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Diatonic News - Jan-2024
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Voci Armoniche


Happy New Year - Worldwide
Stefano Mengascini Passed Away, 29 December 2023, Castelfidardo - Italy
World Concertina Day 2024! - Worldwide
Denis Novato riceve il "Tony Petkovsek Award" - Italia/USA
„Wenn die Musi spielt“ Winter Open Air 2024 - Bad Kleinkirchheim/Austria
Laurea in Bandoneon per Walter Lucherini - Italia
Fancruise mit Marc Pircher - Gran Canaria

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Les Trad’Hivernales 2024 - France
Italian Port Days/Porto Svelato - Ancona/Italia
TradFest Temple Bar - Ireland
Stage de musique - Gond-Pontouvre/FR
Cygnet Folk Festival - Australia
33ª Fiesta Nacional del Chamamé - Corrientes/Argentina
Atelier de musique d'ensemble avec Rémi Geffroy - France
Celtic Connections 2024 - Scotland
Archie’s Box Academy (Getting Started) - UK
Stage d'accordéon diatonique avec Lolita Delmonteil-Ayral - France
Festivalazo - Argentina
Internationaler Akkordeonwettbewerb für den Avsenikpreis - Slowenien
Tamar Valley Folk Festival - Australia
Bal Trad du Nouvel An - FR/Saint-Aubin
Hummel – Frühjahrskurs auf dem Flensunger Hof in Mücke bei Gießen - Deutschland

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Italo Connection Konzerte - Deutschland/Italien
The Canny Band and Alexander Aga Røynstrand - Glasgow/Scotland
Ville Hiltual in Jan 2024 - Finland/Japan
Duo Brotto-Milleret en 2024 - France
Herbert Pixner Projekt meets Philharmonie Salzburg & Chor - Austria
Máirtín O’Connor Trio performing in Dublin - Ireland
Concert d'ouverture des Rencontres de Musiques Traditionnelles - FR/Bourges
Le Vent du Nord 2 concert - Canada/USA
Martin Hayes & The Common Ground Ensemble and Tern - Glasgow/Scotland
David Munnelly on tour/jan 2024 - BE/NL
Osvaldo Sosa Cordero @ Chamamé Festival - Argentina
MOIZBAT en concert a Sommieres - France
Andrea Capezzuoli in Gen/Feb 2024 - Italia
JUHE aus Tirol sind im Jänner 2024 unterwegs in - Österreich
Emma Corbett performing in Collins Barracks - Ireland
“Kirkophany” Entertain at “Knees Up Cecil Sharp Ceilidh” - England
Marietta Petkova & Carel Kraayenhof: The Hand of the Bear - Scotland/Holland
Duo Arthaud-Blanchard en concert - France
Michael Manhire performing in George Town - Australia

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Sofia Goggia / Radio Number One video - Worldwide
New EP "The Howard Levy 4" - USA

Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

Happy New Year - Worldwide

by Diatonic News
Happy New Year!
Diatoni-News wishes all clients and News readers from around the world a very happy, healthy and successful new 2024.

Pls continue to follow up with your news and events, where you are performing in order to give music lovers the possibility to join you and to listen to YOUR music:

with musical greetings from the Diatonic-News-Team

Sounding Out the Accordion

Stefano Mengascini Passed Away, 29 December 2023, Castelfidardo - Italy

by Diatonic News
Mengascini Nello header and diatonic model accordions
Italian notice Stefano MengasciniStefano MengasciniStefano Mengascini, Director of Mengascini Accordions Italy, manufacturers, has passed away at only 62 years of age. Further information will be online shortly.

Born 15 December 1961 in Castelfidardo, died 29 December 2023 in Ancona.

Information of the family and Stefano Mengascini is in the "Know the People" Interview published in 2017 at: 2017MN-Interview

Translation of newspaper article by il Resto del Carlino Ancona:

A life making accordions. Farewell to Mengascini, he was 62 years old

The Mengascini family gave a lifetime to the development of handicrafts and the accordion in Castelfidardo. On December 29th 2023, 62-year-old Stefano Mengascini, owner of the company, passed away. Grieved by his wife and daughters Lucia and Chiara.

Castelfidardo owes a lot to his family, one of those who gave a lifetime to the development of craftsmanship and the production of the accordion, the beating heart of the town. In fact, Mengascini is a company founded in 1978 that bears the surname of its founder, Nello, and Stefano was now one of the company owners. A great professional, always with a smile, husband and family man whose passing leaves many in despair.

He was always proud of his work and family. His wife Elisabetta and daughters Lucia and Chiara were deeply saddened.

The funeral has been set for the 30 December 2023 at 5 pm in the Collegiate Church in the city centre.

Diatonic News sends their sincere condolences to the Mengascini family for their very sad loss.
Mengascini accordions


World Concertina Day 2024! - Worldwide

by Diatonic News
The third annual World Concertina Day, sponsored once again by the International Concertina Association, will be on February 6, 2024, the anniversary of the birth of Sir Charles Wheatstone. We encourage local groups and individual players around the world to put on your own concertina-related events, as happened on the previous World Concertina Days in 2022 and 2023. The ICA itself will be putting together another of our annual international video concerts, and we may organize a participatory online event too – watch this space for updates. WCD 2024 merchandise is now available!

Plan a WCD event of your own! The ICA encourages everyone with an interest in the concertina to participate by organizing or taking part in an event in your local area or online on February 6, 2024, on the weekend before that, or on another nearby date.

Some ideas:

Gatherings of concertina players
In-person or online public concert performances by concertina groups or individual performers. Online events could also be pre-recorded and posted online on the day.
Events such as “concertina flash mobs” that lend themselves to social media publicity and local media interest
Live workshop events featuring concertinas
Local or national radio/TV interviews by concertina people
Display or demonstration of the concertina at your local museum, library or community center
Sharing a recording of yourself or telling your social media friends about your interest in the concertina
….or anything else you can think of! Take a look at what happened on World Concertina Day in 2022 and 2023.

For all other information: https://concertina.org/world-concertina-day-2024/

Voci Armoniche

Denis Novato riceve il "Tony Petkovsek Award" - Italia/USA

by Diatonic News
Il fisarmonicista triestino Denis Novato riceve l’award per la carriera e la divulgazione internazionale della musica

Durante i festeggiamenti del giorno del ringraziamento il fisarmonicista triestino Denis Novato , appena rientrato da una tournée australiana , ha ricevuto un prestigioso award a Cleveland in Ohio . (Foto sopra membri del comitato Polka Hall of fame di Cleveland Joe Valencic e Denny Bucar Denis Novato e sulla foto sinistra in fondo il presentatore Joey Tomsick)

Si tratta del primo personaggio non americano che ha ricevuto questo prestigioso premio . Prima di lui è stato assegnato a diversi musicisti , giornalisti e al governatore del Ohio Georg Volnivich .

Per il fisarmonicista triestino questo premio il “ Tony Petkovsek award “ conferma la sua fama negli USA e dopo essere già entrato nella hall of fame dei fisarmonicisti mondiali a New York adesso il suo nome è entrato anche nella Polka hall of fame di Cleveland .

Nel 2021 Novato è stato nominato cavaliere della repubblica italiana e il calco della sua mano venne esposto nel museo dei grandi della fisarmonica di Recoaro Terme .

Prossimamente il fisarmonicista triestino si esibirà nel ambito degli eventi della coppa del mondo di sci in Val Badia , Cortina d’Ampezzo e Kitzbühel.

Friedrich Lips Book

„Wenn die Musi spielt“ Winter Open Air 2024 - Bad Kleinkirchheim/Austria

by Diatonic News
C Arno Gruber's vom jan 2023
„Wenn die Musi spielt“ Winter Open Air 2024
19. & 20. Jänner 2024

Seit Juli 1996 ist Bad Kleinkirchheim der Hotspot für alle Fans des Schlagers und der Volksmusik.
Die Stars der Schlager- & Volksmusikszene hautnah erleben
Alljährlich zieht das „Wenn die Musi spielt“ Winter Open Air hunderte von Fans in die Herzen der Kärntner Nockberge. Die großen Stars aus Schlager und Volksmusik geben sich ein Stelldichein und begeistern die Fangemeinde mit ihren neuesten Hits.Erleben Sie Ihre Stars bereits bei den Proben an den Nachmittagen oder auf einer der Skihütten. Am Freitag können Sie die Musi-Stars bei der öffentlichen Pressekonferenz hautnah kennenlernen bevor es dann am Abend bei der Generalproben heißt: „Wenn die Musi spielt“

Infoline +43 4240 8212

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Laurea in Bandoneon per Walter Lucherini - Italia

by Diatonic News
Laurea in Bandoneon per Walter Lucherin
Laurea in Bandoneon per Walter LucherinConservatorio Di Musica Di Cagliari “Giovanni Pierluigi Da Palestrina”.
· Cagliari, Sardegna

La musica non è una gara a chi arriva primo ma è sempre una soddisfazione avere un primato perché per primi si ha avuto una idea, perché per primi si è creduto in un progetto e ci si è spesi affinché il progetto potesse decollare.

In Dicembre a Cagliari, si è tenuto il primo esame in Italia di laurea in bandoneon.
Walter Lucherini è stato il primo in Italia a raggiungere questo traguardo laureandosi con la votazione di 110/110.

Il lavoro non è ancora terminato, speriamo di avere presto un SAD che riconosca al percorso con il bandoneon la sua unicità.

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Fancruise mit Marc Pircher - Gran Canaria

by Diatonic News
1 Woche Sommer mitten im Winter mit deutscher Reisebegleitung und Musik, Musik, Musik.

Abflüge aus Wien, Münschen und Zürich.

Mehr auf: https://www.marcpircher.at/

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Titano Accordions

Les Trad’Hivernales 2024 - France

by Diatonic News
Les Trad’Hivernales 2024 - France
La 2023 édition des Trad'hivernales a été un grand succès. Après 3 ans de changements, les Trad hivernales reviennent avec un programme complet et une forte fréquentation !

La diversité illustrée par les musiques trad est le creuset de notre programmation. Diversité des sons, des danses, des territoires, des instruments, des générations et des couleurs musicales. Une diversité merveilleusement incarnée par la richesse des créations que nous proposent les nombreu.ses artistes qui s'inspirent de cette matière musicale.
Un festival en constante évolution, avec de nouveaux partenariats, de nouveaux publics et un nouveau lieu, Les Trad'hivernales rebondissent et se renforcent, grâce à nos bénévoles, partenaires et artistes.
Préparez-vous du 17 au 21 janvier 2024 à fêter les 25 ans du festival !

Plus sur: https://www.tradhivernales.com/

Accordion Jazz Chord

Italian Port Days/Porto Svelato - Ancona/Italia

by Diatonic News
Porto Svelato Festival
Danilo Di Paolonicola12-28 gennaio 2024/Ancona
Museo Archeologico Nazionale delle Marche
Teatrino del Piano
Bottega Tintura

Iniziativa di Autorità di Sistema Portuale del Mare Adriatico Centrale e Italian Port Days
Progetto di Adriatico Mediterraneo, in collaborazione con Museo Archeologico Nazionale delle Marche, Teatro del Canguro, Tintura, HORT

Il 19 Gennao 2024 alle h 18.00 nel Salone delle Feste del Museo:
Ethnic Project concerto di Danilo Di Paolonicola per organetto e fisarmonica

Ethnic Project, un percorso musicale fatto di sonorità diverse e riletture ,dal ritmo serrato e caldo, mediterraneo, che fa da sfondo a una serie di rimandi a culture diverse, dal tango argentino alle danze bulgare, passando per la pizzica e il sirtaki, che entrano in contatto e si arricchiscono vicendevolmente. Jazz, folklore e improvvisazione, sono questi i pochi indizi circa la direzione, quanto agli esiti, questi sono sempre diversi e affascinanti. È questo il segreto dello spettacolo “Ethnic Project”: essere sempre unico e mai uguale a se stesso. Il tutto è possibile grazie al grande lavoro di ricerca che ha impegnato questo artista e che lo ha portato ad approfondire gli aspetti legati alle tradizioni musicali dei vari popoli, per poi approdare a un linguaggio originale e in continuo divenire.

ingresso gratuito, posti limitati, prenotazione visita + concerto alla email adriaticomediterraneo.stampa@gmail.com


Gary Dahl Arrangements

TradFest Temple Bar - Ireland

by Diatonic News
IRELAND'S LARGEST TRAD & FOLK MUSIC FESTIVAL - is a celebration of Irish identity through music. Each January, it showcases the best of established and emerging musical talent at a landmark festival which is rooted in the historic and atmospheric setting of Temple Bar, Dublin’s cultural quarter.

TradFest is delighted to be included as part of the Winter in Dublin campaign by Fáilte Ireland this year. Supported by Dublin City Council, the programme highlights some of the best things to do and places to visit in Dublin, aiming to raise the seasonal spirit during some of the darkest months of the year. This year’s edition of TradFest has been included in this campaign alongside other top attractions in Dublin.

At TradFest, you’ll have the chance to experience the very best live music in Dublin.

For full information upon artists view: https://tradfest.com/
the venues of Tradfest - Ireland

Stage de musique - Gond-Pontouvre/FR

by Diatonic News
Stage de musique
En complément de sa session annuelle de danses, consacrée cette année au répertoire catalan, "Trad en 16" organise un stage de musique d'ensemble dont l'animation sera confié au trio constitué par Benoït Roblin (vielle à roue), Julien Evain (accordéon diatonique) et Thomas Badeau (clarinette). Au menu, des airs poitevino-vendéens issus du répertoire de bal du trio.

Pour pouvoir profiter au mieux de ce stage, il convient de ne pas être parfait débutant mais de "posséder" son instrument depuis deux ou trois ans.

Le session se déroulera dimanche 21 janvier, de 10h à 12h puis de 14h à 16h, à la salle des fêtes de Gond-Pontouvre (lieu à confirmer).

Possibilité de se restaurer sur place (chacun apporte son panier).

Contact et information : 05 45 68 32 63, 06 61 76 27 05, 06 68 11 12 77.

Charnwood Music Publishing

Cygnet Folk Festival - Australia

by Diatonic News
Cygnet Folk Festival - Australia
The Cygnet Folk Festival is one of Australia’s most iconic folk music festivals. Very highly regarded by musicians and festival-goers from all over Australia and overseas, competition to come to Cygnet is at an all time high amongst performers, and last year we had a record number of applications! The Festival is a showcase of eclectic music genres featuring both local and international talent, dance, poetry, masterclasses, film, kids' entertainment, food, wine, art and local handicrafts all set in the breathtaking scenery of Tasmania's Huon Valley.

Musicians and volunteers plan their annual holidays around coming to Cygnet in January each year and many come from interstate and overseas especially to be part of this wonderful event. The incredible talent of local and visiting musicians is celebrated over the January weekend.

The aims of the Festival are:

to offer folk, ethno, world, singer-songwriter, roots and acoustic music, dance, poetry and workshops from local, national and international artists.
to encourage interest in and awareness of folk music and associated activities to people of diverse ages and backgrounds.
to provide support and opportunities to young musicians.
to foster mutually beneficial relationships with the local community, businesses and associations.


Voci Armoniche

33ª Fiesta Nacional del Chamamé - Corrientes/Argentina

by Diatonic News
33ª Fiesta Nacional del Chamamé - Corrientes/Argentina
The 33rd National Chamamé Festival, 19th Mercosur Festival and 3rd World Celebration are to take place from January 12 to 21, 2024, at the Mario del Tránsito Cocomarola amphitheater.

The provincial official highlighted that the 33rd National Chamamé Festival will have an artistic grid of great diversity that includes the main figures of chamamé worldwide, the new values ​​that emerged from the Pre Fiesta competitions, and artists from other genres who They accepted the invitation to perform chamamé.

In this way, the greatest references will be part of an important grid of artists who will add their cultural expressions to celebrate chamamé, under the motto “Cry of identity.”



Atelier de musique d'ensemble avec Rémi Geffroy - France

by Diatonic News
Atelier de musique d'ensemble avec Rémi GeffroyLe 27 janvier 2024 de 13h à 17h

8, Route de l'Abbaye
Espace Val de Gif
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette

Un atelier de musique d'ensemble sera organisé par Rémi Geffroy avant le grand bal qu'il animera ensuite pour notre plus grand plaisir !


Celtic Connections 2024 - Scotland

by Diatonic News
Glasgow’s annual folk, roots and world music festival celebrates its connections to cultures across the globe. From 18 January - 4 February 2024, over 2,100 musicians from around the world bring the city to life for 18 days. During that time, there are concerts, ceilidhs, talks, art exhibitions, workshops and free events.

Creative Director Donald Shaw programmes more than 300 events across multiple genres of music. The festival is renowned for its ability to bring together one-off line-ups for special collaborative shows. The camaraderie between musicians continues late into the night at the Festival Club - home to legendary musical collaborations and spontaneous sessions.

“There are situations that you’ll see where people are playing that you’ll never see again, or if you do, it’s because it worked here first.” Donald Shaw, Creative Director

In 2023, the festival celebrated its 30th edition. It was also the first festival without restrictions since 2020, seeing over 300 events with more than 100,000 attendances at 25 venues across Glasgow.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Archie’s Box Academy (Getting Started) - UK

by Diatonic News
Monday 8 Jan 10:30am–1pm, 2024
Archie’s ‘Getting Started’ workshop is players of the DG melodeon, levels 0 and 1
for information reg. levels view: https://halswaymanor.org.uk/halsway-melodeon-workshop-levels/

Archie Churchill-Moss Archie (Archie Churchill-Moss: Widely regarded as one of the best players of English traditional folk) continues to support beginner melodeon players in these enjoyable once-a month workshops. Each 2.5 hour session will present a new challenge, with time for individual help to support less confident / less advanced players and to stretch more ambitious / more accomplished musicians. You’ll be learning new tunes and techniques each month, while also developing a working knowledge of music theory, and your own creativity as the course progresses.

New students are welcome to join the course, and you may book for individual classes or in advance for the full term.

more dates: 12th Feb, 25th March and 22nd April 2024

For detailed information contact:

Stage d'accordéon diatonique avec Lolita Delmonteil-Ayral - France

by Diatonic News
Stage d'accordéon diatonique avec Lolita Delmonteil-AyralLe 06 janvier 2024 de 09h à 12h
17, Rue Bon Accueil,Salle de la Lyre Tonkinoise, 64140 Billère

Stage d'accordéon diatonique avec Lolita Delmonteil-Ayral
Ouvert à toutes les personnes qui ont minimum un an d'expérience en diato et sont à l'aise avec l'idée d'apprendre d'oreille !

Originaire de Gironde, Lolita Delmonteil Ayral rencontre l’accordéon diatonique à 15 ans, et fait ses premiers pas musicaux dans le milieu dit des « bals folks ». A moitié autodidacte, elle s’intéresse à la musique instrumentale traditionnelle à danser, puis affine sa pratique autour du répertoire Gascon.
Elle se professionnalise alors au sein du duo « La Forcelle », et se forme au COMDT de Toulouse où elle rencontre le chant traditionnel occitan et commence à intégrer la voix dans sa musique. Commence une faste période artistique ou elle intègre le trio Cocanha, et le quatuor Laüsa. Parallèlement à tout cela, elle commence l’accordéon chromatique, s’intéresse et se forme à la musique de la péninsule ibérique, ainsi qu’à celle du Nordeste du Brésil.


Titano Accordions

Festivalazo - Argentina

by Diatonic News
for Details view poster


Internationaler Akkordeonwettbewerb für den Avsenikpreis - Slowenien

by Diatonic News
Begunje na Gorenjskem, 20. und 21. Januar 2024

• Tastenakkordeon
• Steirische Harmonika

• A bis zum vollendeten 12. Lebensjahr
• B ab 13. bis zum vollendeten 16. Lebensjahr
• C ab 17. bis zum vollendeten 22. Lebensjahr
• D ab 23. vollendeten Lebensjahr und älter

Das tatsächliche Alter der Wettbewerbsteilnehmer wird am Tag des Wettbewerbs berücksichtigt.
Jeder Wettbewerbsteilnehmer spielt zwei Musikstücke vor:
a) Pflichtlied (siehe Ausschreibung) - Polka bzw. Walzer
Das Pflichtlied wird in Triobesetztung gespielt (die Begleitung an der Gitarre, Kontrabass bzw. Bariton, wird vom Organisator bereitgestellt,
b) Avsenik - Musikarrangement nach eigener Wahl

Alle weiteren Informationen bekommen Sie auf der Internetseite www.avsenik.com
Telefonisch +386 4 533 3 402
Dienstag – Freitag von 9.00 bis 14.00
oder per E -Mail: muzej@avsenik.com

Voci Armoniche

Tamar Valley Folk Festival - Australia

by Diatonic News
Tamar Valley Folk Festival - Australia
The first Tamar Valley folk festival was held at GeorgeTown in January 1992 after a successful trial held in a the form of a dance& concert at the Memorial Hall on the 9 th March 1991 to raise some funds for the event.
The then members of the GeorgeTown folk club got together to form a festival committee led by Mick and Helen Flanagan with the support of Linda Bezemer and others.
Local artists from Launceston and the Southern areas of the Huon Valley were invited to take part. It was a successful beginning.
Since then the festival has grown to one that local, interstate and international artists and performers have come to enjoy.
The beautiful location of the Tamar river and surrounding areas have provided a wonderful historic flavour to the festival which is always been supported by local businesses and the George town council.
The small venues and locations make it attractive for visitors and audiences to walk from venue to venue to catch the concert performances and workshops.


Bal Trad du Nouvel An - FR/Saint-Aubin

by Diatonic News
Le 06 janvier 2024 de 15h à 23h30
51, Place du Pruneau, Salle des Fêtes, 47150 Saint-Aubin, France

21h bal trad - avec le groupe de l'Aveyron "ASTRAGALE", musiques de l'Aveyron et du Quercy et le groupe "HASTAPEN" musiques Gasconnes, Basques, Berry et Limousin


Hummel – Frühjahrskurs auf dem Flensunger Hof in Mücke bei Gießen - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Hummel – Frühjahrskurs auf dem Flensunger Hof in Mücke bei Gießen
Die Hummelkurse – Wochenenden mit Musik und Tanz rund um Drehleier, Dudelsack, Diatonisches Akkordeon, Nyckelharpa und Co. – finden zweimal jährlich statt, seit mittlerweile über 40 Jahren!
Der Unterricht findet in kleinen Gruppen, abgestimmt auf den Kenntnisstand der Teilnehmer, statt. Die Referenten der „Hummel“ sind ein langjähriges Team erfahrener Musiker und Kursleiter aus dem ganzen Bundesgebiet. Neben verschiedenen Instrumental- und Ensemble-Kursen gibt es jede Menge Bal-Folk, Sessions, Fachsimpeln, Zuhören und einen kleinen Musikalienmarkt…


Accordion Jazz Chords

Future events / Concerts


by Diatonic News
Evento di Aurélien Congrega, Guus Herremans e Marco Clerico
Roero Danze Via dei Gelsi, 23, 12040 Ceresole Alba CN

Aurélien Congrega: bouzouki
Jérémie CONGREGA: chitarra
Duo du Balcon è un duo di fratelli, che, provenienti dal blues e dal rock, sono approdati al mondo del balfolk e della musica tradizionale. Arrivano da noi per farci ballare un "funkttish" e delle "bluesurka" in questo frizzante progetto chitarristico.
Tra le sonorità irlandesi e lo spirito rock, accentuato da riffs energici e passaggi " floydiani", questo duo ha tutto un universo da farci scoprire attreverso la danza...
Pavel Souvandjiev
Guus Herremans
Guus e Pavel, entrambi attivi come musicisti e insegnanti di musica tradizionale, hanno deciso di mettere insieme le loro abilità e hanno fondato nell'autunno del 2014 il loro duo LBA. La tecnica francese e italiana di Guus e le radici bulgare di Pavel hanno prodotto una sorprendente miscela musicale. Questo li ha già portati per concerti in Belgio, Francia, Spagna, Portogallo, Paesi Bassi, Germania... Guus e Pavel, organetto e violino, insieme vi proporranno serata di danze indimenticabile!

Titano Accordions

Italo Connection Konzerte - Deutschland/Italien

by Diatonic News
Italo Connection
The Italo Connection can without doubt be described as the Who's Who of the South Tyrolean music scene! Musically, they range between southern Italian funeral music, Morricone, Tarantino and Celentano. A wild mixture of Jestofunk, Zawinul and Rimini disco. Improvisation is unpredictable.

For these next concerts of ITALO CONNECTION are still some tickets avaialbe - so hurry up:

26.01.2024 | Steinegg (I) Kulturhaus
27.01.2024 | Sand in Taufers (I) Bürgersaal
31.01.2024 | Stuttgart (D) LKA Longhorn
01.02.2024 | Memmingen (D) Kaminwerk
The artists:
Herbert Pixner: Diatonische, Klarinette, Trompete, Percussion
Alex Trebo: Keyboards, Piano
Max Castlunger: Percussions
Martl Resch: Saxophon, Vocal
Mario Punzi: Drums
Marco Stagni: Bass
Manuel Randi: Diverse Gitarren


The Canny Band and Alexander Aga Røynstrand - Glasgow/Scotland

by Diatonic News
The Canny Band and Alexander Aga Røynstrand
24th Jan 2024 - 8.00pm / Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, Strathclyde Suite

The Canny Band are Sam Mabbett, Michael Biggins (BBC Young Traditional Musician of the Year 2021) and Callum Convoy. A rare fusion of piano, diatonic button accordion and bodhran, the band have stormed the Glasgow traditional music scene and gained numerous high-profile appearances, including recent performances on BBC ALBA and BBC Radio Scotland. They also won ‘Up and Coming Artist of the Year’ at the 2021 MG ALBA Scots Trad Music Awards. “Great players with standout arrangements — really fresh and exciting” (Kathryn Tickell, BBC Radio 3 Music Planet)

Supporting the band is Norway’s Alexander Aga Røynstrand. A timber truck driver by day, he has in recent years distinguished himself as one of the foremost players of the Hardanger fiddle, widely considered to be Norway’s national instrument. Alexander performs a set of traditional folk music from his homeland, echoing tales of fjords and the farming and fishing communities that adorned them.


Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Ville Hiltual in Jan 2024 - Finland/Japan

by Diatonic News
After a busy last quarter of 2023 - Ville Hiltula - Bandoneonist from Finland living in Japan s starting the new year wth many appointments in Jan. 2024.

Diatonic-News is listing just one - but several more you can view on:

eSheet Music Titles

Duo Brotto-Milleret en 2024 - France

by Diatonic News
Duo Brotto-Milleret - France
Le duo Brotto-Milleret c'est deux parcours artistiques qui se questionnent, se frôlent, se rejoignent, entre compositions et airs traditionnels, entre complémentarité et complicité, entre accords et désaccords, entre joute et symbiose.
Diatonique… dynamique, technique, rythmique, atypique…

Pour details voire poster

Titano Accordions

Herbert Pixner Projekt meets Philharmonie Salzburg & Chor - Austria

by Diatonic News
10.01.2024 | 18:30
11.01.2024 | 19:30
12.01.2024 | 15:00
12.01.2024 | 19:30
Alpine folk music and world music meet classical symphony. Herbert Pixner has been showing for many years that this is possible without any clichés. Now there is the next artistic expansion: For the concerts together with the Salzburg Philharmonic, some of Herbert Pixner's pieces will be arranged for large choir for the first time and premiered in the Great Festival Hall. The unmistakable style and infectious enthusiasm for improvisation of the Herbert Pixner project merge with the power of 200 singers.

Herbert Pixner Project:
Herbert Pixner · Diatonic harmonica, clarinet, trumpet, euphonium, lamellophone
Manuel Randi · Manouche guitar, flamenco guitar, bouzouki, electric guitar
Katrin Unterlercher · Folk harp
Werner Unterlercher · Double bass, electric bass
Max Castlelunger · Percussion
Mario Punzi drums

Elisabeth Fuchs · Conductor
Choir of the Philharmonie Salzburg
Philharmonic Salzburg

All concerts are sold out, but one never knows?
Herbert Pixner will be on tour in the summer, so do NOT miss to reserve YOUR place in time!


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Máirtín O’Connor Trio performing in Dublin - Ireland

by Diatonic News
Máirtín O’Connor Trio
Formed in the early 2000s, The Máirtín O’Connor Trio has become a prominent force in traditional Irish music. With acclaimed albums “Crossroads” and “Going Places,” they’ve toured globally, from the Sydney Opera House to New York’s Symphony Space Centre, winning over audiences in Ireland, Britain, Europe, North America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

At the trio’s core is Máirtín O’Connor, a revered accordionist known for his time with De Danann and contributions to Riverdance. His masterful playing and composing have earned him legendary status in Irish music.

Together, The Máirtín O’Connor Trio delivers a whirlwind tour of Irish musical traditions, pushing boundaries while staying rooted in tradition. Their remarkable performances and musical prowess have earned them accolades and a dedicated following, solidifying their place as Irish music pioneers on the global stage.

The Pepper Canister Church/Jan 27 2024

Voci Armoniche

Concert d'ouverture des Rencontres de Musiques Traditionnelles - FR/Bourges

by Diatonic News
Le 26 janvier 2024 de 20h à 00h
34, Rue Henri Sellier, Conservatoire de Bourges, 18000 Bourges, France

Ce concert d’ouverture réunira les artistes invités des Rencontres de Musiques Traditionnelles : Arnaud Bibonne, Gilles Chabenat et Nadia Litim.

Venez découvrir, sous leurs mains de maîtres, les sonorités de la vielle à roue, de la cornemuse et des musiques arabo-andalouses !

Un concert entre tradition et modernité qui, nous l’espérons, vous ouvrira
l’appétit pour ce week-end de musiques et de danses traditionnelles !


Sounding Out the Accordion

Le Vent du Nord 2 concert - Canada/USA

by Diatonic News
Le Vent du Nord
Saint-Jean-sur-richelieu, QC, Canada
Théâtre des Deux Rives

BCMFest: Le Vent Du Nord 2024
Crystal Ballroom at Somerville Theatre, Somerville, MA, US

Le Vent du Nord


Martin Hayes & The Common Ground Ensemble and Tern - Glasgow/Scotland

by Diatonic News
Martin Hayes & The Common Ground Ensemble and Tern
26th Jan 2024 - 7.30pm / The Barony Hall

With a soulful interpretation of traditional Irish music, Hayes and his latest project, The Common Ground Ensemble, perform songs from the 2023 album Peggy’s Dream.

Collectively, his assembled ensemble, comprising Cormac McCarthy (piano), Kate Ellis (cello), Kyle Sanna (guitar), and Brian Donnellan (bouzouki/ harmonium/ oncertina), possess an otherworldly wealth of talent, all with roots in traditional Irish music — hence the name “The Common Ground”. However, they also masterfully weave together jazz improvisation, avant-garde arrangement, and cutting-edge contemporary classical, all led by Hayes’ unerring musical vision.

Support comes from Tern, a multinational five-piece band named after the migrating bird of the Nordic regions. 2023’s Danny Kyle Open Stage Finalists, Tern crafts contemporary arrangements of traditional and original material, drawing on the music of Shetland, Mainland Scotland, and Scandinavia.


Voci Armoniche

David Munnelly on tour/jan 2024 - BE/NL

by Diatonic News
David Munnelly
for more information: http://davidmunnelly.com/

Friedrich Lips Book

Osvaldo Sosa Cordero @ Chamamé Festival - Argentina

by Diatonic News
Osvaldo Sosa Cordero and  Yamandu Costa
Richard Scófano: “The pure essence of chamamé is in the music, the dance and its people”

The virtuoso bandoneon player, author and composer, who has been living in the United States for several years, will return to Corrientes to be part of the 33rd National Chamamé Festival, organized by the Government of Corrientes, through the Institute of Culture. Osvaldo Sosa Cordero will take the stage accompanied by Yamandu Costa, considered one of the best guitarists in the world.

More detals on https://culturacorrientes.com/

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

MOIZBAT en concert a Sommieres - France

by Diatonic News
Christophe joue de l'accordéon diatonique, de la guitare, et chante en occitan. Alain est à la batterie, Paul à la contrebasse et Thomas au saxophone. Depuis 2016, Moizbat' sillonne le pays pour donner des concerts ou animer des bals. "On reprend de la musique traditionnelle occitane, de Dordogne et du Périgord, qu'on réarrange et réactualise avec nos différents parcours à tous les quatre", explique Christophe. Avec la crise du Covid le groupe ne peut plus rencontrer son public.

Samedi 20 janvier 2024 / 1 rue Poterie 30250 SOMMIERES

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Andrea Capezzuoli in Gen/Feb 2024 - Italia

by Diatonic News
Andrea Capezzuoli in Gen/Feb 2024 - Italia
Andrea Capezzuoli, Organettista, cantante, suonatore di cornamusa, compositore, arrangiatore, nato a Milano nel 1970, si occupa da sempre di musica folk.

Nell'anno nuovo Andrea sara a:
11 gennaio // Andrea solo // balfolk Modena
20 gennaio // Andrea solo // Circolo via d’acqua, Pavia
10 maggio // Andrea e Compagnia // La Ghironda, Carmagnola (TO)
10 marzo // Andrea solo // Basilea, Svizzera


JUHE aus Tirol sind im Jänner 2024 unterwegs in - Österreich

by Diatonic News
JUHE aus TirolSchützenball13.01.2024Uhrzeit: 21:00Ort: A-6173 Oberperfuss / Mehrzwecksaal
Hahnenkammrennen20.01.2024Uhrzeit: 15:00Ort: A-6370 Kitzbühel / Stadtzentrum
Jungbauernball27.01.2024Uhrzeit: 21:00Ort: A-6473 Wenns / Gemeindesaal

Für mehr: https://juhe.tirol/ueber-uns/

Titano Accordions

Emma Corbett performing in Collins Barracks - Ireland

by Diatonic News
emma CorbettJan 24 2024 / 1:00 pm
( National Museum of Ireland, Collins Barracks )

Emma is a multi-award winning melodeon player from Co. Waterford. Being a member of Frankie Gavin’s Roaring Twenties Irish Orchestra, she takes inspiration from the music of the Flanagan Brothers, PJ Conlon, Johnny Connolly and her long time tutor and friend, Bobby Gardiner. Recently completing the 25TH annual Guinness Irish Christmas tour, Emma has performed throughout Austria, Germany, Italy and Switzerland. She has taught at the prestigious music summer school ‘Meitheal’, Scoil Cheoil An Earraigh and has seen great success’ amongst her private students. Emma has headlined concerts at Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann, TradFest Temple Bar, Return to Camden Town Fest, The Kilfenora TradFest and many more.

for further information and tickets: https://tradfest.com/venues/collins-barracks/

Accordion Jazz Chord

“Kirkophany” Entertain at “Knees Up Cecil Sharp Ceilidh” - England

by Diatonic News
“Kirkophany” Entertain at “Knees Up Cecil Sharp Ceilidh” - England
“Kirkophany” will entertain at a “Knees Up Cecil Sharp Ceilidh”, held at the Kennedy Hall, Cecil Sharp House in London, England on January 19th, 2024.

The group features John Kirkpatrick (calling the dances, button accordion & anglo concertina), and his four sons: Jobie (bass guitar), Benji (guitars, banjo, mandolin, bouzouki), George (melodeons, percussion) and Fergus (drums).

The “Knees Up Cecil Sharp Ceilidhs” provide interesting and energetic evenings of folk dancing. They present a mixture of established and up-and-coming bands mostly playing in the English ceilidh style.

For details email: info@kneesupcecilsharp.co.uk

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Marietta Petkova & Carel Kraayenhof: The Hand of the Bear - Scotland/Holland

by Diatonic News
Marietta Petkova & Carel Kraayenhof: The Hand of the Bear31st Jan 2024 - 7.30pm / City Halls - Recital Room / Glasgow

Celtic Connections welcomes celebrated Bulgarian-born pianist Marietta Petkova and Dutch bandoneonist Carel Kraayenhof to Glasgow’s City Halls for a special collaboration. The Hand of the Bear is an autobiographical performance arising from mutual admiration and undeniable chemistry between these two masters.

With folk music as the underlying theme, the pair perform works by Bach, Scarlatti, and Schubert and Argentinian masters such as Garçia and Piazzolla. A unique summit between piano and bandoneón (a type of South American concertina), the compositions are interwoven with touching personal stories recounting their past experiences and biggest influences — including a shared fascination with legendary classical pianist Sviatoslav Richter.


Duo Arthaud-Blanchard en concert - France

by Diatonic News
Duo Arthaud-Blanchard
Du 06/01/2024 20h au 07/01 18h
4, Rue de Belfort, 69004 Lyon

Éli Arthaud : chant, accordéon
Jean Blanchard : chant, banjo ténor, cornemuse
Les mots qui gambillent nous intéressent et nous font hésiter entre la danse assise ou la chanson debout. Tout n’est question que de respiration, de goût des paroles et de gestes en rythme. L’inspiration douce-amère des mots à deux voix fait crisser nos rires et apaise les demi-larmes quotidiennes de nos aventures. L’instrumentation, accordéon – banjo – cornemuse, par sa saveur umami, soutient la pulsation des secondes de nos vies qui balisent le bal insaisissable de notre avenir.
Et la guinche grince


Charnwood Music Publishing

Michael Manhire performing in George Town - Australia

by Diatonic News
Michael ManhireOn Sunday 21st of January 2024
A Themed Concert - George Town Yacht Club

Kernow - Songs and Stories of Cornwall / The Forgotten Celtic Kingdom Michael will delight with his wonderful presentation of tunes and songs.

Tales Tunes and Songs from Cornwall where his father's family came from and where the original Launceston and Tamar River are found.

Performers will be Michael Manhire, Hetty Binns and Sue Barker.


Voci Armoniche

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)


Sofia Goggia / Radio Number One video - Worldwide

by Diatonic News
Not only is Sofia Goggia (Italian) a number ONE downhill- skier (olymic champion), but also a Radio Number One diatonic accordion performer!
Happy to see and hear, how Sofia performed during her "Austrian Week with a local traditional dress" for the first time in her life a piece on a Müller Steirisch Harmonika. With a little bit of training/practice !?!?! ;-) in any case - well done Sofia!

New EP "The Howard Levy 4" - USA

by Diatonic News
The NEW EP "The Howard Levy 4 - live from Chicago " was released in DECEMBER 2023.

This is the debut EP of The Howard Levy 4, full of the excitement and high energy that you would expect from such a stellar lineup.

The four compositions highlight the band's profound musicality, featuring rich grooves and electrifying, inventive solos. "Midway to Midway" is an enticing fusion of funk and reggae, adorned with angular jazz harmonies. "Fade to Black" invites listeners on a captivating and enigmatic journey, propelled by guitar-tapping and Brazilian rhythms. "Serene" unfolds as a hauntingly beautiful rock ballad, evoking a sense of tranquility and inner peace. And finally, "The Steroid Choro" is a wild harmonica romp set against pulsating drums and bass, crowned by a blistering acoustic guitar solo.

Howard Levy: diatonic harmonica, keyboard, bamboo flute
Chris Siebold: electric and acoustic guitars
Joshua Ramos: electric bass
Luiz Ewerling: drums
Tracks 1, 2 & 4 composed by H.Levy, track 3 by L. Ewerling.

ORDER: https://levyland.com/music-the-hl4-live-from-chicago

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