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Diatonic News - Sep-2011
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Voci Armoniche


Events Calendar/Yellow Pages - CYBERSPACE
Accordion museum at Karlssons Musik - Sweden
Giuglielmi Brothers e Pino DiModugno al Festival di Castelfidardo - Italia
Carrfour Mondial de l'Accordéon - Canada
Diatonic Accordion Festival - Brazil
September Highlights of Alex Meixner - USA
Antti Paalanen plays at Womex - Denmark/Finland
Concert DUO Bandini/Chiacchiaretta in Sejong – Corea
TV-Sendung " MEI LIABSTE WEIS" MIT FRANZ POSCH - Südtirol/Italien/Austria
36th Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica di Castelfidardo - Italy
2011 Trophée Mondial International Competition Now Includes Diatonic Categories - Italy

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Lorenzo Morales Dies At 97 - Columbia
16th Annual Sebastopol Cajun-Zydeco Festival - USA
12th Portsmouth Maritime Folk Festival - USA
IV Strumenti & Musica Festival, Spoleto - Italy
3rd Annual Big Squeeze in Costa Mesa, California - USA
9. Irish Folk auf Fürsteneck - Deutschland
Weinfest - "Sturm auf den Schilcher“ - Steiermark/Austria
14th Annual Rhythm & Roots, Ninigret Park, Charlestown RI - USA

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Paolo Russo / Jazzhus Montmartre - Copenhagen/Denmark
"Lemonbeer" di Limone Piemonte - Italia
Tanguedia Quintet & Sinfonietta Lentua - Finland
Toirano “Celtic Nights” - Italia
‘Accordion Hallucinations’ Concert, Vancouver – Canada
Rhythm & Roots Festival, Rhode Island – USA
Button Box Gathering 2011, Scotland - UK
Notte del saltarello 5 edizione/ Bassiano - Latina / Italia
Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi Features XV Accordion Week - Portugal
‘Thinking Outside the Squeezebox’ Symposium, Iowa – USA
19.Europafest/Welttag des Kindes/Donaupromenade - Vienna/Austria
Wayne Toups & ZyDeCajun Band Gigs - USA
Dervish Concerts - Belgium,USA, UK, Finland, Ireland, Holland
Le Vent du Nord - Canada
John Kirkpatrick @ The Potteries Folk Club, Staffordshire – UK

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Lepistö & Lehti release Radio Moskova - Finland
Norske Drag CD by Jon Faukstad Available Online - Norway

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

Events Calendar/Yellow Pages - CYBERSPACE

by Harley Jones
All concert, competition and festival organizers are reminded to list their Future Events in our yellow pages website. Its free to list and you can do it yourself. You can also change and update your listing yourself as further information becomes available.

The accordion yellow pages Future Events calendar displays at the top right hand side of this Weekly News of accordions.com in all 7 languages plus other popular sites such as the USA News and the Diatonic News.

Huge numbers of readers every year view the accordion yellow pages Future Events, so all accordion event organizers are urged to take full advantage of this free service to keep the accordion community informed.

Alle Akkordeon-Konzert sowie Wettbewerbs- und Festival-Organiatoren möchten wir daran erinnern, alle bevorstehenden Veranstaltungen in den aktuellen Akkordeon-Gelben Seiten, www.accordion-yellowpages.com Webseite einzutragen. Alle Einträge sind kostenfrei und können direkt online selbst auf die Seite gestellt und aktualisiert werden. Bereits bestehende Informationen sollten auf ihre Richtigkeit und Gültigkeit geprüft werden

Alle Veranstaltungen sind in unseren Eventkalender ersichtlich und dies auf allen unseren 7 übersetzten Sprachen. Der Event-Kalender ist gelb und auf der rechten Seite/oben auf unseren verschiedenen Seiten zu finden. Dies inkludiert unsere USA Nachrichten Edition accordions.com und das neue Portal, das den diatonischen Instrumenten gewidmet ist - diatonische-news.com

Eine große Anzahl von Lesern konsultieren täglich, wöchtenlich, monatlich, jährlich unsere Akkordeon-Yellow Pages Future Events Seiten. Nützen Sie diese Gelegenheit – es ist ein kostenloses kostenlosen Service für die Akkordeon Gemeinschaft.

Tutti gli organizzatori di concerti, concorsi e festival devono ricordarsi di inserire i loro eventi futuri nel sito Accordion-YellowPages.com.

La segnalazione è gratis e potete farlo autonomamente. Potete cambiare e aggiornare il vostro annuncio da soli e far rendere l'informazione disponibile.

La voce Eventi Futuri si trova in alto sul lato destro delle notizie di accordions.com in 7 lingue più altri siti come accordionsusa.com e diatonic-news.com.

Un enorme numero di lettori visiona le pagine di Accordion Yellow Pages Future Events ogni anno, così prende tutto il vantaggio di questo servizio gratis per la comunità fisarmonicistica.

Tous les organisateurs de concerts, de festivals et de concours sont rapplelé d'insérer leurs événements à venir sur le calendrier du site Accordéon-YellowPages.com.

L'insertion est gratuite et vous pouvez le faire individuellement. Vous pouvez modifier et mettre à jour votre annonce par vous-même et de rendre l'information disponible.

Le calendrier des Événements à venir est sur le côté supérieur à droit des nouvelles hebdomadaire en 7 langues du accordions.com et que accordionsusa.com et diatonique-news.com.

Un grand nombre de lecteurs consultes les pages jaune de l'Accordéon pages chaque jour et année est surtous l’ événements futures, profiter pleinement de ce service gratuit pour la communauté des accordéonistes.

Sounding Out the Accordion

Accordion museum at Karlssons Musik - Sweden

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
The accordion museum at Karlssons Musik is quite unique. It contains over 200 different historic accordions of different types from many different countries. Most of them are from Sweden, Germany, Italy and USA. Many of the old ones are also diatonic instruments.

This unique collection belongs to Ingvar Karlsson, the founder of Karlssons Musik (est 1970).
The museum also contains accordions from famous artists, old pictures of accordion stars, old posters, old records and other "accordion memorabilia".

Every year a lot of people visit the museum attached to Karlssons Musik shop which is probably the biggest in Sweden being some 350 m2 of accordions and accordion products.

In May 2011, a new part of the accordion museum was opened and at the opening ceremony there were many visitors and also had some well known accordionists performing: Jörgen Sundeqvist, Pierre Eriksson, Alf Hågedal and Kallis Bengtsson.

Visit the museum free of charge. Ordinary visitors are welcome at any time during shop opening hours and larger groups are asked to please schedule a time so they can receive assistance.

For more information: www.karlssonsmusik.se


Giuglielmi Brothers e Pino DiModugno al Festival di Castelfidardo - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Voci Armoniche

Carrfour Mondial de l'Accordéon - Canada

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Friedrich Lips Book

Diatonic Accordion Festival - Brazil

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Zé Calixto, Luizinho Calixto, Renato Borghetti, Oswaldinho do Acordeom, Arlindo dos 8 Baixos, Heleno dos 8 Baixos and Ivison were young and some of the artists who attended the event.

The city of Caruaru, considered the capital of Forro (musical style characteristic of the Brazilian Northeast), hosted the meeting of accomplished musicians and a new generation of musicians, all united by the desire to renew the Brazilian culture. Amid much excitement and full of memorable performances, the "Encontro dos 8 Baixos " handled the city on 18 and 19 August.

The hallmark of this inaugural event in Brazil was promoted recovery and rescue of the Diatonic Accordion, through the formation of new generations of accordion players and also new audiences - who were increasingly distant from the instrument.

Famous musicians such as Zé Calixto, the biggest name in the diatonic accordion in Brazil, and Luizinho Calixto, Renato Borghetti, Oswaldinho do Acordeom, Arlindo dos 8 Baixos and Heleno dos 8 Baixos attended the event, promoting a rich exchange of experience and two Master Classes dividing a lively stage show, open to the public.


"Another important aspect of the event was to allow students the only School of Accordion 8 Low in Brazil, also based in Caruaru, contact with renowned artists, increasing the stimulus and inspiration to continue his learning the instrument," says João Bento, founder school and one of the supporters of the event. Ivison Santos, one of the revelations of the school, which already have on your resume performances in Brazil and Germany, came on stage and performed alongside the great masters.
"The event received wide media attention and specialized regional and vehicles brought results far above expectations in terms of disclosure. Moreover, consistently contributed to the movement we're building for that talent and knowledge of great musicians are transmitted to new generations, "adds João Bento.
The Festival of this system was carried out by ACÁCIA - Advertising and Marketing, ACESSO - Promotions and Events, was supported by the Foundation of Culture and Tourism of Caruaru and was sponsored by Pepsi, AmBev, and the Ministry of Culture of Brazil.

Information: www.escoladesanfonade8baixos.com.br
or Jo ã o Bento e-mail: joao_bs@uni.art.br

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

September Highlights of Alex Meixner - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Meixner’s formative musical studies were on piano and piano accordion, but he quickly branched out on drums, diatonic button accordion, bass and trumpet, his college major. This instrumental versatility is combined with a musical background that has included intense studies and performance of jazz, classical, pop, polkas and many ethnic folk music genres with some of the leading artists in the world. His talents in music and comedy were even featured on the Tonight Show on NBC in 2004. Most recently, his “Polka Freak Out” CD with Bubba Hernandez garnered a Grammy nomination in December, 2007.
His busy appearance schedule will bring him in September to:

Alex Meixner in Bridgeview, IL at Southside Oktoberfest at Toyota Park
09/03/11 - 09/05/11
Alex Meixner in Berea, OH at Cleveland Oktoberfest
Alex Meixner in Jersey City, NJ at Zeppelin Hall
Alex Meixner in New York, NY at Steuben Day Parade & Oktoberfest
Alex Meixner in Franklin Square, NY at PlattDuetsche Park
Alex Meixner in Park Slope (Brooklyn), NY at Barbe’s
Alex Meixner in Altoona, PA at St. Mary’s Oktoberfest
09/24/11 - 09/25/11
Alex Meixner in Adamstown, PA at Stoudt’s Brewery Oktoberfest

For further detailed information see: http://alexmeixner.com

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Antti Paalanen plays at Womex - Denmark/Finland

by Merja Hottinen / Fimic
Accordionist Antti Paalanen will play at the prestigious Womex showcase event, held in Copenhagen in October. The first fifteen of the confirmed showcase artists were announced on 23 June.

Also an expert on the traditional folk music repertoire, Paalanen's current solo project approaches the creative side of contemporary folk music. His most recent album Breathbox (Siba Records 2010) focuses strongly on experimental and minimalistic expression, and it was produced by the famed accordion wizard Kimmo Pohjonen himself.

The solo project is only one of Paalanen's current creative activities. He also plays with several groups, including Trepaanit and the award winning duo Turkka & Paalanen.

More information: http://www.fimic.fi/fimic
or e-mail: merja.hottinen@fimic.fi

Concert DUO Bandini/Chiacchiaretta in Sejong – Corea

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Giampaolo Bandini - Cesare Chiacchiaretta Duo, guitar and bandoneon, formed in 2002 pursuing the clear aim to propose Argentine music through the charm and magic of its most representative instruments.
Their first CD “Hombres de Tango” sold more than ten thousand copies and was greeted with great enthusiasm by the critics.
Invited by the most important festivals and theatres in the world, they have toured in Mexico, Romania, China, Poland, Slovakia, Austria, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Holland, Croatia, Russia, Slovenia, Turkey, the Czech Republic , Hungary and will be next performing in the theater of Sejong Cultural Center.( organized by the Seul Philharmonic in the Big Hall of 600 seats) on September 25th at 8 pm.

For further information see http://www.bandinichiacchiaretta.com or write to
cesaremagnum@hotmail.com or gia.bandini@gmail.com

Titano Accordions

TV-Sendung " MEI LIABSTE WEIS" MIT FRANZ POSCH - Südtirol/Italien/Austria

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Der beliebte Präsentator Franz Posch ist am 10. September 2011 um 20.15 Uhr im ORF 2 in einer Live-Übertragung aus dem Sixtussaal der Brauerei Forst in Südtirol zu sehen.
Versäumen Sie nicht diese einzigartige Gelegenheit der einzigen Übertragung aus dem deutschsprachigem Raum.

Accordion Jazz Chord


by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
September 23 - 25, 2011
September 23 Location: Central Lions Seniors Recreation Centre 11113-113 Street, Edmonton, Alberta

September 24 & 25 Location: South East Edmonton Seniors Centre (SEESA) 9350 - 82 Street, Edmonton, Alberta


Friday 7:30 PM OPENING NIGHT Variety Concert
Saturday 9:00 AM Competitions 9 - 12:00 PM
Trade Show - 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Craft Tables - 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Saturday 1:00 PM Open Stage 1 - 4 PM
Workshop 2 - 3 PM
Saturday 8:00 PM Dance - "LEN GADICA"
Sunday 9:00 AM Pancake Breakfast
Trade Show/Craft Tables - 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM Competitions Start
Sunday 1:00 PM Entertainment - to be finalized
Sunday 2:00 PM Competitions resume. Novelty Class. Open Championship is last event of the day

For All Diatonic Competitors:
Entries into this class must play a true diatonic accordion.
Each competitor will be required to play one selection of their own choice.
No age limit.

For More Festival Information email: accordion@gerl.ca

Gary Dahl Arrangements

36th Festival Internazionale della Fisarmonica di Castelfidardo - Italy

by Harley Jones
36th Castelfidardo Premio Concorso banner
Danilo Paolonicola and Peter Maric and Aleksandar NikolicThe 36th edition of the International Castelfidardo Accordion Festival will be held from 20th until 25th September 2011.

Diatonic accordion is well represented amongst the Festival performers.

Danilo Paolonicola’s (picture right) group Ethnic Project, Maurizio Rolli (electric bass), Roberto Desiderio (drums) and Gionni Di Clemente (guitar, oud, bouzuki) is performing for the Opening Concert at 9pm, 20th September. With them will be Andrea Tini, student of M° Danilo Di Paolonicola, who attends school “Voglia d’Arte” of Teramo and is graduating in diatonic accordion at the Conservatorio A. Casella of L’Aquila.

On 22 September is the Groups, Bands & Piazzola music competition and award evening.

On September 24th the Serbian Duo of Peter Maric (accordion) and Aleksandar Nikolic (bandoneon) will perform a concert, time not yet announced. Peter Maric, winner of Coupe Mondiale and Trophée Mondial classical and entertainment categories and Aleksandar Nikolic (bandoneon) Astor Piazzolla Music Award winner and leader of the highly regarded Beltango Quintet will perform a program titled "Buttons and Bellows, Finally Together" in reference to "After 15 years of collaboration, they finally meet each other on the concert stage" .....

24 September, the ensemble Banda Adriatica led by Claudio Prima, diatonic accordion player and vocalist of Salento, is a meeting of cultures and backgrounds under the theme of the Adriatic Sea region. This is a project band with 5 brass, percussion, female vocals, a cello led by the diatonic accordionist.

“Two Half Dogs” duo born from the encounter between Paolo Polverini (diatonic accordion) and Silvano Staffolani (guitar). They offer a wide repertoire of musical styles. Dates to be confirmed.

2011 Trophée Mondial International Competition Now Includes Diatonic Categories - Italy

by Harley Jones
CMA logo
The 61st Trophée Mondial organised by the Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon (CMA) is being held from 13th to 18th September in Pineto, Italy. For the first time, the CMA Trophée Mondial now includes two new categories for diatonic accordion.

The Variete Senior Diatonic category round 1 will run on Thursday 15th September evening and the round 2 on Friday 16th September evening. The full schedule is on the CMA website.

Junior Variety - Diatonic. (Maximum Age 18 years)
1 Round: Own Choice Program with maximum time limit of 8 mins to include at least two pieces of different style and character. The pieces chosen should be mainly original works for Diatonic accordion.

Senior Variety - Diatonic. (Maximum Age 35 years)
1st Round: Own Choice Program with maximum time limit of 9 mins.
2nd Round:Own Choice Program with maximum time limit of 9 mins.
Music performed in the second round must be different from those performed in the first round. The pieces chosen should be mainly original works for Diatonic accordion.

For further information view the CMA website or email CMA Administrator Anna Bodell, email: c.m.a@btinternet.com

Charnwood Music Publishing

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Voci Armoniche

Lorenzo Morales Dies At 97 - Columbia

by Harley Jones
Lorenzo Morales
Legendary Vallenato singer, composer, and musician Lorenzo Morales has died at the age of 97 early Friday morning, 26th August.

Morales, known as “Moralito,” died in hospital surrounded by his wife and 37 children in the early hours of Friday morning.

Having first achieved recognition for his accordion playing at the age of 17, Morales would go on to become famous for such songs as “La Gota Fria,” “El Errante,” “La Primavera,” and “La Carta y La Mala Situacion.”


16th Annual Sebastopol Cajun-Zydeco Festival - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
September 10 2011 - Cajun Food and Zydeco Music
11:30 am to 7:00 pm - gates open at 11:00 am
Special Guest appearance this year by Grammy Winner, the Queen of Zydeco - Queen Ida

The Zydeco Flames - 11:30am
Local favorites with a big following
One of the first bands to play our festival 16 years back!
The Sheryl Cormier Band - 1:20pm
Traditional Zydeco from this Veteran legend - A solid power house of a band!
Andre Thierry & Zydeco Magic - 3:10pm
The heir apparent - nuff said! A rockin' dancin' good time
Freeze Guillory & the Bon Temps Zydeco Band &
Grammy Winner, the Queen of Zydeco Queen Ida - 5:00pm
One of Zydeco music's Tip Top shows - The real deal Ya You right!

More Information: http://www.winecountrycajun.com/

12th Portsmouth Maritime Folk Festival - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Since the autumn of 2000, the Portsmouth Maritime Folk Festival has been held annually in Portsmouth, New Hampshire to celebrate the local and national heritage of seafaring and maritime trades by taking nautical songs and music to the pubs, cafés, churches and streets of this seacoast town. The festival is held on the last weekend in September, with free music in the streets all afternoon Sunday. The eleventh annual festival was very well-received and highly successful and the twelfth will be held Saturday, Sept. 24 and Sunday, Sept. 25, 2011.
For the third year in a row, Portsmouth’s Celtic Crossing gift shop has offered to sponsor the Saturday evening concert

Further Information: http://www.newenglandfolknetwork.org/pmff/

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

IV Strumenti & Musica Festival, Spoleto - Italy

by Harley Jones
Cuarteto del Angel led by Cesare Chiacchiaretta
Daily Reports of the 2011 Strumenti & Musica Festival are online.

The IV Strumenti & Musica Festival opened on the 21st August in Spoleto. From 10 am to midnight, the three main squares and streets were part of a multitude of events. In every street, corner and Piazza of Spoleto were musical groups performing.

A highlight of the Strumenti & Musica Festival was the big tango concert "Homage to Astor Piazzolla's" by the group Cuarteto del Angel led by Cesare Chiacchiaretta (bandoneon and accordion) with Paolo Angelucci (violin), Marco Colacioppo (piano) and Nicola Di Camillo (double bass).

On the final night, Cesare Chiacchiaretta from Abruzzo was awarded the “Astor Piazzolla” Prize by Strumenti & Musica and Aldo Pagani, Italian publisher and friend of the Astor Piazzolla. This was a richly-deserved recognition, for the widespread performances in many countries by Cesare Chiacchiaretta and the high level of his performances.

Daily Reports of the 2011 Strumenti & Musica Festival

3rd Annual Big Squeeze in Costa Mesa, California - USA

by Rita Davidson Barnea

Titano Accordions

9. Irish Folk auf Fürsteneck - Deutschland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
30. September bis 4. Oktober 2011

Irish Folk Ensemble
für alle Instrumente und Gesang Gudrun Walther

Im Ensemblekurs arbeiten wir wie eine Band. Anhand von ausgewählten Tunes und Songs üben und verfeinern wir das Zusammenspiel und erarbeiten Arrangements. Es werden aber auch die Basics wie Rhythmusübungen, Stimmbildung, etwas Harmonielehre (wie finde ich eine zweite Stimme, wie finde ich die richtigen Akkorde?) und Grundlagen der irischen Musik (Phrasierung, Verzierungen) behandelt.
Es sind alle Instrumente und Sänger/innen willkommen. Der Kurs richtet sich an Musiker, die bereits in Sessions, Bands oder Ensembles spielen oder gespielt haben. Auch bestehende Bands oder Ensembles, die das Arrangieren und Erarbeiten von neuen Stücken erlernen und vertiefen wollen, sind hier richtig. Voraussetzung ist ein fortgeschrittenes Spielniveau, so dass das Erlernen der neuen Tunes kein Problem darstellt, und wir relativ schnell auch in angemessenem Tempo spielen können. Notenkenntnis oder alternativ Erfahrung im Lernen von Stücken nach Gehör ist erforderlich.
Gudrun Walther, Neuhausen a.d.F., Musikerin (More Maids, Goût d¹hier, CARA, Deitsch), irische und europäische Folklore, unterrichtet Geige, diatonisches Akkordeon und Ensemble an Musikschulen und auf Workshops seit 1996.

Information http://www.burg-fuersteneck.de/kultur/006005/index.htm


Weinfest - "Sturm auf den Schilcher“ - Steiermark/Austria

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
(Weinfest) + 45 Jahre ALPENOBERKRAINER Bühnenjubiläum"

vom 23.-25.09.11, in A-8530 Deutschlandsberg
mit dabei sind:
Die Mooskirchner(A)
Osserwinkl Trio(D)
Denis Novato(I)
Bartl Gensbichler und seine Skilehrermusi(A) usw.,
Moderation: Ingo Rotter & Sepp Reich
Eintrittskartenvorverkauf www.oeticket.com
Info: Gerhard Hainzl - www.schilcherheimat.at

Voci Armoniche

14th Annual Rhythm & Roots, Ninigret Park, Charlestown RI - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Four stages of Americana, blues, Cajun, country, latin, swing, rockabilly and Zydeco. Public phone is 888-855-6940. Held every Labor Day weekend. Next event is September 2, 3 and 4, 2011.

For further information: http://www.mardigrasri.com/festivals-shows/

Future events / Concerts

Paolo Russo / Jazzhus Montmartre - Copenhagen/Denmark

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Concert at Jazzhus Montmartre - Copenhagen on the 8th of September

•Paolo Russo (piano and bandoneón / IT)
•Klaus Hovman (bass / DK)
•Niclas Bardeleben (drums / DK)

Italian pianist and bandoneón player Paolo Russo is among Europe's new great jazz personalities with large repertoire ranging from unique interpretations of Piazzolla over jazz standards to his own beautiful compositions, performing both solo and in trio with bass veteran Klaus Hovman and the young drumming phenomenon Niclas Bardeleben.

An evening for those who love Piazzolla, tango and jazz with a taste of Italy - played with passion.

for more Informaiton www.paolorusso.com
e-mail: paolo@paolorusso.com

Accordion Jazz Chords

"Lemonbeer" di Limone Piemonte - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Nome: E-mail: Cellulare: Cerca su Google
Cuneo e valli | martedì 30 agosto 2011, 12:59
Domenica a "Lemonbeer" di Limone Piemonte, la presenza dei musicisti di Prismac'Oc
Condividi |
L'associazione culturale Prismadanza presenta "PRISMAD'OC" per "LEMONBEER" in programma domenica 4 settembre dalle 16.30 alle 18.30 a Limone Piemonte. Musica occitana itinerante per le vie di Limone Piemonte, in occasione della festa della birra in collaborazione con i bar locali e la Pro Loco, per un insolito gruppo d'oc: Paolo Brizio (organetto), Claudio Risso (fisarmonica), Maurizia Giordanengo (organetto), Elena Giordanengo (flauti e tamburi), Daniele Dalmasso (violino), Daniele Crocchioni (percussioni), Ivo Becchio (organetto), Gaia Martini e Rossella Roggia (danza e kiwido).

Tanguedia Quintet & Sinfonietta Lentua - Finland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Tanguedia Quintet
thursday 8th Sepember · 19.00 - 22.00
Kuhmo-talo, Lentua-sali, Koulukatu 1

Anton Arenski: Muunnelmia Tšaikovskin teemasta op. 35
Dmitri Šostakovitš: Elegia ja polkka op. 36
Timo-Juhani Kyllönen: Odotus ja tanssi op. 27
Giacomo Puccini: I Crisantemi
Béla Bartók: Romanialaisia tansseja

* väliaika *

Astor Piazzolla (ork. Sandås): Tristeza de un Doble A
Astor Piazzolla: Tres Minutos con la Realidad
Fernando Franco (arr. Astor Piazzolla): Noche de Amor
Francisco De Caro (arr. Astor Piazzolla): Loca Bohemia
Eduardo Arolas (arr. Astor Piazzolla): La Cachila
Astor Piazzolla (ork. Sandås): Tango Ballet

Titano Accordions

Toirano “Celtic Nights” - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Toirano. Prosegue la rassegna Celtic Nights, organizzata dai Comuni di Toirano e Savona in collaborazione con l’Associazione Culturale Corelli.

A proporre l’accattivante repertorio di musiche della tradizione francese il trio di musicisti composto da composto da Fabio Rinaudo, Filippo Gambetta e Claudio De Angeli. Lo spettacolo verterà sulle musiche dedicate a due tra gli strumenti più antichi: la cornamusa e l’organetto.

Considerato dalla critica internazionale come uno dei principali suonatori di organetto, Filippo Gambetta nel corso della sua carriera si è esibito in Finlandia, Canada, Germania, Danimarca, Regno Unito, Francia, oltre che nelle più importanti rassegne di musica folk e world. Ha vinto i prestigiosi premi del Green Age festival e del Kaustinen Folk Music Festival Competition. Nel 2009 è uscito il suo terzo cd dal titolo ‘Andirivieni’ edito da Felmay.

Il prossimo ed ultimo appuntamento con Celtic Nights sarà sempre a Toirano il prossimo 2 settembre con la splendida voce di Niamh Parsons, accompagnata dal suo chitarrista Graham Dunne e dal trio dei Birkin Tree, e sarà assoluta protagonista di un concerto che si svolgerà all’interno delle splendide Grotte di Toirano.

‘Accordion Hallucinations’ Concert, Vancouver – Canada

by Rob Howard
‘Accordion Hallucinations’ is the somewhat enigmatic title of a concert taking place on September 6th, 9pm, involving Eugene Chadbourne, The Accordion Orchestra, Lewis Holloway, Poly Hatchet, and more, at Nyala African/Ethiopian Cuisine, 4148 Main Street, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Described in publicity as ‘A night of weird accordion at Nyala!’, this concert promises many surprises!

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Rhythm & Roots Festival, Rhode Island – USA

by Rob Howard
The annual Rhythm & Roots Festival takes place at Ninigret Park, Charlestown, Rhode Island, from September 2nd to 4th. There are all day concerts plus workshops, featuring a variety of Blues, Cajun and Zydeco musicians.

The guests include Curley Taylor & Zydeco Trouble, Steve Earle, Delbert McClinton, Corey Ledet Zydeco Band, Magnolia Cajun Band, Nation Beat, and many more.

For further information www.rhythmandroots.com
or email: office@rhythmandroots.com

eSheet Music Titles

Button Box Gathering 2011, Scotland - UK

by Rob Howard
The annual ‘Button Box Gathering’ concert takes place on September 8th, 7.30pm, at the Eden Court Theatre, Bishop's Road, Inverness IV3 5SA, in the Scottish Highlands.

The event attracts the finest button accordion players from across Scotland for an unforgettable evening’s entertainment, honouring the players and sounds of the Shand Morino and other button accordions.

The host for the evening is Andy Ross. This concert always sells out, so early booking is advised.

Performing are Donna MacDonald, the Jim Mackay Dance Band, Willy McHardie, George & David Rea, the Brandon MacPhee Trio, Alex McIntyre, Stephen Mackay, the Jimmy Lindsay Dance Band, and Graeme Mackay.

For further information email: graeme@mackaymusic.co.uk

Titano Accordions

Notte del saltarello 5 edizione/ Bassiano - Latina / Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
sett 2 venerdi dalle 19.00 - sett 4 domenica alle 2.30

Venerdi 2 ore 19
Canti,balli e sapori nelle piazzette del borgo medioevale
Con il gruppo di musica popolare dei monti Lepini “Mantice”. I “sapori lepini” accompagneranno la performance.
Sabato 3 ore 21
Sulle note del saltarello
Spettacolo in piazza strutturato come riproposizione di una festa del passato, i musicisti si alterneranno sul “palco aperto” ricreando le atmosfere di un tempo invitando il pubblico al ballo.
Molti i musicisti invitati tra cui Raffaele Inserra e Catello Gargiulo dalla Campania, Danilo Campetelli e Giovanni Cofani dalle Marche, Pino Pontuali e Stefano Fraschetti dal Lazio. Per il ballo Debora Malerba e Dantina Grosso dall’Abruzzo e Roberta Parravano dal Lazio.
Dopo la mezzanotte ci si sposterà alla piazzetta “Peddereto” dove andrà in scena “Affacciati alla finestra”: serenate, canti d'amore e stornelli a dispetto... pasta e fagioli, dolci e vino a volontà per tutti.

Per informazioni: Marco Delfino delfino.marco@fastwebnet.it

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi Features XV Accordion Week - Portugal

by Harley Jones
Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi and Luca Lucini
Picture above: Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi and Luca Lucini in the beautiful Monastery of Alcobaça, a World Heritage Site and one of seven Wonders of Portugal.

Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi (Italy) was featured in performance and in workshops at the XV International Accordion Week which included the XVI National Trophy of Accordion. These events were held in the lovely city of Monastery of Alcobaça in Portugal. The Tango Duo of Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi and Luca Lucini were performing on the Closing Concert in a World Heritage site, the Monastery of Alcobaça to a very appreciative audience.

There were about 40 events involving about 40 young accordionists from north to south with a very strong educational component, lots of encouragement and a warm presence amongst all the participants.

The Association of Accordion and Orchestra of Alcobaça have, led by Anibal Freire have once again, produced a high quality international event in Portugal, greatly enjoyed by all those who attended.

Voci Armoniche

‘Thinking Outside the Squeezebox’ Symposium, Iowa – USA

by Rob Howard
‘Thinking Outside the Squeezebox’  logoAn accordion symposium, ‘Thinking Outside the Squeeze Box’, will take place from September 23rd to 25th at

venues in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The symposium will celebrate the way accordionists have been mixing

traditional music with new approaches.

There will be jam sessions, dance parties, and workshops on topics ranging from ‘Techniques of Rock

Accordion’ to ‘Stretching the Horizons of the Button Box’.

Presenters and performers are coming from across the USA, and include Paul Rogers (of ‘Those Darn

Accordions’), Maggie Martin, Renee de la Prade, Roxanne Oliva, Ron Borelli, and others.

For further information email: new.bohemia@gmail.com

Sounding Out the Accordion

19.Europafest/Welttag des Kindes/Donaupromenade - Vienna/Austria

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
unter anderem mit dem beliebten Kùnstler Franky Leitner


Wayne Toups & ZyDeCajun Band Gigs - USA

by Harley Jones
Wayne Toups & ZyDeCajun Band Performances

Voci Armoniche

Dervish Concerts - Belgium,USA, UK, Finland, Ireland, Holland

by Harley Jones
Dervish concert schedule

Friedrich Lips Book

Le Vent du Nord - Canada

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Le Vent du Nord is constantly on the road, playing 100+ concerts a year, mostly in North America and Europe. They have performed all across Canada, in over 40 US states, and in over 15 European countries (England, Scotland, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Italy, Spain, France, Slovenia, Portugal, Switzerland...). Regular venues, college venues, and major festivals are booking them everywhere, and every performance is a hit!

Since its inception in August 2002, Le Vent du Nord have been enjoying rocketing success. They have received several prestigious awards, including a Juno. The band is now one of the most-loved Quebec folk outfits throughout the world. The group’s current line-up consists of singers / multi-instrumentalists Nicolas Boulerice, Simon Beaudry, Olivier Demers, and Réjean Brunet. Some of their songs come from traditional folk repertoire, while others are original compositions. On stage, these four friends achieve peaks of happiness they eagerly share with any and all audiences. Le Vend du Nord know how to deliver music that will move any crowd – to their feet and in their hearts! This is undoubtedly music of the here and now

They will be in:

september 2011
15 Notre-Dame, De Bartolo
University of Notre-Dame, De Bartolo, Notre-Dame, Indiana. Tel. (574) 631-5511

october 2011
7h30 pm. GRAND FORKS, ND (USA)

7h30 pm. FARGO, ND (USA)

29 WOMEX Official showcase
Copenhaguen, DK

Further Information: http://www.leventdunord.com

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

John Kirkpatrick @ The Potteries Folk Club, Staffordshire – UK

by Rob Howard
John Kirkpatrick
On Friday September 9th, 8pm, diatonic folk accordionist and singer John Kirkpatrick is the guest at The Potteries Folk Club, The 45 Club, Lancaster Road, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire ST5 1DS.

John Kirkpatrick is widely acknowledged as the British folk scene’s best and busiest button accordionist, constantly in demand at folk clubs and festivals as a performer and workshop leader, and also in the theatre and recording studios as a session musician.

He has appeared on more than 60 recordings by other artistes, and has released many CDs of his own, plus a tuition DVD for melodeon. John K plays the 3-row British chromatic button accordion, 1 and 2 row melodeons, and the Anglo concertina. He is also a fine singer and composer.

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Lepistö & Lehti release Radio Moskova - Finland

by Merja Hottinen / Fimic
The duo of accordionist Markku Lepistö and bassist Pekka Lehti will release their second album Radio Moskova (Aito Records) in September.

Since Lepistö & Lehti's previous, awarded and praised album Helsinki, the duo have renewed their sound palette. Nevertheless, they have not forgotten the atmospheric harmonies and beautiful melodies that have captivated audiences around the world.

The title track of the album is a reminiscence of the radio shows from the 1970's that Pekka Lehti used to listen with his old tube radio. The foreign radio shows - from the former Soviet Union, among others - made an impact on the young musician, who later busted the same radio by using it as an amplifier for his punk rock bass guitar.

The new album's release date in Finland is 8 September, with a record release concert on 15 September.

More information: http://www.fimic.fi/fimic
or e-mail: merja.hottinen@fimic.fi

Titano Accordions

Norske Drag CD by Jon Faukstad Available Online - Norway

by Harley Jones
Norske Drag CD cover - Jon FaukstadJon Faukstad is one of Norway's most famous concertina and accordionists. Jon Faukstad is also a genuine folk musician, who as a teen-ager often played at local dances in his home area of Gudbrandsdal. In 1970 he started playing together with the folk violinist Hans W. Brimi.

Together they have made countless folk music concerts in Norway and numerous programs for radio and TV.

The music of this CD is a selection of the wide variety of Norwegian folk music that Jon Faukstad has played and presented over the years. These melodies all arranged by Jon Faukstad are played by a skillful artist and a true folk musician, so that Jon Faukstad makes you feel that this is exactly how these old folk tunes should sound.

Many tracks have voice or other instruments such as violin added. Listen to the sound samples online.

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