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www.Accordion-YellowPages.com Future Events - Cyberspaceby Harley Jones |
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All concert, competition and festival organizers are reminded to list their Future Events in our yellow pages website. Its free to list and you can do it yourself. You can also change and update your listing yourself as further information becomes available. The accordion yellow pages Future Events calendar displays at the top right hand side of this Weekly News of accordions.com in all 7 languages plus other popular sites such as the USA News and the Diatonic News. Huge numbers of readers every year view the accordion yellow pages Future Events, so all accordion event organizers are urged to take full advantage of this free service to keep the accordion community informed. German Alle Akkordeon-Konzert sowie Wettbewerbs- und Festival-Organiatoren möchten wir daran erinnern, alle bevorstehenden Veranstaltungen in den aktuellen Akkordeon-Gelben Seiten, www.accordion-yellowpages.com Webseite einzutragen. Alle Einträge sind kostenfrei und können direkt online selbst auf die Seite gestellt und aktualisiert werden. Bereits bestehende Informationen sollten auf ihre Richtigkeit und Gültigkeit geprüft werden Alle Veranstaltungen sind in unseren Eventkalender ersichtlich und dies auf allen unseren 7 übersetzten Sprachen. Der Event-Kalender ist gelb und auf der rechten Seite/oben auf unseren verschiedenen Seiten zu finden. Dies inkludiert unsere USA Nachrichten Edition accordions.com und das neue Portal, das den diatonischen Instrumenten gewidmet ist - diatonische-news.com Eine große Anzahl von Lesern konsultieren täglich, wöchtenlich, monatlich, jährlich unsere Akkordeon-Yellow Pages Future Events Seiten. Nützen Sie diese Gelegenheit – es ist ein kostenloses kostenlosen Service für die Akkordeon Gemeinschaft. Italian Tutti gli organizzatori di concerti, concorsi e festival devono ricordarsi di inserire i loro eventi futuri nel sito Accordion-YellowPages.com. La segnalazione è gratis e potete farlo autonomamente. Potete cambiare e aggiornare il vostro annuncio da soli e far rendere l'informazione disponibile. La voce Eventi Futuri si trova in alto sul lato destro delle notizie di accordions.com in 7 lingue più altri siti come accordionsusa.com e diatonic-news.com. Un enorme numero di lettori visiona le pagine di Accordion Yellow Pages Future Events ogni anno, così prende tutto il vantaggio di questo servizio gratis per la comunità fisarmonicistica. French Tous les organisateurs de concerts, de festivals et de concours sont rapplelé d'insérer leurs événements à venir sur le calendrier du site Accordéon-YellowPages.com. L'insertion est gratuite et vous pouvez le faire individuellement. Vous pouvez modifier et mettre à jour votre annonce par vous-même et de rendre l'information disponible. Le calendrier des Événements à venir est sur le côté supérieur à droit des nouvelles hebdomadaire en 7 langues du accordions.com et que accordionsusa.com et diatonique-news.com. Un grand nombre de lecteurs consultes les pages jaune de l'Accordéon pages chaque jour et année est surtous l’ événements futures, profiter pleinement de ce service gratuit pour la communauté des accordéonistes. |
Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival, Ikaalinen - Finlandby Kevin Friedrich |
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![]() The 39th international Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival will take place in Ikaalinen, from June 28th until July 3rd 2011. The Finnish Accordion Folk Musician Championship Competition for Diatonic Accordions was held 29 June, and a full report with photos is at Sata-Häme Soi. Results were: (one and two row accordion) 12 years and under 1. Arttu Rajala, Ilmajoki 177p. (picture above) 2. Aino Hilda Kankaanranta, Virrat 167p. 3. Andre van Balen, Pori 142p. 15 years and under 1. Meiju Honkaniemi, Seinäjoki 165p. Open (without age limit) 1. Tanja Rinto, Peräseinäjoki 190p. 2. Marko Huhta, Jalasjärvi 181,5p. 3. Erkki-Jussi Koivuluoma, Koskenkorva 177p. Veterans 50 years and over 1. Reino Lautamaja, Seinäjoki 140p. Ethnic Music 1. Eveliina Uitto, Kauhajoki 184,5p. Winner of the Public Vote after Competition was Broadcast on the Radio (voting via Texting/SMS) 1. Arttu Rajala (picture above) Contestants photo below. DAILY REPORTS by Kevin Friedrich online at Sata-Häme Soi. |
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Beltaine Festival - Spainby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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8-15 July 2011 PARTICIPANTES TEJEDOR NIAMH NI CHARRA - Irlanda ANABEL SANTIAGO CARLOS NÚÑEZ (con la banda Villa de AvilÉs) KEKEZZA – CORNUALLES INVERGLEN SCOTTIHS DANCE – CANADA Bagad Konk Kerne - Bretaña Bagad Sonerien Bro Dreger - Bretaña Lous Gouyats de L´adour - Francia SIAMSOIR CELTIC DANCERS- Escocia http://www.beltaine.es/ |
KEN SWEENEY Concertina - New England/USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Travelling extensively by thumb, boxcar, motorcycle, and homemade canoe since the age of thirteen (and still at it) and living in numerous rustic and out-of-the-way places has given Ken a unique understanding of the lifestyles of which he sings, and a first-hand sense of the regional and cultural nuances in the tunes he plays. Don't call Ken a scholar, or an academic, or an historian - he holds no degrees, has written no books, and can't remember names and dates; he's just a guy who lets the music and song lead the way to grand adventure, and delights in sharing it. Ken has been an educator and chanteyman at Mystic Seaport Museum for much of the past twenty years. ..... "A native New Englander, Ken first heard sea chanteys as a child listening to his parents' record player and later found to his delight that he had a knack for rendering those tunes on the harmonica. He sings and plays traditional music on diatonic and chromatic harmonica, five-string banjo, and guitar, and has been performing at New England Contra dances, pubs, folk festivals, and concert stages for more than 20 years. After several appearances at the Sea Music Festival, he took on seasonal duties as a chanteyman. Ken has been described by fellow musicians as a consummate harmonica player." Ken can be found playing banjo, concertina, and harmonica on the CD "Tapping the Tradition." For next events - pls contact Ken under: kntna@yahoo.com |
Organetti - Gara - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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William (Wim) Wakker, Craftsman Concertina Maker Now US Citizen - USAby Harley Jones |
![]() For the past three years since moving to the USA, the Dutch-born Wakker has been making concertinas in his Valleyford home with his wife, Karen, a native of Spokane Valley. A former concert musician and teacher who received a graduate degree at the Sweelinck Conservatory in Amsterdam, Wakker taught and did postgraduate work at the University of Denver where he met Karen. He studied theoretical design and 19th-century free-reed instruments, including the concertina, until one day he took a leap. “I decided I was going to learn to make and restore those instruments myself,” Wakker said. When he says there are only five concertina makers in the world, Wakker is talking about craftsmen who make all the pieces of the instrument, including the focal steel reeds, honed to hundredths of an inch. “You have to be able to work on small objects and you have to be able to hear the harmonics on top of the note,” Wakker said. Wakker has been involved in concertina instrument design and manufacture. From 2003-2009 he designed and started production of the Jackie/Jack, Rochelle and Elise (hybrid) entry level concertinas. In 2004 he started Wakker Concertinas (hand made) concertinas. In 2010 Wakker started the production of the Clover and Peacock, intermediate level (hybrid) concertinas. |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
Hamilton Folk Arts Festival - Canadaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() This 40th edition of the Festival will be celebrating Canada's 144 th Birthday for four fun-filled days, from June 30th to July 3 rd, 2011 in Gage Park, Hamilton. Hamilton Folk Arts Heritage Council was founded in 1969. We are a Hamilton-based non-profit organization committed to the nurturing and promotion of ethnic awareness, and diverse cultural heritage throughout Canada. OBJECTIVES • To co-ordinate the efforts of all ethnic organizations and interested individuals in developing Canada's Folk Arts and Heritage. • To preserve the Folk Arts heritage and traditions of the people of Canada. • To educate and outreach students as well as the general public by implementing various cultural, folk arts, and heritage programs. • To benefit the community at large by organizing special cultural events, educaitonal workshops and seminars, as well as exhibitions. • To foster the creative expression of folk arts. • To provide the opportunity for an exchange among the various cultures; thereby promoting knowledge and understanding of diverse cultures. 6 Stages of Entertainment, RONA’s West Coast Lumberjack Show, Foods of the World, Over 150 Arts & Crafts Booths, Midway, Bingo, Canada Bubbles - Walk on Water, Canada Day Flag Raising Ceremonies, Folkloric Dance & Choral Groups, Canada Day Baby Contest, Karaoke, Ontario Youth Talent Search, Molson Beer Garden, Big Bear Mini Putt, IYF Spelling Bee, http://www.hamiltonfolkarts.org/itsyourfestival.htm Hamilton Folk Arts Heritage Council 12 Walnut Street South, Suite 1 Hamilton, ON L8N 2K7 Tel: 905.525.2297 email:info@itsyourfestival.ca email: info@hamiltonfolkarts.org |
9 Luglio 2011 a VERRES (AO) - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Used Bandoneon Shortage - Argentinaby Harley Jones |
![]() ![]() "In a few years, there will be no more bandoneons in our country," said Oscar Fischer, who heads La Casa del Bandoneon. A specialist in these instruments, Fischer has a workshop in Buenos Aires. Horacio Ferrer, President of Argentina's National Tango Academy said - "I've known people who have 10 or 12 bandoneons, but don't play them," he said. Because of the current exchange rates, antique instruments in Argentina are usually cheaper than in Europe and other countries. The current peso exchange rate means that new bandoneons from Europe are very expensive relative to incomes in Argentina. Fischer said that "When the Second World War began, we had 60,000 bandoneons in Argentina. There are now only 20,000 of them left," and “only 2,000 remain in very good shape and with their original pieces." Argentinian Congresswoman Alicia Comelli (picture right) introduced a law aimed at protecting the Bandoneon that was passed in 2009 but is still awaiting the decree so the law can take effect. "The bandoneon is part of Argentina's culture. We must protect this heritage," she said. Under the bandoneon law, the government would be able to seize an instrument subject to a sale if it ever belonged to a well-known musician or if it is more than 40 years old. A national register of bandoneons would also be created and the instruments would be barred from leaving the country. Another way, is being tried at the National University of Lanus. They have a plan to manufacture bandoneons at an affordable price. A prototype is nearly ready for testing and the production will not seek to make a profit. |
20. Volksmusik-Ferienwoche - Schweizby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Steirische Harmonika im Berghaus Alpenrösli, mitten in einer traumhaften Bergkulisse geniessen Sie Schweizer Geselligkeit und frische Alpenluft. Musikunterricht, 6 x Halbpension, Begrüssungsdrink, Stubeten, Rahmenprogramm Anmeldung direkt beim Musiklehrer, Renato Allenspach, Kirchberg SG www.berghaus-alpenroesli.ch |
AMAntica Festival Castelnuovo/Recanati - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Due giornate di musica, mostre, incontri..per irscoprire le meraviglie del borgo di Castelnuovo (Recanati-mc), tra musica popolare, interviste a chi da anni si muove per le sue stradine e visite in un piccolo intenso mondo. 30-31 Luglio 2011 L'antico rione di Castelnuovo è un piccolo e intenso mondo di vicoli e botteghe, di fervida produzione artigianale e di eccellenze sviluppate lungo un secolo di storia, che ha dato i natali a importanti figure del nostro tempo, piccoli e grandi artisti. Se ci si addentra passo passo nelle arti e nei mestieri che hanno caratterizzato e caratterizzano la sua quotidianità, queste poche strade si colorano di un profondo che entusiasma e arricchisce la conoscenza personale di ognuno. Da questo spontaneo fascino nasce il Festival AmAnticA, 2 giornate di musica ed eventi capaci di raccontare con suggestioni e ospiti di rilevanza nazionale e internazionale la personalità e il carisma di questo rione. Portare alla luce le proprie radici, ancora tanto robuste e vitali, diventa un mezzo per leggere e conoscere il presente e per lanciarsi più saldi verso il futuro. Un divenire tra ieri, oggi e domani, tra classico e popolare, tutto questo è AmAnticA. Stage di 2 giornate tenuto dal maestro e didatta Alessandro Parente (Piccola Orchestra La Viola 30-31-luglio 2011) |
Polka Fireworks festival - USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Polka firworks Festial - June27-July3 2011 with: Eddie Blazonczyk's Versatones (IL) www.versatones.com The Polka Family Band (PA)www.polkafamilyband.com Stephanie & Her Honky Polka Band (NY) Pan Franek & The PolkaTowners (MI)www.panfranek.com John Góra & Górale (CAN)www.johngora.com Eddie Forman (MA)www.eddieforman.com Stas Golonka & The Chicago Masters (IL) Ray Jay & The Carousels (PA) The Knewz (NY)www.theknewz.com The DynaBrass (MI) Jimmy K & Ethnic Jazz (OH)www.ethnicjazzohio.com Buffalo Concertina All-Stars (NY)www.freewebs.com/buffaloconcertinaallstars Henny & The Versa J's (PA)www.versaj.com Darrell Weltin's New Brass Express (MI)www.newbrassexpress.com Andy Fenus & The Trel-Tones (PA)www.trel-tones.com Mon Valley Push (PA)www.monvalleypush.com Info: http://www.polkafireworks.com/ |
Gooikoorts Folk Festival - Belgiumby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Gooikoorts is a yearly international festival that focuses on folk music at the crossroads of tradition and innovation. The festival stands for a high quality musical programme alongside an atmosphere of cosiness and enjoyment. At Gooikoorts folk music lovers embark on a fascinating voyage full of exciting experiences. An original and highly distinctive programme truly stands for genuine musical quality. The purpose is to show both talented young players and confirmed artists from this area and from far away countries, from Canada to Ukraine. Gooikoorts has become a three-day international traditional music festival. In 2009 18 bands from 11 different countries including Belgium, Ireland, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Portugal, Poland, England, Schotland, France and Québec performed on three stages. The instrument builders fair has space for 30 exhibitors and is the meeting place par excellence for any folk musician. 19 initiations in a variety of musical traditions from many countries are organised. A whole range of children entertainment is always provided at the festival area. On Sunday morning the village mass will be enhanced by artists taking part in the Gooikoorts festival. The 2011 program is full with bands from all over Europe playing exciting and unique traditional folk music concerts. Information: www.gooikoorts.be Email: Patrick Lichtert patrick.lichtert[at]gooikoorts.be |
1° Concorso Nazionale "Città di Futani" (SA) - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Per TUTTI GLI ORGANETTISTI DEL MONDO – for all diatonic accordionplayers in the world! Saturday 16th from 3 pm until Sunday 17th July 11.30 pm sabato 16 luglio alle ore 15.00 - 17 luglio alle ore 23.30 Per maggior informazioni contattare: Alessandro Gaudio su FB La fisarmonica diatonica, comunemente nota come ORGANETTO, è uno strumento musicale appartenente alla famiglia degli AEROFONI (strumenti il cui suono è generato da un flusso d'aria) di tipo MECCANICO (l'aria è prodotta da un mantice o soffietto) e provvisto di ANCE LIBERE. L'ancia libera è una sottile linguetta di acciaio, fissata ad una estremità su una piastrina di ottone o alluminio forata in modo tale da consentire all'ancia di vibrare liberamente sotto il soffio dell'aria, producendo così il suono. Ogni ancia è intonata su una nota musicale: la lunghezza e la larghezza della linguetta sono proporzionate all'altezza della nota. Più acuta è la nota, più piccola è l'ancia e viceversa. Le ance sono montate su intelaiature di legno (soniere) fissate all'interno di due cassettine, anch'esse di legno, dotate entrambe di tastiera. L'organetto è caratterizzato da una tastiera melodica a bottoni, azionata dalla mano destra, estesa per 2 ottave e 1/2, nella quale le note sono ordinate per scale diatoniche (5 toni e 2 semitoni). Ad ogni bottone corrispondono due suoni differenti, secondo che il tasto sia premuto aprendo o chiudendo il mantice (sistema bitonico). Il numero dei tasti della melodia può variare, secondo il tipo di organetto, da 12 a 33, ordinati in una, due o tre file. Lo strumento possiede una seconda tastiera più piccola, azionata dalla mano sinistra, che comprende i bassi e gli accordi (da un minimo di 2 a un massimo di 12, ordinati in due file) necessari per l'accompagnamento ritmico. Ogni tastiera aziona una serie di valvole che consentono il passaggio dell'aria attraverso le ance e la produzione del suono. L'afflusso dell'aria alle ance è assicurato da un mantice in cartone rivestito di stoffa, che collega le due casse. Tra i vari tipi di organetto, quelli più utilizzati nella musica tradizionale italiana sono l'organetto a 2 bassi e l'organetto a 8 bassi, pur essendo diffusi anche i tipi a 4 e a 12 bassi. |
Macedonian Pearl Folk Seminar 2011 - USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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![]() Berovo - Macedonia 05 - 15 July Instrument classes are on private or semi-private basis, and should be arranged with the individual teachers. Music students: please indicate on your registration form if you can read music notation, or if you will learn by ear. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In addition to the regular daily schedule of classes and evening parties, some special events and trips are planned!!!! EVERY PARTICIPANT WILL RECEIVE A CERTIFICATE FROM THE MACEDONIAN PEARL FOLK SEMINAR EVERY NIGHT: LIVE MUSIC PARTY (Macedonian traditional instruments: kaval, gajda, tambura, tapan, zurla) Information: www.macedonianfolk.com e-mail: info@goranalachki.com |
Festival « Les Nuits Salines » - Franceby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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![]() festival : un état d'esprit... trois jours et trois nuits dans, la musique, la fête et la convivialité !... Le festival « Les Nuits Salines » de Batz sur Mer, c'est, avant tout, des instants de grande convivialité qui permettent aux résidents du pays des paludiers et aux personnes, de passage dans la commune ou dans la région, de se rencontrer, de partager leurs cultures et de faire, ensemble, la fête !… Les Nuits Salines, ce sont trois jours et trois nuits de festival autour du sel, l’or blanc de notre presqu’île. Pendant la durée des « Nuits », un "village" est installé sur la place du Mûrier, où chacun peut venir se restaurer de crêpes, grillades, moules-frites ou sandwiches, accompagnés de cidre, de bière blanche, blonde ou brune, ou simplement d'un soda, tout en écoutant la musique des groupes qui se produisent sur la scène du Village. Une seule monnaie est valide pour payer ces denrées : les sachets de sel que l'on trouve aux caisses situées à l'entrée du village. En plus des concerts, une initiation à la pêche à pied, des balades dans les maris salants, en calèches, un spectacle pour enfants et un marché du terroir complètent cette riche programmation festive. Cette année, encore, les "Nuits Salines" font preuve d'originalité et d'ouverture avec : - des musiques TRADITIONNELLES (fest-noz) et des ambiances plus ROCK, - un mélange du monde CELTIQUE (bretagne et irlande) et du monde, au sens WORLD Music (roots), - sans oublier la CHANSON FRANCAISE et "MARINE". Les enfants ne sont pas oubliés, ils pourront embarquer pour un voyage dans le monde merveilleux du cirque ! Les "Nuits" favorisent, toujours, l'émergence de groupes locaux, à côté d'affiches celtiques. Les 'nuits" vous emmènent partout où la musique est gaie, festive et parle de nos racines Information: http://nuitssalines.free.fr e-mail: La Présidente : Sandra OLIVAUX sandra.olivaux@wanadoo.fr |
Folkest Festival Spilimbergo2011 - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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![]() Anteprima Folkest Venerdì 1 Luglio, ore 21,15 - Udine, piazzale del Castello LA GIALLA COTOGNA D’ISTANBUL (concerto a pagamento / € 15 + € 3 dir. prev.) Paolo Rumiz, Moni Ovadia, ALfredo Lacosegliaz LA FIESTE DA SEDON Sabato 2 Luglio, ore 21,15 - San Pietro di Ragogna (Ragogna), Castello Domenica 3 Luglio, dalle ore 16,00 - San Pietro di Ragogna (Ragogna), corte e salone del Castello Programma Folkest Giovedì 7 Luglio, ore 21,15 - Cassacco, Castello corte Interna Marianne Green (Irlanda / Danimarca) Venerdì 8 Luglio, ore 21,15 Rigolato, piazza Durigon - Marianne Green (Irlanda / Danimarca) Colloredo di Prato (Pasian di Prato), Polifunzionale - Palmley - Holland (Inghilterra) Gemona, Castello - Girotondo d’Arpe (Italia) Sabato 9 Luglio, ore 21,15 Campeglio (Faedis), Villa Accordini - Palmley - Holland (Inghilterra) Porcia, villa Correr – Dolfin - Marianne Green (Irlanda / Danimarca) Domenica 10 Luglio, ore 21,15 Villa Santina, Parco Intercomunale - Tony Maude & The Knights of Friuli (Inghilterra / Friuli) Sedegliano, Corte Perusini/Rinaldi - Lou Tapage (Piemonte) Lunedì 11 Luglio, ore 21,15 Castions di Zoppola (Zoppola), cortile Casa Coi - Palmley - Holland (Inghilterra) Martedì 12 Luglio, ore 21,15 Udine, piazzale del Castello - John Mellencamp (Usa) - (concerto a pagamento / € 40 + € 6 dir. prev.) Aquileia, piazza Capitolo - Tony Maude & The Knights of Friuli (Inghilterra / Friuli) Mercoledì 13 Luglio, ore 21,15 San Giovanni al Natisone, Villa de’ Brandis - Chiriké (Sudamerica / Italia) Mercoledì 13 Luglio, ore 21,15 Variano (Basiliano), collina di Variano - Tony Maude & The Knights of Friuli (Inghilterra / Friuli) Giovedì 14 Luglio, ore 21,15 Capodistria, piazza Carpaccio - At First Light (Irlanda) Toppo (Travesio), palazzo Conti Toppo-Wassermann - Gastone Pietrucci e La Macina (Marche) Venerdì 15 Luglio, ore 21,15 Tolmezzo, piazza Mazzini - Brown (Italia), Willie Nile (Usa) Capodistria, piazza Carpaccio - Esma Rdzepova (Macedonia) Sabato 16 Luglio, ore 21,15 Raveo, località campetti sportivi - Harduo (Friuli), Nosisà (Friuli) Meduno, palazzo Colossis - Compagnia Daltrocanto (Campania) Domenica 17 Luglio, ore 21,15 Crevatini, Estivo Comunità degli Italiani - Compagnia Daltrocanto (Campania) Salars (Ravascletto), piazza G. B. Da Pozzo - Cantodiscanto (Italia) Martedì 19 Luglio, ore 21,15 Coseano, piazza Largo Municipio - Sirventes (Italia) Mercoledì 20 Luglio, ore 21,15 Ronchis di Latisana, osteria da Omero - Alan Reid & Rob Van Sante (Scozia) San Daniele del Friuli, chiesa di Santa Maria della Fratta - Vincenzo Zitello (Italia) - (concerto a pagamento € 10) Giovedì 21 Luglio, ore 21,15 Artegna, collina di San Martino - Alan Reid & Rob Van Sante (Scozia) Pordenone, Piazza XX Settembre - Durkovic e i Fantasisti del Metrò (Italia / Romania) Travesio, Piazza XX Settembre - Matching Ties & Tir na nog (Irlanda / Usa / Germania) Venerdì 22 Luglio, ore 21,15 Papariano (Fiumicello), via Nazionale - Branco Selvaggio (Italia) Pontebba, Teatro Italia - Matching Ties & Tir na nog (Irlanda / Usa / Germania) Piano d’Arta (Arta Terme), piazzale chiesa Santo Stefano - Alan Reid & Rob Van Sante (Scozia) Sabato 23 Luglio, ore 21,15 San Giorgio di Nogaro, parco di Villa Dora - Matching Ties & Tir na nog (Irlanda / Usa / Germania) Cercivento, campo di volo - Matteo Segrado (Friuli), Calicanto (Veneto) Ovaro, località Aplis - Chiriké (Sudamerica / Italia) Domenica 24 Luglio, ore 21,15 Moggio Udinese, piazza Pertini - Nosisà (Friuli) Clenia (San Pietro al Natisone), - Matching Ties & Tir na nog (Irlanda / Usa / Germania) Lunedì 25 Luglio, ore 21,15 Portogruaro, piazza della Repubblica - (concerto a pagamento) - Mau Mau (Italia) Martedì 26 Luglio, ore 21,15 Ruda, cantine Rigonat - Chiriké (Sudamerica / Italia) Udine, piazzale del Castello - Davide Van De Sfroos (Lombardia) - (concerto a pagamento € 22 + € 3 dir. prev.) Mercoledì 27 Luglio, ore 21,15 Goricizza , corte Bazàn - Strepitz (Friuli) Istrago (Spilimbergo), piazza Regina Margherita - Passover (Italia / Usa) Folkest in Festa a Spilimbergo Giovedì 28 Luglio Piazza Garibaldi, ore 21,15 Danças Ocultas (Portogallo) a seguire, musica nei locali storici del centro di Spilimbergo Venerdì 29 Luglio Piazza Duomo, ore 21,30 Edoardo De Angelis - Sale di Sicilia (Italia) Piazza Garibaldi ore 21,15 Paolo Tofani (Italia) ore 22,45 D’Agaro / Zanchini / Ottolini (Italia) Torre Orientale ore 21,10 Rocco Burtone, Arno Barzan, Ludovica Burtone (Italia) ore 23,00 Cantsilena (Lazio) Sabato 30 Luglio Piazza Duomo ore 21,15 Edoardo De Angelis - Te la ricordi Lella (Italia) ore 22,15 Amori Boliviani (Sudamerica) - Taller Experimental de Musica Andina e Alberto Chicayban Piazza Garibaldi ore 21,15 Secondo a nessuno (Emilia Romagna) ore 22,45 Bandorkestra55 (Italia) Torre orientale ore 19,00 Arnwill (Italia) ore 21,10 Koralira (Sicilia) ore 23,00 W.I.N.D. (Italia) Domenica 31 Luglio Piazza Duomo ore 21,30 Dohl Foundation (India / Inghilterra) Piazza Garibaldi ore 11,30 Filarmonica Città di Spilimbergo (Italia) ore 21,15 Mu-Roots / Special Folkest Edition (Italia) ore 22,45 Max Manfredi (Italia) Torre orientale ore 19,00 Young 8 Folk (Piemonte) ore 21,10 Jimi Barbiani Band (Italia) ore 23,00 Almoraima (Puglia) Lunedì 1 Agosto, ore 21,15 Piazza Duomo - (concerto a pagamento € 25 + € 3 dir. prev.) Harduo (Italia), Steve Hackett (Inghilterra) Progetto Speciale Sabato 27 Agosto, ore 21,15 - Fontanafredda, Parco I Sapori delle acque - The Water Suite Il programma può subire variazioni. |
Kastav (CRO), Summer Festival – Istria/Croatiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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![]() 26.07.2011. Tuesday - “Danças Ocultas” 9pm, Crekvina Accordion Quartet „Danças Ocultas“, Portugal Line up (diatonic accordion): Artur Fernandes, Francisco Miguel, Filipe Cal, Filipe Ricardo For further Information: http://www.kkl.hr/kastav/?page_id=73&language=en |
Campionato Italiano di Organetto e Fisarmonica Diatonica - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Mission Folk Festival - Canadaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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![]() Patrick Ball (California) Robert Sarazin Blake (Washington State) Mari Boine (Norway) Jim Byrnes (BC) Caladh Nua (Ireland) Máire Ní Chathasaigh (Ireland) The Church of the Blues artists Amelia Curran (Nova Scotia / Newfoundland) Crow Quill Night Owls (Washington State) John Doyle (Ireland) Dry Bones – Nathan Rogers, Leonard Podolak & J.D. Edwards (Manitoba) Gallus Brothers (Washington State) Matt Gordon & Matt Greenhill (US) Griff (Belgium) Harald Haugaard & Helene Blum Quartet (Denmark) Ron Hynes (Newfoundland) Namgar (Mongolia / Siberia) Lorcán Mac Mathuna & Northern Lights (Ireland / Norway) Ordo Sakhna (Kyrgyzstan) Outside Track (Scotland / Ireland / Canada) Dirk Powell Band (Louisiana) Sagapool (Quebec) Jayme Stone (Ontario) Tapia eta Leturia (Spain) Information: http://www.missionfolkmusicfestival.ca/ e-mail: |
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BRIAN PETERS /Masterclasses/Concert in July - UKby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() ![]() Traditional songs and music from England with squeezeboxes and guitar - traditional folk music combined in a high level of skill on three different instruments with a great voice and an energetic stage presence. He's a leading English squeezebox player, doubling on melodeon (button accordion) and anglo concertina, a fine guitarist well-versed in open tunings, and a passionate singer who can convey drama or emotion, while his carefully-constructed accompaniments blend adventure and sophistication. Described as "One of British folk music's finest ambassadors", Brian started out in the folk clubs of England and has taken his performances to stages all over the world, touring regularly in Europe and America, and always retaining a deep commitment to the musical traditions of his native country. Masterclasses in July 3: Wem, Squeezing Shropshire melodeon workshop and concert http://www.raylangton.com/ 14: Folkestone, Folk at the Drum http://www.folkatthedrum.co.uk/ 16: Lewes Saturday Folk Club, melodeon workshop and concert http://www.lewessaturdayfolkclub.org/ 17: Lewes Saturday Folk Club, ballad forum (afternoon) http://www.lewessaturdayfolkclub.org/ 29/31: Burlington, Vermont, Champlain Valley Folk Festival http://www.cvfest.org/ Further informaiton: http://www.brian-peters.co.uk/peters_tour.html e-mail: brian@brian-peters.co.uk |
XIX Viljandi Folk Music Festival - Estoniaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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The theme of XIX Viljandi Folk Music Festival which takes place on July 28-31 is "Rhythm and Pulse" through which the organisers hope to create a bond stronger than ever before between the performers and the audiences. Viljandi Folk Music Festival Similarly to the previous years, the programme of the festival taking place on July 28-31 includes more than 70 concerts plus tens of performances on the Green Stage and on the dance floor. In addition to that, everyone is invited to attend the workshops, night university, runo song nest, fairytale chamber, instrument fair, handicraft yard and film sessions. The Head of the Programme, Tarmo Noormaa, reminded everyone that the organisers of Viljandi Folk Music Festival do not usually label any of the performers as the headliners of the festival. "Throughout the years, our audiences have proven to be very professional and curious and that is why we want the guests to have a lot of freedom in their choices. However, one thing is certain - many exotic and engaging rhythms will be heard," he said. Among the internationally well-known performers, the Head of the Programme brought out Trilok Gurtu, a percussion player and composer from Kashmir. He was one of the first Indian musicians who managed to break into the West with his ability to mix the music from his homeland with jazz and fusion. The solo performances of Trilok Gurtu are famous for being spectacular and inspiring and widening the audience's concept of drum playing and the world of rhythm as such. In addition to that, summery Viljandi will also host the Swedish traditional music pioneer and legend Hedningarna who was the first in the world to mix Scandinavian traditional music with rock and electronic and acoustic instruments. Hedningarna has brought traditional music into the clubs and stadium stages and has appeared in different pop music charts. "Their modern sound language has inspired many other musicians," added Tarmo Noormaa. The last time Hedningarna performed in Estonia was in 1997 and their fan base in Estonia has been growing ever since. In addition to the performers mentioned already, performers of the festival include Snaarmaarwaar from Belgium, Ensemble Sahnbehzadeh from Iran, Chveneburebi from Georgia, Oreka Tx from the Basque County, Reveillons from Quebec, Cissokho System from Senegal, Auli from Latvia and Sergei Starostin's family band from Russia. Estonian bands Kukerpillid, Abrahams Café, Legshaker, Nikns Suns, Triskele, VEM, Vägilased, Untsakad, RO:TORO, Zetod, Paabel, Knihv and several others will also give a concert. Information: Estonian Traditional Music Center NGO Tasuja pst 6, 71011 Viljandi Estonia Ph + (372) 434 2050, fax + (372) 434 2051 e-mail: folk@folk.ee |
Future events / Concerts |
Bandini Chiacchiaretta Duo - ITALIA/Mexicoby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Giampaolo Bandini – Cesare Chiacchiaretta Duo, guitar and bandoneon, formed in 2002 pursuing the clear aim to propose Argentine music through the charm and magic of its most representative instruments. The duo immediately became an important point of reference in the international concert circuit thanks to their great communicativeness joined to an extraordinary charisma. Invited by the most important festivals and theatres in the world, they have toured in Mexico, Romania, China, Poland, Slovakia, Austria, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Holland, Croatia, Russia, Slovenia, Turkey, the Czech Republic and Hungary meeting outstanding critical and audience approval. The duo had the privilege to play Astor Piazzolla’s Double Concerto “Hommage a Liegi” conducted by Maestro Leo Brouwer at the Auditorium Paganini of Parma and for the Unione Musicale of Turin with the renowned Moscow Virtuosi chamber orchestra conducted by Pavel Berman. In 2004 Bandini – Chiacchiaretta Duo was awarded the 15th “Beniamino Joppolo” Citta di Patti Prize (in the province of Messina, Italy) for remarkable artistic achievements in the field of music. In 2005 the duo made their debut in the prestigious Grand Hall of Saint Petersburg Academic Philarmonic achieving such great success that they were immediately asked to play for the following two years. Their peculiarity of living music to the full and without boundaries leads them to work together with prominent artists such as Arnoldo Foa, Elio delle Storie Tese, Amanda Sandrelli and musicians such as Fernando Suarez Paz, Michele Pertusi, Corrado Giuffredi, Danilo Rossi, Massimo Quarta, Enrico Bronzi, Franca Masu, Maria Estela Monti, Enrico Fagone and many others. Their first CD “Hombres de Tango” sold more than ten thousand copies and was greeted with great enthusiasm by the critics. They have recorded for the most important radio and television broadcasters in Italy and abroad. Recently, a concert held in Brussels was broadcast via satellite in more than twenty countries. As teachers, they are requested by the most renowned Academies and Universities and hold classes at the Institutes of Higher Education “Luigi Boccherini” in Lucca and “Tito Schipa” in Lecce as well as at the Summer Festivals of Gubbio and Portogruaro. Saturday, July 16, 4:00 & 7:30 PM Mexican American Cultural Center ALL TANGO PROGRAM: Featuring music by, Maximo Diego Pujol, Angel Villodo, Paulo Bellinatt, and Astor Piazzolla XVI Festival Internacional del Noreste Del 9 al 16 de julio: Saltillo, Coahuila, México |
MAIOLATI SPONTINI (AN) 2011 - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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1 - 2 LUGLIO 2011 “LA MARCA EUROFOLK 2011” 8° festival-concorso internazionale di musica e danze della tradizione Concerti, presentazioni e dibattiti, laboratori di danze: pizzica, saltarello, danze francesi Tutte le attività sono gratuite. Campeggio libero ed eno-gastronomia Due giorni di concerti, laboratori di danza, testimoni della tradizione marchigiana, espositori, presentazioni e dibattiti, nell’evento ideato e diretto dall'associazione L'Albero del Maggio. I quattro gruppi italiani selezionati per la finale di quest'anno sono ITINERRANTI (Puglia), KORALIRA (Calabria), RARECA ANTICA (Campania) e RUSTICANTI (Lazio). Ospite la suonatrice ed’organetto francese MARIE CONSTANT. I gruppi selezionati durante “laMarca eurofolk” partecipano poi ad importanti festival italiani, spagnoli e portoghesi. Come ogni anno, il luogo che ospiterà le emozioni dei musicisti, l'entusiasmo degli appassionati e le danze libere è il Parco Colle Celeste, che si animerà dalle 20 con musica in acustico al tramonto, per poi lasciare spazio ai finalisti e ai concerti serali sul palco dalle 21.30. Durante il pomeriggio, l'appuntamento irrinunciabile è con i Laboratori di danza, sia venerdì che sabato, dalle 15.30 alle 19 al Teatro Gaspare Spontini, quest'anno incentrati su saltarello, pizzica pizzica e danze francesi (mazurka e bourrée). La mattina del sabato è dedicata alla presentazione dei gruppi in concorso e al consueto interessante e animato dibattito sulla tradizione, dalle 10.30 alle 13, sempre al Teatro. Per tutta la durata dell'evento, saranno presenti stand gastronomici e sarà inoltre possibile effettuare campeggio libero. Tutte le attività sono gratuite. laMarca eurofolk 2011 è realizzata grazie al sostegno di: Comune di Maiolati Spontini, Provincia di Ancona, SOGENUS, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Fabriano e Cupramontana e in collaborazione con associazioni italiane, spagnole, portoghesi e francesi: Mantice, Carovana FolkArt, ARCI Ancona, asociaciòn Eurofolk, aCentral folque, Centre Artesà Tradicionarius, PédeXumbo, Festibalzen. INFO: www.lamarcafolk.it 345.9339670 email: lamarcafolk@virgilio.it e |
Joe Burke Book Release, Irish Willie Clancy Summer School – Irelandby Rob Howard |
![]() The accordion and melodeon teachers include Joe Burke, Jackie Daly, Bobby Gardiner, P J Hernon, and Conor Keane. Concertina teachers include Noel Hill, Marty O'Keeffe, Lorraine O'Brien, Caitlín Nic Ghabhann, Cormac Begley, Timmy Collins, Edel Fox, Dympna O'Sullivan, Michelle Mulcahy, Hugh Healy, Claire Keville, Jack Talty, Jackie McCarthy, Katie O'Sullivan, and Aoife Kelly. Mick Kinsella and Rick Epping will teach harmonica classes. Button accordionist Joe Burke, one of the legends of Irish music, has produced ‘The Joe Burke Traditional Irish Music Book’, which contains his arrangements of 105 traditional tunes. The book includes three CDs, with all the tunes played by Joe Burke, at various speeds and including ornamentation and variations, suitable for all instruments. A book launch takes place on Sunday July 3rd on the second day of the Summer School. For further information email: angleann@oceanfree.net |
The Savoy Family Cajun Band Tour – UKby Rob Howard |
![]() Marc and Ann Savoy (fiddle) and their sons Joel (fiddle) and Wilson (accordion and piano) create a tight, intense sound. The repertoire is chosen carefully: popular dancehall tunes interspersed with soulful ballads, fiddle and vocal duets, and blues. The band brings the raw energy of the dancehalls of southwest Louisiana to the stage, peppered with humorous and informative anecdotes about life in the Cajun heartland. July 22nd - Cecil Sharp House, London July 23rd - Perth Concert Hall, Southern Fried Festival, Perth, Scotland July 24th, 5pm - Summertyne Americana Festival, The Sage, Gateshead July 25th - The Band Room, Farndale, North Yorkshire July 26th, 8pm - Norwich Arts Centre July 27th, 8pm - The Courtyard, Edgar St, Hereford HR4 9JR July 28th – Royal Oak Folk Club, The Royal Oak, Lewes, near Brighton July 29th - Mick Jagger Centre, Dartford, Kent July 30th - mac, Cannon Hill Park, Birmingham B12 9QH July 31st – WOMAD, Charlton Park, For further information email: info@accessallareas.info |
LA VITA CHE DANZA/Bandadriatica Tour - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Il nuovo concerto della Bandadriatica! LA VITA CHE DANZA - Il tour 2 Luglio Lecce, apertura Notte Bianca 2011 8 Luglio day off 9 Luglio Allerona Scalo (TR), Festa AlleGrona 14 Luglio Campi Sal. (LE) 15 Luglio Milano, Carroponte, Movimenti Festival 16 Luglio day off 4 Agosto Nova Siri (MT) 5 Agosto day off 6 Agosto San Donaci (BR) 13 Agosto Molise 14 Agosto day off 15 Agosto Boretto (RE), Mundus Festival 24 Agosto Torre dell'Orso, Melendugno (LE) 26 Agosto Pietra Montecorvino (FG), Terra Vecchia in Folk Ulteriori informaaizoni: www.adriatik.it oppure e-mail: info@adriatik.it |
Catskills Irish Arts Week set for July 10-16 - USAby Harley Jones |
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The 2011 Annual Catskills Irish Arts Week (CIAW) will take place July10 to 16 in East Durham under the auspices of the Michael J. Quill Irish Cultural and Sports Centre, upstate New York. The Arts Week offers classes in a wide variety of Irish art forms, culture, and music. Classes for bellows instruments include: concertina, button accordion, piano accordion plus classes for all traditional Irish instruments and Irish dancing. There are many tutors coming from Ireland. The CIAW aims to give musicians and dancers a chance to learn and perform with their fellow artists. The visual arts and a variety of crafts have been included in the Arts Week for more than a decade. The Arts Week concludes with the Andy McGann Traditional Irish Music Festival on Saturday, July 16th. It is still the biggest assembly of traditional Irish musicians and dancers performing in North America with more than 100 artists scheduled to appear. For further information email: irishartsweek@gmail.com |
2011 Pitango Annual Tour - Israelby Harley Jones |
![]() “These are two different programs,” explains Amijai Shalev. “The first, in which we are joined by tango dancers Ronen Hayat and Maya Schwartz, is more intimate. It is for those who want to hear tango of different styles and periods as it sounds in cafes of Buenos Aires. The second is for those who prefer a big symphonic sound. It is like you take music from the street and bring it to a symphony hall – it both gains and loses and takes on a new aspect. We perform Astor Piazzola’s Four Seasons of Buenos Aires, especially arranged for quartet and orchestra. |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
Caladh Nua – new CD “next stop” and July tours - Canadaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Caladh is an old Irish word meaning "Harbour" or "Shelter place". Caladh Nua means a "New Harbour" or "New Shelter place". Caladh Nua could also refer to a new comfortable place where music and song sets a warm lovely atmosphere. With all this in mind, this is "Caladh Nua", the traditional Irish band. This very unique band was founded in early 2009. Like many of the great Irish traditional bands Caladh Nua simply formed as a result of some great musicians crossing paths, realising a special connection and then wanting to share it with the world audience. The ensemble comprises of five extremely talented musicians from three beautiful regions in Ireland, counties Carlow, Waterford and Kilkenny. The tasteful musical arrangements of Caladh Nua include traditional Irish dance music, traditional songs alongside some more recently composed pieces. Caladh Nua has a perfect balance between innovation and preservation of Irelands wonderful music and song tradition, the band's special repertoire and energy is guaranteed to capture an audience of any generation. July 1 - 3: Stan Rogers Folk Festival, Canso Novia Scotia, Canada July 4: Victoria Playhouse, Victoria, PEI, Canada July 6: Evergreen Theatre, Margaretsville, NS, Canada July 8-10: Winnipeg Folk Festival, Canada July 13: Festival Place Theatre, Edmonton, AB, Canada July 14-16: BJ's Q Club & Sports Lounge, 10013-97th Ave., Grande Prairie, Alberta July 20: Kicking Horse Culture, Golden District Arts Council, Golden, BC, Canada July 21: Armstrong Inn, 3400 Smith Drive, Armstrong, BC July 22-24: Mission Folk Festival, Mission, BC, Canada July 26: The Dam Pub, 53 Bruce St, Thornbury, ON N0H2P0 July 28: Residence of the Ambassador of Ireland, Rockcliffe Park, Ontario July 29-31: Blue Skies Festival, Clarendon, ON, Canada Information: www.caladhnua.com |
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