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Translate Buttonby Harley Jones |
On the top left of the page is the main navigation and that includes a green 'Translate' button. When you click this button, you can select a langauge to read this page. Enjoy. |
Seminar der Meister – Italienby Werner Weibert |
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Vom 30. August bis 2. September findet in Pfelders im Passeiertal (Südtirol) ein Seminar statt, das von Alexander Pamer (Gewinner Tag der Harmonika 2012 – HVÖ) und Michael Rettig (2-facher Weltmeister 2007-2009 Steirische Harmonika) veranstaltet wird! Weitere Referenten für Anfänger bis Fortgeschrittene sind Eduard Huber (Südtirol) und Lukas Höckel (Deutschland). Freitag abends gibt Michael Rettig Kostproben seines enormen Könnens, danach ist Freies Musizieren angesagt. Am Samstagabend gibt es eine kleine Harmonika-Ausstellung. Viele Teilnehmer sind schon angemeldet, weitere Interessenten sind willkommen: alexanderpamer@hotmail.de, Telefon: 0039 3485717916 Online translation ! |
22nd Cotati Accordion Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
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![]() ![]() 9:30 - 8:30 both days in La Plaza Park in Cotati, CA 94931 (60 West Cotati Ave.) Reg. the history of the Festival we read….. WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO make a successful musical festival with a unique concept? When asked to write the history of the first Cotati Accordion Festival, this writer went to the two men responsible for the origination of this event: Clifton Buck-Kauffman and Jim Boggio. It didn't take long to discover exactly “what it takes”: imagination, great talent, commitment to community service, involving important support groups, and acquiring the help of a dedicated volunteer committee. The job demanded hours of work each day for some three months on the part of Buck-Kauffman and Boggio; and yes, the “calling in of favors” from good friends and business associates. It took innovation (and in this writer's judgment, courage!) as initially, there was no money. Most importantly, it was because of the love of and respect for the accordian and Cotati, that this festival came into being….. You want to know more….than view: Many guests will participate on the 2012 event…from the diatonic accordion scene: Santiago Jimenez, Jr. & Chris Rybak, MotorDude Zydeco, The Wild Catahoulas, Copper Box and many more… Info Cotati, CA 94931 http://cotatifest.com/ |
RENATO BORGHETTI in August - Italy/BRAZILby Diatonic News |
![]() 15.08.12 Ariano Irpino (I), Ariano Folk Festival www.arianofolkfestival.it 18.08.12 Ile de Tatihou (F), Les Traversées de Tatihou http://tatihou.manche.fr/festival-traversees-tatihou.asp 20.08.12 Milano (I), Latinoamericando Expo www.latinoamericando.it 21.08.12 Suzzara (I), Sconfinart www.chvcoop.org 23.08.12 Aosta (I), Eté Trad www.etetrad.com |
World Music Festival “Sentieri Acustici” - Pistoia/Italyby Diatonic News |
![]() Tra gli artisti attualmente confermati gli irlandesi David Munnelly Band, il tamburellista siciliano Alfio Antico , gli ex CSI e PG Ginevra Di Marco & Francesco Magnelli che presenteranno il loro ultimo album, il blues pistoiese del duo Nick Becattini & Sergio Montaleni . Una intera serata sarà poi dedicata al compleanno di Banditaliana che festeggerà in casa i vent'anni di carriera in compagnia di molti ospiti a sorpresa. Ed infine la produzione originale che quest'anno sarà affidata al giovanissimo ma sorprendente Simone Bottasso che insieme agli allievi delle classi di musica d'insieme (livello avanzato) e canto preparerà, durante gli stages del festival, lo spettacolo di chiusura di Sentieri Acustici. Il Festival offre anche la possibilità di studiare strumenti e danze sotto la guida di alcuni dei più rappresentativi artisti della scena world nazionale: chitarra con Beppe Gambetta, percussioni con il brasiliano Gilson Silveira, organetto con Filippo Gambetta, canto (due classi) con Elena Ledda e Luisa Cottifogli, musica d'insieme con Simone Bottasso, ballo liscio con EtaBeta Dance School, Danza orientale con Ailema. Spazio anche per i bambini, canto e percussioni con Marica Pellegrini. Ed inoltre tante iniziative per scoprire la Montagna pistoiese. Informazioni: Provincia di Pistoia, Ufficio Cultura tel. +39 0573 974671/6 (lunedì, mercoledì e venerdì dalle 8.00 alle 14.00, martedì e giovedì dalle 8.00 alle 14.00 e dalle 15.00 alle 18.00) fax 0573.974675 e-mail sentieriacustici@gmail.com |
42. Festival Interceltique in Lorient – Franceby Diatonic News |
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Festival Interceltique de Lorient DU 13-20 Aug 2012 10 jours de spectacles et divers événements début août 4500 musiciens, chanteurs, danseurs, plasticiens, universitaires, cinéastes, d'Écosse, d'Irlande, du Pays de Galles, de Cornouailles, de l'Île de Man, de Galice, des Asturies, de Bretagne, des USA, du Canada, d'Australie, etc... Une grande parade (gratuite) attirant plus de 40 000 spectateurs le premier dimanche Quelques 100 000 spectateurs payants 700 000 visiteurs et spectateurs 1100 personnes hébergées, 20 hôtels prestataires, 7 lycées partenaires, 800 lits loués en internat, 34 000 repas servis au lycée Dupuy de Lôme, 40 traversées en ferry, 40 navettes en bus locaux, etc. Plus de 1100 bénévoles 120 spectacles sur scène, dont 60 % sont gratuits. La mise à l'honneur d'une nation étrangère tous les ans une diversité d'activités : un week-end breton (championnat des bagadou, grande parade retransmise à la télévision, triomphe des sonneurs, danses de Bretagne) Des fest noziou gratuits, des ateliers de musique, des conférences, des concerts tous les jours sur des scènes et dans les bars de la ville, des master class gratuites d'instruments celtes, des défilés journaliers, des concours de cornemuse, de gaita, d'accordéon, de harpe celtique, de batterie, de pipe-bands Du sport : courses de voiles (CeltiCup) de golf (Golfceltrophy), de course à pied (10 miles), tournoi de Gouren Des expositions d'oeuvres d'arts et de costumes, un salon du livre, un marché artisan en cohérence avec la thématique du festival Pour plus d'information: http://www.festival-interceltique.com/infos-pratiques/acces-hebergement.cfm |
Sesame Street and Zydeco - USAby Harley Jones |
This just published video of Zydeco by the very famous childrens TV Show Sesame Street is pure FUN. So Enjoy!! They even included an education text. Zydeco is a form of uniquely American roots or folk music. It evolved in southwest Louisiana in the early 19th century from forms of "la la" Creole music. As of 2012, the rural Creoles of southwest Louisiana and southeast Texas continue to sing in Louisiana Creole French. Zydeco combines elements of an older American musical style that began in the late 1700s, Cajun music, a style that consists of French fiddle tunes, Irish Celtic fiddle tunes, German button accordion, Latin rhythms, and Appalachian styles. Zydeco music was born as a blend of Cajun music and two other "new" American music styles, blues and rhythm and blues. |
Harmonika Spiel/Lerntag in Stainz - Steiermark/Austriaby Diatonic News |
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Vom 19. bis 25.August 2012 wieder die Harmonika- Schnupper- Lern- und Spieltag in Stainz statt. Unterbringung in der Landwirtschaftlichen Fachschule Stainz. Lernen Sie die Vielfàltigkeit der Volksmusik und die Kultur der Weststeiermark besser kennen. Nicht nur der Anfänger, sondern auch der Profi kann sich von einem ausgebildeten Fachpersonal unterrichten lassen. Der Sinn dieser Woche ist es einfach Gedanken auszutauschen und neue Bekanntschaften mit Gleichgesinnten zu knüpfen, sowie Erholung in der schönen Weststeiermark zu erleben. Ein durch die Jahre entwickelter Aspekt dieser Volksmusikwoche ist auch der, dass die Teilnehmer aus dem gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum kommen und ihre Kultur mitbringen. Weitere Information auf www.harmonika.at office@harmonika.at |
Risultati del 16° Campionato Italiano Organetto/Fisarmonica Diatonica - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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![]() grande numero di concorrenti ( 162 ) nelle categorie junior e senior e nella cat. "Over 50"novità di quest'anno.Giuria qualificata con presidente inernazionale. Grande afflusso di pubblico agli spettacoli serali nella piazza della città. |
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Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon - Canadaby Diatonic News |
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August 30th to September 3rd 2012 301, boulevard Taché Est Montmagny (Québec) G5V 1C5 The Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon swings into town at the beginning of September and brings five intense days of festivities. Plunge into this musical universe where the accordion is king. The artistic programming will masterfully unveil the charm, versatility and character of this fine instrument. Each year, artists from around the world come together in Montmagny to share their passion for the accordion, in all its many forms. The Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon is a beautiful harmony of cultures where different styles, genres and repertoires unite to form a magical song for a public of all ages. Montmagny (Québec) has been a proud host of this event since its creation in 1989. Le Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon s’illustre en début de septembre par la tenue de cinq journées intensives de festivités. Plongez dans un univers musical où l’accordéon est roi et maître. Une programmation artistique révèle le charme, la versatilité et le caractère de cet instrument. Chaque année, des artistes et des interprètes du monde entier se rencontrent à Montmagny et partagent leur passion pour cette « boîte à frissons » qui prend mille formes. Le Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon, c’est un bouillon de culture où les styles, les genres et les répertoires se côtoient et s’unissent à la mesure d’un public de tous âges. Depuis 1989, Montmagny (Québec) est le rendez-vous des inconditionnels de l’accordéon. Info : Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon Téléphone: 418 248-7927 accordeon@montmagny.com http://accordeonmontmagny.com/ |
Sata-Häme Soi International Accordion Festival, Diatonic Competition Report - Finlandby Kevin Friedrich |
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![]() Categories for under 12 years, under 15 years and under 18 years, adults and veterans, as well as a Category for Ethnic Music. Traditional Finnish Folk Music. A full report of the Finnish folk music categories with photos and music played is online at: Day 2, 2012 Ikaalinen. |
Masterclass con Filippo Gambetta a Tarsogno (PR) - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Duranto il evento "VALTARO SUMMER MUSIC" si svolgeranno STAGESl, MASTERCLASS e CONCERTI Lo Stage di Organetto diatonico Docente: Filippo Gambetta Tarsogno (PR) 1-2-3 Settembre 2012 www.artiesuoni.com |
Erster Bayer mit der Quetsch’n zu Gold - Österreich/Bayernby Werner Weibert |
Von Christoph Hauzeneder Mit dem Prädikat „Ausgezeichnet“ hat Florian Kasberger das Audit of Art, die Abschlussprüfung an der Landesmusikschule Oberösterreich in Wels, mit der Steirischen Harmonika abgeschlossen. Die Jury bestätigte dem 17-Jährigen eine exzellente ausgereifte musikalische Darbietung. Aus den Händen des Direktors der Landesmusikschule Schlägl, Prof. Dr. Dr. Gottfried Frieberger, erhielt Florian Kasberger nun die Prüfungsurkunde. Im November wird Florian Kasberger das Leistungsabzeichen in Gold vom oberösterreichischen Landeshauptmann Dr. Josef Pühringer erhalten. Damit ist er bisher der einzige in Bayern, der die schwierige Abschlussprüfung für das goldene Leistungsabzeichen abgelegt und bestanden hat. Das Goldene Leistungsabzeichen ist der Lohn für die lange und anstrengende Vorbereitung auf die Abschlussprüfung in Wels. Im Dezember 2011 entschieden sich Florian Kasberger und Martin Siegl, selbst Staatsmeister auf der Steirischen Harmonika und Florians Musiklehrer an der LandesmusikschuleSchlägl, die Abschlussprüfung auszuarbeiten. Die folgenden vier Monate nutzte der Lehrling zum Zerspannungsmechaniker bei der ZF Passau zur intensiven Vorbereitung. Noch nie dagewesene Qualität bescheinigt Am 10. Mai stellte sich Florian der Audit of Art an der Landesmusikschule in Wels. Dazu hatte er vier Musikstücke aus den Bereichen Polka, Jazz, Marsch und Choral vorbereitet. Für seine musikalischen Fähigkeiten auf der Steirischen bestätigte ihm die fünfköpfige Jury unter dem Vorsitz des Direktors des oberösterreichischen Landesmusikwerks eine noch nie dagewesene Qualität der musikalischen Darbietung auf der Steirischen. Bereits imAlter von neun Jahren wollte Florian Kasberger von seinem Vater das Spiel auf der Steirischen lernen Für Opas Geburtstag wurde in ein paar Tagen ein Ständchen eingeübt. In der Zeit danach wurde auf der Steirischen von Vater Wolfgang geübt, bis die Eltern überzeugt waren, und die erste Harmonika, eine Strasser, günstig ersteigerten. Die Grundkenntnisse lernte der junge Musikant von seinem Vater sehr schnell, so machten sich die Eltern auf die Suche nach einem Musikanten, der Florians Talent fördern kann. Diesen fanden sie in Raimund Pauli aus Grainet. In den folgenden Jahren wurde Florian immer spielsicherer. Dies konnte er auch durch die Unterstützung aus dem Elternhaus in der Öffentlichkeit unter Beweis stellen, wie zum Beispiel bei den monatlichen Harmonikatreffen im „Kräuterhof Eckertsreut“, den Harmonikatreffen in Wollaberg und beim Harmonika-Wettbewerbin Nittendorf bei Regensburg. Mit zwölf Jahren schaffte es Florian auch ins Radio. Er war in der BR1-Sendung „Hurraxdax −Kindermachen Volksmusik“ zu hören. Florians Ehrgeiz war groß, er gab sich nicht nur mit normalen Musikstücken zufrieden. Eine neue, 50-tastige Strasser-Harmonika musste her. Mit der großen Harmonika reifte Florians Talent weiter und so machte sich Wolfgang Kasberger auf die Suche nach einem Musiklehrer, der das Können von Florian weiter fördern kann. Fündig wurden Wolfgang und Florian Kasberger an der LandesmusikschuleSchlägl in Aigen/OÖ. Seit 2007 wird er nun von Martin Siegl unterrichtet. Dieser führte Florian Kasbergeran die erste Übertrittsprüfung heran, dem Leistungsabzeichen in Bronze, das er 2009 erhielt. Dazu gehört in Österreich nicht nur eine praktische Prüfung, sondernauch Musiktheorie, die Florian als Quereinsteiger erst erlernen musste. Auch Musiktheorie gehörte zur Prüfung 2010 erspielte sich Florian Kasberger das silberne Leistungsabzeichen. Mit seiner hervorragenden musikalischen Leistung wurde er für das Förderprogramm der Jugendakademie der Landesmusikschule OÖ nominiert. Mit der zweijährigen Förderung erhielt er auch Klavierunterricht zur umfassenden musikalischen Grundausbildung. Bei der Harmonika-WM 2011 in Inzell gelang Florian Kasberger mit 16 Jahren der große Durchbruch. Er belegte in seiner Altersklasse der 16- bis 18-Jährigen den 2. Platz auf der Steirischen. Für diese Veranstaltung fanden sich an der Musikschule Schlägl auch fünf junge Musiker zusammen – vier Blechbläser und Florian Kasberger mit seiner Quetsch’n. Als „Nordwald Bradler“ belegten die jungen Musikanten sogar den 1. Platz. Heute begeistern die fünf Musiker unter den Namen „Bradl Brass“ in Oberösterreich und Bayern ihre Zuhörer. Rechtzeitig die neue Harmonika bekommen Florian Kasberger ist bereits in seinen jungen Jahren ein Vollblutmusiker. Neben der Gruppe „Bradl Brass“ hat er die Stubenmusik „Kerschbaam-Musi“ gegründet. Beim Trachtenverein D’Freudenseer hat er außerdem seine Heimat gefunden und ist dort aktiv. Beiden letztenWahlen hat der 17-Jährigevon Fritz Biermeier das Amt des Volksmusikwarts übernommen. Bei den Freudenseer Sängern singt Florian nicht nur mit, sondern begleitet die Sänger auch auf der Steirischen Harmonika. Florian Kasberger will mit seinem Können nicht nur seine Zuhörer in den Bann ziehen, sondern gibt sein Wissen bereits an die nächste Generation weiter. Zwei Schülern bringt er das Spiel auf der Steirischen Harmonika derzeit bei. Vor seiner Prüfung zum Leistungsabzeichen fieberte Florian Kasberger aber auch noch seiner neuen Harmonika entgegen. Rechtzeitig vor seiner Prüfung in Wels ging ein lang gehegter Wunsch in Erfüllung. Er konnte seine neue Harmonika – eine Öllerer 350/23 Solist – abholen und sich noch für das Audit of Art darauf einspielen. Die Jury überzeugte Florian Kasberger während des rund halbstündigen Konzerts mit seiner Eigenkomposition „Zum vierten Mal“, dem Walzer „Sen Lasky“ von Vaclav Vackar und dem Choral „Ave verum corpus“ von Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Außerdem spielte er die Polka „Im Eilschritt nach St. Peter“ von Alexander Maurer. Aus dem Bereich Jazz hatte er „All of me“ von Seymour Simons & Gerald Marks vorbereitet. Online translation ! |
16th Annual Cajun/Zydeco Festival – Oakland/USAby Diatonic News |
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![]() ![]() 11:45am-1:00pm Tom Rigney and Flambeau specializes in fiery Cajun and zydeco two-steps, low-down blues, funky New Orleans grooves, and heartbreakingly beautiful ballads and waltzes. Most of the repertoire is composed by Tom Rigney, the fiery, electrifying violinist, but they also mix in a few classics from the Cajun/Zydeco/New Orleans songbook. Tom Rigney and Flambeau was voted the Best Cajun/Zydeco Band of 2004 by the West Coast Hall of Fame. 1:15-2:45pm Corey Ledet was born and raised in Houston, Texas, but spent his summers with family in small-town Parks, Louisiana. Ledet was able to be immersed in the Creole culture he loved and his love for Creole/Zydeco music was instant. At age 10 he was playing drums for Wilbert Thibodeaux and the Zydeco Rascals, and eventually picked up the accordion. After high school, Ledet moved to Louisiana and continued to infuse old and new styles of Zydeco and Creole into his own unique sound with Corey Ledet & His Zydeco Band. 3:15-4:30pm Andre Thierry & Zydeco Magic make a return appearance to the Cajun Zydeco Festival, the Zydeco Magic have been a crowd favorite with their blend of traditional Zydeco music, hip-hop, blues, jazz and rock. While Andre Thierry was born in Richmond, California, his family roots were from Louisiana. His grandfather, Houston Pitre, encouraged Thierry to take up the accordion after a visit from the “King of Zydeco,” legend Clifton Chenier. By age 12, Thierry had formed the Zydeco Magic and was performing along with bands visiting from Louisiana. The Washington Post called Andre Thierry a “master” at “pumping out fast, funky rhythms on an instrument not usually associated with earthy syncopation. A versatile student of the music, Thierry can't be lumped into Zydeco's old-school R&B-influenced camp or its nouveau, rap-inspired one: He and his band, Zydeco Magic, lay down both soulful, traditional slow-dances and bottom-end-booming kinetic groovers.” Andre Thierry and The Zydeco Magic were just recently voted best Zydeco group by the Bay Area Blues Society. 5:15-6:45pm Chubby Carrier and the Bayou Swamp Band are turning heads around the world and bringing Louisiana flavor to the masses. The funky zydeco band’s latest release, “Zydeco Junkie,” was named Best Zydeco or Cajun Album at the Grammy Awards in 2011. Chubby Carrier and the Bayou Swamp Band’s sound is infectious – a concoction of blues, 70s funk, rock and roll, and good-ole zydeco flavor. Led by Chubby Carrier, the accordion-playing virtuoso, the band has produced 10 albums in their twenty year history. Chubby and the Bayou Swamp Band have toured relentlessly around the world, playing venues such as the Chicago Blues Festival, New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival, and Montreaux Jazz Fest in Switzerland. Carrier was inducted into the Louisiana Music Hall of Fame on October 16, 2011. Information: http://www.regionalparksfoundation.org/page.aspx?pid=598 Email help@regionalparksfoundation.org Regional Parks Foundation P.O. Box 21074 Crestmont Station Oakland, CA 94620 |
Feakle International Traditional Music Festivalby Diatonic News |
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![]() Celebrating the best of the Irish traditional music especially the distinctive style of east Clare with five days of traditional music, song, dance and theatre with workshops, lectures, concerts, ceili's, set dancing, sessions and open-air events. Masterclass for diatonic accordion with: Danny O'Mahony Email: info@feaklefestival.ie Web: www.feaklefestival.ie Besides providing a platform for local musicians to demonstrate their musical heritage, the Festival is noted for bringing together musicians from other traditional backgrounds to share in a unique musical experience. |
SEER Open Air - Grundlsee/Austriaby Diatonic News |
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Concorso di organetto/fisamronical San Flora - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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19ème NUITS CAJUN & ZYDECO DE SAULIEU – Franceby Diatonic News |
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![]() Dance workshops (Cajun & Zydeco) instructors : Yann Manac'h and Marilyn Catrix Sylviane Jean and Bernard Guihard Cajun Accordion workshop instructor : Gilles Kusmeruck a non-beginner instrument level is required accordions in a key of C 12:00 : opening of the Cajun Creole restaurant with Chef Michael Richard 12:00 - 19:00 (outdoor dance, square Monge, no cover charge) WHISKEY RIVER (GB) DOWNTOWN CAJUN BAND (NL) MAMAN ROULAILLE (F) PAIN D'MAIS (F) 20:30 NIGHT OF LOUISIANA (Jean Bertin hall) MARAIS BOULEUR (USA) EMILIE VIDRINE & TEE FRANGLAIS (USA/F) CAJUN ROOSTERS (D) BAYOU SUR SEINE (F) Cajun restaurant starting at 19 :00 (not included in the fee) SUNDAY 5 AUGUST 2012 12:00 : opening of the Cajun Creole restaurant with Chef Michael Richard 12:00 - 19:00 (outdoor dance, square Monge, no cover charge) EMILIE VIDRINE & TEE FRANGLAIS (USA/F) DOWNTOWN CAJUN BAND (NL) MAMAN ROULAILLE (F) BAYOU SUR SEINE (F) PAIN D'MAIS (F) 19:00 - 01:00 NIGHT OF EUROPE (outdoor dance, square Monge, no cover charge) BLUE BAYOU (F) WHISKEY RIVER (GB) CAJUN ROOSTERS (D) MONDAY 6 AUGUST 2012 20:30 FAREWELL LUNDI GRAS PARTY (Covered Market) WHISKEY RIVER (GB) CAJUN ROOSTERS (D) JAM SESSION For your accomodation, you can reach the Saulieu Tourism Office at : Tel : 33.380.640.021 Fax : 33.380.642.196 e-mail : saulieu-tourisme@orange.fr http://www.bayouprod.com/ For information about the festival and workshop registration please e-mail : bayouprod@aol.com |
Kirk MacNeil in Concert at the Miners Museum, Cape Breton - Canadaby Harley Jones |
This was from a concert Kirk MacNeil did at the Cape Breton Miner's Museum in Glace Bay Nova Scotia on July 19th. Kirk MacNeil writes: "I decided to introduce my late grand father's accordion which I'm delighted to have inherited, we estimate it to be about 65 years old. My grandfather Leo Caufield came from Bonavista Newfoundland and loved all Irish and Scottish songs and this song (Scotland The Brave) was one he often played on this very accordion." |
Moyasta Kilrush Traditional Music - Irelandby Diatonic News |
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31st August- 2nd September 2012 at Moyasta Kilrush FRIDAY 31st August 8.00 p.m. Session with Frank Custy, Teresa Custy, Patrick O’Loughlin and Flan Murtagh. 9.00 p.m. Official opening with Matthew Birmingham followed by sessions with Vincent Griffin, Conor McCarthy, Yvonne Casey, Danny O’Mahony, Davy Lavine and John Kelly. Ceili will follow with Music by Four Courts Ceili Band. SATURDAY 1st September FREE MUSIC CLASSES in Moyasta School. •2-3pm Concertina Improvers. Mairead Considine (free lessons also for Tin Whistle, Fiddle, Flute, Brush Dancing) Registration must take place 15 minutes prior to each class. Afternoon sessions and dancing in Garrihy’s Bar with Ann Hayes Group, James McNamara, Michael Falsey, Mary Ann Sexton James McMahon and other visiting musicians. This year featuring live music on out door stage *Subject to approval Saturday Night: Sessions with Mick Crehan, Ita Crehan, Angela Crotty, Paul Smith, Vincent Griffin, Conor McCarthy, Yvonne Casey, Jedd Foley, Mary McNamara and family, Munnelly family, Frank Whelan and Ennis CCE Group, and local musicians, James O’Halloran, Bernie Keane, Murt Collins, Tom Clohessy, Astrid Adler, Jerone Bos, Tony O’Loughlin, Frankie McNamara, Breda Latham and friends, Tommie McMahon, Michael O’Brien and visiting musicians. Sunday 2nd: Mass in Lisdeen Church at 9.30 a.m. followed by visit to Nell Galvin’s Grave in Lisdeen Cemetery. Sessions commence at 2 p.m. at Garrihy’s Bar with Kevin Crawford, Tony Linnane, Mick Conneely, Jedd Foley, Mick Crehan, Angela Crotty and visiting musicians. Sunday Night: Sessions and Ceili continue with Alan Finn and friends, Siobhan & Una Hogan, together with a host of local and visiting musicians. ALL MUSICIANS SINGERS AND DANCERS ARE WELCOME. Contact: Tim Thompson , Secretary. Mob: +353 (0) 87 2830511 email: nellgalvinfestival@gmail.com web: http://www.nellgalvin.com |
Villacanale di Agnone (IS) - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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’associazione culturale Nuova Villacanale di VILLACANALE DI AGNONE (IS) organizza il 16 AGOSTO 2012 il 5° FESTIVAL DELL’ORGANETTO “VALLE DEL SOLE” Per informazioni: Domenico Meo tel. 0865.78647 e-mail meo1961@alice.it |
Alan Morrisroe at the Village Inn, Roscommon - Ireland.by Harley Jones |
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Alan Morrisroe was recorded in The Village Inn, Loughlynn, Co. Roscommon, Ireland in May 2012. Alan Morrisroe, old style box player is a native of Swinford in Mayo, plays the box--also known as the button accordion or melodeon--in a style that dates back more than 200 years, handed down through generations of his family. Old Style Box player |
Program About Bandoneon by TV Publica Argentinaby Harley Jones |
Program about the Bandoneon, the music and its manufacturer in Spanish language. 11 July 2012 Vivo en Argentina - Día del bandoneón - TV Publica Argentina Vivo en Argentina - Día del bandoneón - 11-07-12 |
30 AGOSTO, 31 AGOSTO, 1 SETTEMBRE 2012 Docente: Gianni Ventola Danese Podere Luchiano, Strada di Luchiano 2, 05020 Porchiano di Amelia (Terni), Italia Obiettivi e piano delle attività della Masterclass La masterclass affronterà tecniche e repertori differenti ma tutti accomunati dall’obiettivo di approfondire le possibilità esecutive ed espressive dello strumento. Per questo, l’insegnamento si rivolge sia a suonatori dell’area tradizionale, sia a quanti usano l’organetto come strumento di composizione originale. Durante il seminario saranno presentati esercizi propedeutici allo sviluppo delle seguenti tecniche: la corretta postura, l'interpretazione esecutiva del brano musicale, i metodi per suonare in modo creativo, elementi di improvvisazione, uso degli abbellimenti, la polifonia e il controcanto alla mano destra, tecniche e procedimenti di scomposizione ritmica, gli errori più comuni da evitare, l'uso ritmico armonico dei bassi, l’accompagnamento alla mano destra, l’affinamento del timbro, l’uso del mantice e della valvola di sfiato, la dinamica e l'espressività del suono. Didattica: saranno affrontati brani e materiali didattici provenienti da diverse tradizioni musicali (Suditalia, Norditalia, Francia, Irlanda, Paesi Baschi, Paesi Scandinavi, Klezmer, jazz, pop). Il corso prevede anche una parte personalizzata sul profilo di ogni singolo corsista per incominciare a costruire assieme a lui un repertorio il più possibile vicino non solo ai suoi interessi musicali, ma anche al suo grado di abilità. Per partecipare alla masterclass è necessario essere in possesso di un organetto in SOL DO con almeno due file e otto bassi . E’ inoltre consigliato l'uso del registratore e del metronomo per agevolare fasi di lavoro individuale nell'arco dei tre giorni. Non è necessario saper leggere la musica. Modalità di partecipazione Le richieste di partecipazione dovranno pervenire compilando l’apposito modulo di preiscrizione al seguente indirizzo o scrivendo una email a info@organetto.info entro il 25 agosto 1012. Il pagamento della retta dovrà pervenire alla direzione della scuola entro e non oltre il primo giorno della masterclass. Quota di partecipazione: 250 euro. La quota comprende 18 ore di didattica, 3 pernottamenti e 3 colazioni. L’organizzazione metterà a disposizione degli allievi strutture di ristorazione in loco a prezzi convenzionati. Info Accademia del Mantice Via Imperia 22, 00198 ROMA Tel. +39.06.92938383 - +39.329.3738715 Fax +39.06.896930881 Web: http://www.organetto.info/ |
Live Internet Broadcast for Day of the Bandoneon - Argentinaby Harley Jones |
To celebrate the birthday of Pichuco 98 and the Day of bandoneon, this internet TV program was presented at the National Academy of Tango COMPOSER TROILUS disk on the 11th July 2012. The rest of the description is in Spanish: Video de la transmisión al vivo por internet del Miércoles 11 de Julio 2012 19:30hs Para celebrar el cumpleaños 98 de Pichuco y el Día del Bandoneón, se presentó en la Academia Nacional de Tango el disco TROILO COMPOSITOR. Una producción de Gabriel Soria, en la que 14 Maestros consagrados del bandoneón grabaron 14 solos de bandoneón, de una composición de Pichuco. Las grabaciones fueron realizadas en el Estudio ION, usando el bandoneón de Anibal Troilo que fue donado por Zita Troilo a el Maestro Raúl Garello, y este lo entregó a la Academia Nacional de Tango para su custodia, exibición y uso en eventos especiales. |
New CD ‘All In A Day's Play’ by Conor Moriarty, Kerry – Republic of Irelandby Rob Howard |
![]() 1) Reels: 3 Finbarr Dwyer compositions 2) Slides: Gan Ainm / The Star Above the Garter / Sleamhnan na Sroine 3) Jigs: Suas agus anuas ar an Carraig / Scatter the Mud / The Mouse In the Cupboard 4) Polkas: Johnny O Leary's / Gan Ainm / Thadelo's 5) Hornpipes: Johnson's / Arthur's Seat 6) Reels: The Wind That Shakes the Barley / Miss Thornton / Gan Ainm 7) Slow Air: Her Mantle So Green 8) Reels: Sailing In / Finbarr Dwyer's 9) Jigs: Finbarr Dwyer's / The Monaghan Jig / Port Inisbearachain 10) Polkas: Gan Ainm / An Gabhairin Bui 11) Bonny Jean 12) Clan Marches: Rory O Moore's / O'Sullivan's / Allistrum's 13) Reels: The Humours of Scariff / The Killavil / Buck Moran's 14) Slides: Jimmy Doyle's / Mick Maloney's / Sgt.Cahill's For further information email: support@allcelticmusic.com |
Diatonic Accordion Masterclass with M°Antonio Spaccarotella - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Concertina Workshops during Feakle Festival - Irelandby Diatonic News |
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During the Feakle Festival the follwoing workshops will take place: Concertina (adults only) with Mary MacNamara Concertina (Intermediate) with Kate McNamara Concertina (Advanced) with Cormac Begley Workshops will take place from 10am - 1pm Aug, Thursday 9, Aug, Friday 10 Aug. Saturday 11 unless otherwise stated. Enrol at National School from 9am onwards. PLEASE NOTE THERE IS NO ADVANCE BOOKING FOR WORKSHOPS. €20 per day, €50 for three days unless otherwise stated. A degree of competency is required for all instrumental workshops. Email: info@feaklefestival.ie Web: www.feaklefestival.ie |
‘Heir of the Dog’ New James Keane CD, Dublin – Republic of Irelandby Rob Howard |
![]() James Keane, highly regarded by his peers in Ireland and the USA, is one of those responsible for establishing distinct styles of accordion playing in Irish traditional music. The tracks are: Reels: Jimmy Goblin's/Throw It Across/The Humours of Toomagh Reels: The Ladies Pantalettes/The Shepherd's Daughter/Kilty Town Jigs: Slieve Russell/Old Tipperary/The Hungry Rocks Hornpipes: The Humours of Tullycrine/The New Phone Reels: Spindle Shanks/John Brennan's/The Humours of Loughrea Jigs: The Woods of Old Limerick/Scully Casey's/The Sturgeon O'Carolan's Dream Reels: The Joys of Summer/Ferny Hill/The Old Wexford Reels: Julia Delaney's/Pretty Molly/Bill McEvoy's No.1 Jigs: Tommy Mulhair's/Josie's Visit/The Legacy Reels: The Grand Spey/The Galtee/Lucky In Love For further information email: support@allcelticmusic.com |
Future events / Concerts |
Concert avec le DUO Vincendeau Felder | Bretagne/Franceby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() 42. Festival Interceltique Loriet A peine vingt ans et déjà une maturité et un bagage qui impressionnent . Entre l'accordéoniste diatonique guérandais Stevan Vincendeau et le violoniste rennais Thomas Felder, il y a une grande complicité forgée au fil des scènes, et une même conception de la musique: jamais figée, toujours débridée. Information: http://www.myspace.com/vincendeaufelder |
Larinetnica - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Festspielsommerl Bischofshofen - Austriaby Diatonic News |
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LA VITA CHE DANZA TOUR della Bandadriatiìk - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Live in Agosto: 4 Agosto Nova Siri (MT) 5 Agosto day off 6 Agosto San Donaci (BR) 13 Agosto Campobasso 14 Agosto day off 15 Agosto Boretto (RE), Mundus Festival 16 Agosto Borbona (RI) 20 Agosto Alessandria del Carretto (CS), Radicazioni Festival 24 Agosto Torre dell'Orso, Melendugno (LE) 26 Agosto Pietra Montecorvino (FG), Terra Vecchia in Folk http://www.adriatik.it/banda/index.htm |
Kepa Junkera/Festival Interceltique/Lorient France / Pays Basqueby Diatonic News |
![]() 42. Festival Interceltique in Lorient | Palais des Congrès Kepa Junkera ce basque du sud est un virtuose de l’accordéon. Il a déjà à son actif quelques tournées mondiales notamment aux Etats-Unis. Il a travaillé également avec les plus grands de la musique celtique comme les Chieftains, Carlos Nuñez… Kepa Junkera en concert, c’est une bouffée d’oxygène emplie de rythmes musicaux passionnés et hauts en couleurs. Ces deux grands artistes ont décidé de créer ensemble un spectacle dynamique, où les voix et la danse jouent également un rôle prépondérant. Info: http://www.kepajunkera.com/ |
![]() MASTERCLASS DI FISARMONICA DIATONICA AL FESTIVAL DI CASTELFIDARDO [archivio] Insegnante: DANILO DI PAOLONICOLA SABATO 22 SETTEMBRE 2012 Dalle ore 9:30 alle 13:00/dalle 15:00 alle 19:00. Sala Bio Boccosi DESCRIZIONE DEL CORSO: Prima parte: - trasporto melodico - armonizzazione delle scale - costruzione degli accordi e funzioni armoniche - analisi dei ritmi più utilizzati e dei tempi dispari - analisi della partitura - analisi dei diversi stili musicali - tecniche di improvvisazione - cenni sulla scrittura e l'arrangiamento per piccole e grandi formazioni. Seconda parte: - ampliamento del repertorio, - perfezionamento dei brani già assimilati -tecniche strumentali - possibilità armoniche con la mano destra - come migliorare la propria tecnica in breve tempo -come suonare con disinvoltura sui tempi dispari (5/4, 7/8, 9/8, 11/8, etc.) - improvvisazione - come utilizzare l'organetto nell'accompagnamento -elementi di etnomusicologia, valzer musette, saltarelli. I partecipanti allo stage si esibiranno alle ore 21.00 nell’area IN ARTE: MUSICA in Piazza della Repubblica. QUOTA DI ISCRIZIONE Effettivi: 80,00 € Uditori: 40,00 € Info e iscrizioni: Lun./Ven. 10.00_18.00 +39 071 7825129 +39 071 7206852 +39 346 4020945 eventi@studioideazione.com |
RozennTalec et Yannig Noguet | Bretagne - Franceby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() mercredi 8 août 2012 Une complémentarité qui va faire « jazzer» ! Chaleur d’une voix, force et richesse d’une langue; Rozenn Talec chanteuse traditionnelle du centre Bretagne, membre du troisième collectif Kreiz Breizh Akademi explore de nouveaux univers musicaux et explore la force du chant traditionnel breton auprès d’Erik Marchand. C’est parmi la vague actuelle des jeunes accordéonistes diatoniques bretons que Yannig Noguet s’inscrit. Il fait partie des quelques-uns qui s’en détachent, grâce à ses qualités : Énergie, générosité et sensibilité. Valse ou gavotte aguichante ? Voluptueux plinn et kas a-barzh ? Les deux artistes vous invitent au cœur d’un libertinage musical. C’est avec une galanterie accordée que ce duo vous fera danser jusqu’au crépuscule. Information: http://www.festival-interceltique.com/ |
Sharon Shannon & 40 Piece Irish Orchestra – Irelandby Diatonic News |
![]() • Date: Saturday 11th August - 8.30pm • Venue: Liberty Insurance Dome • Admission: €20 Sharon Shannon is a musical icon. For the past twenty years, her accordion playing has allowed her to travel the globe, collaborating with a host of performers and writers across a multitude of genres. Sharon has showcased Irish traditional music on a world platform and kept it relevant in a modern and contemporary sense. Her musicianship is key to this great success and her warm and generous spirit is renowned the world over, ensuring a long and fruitful career for the Galway woman. She has had many Number One albums and singles and has collaborated and toured with a myriad of household names from U2 to Willie Nelson, Steve Earle to Christy Moore, Shane Mc Gowan to Imelda May. Sharon continues to throw herself fearlessly into new projects and genres and this album with the RTE Concert Orchestra has been a particularly rewarding venture. |
Button Accordion Classes at O'Flaherty Irish Music Retreat, Texas – USAby Rob Howard |
![]() ![]() Jackie Daly will teach players of the C#/D button accordion, and John Whelan will teach the B/C system. There are also classes for concertina, flute, fiddle, guitar, banjo, tin whistle, harp, and singing. For anyone looking for a short camp that will saturate you in Irish traditional music with great classes, concerts and sessions, this is the one! For further information email: info@oflahertyretreat.org |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
![]() STEVAN VINCENDEAU accordéon diatonique À première vue la musique de Stevan et Thomas semble limpide et claire. Les mélodies, les unissons sont magnifiques, la fougue et la virtuosité sautent aux yeux. Puis on est accroché par cet archet qui virevolte, cette main gauche d'accordéon qui impressionne, qui bouscule. C'est en fait un assemblage complexe, aux mille saveurs, plein de relief, d'équilibres. Ce disque vous émeut en profondeur car il évoque une belle histoire d'amitié et de complicité entre deux jeunes musiciens à l'avenir plus que prometteur. Informaiton: http://www.coop-breizh.fr/ecouter-2/musiques-2/fest-noz-sonneurs-ou-autres-duos-instruments-sol-405/cd-stevan-vincendeau-thomas-felde-samajhima-4124/zoom-fr.htm |
CD "As It Happened" with Danny O'Mahony and Mícheál Ó Raghallaigh - Irelandby Diatonic News |
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CD Track List 1. Rathcroghan, Garrett Barry’s, Collier’s (Reels) 3.48 2. Humours of Ballyloughlin, Boys of Tandragee, Connaught Man’s Rambles (Jigs) 4.17 3. The Peeler’s Jacket, The Boy on the Hilltop, Last Night’s Fun (Reels) 3.46 4. The Lone Bush, Humours of Tullycrine (Hornpipe) 3.41 5. Eddie Maloney’s, Tommy Mulhaire’s (Jigs) 3.17 6. Humours of Scariff, The Mullingar Races, Reel of Rio (Reels) 4.05 7. Hayden’s Fancy, Brown’s Kitchen, The Magic Slipper, The Little Diamond (Polkas) 3.44 8. Delaney’s Drummers, Cooley’s (Jigs) 3.13 9. Corney is Coming, The Beauty Spot, The Chattering Magpie (Reels) 3.30 10. Cliffs of Moher, Mist Covered Mountain, The Gander at the Prataí Hole (Jigs) 4.46 11. The Port Hole of the Kelp, In to the Room I Want You, Hickey’s (Reels) 3.33 12. Gan Ainm, Flanagan Meets O’ Hanlon (Barndances) 2.33 13. Paddy Clancy’s, Tom Busby’s, The Stolen Purse (Jigs) 3.16 14. Farrell O’ Gara, Wind that Shakes the Barley, Rolling in the Rye Grass (Reels) 4.1 Information: http://www.dannyomahony.com/ |
Video of Tweed New Album, "Tweed, The First Weave" - UKby Grayson Masefield |
After we wrote an article two weeks ago about Tweed releasing their new album, the group have sent us a video performing one of the tracks on their new album. The band is a trio from the highlands of Scotland. All 3 members have different musical backrounds. Graeme Mackay is the 3rd generation of a Scottish dance band, Jim Mackay's dance band. He has a pedigree upbringing of old time & Scottish country dance music. The self taught button accordion player has been competing since the age of 13 and has won multiple button accordion trophies, 2 major traditional championships and recently came 2nd place in the national accordion masters championship. Duncan Farquhar has been playing the fiddle since he was 8. Playing in various bands through school and later studying acting in Edinburgh, he moved back to his hometown of Aviemore where he joined Graeme on the road. Sam Mcleod is originally from Grantown on Spey. He has a degree in music from Napier University and has learned his drumming trade from playing in various bands. So listen to them play. The new album "Tweed, The First Weave" was released on 5th July. The band are set for a Europe tour in November to take the album on the road and look ahead to next year where they aspire to head for Australia, New Zealand, America & Canada. |
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