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23° CAMPIONATO DEL MONDO DI ORGANETTO E DI FISARMONICA DIATONICA 23th WORLD ACCORDION - DIATONIC ACCORDION CHAMPIONSHIP JUNIOR – SENIOR – OVER50 San Giovanni Rotondo (FG) ITALIA 31 agosto/1-2 settembre 2018 R E G O L A M E N T O L’Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici (A.M.I.SA.D.) di Maiolati Spontini (AN), in collaborazione con il Comune di San Giovanni Rotondo (FG) e dell'Associazione Musicale “Amici della Musica” di San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), con il Patrocinio del Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo, Presidenza del Consiglio della Regione Puglia, Borghi d'Eccellenza, FITP, Parco del Gargano, Distretto Urbano del Commercio (DUC), Associazione Albergatori e Confcommercio, indice ed organizza nei giorni 31 agosto/1-2 settembre 2018, la 23° Edizione del Campionato del Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica, a premi. Regolarmento: 2018organettoMond.pdf |
75. Villacher Kirchtag - Kärnten/Österreichby Diatonic News |
noch bis 5. August 2018...... Als am 1. August 1936 über die fröhliche Stadt Villach zahllose Fahnen flatterten, wussten die Initiatoren des Villacher Kirchtags wohl kaum, welche Entwicklung diese Veranstaltung in Zukunft nehmen würde. Der große Erfolg, der dem ersten Kirchtag beschieden war, veranlasste die Organisatoren auch weiterhin den Villacher Kirchtag durchzuführen und nur die Kriegsjahre des 2.Weltkrieges brachten eine Unterbrechung in der Reihe dieser Veranstaltung von 1940 bis 1947. Am 7. August 1948 wurde der Villacher Kirchtag als erste große Veranstaltung nach dem Krieg, dank der Initiative einiger beherzter Männer, wieder durchgeführt. Die ganze Stadt wurde zum Tanzboden, erstmals konnten Speisen und Getränke ohne Lebensmittelkarten erworben werden, und nach einer Reihe von Jahren der Finsternis, erstrahlte die Innenstadt wieder in einem Lichtermeer. Und auch 2018 erwarten die vielen Besucher (ca. 400000) eine besondere Woche mit Kulinarischem, Tanz und Unterhaltung, Kunsthandwerk, Tradition und natürlich Musik, Musik, Musik. Mehr auf: https://www.villacherkirchtag.at/ Musikgruppen: https://www.villacherkirchtag.at/festbuehnen-und-musik/ |
Marconi Bellows "Know the People" Interview, Castelfidardo - Italyby Diatonic News |
Updated informaòtion - (video/images) "Know the People" Interview at: 2017Marconi with: Giorgio Marconi (Owner) and Lorella Marconi(Owner). Editor: Holda Paoletti-Kampl "Know the People" of Castelfidardo who have made this small city so famous around the world for their quality accordion products. Interview at: 2017Marconi Picture below: Know the People" with: Giorgio Marconi and Lorella Marconi. |
Gewinner des Hubert von Goisern Kulturpreises 2018 - Österreichby Diatonic News |
zur Förderung von Talent und Beharrlichkeit wird vergeben für außerordentliches Engagement und Leistungen im Bereich Kunst und Kultur im Allgemeinen, insbesondere aber der Musik. Zur Unterstützung inspirierter und inspirierender Menschen sowie zur Förderung innovativer Lösungen und Ideen die dem Gemeinwohl zu gute kommen. Gemeinsam mit einer dreiköpfigen Jury, deren Mitglieder auf verschiedenste Art im kulturellen Leben verankert sind, wählt Hubert von Goisern KünstlerInnen aus, deren Schaffen und Streben Förderung verdient und nötig hat. Die finanzielle Unterstützung durch den Kulturpreis soll die Preisträger ermutigen, ihre Arbeit fortzusetzen, ihre Kreativität auszuleben, die Öffentlichkeit daran teilhaben zu lassen und Anderen eine Inspiration zu sein. Der Preis ist mit insgesamt 10.000 Euro pro Jahr dotiert und wird über die folgenden zehn Jahre an jeweils bis zu fünf KünstlerInnen vergeben. "Ich selbst wurde in meinen mittellosen Anfangszeiten von vielen Leuten unterstützt. Und diese Leute taten das, weil sie an das glaubten, was ich mache. So will ich das auch halten: Mit dem Preis will ich Menschen unterstützen, die sich künstlerisch auf eine Art und Weise mit der Welt auseinandersetzen, die ich für spannend und wichtig halte. Ich bin in der privilegierten Lage, so etwas tun zu können." – Hubert von Goisern Die Gewinner von links: Irene Troi - Musikpädagogin, Brixen Margarethe Hlawa - Kulturveranstalterin, Hallein Christoph Sietzen - Schlagwerker, Salzburg Mike Ramsauer - Dokumentarfilmer, Abtenau |
Paolo Soprani – “his life” by Beniamino Bugiolacchi and Eugenio Paolini – Castelfidardo/Italyby Diatonic News |
Eugenio Paolini and Castelfidardo’s Historian, Beniamino Bugiolacchi (Chronology of Italian Accordions and many other publications) in collaboration with the Circolo Culturale Filatelico Numismatico “F.Matassoli” and the Proloco and the Castelfidardo City Hall, gave a very interesting view of the history and life of Paolo Soprani, the man who gave birth to the production of accordions in the small city of Castelfidardo - un unforgettable personality, not only for Castelfidardo, but the entire world of the accordion. The Mayor of Castelfidardo Mr. Roberto Ascani City was present at this conference, just as a large audience in the wonderful sourrounding of the Palazzo Mordini. The student Alessandro Governatori of the local Music School Paolo Soprani made a lively animated event with his music. More events to honour this memorable Castelfidardo citician are to come. |
Weird Science: Bond with your kids - and crank the musicby Harley Jones |
By: Jamie Morton Science Reporter, New Zealand Herald newspaper Sharing music with your kids while they're young can help your relationships later in life, researchers say. Most siblings have memories of - happily or unhappily - listening to whatever Mum or Dad had on the car radio on long trips away. In our unfortunate case, that was endless doses of Jim Reeves, Kenny Rogers and, if we were really unlucky, Engelbert Humperdinck. But now researchers say sharing music can do wonders for parents' future relationships with their sons and daughters. "If you have little kids, and you play music with them, that helps you be closer to them, and later in life will make you closer to them," said the University of Arizona's Professor Jake Harwood, co-author of a new study. "If you have teenagers and you can successfully listen to music together or share musical experiences with them, that has an even stronger effect on your future relationship and the child's perception of the relationship in emerging adulthood." Harwood and his colleagues surveyed a group of young adults, average age 21, about the frequency with which they engaged with their parents, as children, in activities such as listening to music together, attending concerts together or playing musical instruments together. Participants reported on their memories of experiences they had between ages 8 and 13 and age 14 and older. They also shared how they perceive their relationship with their parents now. Although shared musical experiences at all age levels were associated with better perceptions of parent-child relationship quality in young adulthood, the effect was most pronounced for shared musical experiences during adolescence. "With young kids, musical activity is fairly common - singing lullabies, doing nursery rhymes," Harwood said. "With teenagers, it's less common, and when things are less common you might find bigger effects, because when these things happen, they're super important." |
Estate artistica nel cuore delle Dolomiti - Italiaby Diatonic News |
Mezzano del Primiero capitale del legno - ed è presente anche la fisarmonica Musica d'autore e artistiche scenografie rurali in uno dei borghi più belli d'Italia: Mezzano di Primiero, piccolo gioiello del Trentino orientale. Collocato in un fondovalle verde e quasi pianeggiante, da sempre crocevia verso le rinomate e vicine Fiera di Primiero e San Martino di Castrozza, è un villaggio dolomitico pittoresco e peculiare. Vuoi per la splendida corona di montagne che lo circonda, dominata dalle imponenti e celebri Pale di San Martino, vuoi per l’architettura e lo stile tradizionale che lo caratterizzano, vuoi per la singolare iniziativa di decorare l'intero abitato plasmando con creatività i canzei, ovvero le tipiche cataste di legna comunemente utilizzate per scaldarsi in montagna. Da alcuni anni diversi artisti vengono invitati in paese per realizzare grandi installazioni in legno e ogni angolo riserva ormai una sorpresa: un volto in lacrime, una fisarmonica, un'astrazione lignea. Il borgo è davvero un originale museo a cielo aperto, grazioso nella sua semplicità, che val bene una visita, soprattutto in queste settimane dense di eventi. È in corso, fino al 9 agosto, un Festival dedicato alla musica da camera organizzato dalla prestigiosa Music Academy International di New York. Per ulteriori informazioni http://girandola-errante-ilpiccolo.blogautore.repubblica.it/2014/07/18/1987/ |
Lerne mit der Quetschen-Akademie "online" Harmonikaspielen - Austriaby Diatonic News |
Mag. Thomas Holzer (links)...der Musikpädagoge, Harmonikalehrer und Multiinstrumentalist! Egal ob Klavier, Posaune, Gitarre oder Gesang - neben seinem Hauptinstrument, der Quetschn, spielt er beinahe auf allem, was Musik macht. Er scheut sich auch nicht, neue Instrumente zu erlernen und musiziert in fast jeder Besetzung! Thomas Holzer studierte Musikerziehung und Instrumentalmusikerziehung an der Kunstuniversität Graz, die Steirische erlernte er zum Teil beim Harmonikalehrer und zum Teil als autodidakt. Mittlerweile ist er nicht nur aktiver Musikant, sondern auch Klavier-, Gesangs- und Harmonikalehrer. Auf der Bühne ist er auch der geborene Entertainer – mit Musik, Gesang, Harmonika und Humor weiß er, worauf es ankommt! Bei den Musikgruppen "Die Wuzis" und "Jazzquetschn und Tastenmeißl" in Duo - Besetzung und im Quintett mit "Die Teiflstoana" garantiert er beste Unterhaltung gepaart mit musikalischen Finessen. Natürlich nimmt er auch Ihre Buchungsanfrage als Harmonika - Solist entgegen. Egal ob traditionell oder modern, Thomas und seine Steirische Harmonika spielen alle Stückln. Stefan Kern (rechts)…entlockt der Steirischen Harmonika nicht nur Volksmusik und alpenländische Melodien. Vom Oberkrainer übers Wienerlied bis hin zur „Swingenden Harmonika“ erschöpft sich das große Repertoire von Solist und Harmonikalehrer Stefan Kern. Stefan ist Steirischer Harmonikasieger 2011 und trägt außerdem auch das Gütesiegel "Staatsmeister". Seit über 10 Jahren spielt Stefan schon Steirische Harmonika und auch heute fliegen seine Finger noch über die Knöpferl. In den Lernvideos zeigt er, mit welchen Übungen er die Steirische "gezähmt" hat! Stefan hat bereits eine Harmonika Solo - CD aufgenommen und ein weiterer Tonträger ist bereits in Planung. Gefragt ist Stefan auch im Internet. Über 1.000 Abonnenten und weit über 1 Mio Aufrufe auf Youtube zeigen, dass hier Leidenschaft im Spiel ist. Stefan spielt die Steirische Harmonika vorwiegend als Solist und Alleinunterhalter, tritt oftmals aber auch im Duo bzw. Trio auf. Die Steirische hat Stefan fast immer dabei. Egal wo man ihn trifft! Jeder der ihn kennt, kennt auch sein Instrument! Sein Motto: „Übung macht den Meister!“ Lerne mit beiden....auf: https://quetschn.academy/mitgliederbereich/anfnger/ |
The accordion museum Arsèguel - SPAINby Diatonic News |
The Accordion Museum in Arsèguel reflects the population’s long trajectory promoting the accordion. The museum preserves and displays dozens of instruments, many of which have been loaned by the families of old accordionists, who made different generations of highlanders dance to the sound of their music. More: http://www.alturgell.cat/sites/default/files/turisme-museus-museus-cat-ang.pdf |
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
Online translation |
Accordion Babes 2019 Pin-Up Calendar and CD - USAby Diatonic News |
Accordion Babes 2019 Pin-Up Calendar and CD Accordion Babes prove that the accordion is sexy with classy old-school pin-ups and an ecclectic CD. the 2019 Accordion Babes Pin-Up Calendar shot by Sean T Vallely Have a look at the link below and if you like it, please help share the link to the indiegogo campaign so enough Money can be risen to print the calendar. You can also pre-order it here, or preview the other hot accordion photos.... about 300 pre-orders is all what is needed........ https://igg.me/at/accordionbabes2019/x/9730983 |
Carrefour Mondial de L'Accordeon Festival, Montmagny - Canadaby Diatonic News |
Via Rivière-du-Loup Rte 132 Ouest ou Autoroute 20 Ouest (Sortie 378 ou Sortie 376) The Carrefour Mondial de l’Accordeon Festival takes place from August 30 to September 3, 2018 in Montmagny, Via Rivière-du-Loup Rte 132 Ouest ou Autoroute 20 Ouest (Sortie 378 ou Sortie 376) Montmagny is a proudly French-speaking town that is over 300 years old and has 11,885 residents. From August 30 through September 3, the population swells to more than 50,000, most of them intent on hearing some of the finest accordionists in the world. Quote from a TripAdvisor contributor, "If you love accordion music (or even if you hate it), this place is an adventure. The Carrefour Mondial brings accordionists from all over the globe, and it seems as if every man, woman, and child in Montmagny plays some version of a squeezebox. We camped out, dined where we could (the locals provide their hearty version of baked beans), line danced, and heard the accordion stretched to its ultimate performance abilities. It was so much fun. Highly recommended.” For further information: accordeon@montmagny.com |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
Fleadh Cheoil, Drogheda – Irish Republicby Diatonic News |
Fleadh Cheoil, Drogheda – Irish Republic The 68th All Ireland Fleadh Cheoil will be held for the first time in Drogheda, County Louth, on the east coast of the Irish Republic, from August 12th to 19th. The Fleadh Cheoil is possibly the largest and most unique music festival in the world with a large accordion, concertina and harmonica participation in the many competitions and entertainment. Drogheda, announced a €130,000 sponsorship by Drogheda, district vintners and hotels with the sponsorship backed by all the publicans in Drogheda and their suppliers. Over 1,000 volunteers will be required to help stage this year’s Fleadh and ensure that Drogheda offers an enjoyable experience for the 400,000+ visitors expected to descend on the area next week. The performers this year include diatonic button accordionists Paddy Callaghan, Daithí Gormley, Claire McAdam, Damien McGuinness, Sean MacGabhann, melodeon/guitarist Tim Edey, Emma Corbett (melodeon), concertina players Sarán Mulligan and Pádraig Rynne, the Comhaltas National Folk Orchestra of Ireland, The Shandrum Céilí Band, Triskell Céilí Band, Abbey Céilí Band, Dartry Céilí Band, Tara Céilí Band, Fodhla Céilí Band, and the Brian Boru Céilí Band. The week includes daily class tuition for banjo, bodhrán, diatonic button accordion, concertina, fiddle, flute, harp, piano accompaniment, piano accordion, Uilleann Pipes, singing, and whistle. The Fleadh Cheoil is an Irish music competition founded in 1951 run by Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann (CCÉ), a non-profit organuisation. There are various qualifying stages to the competition in Ireland, Britain and North America. Competitions are divided into the following age categories: under 12, 12–15, 15–18, and over 18 (senior). For further information email: info@fleadhcheoil.ie For concert and event details view: http://fleadhcheoil.ie/ |
VI International Trieste Tango Festival - Italyby Diatonic News |
International Trieste Tango Festival 22/26 August 2018 |
Festival internazionale Zingarìa/Roseto e Panni - Italiaby Diatonic News |
Festival internazionale Zingarìa 11-15 agosto a Panni (FG) e anteprima a Roseto V.re il 9 agosto. Quest'anno ce le suonano. Per il balfolk: DUO THOUXAZUN (Lopez-Rousse), LEUSA, ARBADETORNE, LE FORCELLE, ANDREA CAPEZZUOLI E COMPAGNIA. Per il sud: ENZA PAGLIARA-DARIO MUCI-MICHELE BIANCO TRIO, PARANZA MEDITERRANEA, MALICANTI, LE MATRIOSKE, CUNSERVAMARA, PARANZA D'ALTERIO, I SUONATORI DI ALESSANDRIA DEL CARRETTO, LU TRAINANA', LE CAPERE e dalla Georgia il gruppo KOLKHA. Quindici ore al giorno di musica e danze popolari, mensa con piatti tipici e pasta fatta a mano, sagre, esposizioni e mostre. |
4. diatonisch accordeon gevorderden ▷ Bruno Le Tron - NL/FRby Diatonic News |
Sessie diatonisch accordeon gevorderden ▷ maximum 12 deelnemers vanaf 16 jaar ▷ Er zijn nog enkele plaatsen vrij, dus je kan nog inschrijven! Voor gevorderde accordeonisten die hun instrument voldoende beheersen, verschillende ritmes onder de knie hebben (2/4, 3/4, 6/8), de positie van de belangrijkste akkoorden op 2 rijen aan de rechterkant kennen en vertrouwd zijn met op het gehoor spelen. Je hebt een basiskennis Frans nodig om de sessie te kunnen volgen. Op het gehoor leren we nieuwe traditionele folkmelodieën en eigen composities van Bruno. We ontdekken daarbij wat de vele mogelijkheden zijn van arrangement en harmonie. Bruno focust ook op versieringen, verschillende stemmen en akkoorden. Alles leren we op het gehoor, dus zonder partituren. Je krijgt zeker genoeg input om zelf later thuis uitgebreid mee aan de slag te gaan! 🛠️ diatonische accordeon in stemming G/C (sol/do) met minimum 2 rijen en een opnameapparaat http://stagegooik.be/sessies/4-2018/ |
Tag der Harmonika 2018 war ein großer Erfolg - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
Der heurigen Staatsmeisterschaften für Steirische Harmonika, Akkordeon und Mundharmonika lockte viele Zuhörer in die malerische Tiroler Gemeinde ANGERBERG bei Wörgl. Etwa 700-800 Kandidaten, Zuhörer und Interessenten waren an den drei Tagen unterwegs und wurden voll belohnt Die Wettbewerbe waren auf erfreulich hohem Niveau! Rechts der Gewinner der höchsten Stufe E bei der Steirischen Harmonika, Markus Lang beim Festkonzert. Den Abschluss am Sonntagvormittag bildete ein Gottesdienst mit anschließender Harmonika-Weihe durch den Pfarrer des Klosters Mariastein (unten). Alle Ergebnisse, viele Fotos und Details finden Sie auf der Homepage des Harmonikaverbandes Österreichs >>> HVÖ !!! Nach dem großen Erfolg freuen sich schon alle auf die HARMONIKA-WM 2019 in St. Peter-Freienstein. Die Ausschreibung und alle Details werden Anfang Oktober 2018 veröffentlicht! Werner Weibert Online translation |
Shrewsbury Folk Festial - UKby Diatonic News |
As far as the music is concerned, Shrewsbury Folk Festival has a reputation for delivering the very finest acts from the UK and around the world, always searching to find new authentic artists as well as providing a platform for established performers, and never forgetting to add some fun and diversity to our concerts. We try to bring quality in depth, and we recognise the need to give our artists and audiences the best stages, in the best marquees, with the best sound and lighting possible. When you arrive, all of your needs are catered for. A fantastic campsite where you are never more than a few moments from a venue and where you park your vehicles next to your tent or caravan. On-site WiFi coverage is limited but free of charge, so you may stay in touch, but limited download time. Loads of events and entertainment for children and young people, workshops for everyone and brilliant sessions both organised and impromptu. Provided free buses into town, an excellent on-site shop, a craft fair, a huge free car park, dance displays, open mic, and friendly, helpful stewarding teams. Shrewsbury Folk Festival… you can’t imagine how much you will discover! More on: https://shrewsburyfolkfestival.co.uk/about/festival-info/ |
Gran Concert Catalunya - La Seu d’Urgellby Diatonic News |
Dijous 2 d’agost 20.00 h. Plaça dels Oms. La Seu d’Urgell Gran Concert Catalunya Roser Gabriel (acordió cromàtic), Laia Casanellas (guitarra) i Alba Atcher (flauta travessera) “Pacu” Clotet (acordió cromàtic) Liv Hallum (acordió diatònic) i Ivan Garriga (violí) La Viu Viu: Cati Plana (acordió diatònic), Eduard Casals (viola de roda i clarinet), Marc Figuerola (contrabaix) i Eugeni Vergés (trombó) Elies Fernández Sabaté (acordió diatònic) i Núria Llobet (violí) Artur Blasco (acordió diatònic) i Marien de Casimiro (Violí) La Sonsoni: Pep Lizandra (acordió diatònic i veu) i Elías Porter (violí) Agustí Marcial (acordió cromàtic) Èrika Weigend (acordió diatònic i flauta travessera), Josep “Pepón” Vilarrubla (acordió diatònic) i Ernest Pipó (guitarra). Amb Marc del Pino (acordió diatònic) Agustí Porta (acordió diatònic), Eva Campi (acordió diatònic) i Jordi Blasco (guitarra) Francesc “Panxito” Tomàs (violí) i Alba Tomàs (acordió diatònic) Ivan Caro (gralla) i Pilar Planavila (acordió cromàtic) Ferran Martínez (acordió cromàtic) Pere-Pau Ximenis (acordió diatònic) i Simone Lambregts (violí) https://www.harmonicahoek.nl/archief/2018/2018_07_22-08-02/Trobada-Acordionistes-2018-fullet.pdf |
Folk on Stage - Holland/Gooik/Vlaams-Brabantby Diatonic News |
zomerse concerten en folkbals à volonté 21-25 augustus 2018 Tijdens de Stage voor Traditionele Volksmuziek kan je zalig genieten van memorabele concerten in een unieke locatie, de Sint-Niklaaskerk. Vier avonden brengen (inter)nationale folkmuzikanten een prachtig optreden. Daarna barst een folkbal met live muziek los tot in de vroege uurtjes. Kom mee feesten op een tovercirkel, jig of polka. En dans met je favoriete partner een intieme wals of mazurka op muziek van hier en verre oorden. Geen zin om je dansschoenen aan te trekken? Hou je instrument dan klaar en speel mee in één van de jamsessies die her en der spontaan ontstaan. De concerten gaan door op 21, 22, 23 en 24 augustus 2018 in de Sint-Niklaaskerk, Dorpsstraat in Gooik, telkens om 20 uur. Tickets zijn te koop aan de deur voor 7 euro, voor kinderen t.e.m. 12 jaar en deelnemers aan de stage is de toegang gratis. De folkbals gaan door op 21, 22, 23, 24 en 25 augustus 2018 in de zaal Familia, Bronnenweg 2 in Gooik vanaf 21.30 uur, op 20 augustus om 21 uur. De toegang tot de folkbals is gratis. http://stagegooik.be/folkonstage/ |
The Cotati Accordion Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
The annual multi-cultural, multi-generational, nonprofit Cotati Accordion Festival will be taking place AUGUST 18 & 19, 2018 in La Plaza Park in downtown Cotati, CA. The festival will also include many accordion acts, including zydeco, klezmer, polka, tango, Latino, rock and much more, along with the polka tent, the jam tent the zydeco dance party, food vendors, arts and crafts, beer and wine. Cotati Accordion Festival - 2018 Honorary Director Paul Rogers P.O. Box 809, Cotati CA 94931 • Phone 707-664-0444 • Fax 707-585-2920 http://www.cotatifest.com/index.php http://www.cotatifest.com/index.php |
5° Festival Internazionale "Le Ance Libere del Mediterraneo" - Italiaby Diatonic News |
Il 5° Festival Internazionale "Le Ance Libere del Mediterraneo " è un momento di confronto e crescita di musicisti e non , allievi di istituzioni pubbliche e private, autodidatta per scambio culturale e condividere le primizie musicali di ciascuno , sia come solista quanto in formazione. Non ci sono limiti di genere e di programma; naturalmente una commissione darà necessariamente un giudizio per assegnare i premi e inoltre chi si presenta con brani inediti può ambire a vincere la possibilità di incidere le composizioni ; tante motivazioni per partecipare alla quarta edizione del festival. Fisarmonica Organetto, bandoneon , armonica a bocca , Harmonium Informazioni si possono ricevere telefonando al 329 6337574 oppure inviando una mail a: accademimusicsanvito@gmail.com |
Stowe Tango Music Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
https://www.facebook.com/stowetangomusicfestival/ http://stowetangomusicfestival.com/ 2018 Festival's features: Top Tango Dance Performers and Teachers - Guillermina Quiroga & Mariano Logiudice Gabriel Misse & partner and Ana Padron & Diego Blanco The Stowe Tango Music Festival Orchestra – 25 plus piece tango orchestra comprised of an extraordinary group of selected students from all over the globe and world-class artists including guest tango legends from Argentina. Invitation of Guest Tango Legends from Argentina. The Che Bandoneon International Competition – the world's only annual bandoneon competition 2018 Events include: Tango Jam 4 Workshops Friday Festival Milonga Practica Tango Trail (various events on Saturday) Festival Concert on Sat, August 18 After–Concert Milonga Late–Night Milonga on Saturday NEW! Sunday's Farewell Concert & Milonga |
Trekharmonicafestival & mondharmonica Veldhoven - Hollandby Diatonic News |
Workshops, ontmoeten, open podium, samenspelen, kletsen, borrelen In Museum ‘t Oude Slot vindt op zondag 26 augustus weer het gezellige en muzikale Trekzak- en mondharmonica Festival Veldhoven plaats. Dit festival trekt elk jaar meer dan 100 verschillende muzikanten die deze middag muziek komen spelen. De trekzak en de mondharmonica spelen de hoofdrol, maar alle ondersteunende muziekinstrumenten zijn welkom om mee te spelen! Lekker op het terras of op het open podium! Alle genres komen voorbij, van luisterliederen met een knipoog, folk, blues, klassiek, tango, meezingers, Tex-Mex tot Franse chansons… Met workshops, spontane optredens in alle soorten en maten en lekkere hapjes belooft het een dag te worden die je niet mag missen…en... iedereen is welkom! Kom ook luisteren, meespelen, kletsen, ontmoeten en laat samen met ons het museum muzikaal uit haar voegen barsten! Open Podium Het open podium is de laatste jaren een sprankelend onderdeel van het programma. Zeer gevarieerde optredens met een enthousiast en dankbaar publiek. Er is een kleine markt met muziekinstrumenten van het Accordeon- en Harmonicamuseum te Malden en er zullen ook bijzondere instrumenten tentoon worden gesteld. Er staan overal zitjes en het museumcafé is de hele dag open voor een hapje en een drankje. Workshops ‘s Morgens zijn er twee workshops voor de trekharmonica en een workshop voor de mondharmonica waarvoor aanmelding vooraf vereist is. Image: •De docenten van deze dag: Ad Kwakernaat, Koen Goorman & Auke van Mierlo en Viola Barends https://www.harmonicahoek.nl/archief/2018/2018_08_26/ |
Future events / Concerts |
Peter Knight and John Spiers Concert - UKby Diatonic News |
In the summer of 2016, legendary fiddle layer Peter Knight (ex-Steeleye Span) and melodeon player extraordinaire, John Spiers (ex-Bellowhead) paired up for a special ‘one off’ festival appearance. For a few minutes at the close of their electrifying performance, with a standing ovation and roars for more, it didn’t seem as though the audience was going to let them go. As the MC commented, it was one of those occasions when people could say “I was there”. It was also clear that leaving matters there was not an option, and so 2018 sees the duo recording their debut album and undertaking their first extensive UK tour. They will perform in August Sat 25th/Sunday 26th during the Shrewsbury Folk Fest: https://shrewsburyfolkfestival.co.uk/line-up/artists-2018/peterknightandjohnspiers/ |
Dantzas 2018 - Spainby Diatonic News |
Grand Bal de l'Europe - Franceby Diatonic News |
2 weeks of great music and dance with many different styles. The event is running still until August 4th - so hurry up! Opening hours of the entry booth 11 am to 11 pm. Reception will be open from 9 am to 11 pm. You can only buy your bracelet to enter the site or the campsites, or your meal and drink tickets, during this time slot. Identification Everyone on the festival site or campsites or parking areas must wear a festival identification wrist bracelet. Entry will be monitored 24 hours a day, on all parts of the festival sites. You are requested to show the bracelet to the gate personnel each time you enter any part of the festival site and to any of the festival personnel on request Several artits performing during the festival are featured under Future events - below For the full programm of the Festival consult: https://www.gennetines.org/en/gennetines/programmes-gennetines/ https://www.gennetines.org/wp-content/uploads/Programme-Grand-Bal-2018.pdf |
Antonio Grosso in Agosto - Italiaby Diatonic News |
Antonio Grosso inizia i suoi studi all’età di 8 anni con la fisarmonica ai quali si dedica, nonostante la tenera età, assiduamente fino ai 16 anni, quando conosce un altro strumento della tradizione: l’organetto, che diventerà il “suo” strumento. Antonio Grosso è stato il primo in Calabria a far rivalutare il ruolo dell’organetto, per anni ritenuto uno strumento prettamente tradizionale in grado di riprodurre la Tarantella, senza riuscire a guardare oltre. Le sue composizioni dimostrano che con l’organetto diatonico, quando c’è la passione, si può comporre e suonare qualsiasi tipo di musica. In Agosto sarà in concerto: 10 agosto Cassino 13 agosto Sant iOppolito(cs) 15 agosto Messina Info: http://www.antoniogrosso.com/ |
Inlay performing at the Shrewsbury Festival - UKby Diatonic News |
Offering something for all tastes in folk, INLAY are a forward thinking quartet. With the aid of fiddle, guitar, harmonica, accordion and melodeon, they blend traditional material with self-penned compositions. Autumn 2017 sees three-time BBC Folk Award nominee, Will Pound join the band to make up the new fourth member of Inlay. Inlay was always supposed to be a quartet and the band are really excited by what Will is bringing to the group, and look forward to taking this lineup on the road in 2018. “Heritage and innovation brought together without a visible seam” ~Folkwords “Contemplative folk that looks backwards to move forwards” ~Songlines “Inlay is a very impressive debut album with a visionary take on what folk music can be and where it might go.” ★★★★ R2 – Rock ‘n’ Reel “Something for the traditionalist, something for the modernist – and something for you.” Bright Young Folk “Forward thinking four piece (violin, banjo, accordion, guitar & slide, percussion) produce a full bodied sound for their energetic and enterprising own compositions that preserve traditional influences within a fluid, evolving musical landscape.” Froots 357 March 2013 “Touching and rather beautiful modern folk” Timeout Inlay are: – Ross Grant – Violin, Vocals, – James Porter – Guitar, Vocals, – Will Pound – Harmonica, Melodeon – Andy Weeks – Accordion, Percussion, Vocals. Date Saturday 25th August 2018: https://shrewsburyfolkfestival.co.uk/line-up/artists-2018/inlay/ |
"Accordions Around the World" in Bryant Park, NYC, in August and September - USAby Rita Davidson Barnea |
Bryant ParkBryant Park Corporation has announced the schedule for its newly-renamed summer performing arts series Bryant Park Picnics. At each Picnic, Bryant Park provides over 200 blankets to borrow, and Hester Street Fair curates local food vendors. Beer and wine are available for purchase, and the grass is dotted with jugglers and supersized games. Grab a blanket, get comfortable, and enjoy the show! All Picnics events are free and open to the public. No tickets, no lines. Come as you are and leave when you please. Hester Street Fair selects acclaimed local food vendors. Beer and wine is also available for purchase. Enjoy lawn games including corn hole, juggling, giant Jenga, hula hoops, and more. Accordions Around the World - A musical journey representing cultures from all over the globe each week, culminating in the Accordion Festival. Curated by Ariana Hellerman. Accordions Around the World is a five-week series that brings dozens of accordionists, as well as bandoneón, bayan, concertina, and harmonium-players of different musical genres, to perform at Bryant Park. Audiences have a chance to experience the range of the accordion. The series culminates on a Friday with the Accordion Festival, which showcases five bands, each featuring an accordion, playing music from a range of different cultures. Performers include: Wednesday, August 15, 5:30pm - 7:30pm - Bryant Park Lawn; Phil Passantino (Cajun + Zydeco), Maestro Tito Castro (Bandoneón: Argentine Tango), Foncho Castellar (Colombian Cumbia + Vallenato), Gregory Grene (Irish Rock), Eduardo de Carvalho (Brazilian Forró), Christina Crowder (Klezmer & Moldavian Folk), Jenny Luna (Balkan + Turkish), Susan Hwang (Blues + Soul), Jody Kruskal (Concertina: Old Americana), Dmitry Sokolovsky (Retro, Samba, Musette + Jazz), Nathan Koci (American and English Folk Tunes), and Barry Adler (German + Austrian) Wednesday, August 22, 5:30pm - 7:30pm - Bryant Park Lawn. John Sherman (Cajun, Appalachian + Blues), Tinta Roja (Argentine Bandoneón + Guitar), El Toro de la Sierra (Mexican Norteño), Dan Gurney (Traditional Irish), Felipe Hostins (Northeast Brazilian), Ben Rosenblum (Jazz + Klezmer), The Bumper Crop Boys (Blues and Country), Yuri Lemeshev (World, Classical + Jazz), Sam Reider (American Roots), Erica Mancini (Jazz, Blues + Country), Mario Tacca (French Musette + Waltz), more artists TBA Wednesday, August 29, 5:30pm - 7:30pm - Bryant Park Lawn. Kenny Margolis (Zydeco + Blues), David Hodges (Bandoneón: Argentine Tango), Harold Rodriguez (Colombian Vallenato), Annmarie Acosta (Williams Traditional Irish), Rob Curto (Brazilian Bluegrass), Ed Goldberg & the Odessa Klezmer Band (Eastern European Klezmer), Peter Stan + Peter Stan (Balkan), George Saenz (Music from Texas-Mexico Border), Smörgåsbandet (Scandinavian), Earl Ball (Polka, French + Tango), Mindra Sahadeo (Harmonium: South Asian), and Rachelle Garniez (Genre-fluid story-songs) Wednesday, September 5, 5:30pm - 7:30pm - Bryant Park Lawn. Laren Droll (Cajun + Zydeco), Laura Vilche (Bandoneón: Argentine Tango), Nain, Acordeonista de los M-1 (Mexican Norteño), Cordeone (Portuguese Fado), Ilya Shneyveys (Traditional + Original Klezmer), Eva Salina and Peter Stan (Vintage Balkan Roma Ballads), Melissa Elledge (Pop + Rock), Albert Behar (French Musette + Gypsy Jazz), Alan Morrow (Waltzes, Tango + Blues), and Papa Bavarian (German Oktoberfest), more artists TBA Wednesday, September 12, 5:30pm - 7:30pm - Bryant Park Lawn. Julie Winterbottom (Cajun Music from Louisiana), Javier Sánchez (Bandoneón: Argentine Tango), Sadys Rodrigo Espitia (Colombian Cumbia + Vallenato), Patty Furlong (Traditional Irish), Vitor Gonçalves (Brazilian Choro + Forró), Shoko Nagai (Japanese + Jewish), Papa Joe De Clemente (Italian + American Standards), Will Holshouser (Jazz + Folk), Ismail Butera (Ancient Mediterranean), Ryan O'Donnell + Friends (Ukrainian), Maestro (Electronic Balkan), and Guillermo Vaisman (Coastal Argentine Chamamé) Accordion Festival - September 14, 5:00pm - 10:00pm; Bryant Park Stage. Shashmaqam (Bukharan Jewish music and and Central Asian dance), Rimel (Norteño from Northern Mexico), Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino (Pizzica tarantata from Puglia, Italy), Shilpa Ray (Indie rock with the harmonium), and more TBA |
Suistamon Sähkö August/GIGS - Finland, Russia, Norwayby Diatonic News |
Suistamon Sähkö performs new Karelian dance music with electronics, toy accordion, power of song, rap and manic moves. Crazy music scientists Anne-Mari Kivimäki and Eero Grundström create new Suistamo dance music with a Notka accordion and electronics. Add two dancing vocalists Reetta-Kaisa Iles and Tuomas Juntunen and this visual folktronica act will make you dance yourself into a trance. The songs’ stories are inspired by, for instance, Suistamo’s old village maps, hydroelectric power plants and mills, scratchy archive tapes, folk poetry and bumpy roads of Karelia. Groovy accordion rhythms, imaginative use of samples and electronics, folk tradition and hip hop influences makes an uncompromising mix of dance party and art from the wild east. 2.8. Vieljärvi, Russia 3.8. Petrozavodsk, Russia 4.8. Kizhi, Russa 8.8. Varangerfestivalen, Norway 9.8. Papana, Inari 18.8. Huvilateltta, Helsinki for further info: http://www.suistamonsahko.fi/ |
John Spiers in concert - Shrewsbury/Great Britainby Diatonic News |
John Spiers, better known in folk circles as Squeezy, is one of the leading melodeon players of his generation. Well known for his partnership with Jon Boden as well as being a member of Bellowhead, the most successful folk band in recent history. John was also a member of Eliza Carthy’s band, featuring on her 2002 Mercury nominated album, Anglicana. Mixing infectious dance tunes with incredibly sensitive and moving slow airs on a mind-boggling range of different squeezeboxes, John’s solo shows are a mixture of traditional material and his own more intricate compositions. https://shrewsburyfolkfestival.co.uk/ |
Folklore Festival Wendezoele - Hollandby Diatonic News |
Blowzabella @ shrewsburyfolkfestival - ukby Diatonic News |
Celebrating 40 years in 2018 Friday 24th and Saturday24, 2018 BLOWZABELLA celebrate 40 years of their inimitable, drone-based wall-of-sound with a new album ‘Two Score’, a new book of tunes ‘More Scores’ and gigs and festivals in the UK and the EU. BLOWZABELLA is a genuinely unique band that makes an inimitable, driving, drone-based sound played with a fabulous sense of melody, rhythmic expertise and sheer feeling. They compose their own music which is influenced by English and European traditional folk music and song. Andy Cutting – diatonic button accordion; Jo Freya – vocals, saxophone, clarinet; Paul James – vocals, bagpipes, saxophones; Gregory Jolivet – hurdy-gurdy; David Shepherd – violin; Barn Stradling – bass guitar; Jon Swayne – bagpipes, saxophone. All the band members compose and many of their tunes are “standards” in the modern British/European folk repertoire and are played by people all over the world. Bands across Europe who experiment with folk music often cite Blowzabella as a major influence. Much loved and respected, there is no one else quite like them. ” Then Blowzabella introduced a set about “death, and things going wrong … but we do play happy tunes too, honest!”: the folk legends’ Saturday-night headline slot was original and enjoyable. It also offered the rare opportunity to witness the versatility of a hurdy-gurdy in the skilled hands of Grégory Jolivet. The British and European traditions that Blowzabella blend brought a welcome but all too rare foreign accent to the music. With so many nations shaping our past, present and future, where were the musicians who can enrich English folk with their mixed heritage? https://shrewsburyfolkfestival.co.uk/line-up/artists-2018/blowzabella/ |
David Munnelly/Joseph McNulty & Anne Brennan - GBby Diatonic News |
more on www.davidmunelly.com |
24° Raduno Internazionale della Fisarmonica - Recoardo Terme/Italiaby Diatonic News |
24° Raduno Internazionale della Fisarmonica si svolgerà a Recoaro Terme (VI) Italia, il 7-8-9-settembre 2018. In tale occasione verrà conferito il Premio C.E.A: (Confederazione Europea Accordeon) ed il calco della mano destra a famosi Fisarmonicisti che si sono distinti in campo nazionale ed internazionale. Per tali date, venga fatta l' inaugurazione della nuova sede del "Museo Internazionale Impronte Grandi della Fisarmonica" |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
CD"Jamais sans Ailes" Grands-Mères et Soufflets - Franceby Diatonic News |
Dernier disque de Grands-Mères et Soufflets - Le 4ème opus du groupe avec quelques nouveautés : enregistrement chez Christian Maes, pistes de guitares réparties entre différents musiciens suite au départ bien involontaire de Dany. « Dans la lignée du précédent album “Allez vie danse”, Sylvain Butté et ses complices nous proposent une série de très belles compositions à danser la valse (à 3, 5 et 8 temps), la mazurka, la bourrée, le rondeau, le cercle circassien, la scottische et la polka. Les mélodies sont lumineuses et rafraîchissantes, portées par un rythme naturel qui pousse à danser avec le sourire. L’accordéon diatonique est au centre, planant au milieu de la chaleur de la clarinette et de la contrebasse, voguant sur les découpes des percussions et de la guitare. Le rythme de la clarinette basse dans un rondeau, l’archet apaisant de la contrebasse dans une mazurka, les percussions feutrées sur une scottische viennent apporter ce petit “plus” qui fait qu’un album se remarque plus qu’un autre. » Le canard Folk Les musiciens Sylvain BUTTE (accordéons diatoniques, harmonica) Bruno GANIVET (contrebasse, guitare) Cyril MERCIER (clarinette sib/mib et clarinette basse) Frédéric CORDIER (percussions, guitare-bouzouki, guitare) Jean-Yves PETITJEAN (guitare) Où trouver ce CD ..... http://grandsmeresetsoufflets.com/boutique/ |
SAMURAI ACCORDION - Te . CD - worldwideby Diatonic News |
Riccardo Tesi organetto diatonico; David Munnelly diatonic accordion; Simone Bottasso organetto, electronics; Kepa Junkera trikitixa, perkusioak; Markku Lepistö diatonic accordion. Molti anni dopo il TransEurope Diatonique, trio di soli organetti con spiccata vocazione sperimentale, e dopo il successo del debutto di questi Samurai con l’omonimo cd del 2011, Riccardo Tesi torna alla carica con il quintetto parzialmente rinnovato, e sempre strumentalmente monolitico, che lo vede incrociare l’attrezzo con un finlandese (Lepistö), un francese (Le Tron), un belga (Laloy), un irlandese (Munnelly) e un altro italiano di grande talento (Bottasso). Un ensemble assolutamente democratico (anche sul piano compositivo) che è stato felicemente definito “un incontro tra folk, irish-music, jazz, musica da film e liscio”. Oppure: “forte come una band di heavy-metal, ma formata solo da organetti…”. performed by • David Munnelly (IRL) . diatonic accordion • Riccardo Tesi (IT) . organetto diatonico • Simone Bottasso (IT) . organetto, electronics • Kepa Junkera (EUS) . trikitixa, perkusioak • Markku Lepistö (FIN) . kolmerivinen haitari tracklist 1.Sushi time (Riccardo Tesi) 2.January sun (Markku Lepistö) 3.New years end (David Munnelly) 4.Gemika (Kepa Junkera) 5.Il sogno di Fellini (Simone Bottasso) 6.Herfst (David Munnelly) 7.Tarantella rouge & noir (Riccardo Tesi) 8.Kuru (Markku Lepistö) 9.Lisbao (Kepa Junkera) 10.Getting lost in Bagdad (Simone Bottasso) #reviews: http://www.blogfoolk.com/2018/02/samurai-accordion-te-visage.html http://www.lisolachenoncera.it/rivista/recensioni/te/ |
CD "Stolz auf's Landl" P'TT - Österreichby Diatonic News |
Das Power Trio Tirol (Andrea Köchler, Dominic Schmalzl, Thomas Köchler) ist eine Musikgruppe aus dem schönen Unterinntal in Tirol und agiert als Gruppe PTT seit März 2016. Das Programm ist sehr vielfältig. Es beginnt bei schneidigen Boarischen, fetzigen Polkas bis hin zu aktuellen Schlager und Rockklassikern. Ihre CD - "Stolz auf’s Landl" zu bestellen bei: https://www.powertriotirol.at/#!/cd |
NEW TUNE BOOK by John Spiers - UKby Diatonic News |
It's been a very long time since John Spiers last tune book was available, but now the updated version, published by Boars Hill Music, is brimming with new tunes to play is finished and hard copies will be with me this week if everything goes to plan. The book contains 59 of his original folk tunes plus transposed versions of tunes which were not in one of the "folk-friendly" keys and it also has descriptions of the tunes and their inspiration. Every tune has my suggested chords to accompany it (as alway these are a guideline rather than an instruction), there's a full page introduction and unlike the old tunebook this one is professionally printed on high quality paper. As soon as the hard copies are available, they will be on sale during the gigs and on the new shop page of the website. Although not quite as nice as the physical book, some of you may find it more convenient to buy the Digital Edition which is a 50 page full resolution PDF and features full bookmarking and indexing of all the tunes as well as hyperlinks to videos of the tunes where they are available. This is already available if you cannot wait for the full version. View: https://www.johnspiers.co.uk/ |
CD "FOK" - Kepa Junkera - Spainby Diatonic News |
http://www.kepajunkera.eus/discografia/ |
Le CD de Shillelagh! - Franceby Diatonic News |
to order....http://shillelagh.fr/ |
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