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Diatonic News - Apr-2011
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Voci Armoniche


ACQUAVIVA COLLE CROCE, LARINO (CB) 29-30/4 e 1/5 - Italia
2011 Frankfurt Musikmesse 6-9 April - Germany
Fratelli GUGLIELMI con la Master-Production/Musikmesse Francoforte – Germania
Markku Lepistö - Melodeon Book of Tauno Krossi - Finland
Achtung: Anmeldeschluss !
Diatonic Accordions Crafted from Rare New Zealand Kauri Wood - Finland, New Zealand
Gwyneth Paltrow Concertina Player, Singer and Actress - USA
John Nixon (1927-2011), Cheshire – UK
Akkordeonale 2011 - Deutschland
Tony MacKenzie Busking to the End, Mornington Penninsula, - Australia

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Australian Celtic Festival - AUSTRALIA
18e fête de l'accordéon - France
Stage/organetto diatonico con Filippo Gambetta - Italia
Volksmusikwoche Morschach 2011 - Schweiz
"Lu Giuviddì Sande" - Italia
Texas Folklife's 2011 Big Squeeze Accordion Auditions Continuing - USA
CT Tango Ensemble In Concert, Stellenbosch - South Africa
Helena Ruegg Bandoneon Performances - Israel, Palestine

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

QUIERO 24 en Essa Milonga - Argentina
Mario Salvi e Raffaele Inserra a Latina - Italia
Astor Piazzolla 90th Birthday Celebration, Honolulu – Hawaii
“Tiger Lillies Freaks Show" – UK/Bielorussia
Paolo Russo/Bandoneon in April - Denmark/Sweden
Hohner Squeezebox App and New Brand Presentation at Music Fair 2011, Frankfurt – Germany
The Box E - Crawfish Festival - USA
12th Annual Catfish Festival (Washington, Louisiana) - USA
7th Annual Creole Heritage Zydeco & Crawfish Festival - USA
TrioTonico and Liguriani e Mauro Pirovano in concert - Italy/Holland
Super Button Box Bash Marathon, Euclid, Ohio - USA
Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi Performs in Yerevan - Armenia

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Tango CD by “Lo Que Vendrà” Ensemble - Italy
Joe Burke CD: ‘Happy To Meet & Sorry To Part’, Galway – Ireland
CD-Präsentation Fingerl-Flitzer - Deutschland

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Antique Accordian
Happy Easter - Worldwide

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

ACQUAVIVA COLLE CROCE, LARINO (CB) 29-30/4 e 1/5 - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Sounding Out the Accordion

2011 Frankfurt Musikmesse 6-9 April - Germany

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
See all about the Frankfurt_Musikmesse_2011_Accordion_Live_Report by Holda Paoletti-Kampl - Reports from each day of the Musikmesse Fair, live. New Products, artists, producers and enthusiasts meeting on the international fairground....check out the every day Frankfurt_Musikmesse_2011_Accordion_Live_Report !

The 2011 Frankfurt Musikmesse takes place from April 6th to 8th, with a day for the public on April 9th. The hours of opening are from 9am to 6pm.

The fair has international exhibitors from 46 countries presenting musical instruments, music software and hardware, sheet music, accessories and services connected with music making. Public day has many accordion demonstrators at the displays of the accordion manufacturers.

All diatonic Accordions, Harmonicas, Bandoneons, Steirische Harmonikas, Concertinas, Schwyzer Oergelis, Midi, Bellows, Reeds, Bags, Belts can be found in HALL 3.1

The Accordions Worldwide Group Clients are to be found:
Baffetti Location 3.1 H20
Ballone Burini Lido & C. s.r.l., Location 3.1 G20
Beltuna Akkordeons und Harmonikas, Location 3.1 F12
Borsini-Accordions & Exp. srl, Location 3.1 G17
Bugari Armando srl Location 3.1 G23
Cagnoni S.p.A., Location, 3.1 G19
Delicia Akkordeon Service Location 3.1 H13
Excelsior Accordions, Location 3.1 F15
Galassi S.N.C. di Roberto e Renzo Galassi, Location 3.1 G51S
Harmonikas_Titlbach Location 3.1 G16
Hohner Musikinstrumente GmbH & Co., Location 3.1 F60
International Music Company (IMC) Location 3.1 H21
Italcinte di Beniamino Bugiolacchi, Location 3.1 G51P
Master MIDI Production http://www.master-production.com Location 3.1 G51Q
Mengascini Nello S.r.l., Location 3.1 G51T
MusicTech snc, Location 3.1 H24
ORLA S.r.l., Location 5.0 B23
Paolo Soprani, Suoni s.r.l., Location 3.1 F19
Pasco Italia snc di Breccia e Moreschi, Location 3.1 F21
Piermaria accordions, Location 3.1 H21
Pigini Srl, Location 3.1 F15
Roland Elektronische Musikinstrumente Handelsgesellschaft mbH, Location 3.1 F13 & Location 5.0 B38
Scandalli, Suoni s.r.l., Location 3.1 F19
Siwa & Figli Accordions http://www.siwafigli.com Location 3.1 G51R
Soundwear Dimbath e.K. Location 3.1 G18 and Location 1.1 G10
Victoria Accordions Company s.r.l. Location 3.1 J23
Zero Sette Location 3.1 G23


Fratelli GUGLIELMI con la Master-Production/Musikmesse Francoforte – Germania

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
La Master Production di Antonella Toccaceli di Castelfidardo azienda leader e costruttrice delle diverse tecnologie midi e microfoni per fisarmonica per questo incontro annuale di Francoforte vuole regalare a tutti i suoi clienti e amatori di questo strumento bellissimo, un cartellone di show senza precedenti, l’esperienza di un icona della fisarmonica nel mondo, che ha forgiato generazioni di musicisti, quale Pino di Modugno (che si esibirà allo stand MASTER) fino all’esatto opposto dei piccolissimo fratellini Guglielmi. Entrambi daranno vita ad un susseguirsi di performance. Durante i vari eventi i curiosi avranno l’opportunità di vedere, sentire e provare le novità d’avanguardia che la Master, sinonimo di qualità ed affidabilità da 25 anni, presenterà al pubblico.
Per gli eventi artistici giornalieri i due baby Talenti Alessandro e Gabriele che rispettivamente hanno 8 e 10 anni, si esibiranno in uno show in solo ed in duo. Vincitori di tutti i concorsi nazionali ed internazionali di fisarmonica diatonica sono studenti presso Il Centro studi Musicali NUOVE ARMONIE di Paola(CS) e presso il CONSERVATORIO di musica Tchykovsky di Nocera Terinese (CZ). Fulgidi talenti e fiori all’occhiello del loro insegnante M° Antonio Spaccarotella, Alessandro e Gabriele sono senza ombra di dubbio fra i più bravi musicisti di fisarmonica diatonica della loro fascia a livello internazionale e la Master è felice di poter promuovere questi due talenti d’arte a 360 gradi.
Visita la Master Production al 3.1 G51

Master Production di Antonella Toccaceli, Castelfidardo - leader and manufacturer of different technologies and microphones for midi accordion for this annual meeting in Frankfurt wants to offer to all its customers and fans of this beautiful instrument, a program of unprecedented shows with the performances of the accordion world icon, who has enchanted generations of musicians, Pino Di Modugno (who will perform at the stand MASTER) until the complete opposite with the little brothers Guglielmi. Both will create a series of performances. During the various events, the public will have the opportunity to see, hear and experience the many innovative changes that the Master is synonymous for in quality and reliability since 25 years.
For the daily artistic events the 2 young talents Alessandro and Gabriele, aged 8 and 10 years, will perform in a show in solo and duo. They are Winners of numerous national and international competitions of the diatonic accordion and are students at the Centro Studi Musicali NUOVE ARMONIE of Paola (CS) and at the Conservatory of Music Tchykovsky Nocera Terinese (CZ). Shining talents and pride of their teacher Maestro Antonio Spaccarotella, Alessandro and Gabriel are undoubtedly among the most talented musicians of the diatonic accordion in their class at international level and the Master is happy to promote these two talents d 'Art at 360 degrees.
Visit the Master Production to 3.1 G51
Alessandro(left) e Gabriele (right) Guglielmi

Voci Armoniche

Markku Lepistö - Melodeon Book of Tauno Krossi - Finland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Markku Lepistö: Tauno Krossin kaksiriviskirja |The Melodeon Book of Tauno Krossi
Publisher: Markku Lepistö
Original release date: Jul 24, 2009
Format: Sheet music book (Hardcover). 136 pages + covers.
Many Finns remember Tauno Krossi (1925–1979) as a humble musician from Laihia, who on stage transformed into a strong performer with a remarkable sense of humor, and a knack at connecting with his audience. This book contains Krossi’s central repertoire (61 tunes) transcribed into the Melodeon (diatonic accordion) in G/C. Additionally, the same compositions have been transcribed into simpler form and tabulatures for the Vienna Style accordion in C/F. As such, this book is a fine introduction into Finnish and more specifically Southern Ostrobothnian accordion music.

Tauno Krossi (1925-1979) muistetaan monien suomalaisten mielissä vaatimattomana laihialaisena pelimannina, josta lavalla kuoriutui riuska ja huumorintajuinen esiintyjä. Nuottikirja sisältää Krossin keskeisimmän haitariohjelmiston (61 kappaletta) kirjoitettuna suomalaiselle G/C-vireiselle haitarille. Lisäksi samat kappaleet on kirjoitettu helpotettuina nuotteina eurooppalaiselle C/F-vireiselle haitarille tabulatuureineen. Tämän kirjan sisältö antaa samalla kattavan kuvan suomalaisesta ja nimenomaan eteläpohjalaisesta haitarimusiikista.

Markku Lepistö

Friedrich Lips Book

Achtung: Anmeldeschluss !

by Werner Weibert
Anmeldeschluss ist am 15. April !!!

Auf www.harmonikaverband.at finden Sie die Ausschreibungen und alle Details.

Das Programm des größten Harmonika-Events 2011:
Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2011 Anreise der Kandidaten, am Abend präsentiert sich das HERBERT-PIXNER-TRIO.
Freitag, 3. Juni ist der Tag des Internationalen Wettbewerbes. Je nach Andrang können da auch schon der Österreichische und/oder Bayerische Wettbewerb beginnen. Am Abend lautet das Motto INZELL WIE ES SINGT UND KLINGT und es zeigen
4 frühere internationale Gewinner ihr begeisterndes Können.
Samstag, 4. Juni ist der Schlusstag der nationalen Meisterschaften. Um 18 Uhr findet das KONZERT DER SIEGER im Rahmen der großen Preisverleihung für alle Wettbewerbe statt.
Sonntag, 5. Juni geht der größte Harmonika-Event Europas zu Ende.

Die Gemeinde Inzell/Oberbayern und der Harmonikaverband Österreichs erwarten Sie, wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme.

Online translation !

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Diatonic Accordions Crafted from Rare New Zealand Kauri Wood - Finland, New Zealand

by Harley Jones
Arthur Maich who donated the Kauri timber
Kimmo Mattila unpacking the Kauri timber upon arrival in Ikaalinen (Finland).Picture above: Dargaville (New Zealand) resident Arthur Maich who donated the Kauri timber for the manufacture of two special accordions.

Picture right: Kimmo Mattila unpacking the Kauri timber upon arrival in Ikaalinen (Finland).

A bright idea and a gift of Northern Wairoa Kauri are soon to bring two cultures together from opposite sides of the world.

Dargaville, New Zealand born musician, Kevin Friedrich (who lives in New York), has been donated Kauri timber by Dargaville resident Arthur Maich for the crafting of two unusual diatonic accordions, the world's first crafted from the rare and spectacular native New Zealand Kauri timber.

The idea is the brainchild of Kevin who is having the accordions designed and made at the Ikaalinen College of Crafts and Design in Ikaalinen, Finland. Their accordion department specialises in teaching how to build, repair, service and tune different types of instruments.

World firsts, the Kauri accordions will be identical and made in traditional Finnish style. One will be kept in the Dargaville Museum as part of their huge collection, and the other kept in Finland. Kevin will utilize the Dargaville based instrument when he is performing in New Zealand. The instruments will be decorated with Paua shell engravings and maybe use Paua or Greenstone for the buttons.

“It has been a tricky business trying to send the native New Zealand Kauri timber out of New Zealand, but with the help and experience of local businessman Gordon Morfett we are almost ready to go.” says project manager, Dargaville Museum volunteer Margaret Tier.

The precious Kauri timber has since arrived in Finland and was received by Finland project Manager Kimmo Mattila, the President of the Finnish Accordion Association. Media reports on both sides of the world have been very enthusiastic, profiling this interesting and one of a kind project.

Media will continue to monitor the progress in both the local New Zealand newspapers as well as Hanuri, the magazine of the Finnish Accordion Association as well as Newspapers throughout Finland, with an expected completion date in one to two years.

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Gwyneth Paltrow Concertina Player, Singer and Actress - USA

by Harley Jones
Gwyneth Paltrow’s mother, actress Blythe Danner, said Paltrow’s foray into music began in 1995 when she played a concertina for the score of a film she was starring in, ‘Jefferson in Paris’.

Developing her music career, Gwyneth Paltrow has just signed a record deal for a debut album with Atlantic Records. The Oscar winning actress gained attention for her musical talent when she sang ‘Coming Home’ at the recent Academy Awards, which is the title track for her upcoming movie ‘Country Strong’.

The new album is reportedly going to be country pop, so hopefully we will hear Gwyneth Paltrow featuring the concertina too.

Gwyneth Paltrow‘s Mutter, Schauspielerin Blythe Danner, sagte das Gwyneth Paltrow’s erster Musikauftritt 1995 stattfand, als sie eine Konzertina für die Gäste einer Filmvorführung spielte, in dem sie die Hauptrolle in "Jefferson in Paris" inne hatte.

Eine Musikkarriere stand Gwyneth Paltrow bevor, denn sie hatte einen Plattenvertrag für ein Debütalbum bei Atlantic Records. Die Oscar-prämierte Schauspielerin gewann Aufmerksamkeit für ihr musikalisches Talent, als sie "Coming Home " während der jüngsten Oscar-Verleihung, den Titelsong ihres kommenden Film " Country Strong’" sang.

Das neue Album ist Berichten zufolge Country-Pop –und man hofft, Gwyneth Paltrow bald wieder mit der Konzertina zu hören.

John Nixon (1927-2011), Cheshire – UK

by Rob Howard
John Nixon, one of the world’s finest concertina players, died on Saturday, March 5th, aged 84, after a long battle with anemia and heart disease.

Born in Bolton, Lancashire, in 1927, John Nixon played in his father’s 24 strong Bolton Concertina Band in the 1930s, and in 1940 made his first solo radio broadcast from BBC Manchester.

John became a professional musician in dance bands, using English concertina, clarinet and alto saxophone, and also performed regularly in jazz clubs.

John Nixon was widely acknowledged as one of the world's best concertina players, with a great feeling for playing jazz. He spent many years as a session musician, and recorded with the likes of Henry Mancini, Barbara Streisand, Paul McCartney, George Martin, Michel Legrande, and accordionists Frank Marocco, Jack Emblow, Harry Hussey, and Marcel Azzola. His playing can be heard on the soundtracks of such BBC television programmes as ‘Kidnapped’, ‘All Creatures Great and Small’, and ’Allo Allo’, whilst his film credits include ‘Santa Claus the Movie’, ‘Tess’, and ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’ – to name but a few.

In 1984, John played on Paul McCartney’s ‘We All Stand Together’, a Number One chart hit at Christmas. He recalls that the recording session involved him using treble, baritone and bass concertinas, together with The King’s Singers, the junior choir of St Paul’s Cathedral, an orchestra conducted by George Martin, and the legendary ‘Macca’ himself. John remembers Paul McCartney exhorting The King’s Singers to make sounds like frogs, demonstrating animatedly what he wanted!

On another occasion, John was in the studio, again with George Martin at the helm, playing alongside French accordionist, Marcel Azzola, recording a film score. During lunch break, with the studio otherwise empty, John and Marcel, plus a keyboard player had an impromptu jam session, playing jazz together. John afterwards wished that someone had recorded them – a lost opportunity, alas.

In 2002 John Nixon was elected a Vice President of Stockport Accordion Club, and he was also well known at accordion festivals, performing and leading jazz and swing band workshops. One of his greatest pleasures was to play a couple of impromptu duets with whoever happened to be the guest artiste at Stockport AC concerts, and audiences were thus regularly treated to his magical skills on the concertina.

For further information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com

In other languages pls visit our site: www.accordions.com - news edition of 11th March 2011

Titano Accordions

Akkordeonale 2011 - Deutschland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Donatello Pisanello
Ferro Gaita„ Donatello Pisanello“ Mitreißende Energie aus dem Süden Italiens
Der aus dem Salento stammende Donatello Pisanello ist Ziehharmonika- Spieler, Multi- Instrumentalist, Komponist für Film und Theater, Skript- Writer und Journalist. Auf seinem Organetto spielt er Pizzica, bei uns besser bekannt als Tarantella. Ursprünglich setzten die armen Bauern des Südens Musik und Tanz rituell zur Heilung von Krankheiten ein, die angeblich vom Tarantelstich (Pizzica) verursacht wurden. Der Tarantelstich gilt als Metapher für emotionale Zustände wie Trauer, Depression oder sexuelle Frustration und der „Gestochene“ tanzt bis zum Zusammenbruch. Jahrhundertelange Besatzung und diverse mediterrane Einflüsse prägten die Pizzica/ Tarantella, eine Musik voll Freude, Passion und Gefühl.
Donatello Pisanello setzt seine Begabung und Talente ein, um die Musik seiner Region zu erhalten, zu erneuern und zu beleben. Wenn er mit seiner Gruppe ZOÉ auf Mega- Events spielt, tanzen Tausende die Pizzica Taranta.

„FerroGaita „ - Rasante Quetschmusik von den Kapverden
Von den Kapverden kommt Estevão „Iduino“ Tavares. Er spielt Ziehharmonika, hier Gaita genannt, die untrennbar mit dem kapverdischen Musikstil Funaná verbunden ist.
Das Akkordeon wurde auf den Kapverden Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts durch die Portugiesen eingeführt, um die Insulaner mit europäischer Musik zu infizieren, die man der afrikanischen als weit überlegen betrachtete. Doch genau das Gegenteil passierte und es entstand eine neue typisch afrikanische Musik, worin das Akkordeon die Hauptrolle spielt. Wegen ihrer gesellschaftskritischen Texte und wegen des erotischen Charakters des Tanzes wurde die Musik von den Kolonialbehörden verboten.
Seit der Unabhängigkeit 1975 hat der Funaná Furore gemacht, nicht nur auf den kapverdischen Inseln, aber auch in Tanzlokalen weltweit! Seine Verbreitung hat u.a. damit zu tun, dass viele Menschen die Inseln aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen verlassen mussten und ihre Musik mitgenommen haben. Estevão „Iduino“ Tavares, mit Reggeamusik aufgewachsen, hat anfangs Trompete gespielt, sich dann aber für die Musik seiner Heimat und das Akkordeon entschieden. Er gilt heute mit seiner Band „FerroGaita“ als König des Funaná.

Servais Haanen - Der Meister feiner Klänge aus den Niederlanden
Der Niederländer Servais Haanen, Ausnahme-Akkordeonist und musikalischer Querdenker, ist Drahtzieher und Organisator der Akkordeonale. Er komponiert und arrangiert u.a. die Ensemble-Stücke des Festivals und führt mit viel Humor und Sachverstand moderierend durchs Programm. Mit dem diatonischen Akkordeon hat er sich als einfühlsamer Musiker und Komponist profiliert, der es versteht, die musikalische Idee auf den Kern der Aussage zuzuspitzen.
Kennzeichnend für seine sensiblen und poetischen Kompositionen sind minimalistisch-respektive Strukturen und magnetisch - mitziehende Melodien ohne jede Kitsch-Attitüde. Er lässt sein Akkordeon in Sphären vordringen, in denen es bisher nichts zu suchen hatte...

„Vladimir Denissenkov“ - Mütterchen Russland explodiert über die Grenzen hinaus
Der aus der Ukraine stammende Vladimir Denissenkov ist einer der Stars der post- sowjetischen Diaspora. Er ist ein echtes Schwergewicht des Bajan, der russischen Variante des chromatischen Knopfakkordeons. Nachdem er sich bereits als Akkordeonist bei der Moskauer Philharmonie sowie als Solo-Künstler einen Namen gemacht hatte, emigrierte er 1995 nach Italien, wo man ihn als viel gefragten und geschätzten Musiker kennt. Er spielt sowohl solistisch (u.a. bei Theater, Cinema, Ballet) als auch mit seiner Gruppe „Guzulka“.
Vladimir Denissenkov lässt jeglichen Akademismus hinter sich und repräsentiert heute eine kunstmusikalische Instanz am Rande der europäischen Weltmusik. Er tut dies auf eigenwillige Weise, weit entfernt von einem volksmusikalischen oder rein klassischen Zugang, wobei das musikalische Material durch seine Virtuosität neue Blüten treibt.

Cathrin Pfeiffer - Virtuoses Feuerwerk für zwei Hände

01.04.2011 Akkordeonale 2011 in 76131 Karlsruhe Tollhaus
Zeit: 20:00. Telefonnummer der Location: 0721-964050.
02.04.2011 Akkordeonale 2011 in 78628 Rottweil Theater im Badhaus
Zeit: 19:00.
03.04.2011 Akkordeonale 2011 in 54290 Trier Tuchfabrik
Zeit: 19:00. Telefonnummer der Location: 0651-718 2412.
04.04.2011 Akkordeonale 2011 in 56072 Koblenz Cafe Hahn
Zeit: 20:00. Telefonnummer der Location: 0261-42302.
05.04.2011 Akkordeonale 2011 in 26789 Leer Theater an der Blinke
Zeit: 19:00. Telefonnummer der Location: 0491-13558.
06.04.2011 Akkordeonale 2011 in 53113 Bonn Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle
Zeit: 20:00. Telefonnummer der Location: 0228-9171-431.
07.04.2011 Akkordeonale 2011 in 55122 Mainz Kultur im SWR Foyer
Zeit: 19:00.
08.04.2011 Akkordeonale 2011 in 41564 Kaarst Albert Einstein Forum
Zeit: 20:00. Telefonnummer der Location: 02131-987 223.
09.04.2011 Akkordeonale 2011 in 63303 Dreieich Bürgerhaus Sprendlingen
Zeit: 20:00. Telefonnummer der Location: 06103-60000.
10.04.2011 Akkordeonale 2011 in 77654 Offenburg Reithalle
Zeit: 19:00. Telefonnummer der Location: 0781-822000.
11.04.2011 Akkordeonale 2011 in 20359 Hamburg Cafe Keese
Zeit: 20:00. Karten kaufen
12.04.2011 Akkordeonale 2011 in 34111 Kassel Adventskirche
Zeit: 20:00. Telefonnummer der Location: 0561-983500.
13.04.2011 Akkordeonale 2011 in A-4020 Linz Posthof
Zeit: 20:00. Telefonnummer der Location: 0043-732-781800.
14.04.2011 Akkordeonale 2011 in 82110 Germering Stadthalle
Zeit: 19:30. Telefonnummer der Location: 089-894 9015.
15.04.2011 Akkordeonale 2011 in 84478 Waldkraiburg Haus der Kultur
Zeit: 20:00.
16.04.2011 Akkordeonale 2011 in 44137 Dortmund Domicil
Zeit: 20:00. Telefonnummer der Location: 0231-47757985.
17.04.2011 Akkordeonale 2011 in 76829 Landau Altes Kaufhaus
Zeit: 20:00.
18.04.2011 Akkordeonale 2011 in 91522 Ansbach Kammerspiele
Zeit: 20:00. Telefonnummer der Location: 0981-13756.
19.04.2011 Akkordeonale 2011 in 07743 Jena Volkshaus
Zeit: 20:00. Telefonnummer der Location: 03641498052.
20.04.2011 Akkordeonale 2011 in 90762 Fürth Kulturforum
Zeit: 20:00. Telefonnummer der Location: www.ticket-online.de.
21.04.2011 Akkordeonale 2011 in 93053 Regensburg Alte Mälzerei
Zeit: 20:00.
22.04.2011 Akkordeonale 2011 in 72762 Reutlingen franz k
Zeit: 20:00. Telefonnummer der Location: 07121-9090 891.
23.04.2011 Akkordeonale 2011 in 35037 Marburg KFZ
Zeit: 20:00. Telefonnummer der Location: 06421-13898.

Accordion Jazz Chord

Tony MacKenzie Busking to the End, Mornington Penninsula, - Australia

by Harley Jones
Tony MacKenzieTony Mackenzie busked using his button box, voice and his giant heart, right up until the end. On March 16, battling liver cancer, the veteran charity worker grabbed his trusty accordion and headed down to the Mornington market, Victoria

The 77-year-old played, sang and chatted with market patrons for about two hours before heading home, and passing away on 21 March. For a man who was very much a part of the Mornington market scene, it was a fitting end to a life well lived.

Mr Mackenzie raised more than $100,000 for charities, particularly the Osteogenesis Imperfecta Foundation. He was keen to support children with brittle bones. He had a real affinity for children who were disadvantaged.

In retirement, Tony Mackenzie played his accordion at the Red Hill, Mornington, Balnarring, Rosebud and Tootgarook markets to raise money for charities.

In an interview with a local newspaper in 2007, Tony Mackenzie said his childhood experience of being raised in an orphanage motivated him to reach out to children in need.

“I just want to help the little guys out. The people at the market are very kind to me and very generous to the kids,” he said.

A service was held at Dromana’s Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church, where Mr MacKenzie regularly attended services on 25 March.

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Australian Celtic Festival - AUSTRALIA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

About the Festival
The Australian Celtic Festival is held in Glen Innes "Celtic Country" on the first weekend in May annually. Originally developed as a meeting place for the Celtic Clans and Associations of Australia to gather and celebrate their Celtic history. While today the festival has grown into a "must see" Celtic experience attracting close to 4500 visitors. The festival is held at the Australian Standing Stones overlooking the rural township of Glen Innes and celebrates the great Celtic Culture with song, dance, history and food.

The festival honours a different Celtic Nation annually, 2011 - The Year of the Irish!

Held over four days with entertainment including;

•Three stages of Celtic performances of song, dances and pipe bands.
•Celtic Ceremonies
•Kirking of the tartans
•Dawn Service
•Massed Pipe Bands
•Street Parade
•Strongman Events
•Children's activities
•Poet's breakfast
•Celtic Stalls
•Yard dog Championships
•Fun Run and Walk
•Celtic Food
•Celtic Tours
On stage also the multi-award winning Celtic Roots band, with their uniquely Australian sound and great respect for traditional music. Featuring Christine Wheeler on vocals, flute and whistles, 2009 CMAA National Fiddle Champion Mike Kerin, also on mandolin, guitar and vocals, founding member Ged Corbin on guitar and mandolin, Tinker Duffy of Irish, Romany and Welsh descent on piano accordion and vocals, and Michael Vidale on semi acoustic double bass, Wheelers and Dealers is an entertaining musical journey through Celtic music.

Charnwood Music Publishing

18e fête de l'accordéon - France

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
18e fête de l'accordéon [diatonique] les 2 & 3 avril 2011
en partenariat avec Planètes Musiques

le festival des nouvelles musiques traditionnelles organisé par la Fédération des Associations de Musiques et Danses Traditionnelles (FAMDT) et la Maison de la musique de Nanterre

Stages de musique avec
Didier Laloy
Stéphane Milleret
Cyrille Brotto
Martin Coudroy
Bruno Le Tron
Yannick Guyader
Jean-Marc Rohart
Alexandre Donnard
Gaëlle Dos Santos

Le répertoire latino sera cette année à l'honneur avec un stage animé par Roberto Santiago

Stage d'initiation & de perfectionnement aux danses traditionnelles avec
Christian Hugues
Jean-Louis Baujard
Isabelle Blô & François Tillerot (Duo Synkro)

Le grand balTrad Samedi 2 avril à partir de 21h avec
Stéphane Milleret & Toc Toc Toc
Le Bruno Bizis Band
Ki'Slach Duo

ainsi que tous les intervenants des stages pour une grande session d'improvisation

Facteur d’accordéons

Avec Yvus Accordéons, les accordéons du sud de la France par Yves Gaubert
Info: http://www.diatotrad.fr/

Voci Armoniche

Stage/organetto diatonico con Filippo Gambetta - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
6-7-8 Maggio 2011
Workshop di 12 ore nel cuore del Parco Naturale Regionale di Portofino tenuto da Filippo Gambetta
presso l'Agririfugio Molini - Località Molini - San Fruttuoso di Camogli


14.00 battello da Camogli a San Fruttuoso (www.golfoparadiso.it)
15.30 arrivo allievi / insediamento in agririfugio / consegna materiale
16.00 incontro in classe / illustrazione programma
16.30 / 19.30 lezione
19.30 aperitivo
20.00 cena
22.00 concerto / session

08.30 colazione
09.30 / 12.30 lezione
12.30 aperitivo
13.00 pranzo
14.00 / 16.30 visita dell'Abbazia di San Fruttuoso o breve itinerario escursionistico
17.00 / 20.00 lezione
20.00 aperitivo
20.30 cena
22.30 concerto / session

08.30 colazione
09.30 / 12.30 lezione
12.30 aperitivo
13.00 pranzo
14.30 / 15.00 sgombero camere - saluti
16. / 17.00 battello per Camogli



Volksmusikwoche Morschach 2011 - Schweiz

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
25. – 30. April 2011
Seminar- und Bildungszentrum/ Antoniushaus Mattli, Morschach/Schweiz

Der Kurs richtet sich an Laien und "Vollblut"-Musikanten, denen über die musikalische Beschäftigung mit bekannten und neuen Stücken auch das gesellige Beisammensein fernab des Alltags und die Freude am Musizieren in gemischten Gruppen wichtig ist. Beim traditionellen Schlusskonzert wird das während der Woche Erlernte in kursinternen Rahmen vorgestellt.


"Lu Giuviddì Sande" - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Cellino Attanasio- Centro Storico
venerdì 15 aprile alle ore 18.00 - 17 aprile alle ore 3.00

Info www.ecotraitorrioni.com o ecotraitorrioni@interfree.it

Vincenzo 3294611527
Vittorio 3803312096

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Texas Folklife's 2011 Big Squeeze Accordion Auditions Continuing - USA

by Harley Jones
2010 Winner Keyun DicksonThe Fifth annual Big Squeeze Accordion competition is underway. Picture left is 2010 Winner Keyun Dickson.

The Big Squeeze auditions have nearly all been held.
- March 6: Rio Grande Valley at the Narciso Martinez Cultural Arts Center in San Benito;
- March 11: Houston at the Eldorado Ballroom of Project Row Houses;
- March 13: La Grange at the Swiss Alp Dance Hall;
- March 19: Dallas at the Latino Cultural Center;
- March 25: Seguin at the Birch Texas Theatre hosted by Teatro de Artes de Juan Seguin;
- March 27: Corpus Christi at Hacienda Records; and
- April 1: San Antonio at the Conjunto Heritage Taller.

Semifinalists selected by audition or mailed entries will be hosted in Austin to take part in the semifinals held on April 30 at the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum.

At that time, up to four finalists will be selected and awarded $300 each as well as having their hotel stay paid in Houston to compete before a large, enthusiastic audience of accordion fans at the Accordion Kings & Queens Festival on June 4.

Last year’s crowd numbered over 6,000. The Big Squeeze 2011 grand-prize-winner will be selected at the concert by the panel of judges with help from the audience.

The grand-prize-winner will receive a prize package valued at $ 4500, including a $1000 cash prize, a brand new Hohner accordion and recording time at the historic Hacienda Records in Corpus Christi, as well as promotional support from SugarHill Records, Hohner, Inc., Hacienda Records and Texas Folklife, and other professional opportunities.

Texas Folklife is a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to presenting and preserving the diverse cultures and living heritage of the Lone Star State.

For more than 25 years, Texas Folklife has honored the authentic cultural traditions passed down within communities and explored their importance in contemporary society. Called “one of the state’s true cultural treasures” by the Austin American-Statesman, Texas Folklife provides accessible, joyful arts experiences.

Located in SoCo just south of downtown Austin, Texas Folklife can be found next door to the Continental Club, at 1317 South Congress Avenue. For more information contact (512) 441-9255, info@texasfolklife.org

CT Tango Ensemble In Concert, Stellenbosch - South Africa

by Harley Jones
CT Tango EnsembleThe CT Tango Ensemble performed in concert on Sunday March 6th at the Oude Libertas Amphitheatre, corner of Adam Tas and Oude Libertas Road, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

The program included traditional tangos, music of Astor Piazzolla, and some of the band’s original compositions.

The CT Tango Ensemble includes Stanislav Angelov - bandoneon and accordion, Albert Combrink – piano, Elina Koytcheva – violin, and Charles Lazar - double bass, with guests Willie van Zyl – saxophone, Michael Hoole – guitar, and Frank Paco – drums.

For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za

Titano Accordions

Helena Ruegg Bandoneon Performances - Israel, Palestine

by Harley Jones
Helena RueggHelena Ruegg (Switzerland) is reported visting Israel and Palestine in November 2010, meeting with Jewish and Arab musicians.

The Workers Advice Center, WAC-MAAN, invited her to perform, and she responded with two unique shows, featuring tangos as well as revolutionary songs (some in Yiddish), at WAC's new center in Haifa and at Beit ha-Am in Tel Aviv.

Helena has played in dozens of ensembles on stages throughout the world. In 1999, with Arne Birkenstock, she published Tango: Geschichte und Geschichten, a book on the tango's history which has had a great success.

Because it is hard to make a living from playing, she combined her musical career with journalism.


Future events / Concerts

Voci Armoniche


by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
S.Genesio | 20.04.2011
anteprima nuovo disco "The Journey" (Dan Moretti & Piccola Orchestra La Viola)

ore 20.30
Presentazione in anteprima del nuovo disco "The Journey" con
Dan Moretti (in collegamento video da Boston, USA)
Alessandro D'Alessandro
Antonella Costanzo
Alessandro Parente

Maria Cristina Zoppa (Radio RAI)

interprete Irene De Angelis

ore 21.15
Concerto della Piccola Orchestra La Viola

20 Aprile '11 (ore 20:30)
@ TEATRO SAN GENESIO | Via Podgora 1 (angolo Viale Mazzini, zona Prati) | ROMA
ingresso: € 10

Per prenotazioni e info:
Teatro San Genesio
sms al 339/1747681
telefonate al 06/3223432

QUIERO 24 en Essa Milonga - Argentina

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Wednesday 6 of April: Quiero 24
Very refined play list of tangos & milongas. As well as compositions of their own and some classics, they are a band creative and traditional; Traditional in their musical formation following the popular likes of tango cacion of sucha an artist as, Carlos Gardel, Ignacio Corsini, Nelly Omar y Edmundo Rivero, creative in their look, play list and musical arrangements that show just how much tango has been forced to change through time.

Miércoles 6 de abril: Quiero 24
Repertorio tanguero, valsístico y milonguero -finamente recreados- así como también nuevas composiciones propias o prestadas, es una agrupación a la vez innovadora y tradicional; tradicional en su formación, que hicieran popular, en los albores del tango canción, Carlos Gardel, Ignacio Corsini, Nelly Omar y Edmundo Rivero entre otros, innovadora en su estética, repertorio y arreglos, que forzosamente reflejan el cambio de los tiempos.

Info: Av. Córdoba 5064
Palermo, Ciudad de Buenos Aires
Tel: 1554978260
Mail: tsuzao@gmail.com

Mario Salvi e Raffaele Inserra a Latina - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Accordion Jazz Chords

Astor Piazzolla 90th Birthday Celebration, Honolulu – Hawaii

by Rob Howard
raul jaurenaTo celebrate the 90th birthday of the late Astor Piazzolla, violinist Iggy Jang is leading a band to perform in a ‘Tango Extravaganza!’ at the Doris Duke Theatre, Honolulu Academy of Arts, Hawaii, on April 2nd, 7.30pm.

The band includes Grammy-Award winning bandoneon player Raul Jaurena, pianist Alfredo Minetti, and Tony-Award dancers Guillermo Merlo & Fernanda Ghi. The group is joined by guitarist Jeff Peterson and bassist John Gallagher.

The players will give a pre-concert talk at 6.30pm. The show begins at 7.30pm.

“Tiger Lillies Freaks Show" – UK/Bielorussia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
"Welcome to the Carnival of Circus Freaks
The Bleeding Lady the blood from her leaks
Here is a place where you can buy crack
Lobotomised whores who you can slap."

The Freakshow presents the mutation of the Tiger Lillies 1999 cd 'Circus Songs'. New outcasts have their story presented for your listening pleasure.
The Snake Woman, Three Legged Jake, Rosa with 3 Hearts, the Fat Lady, Deathless Man, Normo, Bleeding Lady, Matchstick Man, Flipper Boy, The Bleeding Lady, Ugly Joe, Hairy Man and the Sleeper all cavort for your entertainment. A carnival of oddities, but who is the freak, them or YOU?

Martyn Jacques
Vocals, Accordion
Martyn Jacques, the founder of The Tiger Lillies, spent much of his early years living above a brothel in London's Soho. His songs describe (in lurid detail) pimps, prostitutes, drug addicts, losers and other unsavoury characters. He wrote the music for Shockheaded Peter and won an Olivier Award for Best Supporting Performance in a Musical for his memorable role in the work. He is currently working on several theatrical projects

Adrian Huge
Drums, Percussion, Toys

Adrian Stout
Contra Bass, Musical Saw, Theremin, Vocals.

The Tiger Lillies / Misery Guts Music
P.O. BOX 10578
London SW1P 4ZD, UK
Manager: Sophie Seashell
For general queries:

Next appointment:
Minsk on 10 April 2011 Reaktor Club.

Titano Accordions

Paolo Russo/Bandoneon in April - Denmark/Sweden

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Born in Pescara, Italy, in 1969, based in Copenhagen, Denmark since 1996. He started to play the piano at the age of 9. After leaving the University, where he studied Architecture for 5 years, Paolo dedicated himself completely to music. He is educated both in classical music and in rhythmic music. He has performed all over Europe, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Thailand, Tanzania, Mozambique and Japan.

He is playing currently with Band Au Neon, Nuevotrioporteño and with the Swedish based ensemble A Piacere kvartetten. Among his collaborations: the RUSSO/BOLLANI/FRESU TRIO. Furthermore, he has presented his solo recital on piano and bandoneón in Denmark, Sweden, Italy, Hungary and Argentina since 2002. To mention also the recent collaboration with the University of Southern Denmark Symphony Orchestra (conductor: Saul Zaks).

Next concerts:

Apr 16 h. 20:00
Jazzhus Montmartre
Copenhagen (DK)
with Sara Indrio group
tribute to Joni Mitchell

Apr 15 h. 20:00
Scene 1
Hårbøllehuset, Askeby - Møn (DK)
Russo/Calì duo

Apr 03 h. 15:00
Halmstad (SWE)
Solo piano and bandoneon
original compositions

For further information: www.paolorusso.com
or e-mail: paolo@paolorusso.com

Hohner Squeezebox App and New Brand Presentation at Music Fair 2011, Frankfurt – Germany

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Hohner AppHohner will attend again the world’s biggest Music Fair in Frankfurt, April 6th to 9th, with completely renewed brand presentation. It focuses on the joy of making music all across the globe. The brand new Hohner booth is located right in the centre of hall 3.1 (F60).

Hohner will introduce a number of new instruments. Themed “Roots for the Fu-ture” some special highlights are:
- The new guitar series Essential Roos
- The groundbreaking Marine Band Thunderbird harmonica
- The innovative Hohner Squeezebox App for iPad, that was recently release in the USA. More information at:

Further new products will be presented in areas like Melodicas, Classic Guitars and Lanikai Ukuleles. Another highlight is the Harmonica Vintage Exhibition in hall 4.1.

For further information email: info@hohner.de

Neues Hohner Modell/Präsentation/Musikmesse/Frankfurt - Deutschland

Neuer Markenauftritt von Hohner auf der Frankfurter Musikmesse 2011 „Enjoy Music – Across the Globe“ - Hohner wird 2011 wieder auf der Frankfurter Musikmesse vertreten sein und einen rundum erneuerten Markenauftritt präsentieren.

Die Freude am Musizieren rund um die Welt steht dabei im Vordergrund. Der neue Hohner-Stand befindet sich
direkt im Zentrum der Halle 3.1 (F60).
Hohner stellt dort eine Vielzahl neuer Musikinstrumente vor. Unter dem Motto „Roots for the Future“ sind besonders
folgende Highlights zu erwähnen:

- Die neue Gitarren-Serie ESSENTIAL ROOTS, die innovative Features wie NVI („No Variance
Intonation“) mit seltenen Vintage-Bauformen vereint
- Die bahnbrechende Marine Band THUNDERBIRD Mundharmonika in Superlow Tonarten,
welche neue Klangdimensionen erschließt
- Die innovative HOHNER SQUEEZEBOX ACCORDION APP für iPad, die das legendäre
Corona-Akkordeon ins digitale Zeitalter bringt
Weitere Neuheiten werden in Bereichen wie Melodicas, Klassikgitarren und Lanikai-Ukulelen präsentiert.
Zudem gibt es eine Vintage-Ausstellung für Mundharmonikas in Halle 4.1.
Es wird ersucht Pressetermine auszumachen oder direkt den neuen Hohner Stand zu besuchen:
Halle 3.1 – F60
Harmonica Vintage

Hohner – New Brand Presentation at Music Fair 2011, Frankfurt – Germany

Hohner participera à nouveau à la grande Foire de la musique à Frankfort du 6 au 9 avril, avec une présentation nouvelle de la marque. Elle se concentre sur le plaisir de jouer de la musique sur la terre entière. Le stand de Hohner est situé exactement au centre de la halle 3.1 (F60).

Hohner présentera de nombreux nouveaux instruments à cette occasion, sous le thème « Roots for the Fu-ture » (txt : « racines pour le future ») :

- La nouvelle série de guitares Essential Roos
- L’harmonica Marine Band Thunderbird
- La nouvelle application Hohner Squeezebox App pour iPad, qui a récemment été commercialisée aux USA.
Informations completes:

D’autres nouveaux produits, comme les Melodicas, les guitares classiques, et les Ukulele Lanikai seront présentés. Un autre point fort de la Foire sera l’exposition Harmonica Vintage dans la halle 4.1

Pour plus d’informations : For further information email: info@hohner.de
Hohner App - How to Play

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

The Box E - Crawfish Festival - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
(421 Hwy. 90 South, Barrett Station, TX)
Friday, April 1st and Saturday, April 2nd, 2011

eSheet Music Titles

12th Annual Catfish Festival (Washington, Louisiana) - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Thursday, April 14th, 2011

Lil Wayne & Same Ol' 2 Step / BBC with Steve Adams / Geno Delafose & French Rockin' Boogie

Friday, April 15th, 2011

Big Mo & LA 31 / Patrick Henry & The Liberation / Chris Ardoin & NuStep / Keith Frank & The Soileau Zydeco Band

Saturday, April 16th, 2011

W.D. Fontenot & The Cherokee Playboys / Lil Kenny & The Heartbreakers / Gris Gris Band / Geno Delafose & French Rockin' Boogie / Steve RIley & Mamou Playboys / Jamie Bergern & Kickin Cajuns / Wayne Toups & ZyDeCajun

Sunday, April 17th, 2011

Leon Chavis / Lil Nathan & Zydeco Big Tymers / J Paul & Zydeco New Breeds

Titano Accordions

7th Annual Creole Heritage Zydeco & Crawfish Festival - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
San Jacinto Mall - Baytown, Texas
April 29th & 30th, & May 1st, 2011

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

TrioTonico and Liguriani e Mauro Pirovano in concert - Italy/Holland

by Harley Jones
Filippo Gambetta (born in 1981) is an italian melodeon player and composer; the music that he presents is innovative contemporary folk music with lots of different influences. Hailing from Genoa, in northern Italy, Filippo began playing the accordion at the age of fourteen; his music is steeped in northern Italian folk idioms, but also taps Nordic, Celtic, Balkan and other global inspirations. His main band at present is a trio with acoustic guitarist Claudio de Angeli and double bassist Riccardo Barbera.

He will be next:
ore 21.00 Liguriani e Mauro Pirovano Genova (GE)
Quartiere San Gottardo
info: 019/854931

ore 21.00 Liguriani e Mauro Pirovano Teatro Duse
Genova (GE)
Via Nicolò Bacigalupo, 2
info: 019/854931

ore 21.00 Liguriani e Mauro Pirovano Teatro Duse
Genova (GE)
Via Nicolò Bacigalupo, 2
info: 019/854931

ore 21.00 Liguriani e Mauro Pirovano Teatro Duse
Genova (GE)
Via Nicolò Bacigalupo, 2
info: 019/854931

ore 21.00 Liguriani e Mauro Pirovano Savona (SV)
Teatro Chiabrera
info: 019/854931

ore Triotonico
Tesi / Gambetta / Bottasso Venlo
Theater de Maasterpoort / Kleine zaal (+31(0)77 320 72 22)

info: info@maaspoort.nl

ore Trad.It Festival Triotonico
Tesi / Gambetta / Bottasso Groningen (Paesi Bassi)
De Oosterpoort
info: 0031 (0)598 - 450103

ore 21.00 Triotonico
Tesi / Gambetta / Bottasso Amsterdam (Paesi Bassi)

Voci Armoniche

Super Button Box Bash Marathon, Euclid, Ohio - USA

by Harley Jones
The Super Button Box Bash features the unique sound of the diatonic button accordion as played by 12 different bands in a marathon of music in two halls.

Held 3rd April 2011 at the Slovenian Society Home, Recher Ave, Euclid, (1pm to 8 pm), the Button Box Bash is one of the largest Slovenian polka events of the year in the Cleveland area," said Kathleen Trebets, a Willoughby resident and board member of the Slovenian Society Home as well as the Circle Director of the Slovenian Junior Chorus, which will perform at the event.

"It's a tradition that seems to live on year after year and each year draws well-known musicians as well as others who enjoy picking up their accordions and showing off their talents," Trebets said.

"The atmosphere is lively and contagious and you can't help but sing along or tap your toes or get out on the dance floor.

"The Bash brings together a community of people of all different nationalities who love to listen and dance to some great polka and waltz music."

Sounding Out the Accordion

Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi Performs in Yerevan - Armenia

by Harley Jones
Mario Stefano PietrodarchiOn March 10th, virtuoso Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi performed in Yerevan, the capital of Armenia.

Pietrodarchi is performing in the concert dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the legendary Astor Piazzolla with Armenia’s State Youth Orchestra, conducted by Sergey Smbatyan and Italian conductor Roberto Molinelli.

Pietrodarchi and Armenia’s State Youth Orchestra first performed a concert in Yerevan in March 2010.

The 2011 concert also featured works by Robert Molinelli and Antonella Barbarossa.

“This is my fourth concert in Armenia and the second joint project with the Youth State Orchestra of Armenia. This time I wanted to presented a piece of Italy to the Armenian audience. I will also be happy to cooperate with an Armenian composer,” Pietrodarchi told a news conference in Yerevan.

Italian composer Antonella Barbarossa said she was "proud to present her Concerto for bandoneon, timpani e orchestra in Yerevan". The world premiere of her new work took place during the concert on March 10.

“I would like to thank Molinelli, Barbarossa and Pietrodarchi for this opportunity. I am proud that our orchestra was a part of the world premiere,” YSOA conductor Sergey Smbatyan told reporters.

Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi is a tutor at the Conservatory Vibo Valentia, Italy.


CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Voci Armoniche

Tango CD by “Lo Que Vendrà” Ensemble - Italy

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
CD Reviews Index for the Review of “Tango” CD, reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz.

Performers are “Lo Que Vendrà” with Simone Marini on bandoneon.

Friedrich Lips Book

Joe Burke CD: ‘Happy To Meet & Sorry To Part’, Galway – Ireland

by Rob Howard
‘Happy To Meet & Sorry To Part’ is a re-issued CD, starring Irish button accordionist Joe Burke, accompanied by Michael Cooney (guitar), and Terry Corcoran (pipes). The recording was made in Nashville, USA, in 1986.

Joe Burke (born 1939) is a legendary figure in Irish traditional music. He is based in Galway, on the west coast of Ireland, where he performs and teaches the diatonic accordion. At the time of recording ‘Happy To Meet & Sorry To Part’ Joe Burke lived in Boston, USA.

The tracks include: Reels: ‘Dowd's No.9’/‘The Galway Rambler’, Jigs: ‘Daleystown Hunt’/ ‘The Carraroe’, Set Dance: ‘Bonaparte's Retreat’, Reels: ‘Captain Kelly's’/ ‘Jennie's Wedding’, Song: ‘The Maid On the Mountain’, Reels: ‘The Bells of Tipperary’/ ‘Miss Galvin's’, Jigs: ‘Father O'Flynn’/ ‘Haste To the Wedding’, Reels: ‘Kitty Gone a' Milking’/ ‘Lucky In Love’/ ‘Corney Is Coming’, Jigs: ‘Rogaire Dubh’/ ‘Split the Whisker’, Reels: ‘The Boyne Hunt’/ ‘Come West Along the Road’, Medley: ‘Brian Boru's March’/ ‘Sporting Paddy’/ ‘The Traveller’, Jigs: ‘I Buried My Wife & Danced On Top of Her’/ ‘Will You Come Home With Me?’, Reels: ‘The High Reel’/ ‘Geoghegan's’, Jig: ‘Cherish the Ladies’, Song: ‘Dunlavin Green’, Reels: ‘The Star of Munster’/ ‘The Blackberry Blossom’, ‘Happy To Meet & Sorry To Part’/ ‘Paddy In London’, Reels: ‘Aggie Whyte's’/ ‘Miss Thornton’.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

CD-Präsentation Fingerl-Flitzer - Deutschland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Präsentation der neuen CD "Aller guten Dinge sind Drei"
am Samstag, 2. April 2011
im Gasthaus "Zum Alten Wirt", Dorfstr. 4, D-94267 Krailing/Prackenbach
Beginn: 19.30 Uhr
Eintritt frei!
Mit dabei: Zillertaler Local Sound und Klostergold Express

Info: Fingerl-Flitzer@web.de

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Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Antique Accordian

by William Stringer | Modify | Delete
I have a family heirloom that I need more information on. If it is valuable I would consider selling it, if not I'll just hand it down. I can't find any info on the internet. If you can please point me in the right direction
The emblem says:

F. Zechner

Thanks for the help,

William Stringer
.....Dear Mr. Stringer....pls add your e-mail...as otherwise nobody can answer you! D/N Staff!

Happy Easter - Worldwide

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl | Modify | Delete

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