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Diatonic News - Aug-2011
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Voci Armoniche


Cape Philharmonic Orchstra A.Piazzolla Concert with Bandoneon/Lothar Hensel - South Africa
RICCARDO TESI – ANTONIO SPACCAROTELLA al Conservatorio Tchaicovsky (CZ) - Italia
Circo Diatonico/Rocca Festival - Rocca di Mezzo/Italia
Diatonic Accordionists Create Magic in Orlando with the Roland FR18 - USA
2011 Trophée Mondial International Competition Now Includes Diatonic Categories - Italy
Der nächste TAG DER HARMONIKA 2012 wird in PERG/Oberösterreich stattfinden - Austria
Fête de l'accordéon diatonique / Luzy - France
Diatonischer Harmonikatag in Veldhoven - Holland
Artists Drawing of “Pacho” Juan Félix Maglio (1880 to 1934) - Argentina
2011 Philadelphia Folk Festival - USA
From Bagpipes to diatonic Accordion – Holland/Belgium
Folk Camp Germany - Deutschland
Nottiblee" PALAZZOLO ACREIDE (RG) - Italia

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

41° Festival Interceltique de Lorient - France
Sanflora Festival 2011 - Italia
Volksmusikwettbewerb des Musikschulmanagement Niederösterreich - Austria
Masterclasses / Stages Organetto – France
Boombalfestival / Lovendegem/hent - Belgium
ZINGARìA 2011 - Puglia/Italia
Texas Creole Music Festival - USA
Mexico’s Celso Piña in Concert, Paris – France
4° FESTIVAL DI ORGANETTO "VALLE DEL SOLE" - Villacanale di Agnone/Italia
"Cowjunto Music" Austin Cow Parade, Play In Party - USA
Civitella Alfedena Folk Festival - Italia
15 year old Ignacio Morales Wins the Big Squeeze Contest
25. Sommerseminar für junge Volksmusikanten/Graz – Austria
Festival Sentieri Acustici/Pistoia - Italia
Lunenburg Folk Harbour Festival - Canada
21. Festival dell'Organetto/Irgoli - Italia

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Fado and Tango Chamamé – Argentine/Portugal
Renato Borghetti Quartet/ Civitella Folk Festival – Italia
Die Harmonika-WM 2013 erwartet Sie ! - Austria
Copper Box in August - USA
Beltango in Croatia, Hungary, Serbia and Finland
Bristol Cajun & Zydeco Festival 2011 – UK
Tras Carton en Notorius - Argentina
Filippo Gambetta in August - Italia
DANÇAS OCULTAS / Concerts - Germany/Sweden
Brian Peters Tour dates for August - Canada
Roberto Tombesi Organetto / Stage - Italia
Harmonika-Schnupper-, Lern- und Spieltage - Graz/Austria
Pine Leaf Boys August Schedule - USA

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Titano Accordions


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Cape Philharmonic Orchstra A.Piazzolla Concert with Bandoneon/Lothar Hensel - South Africa

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
In the Fivties Astor Piazzolla received a Stipendium to study in Paris with Nadia Boulanger. During his time in Paris he was extremely keen to experiment as well as productive.
He composed a number of wonderful titles for bandoneon and chamber orchestra. Titles that evoke "the Paris" of the 50s:

- Chau Paris
- Sens unique
- S.V.P. (s'il vous plait)
- Picasso
- Rio Sena (His)

The orchestral material was considered lost. It is a sensation, bringing these works to a re-issue.

Kapstadt, Südafrika
Darling Street
11.08.2011; 20:00
Tickets 180,- R
Information: lothar-hensel@arcor.de

Voci Armoniche

RICCARDO TESI – ANTONIO SPACCAROTELLA al Conservatorio Tchaicovsky (CZ) - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Riccardo Tesi/Antonio Spaccarotella con il gruppo della Masterclass
Riccardo Tesi con Antonio Spaccarotella«Non pensavo di trovare in un Conservatorio con una così straordinaria voglia di fare sperimentazione nella musica.. Qui a Nocera ho trovato una classe di fisarmonica diatonica con un superlativo livello di preparazione tecnico-musicale che merita un confronto con l’Europa ed è per queste ragioni che spingerò per aprire un confronto favorendo delle collaborazioni con altri Conservatori europei». Con queste parole RICCARDO TESI ha chiuso una straordinaria e intensa masterclass al Conservatorio Tchaikovsky di Nocera Terinese. Parole che giungono da uno dei più autorevoli conoscitori della fisarmonica diatonica, strumento meglio noto come organetto. Riccardo Tesi è una pietra miliare nell’ambito del lavoro che, a livello nazionale e internazionale, viene portato avanti nella valorizzazione di questo strumento. Soddisfazione pertanto è stata espressa dal direttore del Tchaikovsky, il M°Pierfrancesco Pullia: «la masterclass di Tesi è stata pensata nell’ottica di una scelta didattica consapevole attraverso cui si intende innalzare il livello di professionismo nello studio di questo strumento. L’esperienza trentennale di Tesi dimostra che è possibile fare sperimentazione su questo strumento, al fine di restituire ad esso dignità e valore territoriale. Un percorso che abbiamo intrapreso da due anni con il concorso del Diatonic Fest e con altre iniziative, fino all’attuale contributo di Riccardo Tesi che ha accettato un’assidua collaborazione in termini di docenza didattica nell’ambito del corso sperimentale di fisarmonica diatonica e dello stesso laboratorio sperimentale di musica da camera, già dal prossimo Anno Accademico. Si vuole sperimentare percorsi innovativi, facendo incontrare la fisarmonica diatonica con gli strumenti cosiddetti colti, riprendendo la tradizione popolare per rielaborarla in chiave contemporanea.

Informazioni: antonio.accordion@alice.it

Sounding Out the Accordion

Circo Diatonico/Rocca Festival - Rocca di Mezzo/Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Rocca di Mezzo - 18 Agosto 2011

Circo Diatonico - Giocolieri e una piccola banda di fiati, percussioni e organetto

Musiche da circo, armonie e acrobazie dello spettacolo viaggiante, l'allegria e la malinconia, la magia del circo, la poetica del viaggio continuo, il brivido del trapezio... trasferite tutto questo in musica, tra etno-jazz, echi balcanici e richiami alla musica popolare italiana e otterrete il sapiente mix del Circo Diatonico! Una sarabanda di fiati e percussioni guidata dall’organetto di Clara Graziano, autrice dei brani del gruppo, e scandita da marce di carovana e marce di bande paesane.
La piacevole confusione del circo sintetizzata in un disco: tutto questo e molto altro ancora in un album da scoprire

Rocca Festival
l Rocca Festival, rassegna di teatro, danza, musica, vuole proporre agli abitanti di Rocca di Mezzo ed ai tanti turisti che la affollano, una riflessione sulla storia antica e recente di questo piccolo borgo montano, storia che ha lasciato i suoi segni nelle piazze, nelle facciate delle chiese, nelle piccole ed inerpicate stradine, nelle case dagli illustri portali, nelle recenti ristrutturazioni. Gli artisti invitati a partecipare a questa rassegna cercano il rapporto con l'ambiente, si pongono critici nei confronti della recente urbanizzazione, utilizzano come scenografie ideali del loro lavoro i luoghi più suggestivi del paese o i boschi, le pinete, i grandi prati del territorio circostante.

Per informazioni:
Email: circo@circodiatonico.it


Diatonic Accordionists Create Magic in Orlando with the Roland FR18 - USA

by Kevin Friedrich
Top: Danilo Di Paolonicola Middle: Alex Meixner, Lower: Danilo Di PaolonicolaPicture above: Danilo Di Paolonicola (Italy) presenting his Diatonic Accordion Workshop.

Seven-time Diatonic Accordion World Champion Danilo Di Paolonicola brought the house down in Orlando, Florida, where he took diatonic accordion performance to new heights mixing his dynamic artistry, extraordinary technical capability and the innovative features of the new Roland FR18. Appearing at the Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) Festival as an International Guest artist, Danilo’s appearance was made possible by Roland-USA, as he began a tour through parts of the United States promoting one of the newest innovations of the Roland accordion family, the FR18 Diatonic Accordion.

Picture left, top: Danilo Di Paolonicola Workshop
Picture left, middle: 2007 Grammy nominee Alex Meixner in Concert, USA
Picture left, lower: Danilo Di Paolonicola, 7 Time World Diatonic Champion in Concert

Danilo began learning the diatonic accordion at the age of six and immediately distinguished himself as a precocious talent, going on to win an incredible seven "World Champion" titles on the Diatonic Accordion, as well as numerous national and international competitions.

Among the many competitions won, Danilo in 2007 with his group "Ethnic Project" won the competition for world's most important jazz accordion "Premio Città di Castelfidardo" and again in the same year with his band, also won the "Premio Stefano Bizzarri" where he had the honor to open the gala concert of Richard Galliano.

Danilo studied jazz and accordion Varietè with Renzo Ruggieri, where he attended advanced courses at the Berklee Shcool in Perugia (Umbria Jazz). He has given concerts in Switzerland, Germany, France, Belgium, Croatia, Holland, Hungary, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina and the USA.

Also appearing on Diatonic accordion courtesy of Roland-USA was America’s own 2007 Grammy nominee Alex Meixner who began his performing career began at age 6 with his two sisters and father in an ethnic folk ensemble. An extremely versatile musician, Alex performs expertly on Diatonic Accordion, Piano Accordion as well as several brass instruments.

Alex has appeared at music festivals throughout the USA, concert performances with the London Symphony Orchestra, Sandy Duncan and his own jazz and ethnic ensembles; as well as over 50 recordings, Meixner has developed a unique musical mix that appeals to a wide cross-section of audiences.

His formative musical studies were on piano and piano accordion, but he quickly branched out on drums, diatonic button accordion, bass and trumpet which ended up as his college major. This instrumental versatility is combined with a musical background that has included intense studies and performance of jazz, classical, pop, polkas and many ethnic folk music genres with some of the leading artists in the world.

His talents in music and comedy were even featured on the Tonight Show on NBC in 2004. Most recently, his “Polka Freak Out” CD with Bubba Hernandez garnered a Grammy nomination in December, 2007.

Currently based in Palm City, Florida, Alex is performing as a solo artist and with numerous touring ensembles. His solo programs- “Fascinating Rhythms of the World” focus on the fusion of Slavic Folk Music and Jazz, but also include the inflections of folk, pop and classical styles from Latin America, Africa and other sections of Europe. This music is the basis for a series of multicultural music education seminars and performances which are currently available through the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts “Artists in Education” program.

During the Festival, Danilo also presented some workshops highlighting the features of the FR18 Diatonic instrument. Roland-USA reports that Diatonic sales have far exceeded all expectations in popularity offering the flexibility of multiple key tunings at the touch of a button, custom key configurations for each artist as well as all the other features inherent in the Roland accordion family. After leaving the ATG Festival in Orlando, Florida, the Diatonic team will head to Houston, San Antonio and other cities in Texas as part of their American Tour.

Pictured below, left to right: Chris Bristol, President & CEO of Roland Corporation USA, Virginia Harmon Roland-USA Festival Coordinator, Alex Chudolij (Roland-USA Dealer), Steve Albini Roland-USA V-Accordion Product Manager, Daniel Pavlotsky (Winner Youth Division – Roland-USA V-Accordion Festival), Danilo Di Paolonicola - Roland Diatonic Accordionist (Italy), Danielle Renzi (Winner of the Senior Division – Roland-USA V-Accordion Festival), Christopher Gorton (Winner 2010 Roland-USA V-Accordion Festival), Peter Chudolij (USA), Chris Halon, Roland-USA Director of Product Management and Sergio Scappini - Roland V-Accordionist (Italy).

Voci Armoniche

2011 Trophée Mondial International Competition Now Includes Diatonic Categories - Italy

by Anna Bodell, Charnwood Publishing
CMA Pineto banner
Frédéric DeschampsThe 61st Trophée Mondial organised by the Confédération Mondiale de l'Accordéon (CMA) is being held from 13th to 18th September in Pineto, Italy. For the first time, the CMA Trophée Mondial now includes two new categories for diatonic accordion.

Junior Variety - Diatonic. (Maximum Age 18 years)
1 Round: Own Choice Program with maximum time limit of 8 mins to include at least two pieces of different style and character. The pieces chosen should be mainly original works for Diatonic accordion.

Senior Variety - Diatonic. (Maximum Age 35 years)
1st Round: Own Choice Program with maximum time limit of 9 mins.
2nd Round:Own Choice Program with maximum time limit of 9 mins.
Music performed in the second round must be different from those performed in the first round. The pieces chosen should be mainly original works for Diatonic accordion.

Other categories included in the CMA Trophée Mondial are: Senior Classical, Junior Classical, National Trophy, Junior Variety, Senior Variety.

All the rules, information about hotels, how to travel to Pineto are on the newly updated CMA Website.

CMA President Frédéric Deschamps (picture right) wrote that:
"Renzo Ruggieri, internationally renowned jazz musician, has been appointed the host organizer. Renzo Ruggieri has good support from the City of Pineto and is experienced running international accordion events with all the necessary skills to organize an event of the highest level. The new diatonic categories are an exciting addition to the 2011 Trophée Mondial International Competition and I am looking forward very much to this new category."

For all information about the event, visit the CMA website.

Friedrich Lips Book

Der nächste TAG DER HARMONIKA 2012 wird in PERG/Oberösterreich stattfinden - Austria

by Werner Weibert
Online translation !

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Fête de l'accordéon diatonique / Luzy - France

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Avec des artistes:
ANNE NIEPOLD seule en scène Concert
Accordéon diatonique
Dimanche 14 août – 17h | Cinéma | 5 € gratuit moins de 12 ans

Duo EGEA / PLANA Concert
Vielle à roue – Accordéon diatonique
Concert en partenariat avec le festival "Repérage invite Barcelone à Bibracte"
les 8 et 9 octobre 2011 – www.zutique.com
Dimanche 14 août – 15h | Cinéma | 5 € gratuit moins de 12 ans

Le ciné de poche de Benjamin Ciné-concert
Benjamin Macke : accordéon diatonique.
Lundi 15 août –17h | Cinéma | 5 € gratuit moins de 12 ans
A regarder seul ou en famille, pour petits et grands enfants

RUE DE LAPPE rend hommage à Mouloudji
"Un jour tu verras" Spectacle concert
Lundi 15 août 17h | Salle des Fêtes | 10 € - Gratuit moins de 12 ans

Emilio Armilles : chant, guitares ; Frédéric Gateau : chant, accordéon, orgue de Barbarie ; Pascal Brenot : chant, contrebasse ; Samuel Jaudon : Mise en scène ; Bruno Poirrier : création lumière

Raphaël Thierry : cornemuses, voix ; Christophe Raillard : accordéon diatonique, claviers ; Didier Gris : violon mandoline, bouzouki ; Patrick Bouffard : vielle
Lundi 15 août – 21h | Salle des Fêtes | 6 €

BLUE BAYOU Concert trad-rock
Dider Lonjard : accordéon, chant ; Glaudius Védrine : frottoir, guitare, chant ; Davic Longin : guitare, chant ; Chrstophe Tupinier : basse, chant ; Tripol Grange : batterie, chant.
Dimanche 14 août –19h45 | Cour de l’école des filles | Gratuit

BLUE BAYOU Concert trad-rock
Dider Lonjard : accordéon, chant ; Glaudius Védrine : frottoir, guitare, chant ; Davic Longin : guitare, chant ; Chrstophe Tupinier : basse, chant ; Tripol Grange : batterie, chant.
Dimanche 14 août –19h45 | Cour de l’école des filles | Gratuit

Boss : guitare ; Stef : batterie, chant ; Mac : violon ; Toff : accordéon diatonique.
Dimanche 14 août –21h | Salle des fêtes | 10€ (soirée)

Carte blanche à Quentin Gallemard Concert bal
Quentin Gallemard : accordéon diatonique et chromatique ; Aline Dumont : violon, accordéon, chant ; Francine Martin : chant ; Camille Millet : cornemuse, chant ; Jean Pascal Pin : vielle à roue ; Jonas Thin : cornemuse ; Romain Marchand : guitare
Samedi 13 août – 21h
Salle des Fêtes | Soirée 6 € gratuit moins de 12 ans

Duo TTC Bal Trad
Tiennet Simonin : accordéon chromatique, whistle ; Thomas Restoin : accordéon chromatique.
Dimanche 14 août –21h | Salle des fêtes | 10€ (soirée

Guy Dumélie : accordéon chromatique; Aline Pilon : vielle ; Mikael 0'Sullivan : clarinette.
Dimanche 14 août –21h | Salle des fêtes | 10€ (soirée)

Killian Flatot : accordéon diatonique ; Quentin Millet : Cornemuse ; Jean Pascal Pin : vielle ; Yannick Grossetete : cornemuse.
Samedi 13 août – 21h | Salle des fêtes | 6€ (soirée)

Bal pour enfants
Catherine Faure : Accordéon Chromatique, Chant, violon ; Anne-Lise Foy : vielle à roue, chant.
Lundi 15 août – 16h | Salle de judo | Gratuit

Pascal MICHAUD et son orchestre Bal musette
Pascal Michaud : accordéon chromatique
Dimanche 14 août – 15h
Salle des Fêtes | 8 € gratuit moins de 12 ans

Concours d'accordéon présidé par Vincent Garnier
Lundi 15 août – 10h>13h | Salle des fêtes | Gratuit
Stage de Danse du Movan animé par Danièle Jouvert
Dimanche 14 août – 14h30 | Salle Jeanne d'Arc | 3 €

Lai Sauteriotte
Défilé et démonstration de danses folkloriques
Lundi 15 août - Gratuit
ville de Luzy
cour de l'école de filles
rue des remparts

Information: http://www.fetedelaccordeon.com
e-mail: fetedelaccordeon.prod@gmail.com

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Diatonischer Harmonikatag in Veldhoven - Holland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Am Sonntag, 28. August zum vierten Mal der Tag des Treffens Diatonische Harmonika in und rund um die wunderschöne Lage des Museum 't Oude Slot in Veldhoven statt.
9,30 bis 12,30, ein Workshop mit Wim Claeys, CF
Freie Bühne
Am Nachmittag von 13:00 gibt es ein abwechslungsreiches Programm mit einer offenen Bühne, wo jeder seine musikalischen Fähigkeiten zeigen kann. In und um das Museum gibt es viel Platz, um mit anderen zusammenzuarbeiten, um Musik zu machen und sich auf dem Gras unter den Bäumen oder bei Tisch zu entspannen.

Weiters gibt es eine Ausstellung mit Mundharmonikas, Musiknoten, Händlern mit neuen und gebrauchten und / oder antiken Instrumenten. Fotoausstellung Squeezebox Künstlern im Laufe des Jahrhunderts.
Haben Sie ein Instrument bei sich, dann ist der Eintritt GRATIS
Weitere Information:

Ontmoetingsdag Diatonische Harmonica
zondag 28 augustus 13:00 uur VELDHOVEN
Museum 't Oude Slot
Hemelrijken 6
Postcode: 5502 HM

Op zondag 28 augustus wordt voor de vierde keer de Ontmoetingsdag Diatonische Harmonica in en om de prachtige locatie van Museum ’t Oude Slot in Veldhoven georganiseerd.
Vanaf 13.00 uur is er alle ruimte om te spelen, te luisteren en te buurten. Er is een open podium, een markt en ook aan de inwendige mens wordt gedacht.

Open podium
’s Middags is er vanaf 13.00 uur een gevarieerd programma met open podium waar iedereen zijn muzikale kunsten mag vertonen. In en om het museum is er ruimte genoeg om samen met anderen muziek te maken; lekker op het gras onder de bomen of ‘in den herd’ om de tafel.
Er is een markt met bouwers van harmonica’s, verkopers van muziek, handelaren met nieuwe en gebruikte en/of antieke instrumenten. We exposeren oude foto’s van trekzakbespelers door de tijden heen.

Met instrument is de entree gratis.
's Ochtends van 9.30 tot 12.30 is er een workshop met Wim Claeys, CF/middengroepers. Deze groep is inmiddels vol!
Info: www.harmonicahoek.nl

Artists Drawing of “Pacho” Juan Félix Maglio (1880 to 1934) - Argentina

by Harley Jones
“Pacho” Juan Félix Maglio (1880 to 1934)
This artists drawing of “Pacho” Juan Félix Maglio (1880 to 1934) was published by El Litoral.com news as one of the old guard of tango and one of the inspirations of the bandoneon achieving great popularity in Argentina.

Titano Accordions

2011 Philadelphia Folk Festival - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
50th edition – 19-21 August 2011

The Philadelphia Folk Festival began in 1962 and is the largest and longest-running Festival of its kind in the country. The event is unique in that it is presented by a non-profit arts education organization, the Philadelphia Folksong Society, and is operated with the help of 2,500 dedicated volunteers.
Since its inception, the Philadelphia Folk Festival has been the primary fund raising event for the Philadelphia Folksong Society. Founded as a 501(c) 3 non-profit, educational organization in 1957, PFS provides programs of presentation, education, and participation.
The 50th Annual Philadelphia Folk Festival, scheduled to celebrate its Golden Anniversary August 18-21, 2011 on the Old Pool Farm in Upper Salford Township (near Schwenksville), PA had added several luminaries to its already stellar line up:

Check out the full programm here:
http://www.pfs.org/PFF.php Philadelphia Folkfestival 19-21 aug 2011

Accordion Jazz Chord

From Bagpipes to diatonic Accordion – Holland/Belgium

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
In 2000, Wim starts the Boombal, beginning as a part of his accordion lessons, but quickly becoming a national phenomena that attracts thousands of dancers and musicians, thanks to the collaboration with Muziekburo.
In 2001, he meets Maarten Decombel, master-guitarist, with whom he forms duo Göze.
From then onwards things start to develop for the 3 groups: app. 15 cd’s, some tours abroad, some very big stages and some house concerts, but most of all: a lot of concerts and bals in Belgium and Holland.
In 2008 things change: Ambrozijn stops as a group and Wim leaves the Boombal organisation and takes another path: in the summer of that year he presents his first cabaret show Test Eu Gents: a course in social behaviour when speaking the Ghent dialect.

In August you can see and hear him:
01/08/2011 Vuurtoren - Jeugdtheater Larf! theater aan Zee - Oostende
01/08/2011 Vuurtoren - Jeugdtheater Larf! Theater aan Zee - Oostende

07/08/2011 Waaim met Flanders Ethno in de Groenzaal in Gent

08/08/2011 Waaim met Flanders Ethno op Dranouter

20/08/2011 Waaim Solo Cabaret op Deerlycke folfestival
20/08/2011 Waaim Solo Cabaret in De Cam - Gooik
21/08/2011 - 26/08/2011 Stage Trekzak Gevorderden in Gooik
28/08/2011 Stage Privé - Nederland

Contact: http://www.waaim.be

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Folk Camp Germany - Deutschland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Folk Camp Germany e.V. Unterm Folk Camp Germany e.V.
c/o Eckebrecht von Pappenheim Unterm Hollerbusch 24 30974 Wennigsen Germany Telefon: +49 5103 927601

Schloss Zeilitzheim
30. Juli - 06. August 2011

Was ist ein Folk Camp?
Besucher aller Altersstufen - Familien mit Kindern, Gruppen, Singles, Paare, Freunde - aus ganz Europa kommen zusammen. Sie wohnen in Zelten im Schlossgarten. (Wer es gerne etwas bequemer hat, kann ein Zimmer oder eine Ferienwohnung im Schloss oder im Dorf mieten.)
Die Idee stammt aus England von der Folk Camps Society. Das erste deutsche Folk Camp fand 1980 in der Nähe von Bremen statt, drei weitere Camps in den darauffolgenden Jahren in Nordhessen. Seit 1984 sind wir nun in Zeilitzheim. Bereits 1987 war das Folk Camp in Deutschland stark genug und auch durch die internationale Atmosphäre so verändert, daß es unabhängig von der Folk Camps Society geführt werden konnte. So wurde 1989 der Verein Folk Camp Germany e.V. gegründet, der jetzt das Folk Camp organisiert.

Folk Camp Germany e.V. c/o Eckebrecht von Pappenheim Unterm Hollerbusch 24 30974 Wennigsen Germany Telefon: +49 5103 927601

Schloss Zeilitzheim
30th July - 6th August 2011

What is a Folk Camp?

Visitors from all age groups - families with children, "singles", couples, friends; from all over Europe - camping in the grounds of the Schloss. Those who prefer to live more comfortably can rent a room or a holiday flat inside the building or in the village. The idea is imported from The Folk Camps Society in England, although naturally with some changes to suit the international atmosphere.
The first German Folk Camp was held near Bremen in 1980. After three years at a site in North Hessen, the first camp at Zeilitzheim was in 1984. Three years later, in 1987, the Folk Camp in Germany was strong enough, and different enough, to go its own way; it became independent of the English Folk Camps Society. In 1989 the Verein (society) Folk Camp Germany e.V. was founded, and this is now responsible for the organisation of the camp.

Info: http://www.folkcamp.de
e-mail: info@folkcamp.de

Nottiblee" PALAZZOLO ACREIDE (RG) - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Palazzolo Acreide (RG) dal 31/7 - 7/8 2011

Charnwood Music Publishing

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Voci Armoniche

41° Festival Interceltique de Lorient - France

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Loirent/France - 5 au 30 août 2011

Aujourd'hui, le Festival Interceltique de Lorient c'est :
10 jours de spectacles et divers événements début août

4500 musiciens, chanteurs, danseurs, plasticiens, universitaires, cinéastes, d'Écosse, d'Irlande, du Pays de Galles, de Cornouailles, de l'Île de Man, de Galice, des Asturies, de Bretagne, des USA, du Canada, d'Australie, etc...

Une grande parade (gratuite) attirant plus de 40 000 spectateurs le premier dimanche

Quelques 100 000 spectateurs payants

700 000 visiteurs et spectateurs

1100 personnes hébergées, 20 hôtels prestataires, 7 lycées partenaires, 800 lits loués en internat, 34 000 repas servis au lycée Dupuy de Lôme, 40 traversées en ferry, 40 navettes en bus locaux, etc.

Plus de 700 bénévoles

120 spectacles sur scène, dont 60 % sont gratuits.

La mise à l'honneur d'une nation étrangère tous les ans une diversité d'activités : un week-end breton (championnat des bagadou, grande parade retransmise à la télévision, triomphe des sonneurs, danses de Bretagne)

Des fest noziou gratuits, des ateliers de musique, des conférences, des concerts tous les jours sur des scènes et dans les bars de la ville, des master class gratuites d'instruments celtes, des défilés journaliers, des concours de cornemuse, de gaita, d'accordéon, de harpe celtique, de batterie, de pipe-bands

Du sport (courses de voiles (CeltiCup) de golf (Golfceltrophy), de course à pied (10 miles), de vélo)

Des expositions d'oeuvres d'arts et de costumes, un salon du livre, un marché artisan en cohérence avec la thématique du festival

Le Festival Interceltique de Lorient est né il y a 40 ans de la volonté de ses fondateurs de contribuer au développement de la musique et de la culture bretonne et aussi de s'ouvrir vers les nations d'implantation celte dans les îles britanniques (Écosse, Pays de Galles, Cornouailles, Île de Man, Irlande) mais aussi dans le nord de l'Espagne (Galice et Asturies).
Cela lui a donné une place particulière dans l'ensemble des festivals bretons, mais aussi nationaux dans la mesure où il a su créer un lieu de rendez-vous mettant en scène la Bretagne à côté d'autres nations et ainsi forger un nouveau concept porteur d'échanges : l'interceltisme.
Fort de son succès, l'interceltisme a franchi les premières frontières celtes britanniques et espagnoles pour se tourner vers d'autres lieux où existe également une implantation, plus récente, issue des migrations de ces celtes britanniques et espagnols.
C'est ainsi que l'on a vu arriver des pipe-bands australiens, des joueurs de gaita latinoaméricains et des chanteurs canadiens.



Sanflora Festival 2011 - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Volksmusikwettbewerb des Musikschulmanagement Niederösterreich - Austria

by Werner Weibert
Am Freitag, dem 27. und Samstag, 28. Mai stand Waid-hofen an der Ybbs ganz im Zeichen der jungen Volksmusikanten. 149 Teilnehmer aus den niederösterreichischen Musikschulen traten in den verschiedensten Volksmusikbesetzungen und in der Solowertung für Steirische Harmonika in den Wettstreit.

Oben: Philipp Hainfellner
Rechts: DruckZupf&BlosMus mit Jury

In den Altersgruppen A, B, C und D für Familienmusik wurden vor einer fachkundigen Jury Volksweisen und Volkslieder aus Niederösterreich und dem gesamten alpenländischen Musizierraum zum Besten gegeben. Bei den Preisverleihungen wurde nicht weniger als sechzehn Mal das Prädikat 1. Preis mit ausgezeichnetem Erfolg vergeben, auch an die hier Abgebildeten.
Die gesamten Ergebnisse 2011 und Wertungsergebnisse der vergangenen Jahre:

Höhepunkt und feierlicher Abschluss des NÖ Volksmusikwettbewerbs bildete das Preisträgerkonzert, welches am 18. Juni im Rahmen des jährlichen Volksmusikfestivals „aufhOHRchen“ in Groß Gerungs stattgefunden hat.
Die besten Wettbewerbsbeiträge wurden noch einmal von den MusikschülerInnen in einem Konzert präsentiert und die Sonderpreise an alle PreisträgerInnen verliehen.

Online translation !

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Masterclasses / Stages Organetto – France

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Marc RohartStéphane MilleretCon Stéphane Milleret 8-13/8/2011
stage accompagnement de chansons - -Marc Rohart 8-13/8/2011

Information: lapaixdemenage@wanadoo.fr

Boombalfestival / Lovendegem/hent - Belgium

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Het Boombalfestival schakelt voor zen 6e editie een versnelling hoger met namen als Isbells, The Bony King of Nowhere, Raymond, Senne Guns, Eva De Roovere en Willem Vermandere! Dit jaar wordt namelijk voor het eerst een onderscheid gemaakt tussen een clubtent (met zitbanken) en danstempels (met houten egale dansvloeren). Voor elk wat wils dus. De banken in de clubtent verdwijnen enkel donderdagavond, zaterdagavond, en zondag ná Willem Vermandere.

Het festival bouwde een goede reputatie op welke ze vooral te danken heeft aan de uitgebalanceerde programmatie, de zorg voor het milieu en de inkleding van het terrein. Zo kijken de mensen van het decoratieteam er naar uit om de erkenning van ‘gezelligste festival van het land’ weer alle eer aan te doen!

De festivalweide wordt verder doorkruist door rondlopende fanfares en ’s avonds wordt alles feeëriek verlicht terwijl mensen zich gezellig rond de vuurkorven nestelen.

Parkings voor auto’s en fietsers liggen vlakbij de ingang en zijn gratis. Zo ook de openingsavond met guests Klaas Delrue (Yevgueni) en Jorunn Bauweraerts (Laïs).

Boombalfestival 2011: van do 25 tem zo 28 augustus aan de Boterhoek in Lovendegem

Titano Accordions

ZINGARìA 2011 - Puglia/Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Festival itinerante di musica e danza tradizionale
con stages (mattina e pomeriggio), spettacoli e concerti a ballo (sera e notti bianche)

nell’ambito del progetto APULIA BAL FOLK patrocinato da
Regione Puglia - Assessorato al Mediterraneo

dalla sera del 6 all’alba del 14 agosto
Accadia (6-7-9-11-13), Candela (8), Bovino (10) e S.Agata (12)

Il magico sud…
Gianni Amati Band ** Alto Salento ** pizziche e dintorni (7-8)
Malicanti ** Salento ** pizziche e tarantelle (9-10)
Contraggiro ** Alto Salento ** pizziche e tarantelle (11-13)
‘A Voce Stesa con R. Inserra ** Campania ** tammurriata dei Monti Lattari (7-9)
La Paranza ‘O Lione **Campania** tammurriate (11-13)
Scuola di Tarantella **Montemarano –AV** montemaranese (7-8)
La Pacchianella **Monte Santangelo** tarantelle del Gargano (9)
Folkanima **Lucera** tarantelle del Gargano (7-12)
Davide Ancora **Calabria** tarantelle calabresi (7-11)

… contro il resto del mondo
Trio Loubelya M.Constant, R.Martinez e C.Passeri **Francia** mazurche e bal folk (8-13)
Runfa dos tambores **Salvador de Bahìa** capoeira e samba (11-13)
Anna Auxiliadora Estrela **Salvador de Bahìa** maculelè e altre (7-11)
Jason O’ Rourke e Desy Adams **Irlanda** irlandesi (8-13)
The Hidden Note **Italia** danze irlandesi (8-13)
Daniel Sandu **Bucarest** danze Gipsy e Rumene (8-13)
Maraspada **Piemonte** occitane e bal folk 7-12)
Farfadet **Piemonte** bal folk e balcaniche (8-13)
Noemi Bassani **Varese** balcani e medioriente (8-13)
Andrea Pelliccia **Grecia Roma** danze greche (7-11)
Anna Cirigliano **Roma** sevillanas e flamenco (7-11)

“ donne e madonne ”
Convegni e incontri con la tradizione
7-13 agosto 2011 ore 14,45 - 15,45 sala mensa scuola materna

Altre info, foto, filmati e recensioni: http://www.zingaria.com/


Texas Creole Music Festival - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
(New Caney Fairgrounds, 21675 Mc Clesky Rd., New Caney, TX)

Saturday, August 6, 2011
3pm Lil' Jabb & Triple Krown Zydeco
4:30pm Chris Ardoin & NuStep
5:45pm Marcus Ardoin & the Zydeco Legends
7pm Brian Jack & the Zydeco Gamblers
8:15pm Lil' Nate & the Zydeco Bigtimers
9:30pm J. Paul Jr. & the Zydeco NuBreeds
10:45pm Leon Chavis & the Zydeco Flames

Further Informaiton:http://www.brianjack.net e-mail: brianjack@att.net

Voci Armoniche


by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Venerdì 12 Agosto 2011

· Ore 21.00 – Inizio gara di Organetto (Du Bot) con esibizione dei candidati appartenenti alla
2^ Categoria (fino a 14 anni) provenienti da una distanza nel raggio di 50 Km circa
· Ore 22.00 – Inizio gara di Organetto (Du Bot) con esibizione dei candidati appartenenti alla
1^ Categoria (da 15 anni in su) provenienti da una distanza nel raggio di 50 Km circa
Sabato 13 Agosto 2011
· Ore 21.00 – Inizio gara di Organetto (Du Bot) con esibizione dei canditati appartenenti alla
2^ Categoria (fino a 14 anni) provenienti da oltre 50 Km
· Ore 22.00 – Inizio gara di Organetto (Du Bot) con esibizione dei candidati appartenenti alla
1^ Categoria (da 15 anni in su) provenienti da oltre 50 Km
· Ore 24.00 – Premiazione di entrambe le categorie e assegnazione del Trofeo “Comune di
Per la partecipazione al Festival occorre scaricare il regolamento con allegata la scheda di adesione
dal sito del Comune di Castelpetroso www.comune.castelpetroso.is.it. La domanda di
partecipazione, da redigere sulla scheda allegata al regolamento, e la ricevuta di pagamento della
quota d’iscrizione dovranno pervenire entro e non oltre 25 luglio 2011 al seguente indirizzo:
Comitato Feste Patronali “Maria SS della Mercede”
c/o Marialetizia Cicchino
Via Fiume, 174 Fraz. Guasto - 86090 Castelpetroso (IS)
Le domande di partecipazione saranno accettate secondo l’ordine cronologico di arrivo: le prime 30
per la 1^ Categoria; le prime 10 per la 2^ Categoria.
Il Comitato si riserva eventuali modifiche del programma per esigenze organizzative.
Comitato Feste Patronali “Maria SS della Mercede” c/o Marialetizia Cicchino Via Fiume, 174 Fraz. Guasto - 86090 Castelpetroso (IS)

Information: http://www.comune.castelpetroso.is.it./

Mexico’s Celso Piña in Concert, Paris – France

by Rob Howard
Celso PiñaMexican accordionist Celso Piña and his band perform at La Plage Glazart 7/15, Avenue de la Porte de la Villette, Paris, on Friday August 5th.

Celso Piña (born 1953), aka ‘El Rebelde del Acordeón’ (‘The Accordion Rebel’), who has just celebrated his 30 years career, started by playing traditional music. In the early 1980s, he turned to playing cumbia, a ‘tropical’ style, that includes elements of norteña, sonidero, ska, reggae, rap/hip-hop, R&B, etc.

Celso Piña y su Ronda Bogotá includes: Celso Piña Arvizu (accordion, vocals), Ruben Piña Arvizu (drums), Eduardo Piña Arvizu (bass), Juan Jose Quiroz Dominguez (vocals), Enrique Alejandro Rosales Granados (guitar), and Alejandro Zea Cavazos (congas).

From late July until October Celso Piña will be on a tour of Europe.

4° FESTIVAL DI ORGANETTO "VALLE DEL SOLE" - Villacanale di Agnone/Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
16 AGOSTO 2011
organizzato dall’ Associazione Culturale Nuova Villacanale in c.da Villacanale di Agnone (IS) Molise

Ospite d’onore Enzo Canali

Per informazione ed iscrizioni contattare:
Domenico Meo, Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 118 86081 Agnone (IS)
Tel. 0865.7221 (mattina) o 0865.78647 (pomeriggio)
E-mail: meo12@interfree.it

Accordion Jazz Chords

"Cowjunto Music" Austin Cow Parade, Play In Party - USA

by Harley Jones
Bess wrote: I have designed and painted a cow for the Austin Cow Parade and it is called "Cowjunto Music". The photo shows me and "Cowjunto Music" with the piano accordion side - the other side has a button accordion.

On Wednesday July 27, 7 pm to 9 pm at the Long Center in Austin is the Cow Parade Preview Party. All the cows (55 of them) will be unveiled.

I would like to have as many accordion players as possible come to the party, and join around my cow, and at a given signal play "viva Seguin" or "Jesse Polka" or "Hey Baby Que Paso."

It will be fun. The party is free, but you have to pay to park at the Long Center. Editor: Could this only happen in Texas!?

Photo below is the partially painted "Cowjunto Music" left side showing the diatonic artwork.

Civitella Alfedena Folk Festival - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
XI Edizione – 21-27 Agosto 2011
Comune di Civitella Alfedena (AQ) - Associazione Mantice di Latina

Rassegna di musica etnica internazionale - Presso Centro Culturale "Orsa Maggiore".
Giunto all'undicesima edizione, il programma 2011 del Folk Festival prevede la riproposizione di gruppi di punta che hanno partecipato nell’arco del decennio, unito a gruppi emergenti e non, del panorama del Folk nazionale e internazionale.
Largo spazio ad attività di integrazione tra natura, musica e tradizione locale, attraverso seminari, concerti, e attività pomeridiane come lezioni-concerto e un corso di cucina di dolci tipici, il tutto nel verde scenario del Parco Nazionale d’Abruzzo.

Giovedì 25 Agosto Centro Culturale Ore 21.30 ´
Renato Borghetti Quartet

Mercoledì 24 e Giovedì 25 Orario Mercoledì 15-17 Giovedì 10-12 e 15-17
Roberto Tombesi Organetto / Stage
Il Programma intero da scaricare sul sito: http://www.comune.civitellaalfedena.aq.it/eventi/Folk%20Festival/Programmi/2011/Programma_generale_2011_Folk_Festival.pdf

Per informazioni PRO LOCO - UFFICIO TURISTICO Piazza Plebiscito - Civitella Alfedena (AQ) Tel. 0864.890194 - www.comune.civitellaalfedena.aq.it - uffturiscivitella@tiscali.it
Marco Delfino: 339 2327810 - Tiziana Spini: 328 0136395
Segreteria del festival: mantice@fastwebnet.it

Titano Accordions

15 year old Ignacio Morales Wins the Big Squeeze Contest

by Rita Davidson Barnea
Ignacio Morales
Ignacio Morales, 15, of Dallas, won the June 2011 Big Squeeze Accordion Contest. A student at Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, he first began learning the accordion at the age of 3.

His father gave him his own accordion when he 10 after he learned 10 songs! Ignacio said, “I can’t believe that I’m the winner,” after winning the Big Squeeze in Houston, part of the Accordion Kings & Queens Festival.

The Big Squeeze Contest, organized by Texas Folklife, is open to Texas accordionists, 21 years of age and younger, and open to all genres of accordion-based music, including Cajun; German, Czech, Polish, Tejano, Conjunto, and Norteño, Western, and Zydeco.

As the Big Squeeze 2011 Grand Prize winner, Ignacio received a prize package valued at $4500, including a $1,000 cash prize, a brand new Hohner accordion and recording time at the historic Hacienda Records in Corpus Christi, as well as promotional support from SugarHill Records, Hohner, Inc., Hacienda Records and Texas Folklife, and other professional opportunities.

Texas Folklife is a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to presenting and preserving the diverse cultures and living heritage of the Lone Star State.

For further information:
Cristina Balli, Program Director: cballi@texasfolklife.org


by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Rassegna internazionale ed itinerante di musica popolare originale e di revival
Edizione “critica” del 150° Anniversario dell’Unità d’Italia

Ritorna anche quest’anno, con la ventiseiesima edizione il Monsano Folk Festival (Rassegna internazionale ed itinerante di Musica Popolare originale e di revival), allargata a quattordici comuni (di cui ben dodici dell’ anconetano.
Il Festival, voluto dal Comune di Monsano (An), con il contributo ed il patrocinio della Provincia di Ancona e della Regione Marche, dell’Assemblea legislativa delle Marche, della Fondazione Pergolesi-Spontini, curato da La Macina e dal Centro Tradizioni Popolari, per la direzione artistica di Gastone Pietrucci, si svolgerà da venerdì 5 a domenica 21 Agosto, in forma itinerante, tra i Comuni di Monsano (con quattro giornate), e Camerata Picena, Corinaldo, Jesi, Montecarotto, Montemarciano, Polverigi, Rosora, Senigallia, Serra de’ Conti, Staffolo e per la prima volta quest’anno, Appignano (MC) ed Isola del Piano (PU) (tutti con una giornata).
Il Monsano Folk Festival, si caratterizza, nel vasto panorama italiano, per la sua particolare formula di rapporto, di scambio, di confronto-“scontro”, tra la musica originale degli autentici portatori della tradizione e quella dei vari gruppi ed interpreti del folk-revival, in un accostamento di pari dignità, di notevole interesse e di grande valore scientifico.
Un Festival singolare, che per la “libertà” e la spontaneità con cui viene organizzato e vissuto, si distingue nettamente dall’attuale, sconfortante panorama di falsificazione e di massificazione operate sulla cultura tradizionale e sulla civiltà popolare. Un Festival, che alla forza della tradizione lega esperienze innovative: un Festival per tutti si, ma anche per spettatori anomali, curiosi, “vivi”, a caccia di sorprese.

Info: www.macina.net
e-mail: lamacina@libero.it

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

25. Sommerseminar für junge Volksmusikanten/Graz – Austria

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Dieses Sommerseminar findet in Grottenhof bei Graz vom 14.08. bis 20.08.2011 statt.

Der BAV (Bund Alpenländischer Volksmusikanten) lädt alle junge Volksmusikanten und solche, die es werden wollen, ein zur Volksmusikwoche in der Landwirtschaftlichen Fachschule Grottenhof-Hardt, Hardter Straße 27, 8052 Thal bei Graz.

Folgende Instrumente werden unterrichtet:
Steirische Harmonika, Akkordeon, Geige, Bassgeige, Harfe, Begleitgitarre, Melodiegitarre, Zither, steir. Hackbrett (diatonisch), Salzburger Hackbrett (chromatisch), Okarina, Blockflöte, Querflöte, Schwegel, Klarinette, Flögelhorn, Trompete, Posaune, Tenorhorn, Baritonhorn, Horn, Tuba und GESANG.

Unterricht erteilen voraussichtlich folgende Referenten:
Christoph Bachmann, Marion Bachmann, Regina Biegel, Andreas Braunsch, Johanna Dumfart, Michael Dumfart, Reinhard Gusenbauer, Simon Haitzmann, Hermann Jamnik, Manfred Kapeller, Regina Korntheuer, Martin Michelitsch, Kerstin Schmid-Pleschonig, Simon Rothmayer, Reinhold Schmid, Charlotte Zauner (Basteln).

Seminarleitung: Brigitte Dumfart
Info: www.bav-online.at/volksmusik-seminare/seminar-grottenhof-2011.html
Oder e-mail: brigitte.dumfart@ooe.gv.at

eSheet Music Titles

Festival Sentieri Acustici/Pistoia - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Per ulterirori informazioni sul programma visita:

Titano Accordions

Lunenburg Folk Harbour Festival - Canada

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
26th annual Lunenburg Folk Harbour Festival (August 4-7, 2011)

The Lunenburg Folk Harbour Society was established in 1986. Today, the board consists of 15 local volunteers interested and passionate about promoting Folk music in our community.

Mission Statement:
The Lunenburg Folk Harbour Society is a non-profit volunteer-based family-focused community organization which strives to celebrate the joy of traditional and contemporary folk music, dance, and oral history through an annual festival and other events during the year.

Statement of artistic vision:
To share traditional and contemporary folk music highlighting the culture and history of Nova Scotia and other North Atlantic regions through music, dance and other forms of artistic expression. This will be presented through events and educational experiences which celebrate the ever-changing nature of traditional music.

Information: http://www.folkharbour.com/
Email: Follow @folkharbour

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

21. Festival dell'Organetto/Irgoli - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Voci Armoniche

Future events / Concerts

Sounding Out the Accordion

Fado and Tango Chamamé – Argentine/Portugal

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
A unique show that combines two accordionists and the Portuguese Joao Gentil and the Argentinian Alejandro Britto.
Musical and cultural exchanges emerges between a strong friendship of two musicians.

This enhanced friendship grew through music and the passion for the accordion with the aim to
join Portugal and Argentina bringing the Fado and Tango Chamamé to meet... "

August 4 - STAGE Z - Restaurant Dinner Concert-Master Joe - Torch (reservations 96 2810719 or tcacao@gmail.com)
August 5 - Cultural and Recreational Center Pena - Canterbury
August 6 - Leech Bar - Beach Torch
August 7 - Non Festivities in Honor of Mrs. Hope - Vila Nova (Outil)

Andrew Ely - 7 string guitar
Lucas Rocha - 7 string guitar
Luis Formiga - Percussion
Alejandro Britt - Acordeon Gonzalez System
John Gentil - Chromatic Accordion

For further information: joaogentil1@gmail.com


Renato Borghetti Quartet/ Civitella Folk Festival – Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Quando: Giovedì 25 Agosto Centro Culturale Ore 21.30

Dove: Civitella Alfedena Folk Festival

Ha cominciato a suonare a 10 anni, quando riceve la sua prima fisarmonica. A 15 anni, era già un‟ attrazione turistica in un associazione “gaucha” e a 16 anni, inizia la sua attività come professionista, partecipando a festival regionali nello stato brasiliano di Rio Grande do Sul.
E stato in questi festival che Borghetti ha iniziato la sua carriera. Suonava come un pazzo, destando grande impressione in coloro che conoscevano la grande difficoltà del suo strumento musicale, la “gaita-ponto”. Inoltre, essendo un uomo affascinante, alto, di bella presenza, e timido, suscitava un certo interesse anche per il suo modo di presentarsi sul palco con il viso sotto quel suo cappello così caratteristico. Il suo primo disco è stato registrato nel 1984. Quando è stato pubblicato nessuno pensava che avrebbe venduto più di mille copie, furono invece più di 100 mila, a conferma del suo successo. Ha vinto il primo disco d‟oro della musica strumentale brasiliana. Vince un‟ altro record, il disco di platino, con 250 mila copie. Era una musica tradizionale, nella quale si manifestava la passione e l‟energia scintillante di questo giovane fisarmonicista.
Alterna i lavori più semplici con momenti di maggiore raffinatezza e accenni verso il jazz e la musica colta e si circonda con i migliori musicisti della regione.
Il suo cd Fandango viene presentato in una grande tournee europea (Germania, Olanda, Svizzera e Italia) e nell‟Aprile 2008 vince il Premio Açorianos come migliore CD e DVD dell‟anno.
Renato Borghetti gaita ponto (fisarmonica diatonica) - Pedro Figueiredo sax, flauto - Daniel Sá guitarra semiacustica - Vitor Peixoto piano

Ulteriori Info: www.cultureworks.at
e-mail: office@cultureworks.at

Voci Armoniche

Die Harmonika-WM 2013 erwartet Sie ! - Austria

by Werner Weibert
In diesem tollen Veranstaltungszentrum - dem EUROPAHAUS - finden die internationalen und nationalen Wettbewerbe statt!

Gleichzeitig wird auch der DEUTSCHE WETTBEWERB durchgeführt!

Jetzt schon vormerken und Termin freihalten!
Der HVÖ und Mayrhofen erwarten Sie.

Online translation !

Friedrich Lips Book

Copper Box in August - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Lucky who will be in the area of WISCONSIN during the month of August…The Copper Box can be seen and heard:

'Music on the Mall' concert series - UW - Eau Claire - Monday, August 01, 2011
U of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Eau Claire, WI
7:00 PM
Fridays on the Fox - Green Bay, WI - Friday, August 05, 2011
City Deck
Green Bay, WI
6:00 PM
Saturday, August 06, 2011
Private Party
12:00 PM
Valder's Lions Picnic - Saturday, August 06, 2011
Valders Lion's Picnic
Valders, WI
7:45 PM
Music in the Glen Concert Series - Glendale, WI - Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Music in the Glen site across from City Hall
Glendale, WI
7:00 PM
Peanut Butter and Jam concert series - Thursday, August 11, 2011
Peanut Butter & Jam Concert Series
Kenosha, WI
6:00 PM
Peanut Butter & Jam Concert Series - Kenosha, WI - Thursday, August 11, 2011
Peanut Butter & Jam Concert Series
Kenosha, WI
11:30 AM
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Private Party
5:00 PM
Kirsch's Bayou Bash - Lake Geneva, WI - Sunday, August 14, 2011
Bayou Bash at Kirsch's
Lake Geneva, WI
3:00 PM
Concert in the Park - Algoma, WI - Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Algoma's Concert in the Park
Algoma, WI
7:00 PM
Grafton, WI - Music in the Park - Thursday, August 18, 2011
Gazebo Veteran's Memorial Park
Grafton, WI
6:30 PM
"Rustic Rhythm" - A Northwoods Music Jam in Boulder Junction, WI - Saturday, August 27, 2011
Rustic Rhythm - Boulder Junction Baseball Park
Boulder Junction, WI
3:30 PM
Waterfest 2011 Finale w/ The Doobie Brothers - Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Oshkosh, WI
7:00 PM
You would like more information about the group and their music – visit their website http://copperboxsite.com/music or write an e-mail to: Copper Box info@copperboxsite.com

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Beltango in Croatia, Hungary, Serbia and Finland

by Harley Jones
Beltango Quintet
Future dates for the exciting group Beltango around Europe in the coming weeks mean quite a bit of travel for the group.

The group consists of Aleksandar Nikolic (bandoneon/accordion), Ivana Nikolic (piano/vocal), Jovan Bogosavljevic (violin), Bogdan Pejic (el.guitar) and Ljubinko Lazic (double bass).

Beltango has been a huge success where-ever they have made concerts from South America to all over Europe including Finland in the North to Italy and the Balkans in the South.

The Beltango Trilogia, 3 CD pack of is available online.


2nd-3rd of September 2011 at 21.00 - 1st INTERNATIONAL TANGO FESTIVAL/ OPATIJA - CROATIA

16th of September 2011 at 20.00 - BELTANGO EN VIVO / IKAALINEN - FINLAND

17th of September 2011 at 23.00 - WORLD OF TANGO FESTIVAL / TAMPERE - FINLAND

3rd of November 2011 at 20.00 - 8th BELGRADE TANGO FESTIVAL / Kolarac concert hall BELGRADE - SERBIA

For further information email: info@beltango.com

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Bristol Cajun & Zydeco Festival 2011 – UK

by Rob Howard
left: Colin and the Crawfish Band &  right: Acadian Driftwood
Chris Hall’s Creole KingsThe 8th Bristol Cajun & Zydeco Festival takes place from October 14th to 16th at The Folk House, 40a Park Street, Bristol. The festival guests include visitors from France and Holland as well as top UK bands playing a mixture of traditional and modern Cajun and Zydeco:

Fri evening: Madame Beau So’ (France)
Sat afternoon: Cajun accordion artist Phil Underwood is back from the USA with his new band Colin and the Crawfish (photo above left).
Sat evening: Front Row Zydeco (Holland)
Sun afternoon: Acadian Driftwood (photo above right)
Sun evening: Chris Hall’s Creole Kings (photo left)

Also performing are the Whiskey River Boys at the bar on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, dance workshops by Kay Anderson (Zydeco) and Carol Wilson (Cajun), DJs and MCs Carole (Lil' Queenie) and Nigel (Flying Home) of Swamp Rock Club, London; jamming and a licensed bar and cafe - in short, a "A whole weekend of Louisiana-style music, dance, food, drink and meeting people!"

And as it worked out so well last year, the festival again features late night sessions at the Folk House Cafe & Bar on both Friday and Saturday.

Tickets will go on sale on Monday August 15th - and ticket prices will remain the same!

Tras Carton en Notorius - Argentina

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Formación tanguera de músicos jóvenes que abordan el género desde un lado muy visceral y apasionado, a su vez muy seriamente comprometidos con el pasado y presente.
La instrumentación del grupo es contrabajo, piano, bandoneón, violín y cantante; y llevan adelante un reportorio de temas tradicionales arreglados por el grupo combinados con otros temas de su propia autoría.
Su música que transita entre el tango instrumental y tango canción está influenciada por las grandes orquestas y maestros del género de todos los tiempos.

Violín: Lucia Briano
Voz: Juan Goicoechea
Piano: Pablo Giner
Contrabajo: Matias Cadoni
Bandoneón: Pablo "Tano" Borgia
Dirección Artística y Musical: Nicolás Casares

Teléfonos: 0054 – 11 – 2059-6908 / 6932-2267
• http://www.myspace.com/tangotrascarton
• http://facebook.com/trascartontango
e-mail: [peginer@hotmail.com

Titano Accordions

Filippo Gambetta in August - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Filippo Gambetta si dedica da diversi anni alla composizione di musica originale per il suo strumento, l'organetto diatonico. Parallelamente si interessa a repertori specifici come la musica tradizionale irlandese e nord italiana, oltre a collaborare con artisti e gruppi le cui visioni musicali vanno oltre l'universo propriamente folk. Il progetto principale con cui Filippo Gambetta propone la propria musica dal vivo è il trio…..i suoi prossimi appuntamenti sono:

ore 21.00 Liguriani Borgio Verezzi (SV)

ore 21.00 Liguriani Mauro Garibaldino ... per caso
Albisola Superiore (SV)

ore 21.00 Liguriani Civitella Alfadena (LT)

ore 21.00 Liguriani Vendone (AO)

ore 21.00 Liguriani e Mauro Pirovano Mauro Garibaldino... per caso
Noli (SV)

info: 019/854931

ore 21.00 Liguriani Montelago Festival
Montelago (MC)
Taverne di Serravalle sull'Altopiano di Colfiorito
info: 0733/201359

ore 21.30 Liguriani Altamura (SV)
info: info@suonidellamurgia.net

Per contattare Filippo Gambetta: www.filippogambetta.com

Accordion Jazz Chord

DANÇAS OCULTAS / Concerts - Germany/Sweden

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Four Magic Accordions from the Edge of Europe - four outstanding diatonic accordion performers will be in visit for concerts to Germany and Sweden...

Concert Dates 2011

10.8. Malmö (S), Somarscen
11.8. Würzburg (D), Hafensommer

Further information: www.cultureworks.at
or e-mail Mag. Sabina Schebrak office@cultureworks.at

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Brian Peters Tour dates for August - Canada

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Brian Peters is a performer of traditional folk music who combines a high level of skill on three different instruments with a great voice and an energetic stage presence. He's a leading English squeezebox player, doubling on melodeon (button accordion) and anglo concertina, a fine guitarist well-versed in open tunings, and a passionate singer who can convey drama or emotion, while his carefully-constructed accompaniments blend adventure and sophistication. Described as "One of British folk music's finest ambassadors", Brian started out in the folk clubs of England and has taken his performances to stages all over the world, touring regularly in Europe and America, and always retaining a deep commitment to the musical traditions of his native country.

He will be on stage:

4-7: Nova Scotia, Canada, Lunenburg Folk Harbour Festival
13: Saltburn Folk Festival
20-26: Whitby Folk Week
28: Towersey Village Festival

More Information: http://www.brian-peters.co.uk
Email: brian@brian-peters.co.uk

Roberto Tombesi Organetto / Stage - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
ROBERTO TOMBESIDove: Civitella Alfedena Folk Festival
Quando: Mercoledì 24 e Giovedì 25 Orario Mercoledì 15-17 Giovedì 10-12 e 15-17

- L'organetto nella tradizione del nordest
- La nuova composizione per organetto
Informazioni tecniche per i partecipanti:
Per seguire lo stage è richiesta almeno una conoscenza tecnica
di base dell'organetto
Conoscere la teoria musicale non è indispensabile ma è utile
E' opportuno portare carta, penna e registratore
Organetto consigliato 8 bassi in tonalità SOL/DO.


Nato a Padova nel 1955, si accosta all’organetto dal 1979 ed avvia la propria attività professionale nel 1981 fondando il gruppo Calicanto, con il quale a finora realizzato numerosi progetti musicali. Tra questi figurano una dozzina di CD, concerti e partecipazioni a trasmissioni radio e televisive in tutta Europa e in America del Nord.
Etnomusicologo, polistrumentista, cantante e compositore, Tombesi è un artista a 360 gradi e, in questa veste, ha realizzato ricerche etnomusicali in Veneto, Istria e Dalmazia, progetti di arteterapia legati al disagio e alla malattia mentale, collaborazioni e performances teatrali (C. Boso, M. Ovadia, M. Chiarenza) e cinematografiche (D. Kurys, P. Leconte, P. Avati, L. E. Bacalov).
In collaborazione con enti pubblici e privati, università, conservatori di musica ha promosso, organizzato e diretto festival, rassegne, concorsi, conferenze e mostre dedicate alle musiche ed agli strumenti della tradizione popolare.
Attraverso varie iniziative di carattere divulgativo, seminariale e concertistico è stato uno dei protagonisti della rinascita dell'organetto in Italia.
Dal marzo 2001 insegna al Conservatorio di Padova nell'ambito del corso sperimentale di etnomusicologia.

Per informazioni PRO LOCO - UFFICIO TURISTICO Piazza Plebiscito - Civitella Alfedena (AQ) Tel. 0864.890194 - www.comune.civitellaalfedena.aq.it - uffturiscivitella@tiscali.it

Marco Delfino: 339 2327810 - Tiziana Spini: 328 0136395
Segreteria del festival: mantice@fastwebnet.it

Charnwood Music Publishing

Harmonika-Schnupper-, Lern- und Spieltage - Graz/Austria

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
vom 21. bis 27. August 2011
in Stainz (Weststeiermark)

Auch dieses Jahr finden die Harmonika-Schnupper, Lern- und Spieltage statt. Diesmal werden Sie in der Landwirtschaftlichen Fachschule Stainz untergebracht sein. Der Sinn dieses "Seminars" soll dieser sein, eine Woche mit Volksmusik zu verbringen und mit der Kultur der Weststeiermark vertraut zu werden. Nicht nur der Anfänger kann in der Welt der Steirischen Harmonika schmökern, sondern auch der Profi kann sich von einem ausgebildeten Fachpersonal unterrichten lassen. Der Sinn dieser Woche ist es, einfach Gedanken auszutauschen und neue Bekanntschaften mit Gleichgesinnten zu knüpfen, sowie Erholung in der schönen Weststeiermark zu erleben. Ein durch die Jahre entwickelter Aspekt dieser Volksmusikwoche ist auch der, dass die Teilnehmer aus dem gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum kommen und ihre Kultur mitbringen.
INFOS UNTER: 04350 / 2456
Aus dem Ausland: +434350 / 2456

email: office@harmonika.at

Voci Armoniche

Pine Leaf Boys August Schedule - USA

by Harley Jones
Pine Leaf Boys, New Orleans Jazz Fest, 30 April
The 4 time Grammy nominated band Pine Leaf Boys schedule for August. They are pictured above at the New Orleans Jazz Fest on 30th April this year.

Thurs Aug 4 Pickathon Music Festival Portland, OR
Fri Aug 5 Pickathon Music Festival Portland, OR
Sun Aug 7 Swedish Cultural Center Seattle WA
Fri Aug 12 Blue Moon Saloon Lafayette, LA | with Jolie Blonde et les Bassettes
Fri Aug 19 DBA Frenchman St, NOLA
Sat Aug 27 La Poussiere Breaux Bridge, LA

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