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Diatonic News - Apr-2018
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Voci Armoniche


Diatonic Accordion Producer/Artist Bernard Loffet died 31st March 2018 - France
Gratis-Eintrittskarten f.d.Grazer Frühjahrsmesse 28.4.-1.5.2018 - Österreich
What Are You Doing For World Accordion Day? - International
Reno Folk Festival/concorso MAURO BURNELLI - Italia
Internationale Musikmesse 2018 Frankfurt - Germany
Das grosse Schlagerfest mit Florian Silbereisen - Deutschland
TAG DER HARMONIKA 2018 in Tirol - DAY OF THE HARMONICA 2018 in Tyrol - Austria
Tejano Music Awards 2018 - Texas/USA

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Konzertina Frühjahrskurs in Kleinlosnitz - DE
Natioinal Folk Festival Canberra - Australia
FOLKARRIA ECO FESTI-BAL 2018/Valdemorillo - Madrid (ESPAÑA)
Fête de l'accordéon - France
Stages Diatonique @ Fête de l'accordéon - France
Bandoneon-Workshop mit Alfonso Covarrubias - DE/Chile
Seacroft Festival 2018 - UK
11th Annual Kevin Friedrich and Friends Dargaville Museum Concert - New Zealand
Konzertina – Frühjahrskurs in Bad Berneck - Deutschland
Stage d'accordéon diatonique Jean-Marc Rohart - France
Masterclass with Saul Rose | Melodion - Canberra/Australia
Melodeon course at the Halsway Manor/National Centre for Folk Arts - UK
46th Annual Rayne Frog Festival - Louisiana/USA
Stage d'accordéon diatonique animé par Bruno Le Tron - France
Steirische Harmonika Seminar/Michaela Fürnschlief - Deutschland/Trossingen

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Duo Rodríguez Franceschini - Spain/Holland
Annual Rayne Frog Festival, Rayne City, Louisiana - USA
Doppio concerto: Fragole e Tempesta + Kesakò - Bologna/Italy
Danças Ocultas au Quebec - Canada
Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic "Timeless Suite" - Austria
Blackberry Jam performing @ National Folk Festival Canberra - Australia
Beltango @ Bonner Tango Festival/St.Adelheid - Bonn/DE
ELANOR/Bal Folk @ Folkarria - Spain/Belgium

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD "Until the End" by Horace Trahan - USA
Antonio Grosso e orchestra "La Paganini" - ITALIA

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

Diatonic Accordion Producer/Artist Bernard Loffet died 31st March 2018 - France

by Harley Jones

Video 1: Sbrando, traditional dance of Piémont 2008
Video 2: Bernard Loffet in 2013 at La Châtre
Caudan, Bretagne, France.

With great sadness we report the death of diatonic accordion producer and performer Bernard Loffet at the age of 52 years on March 31st, 2018. He leaves behind his children Maïwenn, Enora, Maëlys and Erell,

Bernard rests at the Caudan funeral home from 4 pm
The civil ceremony will take place at Kerlétu's funeral center on Wednesday, April 4th, at 14.45, followed by cremation at 15.45. This notice serves as an invitation and a thank you.

PF Jacob, Quéven such.

Sounding Out the Accordion

Gratis-Eintrittskarten f.d.Grazer Frühjahrsmesse 28.4.-1.5.2018 - Österreich

by Diatonic News
Müller CarbonEnde April ist die Firma Müller mit ihren Harmonikas auf der Grazer Frühjahrsmesse in der Stadthalle vertreten. Aus diesem Grund gibt es ein passendes Gewinnspiel für Sie. Machen Sie mit und gewinnen Sie Tageseintritte für diesen attraktiven Event.

So einfach geht's: Schreiben Sie an office@harmonika.at; die fünf Schnellsten bekommen jeweils 2 Tickets. (keine Barablöse).

Neben einer großen Modellauswahl am Stand gibt es noch einige Zusatz-Messezuckerln. Harmonikas, Harmonika-Koffer und -Rucksäcke, Harmonika-Zubehör, Harmonika-Uhren und -Sparkassen sind vor Ort um 10 % preisreduziert.


What Are You Doing For World Accordion Day? - International

by Harley Jones
What are you doing for World Accordion Day to promote the accordion in your country? World Accordion day is on May 6th, which is the day the accordion was patented in 1829.

World Accordion Day was started in 2009 by the CIA and has been very successful, generating a lot of positive publicity for the accordion. A key part of this event is the World Accordion Day website.

Every association, group, orchestra, performer and teacher, is asked to actively support this event by encouraging national and local accordion activities to happen in their country on this day or the weekend either side of Accordion Day if that should be more convenient.

Everyone can register their World Accordion Day activity on the website and send a report of their event after, for that website.

No event is too big or too small. ALL accordion events celebrating World Accordion Day are welcome. This is a CIA promotion for the accordion in which every accordion enthusiast can participate and help bring our accordion world together as well as strongly promote the accordion.

Voci Armoniche

Reno Folk Festival/concorso MAURO BURNELLI - Italia

by Diatonic News
Reno Folk Festival
Reno Folk Festival organizza il primo Concorso Musicale "Mauro Burnelli", rivolto a singoli musicisti e gruppi musicali, che si dedicano al repertorio balfolk. Iscrizione gratuita e montepremi di €500 + esibizione durante il festival.

Tutte le info su www.renofolkfestival.it

Friedrich Lips Book


by Diatonic News
Molden, Resetarits, Soyka, Wirth

Bis 27.März konnte man einmal wöchentlich für seinen Favoriten abstimmen. Am Donnerstag 27. April findet die Verleihung der Awards im Wiener Volkstheater statt.

In der Kategorie Volksmusik: Die Seer, Nockalmquintett, die Jungen Zillertaler
In der Kategorie: Jazz/World/Blues: Molden, Resetarits, Soyka, Wirth

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Internationale Musikmesse 2018 Frankfurt - Germany

by Diatonic News
Musikmesse Frankfurt
Musikmesse in Frankfurt is the international trade fair for musical instruments, sheet music, music production and marketing.

◾Wednesday 11 April to Saturday 14 April 2018, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
◾open daily for Trade and Private visitors
◾More than 30.000 instruments shown in seven exhibition halls
◾Outdoor area with festival atmosphere: Stages, Foodtrucks and more
◾Prolight + Sound: Tuesday, 11 April to Friday 14 April, new on the eastern section of Messe Frankfurt

The Frankfurt Musikmesse is the world's leading trade fair for the world of music. There, you will find a complete range of products with everything required for making music, not to mention innumerable workshops, concerts, demonstrations and discussion events.

This year all "free reed instruments" will be exposed in HALL 8/Groundfloor - so, get ready for this event and do not miss!!!

A full report of the Musikmesse will be online in our news.

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Das grosse Schlagerfest mit Florian Silbereisen - Deutschland

by Harley Jones
Florian SilbereisenVideo: Andrea Berg & Florian Silbereisen, Flieg mit mir fort.

Freiburg 03.04.2018, Dienstag, 19:30, SICK Arena
Saarbrücken 04.04.2018, Mittwoch, 19:30, Saarlandhalle
Trier 05.04.2018, Donnerstag, 19:30, Arena Trier
Stuttgart 06.04.2018, Freitag, 19:30, Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle
Mannheim 07.04.2018, Samstag, 19:30, SAP ARENA
Neu-Ulm 08.04.2018, Sonntag, 18:00, ratiopharm arena
Bamberg 09.04.2018, Montag, 19:30, brose Arena Bamberg
Magdeburg 11.04.2018, Mittwoch, 19:30, GETEC-Arena
Riesa 12.04.2018, Donnerstag, 19:30, SACHSENarena
München 13.04.2018, Freitag, 19:30, Olympiahalle München
Hannover 14.04.2018, Samstag, 20:00, TUI Arena
Halle / Westfalen 15.04.2018, Sonntag, 18:30, GERRY WEBER STADION
Münster 17.04.2018, Dienstag, 19:30, Messe und Congress Centrum Halle Münsterland
Schwerin 18.04.2018, Mittwoch, 19:30, Sport- und Kongresshalle
Rostock 19.04.2018, Donnerstag, 19:30, Stadthalle Rostock
Leipzig 20.04.2018, Freitag, 19:30, Arena - Leipzig
Berlin 21.04.2018, Samstag, 19:30, Mercedes-Benz Arena
Wien 23.04.2018, Montag, 19:30, Wiener Stadthalle - Halle D
Regensburg 24.04.2018, Dienstag, 19:30, Donau Arena
Erfurt26.04.2018, Donnerstag, 19:30,Messe
Nürnberg 27.04.2018, Freitag, 19:30, ARENA NÜRNBERGER Versicherung
Frankfurt am Main 28.04.2018, Samstag, 19:30, Festhalle Frankfurt
Chemnitz 29.04.2018, Sonntag, 18:00, Messe Chemnitz
Hamburg 30.04.2018, Montag, 19:30, Barclaycard Arena


TAG DER HARMONIKA 2018 in Tirol - DAY OF THE HARMONICA 2018 in Tyrol - Austria

by Werner Weibert
Der nächste TAG DER HARMONIKA findet im schönen Ambiente der Tiroler Bergwelt in ANGERBERG statt.

Der Wettbewerb ist INTERNATIONAL ausgeschrieben und gilt für Akkordeon Solo, Duo, Ensemble, Orchester, Weltmusik und auch Unterhaltungsmusik! / Steirische Harmonika Solo, Duo und Volksmusik / Mundharmonika Solo, Gruppen und Orchester!
Achtung! Es gibt auch GÄSTEKATEGORIEN !!!
Ausschreibung und Anmeldung: www.harmonikaverband.at

ANMELDESCHLUSS: 23.März 2018 !!!

Wir freuen uns auf Sie in Tirol!
Werner Weibert

Online translation!

Titano Accordions

Tejano Music Awards 2018 - Texas/USA

by Diatonic News
Tejano Music Awards 2018The Tejano Music Awards Fan Fair 2018 will took place at the Historic Market Square San Antonio, Texas from March 15th until 18th, 2018

Texas Talent Musicians Association is a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization whose purpose is to promote professional excellence; a better understanding and greater appreciation for Tejano music; and to provide a public forum for songwriters, performers and musicians in order to recognize their artistic efforts and achievements through the annual Tejano Music Awards and related events. Texas Talent Musicians Association is based in San Antonio, Texas: “The Tejano Music Capital Of The World.”®

4 days full of music on many stages with an endless list of performers - for winners of various categories views:


Accordion Jazz Chord

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Konzertina Frühjahrskurs in Kleinlosnitz - DE

by Diatonic News
Helmut SpörlSamstag 07.04.2018 - Samstag 21.04.2018 in Kleinlosnitz, Landkreis Hof, Oberfranken

Konzertina – spielen und lernen. Frühjahrskurs in Kleinlosnitz

Eingeladen sind alle, die das musikantische Spiel auf der Konzertina erlernen oder weiter vertiefen möchten. Helmut Spörl, ein erfahrener Konzertinamusikant und Kenner dieses Instruments, betreut jeden Teilnehmer individuell. Leihinstrumente können zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Uhrzeit wird in persönlicher Absprache vereinbart. Um Anmeldung bei Theo Knopf, Tel. 09288 6986, wird gebeten.

Weitere Termine:
05.05., 19.05

Natioinal Folk Festival Canberra - Australia

by Diatonic News
From high-end entertainment to the expression of folk-life through grassroots and community activities our multifaceted National Folk Festival is the ultimate celebration of all things folk. The program is designed to inspire, enliven and entertain. From traditional and contemporary grooves to the quirky and the endearing it features all the key elements that make people want to come from everywhere to be part of it.


Charnwood Music Publishing

FOLKARRIA ECO FESTI-BAL 2018/Valdemorillo - Madrid (ESPAÑA)

by Diatonic News
13 al 15 de abril 2018,
Folkarria eco Festi-bal is a folk music festival.

Folkarria eco Festi-bal wants to recover and extend the traditional dances as well as the European folk music, making them a tool for the integration of different cultures, combining them with actions of ecological and responsible awareness, in addition to a series of participative activities for adults and children.

The 8th edition of "Folkarria eco Festi-bal" will be hold throughout a weekend, presenting a musical offer of national and international bands. In addition there will be music and dance workshops of different parts of the world and shows of traditional Spanish folk for all public.

The festival also organizes an eco-social market, a craft market, a space for debates, exhibitions and other activities, as well as art and movement games for children and performances of traditional folk. One more year, the music and dance contest Folkarria for debutant bands is underway.

El festival pretende recuperar y difundir tanto las danzas tradicionales como la música folk europea, haciendo de ellas un instrumento para la integración de diferentes culturas, combinándolas con acciones de sensibilización ecológica y consumo responsable, además de una serie de actividades participativas para adultos y niñ@s.

La 8ª edición de "Folkarria eco Festi-bal" se desarrollará una vez más a lo largo de todo un fin de semana, presentando una oferta musical de grupos nacionales e internacionales. Además, habrá talleres de instrumentos y talleres de danza de diversas partes del mundo y actuaciones del folklore español tradicional para todos los públicos.

El festival ofrece paralelamente un mercado eco-solidario, feria de artesanía, espacio para debates, exposiciones y otras actividades, como talleres de juego, arte, y movimiento para niños y actuaciones del folklore tradicional popular. Un año más, se pone en marcha el Concurso Folkarria de música y baile para grupos noveles.


Voci Armoniche

Fête de l'accordéon - France

by Diatonic News
25e.7 & 8 avril 2018
Stages : École du Centre, bd du Midi, Nanterre
Grand BalTrad : Hall de la salle des congrès, Mairie de Nanterre
E-mail: stage@diatotrad.fr
Phone: 01 47 80 88 38 (Anne-Catherine) ou 06 77 60 10 70 (Jean-Pierre)



Stages Diatonique @ Fête de l'accordéon - France

by Diatonic News

Bandoneon-Workshop mit Alfonso Covarrubias - DE/Chile

by Diatonic News
Alfonso Covarrubiasjetzt anmelden f. das Bandoneon Workshop mit Dozent: Alfonso Covarrubias aus Chile

Sa 16.06.2018 09.00 – 12.00 Uhr und 14.00 – 17.00 Uhr
So 17.06.2018 10.00 – 12.00 Uhr und 14.00 – 16.00 Uhr
Anmeldeschluss: 18.05.2018
(max. Teilnehmerzahl: 10 Personen)

Themen: Einführung an das Bandoneon, Das Bandoneon im Argentinische Tango, Das Bandoneon im Argentinische und Chilenische Volksmusik


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Seacroft Festival 2018 - UK

by Harley Jones

Video above: The superb Lars Karlsson Band concert led by Lars Karlsson at the recent 2018 XX Kokkola Accordion Festival in Finland. This was a concert and they also made very enjoyable pub performances and school concerts that were loved by the audiences and they were always called back for more and more. Easy to see why they have been a chart topper in Sweden.

This years guest from Sweden and Norway:
Lars Karlssons and Øivind Farmen

Don't miss!

11th Annual Kevin Friedrich and Friends Dargaville Museum Concert - New Zealand

by Heather Masefield
Kevin Friedrich
Kevin Friedrich and Friends PosterThe Lighthouse Function Center in Dargaville, New Zealand was filled to capacity for the 11th Annual Afternoon of Music with Kevin Friedrich and Friends, a variety Show featuring accordionists and entertainers from throughout New Zealand. The show called 'A Touch of Kiwi' featured a variety of music, including quite a few items of New Zealand interest.

The concert host Kevin Friedrich performed a variety of accordion works plus a delightful original suite of four pieces called "Rehutai..... a view from the end of the Road" using the Kauri Diatonic.

Composed by Kevin Friedrich, the piece is inspired by the rural road Rehutai (Sea Spray in Maori), the place where Kevin grew up, a road which runs parallel to the spectacular coast line of the West Coast of New Zealand near Dargaville.

A local Dargaville odysee, the piece 'Rehutai... a view from the end of the Road' depicts four tales from the windy road found parallel to the coast line near Baylys Beach on the West Coast of the northern part of New Zealand.

(1) Dawn's Waltz tells of the frequent visits of the cheeky native New Zealand Fantail birds searching for bugs on the windows. Leaving little marks, they were in turn transcribed onto manuscript, turning into this lovely waltz dedicated to Dawn Taylor and her late husband Laurie, residents of Rehutai Road since 1957.

(2) Charlie's Return is the story of a solo Californian Quail who often strutted through, sometimes pausing to sing out his signature call. The distinctive call of the bird is heard during the March.

(3) Sunset on Trig Hill, An Evening Prayer is inspired by the stunning sunsets from this panoramic high point. Trig Hill is the highest point in the area, offering unparalelled views of more than 50 miles of ocean, the mountains and back to the Dargaville township.

(4) Rehutai, a Jig, is the final piece of the set and takes the listener on a journey down this windy metal road, the lifetime location of the Friedrich family farms.

Picture below: The unique diatonic Kauri accordion has a most interesting history and here you can see the bellows with the inlay of a New Zealand silver fern. You can see more about this International project between New Zealand and Finland by reviewing the Kauri Diatonic story.

Titano Accordions

Konzertina – Frühjahrskurs in Bad Berneck - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Theo KnopfSamstag 14.04.2018 - Samstag 28.04.18 in Bad Berneck, Landkreis Bayreuth, Oberfranken

Konzertina – spielen und lernen. Frühjahrskurs in Bad Berneck

Beratungsstelle für Volksmusik in Franken, Bahnhofstr. 81

Eingeladen sind alle, die das musikantische Spiel auf der Konzertina erlernen oder weiter vertiefen möchten. Theo Knopf, ein erfahrener Konzertinamusikant und Kenner dieses Instruments, betreut jeden Teilnehmer individuell. Leihinstrumente können zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Uhrzeit wird in persönlicher Absprache vereinbart. Um Anmeldung bei Theo Knopf, Tel. 0921 42271, wird gebeten.

Weitere Termine:
12.05., 26.05. Terminänderungen vorbehalten



Stage d'accordéon diatonique Jean-Marc Rohart - France

by Diatonic News
Stage d'accordéon diatonique animé par Jean-Marc Rohart

« Enrichir ses mélodies »

Comprendre le rapport entre la mélodie et les accords pour améliorer son jeu, trouver des pistes de variations rythmiques et mélodiques de ses morceaux.

niveau : moyen à confirmé
Le samedi 16 juin 2018
de 14h à 18h
Tarif : 35€

Lieu : Les Terrasses 10 bis boulevard des Bouvets 92000 Nanterre

RER Nanterre Préfecture - Bus 163
inscriptions : http://weekend.diatotrad.fr
renseignements, pédagogie :
rohart.jean-marc@bbox.fr – 06 83 11 27 68

Voci Armoniche

Masterclass with Saul Rose | Melodion - Canberra/Australia

by Diatonic News
Saul RoseCanberry until 2nd of April 2018

Saul was a long time member of Waterson:Carthy, winning two BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards with ‘Broken Ground’ and forming a duo with Eliza Carthy. He is a founder member of new folk big band Eliza Carthy and The Wayward band. He has played on numerous albums as a guest, including Jackie Oates’ album ‘Hyperboreans’, Norma Waterson and Eliza Carthy’s album ‘The Gift’ and the soundtrack for the films ‘Morris- A Life With Bells On’ and ‘Far From The Madding Crowd’. He was nominated for the Musician of The Year award in the 2010 BBC Folk Awards and during 2011 took the part of Songman in the West End play War Horse.

image One of the England’s leading melodeon experts, and tutor with the English Youth Folk Ensemble, Folkworks and Melodeons at Witney, Saul welcomes melodeon players of all ages and abilities as he looks at every aspect of the instrument. Melodies, ornamentation, and embellishment, chords and accompaniment will be addressed, as well as repertoire and instrument maintenance.

Subscribe at: http://folkfestival.org.au/master-classes/

Melodeon course at the Halsway Manor/National Centre for Folk Arts - UK

by Diatonic News
EDEd’s melodeon box Club 4 Absolute Beginners
6 April, 11 May at 11am–1pm, 2018

A fun and friendly group for those wishing to learn the D/G melodeon. For absolute beginners, Ed has boxes available to borrow by prior arrangement – contact him on 01363 774426 – or bring your own DG box if you have one.

Term dates are as follows:
6 April, 11 May 8 June and 20 July.
The workshop runs from 11am till 1pm, followed by a light lunch included in the price.

Who’s it For?

Total beginners! This is for those who have never so much as picked-up a melodeon before. You don’t need prior musical experience, and you don’t need to read music (Ed will teach you to read music as the course progresses). Everyone, all ages, is welcome.


46th Annual Rayne Frog Festival - Louisiana/USA

by Diatonic News

Accordion Jazz Chords

Stage d'accordéon diatonique animé par Bruno Le Tron - France

by Diatonic News
Bruno le Tron« Technique instrumentale »

Nous travaillerons la musicalité, l'utilisation du soufflet, l'ornementation. Nous verrons sur un même morceau différentes façons de l'accompagner avec la main gauche.

Apprentissage à l'oreille du répertoire à danser, traditionnel ou de composition.

Deux morceaux sont disponibles sur la Diatothèque en amont pour se concentrer sur l'essentiel durant le stage.

niveau : confirmé
Le dimanche 17 juin 2018
de 14h à 18h
Tarif : 35€

Lieu : Les Terrasses 10 bis boulevard des Bouvets 92000 Nanterre
RER Nanterre Préfecture - Bus 163
inscriptions : http://weekend.diatotrad.fr
renseignements, pédagogie :
brunoletron@gmail.com – 03 44 08 78 24

Steirische Harmonika Seminar/Michaela Fürnschlief - Deutschland/Trossingen

by Diatonic News
Michaela Fürnschlief
Do 05.04.2018 09.00 – 18.00 Uhr
Fr 06.04.2018 09.00 – 18.00 Uhr
(max. Teilnehmerzahl 12 Personen)

Dozentin: Michaela Fürnschlief
Voraussetzung: keine Notenkenntnisse erforderlich
Thema: Durch das schnelle Erlernen der Griffschrift bekommen Sie ein Erfolgserlebnis auf der Steirischen Harmonika. Lernen Sie die echte alpenländische Volksmusik kennen und deren Platz in der heutigen Musik. Beim Einzelunterricht wird individuell auf Fragen und das Üben von erlernten Spielweisen eingegangen.

Anmeldung: http://www.hohner-konservatorium.de/produkt/steirische-harmonika/

Titano Accordions

Future events / Concerts

Duo Rodríguez Franceschini - Spain/Holland

by Diatonic News
Duo Rodríguez Franceschini
Sunday 15th April 2018 - 15h

Duo Rodriguez Franceschini is the musical project created by Ramón Rodriguez (Pan de Capazo) and Emanuel Franceschini (Trikosis), longtime friends and neighbours for a little less in this peculiar natural place, which is the Hof van Wezel.

Here life is somewhat calmer, we build our houses and common spaces with wood and recycled material. There is space for forests, orchards and horses and children can run freely going from house to house. This is where the melodies of the DRF come to life and little by little they acquire their final form, as if they themselves decided how they want to be played.


Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Annual Rayne Frog Festival, Rayne City, Louisiana - USA

by Diatonic News
2017 Rayne Frog Festival competitors
Rayne Frog Festival logoThe annual Rayne Frog Festival, sponsored by the City of Rayne, will be held May 10-12 with a full schedule of music, delicious foods and drinks, signature events such as frog racing and jumping, Arts & Crafts show, Dance contest, Accordion contest, and the Grand Parade.

Picture above: 2017 accordion winners.

Accordion performances include the 2017 contest winners with the 2018 accordion competition scheduled for 10:45 am Saturday on the Main Stage.

The winners will perform on the Saturday afternoon.

For further information phone: 337-334-2332

eSheet Music Titles

Doppio concerto: Fragole e Tempesta + Kesakò - Bologna/Italy

by Diatonic News
Fragole e Tempesta + Kesakò
Warm up for the RFF 2018 (Reno Folk Festival)
venerdì 20 aprile a partire dalle ore 21:00
Circolo Arci San Lazzaro
Via Bellaria 7, 40068 San Lazzaro di Savena

L'edizione 2018 del Reno Folk Festival si terrà dal 7 al 10 Giugno presso il Circolo ARCI Bellaria a San Lazzaro di Savena, Bologna.

Per info: renofolkfestiva.it

Titano Accordions

Danças Ocultas au Quebec - Canada

by Diatonic News
Danças Ocultas
8 eventi · 10 aprile - 21 aprile 2018

Entre tradition et compositions originales, la douce nostalgie de ce quatuor envoûte et charme. Loin du folklore, proche de l’histoire et en plein accord avec l’idée de création contemporaine, la musique de Danças Ocultas est un appel au voyage.

21 ABR • LÉVIS, QC • L’Anglicane • 20h

19 ABR • SHAWINIGAN, QC • Maison de la culture Francis Brisson • 20h

17 ABR • BAIE-COMEAU, QC • Centre des arts de Baie-Comeau • 20h

15 ABR • SEPT ÎLES, QC • Salle Jean-Marc Dion de Sept-Îles • 20h

14 ABR • MATANE, QC • Salle Lucien Bellemare (Cégep de Matane) • 20h

13 ABR • GASPÉ, QC • Salle de Spectacle de Gaspé • 19h30

12 ABR • CARLETON-SUR-MER, QC • Studio Hydro-Québec Quai des Arts • 20h

10 ABR • OUTREMONT (MONTRÉAL), QC • Théâtre Outremont

Info: https://dancasocultas.com/

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic "Timeless Suite" - Austria

by Diatonic News
Ein Konzert am Samstag,
den 7 April 2018
von 20:00 bis 23:00 h

in A, Ranshofen, Schloßtarverne, Kaminzimmer

mit Klaus Paier & Asja Valcic

"Timeless Suite"

F.weitere Info: http://www.klauspaier.com

Voci Armoniche

Blackberry Jam performing @ National Folk Festival Canberra - Australia

by Diatonic News
Blackberry JamBlackberry Jam has performed for the delight of people all ages for the past 25 years! Be ready for an abundance of energy, expertise and fun as they take the stage at this year's NFF. On stage, at a dance or at the KidzFest, you'll be tapping your toes to some of Australia's finest bush music.

For performance info view: http://folkfestival.org.au/

Sounding Out the Accordion

Beltango @ Bonner Tango Festival/St.Adelheid - Bonn/DE

by Diatonic News


ELANOR/Bal Folk @ Folkarria - Spain/Belgium

by Diatonic News
ElanorFriday 13th April 2018 / 12h

Elanor is a young Belgian folk group with roots in Ghent.

In May of 2013, five seasoned musicians put their instruments together. A steaming accordion, a solid and sound hurdy-gurdy, virtuosic bagpipes and swinging flutes served in a spicy broth of bass and guitar. The music is energetic, easy to dance to and innovative with traditional elements. Original compositions and arrangements also allow a sitting audience to swing with pleasure.

Bert Leemans (EmBRUN, Les Boîtes, Triple-X, Variomatic) and Bart Praet have known each other for years as fellow musical countrymen. One melody after another emerged from Bart’s bagpipes and flutes. Bert eagerly caught the melodies and secretly stored them between the panels of his accordion. Some time later Bert shared the stage with Thomas Hoste (Cecilia). Presumably both hurdy-gurdy devotees stood listening to a mouth watering French hurdy-gurdy group... with a lot of desire to start working together. The three gentlemen met, the seed of Elanor had sprouted! The trio was immediately reinforced by a finely tuned DADGAD guitar, played by the keen and young scion Kuni Quintens. Jelle Van Cleemputte (Les Bandits de Belleville) ensures with his jazzy bass lines that the drone violence is enveloped in beautiful harmonies.

In 2013, Elanor launched a demo CD, rather as a business card to organizers. The first full CD "A Clear Look" came in the spring of 2016.


Voci Armoniche

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