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Diatonic News - Feb-2024
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Voci Armoniche


Video: Alessandro Gaudio with String Orchestra Performs Diatonic Tango - Italy
World Concertina Day 2024! - Worldwide
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich
The "Antonio Grosso School" - Calabria/Italia
25. Internationale Akkordeonfestival - Vienna/Austria
Video di Ritals di Gianmaria Testa con Alessandro D’Alessandro - Italia
Fancruise mit Marc Pircher - Gran Canaria
Ad Kwakernaat 1951-2024 - Netherlands
FORRO' LECCE/Manifatture Knos - Italia
Bandoneon-Online Lessons by Bruno Cabadas - Argentina

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Workshop with Mel Biggs @ The Folk of Gloucester - UK
Accordeon diatonique Cours régulier organisé par 95- MJC DE PONTOISE, LA FABRIQUE 95 - France
14. Kärntner Volksmusikwettbewerb - Österreich
51st Auckland Folk Festival – New Zealand
Gran Duelo del Chamamé - Argentina
Bandoneon Classes by Fabio Mazurkievicz - Argentina/Worldwide
Celtic Connections 2024 - Scotland
Archie’s Box Academy (Getting Started+Getting Better) - UK
Cancelled: 2024 Internationaler Akkordeonwettbewerb Klingenthal - Deutschland
Cours régulier Accordeon diatonique avec Thierry Delaveau - France
17. Internationaler Slavko Avsenik Harmonika Wettbewerb - Slowenien
Beginner's harmonica course with Jos Lambregts - Netherlands
4th Sarajevo Tango Festival - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Kokkola Winter Accordion 2024 - Finland
Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh - Ireland
Stage du Technique, expression, composition avec Riccardo Tesi - France
2° Concorsi d'Organettio - Italia

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

STEFANO INTELISANO with The BoDeans in March - USA
Andreas Gabalier - Jän-Jun 2024 - DE/IT/AT
Andrea Capezzuoli concerti in - IT, CH
Jakob Steinkellner in USA und AT - Austria/USA
ILLA - nouvelle production avec Stephane Milleret - France
Bargainatt @ Balfolk - Poland
Italo Connection im Februar - Österreich/Deutschland/Italien
Beltango to perform in Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Antti Paalanen in Feb/Apr/May 2024 - France/Finland
Harmonika Müller GmbH Akkordeonausstellung auf der 75. Internationalen Handwerksmesse - Deutschland
Irische Frühlings Tour in - Deutschland
Valentine’s Day Concerts – Canada
TANGO 5 (DE/RS/AT/RO/BG) @ Akkordeonfestival - Vienna/Austria
Louise Jallu 4tet play Piazzolla - FR
Festa di Carnevale con Philippe Plard - Padova/Italia
R.TESI & Elastic Trio - Svizzera
Spiers & Boden 2024 Tour – England and Wales
Tango del Norte Kokkola Winter Festival - Finland
WONDRAK.LINDSCHI Schrammelharmonika im Wienerlied-Himmel - Wien/Österreich
Ranganna Bosca Ceoil/Accordion ag Scoil Cheoil - Ireland
DANÇAS OCULTAS - 1 spring-concert - Portugal/Belgium
Black Milonga Fernet Club - Switzerland

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD "Jeu" par Louise Jallu - France
Gianni Ventola Danese: New Album “Milodiya” - Italy
CD "Tilham" by Blowzabella - UK
CD "DesBando" by Bruno Cabadas - Argentina
CD "Continuum" du Groove Factory - France

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Accordion TV/Film/Radio

Antonio Grosso in tv 6/2/2024 - Italia

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Voci Armoniche


Sounding Out the Accordion

Video: Alessandro Gaudio with String Orchestra Performs Diatonic Tango - Italy

by Diatonic News
Diatonic Tango is a composition by Alessandro Gaudio and Salvatore Peace, arrangement for string orchestra by Renzo Ruggieri. The performance with the string orchestra of the Academy Pianistica Italiana was held on 30 December at the Giardini Naxos. Alessandro Gaudio is a teacher at Conservatorio di Musica Statale “P. I. Tchaikovsky” and President of the IDA - International Diatonic Alliance.

Diatonic Tango è una composizione di Alessandro Gaudio e Salvatore Pace, arrangiamento per orchestra d'archi di Renzo Ruggieri. L'esecuzione con l'orchestra d'archi dell'Accademia Pianistica Italiana si è tenuta il 30 dicembre ai Giardini Naxos. Alessandro Gaudio è docente presso il Conservatorio di Musica Statale “P. I. Tchaikovsky” e Presidente dell'IDA - International Diatonic Alliance.


World Concertina Day 2024! - Worldwide

by Diatonic News
The third annual World Concertina Day, sponsored once again by the International Concertina Association, will be on February 6, 2024, the anniversary of the birth of Sir Charles Wheatstone. We encourage local groups and individual players around the world to put on your own concertina-related events, as happened on the previous World Concertina Days in 2022 and 2023. The ICA itself will be putting together another of our annual international video concerts, and we may organize a participatory online event too – watch this space for updates. WCD 2024 merchandise is now available!

Plan a WCD event of your own! The ICA encourages everyone with an interest in the concertina to participate by organizing or taking part in an event in your local area or online on February 6, 2024, on the weekend before that, or on another nearby date.

Some ideas:

Gatherings of concertina players
In-person or online public concert performances by concertina groups or individual performers. Online events could also be pre-recorded and posted online on the day.
Events such as “concertina flash mobs” that lend themselves to social media publicity and local media interest
Live workshop events featuring concertinas
Local or national radio/TV interviews by concertina people
Display or demonstration of the concertina at your local museum, library or community center
Sharing a recording of yourself or telling your social media friends about your interest in the concertina
….or anything else you can think of! Take a look at what happened on World Concertina Day in 2022 and 2023.

For all other information: https://concertina.org/world-concertina-day-2024/

Voci Armoniche

Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation

Friedrich Lips Book

The "Antonio Grosso School" - Calabria/Italia

by Diatonic News
Antonio Grosso School
Antonio GrossoAntonio GrossoL’Antonio Grosso School è una scuola di musica situata in Calabria con varie sedi nella provincia di Cosenza. Fondata 19 anni fa dal Maestro Antonio Grosso ha all’attivo corsi strumentali di: Fisarmonica, Fisarmonica Diatonica (organetto), Tamburo a cornice, pianoforte, Chitarra classica, Batteria e Percussioni, Basso elettrico.

La scuola organizza stage a cura di ottimi musicisti italiani ed internazionali che mettono insieme al M. Grosso la loro esperienza a disposizione di questi piccoli aspiranti musicisti.

Inoltre offre la possibilità di studiare strumenti considerati tradizionali, come l’organetto, in modo innovativo e all’avanguardia.
Antonio Grosso School

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

25. Internationale Akkordeonfestival - Vienna/Austria

by Diatonic News
Intern.Akkordeon Festival Vienna
Lisa Reimitz, Franziska HatzEnglish: The 2024 Internationale Akkordeonfestival will be held in Vienna, Austria from February 24th to March 17th, 2024 and celebrate its 25th anniversary.

Following the retirement of founder Friedl Preisl, former co-director Franziska Hatz and cultural manager Lisa Reimitz (picture left) will be responsible for this year’s event which will feature concerts at numerous venues in Vienna.

The 25th International Accordion Festival will be opened by the Ensemble Tango 5 (which includes accordionist Milos Todorovski - picture above by Vanja Pandurevic), and will conclude with a concert by Caamano & Ameixeras and Maxjoseph. As a supporting program of the festival, three accordion and hand harmonica workshops are also offered.

Download festival program: 2024Vienna.pdf

Picture below: The Bandouba ensemble led by bandoneonist Tobias Kochseder, who will perform at the festival on March 6th, 2024.


Deutsch: Das Internationale Akkordeonfestival 2024 findet vom 24. Februar bis 17. März 2024 in Wien, Österreich, statt und feiert sein 25-jähriges Jubiläum.

Nach dem Ausscheiden von Gründerin Friedl Preisl werden die ehemalige Co-Direktorin Franziska Hatz und die Kulturmanagerin Lisa Reimitz (Bild links) für die diesjährige Veranstaltung verantwortlich sein, die Konzerte an zahlreichen Spielorten in Wien umfassen wird.

Das 25. Internationale Akkordeonfestival wird vom Ensemble Tango 5 (zu dem der Akkordeonist Milos Todorovski gehört – Bild oben von Vanja Pandurevic) eröffnet und mit einem Konzert von Caamano & Ameixeras und Maxjoseph abgeschlossen. Als Rahmenprogramm des Festivals werden außerdem drei Akkordeon- und Handharmonika-Workshops angeboten.

Festivalprogramm herunterladen: 2024Vienna.pdf

Bild unten: Das Bandouba-Ensemble unter der Leitung des Bandoneonisten Tobias Kochseder, das am 6. März 2024 beim Festival auftreten wird.

More: www.akkordeonfestival.at
Bandouba ensemble

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Video di Ritals di Gianmaria Testa con Alessandro D’Alessandro - Italia

by Diatonic News
Alessandro D’AlessandroOnline il video di Ritals di Gianmaria Testa nella rivisitazione per organetto realizzata da Alessandro D’Alessandro con la partecipazione straordinaria di Sonia Bergamasco e Neri Marcoré.


Una versione “recitata e teatralizzata” che accentua il pathos poetico e malinconico del brano, mentre le ombre disegnate da Silvio Gioia nel video realizzato da Roberto Mazzarelli ne pone in risalto la grande attualità intrecciando viaggi e storie di italiani a analoghe traversie di altri emigranti, allo stesso modo, sia pure in tempi diversi, obbligati a cercare una possibilità di futuro lontani dalla propria terra.

Ritals è un termine dell’argot francese con il quale si indicavano, con una connotazione negativa, gli italiani immigrati in Francia e Belgio a partire dagli Anni Trenta. Gianmaria Testa, originario di Cuneo e quindi molto vicino al confine francese, ha così voluto intitolare una delle sue canzoni più struggenti per ricordare a una nazione attraversata periodicamente da impulsi razzistici e xenofobi quale era stato il destino degli italiani, anche loro un tempo alle prese con “l’odore delle stive/ l’amaro del partire” e “una lingua da disimparare/ e un’altra da imparare in fretta”. La canzone è stata poi ripresa da Alessandro D’Alessandro nel suo disco d’esordio come solista, Canzoni per organetto & elettronica, concepito come una sorta di omaggio alla grande canzone d’autore nazionale e internazionale, con un’accorta selezione di brani che si configurano come autentici tributi ad autori ai quali si è legati da affinità elettive:

Musicista unanimemente apprezzato per quanto riesce ad esprimere con il suo “organetto preparato”, per il suo esordio da solista D’Alessandro ha deciso così di misurarsi, in solo¸ con classici della canzone nazionale e internazionale, volgendo il soffio del suo mantice verso una pluralità di mondi artistici, con esiti di grande fascinazione accentuata dalle voci di altri interpreti come Elio, Sergio Cammariere, David Riondino e Joan Manuel Serrat.
“un omaggio anche alle canzoni della mia infanzia” ha dichiarato il musicista laziale “a quelle magie impastate di parole e suoni che ascoltavo alla radio e che sognavo per l’appunto di rifare con l’organetto, che già suonavo da piccolo”.

Info: www.politicamentecorretto.com

Fancruise mit Marc Pircher - Gran Canaria

by Diatonic News
Vielleicht ist es noch nicht zu spät und es gibt Restplätze zur Teilnahme dieser Schffsreise mit Marc Pircher in Richtung Gran Canaria.

1 Woche Sommer mitten im Winter mit deutscher Reisebegleitung und Musik, Musik, Musik.

Abflüge aus Wien, Münschen und Zürich.

Mehr auf: https://www.marcpircher.at/

Titano Accordions

Ad Kwakernaat 1951-2024 - Netherlands

by Diatonic News
Ad KwakernaatAd Kwakernaat passed away on January 15, 2024. Fortunately, the publishing of his collections has ended up in good hands. They are still being reprinted and can be ordered.
Ad Kwakernaat was born in Dordrecht and lived in North Brabant. Through a radio broadcast by the BRT in 1980 he came into contact with the diatonic accordion and received his first lessons in Dworp (later Gooik) from Wilfrid Moonen van 't Kliekske. Afterwards he was taught by almost all the greats: Frans Tromp , Mark Söhngen , Geert Oude Weernink , Ricardo Tesi , Tony Hall , John Kirkpatrick , Jean Blanchard , Antonio Rivas , Wilem Schot , Karel van der Leeuw , etc.

Diatonic Newspaper and Weekend
Ad was also editor-in-chief of the Diatisch Nieuwsblad for 7 years, taught at home to ten students and at Wouter Kuyper's Trekzak Academy in Nieuwegein.

Fortunately, the publishing of his collections has ended up in good hands. They are still being reprinted and can be ordered: https://www.harmonicahoek.n

Accordion Jazz Chord

FORRO' LECCE/Manifatture Knos - Italia

by Diatonic News
4 Febbraio alle Manifatture Knos in via vecchia Frigole a Lecce. Start ore 18.30, ingresso con contributo di 5 Euro.

Nasce a Lecce la prima festa di forrò pugliese. Un appuntamento al mese dedicato alla danza e alla musica tradizionale brasiliana. Una festa per cimentarsi con il forrò, danza tipica nata nel nord est del Brasile e ormai diffusa in tutto il mondo.

Il forró nasce nei primi del '900 insieme al samba, mescolando le melodie europee e le ritmiche africane. Uno stile da danzare in coppia, sensuale e ritmato. A condurre le danze maestri italiani e brasiliani che in una classe aperta insegneranno a tutti le basi del forrò (che richiama l’inglese for all appunto). Ospite speciale di questo primo appuntamento sarà Valter Guerra, musicista e danzatore di San Paolo, esperto conoscitore delle tradizioni brasiliane.

Un momento di danza sociale in un contesto che ricrea il calore e il fascino delle feste brasiliane, con la possibilità di degustare i piatti tipici e l’immancabile caipirinha, il cocktail brasiliano per eccellenza. In chiusura una jam con la partecipazione libera di musicisti italiani e brasiliani ad accompagnare tutti i danzatori in un momento di festa condivisa. Già confermata la partecipazione di: Clara Blavet (flauto), Simone Carrino (tamburello), Matteo Resta (basso), Claudio Prima (organetto e voce), Mestre Canhao (percussioni), Alessandro Lorusso (chitarra), Valentina Cantora (voce) e Marco Mariano (percussioni).

L’evento è organizzato dall’Associazione Culturale Manigold in collaborazione con le Manifatture Knos.

Info: info@manigold.it

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Bandoneon-Online Lessons by Bruno Cabadas - Argentina

by Diatonic News
Bruno Cabadas
Bruno Cabadas - Professor at EDTA José Hernández, Bandoneonist at Orquesta de Tango Municipal de Berisso and Adjunct Professor at Facultad de Artes
Previously: Gran Cafe Tortoni and Orq. de Tango Bien Frappe

Available for Bandoneon-online lessons worldwide.

Contact: brunocabadas@gmail.com
Phone: 221-5487024

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Charnwood Music Publishing


by Diatonic News
Il Premo DIANO della fisarmonica Diatonica è organizzato dalla INTERNATIONAL DIATONIC ALLIANCE
L'I.D.A. (International Diatonic Alliance) è un'associazione a promozione sociale e culturale fondata nel 2019 in Italia da un gruppo di giovani musicisti/docenti di fisarmonica diatonica, con l'intenzione di divulgare questo strumento e organizzare eventi di caratura nazionale ed internazionale, in collaborazione con esponenti da tutto il mondo.

Scadenza d'Inscrizioni 25 Febbraio 2024:

Voci Armoniche

Workshop with Mel Biggs @ The Folk of Gloucester - UK

by Diatonic News
Mel BiggsTUTOR: Session Survival Skills Workshop, The Folk of Gloucester
10:00-15:00 The Folk of Gloucester, Gloucester.
Workshop: 10-3pm (with breaks), steady speed session 4-5:30pm, concert 7:30-10:30pm

A rare chance for folk music players of all levels to learn how to play better together in sessions.

"When new to playing in groups, it can be really daunting even getting the instrument out of the bag let alone starting or joining in with a tune! I’m going to run a ‘deconstructed session’ with a small selection of tunes, which I believe give a fairly good overall representation of the types of tunes we come across in most ‘English’ sessions. It will give us a chance to stop and chat about the gripes we face in sessions and have a safe space to try out some new approaches that you can take away and try out in your local ‘wild’ session."

This workshop is for anyone interested in English folk music, folk dance or trying out playing in groups for the first time.

Beginner/improver friendly but all experience levels welcome (not suitable for absolute beginners).

Participants do not need to read music notation, and no previous folk music experience is required, but a basic knowledge of music (scales, chords, time signatures) will help. This workshop is for all folk melody instruments and melodeons tuned in D/G with a minimum of 2-rows and 8-basses.

MORE INFO & BOOKINGS https://thefolkofgloucester.co.uk/


Accordeon diatonique Cours régulier organisé par 95- MJC DE PONTOISE, LA FABRIQUE 95 - France

by Diatonic News
Michael Bideault7, Place du Petit Martroy
au fond de la cour à droite , en face de la cathédrale
95300 Pontoise

A Pontoise, Tous les mardis de 19h00 à 20h30 :Michael Bideault, musicien aguerri, très pédagogue, assurera ce cours. Il fait partie de la formation Accordzéâme qui a sorti plusieurs CD.
Les cours sont collectifs et majoritairement basés sur un apprentissage à l’oreille. Les cours intermédiaires et confirmés s’orientent vers un travail de création et de préparation à la scène.

Tarif : 64€/trimestre

Besoin d'un renseignement? Appeler Michel au 0783544501


14. Kärntner Volksmusikwettbewerb - Österreich

by Diatonic News
14. Kärntner Volksmusikwettbewerb - Österreich
Der 14. Kärntner Volksmusikwettbewerb findet vom 23. bis 25. Februar 2024 im Bildungshaus Schloss Krastowitz in Klagenfurt statt und wird zum vierten Mal von der Fachgruppe Steir. Harmonika und Volksmusik der Musikschulen des Landes in Kooperation mit der Gustav Mahler Privatuniversität für Musik sowie der Kronen Zeitung veranstaltet.

Das abschließende Festkonzert "Junge Volksmusik" findet am 25. Februar 17:00 Uhr im Schloss Krastowitz statt.

Mehr auf: https://musikschule.ktn.gv.at/Wettbewerbe/Volksmusikwettbewerb

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

51st Auckland Folk Festival – New Zealand

by Diatonic News
51st Auckland Folk Festival – New Zealand
Tom & Caroline”he 51st Auckland Folk Festival will be held at the Kumeu Showgrounds in Kumeu, West Auckland, New Zealand from January 26th to 29th, 2024.

First conceived and created by folk and traditional music and dance clubs of Auckland in the 1970s, the festival features sessions, ceilidhs, workshops, jams and performances on music stages throughout the entire weekend, boasting great sound quality and a full programme, providing something for everyone at all times.

Performers include “Good Habits” (Pete Shaw -accordion and Bonnie Schwarz - cello & vocals), and “Tom & Caroline” (uilleann pipes and concertina – picture left).

For details email: info@aucklandfolkfestival.co.nz

Gran Duelo del Chamamé - Argentina

by Diatonic News
Gran Duelo del Chamamé - Argentina
Please view poster for deails

Titano Accordions

Bandoneon Classes by Fabio Mazurkievicz - Argentina/Worldwide

by Diatonic News
Fabio MazurkieviczFabio Mazurkievicz - Musician, Professional Bandoneonist dedicated to Tango.

Technique to overcome the difficulties on the bandoneon.
Major and minor scales, opening and closing.
Music theory, audioperception and music theory.
Study of the Marcucci and Lipesker method.
Study of the tango yeites on the bandoneon.

The Bandoneon classes are in the area of ​​the Faculty of Medicine, Capital Federal Buenos Aires and/or
by Skype / gmail / whatsapp

Phone +54 11 6181 9493
Email: fabiobandoneon@gmail.com


Celtic Connections 2024 - Scotland

by Diatonic News
Glasgow’s annual folk, roots and world music festival celebrates its connections to cultures across the globe. Already going from 18 January will it continue to 4 February 2024, over 2,100 musicians from around the world bring the city to life for 18 days. During that time, there are concerts, ceilidhs, talks, art exhibitions, workshops and free events.

Creative Director Donald Shaw programmes more than 300 events across multiple genres of music. The festival is renowned for its ability to bring together one-off line-ups for special collaborative shows. The camaraderie between musicians continues late into the night at the Festival Club - home to legendary musical collaborations and spontaneous sessions.

“There are situations that you’ll see where people are playing that you’ll never see again, or if you do, it’s because it worked here first.” Donald Shaw, Creative Director

In 2023, the festival celebrated its 30th edition. It was also the first festival without restrictions since 2020, seeing over 300 events with more than 100,000 attendances at 25 venues across Glasgow.

Voci Armoniche

Archie’s Box Academy (Getting Started+Getting Better) - UK

by Diatonic News
Archie’s Box AcademyMonday 12 Feb 10:30am–1pm, 2024
Monday 12 Feb 2pm–4:30pm, 2024

Halsway Manor – National Centre for Folk Art is a registered charity set up to promote and support the practice of the traditional folk arts, especially those practised in England. This includes traditional folk dance, folk music, song, folklore, storytelling, arts and crafts. It is the only residential centre in the world concentrating on the varied folk heritage of England.

Archie’s ‘Getting Better’ workshops aim to support and develop the skills of Beginners, Improver and Intermediate level melodeon players in enjoyable workshop sessions. Each 2.5 hour session will present a new challenge, with time for individual help to support less confident / less advanced players and to stretch more ambitious / more accomplished musicians. You’ll be learning new tunes and techniques each month, while also developing a working knowledge of music theory, and your own creativity as the course progresses.

New students are welcome to join the course, and you may book for individual classes or in advance for the full term.

Dates in 2024 are 8th Jan, 12th Feb, 25th March and 22nd April.

For full details and description/admission: https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/archies-box-academy-getting-better-15/2024-02-12/

Cancelled: 2024 Internationaler Akkordeonwettbewerb Klingenthal - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Klingenthal header
Deutsch: Wegen personeller Umstrukturierungen und Kürzung von staatlichen Zuschüssen für das kulturelle Leben werden die Wettbewerbe "Kleine Tage der Harmonika" und der "Internationale Akkordeonwettbewerb Klingenthal" 2024 nicht stattfinden.

Der Internationale Akkordeonwettbewerb Klingenthal findet in den meisten Jahren seit 1948 statt. Lesen Sie das historische Promi-Interview 2011 in deutscher Sprache von Manfred Gabler, Klingenthal-Veranstaltungsorganisator, das die Geschichte der ersten Jahre bis 2011 umfasst. http://www.accordions.com/interviews/gabler_de.aspx


English: Cancelled: 2024 Kligenthal International Accordion Competitions - Germany

Kligenthal International Accordion Competitions organisers have announced: Due to staff restructuring and cuts in state subsidies for cultural life, the "Kleine Tage der Harmonika" and the "Klingenthal International Accordion Competition" will not take place in 2024.

The Klingenthal International Accordion Competition has been held most years since 1948. View the 2011 historic Celebrity Interview of Manfred Gabler, Klingenthal Event Organiser, which includes history of the early years of the Klingenthal event through to 2011. http://www.accordions.com/interviews/gabler.aspx

Cours régulier Accordeon diatonique avec Thierry Delaveau - France

by Diatonic News
Thierry DelaveauCours régulier organisé par:
MJC Pont des Demoiselles 63B,
Avenue Saint-Exupéry MJC Pont des Demoiselles
31400 Toulouse


Cet atelier d'accordéon diatonique est animé par Thierry DELAVEAU, musicien du groupe "Les voisins".

Horaires : mardi, 18h30 à 20h pour les avancés
et 20h à 21h30 pour les débutants.

Jeudi, 19h30 à 21h pour les intermédiaires

Renseignements et inscriptions
MJC Pont des Demoiselles

Accordion Jazz Chords

17. Internationaler Slavko Avsenik Harmonika Wettbewerb - Slowenien

by Diatonic News
Gabriel Bürger
Beim 17. internationalen Slavko Avsenik Harmonika Wettbewerb 2024 am 22 Januar in Begunje/Gorenjskem, wurden die Musik-Schüler Gabriel Bürger mit dem "Premio d'oro" und Raphael Maier mit der Goldplakette prämiert.

Die ausgezeichneten Vorbereitungen für diesen anspruchsvollen Musik-Wettbewerb erhielten die beiden jungen Musiker in der Katolnig Werner Musikschule in Klagenfurt.
Raphael Maier

Beginner's harmonica course with Jos Lambregts - Netherlands

by Diatonic News
Jos LambregtsWould you like to learn to play the harmonica? In our beginners course of six lessons you will be helped on your way by our enthusiastic teacher Jos Lambregts. You will learn to play simple melodies with your right hand, to accompany yourself with the left hand, how to hold your instrument and other basic knowledge and skills you need to play the harmonica. Bring your own instrument:

– a harmonica in tuning C/F for the group from 2:00 PM to 2:45 PM, or
– a harmonica in tuning G/C for the group from 1:00 PM to 1:45 PM.

Dates: March 6 and 20, April 3 and 17, May 1 and 15, 2024
Day and time: Wednesday from 1:00 PM to 1:45 PM (G/C) and from 2:00 PM to 2:45 PM (C/F)
Teacher: Jos Lambregts
Number of students: maximum 6
Costs: €50
Location: Q-Factory Amsterdam
Instrument: harmonica C/F
More information: info@trekharmonica-adam.nl

Titano Accordions

4th Sarajevo Tango Festival - Bosnia and Herzegovina

by Diatonic News
4th Sarajevo Tango Festival -  Bosnia and Herzegovina
Embrace Sarajevo from 1st to 4th February 2024
Once again, in the heart of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the tango team of the dance studio “Aster” is bringing you warm festival embraces in the coldest winter's month. This time, we will meet you at the new and fancy, congress and thermal spa hotel Hills, to fulfil our dream: to bring together and connect different tango communities in a unique atmosphere of Sarajevo; to give you an opportunity to learn from world class maestros; and to let you dance your days and nights away to the music of our DJ dream team.

Pack your dance shoes and your winter boots and come to Sarajevo – There’s no better place for warm winter embraces.


Kokkola Winter Accordion 2024 - Finland

by Diatonic News
The bellows will bend again in the city of Kokkola! Hear the rhythm of tango in the form of a dance, a club night and a tango fair. See the touching “Näkemiin Viipuri!” performance about the Finns’ war years. Refresh yourself in the sauna village being built in the middle of the city. Feel the rhythm of Ukrainian music and the fervor of contemporary music. Experience Kokkola in February and an unforgettable festival atmosphere in a winter seaside town!


Accordion Repairs Made Easy


by Diatonic News
Termin Freitag, 16. bis Sonntag, 18. Februar 2024
Beginn Freitag, 17:00 Uhr
Ende Sonntag, 13:00 Uhr

Ort Volksmusikakademie in Bayern, 94078 Freyung
Referenten Anton Mooslechner jun. (Seminarleitung), Kathi Gruber, Kaspar Fischbacher, Andreas Schmid, Johannes Servi, Traudi Vordermaier, Hupf Hermann u. a.
Veranstalter Volksmusikakademie in Bayern

Zielgruppe Fortgeschrittene Harmonikaspieler: Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene; Anfänger und Wiedereinsteiger auf Anfrage

Die fortgeschrittenen Teilnehmer dieses Seminars machen sich auf Spuren- und Klangsuche. Sie erkunden zusammen mit renommierten Referenten, die entweder selbst stilprägend wirken oder musikalischen Vorbildern sehr nahestehen, außergewöhnliche Stücke und unverwechselbare Musizierweisen. Hinweise zur Spieltechnik auf der Steirischen Harmonika und wertvolle individuelle Anregungen zum eigenen ausdrucksstarken Musizieren sorgen im Einzelunterricht für so manches Aha-Erlebnis bei Jung und Alt! Eine »Nacht der tausend Knöpferl« mit ausgefallenen Harmonika-Workshops rundet das außergewöhnliche Seminar ab.

Anmeldung https://www.volksmusikakademie.de/programm/seminarprogramm

eSheet Music Titles

Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh - Ireland

by Diatonic News
Baile an Fheirtéaraigh 14-18 February 2024

Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh is a 5 day Traditional Music School paying particular attention to the music, style and of the Corca Dhuibhne peninsula in Co. Kerry, Ireland on the Wild Atlantic Way.

Coming to Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh not only gives people the opportunity to get a taste of the local music and song, but it gives people a chance to experience the richness of the Irish language here in the heart of the Kerry Gaeltacht. People have the opportunity to attend a ‘ciorcal comhrá’ (conversation circle) where they can practice their cúpla focal, and for those whose ambitions lie further afield, we have classes in Gáidhlig (Scotts Gaelic).

There are invites of musicians from all over Ireland to come to Scoil Cheoil to take part in teaching classes and performing at concerts and recitals. Baile an Fheirtéaraigh is a small village with a great energy and a huge enthusiasm for music and is a great place to spend a few days enjoying the music and the company.


Titano Accordions

Stage du Technique, expression, composition avec Riccardo Tesi - France

by Diatonic News
Riccardo Tesi
Samedi 13 mai de de 11h à 13h30 et de 14h30 à 17h
à Montreuil, métro Croix de Chavaux
(L’adresse complète sera communiquée au moment de l’inscription. Une assiette de pâtes sera offerte pour le déjeuner)

RÉSERVATION OBLIGATOIRE en écrivant à caravaneritale@gmail.com ou au 06 66 75 98 46

Le stage, de la durée de 5h, sera basé sur les différents aspects qui caractérisent la pratique de l’accordéon diatonique aujourd’hui tant sur le plan technique (utilisation du soufflet, technique linéaire et croisée, doigté, coordination) que sur le plan de l’interprétation (ornements, expression, staccato et legato etc.). Une partie du stage sera dédiée aux possibilités harmoniques de l’instrument et à son utilisation pour la composition. La pratique se basera tant sur des morceaux traditionnels que sur des compositions de Riccardo Tesi. Pour la participation au stage une connaissance de base de l’instrument et de sa technique est demandée. Par contre la connaissance de la théorie musicale n’est pas obligatoire.

Modèle d’accordéon conseillé : Accordéon Diatonique SOL/DO 8 basses ou supérieur.

L’utilisation d’appareils d’enregistrement est vivement conseillée pour pouvoir continuer le travail après le stage.

Riccardo Tesi - Biographie
Compositeur, instrumentiste, chanteur et chercheur dans le domaine des musiques traditionnelles, Riccardo Tesi est un des pionniers de l’utilisation de l’accordéon diatonique en tant qu’instrument de composition et d’expérimentation. Après ses débuts dans la musique traditionnelle de sa région (la Toscane), il s’est ouvert aux musiques traditionnelles italiennes, européennes, au jazz et à la composition. Ses nombreux disques, incontournables dans la discothèque du musicien et passionné de cet instrument, mettent l’accordéon diatonique en valeur, en montrant la richesse, la complexité et l’expressivité de cet instrument « ancien », qu’il utilise d’une façon innovante, virtuose et créative. Son originalité et son style en font surement un des représentant les plus importants de cet instrument dans le monde entier.


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


by Diatonic News
Ein Harmonikaseminar für Dirndl, Damen, Weiberleit

Lauter musikalische Frauen unter sich in der »Volksmusikakademie in Bayern«? Das kann nur eine Riesengaudi werden! Irmi Schuhbauer bietet gemeinsam mit »Haglmo Harmonika« und in Zusammenarbeit mit der »Volksmusikakademie in Bayern« ein Seminar für das schöne Geschlecht an: Mit intensiven Lerneinheiten, Gruppenworkshops, einer launigen Abendveranstaltung am Samstag. Und im Rahmenprogramm gibt es Yoga für Ziachspielerinnen, Zeit für Erfahrungsaustausch und die Gelegenheit, sich ungezwungen auszuprobieren. Veranstaltet wird das Seminar von »Haglmo Harmonikabau«, die natürlich mit ihren Instrumenten vor Ort sind.

Termin Freitag, 23. bis Sonntag, 25. Februar 2024
Beginn Freitag, 17:00 Uhr
Ende Sonntag, 14:00 Uhr
Ort Volksmusikakademie in Bayern, 94078 Freyung
Referenten Irmi Schuhbauer, Magdalena Salchegger, Katrin Auer, Monika Ketterl, Angelika Salchegger, Elke Margetich

Zielgruppe Anfängerinnen, Fortgeschrittene, Wiedereinsteigerinnen auf der Steirischen Harmonika (ausschließlich Frauen)

Leider ist dieser Kurs im Moment ausgebucht....versuchen sie es aber trotzdem kurzfristig vorab anzufragen.


Voci Armoniche

2° Concorsi d'Organettio - Italia

by Diatonic News
2° Concorsi d'Organettio - Italia
Tutti i dettagli sul poster

Sounding Out the Accordion

Future events / Concerts


STEFANO INTELISANO with The BoDeans in March - USA

by Diatonic News
STEFANO INTELISANOStefano Intelisano - a multi talented artist playing several instruments and performing with many collaborations for CD/events to his credit. In March he will perform with the project: TheBoDeans

They say: “For the next years, we are going to be showing up in towns everywhere and trying to bring people together a little more,” they leave off. “Come to a BoDeans gig, sing along, and forget about everything else. That’s why we play nowadays. We’d like to keep pushing that message as long as we can.”

March 2024:
Sat Mar 02 The BoDeans Music Instrument Museum - Phoenix, AZ
Sun Mar 03 The BoDeans Music Instrument Museum - Phoenix, AZ
Tue Mar 05 The BoDeans Belly Up - Solana Beach, CA
Wed Mar 06 The BoDeans The Trubadour - West Hollywood, CA
Thu Mar 07 The BoDeans Coach House - San Juan Capistrano, CA
Fri Mar 08 The BoDeans World Records - Bakersfield, CA
Sat Mar 09 The BoDeans The Guild Theater - Menlo Park, CA


Voci Armoniche

Andreas Gabalier - Jän-Jun 2024 - DE/IT/AT

by Diatonic News
olks-Rock’n‘Roller Andreas Gabalier
die Auftritte des Volks-Rock’n‘Roller's Andreas Gabalier für das erste halbe Jahr im 2024.

25.05.2024 - Bad Segeberg/Freilichtbühne am Kalkberg
31.05.2024 - Oberhof/BIATHLON-ARENA OBERHOF
01.06.2024 - Dresden/Rudolf-Harbig-Stadion
07.06.2024 - St. Goarshausen/Loreley
08.06.2024 - Baden-Baden/Rennbahn Iffizheim
14.06.2024 Lignano Sabbiadoro/Beach Party
22.06.2024 - München/Olympia-Stadion

Für Ticketbestellungen - wie immer: beeilen
Genaue Details auf: https://www.andreas-gabalier.at/

Friedrich Lips Book

Andrea Capezzuoli concerti in - IT, CH

by Diatonic News
Andrea CapezzuoliAndrea Capezzuoli
voce lead, melodeon, organetti, podoritmia
Organettista, cantante, suonatore di cornamusa, compositore, arrangiatore, si occupa da sempre di musica folk. E’ stato fondatore di molti gruppi folk: Terantiqua, La Magiostra, Musicanta, Din delòn. E’ stato organettista dei gruppi Picotage (musiche francesi), O Calascione (musiche del sud Italia) e cornamusista del gruppo di musica antica La chambre du Roy René. Nel 2007 ha fondato Andrea Capezzuoli e Compagnia.

Nei primi mesi del 2024 Andrea Capezzuoli insieme a "compania" saranno x 3 concerti in Italia e Svizzera.

24 febbraio // Andrea e Compagnia // La nostra terra suona, Torrazza Coste (PV)
10 marzo // Andrea solo // Basilea, Svizzera
10 maggio // Andrea e Compagnia // La Ghironda, Carmagnola (TO)

Per più dettagli: http://www.andreacapezzuoliecompagnia.it/

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Jakob Steinkellner in USA und AT - Austria/USA

by Diatonic News
Jakob SteinkellnerJ A K O B S T E I N K E L L N E R - D E N K W E C H S E L

Im Februar ist er:

15. Feb. 2024, 19:00 MEZ
D.C., Washington, D.C., District of Columbia, USA

24. Feb. 2024, 19:00 MEZ
Fornach, Österreich
Jakob Steinkellner rückt mit seinem aktuellen Programm „Denkwechsel“ die Steirische Harmonika in ein ungewohnt konzertantes Licht. In seinen Kompositionen verbindet der Musiker traditionelle Klangmuster alpenländisch-volkstümlicher Instrumentalmusik mit neumodernen Einflüssen. Diese Aspekte reizt er mit stilvoller Leichtigkeit als auch extravagantem Spielwitz aus und zeigt, - im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes - wie "viel-faltig" die Ziach klingen kann.

Mit minimalistischen, poppig-modernen und liedhaften Stücken, vom klassischen Choral bis hin zum Tango, oder denkwechselnden Nummern in vertrackten Siebenachteltakten drängt Steinkellner instrumental als auch musikalisch zum "Denkwechsel" - weg vom Wirtshaus und ab auf die Bühne!

Bei Steinkellners Konzerten erwartet Sie ist eine grenzgängerische Rampenschweinerei mit wortgewandtem sowie musikalischem Witz, künstlerischer Raffinesse, stilistischer Vielfalt und vor allem: Viel Musik für's Ohr und für's Herz.


Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

ILLA - nouvelle production avec Stephane Milleret - France

by Diatonic News
Illa - artists
Première vidéo de cette nouvelle création
Musique : L’Azerole (Sylvain Quéré) - Bourrée à deux temps
Mixage : Sébastien Tron
Vidéo : Shoot it
Réalisation : Loïs Eme
Images : Alexandre Castillon, Martin Chouamet et Loïs Eme
Tourné en septembre 2023 au Château de Saint-Sixte (Isère)

Bargainatt @ Balfolk - Poland

by Diatonic News
Balfolk - PolandPlaying their own compositions and revisiting traditional tunes, Bargainatt invite you to discover a universe that is both modern and authentic. The musicians take their inspiration from the dances of various regions of France that matter to them, trying to best respect their subtleties and traditions. From Auvergne to Bretagne, via Poitou and Gascogne, Bargainatt offers a journey with multiple colours and influences, full of energy and freshness.


Titano Accordions

Italo Connection im Februar - Österreich/Deutschland/Italien

by Diatonic News
Italo Connection
Die Italo Connection darf ohne Zweifel als das Who is Who der Südtiroler Musikszene bezeichnet werden! Musikalisch angesiedelt zwischen süditalienischer Beerdigungsmusik, Morricone, Tarantino und Celentano. Eine wilde Mischung aus Jestofunk, Zawinul und Rimini-Disco. Es wird improvisiert bis zum Abwinken. Es wird getanzt. Es wird heiß. Und es wird laut!

Auch im Februar hat Italo Connections einen gefüllten Termnkalender. Einge Konzerte sind bereits ausverkauf - deshalb unbedingt vorab kontrollieren, ob es noch eine Chance f. Tickets:


01.02.2024 | Memmingen (D) Kaminwerk
02.02.2024 | Rankweil (A) Altes Kino
03.02.2024 | Innsbruck (A) Treibhaus
04.02.2024 | Innsbruck (A) Treibhaus
06.02.2024 | Köln (D) Gloria Theater
07.02.2024 | München (D) Backstage Werk
08.02.2024 | Linz (A) Posthof
09.02.2024 | Salzburg (A) Szene
10.02.2024 | Wien (A) Arena
11.02.2024 | Graz (A) Orpheum

Accordion Jazz Chord

Beltango to perform in Sarajevo - Bosnia and Herzegovina

by Diatonic News
Beltango was founded in Belgrade, Serbia, 1998, by professor, bandoneonist and composer Aleksandar Nikolic. Quinteto Beltango present all abundance of tango repertoire. Apart from traditional tango pieces, compositions of the tango nuevo trend of Astor Piazzolla and modern tango, they also present their own Beltango compositions from "Balkango" opus.

They have been equally successful in performing on large concert podiums, symphonic halls, theater stages, classical chamber halls, tango balls, gran milongas, festivals as well as in other places where the spirit of tango revives.

Argentina, Germany, France, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Canada, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Malta, Austria, Poland, Turkey, Slovenia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Macedonia and Montenegro are just some of the countries in which Beltango quinteto has performed with great success. In fact, in their 20 years of artistic activities they have played more than 900 concerts in around 30 countries.

Next thez will be performing at the Sarajevo Tango Festival in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1-4th Feb 2024


Gary Dahl Arrangements

Antti Paalanen in Feb/Apr/May 2024 - France/Finland

by Diatonic News
Antti Paalanen
17.2.2024 Talviharmonikka Kokkola, Finland
5.4.2024 Espace Avel Vor Plougastel, France
17.5.2024 Baie de Morlaix Morlaix, France

Musician and composer Antti Paalanen (b. 1977) has been prominent in the field of Finnish contemporary folk music for many years. Antti Paalanen makes his music on the bisonoric (diatonic) accordion, a common instrument in Finnish folk music for the past century. Paalanen has employed an organic performance style, new techniques and new expressive sonorities to expand the potential of the instrument to embrace a variety of genres.

Paalanen comes from South Ostrobothnia, a region rich in the pelimanni (’traditional musician’) tradition of Finnish folk music. Between 1989 and 1996, Paalanen won the Finnish pelimanni championships on the diatonic accordion four times, and he placed second in the diatonic accordion world championships in Austria in 1999. He enrolled at the Department of Folk Music at the Sibelius Academy in 1997 and completed his M.Mus. degree in 2006. In 2015 he completed a D.Mus. degree at the Sibelius Academy of the University of the Arts Helsinki.


Harmonika Müller GmbH Akkordeonausstellung auf der 75. Internationalen Handwerksmesse - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Harmonika Müller GmbH Akkordeonausstellung auf der 75. Internationalen Handwerksmesse - Deutschland
Die 75. Internationale Handwerksmesse (IHM) findet vom 28. Februar bis 3. März 2024 auf dem Münchner Messegelände statt und wird von der GHM Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen mbH organisiert.

Die diesjährige Veranstaltung steht unter dem Motto "Handwerk, das Ihr Leben schöner macht".

Zu den Ausstellern gehören die Harmonika Müller GmbH mit ihrem Akkordeonprogramm sowie über 60 Handwerksbetriebe, die den Besuchern einen umfassenden Überblick über die Leistungsfähigkeit, Qualität und Innovationskraft des Handwerks bieten.

Die Messe umfasst mehrere Leistungs- und Sonderschauen, in denen Handwerker aus verschiedenen Ländern aktuelle Themen, neue Produkte und herausragende Arbeiten präsentieren.

Charnwood Music Publishing

Irische Frühlings Tour in - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Irish spring tour of Germany
Artist (from left on the picture)
Shane McGoham, Shane Meehan, Anne Brenna, David Munnelly

for more info: http://davidmunnelly.com/contact/

Voci Armoniche

Valentine’s Day Concerts – Canada

by Diatonic News
Valentine’s Day is almost upon us and we have two concerts in Canada to help celebrate the event:

• On February 14th, The Royal Cajun Band will perform three sets at the Princeton Pub in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from 8pm to 11pm. See poster above.

• On February 16th, The Gram Partisans will perform at the Britannia Community Centre in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from 1.30pm to 3.30pm. This group features accordionist Alan Zisman. See poster below.


TANGO 5 (DE/RS/AT/RO/BG) @ Akkordeonfestival - Vienna/Austria

by Diatonic News

Sophie Heinrich – Geige
Miloš Todorovski – Akkordeon, Bandoneon
Ignacio Giovanetti – Gitarre
Maria Radutu – Piano
Ivaylo Iordanov – Kontrabass

Miloš Todorovski – wie oft er bereits das Akkordeonfestival in den vergangenen 25 Jahren mit seinen meisterhaft gespielten, farbenfrohen und ideenreichen Kompositionen, der Organisation des jährlichen Nachwuchskonzerts und zahlreichen weiteren Projekten bereichert hat!
Außer Frage also, diese Jubiläumsausgabe einerseits visuell mit seiner Person zu verbinden und die Festival-Eröffnungsgala im Ehrbar Saal mit seinem Ensemble “Tango 5” zu gestalten.

“Tango” steht hier für die Musik Astor Piazzollas, “5” für die spielenden Musiker:innen und ihren jeweiligen eigenen Stil. Gegründet im Jahre 2021 setzt sich das Ensemble so aus Mitgliedern der Wiener Symphoniker und etablierten Solist:innen aus der Klassik- und Jazzszene zusammen. Mit dem Tango als gemeinsame Bühne in der originalen Besetzung von Piazzolla gestalten sie ihre Programme sowohl in enger Verbindung zur ursprünglichen Tradition, aber auch in ganz neuen und individuellen Kleidern!

Tickets: 24. Februar 2024 / 19:30 Uhr / EHRBAR SAAL/Mühlgasse 30/1040 Wien
Telefon: +43 676 512 91 04 / musicofvienna.com

Louise Jallu 4tet play Piazzolla - FR

by Diatonic News
Louise Jallu 4tet play Piazzollalouise jallu 4tet will perform Piazzolla on:

16 février 2024 Espace Culturel / Vendenheim (67)
17 février 2024 Le Carré Magique / Lannion (22)
18 février 2024 L'Estran Guidel (56)
25 février 2024 Münster (Allemagne)

Pour réserver: https://www.louisejallu.com/



The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Festa di Carnevale con Philippe Plard - Padova/Italia

by Diatonic News
Philippe Plard
Dal cuore delle notti danzanti torna in Italia PHILIPPE PLARD!!! 😍
Organettista brillante, compositore creativo, ballerino instancabile, animatore entusiasmante, maestro appassionato. Fondatore e anima del gruppo VAG, è anche il compositore di molti dei loro brani diffusi e ballati in tutta Europa.
Melodie tenere o allegre per un GRAN BAL FOLK DI CARNEVALE e uno STAGE coinvolgenti e accessibili a tutti!!!

DOMENICA 11 FEBBRAIO Ore 14.30 - 17.30
PADOVA - Sala bella grande! (Parrocchia Voltabrusegana, via S.Martino, 28)
Durata: 7 h 30 min

Un'opportunità imperdibile: uno stage coinvolgente con un insegnante e musicista autoctono


R.TESI & Elastic Trio - Svizzera

by Diatonic News
R.TESI & Elastic Trio
3 Febbraio LOCARNO Teatro Paravento ore 19 +41 (0)91 751 93 53. Via Cappuccini 8, CH-6600 Locarno. info@teatro-paravento.ch.

4 Febbraio RORBAS Café Rorboz, Kirchgasse 7, CH-8427

6 Febbraio LUGANO Radio Svizzera Italiana ore 14,30 concerto dal vivo a Musica Viva
( in diretta videostreaming http://rsi.ch/musica)

Titano Accordions

Spiers & Boden 2024 Tour – England and Wales

by Diatonic News
Spiers & Boden 2024 Tour – England and Wales
Spiers & Boden, John Spiers (melodeon) & Jon Boden (violin) will tour England and Wales in Spring 2024.

Their tour will begin on February 28th, 2024 in Settle, North Yorkshire, England and finish on April 16th, 2024 in Hertford, England.

See poster above for details.


Tango del Norte Kokkola Winter Festival - Finland

by Diatonic News
Tango del NorteSATURDAY 10.2.2024 - 20h / KULTTUURIKORJAAMO

Harri Kaitila - voice
Sami Pirttilahti - bandoneon
Ville Westergård - piano

The genius duo of Tango del Norte, Sami Pirttilahti & Ville Westergård, take their listeners deep into the neighborhoods of Buenos Aires. In Harri Kaitila’s song interpretations, moods change from joy to sadness, from laughter to lingering pain. The program features both Finnish and Argentinian music with an engaging touch.

TICKETS: https://www.lippu.fi/en/event/kokkolan-talviharmonikka-2024-kulttuurikorjaamo-17765082/

Voci Armoniche

WONDRAK.LINDSCHI Schrammelharmonika im Wienerlied-Himmel - Wien/Österreich

by Diatonic News
1. März 2024/19:30 Uhr/BÜHNE PURKERSDORF-Wiener Straße 12/3002 Purkersdorf

Traude Holzer – Stimme
Johanna Kugler – Geige, Stimme
Marie-Theres Stickler – Wiener Knopfharmonika, Stimme
Maria Stippich – Kontragitarre, Stimme

Das Akkordeonfestival bringt viele internationale Künstler:innen nach Wien, das Akkordeonfestival bringt vier Wienerlied-Interpretinnen nach Niederösterreich,
so einfach und so schön ist das.

wondrak.lindschi wurden 2019 vom Wiener Volksliedwerk für den 1.Wienerlied-Frauenstammtisch gecastet und siehe da – Harmonie war vom ersten Ton an vorhanden, die Freude am Singen, Spielen und vor allem am Wienerischen sofort allgegenwärtig. Die Formation ist jung, die Lieder sind … jung geblieben.

Lassen Sie sich Ihren Abend von jener Partie versüßen, die den Wienerlied-Weltmusik-Himmel zuerst auf die Erde holt, um des ois für Sie auf die Bühne Purkersdorf zu bringen.


Ranganna Bosca Ceoil/Accordion ag Scoil Cheoil - Ireland

by Diatonic News
Ranganna BoscaRanganna Bosca
Ceoil/Accordion ag Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh

Thu, Feb 15 • 10:00 AM

Baile an Fheirtéaraigh

For tickets pls view:

DANÇAS OCULTAS - 1 spring-concert - Portugal/Belgium

by Diatonic News
14/03/24 Cultuurcentrum Mechelen Mechelen Belgium

Artur Fernandes – Diatonisches Akkordeon
Francisco Miguel – Diatonisches Akkordeon
Filipe Cal – Diatonisches Akkordeon
Filipe Ricardo – Diatonisches Akkordeon

Behind the name Danças Ocultas are four accordionists from Agueda, near Porto, who are among the most innovative and exciting representatives of contemporary sounds from Portugal. For some years now, they have been conquering international stages with a concept that is unspectacular at first listen: calm, lyrical, more or less traditional, with just four diatonic accordions.

The quartet's name has nothing to do with esoteric worlds, but indicates that the four play music for dances that have yet to be invented. The famous fado plays a subordinate role; instead, they take traditional village music, tango nuevo and chamber music, such as that of the Russian Terem Quartet, as the basis for their explorations. They neither hold accordionist speed competitions nor do they play pure folk music. Their timeless art music can best be described as impressionistic folk: minimalist, profound sound paintings full of unexpected twists and turns and sublime melancholy. Very special music that you can't help but fall into.

for Bookings: Sabine Schrebak www.culturworks.at

Accordion Jazz Chords

Black Milonga Fernet Club - Switzerland

by Diatonic News
Black Milonga Fernet Club

For almost 10 years, the group has shared the Swiss stage and taken the public on a journey with passion, emotions and subtlety. They have performed in numerous festivals and venues in French-speaking Switzerland, notably during the closing concert of the Lavaux Classic, at the Week-End Musical de Pully, at the Septembre Musical, at the Sion Festival, at the Schubertiades at Espace 2, and numerous times at the RTS.

At the end of 2023, the group released a second disc "SAUDADE" composed solely of creations written by their pianist, Adrien Praz.

Whether they perform Piazzolla or other artists, we move from one landscape to another, invited to reverie by a melancholic Milonga then drawn into a frenzied tango.


CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Titano Accordions


by Diatonic News
GIULIANO GABRIELEGiuliano Gabriele, é il titolo del primo singolo, tratto dall’omonimo album. Il pezzo apre tutti gli argomenti, letterali e musicali, contenuti nell’album in modo potente ed enigmatico. Il ritmo della Pizzica ci trasporta nell’affascinante mondo musicale del Sud Italia e si impone nella sua forma più selvaggia e attuale, pur lasciandosi influenzare da altre culture e generi musicali.

video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2YkJ9WHmLk

CD "Jeu" par Louise Jallu - France

by Diatonic News
Louise Jallu CD JEUNe manquez pas la sortie du single "Schumann et wozzeck" le 19 janvier 2024!

Robert Schumann, Alban Berg, Maurice Ravel, Claude Debussy, Arnold Schoenberg, Georges Brassens – liste non exhaustive - jouent à cache-cache avec Louise Jallu et son bandonéon-chef de bande dans une partie où les allers-retours entre passé et présent vont bon train. Jeu de l’oie version Louise ou procédé jallusien (une oreille dans le rétro, l’autre dans l’inouï) sur le modèle janusien ? Dans ses compositions, Louise Jallu joue avec les références en renouvelant son identité comme dans un étourdissant JEU de rôles. (Pierre Gervasoni)


Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Gianni Ventola Danese: New Album “Milodiya” - Italy

by Diatonic News
Gianni Ventola album
Gianni VentolaGianni Ventola Danese (picture left), has just released his new recording “Milodiya” - Piccola Antologia Della Canzone Sovietica with the Academy Records label.

“The accordion is the protagonist of a new expressive frontier like it has never been heard before, for a small anthology of masterpieces unpublished in Italy together with soprano Ekaterina Barinova. Cinematographic soundtracks, traditional songs, poignant romances inspired by the tragedy of the Second World War, a mosaic of atmospheres and musical languages, classical and traditional jazz which also aims to highlight how Moscow and Kiev, despite the current historical scenario, have always operated in a profound artistic and cultural symbiosis.”

Download album track information here: 2024Milodiya

For further information phone: +39 3518553083

eSheet Music Titles

CD "Tilham" by Blowzabella - UK

by Diatonic News
Tilham - CDAndy Cutting. Diatonic accordions

Jo Freya. Whistle in Bflat Whistle in A, Clarinet in Bflat. Soprano and Tenor saxophones, Vocals.

Paul James. Border pipes in G, F and Low D and whistle in Bflat, Alto saxophone, Baritone saxophone, Vocals.

David Shepherd. Violin, Five-string baritone viola.

Barnaby Stradling. Acoustic bass guitar. Electric bass guitar.

Jon Swayne. Border pipes in G, F, low D, low C and whistle in low D, Alto Saxophone

Latest Production of Blwozabella from 2022 with compositions by the band and arrangements of traditional tunes and songs.

to order: https://store2117091.ecwid.com/#!/Tilham-CD-new-album-2022/p/508701040/category=0

Titano Accordions

CD "DesBando" by Bruno Cabadas - Argentina

by Diatonic News
"DesBando", new album of bandoneon solos, is now available on all digital platforms.
It is a personal project wth Bruno Cabadas own music and some some of other artists are presented. An album in which tango, folklore, national rock, independent music and many other expressions that identify the artist himself have found their place.
Bruno Cabadas says: I feel an enormous joy because music continues to lead me along beautiful paths like this one.

"DesBando" is available on all main digital platforms

Composition, arrangements and interpretation: Bruno Cabadas
Recording, editing, mix and master by Juan Martín Albariño at 'La Casa de Juan' (La Plata) between March 2021 and December 2023.
Uploading to digital platforms: Gustavo Zampe
Cover design: Leti Rodriguez
Art production: Bruno Cabadas.
Executive production: Emiliano Albertini.

For questions: brunocabadas@gmailo.com

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

CD "Continuum" du Groove Factory - France

by Diatonic News
https://www.mustradem.com/label/albums/continuumFormat : 1 album
Durée : 50’24
Année de sortie : 2022
Production : MusTraDem
Distribution : InOuï Distribution


Cyrille BROTTO : accordéon diatonique
Michaël FONTANELLA : moog, basse, machines
Stéphane MILLERET : accordéon diatonique

Enregistrement / Mixage / Mastering : Paula Van Kliff, Kévin Foissac & Bernard Babu
Graphisme : Paula Van Kliff, Kévin Foissac & Bernard Babu

Groove Factory | Continuum...
Les musiques traditionnelles ont toujours été le réceptacle des influences de leur époque. Avec l’album « Continuum… » Groove Factory, s’inscrit dans cette histoire.

L’énergie des accordéons diatoniques, de Cyrille Brotto et Stéphane Milleret, associée aux samples et à la basse de Michaël Fontanella constituent un immense terrain de jeu et d’expérimentation, une nouvelle façon de composer au service de la danse.


Voci Armoniche

Accordion TV/Film/Radio

Sounding Out the Accordion

Antonio Grosso in tv 6/2/2024 - Italia

by Diatonic News
Antonio Grosso
il Diatonic festival di San Lucido con la direzione artistica di Antonio Grosso in tv Martedi, 6 febbraio 2024 alle 21.00

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