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Highlights |
Gewinnspiel bei Harmonika Müller - Bad St. Leonhard/Österreichby Diatonic News |
![]() Ab sofort gibt es die Gelegenhei, einen schönen Preis bei Harmonika Müller zu gewinnen. Es reicht dazu, dass Sie eine E-Mail an die Firma Müller schicken und schon sind Sie dabei. Bis zum 31.03.2023 können Sie mitmachen und 1x einen Rucksack für 4-reihige Harmonikas + ein Müller-Poliertuch im Wert von Euro 150,- gewinnen. Profitieren Sie von diesem schönen Angebot und schreiben an: office@harmonika.at |
DAN HARMONIKE 2023 - Registracija je možna ! - Avstrijaby Werner Weibert |
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Zadnij datum 31. marec 2023 !!! >>> www.harmonikaverband.at ! |
DAY OF THE ACCORDION - REGISTRATION is available! - Austriaby Werner Weibert |
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Last term 31st March 2023 !!! >>> www.harmonikaverband.at ! |
Masterclass con Riccardo Tesi - Sardegna/Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Per tutti gli organettisti , dal 20 al 25 giugno sarà organizzata una masterclass di organetto in Sardegna a Portoscuso all’interno del festival MARE e MINIERE. Un ‘occasione unica per passare 6 giorni in un posto incantevole in riva al mare, immersi nella musica tra corsi di strumento, musica d’insieme e concerti serali con i migliori artisti della world music italiana e internazionale. Da non perdere, divertimento assicurato ! Il corso è aperto a tutti, dai principianti agli avanzati, sia 8 bassi che 18 bassi. Per info mareminiere@gmail.com |
Lezioini di Organetti con M° Christian Di Fiore - Molise/Italiaby Diatonic News |
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È possibile iscriversi ai CORSI di ORGANETTO con il M° Christian Di Fiore in qualsiasi periodo dell’anno! ISCRIZIONE GRATUITA METODO PERSONALIZZATO CORSI ONLINE ED IN PRESENZA ATTESTATO DI FREQUENZA NOLEGGIO STRUMENTO Info: www.christiandifiore.com |
Herbert Pixner Projekt für den AAMA - AT/ITby Diatonic News |
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Gleich zwei Nominierungen für die Amadeus Austrian Music Awards in der Sparte Jazz/World/Blues mit Herbert Pixner Projekt und Alpen & Glühen - also in 2 Kategorien Wenn Sie sich für den beliebten Künstler mit seinen Musikern entscheiden möchten, dann können Sie dies täglich bis 20. März 2023 unter: https://voting.aama.at |
Folkshilfe für den AAMA - ATby Diatonic News |
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Auch die Gruppe Folkshilfe ist für den AAMA Award nominiert und zwar in Kategorie"Live Act des Jahres". Also liebe Leser und Leserinnen - voten - voten voten - es geht bis zum 20. März 2023 und Sie können täglich Ihre Stimmen abgeben. https://voting.aama.at/ |
Melissa Naschenweng und Andreas Gabalier f.d. AAMA Award nominiert - ATby Diatonic News |
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Auch diese beiden Künstler und Harmonikaspieler sind f. den AAMA Award 2023 nominiert und zwar in der Kategorie "Album des Jahres" Es heisst wiederum Ihre Stimme abzugeben, für den Künstler, den Sie lieben und bevorzugen. Sie können jeden Tag Ihre Stimme abgeben. Hier geht es zur Abstimmung - und das bis zum 20. März 2023: https://voting.aama.at/ |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
17° Festival dell’Adriatico” Concorso di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Le Associazioni “Sound Eventi” di Mosciano Sant’Angelo (TE), “A.C.M.E.S.” (Associazione Culturale Musicale per Eventi e Spettacoli) di Mosciano Sant’Angelo (TE), in collaborazione con l'A.M.I.SA.D. APS (Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici) di Maiolati Spontini (AN), il C.D.M.I. di Recoaro Terme e l'Ass.ne Musicale “Amici della Musica” APS di San benedetto del Tronto (AP), organizzano il 17° Festival dell’Adriatico” - Concorso di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica. All’evento, che si svolgerà il giorno 16 aprile 2023 nei locali dell’Hotel “Villa dei Romanzi” a Tortoreto Lido (TE) in Via Panoramica n. 48, vi potranno prendere parte candidati di nazionalità italiana con organetti di qualsiasi tipo e marca ad esclusione dei Campioni Italiani, Europei e del Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica, sia Junior che Senior. Il concorso, valido come selezione per la partecipazione al Campionato Italiano di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica - Ed.2023, si articolerà nelle seguenti Sezioni e relative categorie, suddivise in base alle tipologie di strumenti ed anno di nascita dei partecipanti: SEZIONE ORGANETTO Per informazioni e logistica: e-mail: amministrazione@soundeventi.it Simone 3278389697 Davide 328643647 |
Settimana della Fisarmonica al Conservatorio di Musica Vecchi-Tonelli - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Al via la rassegna "Settimana della Fisarmonica", promossa dal Conservatorio di Musica Vecchi Tonelli di Modena e Carpi, con il patrocinio del Comune di Modena, in collaborazione con il Museo di Fisarmoniche Storiche di Castelfidardo. La rassegna, in programma dal 14 al 18 marzo, propone cinque giornate ricche di eventi che hanno come protagonista la fisarmonica, alla scoperta dello strumento nelle sue possibili declinazioni. In programma laboratorio pratico di organetto e laboratorio jazz di fisarmonica, lezioni con esecuzioni musicali dal vivo, conferenze, presentazione del libro “I Precursori della Fisarmonica contemporanea. Dalla civiltà musicale ottocentesca agli inizi del Novecento, con uno sguardo al presente” (Edizioni Ephemeria), a cura di A. Mugnoz, e una mostra di strumenti storici concessi dal Museo della Fisarmonica di Castelfidardo. https://www.modenatoday.it/social/segnalazioni/settimana-fisarmonica-vecchi-tonelli-14-18-marzo-2023.html |
Concertina Concert - Halsway/UKby Diatonic News |
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Saturday 18 Mar 8pm–9pm, 2023 The concertina is one of the most versatile of instruments and WCCP aim to demonstrate this to the full. Whenever WCCP meet, we play a wide variety of music including Classical, British & International Folk, Ragtime, Blues and much more besides. We play as individuals, in pairs and small groups as well as in full-scale concertina bands that include Treble, Baritones and Bass instruments. Whilst the ability to read music is an advantage, we have many excellent players who happily play "by ear". To listen to many genres of music played on this versatile instrument, visit the International Concertina Association YouTube channel where you can hear the different types of instrument playing solo and in concertina bands. Membership is open to anyone with an interest in the concertina. Download a membership form here. Whether you are browsing and want to know more, a complete novice (as we all were once) or an experienced and accomplished player, please feel free to contact us and join us at one of our events. For all other information: https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/concertina-concert-2/ |
Gator by the Bay Festival – USAby Christine Johnstone |
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![]() ![]() Performers include two-time Grammy winner, Terrance Simien (picture left) who perform Zydeco at the opening concert, The Revelers who will play Cajun, Zydeco, Country and Blues with accordionist Larry Miller, and Cedric Watson (picture right) who will play Cajun, Creole & Zydeco. For details email: gator@gatorbythebay.com |
TAG DER HARMONIKA 2023 - Österreich/Austriaby Werner Weibert |
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Die Anmeldung zum Internationalen TAG DER HARMONIKA ist ab sofort möglich! Letzte Anmeldung am 31. März 2023 !!! REGISTRACIJA je možna! Zadnij termin 31. marec 2023! The REGISTRATION is available till 31st March, 2023! >>>> www.harmonikaverband.at Online translation |
Harmonica weekend workshop Greet Wuyts - Netherlandsby Diatonic News |
![]() in Old Kleefsebaan 132 / Postcode: 6571 BK With a dashing waltz, an intimate mazurka, a regular schottish and a fast polka we greet the new spring! Work on the playing technique, the accents, the tempo, playing softly and loudly, variations in the chords and the accompaniment of the melodies. Information: Hilbert Post Tel: 06-33892492 Mail for more information to hilbert@hetnet.nl www.hilberthelpt.nl www.holdeurn.com |
Stage ACCORDÉON DIATONIQUE avec Frédéric Sonnery - Franceby Diatonic News |
![]() 14 et 28 mars, 25 avril, 9 et 23 mai, 6 et 20 juin 2023 entre 14h et 20h LA GRANGE ROUGE 142 route du Vauvret 71500 LA CHAPELLE NAUDE Standard : 03 85 75 85 75 Email : lagrangerouge@lagrangerouge.org |
The Big Squeeze 2024 - Texas/USAby Diatonic News |
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Celebrating 17 seasons in 2023, The Big Squeeze is Texas Folklife's statewide contest for youth accordion players to showcase their performance abilities in any Texas genre: polka, zydeco, conjunto, Tejano, Cajun, and more! The Big Squeeze is a statewide contest for youth accordion players to showcase their performance abilities in any Texas genre: polka, zydeco, conjunto, Tejano, Cajun, and more! Tune up Big Squeezes, the 2023 Big Squeeze Application is available NOW! Entries for the 2023 Big Squeeze Contest are from now until on March 31! For applications: https://texasfolklife.org/index.php/article/the-big-squeeze-2023 |
80. Hummelkurs in Mücke (bei Gießen) - DEby Diatonic News |
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14. bis 16. April 2023 Werkstätten (voraussichtlich) Diatonisches Akkordeon in 3 Niveaustufen (Klaus Walter, Ralf Heinzelmann, Vera Pitzschel-Severin, Ulrike Alles, Johanna Jung, Lea Klinghammer, Oliver Stoffregen) Auf Anfrage mit Leihakkordeon (Gebühr 30 Euro ) Drehleier in 4 Niveaustufen (Ange Hauck, Fredi Pitzschel, Hans Lang, Roland Bach, Susanne Feine, u.a.) Tanzrepertoir für Drehleier (Ulrich Hammann) Auf Anfrage mit Leihinstrument (Gebühr 30 Euro ) Dudelsack Spielkurse (Tilman Teuscher, Claudia Esch, Uli Vollmer) Dudelsack (Hümmelchen) Schnupperkurs (Thomas Blau) Auf Anfrage mit Leihinstrument (Gebühr 30 Euro ) Ensemble „Tanzmusik“ für alle Instrumente (Lea Klinghammer) Drehleiermusik aus dem Barock (Fredi Pitzschel) Nyckelharpa für Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene (Sue Ferrers, Elisabeth Ragaller) Auf Anfrage mit Leihinstrument Workshop mittelalterliche Musik (Knud Seckel) Workshop „Improvisation“ (Michael von der Weth) Anmeldung voraussichtlich ab dem 15. Dezember 2022 über die Internetseite https://bordun.de/kurse/hummelkurse/fruehjahrskurs |
Abstimmen f. den Amadeus Award 2023 - Austriaby Diatonic News |
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Amadeus Austrian Music Awards 2023 Seit 02.02.2023 kann man seine Stimme abgeben Die Verleihung der 23. Amadeus Austrian Music Awards findet am 28. April 2023 im Volkstheater statt und wird auf ORF 1 übertragen. Am 02. Februar 2023 um 19 Uhr startete das Voting der Top 20 für die Kategorie Amadeus FM4 Award: https://fm4.orf.at/stories/3030812 also - fleissig voten täglich bis 20. März https://voting.aama.at |
"Sona world Festival" - Calabria/Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Fino a fine maggio la prima edizione del "Sona world Festival" Rassegna dedicata alla musica etnica di tutto il mondo. CalabriaSona e ItalySona annunciano la partenza ufficiale della prima edizione di Sona World Festival, una novità nel panorama calabrese, una rassegna dedicata al mondo della World ed Etno Music. Grazie alla collaborazione tra “Crotone World” e il “Gran Premio Manente”, questo territorio è pronto ad ospitare oltre 10 appuntamenti di grande rilievo artistico e culturale in un periodo lontano dalla stagione estiva che da sempre è quella più ricca di appuntamenti e concerti. |
Fest-Noz - FRby Diatonic News |
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Konzertina - lernen und spielen, Frühjahrskurs 2 Bad Berneck - DEby Diatonic News |
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am 09.03.2023 16:00–17:30 95460 Bad Berneck, Bahnhofstraße 81, Büro der Beratungsstelle für Volksmusik in Franken, Bad Berneck Eingeladen sind alle, die das musikantische Spiel auf der Konzertina erlernen oder weiter vertiefen möchten. Ob Gruppenunterricht oder Einzelstunden - Andreas Riedel vermittelt bei vollem Engagement sein Können auf dem Instrument. Mietinstrumente können zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Informationen/Anmeldung bei der Beratungsstelle Bad Berneck bzw. unter heimat-bayern.de Mitveranstalter: Bezirk Oberfranken Weitere Termine: 23.03.2023 | 20.04.2023 Info: https://www.heimat-bayern.de/fachbereiche/volksmusik/fortbildungen/fortbildung/844.html?day=20230309×=1678374000,1678379400 |
Melbourne Celtic Festival 2023 - Australiaby Diatonic News |
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Melbourne Celtic Festival is a celebration of Celtic Music in the heart of the city on St Patrick's Day, Friday, March 17, 2023. 12.00PM - 11.00PM at The Mission to Seafarers 717 Flinders Street, Melbourne Victoria 3008 Enjoy a stellar line-up of Celtic musicians across 3 indoor stages in this community event that promises the best Craic in town on St Paddy's Day. |
Workshop Gilbert Hoek van Dijke - Hollandby Diatonic News |
![]() Sunday 12 March 13:00 – 16:30 in AMSTERDAM Q Factory, Atlantisplein 1 / Zip code: 1093 NE Waltzes in irregular time signatures, if you play them well, are often the most beautiful. In this workshop, Gilbert will discuss timing, cadence, musical phrase and accents, among other things. Played: waltz in 8 and a waltz in 11 counts. Teaching: basic version of the sheet music two weeks in advance. Intermediate/advanced level, harmonica C/F. Information: Mariek Hilhorst Tel: 06 44818950 Mail for more information to info@trekharmonica-adam.nl www.trekharmonica-adam.nl |
2023 Che Bandoneon International Competition – USAby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() The preliminary round will be held online. The Finals of the Competition will be held in Stowe, Vermont USA from August 8th to 20th as a part of the 2023 Stowe Tango Music Festival. Artistic Director & Founder: Hector Del Curto (picture right). Schedule: March 31st: Application Deadline April 30th: Video Submission Deadline May 7th: Announcement of the Finalists August 8th: Finalists arrive to Stowe August 18th: Competition Finals August 19th: Award Ceremony August 21st: Departure from Stowe Information and entry applications on the Stowe Tango Music Festival website. |
15th Tango 2 Istanbul Festival - Turkeyby Diatonic News |
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The 15th Tango 2 Istanbul Festival will be held at The Ritz Carlton in Istanbul, Turkey from March 21st to 26th, 2023. Sexteto Cristal will perform concerts at the festival as follows: • March 23rd from 8pm to 10pm Theatre concert at The Ritz carlton • March 24th from 8pm to 5am Milonga Istanbul concert at the Mandarin Oriental Sexteto Cristal comprises of Christian Gerber (bandoneon), Michael Dolak (bandoneon), Maja Hunziker (violin), Rupert Dintinger (violin), Fernando Bruguera (piano) and Anna-Maria Huhn (double bass). Registrations are open now. For details email: info@tangotoistanbul.com |
40th Orkney Folk Festival - Scotlandby Christine Johnstone |
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![]() This year’s festival will celebrate its 40th birthday with performances by artists from the USA, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Ireland, England, Wales and throughout Scotland who will join home-grown Orcadian musicians. Tickets will go on sale in March 2023. See poster above for details. Picture left: Spiers & Boden who will entertain at this year's festival. |
Stage Accordéon diatonique avec Rémi Geffroy - LA CHAPELLE NAUDE/FRanceby Diatonic News |
![]() Dans la salle de l'hutau à la Grange rouge 142 route du Vauvret 71500 LA CHAPELLE NAUDE Standard : 03 85 75 85 75 A partir d'un morceau envoyé en amont, Rémi Geffroy aborde différentes techniques. Ce stage permet d'enrichir et de personnaliser son interprétation. Niveau : moyen-confirmé Inscription par mail : poleculturel@lagrangerouge.org Tous les autres informaitons: https://www.lagrangerouge.org/ |
2 März-Kurse f. Konzertina - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() F. alle, die das musikantische Spiel auf der Konzertina erlernen oder weiter vertiefen möchten. Ob Gruppenunterricht oder Einzelstunden - Andreas Riedel vermittelt bei vollem Engagement sein Können auf dem Instrument. Mietinstrumente können zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Informationen/Anmeldung bei der Beratungsstelle Bad Berneck bzw. unter heimat-bayern.de Leitung: Andreas Riedel (Terminänderungen vorbehalten) Mitveranstalter: Bezirk Oberfranken Weiterer Kurs: 29.03.2023 heimat-bayern.de |
ATG & Chicagoland Accordionists Volunteer at AWAM – USAby Rita Davidson Barnea |
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![]() Picture left: After learning some important lessons about accordion repair, the group members put on some smocks and starting working on cleaning and repairing a few Museum instruments. Daiva Kiselius is cleaning a grate on a 100 year old instrument while Mayra Martinez worked on cleaning up the keys. The group was able to assist with filing and sorting new collections of music donated to the museum by the Castiglione Estate. Helmi said it was extremely helpful to have the many boxes of donated music divided into various categories. Picture below: CAA & ATG Members Mayra Martinez, Nikola Stojkovic, Leandra Ward, Kelly Smith, Alicia Rachael and other local volunteers, Nina Ford and Tom Klein. |
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Nuit du Folk de Gap 2023 - Gap, Hautes-Alpes/FRby Diatonic News |
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La Nuit du Folk de Gap est un évènement annuel majeur dans le monde de la musique et des danses traditionnelles. Il est organisé par l'association Trad'Union, et fédère les énergies de nombreux acteurs et associations du département œuvrant pour le maintien et le développement de la culture Folk. Il se déroule sur Gap et les environs, et rassemble depuis quelques années plus d'un millier de danseurs autour de groupes de musiques de grande qualité. L'évènement se déroule sur 3 jours, les 17, 18 et 19 mars 2023 Pour plus des detailles: https://www.nuitdufolk05.fr/ |
WCCP Concertinas at Halsway - UKby Diatonic News |
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Friday 17 Mar 4pm — Sunday 19 Mar 4pm, 2023 Halsway welcomes West Country Concertina Players to Halsway Manor to host a packed concertina workshop weekend for intermediate / advanced level players of all systems. You do not need to be a member of WCCP to come (though you might consider joining them – it’s only £10 annually); the weekend is open to all. Though this is a popular weekend and priority will be given to WCCP members through an opportunity to book early. Details of the tutor groups and programme will follow so watch this space! ‘Concertina Tinker’ Dave Elliott will once again be on-hand for small repairs. There will be time to relax in the comfort of Halsway Manor, with evening playing sessions in the bar, plus an informal tutor’s concert on the Saturday evening. There’s also the option to stay an extra night and book for Sunday supper, B&B, the perfect time to relax and unwind after a busy weekend of music and socialising. The Team Claire Wren – Concertina Band tutor Michael Jary – English Tutor Michael was first introduced to the concertina at school by Alastair Anderson and has played with bands such as Ola and The Pack and now spends most of his time calling and playing with Fiddlers Wreck ceilidh band. He has previously run workshops at local concertina clubs, Swaledale, Whitney and Folkworks Summer Schools. Andy Turner Anglo Tutor Andy Turner fell in love with traditional music in the late seventies, and has been performing it ever since. He is a fine singer of traditional songs, and a leading exponent of the anglo-concertina. Andy is a member of Oxfordshire group Magpie Lane and dance bands Geckoes, Chameleons and The Oxford NAGS. He performs solo, and in a duo with fiddle-player Mat Green. He has also worked with Chris Wood, the Oyster Band and the Mellstock Band. Gilbert Carrère (also known as Paul Sath) Duet Tutor Gilbert lives in France and is a superb MacCann duet player with a lively French style |
Folk en Fête Gerpinnes - Belgiqueby Diatonic News |
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For details please view poster |
Future events / Concerts |
La Ribot concert with Bandoneon - Argentina/Buenos Airesby Diatonic News |
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Miércoles 01 de marzo 20.00h Puntual Uriarte 1658 PALERMO. BUENOS AIRES La Ribot junto a Oscar De Elía se encontrarán en Bebop Club para presentar obras propias , tangos y milongas de diferentes períodos. Susana Ribot, es música, cantante egresada de la Escuela de Música de Buenos Aires, letrista de la Academia Nacional del Tango, compositora y arregladora. Oscar De Elía es músico, pianista, arreglador, subdirector y pianista de la Orquesta Nacional de Música Argentina «»Juan de Dios Filiberto»» English: La Ribot and Oscar De Elía will meet at Bebop Club to present their own works, tangos and milongas from different periods. Susana Ribot is a musician, singer graduated from the Escuela de Música de Buenos Aires, lyricist of the Academia Nacional del Tango, composer and arranger. Oscar De Elía is a musician, pianist, arranger, assistant conductor and pianist of the Orquesta Nacional de Música Argentina ""Juan de Dios Filiberto"". Teléfono: Whatsapp +5411 2585 3515 - info@bebopclub.com.ar |
Ladislav Horák Performs with Jaroslav Svěcený – Czech Republicby Diatonic News |
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Ladislav Horák (accordion and bandoneon) and Jaroslav Svecený (violin) will perform a concert at the Koruna Cultural Community Center in Radotín, Czech Republic on March 26th, 2023. Their program will includes works by Piazzolla, Galliano and Villoldo which are included in their first CD (pictured on poster above). |
Mollie B tours in April - USAby Diatonic News |
Sunday, April 16 - Johnsonburg, Pennsylvania Location: Johnsonburg Fire Hall, 99 Clarion Rd, Johnsonburg, PA 15842 Performance: 2:00-6:00 afternoon dance Doors open at 1:00. Sponsored by the N.S.P. Slovenian Polka Booster Club. To purchase advance tickets, contact John and Pat Moore, 814-837-9218 or 814-837-7176. You can also e-mail: moorski@verizon.net Food will be available. No carry-ins. Friday, April 21 - Benton Harbor, Michigan Location: DANK, 2651 Pipestone Rd, Benton Harbor, Michigan Performance: 7:00-10:00 dance Click HERE for tickets. Saturday, April 22 - Wisconsin Dells Polka Fest - Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin Location: Chula Vista Resort, Wisconsin Dells Performance: noon-5:00 dance with Mollie B & SqueezeBox and Jon Dietz & Twin Lakes Trio Multiple bands, dance lessons, polka Mass, and more. For more info, visit: DellsPolkaFest.com or call 773-889-6811 or e-mail info@wisconsindellspolkafest.com Sunday, April 23 - Wisconsin Dells Polka Fest - Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin Location: Chula Vista Resort, Wisconsin Dells Performance: noon-5:00 dance with Mollie B & SqueezeBox and John Gora & Gorale For more info, visit: DellsPolkaFest.com or call 773-889-6811 or e-mail info@wisconsindellspolkafest.com For more: www.mollieb.com |
Louise Jallu en concert - Franceby Diatonic News |
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For more: www.louisejallu.com |
Quentin Dujardin 4tet in March 2023 - Paris/Franceby Diatonic News |
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Please mark this appointment in Paris for March 2023 for the presentation of their latest album "2020" ! you can watch the concert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFPzCjkULAY ****** to listen the music: http://www.quentindujardin.be/commande_francais_gift.php Photo by: Yves Paillot Quentin Dujardin Didier Laloy Manu Katche Pan Piper Paris Mostra meno |
SVÄNG concert with orchestra - Finlandby Diatonic News |
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For almost two decades, the harmonica quartet Sväng has been delighting audiences and harmonica professionals around the world. Sväng's various harmonicas create a rich soundscape that includes folk music from home and abroad, but is equally influenced by classical music and tango. The band's music seamlessly combines artistically ambitious music with a wry Peruvian sense of humour. The Svängfonia at the Oulu Music Festival combines Sväng's ensemble playing, sound and musical works with the sound of the Oulu Symphony Orchestra. The main theme of the concert is tango, but the musical journey transcends stylistic boundaries; in addition to tango, you will hear the Svängians' own tongue, Balkan rhythms, polka, Sibelius and Chopin. The arrangements of Sväng's compositions for orchestra are by the best in their field, Pessi Levanto, Marzi Nyman, Esko Grundstörm, Aili Järvelä and Roope Mäenpää. Concert duration: approximately 2 hours (including intermission) COLLECTION Wind harp quartet Sväng Eero (Geero) Grundström | diatonic and chromatic harmonicas Jouko Kyhälä | harmonetta, diatonic and chromatic harmonicas Pasi Leino | bass harmonica Eero Turkka | diatonic and chromatic harmonicas Oulu Sinfonia Janne Nisonen | conductor https://www.svang.fi/concerts |
23. Guinness CELTIC SPRING-Tour 23 - Vienna/Austriaby Diatonic News |
![]() Guus Herremans: diatonisches Knopfakkordeon Bert Leemans: chromatischen Knopfakkordeon Guus Heremans am diatonischen Knopfakkordeon und Bert Leemans am chromatischen Knopfakkordeon gelten in Belgien als der „Goldstandard” im Folk. Mit ihrem brandneuen Duo wurden sie in kürzester Zeit zu Ikonen der Bal-Folk-Szene, wo vor mehreren hunderten, manchmal tausenden tanzenden Paaren aufgespielt wird. Von ihrer atmosphärischen, zur Gänze selbst komponierten Tanzmusik wird man beinahe magisch in andere Sphären gezogen! Die musikalischen Projekte, in welchen die beiden außerdem involviert waren/sind lesen sich wie das „who is who“ der flämischen und internationalen Szene: „EmBRUNN”, „Leo&Dicaprio”, „Laouen”, „The Bazz Explosion” usw. Datum/Zeit: 13. März 2023 19:30 Uhr SCHUTZHAUS ZUKUNFT /verl. Guntherstraße/1150 Wien Tel.: +43 1 982 01 27 / schutzhaus-zukunft.at https://akkordeonfestival.at/events/cairngorm-ceilidh-band-scot-airboxes-be/ |
Tangol Comedy mit Anette Postel - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() Sa, 18 Mrz 2023 Singen (Hohentwiel), 78224 Singen/Deutschland "Alles Tango oder was?", deutscher Tango Argentino mit Augenzwinkern und Comedy Norbert Kotzan am Bandoneon und Bobby Fischer am Flügel. Und natürlich mit der Madame de Toilette im Kulturzentrum GEMS, Mühlenstrasse 13, 78224 Singen http://www. diegems.de (http://diegems.de) VVK: 07731 66557 oder 07731 67578 Beginn: 20.00 Uhr Einlass: 19.00 Uhr https://www.annette-postel.com/termine/ |
Niepold Cutting - concert - BE/UKby Diatonic News |
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Niepold Cutting (Belgique/Grande-Bretagne) Sortie d’album Le vendredi 3 mars 2023 - 20h00 Théâtre Molière - Galerie de la Porte de Namur, 3 Square du Bastion, 1050 Bruxelles Laissez-vous emporter par le son des accordéons diatoniques d’Anne Niepold et Andy Cutting. Nourrie par différents courants et influences, la musicienne Anne Niepold pousse toujours plus loin les limites de son instrument. De « Deux accords diront » à « Musette is not dead », elle vit sa passion sans frontière et se révèle être l’une des accordéonistes les plus innovantes d’Europe. Son répertoire se situe entre différentes traditions musicales. Elle traverse les époques, fait cohabiter les styles et décloisonne les esthétiques. On la décrit comme « une fille avec un vrai caractère, forgé dans le métal dont sont faites les lames de son accordéon ». Andy Cutting est un génie de l’accordéon diatonique. Connu pour son travail en duo avec Chris Wood, Blowzabella et Topette, il a joué avec des célébrités comme Sting ou les Who ! Doté de son style propre, on reconnait immédiatement le timbre de son instrument auquel il donne un son unique. Son phrasé et ses compositions oscillent entre le folk anglais traditionnel ou plus contemporain. C’est toujours exceptionnel et émouvant de le voir et de l’entendre jouer. Maîtrisant le rythme, la mélodie et l’harmonie, comme accompagnateur ou comme soliste, Cutting excelle entre mélodies fortes et soufflets raffinés. Bien que très différents, les deux artistes ont un point commun : l’envie de toucher le public et de lui transmettre des émotions fortes. Ils se complètent parfaitement dans cet album en duo, chaleureux, enjoué et parsemé d’humour. https://muziekpublique.be/concerts/20230303_niepold-cutting-be-gbr/ |
Farewell concert THC Oostergoo - Hollandby Diatonic News |
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11 March 2023 WOONZORGCENTRUM NY STATELAN Menaldum 15.00 h On Saturday 25 March 19:30 in DE WILP Village house on the Well DE ACCORDEON SPECIALIST BEREND KOK DORPSHUISe School Street 17 /Zip code: 9367 PX One of the last concerts is with the Muziekgroep THC Oostergoo will be in the Wilp. If you wish to participate, you can only register by mail: thcoastergoo@ziggo.nl Admission is free, but a voluntary contribution is always welcome Information: Trudy de Jong Mail for more information to thcoastergoo@ziggo.nl or: https://www.thcoostergoo.nl/contact.html |
Alex & Ivana Spring Tour - DE/AT/FRby Diatonic News |
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www.beltango.com |
Ruben Moreno in March - Texas/USAby Diatonic News |
Andrea Capezzuoli in Tour - FR/ES/NL/PG/CNby Diatonic News |
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Big Tour with Andrea Capezzuoli for the moment: - 18 febbraio da solo a Lione, Francia - 11 marzo con la Compagnia a Lisbona, Portogallo - dal 13 al 16 aprile un minitour con workshop di organetto e balli ad Amsterdam, Sint-Michielsgestel e Nimega, Olanda - 7-8 maggio altro workshop di organetto a Zaragoza, Spagna - 20-23 luglio con la Compagnia a Gennetines, Francia - 1-5 settembre in solo a Montmagny e Montreal, Québec, Canada -25 novembre con la Compagnia a Albertville, Francia https://www.andreacapezzuoli.com/ http://www.andreacapezzuoliecompagnia.it/ |
"Elegante Sport” Tango Concert - Argentinaby Diatonic News |
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Seven piece group “Elegante Sport” will perform a Tango Concert at the Bebop Club in Buenos Aires, Argentina on March 29th at 8pm. The group, which includes Nicolas Velazquez (bandoneon) will perform pieces from their upcoming album plus new compositions. For details email: info@bebopclub.com.ar |
Concertina Concert - Halsway/UKby Diatonic News |
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Saturday 18 Mar 8pm–10pm, 2023 Join for a popular evening concert from tutors of the WCCP Concertina weekend. West Country Concertina Players are a Club of friendly concertina enthusiasts formed in 1983 and one of very few teaching clubs in the country. They are joined by guests: Claire Wren – Concertina Band tutor Michael Jary – English Tutor Andy Turner Anglo Tutor Gilbert Carrère (also known as Paul Sath) Duet Tutor |
Duo Cabeceo concert - Livry-Cargan/Franceby Diatonic News |
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Au conservatoire de Livry-Gargan le 11 mars à 18h |
Ville Hiltula March Tango Concerts – Japanby Diatonic News |
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![]() ![]() • March 5th, 2023: Argentine Tango Concert at Gallery Saikai in Osaka with Hanako Tanimoto (violin) and Satoko Tsutsumi (piano). • March 9th, 2023 at 2pm: Argentine Tango Concert “Esto Es Tango” at Yutaro Plaza, Taketoyo Town Civic Hall – Hibiki Hall in Taketoyo, Aichi. Ville will perform “classic tango to Astor Piazzolla” with Makoto Takahashi (violin) and Asako Yada (piano). • March 10th, 2023 at 12.30pm: Lunchtime Tango Concert “Into the World of Tango” at Swing Bird Cottage Yamanoya Café, Sugitani, Komono-cho, Mie-gun. Ville will perform with Makoto (Sei) Takahashi (violin) and Asako Yada (piano). • March 11th, 2023: concert at El Choclo in Tokyo with Naho Shibata (violin) and Asako Yada (piano). • March 12th, 2023: Efecto Tango concert with La Milonga con Orquesta, Naho Shibata (violin) and Asako Yada (piano) at Efecto Tango Studio, Sky Palace Building, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo. For details email: villehiltula@gmail.com |
Burak Şendağ in solo-bandoneon concert - Ankara/Turkeyby Diatonic News |
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Solo bandoneon concert-recital at Mozarthaus on Sunday 12 March at 19:30. Works of valuable tango musicians and also examples of Burak Şendağ's own compositions and own interpretation. Mozarthaus contact details: Nilgün Sokak, Bağ Apartmanı, 14/2 Çankaya / ANKARA Tel: (533) 369 7450 You can visit the Biletix link for concert tickets: https://www.biletix.com/performance/2IG51/001/ANKARA/tr |
Brunch Americana - USA/Franceby Diatonic News |
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12 mars 2013 - 11.30 h brunch en musique/blues Avec : David GASTINE (voix, guitare) Sébastien GASTINE (contrebasse) Vincent BUCHER (harmonica) Les Brunchs musicaux jazz manouche/américana/soul music, en entrée libre du dimanche matin proposent un choix de petites assiettes de 5 à 8€ : cuisine contemporaine à l’esprit “familial”, produits locaux et faits maison. Nous vous y accueillons de 11h30 à 15h, après le «Marché de Romaric» au coin de la rue, deux dimanches par mois, au Comptoir et sous la Halle pour les beaux jours. Certains dimanches de brunch, le Théâtre Halle Roublot propose aux petits bruncheurs dès 6 ans ou plus jeunes accompagnés de leurs parents, un atelier de fabrication et manipulation de marionnettes, de 13h30 à 14h30 au petit théâtre face au Comptoir. Tarif: 10 euros. Infos et résas pour l’atelier: contact@theatre-halle-roublot.fr Entrée libre sur réservation à contact@musiquesaucomptoir.fr ou au 01 48 75 64 31 https://www.musiquesaucomptoir.fr/events/brunch-americana-120323/ |
Elegante Sport Tangoconcert at Bebop - Argentinaby Diatonic News |
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Miércoles 29 de marzo 20.00h puntual Elegante Sport / Ciclo de Tango Uriarte 1658 PALERMO. BUENOS AIRES Elegante Sport se presenta nuevamente en Bebop Club. En esta oportunidad la agrupación de música ciudadana presentara material de su próximo disco, nuevas composiciones con invitados especiales. English Elegante Sport will be performing again at Bebop Club. On this occasion the urban music group will present material from their next album, new compositions with special guests. https://bebopclub.com.ar/ Teléfono: Whatsapp +5411 2585 3515 - info@bebopclub.com.ar |
Danú tours in March 2023 - USA/Irelandby Diatonic News |
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Danú-A band making great music since 1995 For over 2 decades Danú's virtuosi players on flute, tin whistle, fiddle, button accordion, bouzouki, and vocals (Irish and English) have delighted audiences worldwide. Winners of numerous awards from the BBC and Irish Music Magazine, Danú has toured throughout Europe and North America with stops at The Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles and Symphony Space in New York City. Danú takes its audiences on a musical journey to their native Ireland, offering a moving and memorable concert experience. March/SHOWS - “a powerhouse band” — THE IRISH TIMES MAR 2 Longwood Gardens, KENNETH SQUARE, PA, USA Thu, Mar 2 @ 8:00PM Longwood Gardens, 1001 Longwood Road, Kennett Square, PA 19348 MAR 3 Bucknell University, LEWISBURG, PA, USA Fri, Mar 3 @ 7:30PM Weis Center Concert Hall, 525 Weis Dr, Lewisburg, PA 17837, USA MAR 4 Hartford Community College, BEL AIR, MD, USA Sat, Mar 4 @ 7:00PM Bel Air, MD MAR 9 Cornell Complex, JOPLIN, MO, USA Thu, Mar 9 @ 7:00PM Beshore Performance Hall/Harry M.Cornell Arts and Entertainment Center , 212 W 7th St, Joplin, MO 64801 MAR 10 Midwest Thrust Center, OVERLAND PARK, KS, USA Fri, Mar 10 @ 8:00PM Yardley Hall (Johnson County Community College), 12345 College Blvd, Overland Park, KS 66210 MAR 11 Water Street Plaza Amphitheater, HENDERSON, NV, USA Sat, Mar 11 @ 7:00PM Henderson Water Street Plaza Amphitheater, 240 S Water St, Henderson, NV 89015 MAR 15 Midwest Theater, SCOTTS BLUFF, NE, USA Wed, Mar 15 @ 7:30PM Midwest Theatre, 1707 Broadway, Scottsbluff, NE 69361, USA MA 16 Union Colony Civic Center, GREELEY, CO, USA Thu, Mar 16 @ 7:00PM Union Colony Civic Center, 701 10th Ave, , Greeley, CO MAR 17 Vilar Performing Arts Center, BEAVER CREEK, CO, USA Fri, Mar 17 @ 7:00PM Vilar Performing Arts Center, 68 Avondale Ln, Beaver Creek, CO 81620 MAR 18 Lone Tree Arts Center, LONE TREE, CO, USA Sat, Mar 18 @ 8:00PM Lone Tree Arts Center, 10075 Commons St, Lone Tree, CO 80124 MAR 19 ENT Center for the Arts, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO, USA Sun, Mar 19 @ 2:00PM ENT Center for the Arts University of Colorado , 5225 N Nevada Ave, Colorado Springs, CO 80918 https://www.danu.net/ |
Full Schedule for Flogging Molly in March 2023 - USAby Diatonic News |
March 1, 2023 Syracuse, NY Landmark Theatre March 3, 2023 Madison, WI The Sylvee March 4, 2023 Grand Rapids, MI GLC Live At 20 Monroe March 5, 2023 Fort Wayne, IN Clyde Theatre March 7, 2023 Fayetteville, AR JJ's LIVE March 8, 2023 Oklahoma City, OK Diamond Ballroom March 10, 2023 North Kansas City, MO Harrah's Voodoo Lounge March 11, 2023 Omaha, NE The Admiral Theater March 12, 2023 Boulder, CO Boulder Theater March 14, 2023 Tucson, AZ Rialto Theatre March 16, 2023 Las Vegas, NV The Cosmopolitan Of Las Vegas March 17, 2023 Los Angeles, CA Hollywood Palladium March 18, 2023 Riverside, CA Riverside Municipal Auditorium March 19, 2023 Reno, NV Grand Sierra Resort And Casino "Flogging Molly" includes Matt Hensley (accordion, concertina, vocals) along with players of a variety of instruments such as guitar, bodhran, violin, tin whistle, bass guitar, mandolin, banjo, drums, percussion and vocalists. for Details and other informaiton: www.floggingmolly.com |
Duplex - Didier Laloy et Damien Chierici - Ferme du Biéreau/Belgiqueby Diatonic News |
![]() TRAD, WORLD & ÉLECTRO DUPLEX, c’est la rencontre entre l’accordéoniste Didier Laloy et le violoniste Damien Chierici, deux musiciens renommés de la scène belge. C’est aussi la rencontre de deux générations et de deux univers musicaux différents qui n’étaient pas forcément appelés à se croiser un jour. Didier a un background de musiques traditionnelles/world et est connu pour avoir apporté un renouveau à l’accordéon diatonique au niveau européen. Damien, lui, est issu de toute la foisonnante mouvance « pop/ rock » belge. Ils fusionnent leurs influences saupoudrées de world, d’électro-pop et d’ambiances cinématographiques. Ce duo nous offre un carnet de voyages rêvés, surréalistes et fantasmés à la sauce belge, fait de rencontres multicolores et de saveurs épicées. Didier Laloy : accordéon Damien Chierici : violon Olivier Cox : batterie Quentin Nguyen : claviers tICKETS: https://shop.utick.be/?module=QUANTITY&q=25D9DE30-D707-63B1-B006-BE30F6634530&pos=BIEREAU |
César Stroscio "Trio Esquina" - Franceby Diatonic News |
![]() Le Comptoir Halle Roublot 95 rue Roublot, 94120 Fontenay-sous-Bois FRANCE 01 48 75 64 31 Cofondateur du Cuarteto Cedron, avec lequel il a partagé plus de vingt ans d’aventures, le bandonéoniste César Stroscio officie désormais à la tête du Trio Esquina. Fluidité, simplicité virtuose et tendresse, ces trois musiciens mêlent leur passion en célébrant les rénovateurs essentiels du tango, tels Astor Piazzolla, Eduardo Rovira ou Guillermo Thomas, y associant leurs propres compositions. « La profondeur et la simplicite´ virtuose de la musique du Rio de la Plata. Éblouissant […] Le me´lange d’influences contemporaines et de tradition de tango souligne la vitalite´ d’une culture » (JLG, Ouest France). « Ce´sar est unique. Tout un art du tango et la milonga qui souligne la diffe´rence entre l’excellent instrumentiste et le musicien d’exception avec son e´quation poe´tique…Jamais aussi magique qu’en concert. » (Frank Tenaille) Avec : César STROSCIO (bandonéon) Claude TCHAMITCHIAN (contrebasse) Tomás BORDALEJO (guitare) Crédit photo : Adèle de Palaminy |
DANÇAS OCULTAS (PT) performing in - Vienna/Austriaby Diatonic News |
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Artur Fernandes: Diatonisches Akkordeon Francisco Miguel: Diatonisches Akkordeon Filipe Cal: Diatonisches Akkordeon Filipe Ricardo: Diatonisches Akkordeon Das diatonische Akkordeon ist eine Traum-Maschine: So jedenfalls behandeln es die vier Instrumentalisten von Danças Ocultas, die zu den innovativsten und spannendsten Vertretern zeitgenössischer Klänge aus Portugal gehören und Vergessenes und Entrücktes in die Wahrnehmung zaubern. Ihr impressionistischer Folk ist von vielen musikalischen Wurzeln genährt: Portugiesische Volksmusik, Tango Nuevo, Klassik und Kammerjazz. Das Quartett lässt die Musik warm und ruhig fließen, schnelle Finger und virtuose Kapriolen sind für einmal Nebensache. Umso stärker kommen Stimmungen und Emotionen zum Tragen, die vom raffinierten Lichtdesign noch verstärkt werden. Es entstehen minimalistische, tiefgründige Klanggemälde voll unerwarteter Wendungen und erhabener Melancholie. Sehr spezielle Musik, in die man gar nicht anders kann als einzutauchen! 11/03/23 Greith-Haus/St. Ulrich im Greith Austria 12/03/23 Akkordeonfestival/Vienna Austria tickets: wiener-metropol.at 15/03/23 Treibhaus/Innsbruck Austria |
Tango concerts in March/San Francisco - USAby Diatonic News |
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for details view poster |
Tango Siempre next performance in March - UKby Diatonic News |
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March 4, 2023 @ 7:30 pm - 9:45 pm Concert - Milonga at Tetbury Goods Shed Tango Siempre From the old tangos of the slums of Buenos Aires, via the golden age of elegant salons and the sophisticated nuevo tango of Astor Piazzolla, to the contemporary scene and beyond. Tango Siempre celebrate 25 years pursuing their passion for tango https://shed-arts.co.uk/event/tango-siempre/ |
Zydeco Annie & Swamp Cats - Deutschland/Schweizby Diatonic News |
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Die nächsten Konzerte der beliebten Band im März sind: 03.03.2023 Stadthalle Bad Neustadt 97616 Neustadt/Saale, An der Stadthalle 4 20:00 Uhr https://www.stadthalle-bad-neustadt.de/ Kartenvorverkauf 04.03.2023 Buchcafé 36251 Bad Hersfeld, Badestube 20 20:00 Uhr https://www.buchcafe-badhersfeld.de/ Kartenvorverkauf 10.03.2023 Kultur & Kongress Zentrum 82024 Taufkirchen, Köglweg 5 20:00 Uhr https://kulturzentrum-taufkirchen.de/ Kartenvorverkauf 18.03.2023 Kellertheater Lindenhof CH-3294 Büren an der Aare, Aarbergstr. 1 20:00 Uhr https://kellertheater-lindenhof.ch/ Kartenvorverkauf https://www.zydecoannie.de/konzerte.html |
Bal Folk avec Duo Laloy/Le Tron - Piemonte/Italiaby Diatonic News |
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SABATO 1 APRILE 2023 DALLE ORE 21:30 ALLE 23:59 Ballauriamo APS |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
CD "One for the road" by AIRBOXES - Belgiumby Diatonic News |
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Latest Cd "One for the road" by Airboxes. Airboxes stands for infectious dance music performed by the duo Bert Leemans and Guus Herremans on chromatic and diatonic accordion. Bert (chromatic) and Guus (diatonic) are perfectly attuned to each other, the sounds of their instruments melt together in everything they play and take you to a magical world. Airboxes only plays their own work. Their alternating intimate solos and timbre-colored interplay create an all-encompassing whole. they say: Airboxes are two men, two accordions, one story. 01. Straffen Hendrik 02. Ferreira Rocher 03. Shouting time 04. Puntje puntje 05. Bourrée s’Y d’Dans / Troyes 06. Hand er door 07. La vida loca / Tit 08. Isa 09. 2BB / 3B3 / Sunny Monday 10. Wals voor Bea 11. Bultkets 12. Polska voor Augustijn https://www.airboxes.be/nl/shop/p/one-for-the-road-cd |
Herbert Pixner Projekt | Volksmusik! | Digipack - Italienby Diatonic News |
![]() Klingt ein bisschen nach Back to the Roots, vom Titel wie auch von der Musik her. Flinke Finger sind wie immer beim Herbert Pixner Projekt garantiert, aber insgesamt tritt die Virtuosität zugunsten der Musikalität einen Schritt zurück. Auch Seitensprünge in die Sparten Jazz und Blues, wie sie z.B. auf den CDs «QUATTRO» und «SUMMER» zelebriert hat, werden unterlassen. Es ist wie heimkommen: Traditionelle Musikstücke, schlicht, sensibel, feinsinnig gespielt. (Zitat: www.zalp.ch) Nachdem die Ltd. Edition in der exklusiven Zirbenholzbox ausverkauft ist gibt es das Album «Volksmusik!» nun als Digipack. Auch als Notenheft in Griffschrift für Steirische Harmonika erhältlich! Herbert Pixner (Steirische Harmonika) Manuel Randi (Gitarre) Heidi Pixner (Tiroler Volksharfe) Werner Unterlercher (Kontrabass) https://threesaintsrecords.jimdo.com/alpine-volksmusik/ |
CD "Maelstrom" by Duplex - BEby Diatonic News |
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