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CNIMA- Stage accordéon diatonique - Franceby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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The World’s First Digital Folk Accordion Has Arrived The new FR-18 diatonic V-Accordion, the world’s first digital diatonic accordion is here. With this groundbreaking and affordable instrument, traditional folk accordionists around the world can now enjoy the many benefits of Roland’s famous V-Accordion technology. The FR-18 diatonic lets folk accordionists instantly conquer the inherent limitations of their traditional acoustic diatonic accordions, which include the instrument’s fixed musical key, limited note range, and static sound signature. Thanks to its digital sound engine, the FR-18 diatonic can be transposed to a different key at the touch of a button, and its entire sound can be changed at will. This provides all folk accordionists a single practical instrument for playing any musical style in any key, eliminating the need to carry and maintain multiple acoustic accordions. The FR-18 diatonic has 12 authentic ethnic accordion sound sets onboard, including Cajun, Organetto, Tex Mex and Alpine, allowing accordionists to play a vast array of musical styles like Zydeco, Balkan, and Irish. In addition, there are eight orchestral voices and four Virtual Tone Wheel organs with fast and slow rotary effects, letting accordion players explore completely new musical styles. It’s also possible to assign drum sounds to the bass and chord buttons and play them manually. Sounds can be customized and stored in four user registrations for easy recall. The FR-18 diatonic’s keyboard and bass button layout can be easily reconfigured, and users can store 12 different tablatures onboard for quick access. A simple software-based editor (available via free download) with the FR-18 makes it easy for users to create custom tablatures on their Windows or Mac-based computer. These tablatures can then be transferred to the FR-18 diatonic via convenient USB flash memory. With its speaker-less design and battery-powered operation, the FR-18 diatonic allows the accordionist to perform freely with a compact and lightweight instrument. When paired with a battery-powered amp such as Roland’s Mobile CUBE, CUBE Street, or BA-330, players have a complete mobile setup for performing anywhere. The FR-18 diatonic also works perfectly with all popular wireless audio systems, and features a headphone output for silent practice. Online translation ! View the video on http://www.accordion-space4u.com/user.aspx?user=2&item=6&id=180 Picture below is Steve Albini, US V-Accordion Product Specialist and Amanda Whiting, Director of Marketing for Roland US with a close-up of the new Roland FR-18. |
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Bandini-Chiacchiaretta Duo with the Philharmonie Baden-Baden - Germanyby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Stadthalle, 6pm Kleiner Saal, Baden Baden/Germany Introduction by composer Ernesto Cordero Soloists: Bandini-Chiacchiaretta Duo, Pablo Márquez, Cuarteto de Guitarras de Chile, Rafael Aguirre Conductor: Pavel Baleff Giampaolo Bandini (guitar) and Cesare Chiacchiaretta (bandoneon), founded the Bandini Chiacchiaretta Duo in 2002 with the aim to interprete Argentinian music using the charm and magic of guitar and bandoneon. Both instruments are representative for Argentine music. Thanks to their extraordinary charisma, this duo quickly became a trend on the international concert circuits and were invited by the most important festivals and theaters of the world to make concerts. Their concerts received exceptional critical reviews and effusive response from the audience. The duo performed Astor Piazzola's "Hommage a Liegi" together with the Moscow Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra under the directionof Pavel Berman in Parma and Turin and in 2004 they were awarded with the Beniamino Joppolo Award for outstanding artistic achievement in music. In 2005 they debuted at the Philharmonic Hall in St. Petersburg with such success that a further concert was immediately confirmed for two years later. Their individuality to present music without any limits allowed Bandini and Chiacchiaretta to work with most renowned artists. Their first CD "Hombres de Tango" CD sold more than 10,000 copies and recently, the duo has been teaching at prestigious music schools and holding master classes at international festivals. Information: isabella.ruggeri@parmaconcerti.it Deutsch: Solisten: Bandini-Chiacchiaretta Duo, Pablo Márquez, Cuarteto de Guitarras de Chile, Rafael Aguirre Dirigent: Pavel Baleff Stadthalle Samstag | 12.02.2011 | 20 Uhr - Konzert Stadthalle, Kleiner Saal 18 Uhr Einführungsvortrag mit dem Komponisten Ernesto Cordero Giampaolo Bandini (Gitarre) und Cesare Chiacchiaretta- (Bandoneon) gründeten im Jahr 2002 das Bandini-Chiacchiaretta Duo. Das Duo hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die argentinische Musik durch den Charme und die Magie der Gitarre und dem Bandoneon darzubieten. Beide Instrumente sind repräsentativ für die argentinische Musik. Dank seines außerordentlichen Charisma galt das Duo sofort als richtungweisend in internationalen Konzertkreisen. Es wurde von den wichtigsten Festivals und Theatern in der Welt eingeladen und trafen dabei auf außergewöhnliche Kritik und überschwängliche Reaktionen des Publikums. Das Duo führte Astor Piazzolas „Hommage a Liegi” zusammen mit dem Moskauer virtuosen Kammerorchester unter der Leitung von Pavel Berman in Parma und in Turin auf. Im Jahr 2004 wurde dem Duo der „15. Beniamino Joppolo Preis” für außerordentliche künstlerische Leistungen im Bereich Musik zuerkannt. Im Jahr 2005 debütierte das Duo in der Philharmonie in Sankt Petersburg mit so großem Erfolg, dass es sofort für die folgenden beiden Jahre verpflichtet wurde. Ihre Eigenart, Musik so lebendig und ohne Grenzen darzubieten, ermöglichte Bandini und Chiacchiaretta mit namhaften Künstlern zusammen zu arbeiten. Ihre erste CD „Hombres de Tango” verkaufte sich über 10.000 Mal. Seit Kurzem gibt das Duo Unterricht an renommierten Musikhochschulen sowie Meisterkurse bei Festivals. Information: isabella.ruggeri@parmaconcerti.it Italiano: Solisti: Bandini-Chiacchiaretta Duo, Pablo Márquez, Cuarteto de Guitarras de Chile, Rafael Aguirre Direttore d’orchestra: Pavel Baleff Stadthalle , Sabato | 12.02.2011 | 20 h Stadthalle, Kleiner Saal 18 h Introduzione by composter Ernesto Cordero Il duo Giampaolo Bandini-Cesare Chiacchiaretta, chitarra e bandoneon, si forma nel 2002 con il preciso intento di riproporre la musica argentina attraverso il fascino e la magia dei suoi strumenti più rappresentativi. Da subito il duo diviene importante punto di riferimento nel panorama concertistico internazionale per la loro grande forza comunicativa unita ad uno straordinario carisma. Invitato dai più importanti festival e teatri del mondo, il duo ha effettuato tournèe in Messico, Romania, Cina, Polonia, Slovacchia, Austria, Germania, Spagna, Svizzera, Francia, Belgio, Olanda, Croazia, Russia, Slovenia, Turchia, Repubblica Ceca, Ungheria, riscuotendo ovunque straordinari consensi di critica e di pubblico. Il duo ha avuto il privilegio di suonare il Double Concerto “Hommage a Liegi” di Astor Piazzolla sotto la direzione del M°Leo Brouwer presso l’Auditorium Paganini di Parma e per l’Unione Musicale di Torino con la celebre orchestra da camera “I Virtuosi di Mosca” diretta da Pavel Berman. Nel 2004 al duo Bandini-Chiacchiaretta viene assegnato il XV Premio “Beniamino Joppolo” Città di Patti (Messina) per gli alti meriti artistici raggiunti in campo musicale. Nel 2005 il duo debutta nella prestigiosa Sala Grande della Filarmonica di San Pietroburgo, ottenendo un tale successo da essere immediatamente rinvitato per i due anni successivi. La loro peculiarità di vivere la musica in modo totalitario e senza confini li porta a collaborare con artisti del calibro di Arnoldo Foa’, Elio delle Storie Tese, Amanda Sandrelli, Nando Gazzolo e musicisti quali Fernando Suarez Paz, Michele Pertusi, Corrado Giuffredi, Danilo Rossi, Massimo Quarta, Enrico Bronzi, Franca Masu, Maria Estela Monti, Enrico Fagone e molti altri. Il loro primo cd “Hombres de Tango” ha venduto più di diecimila copie ed e’ stato salutato con grande entusiasmo dalla critica specializzata. Il duo ha effettuato registrazioni radiofoniche e televisive per le più importanti emittenti italiane ed estere. Recentemente un loro concerto a Bruxelles e’ stato trasmesso via satellite in più di venti paesi. In qualità di docenti oltre ad essere invitati dalle più rinomate Accademie e Università, insegnano regolarmente negli Istituti di Alta Formazione “Luigi Boccherini”di Lucca e “Tito Schipa” di Lecce e per i Festival estivi di Gubbio e Portogruaro. Informazioni: isabella.ruggeri@parmaconcerti.it |
53rd Grammy Awards on Feb. 13th Los Angels - USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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![]() ![]() Over the last decade, The Academy has expanded its goals from the important work of recognizing the best in music through the GRAMMY Awards to establishing itself as the preeminent arts advocacy and outreach organization in the country. A GRAMMY is awarded by The Recording Academy's voting membership to honor excellence in the recording arts and sciences. The diatonic accordion is nominated with the following groups in the categories: Best Tejano Album CD “Homenaje A Mi Padre” by Sunny Sauceda Y Todo Eso Best Norteño Album CD ”Classic” by INTOCABLE CD “Desde La Cantina Volumen 1” by PESADO CD “Intensamente” by Principez De La Musica Norteña live on CBS Sun., Feb. 13, 201l, 8 – 11:30 p.m. ET/PT. Good luck to all! |
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Die Harmonika-WM rückt näher ! - Austriaby Werner Weibert |
![]() Auf www.harmonikaverband.at finden Sie die Ausschreibungen und alle Details. NOCH HEUTE ANMELDEN ! So wird Inzell ablaufen: Am Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2011 reisen die Kandidaten an, am Abend präsentiert sich das HERBERT-PIXNER-TRIO. Freitag, 3. Juni ist der Tag des Internationalen Wettbewerbes. Je nach Andrang können da auch schon der Österreichische und/oder Bayerische Wettbewerb beginnen. Am Abend lautet das Motto INZELL WIE ES SINGT UND KLINGT unter Teilnahme ehemaliger internationaler Gewinner und den Stars der Harmonika-Szene. Am Samstag, 4. Juni werden die nationalen Meisterschaften fortgesetzt und beendet. Am Abend findet die große Preisverleihung für alle Wettbewerbe im Rahmen des KONZERTS DER SIEGER statt. Sonntag, 5. Juni geht der größte Harmonika-Event Europas zu Ende. Die Gemeinde Inzell/Oberbayern und der Harmonikaverband Österreichs erwarten Sie, wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme. Online translation ! |
Harmonika Museum Zwota - Deutschlandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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![]() Harmonium • Die Zungeninstrumentensammlung / DIENSTAG, MITTWOCH, DONNERSTAG – MON,TUE,THU von 10:00 Uhr bis 16:00 Uhr Deutsch: Der Beginn der Harmonikaindustrie im Klingenthaler Gebiet wird auf den Instrumentenhändler Johann Wilhelm Glier zurückgeführt, der 1829 von einer Geschäftsreise eine Mundharmonika nach Klingenthal brachte und diese in der väterlichen Werkstatt nachbauen ließ. Die Fertigung von Handzuginstrumenten kam in den 50er Jahren des 19. Jahrhunderts hinzu. Unzählige Mund- und Handharmonikas, Akkordeons unter klangvollen Markennamen wie „Royal Standard“, „Barcarole“, „Horch“, „Weltmeister“, „Galotta“, „Hutschelli“ verließen die Werkstätten in Klingenthal und Zwota und wurden in viele Länder der Welt exportiert. Die verschiedenen Ausführungen der Instrumente zeugen vom Ideenreichtum und handwerklichen Können der Hersteller. – Besuchen auch Sie unsere Ausstellung! Die eindrucksvolle Sammlung von historischen und neuzeitlichen Handzuginstrumenten zeigt die Vielfalt dieser Instrumentengruppe, deren Klangerzeugung durch sogenannte selbsterregende durchschlagende Zungen aus Stahl oder Messing erfolgt. Mit über 1000 Instrumenten verfügt das Zwotaer Museum über einen Fundus, der für Laien, Fachleute der Musikbranche und Wissenschaftler gleichermaßen von Interesse ist. Unter den Exponaten befinden sich zahlreiche Mundharmonikas, diatonische Handharmonikas, Konzertinas aus dem 19. Jahrhundert, Instrumente der legendären Bandonionfabrik „Arnold“ aus Carlsfeld im Erzgebirge sowie Akkordeons in verschiedenen Ausführungen, unter anderen die Spitzenmodelle der ehemaligen Klingenthaler Harmonikawerke. Viele Instrumente wurden in der Region hergestellt. Sie sind Zeitzeugen der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung des Klingenthaler Gebietes. English: The beginning of the harmonica industry in the region around Klingenthal is ascribed to the instrument trader Johann Wilhelm Glier, who brought from a business trip a mouth organ to Klingenthal in 1829. He let produce a copy of this mouth organ in his father's workshop. The manufacturing of accordions was added in the fifties of the 19 century. Numberless mouth organs and accordions with fine-sounding brand names as „Royal Standard“, „Barcarole“, „Horch“, „Weltmeister“, „Galotta“, „Hutschelli“ left the workshops in Klingenthal and Zwota and were exported throughout the world. The several models of these instruments are evidence for the inventiveness and technical abilities of their manufacturer. The grandiose collection of historic and modern reed insruments shows the variety of this group of instruments, which tone generation is a result from so called self-agitating effectiv reeds made of steel or brass. The museum in Zwota has got a fund with over 1,000 instruments, which are likewise for layperson, experts of the music branch as well as scientists of an interest. Under the exhibits there are a number of mouth organs, concertinas and bandonions of the 19 and 20 century, instruments of the legendary bandonion manufacturer „Arnold“ in Carlsfeld, Erzgebirge. We also exhibit on harmonium built in the year 1910 from the well-known manufacturer Max Hugo Tröger in Zwota. Furthermore there are accordions in several models for example first-class models of the former „Klingenthaler Harmonikawerke“ produced between 1950 and 1990. Many instruments were produced in our region. They are contemporary witness of economic development of the Klingenthal region. Francais: C'est au marchand d'instruments Johann Wilhelm Glier que l'on attribue le commencement de l'industri d'harmonicas dans la région de Klingenthal. En 1829, il avait apporté une harmonica à bouche d'un voyage d'affaires à Klingenthal et la fit reproduire dans l'atelier paternel. Dans les années cinquante du XIX° siècle, la production des instruments à soufflet fut ajoutèe. D'innombrables harmonicas, harmonicas à bouche, accordèons sous les noms de marque « Royal Standard », « Barcarole », « Horch », « Weltmeister », « Galotta », « Hutschelli » quittèrent les ateliers de Klingenthal et de Zwota et furent exportès dans beaucoup de pays du monde. Les diffèrents modèles d'instrument tèmoignent de l'ingèniositè et du savoir artisanal des fabricants. La collection impressionnante des instruments à anches historiques et modernes documente la diversitè de cette famille d'instruments dont le son est produit les anches libres d'acier et de laiton. Avec plus de 1000 instruments, le musèe de Zwota dispose d'unriche fonds qui intèresse ègalement les amateurs, les experts du secteur de musique et les scientifiques. Parmi les objects exposès, on trouve nombre d'harmonicas à bouche, d'harmonicas diatoniques, de concertinas du XIX° siècle, d'instruments de la manufacture lègendaire de bandonèon « Arnold » à Carlsfeld dans le Erzgebirge ainsi que de diffèrents types d'accordèon, entre autres lès modèles haut de gamme des anciens Klingenthaler Harmonikawerke. Beaucoup d'instruments furent produits dans la règion. Ils illustrent le dèveloppement èconomique de la règion de Klingenthal. Images : Blasharmonika Baujahr: um 1910 Konzertina Gehäuse Lederüberzug, Bildnis des sächsischen Königs Albert 1890 Konzertina70-tönig, Perlmutter-Einlagen 1920 Hersteller: Max Meinel, Klingenthal Mundharmonika „Sprangophon“ 1920 Hersteller: Max Spranger Klingenthal/Brunndöbra Bandonion 104-tönig 1920 – 1930 Hersteller: Ernst Louis Arnold, Carlsfeld Information: http://www.harmonikamuseum-zwota.de/ |
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Steirische Harmonika - Unterrichtsangebot der Musikschule Wien - Austriaby Werner Weibert |
Einer lockeren Hand- und Körperhaltung, verbunden mit richtiger Atmung und der exakten Balgführung, kommt bei der Tongestaltung große Bedeutung zu. Der musikalische Platz der Steirischen Harmonika liegt vornehmlich im Bereich der alpenländischen Volksmusik, im Solo, Duo und im Musizieren in gemischten Spielgruppen. Der Unterricht kann nach der traditionellen Notenschrift oder nach einer Griffschrift erfolgen. Die Griffschrift-Methode hat den Vorteil, dass die Schülerinnen und Schüler ohne Schwierigkeiten auf ein Instrument, welches in einer anderen Tonart gestimmt ist, umsteigen können. Neben der musikkundlichen Unterweisung und der Erarbeitung einer soliden Technik sind im praktischen Instrumentalunterricht auch Blattspiel, Auswendigspiel, Stegreifspiel, Liedbegleitung et cetera integriert. Angebote und Anforderung Der Unterricht findet ein- bis zweimal wöchentlich hauptsächlich im Einzelunterricht statt. Die Schülerinnen und Schüler werden möglichst früh an das Musizieren in Spielgemeinschaften herangeführt. Das Fach Steirische Harmonika wird an folgenden Standorten in Wien angeboten: Hansson-Zentrum, Simmering, Meidling, Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus Info: http://www.wien.gv.at/freizeit/bildungjugend/bildung/musik/angebot/harmonika.html Online translation |
Mostra / Storia della Fisarmonica/Forni Avoltri/Friuli - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Oltre 30 strumenti dall'800 ai giorni nostri. Organetti, concertine, diatoniche, fisarmoniche cromatiche e a piano provenienti da diverse parti del mondo. La mostra conta anche una esposizione di tavole esplicative sulle origini e l'evoluzione di questo strumento. La mostra è curata dal Denis BIASIN con il sostegno della Proloco di Forni Avoltri, Il corpo Bandistico Vitale di Forni e l'amministrazione comunale. L'ingresso è libero tutti i giorni dalle 09.30/12.30-15.00-18.00 e la domenica 9.30-12.30 e sarà aperta al pubblico fino al 13 Marzo. Per questo periodo i locali e ristoranti di Forni Avoltri propongono tipici menu della tradizione Carnica a base di capriolo e erbe aromatiche, il tutto accompagnato dal suono della fisarmonica. Forni Avoltri paese della sorgente Fleons dove nasce l'acqua minerale Goccia di Carnia. Per informazioni e-mail: info@biasin.com Online translation ! In the Town Hall Forni Avoltri the Exposition / History of the Accordion will open on Saturday the 29th of January at 6 pm in presence of the local authorities. Over 30 instruments from 18th Century until today. Accordions, concertinas, diatonic, chromatic and piano accordions from different parts of the world. The exhibition also has a display of explanatory tables about the origins and evolution of the instruments. The exhibition is organized by Denis Biasini with the support of Proloco Forni Avoltri, the band Vitale di Forni and the city administration. Admission is free every day from 09.30/12.30-15.00-18.00 and Sunday 9:30 to 12:30 and will be open to the public until March 13. For this period the local restaurants and Forni Avoltri offer typical menus of the traditional Carnica area with fresh herbs, accompanied by the sound of the accordion. Accordionist VERZIN GABRIELE will entertain all guest during the ceremony. For information Tourist Info Pro Forni Avoltri 0433-72202 or infoforniavoltri@libero.it |
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Emilio Balcarce (22 Feb 1918-19 Jan 2011/Buenos Aires) - Argentiniaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Juan Emilio Sitano (born February 22, 1918, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, died on January 19, 2011 in Buenos Aires, Argentina), better known as Emilio Balcarce, was a violinist, bandoneon player, director, arranger and composer. Attracted by music due to his first instrument - the mandolin and started to study for 6 years violin. Later he played at dances, cafeterias and during intermissions of plays. In 1940, with just over 20 years, formed his own orchestra playing also the accordion. Slowly Balcarce started his solo career participating in various scenes and recording his first LP. Barace formed his first band with the singer Jorge Duran, followed by Amadeo Mandarino and Osvaldo Bazán and began with composing, arranging and collaborations with big names from the Tango scene such as: Anibal Troilo, Alfredo Gobbi, Francini-Pontier, José Basso, Leopoldo Federico. For 19 years he played in orchestra with Osvaldo Pugliese Hi reached great popularity with the release of “La Bordona” and “Pichuco” and the tango composition “Bien compadre”. With the later formed Sexteto Tango and the musicians Osvaldo Ruggiero, Víctor Lavallén, Cacho Herrero, Julián Plaza, Aniceto Rossi and Jorge Maciel they toured in Japan, France, Russia, Spain, Holland and all the countries of South America and recording for RCA Victor. After many years of performing Emilio decided to retire and settled in the Neuquén. In 2000 the Orquesta Escuela de Tango Emilio Balcarce (OTS) school was created in order to commemorate the golden tango era and have released so far 2 CD: “De contrapunto” (2000) and “Bien compadre” (2004). A project supported by musicians like Julian Plaza, Ernesto Franco, Horacio Salgán, Leopoldo Federico and Alcides Rossi, amongst others. The school allows students to form and internalize the most important styles of orchestral music history of Buenos Aires. In December 2001 the first musicians graduated from the school. Emilio Balcarce was declared Honorary Academician of the National Academy of Tango, Distinguished Citizen of Villa Urquiza and Buenos Aires, received the Diploma “Glory of Tango” by the Academy of Lunfardo Porteña. With the Sexteto Tango he achieved two Konex awards in 1985 and 1995. He died in Buenos Aires on January 19th 2011. Online translation ! |
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Istituita presso il NAMS (Centro Studi Musicali) di Paola (CS) la prima classe di propedeutica musicale e avviamento allo studio della fisarmonica diatonia, entusiasti piccoli protagonisti che in un mix di giochi e musica, si avvicinano allo studio di questo strumento che si presta benissimo a questa categoria didattica. Il Corso tenuto da Antonio Spaccarotella docente di fisarmonica classica/moderna e fisarmonica diatonica presso il NAMS , ha già superato ogni aspettativa vista la moltitudine di bambini che frequentano il corso, e si divertono in maniera smisurata avvicinandosi ne contempo all’apprendimento musicale. Ancora una volta vediamo come la fisarmonica diatonica si presta a una moltitudine di aspetti , e riesce a colpire gli animi anche dei piu’ piccoli. Questo strumento data la sua natura diatonica ha un facile approccio e in breve tempo si riesce a raggiungere, affiancata ad una giusta didattica , ottimi risultati velocizzando anche la gratificazione musicale anche nelle fasce comprese tra i 4/6 anni di eta. Per informazioni: Antonio Spaccarotrella - email: antonio.accordion@alice.it |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
Cobargo Folk Festival/NSW - Australiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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![]() Over 200 performers converge on the Cobargo Showground over the last weekend in February and provide a pageant of Australian and international talent. The next festival will be held on the 25th, 26th & 27th February, 2011. Performers and audiences alike have described this festival as "the best little folk festival in the country" (Bob McInnes - Cornstalk Gazette). See the gallery of photographs from previous festivals and some video and audio recordings from the 2010 festival. Cobargo is situated on the far south coast of New South Wales, mid-way between Narooma and Bega. It is about three hours drive from Canberra and about five hours from Sydney (Click here for a map) Bus services between Sydney and Melbourne stop at Cobargo. The nearest airport is at Merimbula. [see more information and accommodation listings] The festival started out as a small celebration in the village centre but the growth in popularity of the festival resulted in a move to the Cobargo Showground in 2005. This has been recognised as a positive move in the development of the festival due to the beautiful rural setting, ample space and excellent facilities (including onsite camping with all amenities). Being fully self-contained means that it is great for young children and the festival is very family-friendly. It has also enabled the expansion of both the children’s activities and the dance program. The Cobargo Showground is situated on the Bermagui Road. It's a short walk to the Cobargo village where there is a good pub, coffee shops, a supermarket and service station. There's also some tempting craft and antique shops. A huge range of food and craft stalls are also provided as part of the festival. The organisers are all volunteers and the festival itself could not operate without the wonderful people who volunteer their time during the weekend of the festival each year. Volunteering gives a different perspective of the festival, enhances enjoyment and gives free admission. Many volunteers have such a good time that they volunteer year after year. Interested in volunteering? Visit the volunteers page on this website to learn how. Festival attendees will experience a full program of concerts, workshops, dances, poets breakfasts, comedy acts, sessions, intimate blackboard concerts, plus exotic food stalls, bar and refreshments. This is a very friendly festival and judging from the many accolades from last year's festival it just keeps getting better. The Cobargo Folk Festival has become a regular treat for residents of the South Coast and many visitors from NSW and interstate. You might like to stay awhile and explore this beautiful region. There's lots to do; beautiful beaches and the historic town of Tilba nearby, visit Bega Cheese and local wineries, explore the stunning local national parks. Have a look at the Sapphire Coast tourism website and our Useful Links page for more information cobargofolkfestival@bigpond.com or http://www.cobargofolkfestival.com online translation ! |
Workshop Anglo-Concertina in Langgöns - Deutschlandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() vom 11. bis 23. Februar 2011 Das Lernen typischer irischer Tanzweisen (Jigs, Reels, Hornpipes...) steht beim Concertina-Kurs im Mittelpunkt. Durch das Lernen der Musikstücke sollen die einzelnen Elemente des Irish-Concertina-Style angesprochen und vermittelt werden, z.B. Rhythmik, Verzierungen, Fingersatz usw. Dabei werden Stücke ausgewählt, die in einer traditionellen irischen Session zum Standardrepertoire gehören, denn das Erleben des gemeinschaftlichen Musizierens ist das A und O in der irischen Musik! Grundkenntnisse über das Spielen auf der Anglo-Concertina werden bei diesem Kurs vorausgesetzt. Darüberhinaus können auch die Musiker anderer Handzuginstrumente in D und G mitmachen, hier sollten aber solide Kenntnisse des eigenen Instrumentes vorhanden sein. Online transaltion ! Veranstaltungsort: Paul-Schneider-Freizeitheim, Strauchhof 1, 35428 Langgöns Information: Anmeldung über das Online-Formular auf der Homepage www.irishmusicworkshops.de |
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Volksmusik-Seminar in Herrsching/Bayern - Austriaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() ![]() Das Seminar beginnt mit der Anreise und Zimmerbelegung am Mittwoch, 16.02.2011 um 18:00 Uhr und endet am Sonntag, 20.02.2011 mit einem gemeinsamen Musikanten-Frühschoppen. Unterricht erfolgt für folgende Instrumente: Steirische Harmonika, Akkordeon, Bassgeige, Basstrompete, Blockflöte, Flügelhorn, Geige, Gitarre (Begleit- und Melodiegitarre), Harfe, Hackbrett (steirisch und chromatisch), Klarinette, Okarina, Posaune, Trompete, Zither. Für die steirische Harmonika zeichnet: Hermann Jamnik Info: anita.fruehwirth@aon.at |
Harmonika Workshop mit Mark Söhngen in Hindeloopen - Hollandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Mark ist nicht nur Meister der Cajun-Musik, sondern auch anderer Musikrichtungen. Anmeldungen ab sofort bei Marijke Griek - Kosten: € 39,50 Mark komt dit jaar 2 dagen in Hindeloopen en deze dag is voor de middengroep en gevorderde spelers. Mark is de meester van de cajunmuziek maar gaat ook andere muziekstijlen met ons behandelen maar dan wel op zijn eigen wijze. Het is incl. koffie, thee en een overheerlijke lunch. Toepassingen tegelijk - iedere werkdag tussen 18.00 en 20.00 uur. zaterdag 26 februari 10:00 uur HINDELOOPEN Entree: € 39,50 Inlichtingen: Marijke Griek Online translation ! |
7° Raduno di Fisarmonicisti del Friuli - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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![]() Oltre 50 fisarmonicisti si sono esibiti davanti ad un pubblico di oltre 500 appassionati e cultori di questo strumento giunti da ogni parte del Triveneto e dalla vicina Slovenia. La passione che unisce e che stimola tutti è sicuramente il suono che trasmette allegria e piacere sia per chi suona che per chi ascolta. Vincitori del concorso Forte Paolo e Aide Jano. Premiati dal Sindaco di Casarsa della Delizia. La scultura è stata realizzata da Giuliano Sessolo. Online translation ! Per ulteriori informazioni: info@biasin.com |
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Frances Folk Gathering - Australiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
Each year in February, the tiny village of Frances (on the Victorian/South Australian border, about 50km South of Bordertown) opens its doors and its hearts to a huge collection of musicians, dancers, artists, buskers and just plain ordinary folk for a weekend of music, fun and laughter. Most folk set up camp or else park a caravan at the local oval for accommodation. Amenities there are basic but comfortable (toilets and showers, yes; power, no) There are food stalls at the event, and there is an excellent restaurant at the local hotel. Remember, the Frances Folk Gathering is about being in the festival, not just at it - and there are plenty of opportunities to join in, whether it's as a performer, busker, presenting a workshop, entering the competitions, or perhaps the intruiging "mixed grill" award, joining in with the many impromptu sessions, dancing, or just plain hanging out with the energy. If you feel inclined, you might like to help out as a volunteer. There is always need of many things to be done, from judging competitions, to emptying bins…. Please visit the volunteers page. Online translation ! For further information http://www.francesfolkgathering.com.au/ Website: webmeister@francesfolkgathering.com.au Competitions Enquiries: comps@francesfolkgathering.com.au |
Future events / Concerts |
Duo Timbralia 25 Febbraio - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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RAZ-DE-MARÉE & TIDLEWAVE sur scène/on stage - Candaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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RAZ-DE-MARÉE dont les membres proviennent du Québec (Sabin Jacques à l’accordéon et Éric Favreau au violon), de l’Acadie (Rachel Aucoin au piano et au chant) ainsi que de la Nouvelle-Angleterre (Stuart Kenny, contrebasse et banjo) invite les cultures à se métisser et à partager la passion de la musique et de la danse traditionnelle. RAZ-DE-MARÉE offre une musique profondément enracinée, une musique authentique de cœur et révélatrice. S’appuyant principalement sur un répertoire traditionnel, leur musique déborde d’énergie contagieuse, de sensibilité et amène autant les danseurs que les auditeurs dans un univers de fraîcheur et de bonne humeur. Tidal Wave, or Raz de Marée, with its cross-border personnel from Quebec and New England, invites cultures to meet and share the love of traditional music and dance. Since 2003, Tidal Wave has evolved as a dance band, carrying through time the most relevant aspect of Quebec traditional, instrumental music: playing for live dancing. In that sense they are not reflecting the past but writing the book of a strong, living current. Their liveliness and outgoing personalities have led them to teach workshops and school programs, as well as perform concerts on the folk music planet and wherever Franco-Americans need to connect with their roots. You can see and hear them - Vous pouvez les ecouter e voir : February/Février 16, 2011 at 7:30 pm House Concert at Julia's house in Seattle Suggested donation $14-$16 Email: juliaderby@mac.com or call 425-339-7620 February/Février 18, 19 and 20 2011 at Corvallis contradance weekend, OR February/Février 21, 2011 at 7:30 pm Concert chez Abbie Weisenbloom Portland, OR Email: abbiew@froggie.com or call 503-233-4945 Concert at 7:30, potluck and refreshments at 6:30 Pour information: info@razdemaree.tidalwavemusic.com |
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Riccardo Tesi/Banditaliana in Febbraio 2011 - Olanda/Belgioby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Banditaliana - dal caleidoscopio di suoni di Banditaliana nasce una musica senza frontiere, fresca e solare, innovativa ma legata alle proprie radici, una sintesi di ampio respiro tra forme e riti della tradizione toscana, profumi mediterranei, improvvisazioni jazz e canzone d’autore. Composizioni originali, virtuosismi strumentali, preziosi incastri ritmici ed arrangiamenti raffinati costituiscono la cifra stilistica del gruppo che nel corso degli anni si è imposto come una delle formazioni più interessanti nel panorama internazionale della world music ed ha riscosso un grande successo nel corso delle tournees in tutta Europa e in Canada dove ha partecipato ad alcuni tra i più importanti folk&jazz-festivals. Riccardo Tesi – organetto Maurizio Geri – chitarra, canto Ettore Bonafè – percussion Claudio Carboni – sax 10 febbraio 11 - Banditaliana a Orléans (Francia) Banditaliana in concerto al Theatre D'Orléans, presso la Salle Barrault, per la "Scène National d'Orléans". Inizio ore 20,30 Per i biglietti visitare il sito del Theatre d'Orléans 23 febbraio 11 - Riccardo Tesi e Maurizio Geri Duo a Gent (Belgio) Per la tournée in Belgio, Riccardo Tesi e Maurizio Geri saranno di scena a Gent 25 febbraio 11 - Riccardo Tesi e Maurizio Geri Duo ad Aarschot (Belgio) Per la loro tournée in Belgio, Riccardo Tesi e Maurizio Geri saranno in concerto ad Aarschot 26 febbraio 11 - Riccardo Tesi e Maurizio Geri Duo a Oisterwijk (Olanda) Riccardo Tesi e Maurizio Geri di scena in duo a Oisterwijk, in Olanda 27 febbraio 11 - Riccardo Tesi e Maurizio Geri Duo a Belsele (Belgio) Per questa tournée in Belgio, Riccardo Tesi e Maurizio Geri saranno di scena a Belsele Informazioni: http://www.riccardotesi.com Online translation ! |
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An Lár ...im Februar - SCHWEIZby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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![]() Stefanie Aeschlimann Fiddle, Gesang David Brühlmann Leadgesang, Bodhran, Button Accordion Jürg Frey Whistles, Concertina, Gitarre, Banjo, Gesang Matthias Hofer Gitarre, Mandola, Flute, Whistles Online translation ! Zu sehen und hòren ist die Gruppe: 11.02.2011 Kufa, Lyss 19.02.2011 Alti Moschti, Mühlethurnen 16.04.2011 Bären Buchsi, Münchenbuchsee, um 21:00 21.05.2011 Bar racuda, Radelfingen 18.06.2011 Kulturpunkt, Balsthal (SO) Information: http://www.anlar.ch or e-mail: info@anlar.ch |
Julian Rowlands in February - UKby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Julian Rowlands is a bandoneonist specialising in tango, classical and contemporary music. The bandoneon is a free reed instrument that is renowned for the beauty of its sound, and for its remarkable expressive range and flexibility. Its playing techniques and repertoire were developed in Argentina where it is the essential voice of the tango. Julian has performed with them at major arts venues in the UK and Europe, including the Royal Festival Hall, The Lowry, Perth Concert Hall, the Queen Elizabeth Hall (in La Linea festival), Festival Musitemático in Tenerife, Royal Northern College of Music, Warwick Arts Centre, The Sage Gateshead, Oxford Playhouse, St Georges Bristol, Howard Assembly Room Leeds and Jersey Opera House. You can listen to him in February: 9 Feb/Wed 8pm : Tangomotion music and dance show @Lakeside Nottingham “Djanogly Theatre” From virtuoso displays of traditional tango dance to the exquisite sounds of 1930s’ Buenos Aires and the powerful Nuevo Tango music of Astor Piazzolla, Tangomotion is a breathtaking journey into the heart of Tango Argentino. Tangomotion features two of the UK’s leading tango dancers, Giraldo Escobar and Alexandra Wood with live music from Tango Siempre and the wonderful Argentian singer Guillermo Rozenthuler. The Tangomotion dancers have previously appeared in BBC Strictly Come Dancing, Tango Por Dos, the Channel 4 film Dance, Sally Potter’s Covent Garden production of Carmen and Madonna’s film Evita. Julian Rowlands, bandoneon-Jonathan Taylor, piano-Ros Stephen, violin-Richard Pryce, double bass-Guillermo Rozenthuler, voice Saturday 12 February, 7.30pm Julian Rowlands (Bandoneon) and Ivo de Greef (Piano) at the Swindon Recital Series The TANGO immediately evokes the brooding and dangerous sounds of South America. “Julian Rowlands (bandoneon) is one of the UK’s few genuinely accomplished players of the bandoneon - the snaking accordion whose rich and plangent tone is at the heart of the passionate darkness of Argentinian dance music.” (Venue Magazine). Ticket prices £12, Concessions £10, Students(15-18) £2.50 from The Arts Centre, Devizes Road, Old Town, Swindon SN1 4BJ Tel: 01793 614837 18 Feb: Julian Rowlands (Bandoneon) solo recital in “Douglas Robertson” 42-43 Royal Park Terrace, EH8 8JA Edinburgh, United Kingdom, where Julian Rowlands will present a bandoneon recital in Argentinian tango music. Julian is a member of the acclaimed quartet Tango Siempre and principal bandoneonist of the London Tango Orchestra. Tangos and other pieces composed and arranged by Astor Piazzolla, Leopoldo Federico, Maximo Mori, Osvaldo Montes, J.S. Bach and others. Online translation ! For further information: http://www.bandoneon.co.uk/ or jr@bandoneon.co.uk |
DANÇAS OCULTAS in Austria - Portugalby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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![]() After their brilliant Womex showcase in Copenhagen last october the four Portuguese accordion wizards will be back in Central Europe. Click below link for the Copenhagen video. Don’t miss! http://www.accordion-space4u.com/user.aspx?user=2&item=6&id=188 Next Event: 24.02.11 Salzburg (A), Arge Kultur www.argekultur.at 27.02.11 Wien (A), Akkordeonfestival www.akkordeonfestival.at For further information: www.dancasocultas.com - www.cultureworks.at Or e-mail Sabina Schebrak/Manager office@cultureworks.at |
Andrea Capezzuoli e la Banabrisca – Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Organettista, cantante, suonatore di cornamusa, compositore, arrangiatore, nato a Milano nel 1970, si occupa da sempre di musica folk. E’ stato fondatore di molti gruppi folk e dal 2007 è organettista del gruppo genovese BandaBrisca. Ha suonato in tutta Italia e in vari paesi europei (Belgio, Olanda, Germania, Spagna, Portogallo, Austria, Francia, Svizzera), ha al suo attivo un migliaio di concerti, dieci registrazioni discografiche e la partecipazione a numerose trasmissioni radiofoniche e televisive, tra cui “Follia rotolante” di RAIDUE. E' insegnante d'organetto dal 1996: attualmente insegna al CPSM con sede al Conservatorio G. Verdi di Milano. Ha tenuto workshop d'organetto in Italia e all'estero (Belgio, Olanda, Germania). Online translation ! Con il gruppo Bandabrisca si esibisce alle seguente date: 20 Febbraio Bandabrisca Spazio Opera F. De André Osnago - LC 13 Febbraio Andrea Ballo Ventimiglia - IM 6 Febbraio Andrea Laifolk (DA CONFERMARE) Lallio - BG 5 Febbraio Bandabrisca Ballo Genova Per informazioni : http://www.andreacapezzuoli.it o e-mail: mondorganetto@interfree.it |
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John Whealan on stage in February - USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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At the age of 14, already a seasoned winner of numerous accordion championships, John recorded his first album, PRIDE OF WEXFORD. Named in honor of his father, PRIDE OF WEXFORD was no passing fancy – the album is still in print and selling steadily. John’s artistry blossomed in America. He moved to the United States in 1980 and soon was performing with Riverdance fiddler Eileen Ivers in one of the most celebrated Irish duos of the decade. His solo album FROM THE HEART became a 1991 finalist in the Celtic/British Isles category of the National Association of Independent Record Distributors and Manufacturers (NAIRD) awards. In late 1997 John formed the JOHN WHELAN BAND and is currently touring with the group as well as selected solo performances. Online translation ! Next appointments in February: Voorheesville, New York/USA at the “Old Songs” Saturday 12th, 8pm Cambridge, MA/USA at the “Club Passim”, Wednesday 16th, 8pm For information: whelanbx1@aol.com or http://johnwhelanmusic.com |
Zydeco on Feb 5th in - Louisiana/USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Cafe Des Amis (140 East Bridge St. Breaux Bridge, LA) 8am Lil' Pookie The Shed (308 Hwy 93 North, Scott, LA) Chubby Carrier with The Soul Express Brass Band Border 2 Border Kickoff Dance (Yambilee Festival Bldg., Opelousas, LA) 9pm Lil' Nate / Chris Ardoin For further information view: http://www.zydecoevents.com |
Zydeco Feb 11th - Louisiana/USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Friday 2/11 "The Rebel Ride" (IFBS Lodge, 6240 Hwy 31, Leonville, LA) 6pm J. Paul Jr. / Cupid For further information: www.zydecoevents.com |
The Martin Simpson Trio with Andy Cutting on tour - UKby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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The Martin Simpson Trio on tour - UK …Andy is the consummate accompanist, harmonically, rhythmically and melodically and an exquisite soloist. There is no one I'd rather work with…says Martin Simpson and with Andy Seward they can be seen and heard on the following days: Wed 09th Clitheroe, The Grand - with Andy Cutting & Andy Seward The Grand 18 York St, Clitheroe, Lancs BB7 2DL www.thegrandvenue.co.uk Tel: 01200 421599 Tix: £15/£13.50 7.15pm Thu 10th Pleasance Theatre, Edinburgh - with Andy Cutting & Andy Seward Pleasance Courtyard, 60 Pleasance – Edinburgh EH8 9TJ www.eusalive.co.uk 0131 650 4673 Fri 11th Band On The Wall, Manchester - with Andy Cutting & Andy Seward 25 Swan Street, North Quarter, Manchester M4 5JZ www.bandonthewall.org Tel: 0845 2 500 500 Sat 12th Brewery Arts Centre, Kendal - with Andy Cutting & Andy Seward 122A Highgate, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 4HE www.breweryarts.co.uk Tel: 01539 725133 Tue 15th The Apex - Martin Simpson Band! Charter Square, Bury St Edmonds IP33 3FD www.theapex.co.uk Tel: 01284 758000 Tix: £20/£18 - 7.30pm Thu 17th The Brook Theatre, Chatham - with Andy Cutting & Andy Seward The Brook Theatre, Chatham ME4 4SE Tel: 01634 338300 Fri 18th The Ropewalk, Lincolnshire - with Andy Cutting & Andy Seward The Ropewalk, Maltkin Lane,Barton Upon Humber, North Lincolnshire DN18 5JT www.the-ropewalk.co.uk/news.html Tel: 01652 660380 Tix: £15 Sat 19th Shrewsbury, The Hive The Hive, 5 Belmont, Shrewsbury SY1 1TE www.hiveonline.org.uk Tel: 01743 234970 Sun 27th The Sage, Gateshead - with Andy Cutting & Andy Seward The Sage Gateshead, St Mary's Square, GATESHEAD, NE8 2JR. www.thesagegateshead.org Tel: 0191 443 4661 Tix: £16.50/£14.50 Further Information: andy@andy-cutting.co.uk |
Giant Texas Jam - USAby Rita Davidson Barnea |
![]() The jam session will start outdoors in front the Blackburn Log Cabin at 12:30 p.m. It will then move into the community center at 1:00 p.m. Fran Thom from North Carolina, a leading accordionist, will assist with the jam session using a prepared DVD with the lyrics to the songs to be sung. This will be followed by an international entertainment program until 6:00 p.m. On Wednesday, March 2, Texas Independence Day, MECCA will have two web casts of Tex/Mex music and dance. The first at 10:00 a.m. for an hour. Frank Thom will be featured in this webcast. The second one at 2:00 p.m. for an hour. It can be accessed by any classroom in the U.S.A.equipped with video conferencing equipment or with a laptop/desktop computer. The bridging outlet will be connect2texas for the schools. A free software program will have to be installed on the computer. Teaching material including sheet music will be available to any school registered for the event. For more information: Daniel Kott dfkott@aol.com 254-526-9464 |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
Synnøve Sletten CD Nattfiol - Norwayby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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![]() The taste of a Nordic summer night. The lesser butterfly orchid has always become the orchid of mysticism. If you have been so lucky that you have seen, smelled and felt its complexity you know why. The weakness and complete look , with fragrance so rich and special that they are almost indescribable.The Lesser Butterfly orchid is one of few flowers that send out a sweet scent in the night only so that the butterflying can pollinate them. One of the perfume-industries most holy dream is to copy the indescribables smell of this magical orchid. The great poets has written about it and the botanist fader "him self" Carl von Linne - meant that this orchid could be used as an potency medicine. It is not only hard to know everything about the wild flowers and butterflies meaning in this world, it is impossible. In Varaldskogen where Synnøve Sletten lives, far away from asphalt-civilization and exhaust-stress, there you can still find mysticisms, butterflies, wild orchid and living night-violins. Online translation ! Information: www.nattfiol.no or e-mail synnove@nattfiol.no |
Nouveau CD “Chemin de Fer - Occident Express” - Italy/Franceby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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CD “MARCHE DU ST-LAURENT ” by RAZ-DE-MARÉE - Candaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Leur tout récent album MARCHE DU ST-LAURENT présente une musique inspirée, une musique à la fois de danse et de concert. Servi par la qualité d'exécution de ses interprètes et délicieusement soutenu par un accompagnement imaginatif, riche et harmonieux, l'album témoigne d'une maturité musicale et d'un puissant dynamisme. Pour information: info@razdemaree.tidalwavemusic.com |
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