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Diatonic News - Mar-2019
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Voci Armoniche


What Are You Doing For World Accordion Day? - International
Anna Lena Kois-jüngste Harmonikamacherin - Österreich
Big Squeeze/Texas Folk Life 2019/March - USA
Frankfurt MusikMesse 2019 - Germany
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

WCCP Concertinas at Halsway GB
Gehobene Literatur für chromatische Mundharmonika - DE
« Autour du rythme » Stage d'accordéon diatonique animé par Bruno Le Tron - FR
2019 Tejano Music Awards Fan Fair March 14-17, 2019 - USA
"4° Festival di Organetto del Cilento e del Vallo di Diano" - Italia
El Festival Francisco el Hombre - Columbia
Ruishton Village Hall Concertina Day Workshop- Great Britain
Alpenträume – Steirische Harmonika - Deutschland
Filippo Gambetta: concerto e workshop di organetto - Italia
Konzertina – lernen und spielen. Frühjahrskurs in Kleinlosnitz- Deutschland
Corofin Traditional Festival 2019 - Ireland
Winter-Hiking-Trekharmonika Weekend/Mark Söhngen - Holland
Trekzakavond in Medemblik - Netherlands
Melodeon Building Course (2.5 Row) with Emmanuel Pariselle - GB
Cobargo Folk Festival 2019 – Australia
Stage d'accordéon diatonique animé par Jean-Marc Rohart - France
Konzertina – lernen und spielen. Frühjahrskurs Bad Berneck - DE

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Tour Dates for LEVERET in March - GB
Paolo Russo LIVE - Italia/Denmark
“Amici dell’Arte” a Noli - Italia
Wayne & Same Ol 2 Step in March - USA
Mel’s Melodeon Club – Monthly Classes/Halsway - GB
Geno Delafose - USA
Concertinas! Concert - Great Britain

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD "songs from the forest" by Paolo Russo - Denmark/Italy
CD "Leveret Diversions" - GB

Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments

Submit Your Question, Comment

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

What Are You Doing For World Accordion Day? - International

by Harley Jones
World Accordion Day - 6 MayWhat are you doing for World Accordion Day to promote the accordion in your country? World Accordion day is on May 6th, which is the day the accordion was patented in 1829.

World Accordion Day was started in 2009 by the CIA and has been very successful, generating a lot of positive publicity for the accordion. A key part of this event is the World Accordion Day website.

Every association, group, orchestra, performer and teacher, is asked to actively support this event by encouraging national and local accordion activities to happen in their country on this day or the weekend either side of Accordion Day if that should be more convenient.

Everyone can register their World Accordion Day activity on the website and send a report of their event after, for that website.

No event is too big or too small. ALL accordion events celebrating World Accordion Day are welcome. This is a CIA promotion for the accordion in which every accordion enthusiast can participate and help bring our accordion world together as well as strongly promote the accordion.

Sounding Out the Accordion

Anna Lena Kois-jüngste Harmonikamacherin - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Anna Lena KoisAnna Lena Kois (18) machte ihr Hobby zum Beruf. Als erste Müller-Mitarbeiterin mit „Lehre mit Matura“ ist sie damit auch Österreichs jüngste Harmonikamacherin.

Harmonika spielen können einige, aber eine Harmonika bauen? Das können nur wenige. Ihr Hobby zum Beruf gemacht hat die 18-jährige Anna Lena Kois aus Bad St. Leonhard, und zwar im traditionsreichen Familienbetrieb Harmonika Müller in Bad St. Leonhard. Als erste Müller-Mitarbeiterin mit „Lehre mit Matura“ ist sie damit auch Österreichs jüngste Harmonikamacherin. Nach ihrer ausgezeichneten Lehrabschlussprüfung folgt nun heuer noch die Matura.

Von allen Instrumenten habe sie die Harmonika immer schon am meisten fasziniert, darum spielt die Harmonikamacherin bereits seit ihrem siebenten Lebensjahr auf ihrem Lieblingsinstrument. „Musikalisch zu sein, mit gutem Hörvermögen, reicht für den Lehrberuf allein nicht aus“, erzählt die ambitionierte junge Frau und fügt hinzu: „Bis zur fertigen Harmonika sind es zahlreiche Arbeitsschritte in der Fertigung, da muss man handwerklich geschickt sein und präzise arbeiten.“

Beitrag von Melanie Sablatnig



by Diatonic News

o Die 19. Verleihung der Amadeus Austrian Music Awards wird am 25.04.2019 im Wiener Volkstheater stattfinden.
o Andreas Gabalier, Cari Cari, EAV, Mavi Phoenix und Raf Camora 3x nominiert. Avec, Bilderbuch, Josh.,
Kreiml & Samurai, Seiler und Speer, Simon Lewis und Soap & Skin 2x nominiert.
o Conchita ist wieder Host der Amadeus Show.
o TV-Partner ORF sendet die Award Show um 21:55 Uhr auf ORF eins.
o Das Voting startet ab sofort auf www.amadeusawards.at.
„Und der Amadeus Austrian Music Award geht an...“ wird es am 25.04.2019 wieder heißen, wenn zum 19. Mal die
Verleihung des begehrtesten österreichischen Musikpreises im Wiener Volkstheater über die Bühne geht.
Bei der heutigen Pressekonferenz in der Roten Bar im Volkstheater wurde die Nominiertenliste präsentiert, die von
Andreas Gabalier, Cari Cari, EAV, Mavi Phoenix und Raf Camora mit jeweils drei Nominierungen angeführt wird.
Mit jeweils zwei Nominierungen dürfen auch Avec, Bilderbuch, Josh., Kreiml & Samurai, Seiler und Speer, Simon
Lewis und Soap & Skin auf eine Amadeus Trophäe hoffen. Die komplette Nominierungsliste siehe unten und hier:
www.amadeusawards.at .

Bis 19. März 11 Uhr können Sie einmal wöchentlich für Ihre Favoriten abstimmen.

Wählen Sie Ihre Lieblingsmusiker

info: https://www.amadeusawards.at/#nominees_2019

Voci Armoniche

Big Squeeze/Texas Folk Life 2019/March - USA

by Diatonic News
Do YOU want to participate in the Big Squeeze 2019?
Just follow these steps!

Read the entry rules: 2019BigSqueeze.pdf

Decide if you are going to perform at any of the showcases above in person or submit two songs digitally.

a) Applicants can enter by performing two songs at a showcase where they will be videotaped by Texas Folklife or submit a video entry digitally, by mail or e-mail. They do not have to do both.

b) If you live more than 20 miles from a showcase location and cannot travel that far, that is fine! You can still enter by submitting your song performances digitally by doing ANY of the below. Make sure you indicate on your form how we should expect your submission.

1) Mailing a USB Drive with video and photo to The Big Squeeze at: The Big Squeeze c/o Texas Folklife 1708 Houston Street Austin, TX 78756

2) Mailing a DVD with my video and photo to The Big Squeeze at: The Big Squeeze c/o Texas Folklife 1708 Houston Street Austin, TX 78756

3) E-mailing a YouTube Link with my video and a photo to bigsqueeze@texasfolklife.org

4) E-mailing a video from my phone and a photo to bigsqueeze@texasfolklife.org

Accordionists can enter by performing two songs at any of the below showcases where they will be videotaped by Texas Folklife OR if they live more than 20 miles from an audition location, they can submit a video entry digitally, by mail or e-mail. They do not have to do both.

If a contestant makes it to finals, they must travel to Austin to compete at the Finals at the Bullock Texas History Museum on May 11.

2019 Schedule of Showcases
○ 3. Dallas - Latino Cultural Center - March 21, 2019
○ 4. Houston - TBA
○ 5. Houston - TBA
○ 6. Roma - Roma ISD Performing Arts Center - April 6, 2019
○ 7. San Antonio - Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center - April 7, 2019
○ 8. Los Fresnos - TBA
○ 9. Palmview - Palmview High School - April 13, 2019
○ 10. Conjunto Semi-Finals - Museum of South Texas in Edinburg - April 27, 2019
○ 11. Big Squeeze Finals & Concert - Bullock Texas State History Museum in Austin - May 11, 2019

Friedrich Lips Book

Frankfurt MusikMesse 2019 - Germany

by Diatonic News
The Musikmesse in Frankfurt is the international trade fair for musical instruments, sheet music, music production and marketing. This year’s event will be held from April 2nd to 5th and will be open daily for Trade and Private visitors.

This new Musikmesse Plaza is an innovative event concept focusing on musicians and music lovers. In different areas there will be vintage exhibitions, record fair, music instrument market, an instrument auction and lots more.

In addition there will be stage performances, workshops, demonstrations and discussion events.

A full report of the 2018 Frankfurt Musikmesse with photos will be available after the opening.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

WCCP Concertinas at Halsway GB

by Diatonic News
Friday 8 Mar 4pm — Sunday 10 Mar 4pm, 2019

West Country Concertina Players at Halsway Manor to host a packed concertina workshop weekend for intermediate / advanced level players of all systems. You do not need to be a member of WCCP to come (though you might consider joining them – it’s only £10 annually); the weekend is open to all.

Workshop strands are as follows, please let us know which group you’d like to join when booking:
•Concertina Band with Claire Wren
•English System with Alex Wade
•Anglo System with Cohen Braithwaite-Kilcoyne
•Duet System with Michael Hebbert

An essential part of the team, ‘The Concertina Tinker‘ Dave Elliott will be in attendance throughout the weekend offering ‘Concertina A&E’ and practical advice and expertise regarding maintenance. Barleycorn Concertinas will also be in attendance with a range of instruments for you to try and be tempted by! There will be time to relax in the comfort of Halsway Manor, with evening playing sessions in the bar, plus an informal tutor’s concert on the Saturday evening. There’s also the option to stay an extra night and book for Sunday supper, B&B, the perfect time to relax and unwind after a busy weekend of music and socialising.

A selection of music for the Duet, Anglo and English workshops and all music for those opting for Band will be made available ahead of the weekend. Band music will be part and instrument specific.


Titano Accordions

Gehobene Literatur für chromatische Mundharmonika - DE

by Diatonic News
K.GassGehobene Literatur für chromatische Mundharmonika
.So 14.04.2019 09.00 – 17.00 Uhr

Anmeldeschluss: (Fr) 29.03.2019 (max. Teilnehmerzahl 5 Personen)

Dozententeam: Mundharmonikaquartett „Harmonicamento“: B. Burgbacher/K. Gass/B. Käfer/G. Müller (Anzahl der Dozenten richtet sich nach der Teilnehmerzahl)
Voraussetzungen: Gehobene spielerische Vorkenntnisse und ein eigenes vorbereitetes Stück, welches bei der Anmeldung angegeben werden muss. Bitte bringen Sie einen eigenen Notenständer mit.
Thema: Dieser Kurs ist für Spieler mit hohem Spielniveau. Er untergliedert sich, je nach Teilnehmerzahl, in Kleingruppen oder Einzelunterricht. Die Spieler haben während des Seminars immer wieder Zeit für sich an den Stücken zu arbeiten. Erarbeitet werden gehobene Techniken und Stücke, wobei auf Atem- und Schiebertechnik, Tongestaltung, Ausbau der musikalischen Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten (Dynamik, Artikulation) geachtet wird. Zusätzlich werden Bühnenpräsenz und Aufführungspraxis angesprochen.

Info/Anmeldung: https://www.hohner-konservatorium.de/produkt/gehobene-literatur-fuer-mundharmonika/

Accordion Jazz Chord

« Autour du rythme » Stage d'accordéon diatonique animé par Bruno Le Tron - FR

by Diatonic News
Stage d'accordéon diatonique le dimanche 17 mars 2019 de 14h à 18h

Toutes les questions de coordination, main droite, main gauche, seront abordées de manière ludique et sans stress. Il n'y aura pas de mélodie envoyée à l'avance, venez juste avec vos questions et votre diato 2 ou 3 rangs.

niveau : tout niveaux sauf débutants
Lieu : Les Terrasses 10 bis boulevard des Bouvets 92000 Nanterre

RER Nanterre Préfecture - Bus 163
inscriptions : http://weekend.diatotrad.fr
renseignements, pédagogie :
brunoletron@gmail.com – 06 77 98 38 27


Gary Dahl Arrangements

2019 Tejano Music Awards Fan Fair March 14-17, 2019 - USA

by Diatonic News

"4° Festival di Organetto del Cilento e del Vallo di Diano" - Italia

by Diatonic News
30/31 marzo 2019

Charnwood Music Publishing


by Diatonic News
Akkordeonfestivals WienDie 20. Auflage des Internationalen Akkordeonfestivals Wien verkünden, mit ihren vielen kommenden Attraktionen wie jedes Jahr, die letzten (kalendarischen) Wintertage zu überstehen und den langsam einsetzenden Frühling mit offenen Armen zu empfangen.

20 ausufernde, programmatisch dichte Kulturfeste ganz im Zeichen des Akkordeons. Ein Instrument, in Hoch- und Volkskultur gleichermaßen vertreten, das zu E- und U-Musik ebenso stets etwas zu spielen weiss, wie es bei der Wiener Musik und der Weltmusik souverän mitzureden hat, regionale Dialekte diverser Folkloren ebenso fließend spricht wie die vielen Zungen der globalen Popmusik, mit den Jazzer_innen beseelt jamt und improvisiert, dass es eine wahre Freude ist, und sich dann in der Kammermusik subtil diszipliniert.

Dennoch war im Jahr 2000, als Friedl Preisl das erste Akkordeonfestival umsetzte, nicht abzusehen, dass sich im Zeichen dieses großartigen Instruments eine solche Erfolgsgeschichte entwickeln würde können, als die das Akkordeonfestival Wien heute international wahrgenommen und nicht nur in Wien wertgeschätzt wird.

Dies mag damit zu tun haben, dass beim Akkordeonfestival Wien immer wieder auch die Nähe und Querverbindungen oben aufgeführter Begrifflichkeiten, die tatsächlichen Wahlverwandtschaften vermeintlich unterschiedlicher Genres manifest werden, und es in der Essenz um lebendige Schönheit, um Lebendigkeit und deren in vielen musikalischen Formen wertigen Ausdruck gehen darf.

Information - 39 Festivalkonzerte: 2019Vienna.pdf

Voci Armoniche

El Festival Francisco el Hombre - Columbia

by Diatonic News
El Festival Francisco el Hombre es un proyecto cultural con el cual se institucionaliza un reconocimiento anual a la música vallenata contemporánea, a través de quienes se destaquen como sus mejores intérpretes. El Festival promueve y exalta la calidad artística del vallenato actual expresado en sus distintas variantes, a saber: tradicional, nueva ola, romántico o moderno.
•Promover y fomentar la calidad artística de la música vallenata contemporánea teniendo como referente el eslogan del Festival: “Nuestra tradición con nuevos aires”.
•Premiar el esfuerzo de quienes se destaquen durante el año como los mejores intérpretes de la música vallenata contemporánea.
•Promover el surgimiento y dar a conocer nacional e internacionalmente los nuevos talentos en los campos de la composición, el canto y la interpretación de la música vallenata contemporánea.
•Promover el desarrollo cultural y turístico del Departamento de La Guajira.
•Promocionar a Riohacha como destino turístico cultural



Ruishton Village Hall Concertina Day Workshop- Great Britain

by Diatonic News
Sun 3rd March 2019 11:00am - 5:00pm
The West Country Concertina Players organize a Day Workshop in Ruishoton Villah Hall....

for more information:


Alpenträume – Steirische Harmonika - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Michaela FürnschliefAlpenträume – Steirische Harmonika 25.-26.04.2019
Do 26.04.2019 09.00 – 18.00 Uhr
Fr 26.04.2019 09.00 – 18.00 Uhr

Dozentin: Michaela Fürnschlief
Voraussetzung: keine Notenkenntnisse erforderlich
Thema: Durch das schnelle Erlernen der Griffschrift bekommen Sie ein Erfolgserlebnis auf der Steirischen Harmonika. Lernen Sie die echte alpenländische Volksmusik kennen und deren Platz in der heutigen Musik. Beim Einzelunterricht wird individuell auf Fragen und das Üben von erlernten Spielweisen eingegangen.


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Filippo Gambetta: concerto e workshop di organetto - Italia

by Diatonic News
Filippo Gambetta: concerto e workshop di organetto
Sabato 16 marzo 2019 Ore 22:00

Tutti gli eventi di Concerti a RomaEventi, spettacoli, concerti, mostre, sagre a RomaTutti gli spettacoli e gli eventi al Pianeta sonoro di Roma
Roma - Sabato 16 marzo, presso la scuola di percussioni e arti Pianeta sonoro di via Casilina 196, a Roma, Filippo Gambetta propone Organi periferici, rassegna di concerti e workshop dedicata all'organetto e ai suoi interpreti.

Roma - Alle ore 22 Filippo Gambetta si esibisce in un concerto a ingresso gratuito (contributo volontario suggerito per il concerto: 10 Euro) nel quale proporrà i brani tratti dalla sua ultima pubblicazione discograficha, Otto baffi, incentrata sull'organetto a 2 file e 8 bassi e vincitore del Premio Nazionale Città di Loano, oltre a interpretazioni di brani tradizionali.

Roma - Filippo Gambetta curerà anche il workshop di organetto diatonico, della durata di 3 ore (dalle 16 alle 19). Durante lo stage verrano proposti alcuni brani di composizione per organetto a 2 file / 8 bassi, scritti e registrati nel disco Otto baffi, pubblicato nel 2015. Gli spartiti (con intavolatura) delle due melodie proposte, una scottish e un valzer, verranno forniti anticipatamente agli iscritti al corso. Lo stage rappresenta l’occasione per guardare all’organetto con una prospettiva aperta, scoprendo elementi di armonia, di ritmo, di fraseggio melodico. Durante la giornata verranno pure proposti semplici arrangiamenti a più voci, per stimolare la pratica d’insieme ed esercizi ritmici su pattern di accompagnamento legati ai summenzionati temi.

Filippo Gambetta: concerto e workshop di organetto
Sabato 16 marzo 2019

Ore 22:00

Tutti gli eventi di Concerti a RomaEventi, spettacoli, concerti, mostre, sagre a RomaTutti gli spettacoli e gli eventi al Pianeta sonoro di Roma

Roma - Sabato 16 marzo, presso la scuola di percussioni e arti Pianeta sonoro di via Casilina 196, a Roma, Filippo Gambetta propone Organi periferici, rassegna di concerti e workshop dedicata all'organetto e ai suoi interpreti.

Roma - Alle ore 22 Filippo Gambetta si esibisce in un concerto a ingresso gratuito (contributo volontario suggerito per il concerto: 10 Euro) nel quale proporrà i brani tratti dalla sua ultima pubblicazione discograficha, Otto baffi, incentrata sull'organetto a 2 file e 8 bassi e vincitore del Premio Nazionale Città di Loano, oltre a interpretazioni di brani tradizionali.

Roma - Filippo Gambetta curerà anche il workshop di organetto diatonico, della durata di 3 ore (dalle 16 alle 19). Durante lo stage verrano proposti alcuni brani di composizione per organetto a 2 file / 8 bassi, scritti e registrati nel disco Otto baffi, pubblicato nel 2015. Gli spartiti (con intavolatura) delle due melodie proposte, una scottish e un valzer, verranno forniti anticipatamente agli iscritti al corso. Lo stage rappresenta l’occasione per guardare all’organetto con una prospettiva aperta, scoprendo elementi di armonia, di ritmo, di fraseggio melodico. Durante la giornata verranno pure proposti semplici arrangiamenti a più voci, per stimolare la pratica d’insieme ed esercizi ritmici su pattern di accompagnamento legati ai summenzionati temi.

Per partecipare al corso è necessario un organetto in sol/do a due o più file. Per il workshop il contributo volontario suggerito è di 30 Euro; https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfI3fOAtqkvFdcd7sIBymc6TFKVW54Or8unsoF7Q6hJIHHiiA/viewform

Konzertina – lernen und spielen. Frühjahrskurs in Kleinlosnitz- Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Samstag 16.03.19 - Samstag 25.05.19 in Kleinlosnitz, Landkreis Hof, Oberfranken

Eingeladen sind alle, die das musikantische Spiel auf der Konzertina erlernen oder weiter vertiefen möchten. Helmut Spörl, ehemaliger Schüler von Theo Knopf, ist ein erfahrener Konzertinamusikant und Kenner dieses Instruments, betreut jeden/e Teilnehmer/in individuell. Mietinstrumente können zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Uhrzeit wird in persönlicher Absprache vereinbart.

Um Anmeldung bei Helmut Spörl, Tel. 09288 6986, wird gebeten.

Weitere Termine:

30.03., 13.04., 27.04., 11.05., 25.05.
Terminänderungen vorbehalten
Mitveranstalter: Bezirk Oberfranken
Leitung: Helmut Spörl


Titano Accordions

Corofin Traditional Festival 2019 - Ireland

by Diatonic News
Tuesday February 27th – March 3th 2018

Music, music, music and dance + masterclasses for the Corofin Traditional Festival.

Masterclasses will be held by Caitlín Nic Gabhann/Concertina and Accordian/Conor Connolly

Make sure you participate if you are around this aerea during the 4 days. For exact information upon all concerts and other timings visit:



Winter-Hiking-Trekharmonika Weekend/Mark Söhngen - Holland

by Diatonic News
Mark Söhngen6-8 March 2015 Berg en Dal (Nijmegen)

Make a weekend music and walk in the beautiful surroundings of Berg en Dal led by Mark Söhngen and Hilbert Post. Arrival Friday from 5 pm (dinner), end Sunday 4 pm.

The workshop
Mark gives the workshop. A sensitive minor roller, a sensual tango, a lazy blues or a swinging polka Playing the right notes is one thing, but how do you get such a melody according to sensitive or sensual or languid or swinging freshness? My grandmother said it all: "C'est le ton qui fait la musique".
Therefore: in this workshop we will look at how you can make notes of music: how do you make a tone, how do you use it, do you like it or not, short, long, soft, hard, how to use your bellows after all, the breath of your draft harmonica and when exactly. Where do you leave your fingers and your feet and how do you (for a piece) turn off your mind and (completely) your feeling.
We will do this in C / F and possibly. G / C on the basis of a couple of beautiful, sensitive, sensual, languid and swinging melodies from the rich repertoire (and that is often more than you think) from which we can choose as a tune harmonica player, from middle ages through balfolk to pop music.


Voci Armoniche

Trekzakavond in Medemblik - Netherlands

by Diatonic News
An annual remarkable event on which the bellows instrument is central is coming: on Friday evening, March 8, the Trekzakvereniging West Friesland in Café Brakeboer will once again organize its famous pull-bag evening.

Once again success for 'enticing' good professional players to come to Medemblik. This time it is Kok de Koning, Theodora van de Wildenberg and Airboxes: the duo Guus Herremans and Bert Leemans.


Melodeon Building Course (2.5 Row) with Emmanuel Pariselle - GB

by Diatonic News
Monday 18 Mar 10am — Monday 25 Mar 4pm, 2019

Emmanuel will guide novice makers through the steps to build your own two and a half row melodeon. You will leave with your own professional standard instrument; whilst having a great sense of humour (and extremely good English) Emmanuel is also a demanding task master and will ensure that all instruments made are of the highest possible calibre. In addition to having a wonderful instrument, you’ll also benefit from the inestimable experience of working with a master craftsman and learn techniques for construction, maintenance and repair in the future.

The box you build will reflect your individual preferences and there is flexibility in terms of key, inlay and accidental layout (see below). Case wood is French walnut and reeds are high quality Binci a mano hand made Italian reeds. Please note that because of the time constraints on this course Emmanuel can only offer stepped and not Irish-style flat fingerboards.

Info: https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/melodeon-building-course-2-5-row-with-emmanuel-pariselle-2/

Cobargo Folk Festival 2019 – Australia

by Diatonic News
Sharon ShannonThe Cobargo Folk Festival 2019 will take place at the Cobargo Show Grounds, Bermagui Road in Cobargo, New South Wales from March 1st to 3rd.

The event promises a great line-up of artists including accordionist Sharon Shannon (picture left) from Ireland who plays a mix of traditional Irish with reggae, country, First Nation American, bluegrass, rap, dance, African and French Canadian pieces.

For further festival details email: info@cobargofolkfestival.com

Accordion Jazz Chords

Stage d'accordéon diatonique animé par Jean-Marc Rohart - France

by Diatonic News
Les week-ends de Diato Trad « Accompagnement de chanson »
Stage d'accordéon diatonique animé par Jean-Marc Rohart

niveau : tous niveaux sauf débutants - connaître assez bien les accords à la main droite

Le samedi 16 mars 2019 de 14h à 18h
Lieu : Les Terrasses 10 bis boulevard des Bouvets 92000 Nanterre

RER Nanterre Préfecture - Bus 163
inscriptions : http://weekend.diatotrad.fr
renseignements, pédagogie :
rohartjm@icloud.com – 06 83 11 27 68


Konzertina – lernen und spielen. Frühjahrskurs Bad Berneck - DE

by Diatonic News
Theo KnopfSamstag 23.03.19 - Samstag 18.05.19 in Bad Berneck, Landkreis Bayreuth, Oberfranken

Beratungsstelle für Volksmusik in Franken, Bahnhofstr. 81

Eingeladen sind alle, die das musikantische Spiel auf der Konzertina erlernen oder weiter vertiefen möchten. Theo Knopf, ein erfahrener Konzertinamusikant und Kenner dieses Instruments, betreut jeden/e Teilnehmer/in individuell. Mietinstrumente können zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Uhrzeit wird in persönlicher Absprache vereinbart.

Um Anmeldung bei Theo Knopf, Tel. 0921 42271, wird gebeten.

Weitere Termine:

23.03., 06.04., 13.04., 04.05., 18.05.

Terminänderungen vorbehalten
Mitveranstalter: Bezirk Oberfranken
Leitung: Theo Knopf


Titano Accordions

Future events / Concerts

Tour Dates for LEVERET in March - GB

by Diatonic News

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Paolo Russo LIVE - Italia/Denmark

by Diatonic News
Paolo RussoMarch 2019: Opening the "P8 Jazz Live" event on solo bandoneon + solo bandoneon concerts in Copenhagen

•April 2019: Mixing and mastering the recording of "Imaginary Soundtrack" at Odradek, Italy

•May 2019: Pre-release event at "The Italian Institute of Culture" in Copenhagen of the Jazz trio album "Overland"

•June 2019: Official release of the Jazz Trio album "Overland" Worldwide


eSheet Music Titles

“Amici dell’Arte” a Noli - Italia

by Diatonic News
Domenica 3 marzo, alle ore 17 presso il Teatro Defferrari di Noli, Simonetta Baudino affiancata dal Prof. Giuseppe Quattromini proveranno a raccontare con musica, immagini e parole questa cultura che affonda le sue origini in secoli e secoli di storia.
Quello di Domenica 3 marzo è un appuntamento dedicato ad una cultura ed un mondo musicale popolare molto caro ai Liguri.

a Filarmonica “Amici dell’Arte”, da sempre attenta alla promozione della musica popolare, da diversi anni offre la possibilità di imparare a Noli, presso la sua sede, alcuni strumenti come la Ghironda e l’Organetto Diatonico, strumenti tipici e rappresentativi della musica popolare piemontese che, a partire da Sergio Berardo e dal suo gruppo Lou Dalfin, hanno segnato la riscoperta di questo genere musicale popolare.

Titano Accordions

Wayne & Same Ol 2 Step in March - USA

by Diatonic News
News Wayne & Same Ol 2 Step
SATURDAY March 2, 2019 6PM-10PM
Kathy's Corner 9027 Southeast
1-10 Frontage Rd, Sealy, TX 77474

SUNDAMarch 3, 2014PM-8PM
Feed & Seed 106 N. Grant St Lafayette, LA

MONDAY March 4, 2019 7PM
Coushatta Casino Resort Lundi Gras Bash - Mikko Night Club 777 Coushatta Dr. Kinder, LA 70648

TUESDAY March 5, 2019 6PM
BB's Cafe (Heights) Fat Tuesday Celebration (w/ Keyun & The Zydeco Masters) 2701 White Oak Dr. Houston, TX 77009

SATURDAY March 9, 2019
The Bon Temps Social Club California

While some of the younger Zydeco musicians are pushing zydeco to the progressive left, Wayne & Same Ol 2 Step, keep their music firmly grounded in the Opelousas-Lawtell tradition of Zydeco. Mentored by the legendary Roy Carrier, Wayne Singleton, founder of the band, at the age of 36 has toured and played throughout the United States and in Europe, playing such venues as Blast from the Bayou at Strawberry Park, Oshkosh Sawdust Days Jazz and Zydeco Festival, Gator by the Bay, Daphne Zydeco Festival and the Cajun & Zydeco Festival in Raamsdonksveer, Holland.

During their 12 year span, the band has produced and released six CDs. Something for the Young & Old (2005); Who Want It (2007) Gotta Be Me (2009); I Bring It (2011); I AM The Creole Truth (2015) and the current Built Creole Tough (2016) . Offbeat Magazine's review of Gotta Be Me writes; "Given the subtle finishing touches, like the cool descending guitar cords and sliding keys, a band that has found it's course, Same Ol 2 Step is hardly same ol'. They will make you want to dance."

for further info: http://www.sameol2step.com/

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Mel’s Melodeon Club – Monthly Classes/Halsway - GB

by Diatonic News
Friday 8 Mar 10am–3:30pm, 2019

New to Halsway Manor – a regular monthly class run over six months for anyone interested in learning to play the Melodeon at beginner through to intermediate level. Tutor Mel Biggs will guide you in learning to master the basics and improve your skill and technique. Each class is 1.5 hours duration and will run monthly between January and June.

Class Times

10.00 – 11.30am: Level 2 (Improvers)
11.45 – 1.15pm: Level 1 (Beginners)
2.00 – 3:30pm: Level 3/4 (Intermediates)

Class Dates
11 Jan 2019 | 8 Feb 2019 | 8 March 2019 | 12 April 2019 | 10 May 2019 | 7 June 2019.

Everyone interested in learning to play melodeon and existing players of the D/G melodeon (diatonic button accordion). Sessions are organised by skill level. To find which skill level you are at please …..

Complete beginners on this course will learn the basics including getting to grips with things like right and left hand co-ordination and row crossing. For intermediate players there will be plenty on offer to stretch your ability and imagination.

The Tutor

Mel Biggs is a leading light in the world of melodeon teaching and is passionate about introducing beginners to the melodeon as well as raising the skill of more practiced players. She’s known for her perceptive, patient and mindful manner in teaching groups and individuals, both on and offline. Having been teaching since 2009, Mel has an ever expanding toolkit of techniques at her disposal which she adapts to every new teaching scenario; expect a bespoke blend of learning-by-ear, call and response playing, analogies, visualisations and pattern recognition, tune deconstruction and notation in moderation. Mel is a consummate performer, vocalist and accompanist and can be seen on stage as one third of Anglo-European trio Moirai and playing for the vibrant Harlequin Morris

View: https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/mels-melodeon-club-monthly-classes-march/

Voci Armoniche

Geno Delafose - USA

by Diatonic News
Mar 2/8pm Geno Delafose & French Rockin Boogie
La Poussiere Cajun Dancehall Breaux Bridge

Mar 17/1pm American Cancer Society Benefit
Rock 'n' Bowl de Lafayette


Sounding Out the Accordion

Concertinas! Concert - Great Britain

by Diatonic News
Cohen Braithwaite-KilcoyneSaturday 9 Mar 8pm–9:30pm, 2019

Available are a very small number of tickets available for members of the public to attend the tutors’ concert, as part of the WCCP Concertina Weekend. Please book in advance, as the event will be very busy.

MICHAEL HEBBERT, a Jeffries Duet player since 1958, has played in many different styles through Traditional English, Latin American, Klezmer, Playford and more. Besides busking in streets and pubs he has performed extensively with singer Andrew Frank and led workshops at many major festivals and events. He’s now working on new stuff with jazz singer Natasha Sutton-Williams.

New kid on the block COHEN BRAITHWAITE-KILCOYNE (photo) is a fine singer and player of the anglo concertina and melodeon, whose skill and experience belie his tender years. Nominated for a BBC Radio 2 Young Folk Award in 2014 as a member of trio Granny’s Attic, Cohen received a nomination in his own right in the coveted Horizon Award category in 2018. Cohen has a style and approach deeply rooted in the traditions of the British Isles and regularly gives tuition linked to traditional music, both on a one-on-one basis and in group workshops.

ALEX WADE left Yorkshire to study music in Durham where she immersed herself in the rich folk traditions of the North East. Woodwind teacher by day, award-winning dance musician by night, Alex combines an innate understanding of traditional music with a wealth of teaching experience. She is excited to be venturing south to tutor the English players at Halsway!

CLAIRE WREN has been running concertina band workshops for over 25 years. She has written extensively for concertina band and smaller ensembles. Claire is the Musical Director of Banding Together and also directs her own concertina band “J25”. Claire’s favourite pastime is rehearsal!


CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Voci Armoniche

CD "songs from the forest" by Paolo Russo - Denmark/Italy

by Diatonic News
CD Born in Pescara (Italy) in 1969, lives in Copenhagen (Denmark) since 1996.

This new CD - is the 3rd volume of Bandoneon Solo.

Paolo Russo works in many different formats from his solo concerts on bandoneon and or piano to jazz duo to quintet and classical ensembles in all shapes and sizes.

The music he presents vibrates with authentic character and is created with dedication and originality which colour all compositions and collaborations.

For more information: www.paolorusso.com

Friedrich Lips Book

CD "Leveret Diversions" - GB

by Diatonic News
OUT 1st March 2019

Five years since they first hit the road together, folk super-trio Leveret return with their fourth album, Diversions. In contrast to the self-penned Inventions (2017), Diversions features exclusively traditional material, unearthed from archives, manuscripts and tunebooks and reinvigorated in Leveret’s signature style. It’s a collection of tunes which, though unassuming on the page, take on a whole new life in Leveret’s hands.


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