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Diatonic News - Feb-2023
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Voci Armoniche


Harmonikaspieler brechen Weltrekord - Deutschland/weltweit
WCCP Concertinas at Halsway - UK
Rare Accordion Collection Comes Up for Sale - Italy
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich
TAG DER HARMONIKA 2023 - Österreich/Austria
Registration: Harmonica Masters Workshops 2023 - Deutschland
Antti Paalanen - closing party concert - Finland
Scuola di Organetto con Angelo Piccoli - Italia
4 junge Kärntner und 4x Gold in Begunje - Slovenien
Italo Connection Konzerte - Deutschland/Österreich

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Mundharmonika Online-Training Advanced mit Naoko Nebl - Deutschland
Carnevale a Santiago del Estero - Argentina
Chester Folk Festival February Folk Day – England
Kokkola Winter Accordion 2023 - Finland
14. Leit`n-Toni-Volksmusik-Seminar - Deutschland
Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh - Ireland
March 2023 Diatonic Accordion Workshops – Netherlands
Harmonika Workshop mit MARLIES FÜRST - Wien/Österreich
Bandoneon Classes by Fabio Mazurkievicz - Argentina/Worldwide
Celtic Connections 2023 - Scotland
Archie’s Box Academy (Getting Started) - UK
Wettbewerb SLAVKO 2023 - Slovenien

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Andy Cutting Solo at the Norwegian Church, Cardiff - UK
PHILIPPE PLARD stage e balfolk - Ancona/Italia
Andreas Gabalier Tour bis Mai 2023 - CH/DE
Andrea Capezzuoli à Brignais - FR
Balgendag in the Lantern - Holland
James Delarre & Saul Rose Online Concert - UK
David Munelly on solo-tour in February 2023 - IR/France
Frevo in concert - Finland
Birkin Tree con Murty Ryan alla Claque e al Folkclub - Genova/Torino/Italia
Tango Siempre Quartet: A Tango Journey @ Zédel - UK
Tango Cruzando - Osaka/Japan
Noémie in the beginning of 2023 - France
Fabio Furia in cocerto con progetti - Italia/Spagna/Swizzera
OCTETOLOGY in concert - Paris/France
TIBIDABO Orquesta Escuela de Tango - Barcelona/Espagna
Brandon McPhee February Theatre Tour - Scotland
Williamm Sabatier in collaboration avec Les Violons du Roy - Canada/Switzerland
Folk @ Il Moscardo - Alessandria/Italia
Tickets Selling Fast for Sharon Shannon Trio Tour – UK
Tango LIVE @ Classic Salon Amadeus, Kobe - Japan
2023 Concerts with Andrea Capezzuoli - IT/FR/BE
Gluren bij de Buren 2023 - Netherlands
Filippo Gambetta in Feb/Mar - Italia
Ville Hiltula February Concerts – Finland/Japan
Andy Cutting Solo at The Hive, Shrewsbury - UK

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD "SCHÏAN!" v. Herbert Pixner - Italien
Claudia Hinker begeistert mit ihren Harmonika-Videos die Musik-Fans - Österreich
New Bandonen Book by Simone Marini D'Annunzio - Italy
CD "I bin a Steiermadl" Natascha-DAS Steirermadl - Österreich
CD Silbando ~ while whistling - Japan
Video "LOOKING UP" avec Marc Berthoumieux - France

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

Harmonikaspieler brechen Weltrekord - Deutschland/weltweit

by Diatonic News
world record photo
Video über den Weltrekordversuch.

Martin Tschernko (Bleiburg, Österreich) und Adrian Kehr (Hessen, Deutschland) haben erfolgreich den Weltrekord im Steirischen Harmonikaspiel gebrochen, indem sie 24 Stunden lang ununterbrochen gespielt haben.

Das Duo startete seinen Versuch am 22. Januar und wurde dabei von über 800 Zuschauern verfolgt.

Die Veranstaltung fand im Gemeindezentrum in Weyhers, Landkreis Fulda, Hessen, Deutschland, statt.

English: Accordionists Break World Record - Germany

Video on the world record attempt.

Martin Tschernko (Bleiburg, Austria) and Adrian Kehr (Hesse, Germany) have successfully broken the world record in Styrian harmonica endurance playing, by performing for 24 hours continuously.

The duo began their attempt on January 22nd, with over 800 viewers following them.

The event was held in the Community Center in Weyhers, Fulda district, Hesse, Germany.
Martin Tschernko and Adrian Kehr

Sounding Out the Accordion

WCCP Concertinas at Halsway - UK

by Diatonic News
Friday 17 Mar 4pm — Sunday 19 Mar 4pm, 2023

Halsway Manor is delighted to welcome West Country Concertina Players and to host a packed concertina workshop weekend for intermediate / advanced level players of all systems. You do not need to be a member of WCCP to come (though you might consider joining them – it’s only £10 annually); the weekend is open to all. Though this is a popular weekend and priority will be given to WCCP members through an opportunity to book early.

‘Concertina Tinker’ Dave Elliott will once again be on-hand for small repairs.

There will be time to relax in the comfort of Halsway Manor, with evening playing sessions in the bar, plus an informal tutor’s concert on the Saturday evening. There’s also the option to stay an extra night and book for Sunday supper, B&B, the perfect time to relax and unwind after a busy weekend of music and socialising.

The Team
Claire Wren – Concertina Band tutor

Michael Jary – English Tutor

Michael was first introduced to the concertina at school by Alastair Anderson and has played with bands such as Ola and The Pack and now spends most of his time calling and playing with Fiddlers Wreck ceilidh band. He has previously run workshops at local concertina clubs, Swaledale, Whitney and Folkworks Summer Schools.

Andy Turner Anglo Tutor

Andy Turner fell in love with traditional music in the late seventies, and has been performing it ever since. He is a fine singer of traditional songs, and a leading exponent of the anglo-concertina. Andy is a member of Oxfordshire group Magpie Lane and dance bands Geckoes, Chameleons and The Oxford NAGS. He performs solo, and in a duo with fiddle-player Mat Green. He has also worked with Chris Wood, the Oyster Band and the Mellstock Band.

Gilbert Carrère (also known as Paul Sath) Duet Tutor

Gilbert lives in France and is a superb MacCann duet player with a lively French style.

BOOK: https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/wccp-concertinas-at-halsway-4/


Rare Accordion Collection Comes Up for Sale - Italy

by Kevin Friedrich
After the sad passing of renowned collector, Fermo Galbiati (picture left), the director of the Galbiati Miscellaneous Museum in Brugherio, in 2018, his precious collection of accordions is being sold to interested buyers and collectors.

"The Galbiati Miscellaneous Museum”, opened in 1950 and his passion for collecting included bicycles, accordions, phonographs, records and more.

The bicycle collection traced the entire historical evolution of two-wheelers, through very rare specimens, military and professional bicycles, cycles from different countries and manufacturers. His accordion collection showcased 300 instruments of production, including prototypes, bandoneòn models, keyboard variants, mechanical concertinas and other beautiful accordions spanning more than 100 years of production.

Many of the instruments had belonged to famous masters, who had them built with customized technical applications.

There were also phonographs and gramophones (all working) and a collection of 10,000 vintage records, from 78 rpm onwards. He also had a collection titled "Mysterious Objects" consisting of 600 work tools of past times, which for us today are objects that are difficult to decipher and the public was invited to guess their uses. The "A Little Bit Of Everything" section completed his Museum collection, comprising objects from past eras such as film projectors, magic lanterns, measures for solids and liquids, typewriters, toys, barrel organs and other miscellaneous curiosities.

Upon Mr. Galbiati’s passing, the town’s Mayor Marco Troiano broke the news: "Brugherio loses its famous "Collector of Collections", known everywhere in the world!”

The accordion collection sale is being handled by Victoria Arts & Crafts in Milan, Italy. Interested buyers can view the instruments for sale in the catalog and prices and purchasing information are available upon request by contacting Gloria at: victoriaac.italy@gmail.com

Download sale catalog here: GalbiatiCatalog.pdf

Voci Armoniche

Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation

Friedrich Lips Book

TAG DER HARMONIKA 2023 - Österreich/Austria

by Werner Weibert
Die Anmeldung zum Internationalen TAG DER HARMONIKA ist ab sofort möglich!
Letzte Anmeldung am 31. März 2023 !!!

Werner Weibert, Präsident des Harmonikaverbandes Österreichs (HVÖ), hat bekannt gegeben, dass die Anmeldungen für den Wettbewerb "Tag der Harmonika 2023", der vom 18. bis 21. Mai 2023 in Stainz in der Südsteiermark stattfinden wird, ab sofort möglich sind.

Die Veranstaltung umfasst den österreichischen Wettbewerb für Akkordeon-Solisten, Duos, Ensembles, Kammermusik und Weltmusik.

Außerdem sind ab sofort Anmeldungen für den 4. Internationalen Erich Moser Gedenkwettbewerb für Steirische Harmonika möglich.

Die Anmeldeunterlagen sind in slowenischer und englischer Sprache verfügbar unter: https://harmonikaverband.at/tag-der-harmonika-2023/

>>>> www.harmonikaverband.at

Online translation

Registrations Now Open: "Day of the Harmonica 2023" - Austria

Werner Weibert, President of the Harmonikaverband Osterreichs (HVÖ) has announced that registrations are now open for the Day of the Harmonica 2023 competition which will take place from May 18th to 21st, 2023 in Stainz, Southern Styria, Austria.

The event will include the Austrian competition for accordion soloists, duos, ensembles, chamber music and world music.

In addition, registrations are also now open for the 4th Erich Moser International Memorial Competition for Styrian Harmonica.

The documents are available in Slovenian and English at: https://harmonikaverband.at/tag-der-harmonika-2023/

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


by Diatonic News
Samstag, 25. Februar 2023 bis Sonntag, 26. März 2023

Programmgestalter sind Friedl Preisl und Franziska Hatz berichten:
das Akkordeonfestival - ein umfangreiches Forum, bewährte Künstler_innen und neue Talente ein Monat lang auf diversen Wiener – und einer niederösterreichischen – Bühnen zu bringen. (Dabei geht sich auch ein kleiner, inhaltlich vertretbarer und naher Ausflug in die Welt der Mundharmonika aus, wenn am 18.3. das Mundharmonika Quartett Austria tatsächlich ganz ohne Akkordeon konzertiert (Schutzhaus Zukunft).

Download des Festivalprogramms (63 Seiten in Farbe) Informationen unter: 2023Vienna.pdf

Weitere Information: https://akkordeonfestival.at/

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Registration: Harmonica Masters Workshops 2023 - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Registrations for the 15th Harmonica Masters Workshops from June 7 - 11 2023 with immediate effect, are possible now.

Once again it was possibloe to assemble a great team of instructors, featuring several new faces, as well as the return of old friends:

Traditional Blues Harmonica Styles - Joe Filisko
Performance Skills for Blues Harmonica - David Barrett
Argentine Tango for Chromatic Harmonica - Santiago Alvarez
Irish Harmonica and Song - Joel Andersson
Blues and Gospel Harmonica & Vocals - Bonny B
Acoustic Blues Guitar - Eric Noden
Blues Harmonica Basics - Chris Kramer

Information about the instructors and their workshops as well as the possibility for registration.

Antti Paalanen - closing party concert - Finland

by Diatonic News
Closing Party of the Kokkola Winter Festival
SATURDAY 18.2.2023 - 21:30
FREE ADMISSION - don't miss
Download festival program: 2023KokkolaFest.pdf

More info: https://talviharmonikka.com/tapahtuma/paatosbileet/

Titano Accordions

Scuola di Organetto con Angelo Piccoli - Italia

by Diatonic News
Per informazioni vedi il poster

Accordion Jazz Chord

4 junge Kärntner und 4x Gold in Begunje - Slovenien

by Diatonic News
Am Wochen-Ende des 21/22 Januar 2023 fand der 16. Internationale Slavko Avsenik Harmonika Wettbewerb statt. 4 Schüler der Musikschule Werner Katolnig - Philip Koglek, Gabriel Bürger, Fabrice Schmiedmeier und Raphael Maier nahmen daran teil und erhielten das Prädikat Gold (Zlato)

Werner Katolnig bedankt sich Im Namen aller beteiligten Schüler und bei Harmonika Müller GmbH für ihre super Qualität und Zusammenarbeit
Werner sagt: Als Mentor bin ich sehr stolz auf meine Jungs und wir freuen uns schon auf die Staatsmeisterschaft in Stainz in der Steiermark

Mehr auf:

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Italo Connection Konzerte - Deutschland/Österreich

by Diatonic News
Italo Connection Konzerte
Herbert Pixner: Diatonische, Klarinette, Trompete, Percussion
Alex Trebo: Keyboards, Piano
Max Castlunger: Percussions
Martl Resch: Saxophon, Vocal
Mario Punzi: Drums
Marco Stagni: Bass
Manuel Randi: Diverse Gitarren

Für diese Termin gibt es noch Tickets:
08.02.2023 | München (DE) Backstage Werk
Ersatztermin für das verschobenen Konzert 2021 und 2022 (Ursprünglich Muffat-Halle)

11.02.2023 | Wien (AT) Wiener Stadthalle (Halle F)
Ersatztermin für das verschobenen Konzert 2021 und 2022 (Ursprünglich Museumsquartier)

12.02.2023 | Graz (AT) Orpheum

Mehr auf: https://www.italo-connection.com/

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Charnwood Music Publishing

Mundharmonika Online-Training Advanced mit Naoko Nebl - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Naoko Neblvom 07.02.2023 bis 02.05.2023 (10 Einheiten)
immer dienstags während der Schulzeit (Baden-Württemberg) von 17:30 – 18:15 Uhr
Veranstaltungsort: Online-Plattform Zoom
Teilnahmegebühr: € 99,-
Anmeldeschluss: 01.02.2023
Sprache: deutsch
Niveau: Mittelstufe bis Fortgeschritten

In diesem Online-Training können Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten auf der chromatischen Mundharmonika verbessern. Sprünge und Treffsicherheit sowie Staccato- und Legatospiel werden geübt. Auch das Spielen mit dem Schieber und das Erzeugen von verschiedenen Klängen wird anhand von Etüden und Spielliteratur in verschiedenen Tonarten trainiert. So kann jede/r das neu Erlernte gleich ausprobieren und anwenden und dadurch Spielsicherheit gewinnen.

Inhalte sind:
Etüden und Spielliteratur in verschiedenen Tonarten
Literatur wie „Ich liebe dich“ Beethoven, „Oblivion“ Piazzolla
Sprünge und Treffsicherheit
Staccato- und Legatospiel
Erzeugung von verschiedenen Klängen
Übungen mit dem Schieber
Lernen, wie man zu Hause am besten „üben“ kann


Voci Armoniche

Carnevale a Santiago del Estero - Argentina

by Diatonic News
Carnevale a Santiago poster
Per info see poster


Chester Folk Festival February Folk Day – England

by Diatonic News
The Chester Folk Festival will hold their 2023 February Folk Day at the All Saints Church in Chester, Cheshire, England on February 25th from 12 noon.

The event will include afternoon & evening concerts, ceilidh, sessions and dance displays. Performers include “The Time Bandits” folk band, with Ian Jones on melodeon (foto above)

For details email: info@chesterfolk.org.uk

Kokkola Winter Accordion 2023 - Finland

by Diatonic News
Kokkolan Festival
Kokkola Winter Accordion is a winter city festival for the whole family in Kokkola and Pietarsaari.

By its nature, the Kokkola winter accordion is a holistic cornucopia that takes full advantage of the phenomena in the field of life of our time, utilizing the light and glory of winter and the historical environment of the city.

Many interesting events and activities during the festival - so don't miss, if you are in the area....

Download festival program: 2023KokkolaFest.pdf
for all details of the festival view:

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

14. Leit`n-Toni-Volksmusik-Seminar - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
vom 24. bis 26. März 2023
im Brauereigasthof Sperber in Sulzbach-Rosenberg https://www.sperber-braeu.de/

Anton Mooslechner jun.jun.
Angelika Salchegger
Christian Sparber
Philip Lakinger
Sebastian Schwaiger

Unterrichtet werden:
Ziach, Klarinette, Bassklarinette, Blech, Gitarre, Hackbrett, Akkordeon

Seminarkosten 160,- EUR exklusiv Verpflegung und Übernachtung

Beginn: Freitag 24. März 2023. Treffpunkt im Brauereigasthof Sperber ab 16:00 Uhr
Nach der Begrüßung und Einteilung startet der Unterricht ab ca.18:00 Uhr

Samstag: Beginn der ersten Unterrichtsrunde ab 9:00 Uhr
Ab ca. 15:00 Uhr Beginn der zweiten Unterrichtsrunde

Sonntag: Beginn der Unterrichte ab 9:00 Uhr. Seminar-Ende ca. 12:30 Uhr

Jeder Teilnehmer erhält individuellen Einzelunterricht jeweils ½ Std.

Der Teilnehmer gilt als angemeldet, sobald der Seminarpreis von 160,- EUR auf unserem Konto eingezahlt ist.

Zimmer stehen im Brauereigasthof Sperber zur Verfügung

Mehr auf: https://www.winter-music.de/de/shop_content.php?coID=200

Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh - Ireland

by Diatonic News
Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh is a 5 day Traditional Music School paying particular attention to the music, style and of the Corca Dhuibhne peninsula in Co. Kerry, Ireland on the Wild Atlantic Way.

The next Scoil Cheoil will run from Wednesday the 23rd to Sunday the 27th of February, 2022. Held about 20 classes in a wide range of instruments. Over the 5 days there are concerts, sessions, singers’ nights, recitals, a pupils’ concert, guided walk, and all sorts of other events based on various aspects of our tradition.

Concerts and classes will feature many musicians including Breanndán Ó Beaglaoich, Allan MacDonald, Cárthach MacCraith, Kevin Burke, Mick O’Brien, Caoimhín Ó Raghallaigh, Fidelma O’Brien, Eithne Ní Chatháin, Christine Primrose, Desi Wilkinson, Jeremy Spencer, Muarice McKenna, Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh, Gearóid Ó Duinnín and plenty more.

Coming to Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh not only gives people the opportunity to get a taste of the local music and song, but it gives people a chance to experience the richness of the Irish language here in the heart of the Kerry Gaeltacht. People have the opportunity to attend a ‘ciorcal comhrá’ (conversation circle) where they can practice their cúpla focal, and for those whose ambitions lie further afield, we have classes in Gáidhlig (Scotts Gaelic).

There are invites of musicians from all over Ireland to come to Scoil Cheoil to take part in teaching classes and performing at concerts and recitals. Baile an Fheirtéaraigh is a small village with a great energy and a huge enthusiasm for music and is a great place to spend a few days enjoying the music and the company.


Titano Accordions

March 2023 Diatonic Accordion Workshops – Netherlands

by Diatonic News
Jos LambregtsThe following workshops will be held at Q-Factory Amsterdam in the Netherlands organised by Trekharmonica's Amsterdam (THA).

• March 12th, 2023 from 1pm: Workshop Waltzing in irregular time signatures by Gilbert Hoek van Dijke
Level: advanced
Register by 12th February, 2023

• March 22nd, 2023 from 1pm: Beginners accordion course with Jos Lambregts (picture right).
Instrument: C/F
Register by 15th February, 2023

For details email: info@trekharmonica-adam.nl


Harmonika Workshop mit MARLIES FÜRST - Wien/Österreich

by Diatonic News

Was bedeuten Melodien- und Phrasengestaltung, Akzentuierung oder Balgführung – und vor allem: Wie setzt man es um? Im Workshop mit Marlies Fürst (:Nada Brahma, Maola) konzentrieren wir uns auf genau diese Themenbereiche. Gemeinsam werden wir uns an der Vielseitigkeit des Akkordeons ausprobieren und uns mit kleinen Stücken unter diesen Themen beschäftigen. Der Workshop richtet sich an leicht Fortgeschrittene, ganz gleich ob Tasten- oder Knopfakkordeon.

Teilnahmegebühr: EUR 40,00
Anmeldung rechtzeitig erforderlich!


Voci Armoniche

Bandoneon Classes by Fabio Mazurkievicz - Argentina/Worldwide

by Diatonic News
Fabio MazurkieviczFabio Mazurkievicz - Musician, Professional Bandoneonist dedicated to Tango.

Technique to overcome the difficulties on the bandoneon.
Major and minor scales, opening and closing.
Music theory, audioperception and music theory.
Study of the Marcucci and Lipesker method.
Study of the tango yeites on the bandoneon.

The Bandoneon classes are in the area of ​​the Faculty of Medicine, Capital Federal Buenos Aires and/or
by Skype / gmail / whatsapp

Phone +54 11 6181 9493
Email: fabiobandoneon@gmail.com

Celtic Connections 2023 - Scotland

by Diatonic News
Glasgow’s annual folk, roots and world music festival celebrates its connections to cultures across the globe. From 19 January - 5 February 2023, over 2,100 musicians from around the world bring the city to life for 18 days. During that time, there are concerts, ceilidhs, talks, art exhibitions, workshops and free events.

Creative Director Donald Shaw programmes more than 300 events across multiple genres of music. The festival is renowned for its ability to bring together one-off line-ups for special collaborative shows. The camaraderie between musicians continues late into the night at the Festival Club - home to legendary musical collaborations and spontaneous sessions.

“There are situations that you’ll see where people are playing that you’ll never see again, or if you do, it’s because it worked here first.” Donald Shaw, Creative Director


Archie’s Box Academy (Getting Started) - UK

by Diatonic News
Archie’s Box Academy (Getting Started)
Monday 20 Feb 10:30am–1pm, 2023

Now in term three, Archie Churchill-Moss Archie continues to support beginner melodeon players in these enjoyable once-a month workshops. Each 2.5 hour session will present a new challenge, with time for individual help to support less confident / less advanced players and to stretch more ambitious / more accomplished musicians. You’ll be learning new tunes and techniques each month, while also developing a working knowledge of music theory, and your own creativity as the course progresses.

New students are welcome to join the course, and you may book for individual classes or in advance for the full term.

Archie Churchill-Moss: Widely regarded as one of the best players of English traditional folk, Archie has worked as a session musician for some of the UK’s top folk acts (Cara Dillon, Eliza Carthy, Blair Dunlop), as well as performing with the trio, ‘Moore, Moss, Rutter’ , the outfit which saw him receive the coveted BBC Radio 2 Young Folk Award in 2011.


Accordion Jazz Chords


by Diatonic News
Termin Freitag, 03. bis Sonntag, 05. Februar 2023
Ort Volksmusikakademie in Bayern, 94078 Freyung
Referenten Angelika Salchegger, Kathrin Auer, Katharina Baschinger, Irmi Schuhbauer, Karin Tiefenbeck, Schwaiger Monika
Veranstalter HAGLMO Harmonikabau GmbH & Co. KG
Zielgruppe Anfängerinnen, Fortgeschrittene, Wiedereinsteigerinnen auf der Steirischen Harmonika (ausschließlich Frauen)

Lauter musikalische Frauen unter sich in der Volksmusikakademie? Das kann nur eine Riesengaudi werden! Irmi Schuhbauer und Eva Haslbeck konzipieren ein Seminar für das schöne Geschlecht: Mit intensiven Lerneinheiten, Gruppenworkshops, einer Abendserenade am Samstag. Und im Rahmenprogramm gibt es Yoga für Ziachspielerinnen, Zeit für Erfahrungsaustausch und die Gelegenheit, sich ungezwungen auszuprobieren. Veranstaltet von Haglmo Harmonikabau.

Info: https://www.volksmusikakademie.de/programm/seminarprogramm


by Diatonic News
Beginn: 15:00 UHR – 18:00 UHR /HARMONIKA WORKSHOP
Steirische Harmonika: Von der Basis bis zum Gipfel


Jakob Steinkellner, Leiter des Volksmusik-Studiengangs an der Hochschule für Musik und Theater München, vermittelt in seinem Workshop instrumentalpraktisches Basiswissen zur Verbesserung des eigenen Musizierens für alle Leistungsstufen. Es erwartet uns ein fordernder und fördernder Rundumblick auf technische Grundlagen zur Verbesserung vielschichtiger Aspekte im Spielgebrauch, das richtige Üben, durchdachte Fingersätze, allgemeine Regeln des sogenannten „Zuwispuins“ aber auch regionaltypische Musizierpraktiken sowie moderne Strömungen über Dur und Moll hinaus.

Teilnahmegebühr: EUR 40,00
Anmeldung unbedingt erforderlich!

Titano Accordions

Wettbewerb SLAVKO 2023 - Slovenien

by Diatonic News
Johanna Steinegger (Kammern) und Emanuel Anderle (St. Stefan), haben am 22 01 2023 in Slowenien die SILBERPLAKETTE im Slavko Wettbewerb erspielen können.

Ihr Lehrer Gottfried Hubmann gratuliert seinen erfolgreichen Schlülern und diatonic-news.com natürlich auch.

Future events / Concerts

Andy Cutting Solo at the Norwegian Church, Cardiff - UK

by Diatonic News
Tue 7th Feb 2023 at 8.45 pm

Andy Cutting is a rarity. A musician's musician (BBC Radio 2 Folk Award Winner Best Musician 2008, 2011 & 2016): a soulful and technically outstanding melodeon practitioner with an ear for a fine tune. Many of his tunes have been purloined along the way: some considered contemporary classics on the folk scene. But then, Andy is also a warm and emotive performer, modestly engaging his audiences with his self-deprecating wit and then flooring them with downright staggering musicianship. There are few melodeon players who put so much feeling into their playing, whether it is a set of dance tunes or accompaniment to a slow English ballad.
Andy has been a consistent musical force since he came swiftly to prominence with the innovative Blowzabella. As well as a thorough grounding in the English tradition, Andy's influences extend way beyond these isles, particularly to the music of Central France and to the storming Quebecois tradition. These influences will be well-known to all those familiar with Andy's duo with English fiddle player, guitarist and singer, Chris Wood. Wood & Cutting became one of the most influential, and enduring, duos on the scene; paving the way for the explosion of many of today's thrusting young newcomers

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

PHILIPPE PLARD stage e balfolk - Ancona/Italia

by Diatonic News
Via Metauro, 19, 60126 Ancona AN, Italia

21.45 balfolk
Philippe Plard è un musicista di caratura europea, un organettista che ha partecipato ai festival più importanti di tutta Europa. Ci porterà in un viaggio tra le regioni della Francia, sulle melodie delle danze del balfolk. All’interno di un’atmosfera dinamica, capace di trasmettere buon umore ed energia con un mix di composizioni e temi tradizionali.

eSheet Music Titles

Andreas Gabalier Tour bis Mai 2023 - CH/DE

by Diatonic News
Notieren Sie die Termine des beliebten österreichischen Künstlers. Einstweilen stehen diese am Programm:

26.03.2023 - Grindelwald/Snowpenair - Schweiz
01.04.2023 - Montafon /Valisera Bahn Bergstation
28.04.2023 - Berlin/Mercedes-Benz-Arena
29.04.2023 - Frankfurt am Main/Festhalle
11.05.2023 - Köln/LANXESS Arena
12.05.2023 - Hamburg/Barclays Arena
18.05.2023 - Stuttgart/Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle
19.05.2023 - München/Olympiahalle
26.05.2023 - Nürnberg/ARENA NÜRNBERGER Versicherung
27.05.2023 - Leipzig/QUARTERBACK Immobilien ARENA

Für Ticketreservierungen konsultieren Sie bitte: www.andreas-gabalier.at

Titano Accordions


by Diatonic News
Silence on Danse poster
3-4-5 FÉVRIER 2023

Pour votre plus grand plaisir, cette nouvelle édition du festival « Silence, on danse ! » réunira, du 03 au 05 février 2023, des artistes talentueux, venus partager avec vous des jours et des nuits de cours, de démonstrations, de concerts et de milongas inoubliables.

Préparez-vous à vivre un programme riche et intensif incluant : 18 heures de cours et 3 milongas avec musique « en vivo ».

Duo Tango Sonos
Jérémy Vannereau
Vous pourrez bénéficier des stages du niveau débutant à avancé, dispensés par trois couples de danseurs de renommée venus partager leur expérience et leur savoir-faire :

Isabelle et Bruno Yniesta
Marianne Kuusipalo et Mauricio Borgarello
Nadia et Asdine Makouf
Toute l’équipe de « silence, on danse ! », sera heureuse de vous accueillir à la magnifique école de danse : Extravadanse à Annemasse (Haute Savoie) aux portes de Genève. A votre disposition : Bar et petite restauration. Exposition des chaussures Tangolera & de robes Iryna Création.

Annemasse est également à environ 1h de route d’Annecy/Chambéry/Aix-les-Bains, sans oublier de Chamonix et de l’Italie grâce au tunnel du Mont Blanc.

Lieu : École Extravadanse 20, rue Jean Mermoz – Fr – 74100 Annemasse

Info: www.extravadanse.fr

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Andrea Capezzuoli à Brignais - FR

by Diatonic News
Andrea CAPEZZUOLI accordéon diatonique, cornemuse, voix

Accordéoniste, chanteur, joueur de cornemuse, compositeur, arrangeur, né à Milan en 1970, il a toujours été impliqué dans la musique folklorique. Il est le fondateur de nombreux groupes folkloriques :

● en 1991 Terantiqua, avec qui il remporte le premier Folkontest mis en place par la Folkermesse de Casale Monferrato (AL) en 1994 et participe, la même année, au prestigieux Festival Interceltique de Lorient en Bretagne.

● en 1996 La Magiostra, un groupe-laboratoire de fusion entre musiques folkloriques d'origines diverses et langages musicaux modernes.

● en 1998 Musicanta, le premier groupe qui a fusionné la musique italienne traditionnelle avec des sons canadiens-français.

● en 2000 Din delòn, avec qui il tourne dans la moitié de l'Europe et enregistre deux CD.

Il a été accordéoniste des groupes Picotage (musique française), 'O Calascione (musique du sud de l'Italie) et joueur de cornemuse du groupe de musique ancienne La chambre du Roy René.


Voci Armoniche

Balgendag in the Lantern - Holland

by Diatonic News
Pieter van der VeenOn Saturday 4 February 11:00 in SURHUISTERVEEN / the Lantern / Jan Binneslaan 49 / 9231 CA

'De Loekpoedels', also known from the workshops in February in the Lantearne and from the Harmonica Days at the Spitkeet, are organizing a 'Balgen Day' on Saturday, February 4, 2023. This means that music is made here by bellows instruments.
Bellows instruments are accordions, draw (bag) harmonicas and Styrian harmonicas, harmonicas are also welcome. What is the intention, that is quite simple. Everyone who plays a bellows instrument is welcome. You can show what you can do in the main hall on stage under the direction of Geert Jan Douma.
In the side rooms it is free to play, you can play here alone or in a group. Keep in mind that there are several people who want to play and that it will be varied.
The public is welcome and the entrance is free and everyone is welcome.

Information: Pieter van der Veen Tel: 06 13973856 or e-mail: veen-139@hotmail.nl

Sounding Out the Accordion

James Delarre & Saul Rose Online Concert - UK

by Diatonic News
James Delarre & Saul Rose
James Delarre (violin) & Saul Rose (melodeon) will perform an online concert on February 20th 2023 at 8pm GMT.

The duo have been making music together for many years and “are re-launching their live act after time spent focusing energies on their young families. Born out of friendship, the duo intertwine seamlessly; dancing around the tunes between the notes, finding space and air, and breathing life into the music they create together.”

Saul Rose (vocals & melodeon) has won two BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards with ‘Broken Ground’, played on numerous albums as well as soundtracks for films ‘Morris – A Life With Bells On’ and ‘Far From The Madding Crowd’.

For details email: info@livetoyourlivingroom.com


David Munelly on solo-tour in February 2023 - IR/France

by Diatonic News
David Munnelly known for his colorful style, which inhales bold bass fingerings, complex arrangements and modern compositions; and exhales hints of the Roaring 20′s and the energy of a box of dynamite coupled with a masterful knack for letting a tune take its own time for a completely unmistakable and brilliant sound. This unique style led David into the world of professional musicianship in many projects.

For exact time visit:
David Munelly tour

Voci Armoniche

Frevo in concert - Finland

by Diatonic News
TORSTAI 16.2.2023 - 19:00 - SCHAUMANSALI

Heerman-Sandås-Rantala is a skilful Finnish trio that takes its audience on a fast-paced journey through the world of Latin jazz in the footsteps of Egberto Gismont, Hermeto Pascoal and Chick Corea.

Antti Heerman, violin
Henrik Sandås, bandoneon
Olli Rantala, double bass

Antti Heerman is one of the absolute top ten jazz and tango violinists in Finland. Jazzrytmit magazine chose this personal improviser as Jazz Violist of the Year in Finland for four consecutive years between 1997 and 2000.

Henrik Sandås is a Finnish bandoneonist and arranger whose repertoire includes Argentinean tango and tango nuevo, baroque music, contemporary art music, jazz and improvisation. His sensitive and emotional musicianship has appealed to audiences across Europe and South America.

Based in Gothenburg, Sweden, Olli Rantala has studied music in Finland, Sweden and the United States. He completed his Master's degree at the University of Gothenburg in 2012. Olli has excelled as a music teacher at Falkenberg Music High School and in various orchestral productions and recordings.

Tickets: € https://www.netticket.fi/frevo

Friedrich Lips Book

Birkin Tree con Murty Ryan alla Claque e al Folkclub - Genova/Torino/Italia

by Diatonic News
Birkin Tree con Murty Ryan
3 Febbraio 2023 alle ore 21.30
la Claque - vicolo San donato 9/Genova

4 Febbraio 2023 alle ore 21.30
Folkclub - Via Perrone, 3/Torino

I Birkin Tree insieme all’organettista Murty Ryan, uno dei più famosi suonatori di irish accordion in Irlanda, per presentare il nuovo disco Birkin Tree 4.0 Ecco il titolo del nuovo disco per ricordare un progetto artistico che ha già percorso 40 anni di cammino. Il concerto racconta i colori e le atmosfere d’Irlanda con grande energia, sensibilità e amore per la musica tradizionale irlandese.

Il disco è stato presentato nel novembre 2022 nel prestigioso ’Ennis Trad Festival in Irlanda riscuotendo ampi consensi di critica e pubblico.


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Tango Siempre Quartet: A Tango Journey @ Zédel - UK

by Diatonic News
Tango Siempre Quartet:
8 FEB 2023 - 07:00 PM
reservations@brasseriezedel.com / 020 7734 4888
20 Sherwood Street / London, W1F 7ED

From the old tangos of the slums of Buenos Aires, via the golden age of gilded salons and the sophisticated nuevo tango of Astor Piazzolla, to the contemporary scene and beyond. Tango Siempre celebrate 25 years pursuing their passion for tango with this selection of the most stunning, moving and exciting works from tango’s past, present and future.

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Tango Cruzando - Osaka/Japan

by Diatonic News
Tango Cruzado
北区天神橋 4-10-22 千寿ビル3F東 Osaka, Japan 530-0041
http://flatflamingo.jimdo.com/ - http://tangogrelio.stores.jp
For details view Poster

Noémie in the beginning of 2023 - France

by Diatonic News
For more than 10 years, Noémie has been travelling through the world of traditional music, along with her inseparable diatonic accordion. Through various influences in festivals ans workshops, she has developed a style all of her own... and immediately recognisable by all. Through her keyboard, she makes us discover partner dances that are out of the ordinary, to the sound of a soft and mesmerizing music. She knows how to mix sighs and irregular notes, surprising those who dance, and entrancing those who are listening.

Her next dates:
4 février 2023 : bal à Naples (IT)
7 avril 2023 : Le Bal de la tomate, L'isle d'Espagnac (Charente)
27 mai 2023 : Trad'Ardèche

pour plus de détails

Titano Accordions

Fabio Furia in cocerto con progetti - Italia/Spagna/Swizzera

by Diatonic News
Fabio Furia, compositore ed arrangiatore, è considerato uno dei più importanti bandoneonisti d’Europa.

In febbraio sara:
Febbraio 04, 2023 21.00
Location: Teatro La Fenice, Senigallia
Fabio Furia, bandoneón solista
Federico Mondelci, sassofoni e direzione
Margarita Klurfan e Walter Cardoso, danzatori

Febbraio 19, 2023 17.00
Location: Tonhalle, Zurigo
Fabio Furia, bandoneón solista
Maria Solozobova-Neuenschwander, violino
Sangeun Han, flauto
Oliver Weder, direzione musicale

Febbraio 26, 2023 19:00
Location: Parroquia de Nuestra Señora del Carmen, Cartagena
Fabio Furia, bandoneón
Marco Schirru, pianoforte
in Contemporary tango.

Foto: Furia-Schirru

Accordion Jazz Chord

OCTETOLOGY in concert - Paris/France

by Diatonic News
Le répertoire du nouvel album "NEOTANGO" d'OCTETOLOGY sera présenté le 1er février 2023 à 19h dans le cadre magnifique de l'Ambassade d'Artentina.

The repertoire of the new album "NEOTANGO" from OCTETOLOGY will be presentet on the 1st of february 2023 at 7pm in the beautiful setting of the Embassy of Artentina.

Gary Dahl Arrangements

TIBIDABO Orquesta Escuela de Tango - Barcelona/Espagna

by Diatonic News
Thursday, 16th March
Passatge de Bocabella, 12/Barcelona

Brandon McPhee February Theatre Tour - Scotland

by Diatonic News
Tickets are now on sale for the Brandon McPhee February Theatre Tour in Scotland.

Shows as follows:

• Wednesday 15 February – Howden Park Centre, Livingstone – 01506340700
• Thursday 16 February – Tivoli Theatre, Aberdeen - 01224592755
• Friday 17 February – Buccleuch Centre, Langholm
• Saturday 18 February – Brunton Theatre, Musselburgh - 01316535245
• Sunday 19 February – Ryan Centre, Stranraer - 01776703535
• Monday 20 February – City Hall, Brechin Marion – 07783464005
• Tuesday 21 February – Tolbooth, Stirling - 01786274000
• Wednesday 22 February – Eden Court Theatre, Inverness - 01463234234

Charnwood Music Publishing

Williamm Sabatier in collaboration avec Les Violons du Roy - Canada/Switzerland

by Diatonic News
Concert Prestige 3 - SUR LE FLEUVE D'ARGENT
Mariana Flores: Soprano
William Sabatier: Bandoneon
Leonardo García Alarcón: Direction
Mardi 7 février 2023 à 20h
Genève - Suisse
Bâtiment des Forces Motrices

Les Violons du Roy
Leonardo García Alarcón, chef�Mariana Florès, soprano�William Sabatier, bandonéon�Louise Bessette, piano
Québec 23 FÉVRIER 2023 à 14h and 19.30h
Québec 23 FÉVRIER 2023 à 19:30
Montréal 24 FÉVRIER 2023 à 19:30

Voci Armoniche

Folk @ Il Moscardo - Alessandria/Italia

by Diatonic News
Storie Folk poster
Musica Folk - Il 16 Febbraio 2023 alle ore 19.30
Vincenzo Chacho Marchelli
Gianluca Cavallotto
Stefano Guagnini


Tickets Selling Fast for Sharon Shannon Trio Tour – UK

by Harley Jones
Video: Sharon Shannon and Friends performing “Blackbird” on The Late Late Show - RTÉ One.

Tickets for the Sharon Shannon Trio concert tour of the UK are selling fast with some venues sold out already. The tour will begin on February 3rd, 2023 in London and continue through to February 19th in Exeter.

Sharon Shannon is known for her arrangements of traditional Irish tunes and Irish-influenced compositions and is renowned for her collaborations, not just in Irish traditional music, but through all musical genres, Hip-Hop, Cajun, Country, Reggae, Classical and Rap.

Tango LIVE @ Classic Salon Amadeus, Kobe - Japan

by Diatonic News
Saturday 25 February 2023 from 13.30 - 14.00h
Ville HILTULA (bn), Asako YADA (pn) & Masashi GOTO (cb) Tango LIVE @ Classic Salon Amadeus, Kobe

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

2023 Concerts with Andrea Capezzuoli - IT/FR/BE

by Diatonic News
So far confirmed appointments with Andrea Capezzuoli:

1-3 settembre // Andrea solo // Carrefour Mondial de l’accordeon, Montmagny, Québec, Canada
12 maggio // Andrea e Compagnia // La ghironda, Carmagnola (TO)
4 marzo // Andrea solo //Torrazza Coste (PV)
18 febbraio // Andrea solo // Lione, Francia

Check out later for more on:

Gluren bij de Buren 2023 - Netherlands

by Diatonic News
Door Europa met de trekzak poster
About Gluren bij de Buren 2023
On Sunday 5 February, local performing artists will perform in living rooms across 22 municipalities. During Gluren bij de Buren, doors across the country are wide open to neighbours and culture lovers. Hospitable neighbours welcome the neighbourhood to come and enjoy local amateur art. Check the programme here!

The Gluren bij de Buren programme is full of surprises: jazz trios, budding musical stars, punk bands, ballet dancers, comedians, cabaret artists and other stage performers. At each participating venue, the performing artist will perform three half-hour performances between 12:00 and 17:00. The venues can be visited on a voluntary basis and no reservations are needed.

More information can be found here - https://glurenbijdeburen.nl/nl

Over Gluren bij de Buren 2023
Zondag 5 februari treden lokale podiumkunstenaars op in huiskamers verspreid over 22 gemeenten. Tijdens Gluren bij de Buren staan deuren door het hele land wagenwijd open voor buurtgenoten en cultuurliefhebbers. Gastvrije buren verwelkomen de wijk om te komen genieten van lokale amateurkunst. Check hier het programma!

Het programma van Gluren bij de Buren zit bomvol verrassingen; Jazz-trio’s, musicalsterren (in de dop), punkbands, balletdansers, grappenmakers, kleinkunstenaars en andere podiumbeesten. Bij elke deelnemende locatie treedt de podiumkunstenaar drie keer een half uur op tussen 12:00 en 17:00. De locaties zijn te bezoeken op basis van vrijwillige bijdragen en reserveren is niet nodig.

Meer informatie vind je hier.

Titano Accordions

Filippo Gambetta in Feb/Mar - Italia

by Diatonic News
03/02/2023 - 21:00 / Balfolk per Balà in Riva a o Mà a Segno
Filippo Gambetta e Sergio Caputo Vado Ligure

04/02/2023 - 20:00 / Balfolk con Filippo Gambetta e Sergio Caputo
Filippo Gambetta e Sergio Caputo Genova

10/02/2023 - 20:00 / Balfolk con Filippo Gambetta
Filippo Gambetta Heiden

11/02/2023 - 20:00 / Balfolk con Filippo Gambetta
Filippo Gambetta Lenzburg

04/03/2023 - 20:00 / Liguriani in concerto a Geislingen
Liguriani Geislingen

05/03/2023 - 20:00 / Liguriani in concerto
Liguriani Murrhardt



Ville Hiltula February Concerts – Finland/Japan

by Diatonic News
Bandoneonist Ville Hiltula will perform classic tango to Astor Piazzolla concerts in February in Japan as follows:

• February 22nd, 2023: Tango Live performance at Piano Bar Club Adriana in Nagoyo, Aichi, with Sei Takahashi (violin), Asako Yada (piano) and Masashi Goto (double bass). See poster above.

• February 26th, 2023: Live Music Milonga at Acorn Studio in Konan Yamate, Hyogo, with Asako Yada (piano)and Masashi Goto (double bass). See poster below.

For details email: villehiltula@gmail.com

Voci Armoniche


by Diatonic News
Die nächsten Konzerte von ZYDECO ANNIE + SWAMP CATS im Februar sind:

03.02.2023 Haus der Kultur 84478 Waldkraiburg, Braunauer Str. 10
20:00 Uhr https://www.waldkraiburg.de/

25.02.2023 Bessunger Knabenschule 64285 Darmstadt, Ludwigshöhstr. 42
20:00 Uhr https://www.knabenschule.de/

Mehr Info auf: https://www.zydecoannie.de/

Andy Cutting Solo at The Hive, Shrewsbury - UK

by Diatonic News
Sunday 5th FEBRUARY 202 at 8.45 pm
5 Belmont, Shrewsbury, United Kingdom
+44 1743 234970

Tunes have been purloined along the way: some considered contemporary classics on the folk scene. But then, Andy is also a warm and emotive performer, modestly engaging his audiences with his self-deprecating wit and then flooring them with downright staggering musicianship. There are few melodeon players who put so much feeling into their playing, whether it is a set of dance tunes or accompaniment to a slow English ballad.
Andy has been a consistent musical force since he came swiftly to prominence with the innovative Blowzabella. As well as a thorough grounding in the English tradition, Andy's influences extend way beyond these isles, particularly to the music of Central France and to the storming Quebecois tradition. These influences will be well-known to all those familiar with Andy's duo with English fiddle player, guitarist and singer, Chris Wood. Wood & Cutting became one of the most influential, and enduring, duos on the scene; paving the way for the explosion of many of today's thrusting young newcomers. Mostra meno

The Hive, Shrewsbury an independent charity. Working with disadvantaged & vulnerable young people across Shropshire; also operating a vibrant & busy venue in Shrewsbury!
info admin@hiveonline.org.uk

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Accordion Jazz Chords

CD "SCHÏAN!" v. Herbert Pixner - Italien

by Diatonic News

Claudia Hinker begeistert mit ihren Harmonika-Videos die Musik-Fans - Österreich

by Harley Jones
Mit vier Jahren hatte sie zum ersten Mal die Steirische Harmonika umgehängt gehabt – „und ich hab sofort gewusst, das möcht ich einmal wirklich gut spielen können“, erinnert sich Claudia Hinker, Schwägerin von Ober-Lauser Andreas Hinker. Dieser dreht ein einfaches Video mit der in Sinabelkirchen lebenden Musikerin (bekannt auch von der Gruppe Granaten) und stellte es online. Und: „Lustige Claudia“, so der Titel, ging mit Hunderttausenden Zugriffen gleich durch die Decke. Ihr größter Hit bis heute: Das Stück „Trompetenecho“ mit mehr als einer Million Zugriffe allein auf Youtube. Die Reaktionen kommen aus der ganzen Welt: von Finnland über Mexiko, von Australien bis USA.
Beitrag: https://www.krone.at/

Titano Accordions

New Bandonen Book by Simone Marini D'Annunzio - Italy

by Diatonic News
Book cover
Simone Marini D'Annunzio

CD "I bin a Steiermadl" Natascha-DAS Steirermadl - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Die erst kürzlich erschiene CD "I bin a Steiermadl" von Natasche-das Steirermadl ist erhältlich und zusammen mit Ihrer letzten CD "I steh voll auf Di" sogar zu einem vergünstigem Preis. Dazu gibt es noch viele andere interessante Gadges.

Im Februar ist sie in der Schweiz
17.02.2023 / ca. 21:50 Fadnacht (Botza Obad) in Altstätten, Keinviehhalle- Hopfenstube, Alte Rupenstrasse/9450 Altstätten (Schweiz)

Für Info: https://www.natascha-steirermadl.at/

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

CD Silbando ~ while whistling - Japan

by Diatonic News
From the other side of the world, with boundless love and admiration for tango-- Tango Grelio's long-awaited 3rd album Record Geijutsu Semi-Special Edition Performance: Toshiji Hoshino (Bandoneon) Takahiro Yonesaka (Guitar) Recording Song 1. Small Thistle / L. Bernstein 2. Sylband / S. Piana, C. Castillo 3. Movie "Umbrellas of Cherbourg" Theme / M. Legrand 4. Taconeand / P. Mafia 5. White Kobato / A. Aieta 6. Movie "Sunflower" Theme / H. Mancini 7. Madame Yvonne / E. Pereira 8. Ventalon / P. Mafia 9. Movie "New Cinema Paradise" Medley / E. Morricone 10. Oblivion / A. Piazzolla 11 Angel's Death / A. Piazzolla 12.

Years of Solitude / A. Piazzolla 13. Pol Una Cabesa / C. Gardel

for product inquiries

eSheet Music Titles

Video "LOOKING UP" avec Marc Berthoumieux - France

by Diatonic News
Découvrez "LOOKING UP" tiré de l'album LES CHOSES DE LA VIE
Première vidéo du nouvel album sorti il y a quelques mois.
Découvrez la version de "Looking Up" de Michel Petrucianni enregistrée en TRIO avec les magnifiques Giovanni MIRABASSI et Laurent VERNEREY.

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