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Highlights |
Happy New 2023 - Worldwideby Diatonic News |
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Diatonic-News wishes all their readers, clients, enthusiasts from all types of diatonic instruments a happy and hopefully healthy New Year, that Covid might let us live again free and surrounded by MUSIC. We thank all artists, advertisers and event organizers for their information in order to make our news always interesting for readers that we may continue our free service to diatonic music fans worldwide. |
Season Greetings - worldwideby Diatonic News |
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from all the Accordions Worldwide Team |
Rino Galassi (1928 to 2022), Castelfidardo - Italyby Diatonic News |
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![]() Rino Galassi (September 28, 1928 - November 09, 2022) has passed away at the age of 94. He began bellows production shortly after the end of World War II in 1948 when he was 20 years of age. He wanted to open his own business working as an artisan in accordion construction. At that time, things were much easier to start your own business. So, he began learning the production of accordion bellows. As he lived in Osimo Stazione where two bellows producing factories were close by, he had easy access. These producers were like most of the producers then, working in the lower floor of the home, with the family living upstairs. The home was the working production place, which meant "always ready for work, when needed". Rino setting up a working area and after six months, he was daring enough to challenge the world with his own bellows production. Rino passed all his knowledge on to his wife Vanda and his two sons Renzo and Reno. Condolences to all the Galassi Family from Accordions Worldwide. "Know the People" Interview at: 2017Galassi with: Renzo Galassi (Owner) |
Un cilentano campione del mondo CMA di fisarmonica diatonica - Italiaby Diatonic News |
![]() Alessandro Bruno ha iniziato a studiare la fisarmonica diatonica, conosciuta anche come organetto, all’età di 8 anni con il maestro Pietro Paolo Antonucci, ora si è aggiudicato il trofeo mondiale CMA DA: (https://www.infocilento.it/2022/12/15/un-cilentano-campione-del-mondo-di-fisarmonica/ ) |
ACCORDION BABES 2023 PIN-UP CALENDAR - worldwideby Diatonic News |
![]() The calendar is 12″ x 12″ and comes with a CD with one song from each Accordion Babe. FEBRUARY is prepresented by: Renée de la Prade & Leslie Jackson squeezeboxgoddess.com / mudfest.net CD track 01: “Leslie Got A French Press” — Renée de la Prade These two feisty women share the love of music and the love of the written word. Both are powerhouse musicians, dancers, and indie publishers from the San Francisco Bay area. MARCH is represented by: Serena Della Monica / serenadellamonica.com CD track 03: “Femmena comm’ a ‘mme” Serena Della Monica / Le Ninfe della Tammorra Musician, teacher and composer, she lives in Vietri sul Mare, a beautiful town on the Amalfi Coast (Salerno – Italy). Order: https://accordionpinupcalendar.com/ |
Accordion x-mas gifts needed? Worldwideby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() silver (left) gold (right) https://www.etsy.com/it/ |
Accordion Puzzle as x-mas gift? - Worldwideby Diatonic News |
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Some practical advise how to build your own accordion. In the beginning starting with a PUZZLE Accordion Instrument Puzzle in 3D Realistic Model in real Wood Mechanical Assembly Assembly Assembly Original Gift for Aduls and Children Fisarmonica Strumento Puzzle Modello 3D Realistico Modello in Legno Assemblaggio Meccanico Assemblaggio Assemblaggio Regalo Originale per Adulti e Bambini available on https://www.etsy.com/ |
Styrian Accordion Cake for xmas? - Worldwideby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() She copied his accordion to an identical Styrian Cake. We suppose, that it might take some practical baking and artistical knowledge. Unfortunately no recipe available - imagination requested ;-) Good luck |
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
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Online translation |
The Latin Recording Academy Awards ® - USAby Diatonic News |
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![]() ![]() BEST CUMBIA/VALLENATO ALBUM / WINNER Feliz Aniversario Jean Carlos Centeno y Ronal Urbina Label: Onerpm BEST NORTEÑO ALBUM /WINNER La Reunión (Deluxe) Los Tigres Del Norte Label: Fonovisa/RMS Music Group, Inc./UMG Recordings, Inc. https://www.latingrammy.com/en |
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23. Fürstenecker Bordunale - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() Vier intensive Tage mit Werkstätten, Sessions und Kaminfeuer: Genießt den Austausch und neue Impulse an Drehleier, Dudelsack, Nyckelharpa, Akkordeon und anderen Instrumenten, im Ensemble, in inspirierender Gesellschaft und hochwertigem Burgambiente. Im neuen Jahr lernt man von gleich zwei innovativen DuosPLUS, die nicht nur ihre Erfahrung vermitteln werden, wie man zu frischem, lebendigem Folk kommt, sondern die auch mit einem gemeinsamen Dozentenkonzert in die Nacht spielen. Werkstätten mit Hartwin Dhoore (diatonisches Akkordeon) und Ward Dhoore (Ensemble), die schon im Trio Dhoore begeisterten und diesmal als duo Siger über die Grenzen Belgiens hinausklingen… „Known for their innovative instrumental compositions rooted in Flemish traditional music, siblings Ward & Hartwin Dhoore have been roaming international stages together for over 15 years. They have been the oiled engine behind award-winning bands & projects such as Trio Dhoore, Estbel and The Flemish Folk Caravan, just to name a few.“ [siger.be] Die späten Abende nach Sessions und Konzerten kann man an Kamin und Feuerschalen ausklingen lassen. Und natürlich gibt es auf der Burg auch ruhige Ecken und den Blick in die Weite der winterlichen Rhön, um mal durchzuatmen, Tunes nachwirken und das neue Jahr ankommen zu lassen. Um in die klirrenden Januarmorgen zu starten, bieten man die Möglichkeit kleiner erfrischender Übungen an – mit Impulsen aus der zeitgenössischen Körperarbeit für einen lockeren Start am Instrument und mit noch mehr Freiheit in Muskeln und Gräten, um ganz entspannt traditionell und in die Zukunft zu spielen. https://www.burg-fuersteneck.de/kursprogramm/musik_und_tanz/fuerstenecker_bordunale/23-33301/ |
42nd Annual Tejano Music Awards - USA Nov. 26.by Diatonic News |
![]() Winner for the category: Album of the Year – Conjunto Norteno y Poderoso (Tributo a Mis Idolos) — Lucky Joe More on: https://tejanonation.net/?s=42nd+Tejano+Music+Award |
Jetzt Ihre Müller-Harmonikas online konfigurieren - Österreichby Diatonic News |
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Über die Startseite der Müller Website können Modelle ab sofort auch online konfiguriert werden. Somit ist es möglich, dass sich Interessierte einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten verschaffen und das jederzeit von überall aus. Für mehr: Müller |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
STAGE DI ORGANETTO condotto da Claudio Prima - Lecce/Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Sabato 3 e Domenica 4 Dicembre Distilleria De Giorgi, San Cesario di Lecce. Lo stage è aperto a tutti e introdurrà alle tecniche di base dello strumento: – disposizione delle note – tipologie di strumento – tecnica lineare e incrociata – posizione del corpo e delle mani – basi di armonia e ritmo – dinamiche e utilizzo del mantice e della valvola 10 studi per organetto diatonico è un percorso alla scoperta dell’organetto. 10 brani scritti da Claudio Prima per dare l’opportunità agli allievi, ai musicisti e agli appassionati di esplorare le diverse tecniche dell’organetto, gli stili, le modalità di esecuzione e le possibilità espressive e per approfondire la conoscenza della teoria musicale. I brani sono ideati per poter affrontare le diverse tecniche e sviluppare le capacità di base per lo studio dello strumento. Il costo di partecipazione è di 50 euro, per info e iscrizioni contattare il 3475468393 |
Woodford Folk Festival - Australiaby Diatonic News |
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The Woodford Folk Festival is held annually over six days and six nights, from Dec 27th through to January 1st. More than 2,000 local, national and international, artists, musicians and presenters put on over 438 acts to an audience of an estimated 132,000 people. The festival begins each year with the iconic Opening Ceremony and closes with the spectacular showcase, the Fire Event on New Year’s Day. This year will be the 35th Woodford Folk Festival and the 28th held at Woodfordia. It is the largest gathering of artists and musicians in Australia. https://woodfordfolkfestival.com/ |
23. Fürstenecker Bordunale - DEby Diatonic News |
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02.01. - 05.01.2023 Bordunmusik und junger Folk – mit Rhythm, Groove & Swing ins neue Jahr! Vier intensive Tage mit Werkstätten, Sessions und Kaminfeuer: Genießt den Austausch und neue Impulse an Drehleier, Dudelsack, Nyckelharpa, Akkordeon und anderen Instrumenten, im Ensemble, in inspirierender Gesellschaft und hochwertigem Burgambiente. Im neuen Jahr lernt man von gleich zwei innovativen DuosPLUS, die nicht nur ihre Erfahrung vermitteln werden, wie man zu frischem, lebendigem Folk kommt, sondern die auch mit einem gemeinsamen Dozentenkonzert in die Nacht spielen. Anmeldung und mehr auf: https://www.burg-fuersteneck.de/kursprogramm/musik_und_tanz/fuerstenecker_bordunale/22-33301/ |
21° Festival de Musica en el Tasso - Argentinaby Diatonic News |
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Rodolfo Mederos Trío y el prestigioso Dúo de Juan Falú y Marcelo Moguilevsky, vuelven al Torquarto Tasso el Jueves 22 de Diciembre, en el 21° Festival de Música! Otro encuentro de lujo que no te podés perder. **APERTURA DE SALA 20:00HS / SHOW 22:00HS.** https://www.passline.com/eventos/mederos-trio-falu-moguilevsky-132299 |
Next "Texas Folklife Festival" in 2023 - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() After careful consideration, UTSA leadership and the Institute of Texan Cultures staff have made the difficult decision to postpone their beloved festivals one more year. Both the Asian Festival and the Texas Folklife Festival will return in 2023. Their hope is that the extended year will allow staff more planning time so that they may deliver quality cultural experiences that engage the community and continue our celebrated traditions. The extra time will allow to work through lingering challenges such as supply chain, health and safety protocols and logistics. Important guidance will come from the ITC Centennial 2068: Community Visioning process via the Community Engagement & Sustaining Support Task Force. The group’s work will provide important counsel on leveraging current and new partnerships to advance the annual cultural tradition and broaden its impact for so many in San Antonio and across the state. While it deeply saddens the organizers to postpone one more year, both UTSA and the ITC are committed to bringing the festivals back as soon as they can. As additional information becomes available, they will share on their website: https://texancultures.utsa.edu/events/texas-folklife-festival/ |
Halsway Melodeon Workshop - UKby Diatonic News |
![]() Archie’s ‘Getting Better’ workshop is aimed at levels 2, 3 & 4 ... for level view: https://halswaymanor.org.uk/halsway-melodeon-workshop-levels/ Archie Churchill-Moss: Widely regarded as one of the best players of English traditional folk, Archie has worked as a session musician for some of the UK’s top folk acts (Cara Dillon, Eliza Carthy, Blair Dunlop), as well as performing with the trio, ‘Moore, Moss, Rutter’ , the outfit which saw him receive the coveted BBC Radio 2 Young Folk Award in 2011. The past two years have seen Archie tour extensively across Western Europe and perform at some of Europe’s top music festivals, including headline slots at ‘Colours of Ostrava (Czech Republic), Tønder festival (Denmark), Cropredy Convention (UK) and Cambridge folk festival (UK). Book: https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/archies-box-academy-getting-better-14/ |
Learn to play l'organetto with Andrea Capezzuoli - Worldwideby Diatonic News |
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Skype lessons Do you live far from Milan? No problem! Let’s take a Skype lesson. All you need is a Skype account and a Paypal account. Send me an email or a message on Facebook and we’ll agree on a schedule. The lesson takes about an hour. Lessons Developed and perfected over fifteen years of teaching, an melodeon course for both beginners and advanced. During the course the musical theory applied to the instrument (scales, tonality, chords) is also addressed. The course is complemented by the Organetto Manual, used as a textbook, which provides the preparatory excerpts for learning the techniques. Thematic workshops Beginners (to start getting familiar with the instrument) Technique (advanced workshop to improve phrasing, accompaniment and embellishment) Bourrées d’Auvergne. The music of central France developed on different techniques Canti tradizionali lombardo-piemontesi accompagnati con l’organetto One rowe Melodéon. From advanced push and pull technique. to french-canadian music. Manuale di organetto diatonico https://www.andreacapezzuoli.com/en/didattica-2/ |
Future events / Concerts |
Concert de bandonéon et contrebasse - Paris/FRby Diatonic News |
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Mardi 13 décembre à 19h. Concert de bandonéon et contrebasse à la Maison de l'Argentine. Le duo composé du bandonéoniste Fabrizio Colombo et du contrebassiste Lucas Eubel Frontini propose un dialogue intime entre les deux instruments, abordant un répertoire innovant comprenant principalement du tango, mais aussi du jazz et d'autres musiques du monde. Dans cette proposition, les instruments s'expriment au maximum de leur potentiel, avec des moments de grande virtuosité et de subtilité. |
Festival di Musica Sacra Popolare “Angeli e Pastori” - Roma/Italiaby Diatonic News |
![]() ulteriori info su: https://www.romatoday.it/eventi/ambrogio-sparagna-e-i-solisti-orchestra-popolare-italiana-8-dicembre-2022.html |
Desaunay's Irish - Loire/FRby Diatonic News |
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See poster for details |
Tango Concert by Emil Aybinder - Jerusalem/Israelby Diatonic News |
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at the Gonenim Music Center in Jerusalem an enthralling tango show will take you on a journey through the different styles of tango from South America. 20/12/2022 doors opren at 18:30 concert starts 19:00 For Tickets: https://tickchak.co.il/35601 |
Andreas Gabalier 2023 Konzerte - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
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Wieder viele Stationen für den österreichischen Künstler Andreas Gabalier in Deutschland sind für das Jahr 2023 geplant. Für Genaueres und rechtzeitige Reservierungen finden Sie alle Infos auf: www.andreasgabalier.at oder https://www.eventim.de/artist/andreas-gabalier/ |
The Latin Syndicate DUO in Paolo’s Jazz Club - Denmarkby Diatonic News |
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December concert in Paolo’s Jazz Clu with the wonderful bass player Yasser Pino to Møn to play a duo concert with Paolo - melodic, sensual and sunny Latin-American music to warm you up in the darkness of December. The LATIN SYNDICATE was born in 2012, a joint venture, under the leadership of Cuban-born and Copenhagen-based bass player Yasser Pino, with world class musicians from both Cuba and Italy: Calixto Oviedo on drums, Eliel Lazo on percussion, Nico Gori on clarinet and Paolo Russo on piano and bandoneon. During the past ten years, the band has performed across Europe and participated in the La Havana Jazz Festival in 2016, proposing a powerful and luminous combination of Italian melodic lyricism and Cuban sensual rhythms. In Paolo’s Jazz Clu is presented the intimate duo format of The Latin Syndicate. Here Yasser Pino and Paolo Russo will interpret the music from the successful album ”Natura”, as well as original and classical tunes from the Latin-American jazz repertoire. Tickets: https://billetto.dk/e/the-latin-syndicate-duo-billetter-757171 |
Priemer of Double Concerto by Nicolás Enrich - Argentinaby Diatonic News |
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Nicolás Enrich will premiere his Double Concerto for Violin, Bandoneón and Orchestra with @grandemp (who commissioned it and to whom it is dedicated), conducted by @salinasnatalia.conductor and accompanied by the Orquesta Nacional de Música Argentina Juan de Dios Filiberto. On Wednesday 7 December at 20hs at the CCK! (see poster) |
Astor Piazzolla Concert - Genève/Switzerlandby Diatonic News |
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3rd December 2022 - 20:30h Eglise de Saint Joseph Place des Eaux-Vives Gèneve/Switzerland |
l'organetto di Ambrogio Sparagna e la lirica- Bertinoro/Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Sabato 3 dicembre, alle 20:30, si svolgerà l'anteprima di Canto delle creature. Concerto di boschi, pascoli e cuori, presso la Cattedrale di Santa Caterina a Bertinoro. "C'è una musica nel mondo, ma se non canti non la senti" dice il poeta. Da sempre l'essere umano in mezzo alla natura canta. Con timore a volte, a volte con meraviglia. Da sempre l'uomo canta lavorando, camminando, accompagnando i morti, amando. Unisce il suo canto a quel che egli stesso chiama canto delle acque, delle fronde, delle bestie, dei venti e di tutte le creature. Nel "Canto delle creature" che trovò in Francesco d'Assisi un grande interprete e poeta, prendono voce alberi, stelle e animali, insieme a pastori, contadini, ragazze e ragazzi innamorati, madri, marinai, ladri e santi. Perché con la Natura non ci può essere armonia, né rispetto, se non si ascolta e non si canta insieme. Le musiche degli strumenti musicali e le voci della tradizione, guidati dall’organetto di Ambrogio Sparagna, insieme alle liriche del poeta Davide Rondoni per un concerto di boschi musicali, pascoli sonori, cuori vibranti. Il Canto delle Creature è un viaggio poetico musicale sulle orme di Francesco e del suo Cantico. Quel testo che il poeta santo e giullare scrisse in tre momenti della sua vita, concludendolo poco prima della morte, è la sintesi semplice e profonda della sua visione del mondo. Molti lo conoscono ma non lo hanno mai letto davvero. È urgente tornare a vedere cosa c'è in quelle parole e che esperienza indicano. Non solo sono tra le origini della letteratura europea, ma segnano una strada che vale anche oggi per l'uomo e per il suo rapporto con la natura contro tutte le ideologie e contro slogan e banalità. Viaggeremo danzando e cantando in quel testo e in tanti canti popolari che ne riecheggiano. Ci accompagneranno canti di ogni terra, suoni antichi e nuovi compagni. Coglieremo intuizioni, colpi di scena, meravigliosa poesia del santo genio che ci può guidare in tempi difficili nutrendoci di speranza e bellezza. Il progetto Canto delle creature è una cooproduzione Finisterre e Fondazione Museo Interreligioso di Bertinoro, in collaborazione con Fondazione Ce.U.B., Diocesi di Forlì-Bertinoro e Comune di Bertinoro. Il concerto di sabato 3 dicembre è realizzato grazie all'aiuto dell'Ass. "Il Molino" Protezione Civile di Civitella e Bertinoro; Croce Rossa-Comitato di Forlimpopoli e Bertinoro. Contributo da: https://www.forlitoday.it/ Info: musint.bertinoro@gmail.com, www.museointerreligioso.it |
Martin Robbio Quinteto concert - Buones Aires/ARby Diatonic News |
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Jueves 15 de diciembre 22.30h/Bebp Club Bayón - Siksnys - Politzer - Pemoff Martín Robbio, composer and teacher, has been on the Argentine music scene for twenty years, both accompanying great musicians of our country and leading his own projects. Always elusive to labels, his career reflects great versatility, ranging from folklore to rock and from jazz to tango. In this case, he takes up again the composition of original music with a group with a matching sound, to work on his own compositions that start from a generic Latin American base (chacarera, zamba, carnavalito, Afro-Peruvian rhythms) and are projected from a jazzy sound with improvisation playing a leading role. The quintet suggests in its instrumentation the ductility that the music seeks to reflect. It is formed by Federico Siksnys on bandoneon, Juan Bayón on double bass, Nicolás Politzer on drums and Jorge Pemoff on percussion... https://bebopclub.com.ar/ |
SIGER CONCERT@ Dranouter Centrum - Belgiumby Diatonic News |
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ZA 10/12 - 20U30 De broers Dhoore komen uit een muzikaal nest. Al meer dan 15 jaar lang toeren deze vaandeldragers van de Vlaamse Trad over de hele wereld. Eerst nog als trio met broer Koen, maar sinds voorjaar 2022 als duo onder de naam Siger met Hartwin en Ward. Het vertrekpunt is steeds de Vlaamse volksmuziek die ze via hun ouders meekregen, maar door hun vele muzikale reizen en contact met de internationale folkscene, is hun unieke sound gelardeerd met invloeden vanuit verschillende Europese regio's. https://www.muziekcentrumdranouter.be/nl/concert/2022-12-10/siger |
ADVENT IM GEBIRG 2022 mit der Meissnitzer Band - Österreichby Diatonic News |
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https://www.eventim-light.com/at/a/63208e1904205c114d1261db/ https://www.meissnitzerband.com/ |
Hubert von Goisern 2023 Tour - DE/ATby Diatonic News |
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Wie die Zeit vergeht … die Zeiten & Zeichen-Tour 2022 ist inzwischen Geschichte, und der Blick geht nach vorne. Hubert von Goisern wird auch 2023 Konzerte geben - mit spannenden Ausblicken, aber auch mit Rückblicken über die vergangenen Jahrzehnte seines Schaffens. Denn die alten Zeichen haben ihre Gültigkeit nicht verloren. Niemand weiß, was die Zukunft bringen wird. Doch so viel ist sicher: Sie wird laut werden, energiegeladen und intensiv. Ohren auf und durch - am besten tanzend. Tickets für die Tour 2023 sind ab sofort erhältlich! Neue Zeiten, Alte Zeichen Tour 2023 – Termine & Tickets https://www.hubertvongoisern.com/tourplan/ |
Tomomitso Fumoto and Ville Hiltula in concert - Japanby Diatonic News |
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for details view poster |
Bargainatt in December - Germanyby Diatonic News |
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The french group will be performing at the end of December in Germany: Camille STIMBRE, Violon Youmi BAZOGE, Violon et Chant Noé BAZOGE, Violoncelle Léon OLLIVIER, Accordéon Diatonique for mor - all on their site: http://www.bargainatt.com/ |
“Edward the Second” Group Caribbean Christmas Party – Englandby Diatonic News |
![]() The event will “feature songs from their latest CD “Dancing Tunes” along with other festival favourites and Christmas inspired Soca and Calypso DJ sets along with a range of special Caribbean Cocktails. They are bringing a little bit of what its like to celebrate Christmas on a tropical island to Manchester.” For details email: gavin.sharp@me.com |
Concert Helou/Sabatier - Paris/Franceby Diatonic News |
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Salle du musique "live"/ Le Caminito 1 ter rue Deguerry, Paris, France 16/12/2022 - 21h William Sabatier au bandoneón et Maestros Roger Helou au piano. Un concert IMMANQUABLE studio18paris@gmail.com |
Die Draufgänger im Dezember 2022 - Österreich/Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
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02 DEZ FLAMES CLUB MEMMINGEN Flames Club Memmingen/Fraunhoferstraße 7, 87700 Memmingen/DE 03 DEZ CHRISTMAS PARTY, JENNERSDORF Gernot Cafe-Lounge-Bar/Kirchenstraße 7/AT 08 DEZ ALMRAUSCH PLANAI/Planaistraße 29, 8971 Schladming/AT 09 DEZ WELTCUP MONTAFON/Kirchplatz Schruns/AT 10 DEZ Nassfeld/Millenium Express Talstation/AT 10 DEZ TOLLHAUS NEUMARKT/Kärntner Straße 7, 8820 Neumarkt i. d. Stmk/AT 16 DEZ WEIHNACHTSPARTY/Portofino Veranstaltungssaal/Karl-Gunsam-Gasse 1 / Top 2/AT 17 DEZ OPEN AIR MIT SCHNITZWELTREKORD/Münchenbernsdorf/DE 29 DEZ HEKTAR-PARTY, WALD / Zehn-Dörfer-Halle/Sankertweiler Straße 6/DE 30 DEZ BAUERNSILVESTER OBERDORF/Hochegg 9, 8330 Oberdorf/AT https://www.die-draufgaenger.at/ |
Tango-Comedy-Programm - Germanyby Diatonic News |
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Annette Postel präsentiert ihr Comedy Tango Programm am: Do, 08 Dez 2022 Alles Tango oder was? Beginn: 20:00 h Kulturhaus Osterfeld e.V., Osterfeldstraße 12, 75172 Pforzheim, Deutschland Argentinischer Tango mit deutschen Texten, Augenzwinkern, Norbert Kotzan am Bandoneon, Bobbi Fischer am Piano... und der pfälzischen Klofrau Carmen. Eine anschließende mielonka ist geplant Kulturhaus Osterfeld, Pforzheim und am: Kulturhaus Osterfeld, Pforzheim Fr, 09 Dez 2022 Alles Tango oder was? Beginn: 20:00 h Gaggenau Argentinischer Tango mit deutschen Texten, Augenzwinkern, Norbert Kotzan am Bandoneon, Bobbi Fischer am Piano... und der pfälzischen Klofrau Carmen. Klagbühne Gaggenau https://www.annette-postel.com/termine/ |
JULIO PANE y HUGO RIVAS - Argentinaby Diatonic News |
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Los dos grandes referentes tangueros JULIO PANE y HUGO RIVAS vuelven a presentarse en nuestro escenario! Este talentoso dúo de guitarra y bandoneón ya es un “clásico” de nuestra sala y una vez más nos honra con su presencia, su virtuosismo y su trayectoria. Esta vez, en ocasión especial para el Festival, compartirán la noche con otro dúo lleno de talento; SEDA, integrado por Sebastián Expósto y Daniel Godfrid, quienes vienen de una existosa presentación en el Torquato Tasso, con el lanzamiento de su primer disco. Un encuentro imperdible! https://www.passline.com/eventos/seda-pane-rivas |
Die Fesch n'Rocker auf 2022 Weihnachtstournee - AT/DE/FRby Diatonic News |
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Endlich seit 2 Jahren Zwangspause, gibt es die neue Weihnachttournee mit den Feschnrocker Rita und Andreas. Ein besonders hochwertiges und Bühnenaufwendiges Konzertprogramm wurde speziell dafür zusammengestellt, um damit die schönste Zeit des Jahres in vorweihnachliche Stimmung zu verzaubern. 04.12.2022 A-5431 Kuchl beheizte Pfarrkirche, Markt 1, Tickets unter +43/ 664 9996 33 47 Beginn: 14:00 Uhr, Einlass 13:00 Uhr 05.-8.12.2022 D-72829 Engstingen Schwäbischer Alb Stadl, Tickets unter Fam. Schlecht: +49/ 711 9454 7771 Beginn: 14:30, Einlass: 12.00 Uhr 09.12.2022 F-68140 Stosswihr Katholische Pfarrkirche Tickets unter Fam. Hattenberger: +33/ 38977 39 39 Beginn: 20:00 Uhr, Einlass: 19:00 Uhr 10.12.2022 F-67110 Oberbronn, Maisond dÁccueil des Soeurs du Trés-Saint-Sauveur 2, rue Principale, Tickets Fam. Fernbach Tel.: +33/620 78 90 84 11.12.2022 D-84100 Niederaichbach/Aichbachhalle, Ticket unter Anita Stadler Tel.: +49 87 02 / 91 81 69 Frau Petschko-Seisenberger Online: info@petschko.info und bei der Gemeinde Niederaichbach Beginn: 17:00 Uhr, Einlass: 16:00 Uhr 12.12.2022 A-6271 Uderns Hotel Pachmair, Beginn: 20.00 Uhr 13.12.2022 A-6212 Maurach am Achensee, Wellnessresidenz Alpenrose, Beginn: 21.00 Uhr 14.12.2022 A-6272 Ried im Zillertal Pfarrkirche Ried Freiwillige Spenden zu Gunsten "Caritas Zillertal" Beginn: 20:00 Uhr, Einlass: 19:00 Uhr 15./19.12.2022 A-6271 Uderns Hotel Pachmair, Beginn: 20.00 Uhr 20.12.2022 A-212 Maurach am Achensee, Wellnessresidenz Alpenrose Beginn: 21.00 Uhr 23.12.2022 A-6271 Uderns Hotel Pachmair Beginn: 20.00 Uhr https://www.feschnrock.com/ |
Concert Tour Fabio Furia - Italy/Spain/Switzerlandby Diatonic News |
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Pls view Poster for exact dates and places |
Lel Vent du Nord Concerts in December - Canadaby Diatonic News |
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To many places they will be in December - so make sure you are somwhere close to the listed cities in order to listen to this magnifican group: Le Vent du Nord: Jeu, 1 déc.@ 20:00 20 Printemps au Théâtre Petit Champlain /Québec, Canada Ven, 2 déc.@ 20:00 20 Printemps à la Salle Georges Codling / Sorel-tracy, Canada Sam, 3 déc.@ 20:00 20 Printemps à la salle BMO / Sainte-thérèse, Canada Jeu, 8 déc.@ 20:00 20 Printemps à la Salle Pauline-Julien / St Genevieve, Canada Ven, 9 déc.@ 20:00 20 Printemps à Gatineau / Gatineau, Canada Sam, 10 déc.@ 20:00 20 Printemps au Théâtre de la Ville - Longueuil / Longueuil, Canada Dim, 11 déc.@ 15:00 20 Printemps à Lasalle /Lasalle, Canada Dim, 18 déc.@ 15:30 20 Printemps au Théâtre des Deux Rives / Saint-jean-sur-richelieu, Canada Jeu, 22 déc.@ 20:00 20 Printemps - soirée au bénéfice de L'Arche / Joliette, Canada Ven, 23 déc.@ 20:00 20 Printemps au Centre des arts Juliette-Lassonde / Saint-hyacinthe, Canada Jeu, 29 déc.@ 20:00 Vieux Clocher de Magog /Magog, Canada Ven, 30 déc.@ 20:00 La Veillée de l'avant-Veille - 25e anniversaire / Montreal, Canada More on: https://leventdunord.com/ |
Incanto di Natale con Claudio Primo - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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La tradizione dei canti natalizi nel Centro Sud Italia è ricca e suggestiva. La religiosità genuina del popolo e le composizioni di musica sacra si incrociano nelle ninne nanne dedicate alla Natività, nei canti di Natale, nelle nenie e nei canti per la Vergine, che insieme costituiscono un repertorio ampio e vario. Per tutte le terre del Sud a Natale, intere compagnie di musici con tamburelli, organetti, zampogne, sonagliere e cupa cupa, viaggiavano di casa in casa, di masseria in masseria, a portare a tutti la buona nuova della nascita di Cristo fino all'Epifania. I canti natalizi sono le strine, antichissimi canti pagani propiziatori che sono sopravissuti nella memoria popolare, e che raccontano la nascita di Cristo con melodie popolari che si perdono nel tempo. L’organetto e la voce di Claudio Prima (leader di BandAdriatica e Progetto Seme), la voce Alessia Tondo (voce del Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino e vincitrice del Premio Loano Giovani 2022) affiancati da Gianni Gelao (zampogna, ciaramella, flauti) e Vito De Lorenzi (percussioni) si confrontano oggi con il repertorio dei canti tradizionali di Natale ricreando le atmosfere delle compagnie di questua in un concerto dal forte carattere evocativo. Con l’ausilio dei soli strumenti tradizionali (zampogna, ciaramella, organetto, tamburelli, flauti) utilizzati un tempo, i canti e le musiche di natale ricreano gli spazi della festa del popolo, i suoni che hanno accompagnato la sacralità e la scansione del tempo di ogni celebrazione tradizionale. Musicisti di lunga esperienza avvicinano le proprie sensibilità al repertorio dei canti di Natale del Centro Sud Italia, dandogli una luce nuova ma rispettosa e rievocando i timbri e le parole della nostra memoria collettiva. Formazione: Claudio Prima Organetto, voce Alessia Tondo Voce Gianni Gelao Zampogna, piva, mandolino, ciaramella, flauti Vito De Lorenzi Tamburelli, percussioni Info e contatti: Claudio Prima +39 347 5468393 www.claudioprima.it claudioprima12@gmail.com |
BALL EXPERIENCE: PHLOX AND LOOGAROO - Heuvelland/Begliumby Diatonic News |
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![]() SAT 03/12 - 20.30 PHLOX is a brand new Folk group led by accordionist Guus Herremans. The group originated from what used to be 'The Bazz Explosion', but due to the Corona crisis a number of musicians went in different directions. So PHLOX is the relaunch with a new line-up, new compositions and all in a fresh, new look. PHLOX played its first concerts in 2021 and was well received at the Boombal festival and a Boombal at De Centrale in Ghent. PHLOX: Elias Storme: Soprano and tenor saxophone (teacher of Jazz-Pop-Rock at Dé Academie in Ypres, Ypres roots) Guus Herremans: Accordion Jelle Van Cleemputte: Electric bass Wannes Cornelis: Drums Loogaroo is a new balfolk duo featuring Pablo Golder (diatonic accordion/EKKO) and Florian De Schepper (acoustic guitar/Broes). After more than 6 years on the road together with various projects, Pablo & Florian recently started playing in a duo and decided to continue this new band they called "Loogaroo". Not to be confused with "loup-garou", "loogaroo" is a Caribbean mythological creature that transforms itself into a bright ball of light to haunt the night. No wolfhill music but powerful and surprising melodies by Pablo, accompanied by Florians groovy and pumping rhythms that will keep you dancing all night long, even in a full moon. https://www.muziekcentrumdranouter.be/en/node/1193 |
Busy time for John Kirkpatrick in December - UKby Diatonic News |
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Fri 2 Dec 2022 Marston Music, St Leonard's Church, Cheese Hill, Marston Bigot, Frome, BA11 5DE. CAROLLING & CRUMPETS - Solo Christmas Show Starts 7.30 p.m. www.marstonmusic.co.uk/ Sat 3 Dec 2022 SpArC. Theatre, Brampton Road, Bishop's Castle, Shropshire, SY9 5AY. CAROLLING & CRUMPETS - Solo Christmas Show. Starts 7.30. This is the official launch for John's new CD "JOY and JUBILATION", which features a few of the Castle Carols. Some of the Carollers will join John for a grand finale to raise the roof. www.sparctheatre.co.uk/event/john-kirkpatrick-carolling-crumpets/ Mon 5 Dec 2022 ONLINE GIG - Live To Your Living Room CAROLLING & CRUMPETS - Solo Christmas Show Only online gig this year! livetoyourlivingroom.com/events/john-kirkpatrick-carolling-crumpets/ Thu 8 Dec 2022 John Wesley's New Room, 36 The Horsefair, Bristol, BS1 3JE. CAROLLING & CRUMPETS - Solo Christmas Show. Starts 7.30 p.m.newroombristol.org.uk Fri 9 Dec 2022 The Second Time Around Folk Club, Royal British Legion, 16 Hall Croft, Beeston, Notts, NG9 1EL.CAROLLING & CRUMPETS - Solo Christmas Show www.folkbeeston.club Sat 10 Dec 2022 The Village Hall, Reading Road, Sheffield-on-Lodden, Hampshire, RG27 0DQ. CAROLLING & CRUMPETS - Solo Christmas Show derek_tarrant@hotmail.com Wed 14 Dec 2022 Faversham Folk Club, The Limes, 59 Preston Street, Faversham, Kent, ME13 8PG. CAROLLING & CRUMPETS - Solo Christmas Show www.favershamfolkclub.net Thu 15 Dec 2022 The Fleece Inn, The Cross, Bretforton, Evesham, Worcestershire, WR11 7JE. CAROLLING & CRUMPETS - Solo Christmas Show www.thefleeceinn.co.uk Fri 16 Dec 2022 Burton Folk Club, The Albion Tap House, 271 Shobnall Road, Burton on Trent, Staffs, DE14 2BE. CAROLLING & CRUMPETS - Solo Christmas Show www.burtonfolkclub.org.uk Sat 17 Dec 2022 The Pound Arts Centre, Pound Pill, Corsham, Wiltshire, SN13 9HX CAROLLING & CRUMPETS - Solo Christmas Show Starts 7.30 p.m. www.poundarts.org.uk for more: https://www.johnkirkpatrick.co.uk/ |
Mark Söhngen performing with Taaftre in - Oss/Hollandby Diatonic News |
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Mark Söhngen will perform on Sunday afternoon the 4th December with Taaftere in the atre cafe de Groene ATRE CAFE DE GROENE ENGEL Where:Kruisstraat 15 in Oss Beginn: at 16.00h Come and listen and bring others with Your! |
Mit Musik der Lavanttaler auf ins 2023 - Steiermark/Österreichby Diatonic News |
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Reservieren Sie rechtzeitig Ihren Silvesterabend mit Musik und zwar im: Gasthaus & Tanzhüttn Bacherlwirt Schrötten 5 8411 Hengsberg Mobil: +43 699 11887917 eMail: office@bacherlwirt.com |
Osaka Tango Festival - Finland/Japanby Diatonic News |
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Saturday 10th December 2022 07:00 UTC+01 15:00 open&start 出演: Astrorico/Ville&Asako, Ernesto&Paola, Ryo&Hazuki, Dani&Yuki 2022/12/10 大阪市内中心部にある「綿業会館」にて、ダンスショー+ライブミロンガを行います。タンゴをお聴きになる方も、タンゴを踊られる方も、両愛好家が楽しめるイベントでございます。ミュージシャンとダンサーの交流が活発になり、新しいエンターテインメントとしてタンゴショーが定番になれば、と考えております。タンゴダンス愛好家とリスナーの、垣根を越えての交流にタンゴ並びにラテン・アメリカ文化への理解が高まればと考えております |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
CD "Anthem" Flogging Molly - USAby Diatonic News |
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“Flogging Molly” is a seven piece Celtic punk band, which includes Matt Hensley (accordion, concertina, vocals) along with players of a variety of instruments such as guitar, bodhran, violin, tin whistle, bass guitar, mandolin, banjo, drums, percussion and vocalists. This is their latest CD - released in September 2022 floggingmolly.com |
CD "Ganz vorne dabei" vom "Kofler" - Österreichby Diatonic News |
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Veröffentlicht: 2022 Seine eigenen Songs sind kraftvoll, mitreißend und machen Spaß. Skandierender Sprechgesang in den Strophen, hymnische Refrains – so ist sein Markenzeichen. Außerdem immer im Gepäck: Die Steirische Strasser-Harmonika! „Meine Geliebte“, wie er sie nennt. Als Download bei: Amazon, Spotify, Apple Music, Deezer. Mehr über bevorstehende Konzerte auf: https://www.derkofler.com/ |
CD "Camaradas" Presentation - BA/Palermo/Argentinaby Diatonic News |
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Bebop Club Palermo: Uriarte 1658 Elegí el show y sacá tus entradas! Coinciding with the anniversary celebrations, valuable historical material of the group will be released, including unreleased recordings with great figures. "Founded in 1996, the orchestra El Arranque has become an obligatory reference for orchestral tango in the 21st century. The quality of its work and the recognition it has gained have led the group to tour more than 300 cities around the world, including concerts in the most important venues of the international circuit, such as the Lincoln Center such as the Lincoln Center in New York, the Kennedy Center in Washington, the Palais Chaillot in Paris, the Carré Theatre in Amsterdam and the Orchard Hall in Tokyo, among many others". Coinciding with the anniversary celebrations, valuable historical material of the group will be released, including unreleased recordings with great figures. "Founded in 1996, the orchestra El Arranque has become an obligatory reference for orchestral tango in the 21st century. The quality of its work and the recognition it has gained have led the group to tour more than 300 cities around the world, including concerts in the most important venues of the international circuit, such as the Lincoln Center https://bebopclub.com.ar/ |
Video: Michael Uhr Spielt Mozartby Harley Jones |
Michael Uhr spielt Mozart auf der Harmonika, wirklich unglaublich. Hören Sie es sich einfach an....ein Hörgenuss mit Michael Uhr. Ein Ausschnitt aus Mozart - Rondo Alla Turca (Turkish March) |
Video: Bambinoby Harley Jones |
Un bambino suona "Cicirinella teneva teneva" all'organetto |
CD "20 printemps" by Vent du Nord - Canadaby Diatonic News |
![]() The 20 Printemps tour has been on the road since the Montreal premiere and will continue until 2024. For the tour dates: https://leventdunord.com/en/2022/now-on-tour-celebrating-their-20th-anniversary-with-style/ |
New Book of Howard Levy/diatonic harmonica - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() A REVOLUTIONARY WAY TO TRANSFORM YOUR HARMONICA PLAYING For All Levels and Styles More Than 120 Exercises With Harmonica Tabs and Musical Notation Examples are written for Diatonic Harmonica in C Free Practice Tracks If you play harmonica, or have friends who do, then you DEFINITELY want to check out this book. He has organized an entirely new approach that unlocks and opens the harmonica's secret dimensions for players of all skill levels and styles. Practicing the incredibly thorough exercises in this book can transform your playing from the inside out, and bring it up several notches. https://levyland.com/ |
Accordion TV/Film/Radio |
![]() Den Heiligen Abend kann man in diesem Jahr auch wieder mit Franz Posch verbringen, am 24. Dezember präsentiert er auf ORF2 "Mei liabste Weihnachtsweis" im Rahmen von "Licht ins Dunkel". Franz Posch bringt damit Besinnlichkeit und weihnachtliche Stimmung in die Wohnzimmer der Zuseher, natürlich wird der beliebte Moderator auch wieder Musik-Wünsche erfüllen. "Mei liabste Weihnachtsweis" Ein Fixtermin am zur besinnlichen Zeit - am Heiligen Abend! Nicht versäumen |
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