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Highlights |
PIF Castelfidardo / World Music - Italyby Harley Jones |
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The PIF-Festival and Competition took place in the home of the accordion "Castelfidardo" from the 9-16th September 2018 and was a special edition Paolo Soprani Tribute celebrating the 100th year of his death in February 2018. For the diatonic World Music competition, 22 young players and 10 adults were competing for the prestigious 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. For all results please view our results page with full marks from an international jury. http://www.accordions.com/concorso/2018/results.htm for all other events/competitions with many videos view: http://www.accordions.com/concorso/2018/15.htm |
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collection of "mad in Melodeon" Accordions by Roger Morand - Franceby Diatonic News |
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https://www.facebook.com/roger.morand.3/media_set?set=a.10204881151127396&type=3 |
Harmonika-WM 2019 in St.Peter-Freienstein! Svetovno prvenstvo 2019 ! - Austriaby Werner Weibert |
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Das nächste Grossereignis für die STEIRISCHE HARMONIKA steht vor der Tür = 30. Mai bis 2. Juni 2019! O Harmonika-Weltmeisterschaft 2019 Die Ausschreibung für diesen wichtigen Wettbewerb ist schon online auf www.harmonikaverband.at !!! O Svetovno prvenstvo 2019 Obvestilo o tem pomembnem tekmovanju je že na spletnem naslovu www.harmonikaverband.at !!! O World Championship 2019 The announcement for this important competition is already online at www.harmonikaverband.at !!! O Campionato Mondiale 2019 L'annuncio di questa importante competizione è già online su www.harmonikaverband.at !!! Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anmeldung und Ihr Kommen. Werner Weibert Online translation |
Campioni mondiali della fisarmonica diatonica/organetto - ITALIAby Diatonic News |
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23° CAMPIONATO DEL MONDO DI ORGANETTO E DI FISARMONICA DIATONICA 23th WORLD ACCORDION - DIATONIC ACCORDION CHAMPIONSHIP JUNIOR – SENIOR – OVER50 San Giovanni Rotondo (FG) ITALIA 31 agosto/1-2 settembre 2018 L'organizzatori: L’Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici (A.M.I.SA.D.) di Maiolati Spontini (AN), in collaborazione con il Comune di San Giovanni Rotondo (FG) e dell'Associazione Musicale “Amici della Musica” di San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), con il Patrocinio del Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo, Presidenza del Consiglio della Regione Puglia, Borghi d'Eccellenza, FITP, Parco del Gargano, Distretto Urbano del Commercio (DUC), Associazione Albergatori e Confcommercio VINCITORI nelle categorie: C sezione organetto / Mario Romano B sezione fisarmonica diatonica / Mattia Di Luca C sezione fisarmonica diatonica / Luigi Presta |
“Le Grand Soufflet” - Franceby Diatonic News |
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3-13 oct 2018 “Le Grand Soufflet” is an international accordion festival. It has been taking place every year in October in the city of Rennes and other different cities of the Ille-et-Vilaine department (French Brittany) since 1996. It is now one of the most important festival dedicated to the instrument. About 15 000 people attend to the festival each year, in 30 to 40 venues, mainly about 120 people venues and about 5 venues around 500 people. The purpose of the festival is to show the modernity and the diversity of accordion (and harmonica in modern style of music such as electronic, punk, rock, experimental... So we already invited some of the most important artists from all over the world representing different styles of music (Brasil, Canada, Argentina, Madagascar, Finland, etc…) but also young promising artists from France and other countries. |
New Book: “Accordion Stories from the Heart” by Paul Ramunni - USAby Rita Davidson Barnea |
![]() Author Paul Ramunni shares: “The intention in creating this book was to make it a pleasurable, as well as an educational, viewing experience. But in the collecting of the many pictures, stories and in the production of the work itself, something quite unexpected happened. As you read through the stories and see the various pictures of accordions, a composite mental picture may begin to immerge for you. It is the simple image of an accordionist offering their personal gift of music to the listener(s). This representative picture of how accordion players connected and created lasting relationships with other people is a hallmark of the accordion experience. They offered people their friendship in the form of a musically created greeting card, if you will, one that was personally built and delivered by the player. As a grandparent these days, I am especially touched when my two beautiful grandsons create or build something themselves and offer it as a gift to me. They make that gift just for me and no one else, and so it becomes very special. As it turns out, that is how many accordion players from the past, and even today, create and deliver their musical gifts to people. It has the effect of bringing folks together and helping relationships grow deeper and stronger. In a sense, it can have the effect of building a bridge between people that, under ordinary circumstances, may have never occurred. It offers a starting point from which a mutually reciprocal relationship can develop and grow. As of this writing, this is something our society seems to need in great quantities these days. Our country is deeply divided on many social and governing issues. But then again this is not something so new. This was the case often enough in the last 200 plus years of our American history, which coincidentally is at least how long the accordion has been around. I truly believe that during this period, the accordion helped many people come together through the tough times in their lives. Its musical message brought a sense of healing, happiness and unity. I also believe it can continue to do so as we move deeper into the 21st century. I hope we will let it continue to deliver its magic.” You can order the book from the Amazon website. For further information: Paul Ramunni by phone: 860-833-1374 Email: ramunni@comcast.net Paul Ramunni grew up on Long Island, New York in the 1950’s and 60’s. He graduated from Fairfield University with a bachelor’s degree in Economics in 1970. He went on to earn a Masters Degree in Economics from Fordham University and eventually a second Masters Degree in Accounting from Long Island University in 1976. In 1978 he became a Certified Public Accountant and started his own public accounting firm in 1982, of which he is still a partner. It was in 2008 when Paul suddenly (and inexplicably) had the urge to start playing the accordion again. He had taken lessons and played in an accordion band from when he was 10 years old to age 17, but had not touched the accordion since those early days. Once the “bug to play” re-entered his life, he started hunting for old and collectible accordions. He contacted the Cleveland Accordion Museum and purchased a large portion of their collection and continued to find more units at tag sales and other locations. He then set up “The New England Accordion Connection and Museum Co.” which is currently attached to his home in Canaan, Conn. |
Roberto Lucanero - Italyby Diatonic News |
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Accordion Babes 2019 Pin-Up Calendar and CD - USAby Rita Davidson Barnea |
![]() What is the Accordion Babes Pin-Up Calendar about? Why does it exist? Excerpts from their website: The Accordion Babes Pin-Up Calendar is the brainchild of Renée de la Prada, who was working as a street performer, professional Irish musician and accordion repair technician in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2008 when the first Accordion Babes calendar was produced. Through her job at Smythe’s Accordion Center, and through her gigs with the celtic band Culann’s Hounds, Renée got to meet hundreds of accordionists who travelled through California. One day, she was invited to do a photoshoot in the San Francisco Mission district by photographer Keith Brown. The resulting photos featured her accordion prominently, and they were sexy and raw and rebellious, very different from the accordion’s reputation as an instrument which is only for grandpas. That’s when the wheels started turning in her head. There was no place to publish these accordion photos, but there should be… wouldn’t it be great if someone published a pin-up calendar with sexy accordion photos? Wouldn’t it be an amazing vehicle for promoting indie artists, if it also came with a compilation CD? Renée kept this idea in the back of her mind and handed out her business card to dozens of female accordion players whom she met at gigs and at Smythe’s Accordion Center. When she earned the interest of two phenomenal artists, Big Lou the Accordion Princess and Isabel Douglass, she decided to go for it. Who wouldn’t want to be in a calendar with their heroes? Smythe’s Accordion Center agreed to put up some money for an ad in the calendar… and that started a whole path of creating ad spaces, to pay for the print run with sponsorships. The first editions of the calendar relied heavily on the go-getter nature of all the Accordion Babes, who had to promise to distribute 50 copies, and sell advertising to be participants. Today it’s a little different, the print run is funded with crowdsourcing and pre-sale orders. Have a look at the link below and if you like it, please help share the link to the indiegogo campaign so enough Money can be raised to print the calendar. You can also pre-order it here, or preview the other hot accordion photos.... about 300 pre-orders is all what is needed: https://igg.me/at/accordionbabes2019/x/9730983 If you have any questions about the 2018 Calendar’s shipping, or about wholesale orders and price breaks, or for updates and general inquiries: editor@accordionpinupcalendar.com |
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
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Online translation |
Trekharmonika WandelWeekend - Netherlandsby Diatonic News |
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TWW De Alde Faenen, en 5-7 oktober 2018 Begin oktober organiseren Mark Söhngen en Hilbert Post voor de 10e keer (!) een TrekharmonikaWandelWeekend. We gaan, zoals de naam al zegt, een weekendje trekharmonika spelen en wandelen, deze keer in het prachtige natuurgebied de Alde Faenen in hartje Friesland. Aankomst vrijdag vanaf 17.00 uur (diner), einde zondag 16.00 uur. Omdat het weekeinde dezelfde dag vol zat, een extra weekeinde gepland van 5-7 oktober 2018! De workshop Mark geeft de trekharmonikaworkshop. We kiezen een paar mooie, gevoelige, sensuele, vrolijke en swingende melodieën uit het rijke repertoire waaruit we als trekharmonikaspeler kunnen kiezen, van middeleeuwen via blues en balfolk tot popmuziek aan toe. En dan gaan we eens goed bekijken hoe het stuk in elkaar zit: struktuur, akkoordenschema, en hoe we dat het mooist kunnen spelen: vingerzetting, balgvoering, dynamiek, hoe krijg je er de swing in of laat je het juist heel droevig klinken? De wandelingen Hiilbert begeleidt 2 wandelingen van zo’n 2 uur, die zullen gaan door de prachtige natuurgebieden de Jan Durkspolder en door Reid om e Krite, een vogelrijk gebied. Het wandeltempo wordt afgestemd op de groep. Hilbert is een ervaren wandelaar en speelt ook trekharmonika. Bovendien is hij een fantastische kok en zorgt dus voor alle maaltijden. http://hilberthelpt.nl/trekharmonika-wandelweekeinde |
23° Campionato Mondiale dell’Organetto di San Giovanni Rotondo - Italiaby Diatonic News |
![]() Pietro Infantino, 27enne di Montesano sulla Marcellana ha conquistato il 1° posto nella categoria senior con un ex aequo insieme a Manolo Del Sonno da Roma. Un Festival ormai diventato consuetudine nella roccaforte pugliese che punta a riscoprire e valorizzare gli antichi suoni della tradizione: ben 200 i partecipanti e una giuria composta da 5 musicisti di fama mondiale arrivati anche dall’estero. La prova è consistita nell’esecuzione di due brani a scelta libera. Infantino suona l’organetto da quando aveva 10 anni, grazie alla passione per la musica trasmessa dai nonni. Nel 2014 ha vinto il Campionato Italiano di Organetto categoria Senior. Negli anni si è esibito in vari eventi in giro per l’Italia e all’estero. – Claudia Monaco – |
Samuraï 5/6 oct 2018 @ Le Grand Soufflet - FR/Worldwideby Diatonic News |
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Cinq icônes du diatonique Européen Comme les samuraï qui pratiquaient avec dévotion l’art de la guerre jusqu’à en devenir les maîtres incontestés, le groupe du même nom s’applique à pousser la musique dans ses retranchements. Inspirés par les guerriers japonais ancestraux, Riccardo Tesi, Kepa Junkera, Markku Lepistö, David Munelly et Simone Bottasso réinterprètent ce qu’est l’accordéon. Audacieux, ils sortent de la partition, proposent, expérimentent. Chacun avec son bagage, sa culture, ces cinq icônes du diatonique européen manient leurs instruments avec toujours plus d’agilité, subjuguant le public par leur art. ven. 05 octobre R. Tesi & S. Bottasso s’échappent de Samurai le temps d’un concert - 17h30 Les Champs Libres / Rennes sam. 06 octobre 17h15 Chapiteau Thabor / Rennes http://www.legrandsoufflet.fr/Samurai |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
Manchester Folk Festival - UKby Diatonic News |
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Manchester Folk Festival is an annual urban folk festival. It takes place over one autumn weekend, in and around HOME in Manchester city centre. Over one autumn weekend we present an exhilarating range of events, with the spotlight on English folk. The whole festival takes place in one area of the city, across several top quality venues. They're all within a few minutes' walk from each other. This is a festival of discovery. We roots firmly in the traditions of the past, and eyes on the future. The festival will not only bring some of the biggest names in folk to Manchester, but introduce you to your future favourites. Contemporary folk straddles genres, embraces different cultures and absorbs new influences. Manchester Folk Festival's aim is to profile the incredible range of great music that is described as folk and bring you the best of the current scene. Now in its second year, a diverse programme filled with live music, workshops and conversations across the festival weekend. It's a chance to slow down, connect with friends, listen to music, make discoveries. https://www.manchesterfolkfestival.org.uk/ |
Fürstenecker Akkordeonale-Workshops / Germanyby Diatonic News |
![]() Bereits zum zehnten Mal geht Servais Haanen 2018 mit seinem internationalen Festival „Akkordeonale“ auf Tournee (www.akkordeonale.de). Zum achten Mal bietet BURG FÜRSTENECK in Kooperation mit ihm Workshops aus dieser wunderbaren Welt an. Geleitet werden die Workshops auch in diesem Jahr von einem großartigen Team. Jede/r Musiker/in hat einen ganz eigenen Zugang zum Akkordeon. So kommen diverse Instrumententypen der Akkordeon-Familie und unterschiedlichste musikalische Einflüsse zum Einsatz. Wer die Vielfalt der Akkordeonmusik nicht nur hören, sondern selbst spielen möchte, sollte sich diese Gelegenheit nicht entgehen lassen! https://www.burg-fuersteneck.de/kursprogramm/folk_bordunmusik/akkordeonale_workshops/18-35201/ Anmeldung https://www.burg-fuersteneck.de/kursprogramm/folk_bordunmusik/akkordeonale_workshops/18-35201/anmelden/ |
2018 Portal Irish Music Week (PIMW) - Irelandby Diatonic News |
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Portal Irish Music Week 2018. Portal, Arizona. Oct. 4 thru 8, 2018. Travel days are October 3rd and 9th. NOT your average music camp, Portal is a unique combination of intensive, quality time with world-class instructors AND a relaxing retreat in one of the most beautiful and ecologically diverse places on Earth. Classes emphasize immersion in the music with expert mentoring on technique, style, and musical expression. Small class sizes foster a personal rapport with each instructor. Nightly scheduled sessions and plenty of opportunities for impromptu sessions throughout the week mean you can play as much music as your fingers can stand. https://portalmusicweek.com/ |
Workshops/Nov 2018 Trekharmonica’s Amsterdam - Netherlandsby Diatonic News |
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Data en tijden cursussen/workshops vanaf november 2018 Trekharmonica’s Amsterdam (THA) organiseert vanaf november 2018 de volgende activiteiten: Workshop Swingend balfolk, docent Auke Eringa op zondag 4 november 2018. Beginnerscursus, docent Jos Lambregts, 6 lessen vanaf maandag 5 november 2018. Begonnerscursus, docent Jos Lambregts, 6 lessen vanaf dinsdag 13 november 2018. Workshops Remco Sietsema vanaf januari 2019. http://www.trekharmonica-adam.nl/ |
South Louisiana Black Pot Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
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The South Louisiana Black Pot Festival & Cookoff is one of the most unique festivals in Louisiana. Held annually at Lafayette’s Acadian Village, the festival celebrates its 13th year this October with two days of great music, dancing, food, camping & jamming. The festival is a cooperative of south Louisiana musicians, artists and southern culture enthusiasts, creating an unprecedented gathering of south Louisiana’s hottest roots bands, as well as a number of groups from all over the country. Live performances range from Cajun & Zydeco, to Creole, Swing, Hot Jazz, Blues, Bluegrass, Americana, Irish & Old-Time. Plus, an old-fashioned black pot cook-off, accordion contest, called square dancing, and ample camping space for tents & RV’s Info: http://blackpotfestival.com/ https://www.blackpotfestival.com/music |
SOIREE DE CLOTURE du le Grand Soufflet - France/worldwideby Diatonic News |
![]() 13/10/2018 - 20:00 à 23:00 Espace Beausoleil Allée de la mine - 35131 PONT PEAN http://www.legrandsoufflet.fr/Bitori |
Mundharmonika-Workshop für Fortgeschrittene - Trossingen/DEby Diatonic News |
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Sa 17.11.2018 09.00 – 12.00 und 14.00 – 17.30 Uhr So 18.11.2018 09.00 – 12.30 Uhr Anmeldeschluss: (Fr) 26.10.2018 Workshop für Fortgeschrittene auf der chrom. Mundharmonika, Bass- und Akkordmundharmonika Dozententeam: Mundharmonikaquartett „Harmonicamento“: Brigitte Burgbacher/Kathrin Gass/Birgit Käfer/Gerhard Müller (Anzahl der Dozenten richtet sich nach der Teilnehmerzahl) Voraussetzungen: Bitte bringen Sie Ihren eigenen Notenständer mit. Für dieses Seminar werden gute spielerische Vorkenntnisse vorausgesetzt. Thema: Hier werden Sie in verschiedenen Gruppen Atem- und Spieltechnik, sowie Tongestaltung und Artikulation erlernen. Beim Ausbau der musikalischen Gestaltungsmöglichkeit werden Sie neue Möglichkeiten und neue Stücke für die chromatische Mundharmonika kennenlernen. Literatur: Stücke in # und b Tonarten, Etüden https://www.hohner-konservatorium.de/produkt/workshop-fuer-fortgeschrittene-auf-der-chrom-mundharmonika-bass-und-akkordmundharmonika/ |
Shetland Accordion & Fiddle FESTIVAL 2018 - UKby Diatonic News |
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THURSDAY 11 OCTOBER - MONDAY 15 OCTOBER 2018 The Shetland Accordion and Fiddle Club promotes the best in traditional Shetland music, holding events throughout the year, as well as the annual Shetland Accordion & Fiddle Festival (SAFF). https://www.shetlandaccordionandfiddle.com/ |
2018 The 'American Cajun, Blues & Zydeco Festival' - DEby Diatonic News |
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2018 The 'American Cajun, Blues & Zydeco Festival' will be on tour from October 22nd - November 4th 2018 2018 Grammy Nominee 'Dwayne Dopsie and the Zydeco Hellraisers' will perform at the Festival with his six-piece band. And Roddie Romero will be back. His performance with Yvette Landry and Beau Thomas in 2017 was so succesful that he'll return as 'Roddie Romero feat. Lee Allen Zeno and Jermaine Prejean'. Lee Allen Zeno is the famed bassplayer for Buckwheat Zydeco and Jermaine Prejean is Roddie's drummer in the 'Hub City All Stars'. Roddie is a three times Grammy Nominee. And Blues á Bébé is a tribute from well known Cajunfiddler Johannes Epremian to his Louisiana Cajunfiddler heros Dewey Balfay, Canray Fontenot and Dennis McGhee. Since 2001 the festival is on the road and 2018 it will tour throughout Germany to bring authentic music from Louisiana to the fans and friends of Cajun, Blues and Zydeco. The festival honors these particular genres from Louisiana with artists from USA and Europe. Over the last few years a new sound has been gaining momentum here in Europe. More and more bands have been visiting these shores bringing a new sound from over the atlantic ocean. This music is using familiar instruments like guitars, accordions and fiddles played in a way that is fresh and vibrant. Its home is in swamps and prairies of Southwest Louisiana but bands from over the seas are finding a warm welcome in clubs and festivals 3000 miles away from their roots. The music isn’t new of course, its traditions are centuries old but to many people here in Europe it comes like a breath of fresh air. With its driving beat, hearfelt emotions, and trance like melodies it strikes a chord with 21st century ears. http://www.americancajunfestival.com/cms/index.php/en/ |
Workshop Swingend balfolk/Auke Eringa - Hollandby Diatonic News |
![]() Lesblokken: 11-12.30 uur; 13-14.30 uur en 15-16 uur. Niveau: gevorderd, ritmisch uitdagend, enige kennis van akkoorden met rechts is wenselijk. Stemming instrument: C/F Inhoud: We gaan aan de gang met een mooi scottishe-achtig nummer van de Noorse componiste Ingunn Bjørgo: ‘Askerladd på Aveie’. De meeste balfolkmuziek bestaat uit een A-deel en een B-deel (beide van 8-maten) met een niet te moeilijke melodie die snel in je hoofd blijft zitten. Gelukkig geeft juist die eenvoud van structuur kansen om de muziek interessanter en uitdagender te maken. In deze workshop behandelt Auke vijf krachtige manieren om dat te doen: swingende ritmische accenten leggen met akkoorden in de rechterhand; een improvisatie spelen (waar je geen conservatoriumopleiding voor nodig hebt); verschuivingen in de harmonische horizon aanbrengen door middel van akkoordsubstituties; tweede en derde stemmen toevoegen; en vooral: adempauzes inbouwen. We zullen onze tijd hard nodig hebben om al deze aspecten toe te passen en daarom beperken we ons op deze dag tot één melodie. Docent: Auke Eringa speelt en doceert trekharmonica, maar ook onder meer accordeon, banjo, mondharmonica, ukelele en bouzouki. Hij is goed thuis in de balkfolk, klezmer, chansons, kinderliedjes en popliedjes. Auke treedt vaak op met de band Sidaro (klezmer- en gypsymuziek) op feesten en evenementen. Met duo de Akoestini’s brengt hij vrolijke liedjesprogramma’s voor volwassenen en kinderen. http://www.trekharmonica-adam.nl/show.asp?pagina=70&submenu=5 |
Beginnerscursus trekharmonica spelen/Jos Lambregts - Hollandby Diatonic News |
![]() Tijd: 19-21 uur. Niveau: beginners. Stemming instrument: C/F nhoud: Wilt u graag trekharmonica leren spelen? In deze beginnerscursus van zes lessen leert u uw instrument kennen en eenvoudige melodieën spelen. U leert een melodie spelen op gehoor en met behulp van bladmuziek. U hebt voor dit instrument geen muzikale kennis of ervaring nodig en ook zonder speciaal talent speelt u al snel een deuntje. Toch vraagt ook de trekharmonica doorzettingsvermogen en tijd. Vooral de coördinatie van de rechterhand, die een melodie speelt, en de linkerhand, die de ritmebox bedient, is niet voor iedereen gemakkelijk. Docent: Jos Lambregts is een enthousiaste trekharmonicaspeelster die van meerdere genres houdt, waaronder Nederlands, Frans en Italiaans. Ze speelt al lange tijd mee met Gezelschap Goet ende Fyn. Bij Jos komt speelplezier op de eerste plaats. Meer informatie: info@trekharmonica-adam.nl http://www.trekharmonica-adam.nl/show.asp?pagina=70&submenu=5 |
Corsi di Perfezionamenti con Alessandro Gaudio - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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con Alessandro Gaudio |
Harmonica Masters Workshops - DEby Diatonic News |
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Trossingen, 31. Oktober. – 04. November 2018 Die Harmonica Masters Workshops wurden 2003 von Steve Baker initiiert, in Zusammenarbeit mit der Stadt Trossingen und der Hohner Musikinstrumente GmbH. Nun unter der Leitung vom Hohner Konservatorium, die No.1 Bildungsveranstaltung für Blues-Mundharmonika in Europa startet Ende Oktober zum 12. Mal auf dem neuen Campus im historischen Herz von Trossingen, dem komplett renovierten ehemaligen Hohner Fabrikgelände. https://www.hohner-konservatorium.de/festivals/ |
Future events / Concerts |
Sharon Shannon concert - FR/Rennesby Diatonic News |
![]() Inhabited by an incredible talent and passion of the music, her style was influences over the many years that she shared on stage with a sensitivity and a conviction by the audience. Sharon Shannon combines and has become her greatest talent. 03/10/2018 - 21:00 à 23:00 Rennes - Chapiteau Parc du Thabor - 35000 RENNES http://www.legrandsoufflet.fr/Sharon-Shannon |
Victor Hugo Villena Tour - Argentinaby Diatonic News |
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Rap choc et accordéon chic - Rennes/Franceby Diatonic News |
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Un rappeur du Blosne aux textes coup de poing, une accordéoniste fidèle à la tradition bretonne. Deux univers qui semblent s’opposer, et qui s’harmonisent pourtant de manière saisissante. Pour une création spéciale Grand Soufflet, ABD et son flow millimétré et Morgane Labbe, habituée à expérimenter la musicalité sous toutes ses formes, s’associent pour un moment de live qui s’annonce intense. Un duo improbable qui montre que la musique ne connaît pas de limites ! Entrée libre ven. 12 octobre - 20h Carrefour 18 / Rennes http://www.legrandsoufflet.fr/ABD-et-Morgane-labbe |
Kungsbacka Dragspelsgala - Swedenby Diatonic News |
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CAROLINE KEANE & FIONA BLACK TRIO - France/Ireland/Scotlandby Diatonic News |
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Le charme de l’accordéon d’Irlande et d’Ecosse Tout commence à l’université de Limerick, Irlande. Caroline Keane, joueuse de concertina issue des campagnes irlandaises, et Fiona Black, accordéoniste originaire des Highlands, se lient d’une amitié profonde qui se transforme en symbiose artistique. Viscéralement attachées à la musique, elles déversent leurs nobles émotions dans des mélodies touchantes et sensibles. Avec le guitariste Marty Barry, le trio créatif importe en Ille-et-Vilaine les traditions musicales de ses contrées natives CAROLINE KEANE & FIONA BLACK TRIO - EANCE 05/10/2018 - 20:30 à 23:00 Salle socioculturelle rue Saint Anne - 35640 EANCE http://www.legrandsoufflet.fr/Caroline-Keane-Fiona-Black |
Stevan Vincendeau & Willy Pichard DUO - PARCE/FRby Diatonic News |
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Duo vielle à roue et accordéon Duo à la technique irréprochable, Stevan Vincendeau et Willy Pichard sont en parfaite symbiose. Le bourdonnement furieux de la vielle se frotte au soufflet de l’accordéon pendant que les mélodies rivalisent de dextérité. Valses entêtantes, mélodies inspirées et improvisations renversantes s’enchaînent avec splendeur et fluidité, loin des poncifs de la musique bretonne qui les a nourris. Les deux compères incarnent ici à merveille une tradition revigorée que l’on a toujours plaisir à entendre au Grand Soufflet DUO PICHARD VINCENDEAU - PARCE 07/10/2018 - 16:00 à 18:00 La Granjagoul 2ter rue de la Bascule - 35210 PARCE http://www.legrandsoufflet.fr/Duo-Pichard-Vincendeau |
Melrose Quartet @ Manchester Folk Festival - UKby Diatonic News |
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Thursday 18 October, 7.30pm - HOME, Theatre 2 Melrose Quartet are truly an all-round folk act, with both tight a capella harmony and energy-packed instrumentals. They comprise leading English musicians Nancy Kerr (2015 BBC Folk Singer of the Year), James Fagan, Jess Arrowsmith and Richard Arrowsmith with twin fiddles, guitar and bouzouki, melodeon and four strong voices. In concert, Melrose Quartet perform a diverse repertoire – carousing chorus songs, lively dance tunes, ancient stories and modern pieces written in celebration of everything from weddings to issues that affect all of our 21st century lives. This is music for everybody. From deep roots in their hometown’s vibrant music, song and dance scene, to smashing concert appearances in the UK and abroad, Sheffield-based Melrose Quartet have attracted a reputation for making music that truly connects with people. melrosequartet.co.uk https://www.manchesterfolkfestival.org.uk/melrose-quartet |
Wiener Matinee - Netherlandsby Diatonic News |
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Sunday - 14/10/2018 from 14:00 - 17:00 h at: Brasserie D'r Fainsjmekker Markt 42, 6461 ED Kerkrade/Netherlands |
Fiesta Latino caribéenne - FR/PONT PEANby Diatonic News |
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SOIREE DE CLOTURE : KOSMO PILOT / LA TIPICA FRANCESA / BITORI 13/10/2018 - 20:00 à 23:00 Espace Beausoleil Allée de la mine - 35131 PONT PEAN Merengue de Santo-Domingo, cumbia de Colombie ou bomba de Puerto-Rico... Tout ce qui se bat et se danse chaloupé forme le répertoire brûlant de la Tipica Francesa. Ces quatre compères ont décidé de s’attaquer à la face la plus joyeuse de l’édifice musical latino-caribéen et le résultat s’écoute nécessairement sourire aux lèvres ! Chanté en espagnol et sur fond d’accordéon, de contrebasse et de percussions, voici un bal aux allures de carnaval, un instant de liesses propre aux traditions des pays ensoleillés... une injonction à déhancher les corps, à faire claquer les talons et tourbillonner les jupes ! http://www.legrandsoufflet.fr/La-Tipica-Francesa |
RENATO BORGHETTI in October 2018 - Austria/Switzerlandby Diatonic News |
![]() RENATO BORGHETTI & YAMANDU COSTA 20/10/19 Wien Konzerthaus Austria Information: http://www.cultureworks.at/on-tour/ |
LANKUM / THE CELTIC SOCIAL CLUB - Franceby Diatonic News |
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05/10/2018 - 20:30 à 23:00 Rennes - Chapiteau Parc du Thabor - 35000 RENNES Au son du uilleann pipe, du concertina ou de l’accordéon, du violon et de la guitare, Lankum joue habilement avec une tradition folk dublinoise vieille de 300 ans. Le sourire aux lèvres et les pieds battant furieusement la mesure, les quatre musiciens passent avec fluidité d’airs dansants aux ballades mélancoliques auxquelles les harmonies de voix confèrent une puissance impressionnante. Inspirés par The Dubliners, The Watersons, ou les Pogues pour l’énergie, Lankum rend hommage à de célèbres travellers irlandais, insufflant une bonne dose de modernité dans la tradition. http://www.legrandsoufflet.fr/Lankum |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
Ramiro Boero presenta “Acontece” / Ciclo Bandoneomanía - Argentinaby Diatonic News |
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Ramiro Boero (Bandoneón) Guest musicians: Cristian Asato (Piano) Pablo Motta (Double bass) "Acontece" is a tango record, but it is also a declaration of my love for bandoneon and Brazilian music. As a child, Ramiro Boero lived his life between Buenos Aires and Curitiba. This recording is a vital synthesis: it includes 10 solo bandoneon versions of compositions by Gismonti, Cartola, Jobim, Camargo Mariano, among others. Boero is part in typical tango orchestras and groups and is the author of "God Hoy", the piece that closes the disc, dedicated to Amilton Godoy of the Zimbo Trio. Price $ 250 online / $ 280 including postage http://cafevinilo.com.ar/event/ramiro-boero-presenta-acontece/ |
"Lügen haben schöne Beine" von Hansi Berger - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() Mit dem brandneuen - seinem 2. Solo Album - begeht der sympathische Vollblutmusiker neue Wege und präsentiert sich stärker denn je! Von schwungvollen Liedern zum Mitklatschen, über einfühlsame Balladen bis hin zu einem Stimmungsmedley… hier ist einfach alles dabei. Bodenständige Instrumente treffen moderne Elemente! Ein abwechslungsreiches Album – perfekt arrangiert und produziert! Raffinierte Texte eingebettet in Ohrwurmmelodien… und ein Stimme mit hohem Wiedererkennungswert! Das sind die Zutaten für ein Hitalbum, das wohl jeden anspricht! Zu bestellen bei: https://www.hansi-berger.de/ |
FRUTAL, el nuevo disco de Trío MJC - Argentinaby Diatonic News |
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Composed by Jorge Martínez on piano, Pablo Jaurena in bandoneon and Mauro Ciavattini in winds, the MJC Trio debuted in 2006 at the Cosquín National Folklore Festival after winning the Pre Cosquin contest. With their personal musical vision they transpose a wide spectrum that goes from the tango to the Argentine folklore, with influences of the jazz and the classical music. The nature of their music has made it possible for them to perform in theaters, auditoriums, festivals and clubs; In areas of folk music, tango, classical music and jazz; And work with singers, musicians, dancers, ballets, orchestras and choirs. In ten years of music, they have toured the most important stages of Argentina and various countries in America and Europe. They are creators of a symphonic project, with their own works and orchestrations led to the solo trio format and symphonic band, giving concerts in Spain, Brazil, Colombia and Argentina. In 2007 they independently release their first album titled "Arreglos". https://www.triomjc.com/ |
Accordion TV/Film/Radio |
TV-Live "Steirischer Harmonikawettbewerb" - Austriaby Diatonic News |
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20. Oktober live TV - Finale in Lannach "Steirischer Harmonikawettbewerb" |
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