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Frankfurt MusikMesse 2019 - Germanyby Diatonic News |
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The Musikmesse in Frankfurt is the international trade fair for musical instruments, sheet music, music production and marketing. This year’s event will be held from April 2nd to 5th and will be open daily for Trade and Private visitors. This new Musikmesse Plaza is an innovative event concept focusing on musicians and music lovers. In different areas there will be vintage exhibitions, record fair, music instrument market, an instrument auction and lots more. In addition there will be stage performances, workshops, demonstrations and discussion events. A full report of the 2018 Frankfurt Musikmesse with photos will be available after the opening. |
What Are You Doing For World Accordion Day? - Internationalby Harley Jones |
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![]() World Accordion Day was started in 2009 by the CIA and has been very successful, generating a lot of positive publicity for the accordion. A key part of this event is the World Accordion Day website. Every association, group, orchestra, performer and teacher, is asked to actively support this event by encouraging national and local accordion activities to happen in their country on this day or the weekend either side of Accordion Day if that should be more convenient. Everyone can register their World Accordion Day activity on the website and send a report of their event after, for that website. No event is too big or too small. ALL accordion events celebrating World Accordion Day are welcome. This is a CIA promotion for the accordion in which every accordion enthusiast can participate and help bring our accordion world together as well as strongly promote the accordion. |
Happy Easter to all our readers around the world - Worldwideby Diatonic News |
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Diatonic News wishes all Readers Happy Easter |
Die ZIACH-GRUPPE/gemeinsames musizieren - Steiermark/Österreichby Diatonic News |
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Bild von Links: Irmgard Maier (Sängerin) Roland Wirth (Sänger/Gruppenleiter), Traude Zadek, Elfie Wirth, Hans Höller, Gerfried Harrer, Manfred Haid, Hubert Maier, Pepperl Wieser, Hilde Grossegger, Franz Zadek (Sänger) Jedes Monat treffen sich die Harmonikafreunde und Musiker für ein musikalisches Zusammentreffen im Raum Graz jeweils am Mittwoch im Gasthaus Weingrill in Semriach und einmal im Monat in der Buschenschank Lärchegg-Schmölzer. Unterhaltsame Abende in musikalischer Atmosphäre |
Big Squeeze/Texas Folk Life 2019/March - USAby Diatonic News |
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Do YOU want to participate in the Big Squeeze 2019? Just follow these steps! Read the entry rules: 2019BigSqueeze.pdf Decide if you are going to perform at any of the showcases above in person or submit two songs digitally. a) Applicants can enter by performing two songs at a showcase where they will be videotaped by Texas Folklife or submit a video entry digitally, by mail or e-mail. They do not have to do both. b) If you live more than 20 miles from a showcase location and cannot travel that far, that is fine! You can still enter by submitting your song performances digitally by doing ANY of the below. Make sure you indicate on your form how we should expect your submission. 1) Mailing a USB Drive with video and photo to The Big Squeeze at: The Big Squeeze c/o Texas Folklife 1708 Houston Street Austin, TX 78756 2) Mailing a DVD with my video and photo to The Big Squeeze at: The Big Squeeze c/o Texas Folklife 1708 Houston Street Austin, TX 78756 3) E-mailing a YouTube Link with my video and a photo to bigsqueeze@texasfolklife.org 4) E-mailing a video from my phone and a photo to bigsqueeze@texasfolklife.org Accordionists can enter by performing two songs at any of the below showcases where they will be videotaped by Texas Folklife OR if they live more than 20 miles from an audition location, they can submit a video entry digitally, by mail or e-mail. They do not have to do both. If a contestant makes it to finals, they must travel to Austin to compete at the Finals at the Bullock Texas History Museum on May 11. 2019 Schedule of Showcases ○ 6. Roma - Roma ISD Performing Arts Center - April 6, 2019 ○ 7. San Antonio - Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center - April 7, 2019 ○ 8. Los Fresnos - TBA ○ 9. Palmview - Palmview High School - April 13, 2019 ○ 10. Conjunto Semi-Finals - Museum of South Texas in Edinburg - April 27, 2019 ○ 11. Big Squeeze Finals & Concert - Bullock Texas State History Museum in Austin - May 11, 2019 |
Harmonika-WM 2019 in St. Peter-Freienstein! Svetovno prvenstvo 2019 ! - Austriaby Werner Weibert |
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![]() O Harmonika-Weltmeisterschaft 2019 Die Ausschreibung für diesen wichtigen Wettbewerb ist schon online auf www.harmonikaverband.at !!! O Svetovno prvenstvo 2019 Obvestilo o tem pomembnem tekmovanju je že na spletnem naslovu www.harmonikaverband.at !!! O World Championship 2019 The announcement for this important competition is already online at www.harmonikaverband.at !!! O Campionato Mondiale 2019 L'annuncio di questa importante competizione è già online su www.harmonikaverband.at !!! ANMELDUNG auf www.harmonikaverband.at JEDERZEIT möglich!!! Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme. Gottfried Hubmann und Werner Weibert Online translation |
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New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
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New Orleans, LA (November 9, 2018)—Producers of the 50th anniversary Jazz Fest have decided to mark the milestone event with something special: the addition of another day of the signature festival celebrating New Orleans music and culture. Thursday, April 25 will now be the opening day of the 2019 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival presented by Shell. Both of the event’s weekends will run Thursday through Sunday, April 25 – 28 and May 2 – 5. http://www.nojazzfest.com/ |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
Festival Vallenato - Columbiaby Diatonic News |
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Los concursos de conjuntos típicos de música vallenata se dividen en cuatro categorías; Profesional, Aficionado, Juvenil e Infantil, y en las distintas competiciones deben interpretar los aires tradiciones: Paseo, Merengue, Son y Puya. Acordeoneros, cajeros y guacharaqueros, conforman los conjuntos que cada año buscan la anhelada corona que los convierten en soberanos del folclor vallenato. https://festivalvallenato.com/ |
2° PREMIO CITTA DI TERAMO - Italiaby Diatonic News |
![]() TERAMO – Domenica 14 Aprile 2019 torna a Teramo la seconda edizione del Premio Nazionale “Città di Teramo” con il patrocinio del Comune di Teramo e con l’Associazione Interamnia World Music. Concorso musicale a premi per organetto e fisarmonica diatonica la cui direzione artistica e organizzativa è sotto la figura di Danilo Di Paolonicola e Barbara Secondini. Concorso dedicato a tutti gli organettisti che a partire dalle ore 10.00 potranno confrontarsi e vivere una splendida giornata in musica. Il Premio Nazionale “Città di Teramo” è articolato nelle seguenti sezioni: organetto fino a 4 bassi organetto oltre i 4 bassi Premio Nazionale “Città di Teramo” – FINALE Audizioni, premiazione e finale si svolgeranno presso Piano D’Accio (TE) Area Stadio G.Bonolis (Fiera dell’Agricoltura di Teramo – area concerti) In questa sede i partecipanti dovranno presentare UN SOLO BRANO a libera scelta e sarà decretato il vincitore assoluto di ogni categoria (A, B, C, D, E, F) inoltre, i selezionati dalla giuria, potranno prendere parte alla FINALE presentando un repertorio a libera scelta della durata complessiva di non oltre i 5 minuti. I premi in palio ammontano complessivamente ad un valore di oltre € 3.000. Al primo classificato della sezione finale, verrà assegnato un organetto della Ditta CAMILLETTI, al secondo un organetto della Ditta PAOLO SOPRANI e al terzo classificato un organetto della Ditta ANGELO PICCOLI. Durante l’intero svolgimento del Premio sarà data l’opportunità alle varie aziende di organetti e fisarmoniche di allestire stand espositivi all’interno del parco fiera. Il Premio Nazionale “Città di Teramo” si realizza in collaborazione con le fabbriche di organetti “Camilletti” di Fabrizio Camilletti, “Paolo Soprani Fisarmoniche”, “Angelo Piccoli Organetti”, “Dino Baffetti Accordions”. https://www.ekuonews.it/24/03/2019/premio-nazionale-citta-di-teramo-torna-la-seconda-edizone-del-concorso-per-organetto-e-fisarmonica/ |
National Folk Festival - Australiaby Diatonic News |
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From high-end entertainment to the expression of folk-life through grassroots and community activities our multifaceted National Folk Festival is the ultimate celebration of all things folk. The program is designed to inspire, enliven and entertain. From traditional and contemporary grooves to the quirky and the endearing it features all the key elements that make people want to come from everywhere to be part of it. Our vibrant festival site is populated with themed bars, food and market stalls, circus performers and roving musicians and our multi-disciplinary program is broad and innovative boasting an A-list of performers from around Australia and the world. 20 venues provide a range of concert and performance based experiences from our big stages to more intimate spaces where you can enjoy a more up-close experience with our performers. The quality and variety of the National Folk Festival’s world-class program ensures entertainment to suit every age and taste. Over 750 individual concerts showcase musical styles and genres as diverse as acoustic, bluegrass, roots, blues, Celtic, country, world and gypsy. Contemporary folk cultures are showcased alongside the best of vintage Oz-folk and older https://www.folkfestival.org.au/ |
MOYENS * Musiques d’Italie du Sud - France/Italiaby Diatonic News |
![]() Musiques d’Italie du Sud (Alessandria del Carretto) avec Rocco Adduci La musique traditionnelle a accompagné la vie quotidienne, les fêtes privées et religieuses et séduit toujours les âmes des habitants des régions reculées du sud de l’Italie. Le lien direct entre les joueurs, les danseurs et les habitants est d’une importance cruciale en raison de leur interaction mutuelle et de leur interdépendance : il n’y a pas d’interaction sans l’autre. Cette coopération magique est animée par des instruments traditionnels tels que la “zampogne” (cornemuse typique du sud de l’Italie), les tambourins, les accordéons et d’autres instruments locaux selon la région/zone d’appartenance. La “tradition” est ici dynamique et en constante évolution. C’était et c’est encore possible grâce aux approches d’apprentissage qui faisaient partie de ces architectures sociales. Rien n’est écrit et quelques règles “conviviales” guident chacun dans sa joie de participer. Grâce à ce système d’autorégulation, les musiciens “vivent” souvent en contact étroit avec leur “professeur” (de vie), absorbant inconsciemment le style et les variations musicales. Dans ce stage, certaines de ces saveurs seront mises en valeur en mettant l’accent sur une façon orale d’apprendre la musique à l’accordéon où aucune partition détaillée ne sera utilisée mais un schéma symbolique sera créé sur place pour avoir une grille fixe pour jouer tous ensemble. http://fete.diatotrad.fr/programme-detaille/#Musique |
Festival folk Funambals 2019 - Franceby Diatonic News |
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...est un festival urbain de danses et musiques folk, organisé par l’association « La Campanule ». Nous touchons un public de tout âge et international, avec au moins un tiers d’étrangers. En folk, le danseur est le public. Le festival a accueilli, à guichets fermés entre 2010 et 2016, plus de 600 danseurs par jour à Lyon et Villeurbanne. Depuis l’édition 2017, La Campanule a le privilège d’occuper l’immense « Espace 140 » situé à Rillieux-la-Pape. Cette salle permet d’accueillir jusqu’à un millier de danseurs simultanément ! http://funambals2019.lacampanule.fr/fr/ |
Alpenträume – Steirische Harmonika - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() Do 26.04.2019 09.00 – 18.00 Uhr Fr 26.04.2019 09.00 – 18.00 Uhr Dozentin: Michaela Fürnschlief Voraussetzung: keine Notenkenntnisse erforderlich Thema: Durch das schnelle Erlernen der Griffschrift bekommen Sie ein Erfolgserlebnis auf der Steirischen Harmonika. Lernen Sie die echte alpenländische Volksmusik kennen und deren Platz in der heutigen Musik. Beim Einzelunterricht wird individuell auf Fragen und das Üben von erlernten Spielweisen eingegangen. https://www.hohner-konservatorium.de/produkt/steirische-harmonika/ |
CONFIRMÉS * Musicalité et interprétation - Franceby Diatonic News |
![]() En partant de deux mélodies et à travers différentes techniques de jeu, nous aborderons le travail du son, le phrasé, les nuances, la dynamique de jeu, la précision des intentions musicales et bien sûr l’écoute au travers du jeu collectif. Prérequis : Un accordéon sol/do 2 ou 3 rangs, un enregistreur http://fete.diatotrad.fr/programme-detaille/#Musique |
Workshopweekend: (5) 6 & 7th of April 2019 - Hollandby Diatonic News |
![]() Interested in playing folkmusic? Do like workshops for ensemble, singing, accordion, nyckelharpa or perhaps always wanted to learn how to play the hurdy-gurdy or bagpipe? Or are you an advanced player who wants to improve his or her playing? This will all be possible during the annual spring weekend of "Stichting Draailier & Doedelzak" (the Dutch Hurdy-gurdy and Bagpipe foundation). During this weekend there will be hurdy-gurdy, bagpipe and other music courses for the beginner and the advanced player. During the day the courses will be held. In the evening there will be concerts and session. Lack of an instrument is not an excuse, because we have instruments for rent for the beginner groups. Program: Participants are welcome to arrive on friday 5th of April in the evening. This evening is open for session, talks, a drink and maybe a concert. The courses will start on saturday the 14th at 9.30 and will last untill sunday the 15th 17.00. Saturday evening at 20.00 there will be concerts or ball. Afterwards there will be time for session. Non-participants are also welcome on this evening. Stay at the location (4-6 person rooms for Saturday/Sunday) and breakfast, lunch, dinner and coffee and tea during breaks is included in the workshop price. http://draailier-doedelzak.nl/workshopweekend_english.htm |
23e Festival Traditionnel au Pays du Galoubet - Franceby Diatonic News |
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12, 13 et 14 avril 2019 La Motte en Provence Un festival "Off" pour la journée du vendredi. Pour les samedi et dimanche des stages de danses et de musique, des animations et concerts ponctués de 3 nuits folks. Depuis septembre 1996, BERNARD PAYET puis LAURENCE DEOU ont repris le flambeau dans le cadre de L'ECOLE MUNICIPALE DES ARTS. C'est en avril 1997 que le FESTIVAL TRADITIONNEL AU PAYS DU GALOUBET est né, grâce à la collaboration de l'association mottoise " LES SAUTS DU LOUP " et du SERVICE CULTUREL de la municipalité de LA MOTTE EN PROVENCE. http://www.les-sauts-du-loup.fr |
FOLKARRIA ECO FESTI-BAL/Madrid - Spainby Diatonic News |
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Folkarria eco Festi-bal is a folk music festival. Folkarria eco Festi-bal wants to recover and extend the traditional dances as well as the European folk music, making them a tool for the integration of different cultures, combining them with actions of ecological and responsible awareness, in addition to a series of participative activities for adults and children. The 9th edition of "Folkarria eco Festi-bal" will be hold throughout a weekend, presenting a musical offer of national and international bands. In addition there will be music and dance workshops of different parts of the world and shows of traditional Spanish folk for all public. The festival also organizes an eco-social market, a craft market, a space for debates, exhibitions and other activities, as well as art and movement games for children and performances of traditional folk. One more year, the music and dance contest Folkarria for debutant bands is underway. http://www.folkarria.es/2019/index_en.html |
5. Niederbayerisches Harmonika-Seminar - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() im Moment sind nur mehr Anmeldungen auf Warteliste mòglich - also schnell schnell! Kontakt - Jürgen Liebhaber Vormarktstr. 15 84577 Tüßling http://www.ziach-seminar.de/marklkofen.html |
DÉBUTANTS/Moyens Accompagnement rythmique - Franceby Diatonic News |
![]() Ce stage vous propose d’aborder et de travailler le jeu d’accompagnement rythmique et le jeu de basses avec comme axe principal « accompagner la danse », et plus particulièrement celle du marais breton nord vendéen (Polaïe, Branle de Noirmoutier ). Nous aborderons des exemples simples mais efficaces d’accompagnements rythmiques pour accompagner les danses précitées. Vous pourrez d’ailleurs mettre en pratique le soir même, en jouant un des morceaux avec le Trio REB ! Prérequis : •accordéon SOL/DO 2 rangs 8 basses mini, •transmission directe (oralité), •des prises de sons et prises de notes sont possibles et conseillées, pensez à vos calepins et autres enregistreurs, •autonomie sur la connaissance technique de votre instrument, pour les instruments autres que accordéon diatonique. http://fete.diatotrad.fr/programme-detaille/#Musique |
Stage: Diatonique Accordeon with Didier Laloy - FR/Belgiqueby Diatonic News |
![]() Samedi 6 avril 2019 - 10:00 - 16:30 / Le Tapis Volant Accueil du Public: 09:30 Sur la base de compositions personnelles et de certains morceaux tirés du répertoire traditionnel européen, nous travaillerons l'interprétation, l'accompagnement rythmique et harmonique. Nous travaillerons à l'oreille, et sur accordéon diatonique sol/do. http://funambals2019.lacampanule.fr/fr/le-festival/stages/#stage_724 |
Future events / Concerts |
Les Zéoles @ Funabals 2019 - FR/Lyonby Diatonic News |
![]() 22:15 - 23:45 / Espace 140 enarié Amélie : Accordéon diatonique, glockenspiel Guinot Anne : Accordéon chromatique Les Zéoles c'est la rencontre d'un accordéon diatonique et d'un accordéon chromatique. Créé en 2008 à Montreuil par Amélie Denarié et Anne Guinot, ce duo de musique à danser raconte, au travers d'un répertoire aux compositions originales, son amour du bal et de tout ce qu'il trimballe, et les soufflets viennent ainsi chatouiller les oreilles comme les orteils ! http://funambals2019.lacampanule.fr/fr/ http://leszeoles.net/ |
Filippo Gambetta & Carmelo Russo in April - Italiaby Diatonic News |
![]() 20:00 / Live at Folk Club Copenhagen 08/04/2019 Filippo Gambetta & Carmelo Russo Rødvig Stevns 11:00 / Concert at Stevns Friskole, Rødvig, Stevns 08/04/2019 Filippo Gambetta & Carmelo Russo Rødvig, Stevns 19:00 / House Concert – Rødvig, Stevns 09/04/2019 Filippo Gambetta & Carmelo Russo Svendborg 20:00 / Live at Folk for Folk Club 10/04/2019 Filippo Gambetta & Carmelo Russo Retie 20:00 / Concert in Retie 11/04/2019 Filippo Gambetta & Carmelo Russo Diest 20:00 / T Puur Genot 12/04/2019 Filippo Gambetta & Carmelo Russo Westerlo 20:00 / Westelfolk – in de Folkstal 13/04/2019 Filippo Gambetta e Carmelo Russo Alleur 21:00 / Bal Folk pour Rif Zans l’Fiesse 16/04/2019 Filippo Gambetta Brno 20:00 / Bal Folk @ Brno 20/04/2019 Filippo Gambetta & Carmelo Russo Genova 21:00 / In concerto @ Spazio Lomellini 22/04/2019 Filippo Gambetta Deliceto 18:00 / Pasquetta Folk Movid – Castello Normanno di Deliceto 24/04/2019 Filippo Gambetta & Carmelo Russo Ispra 21:00 / In concerto a Ispra http://www.filippogambetta.com |
Mel’s Melodeon Club - Semerset/UKby Diatonic News |
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Monthly Class (Apr) Friday 12 Apr 10am–3:30pm, 2019 New to Halsway Manor – a regular monthly class run over six months for anyone interested in learning to play the Melodeon at beginner through to intermediate level. Tutor Mel Biggs will guide you in learning to master the basics and improve your skill and technique. Each class of 1.5 hrs duration, will run monthly through 2019. You can book on a course at Halsway and bring a friend who can explore the area while using Halsway as a base for meals and accommodation. Class Times 10.00 – 11.30am: Level 2 (Improvers) 11.45 – 1.15pm: Level 1 (Beginners) 2.00 – 3:30pm: Level 3/4 (Intermediates) Class Dates 12 April 2019 | 10 May 2019 | 7 June 2019 | 6 Sept 2019 | 4 Oct 2019 | 1 Nov 2019 | 13 Dec 2019 Telephone: 01984 618 274. From outside the UK: +44 1984 618 274. Halsway Manor, Halsway Lane, near Crowcombe, Somerset, TA44BD, UK. General enquiries by email: office@halswaymanor.org.uk https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/mels-melodeon-club-monthly-class-apr/ |
Duo Vincendeau-Felder @ Funabals - FRby Diatonic News |
![]() 18:45 - 20:15 / Espace 140 Vincendeau Stevan : Accordéon diatonique Felder Thomas : Violon Depuis 10 ans maintenant, l'accordéoniste Stevan Vincendeau et le violoniste Thomas Felder sillonnent les routes de Bretagne et d'ailleurs, de festoù-noz en cabarets, de festivals en fêtes de village... Une décennie passée à créer, composer et arranger une musique acoustique sans barrières profondément enracinée à son "pays", sa région. Compositions innovantes, tradition revisitée jamais dépourvue de son charme ni de son authenticité originelle. Tout cela servi par deux interprètes, deux complices aux jeux sensibles, généreux et toujours inspirés. http://funambals2019.lacampanule.fr/fr/le-festival/groupes/vincendeaufelder/ |
Danças Ocultas in concert - PORTUGALby Diatonic News |
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6 APR • BATALHA • Auditório da Batalha • 37º Festival Música em Leiria https://dancasocultas2.wordpress.com/agenda/ |
La Musgaña @ Folkkaria - Madrid/Spainby Diatonic News |
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Sunday 27th April 2019 - 20 h La Musgaña is a Spanish folk music ensemble, founded in 1986 by Enrique Almendros, José María Climent and Rafa Martin. The band incorporates various instruments such as the dulcimer, fiddle, hurdy-gurdy, bagpipes, flutes, guitar and bass, and performs traditional music from the Iberian peninsula, mostly from the Spanish regions of Castile, Zamora, Leon, Extremadura and La Mancha. La Musgaña means "water-rat" in Spanish. http://www.folkarria.es/2019/index_en.html |
Premiers pas en accompagnement et harmonisation/acc.diaotonique - Franceby Diatonic News |
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6-7 avril 2019 Découverte et expérimentations sur l’accompagnement d’une mélodie....avec Lucas Thébaut Comprendre comment se construisent et se décident les accords, et comment créer son jeu d’accompagnement. Apprendre à réaliser une grille d’accords, ainsi que les premiers éléments permettant de choisir comment accompagner une mélodie “nue”. Le stage comporte de la théorie mais elle sera expliquée tout doucement. Nous n’utiliserons pas de partitions. Le jeu en accord est une pratique différente d’un jeu purement mélodique. Addiction garantie pour qui s’y colle ! Prérequis : Il est utile d’apprendre en avance à réaliser sur la main droite au moins une position des accords majeurs de Do, Fa, Sol et Ré (bonus : Mi) ; et mineurs de La Ré et Mi (toutes ces positions sont facilement trouvables sur internet). + Apprendre la mélodie fournie en amont. http://fete.diatotrad.fr/programme-detaille/#Musique |
Riccardo Tesi and Banditaliana - Australia/Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Banditaliana è un quartetto che nasce nel 1992 da una felice intuizione di Riccardo Tesi, ed oggi costituisce uno dei gruppi italiani di World Music più noti a livello internazionale. Composizioni originali, virtuosismi strumentali, preziosi incastri ritmici ed arrangiamenti raffinati rappresentano la cifra stilistica del gruppo che, con la sua musica senza frontiere in cui fonde forme e riti della tradizione toscana, profumi mediterranei, improvvisazioni jazz e canzone d’autore, ha incantato le platee dei più importanti folk and world festival mondiali. In Aprile saranno ospiti d'onore nel National Folk Festival di Canberra/Australia https://www.folkfestival.org.au |
Harmonikatreffen Ostermontag 2019 - Austriaby Diatonic News |
![]() Große MÜLLER HARMONIKA Austellung am Ostermontag beim Hartl-Wirt! https://harmonika.at/ http://www.hartl-wirt.at/ |
Tango with Trio Victor Hugo Villena- Franceby Diatonic News |
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Gardel, Piazzolla, et autres monuments du tango argentin ….cette musique enivrante et suave qui se danse aussi bien qu’elle s’interprète. Elle sera magnifiée par le Trio de Victor Hugo Villena , l’un des meilleurs bandonéonistes argentins de sa génération, accompagné du guitariste Alejandro Schwarz et du contrebassiste Mauricio Angarita . Un programme autant traditionnel universel que personnel créatif. https://www.weezevent.com/soiree-tango |
Cassino, Orchestra Bottoni live Eventi a Frosinone - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Sabato 6 aprile presso l'Aula Pacis di Cassino alle ore 21.00 si terrà il concerto dell' orchestra Bottoni Un’orchestra e una voce, un viaggio tra la tradizione mediterranea, l’etnojazz e... L’ensamble filtra, attraverso l’originale suono che da anni la identifica, tutte le idee che riceve. Allo stesso tempo, tramite il suo lavoro di ricerca, si fa protagonista di una contaminazione continua. Le armonie e le melodie polifoniche della numerosa sezione di organetti, sorretta da un inedito organetto basso (bassoon), il collante ritmico tenuto dalle batteria percussiva, insieme al timbro "teatrale" della voce di Antonella Costanzo e ai fraseggi del solista Alessandro D’Alessandro, sono l’espressione di questa particolare sperimentazione. Le atmosfere sono varie, come la provenienza dei brani, con uno stile che spazia dal classico al contemporaneo, con sfumature di funky, reggae, afrobeat, etc Orchestra Bottoni Antonella Costanzo: voce, percussioni Alessandro D'Alessandro: organetto solista, live electronics, coord. artistico ed esecutivo Silvia Di Bello, Gianfranco Onairda, Matteo Mattoni, Elisa Di Bello, Angelo Di Bello: organetti Matteo Di Prospero: organetto basso, sax Mario Mazzenga: basso Raffaele Di Fenza: batteria percussiva Nata dall’evoluzione della Piccola Orchestra La Viola e dall’incontro di musicisti delle province di Roma, Frosinone, Latina e Napoli, l’OrchestraBottoni, formazione di ispirazione popolare con influenze mediterranee, è considerata uno dei gruppi più inediti nel panorama della world-music italiana. E’ attiva dal 1994. A testimonianza di questo fanno fede le numerose collaborazioni sia discografiche che live con Daniele Sepe, Peppe Barra, Angelo Branduardi, Franco Battiato, Petra Magoni, Fausto Mesolella, Eugenio Barba, Riccardo Tesi, Marc Perrone, Blue Stuff, Lino Cannavacciuolo, Vincenzo Zitello, Hector Ulises Passarella, Arnoldo Foà, Nando Citarella, Fratelli Mancuso, Alfio Antico, Mosshen Kasirossafar, i numerosi concerti in Italia (Folkest, Lithos, Roma incontra il mondo-Villa Ada, Teatro Eliseo-Roma, Liri Blues Festival, I Suoni delle Dolomiti, Auditorium S.Chiara-Trento, Teatro Palladium-Roma, Paleariza, etc.) ed all’estero (Francia, Danimarca, Germania, Polonia, Albania). Da ricordare gli spettacoli tenuti per I Concerti del Quirinale (Radio3), per il Maggio Musicale Fiorentino e per Radio 3 Suite. L'ultimo disco “Orchestra Bottoni Live” è stato eletto secondo miglior disco di world-musica in Italia del 2014 al Premio di Loano ed è stato finalista alle Targhe Tenco 2014 (sez. interpreti). Info da: http://www.frosinonetoday.it/eventi/cassino-orchestra-bottoni-live.html |
Florian Silvereisen auf Tour mit...Austria/Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() Magdeburg 03.04.2019, Mittwoch, 19:30, GETEC-Arena Braunschweig 04.04.2019, Donnerstag, 19:30, Volkswagen Halle Bremen 05.04.2019, Freitag, 19:30, ÖVB-Arena Kiel 06.04.2019, Samstag, 19:30, Sparkassen-Arena-Kiel Chemnitz 23.04.2019, Dienstag, 19:30, Messe Chemnitz Regensburg 24.04.2019, Mittwoch, 19:30, Donau Arena Bamberg 25.04.2019, Donnerstag, 19:30, brose Arena Bamberg Hannover 26.04.2019, Freitag, 19:30, TUI Arena Köln 27.04.2019, Samstag, 19:30, LANXESS arena Halle / Westfalen 28.04.2019, Sonntag, 18:30, GERRY WEBER STADION Frankfurt am Main 30.04.2019, Dienstag, 19:30, Festhalle Frankfurt http://floriansilbereisen.com/ |
ZIGO performing at Folkarria - Spainby Diatonic News |
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Zigo is a young, original, energetic quintet from Belgium and will perform: Viernes 26 DE ABRIL/Folkarria/ 24:00 h The meaning of the group is to make a bridge between danceable music and world-funk-fusion. Let yourself get surprised by the freshness of their sound and their groovy, hot and sexy melodies. Almost all compositions are by Pablo Golder, who plays diatonic accordion and grow up in Italy being inspired by Riccardo Tesi. His Italian style goes perfectly together with the jazzy and warm saxophone of Ambroos De Schepper and the funky electric guitar of Florian De Schepper. On the rhythmical session Sam Van Ingelghem on the bass and Wout Van Liedekerke on the drum-percussions. Although Zigo just exists for a couple of years, the band already performed in France (Paris), Spain (Folkarria - Madrid), Portugal (Andanças, Festival 3 temps), Italy (Turin, Rome, Milan, Padoue, Venise, Cremona, Palerme, Naples, Bari, Florence, Trieste), The Nederlands (Utrecht, Eindhoven, Celtic night - Rotterdam, Orfest), Belgium (Marsinnes, Boombal Festival, Dranouter Folk Festival, ...) and many others http://www.folkarria.es/2019/index_en.html |
Bruno Cabadas concerto La Plata y Buenos Aires - Argentinaby Diatonic News |
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![]() TANGOR en Lugosi Pub / 5 de abril /21 hs - Entradas Anticipadas $150 - En Puerta $200 -https://www.facebook.com/Tangor https://cuartetotangor.bandcamp.com/ Tangor asume el desafío de encontrar una voz propia, intentando un equilibrio entre los elementos tradicionales del género y una sonoridad actual. Desde esa mirada, recorren diferentes estilos, desde el tango canción hasta la milonga lunfarda, pasando por Piazzolla y por algunos compositores extranjeros que se han involucrado con el tango; siempre con el acento puesto en lo interpretativo, y la improvisación dentro del estilo. Tangor a sido: - Seleccionado en el Concurso de Bares Notables , organizado por la Dirección de Música de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, año 2013 . - Seleccionado por el Programa de Apoyo a la Realización Artística y Cultural (PAR), de la UNLP. - Seleccionado en el Concurso Bares Notables para el año 2018 por la Dirección de Cultura de CABA – - Seleccionado en el Ciclo MIRA 2018– de la FBA de la UNLP. - Seleccionados para la programación de la Cumbre Mundial del Tango: octubre de 2018. Melilla. - Mención Honorifica premios Fondo Nacional de las Artes – 2018 . |
24. Harmonikatreffen Restaurant Oldtimer - Kärnten/Österreichby Diatonic News |
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Am Sonntag, den 28. April 2019 findet von 10 bis 16 Uhr im Oldtimer Autobahnrestaurant Pack das 24. Harmonikatreffen sowie die beliebte Oldtimerhäferl-Tauschbörse statt. Bitte senden Sie uns Ihre Anmeldung per Mail (pack@oldtimer.at), Fax (04354 / 2293-20) oder Post (Unterauerling 46, 9451 Preitenegg) bzw. geben Sie das Formular direkt bei der Shopkasse ab. Oldtimer Restaurant Oldtimerweg 1 A-9451 Preitenegg https://www.oldtimer.at/pack/aktuelles/10-news/50-pack-24-harmonikatreffen-oldtimerhaeferl-tauschboerse |
Stages d’accordéon diatonique avec Cyrille Brotto - Franceby Diatonic News |
![]() 6-7 avril 2019 À partir d’un répertoire traditionnel de musique à danser ou de compositions, travail du style, ornementations et variations, jeux en accords et variations. Le tout axé sur la rythmique et le phrasé pour la danse. Prérequis : accordéon diatonique Sol-Do http://fete.diatotrad.fr/programme-detaille/#Musique |
David Sousa & The Zydeco Mudbugs - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() Venue Balboa Park War Memorial Bldg 3325 Zoo Drive San Diego, CA 92101 Come Pass a Good Time with David Sousa and the Zydeco Mudbugs! Hot Zydeco in Southern CA! Using the Cajun single row and triple row diatonic accordions, and with songs in Louisiana French and English, David Sousa & the Zydeco Mudbugs feature some of the best of traditional and contemporary Zydeco around, from the early zydeco pioneers up to the modern innovators. Since 1998, the Zydeco Mudbugs have been bringing the heat of Louisiana Zydeco music to the festivals, dance halls, clubs and parties all over So Cal and beyond. http://www.balboapark.org www.icajunzydeco.com |
MOYENS Accompagnement et musicalité - Franceby Diatonic News |
![]() Au programme : •position/utilisation du soufflet/détaché •les bases de l’harmonie (on abordera rapidement la construction d’accords) •apprentissage du clavier et de vos accords main droite , petits conseils et astuces , exercices et méthodologie pour acquérir plus d’autonomie et vous faire un plan de travail efficace •travail de différentes rythmiques pour varier votre accompagnement et enrichir votre pratique Objectif : •repartir avec de nouveaux outils de travail pour progresser plus efficacement dans votre apprentissage •développer plus d’autonomie et une meilleure connaissance de votre instrument , tout ça par la découverte (ou redécouverte) du monde merveilleux de l’accompagnement ! 😉 •jouer avec d’autres, en approfondissant l’écoute, les dynamiques, les nuances et la musicalité Prérequis : Un ou 2 morceaux seront envoyés au préalable comme base commune. Les connaître sera un plus pour vous mais pas indispensable pour suivre le stage. Par contre nous n’apprendrons pas de morceaux pendant le stage, on se concentrera sur la technique. Le morceau sera juste un support commun pour mettre en pratique les différentes techniques abordées. Pensez à prendre de quoi enregistrer/filmer/noter… et bien sûr un accordéon ! 🙂 (Sol-Do) http://fete.diatotrad.fr/programme-detaille/#Musique |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
CD "Sein oder Niachtsein" von Die Niachtn - Austriaby Diatonic News |
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![]() 1.1 Heinzi 2. 2 Deppat 3. 3 Jeden Tog Zwickt's 4. 4 Skilehra 5. 5 Gehst Mit Da Zeit 6. 6 Moch Die Augen Auf 7. 7 Schiri 8. 8 Barkeepa 9. 9 Haustür 10. 10 Stü Sein Am 13.04.2019 - spielen sie in Schladming, Seasonender Info: http://www.dieniachtnsan.org/gigs.html |
CD "Argento" Riccardo Tesi e Banditaliana - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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A quattro anni dal successo di “Maggio”, album pluripremiato e molto apprezzato dalla critica specializzata e dal pubblico, Banditaliana torna con il nuovo album “Argento”, per festeggiare i 25 anni di attività. Il disco esce per Visage Music, l’etichetta discografica della band, e sarà distribuito in Italia da Materiali Sonori. Il quartetto, fondato nel 1992 da Riccardo Tesi, è ormai uno dei gruppi italiani di world music più noti nel mondo. Oltre mille concerti nei più importanti folk & jazz festivals di tutta Europa fino all’Australia, Canada e Giappone, cinque album all’attivo come band ai quali si aggiungono altrettante produzioni e progetti originali. In perfetto equilibrio tra brani strumentali e canzoni, “Argento”, aggiunge una nuova tappa al lungo viaggio di Banditaliana nel bacino di quel Mediterraneo immaginario che da sempre ispira la loro musica senza frontiere, dove tradizione e innovazione si fondono e si confondono. Numerosi gli ospiti corsi a festeggiare questo evento così importante per il gruppo: la tromba di PAOLO FRESU, il bouzouki di MAURO PAGANI, le voci delle donne di "Bella Ciao" (ELENA LEDDA, LUCILLA GALEAZZI, GINEVRA DI MARCO, LUISA COTTIFOGLI), il piano elettrico di FRANCESCO MAGNELLI, la txalaparta basca di KEPA JUNKERA, lo tsouras di ANDREA SALVADORI e il vibrafono di ETTORE BONAFÈ, hanno contribuito a impreziosire le tracce dell’album. Le linee di basso sono state assicurate da MIRCO CAPECCHI, NICOLA VERNUCCIO e SILVANO LOBINA. Oltre a loro, il virtuoso dei tamburi a cornice ANDREA PICCIONI ha arricchito e integrato la sezione percussiva. https://materiali-sonori.myshopify.com/products/riccardo-tesi-banditaliana-argento-cd |
Digital Album "crudo" by Cuarteto Tangor - Argentinaby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() 1.Tangor 02:51 2.Malevaje 3.Después 03:21 4.Decarisimo 5.Apología tanguera 03:11 6.Mi refugio 7.La canchera 02:22 8.Siempre se vuelve a Buenos Aires 9.Milonga de mis amores 10.Oblivion 06:36 https://cuartetotangor.bandcamp.com/ |
CD "Never Enuff" by Andre Thierry - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() Andre Thierry, a name highly regarded amongst industry figures and fans throughout the music scene. True to his culture and love of music, he has crafted a career well beyond his years as an artist. Andre’s French Creole heritage is deeply rooted in Louisiana although he was born and raised in Northern California. At a very young age, he embarked on a path with distinct knowledge and extraordinary talents. he will be on tour in April 2019: Apr 5 5:30pm Chef Gator's Rustic Burgers, Petaluma, CA Apr 6 9pm The Iron Gate, Belmont, CA Apr 12 6pm Rhythmix/Alameda Artwalk, Alameda, CA Apr 12 9pm The Eagles Hall, Alameda, CA Apr 14 4pm French Quarter Creole Bar&Grill, Bellflower, CA Apr 20 8pm 256 North Restaurant, Petaluma, CA Apr 21 12pm Folkish Festival, Larkspur, CA For more: https://www.andrethierry.com/ |
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