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Highlights |
Galassi Bellows "Know the People" Interview, Castelfidardo - Italyby Diatonic News |
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![]() with: Renzo Galassi (Owner) Editor: Holda Paoletti-Kampl "Know the People" of Castelfidardo who have made this small city so famous around the world for their quality accordion products. Interview at: 2017Galassi Picture below: Renzo Galassi with his parents, Rino and Vanda who began the business in 1948 and even today, work daily in the factory. |
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The National Centre for Folk Arts at Halsway Manor - UKby Diatonic News |
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The National Centre for Folk Arts at Halsway Manor is a charity and the only residential centre in the world concentrating on the varied folk heritage of England. Nestling in the Quantock Hills within an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, it hosts courses, events and projects within this unique and magical setting. Set in six beautiful acres of gardens and grounds the manor has a warm and welcoming atmosphere, a range of comfortable bedrooms, great food and a beautiful panelled bar. For over 50 years Halsway Manor has hosted unique experiences and inspired thousands of people to experience the diverse dance, song, music and art found in our green and pleasant lands. Unique in the UK it hosts over 340 days of residential and outreach activity every year covering all facets of folk arts from instrumental music, song and dance to traditional storytelling, crafts and instrument making. We are committed to excellence and opportunity for all with a broad programme that covers amateur exploration, professional development, the creation of new work and stewardship of our heritage. “A truly magical location with world class courses” Course participant Halsway Manor is listed by English Heritage as Grade II*; the house is late 15th century with 19th century additions. Set in 6 acres of woodland and gardens, the manor’s seclusion and the warm and friendly atmosphere is much appreciated by its many supporters as being highly conducive for educational/learning activities both residential (it sleeps up to 65 people) and through our outreach programme. The manor houses the Kennedy Grant Library, a nationally important collection of about 10,000 books and recordings of folklore, customs, traditional folk music, dance and song, it is the second largest library of its type in the UK. For full information upon all events see: https://halswaymanor.org.uk/about/what-is-halsway-manor/ |
100th year celebration of the death of Paolo Soprani – Castelfidardo/Italyby Diatonic News |
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In presence of the niece of Paolo Soprani, Mrs. Elena Soprani big celebrations took place in Castelfidardo, the 20th of February in the Auditorium San Francesco. The city hall of Castelfidardo with collaboration of the Circolo Culturale Filatelico Numismatico “F.Matassoli” with its compere Pigini hosted a unique event to honour Castelfidardos most important citican Paolo Soprani, who gave birth to the production of Accordions in the small city Castelfidardo. Present all authorithies of the city with a warm welcome by the Mayor Roberto Ascani, the director of the museum Christian Riganelli. Beniamino Bugiolacchi, Castelfidardo’s Historian (also see http://www.accordions.com/articles/chronology.aspx ) gave a very interesting view of the history and life of this unforgettable personaltity, not only for Castelfidardo, but the entire world of the accordion. For this special occation a personalized stamp was put into circolation by the Luxembourg Post Office. The students of the local Music School Paolo Soprani have lively animated the event with music. To complete this day of remembering – an evening concert took place in the Theatre Astra with Luigi Presta, who won this cocert during the PIF2017 and Manuel Marchegiani, winner of the #CategoriaVarieté PIF2017 student of M° Renzo Ruggieri, artistic director of the #PIF2018 Full detailed picture report under Paolo_Soprani_100 |
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Internationale Musikmesse 2018 Frankfurt - Germanyby Diatonic News |
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Musikmesse in Frankfurt is the international trade fair for musical instruments, sheet music, music production and marketing. ◾Wednesday 11 April to Saturday 14 April 2018, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ◾open daily for Trade and Private visitors ◾More than 30.000 instruments shown in seven exhibition halls ◾Outdoor area with festival atmosphere: Stages, Foodtrucks and more ◾Prolight + Sound: Tuesday, 11 April to Friday 14 April, new on the eastern section of Messe Frankfurt The Frankfurt Musikmesse is the world's leading trade fair for the world of music. There, you will find a complete range of products with everything required for making music, not to mention innumerable workshops, concerts, demonstrations and discussion events. This year all "free reed instruments" will be exposed in HALL 8/Groundfloor - so, get ready for this event and do not miss!!! A full report of the Musikmesse will be online in our news. |
Scuola per fisarmonica diatonica - Sicilia/Italiaby Diatonic News |
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![]() ![]() L'alta formazione internazionale sulla fisarmonica diatonica! Docenti Alessandro Gaudio e Antonio Merulla Per informazioni: http://accademiapianisticaitaliana.com/ |
TAG DER HARMONIKA 2018 in Tirol - DAY OF THE HARMONICA 2018 in Tyrol - Austriaby Werner Weibert |
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Der nächste TAG DER HARMONIKA findet im schönen Ambiente der Tiroler Bergwelt in ANGERBERG statt. Der Wettbewerb ist INTERNATIONAL ausgeschrieben und gilt für Akkordeon Solo, Duo, Ensemble, Orchester, Weltmusik und auch Unterhaltungsmusik! / Steirische Harmonika Solo, Duo und Volksmusik / Mundharmonika Solo, Gruppen und Orchester! Achtung! Es gibt auch GÄSTEKATEGORIEN !!! Ausschreibung und Anmeldung: www.harmonikaverband.at ANMELDESCHLUSS: 23.März 2018 !!! Wir freuen uns auf Sie in Tirol! Werner Weibert Online translation! |
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Tejano Music Awards 2018 - Texas/USAby Diatonic News |
![]() Texas Talent Musicians Association is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization whose purpose is to promote professional excellence; a better understanding and greater appreciation for Tejano music; and to provide a public forum for songwriters, performers and musicians in order to recognize their artistic efforts and achievements through the annual Tejano Music Awards and related events. Texas Talent Musicians Association is based in San Antonio, Texas: “The Tejano Music Capital Of The World.”® 4 days full of music on many stages with an endless list of performers. As performers are subject to changes - check out the below webiste for acurate indications. http://www.tejanomusicawards.com/fan-fair-performers |
Festival Francisco el Hombre - Columbiaby Diatonic News |
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El Festival Francisco el Hombre es un proyecto cultural con el cual se institucionaliza un reconocimiento anual a la música vallenata contemporánea, a través de quienes se destaquen como sus mejores intérpretes. El Festival promueve y exalta la calidad artística del vallenato actual expresado en sus distintas variantes, a saber: tradicional, nueva ola, romántico o moderno. OBJETIVOS DEL FESTIVAL •Promover y fomentar la calidad artística de la música vallenata contemporánea teniendo como referente el eslogan del Festival: “Nuestra tradición con nuevos aires”. •Premiar el esfuerzo de quienes se destaquen durante el año como los mejores intérpretes de la música vallenata contemporánea. •Promover el surgimiento y dar a conocer nacional e internacionalmente los nuevos talentos en los campos de la composición, el canto y la interpretación de la música vallenata contemporánea. •Promover el desarrollo cultural y turístico del Departamento de La Guajira. •Promocionar a Riohacha como destino turístico cultural. http://www.festivalfranciscoelhombre.com/ |
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
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Online translation |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
"3° Festival di Organetto del Cilento e del Vallo di Diano" - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Le Associazioni “Diatonic New Generation” di De Simone Ivano, “Diatonic Stone” di Pietro Infantino, “L’Organetto” di Antonio Donnantuoni, in collaborazione con l'Associazione Musicale Italiana Strumenti ad Ancia, Diatonici (A.M.I.SA.D.) di Maiolati Spontini (AN) e con il patrocinio del Comune di Polla (SA) e della Pro Loco Tanagro Pollese, organizzano il "3° Festival di Organetto del Cilento e del Vallo di Diano" Alla manifestazione, che si svolgerà nei giorni 17-18 marzo 2018 nei locali del Centro Sociale “Don Bosco”– Polla (SA) e valida come selezione per la partecipazione al Campionato Italiano di Organetto e di Fisarmonica Diatonica - Ed.2018, vi potranno prendere parte candidati con organetti di qualsiasi tipo e marca.. La gara si articolerà nelle seguenti Sezioni e relative categorie: SEZIONE ORGANETTO (strumenti con una 1 o 2 file di voci al canto 2 o 4 bassi) - Cat. A fino a 11 anni (nati dal 2007 in poi) - Cat. B fino a 13 anni (nati dal 2005 in poi) - Cat. C fino a 15 anni (nati dal 2003 in poi) - Cat. D fino a 18 anni (nati dal 2000 in poi) - Cat. E senza limiti di età SEZIONE FISARMONICA DIATONICA (strumenti con un minimo di 2 file di voci al canto con 8 bassi e oltre) - Cat. A fino a 12 anni (nati dal 2006 in poi) - Cat. B fino a 15 anni (nati dal 2003 in poi) - Cat. C fino a 18 anni (nati dal 2000 in poi) - Cat. D senza limiti di età SEZIONE FISARMONICA DIATONICA/ORGANETTO - Over50 Categoria UNICA da 50 anni in poi (nati dal 1968 in poi) (strumenti diatonici di qualsiasi tipo) I candidati delle Sezioni Organetto e Fisarmonica Diatonica se al momento dell’iscrizione abbiano compiuto il 18° anno di età potranno a Loro scelta iscriversi o alla categoria di appartenenza indicata dal regolamento o alla categoria superiore. Tutti i concorrenti sono tenuti a presentare due brani a libera scelta della durata complessiva non superiore agli 8 (otto) minuti. Il giudizio della giuria è inappellabile: essa ha la facoltà di abbreviare la durata delle esecuzioni, di richiedere eventuali riascolti, di deliberare classifiche ex-aequo e di non assegnare i premi qualora non vengano riscontrati i requisiti indispensabili. La classifica dei concorrenti sarà stilata con la seguente valutazione: - da 95 a 100/100 1° Premio - da 90 a 94/100 2° Premio - da 85 a 89/100 3° Premio Le graduatorie saranno comunicate al termine delle audizioni di tutte le categorie Info: Ronconi Giancarlo e-mail roncogia@alice.it |
Natioinal Folk Festival Canberra - Australiaby Diatonic News |
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From high-end entertainment to the expression of folk-life through grassroots and community activities our multifaceted National Folk Festival is the ultimate celebration of all things folk. The program is designed to inspire, enliven and entertain. From traditional and contemporary grooves to the quirky and the endearing it features all the key elements that make people want to come from everywhere to be part of it. http://folkfestival.org.au/ |
19th International Accordion Festival, Vienna – Austriaby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() The festival’s founder and organizer is Friedl Preisl (picture left), who says that 2018 will feature over 50 artists from many countries, performing at 14 different venues. Friedl Preisl received the CIA Award “Honored Friend of the Accordion” in 2009 for his outstanding contribution to the accordion. Download the program at: 2018Wien.pdf This year’s performers include: Renzo Ruggieri (Italy), Daniel Kahn & the Painted Bird (USA), Scurdia (Italy), Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic (Austria, Croatia), Alexander Shevchenko (Russia), Isabella Krapf (Austria), Perce Oreille (Austria), Marie-Theres Stickler (Austria), Forro Miro (Italy), Israelite/Biz/Heckel (UK, Russia, Austria), Nachtcafe (Italy), Hannah James (UK), Trio EMM (Austria), Walter Soyka (Austria), Manuel Šavron (Slovenia), Belofour (Russia, Austria), Dobrek Bistro (Russia, Brazil), Antti Paalanen (Finland), Christian Bakanic (Austria), Cathrin Pfeifer (Germany), Christian Bakanic (Austria), Heidelinde Gratzl (Austria), Feanziska Hatz (Austria), Otto Lechner (Austria), Trio Dhoore (Belgium), Jean-Louis Matinier (France), Marko Živadinovic (Russia), Riccardo Tesi (Italy), and many more. For further information email: friedl@akkordeonfestival.at |
West Country Concertina Players weekend 2018 - Scotlandby Diatonic News |
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The residential weekend at Kilve Court is Friday 16th – Sunday 18th March. Check out for further informaiton and inscription: http://thewccp.org/ |
Konzertina Frühjahrskurs in Kleinlosnitz - DEby Diatonic News |
![]() Konzertina – spielen und lernen. Frühjahrskurs in Kleinlosnitz Bauernhofmuseum Eingeladen sind alle, die das musikantische Spiel auf der Konzertina erlernen oder weiter vertiefen möchten. Helmut Spörl, ein erfahrener Konzertinamusikant und Kenner dieses Instruments, betreut jeden Teilnehmer individuell. Leihinstrumente können zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Uhrzeit wird in persönlicher Absprache vereinbart. Um Anmeldung bei Theo Knopf, Tel. 09288 6986, wird gebeten. Weitere Termine: 24.03., 07.04., 21.04., 05.05., 19.05 http://www.heimat-bayern.info/ |
Konzertina – Frühjahrskurs in Bad Berneck - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() Konzertina – spielen und lernen. Frühjahrskurs in Bad Berneck Beratungsstelle für Volksmusik in Franken, Bahnhofstr. 81 Eingeladen sind alle, die das musikantische Spiel auf der Konzertina erlernen oder weiter vertiefen möchten. Theo Knopf, ein erfahrener Konzertinamusikant und Kenner dieses Instruments, betreut jeden Teilnehmer individuell. Leihinstrumente können zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Uhrzeit wird in persönlicher Absprache vereinbart. Um Anmeldung bei Theo Knopf, Tel. 0921 42271, wird gebeten. Weitere Termine: 24.03., 14.04., 28.04., 12.05., 26.05. Terminänderungen vorbehalten http://www.heimat-bayern.info/ |
Stage d'accordéon diatonique Jean-Marc Rohart - Franceby Diatonic News |
![]() « Enrichir ses mélodies » Comprendre le rapport entre la mélodie et les accords pour améliorer son jeu, trouver des pistes de variations rythmiques et mélodiques de ses morceaux. niveau : moyen à confirmé Le samedi 16 juin 2018 de 14h à 18h Tarif : 35€ Lieu : Les Terrasses 10 bis boulevard des Bouvets 92000 Nanterre RER Nanterre Préfecture - Bus 163 inscriptions : http://weekend.diatotrad.fr renseignements, pédagogie : rohart.jean-marc@bbox.fr – 06 83 11 27 68 roh-art.com |
Masterclass with Saul Rose | Melodion - Canberra/Australiaby Diatonic News |
![]() Saul was a long time member of Waterson:Carthy, winning two BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards with ‘Broken Ground’ and forming a duo with Eliza Carthy. He is a founder member of new folk big band Eliza Carthy and The Wayward band. He has played on numerous albums as a guest, including Jackie Oates’ album ‘Hyperboreans’, Norma Waterson and Eliza Carthy’s album ‘The Gift’ and the soundtrack for the films ‘Morris- A Life With Bells On’ and ‘Far From The Madding Crowd’. He was nominated for the Musician of The Year award in the 2010 BBC Folk Awards and during 2011 took the part of Songman in the West End play War Horse. image One of the England’s leading melodeon experts, and tutor with the English Youth Folk Ensemble, Folkworks and Melodeons at Witney, Saul welcomes melodeon players of all ages and abilities as he looks at every aspect of the instrument. Melodies, ornamentation, and embellishment, chords and accompaniment will be addressed, as well as repertoire and instrument maintenance. Subscribe at: http://folkfestival.org.au/master-classes/ |
Melodeon course at the Halsway Manor/National Centre for Folk Arts - UKby Diatonic News |
![]() Friday 9 Mar 11am–1pm, 2018 A fun and friendly group for those wishing to learn the D/G melodeon. For absolute beginners, Ed has boxes available to borrow by prior arrangement – contact him on 01363 774426 – or bring your own DG box if you have one. Term dates are as follows: 9 March, 6 April, 11 May 8 June and 20 July. The workshop runs from 11am till 1pm, followed by a light lunch included in the price. Who’s it For? Total beginners! This is for those who have never so much as picked-up a melodeon before. You don’t need prior musical experience, and you don’t need to read music (Ed will teach you to read music as the course progresses). Everyone, all ages, is welcome. https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/eds-box-club-absolute-beginners-2/ |
Concertina week-ends in Nijmegen - Hollandby Diatonic News |
![]() 6-8 March 2015 Berg en Dal (Nijmegen) A weekend music and walking in the beautiful surroundings of Berg en Dal led by Mark Söhngen and Hilbert Post. Arrival Friday from 17.00 hours (dinner), end Sunday 16.00 hours. The workshop... A sensitive minor Waltz, a sensual tango, a languid blues or a swinging polka? The right notes play is one thing, but how do you get such a melody than depending on sensitive or sensual or loom or swinging soft? Mark's grandmother used to say: "C'est le ton qui fait la musique". Therefore: in this workshop to be looked at how one can transfer notes into music: how to make a show, how do you present yourself, how to use the bellows - short, long, soft, hard, how to use your bellows, etc. All on C/F and evt. G/C on the basis of a pair of beautiful, sensitive, sensual, lome and swinging melodies from the rich repertoire (and that is often more than you think) trekharmonikaspeler can choose, from all sorts of genres, from pop music to folk Bal. Book quickly at: http://www.marksohngen.nl/Workshops.htm |
Corofin Traditional Festival 2018 - Irelandby Diatonic News |
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Tuesday February 27th – March 4th 2018 Music, music, music and dance + masterclasses for the Corofin Traditional Festival. Make sure you participate if you are around this aerea during the 4 days. For exact information upon all concerts and other timings visit: http://www.corofintradfest.com/index.html |
Stage d'accordéon diatonique animé par Bruno Le Tron - Franceby Diatonic News |
![]() Nous travaillerons la musicalité, l'utilisation du soufflet, l'ornementation. Nous verrons sur un même morceau différentes façons de l'accompagner avec la main gauche. Apprentissage à l'oreille du répertoire à danser, traditionnel ou de composition. Deux morceaux sont disponibles sur la Diatothèque en amont pour se concentrer sur l'essentiel durant le stage. niveau : confirmé Le dimanche 17 juin 2018 de 14h à 18h Tarif : 35€ Lieu : Les Terrasses 10 bis boulevard des Bouvets 92000 Nanterre RER Nanterre Préfecture - Bus 163 inscriptions : http://weekend.diatotrad.fr renseignements, pédagogie : brunoletron@gmail.com – 03 44 08 78 24 |
Stage @ Fête de l’accordéon [diatonique] - Franceby Diatonic News |
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If you would like to participate at one of the many stages during the Fête de l’accordéon [diatonique] in April - do not miss to book you place as soon as possible. All further informaiton on: http://www.diatonic-news.com/ |
Trekzakvereniging West-Friesland - Netherlandsby Diatonic News |
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vrijdag 2 maart 2018 Trekzakavond met Harry Dijkstra, Wouter Kuyper en duo Greet Wuyts en Jan Leeflang ‘Medemblik’ pakt weer stevig uit De Trekzakvereniging West-Friesland organiseert op 2 maart weer een avond waarbij de trekharmonica centraal staat. Ook deze keer twee goede spelers en een goed duo. Allen keurig verdeeld over de regio’s. http://www.harmonicahoek.nl |
Melodeon Building Course (2.5 Row) @ National Centre for Folk Arts - UKby Harley Jones |
with Emmanuel Pariselle Sunday 18 Mar 10am — Monday 26 Mar 4pm, 2018 No previous experience required, although manual dexterity and basic woodworking skills are an advantage. All tools are provided, but it is helpful if participants can bring a few basic hand tools eg screwdrivers, craft knife, pliers etc. Emmanuel is experienced in working with novice makers, and Chris Mash will also be on hand to offer practical support and to make sure all builds are kept on track. Tuning is done on site by industry expert Theo Gibb. Each participant will need to decide: •a tonality: D/G, G/C, A/D, etc… •a layout with 10/9/6 buttons or 11/10/4 and 14 or 12 basses. You can view a D/G layout chart, a G/C layout chart here, and an A/D layout chart here with Emmanuel’s suggested layouts for each; if you are new to the 2.5 row, it’s recommended you take Emmanuel’s layout. •reeds (Binci a mano): choose either MM (with one register to play with or without tremollo) or LM (2 registers, to play M, L, or LM). •an inlay line (max 8mm, visit www.marechaux.fr) •black or white buttons •grille design – two available – standard or lyre Apparently the course is very much requested and fully booked for 2018 - so if you wish to learn more about it - book early for 2019 and contact: https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/melodeon-building-course-2-5-row-with-emmanuel-pariselle-2/ |
Future events / Concerts |
Tango with Carlos Julio Quilici - Kuala Lumpur/Malaysiaby Diatonic News |
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Leveret in March - UKby Diatonic News |
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Volksmusikabend in St. Peter/Freienstein - Steiermark/Austriaby Diatonic News |
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ANNE NIEPOLD in March 2018 - FR/Belgiqueby Diatonic News |
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mars 2018 01/3 Tryout LALALA (only on invitation!) 09/3 MONOCHROMATIC - Braine l’Alleud 15/3 avec ELEONOR - Leopoldsburg 17/3 avec e.a Fanny Azzuro, Richard Galliano (...) Concert d’hommage aux victimes du Terrorisme - Paris (FR) 23-25/3 Stage d’accordéon diatonique - Lyon (FR) 24/3 Anne Niepold seule en scène - Lyon (FR) D'autre info: http://www.anneniepold.be/tour.html |
Lollapalooza Argentina 2018 - Argentina/Uruguayby Diatonic News |
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16-18/03/2018 from 17-23.30h Hipódromo San Isidro Av. Márquez 504, 1642 San Isidro (Buenos Aires) Nuevamente Espectaculos BA Uruguay te lleva a disfrutar del Lollapalooza, esta edición sera de 3 días completos, mas de 100 bandas en 5 escenarios. Viaja desde Uruguay con Espectaculos BA Uruguay Opcion Bus - https://goo.gl/TP5x3f Opcion Barco - https://goo.gl/Mj9BrS Info / Reservas : Wsapp : 095.690.806 - 093.937.665 o nos podes llamar al 2900.80.70 http://www.espectaculosba.com/ |
Klaus Paier im DUO und Quartet Auftritte im März - AT/DEby Diatonic News |
![]() 03/03/18 A St. Florian Altes Kino 20:00 Paier Valcic Quartet (New album: Cinema Scenes) 04/03/18 D Mainz Frankfurter Hof 20:00 Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic (Timeless Suite) 14/03/18 D München Jazzclub Unterfahrt, ACT Night 21:00 Paier Valcic Quartet (New album: Cinema Scenes) 15/03/18 A Wien Akkordeonfestival - Porgy & Bess 20:30 Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic (Timeless Suite) 23/03/18 A Innsbruck Treibhaus 21:00 Paier Valcic Quartet (New album: Cinema Scenes) Mehr Info: http://www.klaus-paier.com/live2018.html |
ANTTI PAALANEN Konzert - Vienna/Austria/Finlandby Diatonic News |
![]() Der finnische Musiker Antti Paalanen nennt sein Akkordeon „Breathbox“, und diesem Instrument entlockt er eine erstaunliche, experimentelle und wagemutige Musik, hypnotisch und genüsslich mit Genres jonglierend. Pop, Heavy Rock, Tango, Techno oder Blues, das alles entlockt Paalanen seiner Breathbox, mit einer Energie und klaren künstlerischen Vision, der sich kaum zu entziehen ist. Antti Paalanen: „My favourite band is AC/DC (…) when I play live I try to get the same energy as rock bands.“ „The accordion is manhandled in a manner that hammers intensive shamanism into wolfram carbide, in a furnace of growling, throat-bellowing and progressive surrealism. (…) the listener has the sense of having visited the furthermost frontiers of unexplainability.“ rootsworld.com www.anttipaalanen.com Goldschlagstraße 169 - 1140 Wien Telefon: +43 1 988 98 111 ´http://www.sargfabrik.at/ |
Geno Delafose Cajun @ Rock 'n' Bowl - USAby Diatonic News |
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Thursday, March 1st, 2018 cajun, zydeco, & swamp pop Geno Delafose (born February 6, 1972 in Eunice, Louisiana) is a zydeco accordionist and singer. He is one of the younger generations of the genre who has created the sound known as the nouveau zydeco. His sound is deeply rooted in traditional Creole music with strong influences from Cajun music and also country and western. His father is the famous zydeco accordion player John Delafose. Delafose was born and raised in Eunice, Louisiana. At the age of eight, he joined his father’s band, the Eunice Playboys as a rubboard player and continued to play with the band until his father’s death in 1994. He also appeared on the several of the bands recordings. He switched to the accordion in the early 1990s and started to play as an opening act for his father. In 1994, he debuted with album French Rockin’ Boogie on Rounder Records. The name of this album also became the name of his band with whom he still plays with today http://www.rocknbowl.com/events/detail/1918/Geno%20Delafose |
TRIO DHOORE (BE) Konzert - Wien/Österreichby Diatonic News |
![]() Koen Dhoore: Hurdy-Gurdy Hartwin Dhoore: Akkordeon Ward Dhoore: Gitarre/Mandoline Diese drei Brüder aus Belgien haben sich mit ihren Alben – 2016 folgte „Momentum“ auf „Parachute“ (2015) und „Opus Moderandi“ (2013) – und ihren Konzerten einige Reputation in der europäischen Folk-Szene und darüber hinaus erspielt. Sie geben der flämischen Volksmusik, die sie schon als Kinder aufgesogen haben, mit ihren Kompositionen und ihrem erstaunlichen instrumentalen Können einen eigenen frischen Twist mit, der nicht selten noch die überzeugtesten Sitztänzer_innen aus den Sesseln holt … www.triodhoore.com Schutzhaus Zukunft Auf der Schmelz verl. Guntherstr. 1150 Wien Telefon: +1 982 01 27 www.schutzhaus-zukunft.at |
Grand Bal Groffliers, Pas-de-Calais – Franceby Rob Howard |
![]() Accordzeam are a versatile dance band who play for all sorts of events, and also perform in classical and jazz concerts. The band features two accordionists, Lucas Thébaut and Michaël Bideault. The evening is organized by Le comité des fêtes de la ville de Groffliers and Les Dancers Rangers (Club Country de Groffliers). For further information email: contact@accordzeam.org |
DIATONIC STRINGS DUO (Sl) - Ehrbar Saal/Viennaby Diatonic News |
![]() Telefon: +43 676 512 91 04 SAITENWEISE / VIOLINE & AKKORDEON AUF KLANGREISE Manuel Šavron: Akkordeon Rok Kleva Ivančič: Violine Seit 2006 spielt der in Slowenien geborene Akkordeonist Manuel Šavron, der derzeit in Österreich lebt, mit Rok Kleva Ivančič in diesem Duo zusammen. 2015 veröffentlichten sie die CD „Ragbag“, ein so eindrucksvolles wie unterhaltsames Dokument ihrer künstlerischen Partnerschaft. Das Diatonic Strings Duo schöpft aus der spielerischen Vertrautheit der beiden Musiker seinen einzigartigen Klang, der Material aus verschiedenen Volksmusiken von Nord bis Süd im Geist und mit der Haltung des Jazz zu einer ganz eigenen Weltmusik verbindet. http://www.manuelsavron.com/ |
ISRAELITE/BIZ/HECKEL (UK/RU/AT) - Akkordeonfestival/Wienby Diatonic News |
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Fr 2/3/2018 - 18h DREI MUSIKER UND IHRE IMAGINÄRE FOLKLORE Koby Israelite: Akkordeon, Perkussion Aliosha Biz: Violine Stefan Heckel: Akkordeon, Keyboard Drei hochkarätige Instrumentalisten, alle keine Unbekannten in der Welt des Akkordeon-festivals, konzertieren erstmals gemeinsam als Trio. Die Beteiligten stellen als Kollektiv ihre reichen individuellen Erfahrungen, die von Albumveröffentlichungen auf John Zorns Tzadik (Israelite) über Dobrek Bistro (Biz) bis zur Volksmusik von Blaubauer (Heckel) reichen, in den Dienst der großen künstlerischen Lust am Forschen und dem Aufbrechen von Grenzen. Dabei verneigen sie sich vor Bartoks Imaginärer Folklore und deren Auslegungen, spüren Verbindungen nach und schaffen solche, mit dem Publikum und mit der Musik aus wirklichen und erfundenen Weltregionen. Nicht zuletzt den Verbindungen mit jenen Momenten, in denen Musik aus der Improvisation entsteht. Veranstaltungsort: Ehrbar Saal / Mühlgasse 30 / 1040 Wien Telefon: +43 676 512 91 04 |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
"Steirischer" Blues mit Gerald Ranacher - Austriaby Harley Jones |
Gerald Ranacher präsentiert Blues auf seiner Steirischen Harmonika. Ihr wollt auch Blues, Jazz oder Pop auf der Harmonika lernen? Meldet euch unter geraldranacher@gmx.at. |
The D/G Melodeon Chord book by Ed Rennie - UKby Diatonic News |
![]() The first half of the book is a comprehensive yet clearly comprehendible explanation of the theory of chord structures which would be useful to students of any instrument. The second half of the book shows, in clearly laid out tabulated fashion, the fingering for all possible chords on this instrument with ample space left for the student to add additional fingerings they may discover. Seen on Amazon.uk . |
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