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Highlights |
Intern.Musikantenwettbewerb "Alpen Grand Prix" - Italienby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Info: www.alpengrandprix.it or info@alpengrandprix.it |
8th March 1908 "International Women's Day" - WORLDWIDEby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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A Mimosa - to all women of this world in memory of the 129 women killed on the 8th of March 1908 in New York/USA! By Roberto Mangosi ! Info: The mimosa (technically, the Silver Wattle) is the symbol of the celebrations of Women's day in Italy and Russia |
Hohner Squeezebox App for the Apple iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch, Virginia - USAby Gilbert Reyes, Hohner Accordion Product Manager, USA |
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Hohner announces the introduction of a revolutionary new app for the Apple iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch: the Hohner SqueezeBox. Mimicking the layout of Hohner’s Corona Classic diatonic accordion, this intuitive virtual accordion app feature a super responsive, three-row fingerboard that plays and sounds like the traditional instrument. The Hohner SqueezeBox allows musicians to practice chord combinations, scales, and songs on-the-go in five different key combinations and colors. Headphones can be used for private practice or, the audio output of the virtual accordion can be amplified by plugging into computer speakers or other sound enhancing devices. Players have the option to display the note names on the large white simulated pearloid buttons and with the touch of a button, the tonality can easily be changed from “wet tuning” or “musette” to “dry tuning” or “straight” tuning. “While not intended to replace a real accordion, the app is a convenient and easy tool for practicing, learning, or teaching. SqueezeBox is great for any style of music.” comments Hohner US Accordion Product Manger Gilbert Reyes Jr. The Hohner SqueezeBox App is available on the iTunes App Store for the introductory price of $1.99 in the following key combinations: Hohner-GCF, Hohner-FBbEb, Hohner-EAD, Hohner-ADG, and Hohner-BbEbAb. The Hohner-Mini version is available in GCF for the iPhone and iPod Touch at $.99. For further information email: GReyes@hohnerusa.com For information in other languages view the Accordions Worldwide news of 4th march 2 |
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Accordion Collection, Tabris - Iranby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Enthusiast Gholamreza Seyed Hasani (picture right) has approximately 200 instruments of various types, and plans to open a museum sometime in the future in Tabriz. Tabriz is about 600 km from Tehran and about 250 km from Azerbaijan City. Gholamreza Seyed Hasani, married with a son and daughter, was born in Tabriz in 1959 where he works as a civil engineer. He is currently the Project Manager of a concrete dam. His hobbies are playing accordion, making personalized Garmon accordions (a type of accordion originating in Azerbaijan) including the first digital Garmon accordion (picture left) and maintaining his magnificent collection. For further information email: nardingallery@yahoo.com You want to see some more instruments - view: www.nardingallery.blogspot.com |
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Das Wort „steirisch“ in Verbindung mit der Steirischen Harmonika / The word "styrian" in combination with the Styrian Harmonica - Austriaby Werner Weibert |
hat einen interessanten Artikel geschrieben: Dass die ländliche Musik in Wien „steirisch“ genannt wurde, ist nur bedingt richtig, denn die Folklore-Mode in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts kannte sowohl „Steirerlieder“ als auch „Kärntner- und Tirolerlieder“, und alle diese „Stile“ fanden aufgrund ihrer Beliebtheit auch Eingang in die Klavier- und Kammermusik der Zeit. Woher die Bezeichnung „Steirische“ stammt ist unklar, ebenso wann sie allgemein in Gebrauch kam. Historisch genaue Angaben über die technische Entwicklung der Steirischen, ihre geographische Verbreitung und ihren Einzug in die ländliche Volksmusik sind leider noch mit Vorbehalten verbunden, weil die Volksmusikforschung ihr Interesse die längste Zeit auf das Volkslied fokussiert und die instrumentale Tanz- und Brauchtumsmusik links liegen gelassen hat. So gilt die „Steirische“ heute wohl als das Volksmusikinstrument schlechthin, endgültig durchgesetzt hat sie sich aber wohl erst nach 1950. Der Unterschied der Steirischen zu anderen diatonischen Harmonikainstrumenten (Bandoneon, Deutsche Concertina, französisches Accordeon diatonique) besteht nicht nur im Einbau von Helikonbässen, sondern auch in der Tastenbelegung auf der Diskantseite. Vor allem bei der Concertina war es so, dass um ein erstes Kerntastenfeld nach und nach Tasten und Töne hinzugeführt wurden, je nach musikalischen Wünschen und spieltechnischen Überlegungen, sodass im Laufe der Jahre eine kaum zu überblickende Vielfalt an Tastaturen und Tonlagen entstand. Der Bau von Helikonbässen ist offenbar gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts von Böhmen und Sachsen ausgegangen und wurde rasch von österreichischen Harmonikabauern – ausgenommen Wien – aufgegriffen. Die Wiener „Schrammelharmonika“ zeichnet sich typischerweise durch einen 12-knöpfigen Behelfsbass, die so genannte „Wiener Begleitung“ aus, gelegentlich fehlt eine Bassseite überhaupt. Tabulaturschriften zum Erlernen des Instrumentes waren von Anfang an gebräuchlich: - In Paris 1834 fand man eine französische Harmonikaschule von M. Reisner: „Instruktion, um das Accordeon mit 8 Tasten spielen zu lernen“. - In Wien stellte Adolph Müller 1833 eine Accordeonschule vor: „Wie man das Accordeon in kurzer Zeit spielen lernt“. - 1892 gab der böhmische Harmonikabauer Josef Hlavacek eine Harmonikaschule zum Selbstunterricht heraus und legte sie auch seinen Instrumenten bei. - 1909 findet sich im „Grazer Schreib-Kalender“ ein Inserat von Hans Konrad: „Musikwaren-Versandhaus in Brüx (Böhmen) - Selbstlernschule zu jeder Harmonika gratis“. Obwohl über diese Schulwerke nichts weiter bekannt ist, kann man annehmen, dass sie in einer Griffschrift stehen um dem Anfänger die vermeintlichen Mühen des Notenlernens zu ersparen. Auch die Deutsche Concertina und das Bandoneon wurden nach einer Griffschrift gespielt. Das mag anfangs dem Laien durchaus eine Erleichterung für das Musizieren auf den nicht gerade übersichtlichen Tastaturen geboten haben. In Verbindung mit der erwähnten Vergrößerung und Individualisierung des Tastenfeldes, entwickelte sich daraus jedoch eine Notierung, die wesentlich komplizierter war als die traditionelle Notenschrift. Einen Sonderfall des Harmonikabaues, der keine Nachahmer gefunden hat, stellen die Doppelharmonikas von Peter Stachl sen. dar. Es gab 3-, 4-, und 5-reihige Doppelharmonikas, z. B. 3-reihig: „G C F – B Es As“ und eine 3-reihige Harphon-Patent-Harmonika, die zweimal umschaltbar war „E A D – G C F – B Es As“. Trotz intensiver Werbung war die Nachfrage, nicht besonders groß, denn sein Sohn und Nachfolger hat den Bau nach 1945 nicht mehr fortgesetzt. Gottfried Hubmann, HVÖ- Fachvorstand – Steirische Harmonika Online translation ! |
53rd Grammy Awards - USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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![]() ![]() The Recording Academy continues its rich legacy and ongoing growth as the premier outlet for honoring achievements in the recording arts and supporting the music community. The GRAMMYs are a peer-presented award to honor artistic achievement, technical proficiency and overall excellence in the recording industry, without regard to album sales or chart position. Over the last decade, The Academy has expanded its goals from the important work of recognizing the best in music through the GRAMMY Awards to establishing itself as the preeminent arts advocacy and outreach organization in the country. A GRAMMY is awarded by The Recording Academy's voting membership to honor excellence in the recording arts and sciences. The diatonic accordion was nominated in the categories: Best Norteño Album Winner: CD ”Classic” by INTOCABLE Intocable was formed in the early 90's lead by Ricardo Munoz and Rene Martinez, two young artists from Zapata, Texas. Their style and lyrics have gained the acceptance of large numbers of fans around the U.S. and Mexico and many other countries. Their list of records includes several Gold and Platinum albums, numerous awards, including Grammy, Latin Grammy, Lunas del Auditorio, Premio Lo Nuestro, "Hey, Furia Musical, Tejano Music Awards and more. Since recording their first album "Eternal Fire", the group has sold 10 million copies. Best Zydeco Or Cajun Music Album Winner: CD “Zydeco Junkie” by Chubby Carrier And The Bayou Swamp Band One word to describe the swampdelic sounds of Chubby Carrier and Bayou Swamp Band? Fun. Pure Louisiana zydeco fun with a hot sauce chaser. Anybody who has doubts about the accordion as an instrument will be swayed the right way with Carrier's passion and fire on the instrument….. |
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The Samurai from France, Italy, Belgium, Finland and Irelandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Rien moins que cinq artificiers majeurs de la boîte à boutons, lesquels chacun sur leur registre (trad, folk, liscio, musique Irlandaise, jazz, musique de films....) ont fait notablement avancer la cause de l’accordéon diatonique. Des acteurs qui comme des personnages chers à l’imaginaire japonais ont su allier audace et noblesse d’expression. Inventivités mélodiques, brillances sonores, atmosphère intimiste ou invites à la danse échevelée: ces musiciens au pedigree impressionnant nous promettent un feu d’artifice et un rendez-vous d’une extrême séduction. The fabulous talent-studded programme includes no less than five of the most dazzling exponents of the squeezebox. They have all made a huge contribution to advancing the cause of the diatonic accordion, each in their own sphere: trad, folk, liscio, Irish music, jazz, film scores – the list goes on and on. In common with the characters pervading the imaginary universe of the Japanese, these players have succeeded in combining a variety of styles to create a bold and expressive musical experience. Ingeniously melodic, brilliantly tonal, an invitation to savour an intimate atmosphere or relish a session of wild dancing: these musicians with an impressive list of credentials offer us a spectacular and extremely beguiling event. These Five European world-class payers of the diatonic accordion Didier Laloy (Belgium) - Markku Lepistö (Finland) - Bruno Le Tron (France) - David Munnelly (Ireland) - Riccardo Tesi (Italy) will perform this new project in their Austrian première at the closing event of the International Vienna Accordion Festival 2011. 27 March 2011 Wien (Austria), Akkordeonfestival 25 March 2011 Marseille, France For further information email: frederique.dawans@belgacom.net |
"A COEUR ET ACCORDS" Concert au profit des enfants gravement malades - Belgiqueby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() ![]() Vk*: www.vkconcerts.be Fnac : www.fnac.be Caroline : Passage Saint-Honoré, 20 - 1000 Bruxelles Pour plus d'informations, vous pouvez contacter l'Association des Exploits Sportifs au 02/675.76.33 - Personne de contact : Laurence Syx laloydidier@gmail.com or http://www.didierlaloy.be |
Frankfurt Musikmesse 6-9 April 2011 - Deutschlandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() The fair is an exhibition of trends from the fields of musical-instrument making, digital music production, electronic music, music literature and music marketing, featuring more than 30,000 musical-instrument products. Events, awards and workshops includes: - a trade fair of international exhibitors from 46 countries presenting musical instruments, music software and hardware, sheet music, accessories and services connected with music making. * live music: around 1,000 workshops, product demonstrations, concerts, showcases and clinics present instruments and artists in action. * Public Day with over 50 live acts on the stages, see stars live and at autograph sessions. Public day has many accordion demonstrators at the displays of the accordion manufacturers. * Vintage Show – exhibition of rare and special instruments, a journey through the history of music in Hall 4.1 * Music4Kids: six-day participatory exhibition revolving around music, acoustics and instruments * awards for musicians, celebrities and instrument makers Deutsch: Musikmesse „Musik als Mission“ - Internationale Messe für Musikinstrumente und Noten, Musikproduktion und –vermarktung in Frankfurt am Main/Deutschland vom 6. bis 9. April 2011 Vier Messetage: Fachbesuchertage: 6. April - 8. April 2011 Publikums-Tag: 9. April 2011 Öffnungszeit von 9 bis 18 Uhr Trends aus Instrumentenbau, digitaler Musikerzeugung, elektronischer Musik, Musikliteratur und Musikvermarktung Mehr als 30.000 MI-Produkte Events, Auszeichnungen und Workshops rund ums Musizieren Messe-Samstag, 9. April 2011: die ganze Welt der Musikinstrumente für Endverbraucher Leitmesse: Fachmesse mit der größten internationalen Beteiligung von Ausstellern und Besuchern der Musikinstrumenten-Branche. einzigartiges Produktspektrum: Aussteller aus 46 Ländern präsentieren Musikinstrumente, Musik-Software und Computerhardware, Noten und Zubehör und Dienstleistungen rund um Musik. Musik live Der Messenutzen erleben: rund 1.000 Workshops, Produktvorführungen, Konzerte, Showcases und Clinics zeigen Instrumente und Künstler in Aktion. Motivation: Spiegel und Motor für die Branche, Dialogforum und Image-Plattform zur Förderung des Musizierens. Belegung der Hallen: Forum, 1.1, 1.2, 3.0, 3.1, 4.0, 4.1, 5.0, 5.1 Musikbiz – Plattform für die Musikindustrie in 4.1 Publikumstag mit mehr als 50 Live-Acts auf den Bühnen, Stars live und bei Autogrammstunden erleben Vintage-Show – Ausstellung für rare und besondere Instrumente, Zeitreise durch die Musikgeschichte in Halle 4.1 Music4Kids: sechs Tage Mitmach-Ausstellung rund um Musik, Akustik und Instrumente Branchenpreise für Musiker, Persönlichkeiten und Instrumentenhersteller Nachwuchswettbewerbe, Podiumsdiskussionen Info: www.musikmesse.de |
‘Big Squeeze Accordion Contest', Texas - USAby Harley Jones |
![]() The Big Squeeze contest is open to Texas accordionists, 21 years of age and younger, and open to all genres of accordion-based music, including Cajun; German, Czech, Polish, Tejano, Conjunto, and Norteño, Western, and Zydeco. Zydeco accordionist Keyun Dickson, the 2010 champion, and 2008 champion Johnny Ramirez will both perform during the evening. The semifinals take place in Austin on April 30th at the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum. Up to four finalists will be selected to compete at the Accordion Kings & Queens Festival on June 4th. Last year’s crowd numbered over 6,000. The Big Squeeze 2011 grand-prize-winner will receive a prize package valued at $4500, including a $1000 cash prize, a brand new Hohner accordion and recording time at the historic Hacienda Records in Corpus Christi, as well as promotional support from SugarHill Records, Hohner, Inc., Hacienda Records and Texas Folklife, and other professional opportunities. For further information email Cristina Balli, Program Director: cballi@texasfolklife.org |
30 Jahre Musikantenstadl Sendung/12. März - Austriaby Kurier |
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![]() Seit nunmehr 30 Jahren begeistert der "Musikantenstadl" ein Millionenpublikum. Andy Borg verspricht für die große "30 Jahre Musikantenstadl"-Jubiläumssendung am Samstag, 12. März, "Eine große Party mit dem Who is who der Stadlszene". Außerdem werden Highlights der "Stadl"-Geschichte gezeigt und auch der beliebteste "Stadl"-Clip, der vor der Sendung mittels Internetvoting gewählt wurde. Die erste Sendung wurde am 5.März 1981 ausgestrahlt. Die Sendung produzierte damals noch der ORF alleine. Inzwischen besteht eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem ORF, dem Bayrischen Rundfunk und dem Schweizer Fernsehen. Mit dabei bei der Jubiläumsshow sind treue Weggefährten wie Hansi Hinterseer, Semino Rossi, Stefan Mross, Stefanie Hertel, die Stoakogler, DJ Ötzi, Marc Pircher, die Ursprung Buam, die Zillertaler Haderlumpen, die jungen Zillertaler, die Mayrhofner, Francine Jordi und viele andere. Den Auftakt der Show macht Andy Borg selbst mit dem Song "Wenn das kein Grund zum Feiern ist!". Karl Moik war erster Moderator des "Musikantenstadls" und blieb fast 25 Jahre Das erste Gastspiel einer westlichen Unterhaltungsshow in der DDR (Cottbus 1989) nach der Wende, 144 "Musikantenstadl"-Ausgaben, 17 "Silvesterstadl", 16 Sendungen "Das Beste aus dem Musikantenstadl" und fünf "Open Airs" an 94 Orten in zwölf Ländern und fünf Kontinenten sowie Gastspiele in Toronto, Moskau, Melbourne, Kapstadt, Orlando, Dubai und der verbotenen Stadt in Peking. |
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Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
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MARCH 25-26 2011 Festival starts 6pm Friday & all day Saturday starting at 10am Weekend pass just $15! Children under 12 free! Enjoy great Zydeco music, Cajun and Creole food, jambalaya & gumbo cook-off, tons of crawfish, arts & crafts vendors, kid's swamp and so much more! RV, Cabin & Tent Camping on Beautiful Lake Somerville $1000 In Cash & Prizes Jambalaya & Gumbo Cook-Off Information: http://www.bigcreekcountrycajunfestival.com/ or: email: txevents@live.com |
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Accordion Players Draw Crowds at Bit Tourism Show, Milan - Italyby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() ![]() As part of the Marche regions exhibit at the show, the International Museum Castelfidardo and accordionists Mirco Patarini (Scandalli, picture left) and Danilo Di Paolonicola (Paolo Soprani, picture right) were invited to mount an exhibit and perform to a very attentive audience. The accordion is an important factor for the Marche regions tourism and its contribution at the Bit Tourism show was much appreciated. Newspaper story below...in Italian only! |
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The Beltango Quintet in Spoleto - Italyby Harley Jones |
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The Association Culturale Giovanile Bisse and the Commune di Spoleto presented The Beltango Quintet from Serbia, 26 February at the Teatro Caio Melisso, Spoleto. The Beltango Quintet have performed all over the world including the 2007 World Tango Festival in Buenos Aires. They have performed previously in Spoleto to great aclaim and so they were invited to return once again. Beltango are led Aleksandar Nikolic (bandoneon) and Ivana Nikolic (piano) with, Jovan Bagosavljevic (violin), Bogdan Pejic (electric guitar) and Ljubinka Lazic (bass) and are famous for their tangos by Astor Piazzolla and other typical South America melodies. This concert included the screening of the short film"La Sirena" about the military dictatorship abusing human rights and the many that disappeared. Beltango have revived songs from the "Carapintada - Confessions about the disappeared in Argentina" with support the Association Culturale Giovanile Bisse, which added another dimension and feeling to the very successful concert. Order online now the Triple CD by Beltango. |
Beoga Toured in Germany, Switzerland and Touring to Luxembourg, England, Croatia & Franceby Harley Jones |
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Exciting Irish group Beoga have had some hectic a hectic end to February, on tour in Switzerland and Germany at: 24 February, CH-Baar Rathus Schuur 25 February, GER Waiblingen Kulturhaus Schwanen 26 February, GER Russelsheim - Dorflinde 27 February, GER Fulda- Kulturkeller 28 February, GER Ingolstadt- KKB Neue Welt In March, Beoga have a concert in Germany and Luxembourg before returning to England for further concerts. 01 March GER Waldshut-Tiengen Ali Theater 20 oo 11 March L -Dudelange Zeltik Festival (mit Liadan und Red Hot Chilli Pipers) 13 March ENG St. Patrick Day Celebrations, Trafalgar Square 14 March ENG Norwich Arts Centre, Norwich 17 March ENG London Irish Cultural Centre, Hammersmith Continuing a busy March, they next appear in Croatia and then France 19 March CRO Split, Croatia 20 March FRA Plaisir, Paris 22 March FRA Strasbourg to conclude the very busy March of travels and concerts. Beoga feature the twin dueling accordions of Damian McKee and multi-instrumentalist Seán Óg Graham, pianist Liam Bradley and four times All-Ireland bodhrán champion Eamon Murray plus Niamh Dunne, one of Ireland’s premier young talents, on vocals and fiddle. |
The Argentina Independent Reports Skype Bandoneón Lessons - Argentinaby Harley Jones |
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On 17 February the Argentina Independent newspaper of Buenos Aires ran an article about bandoneonist Ben Bogart, (player in Orquesta Escuela de Tango Emilio Balcarce), Skype lessons to students in various in USA and Europe. Some quotes from the article written by Rachel Hall: "It is an unusual, but surprisingly effective, method. Teacher and student position themselves in front of a webcam, bandonéon on their laps. Both open the music in a file and if necessary, a shared screen application enables Ben to highlight passages and point things out. There are of course some technical setbacks, aggravated by Argentina’s lamentable internet speeds, but overall it’s been a successful endeavour. “You learn to deal with it” shrugs Ben. Although bandonéon lessons are something of a niche market, Ben believes there to be a growing interest in tango in the United States and Europe." The full article is online at: http://www.argentinaindependent.com/reviews/thelearner/portenosiendome-/ |
Melodeon/Accordion Workshop - UKby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() March 4th to 6th, melodeon workshop, led by Issy Emeney (picture left), at The Archway, 15 Swinegate, Grantham, Lincolnshire. For further information email: jsarts09@gmail.com March 26th and 27th, ‘Accordions at Witney’, with tuition in traditional folk dance music playing techniques by Murray Grainger, Paul Hutchinson, Dave Townsend, and Steve Turner. The venue is the Henry Box School, Witney, about 12 miles west of Oxford. For further information email: info@handsonmusic.org.uk |
VIRGINIA HARMONICAFEST "11" - USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() at the: Clarion Hotel (formerly Four Points Sheraton) 351 York St Williamsburg, VA 23185 Featuring: * Harpbeats * Sandy German * Joe Leone * Don Klein * Richard Hunter * Adam Gussow * The Harmonica Hotshots * Todd Parrot * Dennis Gruenling * and others Open jam on Thursday March 17 and shows each evening Coast-to-Coast Music will be set up for harmonica sales There will be plenty of open-mic time and workshops, raffles and door-prizes Info: Cardinal State Harmonica Club Tom McCraig 201 N Lynnhaven Rd Virginia Beach, Va 23452 For more information contact Tom via Email at: harpplayer1@verizon or (757) 340-7523 |
7. "Schwäbisches Harmonika-Seminar" - Deutschlandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() findet in Krumbach, Landkreis Günzburg, Schwaben das "Schwäbisches Harmonika-Seminar" in der Berufsfachschule für Musik statt. Leitung: Thomas Geyer Referenten: Gottfried Hartl Louis Kreuzhuber Hans Schröpfer Hermann Jamnik Schorsch Gruber Quirin Kaiser Simon Haitzmann Eingeladen sind alle, die Interesse am Harmonikaspiel haben, ob fortgeschritten oder Anfänger, ob mit oder ohne Instrument (Leihinstrumente können zur Verfügung gestellt werden). Die Steirische Harmonika lässt sich hervorragend mit anderen Instrumenten kombinieren. Deshalb sind auch heuer wieder Spieler/innen von Begleitinstrumenten wie Gitarre, Hackbrett, Tenorhorn, Tuba, Raffele, Harfe etc. willkommen! Information: www.heimat-bayern.info |
Future events / Concerts |
19th Annual Cajun & Zydeco Mardi Gras Ball - USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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The 19th Annual Cajun & Zydeco Mardi Gras Ball will be happening on Saturday, March 5, 2011 6:00 pm to 12:00 midnight RHODES ON THE PAWTUXET, 60 RHODES PLACE, CRANSTON, RHODE ISLAND. _______________________ featuring: STEVE RILEY & THE MAMOU PLAYBOYS CJ CHENIER & THE RED HOT LOUISIANA BAND LEROY THOMAS & THE ZYDECO ROADRUNNERS HOT TAMALE BRASS BAND For further information email Chuck Wentworth: chukwent@cox.net Online translation ! |
Adria Quintet live in Rome! - Austriaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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![]() Centrale Montemartini via Ostiense 106 ROME Adria Official Site PENELOPE on The Orchard Adria's latest cd production Penelope continues to amaze fans and critics in Italy and abroad.Penelope is the outcome of a compositional and aesthetic research began in 2002. In the 11 CD tracks Adria weaves all the possible intersections between the Adriatic shores, in search of a virtual bridge among the many traditions that continue to bathe in the same waters. In this microcosm liquid, musical instruments can interact even before the musicians themselves and a new song form, inspired by the frugality and the immediacy of folk music, can shift towards a modern approach, developed from the discrepancies and the noises of the cities, places where porting has become inevitable. Under the artistic direction of Claudio Prima, an extraordinary ensemble coming from Salento, Apulia (South of Italy), the musicians weaves all the possible intersection between the music of the two shores of the Adriatic Sea. Therefore the artistic encounter among organetto player Claudio Prima, Albanian cellist Redi Hasa and jazz saxophone player Emanuele Coluccia, together with vocalist Maria Mazzotta and drummer Vito de Lorenzi makes this album very unique and a true must for folk lovers but also for jazz fans interested in the fascinating dialogue between ethic music and improvisation. Enriched by special guest Mario Arcari on oboe, Penelope is produced by Violipiano Records and and distributed by The Orchard New York. The new music of the Adriatic Sea finds then common ground in Penelope’s waiting and joy, in her old patience and grace. The 11 tracks are all that the sea took away from her and then slowly returned. web: www.adriatik.it For information: info@adriatik.it |
Isabella Krapf / Mundharmonika - Austriaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Isabella Krapf spricht und spielt am: 7. März 2011, 21.00 Uhr und 10. März 16.00 Uhr Radio Ö1: "Tonspuren mit Isabella Krapf" in Memoriam Jerry Adler Dauer: 45 Minuten 12. März 2011, 19.30 Uhr Die kurze Nacht des guten Tons Historische Benimmbücher - alte Werbespots und Musik mit Karl Lucas (Reading) Susanna Lucas (Gitarre) und Isabella Krapf (Mundharmonika, Concertina) Musiksalon Erfurt Herrengasse 3, 8010 Graz Mehr Information: http://www.chromaticharmonica.net harmonicamilwaukee@yahoo.com |
Mario Salvi e Raffaele Inserra a Latina - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Irish Heartbeat“ Festival - Deutschlandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Insbesondere rund um den St. Patrick’s Day steigt das Zusammengehörigkeitsgefühl der Iren und ihrer Freunde – egal wo sie sein mögen – ganz besonders stark an. Man spürt die unsichtbaren Bande, wie sie nur Kultur über den Erdball spannen kann. Zu einem authentischen St. Patrick’s Day Feeling gehört aber nicht nur tolle Musik, sondern auch eine typisch dekorierte Halle, irische Speisen und Getränke. Online translation ! Information Magnetic Music GmbH - Burkhardt+Weber-Str. 69 - 72760 Reutlingen Tel. ++49-7121-478605 Fax. ++49-7121-478606 magmusic@magnetic-music.com 16 März Aalen – Turn & Festhalle Fachsenfeld 07361/522359 17 März Leverkusen – Stadthalle Hitdorf 0214/4 064113 18 März CH - Baden – Nordportal 0041/900325325 19 März Garching – Bürgerhaus 089/32089138 21 März Eisleben – Landesbühne 03475/602070 22 März Augsburg – Parktheater Göggingen 0821/9062222 23 März Puchheim – PUC 0898/9025421 24 März Reutlingen – franz.k 07121/6963333 25 März Illingen – Illipse 06825/406170 26 März Steinberg – Wernesgrüner Brauerei 037462/61320 |
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Philippe Ollivier en Tour - Japanby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() En 2006, il a créé OstinatO avec Yannick JORY, spectacle où se mêlent les sons acoustiques et électroniques, il est également l'interprète - compositeur - arrangeur du duo Bugel Koar qu’il a fondé avec Marthe VASSALLO ou encore des spectacles Tok (cie Le ptit cirk) ou Mort de rien (avec Pascal RUEFF et Morgan). En aout 2009, il a crée Le Carlonéon, un cinéconcert ambulant qui depuis sillonne les routes… Il est aussi à l’occasion metteur en son pour le théâtre (compagnies Moglice Von Verx, O Well Belle, KF association, La Bao Acou, ...). En décembre 2009 est sorti le CD OstinatO, enregistré en collaboration avec Yannick JORY puis, en mars 2010, Malenki Minki, un CD solo constitué d'improvisations enregistrées dans la zone interdite de Tchernobyl. En tour: 1. • 3 mars 2011 - Concert solo au bandonéon - Festival Cirque[s] - Angers(49) 2. • 4 et 5 mars 2011 - Tok - Festival Cirque[s] - Angers(49) 3. • 10 mars 2011 - Concert avec Hatao au Field - Kyoto - Japon 4. • 11 mars 2011 - Concert solo au Tanatoraja - Osaka - Japon 5. • 12 mars 2011 - Invité de Hatao - Nagoya - Japon 6. • 14 mars 2011 - Concert solo au Otoya-Kintoki - Tokyo - Japon 7. • 17 mars 2011 - Concert avec Naoki Kita et Junzo Tateiwa - Café Muriwui - Tokyo - Japon 8. • 19 mars 2011 - Invité de Hatao - Hiroshima - Japon 9. • 20 mars 2011 - Invité de Hatao - Fukuoka - Japon 10. • 27, 28 et 29 mars 2011 - Tok - Riom(63) 11. • 31 mars, 1, 2 avril 2011 - Le bandonéon à bobines - MDC - Culture à domicile à Gennevilliers(92) Informaiton : philippe.ollivier@logellou.com |
Wayne Toups & ZyDeCanjun March Dates - USAby Harley Jones |
![]() Sunday 06 March Mardi Gras of Southeast Texas, Port Arthur, TX Monday 07 March, Le Festival de Mardi Gras a' Lafayette (Lafayette Mardi Gras) Lafayette, LA. Sunday 13 March, Solo Zydeco Festival, Humble TX Friday 18 March, Iowa Rabbit Festival, IOWA, LA Saturday 19 March, 5th Annual Rhinestone Round Up, Deridder, LA Friday 25 March 26th Annual Liberty Jubilee Festival, Liberty, TX Saturday 26 March, Cowboys Night Club, Scott, LA |
Anne Niepold prochainment en Mars – Belium/Hollandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() et chez Muziekpublique. Anime des workshops (accordéon diatonique, musique d’ensemble, théorie) notemment à l’AKDT, Gooik, Burg Fürsteneck…) En mars 2011elle est avec: 19/03 MELANCHOLIA - Amuz, Antwerpen 20/03 MELANCHOLIA - Leuven 25/03 DEUX ACCORDS DIRONT XL - Ijmuiden, NL 26/03 ANNE NIEPOLD SOLO - Ixelles 27/03 (17h) ANNE NIEPOLD/GRAMINEES - Linkebeek Pour information: anne.niepold@skynet.be Ou www.anneniepold.be |
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Echuca Moama Celtic Festival - Australiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() For further information email: info@celticfestival.com.au |
RENATO BORGHETTI QUARTET....back to - Europe/Brazilby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() 2011 is also a year which will bring Renato and his quartet to the film screen: The 2010 European summer tour was filmed for the road movie series BORGHETTI NA ESTRADA (start on Brazilian television on January 8th) and will be released as a DVD at a later moment. Two tracks of the CD Gauchos were selected for the soundtrack of the documentary A MAO E A LUVA by Italian director Roberto Orazi (Lupin Film, Rome). And Renato Borghetti is also actively securing the future of his instrument at home in Southern Brazil: at the end of 2010 the first diatonic accordion branded “Borghetti” left the recently founded FABRICA DE GAITEROS near Renato’s ranch – a project initiated not only to produce instruments but also to organize accordion courses for underprivileged children and young people. 18.03.11 Savigny-le-Temple (F), Espace Prévert 19.03.11 Zürich (CH), Casa da Musica 20.03.11 Kaiserslautern (D), Kammgarn 22.03.11 Lörrach (D), Burghof 23.03.11 Brüssel (B), Muziekpublique 24.03.11 Amsterdam (NL), Tropentheater 25.03.11 Utrecht (NL), RASA 26.03.11 Illkirch (F), Festival Le Printemps des Bretelles 27.03.11 Herdecke (D), Werner Richard Saal 28.03.11 Oldenburg (D), Theater Laboratorium 29.03.11 Hamburg (D), III&73 30.03.11 Roma (I), TBA 31.03.11 Pescara (I), Auditorium Flaiano 01.04.11 Dalmine BG (I), Teatro Civico 02.04.11 Bologna (I), Palazzo Comunale, Cappella Farnese 04.04.11 Wien (A), Konzerthaus www.renatoborghetti.com.br www.cultureworks.at Information: Sabina Schebrak - office@cultureworks.at Online translation ! |
18e fête de l'accordéon diatonique - Franceby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Stages de musique avec: Didier Laloy Stéphane Milleret Cyrille Brotto Martin Coudroy Bruno Le Tron Yannick Guyader Jean-Marc Rohart Alexandre Donnard Gaëlle Dos Santos. Le répertoire latino sera cette année à l'honneur avec un stage animé par Roberto Santiago Inscriptions Les inscriptions se font de préférence en ligne, en suivant ce lien. Un système simple & convivial vous permet de dialoguer avec les organisateurs de la fête d l’accordéon, tout au long du processus d’inscription. Attention : le nombre de participants par stage est limité. Votre inscription ne sera enregistrée qu'après acquittement du montant du stage. Les modes de paiement (chèques, chèques vacances, virement, virement international) sont précisés dans le formulaire d’inscription. Renseignements stage@diatotrad.fr 01 43 07 12 48 (ou 06 74 67 14 95 le soir) |
Anmeldung für INZELL nicht vergessen! - Austriaby Werner Weibert |
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Auf www.harmonikaverband.at finden Sie die Ausschreibungen und alle Details. NOCH HEUTE ANMELDEN ! Online translation |
Festival de AccordeonSlag 2011, 31 Concerts - Netherlandsby Harley Jones |
![]() Renato Borghetti Quartet (Brazil) Ariel Hernandez Cuarteto (Argentina) Deux Accords Diront (Netherlands) Les Freres Tarzanelli Duo Montanaro (Italy) Reyes & Juglares del Vallenato (Columbia) Riccardo Tesi & Maurizio Geri (Italy) Triotonico - organetto players Riccardo Tesi, Filippo Gambetta, Simone Bottasso (Italy). The schedule of concerts is: vr 25 februari Aarschot - Gasthuisschuur Riccardo Tesi & Maurizio Geri za 26 februari Moergestel - Den Boograard Riccardo Tesi & Maurizio Geri zo 27 februari Belsele - ’t Ey www.tey.be Riccardo Tesi & Maurizio Geri vr 11 maart Turnhout - CC De Warande Tuur Florizoone ihkv Accordeonweekend za 12 maart Amsterdam - KIT Tropentheater Reyes y Juglares del Vallenato zo 13 maart Utrecht - RASA Reyes y Juglares del Vallenato vr 18 maart Malden - Accordeonmuseum 20.00 uur, e 7,50 Viaggio (olv Piet van Tienen) za 19 maart Amsterdam - KIT Tropentheater Quarteto Ariel Hernández do 24 maart Amsterdam - KIT Tropentheater Renato Borghetti Quartet vr 25 maart Utrecht - RASA Renato Borghetti Quartet vr 25 maart IJmuiden - Witte Theater Deux Accords Diront vr 25 maart Tilburg - Paradox nog niet bekend... za 26 maart Amsterdam - Muiderpoorttheater Schraapstaal | Les Frères Tarzanelli za 26 maart Tilburg - Paradox Fateev, Soul, Ceumar | Gurzuf zo 27 maart Tilburg - Paradox Over de Balk | Duo Montanaro-Cavez di 29 maart Beusichem - Heerenlogement Frederik Caelen &The Pecans | Stanislav Jusufovic vr 1 april Amsterdam - BC De Boomspijker Masterclass Tesi, Gambetta, Botasso vr 1 april Amsterdam - Bethaniënklooster Triotonico za 2 april Groningen - Theater De Oosterpoort Triotonico - Festival Trad-it! zo 3 april Venlo - Theater De Maaspoort Triotonico For further information email: albert@accordeonslag.nl |
Comhaltas Skibbereen Féile Cheoil 2011, County Cork - Irelandby Harley Jones |
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Comhaltas is a non profit cultural movement with hundreds of branches, for the preservation and promotion of Irish traditional music. The Skibbereen Féile Cheoil takes place on 6 March 2011 at Rossa College, Skibbereen, County Cork. Competitions are being held for age groups: Competions and age groups are as follows: 1) Whistle:– U-8, U-9, U-10, U-12, U-14, U-16 2) Button Accordion:- U-10, U-12, U-14 U-16 3) Piano Accordion:- U-10, U-12, U-14 U-16 4) Fiddle:- U-10, U-12, U-14, U-16 5) Concertina:- U-10, U-12, U-14, U-16 6) Banjo:- U-10, U-12, U-16 7) Traditional Piano:- U-12, U-16 8) Flute:- U-12, U-16 9) Miscellaneous Instruments:- U-12, U-16 (e.g Uilleann Pipes, Mandolin, Mouth Organ, Melodic Guitar etc.) 10) English Singing:- U-10, U-12, U-14, U-16 11) Irish Singing:- U-10, U-12, U-16 (Songs chosen must be of Irish character) 12) Storytelling/ Recitation:- U-10, U-12, U-16 (Poems chosen must be of Irish character) 13) Comhrá Gaeilge: U-10, U-12, U-14, U-16 14) Duets:- U-10, U-12, U-14, U-16 15) Trio’s:- U-10, U-12, U-16 (melodic instruments only in Duets and Trio’s) 16) Group Singing/Ballad Group:- U-12, U-16 (3-5 members, max. 3 instruments per song) For further information email: skibbereen@comhaltas.net |
11th Cajun/Zydeco Crawfish Festival St.Petersburg (FI) - USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Markku Lepistö in March - Finlandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() In March he can be seen and heard: Mar 8 (Doina Klezmer) Helsinki, Finland- Korjaamo Mar 9 (Doina Klezmer) Helsinki, Finland- Korjaamo Mar 10 (Doina Klezmer) Helsinki, Finland- Korjaamo More Information: markku@markkulepisto.com http://www.markkulepisto.com |
Andy Cutting in March - UKby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Andy has been consistent musical force since he came swiftly to prominence with the innovative Blowzabella. As well as a thorough grounding in the English tradition, Andy's influences extend way beyond these isles, particularly to the music of Central France and to the storming Quebecois tradition. These influences will be well-known to all those familiar with Andy's duo with English fiddle player, guitarist and singer, Chris Wood. Wood & Cutting became one of the most influential, and enduring duos on the scene; paving the way for the explosion of many of today's thrusting young newcomers. Andy's commitment to, and sense of pride in traditional music, as well as his sensitivity and understanding of the form, has made him one of the folk scene's most wanted, playing with Kate Rusby, John McCusker and Under One Sky to name but a few. There is also a growing demand for him to play outside this genre. He has recorded with Sting, John Illsley (Dire Straits), and was recently asked to join The Who for an acoustic concert in aid of the Teenage Cancer Trust. As well as his ongoing work with Chris, Andy is currently working with Martin Simpson, June Tabor and Blowzabella. In March: Mar 4, 2011 Kings Place, London, N1 9AG www.kingsplace.co.uk Mar 13, 2011 Walthamstow Folk Club www.walthamstowfolk.co.uk Mar 16, 2011 Ely Folk Club www.elyfolkclub.co.uk Online translation and for information: andy@andy-cutting.co.uk or visit his website: http://www.andy-cutting.co.uk/ |
Northeast Concertina Workshop - USAby Harley Jones |
![]() Workshop classes will be geared toward players of varied skill levels, beginner through to advanced, on anglo, English, and duet system concertinas. Teaching in 2011 will be Rachel Hall, Mary Mac Namara, Aaron Marcus, Gene Murrow, Brian Peters, Chris Stevens, Ken Sweeney. Registrations are open now. Phone: (413) 665-7793 Online translation. |
Controcanto....in Marzo/Aprile - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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![]() Il loro repertorio, sia vocale che strumentale, è vasto e articolato, centrato sulla musica occitana dei due versanti delle Alpi, ma con vari sconfinamenti verso la Bretagna, i paesi baschi o l’Europa dell’Est. Il approccio nella riproposta di queste musiche è spontaneo e generoso, da veri amoureux della danza e del rapporto di scambio ed arricchimento reciproco che si crea con i ballerini Li vedi e senti: 5 marzo BUTTIGLIERA alta via rosta bal folk dalle ore 16" Ricordando Armando" 2 APRILE MANTA presso gli Impianti sportivi ore 21 8 APRILE SCARNAFIGI presso Augustus ore 21 29 APRILE TORINO Via San Marino 10 cena dansoria Per informazioni: annalocci@yahoo.it oppure http://www.controcanto.altervista.org/ |
Solo Zyedco Festival - Texas/USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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![]() The festival features the most popular zydeco bands from Texas and Louisiana performing more than 24 hours of music. The festival will also include vendor and exhibit booths, a children’s area for younger zydeco fans and a wide variety of delicious food to satisfy any appetite. Picture right is Wayne Toups. For further information email Troy Barrett: solozp@yahoo.com |
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CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
Nuovo CD: HERRIA/Kepa Junkera - SPAINby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() ETXEA, KALEA and now are the three chapters of this giant-sized project in which we present today in its totality. This project has the participation of over 280 musicians and singers of the whole world, as well as technicians, producers and many other persons that have formed numerous joined teams to achieve a goal, taking our identity wherever we have been somehow already present. For Information: www.kepajunkera.com or info@kap-produkzioak.com |
Brian Erickson – new CD “Cool Concertina” - USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Brian Erickson’s creative efforts have completed the unorthodox challenge of playing the concertina in a jazz setting, which, until Brian came along had been unfamiliar to this musical instrument. On certain cuts ( “Air Mail Special” being one of them) Brian overdubs with additional concertina parts in order to demonstrate the possibilities of a concertina “Big Band.” The fine rhythm section consists of Brian Benson (formerly of Chicago and one of the most sought after bass players in the international jazz scene.) And Dane Richeson (drums) a first class drummer and also percussion instructor/professor at Lawrence University, Appleton, WI, USA. For further information email: jazz.concertina@yahoo.com Online translation ! |
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