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Diatonic News - May-2020
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Voci Armoniche


Coronoavirus COVID-19 - Worldwide
Video: The Marolt Accordion Orchestra - Slovenia
C A N C E L L E D !!! TAG DER HARMONIKA 2020 - Österreich
Video: Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi - Italy
Video: How It's Made - Diatonic Accordions

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Results: 2020 Texas Folklife Big Squeeze - USA
39th Annual Tejano Conjunto Festival en San Antonio 2020 - usa
Video: Button Box Diatonic Accordion 101 - USA
May 1: Hear the Grand Prize Winners of the Texas Folklife Big Squeeze Competition
Video: Mollie B Polka Party on RFD-TV - USA
C A N C E L L E D Konzertinakurs "lernen und spielen" - Kleinlosnitz/DE
Video: Gianfranco Rongo Performs Indifference - Italy
Concertina Day Gathering/Ruishton village - Great Britain
Video: Øystein Nicolaisen Performs His Composition - Norway
C A N C E L L E D Konzertinakurs mit Theo Knopf - Bad Berneck/DE
Video: Daniel McPhee Performs Two Marches - UK

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

C A N C E L L E D Bal folk avec Duo Laloy/Le Tron - Italia
C A N C E L L E D Danças Ocultas in May - DE/Portugal
C A N C E L L E D Los Lobos - Holland
C A N C E L L E D MAY Events for BELTANGO Quinteto on Tour - Serbia
Taaftere Concert - Holland

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Titano Accordions


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Coronoavirus COVID-19 - Worldwide

by Diatonic News
Dear readers,

You are invited to please check back on all our news inserts, if they are actually going to take place. Many - most of them might/are or will be cancelled due to the worldwide threat of the CORONAVIRUS|

Due to many cancellations Diatonic-News is proposing you send some videos from past events or make a new video to be online in our Section: VIDEO
e-mail: events@diatonic-news.com

Be careful and be safe,

Diatonic-News Editor

Voci Armoniche


by Werner Weibert
Video Broadcast >>>> http://www.accordions.com/cia/cia_wad_20_reviews.php !

Sounding Out the Accordion

Video: The Marolt Accordion Orchestra - Slovenia

by Harley Jones
11 April 2020, Marolt Accordion Orchestra from Slovenia performing Veseli Ribnčan.


C A N C E L L E D !!! TAG DER HARMONIKA 2020 - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation

Voci Armoniche

Video: Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi - Italy

by Harley Jones
Video youtube titled #stayhome 6 - Vivaldi Double Concerto, this time with:
Andrés Gabetta (solo violin),
Mario Stefano Pietrodarchi (bandoneon),
Rob Rutkauskas (violin),
Eurydice Vernay (violin),
Marco Massera (viola),
Marcello Scandelli (cello),
Davide Nava (bass) and
Andreas Hecker (cembalo).

Friedrich Lips Book

Video: How It's Made - Diatonic Accordions

by Harley Jones
How It's Made - Diatonic Accordions on youtube, released Jan 28, 2020.

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Results: 2020 Texas Folklife Big Squeeze - USA

by Harley Jones
Big Squeeze header
Video above: Performances and results of the online Big Squeeze competition.

The annual Texas Folklife Big Squeeze finals were held online on May 1st. The event included performances by 2019 Big Squeeze champions, Elijah Clements, Chloe Johnson, Perla Hernandez and Eduardo Garza.

The 2020 finalists are listed on the poster below.

Results of the 2020 Big Squeeze youth accordion contest are:

Cajun Champion - Bridget Roberts, 24 (Bridge City)
Polka Genre Champion - Isaak Wolfshohl, 18 (Seguin)
Conjunto 17 & Under Genre Champion - Jorge Ramirez, 17 (Roma)
Conjunto 18-21 “Anthony Ortiz, Jr Prize” Champion - Jose Angel Torres, 19 (Roma)
Big Squeeze poster

39th Annual Tejano Conjunto Festival en San Antonio 2020 - usa

by Diatonic News
39th Annual Tejano Conjunto Festival en San Antonio 2020

Titano Accordions

Video: Button Box Diatonic Accordion 101 - USA

by Harley Jones
Button Box Diatonic Accordion 101: How a Button Accordion Works with Ted Lange, Mollie B Youtube channel, ending with a performance of Trumpet Echo Polka.

Accordion Jazz Chord

May 1: Hear the Grand Prize Winners of the Texas Folklife Big Squeeze Competition

by Rita Davidson Barnea
In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, we are canceling all scheduled Texas Folklife public events and gallery operations including the Big Squeeze live auditions and concerts until further notice.

The Big Squeeze is still on! Tune in on May 1 FB at 3:PM CST for the online version of the annual event! The May 1 Grand Prize Winners will be announced. Join them for the first ever Big Squeeze Finals From-Home, with performances by the 2019 Big Squeeze champions, Elijah Clements, Chloe Johnson, Perla Hernandez and Eduardo Garza....and a LIVE announcement of the 2020 winners based on the results from our online judges.

Texas based accordion teacher Elena Fainshtein shared, “Feeling proud of my students Nick Heatly and Timothy Regheta (pictures below) - they both made it to the finals of the ”Big Squeeze" contest.” 2019 Winner Elijah Clements 2019 is also her student and will perform.

The event is hosted by Texas Folklife

For further information: elena.fainshtein@gmail.com
Nick Heatly and Timothy Regheta

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Video: Mollie B Polka Party on RFD-TV - USA

by Harley Jones
Mollie B from the Mollie B Polka Party on RFD-TV presents the First EVER "Virtual" Mollie B Polka - Out The Window Polka.

The award winning band "SQUEEZEBOX," featuring "International Polka Association" Hall Of Fame Recipient, "Mollie B" from the "Mollie B Polka Party on RFD-TV" and two-time GRAMMY-Nominee and "International Polka Association" Hall of Fame Recipient Ted Lange, has become one of the most popular and well known bands specializing in live folk dance music and entertaining stage shows.

Currently based in NW Ohio, their performances span multiple genres with a repertoire of over 800 songs, and solid vocals in English, Polish, German and Czech. Squeezebox is known for their ability to play "something for everyone", and easily adapts to any venue, ranging from town festivals, polka festivals, ethnic festivals including Polish, Czech, and German festivals and Oktoberfests, to weddings, anniversary parties, church festivals, state and county fairs and music festivals.

Recently, they appeared in the Warner Brothers film "The Mule," starring Clint Eastwood. Clint Eastwood is a big fan of Mollie B and Ted Lange. He watches their show every week. Mollie and Ted usually perform over 120 engagements a year in over 18 states a year, including an annual Caribbean Cruise.

C A N C E L L E D Konzertinakurs "lernen und spielen" - Kleinlosnitz/DE

by Diatonic News
Samstag 02.05.20 Samstag 16.05.20 - Samstag 30.05.20 in 95239 Zell, Landkreis Hof, Oberfranken
Konzertina - lernen und spielen. Frühjahrskurs in Kleinlosnitz
Oberfränkisches Bauernhofmuseum, Kleinlosnitz 5

Eingeladen sind alle, die das musikantische Spiel auf der Konzertina erlernen oder weiter vertiefen möchten. Helmut Spörl, ehemaliger Schüler von Theo Knopf, betreut jeden Teilnehmer individuell. Mietinstrumente können zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Uhrzeit wird in persönlicher Absprache vereinbart.

Anmeldung bei Helmut Spörl, Tel. 09288 6986
Mitveranstalter: Bezirk Oberfranken
Leitung: Helmut Spörl

Charnwood Music Publishing

Video: Gianfranco Rongo Performs Indifference - Italy

by Harley Jones
Gianfranco Rongo performs the musette waltz "Indifference" composed by Tony Murena and played on his 2 row diatonic accordion.

Voci Armoniche

Concertina Day Gathering/Ruishton village - Great Britain

by Diatonic News
Concertina Day Workshop- Great Britain
Halsway Manor 2020 reports:
Just beating the lock down with a wonderful weekend of concertina playing and fun. Tutors (left to right) Claire Wren (Band), Tim Laycock (Duets), Sandra Kerr (English), Brian Peters (Anglo) and Dave, Di & Amanda Elliott (Maintenance & Repairs)

Sun 3rd May 2020 11:00am - 5:00pm / Ruishton Village

WCCP aim is one of very few teaching clubs in the country. Although based in the West Country there are members throughout the UK and indeed world-wide. The membership includes players of all levels of ability from absolute beginner to expert. All systems of concertinas are represented and all genres of music. Covered is the Introduction to the instrument, playing techniques, reading music,playing by ear, playing in bands nd playing in sessions.

Contact email: info@theWCCP.org

The concertina is one of the most versatile of instruments and WCCP aim to demonstrate this to the full. Whenever WCCP meet, it is played a wide variety of music including Classical, British & International Folk, Ragtime, Blues and much more besides. Performed as individuals, in pairs and small groups as well as in full-scale concertina bands that include Treble, Baritones and Bass instruments. Whilst the ability to read music is an advantage, but there are many excellent players who happily play "by ear".

Membership is open to anyone with an interest in the concertina. Download a membership form from the website. Whether you are browsing and want to know more, a complete novice (as we all were once) or an experienced and accomplished player, please feel free to join one of the events.

Supported are other community music organisations such as The International Concertina Association, Folk South West and Wren Music. In addition in contact with Professional Tutors and Makers & Repairers of Concertinas.Hall Concertina Day Workshop

Halsway Manor 2020


Video: Øystein Nicolaisen Performs His Composition - Norway

by Harley Jones
Øystein Nicolaisen composed and plays "I Tåkeheimen", performed on a 3 voice B-E box.

C A N C E L L E D Konzertinakurs mit Theo Knopf - Bad Berneck/DE

by Diatonic News
Theo KnopfSamstag 02.05.20, 16.05.20, 30.05.20 in 95460 Bad Berneck, Landkreis Bayreuth, Oberfranken

Konzertina - lernen und spielen. Frühjahrskurs in Bad Berneck

Beratungsstelle für Volksmusik in Franken, Bahnhofstr. 81

Eingeladen sind alle, die das musikantische Spiel auf der Konzertina erlernen oder weiter vertiefen möchten. Theo Knopf, ein erfahrener Konzertinamusikant, betreut jeden Teilnehmer individuell. Mietinstrumente können zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Uhrzeit wird in persönlicher Absprache vereinbart.

Anmeldung bei Theo Knopf, Tel. 0921 42271
Mitveranstalter: Bezirk Oberfranken
Leitung: Theo Knopf

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Video: Daniel McPhee Performs Two Marches - UK

by Harley Jones
Daniel McPhee performs a couple of marches on his melodeon. The Australian Ladies and The 79th’s Farewell To Gibraltar.

Future events / Concerts

Titano Accordions

C A N C E L L E D Bal folk avec Duo Laloy/Le Tron - Italia

by Diatonic News
Sabato 16 maggio 2020, ore 21:30.
Sala Polivalente - Via G. Marconi 2 - Lauriano (To).

- Didier Laloy, organetto (Tref);
- Bruno Le Tron, organetto (Tref, Initium Trio...).
''Du is megl che uan''!!!... Due mantici meravigliosi per una serata fantastica...

Contributo soci 10 euro.
INGRESSO RISERVATO AI SOCI (Tessera Arci obbligatoria)
Organizzazione: Ballauriamo APS https://www.facebook.com/Ballauriamo-APS

Info: ballauriamo.aps@gmail.com


C A N C E L L E D Danças Ocultas in May - DE/Portugal

by Diatonic News
dancas Ocultas
24 05 2020 - 20:00
Bürgerhaus Unterschleißheim
Rathauspl. 1, Unterschleißheim, Germany

Genres: World Music Instrumental
Band Members: Artur Fernandes Filipe Cal, Filipe Ricardo, Francisco Miguel
Hometown: Agueda, Portugal


Voci Armoniche

C A N C E L L E D Los Lobos - Holland

by Diatonic News
Los Lobos
Vrijdag 15 mei in Paradiso
Zaal open 19:00, Aanvang 20:30
De Grammy Award winnende band Los Lobos maakt een dansbare mix van Tex-Mex, rock 'n roll, country- en folkmuziek. Oorspronkelijk ontstaan in 1973 als bruiloftsband, maar door heel veel optredens als voorprogramma van onder andere Bob Dylan en The Grateful Dead, - en natuurlijk het onmogelijk uit je hoofd te krijgen ‘La Bamba’ inmiddels een band van belang. In totaal heeft Los Lobos 19 studioalbums uitgebracht met nummers in zowel het Engels als het Spaans. Naar eigen zeggen maken de heren muziek die kan gezien worden als de belichaming van de Verenigde Staten als culturele smeltkroes.

Los Lobos
Friday May 15 in Paradiso
Room open 19:00, starting at 20:30
The Grammy Award winning band Los Lobos makes a danceable mix of Tex-Mex, rock 'n roll, country and folk music. Originally created in 1973 as a wedding band, but thanks to many performances as a support act for Bob Dylan and The Grateful Dead, among others - and of course it is impossible to get out of your head "La Bamba" has become a band of interest. In total, Los Lobos has released 19 studio albums with songs in both English and Spanish. They say they make music that can be seen as the embodiment of the United States as a cultural melting pot.


C A N C E L L E D MAY Events for BELTANGO Quinteto on Tour - Serbia

by Diatonic News

Taaftere Concert - Holland

by Diatonic News
Monday 18th May 2020 from 20:15 - 22:30 h
Burgemeester Norbruislaan 17, 3555ED Utrecht

Taaftere speelt en zingt eigen muziek in het Nederlands en in Brabants, muziek met invloeden vanuit folk, pop, jazz, tex-mex en cajunmuziek (Mark en Joost spelen ook bij Captain Gumbo).

Taaftere bestaat nu zo’n 8 jaar en ze hebben inmiddels veel optredens gedaan variërend van muziekcafés, culturele centra tot huiskamerconcerten, open-lucht-festivals en de nationale en regionale radio.

Ze zingen over leven en dood, liefde, lol en de wereld….,maar ook over gewone dingen als maïsvelden, kakmadammen, onze neef met ADHD, over toeval in het leven, de onsterfelijkheid van de Helmonder, de teloorgang van het bos, over oude liefjes waar het slecht mee afliep, luxe-problemen in verband met partnerkeuze, de dood van een lieve vriend, kortom over alles wat ons en anderen zo bezighoudt.

Allemaal eigen repertoire, van uitbundige meezingers tot ingetogen luisterliedjes waarbij je in het publiek een traan kunt horen vallen, en met goede verhalen ertussenin.


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