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Festivities & 2011 - Worldwideby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Music by Renzo Ruggieri on Ballone Burini Melodica |
Accordion Yellow Pages/Events - CYBERSPACEby Harley Jones |
![]() The accordion yellow pages Future Events calendar displays at the top right hand side of this Weekly News of accordions.com in all 7 languages plus other popular sites such as the USA News and the Diatonic News. Huge numbers of readers every year view the accordion yellow pages Future Events, so all accordion event organizers are urged to take full advantage of this free service to keep the accordion community informed. German Alle Akkordeon-Konzert sowie Wettbewerbs- und Festival-Organiatoren möchten wir daran erinnern, alle bevorstehenden Veranstaltungen in den aktuellen Akkordeon-Gelben Seiten, www.accordion-yellowpages.com Webseite einzutragen. Alle Einträge sind kostenfrei und können direkt online selbst auf die Seite gestellt und aktualisiert werden. Bereits bestehende Informationen sollten auf ihre Richtigkeit und Gültigkeit geprüft werden Alle Veranstaltungen sind in unseren Eventkalender ersichtlich und dies auf allen unseren 7 übersetzten Sprachen. Der Event-Kalender ist gelb und auf der rechten Seite/oben auf unseren verschiedenen Seiten zu finden. Dies inkludiert unsere USA Nachrichten Edition accordions.com und das neue Portal, das den diatonischen Instrumenten gewidmet ist - diatonische-news.com Eine große Anzahl von Lesern konsultieren täglich, wöchtenlich, monatlich, jährlich unsere Akkordeon-Yellow Pages Future Events Seiten. Nützen Sie diese Gelegenheit – es ist ein kostenloses kostenlosen Service für die Akkordeon Gemeinschaft. Italian Tutti gli organizzatori di concerti, concorsi e festival devono ricordarsi di inserire i loro eventi futuri nel sito Accordion-YellowPages.com. La segnalazione è gratis e potete farlo autonomamente. Potete cambiare e aggiornare il vostro annuncio da soli e far rendere l'informazione disponibile. La voce Eventi Futuri si trova in alto sul lato destro delle notizie di accordions.com in 7 lingue più altri siti come accordionsusa.com e diatonic-news.com. Un enorme numero di lettori visiona le pagine di Accordion Yellow Pages Future Events ogni anno, così prende tutto il vantaggio di questo servizio gratis per la comunità fisarmonicistica. French Tous les organisateurs de concerts, de festivals et de concours sont rapplelé d'insérer leurs événements à venir sur le calendrier du site Accordéon-YellowPages.com. L'insertion est gratuite et vous pouvez le faire individuellement. Vous pouvez modifier et mettre à jour votre annonce par vous-même et de rendre l'information disponible. Le calendrier des Événements à venir est sur le côté supérieur à droit des nouvelles hebdomadaire en 7 langues du accordions.com et que accordionsusa.com et diatonique-news.com. Un grand nombre de lecteurs consultes les pages jaune de l'Accordéon pages chaque jour et année est surtous l’ événements futures, profiter pleinement de ce service gratuit pour la communauté des accordéonistes. |
INCONTRO CON IL MAESTRO ENNIO MORRICONE - Pesaro/Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
Una delegazione del Museo Della Fisarmonica di Castelfidardo, composta dal Presidente Vincenzo Canali, l'assessore Beniamino Bugiolacchi ed il Maestro Mirco Patarini ha incontrato venerdì sera a Pesaro il Maestro Ennio Morricone, alla vigilia del concerto da tutto esaurito all'Adriatic arena. Il celebre artista, genio impareggiabile nel panorama delle musiche da film, autore di oltre 400 colonne sonore che gli sono valse i più prestigiosi riconoscimenti internazionali, ha accolto con estrema disponibilità e cortesia la delegazione fidardense, accettando con grande piacere l'omaggio da parte di Mirco Patarini di un organetto Paolo Soprani. Contrariamente a quanto si potrebbe pensare, piuttosto che spiegare, raccontare o parlare di se, il Maestro ha dimostrato grande curiosità ed interesse, investendo i tre delegati con una raffica di domande, i quali, ovviamente, non si sono fatti pregare, mettendosi a disposizione anche per il futuro per qualunque informazione o possibile progetto che possa includere la fisarmonica, auspicandone l'inserimento nelle composizioni del maestro. L'uso dello strumento ad ancia nelle tematiche musicali di Ennio Morricone aprirebbe infatti scenari affascinanti, rinnovando una collaborazione che Morricone ebbe decenni fa con Wolmer Beltrami in occasione dell'arrangiamento della canzone "La fisarmonica" portata al successo da Gianni Morandi. Il maestro romano ha voluto conoscere con grande interesse la situazione produttiva ed economica del nostro popolare strumento e dei tesori d'arte custoditi all'interno del Museo. In attesa di sviluppi futuri, Ennio Morricone ha invitato Bugiolacchi, Canali e Patarini quali suoi ospiti all'esibizione pesarese per la quale sono stati staccati 15.000 biglietti English A MEETING WITH ENNIO MORRICONE A delegation from the Museo Della Fisarmonica di Castelfidardo, composed of President Vincenzo Canali, Beniamino Bugiolacchi and Mirco Patarini went to meet Ennio Morricone in Pesaro, before his concert in that city. The celebrated artist and composer, who has achieved worldwide recognition and many prestigious awards for his film sound tracks which number over 400, received the delegation warmly and gratefully received the Paolo Soprani accordion presented to him by Mirco Patarini. The great maestro was very curious and interested and asked many questions of the delegates. He was keen to know of the economic and productive situations of this popular instrument and of the treasures of the museum. They were keen to promote the use of the accordion in any of Morricone’s future projects and offered any help that may be needed. The use of the free reed instrument would reprise a collaboration of many years ago that Morricone had with an arrangement of a Wolmer Beltrami song - "La fisarmonica", made successful by Gianni Morandi. In the interest of future developments Ennio Morricone invited Bugiolacchi, Canali and Patarini as his guests to the Pesaro concert which sold out 15,000 tickets. |
Musiknotenhefte für Weihnachtslieder - Austriaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() ![]() A Musi für's Christkind - Michlbauer, Florian 30 Alpenländische Krippen- und Weihnachtslieder Spielheft für Steirische Harmonika in Griffschrift inkl. CD Verlag: ECHO Musikverlag Erscheinungsjahr: 2003 Artikelnummer: EC3002 Schwierigkeitsgrad: (3) Mittelschwer 30 Weihnachtslieder und stade Weisen - Michlbauer, Florian Spielheft für Steirische Harmonika in Griffschrift inkl. CD Verlag: Koch Musikverlage Erscheinungsjahr: 1998 Artikelnummer: 022452 Schwierigkeitsgrad: (2) Leicht MICHLBAUER Florineum Wachtbergstr. 36 A-4852 Weyregg / Attersee Tel. +43 (0)7664 2288 +43 (0)7664 2288 Fax +43 (0)7664 20755 florineum@michlbauer.com www.michlbauer.com |
Musikantenschiwoche Zürs am Arlberg - Austriaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Musikantenschiwoche in Zürs am Arlberg 09. -15. Jänner 2011 Unterbringung im Doppelzimmer mit Bad/WC oder Einzelzimmer mit Dusche/WC (je nach Verfügbarkeit) Preis pro Person (BAV-Mitglied): 595,- EUR Der Preis beinhaltet: • 6 Tage Unterkunft mit Halbpension (reichhaltiges Frühstücksbuffet mit vorwiegend Produkten aus der Region, Nachmittagsjause und 6-Gang-Abendmenü) und viele verschiede Angebote des Hotels • ...und am Abend Musizieren, Singen, Genießen... Möchten Sie mehr Information dann wenden Sie sich an: HOTEL ERZBERG - Zürs am Arlberg www .Hotel-Erzberg.at Informationen bzw. Anmeldung unter +43 5583 26440 bei Barbara Schneider |
Concertina Museum Collection Digital Archive - UKby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() This collection was acquired by the Horniman Museum in 1996, and a number of the items are now on display in a fine new gallery on the Museum's lower ground floor. The balance of the collection is freely available for research in the Horniman Museum's library at its Forest Hill site, with the bulk of the instruments stored in the Reserve Collection at Greenwich. Information on the Horniman Museum - Wayne Concertina Collection is at: Horniman Wayne Collection The early history of Wheatstone and his invention of the concertina is the subject of two papers in the Galpin Society Journal: firstly, "The Wheatstone English Concertina" in the Galpin Society Journal Vol 44, March 1991and "The Invention and Evolution of the English Concertina" in the Galpin Society Journal Vol 61, May 2009 The entire Collection is now accessible on-line at www.concertinamuseum.com. This XML database offers access to images of every instrument and printed item, and each concertina is annotated in detail, with information on maker, date of sale, original owner, dealer, serial number, system, labelling and detailed analysis of its internal construction. Researchers may perform complex searches within the site, for instance searching for: "All George Case concertinas between serial numbers 500 and 3000 that possess pearl end-inlays", or: "All C Wheatstone English system concertinas with 32 keys", or: "All Salvation Army images which include Maccann duet concertinas", etc, etc. Online translation ! For information visit: www.concertinamuseum.com or contact neil.wayne@free-reed.co.uk |
2° CAMPOMARINO ACCORDION FEST – Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Organizzato dall'Associazione Borgo Antico, è un festival dedicato alla fisarmonica e a tutta la sua famiglia (bandoneon, organetto, melodica, armonica, etc.). L’ intenzione è di creare un percorso che possa far conoscere questo "nuovo" e meraviglioso strumento in tutte le sue facce. Quella più rigorosa e accademica della musica classica, quella creativa e intensa del jazz e quella più spettacolare della musica popolare che include più generi dal virtuoso, al variété alla world music. Il festival giunge alla sua seconda edizione, segno questo di una importante affermazione lo scorso anno con tre concerti che si svolgeranno il 18 dicembre a partire dalle 21:30 (Oratorio Chiesa Santo Spirito, Campomarino, Italia). Quest'anno in’esclusiva ovvero i Solisti della Fisorchestra Libertango diretti dal M'Roberto Fuccelli, una realta attiva da molti anni (con molti CD già realizzati) che non mancherà di emozionare il pubblico con il suo vasto repertorio. Per il Jazz Etnico incontreremo il Danilo Di Paolonicola Ethnic Project che rappresenta senza dubbio la nuova leva della fisarmonica e dell'organetto in questo speciale e coinvolgente genere musicale. Giorgio Albanese invece è un giovane jazzista che lo scorso anno ha vinto la borsa di studio "Antonio Carriero" indetta proprio da questo festival e che ha portato fortuna a Giorgio infatti questo anno è diventato vice-campione del mondo a Vigo in Spagna oltre a molte altre vittorie in competizioni internazionali. Per informazioni: Costanza Carriero (presidente del festival e dell'Ass. Borgo Antico) Renzo Ruggieri info@renzoruggieri.it & Donato Santoianni (direttori artistici) info@campomarinoaccordionfest.com English: Organized by the organisation “Borgo Antico” is a festival dedicated to the accordion and his entire family (bandoneon, accordion, melodica, harmonica, etc.).. and to create a path to get to know this and wonderful instrument in all its facets. No matter whether academic and classical music, creative and intense jazz or the most spectacular popular music that includes all genres from virtuous, variété to world music. The festival is at its second edition with three concerts to be held on December 18 from 21:30 (the Holy Spirit Oratory Church, Campomarino, Italy) with the Fisorchestra Libertango directed by M° Roberto Fuccelli, active since many years (and several CDs) entertaining the audience with their vast repertoire. To meet the Ethnic Jazz Danilo Di Paolonicola Ethnic Project, which is undoubtedly the new generation of the accordion and diatonic accordion. Giorgio Albanese is a young jazz musician who won last year this festivals scholarship “Antonio Carriero " and is vice-world champion of the Trophée Mondial in Vigo/Spain as well as many other international victories in competitions on his account. For information : Costanza Carriero (president of the festival and the organsiation Borgo Antico) Renzo Ruggieri info@renzoruggieri.it & Donato Santoianni (artistic director) info@campomarinoaccordionfest.com |
Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Diatonic Newsby Werner Weibert |
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Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Diatonic News |
Latin Grammy Award to "Grupo Pesado" Las Vegas - USAby Rob Howard |
![]() The 11th annual Latin Grammy Awards were held at the Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas, and broadcast on the Spanish-language Univision network. ‘Grupo Pesado’ performed in the ceremony’s main concert. Online translation ! |
Verlosung einer Jamnik Harmonika - Austriaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() ![]() Jeder hat die Chance mit EURO 33,-- eine "Jamnik Kerbschnitt" Harmonika zu gewinnen. Selbstverständlich können auch mehrere Lose geordert werden. Die Gewinnchanche steigt damit erheblich! Lose können beim BAV http://www.bav-online.at/ oder unter + 43 (0)664/1538853 + 43 (0)664/1538853 angefordert werden. Die Losnummern werden der Reihenfolge des Zahlungseinganges nach vergeben! Die Harmonika wird am Tag der Übergabe am Donnerstag, den 23. Juni 2011 auf Schloss Seggau verlost! Teilnahmebedingung Verlosung 1) Teilnahmeschluss ist der 23. Juni 2011, bei Bezahlung per Überweisung ist das Datum des Geldeinganges auf dem BAV-Konto entscheidend. 2) Eine Barauszahlung des Gegenwertes der Jamnik Harmonika ist nicht möglich. 3) Der Lospreis beträgt 33 EUR pro Stück. 4) Die Verlosung findet am 23. Juni 2011 im Rahmen einer festlichen Veranstaltung auf Schloß Seggau, Seggauberg 1, 8430 Leibnitz / Österreich statt. Deine persönliche Anwesenheit ist nicht unbedingt erforderlich! 5) Deine persönlichen Daten werden entsprechend der Datenschutzbestimmungen zum Zwecke der Bearbeitung gespeichert und verarbeitet, jedoch nicht an Dritte weitergegeben. 6) Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen. |
Five folk and world music albums to compete for "Ethno Emma" - Finlandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Five folk and world music recordings compete for the Emma Awards 2010, to be given annually by IFPI Finland for the year's best Finnish albums. The nominees are Nordik Tree's Contradans, Duo Elina Järvelä & Juha Virtanen's Peliä, Wimme's Mun, Paleface's Helsinki – Shangri-La, and Maria Kalaniemi's Vilda rosor. The five albums represent the many styles of Finnish folk and world music right now, ranging from the beautiful Swedish-language melodies of Kalaniemi, to the tradition-conscious fiddling of Nordik Tree and Järvelä & Virtanen, to Wimme's innovative yoik singing, and Paleface's fusion of rap and world music. The winner of the Award will be announced on 9 December. |
TV "LIABSTE WEIS" FRANZ POSCH in St.Wolfgang - Austriaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() So erreichen Sie die "Liabste Weis" Sie sind Fan der "Liabsten Weis", haben Anregungen, Beschwerden oder Wünsche, was die Sendung betrifft - dann schreiben Sie and den ORF. Zuschriften per Post an: ORF Landesstudio Tirol "Mei Liabste Weis" Rennweg 14 6020 Innsbruck Oder via Email: meiliabsteweis@orf.at Homepage tirol.ORF.at/meiliabsteweis |
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Festival C A P O D A N Z E 2 0 1 0 - Puglia/Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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![]() S A N T A G A T A D A N Z E 2 0 1 0 festival itinerante di musica e danza tradizionale con stages (mattina e pomeriggio), spettacoli e concerti a ballo (sera e notti bianche) dal 27 dicembre 2010 all’alba del 4 gennaio 2011 con CAPODANNO FOLK nel palazzetto di ACCADIA (FG) Con i festival Zingarìa e Capodanze l'Associazione promuove musica, canti e danze tradizionali in chiave multietnica, cioè sia della Puglia e del sud in genere (pizziche, tarantelle, tammurriate, ecc.) che di altre regioni e nazioni, senza bisogno di contaminarle anzi difendendone l'identità. Ciò che rende diverso e unico nel centro sud il festival Zingarìa (estate) o Capodanze (inverno), rispetto agli altri, sono 300 - 400 stagisti residenziali (uno o più moduli di 5 giorni) provenienti per il 70% dal centro nord e dall'estero. Infatti oltre al pubblico serale che ascolta concerti o guarda un'esibizione folkloristica, come negli altri festivals, a Zingarìa e Capodanze partecipa anche un folto numero di appassionati del settore per una full immersion che comincia con gli affollatissimi stages della mattina e del pomeriggio e prosegue con concerti a ballo e jam session improvvisate della sera/notte, spesso sino all'alba. Gli artisti: Il magico sud... Il magico sud Arakne Mediterranea ** Lecce** Pizzica: canto e danza (28 – 30) Claudio Giagnotti “Cavallo” ** Muro Leccese** Tamburello (29-31) Contraggiro ** Alto Salento** Pizzica (31-3) Biagino Di Prisco Band **Salerno - Napoli** tammurriate (28-30) Suoni Lavici **Campania** tammurriate (31-3) Scuola di Tarantella **Montemarano -AV** montemaranese (31-1) Davide Ancora **Calabria** tarantelle calabresi (28-3) Pina Pisani e C. **Foggia** tarantelle del Gargano (28-3) … contro il resto del mondo Pierre Corbefin e Philippe Marsac **Francia** bal à la voix (29-3) Christian Pacher e Ciac Boom **Francia** poitou (29-3) Charlotte e Toinou **Francia-Italia** occitane e bal folk (29-3) Marie Constant **Francia** mazurche e varianti (28-3) Daniel Sandu **Olanda** danze gipsy (28-1) Traballo **Marche** saltarello marchigiano (28-31) Cristina Zecchinelli **Milano** polska svedese (29-3) Cristina Casarini **Reggio Emilia** danze balcaniche (28-1) Speciale: parliamone, cantiamone… Incontri con i suonatori tradizionali www.zingaria.com online translation ! |
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Die Vorbereitungen für Inzell sind angelaufen! – Austriaby Werner Weibert |
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Nachdem die Ausschreibung seit ca. einem Monat online ist (www.harmonikaverband.at), haben sich bereits erste Interessenten und Kandidaten gemeldet. Die Stückeliste sowohl für den Österreichischen als auch den Bayerischen Wettbewerb ist ebenfalls abrufbereit. Die Teilnehmer an der Harmonika-WM sind frei in ihrer Stückauswahl, müssen sich nur an bestimmte Schwierigkeits-Kriterien halten. Siehe dazu auch die Ausschreibung. Die Veranstaltung findet in der neu erbauten Max-Aicher-Arena (Eishalle) Inzell statt und ist bereits perfekt durchorganisiert: Am Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2011 reisen die Kandidaten an, am Abend findet eine Begrüßungsveranstaltung statt. Freitag, 3. Juni ist der Tag des Internationalen Wettbewerbs. Je nach Ansturm können da auch schon der Österreichische und/oder Bayerische Wettbewerb beginnen. Am Samstag, 4. Juni werden die nationalen Meisterschaften fortgesetzt und beendet. Um 16 Uhr findet die große Preisverleihung im Rahmen des Preisträgerkonzerts statt. Der Samstagabend ist den Stars der Volksmusik- und Harmonikaszene in der Großen Halle vorbehalten. Sonntag, 5. Juni ist Abreisetag – damit geht der größte Harmonika-Event Europas zu Ende. Die Gemeinde Inzell/Oberbayern und der Harmonikaverband Österreichs erwarten Sie, wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme entweder als Kandidat oder als Zuhörer. Online translation ! |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwideby Werner Weibert |
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Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide |
Woodfort Folk Festival - Australiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() ![]() An exceptional anniversary with an outstanding event programm – and 636 Artist and Presenters are taking place!. See the festival website for all the details www.woodfordfolkfestival.com Purchase discounted tickets online now at www.woodfordfolkfestival.com/tickets Preview the 132 page full colour programme book at www.woodfordfolkfestival.com/programme Get your hands on a copy of the progamme book at an outlet near you www.woodfordfolkfestival.com/programme/outlets Explore the full line-up and create your own festival programme at www.woodfordfolkfestival.com/programme/explore Have fun! |
6° RASSEGNA DELL'ORGANETTO / Aidomaggiore (OR) - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Il Comune di Aidomaggiore, in collaborazione con la Pro Loco, organizza la 6° RASSEGNA DELL'ORGANETTO ad AIDOMAGGIORE (OR) il 11-12 DICEMBRE 2010 nella quale parteciperanno organettisti da tutta la Sardegna e numerosi ospiti. Per ulteriori informazioni e PROGRAMMA visita www.aidomaggiore.com |
“CHRISTMAS IN KILLARNEY” Festival - Irlandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
Dec 18-26: IRELAND Killarney “CHRISTMAS IN KILLARNEY” Festival with Tim O'Shea & Gerald Culhane who play together locally at home and also have toured Germany, Northern Ireland & the USA in 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2005. They have been in the studio recording tracks for Tim's second CD, which will be released in February 2004. Also in 2004, tours of the USA and Germany as well as more studio recordings are planned. Ger's earliest influences were from Joe Burke Galway, Donal De Barra Limerick and the great fiddler Andy McGann New York. Gerald's music is lively and full of energy, making it hard to stay in your seat. Aged only 18, Gerald was the senior All Ireland Accordion Champion in 1990. Ger and Tim combine the music styles of Cork, Kerry, Limerick, Galway and Western Ireland. ONline translation ! For information contact: Tim O'Shea, Lackeen Productions, c/o Variety Sounds, College Street, Killarney, Co. Kerry, Ireland. Phone: + 353 87 2814550 Email: timoshea99@hotmail.com Email Robby in Germany jazzklub.abg@gmx.de |
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Meredith Music Festival / VIC - Australiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() ![]() Meredith is a small town halfway between Geelong and Ballarat, 90 kms due west of Melbourne. A pretty, distinctly rural Victorian town, it goes about its business quietly below the foothills of the Brisbane Ranges. It was once a prosperous, bustling hub for the district, and the stop for the Cobb and Co coaches en route to Ballarat and the goldfields. But a century After The Gold Rush, it was a town like so many others in the country – in slow decline. One sweltering December afternoon in 1989, local farmer Jack Nolan rode his tractor through disused farmland at the back of his family’s property. This part of the land hadn’t been seen by humans for years – its steep hills and thick vegetation had rendered it unsuitable for grazing. At the end of a typically long day on the land, Jack had decided to go a different way home. The consistent drone of the diesel engine disturbed the pristine environment. Through the bracken, over the granite, the hazy heat of summer began to play tricks with Jack’s mind. He became dizzy and lost his sense of direction, the foliage became thicker and his trusty tractor started behaving like a spooked Horse. He ploughed through the bush, branches flying as the tractor sped up. With a resounding thump that scared the animal life for miles the flighty Massey-Ferguson stopped. Suddenly a sense of The Other-World overwhelmed him. He became instantly and totally hyper-aware of his surroundings. He wiped the sweat from his eyes and was amazed and exhilarated by what he saw. The heat-haze had cleared, so had the thick bush. Jack was atop a plateau, staring wide-eyed at the most beautiful sight. He had stumbled upon a natural amphitheatre of immense dimensions. ” Hmmmm”, thought Jack. “Build a stage, whack a heap of bands on one weekend, provide free camping and cheap food and there could be a totally independent festival of great live music every year.” The MEREDITH MUSIC FESTIVAL was born….. The 20 edtion of the festival runs from 9am Friday 10 December to 4:30pm Sunday 12 December. Two nights camping is included in the ticket price. Gates open 9am Friday to 1am Saturday morning, then from 8am Saturday to 4:30pm Sunday. Everyone must leave by 4:30pm Sunday – there is no camping Sunday night. Live music from the stage with: DIRTY THREE / WASHED OUT / LITTLE RED / GIRLS / NEIL FINN / CLIPSE / CUSTARD / SHARON JONES AND THE DAP-KINGS / REVEREND HORTON HEAT / PANTHA DU PRINCE / C.W. STONEKING / EL GUINCHO / HYPNOTIC BRASS ENSEMBLE / THE HEATWAVE / DJ HARVEY & DJ GARTH / SALLY SELTMANN / LOVEFINGERS / KIMBRA / KYU / THE DEAD SALESMEN DUO / THOSE DARLINS / THE FIELD / BROADCAST / JEFF THE BROTHERHOOD / HOSS / RAT VS POSSUM / CLOUD CONTROL / PUTA MADRE BROTHERS / COMBO LA REVELACION / CITY OF BALLARAT BRASS BAND / THE FALL online translation ! For further information: http://2010.mmf.com.au/ |
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Festival Vacanze Romane in Dicembre - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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![]() Sabato 11 Dicembre 2010 -Il Salento- ore 17 (su iscrizione) STAGE Danza Pizzica Pizzica STAGE di Organetto ore 20.30 (su prenotazione) CENA TIPICA ore 22.30 (ingresso a sottoscrizione) CONCERTO TERRE TUMARE Tumara è una parola salentina che indica un terreno ricco di timo, spezia profumata e medicinale tipica della macchia mediterranea e del Sud Italia. Nel nome Terre Tumare s’intravede anche la presenza del mare che bagna tutta la costa adriatica e i posti di provenienza da cui vengono i quattro componenti di questa formazione musicale, dal basso Salento all’alta Murgia. Per la gente di Puglia il mare ha sempre rappresentato il pericolo, la fuga, la salvezza, l’arrivo e le partenze. Morte e vita. Vita e morte. E ogni momento, dalla vita alla morte, questa gente ha cantato e suonato per accompagnare il lavoro, le speranze d’amore, i diverbi, i riti funebri e le occasioni di festa. Anna Cinzia Villani, Massimiliano Morabito, Davide Conte Miro Durante e Gianni Gelao mettono insieme esperienze di lunga data, conoscenza delle tecniche vocali e strumentali acquisite grazie alla frequentazione di maestri cantori e suonatori e capacità di reinventare, di fornire linguaggi moderni alle antiche grammatiche musicali della tradizione. Le pizziche-pizziche e tarantelle conservano la grinta della tecnica “a mantice” dell’organetto e il respiro danzante del tamburello; fiati e chitarra addolciscono il canto contadino aspro e amaro, acuto e squillante senza intaccarne l’intensità. Online translation ! Festival Vacanze Romane, CIP-Via delle Ciliegie, 42, Roma info@cipalessandrino.org corsi@cipalessandrino.org. |
Future events / Concerts |
Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwideby Werner Weibert |
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Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide |
River City Slim & The Zydeco Hogs in December - USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
River City Slim & The Zydeco Hogs first came together in the cold New England winter of '98 - '99. The Hogs made a big splash at the eighth annual Folk Next Door concert at the University of Hartford in May of '99, and haven’t looked back since. The band has made appearances at music festivals up and down the East Coast, including a performance at the 9th Annual Cajun/Zydeco Crawfish Festival in Fort Lauderdale, FL in 2001. Other major festivals The Hogs have been featured at include Musikfest in Bethehem PA, the Great Blue Heron Fest in Sherman NY, and Rhythm & Roots in Charlestown RI. Bandleader River City Slim is a lifelong Blues fan, musician and DJ. Slim was already a Texas/Louisiana Blues and R&B fiend when he was bitten by the Zydeco bug at a performance by Terence Simien. The Zydeco Hogs reflect Slim's deep background in Gulf Coast music -- he's played behind a slew of Louisiana and Texas luminaries, including Willis Prudhomme, Corey Ledet, Jeffrey Broussard, Dexter Ardoin, D.L. Menard and others. Componenti del gruppo When: Fri Dec 03 10 06:00 PM Where: Mark Twain House, 351 Farmington Ave, Hartford, CT, 06105, US Details: 2010 marks the centennial of Mark Twain’s death, the 175th anniversary of his birth, and the 125th anniversary of the publication of "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" in the United States. There are special events happening at the Twain House all year long, but on this date, they're throwing a 175th birthday bash for the celebrated author. The event is called "A Night on the Mississippi" and features the red-hot rockin' party sounds of River City Slim & The Zydeco Hogs. The Mark Twain House is located at 351 Farmington Avenue in Hartford. For directions or more info, call 860-247-0998. hen: Fri Dec 10 10 08:00 PM Where: White Eagle Hall, , Kingston, NY, US Details: The Hudson Valley Community Dance welcomes The Zydeco Hogs back to the central Hudson Valley. Come on out and let's show Kingston that The Hogs know how to have a real Louisiana-style Zydeco dance party! FREE beginner's dance lesson at 7 PM; band starts at 8 PM. The dance is held at the White Eagle Hall, located at 487 Delaware Ave in Kingston NY. For directions or info, call 845-255-7061. When: Fri Dec 10 10 08:00 PM Where: White Eagle Hall, , Kingston, NY, US Details: The Hudson Valley Community Dance welcomes The Zydeco Hogs back to the central Hudson Valley. Come on out and let's show Kingston that The Hogs know how to have a real Louisiana-style Zydeco dance party! FREE beginner's dance lesson at 7 PM; band starts at 8 PM. The dance is held at the White Eagle Hall, located at 487 Delaware Ave in Kingston NY. For directions or info, call 845-255-7061. When: Sat Dec 11 10 08:00 PM Where: Maple Tree, 781 Hopmeadow St, Simsbury, CT, 06070, US Details: With an expanded dance floor and an expanded menu, the fully renovated Maple Tree Cafe is the premier music club in CT's Farmington Valley. The Hogs are back to rock The Maple Tree with a real Louisiana-style Zydeco dance party! Don't forget that the Maple Tree is a full service restaurant -- come have dinner before the show. The Maple Tree is located at 781 Hopmeadow Street in Simsbury. For directions or info, call 860-651-1297. Online translation ! http://www.zydecohogs.com |
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Musica Popolare ad Arezzo - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Il 3-4-5 Dicembre ... |
Pot, Baumgarten & Friends - DRACHTEN / Hollandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Zaterdag 18 december 20.30 uur Café Marktzicht Oudeweg 14 Postcode: 9203 AG Trekharmonica sociëteit Rasp organiseert een avond met als gastspelers Pot, Baumgarten & Friends. Boeiende en vernieuwende eigen composities voor Trekharmonica, contrabas, cello en vibrafoon. Na het optreden is er open podium. De toegang is gratis. The Trekharmonica sociëteit Rasp /diatonic accordion club organizes an evening with guest players Pot, Baumgarten & Friends. Exciting and innovative compositions for diatonic accordions, bass, cello and vibraphone. After the show's - open stage. Trekharmonica sociëteit Rasp / Club organisiert einen Abend mit Gastspieler Pot, Baumgarten & Friends. Spannende und innovative Kompositionen für Harmonika , Bass, Cello und Vibraphon. Nach der Show gibt es eine offene Bühne. Information: Eelke Venema Tel: 0512 518798 518798 |
Phil Cunningham and Aly Bain performances Dezember – UKby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Superb, innovative instrumentalist, with not simply the fastest fingers in the West but some of the most sensitive ones, too! The man who, in Scotland at least, made the accordion respectable again and also plays fine keyboard and whistle;composer, whose range extends from heart-tugging slow airs to vibrant tunes for a string of successful theatrical productions and to full-scale concert suites, where bagpipes, bodhrans and bouzoukis meet up with sometimes bemused classical orchestras in a whirlpool of rampant, exuberant sound; powerhouse behind two innovative and hugely influential bands, Silly Wizard and Relativity; television and radio presenter, producer and director, involved in some of the seminal programmes that have enabled Scottish music to walk tall; record producer, responsible for many must-have albums; unfailingly affable, world-travelling ambassador for traditional music; humorist, whose breezy banter can have a 2000-seat hall falling about in the aisles; unfailingly patient, inspiring and witty musical partner of the great Shetland fiddler, Aly Bain; winner of countless music awards, including a writer's Grammy and, with Bonnie Raitt, multiple gold, silver and platinum albums; teacher, who not only helps young people but was on one occasion called in to give David Essex a singing lesson; Doctor of the University of Stirling, Member of the Order of the British Empire... more…. http://www.philandaly.com/ (text by: Alastair Clark ) Wed, 01 Dec 2010Wed, 01 Dec 2010 FINDHORN THE PARK, Universal Hall, Findhorn, Forres IV36 3TZ 7:30 PM phone: 01309 690110 email: uhall@findhorn.org web: www.thebooth.co.uk Thu, 02 Dec 2010 ABERDEEN ST. MARKS CHURCH, Rosemount Viaduct, Aberdeen AB25 1JY 7:30 pm phone: 01330 822426 web: www.pdfproductions.co.uk Fri, 03 Dec 2010 LINLITHGOW Linlithgow Folk Festival LINLITHGOW ACADEMY Braehead Rd Linlithgow, EH49 6EH 8 PM phone: 01506 777666 web: www.howdenparkcentre.co.uk Sun, 05 Dec 2010 MELROSE CORN EXCHANGE Market Square, Melrose, TD6 9PN 7 PM phone: 01750 725480 web: www.borderevents.com/event/Aly_and_Phil Mon, 06 Dec 2010 MUSSELBURGH ST. MICHAEL'S Parish Church Inveresk Village Rd Musselburgh EH21 7 8 PM phone: 0131 665 6310 email: barbjim@talktalk.net |
Nordic group FRIGG in Benelux countries - Belgium/Luxembourgby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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SHARON SHANNON over x-mas - Irlandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Sharon Shannon, her Big Band and some very special guests take to the road again over Christmas and New Year. Sharon specializes in upbeat, up-tempo performances which will clock in at over 2 and one half hours in length and give a much needed reprieve from the doom and gloom hanging over us. Renowned for her collaborations with everyone from Nigel Kennedy to Johnny McEvoy, Sharon reunites with some great friends for this COLLABORATION TOUR. DESSIE OHALLORAN from Inishbofin returns for the tour after a resounding performance with Sharon at Navan Live earlier this year. MUNDY, having joined Sharon on stage unannounced at Leopardstown Race Course last summer and blown away the 10,000 plus audience, re-unites with Sharon for some new songs as well as old favourites!!! Last but not least, IMELDA MAY, who in the last year has made huge impression both here and throughout Europe, who headlined with Sharon at Cambridge Festival last summer, joins this stellar line-up for what promises to be a very spectacular night out. You can see and hear her: CASTLEBAR Date: 27th December 2010 Venue: ROYAL THEATRE Venue Address: Castlebar, Co. Mayo Venue Tel: 094 9023111 Onstage: 11.30pm Tickets Box Office, Ticketmaster Outlets Nationwide www.theroyal.ie or 0818300000 ENNIS Date: 28th December 2010 Venue: WEST COUNTY HOTEL Venue Address: Dublin Rd, Ennis Venue Tel: 065 6828421 Onstage: 9pm Box Office Tel: 065 6828421 Box Office Online: ticketgroup.ie and Ticketmaster Outlets Nationwide or ticketmster.ie DONEGAL TOWN Date: 29th December 2010 Venue: ABBEY HOTEL Venue Address: The Diamond Donegal Town Venue Tel: 074 9721014 Onstage: 9.30pm Box Office Tel: 074 9721014 Ticketmaster Outlets Nationwide or ticketmaster.ie KILKENNY Date: 30th December 2010 Venue: THE HUB Venue Address: Dublin Rd, Kilkenny Onstage: 8.30pm Box Office Tel: 056 7789778 Ticketmaster Outlets Nationwide or ticketmaster.ie KILLARNEY Date: 31st December 2010 Venue: INEC Venue Address: Muckross Rd, Killarney Venue Tel: 064 6636000 Onstage: 10.30pm Box Office Tel: 064 66 71555 Box Office Online: INEC.IE AND TICKETMASTER.IE |
kult-ur-guet in Zürich/Schweizby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Christine Lauterburg Sie beherrscht Xang, Jodel, Langnauerli und Geige. Juchzerin, Sängerin Jürg Steigmeier ist ein grosser Kenner der CH-Sagen und Märchen und obendrein ein brillanter Erzähler Dide Marfurt seine Virtuosität spielt er auf den unterschiedlichsten Instrumenten: Busuki, Tamburiza, Dobro, Helvetische Sackpfeife, Drehleier Am 15.12.2010 ist das Trio in der Herzbaracke im Bellevue, Zürich zu sehen und zu hören. Möchten Sie Information über die Gruppe, dann kontaktieren Sie bitte Claudia Weinmann Regensbergstrasse 85 CH - 8050 Zürich Telefon 043 333 47 61 mobile: 079 446 53 71 e-mail booking@kult-ur-guet.ch |
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Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwideby Werner Weibert |
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Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide |
11th Annual Creole X-mas show – USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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![]() Curley Taylor & Zydeco Trouble Magnolia Cajun Band If you would like further information contact: joe@salsrbclub.com Or www.salsrbclub.com |
Tradizionale Salentina Dop in concerto - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Tradizionale Salentina Dop è un progetto che ripropone musiche tradizionali del Salento (Puglia centro-meridionale). Canti d’amore e stornelli intervallano deliziosamente la musica per danza che diventa la grande forza del gruppo. L’antica pizzica pizzica viene riproposta con una nuova ed esplosiva energia dove il virtuosismo strumentale colora sapientemente il ritmo incalzante ma rispettoso della danza. I musicisti del trio, provengono da gruppi musicali più noti quali Officina Zoè, Uccio Aloisi Gruppu, Tonino Zurlo Ensemble, Orchestra della Notte della Taranta. Massimiliano Morabito: oganetto Giancarlo Paglialunga: tamburello e voce Dario Muci: chitarra e bouzouki Prossimi appuntamenti: Sabato, 4 Dicembre, 2010 Casignana/Reggio Calabria Sabato 11 Dicembre 2010 a ROSIGNANO MARITTIMO (LI) |
Zydeco in Houston/Texas on 5/11 December - USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Diallos Of Houston (3338 Dixie Drive) 6pm Nooney & the Zydeco Floaters The Big Easy (5731 Kirby Dr.) 8pm - 12am Curtis Poullard Tuesday 12/7 Clayton's Restaurant & Club (198 N Sam Houston Pkwy E) 7pm J. Paul Jr. & the Zydeco NuBreeds Saturday 12/11 Cowgirls With Attitudes (Silver Eagle Club, 4302 Reed Rd.) 8pm - 2am Jammin J / Lady D (C.W.A.) / Lil' Nate |
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Stage e Concerto di pizzica salentina: Terre Tumane a Roma - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Sabato, 11 Dicembre, 2010 Lazio/Roma, via delle ciliegie 42 Vacanze Romane 4 - Festival di Musica Popolare -Il Salento- ore 17 (su iscrizione) STAGE Danza Pizzica Pizzica STAGE di Organetto ore 22.30 (ingresso a sottoscrizione) CONCERTO TERRE TUMARE Tumara è una parola salentina che indica un terreno ricco di timo, spezia profumata e medicinale tipica della macchia mediterranea e del Sud Italia. Nel nome Terre Tumare s’intravede anche la presenza del mare che bagna tutta la costa adriatica e i posti di provenienza da cui vengono i quattro componenti di questa formazione musicale, dal basso Salento all’alta Murgia. Per la gente di Puglia il mare ha sempre rappresentato il pericolo, la fuga, la salvezza, l’arrivo e le partenze. Morte e vita. Vita e morte. E ogni momento, dalla vita alla morte, questa gente ha cantato e suonato per accompagnare il lavoro, le speranze d’amore, i diverbi, i riti funebri e le occasioni di festa. Anna Cinzia Villani, Massimiliano Morabito, Davide Conte Miro Durante e Gianni Gelao mettono insieme esperienze di lunga data, conoscenza delle tecniche vocali e strumentali acquisite grazie alla frequentazione di maestri cantori e suonatori e capacità di reinventare, di fornire linguaggi moderni alle antiche grammatiche musicali della tradizione. Le pizziche-pizziche e tarantelle conservano la grinta della tecnica “a mantice” dell’organetto e il respiro danzante del tamburello; fiati e chitarra addolciscono il canto contadino aspro e amaro, acuto e squillante senza intaccarne l’intensità. Informazioni: corsi@cipalessandrino.org |
Zydeco in Houston/Texas Zydeco December 18th - USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Diallos Of Houston (3338 Dixie Drive) 6pm Nooney & the Zydeco Floaters The Big Easy (5731 Kirby Dr.) 8pm - 12am Keyun & the Zydeco Masters Tuesday 12/21 Clayton's Restaurant & Club (198 N Sam Houston Pkwy E) 7pm J. Paul Jr. & the Zydeco NuBreeds Friday 12/24 Holiday Dance (The Silver Eagle Club, 4302 Reed Rd.) 8:30pm - 2am DJ Ricky D / DJ Lady D / Nooney |
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Zydeco in Houston/Texas x-mas eve - USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Zydeco in Houston/Texas on x-mas day - USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
more dates: Sunday 12/26 Diallos Of Houston (3338 Dixie Drive) 6pm Nooney & the Zydeco Floaters Tuesday 12/28 Clayton's Restaurant & Club (198 N Sam Houston Pkwy E) 7pm J. Paul Jr. & the Zydeco NuBreeds Friday 12/31 St. Gregory the Great Catholic Church 10500 Nold Street) 9:30pm - 1:30pm Curtis Poullard |
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Marc Pircher – neue CD/Live Auftritt und im Dezember – Austria, Deutschland, Schweiz, Frankreich, Belgienby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Der allseits beliebt Volksmusikkünstler ist wieder auf Tour. Wenn Sie es nicht schafften, ihn bei seinen Konzerten in folgenden Lokalitäten oder TV zu sehen, dann können Sie seine neue CD vom letzten Live-Auftritt bestellen. Für Information kontaktieren Sie: Franz Wolf management@marcpircher.at oder http://www.marcpircher.at/ Mi, 01.12.2010 A-4894 Oberhofen am Irrsee (OÖ), GH "Troadkast'n" 20.30 h "Marc Pircher - Abend" (Duo) Fr, 03.12.2010 A-3435 Zwentendorf (NÖ), Donauhof 20 h "Tullnerfelder Schlagerkarussel" (Duo) Sa, 04.12.2010 A-3100 St. Pölten (NÖ), Kulturhaus Wagram 20 h "Marc Pircher - Abend" (Duo) So, 05.12.2010 F-68740 Hirtzfelden (Elsass), Sporthalle "Weihnachtsgala des Angelvereins 2010" (Solo) 16.30 h Do, 09.12.2010 D-08289 Schneeberg (Erzgebirge - D), "Festsaal Goldene Sonne" "Zillertaler Advent-Nachmittag" (Solo) 14.15 h Infos u. Karten unter Tel.: +49(0)172/680 16 66 Fr, 10.12.2010 D-96523 Steinach (Thüringen - D), Musikantenmarktplatz "Zillertaler Advent-Nachmittag" (Solo) 14.15 h Infos u. Karten unter Tel.:+49(0)36762/39512 (SG Event GmbH) Sa, 11.12.2010 D-96317Kronach (D), Weihnachtsmarkt & Rosenbergalm "Zillertaler Advent-Nachmittag & Stimmungsauftritt" (Solo) 18 + 21 h Infos und Karten unter Tel+49(0)160/99 06 91 61 So, 12.12.2010 B-2250Olen (Belgien), Saal "Den Boskant" "2mal Zillertaler Advent" (Solo) Infos u. Karten unter Tel.: +32(0)475/732 685 Fr, 17.12.2010 A-8700 Leoben (Stmk.), LCS / Hauptplatz 17h "Vorweihnachtlicher Auftritt für Radio Grün Weiss" (Solo) Fr, 17.12.2010 A-9500 Villach (Kärnten), Discothek "Splash" 23,ooh "Stimmungsauftritt" (Solo) Mi, 22.12.2010 A-3370 Ybbs a.d.Donau (NÖ), Stadthalle 20h "Volkstümliche Weihnachtsgala 2010" (Solo)Weiters mit dabei: Pfarrer Franz Brei, Michael Hirte, Die Edlseer Infos und Karten unter Tel.: +43(0)664/28 35 bei allen Volksbanken und bei Ö-Ticket! Fr, 24.12.2010 ORF2, ARD, SF "Weihnachten auf Gut Aiderbichl" 19 h Auch in diesem Jahr führen Francine Jordi & Marc Pircher wieder durch die beliebte Weihnachtssendung ... (Eurovisions-TV-Show) Mi, 29.12.2010 Semmering (NÖ), Krone-Truck - 19 h "Stimmungsauftritt beim Ski-Weltcup-Rennen" (Solo) Fr, 31.12.2010 CH-8280Kreuzlingen (Schweiz), Bodensee-Arena 21.30h "Silvestergala 2010" (Solo) Weiters mit dabei Die fidelen Mölltaler, Yasmine Melanie, Stefan Roos, Sarah-Jane Kat. 1 Fr. 120.- inkl. Silvestermenü und ein Cüpli Kat. 2 Fr. 75.- inkl. ein Cüpli Ticketreservation unter: silvestergala@bluewin.ch |
Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwideby Werner Weibert |
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Happy Xmas from Roberto Mangosi and Accordions Worldwide |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
New CD Hedonism by Bellowhead – UKby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() 1. New York Girls 2. A-Begging I Will Go 3. Cross-Eyed And Chinless 4. Broomfield Hill 5. The Hand Weaver And The Factory Maid 6. Captain Wedderburn 7. Amsterdam 8. Cold Blows The Wind 9. Parson's Farewell 10. Little Sally Racket 11. Yarmouth Town For information contact http://bellowhead.co.uk/ |
Joe Derrane’s New CD, Massachusetts - USAby Rob Howard |
![]() ![]() Joe Derrane (born 1930), from Boston, Massachusetts, is widely regarded by his peers as the greatest exponent of the 2-row D/C# system diatonic accordion. Playing professionally and recording since 1947, Joe Derrane’s Irish dance music has been much admired for his vigorous, accurate and highly ornamented playing. By the late 1950s Derrane had switched to piano accordion and formed a band to play for weddings and similar engagements, moving away from Irish music to popular music and music from other traditions, including Italian and Jewish. By the mid-1970s musical tastes had changed once more and Derrane again switched instruments, moving to the electronic organ. In 1994 Derrane switched back to the button accordion and began performing and recording again, with great success. He has appeared on radio and television many times, and was the subject of an Irish TV documentary, ‘As Played By Joe Derrane’. He has toured Canada, Switzerland and the Netherlands, and appeared with The Chieftains at Boston Symphony Hall. In 1998, Derrane was inducted into the Hall of Fame of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (North American Province) for his contribution to Irish traditional music. For further information email: support@allcelticmusic.com |
Sväng releases two new recordings - Finlandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Another new album from the open-minded band, Sväng Plays Chopin, includes harmonica arrangements of Frédéric Chopin's music. The arrangements, originally commissioned by a French music festival, have also been performed in concerts in Finland in 2010 |
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Help Desk, Information needed, Readers CommentsSubmit Your Question, CommentSUBMIT NOW |
HELP DESK - INFORMATION WANTED - COMMENTS - Worldwideby Holda Paoletti-Kampl | Modify | Delete |
English Diatonic News has added a new interactive feature to the News. This is titled “Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments” and is situated below the News. The exciting part of this concept is that readers can list their own comments about any accordion subject they wish, ask questions, ask the accordion world for information. Its YOUR Diatonic Accordion World on www.diatonic-news.com News. Deutsch Neue interaktive Funktion auf Diatonic News! Diatonic News hat eine neue interaktive Funktion in den Nachrichten aufgenommen. Diese trägt den Titel "Help Desk, Information gesucht, Leser Kommentare" und ist am Ender der Nachrichtenausgabe positioniert. Der interessante Teil dieses Konzeptes ist, dass unsere Leser selbst auf dieser Seite akitv sein kònnen. Jeder Leser kann ab sofort online eigene Kommentare zu jedem Akkordeon Thema, generelle Fragen und Suche nach Information an die Akkordeonwelt/leser auf www.diatonic-news.com ins Netz setzen. Nehmen Sie Anspruch von dieser neuen interaktiven Mòglichkeit, die das Ziel hat, unseren Lesern eine intensivere und sofortige Kommunikation mit anderen Akkordeoninteressierten zu ermòglichen Italiano Nuova funzione interattiva su www.diatonic-news.com ! Diatonic-news ha inserito una nuova funzionalità interattiva nella sua edizione di notizie. Questa è intitolato "Help desk, informazioni, commenti dei lettori, ed è posizionata alla fine è della pagina. La parte interessante di questo concetto è la possibilità di attività da parte dei lettori di essere se stessi in questa pagina. Ogni lettore è ora disponibile online e condividere i tuoi commenti su ogni tema fisarmonica, questioni generali e la ricerca di informazioni al mondo della fisarmonica / lettori sul AWW rete. Prendete vantaggio di questa nuova opportunità interattiva che ha l'obiettivo di permettere ai nostri lettori di una comunicazione intensa e immediata con altri interessati di www.diatonic-news.com . Français Nouvelles hebdomadaires nouveaux initiés fonction interactive Diatonic News a ajouté une nouvelle fonctionnalité interactive à la Nouvelles. C'est intitulé «Help Desk, les informations nécessaires, Commentaires des lecteurs" et se situe en dessous de la Nouvelles hebdomadaires. La partie intéressante de ce concept est que les lecteurs peuvent publier leurs propres commentaires sur n'importe quel sujet accordéon elles le souhaitent, poser des questions, demander de l'accordéon monde pour l'information. Alors s'il vous plaît utiliser et de profiter de ce nouvel outil interactif, visant à permettre une plus grande communication entre les accordéonistes. 中文 “每周新闻”新增交互式特色栏目 《环球手风琴》在“每周新闻”中增加了一个新的交互式的特色栏目. 标题是“Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments” ,放在下面的每周新闻中. 这一理念令人兴奋的地方是读者可以加入他们自己关于手风琴主题的任何评论、提出问题、询问手风琴演出信息. 这部分内容在《环球手风琴》每周新闻的“ 你的手风琴世界 ”栏目中. 因此请你使用并欣赏这个交互式的工具, 目的是增强手风琴家之间的沟通. Русский Раздел «Еженедельные новости» инициирует новую интерактивную функциию Сайт Diatonic News добавил новую интерактивную функцию в раздел еженедельных новостей. Она озаглавлена "Доска помощи, необходимая информация, комментарии читателей" и расположена под разделом еженедельных новостей. Важной частью этой новинки является то, что читатели смогут составить список собственных комментариев по любым вопросам, касающимся аккордеона, задать вопросы, запросить информацию, касающуюся аккордеона. Это ВАШ Мир Аккордеона на сайте www.diatonic-news.com. Пожалуйста, пользуйтесь и наслаждайтесь этим новым интерактивным сервисом, направленным на достижение более тесных связей между аккордеонистами. Information: Webmaster / Online translation ! Example |
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Looking for a used Diatonic Accordions - Canadaby | Modify | Delete |
Je recherche un accordéon diatonique 2 rangées, 23 boutons, en Ré – Do#.L’instrument peut-être presque neuf ou usagé mais en très bon état. Contacter : François Rimouski, Québec, Canada tel 418-723-6332 e-mail : terraconservatio[]hotmail.com |
Cherche un accordéon diato hohner 2915 - Franceby | Modify | Delete |
Je recherche un accordéon diato sol/do hohner 2915 bon état prix compris entre 300 et 400 € – Mes coordonnées Clément tel 05 56 25 41 41 mail : clement. musseau[]orange.fr |
Festivities & 2011 - Worldwideby Holda Paoletti-Kampl | Modify | Delete |
Music by Renzo Ruggieri on Ballone Burini Melodica |
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