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Diatonic News - Feb-2018
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Voci Armoniche


What Are You Doing For World Accordion Day? - International
Centenario della morte di Paolo Soprani - Castelfidardo/Italia
XX Kokkolan Talviharmonikka/Winter Festival - Finland
TAG DER HARMONIKA 2018 in Tirol - DAY OF THE HARMONICA 2018 in Tyrol - Austria
Big Squeeze/Texas Folk Life - USA
Paolo Fresu/Daniele di Bonaventura @ Copenhagen Winter Jazz Festival - Italia/Denmark
‘Folk n’ Irish Cruise’ - Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Mexico

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Celtic Connections Festival - Scotland
Stage accordéon diatonic/Improvisation musicale - France
Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh - Ireland
Workshoph/Chromatische Mundharmonika für Einsteiger - Trossingen/DE
Corsi di Organetti online - Italia
Stage d'accordéon diatonique animé par Jean-Marc Rohart - France
Leit`n-Toni-Volksmusik-Seminar - Germany
19th Gathering Traditional Festival - IRELAND
14. Schwäbisches Harmonika-Seminar - Deutschland
Mundharmonika Workshop mit Isabella Krapf - Wien/Austria
Corsi/Scuola di Organetto - Italia
Stage d'accordéon diatonique animé par Odile Aubry - France
The 2018 Gathering Traditional Festival Workshops - Ireland
Akkordeon- und Harmonikaworkshop - Wien/Österreich
Concertina week-ends in Nijmegen - Holland
Bass und Akkord für Einsteige/rMundharmonika-Workshop - Trossingen/DE
6th Annual Concertina Cruinniú - Ireland
Stage accordéon Diatonique avec Bruno Le Tron - FR/Lyon

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Kokkola Valentine's Day concert - Finland
Geno Delafose & French Rockin Boogie - LA/USA
Fergie MacDonald: The Ceilidh King - Scotland
Concert Didier Laloy/Belem - FR/Paris
Buttons & Bows Concert Feb - Ireland
Chubby Carrie/cajun, zydeco, & swamp pop - USA/New Orleans
DIE STEIRER KOMMEN … MIT QUETSCHN @ Akkordeonfestival/Vienna
Filippo Gambetta e project in concert/febbraio 2018 - Italia
Elefant Session @ Celtic Connection - Scotland/Glasgow
Terry and the Zydeco Bad Boys - 70118/USA
Guardia Nueva - Enternainment concert - Finland
Dana Point Cajun/Zydeco Night - USA
Lars Karlsson Band performing in Kokkola - FI/Sweden
natürlich DIEM nämlich STICKLER (AT) - Akkordeonfestival/wien
Afternoon Concert in Killarney, Co.Kerry - Ireland

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD Didier Laloy Belem and The Mekanics - Belgium

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

What Are You Doing For World Accordion Day? - International

by Harley Jones
What are you doing for World Accordion Day to promote the accordion in your country? World Accordion day is on May 6th, which is the day the accordion was patented in 1829.

World Accordion Day was started in 2009 by the CIA and has been very successful, generating a lot of positive publicity for the accordion. A key part of this event is the World Accordion Day website.

Every association, group, orchestra, performer and teacher, is asked to actively support this event by encouraging national and local accordion activities to happen in their country on this day or the weekend either side of Accordion Day if that should be more convenient.

Everyone can register their World Accordion Day activity on the website and send a report of their event after, for that website.

No event is too big or too small. ALL accordion events celebrating World Accordion Day are welcome. This is a CIA promotion for the accordion in which every accordion enthusiast can participate and help bring our accordion world together as well as strongly promote the accordion.

Sounding Out the Accordion

Centenario della morte di Paolo Soprani - Castelfidardo/Italia

by Diatonic News
Paolo SopraniOmaggio al padre della Fisarmonica - Paolo Soprani

Castelfidardo 20 febbraio 2018
Auditorium San Francesco - dalle 9.00 alle 22.30

Una giornata per rendere omaggio alla figura di Paolo Soprani e ricordare il suo ruolo nella diffusione della fisarmonica nel mondo

Non so cos’abbia di tanto comunicativo la fisarmonica che quando la sentiamo ci si stringe il cuore”
(Gabriel Garcia Marquez – 1948)

L’Amministrazione Comunale in collaborazione con
il Circolo Culturale Filatelico Numismatico “Federico
Matassoli”, la Civica Scuola di Musica Paolo Soprani,
il Museo Internazionale della Fisarmonica e la Pro-Loco
racconteranno l’illustre cittadino con mostre, musica,
annullo postale e cartoline.

ore 9.00-12.30
Beniamino Bugiolacchi e Christian Riganelli
presentano la figura di Paolo Soprani ai ragazzi delle scuole
• Brani musicali eseguiti dai ragazzi della Civica Scuola di musica “P. Soprani”
• Ufficio Postale Temporaneo di Poste Italiane con annullo dedicato
• Emissione francobollo personalizzato delle “POSTE LUSSEMBURGO”
ore 9.00-22.30
• Mostra fotografica: “I grandi della musica suonano una Paolo Soprani”
ore 21.15
• Concerto dei vincitori del PIF2017
LUIGI PRESTA organetto (World Music)
MANUEL MARCHEGIANI fisarmonica (Varietè)


XX Kokkolan Talviharmonikka/Winter Festival - Finland

by Diatonic News
XX Kokkolan Talviharmonikka

Kokkola winter accordion Festival takes place in the middle of winterwith shows in all parts of the city. The Church of Konservatoriolta, S-Kallentorille, Lohtajalta Ullavalle and Kälviälle.
Very small it started for the first time in March 1999 with five concert. The line was clear at the time: varied, high-quality and for people of all ages!

– In February, Kokkola, with many international guests arriving, will celebrate the 20th edition of the Festival. Chinese sheng-soloist Wo Wei gives concerts at the beginning of the week, on Tuesday, 13th February in the Conservatory.

-Sheng is a Chinese mouth-organ. More than 3000 years old, which is all vapaalehdykkäsoittimien – for all accordion, harmonica, bandoneonin and vibrandeonin – its mother. Wu Wei is concidered to be the most important peroformer worldwide of this instrument. He has been performing for decades with the momst important musicians and orchestras such as the Berlin and Los Angeles Philharmonic.

The international meeting in Kokkola
Kokkola winter accordion Festival will bring the value of the international set of guests when the CIA (founded in 1935 in Paris as European Internationale des Accordéonistes = International Accordion Association) will hold their three-day Conference in Kokkola.

– In Innsbruck, Austria, two years ago, it was decided that this year's Conference will be held in the context of Kokkola winter accordion XX. This is a really big thing and significant appreciation. Guests arriving from all over the world, including New Zealand.

For more - visit: http://www.talviharmonikka.com/

Voci Armoniche

TAG DER HARMONIKA 2018 in Tirol - DAY OF THE HARMONICA 2018 in Tyrol - Austria

by Werner Weibert
Der nächste TAG DER HARMONIKA findet im schönen Ambiente der Tiroler Bergwelt in ANGERBERG statt.

Der Wettbewerb ist INTERNATIONAL ausgeschrieben und gilt für Akkordeon Solo, Duo, Ensemble, Orchester, Weltmusik und auch Unterhaltungsmusik! / Steirische Harmonika Solo, Duo und Volksmusik / Mundharmonika Solo, Gruppen und Orchester!
Achtung! Es gibt auch GÄSTEKATEGORIEN !!!
Ausschreibung und Anmeldung: www.harmonikaverband.at

ANMELDESCHLUSS: 23.März 2018 !!!

Wir freuen uns auf Sie in Tirol!
Werner Weibert

Online translation!

Friedrich Lips Book

Big Squeeze/Texas Folk Life - USA

by Diatonic News
Big Squeeze Texas Folk Life
TEXAS FOLKLIFE PRESENTS The Big Squeeze Talent Showcase & Auditions – Ennis

Texas Folklife is pleased to announce that our first Big Squeeze Talent Showcase of 2018 will take place in Ennis at the Ennis Czech Music Festival at Sokol Hall on Saturday, February 10, 2018.

The Big Squeeze Talent Showcase & Audition at the Ennis Czech Music Festival is one of many Big Squeeze events across Texas in 2018. Texas Folklife's Big Squeeze Accordion Program searches for the top youth accordionist talent in Texas. All genres of accordion music are welcome including Conjunto, Zydeco, Cajun, Polka and more.

The Polka Category has been extended include ages 25 and under.

Accordionists who cannot attend this showcase to audition can submit an audition video by going to: http://texasfolklife.org/bigsqueeze2018 by March 23 at 11:59pm.

Finalists will be announced in early-to-mid April and will perform at the Big Squeeze Finals at the Bullock Texas State History Museum in Austin on April 21.

The Big Squeeze Talent Showcase & Auditions – Ennis
Saturday, February 10, 2018 (Registration: 1pm until showtime at the Texas Folklife booth, Show: 430pm)
Sokol Hall
2622 E. Hwy. 34, Ennis, TX 75119

-Charlie Lockwood, Director of Texas Folklife and Emcee and Master of Ceremony
-Young accordionists will be accompanied by members of Czech & Then Some. Music to follow by David Slovak on the piano accordion, Charlie Patak on the chromatic accordion, and Jerry Petter on the button accordion. All three aficionados will play two songs together featuring the three different accordions.

Show Timeline:

1pm: Doors & Registration Opens
430pm: Show Start w/ Opening Remarks by Charlie Lockwood & Danny Zapletal
435pm: Big Squeeze Auditions Begin
After Auditions: Music by above listed musicians

Complete Festival Line-up:

9:30-11:00 PM: CZECH & THEN SOME

We are excited to find and showcase accordion talent! The emphasis for this showcase is POLKA. The Polka genre will include German, Czech, and Polish traditions. Cajun / Zydeco will include Creole, Cajun and Zydeco musical traditions. Conjunto will include Norteño and Tejano. Please contact Texas Folklife if you are unsure under which category your music falls.

All young accordionists in any of the above styles are encouraged to show up an hour before start time to register for our contest.

Registration to audition begins at 2pm, Auditions are at 3pm and music by Los Morales Boyz & Luis Gonzalez, 2017 Big Squeeze Grand Prize Winner to follow.

For details, entry rules and entry form, GO TO: http://texasfolklife.org/bigsqueeze2018

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Paolo Fresu/Daniele di Bonaventura @ Copenhagen Winter Jazz Festival - Italia/Denmark

by Diatonic News
Paolo Fresu/Daniele di Bonaventura
Paolo Fresu (Trumpet/Flugelhorn / IT)
Daniele di Bonaventura (Bandoneon / IT)
8/9/10 February 2018 - Jazzhus Montmartre, København K 20h

The Italian trumpet and flugelhorn player, Paolo Fresu, is one of the most important jazz musicians on the European scene today. He has collaborated with a large part of the European elite as well as top-shelf artists from the US. However, his well-deserved reputation is due to his creative outings as a solo artist and band leader, which has earned him a large following that admires his expansive performances and fine soft tone, which, according to some critics, carries much resemblance to a certain Chet Baker. Paolo Fresu will perform together with fellow countryman, Daniele di Bonaventura, who is a bandoneonist, whose collaborations extend from classical music to contemporary music, from jazz to tango and world music.


Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

‘Folk n’ Irish Cruise’ - Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Mexico

by Rob Howard
pride of Moyvane
Ann KirraneThe ‘Folk n’ Irish Cruise’ sails on board the Norwegian Epic cruise liner from February 3rd to 10th, presenting a host of Irish musicians, singers, ceili bands and dancers. The liner sails from and back to Port Canaveral, Florida, visiting the Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Jamaica and Mexico, and the organiser is Joanie Madden, flute player with Cherish the Ladies.

The entertainers include Cherish the Ladies, singers Mary Black, TR Dallas and Susan McCann, accordionists Billy McComiskey, John Nolan and Seamus O’Sullivan, concertina player Ann Kirrane, the Pride of Moyvane Ceili Band, and many more.

For further information email: info@joaniemaddencruise.com

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Titano Accordions

Celtic Connections Festival - Scotland

by Diatonic News
18 Jan - 4 Feb 2018 - Celtic Connections 25th

Glasgow’s annual folk, roots and world music festival, Celtic Connections celebrates Celtic music and its connections to cultures across the globe. From 19 January to 5 February 2017​, some 2,100 musicians from around the world will descend on Glasgow and bring the city to life for 18 days of concerts, ceilidhs, talks, art exhibitions, workshops, and free events.

Celtic Connections is programmed by Artistic Director (and founding member of Celtic supergroup Capercaillie) Donald Shaw, and features more than 300 events across multiple genres of music.

The festival is renowned for its strong spirit of collaboration, bringing together one-off line-ups for very special one night only collaborative shows. The camaraderie between musicians continues into the wee small hours at the late-night Festival Club – home of legendary musical collaborations and spontaneous sessions.

“There are situations that you’ll see where people are playing that you’ll never see again, or if you do, it’s because it worked here first.” Donald Shaw, Artistic Director
For more:

Accordion Jazz Chord

Stage accordéon diatonic/Improvisation musicale - France

by Diatonic News
Stage du 18 au 24 février 2018
à la MFR - La Grive à Bourgoin-Jallieu (38)

Jérémie Mignotte – Stéphane Milleret
Norbert Pignol – Patrick Reboud
Christophe Sacchettini – Jean-Pierre Sarzier

Ce stage est ouvert à tous les instrumentistes (voix comprise) et venant de tous les horizons musicaux. Il est encadré par six musiciens professionnels à partir d’un programme réparti en quatre groupes de niveaux, modulés et adaptés à tous :

Groupe 1 : débutants (initiation, découverte)
Groupe 2 : moyens (apprentissage)
Groupe 3 : confirmés (approfondissement)
Groupe 4 : confirmés ayant déjà suivi le stage en groupe 3 (master-class)

Plus sur:https://www.stagemydriase.fr/stage-d-improvisation-musicale/

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh - Ireland

by Diatonic News
Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh
Ballyferriter, Trá Lí, Kerry, Ireland

Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh is a 5 day Traditional Music School paying particular attention to the music, style and of the Corca Dhuibhne peninsula in Co. Kerry, Ireland on the Wild Atlantic Way.

The next Scoil Cheoil will run from Wednesday the 14th to Sunday the 18th of February, 2018 with about 25 classes in a wide range of instruments as well as sean-nós singing workshops and a sean-nós dance workshop. Over the 5 days there are concerts, sessions, singers’ nights, recitals, a pupils’ concert, guided walk, and all sorts of other events based on various aspects of our tradition.

Concerts will feature performances from many musicians including Steve Cooney, Dave Hegarty, Christy Barry, Dermot McLaughlin, Graham Guihan, Nell Ní Chróinín, Shane Mulchrone and plenty more. Coming to Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh not only gives people the opportunity to get a taste of the local music and song, but it gives people a chance to experience the richness of the Irish language here in the heart of the Kerry Gaeltacht.

More on: http://www.scoilcheoil.com

Workshoph/Chromatische Mundharmonika für Einsteiger - Trossingen/DE

by Diatonic News
Sa 03.03.2018 09.00 – 13.00 Uhr

Anmeldeschluss: (Mo) 19.02.2018
(max. Teilnehmerzahl 10 Personen)

Chromatische Mundharmonika für Einsteiger
Dozententeam: Mundharmonikaquartett „Harmonicamento“: Brigitte Burgbacher/Kathrin Gass/Birgit Käfer/Gerhard Müller
(Anzahl der Dozenten richtet sich nach der Teilnehmerzahl)
Voraussetzungen: Theoretische und praktische Vorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich. Bitte bringen Sie eine eigene chromatische Mundharmonika in C-Dur mit.
Literatur: Gass, K.: Schule für chromatische Mundharmonika, Teil 1 (€ 16,90), die nicht im Seminarpreis beinhaltet ist, kann am Seminartag erworben werden.
Thema: Hier erlernen Sie die ersten Grundkenntnisse auf der chromatischen Mundharmonika.
Ziel des Kurses: Erlernen der richtigen Haltung und Atemtechnik, Einzeltonspiel, leichte Musiktheorie mit Notenschrift und Notenwerten


Charnwood Music Publishing

Corsi di Organetti online - Italia

by Diatonic News
video presentazione: https://www.organetto.name/overview_ita.htm

Non hai mai suonato e vuoi iniziare? Sai già suonare ma vuoi arricchire il tuo repertorio e perfezionarti sotto la guida di un maestro professionale?

L'Accademia del Mantice ha pensato a quanti, non avendo il tempo o la possibilità di trovare un insegnante di organetto nella propria città, desiderano imparare acquisendo passo dopo passo non solo una corretta impostazione ma anche un repertorio eterogeneo.

Il corso multimediale online di organetto è suddiviso in due principali sezioni didattiche: CORSO BASE e REPERTORIO BRANI.

Per tutti gli informazioni:

Voci Armoniche

Stage d'accordéon diatonique animé par Jean-Marc Rohart - France

by Diatonic News
« Les rythmiques de base »

Travail autour des rythmiques 2 temps, 3 temps, binaires et ternaires pour accompagner les danses : valses, scottishs, mazurkas, jigs, etc.

Prérequis : connaître les accords de base.
niveau : moyen à confirmé

Le samedi 17 mars 2018
de 14h à 18h
Tarif : 35€

Lieu : Les Terrasses 10 bis boulevard des Bouvets 92000 Nanterre

RER Nanterre Préfecture - Bus 163
inscriptions : http://weekend.diatotrad.fr
renseignements, pédagogie :
rohart.jean-marc@bbox.fr – 06 83 11 27 68


Leit`n-Toni-Volksmusik-Seminar - Germany

by Harley Jones
Leit`n-Toni-Volksmusik-SeminarDas 11. Leit`n-Toni-Volksmusikseminar findet vom 23.-25.März 2018 statt - daher rechtzeitig anmelden!

Angeboten werden neben der " Ziach " auch Bass-Klarinette, Klarinette, Gitarre, Kontrabass, Ensemble

Angeboten werden auch ein großer Umfang an Notenheften in Griffschrift und Normalnotation für die Steirische Harmonika

Anmeldung unter www.winter-music.de

19th Gathering Traditional Festival - IRELAND

by Diatonic News
19th  Gathering Traditional Festival - IRELAND
This year’s Gathering Traditional Festival is one of the most richly diverse programmes we have had in years, and features everything from a celebration of Scottish Musicians Aly Bain & Phil Cunningham to vibrant music from The Raw Bar Collective, Des Dillon’s set dancing puppets and the outstanding voice of Séan O’Sé – expect magic and mayhem!

Now in its 19th year, The Gathering Traditional Festival is one of most loved festivals amongst traditional enthusiasts and is ideal for everyone from the hard core fans to the culturally curious. From fireside seisiúns to heart-pounding céilís, The Gathering Traditional Festival returns to Killarney for its from February 21 to 25.

The Gathering features concerts, céilís, sessions and storytelling as well as set dancing, singing and instrument masterclasses. Headquartered at The Gleneagle Hotel, this five-day festival attracts trad fans from the US, Britain, France, Germany and all over Ireland.


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

14. Schwäbisches Harmonika-Seminar - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Thomas GeyerVon 16. bis 18. März 2018 sind alle Interessierten zum 14. Schwäbischen Harmonika-Seminar nach Krumbach eingeladen.

Bekannte Musikanten und Lehrer aus der Volksmusik geben gerne Ihr Wissen weiter, folgende Ziele sollen im Einzelunterricht verwirklicht werden:
•Kennenlernen des Instruments
•Erlernen der Spieltechniken (Fingersatz ...)
•Ausprobieren des freien Spiels (ohne Griffschrift-Notation)
•freies Zusammenspiel (Begleiten ….)
•... und natürlich: Spaß am Musizieren zu finden!

Eingeladen sind alle, die Interesse am Harmonikaspiel haben, ob fortgeschritten, ob Anfänger, ob mit oder ohne Instrument (Leihinstrumente können zur Verfügung gestellt werden).

Das Seminar ist auf 60 Teilnehmer begrenzt. Es wird empfohlen sich rechtzeitig anzumelden, denn die Plätze werden entsprechend der Reihenfolge der Anmeldungen vergeben.

Das gemütliche Beisammensein nach dem Unterricht soll natürlich auch nicht zu kurz kommen.


Mundharmonika Workshop mit Isabella Krapf - Wien/Austria

by Diatonic News
Die Chromatische Mundharmonika für Anfänger_innen
So 25.2.2018 - 15-19h

Den Teilnehmer_innen wird an diesem Nachmittag vermittelt, was mit einer chromatischen Mundharmonika – die mit dem Schieber! – alles möglich ist. Richtiges Atmen, das Ansetzen des Instruments und wie mit Hilfe eines einfachen Zahlensystems schnell erste Melodien gespielt werden können.

Teilnahmegebühr: EUR 50,00 Anmeldung erforderlich!

office@volksliedwerk.at, www.volksliedwerk.at, +43/1/512 6335

Titano Accordions

Corsi/Scuola di Organetto - Italia

by Diatonic News


Stage d'accordéon diatonique animé par Odile Aubry - France

by Diatonic News
« Blues en Do Fa Sib »

Mélodie d'un blues simple à transposer. Les gammes blues de ces trois tonalités avec les accords

Accordéons 3 rangs
niveau : confirmé

Le dimanche 18 mars 2018
de 14h à 18h
Tarif : 35€

Lieu : Les Terrasses 10 bis boulevard des Bouvets 92000 Nanterre
RER Nanterre Préfecture - Bus 163
inscriptions : http://weekend.diatotrad.fr
renseignements, pédagogie :
odileaubry75@gmail.com – 06 87 72 04 88

Voci Armoniche

The 2018 Gathering Traditional Festival Workshops - Ireland

by Diatonic News
Bryan O’LearyPaudie O’ConnorThe 2018 Gathering Traditional Festival Workshops and Masterclasses Saturday February 24th, 2018
***Register from 9.30am at The Gleneagle Hotel Reception.

Instrument workshops for the Accordion and Concertina (next to other instruments)

•Accordian: Paudie O’Connor & Bryan O’Leary
•Concertina: Jack Talty & Brogan McCauliffe

For full details visit: https://inec.ie/festival/the-gathering/workshops/

Akkordeon- und Harmonikaworkshop - Wien/Österreich

by Diatonic News
Manuel SavronSteirische (Diatonische) Harmonika in der modernen Musik Sunday 14th March 2018 15:00 - 18:00
Bereich Akkordeon Festival

Steirische (Diatonische) Harmonika in der modernen Musik

Manuel Šavron (Diatonic Strings Duo) hilft die Fähigkeiten auf der Steirischen Harmonika zu erweitern. Fortgeschrittene erhalten Einblick in das Spiel von moderner Musik und Jazz Standards. Grundelemente des Arrangierens eines Liedes werden analysiert und praktisch umgesetzt (Jazz-Harmonielehre, Melodie, Begleitung).

Teilnahmegebühr: EUR 40,00 Anmeldung erforderlich!

ÖSTERREICHISCHES VOLKSLIEDWERK, Operngasse 6, 1010 Wien office@volksliedwerk.at, www.volksliedwerk.at, +43/1/512 6335
Österreichisches Volksliedwerk
Operngasse 6 / 1010 Wien
Telefon: +43 1 512 63 35 http://www.volksliedwerk.at

Concertina week-ends in Nijmegen - Holland

by Diatonic News
Mark SöhngenWinter Hiking-Concertina Weekend
20-22 February 2015 Berg en Dal (Nijmegen)
Winter Hiking-Concertina Weekend
6-8 March 2015 Berg en Dal (Nijmegen)

A weekend music and walking in the beautiful surroundings of Berg en Dal led by Mark Söhngen and Hilbert Post. Arrival Friday from 17.00 hours (dinner), end Sunday 16.00 hours.

The workshop... A sensitive minor Waltz, a sensual tango, a languid blues or a swinging polka? The right notes play is one thing, but how do you get such a melody than depending on sensitive or sensual or loom or swinging soft?
Mark's grandmother used to say: "C'est le ton qui fait la musique".
Therefore: in this workshop to be looked at how one can transfer notes into music: how to make a show, how do you present yourself, how to use the bellows - short, long, soft, hard, how to use your bellows, etc.

All on C/F and evt. G/C on the basis of a pair of beautiful, sensitive, sensual, lome and swinging melodies from the rich repertoire (and that is often more than you think) trekharmonikaspeler can choose, from all sorts of genres, from pop music to folk Bal.

Book quickly at: http://www.marksohngen.nl/Workshops.htm

Accordion Jazz Chords

Bass und Akkord für Einsteige/rMundharmonika-Workshop - Trossingen/DE

by Diatonic News
Birgit Kaefer
Fr 02.03.2018 14.00 – 18.00 Uhr
Anmeldeschluss: (Mo 19.02.2018) (max. Teilnehmerzahl 12 Personen)

Dozentinnen: Brigitte Burgbacher und Birgit Käfer
Voraussetzungen: Bitte bringen Sie Ihr eigenes Instrument mit. Theoretische und praktische Vorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich.
Thema: Grundkenntnisse des Bass- und Akkordspiels.
Ziel: Haltung und Ansatz mit verschiedenen Spielübungen


6th Annual Concertina Cruinniú - Ireland

by Diatonic News
The Concertina Cruinniú is an annual community, non-commercial event organised by Oidhreacht an Chláir to promote the musical and cultural heritage of Clare.


Information about the program, reservation, registration form at


Titano Accordions

Stage accordéon Diatonique avec Bruno Le Tron - FR/Lyon

by Diatonic News
bruno le Tron#Stage Style, phrasé, musicalité, ornementation, accords et accompagnements rythmiques

Du 10 février 2018 à 09:00 au 11 février 2018 à 17:00
Mjc Saint Rambert / 4 rue Sylvain Simondan, 69009 Lione

•• Le travail se fera à partir de compositions de Bruno
•• Apprentissage d'un thème de manière orale, Travail sur le style, le phrasé, la musicalité, l'ornementation ainsi que les accords et accompagnements rythmiques
•• Diato Sol / Do
•• Apprentissage uniquement de manière orale, n'hésitez pas à prendre un enregistreur
••Niveau requis : intermédiaire et confirmé

Pour plus infos: https://www.helloasso.com/associations/bretelles-du-monde/evenements/stage-accordeon-diatonique-avec-bruno-le-tron

Future events / Concerts

Kokkola Valentine's Day concert - Finland

by Diatonic News
Jorma Uotinen and Trio of Avec
Ke 14.2 is not Bad! – Singh To Paris
The Conservatory at 19.00
Pitkänsillankatu 16

Ke 14.2 is not Bad! – Singh To Paris

Valentine's Day concert
The Conservatory at 19.00
Pitkänsillankatu 16

The drama of the story is about the fascinating life of Jorma Uotinen's choreography "concert, in its various phases, the stretch of fine and difficult moments of todenmakuisesti. The story by Singh to Paris and images of others. The drama of the concert and an evening of unique personality combining Uotinen W14 hotel!

Songs as La vie en rose, You my eyes I, Where the wild roses grow, Love after, Padam padam, Dance me to the end of love and many others will be performed.


Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Geno Delafose & French Rockin Boogie - LA/USA

by Diatonic News
Geno DelafoseGeno Delafose (born February 6, 1972 in Eunice, Louisiana) is a zydeco accordionist and singer. He is one of the younger generations of the genre who has created the sound known as the nouveau zydeco. His sound is deeply rooted in traditional Creole music with strong influences from Cajun music and also country and western.

He will perform 3000 S Carrollton Ave, New Orleans, LA 70118, USA:
February 1st, 2018
March 1st, 2018
April 5th, 2018


eSheet Music Titles

Fergie MacDonald: The Ceilidh King - Scotland

by Diatonic News
Fergie MacDonaldFeb. 3rd, 2018 -

Becoming universally known on first-name terms, not through ego-driven marketing but by popular repute, reverence and affection, happens to very few individuals. And in Scottish music, there’s only one Fergie. The legendary Highland accordionist/bandleader Fergie MacDonald turned 80 in 2017, and the festivities were resounding indeed - so much so that they continue here at Celtic Connections in his final Glasgow appearance.

This celebratory show features Fergie in conversation and reminiscences with Gary Innes, alongside leading admirers like Phil Cunningham and John Carmichael, before he helms a line-up including Allan Henderson, Iain MacFarlane, Addie Harper, Alasdair MacLeod, Hugh MacCallum, Colm O’ Rua and more.

Titano Accordions

Concert Didier Laloy/Belem - FR/Paris

by Diatonic News
Concert Didier Laloy/Belem - FR/Paris
au Centre Walonnie-Bruxelles
a 46 rue Quincampoix 75004 Paris
1 et 2 Février 2018 - 20 h
pour découvrir cette création musicale et unique au monde "Didier Laloy "Belem and The Mekanics"

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Buttons & Bows Concert Feb - Ireland

by Diatonic News
Buttons & Bows Fri 23/02/18 - 21:30

Raw Bar Affair with Sean O’Se, Des Dillons Dance Puppets and Button & Bows.

Friday Night Concert February 23rd
Venue: INEC Acoustic Club
Doors 8.30pm | Concert 9pm

Voci Armoniche

Chubby Carrie/cajun, zydeco, & swamp pop - USA/New Orleans

by Diatonic News
Chubby CarrierChubby Carrier is undeniably “The World’s Premier Zydeco Showman.” Born on July 1, 1967 in Churchpoint, Louisiana, Chubby is the third generation of zydeco artists with such famous relatives as Roy Carrier (father), Warren Carrier (grandfather), and cousins Bebe and Calvin Carrier who are presently considered legends in zydeco history. Chubby began his musical career at the age of 12 by playing drums with his father’s band. He began playing the accordion at the age of 15.

He will perform on February 8th, 2018 8:30 pm
cajun, zydeco, & swamp pop
3000 S Carrollton Ave, New Orleans, LA 70118, USA


Sounding Out the Accordion

DIE STEIRER KOMMEN … MIT QUETSCHN @ Akkordeonfestival/Vienna

by Diatonic News

Mi/28.2.2018 - 19h / Schutzhaus

Quetschklampfa: Elias Plösch: Gitarre Simon Ankowitsch: Steirische Harmonika, Maximilian Kreuzer: Kontrabass Jonathan Herrgesell: Saxophon
Quetsch 'n' Vibes: Johannes Kölbl: Steirische Harmonika, Perkussion, Leonhard Waltersdorfer: Vibraphon, Perkussion

Zwei Formationen aus der Steiermark machen gemeinsam Musik. Das Quartett Quetschklampfa, das 2007 mit dem Zusammenspiel von Gitarre und Akkordeon seinen Anfang nahm, und das Duo Quetsch´n´Vibes, das eine ganz eigene Mischung aus Volksmusik, Pop und Jazz pflegt. „Kernöl on the road“ nennen die sechs jungen Musiker das gemeinsame Programm, mit dem sie nicht zuletzt versuchen, „die steirische Harmonika aus ihrer Komfortzone zu schubsen.“ Die stilistischen Eigenheiten der Bands erfahren Erweiterung und Veränderung, die Funktionen der jeweiligen Instrumente werden von Lied zu Lied neu definiert. Auch außergewöhnlichen Ideen und Elemente verschiedenster Genres werden innovativ und zugänglich zugleich dem neuen Bandklang einverleibt. Letztlich bleibt musikalisch „kein Kürbiskern auf dem anderen“, wie das Neo-Sextett augenzwinkernd eine Ambition dieses Projekts beschreibt.


Schutzhaus Zukunft / Auf der Schmelz verl. Guntherstr.
1150 Wien Telefon: +1 982 01 27


Filippo Gambetta e project in concert/febbraio 2018 - Italia

by Diatonic News
10/02/2018 21:00 / Max Manfredi e Filippo Gambetta Genova In concerto al Circolo Zenzero – Ingresso riservato soci ARCI

16/02/2018 21:00 / Filippo Gambetta e Carmelo Russo Padova OnOff Spazio Aperto

17/02/2018 21:00 / Filippo Gambetta e Carmelo Russo Pavia Balfolk @ Circolo Via d’Acqua

18/02/2018 21:30 / Genova Filippo Gambetta, Sergio Caputo e Carmelo Russo a “La Claque”

22/02/2018 21:00 / Ranco Filippo Gambetta e Carmelo Russo Live a Ranco

23/02/2018 20:00 / Cremona Filippo Gambetta e Carmelo Russo live @ ARCI Arcipelago

24/02/2018 21:00 Filippo Gambetta e Carmelo Russo in concerto a Brescia


Voci Armoniche

Elefant Session @ Celtic Connection - Scotland/Glasgow

by Diatonic News
Elefant Session
2 February 2018 9:30PM
Old Fruitmarket/Glasgow

Crowned as Up and Coming Act of the Year at the 2014 Scots Trad Music Awards, young Highland quintet The Elephant Sessions have since more than lived up to that promise, honing their high-octane fusion of folk, funk, rock and electronica into a behemoth big-stage sound, and winning hordes of new fans at major festivals including Glastonbury, Tønder and Lorient. 2017’s rave-reviewed second album, All We Have Is Now, further amped up their signature synthesis of warp-speed fiddle/mandolin tunes, monstrous grooves and bold sonic textures, adding dashes of metal, jazz and Balkan influence.

Equally adventurous in spirit, Ireland’s Notify are another instrumental five-piece, who’ve been turning heads both sides of the Pond with their daring yet sensitive alloy of Irish trad and contemporary jazz, featuring concertina, guitars, keyboards, bass and drums, plus samples, loops and programming. “A fascinating cocktail, full of flavour and quite intoxicating.” (Irish Music Magazine)


Friedrich Lips Book

Terry and the Zydeco Bad Boys - 70118/USA

by Diatonic News
Terry and the Zydeco Bad BoysTerry Domingue Accordion and vocals- Since the age of four Terry would stand at the foot of any stage mesmerized by the band playing at the local trail rides he would attend with his father. At age eight, this self-taught accordion player got his first accordion and has been playing since. Growing up around his grandparents Terry had no choice but to learn Creole French. To keep tradition alive he continues to sing many traditional zydeco songs in French as well as writing many new ones of his own

See and hear him on Feb. 15th, 2018
at: 3000 S Carrollton Ave, New Orleans, LA 70118, USA

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Guardia Nueva - Enternainment concert - Finland

by Diatonic News
Guardia Nueva Orchestra
17.2 large entertainment concert
6.10.2017 S-Hall at 15.00 and 19.00
Vingenkatu 18

Winter accordion entertainment concert Guardia Nueva is a Finnish international musical tunes and movie music. Musical theatre tunes his Treasury you can hear all the spices in the mm. Evita, Phantom of the Opera, the theater, Mamma Mia, Fiddler on the roof, Jersey Boys.


Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Dana Point Cajun/Zydeco Night - USA

by Diatonic News
dana point stillwater
Feb 18th, 2018 - Location: Stillwater, 24701 Del Prado, Dana Point 92629


Lars Karlsson Band performing in Kokkola - FI/Sweden

by Diatonic News
Lars Karlssons Band
15.02.2018 Kokkola

Lars Karlsson Band formed in Gothenburg in 1997
The band has made numerous tv recordings and appeared in Norway, Denmark, Austria, Spain and the United States. Lars Karlsson Band combines skillfully the Swedish tradition of music of our time, the rhythm of the music, creating a colorful and rhythmic swinging music.

Lars Karlsson is Scandinavia's leading vähärivisten musicians, and he was elected to in Sweden, "harmonikansoittajaksi of the year" in 2001. Lars has been noted for his compositions, and he has received the award along with Alice Babsin and Björn Ulvaeus.

This year, the band spend the 20-year anniversary.
The concert initially with Pietarsaaren seudun Willnäsin Music Institute of the accordion Orchestra of Mia.


Titano Accordions

natürlich DIEM nämlich STICKLER (AT) - Akkordeonfestival/wien

by Diatonic News
Mo 26/2/2018 - 19.30 h im Porgy & Bess


Manuela Diem: Stimme, Perkussion Marie-Theres Stickler: Diatonische Harmonika, Schrammelharmonika, Stimme

Seit Jahren sind diese beiden Musikerinnen überaus erfolgreich mit Martin Spengler & die foischn Wiener unterwegs. Ob der passenden künstlerischen Chemie ließen sie sich auf ein Duo ein, gemeinsames spielerisches Erforschen der jeweiligen musikalischen Koordinaten
wird zum launigen Programm. Jazz, Soul und Gospel einerseits (Diem), traditionelle, alpine Musik und Wienerlied andererseits (Stickler) heißen dabei die Fixstationen, die so charmant wie gekonnt besucht werden.

Porgy & Bess / Riemergasse 11 - 1010 Wien
Telefon: +43 1 512 88 11 porgy.at

Accordion Jazz Chord

Afternoon Concert in Killarney, Co.Kerry - Ireland

by Diatonic News
Back West & Claire and Sinead Egan Eoin O’Neill, Pauric McDhonnacha

Saturday Afternoon Concert Sat 24/02/18 - 14:00
Venue: INEC Acoustic Club
Doors 1.30pm | Concert 2pm

More on: https://inec.ie/gig/the-gathering-festival-saturday-afternoon-concert-18-02-24/

Gary Dahl Arrangements

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD Didier Laloy Belem and The Mekanics - Belgium

by Diatonic News
La puissance d'un orchestre de musique mécanique symphonique, rencontre la dynamique du soufflet de l'accordéon diatonique, et la sensualité du violoncelle !


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