsburyfolkfest/playlists for previous Folk Slam finales. Info:https://shrewsburyfolkfestival.co.uk/line-up/who-is-on-when/ |
VII Trieste Tango Festival - Italiaby Diatonic News |
Nella magica città di Trieste (Italia), situata sulle sponde del Mare Adriatico, ritorna l’International Trieste Tango Festival con la sua settima edizione. Si tratta di un evento di Tango Argentino con cadenza annuale che si terrà per la maggior parte nella splendida location della Sala Agorà del Molo IV, circondata interamente dal mare, e anche quest’anno sarà caratterizzato da un cast internazionale dei migliori maestros, dalle orchestre dal vivo e musicalizadores di fama internazionale, nonché da nuovi eventi collaterali legati alla manifestazione come concerti, passeggiate, milonghe pomeridiane e conferenze sul tango… Da giovedì 29 agosto a domenica 1 settembre le serate si svolgeranno presso la Sala Agorà del Molo IV con i seguenti artisti: 3 ORCHESTRE: Corazón De Tango, Tango Spleen & Beltango. 6 MAESTROS: Mariano Otero & Alejandra Heredia, Joe Corbata & Lucila Cionci, Gustavo Rosas & Gisela Natoli. 10 TANGO DJS: Marcelo Rojas (Argentina), Fabian Feiguin (Argentina), El Popul Castello (Bologna), Janja Frank (Slovenia), Simone Pradissitto (Pordenone), Nicanor Alvarez (Argentina), Vincenzo Marino (Trieste), Martín Acosta (Argentina), Alessandro Simonetto (Trieste), Giuseppe Colabello (Treviso). www.triestetangofestival.com |
Shrewsbury Folk Festival - UKby Diatonic News |
An exciting family holiday, a place to make new friends and meet up with old friends, an inclusive friendly atmosphere whether you are an experienced folkie or a complete newcomer, whether you come with friends or on your own. As far as the music is concerned, Shrewsbury Folk Festival has a reputation for delivering the very finest acts from the UK and around the world, always searching to find new authentic artists as well as providing a platform for established performers, and never forgetting to add some fun and diversity to our concerts. Quality in depth, giving the the artists and audiences the best stages, in the best marquees, with the best sound and lighting possible. On-site WiFi coverage is limited but free of charge, so you may stay in touch. Loads of events and entertainment for children and young people, workshops for everyone and brilliant sessions both organised and impromptu. Free buses into town, an excellent on-site shop, a craft fair, a huge free car park, dance displays, open mic, and friendly, helpful stewarding teams. Shrewsbury Folk Festival… you can’t imagine how much you will discover! https://shrewsburyfolkfestival.co.uk/about/festival-info/ |
Tango Festival Trieste - Italyby Diatonic News |
ella magica città di Trieste (Italia), situata sulle sponde del Mare Adriatico, ritorna l’International Trieste Tango Festival con la sua settima edizione. Si tratta di un evento di Tango Argentino con cadenza annuale che si terrà per la maggior parte nella splendida location della Sala Agorà del Molo IV, circondata interamente dal mare, e anche quest’anno sarà caratterizzato da un cast internazionale dei migliori maestros, dalle orchestre dal vivo e musicalizadores di fama internazionale, nonché da nuovi eventi collaterali legati alla manifestazione come concerti, passeggiate, milonghe pomeridiane e conferenze sul tango… Il Festival è nato nel 2013 dall’idea del Direttore della GB Tango Academy GUILLERMO BERZINS, Maestro e Ballerino argentino trasferitosi in Italia da Buenos Aires nel 2010 ed oggi Direttore Artistico e Maestro dell’Accademia GB Tango Academy. La scelta della location e degli artisti è stata accuratamente studiata al fine di offrirvi un evento che gli ospiti ricorderanno a lungo. Il Festival richiama tangueri appassionati e professionisti provenienti da più di 20 paesi del mondo, riunendo le migliori orchestre ed ospiti di fama internazionale, in un’atmosfera unica nel suo genere e cullata dal mare dorato delle sere triestine. Quest’anno il Festival si aprirà mercoledì 28 agosto 2019 alle ore 20.30 presso il Teatro Miela con uno spettacolo di Tango Argentino: il concerto dell’orchestra Corazón de Tango diretto dalla concertmaister OKSANA PECENY. Durante la serata gli spettatori potranno assistere all’esibizione dei maestri delle più grandi scuole di Tango Argentino del Friuli Venezia Giulia. https://www.triestetangofestival.com/orchestre/ |
Andreas Gabalier in August - Schweiz/Austriaby Harley Jones |
Video: Andreas Gabalier, a segment from Volksrock'n'Roller Live in Wien. Video: Andreas Gabalier, ein Ausschnitt aus Volksrock'n'Roller Live in Wien. Andreas Gabalier ist Steirer und braucht nicht mehr vorgestellt zu werden. Seine Tourneen führen ihn seit Jahren durch die größten Hallen, Stadien und Arenen. Allein in seiner Heimat Österreich wurde er mit zahllosen Gold- und Platinauszeichnungen belohnt. Seine Alben charten traditionell auf der Pole Position. Der beliebte österreichische Künstler ist im August wieder auf Megatour. Beeilen Sie sich, wenn Sie noch einige Tickets ergattern möchten. Um Ihr Ticket online zu buchen, besuchen Sie: http://www.andreas-gabalier.at/ |
Stowe Tango Music Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
http://stowetangomusicfestival.com/ |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
Last Entry 1st August for Bandoneon Competition in Vermont - USAby Diatonic News |
The 2019 Che Bandoneon International Competition will be held in Stowe, Vermont USA from August 12 – 18, 2019 as a part of the 2019 Stowe Tango Music Festival. The Competition is open to bandoneon players of all nationalities and at least 18 years of age by August 1, 2019. All application materials must be submitted using the online application form. http://stowetangomusicfestival.com/CheBandoneonApplication.php FINAL ROUND REQUIREMENTS All finalists of the 2019 Che Bandoneon Competition are required to: • Rehearse and perform with Stowe Tango Music Festival Orchestra, the first bandoneon part of two orchestral works (orquesta tipica) • Perform one solo of contestant's choice that is different from the first round. http://stowetangomusicfestival.com/CheBandoneon.php |
Sydney Folk Festival - Australiaby Diatonic News |
16 – 18 August 2019 The Sydney Folk Festival is a long-overdue celebration of all those musical genres that sit under the big, joyous ‘folk music’ umbrella. The term ‘folk music’ has come to represent everything from our traditional music, mostly born in the bush, through to singer songwriters who carry on the tradition of storytelling in music. It also takes in all those musical expressions that have found their way to our country representing the streams of migration from the First Fleet through to those who arrived last week. The Festival has its own fusion of what has become known as ‘world music’. There’s also the songs and dance music that grew out of our colonial history as fossickers scrambled for gold, pioneers farmed the earth or moved mobs of cattle and sheep across the land. Blues, bluegrass, jug band, a cappella and touches of jazz also sit under the same umbrella for folk music is a welcoming music beyond boundaries. The festival also celebrates the music of their first peoples and acknowledge the traditional owners of the land, Gadigal land, were our festival is held. This is an urban festival and our venues are in the heart of the city, five minutes from Sydney Town Hall. For more: https://www.sydneyfolkfestival.com.au/ |
Concert "Bandoneon di Mezza Estate" - Osimo/Italyby Diatonic News |
During the series "Masterclass of high professional perfectioning" also some Bandoneon classes where held by well-knon italian Teachers like: Dario Flammini, Ganni Iorio, Fabio Furia and Walter Di Girolamo. In the evening of the 11th July a wonderful concert took place in the Garden of the Episcopio/Cathedral of Osimo (pictures) For information on the masterclass tutors and performers download: 2019OsimoMasterclass.pdf The evening was sponsored by the companies Scandalli and Pigini Accordions |
L'Arbre qui Marche (Festival) - Franceby Diatonic News |
Festival Panche De Acordeones - Columbiaby Diatonic News |
https://www.viajaporcolombia.com/noticias/festival-vallenato-panche-de-acordeones-2019-en-nocaima-cundinamarca_8314/ |
Zomerse concerten & folkbals - Gooik/Beliqueby Diatonic News |
21-25 augustus 2019 Tijdens de Stage voor Traditionele Volksmuziek kan je zalig genieten van memorabele concerten in een unieke locatie, de Sint-Niklaaskerk. Vier avonden brengen (inter)nationale folkmuzikanten een prachtig optreden. Daarna barst een folkbal met live muziek los tot in de vroege uurtjes. Kom mee feesten op een tovercirkel, jig of polka. En dans met je favoriete partner een intieme wals of mazurka op muziek van hier en verre oorden. Geen zin om je dansschoenen aan te trekken? Hou je instrument dan klaar en speel mee in één van de jamsessies die her en der spontaan ontstaan. Laat je ’s avonds meevoeren door het poëtische Sirus Quartet met Zweedse, Franse, Hongaarse en Belgische roots. En geniet van de a capella folksongs van MissT en 40 jaar traditionele muziek uit Brabant met het Brabants Volksorkest. Ook Griff Trio pakt het podium helemaal in met hun eigenzinnige doedelzakken op z’n Belgisch. Lidija Dokuzović & Allan Skrobe nemen je dan weer mee op reis naar de Balkan en Kroatië met lyrische liederen. Dansen kan én mag op de tonen van het jonge trio Folkies en den Dief, de vonkende folkgrooves van Loogaroo, de gestreken en getokkelde snaarklanken van het Waalse Trio14, de Italiaanse powerbalfolk van Duo Bottasso, het unieke Master’s Ball met de lesgevers, het giga-instantorkest van de stage Gooikestra en de grote baljam met alle deelnemers onder leiding van Birgit Bornauw, Gabriel Lenoir en Benjamin Macke! De concerten gaan door op 21, 22, 23 en 24 augustus 2019 in de Sint-Niklaaskerk, Dorpsstraat in Gooik, telkens om 20 uur. Tickets zijn te koop aan de deur voor 7 euro, voor kinderen t.e.m. 12 jaar en deelnemers aan de stage is de toegang ratis. De folkbals gaan door op 21, 22, 23, 24 en 25 augustus 2019 in de zaal Familia, Bronnenweg 2 in Gooik vanaf 21.30 uur, op 20 augustus om 21 uur. De toegang tot de folkbals is gratis. http://stagegooik.be/folkonstage/ |
9° Folk Contest ETNIE MUSICALI - Italiaby Diatonic News |
La nona edizione del Folk Contest ETNIE MUSICALI si svolgerà a Barrea (AQ), all'interno del Festival del Saltarello, il 31 agosto e il 1 settembre 2019. Esibizioni itineranti e su palco dei gruppi partecipanti, stage di balli e strumenti tipici del saltarello, conferenze e laboratori per adulti e bambini... |
Bandoneon Intensive Workshop with Hector Del Curto - Vermont/USAby Diatonic News |
August 5 – August 11, 2019 Stowe, Vermont The Stowe Tango Music Festival's Bandoneon Intensive Workshop is open for all levels of bandoneon students. Led by world–renowned bandoneon player Hector Del Curto, the one–week program consists of daily technique classes, workshops, bandoneon orchestra, private lesson and performance opportunities. Technique classes focus on instrument management, fingering, and other techniques that will narrow the gap between musical intention and execution. The workshops will help students acquire knowledge and experience in stylistic and interpretative skills. In addition, students will have the opportunity to apply their skills through master classes and performance. Attendance to the Bandoneon Intensive Workshop is required for bandoneon players who are invited to the Tango Academy as the workshop will provide the necessary preparation for rehearsing and performing in the Stow Tango Music Festival Orchestra (orquesta tipica). For advanced bandoneon players who are interested in participating in the Tango Academy, an audio recording must be submitted. For Info:http://stowetangomusicfestival.com/BandoneonIntensiveWorkshop.php |
Le Grand Bal de l'Europe - Franceby Diatonic News |
2 weeks of great music and dance with many different styles. The event is running still until August 2tnd - so hurry up! Opening hours of the entry booth 11 am to 11 pm. Reception will be open from 9 am to 11 pm. You can only buy your bracelet to enter the site or the campsites, or your meal and drink tickets, during this time slot. Identification Everyone on the festival site or campsites or parking areas must wear a festival identification wrist bracelet. Entry will be monitored 24 hours a day, on all parts of the festival sites. You are requested to show the bracelet to the gate personnel each time you enter any part of the festival site and to any of the festival personnel on request Several artits performing during the festival are featured under Future events - below For the full programm of the Festival consult: https://www.gennetines.org/en/gennetines/programmes-gennetines/ https://www.gennetines.org/wp-content/uploads/Programme-Grand-Bal-2019.pdf |
Folkworks Adult Summer School – UKby Diatonic News |
The Folkworks Adult Summer School will be held in Durham from July 29th to August 2nd. The week-long event of folk music, song and dance will include tuition from accordionist Karen Tweed and Simon Thoumire (English concertina). Karen Tweed and Joey Oliver will also take a Band with Dance Ensemble workshop and Simon Thoumire will tutor Advanced Band. For further details email: folkworks.summerschool@sagegateshead.com |
24° Edizione del Campionato del Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica – SLOVENIAby Diatonic News |
Portorose 27-29 settembre 2019 1) L’Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici (A.M.I.SA.D.) di Maiolati Spontini (AN) Italia - in collaborazione con l'Associazione Musicale “Amici della Musica” di San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) Italia-, indice ed organizza nei giorni 27-28-29 settembre 2019, la 24° Edizione del Campionato del Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica, a premi. 2) Alla competizione che si svolgerà nelle sale dell’Hoteli Bernardin sito in Portorož (Slovenija) Obala 2, potranno prendere parte candidati di ogni nazionalità con strumenti diatonici di qualsiasi tipo: - selezionati in gare e/o concorsi o premi nazionali e internazionali e nei concorsi indetti dall’A.M.I.SA.D. (o in collaborazione con la stessa Associazione) validi per la partecipazione al Campionato Italiano di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica - ediz.2019 - Campioni Nazionali di Organetto e Fisarmonica Diatonica. - Campioni Europei di Organetto e Fisarmonica Diatonica (Junior e Senior) - Campioni Mondiali di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica che per età accedano alla categoria Over50. - Campioni Mondiali “Junior” di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica che per età accedano alla categoria superiore (Senior) - Campioni Mondiali “Junior” e “Senior” di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica che concorrano ad una Sezione diversa da quella a cui è stato conferito il Titolo. I concorrenti della Sezione OVER50 sono esclusi dalle selezioni 3) Il campionato si articolerà nelle seguenti Sezioni e relative categorie: SEZIONE ORGANETTO (strumenti con una 1 o 2 file di voci al canto 2 o 4 bassi) - Cat. A fino a 11 anni (nati dal 2008 in poi) - Cat. B fino a 13 anni (nati dal 2006 in poi) - Cat. C fino a 15 anni (nati dal 2004 in poi) - Cat. D fino a 18 anni (nati dal 2001 in poi) - Cat. E senza limiti di età SEZIONE FISARMONICA DIATONICA (strumenti con un minimo di 2 file di voci al canto con 8 bassi e oltre) - Cat. A fino a 11 anni (nati dal 2008 in poi) - Cat. B fino a 13 anni (nati dal 2006 in poi) - Cat. C fino a 15 anni (nati dal 2004 in poi) - Cat. D fino a 18 anni (nati dal 2001 in poi) - Cat. E senza limiti di età SEZIONE FISARMONICA DIATONICA/ORGANETTO - Over50 Categoria UNICA da 50 anni in poi (nati prima del 1969) (strumenti diatonici di qualsiasi tipo) 4) I concorrenti della Sezione Organetto saranno tenuti a presentare due brani della durata complessiva non superiore ai 10 (dieci) minuti: - il primo brano, a libera scelta, ad uno dei seguenti ritmi: tarantella, quadriglia, saltarello, pizzica. - il secondo brano, a libera scelta, ad uno dei seguenti ritmi: walzer, polka, mazurka, tango, marcia.. Il concorrente potrà avvalersi della facoltà di eseguire i brani con strumenti diversi (2 o 4 bassi) e di effettuare variazioni sul tema per finalità interpretative/espressive I concorrenti della Sezione Fisarmonica Diatonica saranno tenuti a presentare due brani della durata complessiva non superiore ai 10 (dieci) minuti: - il primo brano, a libera scelta, nel genere musicale World Music. - il secondo brano, a libera scelta, ad uno dei seguenti ritmi: tarantella, quadriglia, saltarello, pizzica, walzer, polka, mazurka, tango, marcia. Il concorrente potrà avvalersi della facoltà di eseguire i relativi brani con strumenti diversi (8 bassi e oltre) e di effettuare variazioni sul tema per finalità interpretative/espressive I concorrenti della Sezione OVER 50 saranno tenuti a presentare due brani a libera scelta, a diversi ritmi musicali, della durata complessiva non superiore ai 10 (dieci) minuti. Il concorrente potrà avvalersi della facoltà di eseguire i relativi brani con strumenti diatonici diversi (2-4-8 bassi e oltre) e di effettuare variazioni sul tema per finalità interpretative/espressive. Per informazioni: - iscrizioni A.M.I.SA.D. roncogia@alice.it - logistica HOTELI BERNARDIN (Portorose - SLO) Nataša Koraca: natasa.koraca@h-bernardin.si, tel. 00386-5-690-7204 (orario 8-16) |
Trekharmonicafestival & mondharmonica Veldhoven - Hollandby Diatonic News |
zondag 25 augustus 2019 Workshops, expositie, ontmoeten, open podium, samenspelen, kletsen, borrelen: op zondag 25 augustus vindt in Museum ‘t Oude Slot weer het gezellige en muzikale Trekharmonicafestival & mondharmonica Veldhoven plaats. Dit festival trekt elk jaar meer dan 100 verschillende muzikanten die deze middag muziek komen spelen. Jan Hoog Antink laat op de trekharmonicadag in Veldhoven zijn verzameling zien en zal er ook verhalen bij vertellen. In 2015 verkocht Jan een Garmoska aan harmonicabouwer Frans van der Aa. Frans is inmiddels zo enthousiast over dit instrument, dat hij onlangs zelf ook een Karmoska heeft gebouwd voor Toomas, een speler uit Estland https://www.harmonicahoek.nl/archief/2019/2019_08_25/ |
23rd Festival de Chaillol – Franceby Diatonic News |
The 23rd Festival de Chaillol began on July 17th and will run until August 12th, 2019 in Ancelle, France. As part of the festival, Louise Jallu (Argentine Bandoneon) will perform at the Salle des Fetes in Ancelle on July 22nd. This will be followed by performances at the Gap Museum on July 23rd and 24th, which will include Louise (picture below) walking through the Museum, a musical walk designed with the complicity of the museum team. This has been designed to mimic walking in the forest, stopping in front of a work as one does in front of a landscape and letting the gaze unfold in a delicate dialogue with the music. The concerts are free. For details and reservations phone: 04 92 51 01 58 |
Festival internazionale Zingarìa/Biccari (Foggia) - Italiaby Diatonic News |
XXIV edizione del festival Zingarìa, dove il "balfolk" interagisce con i repertori del Sud italia e di altre regioni italiane straniere. Festival "full immersion" dove si balla e si suona senza soste, anche durante la mensa, per 15 ore al giorno. Sostenuto dai Comuni di Biccari (FG), Castelluccio V.re (FG) e dalla Regione Puglia, assessorato all'Industria Turistica e Culturale, col bando "Spettacoli dal Vivo", si avvale anche della collaborazione logistica e artistica delle ass. Agorart, I Seguaci di Euterpe e Rione Popolare. Il festival interagisce anche con numerose offerte turistiche (Parco Avventura, coop. di Comunita) ed enogastronomiche (Festa del Borgo Vecchio, Mangiafolk). Invitati come sempre formazioni musicali del Sud Italia (Puglia, Campania, Calabria) e d'oltralpe (Francia). Ecco l'elenco (ancora provvisorio) MUSICISTI Bal O'Gadjo (Francia) bal folk Philippe Plard (Francia) bal folk Duo Le Goff - Gautier (Francia) bretoni e balfolk Matapuexi (Nord Italia (Quattro Province e balfolk Anna Cinzia Villani (Salento) canto e pizzica pizzica Duo Giovanni Amati Matteo Scatigna (Salento) pizzica brindisina Cala la Sera (Gargano-Campania) tar. del Gargano -tammurriate Sonu Rraru (Calabria) tarantelle calabresi 'A Voce Stesa (Campania) tammurriate Ziganamama (Puglia) balcaniche itineranti Grazie Grazià (Marche) saltarelli Le Mulieres Garganiche (S: Giovanni R.) sud e tar. del Gargano |
Carrefour Mondial de L'Accordeon Festival, Montmagny - Canadaby Diatonic News |
Via Rivière-du-Loup Rte 132 Ouest ou Autoroute 20 Ouest (Sortie 378 ou Sortie 376) The Carrefour Mondial de l’Accordeon Festival takes place from August 29 to September 2, 2019 in Montmagny, Via Rivière-du-Loup Rte 132 Ouest ou Autoroute 20 Ouest (Sortie 378 ou Sortie 376) Montmagny is a proudly French-speaking town that is over 300 years old and has 11,885 residents. Artistic Director: Raynald Ouellet From August 29 through September 2, the population swells to more than 50,000, most of them intent on hearing some of the finest accordionists in the world. Quote from a TripAdvisor contributor, "If you love accordion music (or even if you hate it), this place is an adventure. The Carrefour Mondial brings accordionists from all over the globe, and it seems as if every man, woman, and child in Montmagny plays some version of a squeezebox. We camped out, dined where we could (the locals provide their hearty version of baked beans), line danced, and heard the accordion stretched to its ultimate performance abilities. It was so much fun. Highly recommended.” https://www.accordeonmontmagny.com/ |
Folk on Stage - Belgiumby Diatonic News |
zomerse concerten & folkbals à volonté 21-25 augustus Tijdens de Stage voor Traditionele Volksmuziek kan je zalig genieten van memorabele concerten in een unieke locatie, de Sint-Niklaaskerk. Vier avonden brengen (inter)nationale folkmuzikanten een prachtig optreden. Daarna barst een folkbal met live muziek los tot in de vroege uurtjes. Kom mee feesten op een tovercirkel, jig of polka. En dans met je favoriete partner een intieme wals of mazurka op muziek van hier en verre oorden. Geen zin om je dansschoenen aan te trekken? Hou je instrument dan klaar en speel mee in één van de jamsessies die her en der spontaan ontstaan. Laat je ’s avonds meevoeren door het poëtische Sirus Quartet met Zweedse, Franse, Hongaarse en Belgische roots. En geniet van de a capella folksongs van MissT en 40 jaar traditionele muziek uit Brabant met het Brabants Volksorkest. Ook Griff Trio pakt het podium helemaal in met hun eigenzinnige doedelzakken op z’n Belgisch. Lidija Dokuzović & Allan Skrobe nemen je dan weer mee op reis naar de Balkan en Kroatië met lyrische liederen. Dansen kan én mag op de tonen van het jonge trio Folkies en den Dief, de vonkende folkgrooves van Loogaroo, de gestreken en getokkelde snaarklanken van het Waalse Trio14, de Italiaanse powerbalfolk van Duo Bottasso, het unieke Master’s Ball met de lesgevers, het giga-instantorkest van de stage Gooikestra en de gigantische baljam met alle deelnemers onder leiding van Birgit Bornauw, Gabriel Lenoir en Benjamin Macke! http://stagegooik.be/folkonstage/ |
Future events / Concerts |
Sirus Quartet in concert - Belgiumby Diatonic News |
Wednesday 21 August 2019 at 20h ▷ Concert in the Sint-Niklaaskerk, Dorpsstraat, 1755 Gooik Sirus Quartet is the unexpected but flowing amalgamation of two established duos. The four musicians each have their roots in the traditional music of their homeland which they convey with great love to far beyond their country boundaries. Their greatest strength and the leitmotif of the music is the natural flow in which all these different influences are mixed. 2 + 2 is definitely over 4 here. The Swedish Jonas Åkerlund on guitar, Hardangerviolin and Sackpipa and nyckelharpa Player Josefina Paulson each bring their traditions from the Västerdalarna and Uppland regions. Josefina also gives the session nyckelharpa during the internship. Diatonic dansband Sophie cavez and Baltazar Montanaro on baritone violin provide influences from Belgian, French and Hungarian traditional music. As a quartet, Sirus recently released a first CD Lummen , full of his own danceable compositions with one foot in traditional music and another in a broader musical spectrum. Let yourself be swept away by their beautiful music full of untamed imagination and fun! |
Traditional Graffiti performing in Sidney - Australiaby Diatonic News |
Sidney 18th August 2019 at the City Tatersalls Club Traditional Graffiti - Rising phoenix-like from the mysterious ashes of the celebrated Wheeze & Suck Band, Traditional Graffiti (aka ‘The Trads’) plays a mix of English traditional and contemporary folk music and American roots, blues and self-penned compositions. Ian “The Pump” Macintosh – slide, acoustic and electric guitars, melodeon, vocals John “Johnny Red Tips” Milce – percussion Nigel “Muddy” Walters – cello mandolin, mandolin, mouth organ, vocals for more: https://www.sydneyfolkfestival.com.au/event-grid/ |
Granny’s Attic .6 Shrewbury Festival - UKby Diatonic News |
Friday 17:00-01:00 / Saturday 08:30-01:00 Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne (Melodeon, Concertina, Vocals), George Sansome (Guitar, Vocals) and Lewis Wood (Fiddle, Mandolin, Vocals) – are a folk trio who play the tradition with verve, energy and their own inimitable style. These three young men are all exceptional musicians and fine singers and play English traditional and original music. Formed in 2009, they have since played at clubs and festivals up and down the country, and have been heralded for their lively performances and maturity beyond their years in their delivery and selection of traditional songs. https://shrewsburyfolkfestival.co.uk/grannyattic/ |
FolkXTime @ Villachere Kirchtag - At/kÄRNTENby Diatonic News |
Die Band wurde im Jahr 2016 gegründet und ist eine Unterhaltungs- und Stimmungsband aus dem Raum Spittal/Drau. Die 4 Jungs sind begeisterte Live Musiker und immer bemüht, die unterschiedlichsten Geschmäcker zu bedienen. Sie spielen am Freitag, den 2. August ab 22h in Villach https://www.folkxtime.at/ |
Mißebner Trio mit Klara spielen in - Slowenienby Diatonic News |
Miß Ebner Trio mit Klara - jüngste dreifache Österreichische Harmonika-Staatsmeisterin (A), http://festival.avsenik.com/deu#program |
Loogaroo/Folkbal Gooik - BEby Diatonic News |
Wednesday 21 August 2019 at 21.30 h ▷ Folkbal in the room Familia, Bronnenweg 2, 1755 Gooik Folk grooves with Sparks Loogaroo is the brand new ball project of two experienced Belgian folk musicians. After more than 6 years of touring together in various projects, diatonic accordionist Pablo Golder and guitarist Florian De Schepper are now also a duo. These two gentlemen are therefore perfectly connected. Pablo can be acquainted with I Fratelli Tarzanelli or Ekko and provides powerful, subtle and surprising melodies. Florian of duo the creator-Sanczuk and Broes is in for the grooving, pumping rhythms. Loogaroo is a mythical creature from the Caribbean that transforms into a light ball that drives out the night. Not to be confused with the French loup-Garou so. No weeping werewolves, but sturdy folk whose sparks are splashing and dancing all night, even at full moon http://stagegooik.be/folkonstage/loogaroo/ |
NOVAFONIC QUARTET - Italiaby Diatonic News |
il 17 agosto, protagonista indiscusso sarà il Novafonic Quartet (bandoneon, violino, pianoforte e contrabbasso) che presenterà NEXT TANGO, un programma capace di andare oltre la tradizionale concezione del genere tango. https://www.associazioneantonstadler.com/ |
The Wild Catahoulas @ The Cotati Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
The Wild Catahoulas is that unique Cajun/ Zydeco band in the North Bay, merging traditional Cajun French two-steps and waltzes from Southwestern Louisiana with contemporary Zydeco and New Orleans sounds. In other words, a GREAT dance band. Joining us in Cotati will be guest accordion master Andrew Carriere, of the legendary Carriere Family of Lake Charles, Louisiana. Andrew adds real Cajun flavor to the mix of fine musicians: Gus Garelick on fiddle (an original member of Jim Boggio’s Sonoma Swamp Dogs), Allegra Broughton and Sam Page, vocals, guitar and bass (best known from their group Solid Air), andDon Connolly on drums (a member of the Sonoma County Love Choir). Great players, great music! Laissez les bon temps roulez! *The Catahoula is the official state dog of Louisiana: hard-working and bi-lingual Booking and information; (707) 526-7763 email: fiddler@sonic.net Performing at the Cotati Accordion Festival: Contact Info & Location La Plaza Park Phone & Fax: 707 664 0444 info@cotatifest.com https://cotatifest.com/2019/01/08/the-wild-catahoulas/ |
On Tour with Booze Brothers - Franceby Diatonic News |
05.08 - Arbas (31) 14.08 - Rieupeyroux (12) 23 et 24.08 - Tychy - Poland 31.08 - Festi Brad - Suisse (57) 21.09 - Festival Arthur's Day - Grandvilliers (60) 27.09 - Le Magnéto - Bayonne 06.10 - Festival du Fantastique et de l'imaginaire - Ligneyrac (19) 16.11 - Guerre des Gaules - Liège (BE) 22 et 23.11 - Street Ink / Cpnvention Tatoo - Saint-Brieuc (22) https://www.boozebrothers.info/tour |
Harmonica Creams - FR/Japanby Diatonic News |
“Celtic blues” : un nouveau genre de groupe folklorique issu du Japon. Combinant les timbres éclectiques de l'harmonica, du violon, de la guitare et des percussions, le groupe Harmonica Creams allie acoustique et électronique pour créer un son unique. La sensibilité particulière de Yoshito Kiyono, leader et harmoniciste, fusionne l'esthétique du chaos et de l'harmonie. https://www.festival-interceltique.bzh/artistes/931/harmonica-creams/ |
Duo Botasso/Italian Powerbalkolk - BE/ITby Diatonic News |
Friday 23 August 2019 at 21.30 PM ▷ Folkbal in the room Familia, Bronnenweg 2, 1755 Gooik Italian Powerbalfolk The young genial brothers Bottasso from the Occitan region of Italy play spicy traditional balfolk full of energy. They bring world music to life with self-written compositions and interpretations of folksongs. The two brothers, who can read each other perfectly musically, always look for the balance between the sensitivity of their instruments and their own explosive energy. Both Nicolò on violin and Trumpet and Simone on diatonic accordion flames as well as the best on their instruments. You can also follow the tutorial at Simone during the session diatonic accordion advanced. At the same time, they have a strong urge to keep the tradition of their homeland moving. Although they get their inspiration close to Piedmont, they enrich their music with improvisation and many other influences from jazz to classical, funk or Brazilian music. With one big constant: an irresistible groove full of refined musical mastery! http://stagegooik.be/folkonstage/duo-bottasso/ |
Kendirvi in August 2019 - FRby Diatonic News |
Aug 2/2019 from 17:00- 24:00 Festival Interceltique de Lorient Rue Pierre Guergadic, 56100 Lorient Aug 8/2019 from 18:00 until 01:00 Les Régalades de Lamballe, Francia Aug 11/2019 from 16:00 until 23:00 Quai des Indes, 56100 Lorient, France 20 ans que KENDIRVI creuse le sillon d'une musique traditionnelle bretonne vivante, ouverte aux quatre vents, une musique épicée et voyageuse, mais qui garde les pieds bien sur le parquet. KENDIRVI, c'est aussi et surtout une belle troupe de bateleurs qui continue de trimballer sa caravane d'influences et de sonorités, de racines profondes et d'envies d'ailleurs. KENDIRVI donne rendez-vous aux danseurs dans une ambiance chaleureuse, les têtes et les cœurs s’évaderont, entrainés par l’accordéon, la bombarde, la trompette et tous les instruments animés par le doigté subtil des musiciens du groupe. En Bretagne ou ailleurs, c’est du pareil au même tant que le cœur est à la fête ! Plus sur: http://www.kendirvi.fr |
“Slowenien, du mein Heimatland” - Slowenienby Diatonic News |
SLOWENISCHER TAG - SONNTAG 25.8.2019 um 17 Uhr Tina Kalajžič – absolute Preisträgerin des Avsenik http://festival.avsenik.com/deu#program |
Concert ‘vergeten groenten’ door Remco Sietsema - Netherlandsby Diatonic News |
zondag 25 augustus 2019 •Concert Remco Sietsema: funky wereldmuziek, jazzy reggae en een dansbare, zwoele zomeravond. Remco Sietsema vertegenwoordigt een nieuwe generatie trekharmonicaspelers. De trekharmonica is de vergeten groente van de muziekinstrumenten; niet het meest voor de hand liggend, niet altijd populair, maar het zorgt voor een compleet andere en bijzondere sensatie die we eigenlijk allemaal vaker zouden willen ervaren. Remco speelt zelfgeschreven composities en nieuw repertoire. Hij combineert vele stijlen, van funky wereldmuziek tot jazzy reggae en folk. Denk aan intieme liedjes, maar vooral zeer dansbare, opzwepende, zwoele zomeravonden. Hij laat hiermee de veelzijdigheid en aantrekkingskracht van het instrument zien en rekent voor altijd af met de vooroordelen rondom de trekharmonica. Eerder speelde Remco Sietsema in de formaties The Tunes en Merals Harem én speelde hij met zijn trekharmonica in diverse muziektheaterproducties. In 2017 verscheen zijn debuutalbum Sultana, waarop de trekharmonica -uiteraard- centraal staat. Info: https://www.harmonicahoek.nl/archief/2019/2019_08_25/ |
Die Drei Zillertaler und Marc Pircher (Tirol) - Villach/Österreichby Diatonic News |
Marc Pircher ist ein Musiker der volkstümlichen Szene aus dem österreichischen Ried im Zillertal. Pircher singt volkstümliche Lieder sowie Schlager und tritt als Harmonikaspieler auf. Sie sagen: um eines gleich vorwegzunehmen - Wir wollen nicht die Musik neu erfinden, sondern vor allem die Musik machen, die wir uns auch selber anhören würden. Denn nur Musik zu machen um vor allem in irgendeine kommerzielle Schiene zu passen ist nicht unsere Sache. Wir sind überzeugt davon, dass man nur die Musik ehrlich zum Publikum rüberbringen kann, hinter der man auch steht, und die einem selber gefällt. https://www.villacherkirchtag.at/festbuehnen-und-musik/ |
AVSENIK TAG - Slovenienby Diatonic News |
SAMSTAG 24.8.2019 um 20 Uhr “Es ist so schön ein Musikant zu sein” Jakob Štigl – absoluter Preisträger des Avsenik Akkordeonwettbewerbs 2018 http://festival.avsenik.com/deu#program |
Antonio Grosso in Agosto 2019 - Italiaby Diatonic News |
The well-known italian diatonic accordion performer, teacher, will be on tour in August with various formations. If you are somewhere close - do NOT miss! 1/8/2019: Concerto "Le Muse del Mediterraneo" special guest Antonio Grosso - Mesoraca (KR) 2/8/2019: Antonio Grosso Kilombo Quartet - Taurianova (RC) 9/8/2019: Antonio Grosso band - Buonvicino (CS) 17/8/2019: Antonio Grosso band - Verzino (KR) 18/8/2019: Calabria Orchestra - Caulonia (RC) 24/8/2019: Calabria Orchestra - Papasidero (CS) For more information about the artist visit his FB page |
Samurai in August - Franceby Diatonic News |
Friday 9 aug 2019 at 21:30 until 23:30 Palais des Congrès/ Rien moins que quatre artificiers majeurs de la boîte à boutons, lesquels chacun sur leur registre (trad, folk, liscio, musique Irlandaise, jazz, musique de films....) ont fait notablement avancer la cause de l’accordéon diatonique. Des acteurs qui comme des personnages chers à l’imaginaire japonais ont su allier audace et noblesse d’expression. Inventivités mélodiques, brillances sonores, atmosphère intimiste ou invites à la danse échevelée: ces musiciens au pedigree impressionnant nous promettent un feu d’artifice et un rendez-vous d’une extreme séduction. F. Tenaille Awards: 2011 Grand Prix international du Disque de L'académie Charles Cros (Paris) 2012 Octave de la Musique (Belgique) • Riccardo TESI - Organetto diatonico • Kepa JUNKERA - Trikitixa, acordeòn diatònico • Markku LEPISTÖ - Kaksirivinen haitari • David MUNNELLY - Diatonic accordion • Simone BOTTASSO - Organetto diatonico Info: FRAGAN | Frédérique Dawans | prod@fragan.be | +32 477 259 678 | www.fragan.be |
Les Amis Zydeco @ Cotati Accordion Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
Les Amis Zydeco has its roots in the swamps of deep South Louisiana and in the Bay Area Cajun/Zydeco dance scene. We strive for an authentic sound whether we’re playing Cajun, Creole, or Zydeco. We love playing for dancers and hopefully that shows. Some band members are long-time Cajun/Zydeco dancers. We focus on dancer enjoyment by drawing on our own ingrained knowledge of what makes for an enjoyable dance evening. We draw mostly from traditional roots, and some more modern, including, but not limited to: Amede Ardoin, Beau Jocque, Boozoo Chavis, Chubby Carrier, Clifton Chenier, Danny Poullard, Geno Delafose, Jeffery Broussard, John Delafose,Pine Leaf Boys, Roy Carrier, Rockin’ Dopsie, etc. Check out for more at: https://cotatifest.com/2019/01/29/les-amis-zydeco/ Performing at the Cotati Accordion Festival: Contact Info & Location La Plaza Park Phone & Fax: 707 664 0444 info@cotatifest.com |
Folkies en den Dief in Young Balfolkies - BEby Diatonic News |
Tuesday 20 August 2019 at 21 h ▷ Folkbal in the room Familia, Bronnenweg 2, 1755 Gooik Young Balfolkies The young folk band Folkies and The Thief were born and bred in Gooik. Two years ago, three young musicians got to know each other at the academy for Word, music and dance. Many jam sessions on the internship later, Maarten Parent, Victor Schollaert and Benoit Verbeiren were even better matched. They only bring their own danceable compositions with roots in the traditional folk. The combination of bagpipes, diatonic accordion, piano and clarinet give a unique colour to their music. Balfolk that makes you move and can stir at the same time. This trio undoubtedly puts the eve of the internship firmly in motion. Afterwards, we jamming together on the loose. Come and Party! http://stagegooik.be/folkonstage/folkies-en-den-dief/ |
Harmonica or mouth organ Sessions @ Sydney Folk Festival - Australiaby Diatonic News |
Blowhards - 16 – 18 August 2019 The harmonica or mouth organ was once called “the band in a waistcoat pocket”. It appears in all genres of music from bush music to blues and jazz. You’re invited to meet with fellow harp players for a blowhard session and conversation. For the exact time of the event view: https://www.sydneyfolkfestival.com.au/event-grid/ |
John Spiers Ceilidh Band on 25th Aug 2019 - UKby Diatonic News |
Sunday 25th August 2019 @ Shrewsbury Folk Festival John Spiers, known better in folk circles as Squeezy, has made a name for himself as one of the leading squeezebox players of his generation. Now the , that was put together especially for Shrewsbury Folk Festival in 2018, takes the rhythmic driving force of the bellows behind Bellowhead and focuses all that energy on his first love, playing for dancing. The band, hand-picked from the finest musicians on the folk scene will be mixing together John’s catchy trademark self-penned dance tunes with solid traditional English repertoire and an infectious groove. https://shrewsburyfolkfestival.co.uk/johnspiersceilidhband/ |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
CD "Viaggio Sentimentale" Daniele di Bonaventura - Italiaby Diatonic News |
Viaggio Sentimentale Release date: 01-giu-2019 / Label: DdB Records con Eugenio Allegri / Letture e sonorità dal sud America dalla pagina fantastica di Garcia Màrquez al mistero di Julio Cortàzar, dall’amarezza di Octavio Paz alle onde d’acqua di Alvaro Mutis, attraverso le milonghe di Josè Luis Borghes per poi penetrare nel bosco cileno di Pablo Neruda, e lì perdersi definitivamente nel mondo sudamericano. Daniele di Bonaventura, maestro struggente e raffinato di bandoneon e Eugenio Allegri, intenso interprete di versi e prose, percorrono le strade di un viaggio stupendo nella letteratura, nella poesia e nella musica di un continente amato e meraviglioso. potete richederlo scrivendo a: info@danieledibonaventura.com |
CD "the lemming experience" - Franceby Diatonic News |
Les Booze Brothers ont vu le jour en 1999, à l’aube d’un nouveau millénaire. Le groupe réunit alors aussi bien des artistes de musique traditionnelle irlandaise que des membres de groupes Punk Rock de Toulouse et des Pyrénées. C’est de ce brassage improbable d'origines et d’influences musicales diverses et variées que naîtra le style à la fois unique et universel des Booze Brothers: du Punk Rock 90’s à la sauce celtique ! Pour info sur leurs dernière CD "the lemming experience" voir: https://www.boozebrothers.info/merchandising |
Neue CD von FolkXtime - Österreichby Harley Jones |
Band FolkXtime aus dem Raum Spittal/Drau/Österreich! Seit 2016 unterwegs, ca 50 Auftritte jährlich! Quer durch Österreich! Vom Villacher Kirchtag bis hin zur Wiener Wiesn! Mitglieder Christian Zlöbl/Peter Gruber/Josef Unterweger/Patrick Walchensteiner! Erstes Album „Heute hier und morgen da“ Stilrichtung-Pop-Schlager/Volkstümlicher Schlager! Bestellungen auf: https://www.folkxtime.at/produkt/cd-folkxtime-heute-hier-und-morgen-da/ |
CD "BALQUÉBEC" Andrea Capezzuoli e Compagnia - Italiaby Harley Jones |
The new CD "BALQUÉBEC" (2CD's) has been presented in 2019 by Andrea Capezzuoli e Compagnia. TRACK LIST CD1 1) Set Lajoye (La femme au tour de l’homme) 2) Hommage à Sabin Jacques 3) Set Pigeons (L’êtoile d’hiver) 4) Omaggio a Sabin e Rachel 5) Gigues 6) Set Catherine 7) Set au pic (Breack down à quatre) 8) Marche du plombier – Giga dei quattro gatti 9) Set du Tricentenaire (Les paniers) CD 2 1) La bastringue 2) La femme au tour de l’homme (Set Lajoye) 3) La valse d'hiver 4) L’êtoile d’hiver (Set Pingeons) 5) Hommage à Stephane Landry 6) Breack down à quatre (Set au pic) 7) Les paniers (Set du Tricentenaire) For more information view http://www.andreacapezzuoli.com/ |
Accordion TV/Film/Radio |
Hubert von Goisern/TV - AT/DEby Diatonic News |
12.08.19 um 01:30 h 3sat ............Sendung ohne Namen World in a frenzy: with Hubert von Goisern, Eva Weissenberger, Boro Petric, Roger Willemsen (2012) [Live stream] https://www.hubertvongoisern.com/ |
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