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Diatonic News - Oct-2011
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Voci Armoniche


Alessandro Guglielmi 2011 Junior Diatonic Accordion World Champion - Italia
19° Alpen Grand Prix Finale in Südtirol / Meran - Italien
8th European Cajun and Zydeco Award – Europe
The Magical Box / La Scatola Magica - Italy
Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon (CMA) Trophée Mondial in Pineto - Italy

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

11. Cajun & Zydeco Festival - Deutschland
Festivals Acadiens et Créoles 2011 - USA
Shetland Accordion & Fiddle Festival 2011 - UK
Promonica-West Mundharmonika Festival - Austria
Akkordeon Akut Festival 2011 Halle/Saale - Deutschland
International Accordion Festival, San Antonio/TX - USA
5° Festival Nazionale di Organetto/Fisarmonica diatonica - Fondi(LT)/Italia
19.Alpenländischer Volkmusikwettbewerb Innsbruck,Tirol - Austria
Guardia Nueva Performs on Finnish TV2 Eleven Times in September - Finland
36th Castelfidardo International Accordion Festival Daily Reports - Italy
John Connolly Bows Out, Ohio – USA

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

"Vent negru" im Oktober - Schweiz
DIDIER LALOY & S-TRES at the Akkordeon Akut Festival 2011 - Germany/Belgium
Oberkrainer Fest 2011 - Deutschland
JOHN WHELAN ...future events - USA
TRIO CUVEE im Oktober - Belgien/Austria
Dikki Du & The Zydeco Krewe - USA
Yuri Medianik Very Interesting Upcoming Concerts - Russia
Bristol Cajun & Zydeco Festival 2011 – UK
Fourth International Accordion Festival Zug – Switzerland

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

“Petrus B. Spaghetti Sauce” by BUBE SAPRÀVIE - Italia

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

Alessandro Guglielmi 2011 Junior Diatonic Accordion World Champion - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Eccellente risultato dell’italiano Alessandro Guglielmi, vincitore al 61° Trofeo Modiale CMA cat. Junior Varietè Diatonic . La manifestazione di enorme spessore culturale si è svolta a Pineto (TE) dal 13 al 18 settembre 2011 sotto la direzione artistica del noto fisarmonicista jazz Renzo Ruggieri , presente una kermesse di fisarmonicisti fra docenti di chiara fama e partecipanti arrivati da tutto il mondo.

Oltre 20, le nazioni presenti fra cui : Cina, Russia, Serbia, USA, Portogallo, Cile, convocate per decretare i vincitori delle diverse categorie di questo ambito premio, giunto alla sua 61° edizione e che ha rappresentato un trampolino di lancio di svariati fisarmonicisti che oggi sono chiaro riferimento della fisarmonica nel mondo.

In questa annata italiana che ha ospitato a Pineto (TE) il Trofeo Mondiale dopo l’ultima edizione italiana del 53° Trofeo Mondiale (Acquappesa –Calabria anno 2003) , il giovane presidente Frederic Deschamps, ha inaugurato , nella sua prima mondiale la Categoria dedicata alla fisarmonica diatonica, creando una categoria indipendente di Variètè Diatonic articolata in junior fino a 18 anni (prova singola ) e Senior oltre 18 anni ( prova in 2 round).

La Categoria Junior Variètè Diatonic ha visto trionfare il giovanissimo Italiano Alessandro Guglielmi che di soli 11 anni è già conosciuto nel settore della fisarmonica diatonica nazionale ed internazionale. Fiore all’occhiello del suo insegnate Antonio Spaccarotella Alessandro è senza ombra di dubbio uno dei giovanissimi talenti emergenti della nuova generazione legata alla fisarmonica diatonica.

Alessandro ha eseguito un programma misto di brani di Riccardo Tesi con arrangiamenti di Antonio Spaccarotella in stile moderno e Jazz.

Questa nuova categoria sicuramente innalzerà e unificherà le diverse correnti di pensiero legate alla fisarmonica diatonica nel mondo che si prepareranno a sua volta ad un nuovo confronto al 62 Trofeo Mondiale 2012 che si terrà a Spokane U.S.A.

Results for the CMA senior diatonic category are in the news item below titled: Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon (CMA) Trophée Mondial in Pineto - Italy

Sounding Out the Accordion

19° Alpen Grand Prix Finale in Südtirol / Meran - Italien

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
19° Alpen Grand Prix Finale in Südtirol / Meran / Finale 2011

Donnerstag 13.Oktober 2011
Schlager im Kimm Meran /Untermais www.kimm-meran.it

Freitag 14.Oktober 2011-Volksmusik im Kursaal Meranwww.alpengrandprix.it


8th European Cajun and Zydeco Award – Europe

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Beau Soleil (France)Internet-Voting:
The audience voted for their favourite Bands on the Internet. They could choose from 60 Cajunbands and 31 Zydecobands from Europe and 36 Non-EU Cajunbands and 42 Non-EU Zydecobands.

Best EU-Cajunband:
1. Ma Cajun (D)
2. Sarah Savoy & the Francadians (F)
3. Cajun Roosters (GB/D)

Best EU-Zydecoband:
1. ZydeGoNutz (NL)

2. River Zydeco Band (NL)
3. Lil Jim's Big Squeeze (GB

Best Non-EU Cajunband:
1. Beausoleil (USA) Photo right
2. Steve Riley and the Mamou Playboys (USA)
3. Balfa Toujours (USA

Best Non-EU Zydecoband:
1. Corey Ledet (USA)
2. Chris Ardoin (USA)
3. Leon Chavis (USA)

An independent expert jury from 3 countries (Glenn Alessi (I), Ali Friedrich Suchy (D) and Jean-Pierre Bruneau (F) listened to different CDs from all over Europe. Since there were not enough Cajun CDs, only Zydeco was voted. Hopefully more CD's for 2012 !

Best Zydeco CD:
1. Marc & the Boiled Crawfish (CH) Mudbug Business Photo below
2. Roger Morand & Bandzydeco (F) Fous pa mal
3. ZydeGoNutz (NL) Havin' a good time

Best Zydeco Accordionplayer:
1. Roger Morand (F) 2. Marc Bachmann (CH) 3. Lil' Jim (UK)

Special Award:
Best Dancer:Cocky-Cor Bouwens (NL)
Best Festival 2011: Saulieu Cajun & Zydeco Festival (Didier Lonjard)
Marc & the Boiled Crawfish (CH)

Voci Armoniche

The Magical Box / La Scatola Magica - Italy

by Simone Mazzieri
The illustrated story of how a young man - Paolo Soprani - changed the world of accordions has been reprinted. Originally published in 2002, the single volume is in two languages ( English and Italian) in a flip over format.

It has been designed by local Castelfidardo resident Simone Mazzieri like a comic strip for a younger audience but should appeal to accordion enthusiasts of all ages.
A copy will be included in all PaoloSoprani accordions shipping from 1st October. Extra copies are available from Pasco Italia at a nominal price to cover postage

Friedrich Lips Book

Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon (CMA) Trophée Mondial in Pineto - Italy

by Harley Jones
CMA Daily Reports banner
Yannick and Yohann Lopes (Portugal)The Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon (CMA) ran the 61st Trophée Mondial in Pineto, 13 to 18 September. For the first time, the Trophée Mondial included a Junior Diatonic and Senior Diatonic category.

The music requirements for Junior Variéte Diatonic were: Own Choice Programme with maximum time limit of 10 mins to include at least two pieces of different style and character. The pieces chosen should be mainly original works for Diatonic accordion.

For Senior Variéte Diatonic were:
1st Round : Own Choice Programme with maximum time limit of 9 minutes.
2nd Round : Own Choice Programme with maximum time limit of 9 mins
Selections performed in the second round will be different from those performed in the first round. The pieces chosen should be mainly original works for Diatonic accordion.

The Senior Variéte Diatonic had only two entrants, being two brothers, Yannick (top left) and Yohann Lopes (lower left) from Portugal. Both the brothers were really good players of professional level and their performances were well appreciated by the audience.

In the Junior Variéte Diatonic category, were also only two entrants and also brothers. Gabriele and Alessandro Guglielmi (Italy). These two brothers have a real talent that has been enjoyed by audiences in several countries, and especially within Italy where they are well known and greatly appreciated. Yohann Lopes to the surprise of the audience put the accordion on his back and played a piece.

In both categories, it seemed a pity to have to pick one brother over the other but that is what competition is and so the jury did their work. The results were minimally different marks with 1st Junior Variéte Diatonic category being Alessandro Guglielmi (Italy) and 1st Senior Variéte Diatonic category being Yohann Lopes (Portugal).

The two Lopes brothers again surprised the audience coming on stage together to perform at the prize giving. They walked on stage together, both put their diatonics on their backs and then they stood together, with each reaching around the other to play the brothers accordion while they slowly danced around the stage. (Picture below). The piece finished with some quite quick whirling around, all this without the music being interrupted. The audience really enjoyed it.

A full report of the 61st Trophée Mondial in Pineto is on the Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon (CMA) website.
Yannick and Yohann Lopes (Portugal)

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

11. Cajun & Zydeco Festival - Deutschland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Jeff Boussard on Baffetti Diatonic AccordionThu. 20.10. 88212 Ravensburg, Zehntscheuer, Grüner Turm Str. 30, www.zehntscheuer-ravensburg.de, Tickets: 0751/82-800

Fr. 21.10. 59494 Soest, Alter Schlachthof, Ulricher Tor 4, 02921 - 31101

Sa. 22.10. 69469 Weinheim, Muddy's Club, 20h45, Tel: 06201 - 12 997, www.muddys-club.de

Sun 23.10. 63069 Offenbach, Hassia Fabrik, Christian-Pleß-Str. 11-13, Oliver's Art Cuisine, 11h Brunch (tbc)

Sun 23.10. 61130 Nidderau-Windecken, Schlosskeller Windecken,20h

Tue 25.10. 80995 München, Rattlesnake Saloon, Schneeglöckchenstr. 91, 20h00 www.rattlesnake-saloon.com Tickets: 089/15 04 035 und 0172 - 81 02 314 (tbc)

Wed 26.10. 80995 München, Rattlesnake Saloon, Schneeglöckchenstr. 91, 20h00 www.rattlesnake-saloon.com Tickets: 089/15 04 035 und 0172 - 81 02 314 (tbc)

Thu 27.10. 13439 Berlin-Reinickendorf, American Western Saloon, Wilhelmsruher Damm 142 , 030 - 40 72 87 80 http://www.western-saloon.de/

Fr. 28.10. 29227 Celle-Benningbostel, Hof Wietfeldt, T: 05141-85519, www.kultur-querbeet.de

Sa. 29.10. 53949 Baasem, 20h

Sun 30.10. 53949 Baasem, Cajunbrunch/Cajun Chillout,11h


Festivals Acadiens et Créoles 2011 - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Festival de Musique Acadienne
will showcase the best of Cajun and Zydeco music at the annual Fetivals Acadiens beneath the spreading oaks of Girard Park in Lafayette, LA. Festival de Musique Acadienne, celebrating 36 years of entertainment, originated as the Tribute to Cajun Music Festival, and event that was designed to attract and educate the younger generation to the traditional values of the Cajun culture. Festival de Musique Acadienne now attracts Louisiana's best Cajun and Zydeco bands and draws thousands of people from across the country and around the world.

2011 Honoree Bruce Daigrepont
Bruce has been holding the Cajun music fort on the New Orleans front for many years now. A former banjo player, he was first turned on to the music of his heritage at the 1977 Cajun Music Festival when he saw another young man, Marc Boudreaux, sitting in with Octa Clark, Hector Duhon and the Dixie Ramblers.

Festivals Acadiens et Créoles 2011
Scène Ma Louisiane (Festival Stage)
Friday night, October 14
5:15 – 6:15 Geno Delafose with Christine Balfa
6:30 – 7:30 Hert LeBlanc with Bruce Daigrepont
7:45 – 8:45 Joel Sonnier with Michael Doucet

Saturday, October 15
10:30 - 11:30 Lafayette Rhythm Devils
11:45 - 12:45 Joe Hall and the Cane Cutters
1:00 - 2:15 Pine Leaf Boys
2:30 - 3:30 Isle Dernière
3:45 - 4:45 Walter Mouton and the Scott Playboys
5:00 - 6:15 Bonsoir Catin
6:30 - 7:45 Feufollet

Sunday, October 16
10:30 - 11:30 Rachel Wilson and Cajun Express
11:45 - 12:45 Cameron Dupuy and the Cajun Troubadours
1:00 - 2:00 Mamou
2:15 - 3:15 Beausoleil
3:30 - 4:30 Hert LeBlanc
4:45 - 5:45 Bruce Daigrepont
6:00 - 7:00 Steve Riley and the Mamou Playboys

Heritage Stage
Saturday, October 15
10:45 – 11:45 Ellis Vanicor and the Lacassine Playboys
12:00 – 12:45 En français
12:45 – 1:30 Lost Bayou Ramblers
1:45 – 2:45 Preston Frank, Ed Poulard and Friends
3:00 – 4:00 Unisson
4:15 – 5:15 Geno Delafose
5:30 – 6:30 Roddy Romero and the Hub City All Stars
6:45 – 7:45 Horace Trahan and the New Ossun Express

Sunday, October 16
11:00 – 12:15 Ryan Brunet and the Malfaicteurs
12:30 – 1:45 Jambalaya (with D.L. Menard)
2:00 – 3:00 Chubby Carrière
3:15 – 4:15 Jesse Legé, Joel Savoy and Cajun Country Revival
4:30 – 5:45 Wayne Toups ZydeCajun

Salle de danse
Saturday, October 15
12:00 – 1:30 Robert Jardell and Pure Cajun
2:00 – 3:30 Terry and the Zydeco Bad Boyz
4:00 – 5:30 Corey Ledet

Sunday, October 16
12:00 – 1:30 The Savoy Family Band
2:00 – 3:30 Kevin Naquin and the Ossun Playboys
4:00 – 5:30 Balfa Toujours w/special guest Ray Abshire

Information: http://www.festivalsacadiens.com
e-mail: http://www.festivalsacadiens.com/music.html

Titano Accordions

Shetland Accordion & Fiddle Festival 2011 - UK

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Shetland's 24th Accordion & Fiddle Festival will be held between 6th - 10th October 2011.
The annual festival mainly concentrates on music provided by Shetland's two most popular instruments - the accordion and the fiddle.
The festival takes place over a hectic four-day period in early October. As with Shetland Folk Festival, musicians from all over the world perform at the event, although emphasis is on Scottish Dance music. Local musicians feature prominently in the event line-up. Tunes are swapped and musicians make new friends in the sessions that are an important part of the festival; younger musicians find them especially valuable in broadening their experience.
Adopting the tried and trusted format of widespread community involvement, the event incorporates most areas of Shetland. It culminates in one of the biggest traditional dances to take place anywhere in the UK. Around a dozen different dance bands take it in turn to perform to 1,500 enthusiasts in the local sports centre in what amounts to a highly enjoyable "traditional rave".
The festival is a must for anyone who enjoys the sound of traditional music and has the stamina to absorb it for four hectic days.

Further information http://www.shetlandaccordionandfiddle.com/

Accordion Jazz Chord

Promonica-West Mundharmonika Festival - Austria

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Freitag, 30. September 2011
ab 14.00 Uhr | Freilichtmuseum | Stübing bei Graz

Wanderung kleine Wanderung und erste Mundharmonikaklänge

ab 18.00 Uhr | Harmonikazentrum | Griesgasse 24 A-8020 Graz

Spiel dich ein Freies Mundharmonika Spiel

Samstag, 1. Oktober 2011
ab 10.00 Uhr | St. Bartholomä

Eröffnungsvortrag unterhaltsamer Eröffnungsvortrag mit Live-Musik „Die Mundharmonika in aller Welt“ im Gemeindeamt

ab 12.00 Uhr | St. Bartholomä

Mittagessen beim Kirchenwirt

ab 14.30 Uhr | St. Bartholomä

Workshops Workshops in der Volksschule – Mundharmonika Ensemble, Mundharmonika diatonisch Anfänger, Mundharmonika chromatisch, Concertina Ensemble, Concertina Anfänger, Zauberclown Erich Blues Harp Workshop

ca. 19.00 Uhr | St. Bartholomä

Konzert „Lieder aus aller Welt“ – von Tango bis Polka und Musette mit dem Isabella Krapf Quartett: Mundharmonika, Josef Fürpaß: Bandoneon, Adolf Sawoff: Gitarre, Christian Höller: Akkordeon, Wolfram Märzendorfer: Steirische Harmonika, Stephan Rausch: Blues Harp, Concertinagruppe Isabella Krapf
Eintritt:15€, ermäßigt 10€, Kinder bis 14 Jahre frei.

Sonntag, 2. Oktober 2011
ab 10.00 Uhr | St. Bartholomä

Wortgottesdienst mit musikalischer Umrahmung der Mundharmonikaspieler

ab 11.00 Uhr | St. Bartholomä

Wanderung musikalische Wanderung mit Live-Musik

ab 13.00 Uhr | St. Bartholomä


ab 16.00 Uhr | St. Bartholomä

freie Bühne oder auch länger
Mehr Informaiton: http://www.promonica-west.at
e-mail: wolfram.maerzendorfer@utanet.at

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Akkordeon Akut Festival 2011 Halle/Saale - Deutschland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Halle/Saale 5-9 Okt.2011

“How was the idea of the accordion festival?” …giving birth to an international according festival in Halle/Saale: The instrument itself together with its relatives bandoneon, harmonium and concertina (to name just a few) offer such a wide variety in sound and style, that it is absolutely no problem to do a whole series of festivals with them. These instruments have become an integral part of various musical traditions in many parts of the world like the Tango in Argentina, the chanson in France and in Russia Forró in Brazil, Irish Folk and many more.
The accordion has also very strong roots in Middle Germany with factories in Gera, Magdeburg and Klingenthal. These instrument makers partly still have an international reputation and there are a lot of accordion orchestras in this region as a legacy of this vital scene. In the musical schools of the Region around Halle alone, there are 11 active accordion ensembles comprised of youngsters who not only care for the traditions but also add new flavors and show possible future directions and new possibilities for the instrument…. And that's how the idea of an accordion festival emerged, a festival which presents international stars and also integrates the very vital, local scene.

Auftretende Kùnstler/Guest Artists:

Motion Trio from Poland which pays tribute to Jazz, Contemporary Music and Heavy Metal in equal parts, Didier Laloy & S-Tres, a representative of the Belgian singer-songwriter scene, the award-winning accordion ensemble LAESA led by Lutz Stark, the Upper-Austrian experimental project Attwenger, the inclusion of an Swing evening with the dancing studio Bella Soso and the theater project “Accordion Mystery” featuring accordionist Tobias Morgenstern and actor Thomas Rühmann among others we are proud to announce the second festival of its kind here in Halle/Saale.

Information: http://www.akkordeon-akut-festival.de
Email: info@akkordeon-akut-festival.de

International Accordion Festival, San Antonio/TX - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
San Antonio Festival Logo 2011
The accordion in Texas is a perfect vehicle through which to tell the story of immigrant America. And the musical tale of immigrant America examined closely unpacks the rich international roots of our heritage.

Historically rich from its variant origins, the accordion is at the root of numerous multicultural music traditions throughout the world, many of which have found their way to this country, many of which enjoy great acclaim in diverse parts of the world: the Italians, los mexicanos, the French, los dominicanos, the Germans, los colombianos, the Irish, los argentinos, the Poles, los españoles, the Czechs...and many others.

The International Accordion Festival will be held again in the scenic downtown San Antonio at the historic La Villita. The festival’s focus makes San Antonio an especially appropriate host site--since the city is essentially the birthplace and industry hub for Tejano conjunto music. Conjunto, a popular and historically important accordion music, draws on European and Latin American influences and rhythms but is basically an American musical genre.

In the past ten years, the International Accordion Festival has become a premier event in the Southwest and has presented: 159 ensembles, representing over 39 distinct styles (Russian, Texas Czech, French Canadian, Indian, Klezmer, Basque, Vallenato, Irish, Merengue Tipico Ripiao, Conjunto, Tango, Cajun, German Polka, Klezmer and Eastern Europe, Bulgarian Wedding Music, Zydeco, Western Swing, Slovenian, Breton, Croatian, Nuclear Polka, Italian, Argentine Chamame, Brazilian Forro, Albanian, Middle Eastern, Texas Ecletic, Czech Republic, Third Coast, Azebaijani, Cape Verdean, Quebecois, Creole, Canary Islands, Alternative, Chicken Scratch, Bulgarian Roma, Panamian Pindin and Parisian Musette and many more), 85 workshops, demonstrations, panels, lectures, and open mics.

Further Information: http://internationalaccordionfestival.org
or email:
San Antonio Festival_Artists

Charnwood Music Publishing

5° Festival Nazionale di Organetto/Fisarmonica diatonica - Fondi(LT)/Italia

by Diatonic News
"Trofeo Organetti In Festa Del Tirreno"

Per ulteriori informazioni telefonare al numero 329.2603025

Voci Armoniche

19.Alpenländischer Volkmusikwettbewerb Innsbruck,Tirol - Austria

by Diatonic News
Tiroler Volksmusikverein
28.10 Begrüßungsabend der Gruppen ab 20 Uhr

29.10.Volkstanzabend, 20 Uhr Congress Innsbruck

30.10 Festabend mit ausgewählten Preisträgern

Anmeldefrist: 1. August 2010-04-11

Info: Alpenländischer Volksmusikwettbewerb,
c/o Tiroler Volksmusikverein, Postfach 807,
Gabelsbergerstr. 1, 6023 Innsbruck;
Tel +43/664/5061850(Christa Hafele);



Guardia Nueva Performs on Finnish TV2 Eleven Times in September - Finland

by Harley Jones
tango-orchestra Guardia Nueva
Raimo VertainenPopular Finnish entertainment and tango-orchestra Guardia Nueva has performed on one of the main TV-channels for Finland eleven times this month.

Guardia Nueva features diatonic, bandoneon and accordions in their popular sound. The performances include one documentary about the orchestra preparing for its anniversary concert and also records two concerts at the Kokkola Ice Hall.

It's very rare that accordion appears so broadly on TV and is excellent promotion for the accordion which is a featured instrument.

The leader of the orchestra is Raimo Vertainen, well known Finland accordionist and entertainer.

For further information email: raimo.vertainen@pp.inet.fi

36th Castelfidardo International Accordion Festival Daily Reports - Italy

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
The Daily Reports and Results start Tuesday 20th September at 2011 Concorso for the 36th Castelfidardo International Accordion Festival and Competitions. See photos and information of well known accordion identities, performers and contestants at 2011 Concorso.

The Diatonic accordion was prominent during the festival.

The Opening concert began with Andrea Tini, student of Danilo Di Paolonicola, who attends school “Voglia d’Arte” of Teramo and is graduating in diatonic accordion at the Conservatorio A. Casella of L’Aquila. See report

Danilo Paolonicola’s (picture right) group Ethnic Project, Maurizio Rolli (electric bass), Roberto Desiderio (drums) and Gionni Di Clemente (guitar, oud, bouzuki) performed for the Opening Concert.

“Two Half Dogs” duo born from the encounter between Paolo Polverini (diatonic accordion) and Silvano Staffolani (guitar). They offer a wide repertoire of musical styles.

Saturday night featured " Bandadriatica" at the Astra Theater who were really popular with the audience.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

John Connolly Bows Out, Ohio – USA

by Harley Jones
John ConnollyRenowned Irish singer and button accordionost John Connolly has announced his retirement after a 50-year career of performing. Playing professionally since he was 15, John Connolly has graced stages throughout Ireland, England, Canada and the US, listing many musical greats among his acquaintances.

“I would like to announce that after 50 years as a musician, singer and entertainer I have officially retired,” he posted on his website. “I really enjoyed making people happy as they sang and danced when we performed. I thank everyone who supported me and my music for half a century.”

Toledo, Ohio-based Connolly, aged 65, grew up in the village of Castleconnell in County Limerick before emigrating to the US, where he worked for the Chrysler Corporation before later serving as community service director for United Auto Workers.

He became a bar owner in 1978, opening John Connolly’s Irish Pub and Gossips. During this time, he would tour the country playing traditional Irish music, even taking trips back to his homeland to perform.

Comically, if John Connolly has any regrets, one would be singing the Irish classic ‘Danny Boy’ against his will, he told the local newspaper Toledo Blade.

“There was one song I hated: 'Danny Boy’,” he laughed. “Every place I went people wanted to hear 'Danny Boy,' sometimes three or four times. And you had to do it and you had to pretend like you liked it.”

Connolly, who has released four CDs over the years, plans to continue his work on ‘Echoes of Ireland’, a Sunday morning radio show he hosts on WCWA-AM 1230.

Future events / Concerts

Titano Accordions

"Vent negru" im Oktober - Schweiz

by Diatonic News
"Vent negru" heisst im Valle Onsernone der Wind, der die graue Wolkendecke zur Seite schiebt und für mehrere Tage gutes Wetter bringt.
VENT NEGRU steht auch für die Begegnung zweier Künstler verschiedener Herkunft:

Esther Rietschin und Mauro Garbani begegnen sich 1990 im Teatro Paravento in Locarno. Das gemeinsame Interesse für die von Generation zu Generation überlieferten Volksbräuche führt 1991 zur Gründung des Duos VENT NEGRU, welches weiterhin vor allem die südalpine Tradition pflegt. Alte Tanzmusik, Balladen und Lieder, die von Liebe und Auswanderung, Festen und Begebenheiten des Alltags erzählen, aber auch eigene und fremde Kompositionen bilden das Repertoire des Duos. Zum Einsatz gelangen ausser der Stimme akustische Instrumente wie etwa Organetto, Akkordeon, Saxophon und Tessiner Dudelsack. Besondere Aufmerksamkeit wird der Musikästhetik gewidmet. Von der Vielfältigkeit der traditionellen Musik zeugen die vier Konzerte: "Musica dal Ticino e dintorni ..." (Musik aus dem Tessin und der Umgebung), "Riflessioni Musicali" (traditionelle, der Tradition folgende sakrale und klassische Musik, vereint in einer Art musikalischen Andacht), "Eternità d'Amûr" (zwölf von VENT NEGRU vertonte Gedichte von Fernando Grignola) und "Viaggio aBetlemme" (ein Weihnachtskonzert).

Zu sehen und zu hòren sind sie:
01.10.2011 Schloss, Greifensee, um 11:00
und 15.00
02.10.2011 Schloss, Greifensee, um 11:00
und 15.00
25.10.2011 Club Hey, Oerlikon (ZH), um 20:00
Achtung: Neue Adresse Franklinstrasse 27 beim Bahnhof Oerlikon


DIDIER LALOY & S-TRES at the Akkordeon Akut Festival 2011 - Germany/Belgium

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Friday 7 October 7.30 p.m. Opera House Halle

Since Belgian Didier Laloy came in contact with an accordion for the first time at the age of 13, he became an exceptional musican and one of the most active representatives of the diatonic accordion in Europe. With humor and ease he switches between different musical styles, from world music to chanson to contemporary music, to theater projects and artistic projects. His subtle playing, his energy and enthusiasm have made him an outstanding representative of the current Belgian accordion scene:Tref, Trio Trad, les Déménageurs, Ialma, Panta Rhei, Marka, Perry Rose, Grouba, Milann & Laloy are formations with whom he performs regularly, but he is also seen among the members of such international groups as the accordion-band The Samurai, together with Riccardo Tesi (one of the stars of last year's “Akkordeon Akut Festival”), Markku Lepistö (FI), Bruno Le Tron (F) and David Munnelly (IRL). With the congenial trio “S-Tres”, Didier Laloy switches effortlessly between Irish, Swedish, Jewish and Greek influences, being second to none with his easy, yet complex arrangements.

They will peform:
Fr 07. Okt 19.30 Uhr / 7.30 pm
Oper Halle / Universitätsring 24 / 06108 Halle / Germany

Didier Laloy – diatonisches Akkordeon
Frédéric Malempré - Perkussion
Pascal Chardome – Gitarre, Piano

Information: http://www.didierlaloy.be
or e-mail: kodaproductions@gmail.com

Voci Armoniche

Oberkrainer Fest 2011 - Deutschland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

JOHN WHELAN ...future events - USA

by Diatonic News
………….. “If you open your ears and your mind you can appreciate my music for what it is, not what kind of music it is.” All these things – my childhood memories, my father’s love of music, the way I relate to an audience, the different styles I incorporate – are why I love to perform.”
John is currently touring with the JOHN WHELAN BAND as well as selected solo performances. JOHN WHELAN BAND is performing

East Durham, New York Joe Banjo Burke Festival
10/09/11 2:00pm USA
Fairfield, Connecticut Edgerton Center for the Performing Arts
10/13/11 7:30pm USA
Milford, CT St Gabriel Parish Hall
10/20/11 7:30pm United States
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware Atlantic Sands Hotel & Conference Center
10/28/11 8:00pm USA
Rehoboth Beach, Delaware Atlantic Sands Hotel & Conference Center
10/29/11 8:00pm USA

Further Information: http://johnwhelanmusic.com
e-mail: whelanbx1@aol.com

TRIO CUVEE im Oktober - Belgien/Austria

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Extravaganter Stil, eigenwillige Besetzung und energiegeladene Bühnenshow !
Stilistisch zuzuordnen sind sie der sog. „neuen VoIXmusik“, die Elemente der traditionellen Volksmusik in neue Kontexte setzt und mit Jazz (wie bei Broadlahn), Balkanbrass (wie bei La Brass Banda) oder Reggea (wie bei Hans Söllner)verbunden werden. Beim Trio Cuvée ist es eben HipHop, Funk und Drum´n Bass – Cross-Over für Neugierige mit offenen Ohren und Bewegungsdrang.

Hannes Fauster: Schlagzeug/Gesang
Johann Koller: Steirische/Gesang
Peter Wendler: DJ Set/Gesang

Sie sind zu sehen und zu hòren:
09.09.11 Most & Jazz / GH Gradwohl - Stadtkeller / Fehring
05.10.11 Internationales Akkordeon Akut Festival / Halle/Saale (D)
25.10.11 Jazzliebe/ljubezen / Feldbach-Zentrum / Vorband zu "US 3"

Mehr Information: http://www.triocuvee.at/
oder Email: kontakt@triocuvee.at

Accordion Jazz Chords

Dikki Du & The Zydeco Krewe - USA

by Diatonic News
Saturday, October 8, 2011 -- 7 to 10:30 p.m.
at War Memorial Hall, Balboa Park
... Dikki and the krewe stretch out songs and it is great to dance to, as well as to listen to. Hard driving and relentless is the theme all night. It's just funky as can be. Nice polyrhythmic grooves going around the stage, and on the dance floor. Dikki Du and his krewe come out 'smokin' harder and faster in the second set."

Dikki Du (Troy Carrier) was born in 1969 in Church Point, Louisiana and discovered his love for zydeco music at the tender age of nine. After school he would get together with his brother Chubby, sister Elaine and father Roy to play Zydeco music. At the age of twelve Troy moved to a little town called "Lawtell", where his father had owned the Offshore Lounge for over fifteen years. Troy played the washboard for Roy Carrier, his father, on local gigs; he then joined forces with the great C.J. Chenier for two years. Troy's brother Chubby Carrier then started a family band and offered Troy a job playing the drums. Troy toured with his brother from the late 80's until the 90's, when he returned home to pick up the accordion. It has now been eight years that Dikki Du and the Zydeco Krewe have been on the scene. Dikki Du has incorporated his musical heritage with unique experience to create one of the most innovative zydeco groups around. The krewe captures an audience with one of the best sets around. His original funky and hypnotic zydeco style announces that he has arrived, occupying a spot on par with the best. "Personally the triple row is the sound that I like the best". says Dikki Du. He takes songs from classic zydeco and turns the inside out with fresh and funky renditions driving it to the next level. The krewe’s innovations revitalize zydeco charging it for years to come.
Further Information: http://www.dikkidu.com
or e-mail: booking@dikkidu.com

Yuri Medianik Very Interesting Upcoming Concerts - Russia

by Harley Jones
Yuri MedianikYuri Medianik bandoneonExciting violinist and concert accordionist Yuri Medianik (bayan and bandoneon) has a number of interesting performances in the coming months at major halls and with other well known performers. A number of these also feature bandoneon.

9 - Rakhmaninovsky Hall of Moscow Conservatory. Yuri Medianik & Emotion-orchesta with new programm «The Aroma of Tango»
10 — Smolensk. моленск. Recital (violin, bayan, bandoneon) with Glinka Chamber Quartet
11 — Moscow International Performing Arts Center. Chamber Hall. Yuri Medianik & Emotion-orchesta with new programm «The Aroma of Tango» Special guest — Irina Surina
13 — Estrada Theatre Concert with Irina Surina (country singer)
25 — Moscow International Performing Arts Center. Svetlanovsky Hall. Jubilee Ceremony of Sergaey Zhilin 45-th Birthday. Yu.Medianik is a special guest with Phonograoh Jazz Band
27 — Moscow International Performing Arts Center. "XXI Century Tenors Invite Friends" Series. Yu.Medianik (bandoneon & violin)
29 — Saratov Conservatory Concert Hall. Recital (violin, bayan, bandoneon) with Glinka Chamber Quartet
30 — Rakhmaninovsky Hall of Moscow Conservatory. Jubilee Concert of Artyom Dervoed (guitare). Yuri Medianik & Emotion-orchestra are the special guests.

26 — Maliy Hall of Moscow Conservatory. Sonatas for viola da gamba. With Boris Andrianov (cello), Yuri Medianik (bayan)

4 — Moscow International Performing Arts Center. Yuri Medianikl & Pluri_Art Orchestra with new program:"J.S.Bach & Anna Magdalena Bach. Love History" With actress Inira Apeksimova. "
16 —Gnessin Academy Concert Hall. 'Bayan & Bayanists festival». Bach. 3 Sonatas for viola da gamba. With Boris Andrianov (cello), Yu.Medianik (bayan)
17 — Perm' Philharmonic Hall. Recital with Glinka Chamber Quartet
18 — Kirov Philharmonic Hall. Recital (violin, bayan, bandoneon) with Glinka Chamber Quartet

Two CD's are available on the Yuri Medianik website.

Titano Accordions

Bristol Cajun & Zydeco Festival 2011 – UK

by Harley Jones
left: Colin and the Crawfish Band &  right: Acadian Driftwood
Chris Hall’s Creole KingThe 8th Bristol Cajun & Zydeco Festival takes place from October 14th to 16th at The Folk House, 40a Park Street, Bristol.

The festival brings the sounds of the Louisiana bayous to Bristol. There are visitors from France and Holland as well as top UK bands playing a mixture of traditional and modern cajun and zydeco:

Friday evening: Madame Beau So’ (France)
Saturday afternoon: Colin & The Crawfish (photo above left)
Saturday evening: Front Row Zydeco (Holland)
Sunday afternoon: Acadian Driftwood (photo above right)
Sunday evening: Chris Hall’s Creole Kings (picture left)

Also performing are the Whiskey River Boys at the bar on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, dance workshops by Kay Anderson (zydeco) and Carol Wilson (cajun), DJs and MCs Carole (Lil' Queenie) and Nigel (Flying Home) of Swamp Rock Club, London; jamming and a licensed bar and cafe – in short, a "A whole weekend of Louisiana-style music, dance, food, drink and meeting people!"

For further information email: bristol_cajun@yahoo.com

Fourth International Accordion Festival Zug – Switzerland

by Harley Jones
Fourth International Accordion Festival ZugThe Accordion Festival Zug organised by Christophe Rosset & Stefan Widmer takes place from September 15th to 24th at the Theater Casino Zug, with accordionists from many countries participating.

15 September, Swiss premiere of Johanna Juhola and group (Finland), tangos and all passionate music.
16 September, Gurzuf (Belarus) is an unusual punk hard rock classic hip-hop fold duo.
16 September, Folka (Switzerland) is a traditional Swiss folk group with accordionist Julian von Flüe.
17 September, Gabby Young & Other Animals (UK) is an 8 piece band with Bill Laurence (accordion).
17 and 18 September, Martha telling stories (out of the case) with accordion, children.
20 September Kepa Junkera (diatonic) and Inigo Olazabal (percussion) from Spain.
21 September, Chango Spasiuk (accordion) and Marcelo Delamea (guitar) from Argentina.
22 September, Christy Doran' s Bunter Hund (Switzerland) band with Patricia Draeger (accordion).

For further information, email: info@akkordeonfestival.ch

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

eSheet Music Titles

“Petrus B. Spaghetti Sauce” by BUBE SAPRÀVIE - Italia

by Diatonic News
“Petrus B. Spaghetti Sauce” by BUBE SAPRÀVIE - Italia
Titolo: “Petrus B. Spaghetti Sauce” reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz

Artista/i: BUBE SAPRÀVIE: Nereo Fiori (fisarmonica), Riccardo Marogna (clarinetti) e Luca Nardon (percussioni).

Data recensione: 28 settembre 2011

Questo CD rappresenta la seconda fatica discografica dei “Bube Sapràvie”, definito – nel proprio sito internet – come: “The Original Ethno-Balkan-Klezmer-Tango-Jazz Acrobatic Trio”!
Si tratta di un disco piuttosto particolare e “insolito”: per l’atipica formazione – un trio costituito da fisarmonica, clarinetti e percussioni – e soprattutto per il programma proposto.
In effetti risulta difficile collocare il CD in un determinato genere musicale: world music, musica di strada o “da circo”, musica etnica (in particolare balcanica), klezmer, danze, improvvisazioni… Il trio ci offre un po’ tutto questo e altro ancora! L’insieme è condito poi da una giusta dose di ironia e umorismo; ingredienti che caratterizzano pressoché tutti i brani, spesso con citazioni e “caricature” più o meno evidenti.
Gli arrangiamenti sono veramente ben congegnati e funzionali al progetto, così come l’interpretazione, sia individuale (nei soli) che collettiva (come affiatamento), sempre partecipata, estrosa e coinvolgente; spesso con un approccio jazzistico.
Il CD contiene anche una “perla” del repertorio prettamente fisarmonicistico (l’unico pezzo non composto dallo stesso trio): “Carovana negra” del grande Gorni Kramer; qui interpretata in maniera davvero originale - con una connotazione etnica - e arricchita da “esotiche” improvvisazioni.
Personalmente ho apprezzato in modo particolare anche la traccia n. 13 (“El mondo niovo”), che sintetizza efficacemente tutto il programma; interessante e a tratti “sperimentale” il brano seguente: “Yoshi” e la jazzistica traccia n.7 (“Bad Ferengji”).
Concludendo, un disco divertente, con brani spesso evocativi, proposti con gusto ed estrosa fantasia; un programma multietnico di “musica globale”, specchio del tempo attuale.

Info: http://www.bubesapravie.it
e-mail: info@bubesapravie.it

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