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Diatonic News - Sep-2012
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Voci Armoniche


Diatonic News in original language - use online translation systems!
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Movie ‘Anna Karenina’ Released – UK, US, Russia
10. Bandoneon Festival Krefeld - Deutschland
ZILLERTAL PUR, Vollgas rund um d'Uhr- Österreich
Alpenschlagerfest am Pizol - Schweiz
3rd Zango 2012 Festival – Holland
Ujazz: Diego Schissi & Paolo Russo (AR/IT) - Italy/Argentina/Denmark
17th Annual Sebastopol Cajun-Zydeco Festival - USA

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Mundharmonikafestival in Klingenthal - Deutschland
Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon - Canada
Masterclass/organetto/tarantella - Italia
Irischer Herbst 2012 auf der Proitzer Muehle - Deutschland
Tulla TRad Festival - Ireland
Bromyard Folk Festival - UK
Frank Harte Festival - Ireland

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Adria Konzertreise - Italien/Albanien/Deutschland
Melcherball der LJ Schwendberg - Tirol/Austria
Bayantonic in concert - Sweden/Norway
Die Harmonika-WM 2013 erwartet Sie ! - Austria
Rusty Metoyer & Zydeco Krush - San Diego/USA
Roger Morand & Cajun Band - France
Alberto Jimenz in MONTERREY, NUEVO LEON, MEXICO- Messico
Musikantenparade im Schilcherhof/Ligist - Austria
Markku Lepistö and Pekka Lehti play in - FINLAND
Musifest in St. Martin in Thurn - Sùdtirol/Italien
John Kirkpatrick next.... - UK
Franky Leitner unterwegs in - Österreich
Copper Box in September - USA
Tango Cuarteto Zisman in Bienz - Schweiz
Danilo di Paolonicola concert - Loreto/Italia

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

DVD "Funambules" Duo Jonsson Coudroy - France/Sweden
Gold und Platin für CD "Entwederundoder" - Austria
CD "Na Fir Bolg" (concertina) - Ireland

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

Diatonic News in original language - use online translation systems!

by Webmaster
Stay tuned, our new diatonic site with news from around the world is constantly updated during the months!! All articles are inserted in original language. For reading in other languages use online translation systems !

Sounding Out the Accordion

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by Harley Jones
On the top left of the page is the main navigation and that includes a green 'Translate' button. When you click this button, you can select a langauge to read this page. Enjoy.



by Diatonic News
Gilberto Reyes Jr -Conjunto Pioneer Paulino Bernal and Norteno Legend Juan Villarreal receiving the Hohner Lifetime Achievement Award at Premios De La CalleGilberto Reyes Jr Mario Quintero from Los Tucanes De Tijuana and Juan Villarreal... a star studded event featuring the most famous artists in the Mexican Music Scene. This year, the event focused on recognizing the incredible career of the legendary Juan Villarreal. Also, Paulino Bernal was celebrated by his peers for his contribution to the music world. “Paulino Bernal is a pioneer and a true legend who changed the course of accordion music. There will never be another Paulino Bernal,” commented Juan Villareal

As a highlight of the event, Hohner presented LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS to Juan Villarreal and Paulino Bernal. Among other awards presented, Hohner Artist Alfredo "El Zurdo" Gonzalez, accordion player for Los Tucanes De Tijuana, was presented best accordionist of 2012.

Hohner premiered its new Anacleto Collection of Italian-¬‐made accordions to an enthusiastic audience comprised of the top musicians in the music scene today and Juan Villarreal performed with his Anacleto accordion on stage to the thrill and delight of his adoring fans.

Premios De La Calle is a premiere awards event covered by international media and press with the red carpet filled with the “Who’s Who”, A list of stars of the Norteña and Mexican Music Scene. Some of the night's guests include Los
Cachorros de Juan Villareal, Los Tucanes de Tijuana, Voz de Mando, composer Benny Comacho, Juan Jose Rendon, Nacho Hernandez, Omar Sanchez, Los Brindados, Fuerza de Tijuana, Banda Imperio, Los Hijos Hernandez, and many more.

For more information please go to www.hohnerusa.com
Imperio Group at the Hohner Booth

Voci Armoniche

Movie ‘Anna Karenina’ Released – UK, US, Russia

by Rob Howard
vintage acc from  caroline huntAnna Karenina’ is a 2012 movie, directed by Joe Wright, and based on the 1877 novel of the same name by Leo Tolstoy. Filmed in England and Russia, the film stars Keira Knightly, Jude Law, Emily Watson, and Aaron Taylor-Johnson.

Set in late-19th Century Russian high-society, the aristocrat Anna Karenina, trapped in a loveless marriage, enters into a complicated life-changing affair with the affluent Count Vronsky.

Milos Miliojevic can be seen playing the accordion on screen. The instrument used was an antique Russian-made button accordion, dated about 1890, owned by Scottish-based collector Caroline Hunt.

The accordion was loaned to Shepperton Studios by Caroline, who said, “After a lot of restoration (it was in many bits) thanks to John Crawford and a kind local joiner who made a replacement fretwork grill and a lot of polish on the brass fittings, it is now looking pretty good”.

Caroline Hunt has a large collection of old accordions, some of which are on public display at Bogbain Farm, Inverness IV2 5BD, Scotland. Many can be seen in the book ‘Vintage Accordions’, by Rob Howard.

‘Anna Karenina’ is released into UK and Irish cinemas on September 7th 2012, in US cinemas on November 16th, in Russia on January 3rd 2013, and other countries on various dates.

Friedrich Lips Book


by Diatonic News
GUGLIELMI BROTHERS CONCERT festival internazionale citta di Castelfidardo.
Auditorium San Francesco

Giovedì 20 settembre Ore 15.45
Venerdì 21 settembre Ore 17.15

For information: antonio.accordion@alice.it

In collaborazione con MASTER MIDI PRODUCTION and PAOLO SOPRANI accordions.

Alessandro e Gabriele iniziano gli studi di fisarmonica in tenerissima età, e già da subito danno prova del loro straordinario talento musicale che unito alla loro curiosità, li ha spinti a diventare dei bambini fuori dai soliti schemi accademici. 
Fiori all’occhiello del loro insegnante Antonio Spaccarotella, Alessandro e Gabriele sono senza ombra di dubbio fra più grandi talenti della fascia Under 18 della fisarmonica diatonica internazionale.
Questi bambini hanno totalizzato uno svariato numero di concorsi nazionali ed internazionali vinti con primi posti assoluti a soli 11 anni Alessandro ha vinto il titolo mondiale della categoria Junior Variète Diatonic del 61 Trofeo Mondiale conferitogli dalla Confederazione Mondiale.

Se pur piccolissimi questi bambini eseguono un repertorio complesso di musica colta per organetto con autori come: R.Tesi, D.Di Paolonicola, A. Spaccarotella, Trombesi, E. Pascoal.

Attualmente studiano presso il Conservatorio Tchaykovky di Nocera Terinese (CZ) nella classe di fisarmonica diatonica con il M° Antonio Spaccarotella.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

10. Bandoneon Festival Krefeld - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Martin de Ruiter & Kay Sleking
Tolga SalmanIm Herbst wird wieder das alle zwei Jahre stattfindende Bandoneon Festival Krefeld beginnen.

Die Termine:
Freitag, 21. September, 20 Uhr, Kulturzentrum Fabrik Heeder, Studiobühne 1
Martin de Ruiter & Kay Sleking
Hinweis: Ab 19 Uhr ist auch die Ausstellung „Tango.Momente." mit Fotografien von Zerrin Aydin-Herwegh in der Fotogalerie Heeder zu sehen (Ausstellungsdauer bis zum 25. November).

Mittwoch, 26. September, 20 Uhr, Kulturzentrum Fabrik Heeder, Studiobühne 2
Tolga Salman

Beachten Sie bitte den geänderten Termin
Samstag, 29. September, 19.30 Uhr, VHS-Haus, Von-der-Leyen-Platz 2
Tango Fuego
Veranstalter Volkshochschule Krefeld
Kartenvorverkauf und Abendkasse in der VHS, Tel.: 02151/ 86 2664

Sonntag, 30 September, 11 Uhr, Wechselausstellungshalle des Museums Burg Linn, Rheinbabenstr. 85
In Verbindung mit dem Museum Burg Linn
Krefeld. Band. Bandoneon.
Ausstellungsdauer bis 27. Januar 2013
30. September 2012 - 31. Oktober 2012: dienstags - sonntags 10 bis 18 Uhr
1. November - 27. Januar 2013: dienstags - sonntags 11 bis 17 Uhr

Dienstag, 2. Oktober, 20 Uhr, Rittersaal der Burg Linn
tango fusión

Sonntag, 7. Oktober, 15 Uhr, Kulturzentrum Heeder, Gaststätte „Kulisse" und Fotogalerie Heeder
Tango. Momente.
Fotografien von Zerrin Aydin-Herwegh
Moderation: René Linke
Das Gespräch, das gemeinsam mit dem Tangotänzer und -lehrer Ard Huiberts geführt wird, beginnt in der Gaststätte Kulisse.
anschließend für Interessierte Tangoworkshop
für Anfängerinnen und Anfänger unter der Leitung von Andrea (Chile) & Ard (Niederlande)
Teilnahme kostenfrei. Dauer ca. 1,5 bis 2 Stunden.
Die Fotoausstellung ist während des Bandoneon Festivals und der Reihe „MOVE! - 11. Krefelder Tage für modernen Tanz" vom 21. September bis zum 25. November zu sehen.
Öffnungszeiten: Mo - Mi 8.00 - 16.00, Do 8.00 - 17.30, Fr 8.00 - 12.30 sowie bei Veranstaltungen des Kulturbüros und nach Vereinbarung

Sonntag, 7. Oktober, 20 Uhr, Kulturzentrum Fabrik Heeder, Studiobühne 2
Tango Emoción

Mittwoch, 10. Oktober, 20 Uhr, Kulturzentrum Fabrik Heeder, Studiobühne 1
Cuarteto Zisman

Freitag, 12. Oktober, 20 Uhr, Rittersaal der Burg Linn
Der Vorverkauf für die Konzerte (ausgenommen der Termin in der VHS Krefeld) beginnt am Montag, 10 September um 10 Uhr im Kulturbüro der Stadt Krefeld, Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 42, Tel. 02151 / 58 36 11. Die Karten kosten 15 Euro für Erwachsene, ermäßigt 8,50 Euro
Der Eintrittspreis zur Ausstellung „Krefeld.Band.Bandoneon." beträgt 4 Euro und berechtigt auch zum Besuch des Niederrheinmuseums.

Weitere Information auf: http://www.krefeld.de

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

ZILLERTAL PUR, Vollgas rund um d'Uhr- Österreich

by Werner Weibert
… dahinter verbergen sich drei aufstrebende junge Musikanten aus dem Herzen des Zillertal’s.
Markus Obersteiner, Andreas Kupfner und Michael Geisler haben die Gruppe im Frühjahr 2009 ins Leben gerufen.
Nachdem der passende Bandname gefunden war, machten die drei Zillertaler die Bühnen unsicher und die ersten Auftritte im In- und Ausland ließen nicht lange auf sich warten.
Ein abwechslungsreiches Repertoire und professionelle Handhabung von Licht und Ton wurde innerhalb kürzester Zeit auf sechs stämmige Beine gestellt.
Schneidige Boarische, fetzige Polkas, gefühlvolle Walzermelodien bis hin zu Schlagerhits von heute und damals; das ist das Markenzeichen der 3 Zillertaler.
Nach dem erfolgreichen Debüt-Album „Zillertal Pur Hot Kultur“ legen die sympathischen Burschen mit der zweiten, nun vorliegenden Produktion „A Musi in a Lederhos“ noch einen drauf.
Die CD ist bei Musik Schwarz, www.kaerntnerland-schwarz.at zum Preis von € 15,90 erhältlich.

Vor kurzem besuchten die drei Musiker die Harmonikamanufaktur Schwarz in Molln, um sich ihre 4 neuen, speziell für sie angefertigten „Original Kärntnerland“ Harmonikas abzuholen.
Die Modelle „Zillertal“ und „Meister-Klassik 4 Palisander“ in jeweils 2 verschiedenen Stimmungen werden ab sofort bei allen ihren Konzert und Auftritten im Einsatz sein.

Zillertal Pur wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß mit dem aktuellen Album und würden sich freuen, Sie auch einmal bei einem ihrer Live-Auftritte begrüßen zu dürfen.
Nähere Infos und Hörproben der neuen CD finden Sie unter: www.zillertal-pur.at

Online translation !

Alpenschlagerfest am Pizol - Schweiz

by Diatonic News
Wo: Pizolstrasse/Furt im Pizol, 7323 Wangs

Das schöne Berghotel mit 90 Betten und grossem Restaurant mit Terasse und Bar mitten im Skigebiet Pizol.

Anreise im Sommer mit Auto driekt zum Hotel möglich oder mit Gondelbahn Wangs-Pizol.
Sommersaison vom 30. Juni bis im Oktober.

Telefono +41 81 723 20 86


Titano Accordions


by Diatonic News
Salomon Canelo MartinezGran serie de conciertos de verano en EL TEATRO SANTA ANA de la ciudad de SAN MIGUEL DE ALLENDE GTO. del conocido acordeonista mexicano SALOMON CANELO presentando sus trabajos llamados ESCUELA MEXICANA DE ACORDEON DIATONICO, las fechas de los conciertos son:
• 7 de septiembre
• 14 de Septiembre
• 21 de septiembre
La música que se tocará será sacada de los catálogos tradicionales de la música mexicana y este acordeonista usara un acordeón de dos líneas con una línea auxiliar de alteraciones complementarias modelo hohner clubIII.
También presentara la nueva versión con nuevos integrantes del grupo de música folklórica LOS AUTENTICOS GALLOS DEL NORTE, el cual lo acompañara a el en esta presentación.
SALOMON CANELO es un acordeonista cromático y diatónico de alto nivel técnico, cuyas características son el virtuosismo y alta velocidad en la ejecución con gran precisión y altos niveles de expresión, este presentara un gran concierto de acordeón internacional y música folklórica mexicana.
El reconocido acordeonista SALOMON CANELO presentará un concierto de acordeón cromático de piano con música internacional, en la primera parte, y en la segunda parte expondrá sus
trabajos de música folklórica mexicana, llamados estos ESCUELA MEXICANA DE ACORDEON DIATONICO acompañado de su grupo Los gallos del norte.

Este concierto se presentara en el conocido TEATRO SANTANA de esta ciudad, el cual esta dentro de las instalaciones de la BIBLIOTECA PUBLICA.

SALOMON CANELO además es ejecutante de piano y órgano, con este instrumento ha ganado concursos en SOSICULTUR, gobierno del DF México, además de tocar en el extranjero en lugares como el Dallas convention center, Broock haaven universiti, Denton universiti. Etc.

Info: SALOMON CANELO salomoncanelo@hotmail.com

Accordion Jazz Chord

3rd Zango 2012 Festival – Holland

by Diatonic News
Tango Quintet Locos Lindos
MAS with Salvatore CauteruccioFrom 7-9th September in Haarlem
This third Zango Festival promises outstanding groups with catchy names and more dancing than ever. Typical Tango Orquesta Masivo - a firework of the many bandoneons. MAS Tango, rough electro tango ensemble from Italy will not need a long until even the youngest audience will get attached to the sounds of tango. Tango Quintet Locos Lindos – a young ensemble of musicians, Flores Negras, Retrolicious Roarding Twenties, De Maestro’s, Deena ray, Sayuri Dee, Tango Dorado Kwartet ontmoet Jose Riero and many more.

For the first time, as many as 30 free tango lessons for total beginners. So participate and don’t miss!
The Fetival is also in need of Help Dancers!
Do you want to help the beginner dancer trial classes at the Zango Festival 2012 - You can subscribe at proeflessen@zango.nl

Further information: www.zango.nl
e-mail contact@zango.nl
Typical Tango Orquesta Masivo

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Ujazz: Diego Schissi & Paolo Russo (AR/IT) - Italy/Argentina/Denmark

by Diatonic News
Diego Schissi comes from Buenos Aires and has lived and studied for many years in the United States, where he had the opportunity to perform with many great artists including Tito Puente, Néstor Torres, Maria Schneider, Peter Nero and the Boston Pops. Diego Schissi is co-founder of the legendary ensemble Quinteto Urbano, who has recorded three studio albums and received Platinum Konex price. Diego has also composed music for several films and plays.

Paolo Russo was born in Pescara in Italy and is living Copenhagen since 1996. At the age of just nine years Russo began to play the piano. He studied music in New York and has worked with local and international artists, including Pablo Ziegler, Caroline Henderson, Howe Gelb, Etta Cameron and Poul Krebs. Paolo Russo has also composed music for theater and documentary, and currently plays in Band Au Neon with the Danish-Italian singer Sara Indrio, and in trio with Swedish singer Josefine Cronholm and Swedish bassist Thommy Andersson.

The two musicians, Diego Schissi & Paolo Russo, has now joined together and can be seen to Aarhus Festival on September 15th
Diego Schissi comes from Buenos Aires and has lived and studied for many years in the United States, where he had the opportunity to perform with many great artists including Tito Puente, Néstor Torres, Maria Schneider, Peter Nero and the Boston Pops. Diego Schissi is co-founder of the legendary ensemble Quinteto Urbano, who has recorded three studio albums and received Platinum Konex price. Diego has also composed music for several films and plays.

Paolo Russo was born in Pescara in Italy and is living Copenhagen since 1996. At the age of just nine years Russo began to play the piano. He studied music in New York and has worked with local and international artists, including Pablo Ziegler, Caroline Henderson, Howe Gelb, Etta Cameron and Poul Krebs. Paolo Russo has also composed music for theater and documentary, and currently plays in Band Au Neon with the Danish-Italian singer Sara Indrio, and in trio with Swedish singer Josefine Cronholm and Swedish bassist Thommy Andersson.

The two musicians, Diego Schissi & Paolo Russo, has now joined together and can be seen to Aarhus Festival on September 6 th at 7.15 (19.15h)

For further information: http://aarhusfestuge.dk/DK2012/PROGRAM/Arrangement/Ujazz-Diego-Schissi-Paolo-Russo-(AR/IT).aspx?M=eCom_Catalog&PID=
or www.paolorusso.com

17th Annual Sebastopol Cajun-Zydeco Festival - USA

by Diatonic News
September 8 2012 - Cajun food and Zydeco Music
11:30 am to 7:00 pm - Gates open at 11:00

World class Zydeco Music

Lynn August & the Red Hot Special Guests - 5:00pm
Dwayne Dopsie & the Zydeco Hellraisers - 3:10pm
Andre Thierry & Zydeco Magic - 1:20pm
The Mark St Mary Delta Blues & Zydeco Band - 11:30am

and to complete - Huge shaded wooden dance floor under the redwoods Downtown Sebastopol in lush Ives Park Gator sausage, Gumbo, BBQ, Ice Cream, Watermelon, Shave Ice, Beer, Wine, Margaritas, Hurricanes Oyster Shooters!

Rotary Club of Sebastopol Sunrise
Cajun/Zydeco Festival

Charnwood Music Publishing

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Voci Armoniche

Mundharmonikafestival in Klingenthal - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Programmablauf vom 12. 9. bis 16. 9. 2012 (12. Festival)

11.09. Beginn der Workshops

12.09. Workshops
20.00 Uhr Gemütlicher Festivalauftakt mit Rückblick auf die vergangenen 11 Jahre, Arek Frog live mit Möglichkeit einer Session der Workshop-Teilnehmer im „Ferienhotel Zwotatal”

13.09. Workshops
19.00 Uhr „Jürgen Just und Freunde “ – Buntes Programm rund um die Mundharmonika im Gasthof „Walfisch“ in Zwota
20.00 Uhr Blues-Abend im Mundharmonika-Live-Zelt am Musikpavillon Marktplatz
14.09. Workshops
14.00 Uhr SEYDEL OPEN Wertungsspiel Kategorie Blues im Mundharmonika-Live-Zelt am Musikpavillon Marktplatz
17.00 Uhr Gemeinsames Musizieren und offizielle Festivaleröffnung am Musikpavillion am Marktplatz mit Vorstellung ausgewählter Künstler
20.00 Uhr Eröffnungssession mit Preisverleihung SEYDEL OPEN im Mundharmonika-Live-Zelt am Musikpavillion Marktplatz
20.00 Uhr Treffen der Mundharmonika-Melodiespieler im „Ferienhotel Zwotatal“
10.00 Uhr Treffpunkt SEYDEL bei
C.A.Seydel Söhne (mit Werkverkauf)
10.00 Uhr Workshops nach gesondertem Plan
13.00 Uhr Sammlertreff im Museum Klingenthal Schlossstraße
13.30 Uhr - 16:30 Uhr Bunter Familiennachmittag – Musik, Spiel und Spaß für jung und alt im Mundharmonika-Live-Zelt am Musikpavillion Marktplatz
15.00 Uhr Galakonzert in der Aula der „Eliteschule des Sports“ am Amtsberg
19.30 Uhr Start der Livenacht in der „Flößerstube Muldenberg“
20.00 Uhr Die große Livenacht in 11 Veranstaltungsorten in und um Klingenthal
10.00 Uhr „Freie Bühne“ in der „Flößerstube“ Muldenberg
10.00 Uhr „Blueser-Stammtisch“ im Mundharmonika-Live-Zelt am Musikpavillion Marktplatz mit der Live Band „Hannes Ebert Combo”
15.00 Uhr Musikalischer Ausklang des Festivals im Hotel/Gasthof „Döhlerwald“

Bands / Künstler Homepages
Blues Alligators [D] bluesalligators.de
L.E. Boogie Band [D] le-boogie-band.de
Marco Marchi [CH] marcomarchi.ch
Boogielicious [NL/D] boogielicious.de
Matchbox Blues Band [D] matchboxbluesband.de

Youngman Blues Duo feat. Blues-Rolle [D] dennyhertel.de
Butterfly Quintett [A] quintett-butterfly.com
The Dust Behind [D] the-dust-behind.de
The Mr. Big Band feat Perry Letsch [D] misterbigband.de
New Cheyenne Band [D] n-c-b.de
FrÄnk & Hobo [D] 100000km.de
Mundharmonika-Trio Bautzen [D] mundharmonika-trio-bautzen.de

Information: http://www.mundharmonika-live.de/programm2012_ablauf.php


Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon - Canada

by Diatonic News
August 30th to September 3rd 2012
301, boulevard Taché Est
Montmagny (Québec) G5V 1C5

The Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon swings into town at the beginning of September and brings five intense days of festivities. Plunge into this musical universe where the accordion is king. The artistic programming will masterfully unveil the charm, versatility and character of this fine instrument. Each year, artists from around the world come together in Montmagny to share their passion for the accordion, in all its many forms. The Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon is a beautiful harmony of cultures where different styles, genres and repertoires unite to form a magical song for a public of all ages.
Montmagny (Québec) has been a proud host of this event since its creation in 1989.

Le Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon s’illustre en début de septembre par la tenue de cinq journées intensives de festivités. Plongez dans un univers musical où l’accordéon est roi et maître. Une programmation artistique révèle le charme, la versatilité et le caractère de cet instrument. Chaque année, des artistes et des interprètes du monde entier se rencontrent à Montmagny et partagent leur passion pour cette « boîte à frissons » qui prend mille formes. Le Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon, c’est un bouillon de culture où les styles, les genres et les répertoires se côtoient et s’unissent à la mesure d’un public de tous âges.
Depuis 1989, Montmagny (Québec) est le rendez-vous des inconditionnels de l’accordéon.

Info : Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon

Téléphone: 418 248-7927

Masterclass/organetto/tarantella - Italia

by Diatonic News
24 settembre 2011
La tarantella riggitana

La tarantella riggitana appartiene al patrimonio musicale italiano e, grazie alla sua prorompente musicalità ed energia, è divenuta un classico nel repertorio di ogni organettista. Vedremo di analizzarne la tecnica di mantice e la struttura modulare a frasi e, non di meno, la particolare tecnica esecutiva dei bassi

Lo stage si rivolge a coloro che suonano l’organetto a 8, 12 o 18 bassi, e che desiderano ampliare il repertorio e migliorare il loro stile esecutivo. Allo stage possono partecipare anche coloro che non leggono la musica.

Info e costi
Costo dello stage: 80 euro. La quota può essere versata tramite vaglia postale, bonifico bancario, carta di credito o conto PayPal.

Iscrizioni e info
06.92938383, 329.3738715, info@organetto.info

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Irischer Herbst 2012 auf der Proitzer Muehle - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Do., 27. - So., 30. September 2012
Beginn: Donnerstag zum Abendessen um 19.00 Uhr
Ende: Sonntag nach dem Mittagessen

Concertina: Claus Kessler, routinierter Concertina-Spieler und zudem passionierter Tänzer und Tanzmusiker (Anfänger & Fortgeschrittene, je 3 Std. tägl.)

Céilí mit der Band "Swaree" am Freitag (21.00 Uhr - 01.00 Uhr) !

Information: proitzer-muehle.de


by Diatonic News

Dalle ore 9.30 alle 13.00/dalle 15.00 alle 19.00.
Sala Bio Boccosi – Ingresso dall’Atrio Comunale_Piazza della Repubblica, 8 o da Via Battisti, 36

Prima parte:
- trasporto melodico
- armonizzazione delle scale
- costruzione degli accordi e funzioni armoniche
- analisi dei ritmi più utilizzati e dei tempi dispari
- analisi della partitura
- analisi dei diversi stili musicali
- tecniche di improvvisazione
- cenni sulla scrittura e l'arrangiamento per piccole e grandi formazioni.

Seconda parte:
- ampliamento del repertorio,
- perfezionamento dei brani già assimilati
- tecniche strumentali
- possibilità armoniche con la mano destra
- come migliorare la propria tecnica in breve tempo
- come suonare con disinvoltura sui tempi dispari (5/4, 7/8, 9/8, 11/8, etc.)
- improvvisazione
- come utilizzare l'organetto nell'accompagnamento
- elementi di etnomusicologia, valzer musette, saltarelli.

I partecipanti allo stage si esibiranno sabato 22 settembre alle ore 21.00 nell’area CAFÈ ACCORDÈON in Piazza della Repubblica.

Effettivi: 80,00 euro
Uditori: 40,00 euro

Info e iscrizioni: eventi@studioideazione.com

Titano Accordions

Tulla TRad Festival - Ireland

by Diatonic News
Tulla Comhaltas was established in September 1957 at a meeting in the Courthouse in Tulla in response to a wish by the people of Tulla to host the County Fleadh Cheoil in 1958. A very successful Fleadh was held that year and the Comhaltas Branch has grown and prospered over the past 50 years. Building on from the success in previous years this years festival promises to be a great weekend of Music, Song and Dance. It starts off on Friday the 7th September at 8.00pm with a parade through Tulla Main Street with the Chapel Gate Wrenboys, who are the 2011 All Ireland Champions. This will be followed by the official opening at Tulla Courthouse by Paula Carroll of Clare FM, and will again feature the Wren Boys. This promises to be a great evening of entertainment for all. (Admission free)

Saturday 10th there will be workshops being run in St. Joseph’s Secondary School with registration at 10:30am and Classes from 11:00 – 4.30pm where a degree of competence will be expected in chosen instrument.
The highlight of Saturday is a Celebrity Concert in the Courthouse at 8pm (note earlier start time for concert)
For the dancers there will be a Ceili on Friday night (Danny Hunt and Band), Saturday night (Awbeg/The Five Counties - 2012 Senior Ceili Band All Ireland Champions) and Sunday night (Jim Corry, Mark Donnellan and Charlie Harris).
With Music, Song, Dance and of course plenty of 'craic', the Tulla Trad Festival has something for everyone.

For information: http://www.tullatradfestival.ie/


Bromyard Folk Festival - UK

by Diatonic News
Bromyard Folk Festival7th, 8th & 9th September 2012

Featured artists and guests of the festival.

This year's line up:
This year a great line-up of the most outstanding local, national and international traditional folk musicians performing in concert, ceilidhs and displays.

John Spiers & Jon Boden, The Mighty Doonans, Session A9, The Copper Family, David Francey, Vin Garbutt
Tom McConville & David Newey, Nancy Kerr & James Fagan, Dave Webber & Anni Fentiman, Cupola, Allan Yn Y Fan, Keith Donnelly, Colvin Quarmby, The Hut People, James Findley Trio, Lori Watson and Rule of Three, Elbow Jane, Martyn Harvey, Dancecupola, Peeping Tom, Vicky Swan & Jonny Dyer, Maggie Boyle & Paul Downs, Dr Sunshine, The Askew Sisters, Emma Heath, Pilgrims Way, Inlay, Rob Halligan, Graeme Knights, Jim Mageean, Paul & Liz Davenport, Ursula, Holden Gill, Lydia Noble, Infinite Cherries, Dave Bordewey & Dave Young, Becky Wolff & Steamchicken, Hand To Mouth Theatre, Samuel Walter, Jason Hinchey, Mick Holditch, Speake & Lowe, 'The Ancient Legacy' +more...

Information: http://www.bromyard-folk-festival.org.uk/

Voci Armoniche

Frank Harte Festival - Ireland

by Diatonic News
This year's Frank Harte Festival will take place Friday, 21 September 2012 to Sunday, 23 of September 2012, and will be at the Teacher's Club, Parnell Square, Dublin, Ireland.

Participating the wellknown irish group The Begleys www.thebegleys.ie

For further information http://www.goilin.com/frank_harte/frank_harte.php

Future events / Concerts

Adria Konzertreise - Italien/Albanien/Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Zurück in Deutschland zum dritten Male – ist das Projekt Adria, dass von der deutschen Öffentlichkeit sehr geschätzt wird. In den letzten Jahren war die Gruppe Salento-Albanien sehr erfolgreich und ist nun mit einer Konzertreise von der „ Kultur in der Landschaft „ organisiert, in folgenden Events zu sehen:

- Donnerstag, 13. September - Lich, Kino Traumstern, 20:00
HR 2 (Hessischer Rundfunk) das Konzert wird ausserdem vom Hessischen Rundfunk zur Austrahlung aufgenommen.
- Freitag, 14. September - Oberkochen, Kulturscheune "Mühlenscheune", 20.00

- Samstag, 15. September - Lindau, Zeughaus, 20:00
Maria Mazzotta Voce
Claudio Prima Organetto, voce
Redi Hasa Violoncello
Emanuele Coluccia Sax
Il progetto Ádria nasce sul filo di un incontro. In un equilibrio instabile le sue due metà si ricongiungono in mezzo al Mare Adriatico. Le due culture, anzi i due mondi affacciati su questo mare antico, si sono osservati da sempre e in questo progetto danno vita ad un nuovo dialogo. I principali artefici di quest’incontro sono gli strumenti e le voci e la lingua utilizzata è la musica. Se l’organetto e il violoncello pronunciano con rinnovata passione accenti e vocaboli mai detti, la voce mette in accordo, con la sua dolcezza, linguaggi profondamente diversi, ma vicini nelle assonanze e nei respiri. E in un contesto fatto di incoerenze e persino di rumori, inevitabili e molesti, alcune composizioni si fanno nervose e a tratti caotiche. Sono figlie legittime delle discordanze nate nella città, il luogo dove l’ approdo si è reso inevitabile

Info: claudioprima@tin.it or info@adriatik.it

Accordion Jazz Chords

Melcherball der LJ Schwendberg - Tirol/Austria

by Diatonic News
Auch heuer lädt die LJ Schwendberg zum alljährlichen "Melcherball" ein. Für Stimmung sorgt die Gruppe "Z3 - Die drei Zillertaler"

Mòchten Sie zusätzliche Information ?
oder e-mail: tjblj@tiroler-bauernbund.at

Bayantonic in concert - Sweden/Norway

by Diatonic News
Bayantonic Lars Karlsson & Øivind Farmen
Lars Karlsson & Øivind Farmen:
The Swedish master on diatonic accordion Lars Karlsson and Øivind Farmen have gathered to perform togehter concerts around the world. With their very different musical backgrounds, they put on stage concert performances with great versitality and changing musical styles.

The will be:

1. Sep -L.Karlsson & Ø.Farmen in Kulturskolen / Molde
2. Sep -L.Karlsson & Ø.Farmen in the Samfunshus / Ørskog
3. Sep -L.Karlsson & Ø.Farmen in Ivar Aasen Tunet / Ørsta
8. Sep -L.Karlsson & Ø.Farmen & H.Svendsrud in the Norwegian Radio Museum/Selbu

For further information see: http://farmen.net

Titano Accordions

Die Harmonika-WM 2013 erwartet Sie ! - Austria

by Werner Weibert
In diesem tollen Veranstaltungszentrum - dem EUROPAHAUS - finden die Wettbewerbe statt!

In Kooperation mit dem DHV wird erstmals auch der DEUTSCHE WETTBEWERB (Deutsche Gästeklasse)
in diesem Rahmen veranstaltet!

Also vormerken und Termin freihalten!
Der HVÖ und das Zillertal freuen sich auf Sie!

Online translation !

Rusty Metoyer & Zydeco Krush - San Diego/USA

by Diatonic News
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Rusty Metoyer & Zydeco Krush
at War Memorial Hall in Balboa Park

Informaiton http://www.icajunzydeco.com

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Roger Morand & Cajun Band - France

by Diatonic News
Roger Morand Cajun Band
ROGER MORAND:Considered internationaly as one of the major European specialists of the style, Roger Morand found himself regularly honored by the specialized press.

He took part in an enormous number of festivals and shows all over France and abroad.

30 years on the road he played about 3000 times all over Europe and even in the USA.

set 1

set 8
St ColombeSainte Colombe, Rhône Alpe, FRANCE- 21:00
(Concert & bal Band Zydeco et Morand Cajun Band)

set 13
(Festival "Les Nuits de ancres" Concert Morand Cajun Band)

Information: roger.morand@free.fr

eSheet Music Titles

Alberto Jimenz in MONTERREY, NUEVO LEON, MEXICO- Messico

by Diatonic News
Arena Santa Lucia - 15 Sett - 2012


Titano Accordions

Musikantenparade im Schilcherhof/Ligist - Austria

by Diatonic News
Info: www.dieligister.at

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Markku Lepistö and Pekka Lehti play in - FINLAND

by Diatonic News
Finnish Fans of finnish diatonic accordionist Markku Lepistö and bassist Pekka Lehti will be deligthed, as the famous duo is going to perform throughout the country at the following schedule:

Sep 17 (Lepistö & Lehti)
Kittilä, Finland

Sep 18 (Lepistö & Lehti)
Rovaniemi, Finland

Sep 19 (Lepistö & Lehti)
Ylivieska, Finland

Sep 20 (Lepistö & Lehti)
Tornio, Finland

Sep 21 (Lepistö & Lehti)
Kokkola, Finland

Sep 24 (Lepistö & Lehti)
Kuhmo, Finland

Sep 25 (Lepistö & Lehti)
Nurmes, Finland

Sep 26 (Lepistö & Lehti)
Kajaani, Finland

Sep 27 (Lepistö & Lehti)
Kiuruvesi, Finland

Sep 28 (Lepistö & Lehti)
Iisalmi, Finland

Sep 29 (Lepistö & Lehti)
Lapinlahti, Finland

Further information upon the duo you can find on: http://www.markkulepisto.com

Voci Armoniche

Musifest in St. Martin in Thurn - Sùdtirol/Italien

by Diatonic News
3. und letzte Ausgabe des "Musifest"

Programm: Freitag 7. Septebmer

Wanderung zur Hütte „Munt de Fornella“ (ca. 30 min)
- Start am Würzjoch um 13.00 Uhr
- Ab 14.30 Alex Pezzei LIVE
- Einlage der Schuhplatter
*Bei schlechter Witterung gibt es die Möglichkeit das Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor in St. Martin in Thurn zu besuchen (6,50€) , wo anschließend das Konzert von Alex Pezzei stattfindet

Samstag 8. September
Konzert in der Halle St. Martin in Thurn (Eintritt 15€ - Vorverkauf 12€)
- Einlass ab 19.30
- Tonihof Buam
- Heike Sander
- Alex Pezzei
*Kartenvorverkauf beim Tourismusverein St. Martin in Thurn

Sonntag 9. September
Almabtrieb mit traditioneller Umzug in Campill
- Beginn 10 Uhr
- Ab 12 Uhr Alex Pezzei
- Stargast: Geri der Klostertaler
*Bei schlechter Witterung findet das Konzert in der Halle St. Martin in Thurn statt.

Sounding Out the Accordion


by Diatonic News

En "CASA DEL LITORAL" - Av. Moreno y Coronel Mellian -San Nicolas - Buenos Aires - Argentina




**LOS POPULARES (cumbia)





COORDINACION : Oscar Garcilazo (336) - 154533436
Dario Schneider : (336) - 154655990


John Kirkpatrick next.... - UK

by Diatonic News
John Kirkpatrick was born in Chiswick, West London in 1947. A deep love of music was instilled from birth, and family gatherings always included a hearty sing-song. School choirs, the Church choir, playing recorder and piano ensues, until he joined the Hammersmith Morris Men, in their second week, in 1959.

Whilst with the team he took up the melodeon, then the button accordion, then the anglo concertina, and got hooked on the traditional songs that were accompanied with a post-dancing pint.

Fri 31 Aug 2012 to Sun 2 Sep 2012 Gleanings, Gravels Bank, Minsterley, Shropshire, SY5 0HG.
Following the runaway success of 2011's course, JK does another teaching weekend of how to find chords on the Anglo Concertina. This is not suitable for complete beginners, and you need an Anglo with at least 30 buttons. JOHN WILL GIVE AN INFORMAL EVENING CONCERT ON SATURDAY 1ST AT THE GLEANINGS. £5.00 admission.
www.gleanings.co.uk | yj.hart@virgin.net | 01743 891412

Sun 9 Sep 2012 Bothy Folk Club, The Park Golf Club, Park Road West, Southport, Lancashire, PR9 0JS. www.bothyfolkclub.co.uk | 0151 924 5078

Tue 11 Sep 2012 Ringwood Folk Club, The Elm Tree Inn, High Town, Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 3DY. www.ringwoodfolk.org.uk | 01425 673713

Fri 14 Sep 2012 Silvester Horne Institute, High Street, Church Stretton, Shropshire, SY6 6BY. THE VICTORIAN FARMER'S YEAR IN SONG
Starts 7.30 p.m. Come and see the show inspired by JK's contributions to the "Victorian Farm" series on telly, just down the road from where the programmes were filmed.
mikeatelm@yahoo.co.uk | 01694 720132

Sat 22 Sep 2012 Fordhall Farm, Tern Hill Road, Market Drayton, Shropshire, TF9 3PS. THE VICTORIAN FARMER'S YEAR IN SONG. Starts 7.30 p.m. Admission price includes an interval buffet. www.fordhallfarm.com | 01630 638696

Sun 23 Sep 2012 St Michael's Church, Llanfihangel Rogiet, Caldicot, Monmouthshire, NP26 3UR. THE VICTORIAN FARMER'S YEAR IN SONG. Afternoon performance - starts 2.30 p.m.
01291 425638
Fri 28 Sep 2012 Church House,South Tawton, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 2LQ. THE VICTORIAN FARMER'S YEAR IN SONG. www.liveandacoustic.co.uk | 01837 840775

Sun 30 Sep 2012 Nailsea Folk Club, The Tithe Barn, Church Lane, Nailsea, Somerset, BS48 4NG. THE VICTORIAN FARMER'S YEAR IN SONG. www.nailseafolkclub.co.uk | 01275 790915

Information: http://www.johnkirkpatrick.co.uk

Voci Armoniche

Franky Leitner unterwegs in - Österreich

by Diatonic News
September 2012

1. Sept. 2012 - 10 Jahre Autohaus Filzwieser
Beginn: 10:00 Uhr Ort: A-8670 Krieglach / Freßnitz
8. Sept. 2012 - Stimmungsauftritt
Beginn: 20:00 Uhr Ort: A-7010 Rust, Weinlandhalle
14. Sept. 2012 - Wiesenfest-Leoben
Beginn: 16:00 Uhr Ort: A-8700 Leoben, Festzelt
14. Sept. 2012 - Stimmungsauftritt "Oktoberfest"
Beginn: 20:00 Uhr Ort: A-2285 Leopoldsdorf, Festsaal
21. Sept. 2012 - Stimmungsauftritt "Erntedankfest"
Beginn: 18:00 Uhr Ort: A-8600 Bruck an der Mur, Mittergasse
22. Sept. 2012 - Oktoberfest - Stimmungsauftritt
Beginn: 12:00 Uhr Ort: A-2500 Baden, Grand Casino Baden
25. Sept. 2012 - Tanzabend
Beginn: 21:00 Uhr Ort: A-8490 Bad Radkersburg, Thermenstraße 21, Vital Hotel
28. Sept. 2012 - Oktoberfest
Beginn: 19:00 Uhr Ort: A-5760 Saalfelden, Saliterhof
29. Sept. 2012 - FANCLUB-AUSFLUG nach Kärnten
Beginn: 12:00 Uhr Ort: Anmeldung unter 0650/952 38 40

Möchten Sie mehr Information - dann besuchen Sie seine Webseite:

Friedrich Lips Book

Copper Box in September - USA

by Diatonic News
Busy time for the Copper Box as the Octoberfest season is starting! If you are somewhere around these areas – don’t miss to stop by and enjoy this fabulous group and

Sun. 2 CBox @ the Great Dane - Wausau, WI

Mon. 3 Labor Day Festival - Redgranite Labor Day
Redgranite, WI

Sat. 8 Fond du Lac Fall Fondue Festival, WI

Sun. 16 Courthouse Pub - Manitowoc, WI

Fri. 21 Plymouth Oktoberfest - Plymouth, WI
Plymouth Art Center's Oktoberfest

Sat. 22 Chippewa Falls Oktoberfest WI

Thu. 27 Cutting Edge Music Conference and Festival
New Orleans, LA

Sat. 29 Germantown Oktoberfest - Dheinsville, WI
Dheinsville Oktoberfest

Sat. 29 Copper Box kicks off Appleton's WI Octoberfest!

Sun. 30 Packer Tailgate Party Champion's Sports Bar
Green Bay, WI

Their last CD "People Change" was released in 2011. On the diatonic accordion: Kevin Junemann
For further information http://copperboxsite.com

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


by Diatonic News
September 8th, 8 pm (20h)
Jazzhus Montmartre - Store Regnegade 19A
1110 Copenhagen

Paolo Russo (bandeneon / IT)
Josefine Cronholm (vocal / SE)
Thommy Andersson (bass / SE)

Josefine Cronholm is a bright star on the international scene. Her beautiful voice and unique expression completely captivate everyone who experiences her live. Likewise, Paolo Russo is a great musician of international standards, writing gorgeous melodies and playing absolutely beautifully. On this particular evening, we present a combination of the lovely Nordic tune and the soul of Italy.

For further information: http://www.jazzhusmontmartre.dk/concerts.2012.09.08
or www.paolorusso.com

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Tango Cuarteto Zisman in Bienz - Schweiz

by Diatonic News
Cuarteto Zisman
Sonntag, 02. September 2012
17.00 Uhr im Kinotheater Brienz
Cuarteto Zisman
Michael Zisman, Bandoneon
Daniel Zisman, Violine
Annapaola Zisman-Jacomella, Violoncello
Sébastien Fulgido, Guitarre

Das Cuarteto Zisman um die Tangogrössen Daniel und Michael Zisman vereint die Tradition des Tangos mit dem Tango Nuevo und begeistert das Publikum mit kraftvollem wie einfühlsamem Tango aus allen Epochen.

Information: http://kuve.ch/

Danilo di Paolonicola concert - Loreto/Italia

by Diatonic News
1 Concerto con Danilo Di Paolonicola, fisarmonica diatonica et Mirco Patarini e Mario d'Amario sulle fisarmoniche in anteprima del Festival di Castgelfidrdo si svolgerà in collaborazione con Scandalli Accordions, Paolo Soprani, Roland Europe il GIOVEDÌ 13 SETTEMBRE 2012 al Teatro Comunale di LORETO alle ore 21.30

Per ulteriore informationi visita http://www.festivalcastelfidardo.it/

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Accordion Jazz Chord

DVD "Funambules" Duo Jonsson Coudroy - France/Sweden

by Diatonic News
Duo Jonsson Coudroy / France-SwedenDVD Funambules (2012)

Martin Coudroy, accordéon diatonique
Lena Jonsson, violon
Contenu :

Funambules le film 36’24
Concert live 23’28
Clip 04’18
Photos de Vincent valente

Information: http://martincoudroy.wordpress.com/discographie/

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Gold und Platin für CD "Entwederundoder" - Austria

by Diatonic News
Am Red Bull Ring in Spielberg ist Hubert von Goisern im Dezember mit Edelmetall ausgezeichnet worden: Für seine aktuellen Tonträger gab es zweimal Gold und einmal Platin. Das neue Jahr 2012 brachte außerdem Platin für die Single und Doppelplatin für das Album.

Das Album Entwederundoder ist seit achtundvierzig Wochen in den Charts, davon sechs Wochen auf Platz 2, die Singleauskoppelung Brenna tuats guat hat vierunddreißig Wochen in den Charts verbracht, davon fünf Wochen auf Platz 1.

Information: http://www.hubertvongoisern.com

CD "Na Fir Bolg" (concertina) - Ireland

by Diatonic News
Jack Talty and Cormac Begley play music from West Clare and West Kerry
In Irish mythology, Na Fir Bolg were one of the races that inhabited Ireland before being overthrown by the Tuatha Dé Danann. Na Fir Bolg translates as 'men with bellows' or 'men with bellies' ;-)

This recording presents the music styles of west Clare and west Kerry using a number of concertinas ranging over five octaves. The album was recorded over four days and captures the exceptional natural acoustics of St. Nicholas' Collegiate Church, Galway. Without the use of editing and studio manipulation; what you hear is what you get - warts and all!

01: Barndances - Joe Bane's / Gypsy Princess
02: Reels - John Kelly's Concertina Reel / Cronin's Reel
03: Jigs - The Hare in the Corn / Cronin's
04: Reels - The College Groves / The Flogging
05: Set Dances - An Súisín Bán / Galtee Hunt
06: Polkas - Sliabh Lucan Polkas / Finbarr Dwyers
07: Jigs - Cronin's / I do not Incline
08: Reels - Tuttle's / Bag of Spuds
09: Jigs - Fraher's / Willie Clancy's
10: Hornpipes - The Broomstick / Scully Casey's
11: Reels - Willie Clancy's Mountain Top / Kevin Henderson's / Denis Murphy's
12: Slides - Paddy Cronin's / If I had a Wife
13: Reels: The Curragh Races / Crossing the Shannon / Arkill Mountain

For further informaiton: http://www.jacktalty.com/#/shop/4551103717

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Charnwood Music Publishing

Events Calendar/Yellow Pages - CYBERSPACE

by Harley Jones | Modify | Delete
All concert, competition and festival organizers are reminded to list their Future Events in our yellow pages website. Its free to list and you can do it yourself. You can also change and update your listing yourself as further information becomes available.

The accordion yellow pages Future Events calendar displays at the top right hand side of this Weekly News of accordions.com in all 7 languages plus other popular sites such as the USA News and the Diatonic News.

Huge numbers of readers every year view the accordion yellow pages Future Events, so all accordion event organizers are urged to take full advantage of this free service to keep the accordion community informed.

Alle Akkordeon-Konzert sowie Wettbewerbs- und Festival-Organiatoren möchten wir daran erinnern, alle bevorstehenden Veranstaltungen in den aktuellen Akkordeon-Gelben Seiten, www.accordion-yellowpages.com Webseite einzutragen. Alle Einträge sind kostenfrei und können direkt online selbst auf die Seite gestellt und aktualisiert werden. Bereits bestehende Informationen sollten auf ihre Richtigkeit und Gültigkeit geprüft werden

Alle Veranstaltungen sind in unseren Eventkalender ersichtlich und dies auf allen unseren 7 übersetzten Sprachen. Der Event-Kalender ist gelb und auf der rechten Seite/oben auf unseren verschiedenen Seiten zu finden. Dies inkludiert unsere USA Nachrichten Edition accordions.com und das neue Portal, das den diatonischen Instrumenten gewidmet ist - diatonische-news.com

Eine große Anzahl von Lesern konsultieren täglich, wöchtenlich, monatlich, jährlich unsere Akkordeon-Yellow Pages Future Events Seiten. Nützen Sie diese Gelegenheit – es ist ein kostenloses kostenlosen Service für die Akkordeon Gemeinschaft.

Tutti gli organizzatori di concerti, concorsi e festival devono ricordarsi di inserire i loro eventi futuri nel sito Accordion-YellowPages.com.

La segnalazione è gratis e potete farlo autonomamente. Potete cambiare e aggiornare il vostro annuncio da soli e far rendere l'informazione disponibile.

La voce Eventi Futuri si trova in alto sul lato destro delle notizie di accordions.com in 7 lingue più altri siti come accordionsusa.com e diatonic-news.com.

Un enorme numero di lettori visiona le pagine di Accordion Yellow Pages Future Events ogni anno, così prende tutto il vantaggio di questo servizio gratis per la comunità fisarmonicistica.

Tous les organisateurs de concerts, de festivals et de concours sont rapplelé d'insérer leurs événements à venir sur le calendrier du site Accordéon-YellowPages.com.

L'insertion est gratuite et vous pouvez le faire individuellement. Vous pouvez modifier et mettre à jour votre annonce par vous-même et de rendre l'information disponible.

Le calendrier des Événements à venir est sur le côté supérieur à droit des nouvelles hebdomadaire en 7 langues du accordions.com et que accordionsusa.com et diatonique-news.com.

Un grand nombre de lecteurs consultes les pages jaune de l'Accordéon pages chaque jour et année est surtous l’ événements futures, profiter pleinement de ce service gratuit pour la communauté des accordéonistes.

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