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Diatonic News - Nov-2013
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Voci Armoniche


Roland Corporation Decides to Move V-Accordion Production – Italy
ORF-Talenteshow Finale/8. November - Austria
Julian Sutton (Melodeon) features on Sting's 'The Last Ship' - USA
USA to Represent at IMC-UNESCO Conference - USA/Australia
Celebrating 150 Years, Travelling Exhibition 'Craftsmen of Sound' - Italy
Worlds first KAURI Accordion - NEW ZEALAND
Markku Lepistö performing at the Sibelius Academy - Finland

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

"Konzertinatreffen" - Altenplos/Deutschland
Video: Lars Karlsson New Composition for a Friends Daughter - Sweden
Copenhagen Irish Festival 2013 - Denmark
Video: Bjørn Ravnestad with his Gold Medal Winning Band "Lunds Tivoli" - Norway
3. Valentin Ansina Argentine Festival - Argentina
Video: "King of the Road" TV Show Features Wayne Toups & ZydeCajun - USA
10th Belgrade Tango Festival - Serbia
Video: Prince Charles Pipe Band: Small Pipes and Accordion - France
Fürstenecker Akkordeonale/Workshop für Anglo-Concertina - Deutschland
Video: Los Tigres del Norte at the Premios Billboard 2013 - Mexico
Los Tigres del Norte Performs for Immigration Reform - USA
2nd Accordion and Harmonica Festival - Netherlands
Lucern Blues Festival - Schweiz
13. Cajun & Zydecofestival - Germany
Video: Jimmy Breaux & Friends (Accordion two-step) - USA
Beltango Tours & December Performance with CRR Istanbul Symphony Orchestra - Turkey
Video: Schwarzenburger Marsch by Hanness Moser (Hanny).
Konzertina / Herbstkurs in Kleinlosnitz - Deutschland
Video: Heraldo Roland Castro Plays Minuet in G
Konzertina / Herbstkurs in Bayreuth - Deutschland
Video: The Start
9. Festival del Chamamé Maceta - Buenos Aires/Argentina
Internet Forum for the BCC# Accordion – UK
Austin Celtic Festival / Texas - USA
George Carruthers Irish Music School in Elmstein/Pfalz - Deutschland

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

ANDREAS GABALIER in Stadthalle/Villach - Austria
Concert Mosalini Teruggi Cuarteto - France
Celebrate Accordion Day in November - USA
Le vent du nord on Tour in - USA/CANADA
Copenhagen/Paolo Russo/Nov 8 - Denmark
Trad et Poesie avec Duo Florilèges en concert - France
Herbstmess Bozen - Italien
Tag der Harmonika 2014 in der Steiermark – Österreich
AJ Castillo on Tour - USA

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

'Play Your Accordion Without Pain', New Chapter Released - USA
“Artigiani del Suono”, 150 Years of Accordion Production Illustrated – Italy

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche


by Diatonic News
Una platea gremita ha applaudito il concerto inaugurale dell’orchestra da camera del Cilento e Vallo di Diano, tenutosi nel cine-teatro “La Provvidenza” di Vallo della Lucania, giovedì 31 ottobre. La serata non poteva non avere come ouverture “La Scala di Seta” di Rossini, l’opera che ha dato il nome all’associazione che ha creato la prima orchestra da camera del Cilento, composta da 30 elementi tra : archi, fiati, percussioni e solisti di alto spessore, come: Manfredo D’Alessandro all’oboe, Gennaro Chirico al clarinetto, Davide Citera al Corno e Alfonso Pellegrino al Fagotto, che insieme hanno interpretato la “Sinfonia Concertante KV 297 ” di Mozart. Le emozioni e la curiosità del pubblico sono aumentate quando, nella seconda parte, entra uno strumento popolare d'eccezione, un organetto ben inserito da Alessandro Gaudio, recente vincitore Cat.Fisarmonica Diatonica del Trofeo Mondiale C.M.A Samara/Russia, che entra in scena con l'intera orchestra presentando degli arrangiamenti del Carnevale di Venezia di Paganini per fisarmonica diatonica ed orchestra d'archi e concludendo in duo insieme al M° Paolo Vertullo al pianoforte nell'esecuzione della Cuparsita di Rodriguez, dove l’organetto, così espressivo e toccante, sembrava dare forma ai sentimenti interiori dei musicisti. Interviene anche il direttore d’orchestra, Massimiliano Carlini, sottolineando, l'importanza dell'evento e mettendo in evidenza come oggi la fisarmonica diatonica, grazie anche a questi eventi di alta caratura culturale, acquisisca sempre + importanza nei diversi contesti musicali di diversa estrazione artistica. Grazie a questi eventi, si valorizza il territorio in un progetto di innovazione nella tradizione nella grande soddisfazione del pubblico, emozionato a tal punto da commuoversi e riscoprire, sensibilizzandosi, la pura potenza della musica.

Sounding Out the Accordion

Roland Corporation Decides to Move V-Accordion Production – Italy

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Alfredo MaroniOn Wednesday 6th November, the President of Roland Europe Spa, Alfredo Maroni (picture left) announced to the employees, that that Roland Corporation has decided to move their accordion production to Japan and that the production of Roland Europe Spa in Acquavivia is to be liquidated by the end of March 2014.

Roland Europe Spa closure does not mean the end of V-Accordion production which is expected to move to Japan or Asia. Alfredo Maroni, President of Roland Europe communicates, that the year 2013 is expected to record a profit of about one million Euros for Roland Europe Spa.

At the moment 150 people are working in the production where the already worldwide famous accordion brand the “V-Accordion” has been successfully produced since 2005.

For 7 years, Roland Europe has been organizing the international V-Accordion Festival, which is held annually in Rome and had its 7th Edition just 3 weeks ago from the 16-19th October 2013. Report: 2013 Rome Festival

The Roland V-Accordions are a unique product, which no other major digital/electronic instrument manufacturer produces. The product is very Italian and includes many parts and production techniques that are used "only for accordion" using production skills long associated with the region Marche of Italy, where the first accordion production took place 150 years ago.

An industry expert (not from Roland Europe spa) who does not wish to be named, believes that this closure could be a result of new Italian taxes and increases of bureaucracy, making production in Italy less desirable and less economic for the future.

The Roland V-Accordion line is a valuable part of our accordion world and we can only hope, that every effort will be made to continue the development and production of this important product.

Further information will be published as it becomes available.


ORF-Talenteshow Finale/8. November - Austria

by Diatonic News
Acht Musiker - von der Rockband Kaiser Franz Josef über den Rockabilly-Sänger Philip Berto hin zum Klassik-Trio Piller - und zwei Tanz-Acts sind im Semfinale von "Die Große Chance" am Samstagabend gegeneinander angetreten.

Im Finale am 8. November werden die Dance Industry, Johannes Raupl, das Trio Piller, Thomas David und Kaiser Franz Josef um den Gewinn von 100.000 Euro kämpfen.

Johannes Raupl. Der achtjährige Ziehharmonikaspieler aus Kärnten zählt spätesten seit dem Semifinale zu den Favoriten der Talenteshow.

Daniel Piller vom Piller Trio konnte in diesem Jahr bereits den begehrten Akkordeon-Wettbewerb in Castelfidardo/Italien in der Kategorie D KLASSIK f. sich entscheiden.
Piller Trio mit Daniel Piller beim Gewinner Konzert in Castelfidardo

Voci Armoniche

Julian Sutton (Melodeon) features on Sting's 'The Last Ship' - USA

by Kevin Friedrich
A new musical 'The Last Ship' will soon sail onto a Broadway stage after a stop in Chicago. Producers announced that the show, inspired by Sting's memories of growing up in a shipbuilding community in northeast England, will appear on Broadway in the fall of 2014 after it makes its world premiere next summer at Chicago's Bank of America Theatre.

The musical has a story by 'Red' playwright John Logan and 'Next to Normal' writer Brian Yorkey. It will be directed by Joe Mantello, who directed Wicked and have choreography by Steven Hoggett, who did the same for Once.

The move comes amid a surge in singer-songwriters from the worlds of pop and rock aiming for theater stages. Sting is joining a list that includes Cyndi Lauper, Sheryl Crow, John Mellencamp, Sarah McLachlan, Tori Amos, Edie Brickell, David Byrne, Fatboy Slim, Burt Bacharach and Elvis Costello.

The Last Ship will come on the heels of Sting's wife Trudie Styler's off-Broadway debut as actress and producer. She will star as the fading actress Irina Arkadina in an adaptation of Anton Chekhov's The Seagull at the Culture Project.

Sting, a 16-time Grammy Award winner and former lead singer of The Police who was born in Newcastle, has just released his latest album called The Last Ship, inspired by the forthcoming musical.

The Last Ship is the eleventh studio album by English musician Sting, released on 24 September 2013. It is his first release of original material since his 2003 album Sacred Love.

It's a collection of songs for the original play about the destruction of the shipping industry in Newcastle, the English port city where he grew up, as well as a meditation on mortality, community and fatherhood. It will explore the themes of homecoming and self-discovery, drawing upon Sting's memories of growing up, and reminiscing universal truths – the complexity of relationships, the passage of time and the importance of family and community.

The album features guest artists with roots in the northeast of England, including Brian Johnson from AC/DC, Jimmy Nail, The Unthanks, The Wilson Family and Kathryn Tickell and melodeon artist Julian Sutton, who features throughout the album.

Brought up in the well-known musical hotbed of Newcastle upon Tyne, Julian has been playing melodeon for longer than he cares to remember. He is probably best known for playing in a band with the renowned Northumbrian piper and composer Kathryn Tickell, with whom he has been working since 1998. He also has a growing reputation as a fairly decent accompanist of traditional song, having recorded and performed with amongst others Scottish singer and songwriter Karine Polwart, The Unthanks, Nuala Kennedy, and multi-award winning Barnsley songstress Kate Rusby.

From time to time Julian steps out of his comfort zone in order to work with musicians from beyond the folk sphere. Recent projects have involved performing alongside classical percussionist Evelyn Glennie, jazz saxophonist Andy Sheppard, Norwegian brass legends the Brazz Brothers and Anglo-Indian tabla master Juljit Bhamra. his most exciting music adventure to date has been recording with fellow Geordie and celebrated musician Sting for the project 'If On a Winter's Night' and now 'The Last Ship'.

Other on-going musical adventures include The Auvo Quartet (an Anglo-Finnish group rotted in traditional music with a wide range of other influences), the Wendigo (with Stephen Tyler and Anne-Marie Summers of medieval music duo Misericordia) and most recently a duo with French bagpiper Fabrice Besson, playing new compositions influenced by English and French traditional music. He current teaches at The Sage Gateshead Music Education Center.

Friedrich Lips Book

USA to Represent at IMC-UNESCO Conference - USA/Australia

by Diatonic News
World Music ForumIn November, Kevin Friedrich, Board of Director for both the American Accordionists' Association (AAA) and the Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) and CIA Ambassador will travel to Brisbane, Australia, as a Delegate to the 35th General Assembly of the International Music Council (IMC-UNESCO) and 5th World Music Forum. Also in attendance will be CIA Public Relations Manager Harley Jones from New Zealand. As a CIA member, the ATG and AAA enjoy affiliation with this prestigious music organization, the largest non-governmental division of UNESCO.

The IMC was founded in 1949 at the request of UNESCO as a non-governmental advisory body on musical matters. It currently comprises national music committees in 74 countries on all continents as well as 34 organizations representing most fields of musical activity; membership also includes Members of Honor chosen among the world's outstanding musicians, a few individual members and supporting members in recognition of their individual or corporate generosity.

Members elect a 12-member Executive Committee that meets regularly between General Assemblies. A permanent Secretariat is located at UNESCO House in Paris. IMC members benefit from a wide range of professional services and extensive possibilities for exchanges at many levels.

The International Music Council is the main global music organization. It works in close association with UNESCO and has a membership of national music committees and music organizations.

The CIA’s membership to the International Music Council (IMC-UNESCO) opens the door to work with leaders and members of the largest and most important musical associations and organizations in the world. The CIA was the first instrument specific group to be a member of the International Music Council.

When the CIA applied for IMC membership in 1975, there was some skepticism about the accordion being accepted into the International Music Council from one of the member nations. The President of the IMC at the time put everything into perspective by asking the General Assembly if they agreed that the accordion was an instrument, and that the instrument was capable of making beautiful music, and if composers were excited to have the opportunity to write for the accordion, and if the IMC should not be an umbrella over all musicians? When this was agreed on, the President then gained tremendous support for the CIA to enter into the IMC and it was overwhelmingly accepted as a new member. That IMC president was famous violinist, the late Yehudi Menuhin!

The IMC considers that the experience of music and music-making is a vital part of the everyday life of all people. It is a basic right for all people to express themselves and communicate through music. A world expert organization, a forum for exchange and reflection, an observatory in the field of music thanks to its geographic extension and the variety of competence of its membership, the IMC is an organization habituated to speak to governments, institutions and regions.

It is the IMC's objective to contribute to securing the following basic rights:

· the right for all children and adults to express themselves musically in all freedom
· the right for all children and adults to learn musical languages and skills
· the right for all children and adults to have access to musical involvement through participation, listening, creation and information
· the right for musical artists to develop their artistry and communicate through all media, with proper facilities
· the right for musical artists to obtain just recognition and remuneration for their services

The IMC aims at contributing to the development and strengthening of friendly working relations between all the musical cultures of the world on the basis of their absolute equality, mutual respect and appreciation. It concerns itself with musical creativity, education, performance, broadcasting and promotion, research and documentation, the status of musicians and various other aspects of musical life. This is made possible through the unparalleled range of expertise of its membership.

The IMC comprises national music committees in more than seventy countries on all continents, over thirty international and regional organizations representing most fields of musical activity as well as individual members and members of honor chosen among the world's outstanding musicians; it also appoints supporting members to recognize generous individual or corporate donors.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Celebrating 150 Years, Travelling Exhibition 'Craftsmen of Sound' - Italy

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
150 years accordion anniversary.

Martedi 29t6h Ottobre Comune Castelfidardo Salone degli Stemmi ore 18
Presentazione della Mostra da parte dei curatori e del Prof. Marco Moroni
Interventi artistici: Francesca Merloni (peosie)
Renzo Ruggieri (fisarmonica)
Roberto Lucanero (organetto, picture right)

Ore 19 Auditorium San Francesco visita alla mostra “Artigiani del Suono”


LORETO (Bastione Sangallo) 30 NOVEMBRE/11 DICEMBRE
RECANATI (Palazzo Comunale) 2014 data da definire
KLINGENTHAL (Museo Comunale) MAGGIO 2014

150 anni fa nasceva a Castelfidardo la prima “bottega” di produzione in serie di fisarmoniche ad opera di Paolo Soprani. Da quella “scintilla” sarebbe scaturita una storia fatta di ingegno, intraprendenza, passione che ha portato alla nascita di un distretto produttivo fortemente specializzato e radicato in questo territorio. Non possiamo non ricordare come buona parte della ricchezza delle nostre zone derivi da questa affascinante storia; in quella vicenda si sono sviluppate le competenze di tanti lavoratori e imprenditori che poi, all’arrivo della crisi degli strumenti musicali acustici, si sono riconvertiti nei settori dell’elettronica, del legno, della cartotecnica, della plastica e della meccanica di precisione.

Per questo motivo il Comune di Castelfidardo, attraverso il Museo della Fisarmonica (Musuem Castelfidardo) ha deciso di collaborare con la Confartigianato nell’organizzazione di una mostra itinerante che illustrasse, attraverso le immagini, il cammino storico/produttivo di questo strumento musicale. Del progetto fanno parte anche una pubblicazione ed una serie di convegni che mirano proprio a fare delle considerazioni su una vicenda che, a nostro avviso, merita di essere approfondita in particolare in questo difficilissimo frangente di recessione economica. Il nostro auspicio è quello di lanciare un messaggio positivo, che porti a comprendere come le competenze delle persone non debbano andar disperse, come l’ingegno si possa rinnovare, come la passione e l’attaccamento alla propria terra siano le fondamenta su cui ricostruire un progetto di espansione e di ricchezza dopo un momento difficile.

L’incarico della realizzazione della mostra è stato affidato di concerto con la Confartigianato provinciale e l’Amministrazione Comunale di Castelfidardo a Beniamino Bugiolacchi (direttore del Museo della Fisarmonica), Fabio Buschi (fotografo) e Roberto Carlorosi (grafico). L’iniziativa gode anche di un contributo della Confartigianato Provinciale, della Camera di Commercio di Ancona, della banca BCC di Filottrano e del patrocinio dei comuni di Castelfidardo, Numana, Osimo, Camerano, Loreto e del consorzio CAM (Polo Tecnologico).

La mostra proporrà una serie di pannelli fotografici, dei video inediti ed un’esposizione di fisarmoniche d’epoca che coinvolgeranno i visitatori. Ogni mostra sarà “personalizzata” rispetto alla città ospitante ed al ruolo da essa svolto nell’ambito del distretto. In occasione delle varie inaugurazioni ed incontri, che verranno curate da Confartigianato Imprese Ancona, verrà presentato il prestigioso libro fotografico “ARTIGIANI DEL SUONO” edito da Tecnostampa ed elaborato dai curatori della mostra.

150 years ago the first of mass production of accordions was initiated in Castelfidardo by Paolo Soprani. Impossible to think at that time, that this "spark" would have resulted in a history of ingenuity, resourcefulness, a passion that led to the emergence of a highly specialized manufacturing district in this territory.

The City of Castelfidardo, through the Museum Castelfidardo has decided to organise a traveling exhibition that illustrates, through images, the historical journey / production of this musical instrument.

The project also includes a publication and a series of conferences. Each show will be "personalized" with respect to the host city and the role which it played in the district.

The events are organised by Beniamino Bugiolacchi (Director of the Museum Castelfidardo), Fabio Buschi (photographer) and Roberto Carlorosi (graphics) with support from local government and the cities where the exhibitions will be held.

The prestigious photographic book "Craftsmen of Sound" published by Tecnostampa and processed by the curators of the exhibition will also be promoted.

Via Mordini, 1
Tel. 071 7808288 Fax 071 780091
INTERNET www.accordions.com/museum
e-mail: info@museodellafisarmonica.it
direttore : www.museodellafisarmonica.it

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Worlds first KAURI Accordion - NEW ZEALAND

by Diatonic News
Kevin FriedrichUpdated information and pictures about the production and more recently, the debut of the world's first Kauri Accordion.

The site has been updated to show the creation and subsequent debuut of the small but magnificent instruments crafted in Finland by Aaro Luukinen in a joint international project between New Zealand and Finland, and the debut of the first instrument 'K1 - Birth' in Dargaville, NZ (Kevin Friedrich performing at the debut, picture right)

The first notes heard on the Kauri accordion were that of a traditional Maori song, in respect for the native New Zealand heritage pertaining to the project. Kevin is pictured performing Po Kare Kare Ana (trad. Maori love song) with the Dargaville Primary Shcool Kapa Haka (Maori Culbture) Group directed by Danielle Te Waiti.

Please visit http://accordions.com/kevin/n_kauriaccordion.htm for more information.

Markku Lepistö performing at the Sibelius Academy - Finland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Ti 26.11.2013, klo 19:00

Camerata, Musiikkitalo Mannerheimintie 13 a, Helsinki

Markku Lepistö will be on stage for his second concert (out of five) for the Sibelius Academy doctoral exam where he will be performing on a single row accordion.

Especially for this concert he composed 45 minutes of new music. With him on stage: Milla Viljamaa (grand piano) and Petri Hakala (mandolin).

For further information pls view

Titano Accordions

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Accordion Jazz Chord

"Konzertinatreffen" - Altenplos/Deutschland

by Diatonic News
19. Konzertinaspieler-Treffen am 10.11.2013 Altenplos im Gasthaus Moreth ab 13 Uhr

In der Gegend von Bayreuth gibt es eine gut gepflegte Konzertina-Tradition! Hier handelt es sich um die "großen", rechteckigen Konzertinas (86-108 Töne), weniger um die "kleinen", sechseckigen (40-Töne).

Seit 1996 gibt es Konzertinatreffen in Altenplos. Eines nennt sich "Konzertina zum Kaffee" und findet im Frühjahr statt, das andere im November heißt einfach nur "Konzertinatreffen" und findet am Sonntag nach dem Volkstrauertag statt. Beide werden von der "Beratungsstelle für Volksmusik in Franken" veranstaltet.

Weitere Information: http://home.allgaeu.org/kwenger/konzertina/

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Video: Lars Karlsson New Composition for a Friends Daughter - Sweden

by Harley Jones
Lars KarlssonPublished on Oct 28, 2013. This video was filmed at a concert, Kungsbacka Theatre, October 20, 2013 and is a composition titled "Leyas vaggvisa" by Lars Karlsson.

The composition is dedicated to a friends daughter, Lars Leya Isabelle Brodin, who was baptised in Mjöbäcks church on Sunday, 27th October 2013. Performance is by the Lars Karlsson Band. Very beautiful.

Copenhagen Irish Festival 2013 - Denmark

by Diatonic News
Thursday 7th November 2013
PH Caféen
PH Salen: Keeva (aka Alan Dochery band)

Friday 8th November 2013
Københavns Kommunes Musikskole - Koncertsalen
The Rambling Boys of Pleaseure (with Gino Lupari)
The Jeremiahs
PH Caféen, PH Salen: Open Mic

Saturday 9th November 2013
Københavns Kommunes Musikskole - Koncertsalen
Teáda & Seamus Begley
Socks in The Frying Pan
PH Caféen, PH Salen: Super Saturday Night Session

Sunday 10th November 2013
Rysensteen Gymnasium – Kæmpe Ceili


Charnwood Music Publishing

Video: Bjørn Ravnestad with his Gold Medal Winning Band "Lunds Tivoli" - Norway

by Harley Jones
Published on Oct 20, 2013, Norwegian diatonic accordionist Bjørn Ravnestad with his gold medal winning band "Lunds Tivoli" and as a solist: Oktoberfestivalen i toradarspel, Myrkdalen, Norway, 2013. Some of the video quality is not good but the music is excellent.

Voci Armoniche

3. Valentin Ansina Argentine Festival - Argentina

by Diatonic News
M@il: contacto@quiero24.com.ar
Teléfono: 4218-3313 / 15-5993-1887


Video: "King of the Road" TV Show Features Wayne Toups & ZydeCajun - USA

by Harley Jones

Grammy Award-Winning Wayne Toups & ZydeCajun at the Texas Rice Festival in Winnie, Texas. This Segment 1 and Segment 2, appeared on the "King of the Road Show HD" on Saturday, October 12, 2013 - on Fox 4 KBTV!! http://www.jimkingoftheroad.com

Wayne Toups is one of the most successful and popular Cajun performers throughout his extensive career.

10th Belgrade Tango Festival - Serbia

by Diatonic News
10th Anniversary - Última edición !!!?
November 1st – 3rd, 2013

2013 marks the ten-year anniversary of this dynamic, constantly challenging, multi-disciplinary tango festival, which identifies connections between movement, music, performance, embrace and social life.

To celebrate this impressive milestone, this year we are very excited to announce the participation of influential, era-defining artists: teachers, musicians and DJ’s who have contributed to the development of the Tango culture.

This year, we also want to extend a warm welcome to many enthusiasts who kept the festival alive for years.

Gustavo Rosas y Gisela Natoli – (BA)
Angel Coria y Claudia Sortino – (BA /Palermo)
Santiago y Erna Giachello – (BA)

Beltango Quinteto – (Belgrade)

Gus – (BA)
Vlado – (Sofia)
Dragan – (Belgrade)
Ana – (Belgrade)
Sonja – (Belgrade)

Mark your calendars and join us for 3 unforgettable days of tango celebration and magic:

Tango spectacle
12 workshops
3 gran milongas
2 daily milongas

Held in famous and elegant concert halls and traditional milonga venues which stand as symbols of the development of tango culture in Belgrade for a decade - Kolarac Foundation Hall, Central Military Club, Center of Fine Arts – Guarnerius and Music School Vuckovic.

We are inviting all friends of the festival, both in our country and abroad to join us for this exceptional tango event in Belgrade.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Video: Prince Charles Pipe Band: Small Pipes and Accordion - France

by Harley Jones
The Prince Charles Pipe Band: Small Pipes and Accordion; Breton Music Set, at the Festival Interceltique, August 2013, Lorient, France. Published on Sep 28, 2013

Fürstenecker Akkordeonale/Workshop für Anglo-Concertina - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
30. November bis 2. Dezember 2012

Workshop für Anglo-Concertina, English Style, mit John Spiers

Auf der Burg Fürsteneck finden an diesem Wochenende hochkarätige Workshops für verschiedene Quetschkommoden statt:

•Ensembleworkshop für alle Handzuginstrumente (Servais Haanen)
•Akkordeon-Kreativ (Johannes Steiner)
•Colombian Folklore on the diatonic accordeon (Antonio Rivas Padilla)
•English style anglo-concertina G/C tuning (John Spiers)
•Akkordeonkurs für Knopf- und Pianoakkordeon (Franka Lampe)
•Diatonisches Akkordeon mit 12 Bässen & Halbtönen (Jan Budweis)

Hier die Ausschreibung des Anglo-Kurses (in Englisch, weil dies vermutlich die Unterrichtssprache ist):

The English style of playing the anglo-concertina is traditionally very different from the way the instrument is used in Irish folk music. The main difference is that in English style playing, the majority of the melody line is played on the right hand side with occasional support from the left hand. Traditional anglo playing in England is very much based on the recordings of a small number of old players. We will look first at the styles of two of these players: Scan Tester from Sussex was one of the finest players in the step-dancing tradition and William Kimber from Headington (Oxford) is one of the most prominent figures in the English folk revival.

Modern playing owes a lot to these styles, but also takes a lot of influence from the very popular diatonic accordion. The English style relies heavily on building chord shapes with the left hand and sometimes on the right hand too. We will explore the home keys of the instrument, G, C, and D minor and all the chords that are usually needed in order to accompany folk melodies. Left-hand positioning and finger shapes will be looked at as well as rhythm.

We will take a good look at ornaments that are commonly used. Using the skills looked at above - we will then introduce a number of rhythms and styles of playing that come from the wide-ranging traditions of England.

These include:
•Hornpipes - 4/4 rhythms (step dances and step-hop)
•Country dance jigs - 6/8 rhythms
•Waltzes - 3/4 rhythms
•Polkas - 4/4 rhythms
•Morris dances - 6/8 or 4/4 rhythms

but most of all, my wish is that I can convey what fun and emotion can be had with such simple old melodies that the English tradition has. This kind of music is at it's best when you play it in a way that is impossible not to dance to and that is what I hope to pass on.

Instruments: D/G tuned instruments welcome but obviously it will be impossible to play along in the workshops with other G/C instruments. This workshop will be aimed towards the playing of 3 row instruments.

Der Kursleiter John Spiers ist bekannt durch die Folk-Big-Band Bellowhead, die als bester Live Act den BBC Radio 2 Folk Award schon 6 Mal gewann. Hedonism, aufgenommen in den berühmten Abbey Road Studios/London wurde bereits mit einer "silver disc" ausgezeichnet. John spielt Anglo-Concertina und und Diatonisches Akkordeon.

Titano Accordions

Video: Los Tigres del Norte at the Premios Billboard 2013 - Mexico

by Harley Jones
Video of popular USA and South American group Los Tigres del Norte were featured at the recent Premios Billboard 2013. Video was released 10th October 2013.


Los Tigres del Norte Performs for Immigration Reform - USA

by Diatonic News
Excerpts from an article by David Montgomery, Washington Post newspaper.

The rally for immigration reform became a singalong Tuesday afternoon for thousands on the otherwise shutdown Mall. Los Tigres del Norte — the biggest, most beloved band that many English-speaking Americans have never heard of — were onstage, and almost everyone in the audience seemed to know every word.

Which is basically the message of the Tigres song “The Cage of Gold” — a story of that bittersweet sense of accomplishment in a new land at the cost of losing connections in the old one.

Los Tigres del Norte — four brothers and a cousin — looked like businessmen in their dark suits at breakfast in a downtown hotel Tuesday. They maintain courtly, old-world manners.

They had played shows in three towns in Mexico on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, finishing between 3 and 5 each morning. Shows usually end that late in order to satisfy all fans’ requests for songs and photos. Los Tigres are scheduled to perform and be honored Wednesday at the Billboard Mexican Music Awards in Hollywood. Then they are off to perform in Bogota, Colombia’s capital.

The logistics are staggering. They have a Mexican set of equipment — for shows in that country and internationally — and an American set of equipment. The Mexican gear was pressed into service for Washington, because the American set was needed in Hollywood. Both sets include drums, accordions, electric bass, saxophone and three bajo quintos or bajo sextos, which are 10- and 12-string guitarlike instruments.

Usually the band members come in for breakfast after a show, then sleep until late afternoon. This time, they were due for a sound check on the Mall at 9 a.m.

Voci Armoniche

2nd Accordion and Harmonica Festival - Netherlands

by Diatonic News
The 2nd Accordion and Harmonica Festival, organized by the Akkordeon Association Heelweg Vav Varsseveld, takes place on Sunday November 17th at Radstake, Netherlands.

The guests include Andree Arnoldussen, Wim Wiltink, Richard Oberman, Bertil Teutelink, Peter and Tity Thalau, Boarding Orchestra VAV, Harmonica Group Acinom, Varsseveldse Accordion Association, Laren Accordion Association, Moonshine duo, Region Accordion Orchestra (RAO), Styrian Harmonica Group ‘Mittwoch’, and many more.

Lucern Blues Festival - Schweiz

by Diatonic News
James HarmanJohnny SansoneEine Handvoll Blues Verrückte in Luzern. Sie lieben ihre Musik, sie lieben Konzerte – aber es gibt in der Schweiz kaum Möglichkeiten, wahren, echten Blues live zu erleben. So entsteht die Idee, ein eigenes Bluesfestival zu organisieren. 1995 ist es soweit: Die Initiatoren präsentieren mit einem Budget von nur 35'000 Franken im Rollerpalast das erste Lucerne Blues Festival.

Mittlerweile dauern die Aktivitäten des Festivals mit einem grossen Rahmenprogramm bereits über eine Woche. 29 Konzerte von 12 Künstlern werden durchgeführt. Die öffentlichen Vorstellungen sind bis auf den letzten Platz ausverkauft. Das Budget ist auf rund 1 Million Franken geklettert.

Das Lucerne Blues Festival ist heute eine Institution und gilt unter Kennern als eines der weltweit kompetentesten und bedeutendsten Blues Festivals. Zur Hauptsache liegt das an der Philosophie (siehe auch Das Festival), dank der jedes Jahr erneut ein Programm der Spitzenklasse entsteht.

Information über wann und wo: http://www.bluesfestival.ch

13. Cajun & Zydecofestival - Germany

by Diatonic News
Das Festival ist seit 2001 jedes Jahr um die Halloween-Zeit auf Tour und hat sich zum Bekanntesten dieser Art in Deutschland entwickelt. In Europa zählt es für die Fans neben drei ähnlichen Festivals in F, NL und UK zu den Highlights des Cajun & Zydeco Jahres. Die Presse nennt es bereits in einem Atemzug mit dem Blues Caravan. Die Besucher reisen dabei zum Teil von weit an und manche folgen dem Tross quer durch die Lande. Das hat auch einen guten Grund, denn es ist so ziemlich die einzige Gelegenheit, Bands von echtem Schrot und Korn aus dem Süden der USA zu hören. 2013 sind das jeden Abend aus Louisiana die Lynn August Zydeco Band, Brother Dege (bekannt aus 'Django unchained') und die Cajun Roosters. Zum Abschluss gibt es immer eine ausgelassene Session aller Teilnehmer. Eine Eintrittskarte für das Festival ist nur ein Bruchteil dessen, was eine Reise in das Mississippi Delta kostet und man hat mehr als drei Stunden lang die perfekte Illusion, in das quirlige Leben dort eingetaucht zu sein.

Die Mitglieder der CAJUN ROOSTERS zählen mit zu den besten Cajun- und Zydecomusikern aus England, Deutschland, Belgien und Frankreich, was die Band zu einer wirklich europäischen Formation macht. In kürzester Zeit konnte sie sich zudem den Ruf als eine der besonders authentischen Gruppen aus Europa erspielen, was sie in die vorderste Front der Szene katapultierte, und ihr damit nicht nur in Deutschland, sondern auch in Indonesien, Frankreich, England, Benelux, Dänemark, Österreich, Schweiz, Italien und Polen Auftritte als Headliner einbrachte. TV und Radio Auftritte unter anderem BBC 2 (UK) in Mark Lamarrs: God's Jukebox Show.

Bestellen Sie Ihre Tickets:

Accordion Jazz Chords

Video: Jimmy Breaux & Friends (Accordion two-step) - USA

by Harley Jones
Jimmy Breaux & Friends performing at the Festivals Acadiens et Creoles 13's at Lafayette on 13th October 2013. Video released 21 October 2013.

Beltango Tours & December Performance with CRR Istanbul Symphony Orchestra - Turkey

by Diatonic News
Beltango Quintet, CRR Istanbul Symphony Orchestra
Popular group Beltango are featured at their 10th International Tango Festival this weekend in Belgrade (1st to 3rd November). They have recently finished concerts in Greece and Macedonia and after the Tango Festival, they have concerts:
22nd November Schloss Traun - Austria,
23rd November St. Gallen - Switzerland
24th of November Munchen - Germany

Very interesting is the Beltango performance in Istanbul, Turkey on the 27th December with the CRR Istanbul Symphony Orchestra. This symphony orchestra has made previous Tango concerts and this will be the first time for Beltango to tour in Turkey.

The members of Beltango are Aleksandar Nikolic (bandoneon, accordion), Ivana Nikolic (piano/vocals), Jovan Bogosavljevic (violin), Bogdan Pejic (electric guitar) and Ljubinko Lazic (double bass).

Triple CD Pack available online at: Beltango

Titano Accordions

Video: Schwarzenburger Marsch by Hanness Moser (Hanny).

by Harley Jones
Schwarzenburger Marsch by Hanness Moser (Hanny). Published on Apr 16, 2013

Konzertina / Herbstkurs in Kleinlosnitz - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Samstag 09.11.13 in Kleinslosnitz, Landkreis Hof, Oberfranken -Bauernhofmuseum

Leitung: Reiner Suttner

Mitveranstalter: Bezirk Oberfranken

Eingeladen sind alle, die das Spiel auf der Konzertina erlernen oder weiter vertiefen möchten. Reiner Suttner, ein erfahrener Konzertinamusikant und Kenner dieses Instruments, betreut jeden Teilnehmer individuell. Leihinstrumente können zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Uhrzeit wird in persönlicher Absprache vereinbart. Um Anmeldung bei Reiner Suttner wird gebeten, Tel. 09251 3003.

Info http://www.heimat-bayern.de

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Video: Heraldo Roland Castro Plays Minuet in G

by Harley Jones
Heraldo Castro on the bandoneon playing a classic, Minuet in G by J S Bach, often used as first lessons in Bach for piano students.

eSheet Music Titles

Konzertina / Herbstkurs in Bayreuth - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Samstag 09.11.13 in Bayreuth, Oberfranken
Büro der Beratungsstelle für Volksmusik in Franken

Leitung: Theo Knopf
Mitveranstalter: Bezirk Oberfranken

Eingeladen sind alle, die das Spiel auf der Konzertina erlernen oder weiter vertiefen möchten. Theo Knopf, ein erfahrener Konzertinamusikant und Kenner dieses Instruments, betreut jeden Teilnehmer individuell. Leihinstrumente können zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Uhrzeit wird in persönlicher Absprache vereinbart. Um Anmeldung bei Theo Knopf wird gebeten, Tel. 0921 42271.

Info: http://www.heimat-bayern.de

Titano Accordions

Video: The Start

by Harley Jones
Cute - Very nice learning experience for a young one.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

9. Festival del Chamamé Maceta - Buenos Aires/Argentina

by Diatonic News
Festival del Chamamé Maceta, el festival de chamamé más importante de Buenos Aires, desembarca por 9° año consecutivo en la ciudad de San Nicolás, pcia. de Buenos Aires convocando a los artistas líderes de la escena musical nacional.
A realizarse el día DOMINGO 24 de NOVIEMBRE de 2013 en el CAMPING AUTOMÓVIL CLUB SAN NICOLÁS, de la ciudad de San Nicolás, situado en la calle Av. Illia 975 (Ex Ruta 9).
A desarrollarse en un predio de 7 hectáreas con abundante arboleda, lugar ideal para pasar todo el día, servicios de baños, estacionamiento interno, servicio de cantina y patio de comida: asado con cuero, costillares, lechones y corderos. Para su comodidad llevar sillas, sillones y carpa.

Para CONTACTARSE a través de:
-Celular: 0336 154 655990 (Darío Schneider)
-Fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/FestivalDelChamameMaceta

Voci Armoniche

Internet Forum for the BCC# Accordion – UK

by Rob Howard
An internet forum, known as the ‘button box forum’, for players of the British Chromatic BCC# diatonic accordion has been set up by enthusiasts George Garside, Mike and Bill Young. The forum is for players, enthusiasts, and anyone who is curious about this unusual and often misunderstood system.

The British Chromatic accordion is a hybrid instrument, with a diatonic treble and a stradella bass, whose best known exponent was the great Sir Jimmy Shand (1908-2000). Current high profile players include English folk singer John Kirkpatrick and Scottish Champion Brandon McPhee.

For further information email: w.young@btinternet.com

Sounding Out the Accordion

Austin Celtic Festival / Texas - USA

by Diatonic News
ProdigalsFinnvaras Wren2/3 November 2013

Dubliner James Keane, who is one of the early innovators of Irish styles of button accordion joins legacy artist Jeff Moore & Jon Milton

An ACF Legacy performer, they fall within a tradition epitomized by the Pogues, merging trad Irish melodic roots with rock rhythms.

Playing with a tightness and effortlessness, they have been described as a swirl of musical tradition & performance energy

Solas members Mick McAuley, Winifred Horan and Eamon McElholm join forces for an exciting & critically acclaimed trad trio.

and many more....view: http://www.austincelticfestival.com/musicians/index.html


George Carruthers Irish Music School in Elmstein/Pfalz - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
22. November bis 24. November 2013
3. bis 9. August 2014

Das lockere, internationale Zusammensein in einer wunderschönen Urlaubsgegend ist nach wie vor das Markenzeichen der Summer School -- deren Merkmale sind: •Irische traditionelle Musik genießen - dazu gehören auch Balladen und cross-over Experimente ;)
•Professionelle Ausbildung - dieses Mal bieten wir 9 Workshops mit exzellenten Lehrern an
•Vermittlung von irischer Kultur - neu aufgenommen haben wir "Nachmittagsveranstaltungen"
•Internationalität von Veranstaltungen - wir haben Teilnehmer mit 9 unterschiedlichen Nationalitäten
•Urlaub & Entspannung, Freunde treffen - die Summer School 2012 hat über 90 Teilnehmer!
•Guten Konzerten zuhören - an 6 Abenden gibt es Konzerte
•Jeden Abend Sessions!!

Anglo-Concertina-Workshop mit Claus Kessler

Naturfreundehaus Elmstein Esthaler Str. 63-67, 67471 Elmstein

Info: www.irishmusicschool-elmstein.de
Kontakt: info@irishmusicschool-elmstein.de

Voci Armoniche

Future events / Concerts

Friedrich Lips Book

ANDREAS GABALIER in Stadthalle/Villach - Austria

by Diatonic News
Andreas Gabalier
Donnerstag, 28. November 2013, 20.00 Uhr
Stadthalle Villach, Tiroler Straße 47



The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Concert Mosalini Teruggi Cuarteto - France

by Diatonic News
Le 26 Novembre au Theâtre Saint-Bonnet à Bourges

Le 28 Novembre au Temple St Marcel 24 rue Pierre Nicole, 75005 Paris à 20h30.
Tango hoy - quelques jours avant l'enregistrement présentation du répertoire de Mosalini Teruggi cuarteto.
Avec Leonardo Teruggi contrebasse, Sébastien Surel violon, Romain Descharmes Piano et Juanjo Mosalini Bandoneon — con Mosalini Teruggi cuarteto, Sébastien Surel, Romain Descharmes Officiel, Leonardo Teruggi e Astrid Di Crollalanza

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Celebrate Accordion Day in November - USA

by Kevin Friedrich
The Acme Accordion School, celebrating its 65th year, invites you to Accordion Day, celebrating November as the National Accordion Month. Everyone is invited to attend all events, free of charge as Acme Accordion School, hosts their annual Accordion Day Events on Sunday, November 3, 2013 from 10:30 AM thru 3:00 PM at the Acme Accordion School, 322 Haddon Ave., Westmont (Haddon Township), NJ 08108.

This is a family friendly event, great for all ages, and events begin at 10:30 AM where accordionists may sign up to perform a solo or two until 11:30. At 11:45 to 12:30 will be the setting up for the Accordion Day photo for all accordionists who wish to participate. Bring your accordion if possible. Our goal is 150 accordion players or more. All ages invited. Enjoy meeting new friends. Bring your family. The traditional and annual photo taking, will be followed by a concert that will feature guest performers: Suzy Andrew, Tom Groeber and Jim Cantor, all from Pennsylvania.

Jim Cantor will feature the accordion in the jazz style, Tom Groeber will perform German Bavarian fest music on the piano accordion as well as a button box especially designed for this type of music and Suzy Andrew will perform literature from the standard accordion repertoire, including the famous Rhapsody in Blue. To conclude the performances, The Westmont Philharmonia Accordion Orchestra and the Westmont Accordion Club will perform the famous Diamond Music - "Palladio" of Karl Jenkins, Oblivion by Astor Piazzolla and more.

For more information, please contact Joanna Darrow - 856-854-6628.

Le vent du nord on Tour in - USA/CANADA

by Diatonic News
Le Vent du Nord featuring accordionist Réjean Brunet will play on various occations in November (see below).

Mouth music and musical families. Deep history and playful innovation. Quebec’s Le Vent du Nord knows how to turn the lost past into intense and beautiful performances that push their roots in striking global directions. The group is blazing a path that connects their Québecois roots to the wider world, in both arrangements and on stage.

Considered a driving force in progressive folk, Le Vent du Nord captures the energy and mirth of a Saturday night kitchen party, infusing old Québec with a breath of fresh, cosmopolitan air. Since its founding in 2002, Le Vent du Nord have become compelling Francophone ambassadors, winning critical acclaim and audience adoration across Europe and North America. The quartet has performed well over 1,000 concerts, racking up several prestigious awards, including a Grand Prix du Disque Charles Cros, two Junos (Canada’s Grammys), a Canadian Folk Music Award, and 'Artist of the Year' at the North American Folk Alliance Annual Gala.

On Stage in November:
08 novembre 2013, 19h00
AMW "World Fest Tour"Sisseton Performing Arts Center516 8th Avenue West, Sisseton, South Dakota, United States

16 novembre 2013, 19h30
AMD "World Fest Tour"Unity High School Performing Arts Center216 Michigan Avenue SW, Orange CityIowa, United States

23 novembre 2013, 20h00
Église de Saint-Jacques100 rue Saint-Jacques, St-Jacques de MontcalmQuebec, Canada

30 novembre 2013, 20h00
Tromper le tempsPeterborough Folk Music SocietyPeterberoughNew Hampshire, United States


Titano Accordions

Copenhagen/Paolo Russo/Nov 8 - Denmark

by Diatonic News
Paolo Russo (bandoneon/piano / IT)

Montmartre is lucky to have a close friend in the Copenhagen based Italian piano and bandoneon player Paolo Russo. He has been on the stage of the old jazz club many times in constellations with renowned musicians from all over and every time he impresses us with his ability to craft poetry from the piano and the bandoneon - an instrument mastered by few people and fewer as well as Paolo Russo. You can look forward to a night of Italian heat and passion, argentinian melancholia and cool nordic beauty.

NOV 7 Thursday 20.00
Jazzhus Montmartre, Copenhagen
Store Regnegade 19A, DK-1110 Copenaghen

Accordion Jazz Chord

Trad et Poesie avec Duo Florilèges en concert - France

by Diatonic News
Moments de musique et danse entre des lectures de poèmes

Quand: le 16 Novembre 2013
OU: Châteauroux-les-Alpes / France

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Herbstmess Bozen - Italien

by Diatonic News
Die 66. Edition der Herbstmesse in Bozen findet in diesem Jahr vom 20.-24 November 2013 statt.

Die Herbstmesse in Bozen ist eine Kombination aus Information, Unterhaltung und Kauferlebnis. Zahlreiche nationale und internationale Aussteller stellen auf dem großen Messegelände ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen einem interessierten Publikum vor. Besucher haben hier die Gelegenheit sich zu informieren, das Angebot der Aussteller sorgsam zu prüfen und einzukaufen.

Auch viele Harmonikabauer werden Ihre Instrumente vorstellen - versàumen Sie nicht diese Gelegenheit.

Zusàtzliche Informaiton finden Sie auf www.messebozen.it • info@messebozen.it

Tag der Harmonika 2014 in der Steiermark – Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Der gesamtösterreichische Wettbewerb für alle Instrumente – Steirische Harmonika, Akkordeon und Mundharmonika – findet vom 1.– 4. Mai 2014 in St. Peter-Freienstein in der Steiermark statt.
Es können nicht nur Solisten antreten, sondern auch Duos, Ensembles, Orchester, Volksmusik- und Kammermusik-Ensembles.
Akkordeon und Mundharmonika spielen am Freitag, dem 2. Mai,
Steirische Harmonika am Samstag, dem 3. Mai.

>>> Ausschreibung, Zeitplan und alle Bedingungen stehen ab sofort online unter www.harmonikaverband.at zum Download bereit!

ACHTUNG! Kandidaten aus Südtirol - alle Instrumente - sind herzlich willkommen!

Die Anmeldung zum TAG DER HARMONIKA ist ab Jahresbeginn 2014 möglich.
Versäumt nicht diesen wichtigen großen Wettbewerb, der nur alle 2 Jahre stattfindet!

Charnwood Music Publishing


by Diatonic News

13 Novembre 2013 - Cine Teatro Comunale di Nicosia (EN)
Ingresso gratuito


Fra i numerosi ospiti grande presenza musicale di Giacomo Modica e il suo meraviglioso organetto!

Durante la serata musicale Esibizione musicale di Giuseppe Spinelli con presentazione del 2° album discografico "PAZZO LISCIO" con musiche e brani inediti.

Voci Armoniche

AJ Castillo on Tour - USA

by Diatonic News
A three time award winner, AJ Castillo is known for his unique accordion sound and style will appear in November in Texas and Arizona.

Combining his energetic performances and style with his line of extraordinary custom made accordions, he has become a sought after addition to many concerts. Having lent his musical talent to many artists through countless studio recordings and performances, in late 2008 he felt it was time to step to the front of the stage and introduced a fresh new sound that expands the boundaries of accordion music. With the release of his debut CD “Who I Am” followed by “On My Way,” “The MixTape,” and the DVD “Up Close And Personal,” AJ has embarked on a new journey as a well-known accordionist, singer, performer, and producer.

AJ is a native of Austin, TX, and is a recent graduate of The University of Texas at San Antonio. Born to a musical family, he was introduced to the accordion by his grandfather. He started playing the accordion at the age of 9/10 and began his professional music career at 13. Today, this young talented musician is reaching Latin music fans all over the world and is being recognized by professionals in the Latin music industry. In a short period of time, he has accomplished many great things: he has released two hit CDs; he is receiving airplay on stations across the nation; within the first seven months of his solo career AJ was asked to perform at the 2009 Tejano Music Awards and a year later in 2010 he was named the Tejano Music Awards Best New Artist and the Tejano Academy’s Best Accordion Player and Best Emerging Artist.

With the release of each consecutive project, AJ has taken his music to the next level and continues to amaze people with his ability to infuse different styles of music to create his new unique sound. Joining him on this journey is his younger brother and promising vocalist, Sergio Castillo. Sergio brings another level of versatility to the group with his strong vocal ability. Together, they are committed to producing high quality music that can cross boundaries and appeal to fans in all genres of Latin music…we call this “The New Movement.”

On stage in November:
11/2/13 | St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Festival | Corpus Christi, TX
11/8/13 | Graham’s Central Station | San Antonio, TX
11/22/13 | Casino Del Sol | Tucson, AZ


CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

'Play Your Accordion Without Pain', New Chapter Released - USA

by Diatonic News
John Bonica PT CMP NZRPJohn Bonica (PT CMP NZRP) has released the 8th chapter of his book 'Play Your Accordion Without Pain'. An eBook, readers can enjoy the convenience of having the chapters emailed in Acrobat .pdf format.

This exciting eBook is being published chapter by chapter, with about one chapter being released each month. Released chapters to date are:

Chapter 1 - An Overview
Chapter 2 - Learning to Read Your Body’s Signals
Chapter 3 - Neck and Neck-Related Symptoms
Chapter 4 - The Shoulder
Chapter 5 - The Amazing Brain and What It Does For You
Chapter 6 - The Elbow
Chapter 7 - The Great Accordion Myth Uncovered
Chapter 8 - The Elbow Revisited

Chapter 7 stresses the importance of choosing the right accordion and the factors you must consider carefully in order to protect yourself from potential injury by buying an accordion that is inappropriate for your body type or age, or mechanically unsound, heavy or out of balance. This is important and most interesting information for those considering purchasing an accordion.

Chapter 8 covers in detail two of the most common yet difficult elbow problems to resolve and what you can do.

There will be a minimum of 24 chapters. As a special introductory offer, you can purchase the whole book for US$22 (or Euro equivalent) and be sent each chapter by e-mail as it is released.

For more information, and to purchase the e-book: John Bonica

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

“Artigiani del Suono”, 150 Years of Accordion Production Illustrated – Italy

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
A very special historical book “Artigiani del Suono” (the true story of the accordion) has been presented in various cities around the Castelfidardo region during the past month and we have been reporting about it already.

But we think it important to show more about this book with its excellent graphic print quality by Tecnostampa, Italy and from the collection of pictures by accordion historian Beniamino Bugiolacchi from Castelfidardo.

All the historic photographs are owned by Bugiolacchi who collected some 273 historic colour print pages over many years.

A big part of the book is dedicated to Paolo Soprani, the first accordion manufacturer in Castelfidardo, who created the birth of a great new industry in the Marche region which were mainly farmers during this period.

Quickly, the new manufacturing product has changed the small city, where almost all inhabitants from Castelfidardo and surroundings were in one way or the other involved in producing accordions.

Collaborators for the realization of this book were: Roberto Carlorosi, Fabio Buschi, Studio Conti with Daniela Giovagnetti.

If you want to have this wonderful book for your library – contact the accordion Museum Castelfidardo (€32) – you will enjoy the view of many historical moments of our beloved instrument.

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