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Stolen Bandoneon, Buenos Aires – Argentinaby Rob Howard |
![]() Double A. It is the year 20000. 37. Series has the top right hand broken and stuck with glue. I have written in my ID 22251821 and my name. For further information email: christian.luethen@gmx.net |
«Gabalier – Die Volks-Rock’n’Roll-Show» wird um ein Jahr verschoben - DE/Aby Diatonic News |
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Aus Termin- und Koordinationsgründen seitens Andreas Gabalier, sind die Sender SRF, ORF und BR mit dem Künstler übereingekommen, die Show ins Jahr 2017 zu verschieben. «Gabalier – Die Volks-Rock’n’Roll-Show» hätte am 21. Mai 2016 in Füssen, Deutschland, durchgeführt werden sollen. Mehr dazu unter: http://www.gabalier-show.tv/de/gabalier-die-volks-rocknroll-show-0 Andreas Gabalier: «Es tut mir sehr leid, meine Fans enttäuschen zu müssen. Da der Aufwand nun aber grösser ausfällt, als eigentlich geplant war und dies mit meinem Kalender nicht vereinbar ist, haben wir schweren Herzens beschlossen, die Show erst in einem Jahr durchzuführen.» Die dadurch gegebenenfalls entstehenden Unannehmlichkeiten bedauern SRF, ORF, BR und ip-media sehr und bedanken sich gleichzeitig bei allen beteiligten Stellen und Projektpartnern für die hervorragende bereits geleistete Vorarbeit. Bereits gekaufte Karten können in der Vorverkaufsstelle retourniert werden, in der sie gekauft wurden. |
15th Tango Festival - New Zealandby Diatonic News |
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… The 12th Annual New Zealand Tango Festival, Wellington, 29 June - 5 July 2016 Three days and four nights of world-class workshops, shows and milongas, plus tango immersion courses before and after the festival. Take part in a wonderful programme filled with international masters, performances, special guests, and a few surprises packed into every moment of the eight day programme. The festival week starts with intensive courses run by our international masters, held in the heart of the city, within walking distance from the festival hotel, with milongas every night, and the cafe district of Wellington right outside your door. If you want further information view: http://www.nztangofestival.co.nz |
Concurso Afiche 2016/Festival Bolivarense Acordeon - Colomboby Diatonic News |
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http://www.festivalbolivarense.com.co/ |
5. Tiroler Knöpferl-Harmonika-Treffen´in Scheffau - Austriaby Diatonic News |
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vom 8. bis 12. Juni 2016 in Scheffau am Wilden Kaiser! Ein Muss für alle Harmonika-Freunde! Der Wilde Kaiser mit seinen dunklen Bergenwäldern und imposanten Felswänden ist perfekte Kulisse für unser Harmonika-Treffen. In dieser majestätischen Landschaft erwarten dich viele musikalische Highlights… Program: •8. bis 12. Juni 2016 Knöpferl-Gaudi in Scheffau Intensivseminar mit namhaften Referenten!! •Freitag, 10. Juni 2016 Scheffauer’s liabste Weis – ab 19 Uhr Gasthof Weberbauer/Scheffau am Wilden Kaiser Harmonika-SpielerInnen oder Volksmusik-Ensembles aus nah und fern erhalten bei uns die Chance Ihr Können zu präsentieren. Junioren-Weltmeister Stefan Oberhofer – “Fesche Musig” Stargast des Abends: Huber Hermann aus Bayern (2-fach Weltmeister) mit seinem Quartett “Die Salonboarischen” Eintritt frei! •Samstag, 11. Juni 2016 Fest der Harmonika – OPEN-AIR Ortszentrum-Pavillon – Eintritt frei! ab 17 Uhr 30 Noten- und Harmonika-Ausstellung ab 18 Uhr 30 Einmarsch Musikkapelle Scheffau, ab 19 Uhr “Die Hoameligen” & “Tschejefem & Mühlviertler Dreier“- Johanna Dumfart – Quintett uvm Kostenloser Schnupper-Workshop – Anmeldung erbeten! Für das leibliche Wohl sorgen die Scheffauer Vereine Durch das Programm führt jeweils Hermann Nageler Weitere Informationen unter: http://knoepferl.at/harmonika-treffen/ |
Alabama News Center Bob Tedrow Article - USAby Harley Jones |
Excerpts from the Alabama News Center article by Bob Blalock. 2nd May 2016 Bob Tedrow builds concertinas for people to ‘take care of and treasure’ “I like to go to church because it’s one of the only times where I can sit by myself with my own thoughts,” says Tedrow, longtime owner of Homewood Musical Instrument Company near Birmingham. “I have perfected the Sunday sermon stare where you look right into the eyes of your preacher and for all the world, you hope, he thinks you’re listening to the sermon when you’re actually at work or trying to think up something.” He proudly proclaims the store is behind the times – by 50, 82 or 150 years, depending on whichever of his signs or social media you choose to believe. (While his social media presence may belie that claim, Tedrow does drive a 1928 Model A Ford to his store every day.) Tedrow began his concertina quest in the late 1990s. His first functional instrument took four years to complete and was “ugly as a mud fence.” Tedrow says he learned by making a bad concertina, changing one variable and making a less bad concertina and so on until he arrived at a concertina that he believed was worthy. “To verify that it was functional, I built an instrument and sent it around the country on tour with a little notebook. You could sign up, play for three days, promise not to steal it and send it on to the next person on the list,” Tedrow says. Through the internet, about 30 people took him up on the offer. That was in 2003. Tedrow, an inveterate joker and teller of semi-tall tales, pokes fun at himself for taking years to build a concertina that worked and having “no particular natural talent.” Tedrow guesses he has built about 100 accordions and says they are in all kinds of far-flung places – “Ireland, England, Spain, France, England, Ireland, China, Canada, Sylacauga – all over, really.” As he takes apart one of his concertinas to show off its innards, it’s clear he is proud of what he builds from scratch – intricately detailed music instruments crafted with painstaking precision. “There are almost 1,000 parts in a concertina, which means there are a thousand ways to make a mistake,” he says. “It’s a very complex instrument. If you look up hubris in the dictionary, my photograph is there along with one of my concertinas. Nobody in their right mind would do this.” |
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Binelli-Ferman-Isaac Trio in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia - RUSSIAby Diatonic News |
![]() Bandoneonist Daniel Binelli, pianist Polly Ferman and guitarist Eduardo Isaac collaborate to recreate a repertoire ranging from old tango by Medizabal to compositions of the new century. The initial collaboration of Binelli and Isaac was the recording of the Double Concerto for Bandoneon and Guitar by Astor Piazzolla, with the Argentine National Symphony Orchestra in 1997. They later recorded this masterpiece of Argentine music with the Montréal Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Charles Dutoit for Decca. Ferman, having previously performed and recorded in duo with Binelli, joined these two outstanding musicians for Tango in Concierto at the Colon Theatre of Mar del Plata in 2004. With a multitude of individual recordings to their names, the trio is now recording their first CD together in Buenos Aires, for release in late 2006. With his background as bandoneonist and his work on arrangements in the almost mythical orchestra of Osvaldo Pugliese, Daniel Binelli toured the world as a member of the Sextet of the creator of nuevo tango, Astor Piazzolla. Always open to new ideas, this native of Buenos Aires creates brilliant compositions in Argentina’s contemporary idiom. One of the leading interpreters of the music of the Americas, Uruguayan pianist Polly Ferman captivates audiences with her illuminating performances of works by Gottschalk, Nazareth, Villa-Lobos, Ginastera and Piazzolla. Her mastery of this literature prompted The Japan Times to recognize her as a “Musical Ambassador of the Americas.” A guitarist who honors the tradition of his instrument on the Rio de la Plata, Eduardo Isaac’s interpretative excellence is met with great admiration from specialized critics. Considered one of a select group of new generation guitarists, he is often featured at major international festivals. International masters all, they perform the world over to wide acclaim. The trio merges the unlimited resources of the piano, guitar and bandoneon to delve into the language of tango in unexpected ways. With this exceptional ensemble, we enjoy the tense and obsessive pulse of the music of Buenos Aires, its provocative sadness and existential expression. http://www.binelli-ferman.com/schedule/default.asp |
Reopening of German Harmonica and Accordion Museum - Germanyby Diatonic News |
![]() Since May 11th 2016, the historic-cultural HOHNER collection can be visited in „Bau V“ of the former HOHNER plant (Hohnerstraße 4/1, 78647 Trossingen). The systematically arranged collection of nearly 25.000 different Harmonicas from all over the world is represented in every respect, having high cultural and historic value. Ingenuity and adaption of current trends created models like the 'Zeppelin' and 'Banana' Harmonica. No other industrial product reflects the spirit and the history of the time as clearly as the Harmonica. Info: http://www.playhohner.com/news/reopening-of-german-harmonica-and-accordion-museum/ |
Crowfunding for Riccardo Tesi: una vita a bottoni - il libro e CDby Diatonic News |
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Video: Riccardo Tesi Banditaliana - Tevakh. Riccardo Tesi composition, one of the classics of the repertoire of Banditaliana. 25 € Libro autografato con CD antologico incluso, spedizione in Italia Il libro "Riccardo Tesi: una vita a bottoni" di Neri Pollastri con CD antologico incluso, spedizione in Italia Riccardo Tesi, la sua musica, la sua carriera artistica, le sue esperienze sui palcoscenici di tutto il mondo, in un racconto scandito dai suoi ventuno album, inframezzato dalle collaborazioni con artisti del jazz e della canzone d’autore, con il teatro e con il cinema, arricchito dalle testimonianze di coloro che lo hanno accompagnato nei momenti più importanti della carriera e corredato da una galleria fotografica che ne illustra l’evoluzione. Questo il libro che sta nascendo e che vedrà la luce nel giugno 2016, per i sessant’anni di quest’artista unico nel nostro panorama musicale, principale protagonista della rinascita di uno strumento storico come l’organetto, colonna della creazione di una moderna musica italiana memore del folk ma ben radicata nel presente, apprezzato all’estero come pochi altri musicisti del nostro paese. Il libro includerà alcuni spartiti e vi sarà allegato un CD antologico che permetta di apprezzare il percorso artistico del musicista. Con i contributi prestigiosi di Stefano Bollani (musicista), Ivano Fossati (cantautore), Franco Fabbri (musicista/docente universitario) , Mauro Ermanno Giovanardi (cantautore), Gary Cristall (direttore del Vancouver Folk Festival), Francesco Giannattasio (docente di etnomusicologia), Elena Ledda (cantante), Francesco Magnelli (musicista), Ezio Guaitamacchi (gornalista), Marc Perrone (musicista) Banda Osiris (comici)…… Autore del libro è Neri Pollastri, critico musicale attivo su Musica Jazz e All About Jazz Italia, ma anche filosofo (è autore di cinque libri e dirige una rivista), che segue l’attività di Riccardo Tesi da oltre un decennio. Ti invitiamo a festeggiare con noi i 60 anni di Riccardo Tesi sostenendo il progetto! Partecipando alla campagna di crowfunding qui su Musicraiser, dal 29 aprile al 15 giugno, ci aiuti a raccogliere fondi per la produzione , pubblicazione e promozione. In cambio del tuo sostegno ti offriamo una serie di ricompense simpatiche ed esclusive pensate esclusivamente per i raiser. Informazioni su come fare per un contributo: https://www.musicraiser.com/projects/5798 |
33. Donauinselfest 2016 - Wien/Österreichby Diatonic News |
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Das 33. Donauinselfest findet vom 24. bis 26. Juni 2016 in Wien statt. Ende Juni 2016 wird sich die beliebte Donauinsel zu Beginn des Sommers wieder in Europas größtes Open Air Festival bei freiem Eintritt verwandeln und zigtausende Besucherinnen und Besucher aus aller Welt anlocken Auch in diesem Jahr Donauinselfest sind wieder zahlreiche musikalische Highlights aus allen Genres zu Gast: internationale Superstars, heimische Legenden, „Sterne“ des Schlagerhimmels und viele mehr. Es wird für das 33. Donauinselfest Musik für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei sein – tausende Künstler/Innen und viele Musik-Stunden Programm sind angedacht. www.donauinselfest.at |
Accordion-Concertina Music Studios - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() Contact Information •E-mail: accordion@sprynet.com (e-mails usually checked weekly) •Phone: (715) 395-ARTS (Superior, WI) or (218) 393-0245 www.accordionworld.org |
Mr McFall’s Chamber: Maria de Buenos Aires - Edinburgh/Scotlandby Diatonic News |
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14 June 2016 at 7:30pm 87-89 CLERK STREET, EDINBURGH, MIDLOTHIAN, To mark Mr McFall’s Chamber’s twentieth anniversary the group revisits Astor Piazzolla’s operita, María de Buenos Aires. This work represents the very summit of Piazzolla’s nuevo tango and, as such, also represents a coming together of twenty years of the group’s programming of his music, from our very earliest days at the old Bongo Club. Directed from the bandoneon by Victor Villena, the performance also features tango singer Juanjo Lopez Vidal as el duende, the narrator of the colourful spoken text by Horacio Ferrer, and Valentina Montoya Martínez as María herself. Instrumentalists include violinist Cyril Garac, pianist Phil Alexander, guitarist Malcolm MacFarlane, flautist Alison Mitchell and percussionist Iain Sandilands, along with the group’s core members, Robert McFall, Su-a Lee, Brian Schiele and Rick Standley. The performance also features original film of Buenos Aires street-life by the young Argentine film director Geraldine Comte. This moving backdrop is entirely in accordance with Piazzolla’s original intentions as to the staging of the piece. There is also a speaking chorus of “brothel keepers, spaghetti makers, brick-layers and psychoanalysts”. Shot through with religious imagery mixed with Buenos Aires slang, the work presents María as both virgin mother and essence of the street culture in which the tango tradition developed. Website www.mcfalls.co.uk http://www.thequeenshall.net/whats-on/shows/mr-mcfalls-chamber-maria-de-buenos-aires-2016 |
New Orleans Advocate: Master Craftsmakers Demonstrate Skillby Harley Jones |
![]() Cajun accordions, family-style at Jazz Fest’s Folk Life Village Clarence “Junior” Martin has been exhibiting his handmade Cajun accordions at Jazz Fest for nearly 20 years. He’ll display accordions and present workshops in Tent C, “Made By Hand: Crafts of Everyday Life in Louisiana,” which is dedicated to handmade instruments, for the second weekend of the festival. Martin Accordions in Scott, Louisiana, is a full-service shop that does accordion design, customization and repair. Now 75, Martin didn’t start working with accordions until he was in his 40s, although he had been playing Cajun music since he was 13. After years of working in construction, his “body was giving out,” he said. “I told my wife I needed to find something easier to do. … I had an accordion my wife had bought me … and I just took it all apart and I studied it.” He wasn’t entirely self-taught; master accordion maker Marc Savoy assisted Martin as he learned to build squeezeboxes. Martin prides himself on the family-oriented nature of his shop. He has two children and works especially closely with his daughter. When asked what is the most misunderstood aspect of his craft, Martin said, “People come from all over the world out here, and they just can’t believe we have so much fun making accordions with our family.” Martin also plays in a family band with his daughter and grandson. While the shop entertains frequent tour buses full of visitors, Martin treasures the opportunity to show his craft at Jazz Fest. “It’s wonderful, a wonderful time to go out there. … We used to do about 13 festivals a year. We dropped every one except the Jazz (Fest). … For me, it’s good for business and it’s fun.” |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
10th Accordion Art Festival (cat. Fisarmonica Diatonica) - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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![]() 18, 19 giugno 2016 (Roseto degli Abruzzi, TE) Categorie STUDENTI - FISARMONICA DIATONICA (fino 4 bassi) Categorie CONCERTISTI - FISARMONICA DIATONICA Junior (fino 18 anni), Senior (oltre 18 anni) direttore artistico: Renzo Ruggieri Per tutti i dettagli consulta: http://www.accordionartfestival.com/aaf/index.php/it/italiaaward-it |
27th Annual Accordion Kings & Queens - TX/USAby Diatonic News |
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Saturday June 4th, 2016 Miller Outdoor Theatre - Houston, TX Featuring: David Lee Garza and special guests Geno Delafose & French Rockin’ Boogie The Magnolia Sisters Czech Melody Masters Texas Folklife is proud to present the 27th annual Accordion Kings & Queens! An evening of dancing and roots music, featuring the best of Texas accordion music genres, including conjunto, polka, country western, zydeco, and Cajun. FREE tickets at Houston’s Miller Outdoor Theatre the day of the event. For advance assigned seating, become a member of Texas Folklife by visiting http://www.texasfolklife.org/info/membership or calling 512-441-9255. This is a ticketed event for the covered seating area. Free tickets are available (4 per person over age 16 while they last) at the Miller Outdoor Theatre box office the day of the performance between the hours of 10:30am-1pm. If tickets remain at 1pm, the box office will re-open one hour before show time to distribute the remaining tickets. As always, open seating on the hill. Celebrate the very best of Texas Squeezebox — join Texas Folklife for Accordion Kings & Queens! See more at: http://texasfolklife.org/event/akq2016#sthash.VBrvVfTN.dpuf |
Haapavesi Folk Music Festival - Finlandby Diatonic News |
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Haapavesi Folk Music Festival is a special summer event held every year in the end of June, just after our midsummer. The festival consists of a five days long folk music course followed by the actual folk music Festival spanning four to five days. The Festival was founded in 1989 and the heart of the festival, the Folk Course, a few years earlier in 1987. The program of the festival consists of high quality folk music acts all over the world. Most of the artists represent the Finnish folk music scene, but international artists from all around the world form an essential part of the programme every year. The music from Ireland and North America is in the spotlight every year among music from other different and sometimes exotique countries and cultures. In addition, children haven’t been forgotten when it comes to the selection of artists. The programme consists of workshops, seminars and concerts in different stages, many of them acoustic. Teachers of the Folk course come from Finland and abroad as well. The course offers the participants the opportunity of getting familiar with different music cultures while also providing first-rate guidance in specific instruments. The course is targeted for all folk music lovers regardless of age. Children have their own teachers in the programme. The festival is organised by the Haapavesi Folk association with a small personnel and a large important group of volunteer workers. The artistic group of the festival crafts the programme for the festival and the course. http://www.haapavesifolk.com/2016/in-english |
Akkordeonfest Zagreg - Sloveniaby Diatonic News |
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Accordéon Fest in Zagreb 2016 11.06-14.06.2013 19-22h Paviljon Park Zrinjevac. 5 world famous accordionist in 4 days, pupils, students, duets, orchestras all who love the accordion-waltz, tango, dance, play... in the organization's IVANA ART STUDIO & prof.dr.Semir Hasic and Zagreb tourist Board. http://www.semirsammyhasic.com/home.html semirsammyhasic@yahool.com |
30th Long Beach Bayou Festival - New Orleans/USAby Diatonic News |
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June 18–19, 2016 In its 30th year, the Long Beach Bayou Festival continues its time-honored legacy in the city by the sea. The Long Beach Bayou Festival offers patrons a weekend filled with cultural music, cuisine, and dance from a place called ‘home’-- New Orleans and the Louisiana Bayou Country. We are excited to share the best parts of Louisiana Bayou and New Orleans Culture with Long Beach. Cajun and Creole cuisine and savor the many delicacies and flavors of the Big Easy. Rich in cultural music traditions, the Long Beach Bayou and Blues Festival presents a wide range of groups, featuring Cajun, Zydeco and Blues artists. Experience the New Orleans Traditional Jazz Band and come Second Line with the best of them at the Long Beach Bayou Festival. TERRY & THE ZYDECO BAD BOYS THE SAI WHATT BAND LEROY THOMAS & THE ZYDECO ROADRUNNERS HARD RAIN THE REVELERS KENNY SARA & THE SOUNDS OF NEW ORLEANS J.J. CAILLIER & THE ZYDECO KNOCKOUTS LA RECOLTE CAJUN BAND All artists: http://longbeachbayou.com/artists/ |
1° Premio Nazionale ”CITTA' DI TERAMO” - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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25 giugno 2016 REGOLAMENTO: Le selezioni per il concorso nazionale si svolgeranno a Teramo il 25 giugno 2016 ore 10.00 e sono regolate dai seguenti punti: 1) La manifestazione si svolgerà a Teramo presso “Corso Porta Romana” e le audizioni si svolgeranno presso Scuola di musica "AMADEUS" V. Paladini. 1, Teramo (edificio Liceo Classico), e vi potranno prendere parte i candidati di nazionalità italiana con strumenti di qualsiasi marca. 2) Il concorso si articolerà nelle seguenti SEZIONI: - ORGANETTO (fino a 4 bassi) - ORGANETTO (oltre i 4 bassi) - PREMIO NAZIONALE “CITTA' DI TERAMO ” - FINALE- Per info: 15) LE ISCRIZIONI E I VERSAMENTI DOVRANNO PERVENIRE AL SEGUENTE INDIRIZZO: (è necessario avere a disposizione il documento di riconoscimento il giorno della prova) ASSOCIAZIONE INTERAMNIA WORLD MUSIC via Gelasio Adamoli, 52 – 64100 Teramo oppure al: premionazionalecittaditeramo@gmail.com I VERSAMENTI VANNO INTESTATI A: Interamnia World Music IBAN: IT02X0306915305100000000930 BANCA INTESA SANPAOLO - Teramo |
Masterclass Bandonéon with Victor Villena - Sardegna/Italiaby Diatonic News |
![]() from 23 to 25 August in Calassetta on the island of Sant'Antioco in Sardinia, a beautiful place with transportation from the airport to Cagliari Calasseta assured. Individual lessons, group classes: analysis of records, bandoneon techniques, different styles. These master classes will end with a concert of students on 26th of August. Price: 150 € for beginners and € 250 for level / medium-advanced / max. 8 students. If you are interested - hurry up! Nearly fully booked - get in touch with Victor Hugo Villena e-mail: victango@hotmail.com Further Information: www.victorvillena.fr |
Quarrata Folk Festival - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Quarrata Folk Festival 24/25 giugno 2106 Musica, Concerti e Stage di organetto con alcuni dei più prestigiosi organettisti europei. Cast stellare : si inizia il 24 con la prima mondiale degli Accordion SAMURAI nella nuova line-up con Kepa Junkera (Paesi Baschi) e Simone Bottasso (Italia) che affiancano i veterani Markku Lepistö , (Finlandia), David Munnelly (Irlanda) e Riccardo Tesi (Italia). A seguire la divina GINEVRA DI MARCO con Francesco Magnelli e Andreino Salvadori. Per chiudere concerto di mezzanotte alla fontana di Buren del chitarrista Giuseppe Tropeano. Il 25 - alle 18 CONCIORTO : melanzane , cavolfiori e chitarre elettriche in concerto con Biagio Bagini e Gianluigi Carlone (Banda Osiris) alle 21 GIGI BIOLCATI One-Man-Band presenta il suo primo album solista. e per chiudere in bellezza CANZONIERE GRECANICO SALENTINO e la loro pizzica indiavolata per presentare il nuovo album 40!! poi ci saranno workshop di musica e ballo, aperitivi, presentazioni di dischi, mostra di organetti con la ditta Castagnari, passeggiate nel bosco della villa con stazioni sonore .. il posto è bellissimo, Patrimonio Mondiale dell'Unesco. Informazioni, prenotazioni e iscrizioni: Punto Informazioni Comune di Quarrata 0573 771238 infoeventi@comune.quarrata.pt.it Biblioteca Comunale 0573774500 https://www.facebook.com/Quarrata-Folk-Festival-1445708955742617/ |
Bellowhead Final Tour Over - UKby Harley Jones |
Video: Bellowhead perform Fine Sally (Live). Excerpts from the Bellowhead newsletter: "The final tour is over and the dust has settled on the wondrous beast known as Bellowhead. This is one final email from us all to thank you for your support over the years. It's been an incredible journey and it goes without saying that none of it would have been possible without the support of such an amazing group of friends, fans, and well-wishers. We will miss you at least as much as you will miss us, if not more." |
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Workshop: Steirische Harmonika kennenlernen? - Tirol/Austriaby Diatonic News |
![]() Ein Instrument inkl. Lehrwerk steht für den Zeitraum des Workshops zur Verfügung. Es beinhaltet: •Kennenlernen des Instrumentes •Grundlagen der Steirische Harmonika •Spielweise & Methodik zum Erlernen des Instrument •Balgführung (Druck & Zug) •Erklärung Fingersätze (4- oder 5-Fingersatz) •Kleine Musiklehre •Praxisübungen: Mit dem Ziel, ein einfaches Stück zu lernen! Termin: Samstag, 11. Juni 2016 Ort: Volksschule Scheffau Unkostenbeitrag: freiwillige Spende Zeit: nach Vereinbarung tel. Anmeldung: 0043(0)650/5530090 Michaela Thurner http://knoepferl.at/workshop/ |
Michael Arnone's 27th NJ Crawfish Fest in NJ - USAby Diatonic News |
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The festival takes place June 3-5, 2016 at the Sussex County Fairgrounds in Augusta, New Jersey offering Cajun, Zydeco, Delta Blues, New Orleans R&B, Brass, Gospel and Jazz on 4 Stages. What started as a small crawfish boil for 70 people homesick for boiled crawfish in 1989, has turned into Michael Arnone's 27th Annual Crawfish Fest. Featuring the best Music and Food that Louisiana and New Orleans has to offer. Cajun, Zydeco, Delta Blues, New Orleans R&B, Brass, Gospel and Jazz. 24 bands on 4 Stages. The 2016 talent lineup includes: Funky Meters, Marcia Ball (2 sets), From Good Homes, Jon Cleary and The Absolute Monster Gentlemen, Cowboy Mouth, Amanda Shaw (2 sets), Bonerama, Big Sam's Funky Nation, Samantha Fish, Nathan and The Zydeco Cha-Chas, David Greely Trio, The Revelers (2 sets), Papa Mali, Mike Zito and the Wheel, Flow Tribe, Brass-A-Holics, Johnny Sketch and The Dirty Notes, Cha Wa, Zydeco Revelators, Alexis P. Suter and the Ministers of Sound, King James and The Special Men, Naughty Professor, Quimby Mountain Band and The Atlanta Cafe Band. Master Workshops by George Porter Jr., Jon Cleary, Marcia Ball and The Atlanta Cafe Band For further information: michael@crawfishfest.com www.crawfishfest.com |
Diatonic Masterclass-Munelly/Bottasso/Lepistö - Italyby Diatonic News |
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Quarrata Folk Festival 25 giugno 2106 Stage di organetto con i più grandi organettisti europei !!! David Munnelly : i segreti dello stile irlandese Markku Lepistö : la magia della musica finlandese Simone Bottasso : il groove dell'organetto contemporaneo costo: 50 euro comprensivi dell'ingresso ai concerti orario 10-13 e 15-18 per iscrizioni : Punto Informazioni Comune di Quarrata 0573 771238 infoeventi@comune.quarrata.pt.it o Biblioteca Comunale 0573774500 |
Superleicht zum Knöpferlmeister - Tirol/Österreichby Diatonic News |
![]() Multidimensionales Harmonika-Seminar für Einsteiger/Wiedereinsteiger und Fortgeschrittene! Beinhaltet Einzelunterricht, Workshops, zudem persönliche Übungsbegleitung – Musik für alle Sinne! Seminarleiter: Daniel Menneweger ( Goldene Leistungszeichen für Steirische Harmonika) Programm und Leistungen: •6 Übernachtungen, Halbpension, im EZ oder DZ (mit Dusche oder Bad/WC, TV, Telefon, teilw. Balkon) •5 Einheiten a 50 min – je nach Wunsch Einzel- oder Gruppenunterricht (max. 2 Personen) •Leicht verständlicher und zeitgemäßer Unterricht – auf den Spieler abgestimmt! •Täglicher gemeinsamer musikalischer Austausch •Workshops zu verschiedene Themen (z. B. Begleiten, Singen und Spielen,…) •zusätzlich tägliche Übungsbegleitung •Gemütliches Beisammensein und Musizieren •Abschlussabend Die Unterbringung erfolgt im familiengeführten, ruhig aber zentral gelegenen Hotel Hotel Gasthaus Baumgarten *** in den Tiroler Bergen – Nähe Kufstein – Wörgl Für Ihre Anmeldung: http://knoepferl.at/wochenseminar/ |
DONAUFESTINSEL ´mit Melissa - Österreich/Wienby Diatonic News |
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BROCCOETNOFEST 2016 , 3° EDIZIONE - Italiaby Diatonic News |
![]() 3-5 Giugno 2016 Il Brocco etno fest è un festival dedicato alla riscoperta e alla conservazione della musica popolare italiana. Si svolge a Broccostella - località del frusinate. Alla sua terza edizione, il Brocco etno Festidiventa il fulcro palpitante della musica popolare del Centro - sud Italia: è l’occasione per incontrare gli ultimi autentici interpreti di questa "tarantella”. Il festival della musica popolare e delle sue contaminazione si svolge nel territorio straordinario e segreto del Comprensorio del Lacerno Il Lacerno è una terra meravigliosa: i suoi centri storici, la sacralità dei luoghi, le sorprendenti strade panoramiche, la natura selvaggia dell'affascinante entroterra, e Parco Nazionale: tutte qualità note al "villaggio globale", a testimonianza di una natura straordinariamente generosa e una spiritualità millenaria ma sempre molto presente. Teatro della manifestazione il centro storico denominato "Brocco Alto", le case quasi incollate l'una a l'altra, le strade sono dei piccoli vicoli intervallati da scalinate, una vista panoramica, privilegiata... Le attività proposte dal "Brocco Etno Fest" consentono di sostenere progetti musicali, danza, teatro di matrice popolare. Con l'obiettivo di migliorare i progetti artistici del festival e l'ambizione di diventare tra i più importanti del Lazio, sicuramente della provincia di FROSINONE. Avvalendosi della partecipazione musicale di scuole tradizionali e giovani talenti. Gli obiettivi sono: aumentare l'identità locale, il senso di appartenenza a un’estesa comunità, la conoscenza della propria storia e della propria cultura, apportare benefici economici per il territorio, aumentare localmente la qualità della vita incentivare a sviluppare attività simili. www.brocoetnofest.com |
Korea Times: 'My Music is Not for Tango Only'by Harley Jones |
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The Korea Times Culture page - April 25th 'My music is not for tango only': bandoneonist Koh Sang-ji By Baek Byung-yeul Koh Sang-ji is one of a few bandoneon players in Korea. Ever since the 32-year-old lost her heart to the songs of tango great Astor Piazzolla while at university, she has taken an interest in the accordion-like instrument bandoneon and the experience has changed her life forever. Though she started learning the instrument out of simple curiosity, she soon became skillful at playing it and enjoyed busking in the street along with her university professor who played jazz saxophone. After leaving university, Koh buckled down to learn the instrument more professionally for three years from prominent Japanese bandoneon player Ryota Komatsu and stayed in Argentina for two years, attending Orquesta Escuela de Tango Emilio Balcarce, a music school specializing in tango. In 2011, Koh had a shot at unexpected stardom when she appeared on the popular MBC variety show "Infinite Challenge." Koh was in the show's song contest episode accompanying comedian Jung Hyung-don and delivered a reedy bandoneon sound, which was rare in Korea. Her background story of dropping out of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), one of the most prestigious universities in the country, to become a professional musician was enough to attract public attention as well. The bandoneon player received acclaim through her first studio album, "Maycgre 1.0," in 2014 and two singles, "Koh Sangji X Voice Experiment 1" and "Road Bike," last year. Love of animation However, what has been forgotten about Koh is that she is an avid Japanese animation fan. Although she decided to pursue the way of a professional musician, she said her "undiluted musical roots" come from Japanese animation rather than tango, though many think of her as a tango musician. "To me, tango is like an ex-lover," Koh said in an interview with The Korea Times at a cafe in Seodaemun, western Seoul, on April 13. "It is a prestigious music genre that induced me to become a professional musician, but I don't think my music is rooted in it." Explaining how she could learn the bandoneon, Koh said she realized that she cannot love the historical Argentine music more than Argentines as the music is in their blood, not hers. "At the time when I began playing bandoneon in the early 2000s, there were only a few tango albums in Korea," she recalled. "When I looked for more tango music, I found that Japan has a larger and deeper fan base in the music and finally I could grab an opportunity to learn from Ryota Komatsu. For three years, I regularly visited Japan to have a personal lesson from the Japanese tango master and that really helped me a lot." But the rise of the Japanese yen-Korean won exchange rate at that time put a lot of pressure on her and that led her to visit Argentina, the home of tango. While staying in the South American country for two years, she played songs from famous tango musicians in the first year and went outside to perform with them in the second year. "There, I learned that my kind of music was somewhere else. I cannot love tango as much as Argentines do," she said. "Since my childhood, I really loved not only watching Japanese animation but also listening to their soundtracks. And this is probably the reason why I think my musical soul is deeply rooted in Japanese animation," Koh said, adding her ultimate goal is to produce a soundtrack of an animated feature. She said all her albums are inspired by Japanese animation -- the title of her first studio album "Maycgre 1.0" is created by combining the first letters of her favorite animation characters such as Asuka, Rei and Mari Makinami Illustrious from "Neon Genesis Evangelion," Griffith from "Berserk" and Envy from "Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood." Her two single albums are inspired by Japanese animations "Hunter x Hunter" and "Yowamushi Pedal." Koh said she was inspired the most by Japanese composer Shiro Sagisu, best known for his soundtrack to "Neon Genesis Evangelion" and "Nadia: the Secret of Blue Water." "Shiro Sagisu is my ultimate goal," she said. "I am not saying that I really want to meet with him in person. I am just deeply inspired by his songs and really love his music. I can be only motivated by the soundtracks of Japanese animation ever since I fell in love with Saisu's songs." Back to the basics Unlike her previous albums inspired by Japanese animation, her latest album, which is slated to be released next month, will be dedicated to Argentine tango masters Piazzolla and Carlos Gardel. "My latest release will be a cover album of tango greats Piazzolla and Gardel," Koh said. "To me, tango is a sort of starting point that led me into the world of music and I wanted to express those thoughts in the new album." She said recording had been wrapped up and all that is left is the mixing. "When I recorded the songs with my band, I tried to make them funkier than the originals," she said, adding the songs she chose are based on the favorites that got her lost in tango while at university. |
Future events / Concerts |
Diatonic player from English West Midlands jumps Out The Frame at Droitwich Arts Week to perform alongside his portrait - UKby Rob Howard |
![]() In 2015, Cynthia produced a piece of artwork for a gallery in the US, itself based upon a photograph of Dave Reeves by Ali McK and, out of the blue sent an email to Dave informing him. But that, it turned out, was just the beginning, for later in the year she sent Dave a photograph of another work based on this photograph hanging as part of a Mail Art exhibition in Berlin, and said that there were more to come. Jokingly, Dave emailed her back saying that perhaps one day he’d be able to go and do a performance in a gallery where one of these pictures was hanging. Well that day was Monday 23rd May. With the chain of events leading to Cynthia exhibiting a picture based upon that original photo of Dave in a Mail Art exhibition in Droitwich Spa, and Dave performing there, alongside it. The exhibition ‘Let’s Do Shakespeare’, celebrates the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death and featured Dave playing accordion alongside a quote from Shakespeare’s The Tempest. And it was a performance that jumped straight Out The Frame, with Dave, a performance poet and squeezebox player who brings his writing to life with the use of props and participation, humour and music, being streamed on Periscope and Facebook by Vaughn Reeves from internet broadcaster Radio Wildfire. Dave, who appears under the stage name ‘Dave Reeves (who bellows)’ said, “I am intrigued by the idea of this image of me taking on a life of its own, and all because of the internet.” He added, “When a copy of the picture came to be exhibited in Droitwich I really couldn’t wait to perform alongside it as it is only an hour’s drive from where I live.” Dave continues with his unique mix of accordion, spoken word and theatre at Cheltenham Science Festival on 11th June (as half of the accordion duo Jiggery Spokery); at the Gardeners World Live weekend at the National Exhibition Centre on 19th June; Ledbury Poetry Festival 2nd July; and Nozstock on 22nd July. |
NUEVO TANGO ENSAMBLE to perform in Katowice - Polandby Diatonic News |
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21 June 2016 Katowice - Poland The NUEVO TANGO ENSAMBLE was born in 1999 starting from a deep admiration for music from Argentina. The trio has established its own identity well recognizable, into which the lesson of classical music, tango nuevo, an Italian melodic sensibility and a conception of authentic jazz performance. The music of the great composer Astor Piazzolla, who had grandparents from Puglia as the three musicians, was therefore assimilated and converted into a new synthesis between the classical music, tango nuevo and jazz that the three musicians have always loved, between the discipline of written and structured music the recognizable Italian character of their melodies and improvisation that makes their every concert a unique event. http://www.nuevotangoensamble.com |
Bandialia/Samurai with RICCARDO TESI in - LUXEMBOURG/Belgio/Italiaby Diatonic News |
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9/10 giugno 16 - Banditaliana al Philarmonie Luxenburg Due concerti di Banditaliana al prestigioso Philarmonie Luxenburg di Luxenburg 11 giugno 16 - Banditaliana a Dranouter Banditaliana in concerto a Dranouter, in Belgio 24 giugno 16 - Samurai a Quarrata/Italy I Samurai all'esordio in Italia! Concerto a Quarrata (PT) per il Quarrata Folk Festival www.cultureworks.at/on-tour/ www.riccardotesi.com |
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Danças Ocultas performing in - AUSTRIAby Diatonic News |
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On Tour Jun 16 Millennium Park Lustenau, Austria |
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![]() 24. Juni 2016 Gastveranstaltung - Keine Sorgen Saal „Finest handcrafted music from the Alps“ Neues Programm, neue CD 2016! Dem Südtiroler Ausnahmemusiker, Komponist und Multiinstrumentalist Herbert Pixner (Diatonische Harmonika, Klarinette, Trompete, Flügelhorn, Saxophon) gelingt es immer wieder, zusammen mit seinen kongenialen Bandmitgliedern (Werner Unterlercher - Kontrabass, Heidi Pixner - Tiroler Volksharfe und Manuel Randi - Gitarren/Klarinette) einen völlig unverwechselbaren Musikstil zu kreieren und weiter zu entwickeln. Als „Herbert Pixner Projekt“ sind die vier Vollblutmusiker nun schon seit mittlerweile über 10 Jahren auf den angesagtesten Festivals und Konzertbühnen diesseits und jenseits der Alpen unterwegs und begeistern ihr Publikum immer wieder auf’s Neue mit außergewöhnlichen Eigenkompositionen und atemberaubenden Improvisationen. Das Quartett versteht es wie kaum eine andere Musikgruppe, mit jazziger Leichtigkeit, augenzwinkernder Souveränität und technischer Brillanz ein musikalisches Feuerwerk aus traditioneller alpenländischer Musik, Flamenco, Gipsy-Jazz, Blues, Rock und Worldmusic auf die Bühne zu zaubern. http://www.messe-ried.at/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2098:herbert-pixner-projekt-a-manuel-randi&catid=81:gastveranstaltungen&Itemid=9 |
Juni 2016 gefüllter Terminplan mit Melissa Naschenweng - AUT/DE/CHby Diatonic News |
![]() Prätti Ziller Fest https://www.facebook.com/PraettiZillerFest/ 11.06.2016 - A-9100 Völkermarkt Alpe Adria Markt, Showauftritt 17.06.2016 - CH-9200 Gossau Hofstadl Albertschwil, Showauftritt 18.06.2016 - A-6074 Rinn Fest der Schützenkompanie 19.06.2016 - D - 06458 Hedersleben Showauftritt 24.06.2016 - Schlager des Sommers MDR TV - Aufzeichnung Freitag, 24.06.2016 · 20:30 Uhr Klaffenbach bei Chemnitz / Wasserschloss https://www.tourneen.com/de/Schlager-und-Volksmusik/Die-Schlager-des-Sommers-TV-Aufzeichnung-Zum-vierten-Mal-in-Klaffenb 25.06.2016 - A-9220 Velden Showauftritt FF Kerschdorf/Velden 30.06.2016 - A-3250 Wieselburg, Messe Wieselburger Volksfest mit Andreas Gabalier, die Draufgänger, Melissa Naschenweng http://www.melissa-naschenweng.at/termine.asp |
Concerts Duo Russo & Vilensky - Italy/Lituaniaby Diatonic News |
![]() Paolo Russo SOLO - solo concert playing piano & bandoneon Jun 5, 16:00 Liepaja Holy Trinity Cathedral, Liepaja (LV) Duo Russo & Vilensky - presenting the new album "Kattegat" Jun 4, 19:00 Concert Hall "Baltais Fligelis", Sigulda (LV) Duo Russo & Vilensky - concert Jun 4, 15:00 Concert Hall "Baltais Fligelis", Sigulda (LV) Duo Russo & Vilensky - masterclass Jun 3. 19:00 Great Guild Hall, Riga (LV) Duo Russo & Vilensky + ensemble - presenting the new album "Kattegat" Info: www.paolorusso.com |
Franky Leitner @ Donaufestinsel - Wienby Diatonic News |
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Er spielt am: Sonntag, den 26. Juni 2016 auf der: Flughafen Wien/Radio Niederösterreich Schlager & Oldies - Bühne Der Mann weiß, welche Knöpfe er wie zu drücken hat damit was G’scheites dabei rauskommt. Franky aus Bruck an der Mur hat sie wieder vor der Brust hängen, seine “Steirische Harmonika” und ist damit zu seinen Wurzeln zurückgekehrt. Dorthin wo er bereits mit 11 Jahren deutlich aufgezeigt und aufgegeigt hat: Ein vom ORF ausgerichteter Harmonikawettbewerb auf der Grazer Messe war die erste Stufe am Siegertreppchen. Von da an ging es kontinuierlich bergauf. Das Land Steiermark verlieh dem Musikus das Leistungsabzeichen in Gold, dann die bereits erwähnten Staatsmeistertitel und der Einstieg bei ‚Nordwand’. Jetzt ist er schon viele Jahre solo unterwegs und seine Stimmungsshows sind mittlerweile legendär – Franky Leitner! https://2016.donauinselfest.at/programm/ |
Whiskey River Band to Perform in June, New CD - UKby Diatonic News |
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New Whiskey River album for 2016. The Whiskey River website says: "Our marvellous new acoustic album "WALK ON" is now available (SwampTone recording ST89). We're really proud of it." Details at: whiskeyriver.co.uk Great to dance to, Whiskey River (full band) is a Blues Rocking Louisiana USA-styled outfit... yet based on the Welsh Border, UK. Retro Rock 'n' Roll, Southern-style Zydeco Blues, Rocking Cajun Country with whiskey-tinged smokey vocals... They will perform next: WRB duo Leominster. Thursday June 2 2016, 10:00 PM WRB (duo) - Monmouth. Friday June 3 2016, 11:00 PM Featuring: Martin & Aidan (duo) WRB Gloucester. Saturday June 4 2016, 4:00 PM Featuring: Martin & Aidan (duo). @ Pelican Inn, Gloucester. Afternoon gig in an excellent "Real Ale and Live Music" pub in Gloucester For exact details view: https://whiskeyriver.co.uk/event/day=4/month=6/year=2016 @ The Bell Inn, 39 Etnam Street, Leominster, HR6 8AE. |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
CD "Crescendo" Duo Bottasso - Italiaby Diatonic News |
![]() 1. Cosa faresti se non avessi paura? (S.Bottasso) 2. Diatofonia N.7 (S.Bottasso) 3. Reina (S.Bottasso / M.G.Ledda) 4. Monkerrina (S.Bottasso) 5. Bourrée (trad) 6. Receita de Samba / Scottish sfasà (J.do Bandolim / S.Peron) 7. The Rose of Raby / Incantata (D.Shepherd / N.Bottasso) 8. Crescendo (S.Bottasso) 9. Magicicada (S.Bottasso) Nicolò Bottasso: violino, viola, tromba Simone Bottasso: organetto, flauto traverso, sax baritono, elettronica Info: http://www.duobottasso.com/it/crescendo.php |
Dirk Powell Plays On Eric Clapton Album – USAby Rob Howard |
![]() The CD, released on May 20th, is being played on Sirius Radio on the blues stations. Dir Powell is carrying on the traditions of his late father-in-law Dewey Balfa as the accordion player in the Cajun group Balfa Toujours. It was at a 1989 festival in West Virginia that he first met and played with Dewey Balfa, a musician whose performance left Powell "captivated." When Balfa passed away in 1992, Powell joined Balfa's daughters, Nelda and Christine (Powell would later marry Christine) and formed Balfa Toujours. The band would go on to record five albums for labels like Swallow and Rounder. Dirk Powell has also released the "Learn To Play Cajun Accordion" tutor DVD. |
Herbert Pixner Projekt "VOLKSMUSIK!" - Italienby Diatonic News |
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Nach über 1000(!) ausverkauften Konzerten legt4 das Herbert Pixner Projekt 2016 eine halbjährige Kreativpause ein um ab Juni 2016 wieder mit einem neuen Album und einem neuen Programm („SUMMER“) die Konzertbühnen mit „finest handcrafted Music from the Alps“ zu erobern. Info ùber die neue CD: Herbert Pixner Projekt "VOLKSMUSIK!" Jetzt erhältlich - limitierte Edition (3000 Stück) - nur so lange der Vorrat reicht! Die CD kommt exklusiv in einem von Herbert Pixner entwickelten und produzierten Holz-Case [pixBOXes] aus massiven Zirbenholz. Jede CD ist ein in liebevoller Handarbeit hergestelltes Unikat. Ein Hörgenuss für alle Sinne! Info: http://threesaintsrecords.jimdo.com/ |
CD Bandoneon Solo Vol. I - Denmarkby Diatonic News |
![]() Tracks: 1. Lush Life 2. Whisper Not 3. 'Round Midnight 4. In a Sentimental Mood 5. You Don't Know What Love Is 6. A Chid Is Born 7. How Insensitive 8. The Peacocks 9. Bluesette 10. Infant Eyes 11. I Loves You, Porgy 12. Come Sunday The Italian musician Paolo Russo, originally from Pescara, based in Copenhagen since 1996, presents his new album "BANDONEON SOLO - VOL. I - JAZZ STANDARDS". A personal and original interpretation of some of the most famous tunes from the great American songbook, revisited and performed in an unusual and challenging format: the solo bandoneon. Release date: December 15, 2015 Information/Order: www.paolorusso.com |
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