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Diatonic News - Jun-2020
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Voci Armoniche


Coronoavirus COVID-19 - Worldwide
Italian Accordion Factories are Back at Work - Italy
CNIMA Online Distance Programmes - France
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich
Corey Purcell Quarantine Video Clips
Iscrizioni al Conservatorio Tchaikovsky di Nocera Terinese - Italia

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

11. Josef Peyer Preis 2020 - Oktober/AT/Steiermark
CANCELLED - Hapavesi Folk Festival 2020 - Finland
Aperte le iscrizioni al Premio Alberto Cesa 2021 - Italia
TEMPORARY CLOSURE - DG Melodeon Weekend at Halsway Manor - UK
Nicolas Chiaraluce Demos His Diatonic - Italy
Folkest 2020 rinviato in autunno - ITALIA
Results: 2020 Texas Folklife Big Squeeze - USA
Video: End of Season Festival 2019, Brussels - Belgium
C a n c e l l e d Accordion Art Festival - Roseto (TE) Italy
Melodeon Study Week Oct 2020 - UK

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Postponed/Verschoben DIF Donauinselfest/Vienna - Austria
C A N C E L L E D Danças Ocultas - Austria/Portugal
C A N C E L L E D RICCARDO TESI - Vienna/Austria

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Video: Antonio Grosso - Italia
CD "analog" / DIE SEER - Austria
Video: SALTAGAUDIO by Salvatore Pace - Italia

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Accordion TV/Film/Radio

TV-Auftritte mit Marco Wahrstaetter - DE/Österreich
Die SEER im TV und Open Air - ORF/Austria

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Voci Armoniche


Sounding Out the Accordion

Coronoavirus COVID-19 - Worldwide

by Diatonic News
Dear readers,

You are invited to please check back on all our news inserts, if they are actually going to take place. Many - most of them might/are or will be cancelled due to the worldwide threat of the CORONAVIRUS|

Due to many cancellations Diatonic-News is proposing you send some videos from past events or make a new video to be online in our Section: VIDEO
e-mail: events@diatonic-news.com

Be careful and be safe,

Diatonic-News Editor


Italian Accordion Factories are Back at Work - Italy

by Diatonic News
Diatonic accordionIn early March, the Italian Government ordered a virtual lockdown across much of its wealthy north, including the financial capital Milan. This attempt to contain the coronavirus failed and on the 22 March, Italy closed all nonessential factories and businesses nationwide, to halt spread of coronavirus.

After so many deaths and the economy being ravaged by the coronavirus, Italy now moves cautiously towards reopening the economy. The Italian accordion factories have returned to work this week and accordion production is back underway.

Accordions Worldwide (AWW) provides free services each year from all our sites without any charge to our millions of viewers worldwide. The costs of AWW are covered by our accordion advertisers and some sales from the MusicForAccordion.com site.

AWW asks you to please support the accordion factories that advertise on our sites and make free services possible to the world. In these difficult economic times, your support can help the recovery.

Voci Armoniche

CNIMA Online Distance Programmes - France

by Diatonic News
The CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix has announced future online distance learning programmes.

The first is a Celtic music workshop with Alain Pennec (picture left) from July 20th to 24th, 2020.

Alain is a specialist in Celtic music, and he will introduce you to a repertoire of Breton, Irish, Welsh, Asturian and other music. This repertoire will induce technical work on ornamentation, phrasing and bellows. The different styles related to this music will also be discussed. The course open to diatonic and chromatic accordion players

For further details email: cnima@orange.fr

Friedrich Lips Book


by Harley Jones
One final broadcast
6th June 2020 Broadcast at WAD2020
Starting: * Rome 7.00 PM * Moscow 8.00 PM - * New York – 1.00 PM - * LA - 10 AM *Auckland – 5.00 AM (June 7th) * China - 9.00 AM broadcast (June 7th).

View online the previous broadcasts of 6th May, 9th May, 23th May at WAD2020.

Video above is a segment from the 23 May WAD Broadcast at WAD2020
AAA Public Relations Board member Frank Busso Snr was talking about the important role of ladies in the AAA over the years. One of these ladies was AAA President several times, Faithe Deffner and one of her unique AAA led projects was the 1999 Search for the Hottest Accordionist.

The winner Dwayne Dopsie went on to establish himself as a multi Grammy nominated international artist. Above is a super video clip of Dwayne Dopsie featured on the the AAA segment of the WAD video at WAD2020.

Aktivitäten bis 6. Juni! Activities till 6th June!

Video Broadcast >>>> WAD2020

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Corey Purcell Quarantine Video Clips

by Christine Johnstone
Video above includes Reels: The Broken Pledge/The Scholar

Talented multi-instrumentalist, Corey Purcell spent his time in Covid-19 quarantine working on learning some video editing skills which he has put into practise as you will see in the video above.

Corey is an award winning Irish step-dancer and musician, currently residing in Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA.

Iscrizioni al Conservatorio Tchaikovsky di Nocera Terinese - Italia

by Diatonic News
Aperte le iscrizioni per i trienni di “Musiche Tradizionali” presso il conservatorio Tchaikovsky di Nocera Terinese - con indirizzo in:
👉🏻Fisarmonica diatonica
👉🏻Chitarra battente
👉🏻Lira calabrese

📌 Scadenza iscrizioni 30 giugno 2020

Per informazioni - Alessandro Gaudio +39 328468899

Titano Accordions

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Accordion Jazz Chord

11. Josef Peyer Preis 2020 - Oktober/AT/Steiermark

by Diatonic News
11. Josef Peyer Preis 2020Der alle 2 Jahre stattfindende Josef Peyer Preis findet immer im Mai statt. Aufgrund der Coronavirus-Krise, wird dieser auf den 11. Oktober 2020 verschoben.

NEUER Anmeldeschluss: Freitag, 26.Juni 2020!!!
Wettbewerb: NEUER TERMIN!!!!
Sonntag, 11. Oktober 2020
09.00 – 14.00 Uhr
Musikschule Ilz

16.00 Uhr
Konzertsaal der Musikschule Ilz

Kontakt und Informationen
Robert Hafner, MA, Tel.: +43 650 57 47 601
Mag. Christian Hartl, MA, Tel.: +43 650 82 08 258
Dir. Mag. Manfred Uggowitzer, Tel.: +43 664 8410 339

Gary Dahl Arrangements

CANCELLED - Hapavesi Folk Festival 2020 - Finland

by Diatonic News
The next Haapavesi music festival will be held in 2021

It was decided to cancel the Haapavesi Folk Music Festival next summer due to the current coronavirus situation. According to the Regional State Administrative Agency, estimates of the worst phase of the coronavirus epidemic in northern Finland have been postponed to midsummer. Based on current measures and containment data, the epidemic will continue in Northern Ostrobothnia and Kainuu until autumn. On this basis, the Haapavesi Folk ry association, which organizes the festival, said that organizing the festival next summer is not safe for the public, artists, volunteers and other partners and has decided to cancel the event.

“Haapavesi Folk wants to be a responsible event organizer. In a situation where the spread of coronavirus is still possible, there are too many risks for the event to take place, "said Tero Palo, president of Haapavesi Folk ry. “Our activities are now focused on planning the 2021 festival and the possibility of organizing small events in the fall, if the pandemic has calmed down since then. A warm thank you to all partners in the face of a difficult situation. "

The Haapavesi Folk Music Festival is one of the most significant folk music events in Finland, which has been held continuously every year since 1989. The next festival will be held from 1 to 3 July 2021.

Tickets purchased for the 2020 festival will be valid also for the 2021 festival. It is also possible to get a refund for the money paid for tickets, with the exception of delivery and management costs, according to the following instructions.
Tickets purchased from the ticket will be returned on June 30th. from the form www.tiketti.fi/palautalippuja, which can be found on the tiketti.fi website. Tickets can also be sent together with the IBAN account number and contact information at: Tiketti Oy, Urho Kekkosen katu 4-6, 00100 Helsinki.

Tickets purchased from Café Häggman can be shipped on June 30th. by contacting the Haapavesi Folk ry office with contact information and iban account number at: Haapavesi Folk ry, Teknotalo 1 B, 86600 Haapavesi.

The ticket office will contact those who purchased a ticket through the ticket office or Ticketmaster.

Aperte le iscrizioni al Premio Alberto Cesa 2021 - Italia

by Diatonic News
Premio Alberto Cesa 2021
Aperte le iscrizioni al Premio Alberto Cesa 2021
Il Premio Alberto Cesa cresce ancora consolidando la propria formula.

Non una semplice competizione fra artisti ma un premio pensato per valorizzare tutta quella musica che, al di là dell’essere classificata come folk, folk-rock, etnico, etno-jazz, world, new acoustic, minimalista, chitarristico, canzone d’autore, cantastorie, artista di strada (con prevalente attività musicale) sappia dare voce a una o più radici culturali di qualsiasi parte del mondo.

Iscrizioni online dal 16 marzo al 31 ottobre 2020.
Partecipazione al concorso gratuita

Info: https://www.folkest.com/aperte-le-iscrizioni-al-premio-alberto-cesa-2021/

Charnwood Music Publishing

TEMPORARY CLOSURE - DG Melodeon Weekend at Halsway Manor - UK

by Diatonic News
Andy Cutting, Hazel Askew, Anne Niepold, and Mel Biggs.
Temporary Closure
Extended to 1st September
In response to Covid control measures in the UK, the Halsway Manor is currently closed and plans to reopen the office on 1 Sept 2020 to resume courses as soon as possible after that date.

Friday 3 Jul 4pm — Sunday 5 Jul 4pm, 2020 - postponed
This years’ DG Melodeon weekend will be led by the extraordinary dream team of tutors, Andy Cutting, Hazel Askew, Anne Niepold, and Mel Biggs (on the picture from the left).

For beginners to advanced players, there will be workshops, time to socialise and take part in informal sessions (including ‘slow and steady’ sessions with Mel) plus an informal tutor’s concert on the Saturday evening.

The groups are:
Getting Started! Elementary, Medium, Advanced

More on: https://halswaymanor.org.uk/

Voci Armoniche

Nicolas Chiaraluce Demos His Diatonic - Italy

by Harley Jones
Nicolas Chiaraluce of the family Chiaraluce/Fisitalia Accordions demonstrates the sound of his Fisitalia Diatonic.

Nicolas performs:
1. Valzer di notte composed by Roberto Lucanero who is also the teacher of Nicolas Chiaraluce.
2. Horizonto di Paul James

In 1995 Ci. & Emme. srl trading as Fisitalia Accordions was started by Giuseppe Chiaraluce (Owner) and Piero Montecchiani (Owner).


Folkest 2020 rinviato in autunno - ITALIA

by Diatonic News
Folkfest Italia
Andrea Del FaveFokest affronta l’emergenza spostando il suo programma di concerti, premi, incontri di approfondimento e libri dal 17 settembre al 4 ottobre.

Gli appuntamenti saranno dunque distribuiti tra settembre e ottobre per salutare l’autunno a tutta musica (ma non solo). I responsabili di Folkest in accordo con la trentina di comuni del Friuli Venezia Giulia coinvolti nel programma – da Sauris a Duino passando per Tramonti di Sopra e Pulfero, Romans d’Isonzo, Travesio ma anche Udine, Gorizia e ovviamente Spilimbergo, la vicina Capodistria e Auronzo di Cadore-, hanno deciso di affrontare l’emergenza COVID -19 divenuta purtroppo mondiale, spostando il festival in altre date.

Folkest è un festival che durante i suoi 41 anni di svolgimento ha saputo divenire il centro di una importante rete di relazioni in campo musicale in Europa e nel mondo coinvolgendo ogni anno artisti provenienti da tutto il mondo, veri e propri custodi della musica di diverse etnie e culture.

“Per il 2020 – afferma il direttore artistico del festival Andrea Del Favero – è una nostra precisa volontà quella di dedicare un’attenzione particolare ai musicisti italiani che come si sa, sono stati fra i primi ad essere penalizzati dalle cancellazioni dei loro tour e concerti”. Il programma del festival infatti, includerà i migliori talenti italiani, veri e propri custodi e interpreti della buona musica della nostra tradizione capace di rinnovarsi.


Results: 2020 Texas Folklife Big Squeeze - USA

by Harley Jones
Big Squeeze header
Video above: Performances and results of the online Big Squeeze competition.

The annual Texas Folklife Big Squeeze finals were held online on May 1st. The event included performances by 2019 Big Squeeze champions, Elijah Clements, Chloe Johnson, Perla Hernandez and Eduardo Garza.

The 2020 finalists are listed on the poster below.

Results of the 2020 Big Squeeze youth accordion contest are:

Cajun Champion - Bridget Roberts, 24 (Bridge City)
Polka Genre Champion - Isaak Wolfshohl, 18 (Seguin)
Conjunto 17 & Under Genre Champion - Jorge Ramirez, 17 (Roma)
Conjunto 18-21 “Anthony Ortiz, Jr Prize” Champion - Jose Angel Torres, 19 (Roma)
Big Squeeze poster

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Video: End of Season Festival 2019, Brussels - Belgium

by Harley Jones
End of Season Festival 2019 : Diatonic accordion - Anne Niepold. More than 600 students take part in the world music and dance courses of Muziekpublique’s music school.

C a n c e l l e d Accordion Art Festival - Roseto (TE) Italy

by Diatonic News
The 14th edition of the Accordion Art Festival, with the guidance of M° Renzo Ruggieri, should have taken place in Roseto degli Abruzzi (TE), Italy this year from June 19-21, 2020, but due to pandemic virus Covid-19, has been cancelled. The next edition will take place in June 2021.

For the diatonic accordion following categories are included.
Cat. STUDENTS - Diatonic Accordion (all types cat.10, 12, 14, 16, 18, and adults)

Cat. CONCERTIST - Diatonic Accordion Junior (until 18 years), Senior (over 18 years)

For any other information pls view: https://www.accordionartfestival.com/

Titano Accordions

Melodeon Study Week Oct 2020 - UK

by Harley Jones
Video: Petit Piment - Belle dans ton jardin - Ronde du Quercy - 10 octobre 2019
Lucas Thébaut: accordéon diatonique
Arnaud Bibonne: chant
Léo Danais: batterie, choeurs
Florian Huygebaert: percussions

Monday 12 Oct 12pm — Friday 16 Oct 12pm, 2020

Halsway Manor announces that they welcome two of Europe’s most exciting exponents of the diatonic button accordion to teach this extended course at Halsway Manor for advanced, and advanced-intermediate level players. Benjamin Macke (Belgium) and Lucas Thébaut (France) are consummate performers and teachers, and this week offers a rare opportunity to study with them in the UK.

This will be an intensive week of skills-based learning focusing on your development as a musician, discovering new ways to interpret and play, and to make the music your own. Halsway Manor has deliberately chosen two musicians with a lot in common, but also with quite different backgrounds and repertoire so you’ll benefit from contrasting approaches in their playing and teaching. You need to be open to trying new things, and to be prepared to work hard – it will be intensive but also an enjoyable and rewarding week, with time to relax in the evenings and enjoy informal sessions.

The group – limited to approximately 20 students – will be split in two by the tutors at the start of the course; you’ll spend roughly the same amount of time with each tutor. This will be done according to ability level; if you are coming with friends this may mean you will be working in different groups, but there’s plenty of informal time to meet, chat and play with others.

Arrival is from noon on Monday, with lunch at 1pm, and we begin playing at 3pm!

Who’s it For?
This course is for advanced and advanced-intermediate level players of the DG melodeon (If you also have a box in GC, bring it as well).
Please read the Halsway Melodeon Levels description carefully before you make a booking, this course is for levels 4 and 5.
If you are a motivated level 3.5 player and would like to come please just call. There will be two groups based on ability and you may be suited to the intermediate group.
If you have any doubts please emai for advice.



Future events / Concerts

Voci Armoniche

Postponed/Verschoben DIF Donauinselfest/Vienna - Austria

by Diatonic News
DIF Donauinselfest wien
Angesichts der aktuellen Ausbreitung des Corona-Virus wird das für Juni geplante 37. Donauinselfest verschoben. Das Donauinselfest 2020 wird von 18. bis 20. September stattfinden

„Das Donauinselfest ist über Jahrzehnte hinweg fixer Bestandteil der Wiener Stadtkultur. Auch für die heimische Kunst- und Kulturszene und unzählige Wiener Unternehmen der Veranstaltungsbranche ist es das jährliche Highlight und nicht zuletzt ein ganz wesentlicher wirtschaftlicher Faktor. Bei allen aktuellen Herausforderungen ist es daher wichtig, dass das Donauinselfest auch heuer stattfindet!

Zusammenhalt für Kunst, Kultur und Wiener Wirtschaft
Seit jeher steht das Donauinselfest für ein funktionierendes Miteinander und den Zusammenhalt in Wien: Tausende Menschen, vor allem Wiener Unternehmen und heimische Künstlerinnen und Künstler sowie unzählige freiwillige Helferinnen und Helfer, ermöglichen jährlich ein buntes Fest bei freiem Eintritt für Wienerinnen und Wiener aus allen Gemeindebezirken und weit darüber hinaus.

Dieser starke Zusammenhalt, den die Wienerinnen und Wiener gerade in den Zeiten von COVID-19 tagtäglich beweisen, bedeutet auch für das Donauinselfest Verantwortung zu übernehmen und solidarisch zu agieren. Denn nicht nur ist das Donauinselfest wichtigster Förderer heimischer Musik – rund 80 % der Künstlerinnen und Künstler auf den Donauinselfest-Bühnen kommen aus Österreich – es ist auch wichtiger Impulsgeber für die Wiener Wirtschaft.

„Dass das Fest stattfindet, ist Garant dafür, dass gebuchte Künstlerinnen und Künstler des diesjährigen Donauinselfests ihre bereits eingeplanten Gagen erhalten“, weiß Kurt Wimmer, Präsident des Vereins Wiener Kulturservice, der insbesondere die Künstlerinnen- und Künstlergagen verantwortet. Thomas Waldner, Geschäftsführer der Eventagentur Pro Event, die das Donauinselfest jährlich organisiert, ergänzt: „Gleichzeitig zählen zahlreiche Unternehmen der von der Coronakrise schwer getroffenen Wiener Veranstaltungsbranche oder auch der Gastronomie auf uns. Für sie wollen wir weiterhin verlässlicher Partner in dieser schwierigen Zeit bleiben!“


C A N C E L L E D Danças Ocultas - Austria/Portugal

by Diatonic News
Video: Danças Ocultas - Danca II [ Music Video] provided by Warner Music Portugal.

AUSTRIA • Danças Ocultas

20 JUN • Kufstein (Tyrol) • Kulturquartier

C A N C E L L E D RICCARDO TESI - Vienna/Austria

by Harley Jones
24/05/20 Wien b Austria
unfortuantely also this appointment is cancelled.

Video above: La valse a Pierre, primo video del nuovo progetto di Riccardo Tesi: Cameristico, dedicato alla memoria di Pierre Imbert, suonatore di ghironda, è un tema delicato e intimo con il quale i quattro musicisti giocano assieme.

Accordion Jazz Chords

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Video: Antonio Grosso - Italia

by Harley Jones
Video: Milonghita22

Antonio Grosso was one of the first in Calabria to reassess the role of his instrument, for years considered a purely traditional instrument capable of reproducing the Tarantella and other traditional music styles.

The compositions of Antonio Grosso show that with the diatonic accordion, when there is passion, you can compose and play many different types of music.

Titano Accordions

CD "analog" / DIE SEER - Austria

by Diatonic News
DAS AKTUELLE ALBUM "analog" wurde von der Gruppe am
15.11.2019 vorgestellt und ist somit ihre neueste Musikproduktion.....SIE SCHREIBEN.
Veröffentlicht: November 2019
Status: Gold
Beste Charts-Platzierung: Platz 1
Alle Songs Musik & Text: Alfred Jaklitsch

In der ersten Hälfte der 1990er Jahre begann Fred Jaklitsch eine Idee umzusetzen, die 1995 mit einer ersten Maxi-CD und im Jahr darauf mit der Gründung der Band ‚SEER‘ erste relevante Entwicklungen nahm. Die 1990er Jahre gelten heute rückblickend als die Jahre der Epochenwende. Die Digitalisierung bestimmter Lebensbereiche wird für die Menschen erstmals deutlich spürbar. Digital? Ja, man kennt das Wort damals bereits von CDs, denn die hatten längst das Ruder von Vinyl-Schallplatten übernommen, analoge MusicCassetten erlebten erste Markteinbrüche und Mobiltelefone waren keine klobigen Knochen mehr und galten mittlerweile als teure Statussymbole.

Das tägliche Leben aber, es war nach wie vor tief im analogen verwurzelt. Fernsehapparate waren große Kästen, auf denen man daheim Filme von VHS-Cassetten abspielte… HD Bilder?

Das waren Technikerträume. Bald sind 25 Jahre vergangen und die ‚SEER‘ gibt es, wenn man so will, ‚in alter Frische‘ als Reisende vom damals ins heute. Von ‚analog‘ nach ‚digital‘‚ wobei ‚analog‘ nicht ausschließlich als technischer Begriff zu sehen ist. Er steht viel mehr als Metapher für die Entwicklungen, die rund um uns Menschen in diesem Vierteljahrhundert stattgefunden haben.
20 bis 25 Jahre gelten gemeinhin als 1 Generation. Seit es die ‚SEER‘ gibt ist somit eine Generation komplett, eine weitere schickt sich an auf die Welt zu kommen und wiederum eine andere, hat diese Welt bereits verlassen. Jede dieser Generationen hat ihre mit ihren eigenen philosophischen, technischen, praktischen Lebensumständen umzugehen.

Früher war alles besser! War früher alles besser?

Fest steht, früher war ganz vieles ganz anders und davon ist der Generation der ‚SSEER‘, also der Elterngeneration, einiges ans Herz gewachsen, das es heute so nicht mehr gibt.

DIE SEER haben sich am Album ‚analog‘ musikalisch u.a. diesem Thema angenommen.


Video: SALTAGAUDIO by Salvatore Pace - Italia

by Harley Jones
Video: Saltagaudio, Super Saltarello del M° Alessandro Gaudio eseguito dal M° Salvatore Pace.

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Accordion TV/Film/Radio

eSheet Music Titles

TV-Auftritte mit Marco Wahrstaetter - DE/Österreich

by Diatonic News
Marco Wahrstaetter
Mit dem Titel "Brave Buam wolln freche Madln" hat Marco Wahrstaetter viele Menschen im deutschsprachigen Raum begeistert. Er war in der bekannten ARD TV Show "Immer wieder Sonntags" dabei und ihm gelang etwas Historisches: Als erster österreichischer Künstler gewann er 6-mal in Folge, in einer TV Show mit Einschaltquoten um die 3 Millionen Zuseher. Gleich danach wurde das erste Album "Brave Buam" veröffentlicht, welches 2 Jahre später IFPI Goldstatus in Österreich erlangte.

Im Juni ist erf:
20.06.20 - 15:00 Uhr D-77977 Rust: Generalprobe TV-Sendung "IMMER WIEDER SONNTAGS" im ARD

21.06.20 - 10:00 Uhr D-77977 Rust: LIVE TV-Sendung "IMMER WIEDER SONNTAGS" im ARD

Viele seiner anderen Termine wurden aufgrund von Corona Virus abgesagt.


Titano Accordions

Die SEER im TV und Open Air - ORF/Austria

by Diatonic News
es ist im Moment zwar nicht möglich, die bekannte österreiche Gruppe LIVE auf einem ihrer vielen Konzerte zu erleben, jedoch sind sie am:

Österreich blüht auf @ ORF 2
Jun 13 um 20:15 – 21:45

Studio 2 @ ORF 2
Jun 18 um 17:30 – 18:30


Für ihre nächsten offiziellen Termine, siehe ihre Webseite:

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