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Diatonic News - Sep-2018
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Voci Armoniche


“Tracce di Ottocento” - Castelfidardo/Italia
Premio "Città die Porto Recananti" a Roberto Lucanero - Italia
PIF Castelfidardo - Italy
Collection of "mad in Germany" Accordions by Roger Morand - France/DE/Worldwide
Carrefour Mondial de L'Accordeon Festival, Montmagny - Canada
Akkordeon-Akut Festival - Deutschland
Video: 2018 Little Big Shots Interview, Texas - USA
Andreas Gabalier & Band 1.12.18 - Graz/Austria

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

11th Accordion Noir Festival - Vancouver/Canada
Corsi di Organetto / M° Loffredi Francesco - Italia
51st Bromyard Folk Festival - UK
2018 Portal Irish Music Week (PIMW) - Ireland
‘Gran Peña Folklorica’ Concert, Buenos Aires – Argentina
Mundharmonika Masterklassen in Klingenthal - Deutschland
3. Alpe Adria Harmonikawettbewerg/Anmeldeschluss - Austria
John Kirkpatrick British Chromatic Accordion Course, Shropshire – UK
Brocco Etno Festival - Italia
Chromatische Mundharmonika für Einsteiger - Deutschland
Opentrekzakfestival - Holland
18. Internationales Mundharmonika-Live Festival in Klingenthal - Deutschland
Black Sheep Otley Folk Festival - UK
NESI 2018 21-23 September - USA
16. Irish Folk auf Fürsteneck - DE
Shillelagh in September - FRANCE
2. Michlbauer-Kongress in Reutte/Tirol - Austria
Remco Sietsema & band | Noorderzon Festival Groningen - Netherlands
26. UNA NIT FOLK - Catalagne/Spain
Lieder auf der Tremolo/Oktav-Mundharmonika - Trossingen/DE

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Stephanie’s 50th birthday - Chicargo/USA
Ciclo Bandoneomanía / Natsuki Nishihara – Clara Stern – Manuel Momo – Nicolás Di Bella – Nicolás Ledesma - Argentina
Musique Trad du Québec avec Marie-Desneiges Hamel et Gaëtan Lefebvre - Canada
Dantzas 2018 - Spain
De Akoestische KAMER - Holland
Antonio Grosso in concerto - Italia
Los Tigres del Norte on September Tour - USA
Cajun Roosters en Tour - Germany
Gaston Nolet Soirée de musique Trad du Québec - CANADA
Benefizveranstaltung mit "die Lamintoler" - Austria
John Whelan Sept/Tour in - USA
Kepa Junkera - SPain/Italy
Trifilio Tango Trio concert - Richmond/VA/USA
24° Raduno Internazionale della Fisarmonica - Recoardo Terme/Italia
RENATO BORGHETTI in October 2018 - Austria/Switzerland
Alex Meixner / Oktoberfest/Tour - USA

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD Hemels Douwe by Shillelagh - FRance

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

“Tracce di Ottocento” - Castelfidardo/Italia

by Laura Francinella
“Tracce di Ottocento” - Castelfidardo/Italia
Laura FrancinellaSi è svolta a Castelfidardo il 10 e 11 agosto 2018 la IV edizione della Rievocazione Storica organizzata dall’Associazione “Tracce di Ottocento” e dall’Amministrazione Comunale.

Castelfidardo ha spostato le lancette indietro nel tempo e ha ricreato il borgo del 1886, quando veniva inaugurato l’acquedotto cittadino, si cominciava ad utilizzare la corrente elettrica e alle attività tradizionali della campagna e della vita domestica si affiancava la costruzione degli organetti e degli “armonici”.

Non poteva quindi mancare la bottega di Paolo Soprani, dove sono state riprodotte alcune fasi lavorative dello strumento grazie ad artigiani di Castelfidardo che portano avanti ancora oggi questa tradizione fidardense e si sono messi volontariamente a disposizione del progetto.

Fanno parte del gruppo artigiani della fisarmonica, coordinato da Laura Francenella: Daniela e Tonino Alessandrini, Marinella Petromilli, Sabrina Alba e Gianfranco Marincioni, Rodolfo Spadari, Roberto Monaci, Giuliana Zanirato e Giancarlo Francenella.

Si ringrazia inoltre la famiglia Carini che ha messo a disposizione strumenti storici originali di Paolo Soprani. A conclusione delle due serate è stato anche proiettato sulla facciata del Palazzo Comunale un emozionante e spettacolare video architetturale sulla storia di Castelfidardo, dalla Battaglia Risorgimentale del 1860 al successo di Paolo Soprani e degli altri artigiani fidardensi che con i loro strumenti hanno dato lustro al nostro paese, arrivando fino ad oggi con immagini di Gervasio Marcosignori e di altri musicisti famosi.

Il video verrà riproiettato in occasione del 43° Premio Internazionale di Fisarmonica di Castelfidardo.

Sounding Out the Accordion


by Diatonic News
San Giovanni Rotondo (FG) ITALIA 31 agosto/1-2 settembre 2018

L’Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici (A.M.I.SA.D.) di
Maiolati Spontini (AN), in collaborazione con il Comune di San Giovanni Rotondo
(FG) e dell'Associazione Musicale “Amici della Musica” di San Benedetto del Tronto
(AP), con il Patrocinio del Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo,
Presidenza del Consiglio della Regione Puglia, Borghi d'Eccellenza, FITP, Parco del
Gargano, Distretto Urbano del Commercio (DUC), Associazione Albergatori e
Confcommercio, indice ed organizza nei giorni 31 agosto/1-2 settembre 2018, la 23°
Edizione del Campionato del Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica, a

Regolarmento: 2018organettoMond.pdf


Premio "Città die Porto Recananti" a Roberto Lucanero - Italia

by Diatonic News
Roberto LucaneroNella serata del 20 Agosto in occasione dellso spettacolo organizzato dall'Ente Palio Storico di Porto Recanati, "Storie della nostra storia di Andrea Michelini, è stato assegnato il XXIV Premio della Città di Porto Recanati che un'apposita Commissione composta da un rappresentante dell'Amministrazione (Assesore Angelica Sabbatini) due rappresentanti dei quartieri (Sammari e Monatrice), due titolari del premio ed un rappesentante del centro Studi Portorecanatesi, ha scelto, fra le proposte che sono pervenute al CSP due nominativi senza far valere un nominativo più meritevole di altri, ma facendo valere molteplici valutazioni e l'indicazione di giovani generazioni che agiscono nel territorio come fuori da esso in un'epoca di Europa senza confini tenendo alto il nome del loro paeso.

Roberto Lucanero: musicista ed etnomusicolo, fisarmonicista e compositoroe che spazia tra musica contemporanea, jazz, canzone d'autore e folk. Collabora con varie orchestre (oltre ad avere un gruppo che porta il suo nome) e con Peppino Principe, Rassana Casale, Roberto Paci Dalò, Luca Miti, Giorvanni Seneca, Moni Ovadia, La Macina, Raffaele Mazzei.

Invitato a suonare presso vari festival in varie parti del mondo. Nel 2018 viene isignito del prestigioso titolo di Ambasciatore della Fisarmonica nel mondo dal comune di Castelfidardo patria della fisarmonica. Come didatta, insegna stabilmente organetto diatonico presso la Civica Scuola di Musica Paolo Soprani di Castelfidardo. Novetvole la produzione discografica e bibliografica

Contributo di: https://www.ilcittadinodirecanati.it/porto-recanati/41772-roberto-lucanero-laura-tomasucci-porto-recanati-solidale-destinatari-del-premio-porto-recanati-del-csp

On August 20th, the XXIV Prize of the City of Porto Recanati was awarded to Roberto Lucanero for his musical contributions which range from contemporary music and jazz through to folk music as well as composition and performance of many types of music.

He collaborates with various orchestras (as well as having a group bearing his name) including Peppino Principe, Rassana Casale, Roberto Paci Dalò, Luca Miti, Giorvanni Seneca, Moni Ovadia, La Macina, Raffaele Mazzei. Roberto Lucanero has been invited to perform at festivals in many parts of the world and has recorded for many different albums.

In 2018 he was awarded the prestigious title of Ambassador of the Accordion In the World by the municipality of Castelfidardo, homeland of the accordion. As a teacher, he regularly teaches diatonic accordion at the Paolo Soprani Civic School of Music of Castelfidardo.

Voci Armoniche

PIF Castelfidardo - Italy

by Diatonic News
l'orchestra popolare del saltarello
Riccardo TesiPIF 2018 Castelfdardo - Castelfidardo is the capital of classical and popular music thanks to its accordion. The PIF was born as a springboard for young people and it is confirming its role of promotion for the accordion as an instrument for all generations and all musical genres. Following this philosophy, we are introducing new categories such as the World Music and a jury of excellent quality, which may also have a role of talent scout.

For diatonic accordion lovers: Riccardo Tesi and the Orchestra Popolare del Saltarello

Castelfidardo oggi è la capitale della musica colta e popolare grazie alla “sua” fisarmonica. Il PIF è nato come trampolino di lancio per i giovani ed è in quella dimensione che intende crescere ulteriormente confermandosi come veicolo di promozione della fisarmonica strumento per tutte le generazioni e per tutti i generi musicali. A questa filosofia si devono l’introduzione di nuove categorie come la World Music e la presenza di una giuria di indiscussa qualità che possa avere un ruolo anche di talent scout.

Per gli amanti della fisarmonica diatonica: Riccardo Tesi e l'Orchestra Popolare del Saltarello

Info: PIF-Castelfidardo

Friedrich Lips Book

Collection of "mad in Germany" Accordions by Roger Morand - France/DE/Worldwide

by Diatonic News
335 very interesting diatonic accordion images can be viewed on the FB page of Roger Morand - himself a successful diatonic accordion artist who has participated in many festivals and shows, both in France and abroad, where he performs under his name, as well as with various group formations.

He also participates in recording sessions as a guest, to which must be added the ten or so recordings released with his various students and/or assisted by him. Roger Morand also teaches diatonic classes and participates as a trainer in courses dedicated to this instrument.

He is the author of a show for children, on Louisiana commissioned by the National Education. He is specialized in Cajun, Creole, Zydeco, Auvergnat & Celtic



The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Carrefour Mondial de L'Accordeon Festival, Montmagny - Canada

by Diatonic News
Carrefour Mondial de L'Accordeon Festival, Montmagny - Canada
Raynald OuelletVia Rivière-du-Loup Rte 132 Ouest ou Autoroute 20 Ouest (Sortie 378 ou Sortie 376)

The Carrefour Mondial de l’Accordeon Festival takes place from August 30 to September 3, 2018 in Montmagny, Via Rivière-du-Loup Rte 132 Ouest ou Autoroute 20 Ouest (Sortie 378 ou Sortie 376) Montmagny is a proudly French-speaking town that is over 300 years old and has 11,885 residents.

Picture right: Director Artístico Raynald Ouellet.

From August 30 through September 3, the population swells to more than 50,000, most of them intent on hearing some of the finest accordionists in the world.

Quote from a TripAdvisor contributor, "If you love accordion music (or even if you hate it), this place is an adventure. The Carrefour Mondial brings accordionists from all over the globe, and it seems as if every man, woman, and child in Montmagny plays some version of a squeezebox. We camped out, dined where we could (the locals provide their hearty version of baked beans), line danced, and heard the accordion stretched to its ultimate performance abilities. It was so much fun. Highly recommended.”

This year’s guests include Alexandre Boivin Caron, Élisabeth Nicol and Virginie Nicol (Quebec), Steve Normandin (Quebec), Gary Blair and Robin Hyland (Scotland), Sylvie Pulles (France), Marie-Jeanne Brousseau et Guillaume Turcotte (Quebec), Alain Chatry (France), Trio Antonio Rivas, Daniel Ochoa and Jairo Gomez (Colombia), Gangspil: Sonnich Lydom et Kristian Bugge (Denmark), Filippo Gambetta and Emilyn Stam (Italy/Canada), Roman Jbanov and Alexeï Birioukov (Russia), Duo Le Bour Bodros: Youen Bodros et Timothée Le Bour (Brittany/France), Gaston Nolet (Quebec), Vladimir Sidorov (Russia), Andrea Di Giacomo (Italy), Pascal Lamige (France), Marie-Desneiges Hamel et Gaëtan Lefebvre (Quebec), Len Wallace (Ontario, Canada), Duo Daura: Pilar Planavila and Ivan Caro (Spain), Susie Lemay, Kimberley Holmes and Jocelyne Bourque (Canada), Sabin Jacques and Rachel Aucoin (Quebec), Joaquin Diaz (Dominican Republic), Gerry Virone (Quebec), Bernard Lafargue (Quebec), Club Carrefour (Quebec), Marcel Caron (Quebec), Serge Duchesne (Quebec), Valerie Plante (Quebec), and more.

For further information email: accordeon@montmagny.com
header, Carrefour Mondial de L'Accordeon Festival,

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Akkordeon-Akut Festival - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Akkordeon-Akut Festival
Das 9. Global Music Festival - akkordeon akut! #9
findet vom 1. - 11. November 2018 statt.

Karten sind ab sofort im Vorverkauf erhàltlich!

(0345) 5110 777


Video: 2018 Little Big Shots Interview, Texas - USA

by Harley Jones
Video: Yaxeni and Ricardo Los Luzeros De Rioverde on the "Little Big Shots" program with host Steve Harvey. Yaxeni and Ricardo were born in Houston Texas and are very proud of their Mexican heritage and make a delightful interview.

Titano Accordions

Andreas Gabalier & Band 1.12.18 - Graz/Austria

by Diatonic News
Andreas Gabalier
PosterStadthalle Graz, 01.12.2018, 20:00

Die Erfolgsserie des Andreas Gabalier reißt nicht ab: ausverkaufte Arena-Tourneen, monatelange Charts-Platzierungen, Auszeichnungen wie Echo, Bambi, Amadeus und Auftritte in den größten Stadien – man kann sagen, dieser Mann hat es geschafft. Angekommen ganz oben in der Musikszene ist es ihm wie kaum einem anderen Künstler zuvor gelungen, sein ganz eigenes Genre und den unverwechselbaren Stil im Trachtenlook zu etablieren. Die Mischung aus Pop, Schlager, Rock'n'Roll und eingängigen Melodien kommt an und lädt zum Mitsingen und -feiern ein. Seine Fans sind zwischen 8 und 80 und dass Musik verbindet und als universelle Sprache gilt, erlebt man selten so, wie auf den Konzerten von Andreas Gabalier.

Er ist der derzeit erfolgreichste Musikact der deutschsprachigen Szene und schaffte es in den letzten Monaten mühelos, die größten Stadien zu füllen. Nach 3 Jahren geht der steirische Superstar im Winter 2018 in gewohnter „Mountainman-Power" und in Begleitung seiner VolksRocknRoller-Band mit seinen Fans auf Live-Tuchfühlung.

Wenn Andreas seine Harmonika und seine Stromgitarre im satten VolksRocknRoller Sound aufheulen lässt, wenn er dazu seine Lederhosenhüften schwingt – dann geraten die Fans vor der Bühne geradezu in Ekstase! Das will sich keiner entgehen lassen - am wenigsten Andreas Gabalier selbst!

Tickets für die Gabalier-Hallentour 2018 sollte man sich rasch sichern. Denn Mister „Hulapalu" ist live einfach ein unvergleichliches Erlebnis!

Accordion Jazz Chord

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Gary Dahl Arrangements

11th Accordion Noir Festival - Vancouver/Canada

by Diatonic News
11th Accordion Noir Festival - Vancouver/CanadaThe dates for the 11th annual Accordion Noir Festival are: September 14-16, 2018 in Vancouver and the days leading up to that weekend, wherein Geoff Berner and Jason Webley will be burning down The Wise Hall & Lounge... with accordion music. But that's only the beginning.

Organizers info: Our old website is slouching back toward viability with a new update for the first time in over two years, the first of many to come. We still need to reskin the site to reflect our forward direction, but in the meantime our bold words can communicate to you our intentions -- which remain to demonstrate to the world that there are other, more vital ways to use the accordion than the dated, disappointed ways a squeezebox greenhorn might expect... and that we aim to share them all with you


Corsi di Organetto / M° Loffredi Francesco - Italia

by Diatonic News
Video: Clip of Francesco Loffredi and some students, the first part of a school promotional video.

Charnwood Music Publishing

51st Bromyard Folk Festival - UK

by Diatonic News
51st Bromyard Folk Festival - UK
6th - 9th September 2018

The festival starts on Thursday at 8.00 pm with a concert and a ‘folk club’ on site. On Friday evening there is a concert, grand ceilidh and a ‘folk club’ on site with a Morris procession through the town at 9.00 pm. The evening concludes with a late night song session at 11.45 pm. Saturday morning is taken up with various workshops, singarounds, meet-the-artist sessions, concerts and dance displays. In the evening you will be able to choose from two concerts, a ceilidh, a musical variety concert, plus a late night club session – all on site. Workshops for dedicated dancers will be held all day, with a ‘Dancers’ Day of Dance’ being held in the Falcon. Sunday Morning has a similar pattern to Saturday plus the popular Folk Services in local churches. Sunday afternoon features a song concert and a grand ceilidh. A variety of children’s events are held during the day on Saturday and Sunday. There will be Morris and other dance displays throughout the weekend – in the town and on site.
The festival concludes with the popular Sunday Evening Concert in the Court Theatre (on-site) and most facilities will remain available – including camping – on Sunday night. All facilities will close at 10 am on Monday morning.

Voci Armoniche

2018 Portal Irish Music Week (PIMW) - Ireland

by Diatonic News
2018 Portal Irish Music Week (PIMW) - Ireland
Portal Irish Music Week 2018. Portal, Arizona.
Oct. 4 thru 8, 2018. Travel days are October 3rd and 9th.
NOT your average music camp, Portal is a unique combination of intensive, quality time with world-class instructors AND a relaxing retreat in one of the most beautiful and ecologically diverse places on Earth.

Classes emphasize immersion in the music with expert mentoring on technique, style, and musical expression. Small class sizes foster a personal rapport with each instructor. Nightly scheduled sessions and plenty of opportunities for impromptu sessions throughout the week mean you can play as much music as your fingers can stand.



‘Gran Peña Folklorica’ Concert, Buenos Aires – Argentina

by Rob Howard
On Saturday September 8th, 9.30pm, a concert titled Gran Peña Folklorica takes place at La Casa del Delta, Calle Saenz Peña, 1330 Tigre, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Accordionists performing include Ezequiel Tatich "the gringo of the accordion", Isabel Mendez, Armando Silva, Quique Zamora, and Cristian Saavedra and his 2-row diatonic accordion. Tickets cost $150, price includes a buffet, and the organizer is Ezequiel Tatich.

Mundharmonika Masterklassen in Klingenthal - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Mundharmonika Masterklassen in Klingenthal - Deutschland
Jedes 3. Wochen-Ende im September steht die Mundharmonika im Mittelpunkt - jedenfalls in Klingenthal.

Machen Sie mit - bei einigen der angebotenen Workshops.

Genaueres und Anmeldung auf:

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

3. Alpe Adria Harmonikawettbewerg/Anmeldeschluss - Austria

by Diatonic News
Klemen Roser Trio aus SlowenienSchulzentrum Friesach
Karl-Schönherr-Straße 7
A - 9360 Friesach / Kärnten

Die Moderation des Preisträgerkonzertes und der Preisverleihung übernimmt: Danilo Luka

Um ca. 17:30 Uhr: Kurzes Gastkonzert mit dem
Klemen Roser Trio aus Slowenien

John Kirkpatrick British Chromatic Accordion Course, Shropshire – UK

by Diatonic News
John KirkpatrickFrom Friday September 7th to Sunday September 9th John Kirkpatrick leads a workshop aimed specifically for players of the 3-row B/C/C sharp British Chromatic accordion. The venue is Church Barn, Church Lane, Bishop’s Castle, Shropshire SY9 5AF.

The 3-row B/C/C sharp British Chromatic accordion is a hybrid instrument, combining a large treble melodeon button layout with a stradella bass keyboard. The system was developed in Italy in the early years of the 20th Century but did not become well-known until made famou¬s by Jimmy Shand in the late 1930s. Workshops for this system are rarely held, and John Kirkpatrick is England’s foremost exponent.

John Kirkpatrick is a highly respected player of diatonic instruments such as the 3-row accordion, melodeons and the Anglo concertina, and is also a leading folk singer and composer. In a career dating back to 1970 he has recorded many solo albums and appeared on many more as a session musician. He has been a member of Steeleye Span, the Albion Band and Brass Monkey, and mainly works as a solo musician.

For further information email: squeezer@johnkirkpatrick.co.uk

Titano Accordions

Brocco Etno Festival - Italia

by Diatonic News


Chromatische Mundharmonika für Einsteiger - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Kathrin GassSa 22.09.2018 09.00 – 13.00 Uhr
Anmeldeschluss: (Fr) 07.09.2018
(max. Teilnehmerzahl 10 Personen)

Chromatische Mundharmonika für Einsteiger
Dozententeam: Mundharmonikaquartett „Harmonicamento“: Brigitte Burgbacher/Kathrin Gass/Birgit Käfer/Gerhard Müller
(Anzahl der Dozenten richtet sich nach der Teilnehmerzahl)
Voraussetzungen: Theoretische und praktische Vorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich. Bitte bringen Sie eine eigene chromatische Mundharmonika in C-Dur mit.
Literatur: Gass, K.: Schule für chromatische Mundharmonika, Teil 1 (€ 16,90), die nicht im Seminarpreis beinhaltet ist, kann am Seminartag erworben werden.
Thema: Hier erlernen Sie die ersten Grundkenntnisse auf der chromatischen Mundharmonika.
Ziel des Kurses: Erlernen der richtigen Haltung und Atemtechnik, Einzeltonspiel, leichte Musiktheorie mit Notenschrift und Notenwerten


Voci Armoniche

Opentrekzakfestival - Holland

by Diatonic News
Opentrekzakfestival - Holland
9e editie van het Opentrekzakfestival

Zaterdag 1 september 2018
10-18 uur


Radewijnstraat 10
8022 BG te Zwolle

Van 10:00 - ca. 18:00 uur staat de trekzak weer centraal in Zwolle, in Cultuurhuis Domusica
Deur open: 9.30 uur, start met koffie.

Wil je deelnemen aan of meer info over één van de workshops de 9e editie?
Stuur dan een email naar info@opentrekzakfestival.nl
Zie Tab WORKSHOPS en klik door naar de diverse groepen


18. Internationales Mundharmonika-Live Festival in Klingenthal - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
18. Internationales Mundharmonika-Live Festival in Klingenthal
Immer zum Wchen-Ende der dritten Septemberwoche, werden Spieler, sowie alle Musikbegeisterten zum 18. Internationalen Mundharmonika-Live Festival eingeladen, um wieder ein spannendes Wochenende mit vielen Konzerten in der Live-Nacht und Jam-Sessions zu feiern!

Zum traditionellen Festival verwandelt sich die Musikstadt Klingenthal in einen Hexenkessel nicht nur für Mundharmonika-Spieler aus ganz Deutschland sondern auch aus anderen Ländern - verpassen Sie nicht die Gelegenheit mit Künstlern, Mundharmonika-Liebhabern und Musikenthusiasten zu sprechen oder auch selbst mit zu musizieren - das Festival wird, dank seines einzigartigen Charmes in sehr netter Umgebung, zu einem unvergessenen Erlebnis.

Erleben Sie die vielen Möglichkeiten auf der Mundharmonika Musik zu machen - für jeden Musikgeschmack ist etwas dabei - Blues, Irish Folk und Volksmusik. Gute Unterkünfte gibt es in vielen der Festival-Locations!

Mehr auf: https://www.mundharmonika-live.de/

Black Sheep Otley Folk Festival - UK

by Diatonic News
Black Sheep Otley Folk Festival
Poster - Black Sheep Otley Folk FestivalBlack Sheep Otley Folk Festival 21-23 Sep 2018

Concerts will be at The Black Horse, Parish Church, Methodist Hall, Labour Club and the Courthouse. This year we can add TheWoolpack, this ex-pub is now an arts centre but with the help of Black Sheep, we are turning it back into a pub for the weekend. The small acoustic space will be added to our list of venues and will be hosting workshops and small intimate concerts.

line-up of artists includes…

Daphnes Flight (Sunday), Lucy Ward (Saturday), Ashley Hutchings and band with his ‘Origins of Fairport’ show (Friday), Grannys Attic (Saturday), Steve Tilston (Saturday), Chris Sherburn-Denny Bartley & Emily Sanders (Sunday), John Watterson (Sunday), Gaelforce (Friday), Katie Spencer (Sunday), Carrie Martin (Saturday). Along with our wealth of local artists including Linda Hardcastle & Alan Rose, Stuart & Paula Tindall, Jon Palmer Band. The Heathen Kings, Duncan McFarlane, Dave Vermond, Peter Ivatts, The Hall Brothers, Yan Tan Tether, Limezcurvy, Gloria plus lots more

A whole host of fantastic Morris Sides will be entertaining us in the streets and pub sessions will, as usual pop up all over town. Let us hope the weather stays good for us, the ingredients are there for another super Otley weekend.

More on: http://www.otleyfolkfestival.com/

Accordion Jazz Chords

NESI 2018 21-23 September - USA

by Diatonic News
NESI 2018 21-23 September
September 21-23 2018
The Squeeze-In is a non-profit laid-back weekend gathering of players and their partners. meeting for the legendary fun:
play...and dance...and jam...and have a blowout Saturday night. Welcome are beginners and the talented advanced alike.
Meet friends old and new in a comfortable, low-key setting with many places for workshops and spontaneous squeezings. Hobnob with (other!) free-reed aficionados and behold an assortment of squeezeboxes and their paraphernalia for sale, swap & hagglement.

The Squeeze-In is held at Chimney Corners, a fabulously well appointed year round camp and conference center in the Berkshire Hills of western Massachusetts, 30 minutes from the Lee exit off the Mass Pike and close to Tanglewood, the summer home of the BSO. The Squeeze-In is held on a weekend, Friday afternoon through Sunday noon, generally in mid-September.

Reed more on: http://squeeze-in.org/
or write: register@squeeze-in.org

16. Irish Folk auf Fürsteneck - DE

by Diatonic News
16. Irish Folk auf Fürsteneck - DE

Titano Accordions

Shillelagh in September - FRANCE

by Diatonic News
Samedi 1er septembre : bal à Socourt (88).

Samedi 8 septembre : stage de danses de Flandre et bal avec Shillelagh à Berguedà Folk (Catalogne).

Vendredi 14 septembre : bal au Week-End à Causse-de-la-Selle (34).

BENJAMIN MACKE est né à Hazebrouck (59) en 1983. Il entame sa carrière de musicien par les percussions classiques et la batterie jazz. Il rencontre à 18 ans l’accordéon diatonique et décide de s'y consacrer entièrement. Autodidacte, il a développé son style au gré des rencontres.

BENJAMIN MACKE ....diatonic accordion - Avec son jeu audacieux et une imagination sans borne, Benjamin tire de son accordéon une musique dynamique, libre et inventive, toute à l’écoute des danseurs et en parfait accord avec l’esprit de Shillelagh.


2. Michlbauer-Kongress in Reutte/Tirol - Austria

by Diatonic News
Der Michlbauer Harmonika Kongress bietet sowohl für aktive Harmonika-Spieler und Schüler aller Altersgruppen, als auch Harmonika-Lehrer eine ideale Plattform für Begegnungen zwischen Laien und Profis.

Als Teilnehmer hat man die Möglichkeit in den zahlreich angebotenen Workshops neues Praxiswissen zu verschiedenen Lernthemen aufzunehmen.

Darüber hinaus sorgt ein abwechslungsreiches Rahmenprogramm mit Konzerten und freiem Musizieren für ausreichend gesellige Stunden mit viel Musik.

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✔ Harmonika-Lehrer (Netzwerk und Austausch für eine erfolgreiche, gemeinsame Zukunft)
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Also - rechtzeitig anmelden!
Info: https://www.michlbauer.com/one-pages/michlbauer-kongress/preise-anmeldung.html

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Remco Sietsema & band | Noorderzon Festival Groningen - Netherlands

by Diatonic News
Remco Sietsema & band
Saturday 01/09/2019 from 20:30 - 21:30
Noorderzon Groningen
Noorderbuitensingel 11, 9717 KK Groninga

Hét recept voor een bijzondere muzikale sensatie
De trekharmonica zou je kunnen omschrijven als de vergeten groente van de muziekinstrumenten; niet het meest voor de hand liggend, niet altijd populair, maar wel hét recept voor een compleet andere en bijzondere sensatie die we allemaal wel vaker willen ervaren. Geboren Groninger Remco Sietsema was vorig jaar nog op Noorderzon te zien in Vluchtgoud. Dit jaar staat hij in de sfeervolle Spiegeltent, samen met zijn band, zelfgeschreven composities en een gloednieuw repertoire. In 2017 verscheen zijn debuutalbum Sultana, waarop de trekharmonica – uiteraard - centraal staat. Sietsema combineert vele stijlen: van funky wereldmuziek tot jazzy reggae en folk en geeft je ongeacht het weer het gevoel van een zwoele zomeravond. Na vanavond vergeet je de trekharmonica nooit meer – beloofd.


eSheet Music Titles

26. UNA NIT FOLK - Catalagne/Spain

by Diatonic News

Titano Accordions

Lieder auf der Tremolo/Oktav-Mundharmonika - Trossingen/DE

by Diatonic News
Gerhard MùllerLieder auf der Tremolo/Oktav-Mundharmonika
Sa 22.09.2018 10.00 – 14.00 Uhr
Anmeldeschluss: (Fr) 07.09.2018
Dozent: Gerhard Müller

Voraussetzung: Eigene Mundharmonika in C-Dur (40-stimmig Tremolo oder 48-stimmig Oktav-Mundharmonika) und Notenständer mitbringen.
Ein Erwerb von geeigneten Mundharmonikas am Seminartag ist leider nicht möglich!

Thema: Beim gemeinsamen Spielen einfacher, bekannter Melodien und Lieder, lernen Sie unter anderem eine rhythmisch-harmonische Zungenbegleitung, die Ihnen bei der unterschiedlichen Tongestaltung helfen wird. Gerhard Müller führt Sie mit zahlreichen Übungen zum gewünschten Erfolg.
Sämtliche Spielliteratur wird kostenlos während dem Seminar zur Verfügung gestellt. Vorhandene Notenkenntnisse sind von Vorteil!


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Future events / Concerts

Voci Armoniche

Stephanie’s 50th birthday - Chicargo/USA

by Diatonic News
Coming to Chicago to celebrate Stephanie’s 50th ?
Special room rate on Saturday & Sunday have been arranged at the Marriott Suites. The rate includes complementary breakfast for 2 and Parking and is located just 6 miles from Chicago’s O’Hare ....To make your reservations click : Stephanie’s-50th

Sounding Out the Accordion

Ciclo Bandoneomanía / Natsuki Nishihara – Clara Stern – Manuel Momo – Nicolás Di Bella – Nicolás Ledesma - Argentina

by Diatonic News
En esta ocasión podremos escuchar el instrumento insignia de Buenos Aires a solas y en las manos de sus nuevos intérpretes que ya sea a través del tango, el folclore u otras expresiones asientan los cimientos del bandoneón contemporáneo.

Horario21:30 hs (En el restó)


Musique Trad du Québec avec Marie-Desneiges Hamel et Gaëtan Lefebvre - Canada

by Harley Jones
Marie-Desneiges Hamel et Gaëtan LefebvreDimanche 2 septembre 2018, Soirée de musique Trad du Québec

20 h, École secondaire Louis-Jacques-Casault • Salle Jean-Pierre-Després

Native de la région de Québec, Marie-Desneiges Hamel a découvert l’accordéon diatonique grâce à son grand-père. Entre l’âge de sept et neuf ans, elle débute l’apprentissage de l’instrument à l’oreille auprès de Suzie Gagnon et de Réjean Clouet.

C’est en 2009, à l’âge de vingt-et-un ans, que sa passion se ravive et qu’elle décide de se consacrer plus sérieusement à la musique. Au fil des ans, elle s’est produite sur différentes scènes, dont celle du Festival celtique de Québec, des Tambours de Portneuf, du Carrefour mondial de l’accordéon et des Rendez-vous ès Trad.

Elle a aussi cumulé des expériences en matière d’animation musicale (ex. : parc d’amusement Woodooliparc, résidences pour aînés, fêtes privées) et d’enseignement (École de musique Denys-Arcand, camp De souches à oreilles). On peut aujourd’hui l’entendre sur le disque Parcours d’accordéons : collectif de la relève (2018).

Depuis maintenant trois ans, Marie-Desneiges forme le duo Des Neiges d’Antan avec Gaëtan Lefebvre. Ensemble, ils se plaisent tout autant à jouer des pièces qui font taper du pied que des morceaux qui font vibrer l’âme.


Voci Armoniche

Dantzas 2018 - Spain

by Diatonic News

Friedrich Lips Book

De Akoestische KAMER - Holland

by Diatonic News
De Akoestische KAMER
First of the season!!
Irish legends playing high level Instrumental music

De Akoestische KAMER ha aggiunto un evento.
1 h ·
Charlie Piggot, oorspronkelijk uit Co. Cork, begon op jonge leeftijd al met muziek maken en was één van de oprichters van de populaire folk groep De Dannan. In die formatie heeft hij opgetreden in onder andere locaties als Carnegie Hall en de Royal Albert Hall. Hij begon zijn carrière als banjo speler maar heeft op latere leeftijd zich meester gemaakt over de knoppen-accordeon in de karakteristieke C#/D stijl. Zijn spel wordt door Living Tradition omschreven als “(…) uit het hart van de melodie, nimmer slordig of gehaast, maar altijd open en uitnodigend.”

Gerry Harrington komt uit Kenmare, Co.Kerry, waar hij op jonge leeftijd de Ierse vioolstijl oppakte in een omgeving van invloedrijke spelers als Connie O’Connell en Denis McMahon. In de jaren 90 heeft Gerry twee hoog aangeschreven CDs uitgebracht - één met accordionist Eoin O’Sullivan en een tweede met de Sligo fluitist Peter Horan. Zijn solo album ‘At Home’ is een intiem portret van de schoonheid van de Ierse fiddle muziek waarop hij verschillende regionale speelstijlen met grote zorg combineert.

Charlie en Gerry hebben in 2015 samen het album ‘The New Road’ uitgebracht wat een fraai voorbeeld is van hun muzikale chemie. In dit concert zullen zij hun muzikale kunnen combineren en u laten ervaren waar het in Ierse traditionele muziek om gaat: genieten van mooie melodiën met een eigen invulling maar altijd met respect naar de meesters uit het verleden!

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Antonio Grosso in concerto - Italia

by Diatonic News
Antonio Grosso Band in Casali del Manco (CS) - Italia

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Los Tigres del Norte on September Tour - USA

by Diatonic News
Los Tigres del Norte
01 sat Star of the Desert Arena Buffalo Bill's 8:00PM Primm, NV
02 sun Viejas Casino Resort 8:00PM San Diego, CA
07 fri Lexington Convention Center 8:00PM Lexington, KY
08 sat Global Event Center 8:00PM Antioch, TN
09 sun La Guadalupana de Cincinnati 8:00PM Cincinnati, OH
15 sat Hollywood Bowl 7:00PM Los Angeles, CA
16 sun Festival Ravinia 8:00PM Chicago, IL
21 fri SAP Center 8:00PM San Jose, CA
22 sat Rabobank Arena 8:00PM Bakersfield, CA
28 fri American Airlines Center 8:00PM Dallas, TX
29 sat Don Haskins Center 8:00PM El Paso, TX


Cajun Roosters en Tour - Germany

by Diatonic News
Cajun Roosters
28/09/2018 Bielefeld (DE)
Bielefelder Jazzclub e.V. / Alte Kluxmann-Fabrik, Beckhausstr. 72

29/09/2018 Salzhemmendorf (DE)
31020 Salzhemmendorf, OKAL Café, Hemmendorfer Str. 32

Die Band spielt mit großer Leidenschaft bodenständigen, rauen und wilden Cajun und Zydeco als Hommage an die großen Meister der Louisiana-Musik. Chris Hall wurde in vier Jahren in Folge zum ‚Besten Europäischen Cajun Accordionspieler' gewählt und die Band im gleichen Zeitraum zur ‚Besten Europäischen Cajunband'.


Titano Accordions

Gaston Nolet Soirée de musique Trad du Québec - CANADA

by Diatonic News
Gaston NoletDimanche 2 septembre, Soirée de musique Trad du Québec

20 h, École secondaire Louis-Jacques-Casault • Salle Jean-Pierre-Després

Accordéon diatonique, Trad Québécois
Originaire du Cap-de-la-Madeleine, l’accordéoniste Gaston Nolet se démarque par un jeu dynamique, énergique et précis. Maîtrisant d’abord le répertoire familial, il travaillera ensuite avec l’accordéoniste Roland Turcotte de Trois-Rivières qui sera pour lui d’une influence marquante. À cette même époque, il fréquente assidûment l’accordéoniste Gilles Paré de la même région. Influencé par Denis Pépin et Philippe Bruneau, son répertoire est essentiellement québécois. Il nous fait notamment découvrir des pièces de son coin de pays, la Mauricie.


Accordion Jazz Chord

Benefizveranstaltung mit "die Lamintoler" - Austria

by Diatonic News
Die Lamingtoler
Die Musikgruppe DIE LAMONGTOLER feiert in kürze ihr 10-jähriges Bestandsjubiläum und zur Feier dieses Ereignisses veranstalten diese am 16. September 2018 um 10 Uhr einen Frühschoppen sowie ein Benefizkonzert in der Festhalle Tragöß.
Die Gruppe hat entschieden, dass der Reinerlös einem guten Zweck gewidmet werden soll und somit wird der gesamte Reinerlös, der Einrichtung Jugend am Werk zu Gute kommen.

Weitere mitwirkenden Musik-Kollegen:

Die Gschlamperten
Die Alpis
Die Mürzer Spitzbuam
Die Tragösser Musikanten
Die TKT Kids - Jugend Orchester der Trachtenkapelle Tragöß
Und natürlich Die Lamingtoler

Gary Dahl Arrangements

John Whelan Sept/Tour in - USA

by Diatonic News
John WhelanBorn in London, in his youth John was blessed to play with some of great names in an older generation of players, such as Lucy Farr, Brian Rooney and Bobby Casey, to name but a few. After winning his first three All-Ireland button accordion competitions, he was approached to record his first LP, The Pride of Wexford, at the age of fourteen and an EP with Christine Considine, produced by the legendary Finbarr Dwyer.

He made several appearances on RTE and British television before moving to the US in 1980 where he teamed up with Eileen Ivers for a few years, culminating in the recording, Fresh Takes with Mark Simos on guitar. In 1990, he released a solo CD, From The Heart, and in 1996, he signed a record deal with Narada Records and went on to write, record and produce seven CDs bringing him into the Top Ten on the Billboard World Music Charts with sales in excess of one million.

John has also appeared in two films, Ride with Devil, directed by Ang Lee and Gods & Generals, directed by Ron Maxwell and has performed on the Conan O’Brien Show.

MCCall, Idaho House Concert - McCall, Idaho 09/01/18
Kuna, ID. Hermit Festival 09/02/18 5:20pm
Butte, Montana TBD 09/06/18 8:00pm
Helena, Mt. Free Ceramics 09/07/18 7:30pm
Mount Vernon, WA Celtic Arts Center 09/21/18 7:00pm
Seattle, WA House Concert 09/22/18 7:30pm
Vashone, WA Havurat Ee Shalom 09/23/18 7:00pm
Salem, OR House Concert 09/24/18 7:00pm
Portland, OR Floyd's Coffee Shop Old Town 09/25/18 7:00pm
Ashland, OR Grizzly Peak Winery 09/26/18 7:00pm


Kepa Junkera - SPain/Italy

by Diatonic News
Kepa Junkera & Sorginak
Premio a Kepa Junkera, 16ª edición Fondazione Maria Carta. SILIGO (CERDEÑA). Italia
septiembre 1 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Piazza Maria Carta / Siligo, Italia

ORISTANO (Cerdeña/ITALIA) 2/9/2018

LEITZA (Navarra). Kepa Junkera & Sorginak 7/9/2019 8:00 pm

TARRAGONA. Presentación FOK - 16/9/2018


Charnwood Music Publishing

Trifilio Tango Trio concert - Richmond/VA/USA

by Diatonic News
Trifilio Tango Trio
Sep 7 Fri
Salsa / Bachata Congress
Richmond, VA, United States

An international project, Trifilio Tango Trio presents virtuosic performances of original tango music. Led by Argentinian Emmanuel Trifilio (composition, bandoneon) and Devree Lewis (arrangements, cello), TTT celebrates the tango classics while creating new repertoire for today's audiences.

Formed in 2015, TTT has since produced two albums of original music, a full length music video, and a soundtrack for a short film which was nominated for best original score at Milan's 2016 MOFF Film Festival. They perform with members of the National Symphony Orchestra and in 2017 directed the first youth tango orchestra program of Washington, D.C. with DCYOP.

A DCCAH grant winner in 2017, TTT presented free and bilingual concerts of tango music for immigrants and Hispanic/Latino residents of Washington, D.C.

Recent appearances include Havana, Cuba, Houston, Miami, Denver, San Francisco, New York, Richmond, and Baltimore. From their weekly shows in D.C.'s small venues to their formal concerts in Buenos Aires, they present an intimate experience from any stage.


Voci Armoniche

24° Raduno Internazionale della Fisarmonica - Recoardo Terme/Italia

by Diatonic News
24° Raduno Internazionale della Fisarmonica si svolgerà a Recoaro Terme (VI) Italia, il 7-8-9-settembre 2018. In tale occasione verrà conferito il Premio C.E.A: (Confederazione Europea Accordeon) ed il calco della mano destra a famosi Fisarmonicisti che si sono distinti in campo nazionale ed internazionale.

Per tali date, venga fatta l' inaugurazione della nuova sede del "Museo Internazionale Impronte Grandi della Fisarmonica"


RENATO BORGHETTI in October 2018 - Austria/Switzerland

by Diatonic News
Renato Borghetti17/09/18 Wien Porgy&Bess Austria
19/09/18 Innsbruck Treibhaus Austria
20/09/18 Zug Akkordeontage Switzerland
21/09/18 Lustenau Freudenhaus Austria
23/09/18 Höhr-Grenzhausen Evangelische Kirche Germany

Information: http://www.cultureworks.at/on-tour/

Alex Meixner / Oktoberfest/Tour - USA

by Diatonic News
Alex Meixner & Band
In SEPTEMBER 2018 Alex Meixner will be touring:

APG North - Shine Sports Field, Aberdeen Blvd & Springfield St, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD

Plattduetsche Park Restaurant & Biergarten, 1132 Hempstead Turnpike Franklin Square, NY 11010

Hoffman Estates Village Green, 5510 Prairie Stone Pkwy, Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60192

Acorns Golf Links, 3933 Ahne Road Waterloo, IL 62298

FRI/SAT/SUN 21/22/38 SEP
Peoria Riverfront Park, 200 Northeast Water Street, Peoria, IL 61602

Southside Fest Grounds, La Crosse St & 2nd St N La Crosse, WI 54601

Big Butler Fairgrounds, 1127 New Castle Road, Prospect, PA 16052

For more: https://alexmeixner.com/schedule/

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD Hemels Douwe by Shillelagh - FRance

by Diatonic News
cd Helmes Douwe ShillelaghRosée céleste.

La rosée qui, comme tombée du ciel, vient se déposer délicatement sur le sol.
Le soleil se lève tout juste, il annonce le jour nouveau. Pourtant un pied agile foule déjà l'herbe humide, bientôt suivi par d'autres. Déjà ? Ou plutôt encore ! Car ces gens-là prennent un malin plaisir à défier le rythme de la nature. Leurs jambes voltigent, leurs corps virevoltent en cadence.
Tantôt enlacés, tantôt fiers et droits, pantins parfaitement articulés, ils sont suspendus au fil des notes de marionnettistes malicieux. A y regarder de plus près on ne saurait bien dire finalement qui des uns ou des autres tire les ficelles... En harmonie presque parfaite, danseurs et musiciens jettent leurs dernières forces dans une spirale de mouvement où chacun s'accorde.
Bientôt ne resteront plus que des souvenirs d'une nuit hors du temps où les empreintes dans l'herbe humide seront les derniers témoins d'un rêve partagé.

A tous les danseurs et musiciens du petit matin...

1. Het viel eens hemels douwe (Traditionnel)
2. Scottisch van Elewijt - Scottisch van Betekom (Traditionnels)
3. Cercles circassiens - Cavalcade / Au large / Les Gais lurons (Gabriel Lenoir)
4. Het viel eens hemels douwe (arrangement Gabriel Lenoir)
5. Valse - Bleu (Benjamin Macke)
6. Scottisch-mazurka (Traditionnel)
7. Polka Surplas (Traditionnel)
8. Bourrées d'Auvergne - Du Bruit dans le bourg / Kalimba (Benjamin Macke)
9. Mazurka - a Maison du boulanger (Gabriel Lenoir)
10. Het viel eens hemels douwe (arrangement Benjamin Macke)
11. Polka poortjes (Traditionnel)
12. La Malinoise (Traditionnel)
13. Het afscheid (Rik Boone)
14. Wissel mazurka (traditionnel)
15. Scottish - L'Air du temps - Les Noctambules (Benjamin Macke - Gabriel Lenoir)
16. Het viel eens hemels douwe (arrangement Aurélien Tanghe)
17. La Polka du poulailler - La Polka du presbytère (Benjamin Macke)
18. Het viel eens hemels douwe

en vente sur : www.tsmiske.be/appel

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