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Highlights |
Happy New Year 2015 - WORLDWIDEby Diatonic News |
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To all our readers, enthusiasts, clients, artists and supporters from around the world - HAPPY NEW YEAR from all the staff of DIATONIC-NEWS! Please keep us sending your news, your events, your concert details in order that all accordion interested friends can follow you wherever you are! Have a great and successful NEW YEAR! |
Happy New Year from Street musicians in Vienna - Austriaby Diatonic News |
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Freezing cold - but happy to chear up visitors in the streets of Vienna! Happy New Year! |
New CD by Guardia Nueva, Live Concert at Berlin's Philharmonie Hall - Germanyby Diatonic News |
![]() The Guardia Nueva Tango Orchestra (Director Raimo Vertainen - picture left), from Ostrobothnia, Finland, performed the concert on Friday 6th June at the Chamber Music Hall, Berlin Philharmonic. The repertoire included Astor Piazzolla, Richard Galliano, Gotan Project, and Finnish Tangos all specifically arranged for this orchestra with this concert being the first Finnish tango orchestra event ever performed at the Berlin Philharmonic. The Guardia Nueva orchestra performed in their unique way, complementing the habanera rhythm with soft accordion sounds and tempting Scandinavian vocalists showcasing the strong Finnish tango tradition, developed during more than 80 years. Picture below at the concert with Raimo Vertainen on accordina. Two CD and eTracks albums available online at: Guardia Nueva |
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Morre bandoneonista, compositor e maestro argentino Leopoldo Federico - Argentinaby Diatonic News |
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![]() Leopoldo Federico, compositor, bandoneonista e maestro argentino que dividiu o palco com grandes nomes do tango, como Mariano Mores e Astor Piazzolla, morreu neste domingo (28) aos 87 anos, informou uma entidade de artistas profissionais. Federico morreu em um sanatório de Buenos Aires onde estava hospitalizado, segundo a Associação Argentina de Intérpretes (AADI), instituição da qual era presidente e que não forneceu detalhes da morte. "Era parte da história do bandoneon. Era admirado desde jovens de 17 anos que gostariam de tocar como ele, até os maiores", disse ao canal TN o violonista Horacio Malvicino. Federico recebeu o prêmio Carlos Gardel em sua trajetória na música popular, além de ganhar duas vezes o Grammy Latino. |
Band mobilisiert mit Schlagern das Gedächtnis - Österreichby Diatonic News |
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Die "Salzburger Nachrichten" berichten am Freitag, 2. Januar 2015: An diesem Nachmittag des hat sich das Altersheim in ein Konzerthaus verwandelt. Im Erdgeschoss formen Stuhlreihen kleine Halbkreise. Im Zentrum stehen vier Männer zwischen Gitarren, Mikrofon, Cajon und einem uralten schwarzen Klavier mit Kerzenhaltern. Die hannoversche Band "Klang und Leben" ist ins Kursana Domizil nach Buchholz (Landkreis Harburg) gekommen. Mit vertrauten Melodien wollen die Musiker Demenzkranken bei Gesangstunden alte Erinnerungen wecken und so deren Lebensgefühl verbessern. Ihre Formel ist einfach: Musik an, die Laune steigt. "Kann denn Liebe Sünde sein?", schmachtet Oliver Perau ins Mikrofon, Dutzende hören zu. Helga wippt. Irmgard klatscht, und die Perlenkette schunkelt über dem Rollkragenpullover. Der Mann mit Gitarre, Graziano Zampolin, hält ein Modellauto in die Luft - einen roten VW-Käfer. "Jetzt fahren wir los nach Italien, mit einem Gefährt, das sie alle kennen." Erst eine Wellenbewegung mit dem Auto vor den Augen der Senioren, dann eine kleine Vespa zur Hand, "über die Alpen, nach Genua, über Rom, zur Insel mit dem Eis, zu den "Capri-Fischern!" "So schön!" Das Signal für die Band! Rainer Schumann klopft den Rhythmus. Die Akkorde wackeln über die Tasten von Pianist Andreas Meyer. Die Hüften von Sänger Perau tun's ihnen gleich: links, rechts, links, rechts. Helga tupft sich am linken Auge, faltet ihr Taschentuch im Schoß zu einem kleinen Quadrat, "so schön!". Ganz hinten, über einen Rollator gebeugt, murmelt ein Greis die Zeilen leise mit, während seine Nachbarin, leicht zum Takt versetzt, eine Faust ballt und öffnet. Ein Lied später tänzelt Zampolin mit der 85-jährigen Hannelore in vorsichtigen Schritten zu "Quando, quando, quando" im Kreis. "Mit dem passenden Lied erinnern sie sich an ein Leben, in dem es ihnen gut ging. Die Stücke geben älteren Menschen etwas Geborgenes, Vertrautes wieder. Es tut einfach nur gut", sagt Rainer Schumann. Und auch bei Hannelore blitzen Bilder ihrer Jugend auf: "Als junges Mädchen hat das angefangen, da fing überall die Musik an, und wir, wir gingen immer los", sagt sie mit leicht aufgeregter Stimme. Älteren Leute singen jede Strophe mit "Musik kann biografische Erinnerung wecken, ältere Menschen können damit besondere Erlebnisse in Verbindung bringen", erklärt der Sprecher der Deutschen Alzheimer Gesellschaft, Hans-Jürgen Freter. Erstaunlich sei etwa, dass ältere Leute nicht wüssten, was sie zum Frühstück gegessen haben, sie sich aber strophenweise an Lieder erinnern könnten. "Es geht um die Lebensqualität der Menschen, und darum, sie nicht allein zu lassen. Therapien mit Musik, Bewegung und Tanzen sind auf jeden Fall ein Weg, um Erkrankte geistig und körperlich anzuregen und so zu ihren Gefühlen vordringen zu können", sagt Freter. Deutschlandweit sind laut der Deutschen Alzheimer Gesellschaft rund 1,5 Millionen Menschen an Demenz erkrankt. Der hannoversche Musikprofessor Eckart Altenmüller hat untersucht, wie sich die Gesangsstunden von "Klang und Leben" auf das Wohlbefinden der Senioren auswirken. "Bei bislang rund 50 Versuchspersonen haben wir große Effekte in der Stimmung und Motorik festgestellt." Vom Pflegepersonal ließ er in Fragebögen das Verhalten der Bewohner festhalten. "Demenz wird immer als etwas Negatives dargestellt", sagt Zampolin, der Gitarrist und ausgebildete Demenzcoach, zu seinem Publikum, "wir haben da eine ganz andere Erfahrung gemacht. Musik statt Pille!", betont er und reckt die Faust zur Decke. Jubel der Pflegerinnen vorne. Die säuselnden Klänge von "Bel' Ami" hinten. Und die Hüften, sie gehen wieder links, rechts, links, rechts. Info: http://www.salzburg.com/nachrichten/gesundheit/sn/artikel/band-mobilisiert-mit-schlagern-das-gedaechtnis-133242/ |
Accordion-Space4U.com Site the place for YOUR videos - WORLDWIDEby Diatonic News |
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Accordion-Space4u.com is an accordion (all types) only, simple to use site, its an easy way to upload photos, sound files, videos and share them accordionists. Artists can have their own promotional pages and with one click, send information to all they have listed. Especially attractive for performers is that all videos listed on our Accordion-Space4u.com site are being shown on all news editions on a rotation system. Each time a reader views any news editions, 'your video' might be the one showing. Take advantage of this great system and show YOUR video where over 5,800 people visit per day! So log on to Accordion-Space4u.com to share your photos, sound files and videos with your fellow accordionists. |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
9. HARMONIKA-WM 2015 in PORTOROŽ/Slowenienby Werner Weibert |
![]() Alle Spieler auf der STEIRISCHEN HARMONIKA sind dazu herzlich eingeladen! Termin: 20.-22. MÄRZ 2015 Zwei Kategorien sind ausgeschrieben: JUNIOR und SENIOR Veranstalter ist der Harmonikaverband Österreichs zusammen mit dem bekannten Solisten Denis Novato. Alle Details und Bedingungen in den Ausschreibungen auf der Homepage des Harmonikaverbandes Österreichs ! Anmeldungen online ab sofort möglich >>> www.harmonikaverband.at ! Rechtzeitig anmelden! Wir freuen uns auf viele Kandidaten!!! Online translation ! |
TAG DER STEIRISCHEN HARMONIKA 2015 in Lech/Arlberg - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
![]() Vom 17.- 19. APRIL 2015 treffen sich alle österreichischen und südtiroler Harmonikaspieler von klein bis groß in Lech am Arlberg! Gleichzeitig werden Volksmusik-Wettbewerbe und INTERNATIONALE GÄSTEKLASSEN veranstaltet, zu denen alle Spieler aus dem umliegenden Ausland herzlich eingeladen sind. Ausschreibung und Anmeldung nur online unter Harmonikaverband Österreichs. Noch heute anmelden! |
Video: Beltango Quintet Accompany Fabian and Michaela, Munich - Germanyby Harley Jones |
Published on Nov 5, 2014. An improvisation by dancers Fabian and Michaela with the Beltango Quintet, ""A Evaristo Carriego" at the 2014 Einstein Kultur, München, Germany. Triple CD Pack available online at: Beltango |
Beltango Release Theatre of Soul CD - Serbiaby Harley Jones |
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The Beltango Quintet have release a new CD title Theatre of Soul. This CD features 10 tracks and can be purchased online. Sound samples for you to hear. Cat No. beltango4 The Beltango 3 CD pack continues to be popular as well. View all at Beltango and purchase online with credit card. |
Winter Festival 2015 Workshop - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() THE LOVERS' WALTZ (intermediate to advanced) – Saturday, 12-1:30pm - Bethany Church - $25 Jay & Molly will teach their tune "The Lovers' Waltz for fiddlers and guitarists, but other melody and accompanying instruments are welcome. The workshop begins with a demo of the arrangement by Jay & Molly. The group then splits and Jay works with the melody players on the tune, expression, ornamentation and possibly a harmony part, while Molly works with accompanists on chords, runs and rhythmic playing techniques. Then all come together at the end to play the arrangement as an ensemble. Cajun Music Workshops – Saturday Cajun Dance with Corey Porche – 1:45-2:45pm - Bethany Church - $15 Get your two-step on with our fantastic dance instructor, straight from the source! Cajun Accordian- 3-4pm - Bethany Church - $20 For Advanced-Beginner/Intermediate button accordion players Cajun Fiddle – 3-4pm - Bethany Church - $20 For Intermediate players Percussion/Triangle - 3-4pm - Bethany Church - $15 Open to all, learn the technique of percussion at the heart of Cajun music! Cajun/Country Songs - 4:15-5:15pm - Bethany Church - $20 Open to all, no experience necessary Cajun Band (all instruments) - 4:15-5:15pm - Bethany Church - $15 After a day of learning tunes and technique, join the Cajun band and slow jam with members of the Revelers. Traditional session etiquette will be discussed. Jeremiah McLane and Ariel Friedman – Sunday, 1-2pm - Bethany Church - $20 The art of playing in a duo At its best, playing in a duo is like a great conversation: there’s give and take, honesty and spontaneity. It’s an environment where meaningful ideas can be expressed, and the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. What allows for this is the right orientation to your playing partner, a way of listening and responding to them, as you offer your own musical contributions. In this workshop we will look at how to go about sharing the duties of melodic, harmonic, and purely rhythmic playing, dynamics, choosing a repertoire, how to arrange such a repertoire for two players and how to present it in performance. Between them accordionist Jeremiah McLane and cellist Ariel Friedman and have logged countless hours playing in duos, Ari with her sister, violinist Mia Friedman, and Jeremiah with guitarist David Surette, as well as violinist Ruthie Dornfeld. Information:http://summitschool.wix.com/summitschool#!winter-festival-workshop-descriptions/c2082 |
Cygnet Folk Festival - Australiaby Diatonic News |
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![]() The annual 3 day event transforms the entire village of Cygnet into a vibrant festival space with undercover concerts in its heritage buildings, street performers, children's concerts, workshops, casual unplanned jam sessions in local pubs topped off with a festival parade. Add to this the restaurants, cafes and market stalls selling speciality cuisine using local organic products and other stalls selling crafts made by local artisans. The Festival attracts local, interstate and overseas performers who enjoy performing to appreciative, attentive audiences while festival goers get to enjoy the relaxed village ambiance combined with great entertainment. Info: http://www.cygnetfolkfestival.org/ |
Pamela Kay TV Host interviews and performance by Wayne Toups - USAby Harley Jones |
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TV Host, Pamela Kay interviews legendary founder of Zydecajun music, Wayne Toups and gets an up close and personal visit shortly after his Grammy win with The Band Courtbouillon. Check out The Band Courtbouillon also featured with all the members informally talking about their win, just passing the mic around...heartwarming and touching personal reflections from talented musicians who travel worldwide sharing Louisiana music and culture. What incredible talent and just really nice guys, too! Published on Sep 15, 2014 |
Video: Giuliano Cameli New Method - Italyby Harley Jones |
Giuliano Cameli performs two videos from from his new method for diatonic accordion, publisher Zaccaria. Published on Sep 25, 2014 Video 1: Carnival of Venice. Video 2: La Ripanella info@zaccariaeditore.it www.zaccariaeditore.it |
15. Fürstenecker Bordunale/Diatonisches Akkordeon mit Stefano Delvecchio - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() Diatonisches Akkordeon in der italienischen Folkmusik ab mittlerem Spielniveau Stefano "Ciuma" Delvecchio Viele Akkordeonisten hierzulande spielen auf italienischen Instrumenten; die vielfältige Folkmusik Italiens ist dagegen noch relativ wenig verbreitet. Dabei gibt es für das diatonische Akkordeon ein abwechslungsreiches Repertoire mit ganz unterschiedlichen technischen Spielweisen zu entdecken. Italien ist ein Schmelztiegel vielfältiger Kulturen, aus denen sich im Laufe der Jahrhunderte die italienische Bevölkerung gebildet hat, mit ihren unterschiedlichen Liedern und Tänzen. Im Nord-Westen ist eine Tanzmusik beliebt, die mit der französischen Tradition verwandt ist. Im Nord-Osten entdeckt man den Einfluss österreichischer Musik. Im Süden, wo lange Zeit ein intensiver Kontakt mit der arabischen Kultur stattgefunden hat, finden wir obsessive Tänze wie die "Tarantella" und die "Tammurriata". Aus dem Herzen Italiens, aus der Emilia Romagna mit ihrer Hauptstadt Bologna, stammt unser Referent, einer der führenden diatonischen Akkordeonisten Italiens. Die Emilia Romagna kann man als Brücke zwischen Nord und Süd und als Treffpunkt der Kulturen mit einer bemerkenswerten kulturellen Breite verstehen. Dieses reichhaltige Repertoire bildet den Schwerpunkt des Workshops. So spielen (und tanzen!) wir u.a. die "Giga", ganz klar aus Nordeuropa kommend, genau so wie den "Saltarello", der uns an die süditalienischen Tänze erinnert. Als Ausblick werden wir auch Beispiele des italienische Repertoires aus anderen Regionen mit seinen verschiedenen Spielweisen kennenlernen, sowie manche Spieltechniken, die einzigartig in der Welt sind, wie z.B. die Blasebalg-Technik in der Tanzmusik Sardiniens. Voraussetzung: G/C Akkordeon mit mindestens 21 Tasten ohne Gleichtöner auf der Melodieseite und 8 Tasten im Bass, ab mittlerem Spielniveau mit sicherer Koordination von rechter und linker Hand. Unterstützend stehen Noten mit Tabulaturen zur Verfügung. Die Unterrichtssprache ist Englisch (und ggf. Italienisch). "Ciuma" - Stefano Delvecchio, spielt seit 1988 diatonisches Akkordeon. Nach Studien in Italien und Frankreich hat er 1991 seine Gruppe Bevano Est (www.bevanoest.com) gegründet, mit der er seither bei allen wichtigen Festivals in ganz Italien und auch international auftritt. Er spielt außerdem in verschiedenen anderen Gruppen vor allem Musik aus der italienischen Folk-Tradition und komponiert für Theater und Film. http://www.burg-fuersteneck.de/folk/bordunale.htm |
Video: Bandoneon Bonanza of Simone Marini and Filippo Arlia - New Zealandby Harley Jones |
Italians Simone Marini (bandoneon) and Filippo Arlia (piano) made two concerts in Auckland City on the 28th an 30th November and received a standing ovation at the concert I attended. Filippo Arlia is also a highly regarded symphony orchestra conductor and has worked with accordion and bandoneon players extensively including performing several times at the Strumenti Musica Festival in Spoleto. Filippo Arlia normally works in duo with Cesare Chiacchiaretta but for this tour, Simone Marini was available and made his first tour to New Zealand. Simone has performed extensively in Europe. The tour was organised by noted pianist Flavio Villani (picture right), Artistic Director, St Heliers Music Centre. Enjoy the videos. |
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TradFest Temple Bar 2015 - Dublin/Irelandby Harley Jones |
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Video above: Irish Concertina Ensemble performing Jigs at the Fleadh Cheoil 2014 in Sligo. Performers: Tim Collins, Edel Fox, Michael O'Raghallaigh, Caitlín Nic Gabhann and Padraig Rynne. 2015 will mark the 10th year of TradFest – a festival based in Dublin’s Temple Bar, showcasing the full spectrum of traditional & folk music in some of Dublin’s most unique venues. The Festival presents both established and up and coming artists, giving new voices a chance to be heard as part of this internationally renowned musical celebration, as well as offering a full programme of events suitable for families. The festival’s line up is shaping up to be one of its strongest ever, with a roll-call of trad legends and new artists who are reinventing their genres. Acts include Sweeney’s Men, Liam O’Flynn, Mícheál Ó Súilleabháin, Paddy Glackin & Neil Martin, Levellers, Hot House Flowers, The Undertones, Beoga & Big Band, Danú, Matt Molloy, John Carty & Arty McGlynn, Mick Flannery, Irish Conertina Ensemble, Cara Dillon & Band, DeBarra, Kathryn Roberts & Sean Lakeman, Karine Polwart, Marc O’Reilly & The Hard Ground and many more. For tickets and more information visit www.templebartrad.com |
Avsenikpreis 2015 - Slowenienby Diatonic News |
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9. Internationaler Akkordeonwettbewerb für den Avsenikpreis 2015 Die Musikschule Avsenik freut sich auf Eure Teilnahme am 9. Akkordeonwettbewerb, 24.-25.1.2015 im Gasthaus Avsenik. Disziplinen: Tastenakkordeon – Solisten Knopfakkordeon -Solisten Steirische Harmonika – Solisten NEUE DISZIPLIN! Harmonika – DUO Infos/Ausschreibung: http://gs-avsenik.com/pdf/Ausschreibung2015.pdf Zasebni zavod glasbena šola Avsenik Begunje 9, 4275 Begunje na Gorenjskem/Slowenien |
Video: Cajun Strangers on the 30 Minute Music Hour - USAby Harley Jones |
Cajun Strangers on he 30 Minute Music Hour, Wisconsin Public Television. Performing an original composition: "Amiral Rouge". Amiral Rouge in English means "Red Admiral" which is a North American buttery. Published on Sep 24, 2014. |
Winter Folk Music Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() January 15th-18th, 2015 The festival will take place in various locations in downtown Montpelier including: Bethany Church, Skinny Pancake, City Hall, Charlio's World Famous, Sweet Melissa's, Capitol Grounds, Bagitos, North Branch Cafe, and the Summit School. This festival is supported in part by the Montpelier Alive, Skinny Pancake, Vermont Violins, Vermont Public Radio, Young Tradition Vermont, WGDR Goddard Radio Station, and many others... Winter is cold in Vermont! The Summit School of Traditional Music and Culture will heat things up by hosting ‘Spice on Snow’ Winter Music, Food and Dance Festival January 15th-18th, 2015. There are nationally known artists performin in capitol city of Montpelier to teach workshops and play concerts throughout the weekend; featured artists include: Jay Ungar and Molly Mason (who's fiddle tune 'Ashokan Farewell' was made famous by Ken Burn’s Civil War documentary, and who are the founders of Ashokan Fiddle and Dance Camps), The Revelers from Louisiana (featured on the TV series ‘Treme’, and Anthony Bourdain’s ‘No Reservations’), Corey Porche (Cajun/Zydeco dance and accordion), Jeremiah McLane and Ariel Friedman (Quebecois and Original Music), Jon Gailmor (Kids songwriting workshops and performances) and the Green Mountain Playboys (Montpelier's own Cajun band). Other performances include: The Starline Rhythm Boys (Honky-Tonk/Rockabilly), The Rear Defrosters (Rockabilly/Honky-Tonk), Two Cents in the Till (Bluegrass), the Zeichner Family Band (Celtic/Appalachian), the Ollabelles (A Capella harmony singing), and more...We are so excited to celebrate the winter with dances, cooking classes, music workshops, and concerts. The Summit School of Traditional Music and Culture is a non-profit folk music school located in Montpelier, Vermont. We host ongoing classes, workshops, and concerts for adults, children and families year-round. Information: http://summitschool.wix.com/summitschool#!winterfestival/c10pc |
Video: Ensemble Gorski Cvet performing Nobena Druga Polka - Sloveniaby Harley Jones |
Ensemble Gorski Cvet performing Nobena Druga Polka Ensemble members are: Nina Tratnik, Sebastjan Fabčič, Mirko Rupnik, David Puc, Aljoša Erjavec. |
Future events / Concerts |
Canzoniere Grecanico Salentin in Glasgow - Italia/UKby Harley Jones |
Video: Canzoniere Grecanico Salentin performing Nu te Fermare, lyrics and music composed by Mauro Durante. 23 January 2015 7:30PM at O2 ABC Glasgow The unique cultural traditions of Salento, in the heel of Italy’s boot, find thrilling expression in the performances of Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino, an internationally acclaimed seven-piece ensemble whose spectacular blend of music, song and dance centre on the ancient and mysterious traditions of pizzica tarantata. “An electrifying whirlwind of rhythmic power and soulful melody”. (RootsWorld) Info: http://www.celticconnections.com/events/Pages/event.aspx?ev=27d1597a-08be-4d4c-a776-a3d200c2d4bb or http://www.canzonieregrecanicosalentino.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=section&layout=blog&id=7&Itemid=63&lang=it |
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TradFest Family Concert - Irelandby Diatonic News |
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January 31, 2015 Time: 2 pm Venue "The Ark" 11a Eustace Street , Dublin , Dublin 2 Ireland Enjoy the wonderful music of well known Irish band Kíla as part of Temple Bar TradFest this January. Interactive and energetic, these eight multi-talented multi-instrumentalists are sure to get your feet tapping and your hearts racing as you listen to them perform. For more info and booking see ark.ie or call (01) 670 7788 Info: http://www.visit-templebar.com/event/family-trad-gig-kila/ |
Francois Badeau Master Classes for Accordion Diatonic - Franceby Harley Jones |
Video above: Francois and Thomas Badeau performng at La Rentrée Nantaise 2014, Couëron (44), France. Francois Badeau has two series Master Classes for Diatonic. On the 25th January and 26th April and on 22nd March and 31st May. These are held in Clisson, Loire-Atlantique, western France. For further information email: contact@artissimo-musique.org |
Peter Carberry & Padraig McGovern at the Celtic Convention - GBby Diatonic News |
![]() Address: 30-34,McPhater Street,Glasgow,G4 0HW Tel: 0141 353 0220 Irish accordionist Peter Carberry and uilleann piper Padraig McGovern are among the foremost exponents of their respective instruments, a stature firmly underlined by their 2013 duo album Forgotten Gems. With Carberry’s style being heavily influenced by the Irish piping repertoire, their sweetly-paced interplay optimises every last expressive nuance. More Information: http://www.celticconnections.com/events/Pages/event.aspx?ev=d937ecfb-fbaf-4eb0-af4f-a3d200c2d38f |
Kristina Olsen in Jan 2015 - Australiaby Diatonic News |
![]() Carmel's evening delights Friday January 9th, Carmel Hall Two by Four Sunday January 11th, St James Catholic Church Information: http://www.cygnetfolkfestival.org/programme/acts?feed_id=339051 |
Le Vent du Nord in Glasgow - Canada/UK/Scotlandby Harley Jones |
![]() 1. Lettre à Durham 2. Noces Tragiques (traditional) 3. Le retour du fils soldat (traditiona) 4. La Soiree du hocky (traditional) 17 January 2015 9:30PM Old Fruitmarket the brilliant Québécois quartet Le Vent du Nord play Celtic Connections, and this latest visit is sure to be no exception, as the band prepare to release their eighth album in 2015. For this special evening, the band will be joined by a host of female talent including Emily Smith, Julie Fowlis, Sharon Shannon, Patsy Reid, Megan Henderson and Christine Hanson. Delving deep into Francophone Canada’s rich musical heritage, their repertoire features vibrantly reinvigorated traditional songs and tunes alongside original material, ranging from forceful four-part a capella harmonies to irresistibly frolicsome instrumentals – on instrumentation including fiddle, accordion, hurdy-gurdy, mandolin, guitar, bass, foot percussion and jaw harp - matching master musicianship with boundless joie de vivre. Information: http://www.celticconnections.com/events/Pages/event.aspx?ev=ea2ec715-4c7a-44aa-94d4-a3c300fc5873 |
Danù meet them at the Old Fruitmarket - Scotlandby Diatonic News |
![]() Address: Candleriggs,Glasgow,G1 1NQ Tel: 0141 353 8000 Over the last two decades, Danú have secured their reputation as one of Ireland’s finest traditional bands, gradually maturing from youthful firebrands to today’s richly seasoned ensemble, while losing none of their passion for making music together. Originating in Co. Waterford, and named for the ancient Celtic goddess of fertility and wisdom, their powerhouse seven-piece line-up combines fiddle, uilleann pipes, accordion, flutes, whistles, bouzouki, guitar and bodhran with Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh’s bewitching vocals. Building a large and devoted following either side of the Atlantic, Danú have released eight albums to date, with a ninth due out for their 20th anniversary year, material from which is sure to feature as they kick off the festivities here in Glasgow - a party with some very special guests in attendance, including Irish musical godfather Donal Lunny, Scottish Gaelic singing star Julie Fowlis, piano accordion maestro Phil Cunningham and former band members from earlier in their career. Info:http://www.celticconnections.com/events/Pages/event.aspx?ev=58c73903-2cd1-41af-ba95-a3c300fc58ed |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
CD Karja-La by SVÄNG - Finlandby Diatonic News |
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Die vier überaus charmanten Herrn von Sväng haben in den letzten Jahren neue Standards für das Ensemblespiel auf der Mundharmonika gesetzt – und das sowohl im Hinblick auf Repertoire als auch Spieltechnik. Mit einem ebenso anspruchsvollen, wie unterhaltsamen Programm aus Eigenkompositionen überzeugen die Mundharmonika-Visionäre Publikum und Fachwelt rund um den Globus von den unbegrenzten Möglichkeiten dieses kleinen, oftmals unterschätzten, Instruments. 2014 ist ihre neue CD „Karja-La“ erschienen – die nicht nur auf finnische Volksmusiktraditionen und Balkanrhythmen Bezug nimmt, sondern ebenso auf Vertreter der finnischen Romantik wie Sibelius und Merikanto. Überhaupt fassen Sväng ihr Repertoire undogmatisch weit und laden zu einer außergewöhnlichen Klangreise: eine freigeistig, lustvoll und mit rhythmischer Vitalität zelebrierte Musikmelange, die vom britischen Songlines-Magazin mit dem Attribut des „Mundharmonika-Pendants zum Kronos-Quartet“ geadelt wurde. Zeitgenössische Mundharmonikamusik, die derzeit wohl kein zweites Mal in dieser Kompaktheit und Virtuosität zu finden ist. Song list 1 Eksyneen tango (Turkka) 2 Eeron ja Nedan häämarssi (Kyhälä) 3 Niilon polska (Kyhälä) 4 Naskon Rakija (Turkka) 5 Jeppo (trad, arr Grundström) 6 Kyytiläinen (Kyhälä) 7 Impivaara (Grundström) 8 Karja-La (Grundström) 9 Schengen (Grundström) Published 2014 by: Galileo Music Communications GmbH Information: http://www.svang.fi/en/cd.html or |
CD Grandomenico - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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La storia di Capre, Ricci e Capricci Un disco non dovrebbe mai essere pubblicato in assenza del suo interprete, ma purtroppo questo disco il nostro amico Giandomenico non ha fatto in tempo a vederlo stampato. La sorte ha voluto altrimenti, e quello che doveva essere per Giandomenico il compimento di un sogno - il suo primo CD - rappresenta ora la sua eredità più bella per la famiglia, per gli amici che hanno suonato questi brani, per tutti coloro che lo conoscevano e gli volevano bene per la sua umanità e la sua musicalità. Il titolo "Capre, Ricci e Capricci" rende in tre parole la passione e il carattere del nostro artista: attaccato al suo paese, Villa Castelli, come le capre di Vituccio de Carcagn'; un po' pirata con quella sua chioma riccioluta, orgogliosamente sfoggiata; capace di fare l'impossibile per soddisfare un capriccio suo, dei suoi familiari o degli amici... E per realizzare questo disco, Giandomenico ha scelto brani che hanno segnato la sua storia di musicista e molte amicizie, nate con la scusa della musica. Vito Nigro, Federico Di Viesto, Mario Salvi, Mimmo Epifani, Giuseppe Grassi, José Barros, Maika e Sara Gomez, Redi Hasa, Antongiulio Galeandro, Andrea Presa... tutti presenti in uno o più brani di questo CD, in risposta alla chiamata di Giandomenico: 'ma sci' ffa' lu disc'? E Valerio Daniele, che questo CD l'ha registrato e mixato, e che non sarà mai ringraziato abbastanza per la comprensione e la disponibilità dimostrata. Giandomenico Caramia e la sua musica Si è avvicinato sin da piccolo allo studio della musica, iniziando lo studio della fisarmonica nel 1980 con il M° Sandro Tannoia per poi dedicarsi, dal 1984, allo studio dei tamburi a cornice sotto la guida di Alfio Antico. Tra il 2000 e il 2003 ha studiato l’organetto (fisarmonica diatonica) con Mario Salvi presso il Centro Accademico Musicale di Villa Castelli. Dal 2003 al 2005 ha frequentato il corso di tamburi a cornice con Arnaldo Vacca e il corso di organetto tenuto dallo stesso M. Salvi presso il Conservatorio “Tito Schipa” di Lecce, all’interno del Corso triennale di Musica Popolare ideato da Daniele Durante. Dal 2004 ha sviluppato un'intensa attività concertistica, sia come percussionista che come organettista, collaborando stabilmente con Mimmo Epifani nei gruppi "Epifani Barbers" e "La Gialletta". Ha partecipato con l’Orchestra della Notte della Taranta al concertone di Melpignano (LE) nel 2004 e nel 2005 e alle successive tournées italiane dell’orchestra, tornando poi sul palco del concertone come ospite dell'orchestra nel 2007, 2008 e 2009. Ha condotto tra il 2002 e il 2005, insieme a Mario Salvi, una ricerca sui canti e la musica tradizionale con specifico riferimento all’organetto di Villa Castelli, unico paese in Puglia dove questo strumento è ancora fortemente radicato, per pubblicare poi nel 2008 con Kurumuny il libro-cd "La pizzica nascosta". E’ stato inoltre l’animatore del gruppo spontaneo “Cantori di Villa Castelli” formato da anziani cantori e da suonatori tradizionali, nato per far conoscere al pubblico la ricchezza e l’originalità delle musiche e dei canti della Murgia sud-orientale. Track list del CD con indicazione degli autori e degli esecutori 1. Carmeluccio (tradizionale/Caramia) (G. Caramia - voce recitante e tamburo) 2. Tra veglia e sonno (Canora) (G. Caramia - organetto, M. Epifani - mandola) 3. E' mezzanotte (Testa, Cozzoli, Compare) (G. Caramia - organetto, M. Epifani - mandola, G. Grassi - chitarra) 4. Quadriglia sanvitese (tradizionale) (G. Caramia - organetto, M. Epifani - mandola, J. Barros - viola braguesa, "Ttukunak" M. & S. Gomez - Txalaparta) 5. Pizzica di San Vito (tradizionale) (G. Caramia - voce, M. Epifani - mandola e canto, G. Grassi - mandolino, F. Di Viesto - chitarra) 6. Barba e capelli (Salvi) (G. Caramia - organetto, M. Salvi - 2° organetto, M. Epifani - mandola) 7. 55 miglia (tradizionale/elab. Epifani) (G. Caramia - organetto, M. Epifani - mandola) Per ulteriori informazioni: isalvi@libero.it |
CD Belem by Didier Laloy & Kathy Adam - Belgiumby Diatonic News |
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English - Didier Laloy and Kathy Adam form an atypical duo featuring diatonic accordion and cello. They are both brilliant musicians in their own right. For over 15 years they have travelled througout Europe with the group ‘Panta Rhei’, and shared the stage on many other occasions including Didiers own projects Didier Laloy Invites, [Pô-Z]s, Noir’s and Nonsens. Although we had to wait for 20 years before a direct collaboration emerged, it was well worth the wait. For decades they’ve been thinking about experimenting with chamber music, without neglecting the expressive side. Today they provide an anthology of compositions, at the crossroads of their experiences. A strong but simple music, subtle and surprising, where silence, dynamics and the most elegant and crazy rhythms intersect. Musical images collide, and lead you on a musical journey and unique experience. Belem, a gentle and daring duo is the result of a long-awaited meeting between two wonderful artists. Français - Didier Laloy et Kathy Adam, deux musiciens atypiques, hors pair qui se connaissent et partagent les scènes depuis de nombreuses années. Pendant près de 15 ans, ils ont sillonné les routes d’Europe avec la formation ‘Panta Rhei’ mais également au sein d’autres projets de Didier (Didier Laloy Invite...s, [Pô-Z]s, Noir’s, Nonsens). Il aura fallu attendre une vingtaine d’années pour que leur complicité soit enfi n mise en lumière. Depuis longtemps le désir de fl irter avec la musique de chambre les animait, et sans oublier la part expressive qui les a construits, ils nous offrent aujourd’hui un fl orilège de compositions au carrefour de leurs expériences. Une musique simple et forte, subtile et surprenante, où les souffl es et les silences croisent avec élégance les rythmes les plus fous. Les images se succèdent, s’entrechoquent, se caressent pour nous conduire vers un univers singulier qui se construit tout au long de ce voyage musical. Belem, un duo doux et audacieux, la rencontre tant attendue de deux artistes généreux. Information: http://homerecordsbe.bandcamp.com/album/belem www.belem.be www.didierlaloy.be |
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HELP DESK - INFORMATION WANTED - COMMENTS - Worldwideby Holda Paoletti-Kampl | Modify | Delete |
English take advantage of this interactive feature in our Diatonic-News. This is titled “Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments” and is situated below the News. The exciting part of this concept is that readers can list their own comments about any accordion subject they wish, ask questions, ask the accordion world for information. Its YOUR Diatonic Accordion World on www.diatonic-news.com News. Deutsch Interaktive Funktion auf Diatonic News! Diatonic News hat eine neue interaktive Funktion in den Nachrichten aufgenommen. Diese trägt den Titel "Help Desk, Information gesucht, Leser Kommentare" und ist am Ender der Nachrichtenausgabe positioniert. Der interessante Teil dieses Konzeptes ist, dass unsere Leser selbst auf dieser Seite akitv sein kònnen. Jeder Leser kann ab sofort online eigene Kommentare zu jedem Akkordeon Thema, generelle Fragen und Suche nach Information an die Akkordeonwelt/leser auf www.diatonic-news.com ins Netz setzen. Nehmen Sie Anspruch von dieser interaktiven Mòglichkeit, die das Ziel hat, unseren Lesern eine intensivere und sofortige Kommunikation mit anderen Akkordeoninteressierten zu ermòglichen Italiano Facile funzione interattiva su www.diatonic-news.com ! Diatonic-news ha inserito questa funzionalità interattiva nella sua edizione di notizie. Questa è intitolato "Help desk, informazioni, commenti dei lettori, ed è posizionata alla fine è della pagina. La parte interessante di questo concetto è la possibilità di attività da parte dei lettori di essere se stessi in questa pagina. Ogni lettore è ora disponibile online e condividere i tuoi commenti su ogni tema fisarmonica, questioni generali e la ricerca di informazioni al mondo della fisarmonica / lettori sul AWW rete. Prendete vantaggio di questa opportunità interattiva che ha l'obiettivo di permettere ai nostri lettori di una comunicazione intensa e immediata con altri interessati di www.diatonic-news.com . Français Nouvelles hebdomadaires initiés fonction interactive Diatonic News a ajouté cette fonctionnalité interactive à la Nouvelles. C'est intitulé «Help Desk, les informations nécessaires, Commentaires des lecteurs" et se situe en dessous de la Nouvelles hebdomadaires. La partie intéressante de ce concept est que les lecteurs peuvent publier leurs propres commentaires sur n'importe quel sujet accordéon elles le souhaitent, poser des questions, demander de l'accordéon monde pour l'information. Alors s'il vous plaît utiliser et de profiter de cet outil interactif, visant à permettre une plus grande communication entre les accordéonistes. 中文 “每周新闻”新增交互式特色栏目 《环球手风琴》在“每周新闻”中增加了一个新的交互式的特色栏目. 标题是“Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments” ,放在下面的每周新闻中. 这一理念令人兴奋的地方是读者可以加入他们自己关于手风琴主题的任何评论、提出问题、询问手风琴演出信息. 这部分内容在《环球手风琴》每周新闻的“ 你的手风琴世界 ”栏目中. 因此请你使用并欣赏这个交互式的工具, 目的是增强手风琴家之间的沟通. Русский Раздел «Еженедельные новости» инициирует новую интерактивную функциию Сайт Diatonic News добавил новую интерактивную функцию в раздел еженедельных новостей. Она озаглавлена "Доска помощи, необходимая информация, комментарии читателей" и расположена под разделом еженедельных новостей. Важной частью этой новинки является то, что читатели смогут составить список собственных комментариев по любым вопросам, касающимся аккордеона, задать вопросы, запросить информацию, касающуюся аккордеона. Это ВАШ Мир Аккордеона на сайте www.diatonic-news.com. Пожалуйста, пользуйтесь и наслаждайтесь этим новым интерактивным сервисом, направленным на достижение более тесных связей между аккордеонистами. Information: Webmaster / Online translation ! Example |
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