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Happy New 2023 - Worldwideby Diatonic News |
Diatonic-News wishes all their readers, clients, enthusiasts from all types of diatonic instruments a happy and hopefully healthy New Year, that Covid might let us live again free and surrounded by MUSIC. We thank all artists, advertisers and event organizers for their information in order to make our news always interesting for readers that we may continue our free service to diatonic music fans worldwide. |
„Wenn die Musi spielt“-Winter-Open Air - Bad Kleinkirchheim/Österreichby Diatonic News |
1 Woche (v. 16.-21.1.23) ist Bad Kleinkirchheim Mitte Jänner das Mekka der Volksmusik und des Schlagers - mit täglicher Hüttengaude und dem Musi-Open Air am Samstag als Höhepunkt. Mit dabei sind das Rotwein Trio sowie Bergland Power, die Karawanken „Wilderer“ im Bergrestaurant Waldtratte, das Kärntner Skilehrer Trio im Bergrestaurant Kaiserburg- „Wenn die Musi spielt“-Winter-Open Air" geht bereits ab 11 Uhr auf der Musi-Bühne bei der Kaiserburgbahn-Talstation. Fans aufgepasst - dort ist auch der Künstler-Treff mit beliebten Stars der Show, vielleicht gelingt es dem Einen oder Anderen ein Selfie mit IHREM Künstler zu erhaschen. Foto oben: Das Kärntner Skilehrer Trio Foto unten: Bergland Power |
TradFest Temple Bar - Irelandby Diatonic News |
TradFest Temple Bar is a celebration of Irish identity through music. Each January, it showcases the best of established and emerging musical talent at a landmark festival which is rooted in the historic and atmospheric setting of Temple Bar, Dublin’s cultural quarter. At TradFest Temple Bar, you’ll have the chance to experience the very best live music in Dublin. https://tradfesttemplebar.com/ |
ACCORDION BABES 2023 PIN-UP CALENDAR - worldwideby Diatonic News |
The 2023 Accordion Babes Calendar – An Instrument Beyond Time. The calendar is 12″ x 12″ and comes with a CD with one song from each Accordion Babe. FEBRUARY is prepresented by: Renée de la Prade & Leslie Jackson squeezeboxgoddess.com / mudfest.net CD track 01: “Leslie Got A French Press” — Renée de la Prade These two feisty women share the love of music and the love of the written word. Both are powerhouse musicians, dancers, and indie publishers from the San Francisco Bay area. MARCH is represented by: Serena Della Monica / serenadellamonica.com CD track 03: “Femmena comm’ a ‘mme” Serena Della Monica / Le Ninfe della Tammorra Musician, teacher and composer, she lives in Vietri sul Mare, a beautiful town on the Amalfi Coast (Salerno – Italy). Order: https://accordionpinupcalendar.com/ |
World Concertina Day - Wordwideby Diatonic News |
The 2nd annual World Concertina Day will be held on February 6th, 2023, the anniversary of the birth of Sir Charles Wheatstone, sponsored by the International Concertina Association (ICA). The ICA encourages everyone with an interest in the concertina to participate on February 6th, 2023 or on the weekend of February 4th and 5th by organizing or taking part in an event in your local area or online. Scheduled events so far include: • A day of concertina playing sponsored by Forestinas on February 5th, 2023 at Greyfriars Community Centre in Ringwood, Hampshire, UK. Contact Rob MacDonald: robmac1851@gmail.com • Wheatstone Weekend in Gloucester, Gloucestershire, UK. Contact Stephen Rowley: steve@artension.com • February 4th: Anglo Concertina Playgroup at The Folk, Westgate Street as well as a Concertina Concert • February 5th : Anglo Concertina Playgroup at The Folk, Westgate Street • February 6th: Wheatstone Day – Workshops, demonstrations, talks etc at the Wheatstone Hall, The Museum of Gloucester • Concertina players gathering at Berkeley, California, USA. Contact Daniel Hersh: chair@concertina.org For further details email: WCD@concertina.org |
Alessandra De Bartolo migliore performance CMA - FR/ITby Diatonic News |
Falconara Albanese, la 13enne Alessandra De Bartolo (foto sinistra) vince il concorso internazionale di organetto diatonico. Musicisti di tutto il mondo, collegati in diretta streaming con la piattaforma dedicata al “Diatonic Accordion International Festival” (organizzato in Francia da Frédéric Deschamps), hanno composto la giuria che ha insignito la tredicenne falconarese, Alessandra De Bartolo, del titolo di migliore performance tra tutte quelle che, a livello globale, hanno concorso al premio in palio per ogni categoria. Un risultato che non ha minimamente scalfito la grazia e la genuinità della ragazzina, tornata immediatamente ad esercitarsi e a trascorrere le sue giornate nell’alternanza di scuola e piccole mansioni nell’azienda agricola di famiglia, un premio che però ha riempito d’orgoglio la comunità, soprattutto quella dei musicisti, dove ancora una volta spicca la disciplina insegnata nella “Antonio Grosso School” (foto destra) di Falconara Albanese. Contributo e video: (https://www.lacnews24.it/cultura/ha-tredici-anni-ed-e-di-falconara-albanese-la-vincitrice-del-concorso-internazionale-video-rullo-natale_164485/) |
The Ultimate Harmonica Book by Howard Levy - USAby Diatonic News |
The Ultimate Harmonica Book for All Players | Revolutionary New Exercises | Transform Your Playing Howard has organized an entirely new approach that unlocks and opens secret dimensions of the harmonica for players of all skill levels and styles. If you play harmonica, you DEFINITELY want to check out this book, which can transform your playing from the inside out, as it has his. “Rhythms of the Breath” features: · For All Levels and Styles · More Than 120 Exercises · With Harmonica Tabs and Musical Notation · Examples are written for Diatonic Harmonica in C Download Free Practice Tracks made/played by Howard: https://levyland.com/book-rhythms-of-... ------------- 0:43 The Book 1:24 Features 2:45 Drum Rudiments / Breathing Rudiments 3:47 Double Stroke Roll 4:47 Paradiddle 5:23 Transform your playing ------------------------------- Howard’s online harmonica school: https://artistworks.com/harmonica-les... Follow Howard: Website: https://levyland.com/ |
DAN HARMONIKE 2023 - Registracija je možna ! - Avstrijaby Werner Weibert |
Registracija je možna ! >>> www.harmonikaverband.at ! |
DAY OF THE ACCORDION - REGISTRATION is available! - Austriaby Werner Weibert |
Last term 31st March 2023 !!! >>> www.harmonikaverband.at ! |
23. Fürstenecker Bordunale - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
02.01. - 05.01.2023 Bordun Folk Tage für Bordun- und andere Instrumente - Bordunmusik und junger Folk – mit Rhythm, Groove & Swing ins neue Jahr Vier intensive Tage mit Werkstätten, Sessions und Kaminfeuer: Genießt den Austausch und neue Impulse an Drehleier, Dudelsack, Nyckelharpa, Akkordeon und anderen Instrumenten, im Ensemble, in inspirierender Gesellschaft und hochwertigem Burgambiente. Im neuen Jahr lernt man von gleich zwei innovativen DuosPLUS, die nicht nur ihre Erfahrung vermitteln werden, wie man zu frischem, lebendigem Folk kommt, sondern die auch mit einem gemeinsamen Dozentenkonzert in die Nacht spielen. Werkstätten mit Hartwin Dhoore (diatonisches Akkordeon) und Ward Dhoore (Ensemble), die schon im Trio Dhoore begeisterten und diesmal als duo Siger über die Grenzen Belgiens hinausklingen… „Known for their innovative instrumental compositions rooted in Flemish traditional music, siblings Ward & Hartwin Dhoore have been roaming international stages together for over 15 years. They have been the oiled engine behind award-winning bands & projects such as Trio Dhoore, Estbel and The Flemish Folk Caravan, just to name a few.“ [siger.be] Die späten Abende nach Sessions und Konzerten kann man an Kamin und Feuerschalen ausklingen lassen. Und natürlich gibt es auf der Burg auch ruhige Ecken und den Blick in die Weite der winterlichen Rhön, um mal durchzuatmen, Tunes nachwirken und das neue Jahr ankommen zu lassen. Um in die klirrenden Januarmorgen zu starten, bieten man die Möglichkeit kleiner erfrischender Übungen an – mit Impulsen aus der zeitgenössischen Körperarbeit für einen lockeren Start am Instrument und mit noch mehr Freiheit in Muskeln und Gräten, um ganz entspannt traditionell und in die Zukunft zu spielen. https://www.burg-fuersteneck.de/kursprogramm/musik_und_tanz/fuerstenecker_bordunale/23-33301/ |
Fanreise April 2023 mit Marc Pircher und friends - Kroazienby Diatonic News |
Es ist zwar noch ein bißchen Zeit bis 2023, aber um sich einen guten Platz zu sichern, ist es ratsam so früh wie möglich zu reservieeren https://www.marcpircher.at/fanreise/ |
16. Internationaler Akkordeonwettbewerb für den Avsenikpreis - Slowenienby Diatonic News |
Begunje na Gorenjskem, 21. und 22. Januar 2023 WETTBEWERBSAUSSCHREIBUNG Disziplinen: • Tastenakkordeon • Steirische Harmonika Kategorien: • A bis zum vollendeten 12. Lebensjahr • B ab 13. bis zum vollendeten 16. Lebensjahr • C ab 17. bis zum vollendeten 22. Lebensjahr • D ab 23. vollendeten Lebensjahr und älter Das tatsächliche Alter der Wettbewerbsteilnehmer wird am Tag des Wettbewerbs berücksichtigt. WETTBEWERBSPROGRAMM UND PFLICHTLIEDER Jeder Wettbewerbsteilnehmer spielt zwei Musikstücke vor: a) Pflichtlied (siehe Ausschreibung) - Polka bzw. Walzer Das Pflichtlied wird in Triobesetztung gespielt (die Begleitung an der Gitarre, Kontrabass bzw. Bariton, wird vom Organisator bereitgestellt, b) Avsenik - Musikarrangement nach eigener Wahl Alle weiteren Informationen bekommen Sie auf der Internetseite www.avsenik.com Telefonisch +386 4 533 3 402 Dienstag – Freitag von 9.00 bis 14.00 oder per E -Mail: muzej@avsenik.com |
Registration: Harmonika Masters Workshops 2023 - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
Registrations for the 15th Harmonica Masters Workshops from June 7 - 11 2023 with immediate effect, are possible now. Once again it was possibloe to assemble a great team of instructors, featuring several new faces, as well as the return of old friends: Traditional Blues Harmonica Styles - Joe Filisko Performance Skills for Blues Harmonica - David Barrett Argentine Tango for Chromatic Harmonica - Santiago Alvarez Irish Harmonica and Song - Joel Andersson Blues and Gospel Harmonica & Vocals - Bonny B Acoustic Blues Guitar - Eric Noden Blues Harmonica Basics - Chris Kramer Information about the instructors and their workshops as well as the possibility for registration. https://www.hohner-konservatorium.de/ |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
Mundharmonika Online-Training Advanced mit Naoko Nebl - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
vom 07.02.2023 bis 02.05.2023 (10 Einheiten) immer dienstags während der Schulzeit (Baden-Württemberg) von 17:30 – 18:15 Uhr Veranstaltungsort: Online-Plattform Zoom Teilnahmegebühr: € 99,- Anmeldeschluss: 01.02.2023 Sprache: deutsch Niveau: Mittelstufe bis Fortgeschritten In diesem Online-Training können Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten auf der chromatischen Mundharmonika verbessern. Sprünge und Treffsicherheit sowie Staccato- und Legatospiel werden geübt. Auch das Spielen mit dem Schieber und das Erzeugen von verschiedenen Klängen wird anhand von Etüden und Spielliteratur in verschiedenen Tonarten trainiert. So kann jede/r das neu Erlernte gleich ausprobieren und anwenden und dadurch Spielsicherheit gewinnen. Inhalte sind: Etüden und Spielliteratur in verschiedenen Tonarten Literatur wie „Ich liebe dich“ Beethoven, „Oblivion“ Piazzolla Sprünge und Treffsicherheit Staccato- und Legatospiel Erzeugung von verschiedenen Klängen Übungen mit dem Schieber Lernen, wie man zu Hause am besten „üben“ kann https://www.hohner-konservatorium.de/produkt/mundharmonika-online-training-advanced/ |
Les Trad'Hivernales - Franceby Diatonic News |
Pour sa 24 ème édition, le festival souhaite une fois de plus mettre à l’honneur les musiques et danses « trad ». Le dynamique initiée depuis plus de 20 ans afin de partager une passion et transmettre aux nouvelles générations les valeurs véhiculées par cette culture. Après 22 éditions passées, l’énergie et l’enthousiasme sont toujours là, portés par une équipe historique et renforcés par des nouveaux arrivants mais surtout entraînés par un public de plus en plus nombreux et toujours enchanté du festival. La diversité illustrée par les musiques trad est le creuset de notre programmation. Diversité des sons, des danses, des territoires, des instruments, des générations et des couleurs musicales. Une diversité merveilleusement incarnée par la richesse des créations que nous proposent les nombreu.ses artistes qui s'inspirent de cette matière musicale. Le Festival a la chance d'accueillir 17 groupes et un conteur qui fera voyager tout le monde de la Boudegua au son des machines électro, en passant par les textes d'une poétesse occitane ou encore une danse forro. Quand on vous parle de diversité...ce n'est pas juste un mot. Information: https://www.tradhivernales.com/ |
Leveret Young Musicians’ Weekend - UKby Diatonic News |
Friday 13 Jan 4pm — Sunday 15 Jan 4pm, 2023 Leveret features three of England’s finest folk musicians – Andy Cutting, Rob Harbron, Sam Sweeney – in an acclaimed collaboration. Over their decade together Leveret’s captivating interaction and intimate presentation style has charmed audiences, helping the trio build a loyal following, and demonstrating the enduring appeal and endless potential of the folk tune. All three are experienced teachers and workshop leaders, sharing a commitment to developing the next generation of folk musicians, and we’re delighted to be working with them to offer this intensive weekend exploring ensemble playing, aimed exclusively at young adults. Leveret are committed to creating a safe and supportive environment for all participants both during and outside workshops. Melodeon genius Andy Cutting is a three-time winner of the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards ‘Musician of the Year’ award, and as well as his new trio with Martin Simpson and Nancy Kerr currently performs with Blowzabella, Topette, June Tabor, and Roger Daltry. Concertina wizard Rob Harbron is known for his work with The Full English (Best Group and Best Album BBC Folk Awards 2014), Emma Reid, Fay Hield, Jon Boden and others. He has, for many years, led the English Acoustic Collective Summer School. Book: https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/leveret-young-musicians-weekend-2/ |
Tamar Valley Folk Festival - Australiaby Diatonic News |
The first Tamar Valley folk festival was held at GeorgeTown in January 1992 after a successful trial held in a the form of a dance& concert at the Memorial Hall on the 9 th March 1991 to raise some funds for the event. The then members of the GeorgeTown folk club got together to form a festival committee led by Mick and Helen Flanagan with the support of Linda Bezemer and others. Local artists from Launceston and the Southern areas of the Huon Valley were invited to take part. It was a successful beginning. Since then the festival has grown to one that local, interstate and international artists and performers have come to enjoy. The beautiful location of the Tamar river and surrounding areas have provided a wonderful historic flavour to the festival which is always been supported by local businesses and the George town council. The small venues and locations make it attractive for visitors and audiences to walk from venue to venue to catch the concert performances and workshops. https://www.tamarvalleyfolkfestival.com/ |
Stage avec le Duo Brotto-Milleret - Franceby Diatonic News |
Programme Le duo Brotto-Milleret c'est deux parcours artistiques qui se questionnent, se frôlent, se rejoignent, entre compositions et airs traditionnels, entre complémentarité et complicité, entre accords et désaccords, entre joute et symbiose. Diatonique… dynamique, technique, rythmique, atypique… Mbraia Paulin Courtial (guitares, voix) et Arnaud Cance (percussions, voix) puisent dans la matière du chant populaire Occitan une énergie qui déclenche les rouages de la machine à danser. Chaussez-vous solidement et laissez-vous happer par la transe, Mbraia balance ton bal ! Samedi 14 janvier : stage de danse (rondeaux, congos ) avec Céline Bouillaud Dimanche 15 janvier : stage de chant avec Arnaud Cance et stage de diato avec Cyrille Brotto et Stéphane Milleret Renseignement 07 82 12 96 42 arpalhands2@free.fr |
Concorso Nazionale "Isola del Liri" - Italiaby Diatonic News |
Con il Patrocinio del Comune di Isola del Liri (FR), la scuola di organetto Francesco Piccoli di Frosinone e “A.M.I.SA.D.” APS di Maiolati Spontini (AN), in collaborazione con l'Associazione Musicale “Amici della Musica” APS di San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), organizzano il Concorso Nazionale "Isola del Liri" che si svolgerà nei giorni 21-22 gennaio 2023 nei locali Teatro Stabile Comunale “C. Costantini” sito a Isola del Liri (FR) in Via Lungoliri F. Alla manifestazione, valida come selezione per il 26° Campionato Italiano di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica, vi potranno prendere parte candidati di nazionalità italiana con organetti di qualsiasi tipo e marca ad esclusione dei Campioni Italiani, Europei e del Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica, sia Junior che Senior. Tutte le audizioni sono pubbliche. Il programma per particolari esigenze potrà essere soggetto a modifiche. - informazioni, logistica e iscrizioni: Francesco 340/6659060 oppure e-mail:giancaronco@gmail.com |
Workshop with Gilbert Hoek van Dijke - Hollandby Diatonic News |
Sunday 12 March - by Gilbert Hoek van Dijke Date and time: Sunday 12 March 2023 from 13h to 16.30h Location: Q-Factory Amsterdam Level: advanced Instrument: accordion C/F Price: € 40 Waltzes in irregular time signatures are often the most beautiful, at least: if you play them well. In France and Flanders, but also in balfolk in the Netherlands, people like to dance waltzes in irregular time signatures. They are often beautiful melodies that contain a special kind of movement. The trick is to play these melodies in such a way that that movement comes into its own, but without you noticing the irregular time signature. In this workshop, Gilbert will discuss this: how to create beautiful musical phrases, where to place accents, how to achieve beautiful timing and tone formation. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) Registration no later than 12 February 2023: https://www.trekharmonica-adam.nl/inschrijven/ |
Technique, expression, composition avec Riccardo Tesi - IT/FRby Diatonic News |
Samedi 13 mai 2023 de de 11h à 13h30 et de 14h30 à 17h à Montreuil, métro Croix de Chavaux Le stage, de la durée de 5h, sera basé sur les différents aspects qui caractérisent la pratique de l’accordéon diatonique aujourd’hui tant sur le plan technique (utilisation du soufflet, technique linéaire et croisée, doigté, coordination) que sur le plan de l’interprétation (ornements, expression, staccato et legato etc.). Une partie du stage sera dédiée aux possibilités harmoniques de l’instrument et à son utilisation pour la composition. La pratique se basera tant sur des morceaux traditionnels que sur des compositions de Riccardo Tesi. Pour la participation au stage une connaissance de base de l’instrument et de sa technique est demandée. Par contre la connaissance de la théorie musicale n’est pas obligatoire. Modèle d’accordéon conseillé : Accordéon Diatonique SOL/DO 8 basses ou supérieur. Riccardo Tesi - Biographie Compositeur, instrumentiste, chanteur et chercheur dans le domaine des musiques traditionnelles, Riccardo Tesi est un des pionniers de l’utilisation de l’accordéon diatonique en tant qu’instrument de composition et d’expérimentation. Après ses débuts dans la musique traditionnelle de sa région (la Toscane), il s’est ouvert aux musiques traditionnelles italiennes, européennes, au jazz et à la composition. Ses nombreux disques, incontournables dans la discothèque du musicien et passionné de cet instrument, mettent l’accordéon diatonique en valeur, en montrant la richesse, la complexité et l’expressivité de cet instrument « ancien », qu’il utilise d’une façon innovante, virtuose et créative. Son originalité et son style en font surement un des représentant les plus importants de cet instrument dans le monde entier. RÉSERVATION OBLIGATOIRE en écrivant à caravaneritale@gmail.com ou au 06 66 75 98 46 https://agendatrad.org/atelier_orga/Stage-D-accordeon-Diatonique-Avec-Riccardo-Tesi_363.html |
Cygnet Folk Festival - Australiaby Diatonic News |
The Cygnet Folk Festival is one of Australia’s most iconic folk music festivals. Very highly regarded by musicians and festival-goers from all over Australia and overseas, competition to come to Cygnet is at an all time high amongst performers, and last year we had a record number of applications! The Festival is a showcase of eclectic music genres featuring both local and international talent, dance, poetry, masterclasses, film, kids' entertainment, food, wine, art and local handicrafts all set in the breathtaking scenery of Tasmania's Huon Valley. Musicians and volunteers plan their annual holidays around coming to Cygnet in January each year and many come from interstate and overseas especially to be part of this wonderful event. The incredible talent of local and visiting musicians is celebrated over the January weekend. The aims of the Festival are: to offer folk, ethno, world, singer-songwriter, roots and acoustic music, dance, poetry and workshops from local, national and international artists. to encourage interest in and awareness of folk music and associated activities to people of diverse ages and backgrounds. to provide support and opportunities to young musicians. to foster mutually beneficial relationships with the local community, businesses and associations. https://www.cygnetfolkfestival.org/ |
CNIMA Stage d'accordéon diatonique in April 2023 - Franceby Diatonic News |
The well known and very successful music school CNIMA, under guidance of Nathalie Bouchex and Jacque Mornet propose 1 weeks masterclass with Alain Pennec from the 17-21 April 2023. Trainer: Alain Pennec is a diatonic accordionist specialised in Breton and Celtic music. His solo album "Alcoves" won the "4 clés Télérama" prize. His publishing house "Les Editions Alain Pennec" offers written and audio supports to overcome the lack of educational tools related to Breton music and its instruments. Content: Acquisition or improvement in the mastery of simple tools allowing to approach at best the music for diatonic accordion of your choice. Technical work: "push/pull", "cross", fingerings, ornamentation, bellows, rhythms. Musical work: phrasing, arrangements, harmony. Repertoire: folk music, celtic music etc... Public: All ages, all levels Instrument required: Accordion key requested G-C For all Details/Reservation please consult the website of CNIMA. |
Celtic Connections 2023 - Scotlandby Diatonic News |
Glasgow’s annual folk, roots and world music festival celebrates its connections to cultures across the globe. From 19 January - 5 February 2023, over 2,100 musicians from around the world bring the city to life for 18 days. During that time, there are concerts, ceilidhs, talks, art exhibitions, workshops and free events. Creative Director Donald Shaw programmes more than 300 events across multiple genres of music. The festival is renowned for its ability to bring together one-off line-ups for special collaborative shows. The camaraderie between musicians continues late into the night at the Festival Club - home to legendary musical collaborations and spontaneous sessions. “There are situations that you’ll see where people are playing that you’ll never see again, or if you do, it’s because it worked here first.” Donald Shaw, Creative Director https://www.celticconnections.com/ |
32ª Fiesta Nacional del Chamamé - Corrientes/Argentinaby Diatonic News |
The Government of the Province, through the Instituto de Cultura de Corrientes, will hold the official presentation of the 32nd Chamamé National Festival, the 18th MERCOSUR Festival and 2nd World Celebration. The official act will be led by Governor Gustavo Valdés, and those in charge of providing details of the next edition of the largest popular celebration of the people of Corrientes, will be the president of the Institute of Culture, Arch. Gabriel Romero, and the general director of the Fiesta National of Chamamé, Eduardo Sívori. The launch will be attended by the highest provincial authorities and special guests, and also a significant number of municipal officials, representing the communes that will be part of the Fiesta Grande with different proposals and activities. In addition to making known some of the novelties that the 32nd Chamamé National Festival will have, which will take place from January 13 to 24, 2023, the Official Trailer will be screened that synthesizes through images the motto of the next edition: "Chamamé for a new world”. For the closing of the presentation, the courtyard of Government House will be transformed into the stage of a grand chamamecera dance with the music of the group Four, and there will also be tastings of various typical regional dishes. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- El Gobierno de la Provincia, a través del Instituto de Cultura de Corrientes, realizará el lunes 5 de diciembre, a las 19, en el patio de la Casa de Gobierno la presentación oficial de la 32ª Fiesta Nacional del Chamamé, 18ª Fiesta del MERCOSUR y 2ª Celebración Mundial. El acto oficial será encabezado por el gobernador Gustavo Valdés, y los encargados de brindar detalles de la próxima edición de la mayor celebración popular de los correntinos, serán el presidente del Instituto de Cultura, Arq. Gabriel Romero, y el director general de la Fiesta Nacional del Chamamé, Eduardo Sívori. El lanzamiento contará con la presencia de las máximas autoridades provinciales e invitados especiales, y además un importante número de funcionarios municipales, en representación de las comunas que formarán parte de la Fiesta Grande con distintas propuestas y actividades. Además de darse a conocer algunas de las novedades que tendrá la 32ª Fiesta Nacional del Chamamé, que se desarrollará del 13 al 24 de enero de 2023, se proyectará el Trailer Oficial que sintetiza a través de imágenes el lema de la próxima edición: “Chamamé para un mundo nuevo”. Para el cierre de la presentación, el patio de Casa de Gobierno se transformará en escenario de una gran bailanta chamamecera con la música del grupo Irundy, y habrá además degustación de distintos platos típicos regionales. https://culturacorrientes.com/ |
Stage et balèti d'hiver - FRby Diatonic News |
Le 14 janvier 2023 de 14h30 à 23h30 2, Rue des Moulins Salle des Loisirs 11110Salles-d'Aude France 20 h.30 Balèti avec LAUREEN et son accordéon https://agendatrad.org/e_2023-01/stage-et-baleti-hiver_38581.html |
TradFest Temple Bar - Irelandby Diatonic News |
CELEBRATING IRISH IDENTITY THROUGH LIVE MUSIC IN DUBLIN TradFest Temple Bar is a joyful celebration of Irish identity through music. Each January, it showcases the best of established and emerging musical talent at a landmark festival which is rooted in the historic and atmospheric setting of Temple Bar, Dublin’s cultural quarter. Over 50 live music concerts take place in some of the best pubs in Temple Bar, as well as key historical landmarks in Dublin. TradFest is reimagining and redefining Irish music and reaching growing Irish and international audiences at live events and through digital channels. It adopts a fluid approach to programming and is constantly curating the best of established Irish traditional and folk musicians with emerging performers, some of whom got their career breaks and opportunities to perform at international events through TradFest Temple Bar. A unique event like no other, TradFest Temple Bar is the best place to experience live Irish music in January. https://tradfesttemplebar.com/ |
Archie’s Box Academy - UKby Diatonic News |
Archie’s Box Academy (Getting Started) Monday 23 Jan 10:30am–1pm, 2023 Archie’s Box Academy (Getting Better) Monday 23 Jan 2pm–4:30pm, 2023 Now in term three, Archie’s ‘Getting Better’ workshops aim to support and develop the skills of Improver and Intermediate level melodeon players in enjoyable workshop sessions. Each 2.5 hour session will present a new challenge, with time for individual help to support less confident / less advanced players and to stretch more ambitious / more accomplished musicians. You’ll be learning new tunes and techniques each month, while also developing a working knowledge of music theory, and your own creativity as the course progresses. New students are welcome to join the course, and you may book for individual classes or in advance for the full term. For more detailed information view: https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/archies-box-academy-getting-better-15/2023-01-23/ |
Fest-Noz - Orvault/FRby Diatonic News |
rendez-vous le Samedi 07 Janvier à CCBO - Centre Culturel Breton d'Orvault. à partir de 13h30. Une belle après-midi gratuite avec concours de musique, concours de danse et Fest-Deiz ouvert à tous ! Cette année sont au programme du trophée Philippe Grellier : - le groupe Bretagne - Ecosse : terres de légende - le groupe Les Maquisards du Pont du Theil - 2 groupes du conservatoire de musique de Nantes - le duo Pinel / Blévin - le duo d'Aviau - le duo DamDan - le duo Les moucherons Petite restauration sur place Renseignements : cbo.orvault@gmail.com http://ccbo-orvault.bzh/ |
Future events / Concerts |
ORGELBÜCHLEIN en concert à - Friburg/Suisseby Diatonic News |
Eglise des Capucins, Rue de Morat 28,Fribourg, 1700 Suisse 29 janvier 2023 Heure : 17h00 - 18h30 Le bandonéon fut créé en Allemagne au 19e siècle pour remplacer l’orgue dans les paroisses modestes ou celle cherchant un instrument d’accompagnement des cérémonies religieuses en extérieur. Ce sont ces racines que la voix (Anne Magoüet ) et la viole de gambe (François Joubert-Caillet) veulent révéler en invitant le bandonéon (Jean-Baptiste Henry) à se joindre à elles dans la musique d’orgue de J.S. Bach, adaptant les chorals de l’Orgelbüchlein pour cette formation inouïe, d’un naturel étonnant, aux sonorités intemporelles. Info: adma@adma.ch |
Concerto Circo Diatonico - Aversa/Italiaby Diatonic News |
Circo Diatonico il 20 gennaio 2023 ore 21.00 Concerto organizzato dal Jazz Club L.Tristano ad Aversa(CE) presso Auditorium Bianca d'Aponte Per dettagli vedi il poster |
Ville Hiltula @ Janne-Yuki Tateno in concert: Finland/Japanby Diatonic News |
Tuesday 17th January 2023 - from 13.30-14.00h local time ヤンネ舘野 & ヴィッレ٠ヒルトゥラ Duo Concert @ クラシックサロン・アマデウス, 神戸 クラシックサロン・アマデウス |
Louise Jallu en concert - Franceby Diatonic News |
For more: www.louisejallu.com |
The Fureys in January - Irelandby Diatonic News |
Legends Of Irish Music And Song - THE FUREYS The Fureys are one of Ireland’s all-time most acclaimed and influential folk, traditional and middle of the road bands. Fureys classics, I Will Love You, When You Were Sweet 16, Red Rose Café, Leaving Nancy, The Old Man, From Clare to Here and The Green Fields of France have become the soundtrack to the lives of fans all over the world. The Fureys’ indelible musical footprint is rivalled only by their vast collection of personal stories of their musical experiences and friendships, gathered by Eddie and George Furey along an amazing 45-year journey which shows no signs of reaching a final destination. The Furey brothers were still trying to make it as folk singers in the late Sixties when Eddie Furey shared flats with then fellow folk stars-in-waiting, Billy Connolly and Gerry Rafferty. Eddie recalls:”It was quite a group to be living under the same roof and we had great fun. I bet the neighbours never slept with all the singing and drinking.” Eddie and George Furey are particularly proud of their UK chart success with songs like I Will Love You and When You Were Sweet Sixteen, which in turn helped bring Irish folk and traditional music to a completely new audience. The band made their Top of the Pops debut in 1981. Tickets: https://www.laganvalleyisland.co.uk/event/Legends-Of-Irish-Music-And-Song-THE-FUREYS?fbclid=IwAR2wTUdLngTu34Ew256M2YBaM6hFuJwmZEWgm0slpooYE_0Vs8i7KVXg1DI |
Herbert Pixner und CO im Jannuar 2023 - Österreichby Diatonic News |
Video: Herbert Pixner Projekt perform Pretuler Polka at Karlsruhe, 2022 MOLDEN/STRAUSS/PIXNER/RANDI/ PETROVA/LACHERSDORFER • OAME SÖÖ 14.01. GRAZ • Schauspielhaus 15.01. INNSBRUCK • Treibhaus 17.01. GMUNDEN • Toskanapark 18.01. WIEN • Konzerthaus 19.01. LINZ • Posthof HERBERT PIXNER & ITALO CONNECTION 27.01. STEINEGG • Kulturhaus 31.01. KUFSTEIN • KuFa Mehr auf www.herbert-pixner.com |
MUNNELLY & MCGOWAN concert - BE/Irelandby Diatonic News |
CONCERT FRI 27/01 - 8:30PM David Munnelly and Shane McGowan have something to celebrate! Ten years ago they were on stage together for the first time and with the 10 Year Anniversary tour they are shaping that celebration. Both men picked up an instrument at a very young age. David Munnelly became hooked on the accordion and mastered his own style, indebted to his Irish grandparents but far surpassing their influence. With his own David Munnelly Band he travelled the world and today he is counted among the very best accordion players. This concert is a must for true folk lovers. David Munnelly et Shane McGowan ont quelque chose à fêter ! Il y a plus d'une douzaine d'années, ils sont montés sur scène ensemble pour la première fois. Ils ont rendu visite à Dranouter à plusieurs reprises ces dernières années. Ceux qui étaient là lors de leurs précédents passages savent que c'est un incontournable pour tout amateur de folk ! https://www.muziekcentrumdranouter.be/nl/concert/2023-01-27/munnelly-mcgowan-ier |
Europe Tour of Le Vent du Nord - CN/FR/GBby Diatonic News |
Promotional video: ON TOUR ACROSS QUEBEC UNTIL APRIL 2023 Jeu, 19 janv. 2023@ 20:30 Le Sou / La Talaudière, France Ven, 20 janv. 2023@ 20:30 Espace Paul Valery / Le Plessis-trévise, France Sam, 21 janv. 2023@ 20:30 Centre Culturel de la Ferme Corsange / Bailly - Romainvilliers, France Dim, 22 janv. 2023@ 17:30 20 Printemps en Nièvre, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté / Nevers, France Sam, 28 janv. 2023@ 20:00 Special concert 20th anniversary with guests @ Celtic Connections 2023 / Glasgow, United Kingdom Ven, 14 avr. 2023@ 20:00 20 Printemps à la salle Desjardins Dolbeau-Mistassini /Dolbeau-mistassini, Canada Sam, 15 avr. 2023@ 20:00 20 Printemps à Alma / Alma, Canada Ven, 28 avr. 2023@ 20:00 20 Printemps à L'Assomption /L'assomption, Canada https://leventdunord.com/ |
Ville Hiltula in January - Japanby Diatonic News |
see poster for details |
JUHE aus Tirol sind im Jänner 2023 unterwegs in - Österreichby Diatonic News |
FR, 13.01.2023 19:00 Maschgerschaugn: A-6173 Oberperfuss / Mehrzwecksaal SA, 14.01.2023 19:00 Maschgerschaugn: A-6167 Neustift / Freizeitzentrum FR, 20.01.2023 21:00 Jungbauernball: A-6065 Thaur / VZ Altes Gericht SA, 21.01.2023 21:00 Jungbauernball: A-6473 Wenns / Gemeindesaal SA, 28.01.2023 21:00 Schützenball: A-6033 Arzl / Vereinsheim Für mehr: https://juhe.tirol/ueber-uns/ |
Steve Turner on Tour - UK/Australiaby Diatonic News |
Video: Steve Turner performing at the Chester Folk Festival 2019 07-Jan-23 Harrogate Folk Club Henshaw's Arts Centre, 50 Bond End, Knaresborough HG5 9AL Harrogatefolk@btinternet.com - Tickets from ticketsource.co.uk/harrogate-folk-club Australian Tour Steve Turner: 15-Jan-23 Shellharbour Village concert c/o Mairi Petersen, 51 Boolwaroo Pde, Shellharbour Village 3pm 18-Jan-23 Troubadour Folk Club/147-149 Blackwall Road, Woy Woy, 20-Jan-23 The Never Never Mind/16 Cudgery St, Dorrigo, New South Wales 22-Jan-23 Humph Hall85 Allambie Rd, Allambie Heights NSW 2100, Sydney 27-29Jan-23 Tamar Valley Folk Festival /George Town, Tasmania, Australia http://steve-turner.co.uk/ |
2023 Concerts with Andrea Capezzuoli - IT/FR/BEby Diatonic News |
So far confirmed appointments with Andrea Capezzuoli: 1-3 settembre // Andrea solo // Carrefour Mondial de l’accordeon, Montmagny, Québec, Canada 12 maggio // Andrea e Compagnia // La ghironda, Carmagnola (TO) 4 marzo // Andrea solo //Torrazza Coste (PV) 18 febbraio // Andrea solo // Lione, Francia 13 gennaio // Andrea e Compagnia // Ans-Alleur, Belgio Check out later for more on: https://www.andreacapezzuoli.com/en/concerts/ |
Maxjoseph im Jänner 2023 - DEby Diatonic News |
Die vier jungen Musiker von Maxjoseph verwirklichen ihre ganz eigene Vorstellung von Volksmusik. Traditionen werden aufgeweicht damit neue Formen und außergewöhnliche Ideen entstehen können. Durch die besondere Instrumentierung Tuba, Gitarre und zwei Steirische Harmonikas werden neue Klangfarben entdeckt und Kompositionen geschaffen, die Volksmusikelemente mit Jazzharmonien verbinden, klassische Musik mit pulsierenden Rhythmen beleben und Vertrautes mit Fremdem vermischen. Es entsteht ein Spannungsfeld, das die Lust am Zuhören nie abreißen lässt! Falls Sie die Oktober Termine der Band Maxjoseph versäumt haben sollten, dann notieren Sie: 13 Jan. 2023Maxjoseph // Burgwedel Burgwedel, Germany |
MILONGA DANS TES BRAS concert - Franceby Diatonic News |
10. janvier 2023 20:00 La Maison du Peuple Belfort 1 Pl. de la Résistance, 90000 Belfort BAL TANGO ARGENTIN, CONCERT ORCHESTRE DIJON BOURGOGNE AVEC CETTE MUSIQUE RAPIDE ET GAIE, WILLIAM SABATIER NOUS PLONGE EN L’ESPACE DE DEUX TEMPS DANS LES FAUBOURGS DE BUENOS AIRES. PROGRAMME Astor PIAZZOLLA Five tango sensations Adiós NONINO Quatro estaciones porteñas https://www.grrranit.eu/ |
Sam Kelly & The Lost Boys - Scotlandby Diatonic News |
28th Jan 2023 / Glasgow / Oran Mòr 7.30 pm Sam Kelly & The Lost Boys bring their acclaimed second album, The Wishing Tree, to Celtic Connections 2023. Expect to hear uplifting melodies, soaring harmonies, high-octane instrumentals and stunning vocals – all laced with cheeky humour. Formed in 2016 by BBC Radio 2 Folk Award-winning singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and producer Sam Kelly, The Lost Boys are among the most exciting bands on the contemporary UK folk scene. Boasting a virtuosic line-up including Jamie Francis (banjo), Archie Moss (melodeon) and Evan Carson (drums), they perform innovative reworkings of traditional songs from England, Scotland, Ireland and America, alongside stunning original tunes. Reservation: https://tickets.glasgowconcerthalls.com/28926/28927 |
CONCERT SAT 14/01 - 20.30 Shillelagh was born 20 years ago from the meeting of three Lille's very young musicians who were passionate about folk dance and traditional music. Gabriel Lenoir, Aurélien Tanghe and Benjamin Macke, all three dancers as well as top musicians, put their musical inventiveness and their knowledge of traditions at the service of dance. Armed with the experience gained during their many balls, combining playing pleasure, virtuosity and humour, the three companions take you into a musical universe of their own. There are a thousand and one ways to dance, a thousand and one ways to play dance music.Shillelagh plays vital music to carry the dancers, music that will make you get sucked to the dance floor. Shillelagh has a repertoire consisting of both dances from French Flanders, the musicians' region of origin (Horlepiep, Pieternelle, Schommelwalt...) and more generic dances played in all regions of France (bourrées, circus circles, waltzes, scottishes!) The musicians make the music dance and the music carries the movement. In a timeless, friendly and festive atmosphere, Shillelagh takes spectators and dancers to a ball for the greatest pleasure of ears and legs. Folk balls are unique moments: places where, for an evening, we forget everything and just dance. The band is twenty years old and they celebrate thaty with a number of birthday balls and for Flanders that is of course in Dranouter. Dance into the new year with these guys and a whole host of musical and dance guests! Not to be missed. https://www.muziekcentrumdranouter.be/en/node/1199 |
DERVISH perform @ TradFest - Irelandby Diatonic News |
One of Ireland’s best-loved traditional bands, Dervish will perform a special performance of their 2018 album The Great Irish Song Book at this year’s TradFest Temple Bar. They will be joined on the night by a host of special acts including Ralph McTell, Eddi Reader, Ti’m O’Brien and Cara Dillon. Dervish emerged from Sligo at the beginning of the 1990s and quickly earned a reputation for their fiery live shows, strong musicianship, and tightly crafted arrangements. Portraying a strong DIY spirit, the band issued a string of high-quality self-released albums throughout the 90’s and 2000’s, earning fans around the world through hard touring and appearances at both folk festivals and major rock festivals like Brazil’s Rock in Rio and England’s Glastonbury. After nearly three decades and 12 self-released recordings, Dervish signed with Rounder Records in 2018 to issue the Great Irish Songbook, their guest-heavy tribute to the county’s most enduring songs. The release features several high-profile guests including country singer Vince Gill, American star Rhiannon Giddens, UK songwriter David Gray, among others. Later that year, BBC Radio 2 bestowed a Lifetime Achievement Award on Dervish for their achievements over 30 years Dervish will perform at TradFest Temple Bar the 26th of 2023 at Dublin’s historic National Stadium. https://tradfesttemplebar.com/events/dervish-present-the-great-irish-songbook-with-special-guests/ |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
CD „Tohuwabohu“ der NIACHTN - Österreichby Diatonic News |
"Die Niachtn" lassen sich sehr schwer in eine Schublade pressen. Die Band suchte jahrelang nach ihrem spezifischen Stil, konnte und wollte sich jedoch nicht auf ein einziges Genre festlegen. Sie kam zu dem Entschluss, dass ihre größte Stärke darin besteht, die musikalische Vielfalt zu zelebrieren und ungeniert auszuleben. Mit diesem neuen Mantra gingen sie 2022 zusammen mit Produzent Martin Six ans Werk, um an den Songs für das neue Album zu feilen. Das neue Material ist so unterschiedlich wie die Bandmitglieder selbst. Es reicht von lauten "in your face" Titeln, über humoristische und gar avantgardistische Spaßsongs bis hin zu sehr intimen, einfühlsamen Balladen. „Tohuwabohu“ ist nicht nur der Titel, sondern auch das Motto der Produktion. Tohuwabohu ALBUM RELEASE Label: MoD Music Vertrieb: Hoanzl/Rebeat / VÖ: Sommer 2023 Die NIACHTN im Jan/Feb 2023 SA 28.1.2023 Kulm Skifliegen/Bad Mitterndorf FR 10.2.2023 Red Bull Playstreets/Bad Gastein DO 15.2.2023 Klangfilmtheater/Schladming http://www.dieniachtnsan.org/gigs.html |
Tango-CD „Alles Tango oder was?“ - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
Neueste CD von Anette Postal ihrer Tango-Comedy Show: Argentinischer Tango – deutsche Texte – Augenzwinkern! 1. Malena — ANNETTE POSTEL 2. Irgendwo auf der Welt tanzt immer einer Tango“ — ANNETTE POSTEL 3. Llevar — ANNETTE POSTEL 4. "Er ist immer so müde“ — ANNETTE POSTEL 5. "Zurück in den Süden“ — ANNETTE POSTEL 6. „Keine Sonne ohne ihn“ — ANNETTE POSTEL 7. „Tangotagebuch“ — ANNETTE POSTEL 8. „Um Haaresbreite“ — ANNETTE POSTEL 9. „Ach, Carlos!“ — ANNETTE POSTEL 10. „Zum Abschied ein Kaffee“ — ANNETTE POSTEL 11. „Androgyne“ — ANNETTE POSTEL 12. „Todo es amor“ — ANNETTE POSTEL 13. „Lieben Sie Tango?“ — ANNETTE POSTEL 14. „Carmen spricht 1“ — ANNETTE POSTEL 15. „Carmen singt“ — ANNETTE POSTEL 16. „La Yumba“ — ANNETTE POSTEL 17. „Carmen spricht 2“ — ANNETTE POSTEL https://www.annette-postel.com/programme/tango/#Tango-CD |
CD"MAESTRALE" Filippo Gambetta, Fabio Vernizzi, Sergio Caputo - Italiaby Diatonic News |
CIRCO CARNEVALE (Visage Music 2022) MAESTRALE – Filippo Gambetta, Fabio Vernizzi, Sergio Caputo E’ festa danzante oggi al Circo Carnevale! Nessun distanziamento sociale: questa è la festa della prossimità, della condivisione, dei balli fino al mattino. Una festa a ballo sulle note di organetto, violino e pianoforte, tra una danza in cerchio che ci fa ritrovare il senso di comunità ed una danza di coppia, in cui il ballo si fonde in un abbraccio dopo un intimo dialogo dei corpi e delle anime. Un ballo libero e liberatorio, aperto a tutti, invade oggi la pista del Circo Carnevale. I tre musicisti liguri Filippo Gambetta (organetto), Sergio Caputo (violino) e Fabio Vernizzi (pianoforte) sono accomunati dalla passione per la creazione musicale in seno alle contaminazioni di genere ed in questo disco ne danno conferma attraverso il loro approccio innovativo rivolto al “Bal Folk”. It’s a dancing party today at the Circo Carnevale! No social distancing: this is the celebration of proximity, sharing, while dancing until the morning. A dance party on the notes of diatonic accordion, fiddle and piano, between a circle dance that makes us rediscover the sense of community and a couple dance, in which the dance merges into an embrace after an intimate dialogue of bodies and souls . A free and liberating dance, open to everybody, today invades the runway of the Carnevale Circus. The three Ligurian musicians Filippo Gambetta (diatonic accordion), Sergio Caputo (fiddle) and Fabio Vernizzi (piano / el. piano) are united by the passion for musical creation within the genre contaminations and in this record they confirm this through their innovative approach aimed at ” Bal Folk “. https://www.filippogambetta.com/maestrale/ |
Markku Lepistö & Leija Lautamaj new CD in near release - Finlandby Diatonic News |
Markku Lepistö è con Leija Lautamaja e Samuli Volanto presso Matkastudio. · Tampere, Pirkanmaa, Finlandia · Oggi ho registrato nuova musica con il grande Leija! Nello studio il fantastico Samuli! | Abbiamo un po' di nuova musica in arrivo! Grazie mille a Leija e Samuli! 📷 Samuele Volanto |
CD "Sou Gaúcho" by Renato Borghetti - Brasilby Diatonic News |
Released in 2022 15 Titles/ 57 minutes by various composers Label: Wet Music For more visit: http://renatoborghetti.com.br/sou-gaucho.php |
Accordion TV/Film/Radio |
Festival Nacional de Jineteada y Folclore in 2022 - Argentinaby Diatonic News |
From January 5 to 9 and broadcast on Public TV, Campo Martín Fierro will be the venue for the Great Gaucho Festival, which will seal its 51 editions. The program includes renowned artists in national folklore and the best horses to enjoy from Campo Lisardo Gieco, the clina and basto mountains. https://diamante.tur.ar/nota/1754-Diamante-palpita-la-edicion-51-del-Festival-Nacional-de-Jineteada-y-Folclore El Chaqueño, Los Nocheros, Soledad, Los Carabajal, Destino San Javier, Orlando Vera Cruz, Mario Álvarez Quiroga and Catherine Vergnes, in addition to local artists, joined the 2023 grid. |
Help Desk, Information needed, Readers CommentsSubmit Your Question, CommentSUBMIT NOW |
HELP DESK - INFORMATION WANTED - COMMENTS - Worldwideby Diatonic News | Modify | Delete |
English take advantage of this interactive feature in our Diatonic-News. This is titled “Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments” and is situated below the News. The exciting part of this concept is that readers can list their own comments about any accordion subject they wish, ask questions, ask the accordion world for information. Its YOUR Diatonic Accordion World on www.diatonic-news.com News. Deutsch Interaktive Funktion auf Diatonic News! Diatonic News hat eine neue interaktive Funktion in den Nachrichten aufgenommen. Diese trägt den Titel "Help Desk, Information gesucht, Leser Kommentare" und ist am Ender der Nachrichtenausgabe positioniert. Der interessante Teil dieses Konzeptes ist, dass unsere Leser selbst auf dieser Seite akitv sein kònnen. Jeder Leser kann ab sofort online eigene Kommentare zu jedem Akkordeon Thema, generelle Fragen und Suche nach Information an die Akkordeonwelt/leser auf www.diatonic-news.com ins Netz setzen. Nehmen Sie Anspruch von dieser interaktiven Mòglichkeit, die das Ziel hat, unseren Lesern eine intensivere und sofortige Kommunikation mit anderen Akkordeoninteressierten zu ermòglichen Italiano Facile funzione interattiva su www.diatonic-news.com ! Diatonic-news ha inserito questa funzionalità interattiva nella sua edizione di notizie. Questa è intitolato "Help desk, informazioni, commenti dei lettori, ed è posizionata alla fine è della pagina. La parte interessante di questo concetto è la possibilità di attività da parte dei lettori di essere se stessi in questa pagina. Ogni lettore è ora disponibile online e condividere i tuoi commenti su ogni tema fisarmonica, questioni generali e la ricerca di informazioni al mondo della fisarmonica / lettori sul AWW rete. Prendete vantaggio di questa opportunità interattiva che ha l'obiettivo di permettere ai nostri lettori di una comunicazione intensa e immediata con altri interessati di www.diatonic-news.com . Français Nouvelles hebdomadaires initiés fonction interactive Diatonic News a ajouté cette fonctionnalité interactive à la Nouvelles. C'est intitulé «Help Desk, les informations nécessaires, Commentaires des lecteurs" et se situe en dessous de la Nouvelles hebdomadaires. La partie intéressante de ce concept est que les lecteurs peuvent publier leurs propres commentaires sur n'importe quel sujet accordéon elles le souhaitent, poser des questions, demander de l'accordéon monde pour l'information. Alors s'il vous plaît utiliser et de profiter de cet outil interactif, visant à permettre une plus grande communication entre les accordéonistes. 中文 “每周新闻”新增交互式特色栏目 《环球手风琴》在“每周新闻”中增加了一个新的交互式的特色栏目. 标题是“Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments” ,放在下面的每周新闻中. 这一理念令人兴奋的地方是读者可以加入他们自己关于手风琴主题的任何评论、提出问题、询问手风琴演出信息. 这部分内容在《环球手风琴》每周新闻的“ 你的手风琴世界 ”栏目中. 因此请你使用并欣赏这个交互式的工具, 目的是增强手风琴家之间的沟通. Русский Раздел «Еженедельные новости» инициирует новую интерактивную функциию Сайт Diatonic News добавил новую интерактивную функцию в раздел еженедельных новостей. Она озаглавлена "Доска помощи, необходимая информация, комментарии читателей" и расположена под разделом еженедельных новостей. Важной частью этой новинки является то, что читатели смогут составить список собственных комментариев по любым вопросам, касающимся аккордеона, задать вопросы, запросить информацию, касающуюся аккордеона. Это ВАШ Мир Аккордеона на сайте www.diatonic-news.com. Пожалуйста, пользуйтесь и наслаждайтесь этим новым интерактивным сервисом, направленным на достижение более тесных связей между аккордеонистами. Information: Webmaster / Online translation ! Example |