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Diatonic News - Jul-2016
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Voci Armoniche


Diatonic News in original language! Use online translation systems!
Spielberg Festival/My Stage Band Voting - Knittelfeld/Austria
Tag der Harmonika 2016 war ein großer Erfolg - Österreich
6° Premio ETNIE MUSICALI / edizione 2016 - Italia
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich
Festival Musi'Queyras - France
Gooikoorts Volksmuziekfestival - Belgique
Sata Häme Soi Festival - Finland
Mission Folk Festival - Canada

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Stage d'accordéon diatonique avec Jean-Marc Rohart - France
Vancouver Folk Musik Festival with Oysterband - Canada/GB
Karen Tweed Concerts, Teaching – Germany, Finland, UK
STAGE de technique Accordéon diatonique - France/Saint-Pierre
Waterfront Blues Festival, Oregon – USA
Stage d'accordéon diatonique e chromatique - France
Burwell Bash/Folk Music Summer School - UK
Diatonic Accordion Meeting, Varsseveld - Netherlands
Stage d'accordéon avec Serge Desaunay - France
Beaches Accordion Festival, Newfoundland – Canada
Sébastien Bertrand « Traversées diatoniques » - France
The Lowell Folk Festival 2016 - USA
Stage du musique et Diatonique, Vielle à St Flour France

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Guardia Nueva Orchestra @ Sata Häme Soi Festival - Finland
Alan Connor and Sharon Shannon concert 1/7/2016 - Belgium
Les Frogs Concert - Villevêque/France
Riccardo Tesi Concert/Spilimgero - Italia
In July: Paolo Russo - Denmark
Annie Zydeco + Swamp Cats touren im July in Deutschland
2. Alpe Adria Harmonikabewerb 15. Oktober 2016 - Österreich
KITCH à CLAOU 1/7/2016 - France
Busy July Time for Leroy Thomas & the Zydeco Roadrunners - USA
Trio Responso at Jazz Festival Copenhagen - Denmark
Sharon Shannon @ Glastonbury and Tour Dates – UK, Belgium, Ireland, Switzerland
Bal avec le Bal Brotto-Lopez - France
Concert du Sud Italie "une autre Calabre"- France/Italia
Conceret: Jorma Uotinen & Trio Avec / Ikaalinen - Finland
Los Texmaniacs and friends performing in Vancouver - Canada
"une après-midi céili" - France
Les Bottinnes Artistique concert - Belgium
Trio Tangopianissimo in Karens Minde Kulturhus - Copenhagen

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

CD " Kattegat" by Duo Russo & Vilensky - Italy/Lituania
CD "Dahoam" v. Christine Meissnitzer - Austria
Video: Enzo Scacchia On His Diatonic - Italy
CD - Release "HONKY FUSION" by The Buffalo Concertina All Stars - USA

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

Diatonic News in original language! Use online translation systems!

by Diatonic News
Our diatonic-news.com is going online every 1st of each month with news from around the world. Constant updates during the month - so stay tuned!

All articles will be inserted in original language. For reading in other languages use online translation systems !

Sounding Out the Accordion

Spielberg Festival/My Stage Band Voting - Knittelfeld/Austria

by Diatonic News
Ab sofort – bis einschließlich Freitag, 15. Juli 2016 – treten die Top 12-Nachwuchskünstler online gegeneinander an. Es sind die Fans, die den Gewinner des diesjährigen „MyStage Bandcontest“ küren. Dabei zählt jeder „Klick“, denn jene(r) Finalist(en) mit den meisten Stimmen hat die Chance, am Samstag, 27. August 2016 das große Open Air am Red Bull Ring zu eröffnen und dem Publikum live noch vor Hubert von Goisern, dem „Herbert Pixner Projekt“, „LaBrassBanda“ und „folkshilfe“ so richtig einzuheizen.

Zum ONLINE-VOTING. https://www.projekt-spielberg.com/musikfestival/my-stage.html

Hinweis: Pro Tag kann pro Band nur 1x abgestimmt werden!
Das Online Voting endet am 15. Juli 2016



Tag der Harmonika 2016 war ein großer Erfolg - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Alle Ergebnisse, Berichte, viele Fotos etc. unter www.harmonikaverband.at !!!

Online translation!

Voci Armoniche

6° Premio ETNIE MUSICALI / edizione 2016 - Italia

by Diatonic News
Danilo Di PaolonicolaFestival del Saltarello
Concorso Internazionale di gruppi Folk
sotto la guida del direttore artistico: Nicola di Paolonicola

via Gelasio Adamoli, 52 – 64100 Teramo

Info e-mail: festivaldelsaltarello@gmail.com
Facebook/ Festival del Saltarello
ell. 3475153262 - 3484718714

Friedrich Lips Book

Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation!

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Festival Musi'Queyras - France

by Diatonic News
Venez fêter les 25 ans de Musi'Queyras avec beacoup des artistes....
Le festival Musi'Queyras est organisé par l'association Musi'Queyras dont le siège est à : Mairie - Le Bourg - 05460 Abriès-en-Queyras (France). festivalmusiqueyras@gmail.com
Président : Henri Charrier

Pour plus d'Infos: http://musiqueyras.org/programme.html

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Gooikoorts Volksmuziekfestival - Belgique

by Diatonic News
Video above: Les Bottinnes Artistique at the XX Fest-i-Ball, festival of music and traditional dance, October 2015 at the Teatro da Luz in Lisbon. The perfect opener for our Gooikoorts Volksmuziekfestival … and yes, you can dance!

Gooikoorts is an international festival for traditional folk music which each year brings about a confrontation between traditional and contemporary folk music. The organisation not only takes care of a strong setlist, but also strives for good ambience and a homely feeling for the whole family. The festival takes the folk music lovers on a journey full of new experiences. Visitors can enjoy music from newly discovered talents and settled bands from all over Europe and beyond.

Gooikoorts wants to attract visitors who can enjoy amazing concerts and unique dance evenings, but it is also a festival for families. The relaxed musical surroundings are an ideal place to meet old friends and to make new ones. The international luthier market is a sanctuary for every folk musician and the children can have the time of their life in an outstanding children area. Gooikoorts wants to attract visitors who can enjoy amazing concerts and unique dance evenings, but it is also a festival for families. The relaxed musical surroundings are an ideal place to meet old friends and to make new ones. The international luthier market is a sanctuary for every folk musician and the children can have the time of their life in an outstanding children area.

During the festival several short workshops are organized. These workshops are given by some performing artists of the festival, and by experienced tutors. You can sign up during the festival at the info stand.


Sata Häme Soi Festival - Finland

by Diatonic News
Perinne ja nykyaika kohtaavat Sata-Häme Soissa

Sata-Häme Soi kunnioittaa kahta suomalaisen harmonikan mestaria, Lasse Pihlajamaata ja Onni Laihasta, joiden syntymästä tulee tänä vuonna kuluneeksi 100 vuotta.
Jämijärvellä syntynyt Lasse Pihlajamaa (1916-2007) on kiistatta suomalaisen harmonikkakulttuurin merkittävin henkilö. Hänen vaikutuksensa muusikkona, säveltäjänä, pedagogina ja soitinrakentajana on valtava koko harmonikkamaailmalle. Sata-Häme Soi kunnioittaa juhlien tukipylvään ja alkuaikojen taiteellisen johtajan, musiikkineuvos Lasse Pihlajamaan musiikillista perintöä konsertilla, jossa esiintyvät Suomen eturivin harmonikansoittajat sekä Lassen työtoveri vuosien takaa, legendaarinen Paula Koivuniemi.


Titano Accordions

Mission Folk Festival - Canada

by Diatonic News
The Mission Folk Music Festival celebrates their 29th year on July 22, 23 & 24 at Fraser River Heritage Park and this edition will be a smaller, more intimate festival, due to a a year of transition and programming will reflect that.

But the organizers are excited to move into this year and welcome all visitors to the beautiful Fraser River Heritage Park to share the love of music!

The festival will look a bit different this year, but at its heart, it’s the same festival that you’ve come to know and love. Some of the services that were offered in the past will change, but ther will be some bringing backs on favourites: a children’s area, artist-led hands-on workshops, and late night jamming.

So come and join to celebrate the 29th year of the Mission Folk Festival

For all details view: http://www.missionfolkmusicfestival.ca/news-info/

Accordion Jazz Chord

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Stage d'accordéon diatonique avec Jean-Marc Rohart - France

by Diatonic News
Du 09/07/2016 14h au 15/07 14h
268, Chemin des Alpages / 74220 La Clusaz - France
Au programme : un travail "autour de la mélodie" : harmonie, arpèges, rythmiques, contrechants, accords, théorie, improvisation. Voir un exemple sur cette vidéo.

Lieu : Gîte Le vieux madrier
Tarifs :
Pension complète : 500€,
Etudiants, chômeurs : 450€
Stage seul : 250€ - repas 15€

Informations et inscriptions :

site web : roh-art.com
rohart.jean-marc@bbox.fr - 06 83 11 27 68

Vancouver Folk Musik Festival with Oysterband - Canada/GB

by Diatonic News
Oysterband makes modern, folk-based British music, acoustic at heart, sometimes intense, sometimes rocking. Since 1978 they’ve toured in 35 countries – festivals, concerts, bars, rallies, jails, bring ’em on!

Right through the 80s & early 90s, you’d have been hard pressed to find something more unhip to be associated with than … (ahem”…fo*k music. But Oysterband had little choice in the matter. Influenced by all manner of music, culture and style, they listened to anything and everything – but the heartbeat of the band was a deep-rooted love of the traditional music of Britain.

And not the invented tradition of twee choruses and dodgy ideologies that inspired a million fake-rustic cliches that turned off the very people it was alleged to represent. But a tradition that dealt in integrity, passion, human experience and human emotion – songs that made you want to dance, laugh, cry, jump for joy, kick a few heads in. Hey, that could be folk music, could be rock music .. but maybe it’s just good music. Whatever – it helped the Oysters become one of the most irresistible bands of the last decade. And the one before that too.

Currently Oysterband consists of founder members John Jones (vocals, melodeon), Alan Prosser (guitars, vocals), and Ian Telfer (violin, keyboard, vocals) with Dil Davies (drums), Al Scott (bass guitar, mandolin, vocals), and Adrian Oxaal (cellor, guitar, vocals).


Charnwood Music Publishing

Karen Tweed Concerts, Teaching – Germany, Finland, UK

by Rob Howard
Accordionist Karen Tweed this month, as follows:

Monday June 27th to Friday July 1st - Karen Tweed & Timo Alakotila teaching and in concert, Haapavesi Summer School, Finland
Saturday July 2nd - 5pm - Karen Tweed & Timo Alakotila in concert, Haapavesi Festival
Saturday July 9th – Karen Tweed & Timo Alakotila in concert, Rääkkylä Kihaus Festival
Monday/Tuesday July 11th/12th - Karen Tweed & Timo Alakotila at the Kaustinen Festival
Saturday July 16th and Sunday July 17th – Lakhsmi Trio (Anna Sacchini - sitar and harp, Karen Tweed – accordion, Mirko Vignali – guitar) at Rhythm Tree Festival, Isle of Wight
Tuesday July 19th and Thursday 21st – teaching in Worcester; information via Karen Tweed’s website

Karen Tweed, born in England but now living in Ireland, is steeped in Irish traditional music and has recorded and performed in this genre for many years. She also performs in other genres, and has featured on over 30 CDs. She won 5 All Ireland titles on piano accordion and melodica in the late 1970s/early 80s, performed with the Poozies, and is the main piano accordion tutor at the World Music Centre, University of Limerick, and a regular tutor for the Bmus Degree in folk and traditional music at Newcastle University and at The Sage, Gateshead.

Voci Armoniche

STAGE de technique Accordéon diatonique - France/Saint-Pierre

by Diatonic News
Dates : 7 au 13 août 2016
Niveau : tous niveaux
Avec: Jean-Pierre Sarzier • Sylvie Frechou • Hélène Bissières

Accordéon : 2 et 3 rangées. Occultation des tierces, indépendance acquise des deux mains sur une mélodie simple, position des accords de base* (*support fourni sur demande en amont du stage).

Saint-Pierre • 26310 Beaumont-en-Diois • Contact : lapaixdemenage@wanadoo.fr - 06 87 46 01 72


Waterfront Blues Festival, Oregon – USA

by Rob Howard
The annual Waterfront Blues Festival, featuring many Cajun and Zydeco artists, takes place in Portland, Oregon, from July 1st to 4th.

The guest performers include Chubby Carrier (picture left) and the Bayou Swamp Band, Steve Riley & The Mamou Playboys, California Honeydrops, Tedeschi Trucks Band, ZZ Ward, JJ Grey & Mofro, Jimmie Vaughan and the Tilt-a-Whirl Band, Maceo Parker, Femi Kuti and the Positive Force, Curtis Salgado Band, The Soul Rebels, Samantha Fish, and more.

For further information email: damray@europa.com

Stage d'accordéon diatonique e chromatique - France

by Diatonic News
Video: Calarem calarem pas by Duo of Bruno Sentou (accordion) and Paul Oliver (violin).

Le 02 juillet 2016 de 16h à 19h

le village /salle de fêtes
65130 Artiguemy /France
Nous chercherons, sur la base de différents exemples choisis, à comprendre et à s'approprier ce qui fait la particularité de cette musique: l'intention, les effets et l'efficacité du message musical, la cadence, le phrasé, la relance.

Partitions et audios envoyés en avance pour apprendre le morceau chez soi avant le stage.

L'intervenant : Bruno Sentou.

Dès son plus jeune âge, les musiques traditionnelles font partie de son quotidien. Il dansera beaucoup jusqu'à ses 25 ans, intervenant régulièrement comme professeur ou participant à des spectacles. Puis il bascule du côté musicien. Il s'investit dans des projets comme Le Bal en Chantier (bal folk), Zeïn (musiques méditerranéennes), Marwiok et le VNFMO (chansons décalées), Sayno (duo d'accordéon), le duo Oliver-Sentou (bal folk), Zuica (chansons roumaines), Triball (jazz), et d'autres projets.
En parallèle, il enseigne l' accordéon diatonique et chromatique, les musiques traditionnelles, et officie comme ingénieur du son studio et live.

Niveau : pratique de l'instrument de 3 ans minimum souhaité
Prix : 20€
Réservation obligatoire : 0562952451 ou objectifbal@gmail.com

Nombre de stagiaires : à partir de 6. Le stage est annulé si le nombre de stagiaire est insuffisant, merci de réserver au plus vite. Pour avoir le temps d'apprendre les morceaux, les inscriptions sont clôturées une semaine avant le début du stage.

Info: https://agendatrad.org/e_2016-07/stage-accordeon-diatonique-chromatique_13806.html

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Burwell Bash/Folk Music Summer School - UK

by Diatonic News
Andy Cutting Burwell Bash
Burwell Bash is a residential folk music summer school held in Burwell, Cambridgeshire every summer.

The Bash has been running for the last 15 years teaching Flute/Whistle, Fiddle, Accordion/Melodeon and Guitar, and aims to be much more than your average music course.

World class instrument tuition, inspiring mixed band classes, actioned packed evenings, and the relaxing setting, with wonderful food and fabulous atmosphere all go a long way to making this intimate and challenging week it is.

For bookings: http://www.burwellbash.info/

Diatonic Accordion Meeting, Varsseveld - Netherlands

by Rob Howard
A meeting for diatonic accordion players, organised by Varsseveld Akkordeon Verentging, takes place on Sunday July 10th, 11am, at the Monicadag Hofshuus in Varsseveld, Netherlands. This event is open to solo accordionists or ensembles.

For further information email: vavmailing@gmail.com

Titano Accordions

Stage d'accordéon avec Serge Desaunay - France

by Diatonic News
Du 20/07/2016 09h30 au 22/07 17h30
6, rue saint pierre/22720 Plésidy/France

Programme - Passant du chromatique au diatonique, il est un passionné de musiques de différents horizons: traditionnelles, improvisées, classiques, chansons... Compositeur-arrangeur, il a participé à différents groupes (La Chiffonie, Les Maudzits Français, Roulotte bleue, Coktail Swing, Taraf Borzo...) et signé bien des compositions remarquées : Dimanche matin, la valse à Joseph... Il a participé à l’évolution de l’accordéon diatonique : répertoire, techniques de jeux, lutherie... Prévoir un accordéon Sol/Do.

Renseignements et inscriptions:
02 96 13 10 69.
Site: http://studi-ha-dudi.pagesperso-orange.fr


Beaches Accordion Festival, Newfoundland – Canada

by Diatonic News
Come out and enjoy the annual Roy Babstock Beaches Accordion Festival, which features the best of traditional accordion music. The Festival’s mission is to provide a venue where the role of the accordion in the development of our Province’s folk music can be celebrated and to ensure that the tradition of the accordion can be kept alive. This is achieved by bringing accordion players and lovers of accordion music together in a setting where the accordion has always been the instrument of choice. This event will definitely Wow the Spirit.

For all details and happenings view:

Voci Armoniche

Sébastien Bertrand « Traversées diatoniques » - France

by Diatonic News
sebastien bertrand
Le 02 juillet 2016 de 20h à 00h
Cercle Ouvrier/rue Carnot, 33113 Saint-Symphorien/France

18h00 : conférence de Patrick Lavaud sur « L’histoire de l’accordéon diatonique à Saint-Symphorien et dans les Landes de Gascogne »

19h30 : apéro-accordéon avec Sébastien Bertrand

20h00 : repas gascon sur réservation sur le site www.nuitsatypiques.org ou au près de Cercle au 05 56 25 71 63

21h30 : Sébastien Bertrand « Traversées diatoniques »

Sébastien Bertrand : direction artistique, compositions, accordéons diatoniques, chant

Pascal Cacouault : réalisation, arrangements musicaux, création sonore

Après de nombreuses et intenses expériences artistiques en groupe, Sébastien Bertrand a ressenti l’envie forte de se retrouver seul en scène avec son accordéon diatonique, à l’écoute de sa musique intérieure et ses pulsations intimes. Pour simplement se raconter, dire aussi son appartenance entre la France et le Liban et faire partager ses traversées poétiques entre Atlantique et Méditerranée, tradition et modernité, musique et danse.

Ce spectacle a été co-produit par les Nuits Atypiques (Sébastien Bertrand a été accueilli en résidence de création artistique en février 2015). Il a donné lieu à l’enregistrement du disque publié sur le label daquí sous le titre « Traversées »

23h00 : scène ouverte bal gascon


The Lowell Folk Festival 2016 - USA

by Diatonic News
Old Bay Ceili Band
There’s so much to see, eat, hear, do and discover at the Annual Lowell Folk Festival! The festival features five stages of traditional music, authentic crafts demonstrations, ethnic foods, art and children’s activities.

The Festival is always the last full weekend in July.

Join from July 29-31, 2016 for the 30th anniversary Lowell Folk Festival right there in downtown Lowell!

Savoy Family Band

Stage du musique et Diatonique, Vielle à St Flour France

by Diatonic News
Stage Cabrette, Chroma et Diat', Violon, Vielle à St Flour - Du 06/07/2016 09h au 10/07 18h

Le stage de musique traditionnelle de Saint-Flour est de retour en 2016 !

Il se tiendra cette année du mercredi au dimanche, n'hésitez pas à vous inscrire également pour le WE.

Le bulletin d'inscription http://cabrette.cabrettaire.free.fr/Activites/Stages/St_Flour/D%E9pliant_Stage_St-Flour_2016b.pdf

Plusieurs formules : Pension complète, que les cours, demi-pension, à la journée

Et 3 nouveaux professeurs viennent compléter l'équipe pédagogique !!

- Cabrette (Didier Pauvert, Victor Laroussinie, Jacques Rouvellat + 1 petit nouveau : Pascal Pichonnier)
- Accordéon Chromatique (Françoise Danger + 1 petit nouveau : Guillaume Fric)
- Accordéon Diatonique (1 petit nouveau : Christian Bouygues)
- Vielle à Roue (Béatrice Boissonade)
- Violon (Pascale Verdeaux)
- Fabrication d'anches (Victor Laroussinie


Accordion Jazz Chords

Future events / Concerts

Guardia Nueva Orchestra @ Sata Häme Soi Festival - Finland

by Diatonic News
Video: Guardia Nueva performing Ole Guapa at their concert in Finland during the 2015 Coupe Mondiale.

Valkea Ruusu: Guardia Nueva
solisteina Laura Voutilainen ja Tero Harjunniemi
Kansainvälistä mainetta viime vuosina niittänyt tango-orkesteri Guardia Nueva tulee jälleen Ikaalisiin häikäisevien solistivieraiden kera. Laura Voutilainen on hurmannut suomalaista yleisöä jo yli 20 vuotta. Huikean näytteen monipuolisuudestaan hän antoi Tähdet Tähdet -kilpailussa 2015 yltäen aina finaaliin asti. Tamperelainen tenori Tero Harjunniemi tunnetaan upeista ooppera- ja musikaalirooleistaan. Häntä kuultiin Suomen Kansallisoopperassa suursuosion saavuttaneessa Oopperan kummitus -musikaalissa Raoulin roolissa. Taitavaa nuoren polven tango-orkesteria johtaa Raimo Vertainen.

Kesto n. 2 h, sisältää väliajan.
Ravintola A-oikeuksin.
Torstai 7.7. klo 18.00 Ikaalinen-sali

Titano Accordions

Alan Connor and Sharon Shannon concert 1/7/2016 - Belgium

by Diatonic News
alan conner and sharon shannon
Video: Blackbird: Padraig O'Keefe's / The Happy One-Step performed by Sharon Shannon and Alan Connor Live at Celtic Colours International Festival 2014.

Weekend Headlining on Friday 1st July might turn upside down the big concert tent. Sharon Shannon , the Irish accordionist of the century has reached legendary status and succeeded first to make the diatonic accordion to a 'cool' instrument. Many collaborations over the years to her credit: inter alia, Bono, Sinead O'Connor, The Waterboys, Steve Earle, The Chieftains and Shane MacGowan demonstrate her versatility and talent. Sharon had first heard of as a member of The Waterboys at "Fisherman's Blues" and "Room To Roam 'and then rolled quickly into a successful solo career.

On Gooikoorts she will perform in duo with pianist / guitarist Alan Connor for an evening of hearty Irish tunes. Beginning in 2016 released the album Sharon Shannon Alan Connor "in Galway", a live report of their duo tour.

Info: http://www.gooikoorts.be/portfolioentry/sharonshannon/

Les Frogs Concert - Villevêque/France

by Diatonic News
Le 03 juillet 2016 de 18h à 20h
Concert des Frogs aux Tonnelles du bord du loir à Villevêque

9, Rue du Port / 49140 Villevêque, France


Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Riccardo Tesi Concert/Spilimgero - Italia

by Diatonic News
Riccardo Tesi – Toscana
Spilimbergo, Piazza Garibaldi – 9 luglio

Riccardo Tesi è stato definito dalla rivista inglese Folk Roots, la Bibbia del folk internazionale, come The Pope of the accordion. Strumentista dalle eccezionali doti tecniche sullo strumento, ha creato in Italia una nuova strada nell’approccio alle musiche tradizionali e alla nuova composizione.

Info: http://www.folkest.com/artisti/riccardo-tesi/

eSheet Music Titles

In July: Paolo Russo - Denmark

by Diatonic News
Paolo RussoJul 23
13:00 Gjethuset
Frederiksværk Musikfestival (DK) "Imaginary Soundtrack" - with Bolette Roed - recorder, David Hildebrandt - vibraphone, Thommy Andersson - contrabass
Jul 9
17:00 Ché Fè
Copenhagen Jazz Festival (DK) Paolo Russo SOLO - presenting the new album "Bandoneon Solo - Vol. I"
Jul 8
17:00 Ché Fè
Copenhagen Jazz Festival (DK) Paolo Russo SOLO - presenting the new album "Bandoneon Solo - Vol. I"
Jul 7
17:00 Ché Fè
Copenhagen Jazz Festival (DK) Paolo Russo SOLO - presenting the new album "Bandoneon Solo - Vol. I"
Jul 2
17:00 Ché Fè
Copenhagen Jazz Festival (DK) Paolo Russo SOLO - presenting the new album "Bandoneon Solo - Vol. I"
Jul 1
17:00 Ché Fè
Copenhagen Jazz Festival (DK) Paolo Russo SOLO - presenting the new album "Bandoneon Solo - Vol. I"

Info: www.paolorusso.com

Titano Accordions


by Diatonic News
20/07/2016 - 14h30 -15h30
Musée Muséum Départemental - Gap
Concert en partenariat avec Musée Museum
Récital gratuit mais réservation obligatoire auprès du Musée Museum

20/07/2016 - 21h
Église du hameau de Saint-Michel - Chaillol
Communauté de communes du Champsau

21/07/2016 - 21h
Château de Tallard
Communauté de communes de Tallard Barcillonnette

Victor Villena - Considéré à raison comme l’un des meilleurs bandonéonistes de sa génération, Victor Villena conduit la poignante mélancolie de la musique porteñe dans toutes les capitales du monde. Loin des stéréotypes d'un tango commercial racoleur, il sert le tango nuevo par la formidable puissance expressive de son instrument.


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Annie Zydeco + Swamp Cats touren im July in Deutschland

by Diatonic News
03. Jul 11:00 / Jazz-Picknick
63454 Hanau, Pfarrer-Hufnagel-Str. 2 !! Eintritt frei !!

08. Jul 20:00 / Gelnhäuser Jazztage
63571 Gelnhausen, Untermarkt
!! Eintritt frei !!

09. Jul 17:00 / St. Georgen Swingt
95448 Bayreuth, St. Georgen
+49 151 - 16 64 22 40

10. Jul / 15:30
32. Idstein Jazz Festival
65510 Idstein, Rathausplatz
+49 6126 - 7 86 20

22. Jul 20:15 / Ottersberger Kulturstadl
85652 Pliening-Ottersberg, An der Leiten 32
+49 8121 - 7 95 60

23. Jul 20:00 / Hof der Residenz
91161 Hilpoltstein, Kirchstr. 1
+49 9174 - 97 85 05

24. Jul 20:30 / Sommer Sound 2016
45879 Gelsenkirchen, Zeppelinallee
!! Eintritt frei !!

30. Jul 18:00 / Chiemsee Music Night
83209 Prien am Chiemsee, Seestr. 108
+49 8031 - 5 91 65


Voci Armoniche

2. Alpe Adria Harmonikabewerb 15. Oktober 2016 - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation

Sounding Out the Accordion

KITCH à CLAOU 1/7/2016 - France

by Diatonic News
Bal traditionnel occitan
[82] Montauban, le 01 juillet 2016 de 21h à 01h

Organisateurs : Réveil Occitan de Tarn et Garonne
Groupes : KITCH à CLAOU

Le réveil Occitan de Tarn et garonne organise dans le cadre de "l'Estiù Occitan" un bal gratuit à Montauban - au Cours Foucault avec le groupe Kitch à Claou avec:

Odile: violon/néolin/chant
Christian: accordéon diatonique/chant
Arnaud: cornemuse du centre/chant
Robert: guitare/percu/chant



Busy July Time for Leroy Thomas & the Zydeco Roadrunners - USA

by Diatonic News
Leroy ThomasIn 1998 Leroy Thomas decided it was time to form his own band, "Leroy Thomas & the Zydeco Roadrunners." Today Leroy and his band have performed in over 33 states and overseas and have released eight CDs. Leroy favors what he calls "Old School Zydeco." He likes keeping the tradition of Louisiana alive and flowing. He throws in his own flavor but always comes back to original zydeco, the real deal.

JULY 2016
07/01 Southern Pub in Welsh, La @ 9:30pm
07/02 Elton Park for Suns of Elton July Celebration. in Elton, La
07/03 O'Darbys (827 Hector Connoly Rd, Carencro, LA) @ 8pm.
07/04 Erath 4th of July Festival in Erath, La @ 8pm.
07/09 Coushatta Crossroads Festival inside Pavilion in Kinder, La @ 4:15pm.
07/09 Red Dogs in Egan, La @ 9:30pm
07/16 Cafe Des Amis' in BB, La @ 8:30am
07/16 Cajun RVera in New Iberia, La. @ 2pm
07/16 Club Ignition in Kinder, La @ 9pm
07/17 O'Darbys (827 Hector Connoly Rd, Carencro, LA) @ 8pm
07/19 Tropical Tuesdays at The Dream Pool at Coushatta Casino @ 8pm
07/21 Rock-N-Bowl in NOLA @ 8:30pm
07/23 Sams Place in Crowley, La @ 9:30pm
07/29 Vermillionville in Lafayette, La @ 8pm


Voci Armoniche


by Diatonic News
Francois Badeau02/07/2016 BATZ SUR MER (44) - BODROS BADEAU
20/07/2016 PLOUHARNEL - 56 ORIAZ
30/07/2016 LE POULIGUEN (44) ORIAZ


Friedrich Lips Book

Trio Responso at Jazz Festival Copenhagen - Denmark

by Diatonic News
Trio Responso
Trio Responso play tango with inspiration from maestros such as Leopoldo Federico, Anibal Troilo and Roberto Grela. The trio’s tango music combines suppressed suffering and loss, broken hearts and a strong love to Buenos Aires.

Jais Baggestrøm on guitar, Anders Skibsted on bandoneon and Mads Sune Hansen on contrabass share their intimate take on tango with a respectful nod to the old maestros.

NB! Gårdscenen, Huset-KBH (courtyard scene).

Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/trioresponso

Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/trioresponso/

Web page: http://trioresponso.dk/

Line up:
Anders Skibsted // Bandoneon
Jais Baggestrøm // Guitar
Mads Sune Hansen // Kontrabas

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Sharon Shannon @ Glastonbury and Tour Dates – UK, Belgium, Ireland, Switzerland

by Rob Howard
Sharon Shannon
Video: Blackbird: Padraig O'Keefe's / The Happy One-Step performed by Sharon Shannon and Alan Connor Live at Celtic Colours International Festival 2014

Irish diatonic accordionist Sharon Shannon performs in concert – already sold out – at the Glastonbury Festival later this month.

Tour dates:
June 24th – Glastonbury, Somerset, England
July 1st – Gooyk Festival, Belgium
July 2nd – Sark Festival, Channel Islands
July 9th – The Green Theater, near the Atomium, Brussels, Belgium
July 10th – An Carn, Maghera, County Derry, Northern Ireland
July 12th – Monroe’s, Galway, Irish Republic
July 16th and 17th – Tiree Music Festival, Scotland
July 21st - Paléo Festival Nyon, Switzerland
July 26th, 8pm – Church of Ireland, Green St, Boyle, Roscommon, Irish Republic
July 30th – Sidmouth Folk Week, England
July 31st – Speyfest, Scotland

Sharon Shannon plays the diatonic button accordion, fiddle, tin whistle, and the melodeon. She has become a popular international musician, especially within the folk world and with younger audiences. Her 1991 album ‘Sharon Shannon’ is the best-selling album of traditional Irish music ever released in Ireland. In addition to Irish folk music, her work demonstrates a wide-ranging number of musical influences, including reggae, cajun, Portuguese music, and French Canadian music. She won a lifetime achievement award at the 2009 Meteor Awards.

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Bal avec le Bal Brotto-Lopez - France

by Diatonic News
Bal trad Duo Corbefin-Marsac - Le Bal Brotto-Lopez - Le 07 juillet 2016 de 21h à 02h

Jeudi 7 juillet, Villandraut, salle des fêtes

En collaboration avec la maire de Villandraut, la Communauté de Communes du Sud Gironde, l’association Val, l’association En’Trad (le p'tit bal de Villandraut)

21h45 : bal avec le Bal Brotto-Lopez

Cyrille Brotto : accordéon diatonique, tustaphone / Guillaume Lopez : chant, flûtes, cornemuse

Quand l’efficacité et la virtuosité de Cyrille, son « groove », sa cadence, sa finesse et sa précision s’allient à la musicalité de Guillaume, à sa voix unique, à ses flûtes vagabondes, à son goût pour l’improvisation, cela donne le Bal Brotto-Lopez, un duo à l’énergie débordante qui rend ses lettres de noblesse au bal populaire des pays d’Oc.

Pour le grand bonheur des danseurs et danseuses, Cyrille Brotto et Guillaume Lopez écument, depuis 14 ans, les parquets d’Occitanie, de France et du monde. Quand le Bal Brotto-Lopez commence, impossible de lui résister ! Les couples et les rondes s’élancent, pour une nuit presque sans fin !


Concert du Sud Italie "une autre Calabre"- France/Italia

by Diatonic News
Le 03 juillet 2016 de 20h à 00h
eglise val des pres /05100 Val-des-Prés - France

La joie d'accueillir les amis calabrais musiciens et danseurs pour le concert "Une autre Calabre".

Avec les musiques traditionnelles de la zone du Reventino et de Crotone, ils vont nous faire voyager dans la Calabre secrete!

Laisser vous porter par les rythmes intenses et les voix du SUD!

Giuseppe Muraca: chant, lyre calabraise, flute, tambourin, zampogna
Alessio Bressi: chant, accordéon, tambourin
Francesco denaro: chant, guitare à battente
Ettore Castagna: chant, zampogna
Nitti: chant, accordéon

Titano Accordions

Conceret: Jorma Uotinen & Trio Avec / Ikaalinen - Finland

by Diatonic News
Sous le Ciel de Paris – Pariisin taivaan alla
Jorma Uotisen uusi draamakonsertti vie kuulijat Pariisin taivaan alle. Konsertin laulut ovat kulkeneet Uotisen mukana aina niiltä ajoilta, kun hän tanssi Pariisin Oopperassa. Ranskalaisen chansonperinteen kuolemattomat tulkit Edith Piaf ja Jacques Brel elävät vahvasti musiikillaan tässä konsertissa. Vahvana tulkitsijana tunnettu Uotinen koskettaa yleisön syvimpiä tuntoja rakkaudesta, ilosta ja surusta. Harmonikkaa konsertissa soittaa Uotisen luottomuusikko Petri Ikkelä.

Jorma Uotinen, laulu
Jari Hakkarainen, piano
Petri Ikkelä, harmonikka/bandoneon
Helena Plathan, sello

Kesto n. 2 h, sisältää väliajan.
Ravintola A-oikeuksin.
Perjantai 8.7. klo 21.00 Oma Tupa


Accordion Jazz Chord

Los Texmaniacs and friends performing in Vancouver - Canada

by Diatonic News
Vancouver Island Musicfest - 8-10 July 2016

Los Texmaniacs are taking conjunto to the world – they’ve toured North America and major festivals in Germany, Holland, Spain, Russia and even China. They’ve done four tours to Iraq, Bosnia, Afghanistan, and Kosovo to play for the troops. Live and in the studio, they’ve played with Flaco Jimenenz, Lyle Lovett, the original Texas Tornados, Los Lobos, Los Super Seven and the Rolling Stones.

There are two instruments at the heart of conjunto music – the accordion and the bajo sexto.
The diatonic, button accordion arrived in south Texas with the European immigrants and quickly became popular among the Tejanos and NorteÒos, who learned their neighbours repertoires of waltzes, polkas and mazurkas.

Performing in:

Gary Dahl Arrangements

"une après-midi céili" - France

by Diatonic News
Le 03 juillet 2016 de 14h30 à 18h30
19, Rue Richebourg/Salle du Puits Salé, 39570 Lons-le-Saunier - France


Pour conclure en beauté la saison des ateliers set dancing, l'association Cancoillottefolk organise

"une après-midi céili"

avec le duo LAGRANGE-RUTKOWSKI et Renaud Lombard au calling

Il y aura toutes les infos bientôt sur le blog de l'asso:

Les Bottinnes Artistique concert - Belgium

by Diatonic News
VL Duveldroomschip
Vrijdag 1 juli 18u00

Guus Herremans – diatonische accordeon
Pavel Souvandjiev - viool

Gooikoorts 2016 wordt geopend door een muzikant van eigen (Gooikse) bodem. Guus Herremans volgde les bij alle grote diatonische accordeonmeesters van deze tijd en wordt door eenieder beschouwd als een beloftevol talent op zijn instrument.

Guus studeerde af aan de kunsthumaniora van Turnhout. Samen met zijn kompaan Pavel Souvandjiev richtte hij “Les Bottines Artistiques” op in het najaar 2014. Pavel studeerde aan het Lemmensinstituut leuven en is momenteel bezig aan zijn opleiding viool aan het conservatorium van Antwerpen. Guus’ Franse en Italiaanse speeltechniek en Pavel’s Bulgaarse roots resulteren in een verrassend muzikaal palet.

De perfecte festiva opener!


Charnwood Music Publishing

Trio Tangopianissimo in Karens Minde Kulturhus - Copenhagen

by Diatonic News
Monday 4/7 2016, kl. 19:30
Trio Tangopianissimo (AR/DE)
Karens Minde Kulturhus , København SV

TangoPavillonen presents

Trio Tangopianissimo pays homage with its repertoire to the great typical orchestras from
the Golden Age of Argentine Tango of the 30s and 40s as well as the more advanced
concert music „Tango Nuevo“ with its main protagonist Astor Piazzolla. The trio, whose
musicians individually devoted themselves to the „Rioplatense music“ many years ago,
manages to preserve the energy and vibrancy of the famous "Gran Orquesta típicas" even
in this minimal musical line up.

The trio was founded in 2014 in Hamburg.

Christian Gerber - Bandoneón
Born in 1976 in Germany, he is one of Europes most renowned Bandoneón players.

Line up:
Christian Gerber (bandoneón)
Fernando Bruguera (piano)
Rodolpho Paccapelo (bass)

Info: http://jazz.dk/en/copenhagen-jazz-festival-2016/concerts/17361/

Voci Armoniche

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)


CD " Kattegat" by Duo Russo & Vilensky - Italy/Lituania

by Diatonic News
Kattegat (Zina Zinetti Music 2016) available also as Digital Album at:

Introducing a truly international collaboration between leading Latvian cellist Ruslan Vilensky and the Copenhagen-based Italian bandoneon player, Paolo Russo. Both are virtuosos of their instruments, both are extraordinarily charismatic and creative, both of their concert schedules extend across the whole world. The program includes mostly original compositions by Paolo Russo as well as a few Astor Piazzolla's, Diego Schissi's and Oskar Strok's tunes, especially arranged for this ensemble.

1. Kattegat
2. Ninna Nanna Per Freja
3. Cosu Y Casa
4. Dark Eyes
5. Canción 4
6. Adiós Nonino
7. Schisseando
8. Radio Tirana
9. Tangology IX
10. Oblivion

Paolo Russo – bandoneon, piano
Ruslan Vilensky - cello
Aleksejs Bahirs – violin
Katrina Rosuscan – violin
Elina Andrianova – viola
Viktors Velicko - contrabass


CD "Dahoam" v. Christine Meissnitzer - Austria

by Diatonic News

Die Ursprünge der österreichischen Schlagergruppe Meissnitzer Band liegen in dem Trio Meisi Musi, das 1996 von Sängerin Christiane Meissnitzer zusammen mit Hans Gsenger and Mark Reschreiter gegründet wurde – ursprünglich nur zur Unterstützung der Skifahrerin Alexandra Meissnitzer (Christianes Cousine), aber dann folgten weitere lokale Auftritte und zwei Veröffentlichungen, bis sich die Gruppe mit erweiterter Besetzung 2003 als Meissnitzer Band etablierte und im selben Jahr beim Grand Prix der Volksmusik antrat. 2004 komponierten sie "Land zum Leben", eine Hymne für das Bundesland Salzburg. Über die Jahre brachte die Band eine Reihe von Alben heraus, darunter Hoamat von 2008 (das den gleichnamigen Radiohit enthielt), Echt von 2009 (das mit Doppelplatin ausgezeichnet wurde) und Hiatz von 2010, das es bis auf Platz 17 der österreichischen Charts schaffte.


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Video: Enzo Scacchia On His Diatonic - Italy

by Harley Jones
Enzo Scacchia (Italy) shows why he is renowned, with this video performing on his diatonic accordion. So many notes of music using so few keys!

CD - Release "HONKY FUSION" by The Buffalo Concertina All Stars - USA

by Diatonic News
The Buffalo Concertina All Stars have released their newest and 4th CD, HONKY FUSION, which was premiered on June 3rd, 2016.

The band has evolved over time from a local concertina club into a nationally respected performing group, fusing traditional “honky” music with the modern “push” style. The result, is an entertaining recording which will please a wide variety of Polka fans.

Info: http://www.concertinaallstars.com/honky-fusion.html

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