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Diatonic News - Jan-2011
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Voci Armoniche


New Horizon-New Challenge for the World of DIATONICA Accordions - Worldwide
Prosit Neujahr! - Happy New Year! - Austria
Celtic Connections Festival, Glasgow - Scottland
Metodo Numerico per Organetto “gratis” - ITALIA
Inzell ist auf dem besten Weg ! - Austria
5. Internationalen Akkordeonwettbewerb Avsenik - Slowenien

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Cygnet Folk Festival / TAS - Australia
Shannonside Winter Music Weekend - Irland
21 BOuTONS Workshope/Frohnberg - Austria
Fürsteneck/Skandinavische Musik auf dem diatonischen Akkordeon - Deutschland
Kepa Junkera completes Trilology of CD's in November

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Jeffery Broussard & The Creole Cowboys - USA
Hubsi Trenkwalder/TV - Deutschland/Österreich
Beltango at Milonga Sentimental, Zagreb - Croatia
Festival della Musica Popolare/Abbruzzo - Italia
Renato Borghetti Quartet Tours Again to Europe in March
Horace Trahan and the Ossun Express Horace - LA/USA
Riccardo Tesi a Montale (PT) - Italia
Cajun-Zydeco in the San Diege area - USA
Steve Turner on Tour in January in – NEW ZEALAND
Templebartrad Festival - Irland
Pine Leaf Boys in January – LA/USA
Irish Group Beoga On Tour To Many Countries
Rio Carnival 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Kepa Junkera and Friends January Concert in Glasgow - Scotland
Alex Meixner - next in January - USA

Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments

Submit Your Question, Comment

Titano Accordions


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

New Horizon-New Challenge for the World of DIATONICA Accordions - Worldwide

Roland FR-18 New Digital Diatonic Accordion


Voci Armoniche

Prosit Neujahr! - Happy New Year! - Austria

by Werner Weibert
With the best wishes for a successful and happy 2011!
Come to Inzell (see article below!) and participate to the greatest Diatonic-competition 2011.

Mit den besten Wünschen für ein erfolgreiches und glückliches 2011!
Komm nach Inzell (siehe Artkel unten) und nimm am größten Harmonika-Wettbewerb 2011 teil.

Werner Weibert
Chairman of the Organizing Committee and President HVOe
Vorsitzender des Organisationskomitees und Präsident des HVÖ

Sounding Out the Accordion


by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Prize Details - Winners will receive one of Hohner’s new Blue Midnight Harmonicas.

Prize Eligibility - Only persons residing in Canada, Mexico and United States who are at least 18 years of age can enter.

Sweepstakes Starts - December 01, 2010 @ 10:14 am (PST)
Sweepstakes Ends - January 31, 2011 @ 10:14 am (PST)

Official Rules:
This drawing will run from December 1st 2010 until January 31st 2011. This offer is available to persons over the age of 18 and is limited to ONE entry per individual. Hohner may select one or more winners using a method of their choosing.

The prize will be shipped to the address provided by you. Your rights to this offer cannot be assigned or transferred and this offer is void where taxed, restricted or prohibited by law.

Return of merchandise voids Hohner Blue Midnight Contest. Excessive submissions constitute fraud and may result in federal prosecution under U.S. mail fraud statutes (Title 18, USC 1341 and 1342). Any submitted materials become Hohner’s property and will not be returned.

For further information contact/see: www.hohnerusa.com


Celtic Connections Festival, Glasgow - Scottland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Once again Glasgow will be the place to be if you like Celtic Music, than the Festival will be going from the 13th to the 30th of January 2011.

Festival Club
With inspired line-ups that are never divulged before the night – the Festival Club draws musicians and fans alike for a late-night jam session to end all jam sessions.
We’ve taken up residence in the Art School, just a hop, skip and a jump from the Concert Hall, right in the heart of the city centre.

We’re sure that as usual, when the music keeps on playing, the drink keeps on flowing and the craic is, well, cracking. Every night in the Festival Club, from midnight to the wee small hours, the House of Song provides a tranquil oasis where singers can share songs.

The House of Song thrives on variety – of styles, languages, nationalities. For performers and listeners alike, all will once again be welcomed with a smile by well known Scots singer Doris Rougvie


For a more intimate evening during the festival, enjoy our Late Night Sessions taking place in the Exhibition Hall at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall. Hosted by Findlay Napier, these sessions feature just as many great musicians as the main Festival Club, the bar will be open late and you can be assured of many a memorable moment.

Public Workshops
Tradional music, song and dance - music workshops.

Education Story
Media Relations Assistant Claire Snedden takes part in the Celtic Connections Education Programme.

Education Programme
Dedicated to nurturing an awareness of traditional Scottish music, Celtic Connections are proud organisers of a series of popular children's workshops, concerts and tutorials.

VENUES OF the Celtic Festival
300 events over18 days and 1,500 artists on the following stages around Glasgow.
Glasgow Royal Concert Hall 2 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, G2 3NY -0141 353 8000 www.glasgowconcerthalls.com
The Arches 253 Argyle Street, Glasgow, G2 8DL 0141 565 1000 www.thearches.co.uk
Oran Mor Byres Road, G12 8QX - 0141 357 6200 www.oran-mor.co.uk
Tron Theatre 63 Trongate, Glasgow, G1 5HB- 0141 552 4267 www.tron.co.uk
George Square George Square, G2 1DU
Pearce Institute 840-860 Govan Rd, Glasgow, G51 3UUwww.pearceinstitute.org.uk
City Halls & old Fruitmarket Candleriggs, G1 1NQ - 0141 353 8000 www.glasgowconcerthalls.com
O2 ABC Glasgow 300 Sauchiehall Street, G2 3JA - 0141 332 2232 www.o2abcglasgow.co.uk
The Art School 167 Renfrew Street, Glasgow, G3 6RQ - 0141 353 4500 www.gsa.ac.uk
St Andrew's in the Square 1 St Andrew's Square, G1 5PP - 0141 559 5902 www.standrewsinthesquare.com
CCA 350 Sauchiehall Street, G2 3JD - 0141 332 7521 cca-glasgow.com
The Art Club 185 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4HU - 0141 248 5210 glasgowartclub.co.uk

If you want to have detailed information about the Festival and how to book your tickets – visit their website http://www.celticconnections.com

Voci Armoniche

Metodo Numerico per Organetto “gratis” - ITALIA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Sei motivato ad imparare a suonare l'organetto? Ecco il metodo che fa per te!

Gratis per te il sensazionale Metodo a numeri per Organetto a 2 e 4 bassi del M° Dott. Mario Carbone "

Fin ad oggi tantissime persone anche ultra settantenni hanno imparato a suonare, il tuo desiderio può diventare realtà basta metterci un pò di volontà.
Questo METODO SUPERFACILE A NUMERI è studiato per chi non conosce la musica o per chi la conosce e vuole comunque iniziare a suonare l'organetto già dalla prima lezione.
Potrai suonare SENZA conoscere la musica perchè il metodo utilizza i NUMERI, ed integra il tutto con foto e video.
Per informazioni visita il sito: www.organetto.net
Online translation !

Friedrich Lips Book

Inzell ist auf dem besten Weg ! - Austria

by Werner Weibert
Die Ausschreibung für diesen wichtigsten Harmonika-Event 2011 ist online (www.harmonikaverband.at),
ebenso die Stückeliste sowohl für den Österreichischen als auch den Bayerischen Wettbewerb.
Die Teilnehmer an der Harmonika-WM sind frei in ihrer Stückauswahl, müssen sich nur an bestimmte Schwierigkeits-Kriterien halten. Siehe dazu auch die Ausschreibung.

Es haben sich bereits etliche Interessenten und Kandidaten gemeldet.
Die Veranstaltung findet in der neu erbauten Max-Aicher-Arena (Eishalle) Inzell statt und ist bereits durchorganisiert:

Am Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2011 reisen die Kandidaten an, am Abend findet eine Begrüßungsveranstaltung statt.
Freitag, 3. Juni ist der Tag des Internationalen Wettbewerbes. Je nach Andrang können da auch schon der Österreichische und/oder Bayerische Wettbewerb beginnen.
Am Samstag, 4. Juni werden die nationalen Meisterschaften fortgesetzt und beendet. Um 16 Uhr findet die große Preisverleihung für alle Wettbewerbe im Rahmen des Preisträgerkonzerts statt. Der Samstagabend ist den Stars der Volksmusik- und Harmonikaszene in der Großen Halle vorbehalten.
Sonntag, 5. Juni ist Abreisetag – damit geht der größte Harmonika-Event Europas zu Ende.

Die Gemeinde Inzell/Oberbayern und der Harmonikaverband Österreichs erwarten Sie, wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme.

Online translation !

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

5. Internationalen Akkordeonwettbewerb Avsenik - Slowenien

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Der Wettbewerb ist öffentlich und findet im Salon des Gasthauses Avsenik in Begunje vom 22.- 23. Januar 2011 statt. Im Falle einer kleinen Anmelderzahl wird der Wettbewerb nur am Samstag, 22. Januar 2011, stattfinden.
Teilnehmer aus der Kategorie »Solisten« spielen ihr ganzes Programm auswendig, die kammermusikalische Besetzung kann während des Wettbewerbs eine Notenvorlage benutzen. Das Pflichtmusikstück für Solisten wird in Begleitung von Gitarre und Bass gespielt (Gewährleistung durch den Veranstalter).
Der Stundenplan der Auftritte wird spätestens am Freitag, 14. 01. 2011 bekanntgegeben. Die angemeldeten Wettbewerber werden per E-Mail verständigt. Die Anordnug wird auch auf unserer Internetseite www.avsenik.com veröffentlicht.
Die Reihenfolge der Wettbewerber wird durch das Los bestimmt. Nach der Veröffentlichung der Stundenpläne und Anordnungen sind Änderungen nicht mehr möglich.
In der Teilnehmergebühr ist 1 Mittagessen miteinbezogen (Eintritt frei für das Avsenik Museum).
Jeder Teilnehmer muss sich am Wettbewerbstag in der Galerie Avsenik melden und zwar mindestens eine Stunde vor Beginn des Wettbewerbs der jeweiligen Kategorien.
Die Wertungen werden spätestens zwei Stunden nach Abschluss der Auftritte der einzelnen Disziplinen veröffentlicht.
Die Preisverleihung findet am 23. Januar 2011 in der Halle »Unter dem Avsenikschirm« statt und wird mit einem Abschlusskonzert der Gewinner der goldenen Auszeichnungen begleitet. (im Falle eines eintägigen Wettbewerbs am 22. 1. 2011). Die Gewinner sind verpflichtet beim Abschlusskonzert ein von der Jury bestimmtes Programm vorzuführen.
Musikschule Avsenik
Anita Mali
Alle weiteren Informationen bekommen Sie auf unserer Internetseite http://www.avsenik.com,
telefonisch ++386 4 530 73 05 oder per E -Mail: zalozba@avsenik.com, gsa@avsenik.com.

Online translation !

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Cygnet Folk Festival / TAS - Australia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
In 2011 the Cygnet Folk Festival will be on the weekend of Jan 14th to 16th.

The Cygnet Folk Festival is conventionally held on the second weekend after the New Year. A clear two week run-up to the Festival is needed after the Christmas/New Year break to co-ordinate production, transport, volunteers and billets.

In 2011, however, New Years Day falls on a weekend. Further, the following Monday is a public holiday. That would leave only a four day run up to Cygnet after the New Year and after other major events such as The Falls and Woodford festivals.

The Tamar Valley Folk Festival has therefore adjusting their dates for 2011 to coordinate with the Cygnet Folk Festival. Consequently the sister festival in the North will run the weekend after Cygnet as is traditionally the case.

So if you plan attending, performing at or staying at Cygnet during the festival make sure that the dates, 14 - 16 Januaryfor Cygnet and 21 - 24 January for the Tamar Valley Festival are marked in your calendar.

The event is run in the small Southern Tasmania town of Cygnet located 56 km south of Hobart, the State capital. Once an important apple growing town in recent times it has become the centre of an alternative lifestyle community which have established woodturning, wholefoods shops, craft activities, vintage car restoring and holiday cottage accommodation as important local industries.

For information: http://www.cygnetfolkfestival.org

Titano Accordions

Shannonside Winter Music Weekend - Irland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Johnny Reidy Ceili Band
Sliabh NotesHot Lips & Chilli Fingers(England)The festival will take place on the 13, 14, 15 & 16 of January 2011. About 100 musicians & singers will participate in the weekend activities.
Over 4,000 people visit the festival every year as there is something for everyone. It's a folk festival, a traditional session fleadh, a bluegrass hoedown, a blues jam, a céilidh, all bound by the enjoyment of music!

Some of the featured artistes include:
Eleanor Shanley
The Special Consensus (USA)
Sliabh Notes
Diversus Guitar Ensemble
Jimmy Crowley, Colum Sands
Loudest Whisper
Frankie Lane & Paul Kelly
Johnny Reidy Ceili Band
Hot Lips & Chilli Fingers(England)
Poit Dubh (Scotland)
Bow Triplets (Switzerland)
Brigid O'Neill & Friends (NI)
Mutefish, McDarragh
Brendan Walsh, Christy McNamara

For information: http://www.wmw.ie/2011_programme.html

Accordion Jazz Chord

21 BOuTONS Workshope/Frohnberg - Austria

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
21 BOuTONS(accordeons diatonique)
12-13 Februar – Akkordeonworkshop - Gasthaus Eder in 2761 Miesenbach, Frohnberg 154 (Austria). Information: Marinette Bonnert.
Traditionelle wallonische & katalanische Musik mit dem Duo Marinette Bonnert (Belgien)
Pere Romaní (Katalonien)

Unvermutetes Treffen zweier junger talentierter Akkordeonisten:
Marinette war im Januar 2006 in Wien, um ihr Deutsch zu verbessern, Pere war Erasmus-Student in Musikethnologie. Der Funke springt über und die Musik entsteht. Ein Konzertvorschlag gibt ihnen die Möglichkeit gemeinsam aufzutreten und das Duo nimmt konkrete Formen an. Es wird auch über die Grenzen hinaus bestehen, wenn beide in ihr Geburtsland zurückgekehrt sind.
Ihr Repertoire ist aus der Erforschung ihrer jeweiligen Traditionen entstanden: eine geschickte und feine Mischung zwischen Wallonien, Katalonien, Baskenland, «Bal Folk»-Musik und Kompositionen von Pere. Ob Konzert oder Ball: ihre Leistung berührt immer das Publikum. Ihre Vertrautheit mit der Musik bringt das Tanzbein zum Schwingen. Nach Österreich ist 21 BOuTONS nicht nur in Belgien und Katalonien aufgetreten, sondern auch im Baskenland, in Holland, Italien, Frankreich und Luxenburg.


Gary Dahl Arrangements

Fürsteneck/Skandinavische Musik auf dem diatonischen Akkordeon - Deutschland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Die Fürstenecker Bordunale beginnt am Samstag, den 1. Januar 2011, mit dem Abendessen um 18:30 Uhr und endet am Mittwoch, den 5. Januar 2011, gegen 13 Uhr nach dem Mittagessen.

„Skandinavische Musik auf dem diatonischen Akkordeon für Fortgeschrittene geleitet von Sigmar Gothe“ Der Kurs soll anhand charakteristischer Stücke einen Einblick in den Stil und die Rhythmik traditioneller Tanzmusik aus Schweden und Norwegen geben.

Die Auswahl orientiert sich am Geigenrepertoire und vermittelt Tipps und Anregungen, wie diese Melodien auf dem diatonischen Akkordeon gespielt werden können. Angelehnt an die Thematik des Tanzkurses werden schwedisch/norwegische Polska- und Gammaldans-Melodien (z.B. Vals, Mazurka, Schottis, Hambo,… ) erarbeitet.

Bei Interesse der Teilnehmenden kann der Referent ergänzend und zur Abwechslung auch Stücke aus dem süddeutschen Repertoire (z.B. Zwiefache,...) anbieten. Sicheres Melodiespiel, eine gute Koordination von rechter und linker Hand sowie die Bereitschaft nach Gehör zu spielen werden vorausgesetzt.

Wenn möglich einfaches Aufnahmegerät mitbringen. Benötigt wird ein diatonisches Akkordeon in G/C möglichst ohne Terz im Akkord. Diese kann aber auch noch vor Ort und vorübergehend abgeklebt werden.

Sigmar Gothe, Trossingen, arbeitet als Handzuginstrumentenmacher und spielt schwäbisch-allemannische (mit den "Stäffelsgeigern") und skandinavische Musik auf diatonischem und chromatischem Akkordeon.

KURSGEBÜHR: 350 - 400 € nach Selbsteinschätzung, Jugendliche 265 €, Kinder 155 €
In dieser Gesamtgebühr sind die Kosten für die Unterkunft und die gute, auf Wunsch auch vegetarische Verpflegung enthalten. Die ermäßigte Gebühr "Jugendliche" gilt auf Nachweis für junge Menschen bis 26 Jahre ohne eigenes Einkommen, die Gebühr "Kinder" gilt bei Teilnahme im Kinderworkshop Gesamtleitung der Fürstenecker Bordunale - Karsten Evers in Kooperation mit Bordun e.V.

Online translation ! For information: http://www.burg-fuersteneck.de

Kepa Junkera completes Trilology of CD's in November

by Harley Jones
Kepa JunkeraThe trilogy started in 2008 with 'Etxea' and followed the next year with 'Kalea' and concluded with the release in November 2010 of 'Herria'.

For Kepa Junkera, frontiers do no exist, neither physicial nor mental. He has demonstrated it again in his last album, Herria. In order to record it he has travelled thousands of kilometres’ and sailed to several continents in search of interpreters and instruments that would put voice and music to the Basque folk songs.

With 'Herria', Rekalde's trikitilari closes in a brilliant way the trilogy. In total more than 70 songs, 49 countries, 128 musicians and 155 singers.

An overwhelmed number of participants that reveal the great effort accomplished during two long years for Kepa Junkera´s team. A team that yesterday was with him during the presentation of his new record, presented on stage of the remodelled Campos Elíseos, Bilbao, Spain.

Charnwood Music Publishing

Future events / Concerts

Voci Armoniche

Jeffery Broussard & The Creole Cowboys - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Jeffery Broussard & The Creole Cowboys features the accordion mastery and soulful vocals of front man Jeffery Broussard, from the legendary band, Zydeco Force.

Friday 4th January at 8 pm (tickets $ 20)


Hubsi Trenkwalder/TV - Deutschland/Österreich

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Hubsis Welt - Täglich München, TV-Sendung
Gute Laune TV 01.01.2011
Die Volksmusiksendung auf Gute Laune TV! Sendetermin: Täglich, 17:00 Uhr Moderator: Hubsi Trenkwalder

Der Tiroler Vollblutmusiker Hubert Trenkwalder bekam sein Talent in die Wiege gelegt. Wie in so vielen Tiroler Familien wurde auch bei den Trenkwaldern zuhause von Kindheit an musiziert. Schon als Dreijähriger sang Hubsi mit seiner Schwester zweistimmig Tiroler Lieder, seine erste Ziehharmonika erstand sich der Knirps mit sieben Jahren.

Am Mozarteum in Innsbruck studierte er das Waldhorn, doch seine Leidenschaft waren das "Zugi (Harmonika) spielen" und das Singen. Als 17-jähriger gründete er seine erste Volksmusik-Band, die "Alpl-Buam". Bald darauf folgten erste Fernsehshows und ein Plattenvertrag bei EMI.

Online translation !
Weitere Termini im Jannuar:
01.01.2010 um 18.00 Uhr Neujahrsevent
A-6416 Obsteig, Gruenberg-Lift http://www.gruenberglift.at +43-52 64-81 31
Eintritt frei !! mit den Trenkwaldern, Norbert Rier (Kastelruther Spatzen) u.v.a. mit großem Feuerwerk !!
03.01.2010 um 13.00 Uhr Apres Ski-Party
A-6474 Jerzens, Jerzner Tanzalm http://www.hochzeiger.com
+43-5414-87 000 Schigebiet Hochzeiger/Pitztal
05.01.2010 um 20.30 Uhr Jungbauernball
A-6414 Mieming, Gemeindesaal http://www.mieming.tirol.gv.at +43-5264-52 17
09.01.2010 um 20.30 Uhr Ball
A-5733 Bramberg, Hotel Senninger Bräu http://www.senningerbraeu.at +43-6566-73 12
10.01.2010 um 13.00 Uhr Apres Ski-Party
A-6474 Jerzens, Jerzner Tanzalm http://www.hochzeiger.com +43-5414-87 000
Schigebiet Hochzeiger/Pitztal
12.01.2010 Biathlon-Party D-83324 Ruhpolding, Kursaal Konzert
17.01.2010 um 13.00 Uhr Apres Ski-Party
A-6474 Jerzens, Jerzner Tanzalm http://www.hochzeiger.com +43-5414-87 000
Schigebiet Hochzeiger/Pitztal
20.01.2010 TV – Aufzeichnung A – 6114 Mieming, Mieming
23.01.2010 Promi-Charity-Race
A-6370 Kitzbühel, Hahnenkammrennen
Hubsi Trenkwalder beim Promi-Charity-Race kein Trenkwalder-Konzert !!
29.01.2010 um 22.00 Uhr Festveranstaltung
A-6112 Wattens, Swarovski Kristallwelten http://kristallwelten.swarovski.com
+43-5224-51 08

Beltango at Milonga Sentimental, Zagreb - Croatia

by Harley Jones
Beltango Quintet
Beltango make their first tour to Zagreb, Croatia, performing for the great milongas "Sentimental" on Saturday 22 January 2011 in the lounge bar Spoon, Hypo Centre. The group has been a huge success where-ever they have made concerts from South America to all over Europe including Finland in the North to Italy and the Balkans in the South.

The Beltango Trilogia, 3 CD pack of is available online.

The Beltango group consists of: Aleksandar Nikolić (bandoneon / accordion), Jovan Bogosavljević (violin), Ivana Nikolic (piano / vocals), Bogdan Pejic (El.gitare), Ljubinko Lazic (bass).

For further information email: lucija@tangoneo.com

Online translation !

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Festival della Musica Popolare/Abbruzzo - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Prossimo appuntamento in Abbruzzo il 20 Gennaio 2011

Renato Borghetti Quartet Tours Again to Europe in March

by Harley Jones
Renato BorghettiThe famous Renato Borghetti Quartet from Brazil again tours to Europe in March 2011.

Friday 18 March, Espace Prevert, Savigny Le Temple, Paris, France
Saturday 19 March, Venue tba, Zürich, Switzerland
Wednesday 23 March, Muziekpublique, Brussels, Belgium
Thursday 24 March, Tropentheater, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Friday 25 March, 2011, Rasa Pauwstraat 13a, 3500 BJ, Utrecht, Netherlands
Saturday 26 March, Le Printemps des Bretelles, France
Sunday 27 March, Werner Richard Saal, Herdecke, Germany
Monday 28 March,Theater Laboratorium, Oldenburg, Germany
Tuesday 29 March, Kulturhaus III&70 Hamburg, Germany
Thursday 31 March, Venue tba, Pescara, Italy
Friday 01 April, Venue tba, Bergamo, Italy
Saturday 02 April, Venue tba, Bologna, Italy
Monday 04 April, Konzerthaus, Vienna, Austria

Accordion virtuoso Renato Borghetti is the star among the new folk musicians from Rio Grande do Sul in Southern Brazil. The charismatic gaucho has revised, adapted and modernized many of the native sounds of his home country.

The last European tour was a great success with 15 concerts in eight countries in four weeks - from Portugal to Finland, from London to Budapest the Gaúchos met happy faces and sold-out venues. Part of the travelling party were the film makers René Goya und Pablo Chasseraux from Estacao Eletrica, who are preparing a road movie for Brazilian Television.

For further information email: sabina@cultureworks.at

Online translation !

Titano Accordions

Horace Trahan and the Ossun Express Horace - LA/USA

by Kerry Dexter
Slim's Y-Ki Ki
8410 Highway 182 (North Main St)
Opelousas, LA 70570


Horace Trahan, the maker of the hit single, “That Butt Thing,” is a world renowned Cajun and Zydeco artist, respected for his ability to pull the hell out of an accordion and belt out vocals that will give you chills.

Having over-stepped boundaries and bypassed the stereotypes of naysayers, this native of Ossun, Louisiana, has made a huge and highly anticipated comeback on the music scene!

At 15, Horace wanted to learn to play the accordion. His father brought him to Felix Richard, a strong accordionist and first cousin who lived in Cankton, LA. Horace was a natural and booked his first gig within six months of learning to play.

Horace was very comfortable in a musical setting, as he had purchased his first guitar at the age of 12 and had also begun playing the saxophone in the fifth grade. It was when he combined his angelic-pitched voice with the skills he honed on a Crown single row accordion, that the musical magic began. Horace was sixteen years old when he began singing Cajun music in French and in English.

Not long after making his mark on bass drum in the marching band at Carencro High School and graduating, Horace hit the road and began touring with D.L. Menard. The road schedules would take the talented 18-year old musician to New York, Boston, Chicago, Canada, France, California, and the summer Olympics in Atlanta.

Two years later, in 1996, Horace and D.L. Menard recorded a CD on Swallow Records. During this time, at the age of 20, Horace also released his first CD entitled, “Ossun Blues,” for the same label.

Horace’s music took root quickly, and he formed a band called, The Ossun Express. The band consisted of an accordion, fiddle, guitar, bass, drums, and sometimes a triangle. This version of The Ossun Express never recorded, but played many local venues and festivals, making a name for the group. In the year 2000, Horace revamped his band with all new members, and they were called The New Ossun Express.

It was at this time that Horace recorded his second album entitled, “Get On Board,” on the Zydeco Hound label. In 2001 they followed up with his third and final album on the same label, entitled “Reach Out and Touch a Hand,” which was later renamed by its new owner, Fred Charlie, as “That Butt Thing,” for the title song.

Having thoroughly learned the business of owning the music that you write and create, Horace’s fourth CD release, “Keep Walking,” is being released under his own publishing company. Horace has a complete love for music and always has.

This explains his pure talent and ever versatile creativity. With musical influences ranging from Iry LeJeune, Aldus Roger, Lawrence Walker, Hank Williams, Hank Williams Jr., George Jones, to Wayne Toups, John Delafose, Boozoo Chavis, Beau Jacque, Clifton Chenier, Bob Marley, and Bob Dylan, there is no stopping Horace Trahan from expressing himself in any facet of music!

The group consists of: Daniel Sanda (guitar), Paul Slim Washington (guitar), James Prejean (bass), Doug Garb (sax, flute, harmonica), Rodney Bernard (Scrabboard).

For further information email: info@horacetrahan.com

Online translation !


Riccardo Tesi a Montale (PT) - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Riccardo Tesi sarà in concerto il 27 gennaio 11 alle ore 21 - a Villa Smilea, via Garibaldi angolo via Martiri della Libertà, a Montale, per uno spettacolo intitolato "Il mio strumento, la mia musica".
Il concerto sarà introdotto da Raffaele Palumbo di Controradio e l’ingresso è gratuito.

Riccardo Tesi, compositore e organettista di fama internazionale, considerato uno dei musicisti più audaci e autorevoli della nuova scena world europea.


Voci Armoniche

Cajun-Zydeco in the San Diege area - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Information: http://www.icajunzydeco.com/

Steve Turner on Tour in January in – NEW ZEALAND

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Steve Turner comes from a family of singers and concertina players. His grandfather was known to have sung and played the instrument in the 1890's.
Steve began his career on the Manchester folk scene at the end of the 1960s. Joining the Geordie band "Canny Fettle" in 1970, he made two albums and toured in Britain and Europe with them for eight years.
In 1979, he won the Melody Maker "Stars of the 80s" national competition, which persuaded him to turn professional for 12 years until 1991. During this time he made four solo albums with Fellside Records and toured internationally.
A period of thirteen years away from the folk scene followed with Steve building a violin retailing business and diversifying musically into a more classical mode.
But folk music has a habit of getting into your blood so 2004 saw Steve make a welcome return to the folk scene.
Steve's 5th album, his first for 22 years "The Whirligig of Time" featuring guests Martin Carthy, Nancy Kerr and James Fagan and Miranda Sykes was released in March 2008. See News & Reviews page for further details. He was the featured artist and on the cover of the January/February 2008 (Issue 77) Edition of "The Living Tradition" magazine. Read some of the interview with Steve online. Steve also featured on the front page of "Stirrings" magazine with an interview in May 2009 and was also interviewed in the "International Concertina Association" magazine Volume 5 in 2008.

In January he will be on tour in New Zealand:
January 12th: Acoustic Routes, Wellington
January 13th: House concert, Music Haven, Raumatis Beach.
January 15th: House Concert, Otak New Zealand,.
January 16th: House Concert. Upper Huitt
January 18th: The Free House, Nelson
January 22nd: Katikati Folk Club, Katikati Bowling Club, Park Road, Katikati NZ. Tel: 07 549 1652
January 23rd: Auckland, New Zealand, The Bunker Folk Club.
January 28th - 30th: Auckland Folk Festival, New Zealand, tricia@aucklandfolkfestival.co.nz

Contact for all NZ gigs: ruthbirnie@clear.net.nz
Online translation !

Templebartrad Festival - Irland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Accordion Jazz Chords

Pine Leaf Boys in January – LA/USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Louisiana's finest, four-time Grammy-Nominated, world-renown Pine Leaf Boys have made a name for presenting their own inimitable brand of Cajun music with youthful exuberance. Hailing from the southwest Louisiana, the Pine Leaf Boys, known for their wild shows and thoughtful arrangements, have breathed new life into Cajun music, reviving ancient songs and bringing them to the bandstand. Being described in the New York Times as, "... the link that connects the young and the old generations," and, "the best new, energetic, and fun Cajun band in a very long time," the Pine Leaf Boys play the old fashion dance hall standards while making a priority to bring many of the more obscure songs of past masters into their repertoire and play them with gusto.
The Pine Leaf Boys have been invited on two occassions by the U.S. State Department to tour the world and present true music to Saudi Arabia, UAE, and Jerusalem in 2009 and again to Latvia, Denmark, and Slovenia is 2010. The variety and energy they release evolves through their shows, bringing multi-faceted angles to Cajun, Creole, and Zydeco. Their mission is to present the beautiful, powerful music of their ancestors and present the real Cajun music to the world and prove that it is still thriving and full of life. The Pine Leaf Boys have preserved the traditional Cajun sound, while allowing it to breathe and stretch with those who play it.
Thez will be on:
Thurs Jan 13 Barnes and Noble bookstore *free show* PLB Acoustic Johnston St, | Lafayette LA / 7pm - 8pm
Fri Jan 21 Blue Moon Saloon Lafayette LA / 8pm
Sat Jan 29 La Poussiere Dance Hall/7-11pm, Breaux Bridge, LA

For further information visit : http://www.pineleafboys.com
Online translation !

Irish Group Beoga On Tour To Many Countries

by Harley Jones
Irish Group BeogaIrish group Beoga quoted in the Wall Street Journal as “Riveting... the best traditional band to emerge from Ireland this century” was shortlisted for a Grammy Award nomination for 2010 Best Contemporary World Music Album.

Beoga is On Tour in February and March to quite an array of countries being
Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, England, Malaysia, Croatia, France before returning to home base Ireland.

24 February Baar Rathus, Schuur, Switzerland. 20 15
25 February Waiblingen Kulturhaus, Schwanen, Germany. 20 oo
26 February Russelsheim - Dorflinde Germany. 20 o
27 February Fulda- Kulturkeller, Germany. 20 oo
28 February Ingolstadt- KKB Neue Welt, Germany. 20 3o
01 March Waldshut-Tiengen Ali Theater, Germany. 20 oo
11 March Dudelange Celtic Festival (mit Liadan und Red Hot Chilli Pipers), Roeser, Luxembourg.
13 March St. Patrick Day Celebrations, Trafalgar Square, England.
14 March Norwich Arts Centre, Norwich, England.
17 March Malaysia vnue tbc, Malaysia.
19 March Split, Croatia.
20 March La Clé des Champs, Plaisir, Paris, France.
22 March Le Printemps des Bretelles, Strasbourg, France.

Online translation !

Titano Accordions

Rio Carnival 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

by Harley Jones
Rio Carnival parade
Rio Carnaval 2011 is held from March 4th until March 8th, has become world-famous through the Samba Parade, a show, a display and competition of the Rio samba schools. Picture above of the parade. The two major days are Carnival Sunday and Monday.

Known as the party to end all parties - Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, is the time each year when Rio lights up and music, dancing and party time all night long. Local processions and Brazilian samba fuelled by plenty of the local poison, caipirihna - available from just about anyone, anywhere, anytime is part of the attraction of the event.

The first records of Carnival festivities in Rio de Janeiro date back to 1723. The idea was basically getting everybody soaked wet. People would go out in the streets with buckets of water and limes, and everybody could be a potential victim. Even Emperors took part in the fun. There's a curious record of a woman being arrested in 1855 for throwing a lime at Dom Pedro I's escorts. Authorities frowned upon the lack of restraints, and eventually it was outlawed for a time.

Carnival in Rio today is in the streets, it's in the people, it's rhythmic and it's incessant.

Online translation !

Kepa Junkera and Friends January Concert in Glasgow - Scotland

by Harley Jones
Kepa JunkeraOn Thursday 20th January 2011, 7.30pm at Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, Main Auditorium, Kepa Junkera and Friends will be performing. The Basque diatonic accordionist will be welcomed back to Glascow.

The concert consists of Kepa together with his full band, several special guests, including the young female choir Leioa Kantika Korala, as featured on his newest recording project Beti Bizi.

Junkera is a tirelessly globe-trotting, genre-blind collaborator, whose string of acclaimed albums has seen him working with literally hundreds of international artists.

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Alex Meixner - next in January - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Alex Meixner, a 2007 Grammy nominee, is a musical chameleon. He has performed traditional ethnic music since he was 4 years old and has extensive experiences in a wide variety of musical genres (everything from classical to jazz to pop to world music from around the world!) His true passion lies in entertaining audiences.... he does this primarily with an international party mix of polka music. See a live show. Become a believer.

He Will be next:
January 14th 8pm
German-American Club Gemütlichkeit 2777 Gulfview Dr, Naples, FL
January 12th 8pm
German/American Society 381 Orange Ln, Casselberry, FL
(407) 834-0574

For further information visiti his website: www.alexmeixner.com

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