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Diatonic News - May-2023
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Voci Armoniche


WoW Folk Festival - Castelfidardo/Italia
What Are You Doing For May 6th World Accordion Day? - International
Paolo's Jazz Club - Møn/DK
15. Harmonica Masters Workshops - Germany
International TAG DER HARMONIKA 2023 - 18.- 21. Mai ! - Österreich/Austria
Melissa Naschenweng gewinnt den Amadeus Austrian Music Award 2023 - Austria
5° Festival Toscano dell'Organetto Diatonico - Italia
Riccardo Tesi touring in - PERU

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Fest-Noz en Mai à - FR/Dinan
Learn about the Bandoneon - Turkey
2023 Stowe Tango Music Festival – USA
Tango Festival in Innsbruck - Austria
Les Belles Bretelles 2023 - France
40th Orkney Folk Festival - Scotland
25° Festival Trad’Envie - France
Gator by the Bay Festival – USA
Workshop: Introduction to Performing for Dancers - Netherlands
Stage ACCORDÉON DIATONIQUE avec Frédéric Sonnery - France
Chippenham Folk Festival - UK
13th International Music Festival - Montenegro
Squeezebox from Scratch with Ed Rennie & Helena Painting - Chippenham/UK
Fueye ¡ Le souffle du bandonéon - France
Half-Door Club Festival - Laois/Ireland
34th Annual Accordion Kings & Queens Festival - USA/Texas
2023 Chester Folk Festival - UK
Stages d'Accordéon diationique - FR/Pavie
3. Kärntner Harmonikawettbewerb Weitensfeld - Österreich

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Claudio Prima & Seme in tour in Maggio - Italia
25th Annual "Folk on the Pier" 2023 – England
Andrea Cappezuoli e Compania - IT/FR/PT
KATRINE - sange tæt på - Denmark
Bella Ciao/Italien 2 Mai-Konzerte in Österreich
Hubert von Goisern 2023 Tour - DE/AT
Ville Hiltula Live Milonga - Japan
NAA Evening Concert with Brave Combo & Alex Meixner
Diatonic Accordion Course for Beginners with Valérie Aubart – France
Biket @ Fest-Noz/Bal folk à Châteaubriant - France
Conor Reynolds performing in May - UK
Airboxes Entertain at Folk aan’t Kasteel - Belgium

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD "Passione Meridionale" / Alessandro Gaudio & Salvatore Pace - Italia
CD "forms" by Leveret - UK

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Future Talents: Angelo Errico - Italia

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Voci Armoniche


Sounding Out the Accordion

WoW Folk Festival - Castelfidardo/Italia

by Diatonic News
Voglia di primavera con il WoW Folk Festival. La rassegna organizzata da assessorato alla cultura e Pro Loco offre da venerdì 26 a domenica 28 maggio un’edizione all’insegna delle novità. Non solo vibrazioni aggreganti e musica di qualità grazie ad interpreti di primo piano, ma anche un tuffo nei sapori e nelle abilità di un tempo. «Il WoW compie sei anni, sei proposte diverse che hanno visto artisti internazionali suonare e far ballare gli spettatori portando note dalla Spagna al Portogallo, dal Belgio alla Svezia passando per il Brasile e l’Angola, la Francia e la Scozia oltre alla migliore tradizione a mantice italiana della world music e del folk. Una commistione di suoni e danze che dimostra la profondità di una musica la cui ricerca esprime la saggezza dei popoli e delle comunità. Balli rituali, girotondi e corteggiamenti sono il traino del WoW folk festival che attraverso i laboratori di balli folk e del Cantamaggio sta avvicinando più consapevolmente il pubblico a questo appuntamento», spiega l’assessore Ruben Cittadini.

Il WoW si candida ad essere uno dei principali festival folk d’Italia in forza di un ventaglio completo e inclusivo di iniziative: la mostra di organetti storici esposti al Museo internazionale della fisarmonica a cura di Danilo Doninelli e Stefano Fabbroni, i laboratori artigianali di cucina, costruzione di strumenti a percussione, intreccio cesti e i giochi dell’800 frutto dell’ampliamento della collaborazione con Tracce di 800, il coinvolgimento dei giovanissimi tramite i saggi delle orchestrine scolastiche e l’aspetto didattico-formativo promosso dalla civica scuola ‘Soprani’ con il seminario di Simone Bottasso.

Partecipa al concorso Absolut e vinci esperienze uniche. Scopri come!
Dal 15 Aprile al 15 Giugno, iscriviti e prova a vincere uno dei tre Absolut World of Cocktails Kit in palio: Vodka Tonic, Espresso Martin…
Raccomandato da
Sul palco di piazza della Repubblica (in caso di maltempo: Auditorium San Francesco), tre concerti ad ingressolibero capaci di sprigionare scintille di energia.

Venerdì alle 21.30, i “Marca da ballo” si esibiscono in speciale formazione a quartet. Al trio composto da Gianni Donnini all’organetto, Alfio Vernuccio alla chitarra, Claudia Gioia Gentili alla voce, si unisce infatti Ilaria Mignoni al violino, generando una coinvolgente miscela di Balfolk europeo e musica popolare – tradizionale italiana tutta da ballare, con arrangiamenti personali e anche pezzi originali.

Sabato alle 21.30, in scena lo straordinario Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino, band composta dai maggiori protagonisti della musica popolare pugliese che offrirà uno spettacolo di esplosiva passione e ritmo, reinterpretando in chiave moderna tutto ciò che ruota attorno alla celebre pizzica tarantata rituale, che aveva il potere di curare attraverso la musica, la trance e la danza il morso della leggendaria taranta.

La domenica sarà poi la giornata del Cantamaggio, con i gruppi spontanei guidati da Tr800 che gireranno nei quartieri, un “rito” itinerante all’insegna della convivialità e di una simbologia intimamente legata al fiorire della primavera, ai ritmi della natura e della vita. Alle 17.00, in piazza il concerto del Duo Bottasso: Nicolò al violino e alla tromba e Simone all’organetto, propongono uno spettacolo di world music con composizioni proprie e reinterpretazioni di brani tradizionali.

Info 0717822987. In caso di pioggia, concerti in Auditorium San Francesco (via Mazzini).

Venerdì 26 maggio
ore 16.00 – Salone degli stemmi – apertura seminario con Simone Bottasso
ore 18.00 – Museo della fisarmonica: inaugurazione mostra temporanea organetti storici a cura di Danilo Donninelli e Stefano Fabbroni
ore 19.00 – Museo della fisarmonica – conferenza su restauro e rigenerazione organetti storici
ore 21.00 – Piazza della Repubblica saggio del corso di ballo con le musiche del Duo Acefalo
ore 21.30 – Piazza della Repubblica – concerto della band “Marca da ballo quartet”

Sabato 27 maggio
ore 10.00 – Piazza della Repubblica – Esibizione scuole elementari – Orchestrine Mazzini cura della Scuola Civica Paolo Soprani
ore 11.00 – Piazza della Repubblica o sala lirici in caso di pioggia – laboratorio artigianale a cura di TR800
ore 14.30 – Salone degli stemmi -seconda lezione del seminario con Simone Bottasso
ore 16.00 – Libreria Aleph – esibizione giovani organettisti cura della Scuola Civica Paolo Soprani
ore 16.00 – Piazza della Repubblica o sala lirici in caso di pioggia – laboratorio costruzione strumenti a percussione cura di TR800
ore 17.30 – Auditorium San Francesco – Bal Folk a cura della Scuola Civica Paolo Soprani
ore 21.30 – Piazza della Repubblica – concerto di Pizzica con il Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino

Domenica 28 maggio
ore 08.30 – Piazza della Repubblica – raduno Cantamaggio
ore 09.15 – Partenza gruppi per Cantamaggio nei quartieri
ore 10.00 – Piazza della Repubblica o sala lirici in caso di pioggia – laboratorio di pasta all’uovo a cura di TR800
ore 13.00 – Ritorno del Cantamaggio
ore 13.30 – Pranzo sociale (per info e prenotazioni Pro Loco Castelfidardo 0717822987)
ore 15.00 – Salone degli stemmi – ultima lezione del seminario con Simone Bottasso
ore 15.30 – Esibizione dei gruppi itineranti – suoneranno un Cantamaggio tutti insieme sul palco
ore 16.00 – Esibizione partecipanti al seminario con Simone Bottasso
ore 17.00 – Concerto Duo Bottasso
ore 18.00 – Giochi della tradizione con TR800
ore 18.30 – Giardini Mordini – concerto aperitivo WoW cura della Scuola Civica Paolo Soprani con gli allievi Helmut Cittadini, Nicolas Chiaraluce, Michele Alessandrini e Veronica Ferraioli


What Are You Doing For May 6th World Accordion Day? - International

by Diatonic News
World Accordion Day header
WAD logoWhat are you doing for World Accordion Day (WAD) to promote the accordion in your country? World Accordion Day (WAD) is on May 6th, which is the day the accordion was patented in 1829.

WAD was started in 2009 by the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) and has been very successful, generating a lot of positive publicity for the accordion. A key part of this event is the WAD website.

Every association, group, orchestra, performer and teacher, is asked to actively support WAD by encouraging national and local accordion activities to happen in their country on this day or the weekend either side of WAD if that should be more convenient.

Everyone can register their WAD activity on the WAD website and send a report of their event after, for that website.

No event is too big or too small. ALL accordion events celebrating WAD are welcome. This is a CIA promotion for the accordion in which every accordion enthusiast can participate and help bring our accordion world together as well as strongly promote the accordion.

Voci Armoniche

Paolo's Jazz Club - Møn/DK

by Diatonic News
Paolo's Jazz Club - a new jazz club in Paolo Rossi's studio

Created in June 2022, Paolo's Jazz Club is an intimate concert venue - created around and by the pianist, bandoneonist and composer, Paolo Russo together with his wife, the singer, artist and voice awareness teacher, Katrine Krog Russo on the West part of island Møn in the Southern part of Denmark.

Just like Paolo's work as a musician, arranger and composer, the concerts in the jazz club range widely - from jazz to Danish folk, from Cuban/Latin to classical music, and will be presented as a dive into Paolo's artistic universe with guests from all musical genres and from all over the world.

Paolo’s Jazz Club is a privately owned and self-financed live venue, a vision of a place where music takes first priority, creating intimate worldclass musical experiences.

Video: Short clip from the ending of the opening concert.
Paolo Russo Trio • live @ Paolo’s Jazz Club, Møn - Denmark.
Thommy Andersson • contrabass
Marcello Di Leonardo • drums
Paolo Russo • piano, bandoneon

Friedrich Lips Book

15. Harmonica Masters Workshops - Germany

by Diatonic News
15. Harmonica Masters Workshops - Germany
After a lengthy break due to the covid pandemic, the 14th Harmonica Masters Workshops from June 08 - 12 2022 brought the community back together for a joyous celebration of its instrument. Around 100 participants came to Trossingen for four days of workshops, sessions and concerts in one of the pivotal locations in the history of the harmonica.
Following successful restructuring, the Hohner Conservatory has once again taken over the organisation on site as organiser and we are looking forward to working together again.

The website has now been updated and we are accepting registrations for all workshops with immediate effect.

For the 15th edition of the Harmonica Masters Workshops important instructors are on board. The programme combines the return of old friends with some new impulses and promises to be another highlight in the harmonica players' calendar.

Alongside of popular workshop on traditional blues harmonica with the great Joe Filisko, welcome back to the master teacher David Barrett, who will be giving a class in Trossingen again for the first time since 2018.

Following the success of his course in 2022, Swedish harmonica customizer and expert for Irish music Joel Andersson will be joining for the second time and for a first ever class on Argentine tango for chromatic harmonica, presented by one of that country's leading players and teachers, Santiago Alvarez.

Bluesman, singer, harmonica artist and teacher Bonny B. (Cambodia/Switzerland) comes also for the first time to give a course on blues and gospel harmonica and vocals for intermediate students. This year the beginners workshop on Friday and Saturday will be given by harmonica instructor and performer Chris Kramer, well known in Germany for his work with rock star Peter Maffay. As in previous years, Eric Noden will teach a class for acoustic blues guitar. Festival director Steve Baker won’t be giving a class but will be available for individual tuition.

During the lunch break on Thursday, Friday and Saturday short additional workshops on harmonica and health, mindful breathing and amplified harmonica, respectively presented by long-time students Mattias Bogefors, Quim Roca and George Reijnders are available.

On Sunday, June 11th at 2pm, following the chillout brunch,the beginners instuctor Chris Kramer will present his successful children’s program „Die Kleine Mundharmonika“ for primary school age children, teachers and parents in the Trossingen Music School (German language). Admission is free.

Don't miss 7-11th June 2023!

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

International TAG DER HARMONIKA 2023 - 18.- 21. Mai ! - Österreich/Austria

by Werner Weibert
Online translation

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Melissa Naschenweng gewinnt den Amadeus Austrian Music Award 2023 - Austria

by Diatonic News
Melissa NaschenwengMelissa NaschenwengDie Live-Übertragung für die 23. Preisverleihung des österreichischen Amadeus Austrian Music Awards fand am Freitag, den 28. April im Wiener Volkstheater statt und wurde vom ORF 1 a 22.55 Uhr übertragen.

Für die Kategorie "Schlager/ Volksmusik konnte sich erneut die beliebte Kärntnerin Melissa Naschenweng zur Königin krönen ".


5° Festival Toscano dell'Organetto Diatonico - Italia

by Diatonic News
AMISAD header
“5° Festival Toscano dell'Organetto Diatonico” Concorso di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica, Campi Bisenzio, (FI) - Loc. Capalle 20-21 maggio 2023. Allegato alla presente si invia regolamento con modulo di iscrizione e informazioni del Festival di cui all’oggetto. A.M.I.SA.D. APS Presidente. 2023ReglomentoToscano.pdf

Con il patrocinio del Comune di Campi Bisenzio (FI) e la collaborazione delle Associazioni A.M.I.SA.D. APS (Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici) di Maiolati Spontini (AN), C.D.M.I. di Recoaro Terme (VI) e “Amici della Musica APS” di San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), viene organizzato il “5° Festival Toscano dell'Organetto Diatonico” - concorso di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica.

(strumenti con una 1 o 2 file di voci al canto 2 o 4 bassi)
- Cat. A (nati nel 2014 o seguenti)
- Cat. B (nati nel 2012-2013)
- Cat. C (nati nel 2010-2011)
- Cat. D (nati nel 2008-2009)
- Cat. E (nati nel 2005-2006-2007)
- Cat. F (nati dal 1974 al 2004)
(strumenti con un minimo di 2 file di voci al canto con 8 bassi e oltre)
- Cat. A (nati nel 2014 o seguenti)
- Cat. B (nati nel 2012-2013)
- Cat. C (nati nel 2010-2011)
- Cat. D (nati nel 2008-2009)
- Cat. E (nati nel 2005-2006-2007)
- Cat. F (nati dal 1974 al 2004)
(strumenti diatonici di qualsiasi tipo)
- Over50 Categoria UNICA da 50 anni in poi (nati nel 1973 o precedenti)
- Over50 extra da 50 anni in poi (Vincitori di Campionati Italiani e/o Europei e/o Mondiali)
- Over70 da 70 anni in poi (Veterani dell’Organetto e della Fisarmonica Diatonica)


"5th Tuscan Diatonic Organ Festival" Diatonic Organetto and Accordion Competition, Campi Bisenzio, (FI) - Loc. Capalle May 20-21, 2023. Linked are regulations with entry form and information of the above-mentioned Festival. A.M.I.SA.D. APS President. 2023ReglomentoToscano.pdf

The event is organised with the patronage of the Municipality of Campi Bisenzio (FI) and the collaboration of the Associations A.M.I.SA.D. APS (Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici) of Maiolati Spontini (AN), C.D.M.I. of Recoaro Terme (VI) and "Amici della Musica APS" of San Benedetto del Tronto (AP), the "5th Tuscan Diatonic Organ Festival" - for this competition of Organetto and Diatonic Accordion.

Titano Accordions

Riccardo Tesi touring in - PERU

by Diatonic News
riccardo tesi
From the 3rd until the 9th of May 2023 the great italian artist on the organetto, Riccardo Tesi will be touring with his show "Insolo" il Peru in collaboration with the Festival de las Alturas and the Italian Culture Institute.

For more view: riccardotesi.com

Accordion Jazz Chord


by Diatonic News

Nuove repliche per NINA BALLA, il racconto per voce e quartetto scritto e interpretato da Claudio Prima, con la regia di Marcelo Bulgarelli. Lo spettacolo, scritto e ideato nel 2020, durante il primo lockdown, racconta la vita di Nina, ragazza albanese trasferita in Puglia con la madre, ritracciando la storia che è stata di tantissimi albanesi negli anni novanta. Una storia personale che connette destino e genealogia, viaggio e scoperta di sè.

Prossimi appuntamenti
12 Maggio, LEVERANO (LE), Teatro Comunale
21 Maggio TORINO, Salone del Libro
10 Giugno AMELIA (PG), LUme Festival

il teaser con le immagini di Nina balla è disponibile a questo link su Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObUfTnm44Bs&feature=youtu.be

La musica e la voce di Claudio Prima, accompagnato Vera Longo, Marco Schiavone e Vito De Lorenzi, raccontano con musiche e testi inediti, le avventure di Nina, ragazza di origine albanese cresciuta in Italia, con una storia personale che la lega ancestralmente con la sua terra d’origine e con la danza, una storia che è impressa nel suo nome e la spingerà a cambiare il suo destino.
Una storia moderna, eppure senza tempo, che intreccia le sue pieghe più intime con le musiche originali che la sostengono e le fanno da cornice, in uno spettacolo appassionante che trascina e commuove.
Una storia che appartiene archetipicamente a tutte le donne del Sud, fiere e sinuose, come il mare che le accomuna.

Nina è una ragazza albanese trapiantata in Italia, concepita in un contesto del tutto inaspettato. Questo suo stesso concepimento traccia, in nuce, tutta la sua vita, che in questa storia dispiega le sue più inaspettate direzioni. Geografiche innanzitutto, perché dall’Isola di Saseno, luogo di partenza del racconto, si approda in seguito, insieme a Nina e a sua madre, in Puglia, a San Giovanni Rotondo, tracciando così la rotta che è stata di tantissimi albanesi dagli anni Novanta ad oggi.


Gary Dahl Arrangements

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Fest-Noz en Mai à - FR/Dinan

by Diatonic News
Fest-Noz en Mai à  - FR/Dinan
Concert et Fest-Noz GRATUIS à Dinan le Samedi 20 mai 2023 è partir du 12h à place st sauveur 22100 Dinan - En plein-air

La Note Buissonnière
Les Menettous
Trio Bouffort/Pénard/Polge
Super cagette
les élèves du kiosque
la maison de la harpe


Charnwood Music Publishing

Learn about the Bandoneon - Turkey

by Diatonic News
Would you like to learn more about and listen to the instruments Bandoneon and Theremin? You can attend the Instrumental Knowledge Seminar at the Music Department of Gazi University on Friday 5 May at 11.30 a.m. The event will be held in the Gazi Concert Hall and Burak Şendağ will introduce two interesting musical instruments. Don't miss this fantastic occasion.

for more view poster or https://www.facebook.com/buraksendag

Voci Armoniche

2023 Stowe Tango Music Festival – USA

by Diatonic News
The 2023 Stowe Tango Music Festival will be held in Stowe, Vermont, USA from August 18th to 20th, 2023. Artistic Director & Founder of the event is Hector Del Curto (picture right).

This year’s event will include:
• Over 20 hours of dancing
• Tango Show at Spruce Peak Theater
• Legendary tango musicians
• Renowned tango stars Miriam & Leonardo and Guillermo & Giovanna
• World's leading tango orchestra - over 30 musicians

The event will also include the finals of the Che Bandoneon International Competition on August 18th, a variety of workshops, lectures, master classes, chamber ensembles and the Stowe Tango Music Festival Orchestra, in which participants are invited to join.

The Bandoneon Intensive Workshop is open for all levels of bandoneon students. Led by bandoneon player Hector Del Curto, the one–week program consists of daily technique classes, workshops, bandoneon orchestra, private lesson and performance opportunities.

Bandoneonists at the festival will also have the opportunity to work with guest Victor Lavallen (picture above left).

For details email: stowetangomusicfestival@gmail.com


Tango Festival in Innsbruck - Austria

by Diatonic News
Info auf Poster

Les Belles Bretelles 2023 - France

by Diatonic News
Organisé par le Club Léo Lagrange d'Hergnies, association sans but lucratif, le Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival c'est trois jours gratuits de musique et d'animation pour tous les âges, de fête et de convivialité au son de tous les styles d'accordéon, à l'ombre des grands arbres de la place enherbée du village...
Les jeunes et leurs animateurs du centre de loisirs municipal et de l'accueil péri-scolaire d'Hergnies ont travaillé durant l'année à la réalisation des décorations.
Les élèves et leurs enseignants des deux écoles du village agissent en faveur de la préservation de l'environnement et proposent une kermesse écocitoyenne avec différents stands de sensibilisation ouverts à tous.

Cette année, le collectif Nous Toutes 59 Valenciennois est invité à tenir un stand d’information dans l’enceinte du festival.
Association nationale organisée en comités locaux, NousToutes est un collectif féministe ouvert à toutes et tous. Il est constitué d’activistes bénévoles dont l’objectif est de lutter contre les violences sexistes et sexuelles dont sont particulièrement victimes les femmes et les enfants en France.
Pour cela, le collectif mène notamment des actions d’information, de formation, de prévention et de sensibilisation de toute la société.


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

40th Orkney Folk Festival - Scotland

by Diatonic News
The 40th Orkney Folk Festival will be held in Orkney, Scotland from May 25th to 28th, 2023.

This year’s festival will celebrate its 40th birthday with performances by artists from the USA, Canada, Norway, Sweden, Ireland, England, Wales and throughout Scotland who will join home-grown Orcadian musicians.

Tickets will go on sale in March 2023.

See poster above for details.

Picture left: Spiers & Boden who will entertain at this year's festival.

25° Festival Trad’Envie - France

by Diatonic News
25° Festival Trad’Envie - France

Titano Accordions

Gator by the Bay Festival – USA

by Diatonic News
The Gator by the Bay Festival will be held in San Diego, California, USA from May 11th to 14th, 2023.

Performers include two-time Grammy winner, Terrance Simien (picture left) who perform Zydeco at the opening concert, The Revelers who will play Cajun, Zydeco, Country and Blues with accordionist Larry Miller, and Cedric Watson (picture right) who will play Cajun, Creole & Zydeco.

For details email: gator@gatorbythebay.com


Workshop: Introduction to Performing for Dancers - Netherlands

by Diatonic News
A workshop introducing how to perform for live dancers will be held in collaboration with Balfolk Amsterdam at the AVC / Terpsichore dance hall in Amsterdam, Netherlands on May 27th, 2023 from 3pm to 4.30pm, organised by Trekharmonica Amsterdam (THA).

Attendees will practice five common dances together with a group of balfolk dancers: andro, scottish, chapelloise/jig, magic circle and hanterdro.

Registrations close on May 1st, 2023. For details email: info@trekharmonica-adam.nl

Voci Armoniche

Stage ACCORDÉON DIATONIQUE avec Frédéric Sonnery - France

by Diatonic News
Frédéric SonneryCours individuels avec Frédéric Sonnery

9 et 23 mai 2023
6 et 20 juin 2023
entre 14h et 20h

Approfondissement des techniques propres à l’accordéon diatonique : ornementations, gammes, accords, rythmiques
à la main droite, à la main gauche tout en s’appuyant sur un répertoire de bal ou de concert.

142 route du Vauvret
Standard : 03 85 75 85 75

Email : lagrangerouge@lagrangerouge.org

Chippenham Folk Festival - UK

by Diatonic News

13th International Music Festival - Montenegro

by Diatonic News
13th International Music Festival - Montenegro
The 13th International Accordion Music Festival "Harmonica Fest" will be held in Tivat, Montenegro from May 25th to 27th, 2023.

The event will include a competition, concerts, a masterclass and lectures.

For details email: harmonikafest.mne@gmail.com

Accordion Jazz Chords

Squeezebox from Scratch with Ed Rennie & Helena Painting - Chippenham/UK

by Diatonic News
Sat 27th May 2023 10:00-11:00 Yelde Hall
Sun 28th May 2023 10:00-11:00 Yelde Hall
Mon 29th May 2023 10:00-11:00 Yelde Hall

With Ed Rennie and Helena Painting will guide you through the absolute basics of playing the D/G melodeon, a basis of good techniques from the start which will pay dividends in the longer term. The step by step teaching method combined with a tablature method ( good news for those who don't read music yet) means by the end of the workshop you will have played at least one tune and have the tools to play further tunes, We say yet because many, by using the tablature, have found they have inadvertently learned that skill as a by-product. If you can borrow an instrument (must be D/G), bring it along! If you haven't got access to one, we have a bank of at least 14 good quality Hohner melodeons which can be used by the budding musicians who would like to try out but don’t have access to an instrument.


Fueye ¡ Le souffle du bandonéon - France

by Diatonic News
Fueye ¡ Le souffle du bandonéon - France
Un concert animé par le souffle du bandonéon, traversé de circulations inédites entre tango populaire et création contemporaine.

Solo et improvisations de bandonéon

Charisma pour clarinette et violoncelle

Tango SI pour piano solo

Oi Kuu pour flûte basse et violoncelle

OP 973 Bestialisches pour flûte, clarinette, piano, violon et violoncelle

Rebonds pour percussions solo

Concertino pour bandonéon et ensemble CREATION MONDIALE


Titano Accordions

Half-Door Club Festival - Laois/Ireland

by Diatonic News
The festival will run from Friday April 28th to Monday May 1st 2023 at the Castletown Community Centre, Laois/Ireland

The Half-Door Club international Music and Dance Festival is a four-day event of set dancing and traditional music in Castletown, Co. Laois. There are 5 ceilithe and 3 workshops and sessions throughout.


34th Annual Accordion Kings & Queens Festival - USA/Texas

by Diatonic News
Event Date:
Jun 3 2023, 7:00PM CDT - Jun 3 2023, 10:00PM CDT
Location: This year's show will be live on stage at Miller Outdoor Theatre (6000 Hermann Park Dr, Houston, TX 77030) AND live streamed on Facebook.

Texas Folklife is proud to celebrate 34 years of Texas Squeezebox at the Miller Outdoor Theatre!

Deemed the unofficial “National Instrument of Texas” by many, the accordion plays a key role in diverse folk music genres and cultural communities in Texas. Dust off your dancing boots for another historic celebration of the Accordion in Texas!

Featuring accordion-fronted music performances from top bands — this show will feature the styles of Creole, Conjunto, Polka, and more. Join Texas Folklife for an exciting evening of celebration of music deeply rooted in culture at Accordion Kings & Queens!


Accordion Repairs Made Easy

2023 Chester Folk Festival - UK

by Diatonic News
The 2023 Chester Folk festival will be held in Kelsall, Chester, England from May 26th to 29th, 2023.

The event will include a variety of concerts, Ceilidhs, sessions, workshops, dance displays, craft fair, children's entertainment and much more.

Accordion entertainment will be provided by Sherburn Bartley & Sanders (Chris Sherburn on concertina), The Time Bandits (Ian Jones on melodeon), Helianthus (picture above right) and the Doug Eunson & Sarah Matthews Duo (picture below).

For details email: info@chesterfolk.org.uk

eSheet Music Titles

Stages d'Accordéon diationique - FR/Pavie

by Diatonic News
Sylvie FrechouMarie Constantavec Sylvie Frechou et Marie Constant le Jeudi et/ou Vendredi 18/19 Mai 2023
de 9h à 12h et de 14h à 16h

BP9 32 550 PAVIE
Tel :

Titano Accordions

3. Kärntner Harmonikawettbewerb Weitensfeld - Österreich

by Diatonic News
f. alle Harmonikatalente, die gerne an diesem Wettbewerb teilnehmen möchten: m 27. Mai findet der 3. Kärntner Harmonikawettbewerb am Marktplatz in Weitensfeld statt.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Future events / Concerts

Voci Armoniche

Claudio Prima & Seme in tour in Maggio - Italia

by Diatonic News
Claudio Prima & Seme
Musiche originali per organetto e quartetto d’archi

Un ensemble originale per esplorare le potenzialità della musica quale strumento di indagine e mettere in dialogo uno degli strumenti principi della tradizione italiana, l’organetto, con la formazione per eccellenza della musica da camera, il quartetto d’archi. Brani originali, ispirati a tratti alle musiche tradizionali, creano un repertorio intenso ed emozionante, che guarda alle origini della musica Adriatica, spingendosi nei territori della modernità e dell’ibridazione stilistica fra classica, folk e musica colta contemporanea.
12 Maggio - Catania, CUT
14 Maggio - Crucoli (KR)
19 Maggio - Lecce
26 Maggio - Roma, Museo Nazionale degli Strumenti Musicali, Festival Popolare Italiano
27 Maggio - Labro (RI), Ex Convento Frascescano, Festival In cammino


Sounding Out the Accordion

25th Annual "Folk on the Pier" 2023 – England

by Diatonic News
25th Annual
The 25th Annual “Folk on the Pier” will be held at the Pavilion Theatre, Cromer Pier in Cromer, Norfolk, England, UK from May 5th to 7th, 2023.

Accordion performers include Oysterband (John Jones on melodeon), Blackbeard's Tea Party, Simon Care and Gareth Turner accordion duo, Edward II (picture left) and Rattlebox.

For details email: boxoffice@cromerpier.co.uk
25th Annual


Andrea Cappezuoli e Compania - IT/FR/PT

by Diatonic News
Andrea Cappezuoli e Compania
21-23 Jul // Le grand bal de l’Europe, Gennetines, France
3-8 Jul // Gran bal trad, Vialfré (TO)
3 Jun // Evento privato, Lecco
12 May // La ghironda, Carmagnola (TO)
11 Mar // Trad balls, Lisboa, Portugal


Voci Armoniche

KATRINE - sange tæt på - Denmark

by Diatonic News
Welcome to an evening with music and songs written and performed by Katrine Krog Russo and Paolo Russo.

Katrine's next album is starting to come together and we are looking forward listen to more of the new songs as well as some songs from the Danish folk-tradition - and maybe a visit to Italy as well.

Her lyrical universe is recognisable and at the same time opens up new horizons. Stories carried by the melody - the one we feel we already know, but which still surprises and uplifts us.

Paolo's Jazz Club
Vollerupgade 55, 4792 Askeby
May 20 2023 20:00 - 22:00

Friedrich Lips Book

Bella Ciao/Italien 2 Mai-Konzerte in Österreich

by Diatonic News
Bella Ciao
A Sud di Bella Ciao
50 Jahre Italienisches Folk Revival Teil 2
Lucilla Galeazzi, Elena Ledda, Riccardo Tesi, Nando Citarella u.v.a.

„Von den Balkonen auf die Piazza: Bella Ciao ist die Hymne der Freiheit und der Hoffnung. Sie erklang von den Balkonen und Fenstern unserer Städte, als wir uns von einem Tag auf den anderen in Quarantäne begeben mussten“, so beschreibt der Doyen der italienischen Folk-Szene Riccardo Tesi die neue Aktualität des weltbekannten Liedes zur Zeit des Lockdowns, als Corona Italien im Griff hatte – die Bevölkerung sich aber allabendlich musikalisch Mut machte und Lebenszeichen setzte.

20/05/23 Kulturquartier Kufstein Austria
21/05/23 Greith-Haus St. Ulrich im Greith Austria


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Hubert von Goisern 2023 Tour - DE/AT

by Diatonic News
Wie die Zeit vergeht … die Zeiten & Zeichen-Tour 2022 ist inzwischen Geschichte, und der Blick geht nach vorne. Hubert von Goisern wird auch 2023 Konzerte geben - mit spannenden Ausblicken, aber auch mit Rückblicken über die vergangenen Jahrzehnte seines Schaffens. Denn die alten Zeichen haben ihre Gültigkeit nicht verloren. Niemand weiß, was die Zukunft bringen wird. Doch so viel ist sicher: Sie wird laut werden, energiegeladen und intensiv. Ohren auf und durch - am besten tanzend. Tickets für die Tour 2023 sind ab sofort erhältlich!

Neue Zeiten, Alte Zeichen Tour 2023 – Termine & Tickets

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Ville Hiltula Live Milonga - Japan

by Diatonic News
Ville Hiltula Live Milonga - Japan
Ville Hiltula (bandoneon) will perform with Asako Yada (piano) at a Live Milonga at the Acorn Studio in Konan Yamate, Higashinada-ku, Kbe, Japan on May 21st, 2023 from 4.30pm.

See poster for details.

NAA Evening Concert with Brave Combo & Alex Meixner

by Harley Jones
Video: Westview Polka - Alex Meixner sits in with Brave Combo. Alex Meixner was the special guest accordionist for a Saturday afternoon, May 23, 2022 dance party at the Elisabet Ney Museum in Austin, Texas featuring music by the two-time Polka Grammy Award-winning, Brave Combo! Alex Meixner is one of the most dynamic accordionists on the scene today. Meixner has performed around the world, notably at American festivals like The National Folk Festival and Central Park SummerStage, as well as at uncountable community celebrations and accordion-centric events. He has worked with Jack Black on the Sundance-screened, Netflix movie "The Polka King", with Post Modern Jukebox, and as an on-screen spokesperson for Hormel Pepperoni.

Brave Combo and Alex Meixner performed for NAA on Friday, March 17, 2023. The public was invited to attend this special collaboration of Brave Combo and Alex Meixner being presented during the annual National Accordion Convention, March 15-19, 2023.

Free admission to all youth (ages 2 to 19). The admission for all interested fans of Alex Meixner and/or Brave Combo includes an "Introduction to playing the accordion" lesson.

Titano Accordions

Diatonic Accordion Course for Beginners with Valérie Aubart – France

by Diatonic News
Diatonic Accordion Course for Beginners with Valérie Aubart – FranceValérie Aubart (picture left) will run a Diatonic Accordion Course at the Hamlet of Chalap in Senechas, France from July 9th to 15th, 2023, organised by Balagan Company.

The course is for beginners and will cover:
- holding and understanding of the instrument
- basic scales and chords
- accompaniment and rhythms
- air column
- valve technique
- keyboard learning
- coordination of both hands
- ensemble playing

Valérie “will approach this technical work from a varied repertoire of world music. No need for prior musical knowledge, we will work by ear but scores and tablatures will be made available. We will also discuss a fanfare repertoire that will allow everyone to work on collective play and share the pleasure of playing together!”

For details email: compagniebalagan@gmail.com

Accordion Jazz Chord


by Diatonic News
FRI 26/05 - 8.30PM Dikkebusstraat 234 B-8950 Heuvelland
An evening with EmBRUN? That's a full tent, an enthusiastic audience. Dancing to the tones of a modern folk band at full throttle. One moment steaming and swinging, the next wonderfully intimate. A well-oiled five-cylinder: rhythmically tight, melodically surprising. And with enough miles on the clock to convey their energy to any audience.

EmBRUN has been a fixture on the Belgian and European folk scene since 2003. From their first gig, they surprised friend and foe alike with their take on folk in the 21st century. Founded on tradition but laced with progressive sounds and rhythms from day one. They celebrate their 20th anniversary with a tour of Europe.

Making reservations for music and dine: 057 44 69 33.
Muziekcentrum Dranouter <info@dranoutercentrum.be>

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Biket @ Fest-Noz/Bal folk à Châteaubriant - France

by Diatonic News
Fest-Noz/Bal folk à Châteaubriant le Samedi 13 mai 2023
La Muloche - 20:30h
Biket is Gurvan MOLAC / Chant , Vielle
Alexandre SALLET / Accordéon diatonique

A band based on music for weddings of the 1920' but with an evolved way of making music.

The inspirations are drawn from the culture of the past locals from Haute-Bretagne and from the House music one listens nowadays.

Conor Reynolds performing in May - UK

by Diatonic News
Conor ReynoldsProgramme for Conor Reynolds:

Sun 28th May 2023/11:30-13:30 /Concert Soundcheck-Consti with Coracle (Band), Cobblers Child (Band), Debra Hannis (solo)
Sun 28th May 2023/13:00-13:30/Concert Soundcheck-Consti
Sun 28th May 2023/14:00-15:45/Rising Stars-Masonic Centre withBecky Syson (Singer Songwriter Acoustic,
Folk-Rock, Children's Musician), Quantum Penguin (Matt Woolley) (Folk), Barry Goodman (Solo)
Sun 28th May 2023/14:00-14:30/Afternoon @The Consti


Charnwood Music Publishing

Airboxes Entertain at Folk aan’t Kasteel - Belgium

by Diatonic News
AIRBOXES“Airboxes” which features accordion duo Bert Leemans and Guus Herremans will entertain at Folk aan 't Kasteel in Malle, Belgium on May 27th, 2023.

The duo perform dance music and their own compositions.

For details email: info@airboxes.be

Voci Armoniche

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)


CD "Passione Meridionale" / Alessandro Gaudio & Salvatore Pace - Italia

by Diatonic News
Released: 14 april 2023 con 11 brani, 42 min 23 sec.
Tracklist / label VISAGE MUSIC
CD 1
1.Crusko 03:58
2.Divoc 03:50
3.Le Pays 04:00
4.Passione meridionale 03:19
5.Diatonic tango 03:40
6.Formula 102:08
7.Confusion 04:55
8.Spakkatutto 04:24
9.I cinque mori 03:58
10.Lifoj 02:57
11.Viddaneddha 05:11
Total: 42:20 availabe on all main platforms

CD "forms" by Leveret - UK

by Diatonic News
cd Forms by LeveretLeveret mark ten years together with the release of Forms, a new album of traditional and original tunes featuring Leveret’s spontaneous playing at its best.

1. Bass Hornpipe 03:34
2. Filberts 04:17
3. Blacksmith's Morris / Queen's March 03:59
4. Woodstock Bower / Alvin's / Scarlet and Green / Nelson's Maggot 11:28
5. Cotillion 04:44
6. Goodd Hornpipe 04:17
7. Princess Amelia's Birthday / A Habit Of Hills 04:47
8. Untitled Waltz / The Derby Hunt 05:08
9. Oh The Days When I Was Young / Young Collins Rant 04:45
10. Mr Lane's Minuet 04:02

releases April 21, 2023

Andy Cutting - diatonic button accordion and melodeon
Rob Harbron - English concertina
Sam Sweeney - fiddle

Recorded by Neil Ferguson in Lummen, Belgium, 17-19 October 2022 - Mixed and mastered by Neil Ferguson
Artwork by Alex Merry - Photos by Mattias de Smet

Info: https://leveretband.bandcamp.com/

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Future Talents: Angelo Errico - Italia

by Diatonic News
Video: Angelo Errico esegue Festosa, polka per organetto composta da Mauro Ciarcelluti

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