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Diatonic News - Apr-2023
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Voci Armoniche


Happy Easter to all our readers around the world - Worldwide
Eine HARMONIKA MIETEN – SO ist es möglich - Österreich
Accordion-YellowPages.com Future Events Free Listing - Cyberspace
World Accordion Day - some events/concerts in program? - International
30e fête del'accordéon diatonique - Nanterre/France
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich
TAG DER HARMONIKA 2023 - 18.- 21. Mai ! - Österreich
Astor, un Secolo di Tango - Senigallia/Italia
IQ-Intilligent Quetschn - Austria
15. Harmonika Masters Workshop 2023 - Deutschland

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

17° Festival dell’Adriatico” Concorso di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica - Italia
Stage d'accordéon diatonique avec Alain Pennec chez CNIMA - France
“Skerryvore” and “Edward the Second” Perform at 2023 Ibiza Folk Music Festival - Spain
Stage ACCORDÉON DIATONIQUE avec Frédéric Sonnery - France
Melbourne Comhaltas Irish Weekend - Australia
INITIATION, prêt d'accordéon possible/Sylvie Frechou - FR
Half-Door Club Festival - Laois/Ireland
FOLKARRIA ECO FESTI-BAL 2023 - Madrid /Spain
Le fest noz pour les débutants - France
Konzertina - lernen und spielen, Frühjahrskurs 2 Bad Berneck - DE
Tout en double notes / Bruno Le Tron - France/Hauts-de-Seine
41st Annual Tejano Conjunto Festival May 19 to 21 - USA
2023 Che Bandoneon International Competition – USA
XV Dani Harmonica Festival - Bosnia and Herzegovina
Folk en Fête Gerpinnes - Belgique

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Andreas Gabalier Tour bis Nov 2023 - CH/DE/A/BE
DUO LALOY/LETRON @ Folkaria - Spain/FR/BE
SOLO -CHRISTIAN BAKANIC - Altenmarkt-Thenneberg/Österreich
Natascha-Das Steirermadl - Österreich
Sebastián Jarupkin performing in April 6, 2023 - Buenos Aires/Argentina
CAAMAÑO & AMEIXEIRAS concert - Spain
Next concert with Shunji Hoshino - Japan
Airboxes on tour in Spring - BE/DE
Folkshilfe auf Frühlingstour 2023 - 'Austria
Beltango Concerts Apr-Aug - NL/FR/DE/CH/AT
Mollie B on tour in april - USA
Bevano-Est on tour - IT/DE
31. Harmonikatreffen beim "Hartl" in Neuhaus - Österreich
Airboxes performing @ Folkaria 2023 - Spain/Belgium
Frühlichsfest - Deutschland
Carla Algeri in concert - Buenos Aires/Argentina
Balfolk with Variomatic @ Muziekcentrum Dranouter - BE
2023 CYCLE ZYDECO Festival - Louisiana/USA
“Leveret” Entertain at Live at Sam’s – England
Musikfeuerwerk mit Bert Stubinger - Austria

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

New Tracks by Flogging Molly available now - USA
New CD "Vire" von Folkshilfe - Österreich

Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments

Submit Your Question, Comment

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

Happy Easter to all our readers around the world - Worldwide

by Diatonic News
Diatonic News is wishing all their readers a peaceful easter and pleasant time, always surrounded by music.

Also this year our easter wishes come accompanied by the Ukrainian handpainted and tradtional Easter egg image, known as a pysanka egg. Characterized by their unique and intricate designs, these have become popular worldwide. While today they are widely admired for aesthetic reasons, historically they were thought to be very powerful.

According to the Ukrainian Museum, in ancient times, women and young girls would design pysanka eggs each spring.
Using natural dyes wotj Geometric motifs as well as animal and plant elements were all common designs seen on pysanka eggs. Each color used in the design had a different symbolic meaning: red symbolized the sun, life, and joy; yellow represented wealth and fertility; green was a symbol of spring and plant life.

Sounding Out the Accordion

Eine HARMONIKA MIETEN – SO ist es möglich - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Mit einem Harmonika-Abo bietet der Harmonika-Hersteller Müller all jenen eine flexible Alternative, für die ein Harmonikakauf gerade nicht in die aktuelle Lebenssituation passt. Und trotzdem soll ja niemand auf das Harmonikaspielen verzichten müssen.

Die folgenden Services sind im Abo-Website enthalten:

Service- und Wartungskosten
entsprechendes Zubehör
eine Harmonika nach Wahl
Info und Kontakt
Informationen zu Mietpaketen und Ausstattungsvarianten erhalten Sie unter:
E-Mail: office@harmonika.at
Telefon: +43 4350 2456

Online über ein Miet-Anfrage-Formular


Accordion-YellowPages.com Future Events Free Listing - Cyberspace

by Diatonic News
All concert, competition and festival organizers are reminded to list their Future Events for 2018 in the Accordion-YellowPages.com website. Its free to list and you can do it yourself. You can also change and update your listing yourself as further information becomes available.

The Accordion-YellowPages.com Future Events calendar displays at the top right hand side of this Weekly News of accordions.com in all 7 languages and also on the USA News, Diatonic News and Russia News.

Huge numbers of readers, about 5,000 visitors per day, view also the Future Events calendar display, so all accordion event organizers are reminded to take full advantage of this free service to keep the accordion community informed.

Any internet challenged organizers may email their event details: harleyaccordion@yahoo.com

Voci Armoniche

World Accordion Day - some events/concerts in program? - International

by Diatonic News
World Accordion Day header
World Accordion Day logoWhat are you doing for World Accordion Day to promote the accordion in your country? World Accordion day is on May 6th, which is the day the accordion was patented in 1829.

World Accordion Day was started in 2009 by the CIA and has been very successful, generating a lot of positive publicity for the accordion. A key part of this event is the World Accordion Day website.

Every association, group, orchestra, performer and teacher, is asked to actively support this event by encouraging national and local accordion activities to happen in their country on this day or the weekend either side of Accordion Day if that should be more convenient.

Everyone can register their World Accordion Day activity on the WAD website and send a report of their event after, for that website.

No event is too big or too small. ALL accordion events celebrating World Accordion Day are welcome. This is a CIA promotion for the accordion in which every accordion enthusiast can participate and help bring our accordion world together as well as strongly promote the accordion.

Friedrich Lips Book

30e fête del'accordéon diatonique - Nanterre/France

by Diatonic News
les 14, 15 & 16 avril 2023
à Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine, France

« FEST-noz + Grand bal Trad »
30e Fête de l'accordéon diatonique


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

TAG DER HARMONIKA 2023 - 18.- 21. Mai ! - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation

Astor, un Secolo di Tango - Senigallia/Italia

by Diatonic News
Astor, un Secolo di Tango - Senigallia/Italia
Sabato 1 aprile h 21 un imperdibile Balletto di Roma in scena al Teatro La Fenice Senigallia con 𝗔𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗥. 𝗨𝗡 𝗦𝗘𝗖𝗢𝗟𝗢 𝗗𝗜 𝗧𝗔𝗡𝗚𝗢

Un viaggio tra le suggestioni e le sonorità del tango in occasione del centenario della nascita di #AstorPiazzolla
Un “concerto di danza” in cui le musiche di Piazzolla eseguite dal vivo dal grande Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi emergono come le vere protagoniste in una nuova armonia artistica danzata. I danzatori del Balletto di Roma compiono un viaggio trasformativo in cui respiri, abbracci e fusioni sono al centro di azioni coreografiche intense di 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗼 𝗟𝗼𝗻𝗴𝗼, astratte e fuse in quel moto ondulatorio magico del bandoneón
🎫 𝗕𝗜𝗚𝗟𝗜𝗘𝗧𝗧𝗜 da 10 a 25 euro
acquistabili online su vivaticket.com al link: https://bit.ly/3LF23rD
o presso le biglietterie autorizzate del circuito AMAT/Vivaticket
AMAT 071 2072439 // Biglietteria del Teatro La Fenice Senigallia 335 1776042 o 071 7930842 FeelSenigallia - Senigallia

Titano Accordions

IQ-Intilligent Quetschn - Austria

by Diatonic News
Erfahre 7 fatale Denkfehler über das Harmonikaspielen und die 9 Gesetze des Quetschn-Erfolgs

Für wen wurde dieses Buch geschrieben?
​Für jeden, der seinen Traum vom Harmonikaspielen endlich wahr machen möchte
​Für jeden, der bereit ist, das Wissen in die Tat umzusetzen, um vorwärts zukommen
​Für jeden, der einen Weg sucht, sich auf der Steirischen ständig zu verbessern
​Für jeden, der nach einer Abkürzung sucht, um nicht alles selbst herauszufinden
​Für jeden, der möchte, dass sich die Übungszeit am Instrument auch lohnt, um vorspielen zu können

Geschrieben von: Mag. Thomas Holzer und Stefan Kern

Dieses Buch kann man auch GRATIS BEKOMMEN....lese alle Details - WO?
Mag. Thomas Holzer und Stefan Kern

Accordion Jazz Chord

15. Harmonika Masters Workshop 2023 - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Steve BakerMittwoch 07. – Sonntag 11. Juni 2023

Für die 15. Ausgabe der Harmonica Masters Workshops 2023 wurde ein großartiges Dozententeam zusammengestellt. Das Programm verbindet die Rückkehr alter Freunde mit einigen neuen Impulsen und verspricht, ein weiteres Highlight im Kalender der Mundharmonikaspieler*innen zu werden.

Neben den beliebten Workshop zur traditionellen Blues-Mundharmonika mit dem großartigen Joe Filisko gibt es die Rückkehr von Meisterlehrer David Barrett, der zum ersten Mal seit 2018 wieder einen Kurs in Trossingen gibt.

Nach dem großen Erfolg seines Kurses im Jahr 2022 ist der schwedische Mundharmonika-Customizer und Experte für irische Musik, Joel Andersson, zum zweiten Mal dabei. Ausserdem gibt es den allerersten Kurs für argentinischen Tango mit chromatischer Mundharmonika, mit einem der führenden Spieler und Lehrer dieses Landes, Santiago Alvarez.

Bluesman, Sänger, Mundharmonika-Künstler und -Lehrer Bonny B. (Kambodscha/Schweiz) kommt zum ersten Mal, um einen Kurs über Blues- und Gospel-Mundharmonika und Gesang für Studenten der Mittelstufe zu geben. In diesem Jahr wird das Anfänger-Workshop am Freitag und Samstag von Mundharmonika-Lehrer und -Performer Chris Kramer geleitet, der in Deutschland u.a. durch seine Arbeit mit Peter Maffay bekannt ist. Wie in vergangenen Jahren unterrichtet Eric Noden wieder einen Kurs für akustische Bluesgitarre. Festivaldirektor Steve Baker wird keinen Kurs unterrichten, steht aber für Einzelunterricht nach Absprache zur Verfügung.

Während den Mittagspausen am Donnerstag, Freitag und Samstag werden einstündige Sonderworkshops zu den Themen Mundharmonika und Gesundheit, Bewusstes Atmen und Amplified Harmonica, jeweils präsentiert von langjährigen Studenten Mattias Bogefors, Quim Roca und George Reijnders, angeboten.

Nach dem Chillout Brunch am Sonntag gegen 15:00 Uhr präsentiert der Anfängerkursleiter Chris Kramer sein erfolgreiches Kinderprogramm „Die Kleine Mundharmonika“ für Kinder im Grundschulalter, Lehrer und Eltern in der Musikschule Trossingen. Der Eintritt ist frei

Steve Baker – Festivaldirektor (photo)

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

17° Festival dell’Adriatico” Concorso di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica - Italia

by Diatonic News
Le Associazioni “Sound Eventi” di Mosciano Sant’Angelo (TE), “A.C.M.E.S.” (Associazione
Culturale Musicale per Eventi e Spettacoli) di Mosciano Sant’Angelo (TE), in collaborazione con
l'A.M.I.SA.D. APS (Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici) di Maiolati
Spontini (AN), il C.D.M.I. di Recoaro Terme e l'Ass.ne Musicale “Amici della Musica” APS di San
benedetto del Tronto (AP), organizzano il 17° Festival dell’Adriatico” - Concorso di Organetto e di
Fisarmonica Diatonica.

All’evento, che si svolgerà il giorno 16 aprile 2023 nei locali dell’Hotel “Villa dei Romanzi” a
Tortoreto Lido (TE) in Via Panoramica n. 48, vi potranno prendere parte candidati di nazionalità
italiana con organetti di qualsiasi tipo e marca ad esclusione dei Campioni Italiani, Europei e del
Mondo di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica, sia Junior che Senior.

Il concorso, valido come selezione per la partecipazione al Campionato Italiano di Organetto e di
Fisarmonica Diatonica - Ed.2023, si articolerà nelle seguenti Sezioni e relative categorie,
suddivise in base alle tipologie di strumenti ed anno di nascita dei partecipanti:

Per informazioni e logistica:
e-mail: amministrazione@soundeventi.it
Simone 3278389697
Davide 328643647

Charnwood Music Publishing

Stage d'accordéon diatonique avec Alain Pennec chez CNIMA - France

by Diatonic News
CNIMA - Alain PennecDu 17 au 21 avril 2023

Formateur: Alain Pennec est un accordéoniste diatonique spécialisé dans les musiques bretonnes et celtiques. Son album solo "Alcoves " a obtenu le prix "4 clés Télérama". Sa maison d'éditions "Les Editions Alain Pennec" propose des supports écrits et audios pour parer au manquement d'outils pédagogiques liés à la musique bretonne et ses instruments.

Contenu: Acquisition ou perfectionnement dans la maîtrise d'outils simples permettant d’aborder au mieux les musiques pour accordéon diatonique de votre choix. Travail technique: "poussé/tiré", "croisé", doigtés, ornementations, soufflet, rythmes. Travail musical : phrasé, arrangements, harmonie. Répertoire: musiques folks, celtiques etc…

Public: Tout âge, tout niveau
Instrument requis: Tonalité de l'accordéon demandé e sol- do
Déroulé: 20h30, du lundi 13h30 au vendredi 18h

Réservation: CNIMA

Voci Armoniche

“Skerryvore” and “Edward the Second” Perform at 2023 Ibiza Folk Music Festival - Spain

by Diatonic News
“Skerryvore” (picture above) and “Edward the Second” (picture left) will perform at the 2023 Ibiza Folk Music Festival, held at The Seaview Country Club in Port des Torrent, Ibiza, Balearic Islands, Spain from April 25th to May 1st, 2023.

The resort includes an outdoor venue overlooking the sea, which provides spectacular views while visitors listen to musicians perform. In addition, there is a late-night folk club and space for workshops, open mic and ceilidhs as well as impromptu sessions.

For details email: info@harmonyvoyages.co.uk


Stage ACCORDÉON DIATONIQUE avec Frédéric Sonnery - France

by Diatonic News
Frédéric SonneryCours individuels avec Frédéric Sonnery
25 avril, 9 et 23 mai, 6 et 20 juin 2023
entre 14h et 20h

142 route du Vauvret
Standard : 03 85 75 85 75
Email : lagrangerouge@lagrangerouge.org

Melbourne Comhaltas Irish Weekend - Australia

by Diatonic News
Comhaltas Queenscliff Weekend 21st to 25th April ’23 and for full details of the event view poster


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

INITIATION, prêt d'accordéon possible/Sylvie Frechou - FR

by Diatonic News
Sylvie FrechouStage avec Sylvie Frechou
l'accordéon diatonique
les 14, 15 & 16 avril 2023
à Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine, France)

Deux formules : samedi après-midi seulement ou tout le week-end.
Un instrument peut être prêté pendant la durée du stage (une caution est demandée), à indiquer dans le formulaire d’inscription.
Découvrir un instrument, une musique qui va avec, oser tirer-pousser, le tout dans la bonne humeur !
Prérequis : Aucun, juste une envie de jouer et de découvrir l'accordéon diatonique. Possibilité de filmer et/ou enregistrer.

Information: https://www.diatotrad.fr/programme-detaille

Half-Door Club Festival - Laois/Ireland

by Diatonic News
Castletown Trad Fest poster
The festival that started on Friday April 28th will run until today, Monday May 1st 2023 at the Castletown Community Centre, Laois/Ireland

The Half-Door Club international Music and Dance Festival is a four-day event of set dancing and traditional music in Castletown, Co. Laois. There are 5 ceilithe and 3 workshops and sessions throughout.


Titano Accordions

FOLKARRIA ECO FESTI-BAL 2023 - Madrid /Spain

by Diatonic News
from 28th to 30th April 2023, Loeches - Madrid (Spain)

Folkarria eco Festi-bal is a folk music festival.
Folkarria eco Festi-bal wants to recover and extend the traditional dances as well as the European folk music, making them a tool for the integration of different cultures, combining them with actions of ecological and responsible awareness, in addition to a series of participative activities for adults and children.

The 11th edition of "Folkarria eco Festi-bal" will be hold throughout a weekend, presenting a musical offer of national and international bands. In addition there will be music and dance workshops of different parts of the world and shows of traditional Spanish folk for all public.

The festival also organizes an eco-social market, a craft market, a space for debates, exhibitions and other activities, as well as art and movement games for children and performances of traditional folk.



Le fest noz pour les débutants - France

by Diatonic News
Youen BodrosDernières places pour participer à la Stage de fest noz pour les débutants avec Youen Bodros

l'accordéon diatonique
les 14, 15 & 16 avril 2023
à Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine, France)

Le but du stage sera de mettre un place un répertoire de 15 à 30 minutes de danses couramment jouées dans les festoù noz (gavotte, plinn, fisel, etc.) Nous aborderons la manière de placer la main gauche en fonction de la danse jouée et quelques arrangements simples.

Prérequis : De quoi écrire et enregistrer https://www.diatotrad.fr/programme-detaille

Voci Armoniche


by Diatonic News
In the early days, the festival wasn’t the world-famous event that it is today – one that attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors to New Orleans and pumps $350 million a year into the local economy. It is often said that at the first Jazz Fest there were more performers onstage than people in the audience. But the founders believed that Jazz Fest would one day grow into a major success. Everyone involved wanted to make sure that the festival’s proceeds would be redistributed into the local community.
With 12 stages of soul-stirring music—jazz, gospel, Cajun, zydeco, blues, R&B, rock, funk, African, Latin, Caribbean, folk, and much more—the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival is firmly established as a singular celebration of both historic and contemporary significance.

New Orleans, LA, 70119

For the enormously long list of artists view:


Konzertina - lernen und spielen, Frühjahrskurs 2 Bad Berneck - DE

by Diatonic News
am 20.04.2023 16:00–17:30
95460 Bad Berneck, Bahnhofstraße 81, Büro der Beratungsstelle für Volksmusik in Franken, Bad Berneck

Eingeladen sind alle, die das musikantische Spiel auf der Konzertina erlernen oder weiter vertiefen möchten. Ob Gruppenunterricht oder Einzelstunden - Andreas Riedel vermittelt bei vollem Engagement sein Können auf dem Instrument.

Mietinstrumente können zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Informationen/Anmeldung bei der Beratungsstelle Bad Berneck bzw. unter heimat-bayern.de

Leitung: Andreas Riedel
(Terminänderungen vorbehalten)
Mitveranstalter: Bezirk Oberfranken

Info: https://www.heimat-bayern.de/fachbereiche/volksmusik/fortbildungen/fortbildung/844.html?day=20230309&times=1678374000,1678379400

Tout en double notes / Bruno Le Tron - France/Hauts-de-Seine

by Diatonic News
l'accordéon diatonique
les 14, 15 & 16 avril 2023
à Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine, France)

Dernières places pour le stage avec Bruno Le Tron - moyen difficultée - À partir d'un morceau envoyé à l'avance nous découvrirons les différentes techniques du jeu en double notes. Travail à l'oreille uniquement !

Prérequis : Accordéon en Sol-Do sur deux ou trois rangs.


Accordion Jazz Chords

41st Annual Tejano Conjunto Festival May 19 to 21 - USA

by Diatonic News
The 41st Annual Tejano Conjunto Festival lineup has just been announced! The line-up for the 41st Annual Tejano Conjunto Festival en San Antonio will feature “Puro Conjunto Pesado: Lo Mejor de Tejas” with three days of the very best in conjunto music.

On Friday, May 19, 2023 the festival kicks off with Joe Zimmerle y su Conjunto, Los Tellez, Javier Solis y los Unikos, Ruben de la Cruz and Ruben Garza, the South Texas Homies, and Ricky Naranjo y Los Gamblers.

On Saturday, May 20, the festival features Conjunto Cats, Isaac De Los Santos y La Sangre Chicana, Ricky Guzman y Los Tres Ases, Conjunto Baraja de Oro, Los Cucuys de Rodney Rodriguez, Los Fantasmas, Los Monarcas de Pete y Mario Diaz, Lazaro Perez y su Conjunto, Los Garcia Brothers, and Tony Tigre Saenz.

On Sunday, May 21, the Tejano Conjunto Festival closes out with an incredible old school line-up, made up of Cindy Ramos y su Conjunto, Grupo Azido, the Tejano Boys, Los Badd Boyz Del Valle, Santiago Garza y Naturaleza, Los Conjunto Kingz de Flavio Longoria, Edgar Vasquez y su Conjunto, Eva Ybarra, Los Texmaniacs featuring special guest Flaco Jimenez, and Boni Mauricio y Los Maximos.

In addition to the live music and dancing over three days at Rosedale Park, the 41st Annual Tejano Conjunto Festival will feature a free Wednesday, May 17th seniors dance with music from Santiago Jimenez, Jr. and Eddie Lalo Torres, and new inductions into the Hall of Fame with a special dinner and dance on Thursday, May 18 at the historic Guadalupe Theater. See future publications for updates.

2023 Che Bandoneon International Competition – USA

by Diatonic News
The 2023 Che Bandoneon International Competition is open to bandoneon players of all nationalities and at least 18 years of age by August 1st, 2022.

The preliminary round will be held online. The Finals of the Competition will be held in Stowe, Vermont USA from August 8th to 20th as a part of the 2023 Stowe Tango Music Festival. Artistic Director & Founder: Hector Del Curto (picture right).

March 31st: Application Deadline
April 30th: Video Submission Deadline
May 7th: Announcement of the Finalists
August 8th: Finalists arrive to Stowe
August 18th: Competition Finals
August 19th: Award Ceremony
August 21st: Departure from Stowe

Information and entry applications on the Stowe Tango Music Festival website.

Titano Accordions

XV Dani Harmonica Festival - Bosnia and Herzegovina

by Diatonic News
XV Dani Harmonica Festival - Bosnia and Herzegovina
The XV "Dani Harmonica" Festival will be held in Ugljevik, Serb Republic, Bosnia and Herzegovina from April 27th to May 1st, 2023, organized by the elementary Music School "Kornelije Stankovic".

The event will include concerts, seminars, professional lectures, and a competition for soloists, chamber ensembles and orchestras.

The competition jury will include international music pedagogues and performers from several countries.

For details email: msks.festival@gmail.com

Folk en Fête Gerpinnes - Belgique

by Diatonic News
Folk en Fête poster
For details please view poster

Accordion Repairs Made Easy


by Diatonic News
Gaëlle Dos SantosRencontre entre jeunes autour de l'accordéon avec Gaëlle Dos Santos

30e fête de l'accordéon diatonique les 14, 15 & 16 avril 2023
à Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine, France)

Le plaisir de partager la musique avec des camarades de son âge.
Stage & pédagogie adaptés à un jeune public.
Prérequis : Aimer l’accordéon et les bonbons !


eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Titano Accordions

Andreas Gabalier Tour bis Nov 2023 - CH/DE/A/BE

by Diatonic News
02.06.2023 - Schwarzenberg/Waldbühne
10.06.2023 - Bruneck/Stadtplatz - Tickets
09.07.2023 - Klagenfurt/Wörthersee Ostbucht
21.07.2023 - Füssen/Barockgarten am Festspielhaus
22.07.2023 - Aspach/WIR machen DRUCK Arena
11.08.2023 - Salem/Schloss Salem
12.08.2023 - Würzburg/Residenzplatz
18. & 19.08.2023 - Kitzbühel/Tennisstadion
25.08.2023 - Erfurt/Domplatz
21.10.2023 - Zürich/Hallenstadion
27.10.2023 - Mannheim/SAP Arena
28.10.2023 - Hasselt/Trixxo Arena - Belgien
03.11.2023 - Linz/TipsArena
04.11.2023 - Wien/Stadthalle


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

DUO LALOY/LETRON @ Folkaria - Spain/FR/BE

by Diatonic News
Concert/Dance DUO LALOY/LETRON Sunday 29th April 2023 - 22h

With Tref (acompanied by Wim Claeys and Fréderic Malempré) and in Samurai (one of the best accordion quintets in Europe) they demonstrated that they are diatonic accordion legends.

When Laloy and Le Tron play in tandem, the result is a perfect and balanced partnership that includes dance music enriched with all their talent. There will be some balfolk classics, but some suprises as well!


Voci Armoniche

SOLO -CHRISTIAN BAKANIC - Altenmarkt-Thenneberg/Österreich

by Diatonic News
christian bakanic
23. April 2023 19:30 Uhr
Kulturbahnhof Altenmarkt-Thenneberg

Christian Bakanic, 1980 im südlichen Burgenland geboren, erhielt seinen ersten Musikunterricht im Alter von sieben Jahren in Jennersdorf. Seit 1994 lebt er in Graz, maturierte 1999 am Musikgymnasium Dreihackengasse und studierte am Johann-Joseph-Fux-Konservatorium, wo er das Diplom für „Lehrer für Volksmusikinstrumente“ erhielt. Er studierte an der Kunstuniversität in Graz Akkordeon bei Prof. Janne Rättyä, Prof. James Crabb und Prof. Geir Draugsvoll.

Zahlreiche erste Preise bei Harmonikawettbewerben (Steir. Harmonikawettbewerb Grazer Messe, Österreichische Wettbewerbe "Tag der Harmonika",...). Erster Preisträger beim Landeswettbewerb "Prima la Musica" (1997 und 1999) für klassisches Akkordeon, zahlreiche Konzerte als Solist und in Ensembles (Folksmilch, Beefolk, Trio Infernal, Mala Junta, Marie Spaemann und Christian Bakanic, Temmel & Bakanic, Kahiba, Marina & the Kats, Scurdia, Rusanda Panfili & friends, Plattform K&K Vienna, ...) in Europa, Japan, Argentinien, China, Island,...


Sounding Out the Accordion

Natascha-Das Steirermadl - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Natascha-Das SteirermadlDie nänchsten Termine des beliebten Steirermadls:

28.04.2023 Frühjahrsmesse Messe Graz / Radio Grün Weiß Bühne-Messecongress / 8010 Messe Graz ca. 19:00

06.05.2023 Album Release Swengelbert / Gemeindezentrum Laßnitzthal / 8200

17.05.2023 Garnisionsfest in der Struckerkaserne / Kaserne Ramingsteiner Straße 5 / 5580 Tamsweg

10.06.2023 Geburtstagsfeier ( Privat ) / Zapferlalm / Mühlbach 466 / 5505Mühlbach am Hochkönig ab 19:00

23.06.2023 Lebenshilfe Open Air / Zeltweg / 8740 ca. 21:00



Sebastián Jarupkin performing in April 6, 2023 - Buenos Aires/Argentina

by Diatonic News
On inviation of Julio Coviello, Sebastián Jarupkin will be performing a Bandoneon Solo on thursday, the 6th of April 2023 at 9pm in Buenos Aires.

Voci Armoniche


by Diatonic News
Fabrizio-PoggiSAT 22/04 - 20.30h
DIKKEBUSSTRAAT 234 /B-8950 Heuvelland
+32 57 44 69 33

Italian blues/roots singer/mouth harmonica player Fabrizio Poggi has worked with the world's greatest roots musicians, including Garth Hudson (THE BAND), The Blind Boys of Alabama, Charlie Musselwhite, Guy Davis, The Original Blues Brothers Band, Rob Paparozzi (Blood, Sweat & Tears), Augie Meyers (Tom Waits, Bob Dylan), Mickey Raphael (Willie Nelson), Steve Cropper (Booker T. & The M.G.'s, Otis Redding), Bob Margolin (Muddy Waters Band), Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin), ...

On his record: nominations for the 2018 Grammy Awards, Blues Music Award in 2014 and 2018 and Blues Blast Music Award, winner of the Jimi Award as 'best international album', a Hohner Lifetime Award, ...

Poggi has released more than 20 albums in total, written books on blues and folk, and played at numerous prestigious venues around the world, such as Carnegie Hall in New York and on the legendary Blues Cruise.

On this new Benelux tour, Fabrizio Poggi is surrounded by his regular Italian guitarist Enrico Polverari and Belgian singer & percussionist Katleen Scheir (The Golden Glows). Together they bring a captivating mix of blues, folk and roots.

"Fabrizio Poggi should be cherished as he remains an artist, who is intense, moving, emotional and above all very 'real'" - Rootstime

"An important part of Fabrizio Poggi's show is certainly and surely the interaction with the audience and that is very much in place here tonight. Without any effort, this Italian storyteller manages to get the crowd on his hand..." - Rootsville


Friedrich Lips Book

CAAMAÑO & AMEIXEIRAS concert - Spain

by Diatonic News
SPAIN, GALICIAN/BAL-FOLK - Friday 28th April 2023 22h

Caamaño&Ameixeiras is a duo linked to music and root dance. Formed by Sabela Caamaño (chromatic accordion) and Antía Ameixeiras (violin and voice) in 2018, this duo has accumulated, in its short but intense career, a large number of concerts, both within Galicia, its place of origin, and abroad. of it and in the international arena. Mainly instrumental in nature, although also incorporating some carefully chosen vocal theme, Caamaño&Ameixeiras takes tradition as its starting point, understood as something alive and in constant change, to later create its own language, with personal and intimate compositions and arrangements that maintain the essence from the popular but incorporate contemporary resources.


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Next concert with Shunji Hoshino - Japan

by Diatonic News
Shunji Hoshino
For details view Poster

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Airboxes on tour in Spring - BE/DE

by Diatonic News
7 apr. 2023Trefpunt Gent, Belgium
21 apr. 2023OC Lange Munte Kortrijk, Belgium
27 mei 2023Folk aan 't Kasteelm Malle, Belgium
23/24 jun. 2023Folk Weekend, Mattstedt, Germany


Folkshilfe auf Frühlingstour 2023 - 'Austria

by Diatonic News
Folkshilfe ist eine österreichische Pop-Band, die viele verschiedene Genres miteinander verbindet und daher auch die unterschiedlichsten Leute begeistert. Sie selbst beschreiben ihre Musik als „Quetschn-Synthi-Pop“.

Die beliebte Band ist in der Frühlingtour unterwegs um ihre neue CD "Hau di her Tour" vorzustellen:

08.04.23 Lech, Tanzcafé Arlberg
15.04.23 Grosswarasdorf, KUGA (Hau di her Tour)
20.04.23 Salzburg, Rockhouse (Hau di her Tour)
21.04.23 Dornbirn, Conrad Sohm
22.04.23 Innsbruck, Treibhaus (Hau di her Tour)
13.05.23 Weissenburg, Heimspiel Festival
31.05.23 Kapfenberg, Stadthalle
03.06.23 Wien, Arena Open Air (Hau di her Tour)
10.06.23 Graz, Kasematten Open Air (Hau di her Tour)


Titano Accordions

Beltango Concerts Apr-Aug - NL/FR/DE/CH/AT

by Diatonic News

Accordion Jazz Chord

Mollie B on tour in april - USA

by Diatonic News
Mollie B
Sunday, April 16 - Johnsonburg, Pennsylvania

Location: Johnsonburg Fire Hall, 99 Clarion Rd, Johnsonburg, PA 15842

Performance: 2:00-6:00 afternoon dance

Doors open at 1:00. Sponsored by the N.S.P. Slovenian Polka Booster Club. To purchase advance tickets, contact John and Pat Moore, 814-837-9218 or 814-837-7176. You can also e-mail: moorski@verizon.net Food will be available. No carry-ins.

Friday, April 21 - Benton Harbor, Michigan

Location: DANK, 2651 Pipestone Rd, Benton Harbor, Michigan

Performance: 7:00-10:00 dance

Click HERE for tickets.

Saturday, April 22 - Wisconsin Dells Polka Fest - Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin

Location: Chula Vista Resort, Wisconsin Dells

Performance: noon-5:00 dance with Mollie B & SqueezeBox and Jon Dietz & Twin Lakes Trio

Multiple bands, dance lessons, polka Mass, and more. For more info, visit: DellsPolkaFest.com or call 773-889-6811 or e-mail info@wisconsindellspolkafest.com

Sunday, April 23 - Wisconsin Dells Polka Fest - Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin

Location: Chula Vista Resort, Wisconsin Dells

Performance: noon-5:00 dance with Mollie B & SqueezeBox and John Gora & Gorale

For more info, visit: DellsPolkaFest.com or call 773-889-6811 or e-mail info@wisconsindellspolkafest.com

For more: mollieb.com

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Bevano-Est on tour - IT/DE

by Diatonic News
Bevano Est - Il Dolce Rumore della Vita
Am 24. April wird die Gruppe in der Besetzung:

am 25/04/24 in der Stadthalle von Kehl in Deutschland auftreten.


31. Harmonikatreffen beim "Hartl" in Neuhaus - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Am 10. April ist es wieder so weit. Das diesmal bereits 30. internationale Harmonika-Treffen im Hartl Saal in Neuhaus geht über die Bühne. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich dazu eingeladen, am Ostermontag beim Hartl vorbeizuschauen.

9155 Neuhaus 2

Charnwood Music Publishing

Airboxes performing @ Folkaria 2023 - Spain/Belgium

by Diatonic News
http://folkarria.es/2023/ airboxes
Saturday 29th April 2023 Loeches / 12:00 pm

Airboxes is atmospheric dance music by Bert Leemans and Guus Herremans on chromatic and diatonic accordion.

Bert (chromatic) and Guus (diatonic) make a perfect match, the different sounds of their instruments blend into everything they play and take you on a journey to a magical world.

Airboxes exclusively play their own compositions. Intimate solo variation and colorful interplay create an immersive wholeness.

Airboxes are two men, two accordions, one story.

Voci Armoniche

Frühlichsfest - Deutschland

by Diatonic News


Carla Algeri in concert - Buenos Aires/Argentina

by Diatonic News
Carla Algeri
Miércoles 05 de abril 20.00h Puntual
Carla Algeri Octeto Polo Bandoneón
Testamento de un Mozart Milonguero

La respiración de un bandoneón, que aun sin sonido, da comienzo al encuentro musical. Los músicos en escena musicalizan las emociones colmando al espectador de recuerdos. La emotividad de la interpretación deja contar la historia del Mozart Milonguero dejando ver la emotividad a través del amor.LA Maestra Carla Algeri en el Bandoneón, acompañada de sus amigos y exquisitos colegas como Rafael Gintoli, Leonardo Marconi, Armando De la Vega, Sergio Rivas, Stanimir Todorov, Rubén Jurado y Cesar Rago; para sorprendernos con colores musicales que se renuevan en la escena y nos conmueven en la intimidad y el amor de la ceremonia de una adiós.

Carla Algeri, Bandoneón. Rafael Gintoli, violín, Cesar Rago, Violin, Armando de la Vega, Guitarra; Leoardo Marconi, piano. Sergio Rivas, Contrabajo. Stanimir Todorov, Violonchelo. Rubén Jurado, Viola.


Balfolk with Variomatic @ Muziekcentrum Dranouter - BE

by Diatonic News
Saturday 8th of April 2023 at *22:00 Ball Folk with Variomatic

The Belgian six-man group Variomatic once started as an occasional group at the annual Soirée Bourée event, but has since grown into a well-oiled popfolk-rock band. In the composition we come across well-known names from the Belgian folk scene. Variomatic performs a largely instrumental repertoire, mostly self-written (especially by Paul Garriau) and suitable as listening music, as well as for dancing. Musical jokes – winks – such as the recognition tune of the TV series The A-Team and references to old hits create a relaxed atmosphere.

Variomatic's challenging goal is to turn folk music into pop music and pop music into folk music. The program can be seen as a kind of 'best of' of ball numbers from the past 15 years, but in addition, the group, led by Koen Garriau, does not shy away from putting well-known pop songs in a slightly different look so that they are perfectly danceable.

Whichever musician is in the driver's seat, Variomatic switches smoothly from contemporary folk to funky pop music. Or as you like: from solid rock to more intimate blues. Along the way, you'll no doubt recognize a familiar TV tune or a hit from the old box. But make no mistake: while you sit comfortably in the back, these musicians are so tightly attuned to each other that you spontaneously surrender to their natural drive.

Dikkebusstraat 234, Dranouter, Belgium
+32 57 44 69 33

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

2023 CYCLE ZYDECO Festival - Louisiana/USA

by Diatonic News
CYCLE ZYDECO 2023 - April 12th-16th


Louisiana's Cajun & Creole Cycling Festival


(Let’s Eat! Let’s Dance! Let’s Cycle Zydeco!)


“Leveret” Entertain at Live at Sam’s – England

by Harley Jones
Video: Leveret - Sidney Forlong / Misty Morning - Live at The Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Three piece band “Leveret” will perform at Live at Sam's in Sheffield, Yorkshire, England on March 26th, 2023. The group features Andy Cutting (melodeon), Rob Harbron (concertina) and Sam Sweeney (violin).

Leveret are celebrating 10 years on the road, and to mark this milestone, they're releasing a new album, “Forms” on April 21st, 2023.

For details email: info@leveretband.com

Titano Accordions

Musikfeuerwerk mit Bert Stubinger - Austria

by Diatonic News
Bert Stubinger - mein HERZ schlägt MUSIK

Tel: 0664 3403344 M. bert@stubinger.at


CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Voci Armoniche

New Tracks by Flogging Molly available now - USA

by Diatonic News
Flogging Molly Band
The new EP 'Til The Anarchy’s Restored by Mollie B is available now!
You can stream the title track NOW wherever you listen at riserecords.lnk.to/floggingmolly
1. ‘Til The Anarchy’s Restored
2. Drunken Lullabies (Live from Electrical Audio)
3. What’s Left of the Flag (Live from Electrical Audio)


New CD "Vire" von Folkshilfe - Österreich

by Diatonic News
New CD
Das ist das neueste Werk der beliebten österreichen Gruppe Folkshilfe.
Erhältlich ab sofort und kann bei:
www.folkshilfe.at bestellt werden

Folkshilfe, das sind Paul Slaiczek, Gabriel Fröhlich und Florian Ritt.

Währen Paul Slaiczek erst seit 2015 und Gabriel Fröhlich seit 2013 bei der Band sind, ist Florian Ritt von Anfang an Teil von folkshilfe. Dabei kommt Florian Ritt wohl auch sonst die außergewöhnlichste Rolle zu, den er spielt die Quetschn. Also jenes Instrument, dass den Sound von folkshilfe stark geprägt hat. „Quetschn“ ist der österreichische und bairische Ausdruck für eine Steirische Harmonika.


by Diatonic News
Riccardo Tesi con la sua nuova creatura ELASTIC Trio con Francesco Savoretti alle percussioni e Vieri Sturlini alle varie chitarre e voce hanno registrando insieme un nuovo album LA GIUSTA DISTANZA (VisageMusic) che è uscito il 30 marzo su tutte le piattaforme digitali!

l'ELASTIC TRIO composto da Franceso Savoretti alle percussioni e Vieri Sturlini chitarre e voce, Riccardo Tesi all'organetto fa ascoltare tutti i brani dal vivo.
Ecco ls prime data in Aprile :

6 Aprile BRAVO CAFFÈ (Bologna)
+39 051266112 - +39 3335973089 info@bravocaffe.it
Via Mascarella 1, Bologna

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