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Diatonic News - May-2016
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Voci Armoniche


What Are You Doing For World Accordion Day? - International
Schweitzer Botschafter Christoph Bubb zu Besuch bei Müller - Österreich/Schweiz
Scandalli Bandoneon Introduced at Frankfurt Musikmesse - Italy
Musiker aufgepasst! Mitmachen bei Musikfestival Spielberg „MyStage“ - Austria
Folk Awards - London/UK
Gewinner/Amadeus Awards - Austria
La Caravane Vanne - Tournai/Belgique
Douglas Ward Enjoying the Milk & Coffee at 11,000 metres - Switzerland
Musikmesse Frankfurt 2016 – Germany/Worldwide
Bandoneon and Harp by Carel Kraayenhof & Lavinia Meijer - Netherlands
18ème festival Trad’Envie - France

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Accordion Art Festival (cat. Fisarmonica Diatonica) - Italia
TAG DER HARMONIKA 2016 in der Steiermark ! - DAY OF THE HARMONICA 2016 in Styria - Austria
53rd Accordion Competition Klingenthal - Germany
2016 Tejano Conjunto Festival - San Antonio/USA
International Gipsy Festival - Tlburg/Netherlands
9. Josef Payer-Volksmusikwettbewerb - Steiermark/Austria
Fleadh Nua 2016 - Ireland
Les 24è Rencontres d’Accordéonistes a Tournai - Belgium
Stage d'accordéon diatonique - PAVIE/France
Rayne Frog Festival Cajun Accordion Contest and Festival - USA
Knöpferl-Seminar Wilder Kaiser - Österreich
Harmonikafestival/Akkordeonfestival 2016 in Marstal - Denmark
MARE E MINIERE 2016 a Poròtoscusco (CI) - iTALIA
Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival - France
Argentine Tango Flash Mob, Budapest - Hungary
Gator by the Bay Festival - Louisiana/USA
International Cajun & Zydeco Festival - Holland
National Button Accordion Festival, Pennsylvania - USA
5. Kunsthandwerksausstellung Sitft St. Georgen am Längsee - Österreich
Workshops Foinn Saisiùn - Ennis/Ireland

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Terrance Simien and the Zydeco Experience to perfom in May 2016 - USA
"Festa dello Spirito Santo" ad Arigliano - Italia (LE)
Renato Borghetti em Mayo - Brasil
Avec Benjamin Macke et Birgit Bornauw "Baroque to my Ears" - Belgium
El Arranque Orquesta & Kevin Johansen - Buenes Aires/Argentina
2. Alpe Adria Harmonikabewerb - Österreich
Joel Guzman & Sarah Fox concert tour with Paul Simon - USA
"WHISKEY RIVER" to perform in Raamsdonksveer - Netherlands
Tango Carbon en concert a Lilas - France
Jeffery Broussard & The Creole Cowboys May 2016 schedule - USA
Beoga touring in May - Ireland
The Fureys Cheltenham - UK
Tangoabendmit dem Carel Kraayenhof Ensemble (NL) - Deutschlang
1. Harmonikatreffen Heiligengeist bei Villach - Kärnten/Österreich
J.j. Caillier performing on 27th May 2016 at the RAXX - LA/USA
David Munnelly AND Mc Gowan Concerts - Netherlands
Kepa Junkera en Mayo 2016 - Espagna

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

HMBC "CD Präsentation" Grinzens - Österreich
CD "Violetta's Last Tango" by Ann Liebeck, Julian Rowlands - UK
CD Highs & Bellows by Mick McAuley - IRELAND
3 CD's und DVD "Die SEER" Sonderedizion - Austria

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Accordion TV/Film/Radio

TV/Radio mit und über Hubert von Goisern - Austria/Germany

Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments

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Voci Armoniche


Sounding Out the Accordion

What Are You Doing For World Accordion Day? - International

by Harley Jones
What are you doing for World Accordion Day to promote the accordion in your country? World Accordion day is on May 6th, which is the day the accordion was patented in 1829.

World Accordion Day was started in 2009 by the CIA and has been very successful, generating a lot of positive publicity for the accordion. A key part of this event is the World Accordion Day website.

Every association, group, orchestra, performer and teacher, is asked to actively support this event by encouraging national and local accordion activities to happen in their country on this day or the weekend either side of Accordion Day if that should be more convenient.

Everyone can register their World Accordion Day activity on the website and send a report of their event after, for that website.

No event is too big or too small. ALL accordion events celebrating World Accordion Day are welcome. This is a CIA promotion for the accordion in which every accordion enthusiast can participate and help bring our accordion world together as well as strongly promote the accordion.


Schweitzer Botschafter Christoph Bubb zu Besuch bei Müller - Österreich/Schweiz

by Diatonic News
Der Schweizer Botschafter Herr Bubb, ist seit 2014 in Wien Botschafter und besuchte die Firma Müller Harmonika in Bad St. Leonhard.

Bubb sagte: "Es gehört zu meinen angenehmen Aufgaben, alle Bundesländer zu bereisen. Primär hatte ich eine Aufwartung der Bürgermeisterin von Klagenfurt gemacht, aber ich habe auch den Wunsch gehabt, die wirtschaftliche Präsenz der Schweiz hier in Kärnten zu besuchen. Das war gar nicht so einfach, denn sie ist in anderen Bundesländern stärker vertreten. Umso erfreuter war ich, bei dieser Gelegenheit die Firma Müller kennen zu lernen, deren Chefin ursprünglich aus der Schweiz, dem Wallis kommt."

Eindrücke über das Unternehmen
Bubb sagte: "Ich bin sehr beeindruckt und man sieht eine gewisse Ähnlichkeit zwischen der schweizerischen Uhrmacherkunst und hier in dem Unternehmen, nämlich eine hohe präzise, mechanische Handwerkskunst. Eine Ziehharmonika besteht aus rund 2500 Einzelteilen und die Mehrzahl wird hier im Haus einzeln hergestellt.
Ich schätze das außerordentlich, dass diese Art von Handwerk einen fruchtbaren Boden hat. Es scheint gut zu gehen und das ist äußerst erfreulich, dass ein kleines, mittelständiges Familienunternehmen längerfristig gesichert ist."

Müller Harmonika ist für Herrn Bubb:
Tradition - Präzision - Idealismus
Rektorat & Interview: Dr. Heidi Toplak

Voci Armoniche

Scandalli Bandoneon Introduced at Frankfurt Musikmesse - Italy

by Diatonic News
Alexander Nikolic
by Elisa Lanari, Scandalli Accordions

Scandalli BandoneonAt the recent Frankfurt Musikmesse in Germany, Italian accordion manufacturer Scandalli produced for the first time in its history, a bandoneon.

Bandoneon has a long history, starting from 1840, and during that time, some history books claim that more than 100 different layouts of bandoneon have been created.

Nowadays the only system used by Argentineans to play tango is the Rheinische Tonlage (Rheinische pitch), also called Argentinean system.

This bisonoric system (sometimes called “diatonic”) has 142 notes, 38 buttons in the right side and 33 buttons in the left side with 2 reeds tuned in octave (like 8+4 registers in accordion). The new Scandalli bandoneon is made in Rheinische system with five extra notes, so the final range is with 152 notes, 39+37 buttons.

Scandalli is also planning to make the unisonoric model (sometimes called “chromatic”), better known as “Peguri system”, that is often considered the favorite system by accordion players.

One of the most important features is that nearly all traditional bandoneons have zinc plates, and the Scandalli bandoneon uses the same material. The instrument is completely handmade using different high quality woods, although the most used is Palisander in order to get the typical warm and deep sound of the old bandoneon.

For Scandalli, the "bandoneon project" is not only a new model. It also represents the "meeting point" between skilled artisans and designers and a great musician, who worked together for several months in order to achieve the "highest level bandoneon".

Thanks to the outstanding musical, technical and artistic competence of Aleksandar Nikolic, well known teacher, bandoneonist and leader of the famous Beltango Quintet, for his part in developing this bandoneon product. Picture below of Aleksandar Nikolic performing on the new instrument at the Frankfurt Musikmesse.

Friedrich Lips Book

Musiker aufgepasst! Mitmachen bei Musikfestival Spielberg „MyStage“ - Austria

by Harley Jones
Video: Event Organiser Herbert Pixner Projekt Live, @ Spielberg Musikfestival 2014.


Ihr seid ein Künstler oder eine Band? Dann schickt bis 15. Mai 2016 ein Video oder eine Hörprobe eurer Musik mit dem Betreff „MyStage“ an information@spielbergmusikfestival.at.
Eine vollständige Einsendung besteht aus folgenden Unterlagen:

•Hörprobe (mp3 oder mp4) oder Video (YouTube Link) der Band/des Künstlers

•Bildmaterial des Künstlers/der Band •Bildabmessungen: mind. 1200px Breite
•Bildausrichtung: Querformat
•Bildauflösung: mind. 72dpi
•Dateiformat: .jpg oder .png
•Dateibezeichnung: Künstler-/Bandname

•Ausgefüllte und unterzeichnete Zustimmungserklärung (PDF Download)

Die besten 10 Künstler bzw. Bands werden von einer Fachjury unter der Leitung des Festivalintendanten Herbert Pixner ausgewählt.

Die Top 10 treten im Online-Voting auf www.projekt-spielberg.com/musikfestival gegeneinander an.

Der Künstler bzw. die Band mit den meisten Stimmen gewinnt einen Auftritt als Opener beim Spielberg Musikfestival am 27. August 2016!

Alle Infos auf https://www.projekt-spielberg.com/musikfestival/my-stage.html

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Folk Awards - London/UK

by Harley Jones
BBC Award Musician of the year 2016 Andy Cutting
Andy CuttingVideo above: Andy Cutting performing solo at the Festival BALAVIRIS 30 May 2015, Morceaux: The Origin of the World (Mazurka) of Dave Shepherd.

On Wednesday 24th of April 2016 the BBC Awards took place in the Royal Albert Hall, Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AP

Andy Cutting was crowned as "MUSICIAN OF THE YEAR 2016".

All staff from the Diatonic News Edition would like to compliment this well known artist!

For more information upon other categories pls view:

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Gewinner/Amadeus Awards - Austria

by Harley Jones
Hubert von GoisernDie Seer mit Jürgen Leitner HarmonikaAm 03. April 2016 ging die 16. Verleihung der Amadeus Austrian Music Awards über die Bühne. In 18 Kategorien wurden die begehrten Trophäen verliehen.

Video above: I sing a Liad für Di from the album "Home Sweet Home" by Andreas Gabalier. Published on May 12, 2014.


Künstler des Jahres: Hubert von Goisern (left/links)
Schlager: Die Seer (rechts/right)
Volksmusik: Andreas Gabalier (below/unten)

Mehr Informaiton über weitere ausgezeichnete Küntler unter: http://www.amadeusawards.at/

La Caravane Vanne - Tournai/Belgique

by Diatonic News
L'Accordéon, moi j'aime ! présente le Dimanche 8 mai 2016

La Caravane Vanne

Rendez-vous à 9h28 Place Saint-Pierre-Tournai/France
2016, c’est l’année du vélo en Wallonie ! C’est aussi la 14ème édition de la Caravane Vanne. Profitez-en pour participer à cette grande randonnée internationale cyclo humoristico touristique. 18 km de plaisir et de fantaisies en tout genre, suivi d’un pique-nique transfrontalier aux sons des accordéons et autres surprises de taille…

Rendez-vous le dimanche 8 mai à 9h28 sur la Place Saint-Pierre de Tournai. Direction Baisieux !

Organisation de la journée :

- 9h28 : RDV Place St Pierre Tournai +32(0)498 714 953
- 10h : DEPART DE LILLE Gare Saint-Sauveur. +33 (0)320 22 12 59
- 12h : RETROUVAILLES en flonflons à l’ancienne frontière à Baisieux
- 13h : PIQUE NIQUE sur la pelouse de la mairie. Prenez votre casse-croute ou profitez des petites restaurations sur place
- 16h : DEPART de Baisieux pour Tournai

Plus de savoire: http://www.accordeontournai.be/site/?q=fr/caravanne

Titano Accordions

Douglas Ward Enjoying the Milk & Coffee at 11,000 metres - Switzerland

by Harley Jones
YoghurtWell known UK accordion composer and performer Douglas Ward sent a picture on board a flight from Switzerland in April 2016.

Douglas Ward wrote: "I was delighted to find little milk containers (to go with freshly brewed coffee) that showed a picture of a diatonic accordion. It seems the accordion is everywhere - even when you drink coffee!"

Accordion Jazz Chord

Musikmesse Frankfurt 2016 – Germany/Worldwide

by Diatonic News
Music in all its variety: Instruments and events in the halls, festive atmosphere at the outdoor exhibition area.

From rock and pop, via classic and jazz, to electro and recording, visitors were able to immerse themselves in the complete spectrum of instruments and music equipment at this year’s Musikmesse - this was the 2016 trade show with a total of 2,043 exhibitors from 60 countries.

All free reed instruments were displayed in Hall 9.0 this year. During this time, almost 110,000 visitors (2015: 108,409 visitors) from some 130 countries made their way to Frankfurt Fair and Exhibition Centre to place orders, find out about the latest innovations and try new products.

A full report of the 2016 Frankfurt Musikmesse is online at: Frankfurt2016

Next years Musikmesse is planned for early April 2017.

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Bandoneon and Harp by Carel Kraayenhof & Lavinia Meijer - Netherlands

by Diatonic News
Concert: 05 06 2016/20:15 h
Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ - Grote Zaal
Piet Heinkade 1, 1019 BR Amsterdam

De magische combinatie van harp en bandoneón

Dit concert brengt twee bijzonder gepassioneerde en veelzijdige musici samen. Bandoneonist Carel Kraayenhof is een grootheid binnen de Argentijnse tango, wereldwijd geroemd om zijn ontroerende spel en zijn grote kennis van de tangotraditie. Lavinia Meijer geldt als een van de beste harpisten van dit moment. Opmerkelijk is haar gedrevenheid om, naast de uitvoering van het klassieke harprepertoire, nieuwe wegen in te slaan, zoals deze succesvolle samenwerking met Carel Kraayenhof.

Op het programma staan eigen arrangementen van milonga’s, tango’s en andere Argentijnse, Spaanse en Italiaanse composities, maar ook stukken van Carel Kraayenhof en Lavinia Meijer zelf. In het najaar van 2015 verscheen hun eerste cd.

The magical combination of harp and bandoneón

This concert brings together two very passionate and versatile musicians together. Bandoneon player Carel Kraayenhof is a quantity within the Argentine tango, known worldwide for his moving game and his great knowledge of the tango tradition. Lavinia Meijer is one of the best harpists of the moment. Noteworthy is her passion, in addition to the implementation of the classical harp repertoire, to break new ground, as this successful collaboration with Kraayenhof.

The program includes own arrangements of milongas, tango and other Argentine, Spanish and Italian compositions, but also pieces of Kraayenhof and Lavinia Meijer himself. In the fall of 2015 they released their first CD.

Tickets: https://www.muziekgebouw.nl/agenda/Concerten/4953?utm_campaign=5-mei-lavinia-meijer-+-carel-kraayenhof&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=facebook-event

18ème festival Trad’Envie - France

by Diatonic News
du mercredi 4 au samedi 7 mai 2016

Trad’Envie est une association qui est née à Pavie, dans le Gers, de l’évolution d’un groupe d’Arts et de Traditions Populaires appelé « Ensemble Populaire de Gascogne ».

Dans les années 90, l’association a arrêté son activité de groupe de danses traditionnelles se produisant en spectacle, pour se lancer dans la création d’un événement : « Le Festival Trad’Envie », ainsi que l’organisation de bals et de stages tout au long de l’année.

Le Festival Trad’Envie est maintenant une référence, tant par sa qualité musicale que par la convivialité qui y règne, image de marque de notre département du Gers et de notre région Midi-Pyrénées. Et depuis 2014, un salon de lutherie est présent, avec des artisans venus des quatre coins de France et d’Europe.

L’idée force est la culture populaire dans ses différentes composantes. La motivation principale reste l’envie de découvrir les richesses culturelles des Arts Populaires sous l’aspect des musiques, danses et chants traditionnels ; faire se côtoyer des groupes musicaux aux accents électriques, les voir s’écouter les uns les autres, se connaître, s’apprécier, jouer ensemble.

C’est aussi faire découvrir au public local et national, qu’il soit professionnel ou amateur, des musiques traditionnelles occitanes mais aussi venues d’ailleurs, les mettre en contact avec des inconditionnels de bals folks de régions plus lointaines, permettre l’échange et l’enrichissement musical.

Charnwood Music Publishing

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Voci Armoniche

Accordion Art Festival (cat. Fisarmonica Diatonica) - Italia

by Diatonic News
Accordion Art Festival 2016
italia award (Concorso Internazionale)

18, 19 giugno 2016 (Roseto degli Abruzzi, TE)

Categorie CONCERTISTI - FISARMONICA DIATONICA Junior (fino 18 anni), Senior (oltre 18 anni)

direttore artistico: Renzo Ruggieri
Per tutti i dettagli consulta: http://www.accordionartfestival.com/aaf/index.php/it/italiaaward-it


TAG DER HARMONIKA 2016 in der Steiermark ! - DAY OF THE HARMONICA 2016 in Styria - Austria

by Werner Weibert
Der nächste TAG DER HARMONIKA findet im schönen Ambiente des forumKLOSTER in Gleisdorf statt.
Der Wettbewerb ist international ausgeschrieben und gilt für Akkordeon Solo, Duo, Ensemble, Orchester und Weltmusik - erstmals auch Unterhaltungsmusik! / Steirische Harmonika Solo, Duo und Volksmusik / Mundharmonika Solo, Gruppen und Orchester!
Die bekannten Ensembles ARS HARMONIAE und DOBREK BISTRO sind Stargäste am Abend.
Download Ausschreibung etc.: www.harmonikaverband.at

CLOSING DATE 18 March !!!

Online translation!

53rd Accordion Competition Klingenthal - Germany

by Diatonic News
Petar Maric and Aleksandar NikolicThe 53rd International Accordion Competition Klingenthal will be held from the 3rd to 8th May 2016.

Full competition rules and category information at: 2016Kling.pdf

The Schedule has been released. There are competitions each day.
Tuesday, May 3, 20:00, Opening Concert featuring Gliersaal Vocational School and the Duo "Buttons & Bellows" of Aleksandar Nikolic (bandoneon) and Petar Maric (accordion). CD available: beltango5

Wednesday, May 4, 19:30, Studio Concert, Klemen Leben (Slovenia), 2009 1st prize winner.

Thursday, May 5, 19.00, Competition in concert format, Category VI Entertainment.

Friday, May 6, 20:00, "Irish Bastards" Irish folk music

Saturday, May 7th, 19:30, Aula am Amtsberg

Sunday, May 8th, 13:30 Aula am Amtsberg, Vogtland Philharmonic Orchestra Greiz / Reichenbach, conductor David Marlow and the finalists of Category IV

Further information available at: Klingenthal

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

2016 Tejano Conjunto Festival - San Antonio/USA

by Diatonic News
the 35th Annual Tejano Conjunto Festival en San Antonio will be held from May 11-15 2016 at the Guadalupe Theater and Rosedale Park. Curated by Juan Tejeda, the TCF features star-studded performances by Conjunto Music Hall of Fame award winners as well as national and international conjunto musicians.


Overall Winner: $1,000.00 and their selection becomes the official poster commemorating the 35th Annual Tejano Conjunto Festival in San Antonio. The Top Selection in each category receives $100.00; Honorable Mention in each category receives $50.00.

Four Categories:

1.) Middle School

2.) High School

3.) College/University

4.) Open to Public

The cash awards will be presented to the winning artists at the 35th Annual Tejano Conjunto Festival en San Antonio 2016 Opening Night Ceremonies on Friday, May 13 at Rosedale Park.

For all other Information - pls view: http://www.guadalupeculturalarts.org/tejano-conjunto-festival/
2016 Tejano Conjunto Festival  guest artists

International Gipsy Festival - Tlburg/Netherlands

by Diatonic News
The International Gipsy Festival is a Tilburg festival focused on the art and culture of the Roma and Sinti community. The first International Gipsy Festival took place in 1997, at various locations in Tilburg. Since 2003 the festival has moved to the Interpolis garden. The gipsy festival is known for its efforts to break new ground. Each year it offers a variety of musical surprises and unusual combinations. The gipsy genre is widely interpreted. It is the flagship that incorporates a large number of subgenres, such as: balkan, flamenco, klezmer, gipsy swing, jazz; but also hip-hop, brass band and folk are common musical styles at the gipsy festival. Musical groups and dancers from Europe, Russia, and India have graced the stage in the past. Invariably, a varied ensemble is invited over to Tilburg.
The intention of the International Gipsy Festival is to bring as many aspects of gipsy culture to the attention of a wide audience. The gipsy festival serves as an international platform where attention is requested for the influence of the gipsies on our present society. Therefore the festival aims to investigate, encourage, and present this influence on festival days, to serve as a source of inspiration for musicians, dramatists, artists, photographers and cinematographers. In addition, it wants children and adolescents to come into contact with this culture by offering educational programs.

Festival location
Veemarktkwartier Tilburg

The festival takes place in the garden of the St Jozef church and 013 Poppodium.
The entrance to the festival is at the Veemarktstraat.
The location and facilities are accessible for people with disabilities.

All other Information: http://www.gipsyfestival.nl/

Titano Accordions

9. Josef Payer-Volksmusikwettbewerb - Steiermark/Austria

by Diatonic News
22. Mai 2016
Voksmusikwettbewerb für Steirische Harmonika und Volksmusikgruppen in Kalsdorf b. Graz

Infos: Robert Hafner, BA
E-Mail: robert.hafner@gmx.at


Fleadh Nua 2016 - Ireland

by Diatonic News
2016 Fleadh Nua in Ennis promises to be an exciting and innovative festival, full to the brim with Concerts, Ceilis, Sessions, CD Launches, Recitals, Irish Dance competitions and Street Entertainment.

Since 1974 Fleadh Nua has developed from a 3 day event to a festival spanning 8 days, with more than 120 separate events, where there is a welcome for everyone. There are many Irish traditional festivals organised throughout the summer months but there are few people who will dispute that Fleadh Nua which started in Dublin in 1970, is the forerunner of them all. The concept of bringing together concerts, céilithe, music, song and dancing workshops, street entertainment, and much more was innovative in its time. However, it's still a winning formula today as evidenced by the thousands of visitors who flock to the festival every May for a week of unsurpassed traditional entertainment.

While the town of Ennis has lost nothing of its warmth and welcome since Fleadh Nua was first held there in 1974, one thing that has definitely changed is the time it takes to get to the capital of County Clare. With the new motorway network connecting directly to the town, Dublin is now only 2½ hours away by car. There are rail links to Ennis from Limerick, Cork, Galway, Dublin, Waterford and Tralee. Shannon International Airport has connections to North America, Britain and Mainland Europe and is only a 20 minute drive from Ennis. There are numerous bus services to and from Ennis, operated by Bus Éireann and Citylink, connecting the town to all the major population centres in the country.

All roads, old and new, will lead to Ennis and Fleadh Nua in May 2016

The programme for Fleadh Nua 2016 will include concerts, céilithe, sessions, street entertainment, Irish language classes, set dancing competitions, Sean-Nós dancing competitions and performances, story telling, Singing Sessions and much more. The wide range of activities, many of them free of charge, will offer something of interest to everyone at this year’s Fleadh Nua.

More on: http://www.fleadhnua.com/index.php/events

Voci Armoniche

Les 24è Rencontres d’Accordéonistes a Tournai - Belgium

by Diatonic News
L'Accordéon, moi j'aime ! présenteLes 24è Rencontres d’Accordéonistes a Tournai Quartier Saint-Pierre
Rives droite & gauche de l’Escaut

Comme un accordéon, au gré d’un souffle.

Point incandescent d’une nuit vibrante, où butinent les notes de musiques, les rires, les éclats.

Une brise sur une allumette, un soufflet se répète, se déplie, s’étire, se relie, se replie et repart aux sons des festives aubades et autres musettes; aux accents, de jazz et de swing, du monde ou d’ailleurs.

Le pavé est habité, les arts et d’autres instruments s’emmêlent et s’entremêlent, comme les gens, petits et grands, tous y sont les bienvenus.

Pour que les plus jeunes puissent aussi participer à la fête, dès 18h ouverture du village «Les bâtisseurs de Possibles » au cœur du quartier festif. Avec jeux, musiques, spectacles pour les enfants à partir de 5 ans.

Festivités gratuites, pensez à vot’ monnaie pour la casquette des musiciens
Plus d’infos : www.accordeontournai.be / info@accordeontournai.be L’Accordéon, moi j’aime !
Tél. : 0032 (0) 69 810 273 / 0032 (0) 498 71 49 53

Stage d'accordéon diatonique - PAVIE/France

by Diatonic News
Profitez du festival Trad’Envie à BP9 32 550 PAVIE, pour vous perfectionner avec des professionnels que vous aurez le loisir d’apprécier également sur scène, que ce soit en danse ou avec votre instrument ! Voici les stages du festival 2016 pour l'accordéon diatonique:

Formations de 05 heures et de 10 heures les avec Laurant Geoffroy :
Jeudi 05 mai de 09h à 12h et 14h à 16h
et vendredi 06 mai de 9h à 12h et de 14h à 16h

Info: http://www.tradenvie.fr/category/festival-2016/stages-festival-2016/

Rayne Frog Festival Cajun Accordion Contest and Festival - USA

by Harley Jones
Rayne Frog Festival
Rayne Frog FestivalThe Rayne Frog Festival Committee in Conjunction with the Rayne Chamber of Commerce & Agriculture is pleased to announce it will be hosting a Cajun (single-row diatonic) Accordion contest. The contest is part of the 44th Annual Rayne Frog Festival, Frog Capital of the World at the Frog Festival Pavilion and Grounds to be held from May 11-14, 2016 in Rayne, Louisiana.

The Rayne Frog Festival Cajun Accordion Contest is open to Cajun (single-row diatonic) accordion players of all ages and abilities. The contest will be judged by a panel of accordion players selected from the Cajun music industry.

The contest is free to enter and open to anyone, but you must register within the allowed registration period and be within the allowed number of contestants for each division.
The Accordion contest committee reserves the right to accept late entries at its discretion.

No registration fee and you must provide your own accordion to qualify. All competition rules and regulations and registration forms are available at www.raynefrogfestival.com Limited number of entrants will be accepted per division.

Registration forms will be only accepted from April 15th @ 8:00am until April 30th @ 5:00pm. Registration forms must be emailed to Blaine Dupont – blaine.dupont@yahoo.com. You must REGISTER in order to compete.

Rayne Frog Festival Pavilion starting at 1:00 pm on May 14, 2016

Contestants must be the appropriate age on or before May 14, 2016
Youth Division .......... Age 10 and under
Junior Division ........... Age 11 – 17
Adult Division .......... Age 18 and older

Prizes totaling over $3,500 will be awarded
Youth Division:1st - $100 2nd - $75 3rd - $50
Junior Division: 1st - $200 2nd - $150 3rd - $100
Adult Division: Winner takes all New Richard Accordion

Admission is Free Thursday Night.
Admission Price is $5.00 per person (Friday and Saturday)

Children 12 and under get in free all weekend.

2016 Rayne Frog Festival Band Line-Up (with accordionists)
Saturday, May 14, 2016:
5:30-7:30 PM: Leroy Thomas and Zydeco Roadrunners (the Jewel of the Bayou)
8:00-10:PM: Ryan Foret and Foret Tradition
10:30 - 12:30 PM: Wayne Toups and Zydecajun

For information on the accordion contest:
Call Blaine Dupont @ (337) 349-1969 or email blaine.dupont@yahoo.com

Accordion Jazz Chords

Knöpferl-Seminar Wilder Kaiser - Österreich

by Diatonic News
4. bis 8. Mai 2016
Intensivseminar für Einsteiger/Wiedereinsteiger und Fortgeschrittene!

Seminarleiter: Georg Klaffenbacher ( langjähriger Musiklehrer, Berufsmusiker, Griffschriftheft-Autor der erfolgreichen “Schorsch-Serie”)

Unterbringung: Gasthof Baumgarten, Angerberg/Tirol

Programm und Leistungen:
•4 Übernachtungen, VP, im EZ oder DZ (mit Du. od. Bad/WC, TV, Telefon, teilw. Balkon)
•3 Einheiten a 50 min im Einzelunterricht
•Leicht verständlicher und zeitgemäßer Unterricht – auf den Spieler abgestimmt!
•Tipps für das tägliche Übungsprogramm
•2 Workshops ( Erarbeitung verschiedener Themen, wie z. B. „Begleiten leicht gemacht“, „Singen und Spielen“, Rhythmustraining)
•Gemütliches Beisammensein und Musizieren
•attraktives Rahmenprogramm

Einzelunterricht mit Vollpension
Die Teilnehmerzahl ist begrenzt und garantiert so einen intensiven und individuellen Einzelunterricht.´Auch Begleitpersonen und Zuhörer sind willkommen.

Online Anmeldung unter:

Harmonikafestival/Akkordeonfestival 2016 in Marstal - Denmark

by Diatonic News
26 - 29 May
Ærø Folk Music Society will host its 23rd annual festival for Scandinavian and German accordionists and folk dancers at Marstal harbour.

Did you know that accordion music is more than seamen's shanties? You can hear for yourself if you show up at the Yacht Club in Marstal and listen to the musicians over the weekend 26 - 29 May 2016.

HAPPY SKVETT, the most famous Norwegian dance band for Scandinavian folkdance will visit Ærø for the first time. 10 happy swinging musicians who will really set the dance floor swaying.

During the weekend you will listen to everything from songs and ballads to swing and jazz. - You can have a great time singing along in the rowing club, where the rowers have kindly removed their boats for us to set up a bar and a stage. Relax and listen to the many soloists and groups in the yacht club, or dance to swing music on the great dance floor in the tent. {0><}0{>- Entertainment for all age groups from three stages at Sejlmagervej - overlooking the boats in the Marina.

Each group of musicians or soloist is on stage for 30 minutes - and during the weekend the three stages will present more than 85 changes with a new name, so there is no chance of boredom.

Musicians and visitors of all age groups come to Ærø "from the other side", the expression used by Ærø-folks about people from the rest of the world. Our musicians come from all over Scandinavia and from Germany. Many have been on Ærø to play their music each year since the start 23 years ago - and others appear for the first time.

Deutsch: vom 26. bis 29. Mai
Der Verein Ærø Folkelige Musikforening veranstaltet das jährliche Festival für skandinavische und deutsche Akkordeonisten und Volkstänzer zum 23. Mal in der Nähe des Hafens.

Dass Akkordeonmusik mehr zu bieten hat, als nur Seemannslieder, kann man erfahren, wenn man sich an den oben genannten Tagen beim Segelklub von Marstal einfindet und die Ohren spitzt.

HAPPY SKVETT heißt das bekannteste Tanzmusik-Orchester Norwegens, das erstmals nach Ærø kommt. Zehn spielfreudige Musiker sorgen dafür, dass sich jeder auf die große Tanzfläche begibt.

Im Laufe des Wochenendes können Sie hier Musik von Folk über Swing bis hin zum Jazz hören, im Ruderklub lauthals mitsingen oder einfach nur den vielen Solisten und Gruppen im Segelklub zuhören. Unterhaltung für Jung und Alt wird auf der Straße Sejlmagervej auf drei Bühnen dargeboten, die sich im großen Zelt, in den Räumen des Segelklubs und im Ruderklub befinden, wo es auch eine Bar gibt.

Jeder Auftritt dauert 30 Minuten, und da sich 85 Solisten bzw. Gruppen auf der Bühne abwechseln, wird es niemals langweilig.

Die Auftritte finden im Segelklub am Jachthafen, im großen Zelt daneben und in den Räumen des Ruderklubs statt.

Die Musiker kommen von Ærø oder von auswärts, wie die Inselbewohner zu sagen pflegen – in jedem Falle aber aus ganz Skandinavien und aus Deutschland. Viele von ihnen kommen jedes Jahr und manche schon seit der ersten Veranstaltung vor 23 Jahren.

More on: http://www.harmonika-festival.dk/

Titano Accordions

MARE E MINIERE 2016 a Poròtoscusco (CI) - iTALIA

by Diatonic News
Dal 27 giugno al 02 luglio 2016 a Portoscuso (CI)

Il programma di Mare e Miniere 2016 entrerà poi nel vivo dal 27 giugno al 2 luglio 2016 con la serie completa dei Seminari di Musica, Canto e Danza Popolare, in un’edizione arricchita ed ampliata nella proposta formativa, dopo il grande successo di pubblico degli scorsi anni. I corsi saranno tenuti da grandi maestri come Luigi Lai (Launeddas) e Totore Chessa (organetto diatonico), depositari del repertorio tradizionale della musica sarda, e da alcuni tra i principali protagonisti del folk italiano, quali Elena Ledda e Simonetta Soro (canto popolare), Pietro Cernuto (flauti di canne o pastorali), Carlo Rizzo (percussioni), Nando Citarella (percussioni e danze popolari con Nathalie Leclerc), Simone e Nicolò Bottasso (musica d’insieme), Alessandro Foresti (canto corale) e Giuseppe Molinu (ballo sardo). Gli stage sono indirizzati sia a musicisti già formati sia a chi desidera avvicinarsi per la prima volta al mondo musicale tradizionale.
Gli orari (da confermare) saranno dalle 10 alle 13 e dalle 17 alle 20.00. Nei giorni di attività seminariale sono previsti concerti, balli e incontri letterari negli angoli più suggestivi di Portoscuso, nonché escursioni in barca e a piedi. L’iscrizione può essere effettuata per uno o due corsi: il primo si svolgerà al mattino, il secondo nel pomeriggio. A tutti i corsisti delle discipline musicali, viene offerta la possibilità di frequentare gratuitamente il corso pomeridiano di musica d’insieme. Naturalmente, alle attività didattiche del mattino seguiranno i concerti serali, che si trasformeranno in occasioni davvero uniche, nelle quali insegnanti e allievi potranno interagire in feste di musica e danze. Insomma, Mare e Miniere si conferma come un’esperienza davvero unica, da vivere intensamente tra musica, cultura e straordinarie bellezze di luoghi in cui è possibile riscoprire l’antico fascino del Mediterraneo, nei suoi angoli più nascosti e spettacolari.
CANTO POPOLARE – docenti Elena Ledda – Simonetta Soro
ORGANETTO DIATONICO – docente Totore Chessa
LAUNEDDAS – docente Luigi Lai
Il costo dei seminari di Iglesias è di € 50,00
Seminari di Musica, Canto e Danza Popolare
Portoscuso (CI) dal 27 giugno al 2 luglio 2016
CANTO POPOLARE – docenti Elena Ledda e Simonetta Soro
CANTO CORALE – docente Alessandro Foresti
LAUNEDDAS – docente Luigi Lai
ORGANETTO DIATONICO – docente Totore Chessa
PERCUSSIONI E DANZE POPOLARI – docente Nando Citarella e Nathalie Leclerc
PERCUSSIONI – docente Carlo Rizzo
BALLO SARDO – docente Giuseppe Molinu
MUSICA D’INSIEME – docente Simone Bottasso
Informazioni: mareminiere@gmail.com

I costi sono i seguenti: 1 corso €100,00, 2 corsi €120,00 – Corso di Ballo Sardo €20,00. L’iscrizione può essere effettuata per uno o due corsi: il primo si svolgerà al mattino, mentre il secondo nel pomeriggio. A tutti i corsisti delle discipline musicali, viene offerta la possibilità di frequentare gratuitamente il corso pomeridiano di musica d’insieme.
Tutti coloro che si iscriveranno entro il 15 maggio potranno usufruire di una riduzione di 20,00 € (1 corso €80,00 e 2 corsi €100,00). Non sono inclusi nella riduzione i corsi di ballo sardo. Tutti i corsi sono gratuiti per i bambini fino ai 12 anni di età.
Per iscriversi è necessario compilare la scheda informativa che verrà inviata al momento della richiesta ed effettuare un pagamento mediante bonifico bancario.
Per info: mareminiere@gmail.com, seguici sulla nostra pagina FB Mare e Miniere https://www.facebook.com/mareminiereofficial/ e sul sito http://mareminiere.blogspot.it

Hainaut Belles Bretelles Festival - France

by Diatonic News
28, place de la République
59199 Hergnies, France - +33 3 27 40 20 28


Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Argentine Tango Flash Mob, Budapest - Hungary

by Harley Jones
Argentine tango flash mob with bandoneons, WestEnd City Center, Budapest, Hungary in 2013

eSheet Music Titles

Gator by the Bay Festival - Louisiana/USA

by Diatonic News
More Than 90 Performances on 4 Days of Live Music, Dance, Food & Fun!!
2326 India Street, San Diego, CA 92101
5-8 May 2016

•Cajun, Zydeco, Blues, Salsa, Country, Jazz & Swing
•7 Stages
•Huge Wooden Dance Floors
•Free Dance Lessons
•Mardi Gras Parades

For all details on the many artists, that will perfomr on several stages view: http://gatorbythebay.com/

Titano Accordions

International Cajun & Zydeco Festival - Holland

by Diatonic News
27-29 Mai 2016

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

National Button Accordion Festival, Pennsylvania - USA

by Rob Howard
The National Button Accordion Festival 2016 takes place from Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 27, 28, and 29 of Memorial Day Weekend at the Croatian Club, 601 E. Poland Ave. in Bessemer, Pennsylvania.

The festival has a ‘jamming’ format, with a time schedule board for performers or groups on the main stage. A formal program and concert happens on Sunday May 29th, the last day of the festival. Following the concert, the jamming format resumes for the remainder of the day.

A feature of the festival is that no bands are hired, and the music comes from the people attending the event.

For further information email: Rpivovar@verizon.net
or view: http://www.nationalbuttonaccordionfestival.com/

Voci Armoniche

5. Kunsthandwerksausstellung Sitft St. Georgen am Längsee - Österreich

by Diatonic News
5. Kunsthandwerksausstellung der Kärntner Kunstwerkstättenim Stift St. Georgen
Schlossallee 6, 9313 St. Georgen am Längsee

Freitag, 6. Mai 2016 14:00 – 21:00 Uhr
Samstag, 7. Mai 2016 10:00 – 19:00 Uhr
Schauarbeiten der Handwerks-Meister ‚live‘

Harmonika Aussteller: Harmonika Müller

Sounding Out the Accordion

Workshops Foinn Saisiùn - Ennis/Ireland

by Diatonic News
Mon 23rd – Fri 22nd, 3.00pm – 5.00pm

These workshops during Fleadh Nua 2016 are directed at musicians who enjoy a ‘slow session’ and will take place each day starting at 3.00 pm, from Mon 23rd to Fri 27th May. The workshops will be led by Frank Custy, the well known Clare music teacher and musician, and will feature selections from the Foinn Seisiún Books, devised and edited by the late Brian Prior and published by Comhaltas.

Fee - Voluntary contribution may be made.

More Info under: http://www.fleadhnua.com/index.php/events/216-foinn-seisiun-workshops


Future events / Concerts

Voci Armoniche

Terrance Simien and the Zydeco Experience to perfom in May 2016 - USA

by Harley Jones
Terrance Simien and the Zydeco ExperienceVideo above: Terrance Simien & the Zydeco Experience at the 2015 Simi Valley Cajun & Blues Festival.

Terrance Simien and the Zydeco Experience, 32 years, 7000 performances, 45 countries, GRAMMY award winning recordings will perform in USA in May during the following dates - so don't miss:

01 May 2016 New Orleans, Louisiana
13 May 2016 Lake Charles, LA
19 May 2016 Bruge
27 May 2016 Shreveport, LA

Pls check out the website: http://www.terrancesimien.com/shows/ for exact details of the venues.

Friedrich Lips Book

"Festa dello Spirito Santo" ad Arigliano - Italia (LE)

by Diatonic News
Domenica 15 maggio alle ore 21:00

Secondo appuntamento del "VINT'ANNI" TOUR 2016 della Compagnia Aria Corte ad ARIGLIANO (LE) in occasione della "Festa dello Spirito Santo".
Un lungo viaggio che racconta in musica 20 anni di storia, passioni, percorsi e avventure di uno dei gruppi più longevi del panorama popolare salentino.
Start ore 21.00 - 15/05/2016

Info e contatti: FRANCESCO CORVAGLIA (Manager)
Cell. 389.4228949 - 342.5936456


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Renato Borghetti em Mayo - Brasil

by Harley Jones
Video above: Renato Borghetti appearing on a recent TV program of Brazilian star Hebe for the SBT (Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão) TV station, Brazil. Video published on Apr 9, 2016.

02 05 2016 – R.B. Sao Leopoldo/RS Teatro Unissinos
06 05 2016 – R.B. e Yamandu Costa – Sesc em Belenzinho/SP
07 05 2016 – R.B. e Yamandu Costa – Sesc em Belenzinho/SP
08 05 2016 – R.B. e Yamandu Costa – Sesc em Belenzinho/SP
13 05 2016 – R.B. Venancio Aires-Fenachim
25 05 2016 – R.B. em Girua/RS


Friedrich Lips Whole Collection


by Diatonic News
Teatro di Morovalle - Sabato 7 maggio dalle ore 21:15 alle ore 23:00
Canti, balli, storie e leggende della tradizione popolare marchigiana, tra primavera ed estate

Oberdan Cesanelli, voce recitante
Roberto Lucanero, organetto, fisarmonica, voce
Marco Meo, voce, tamburello, danza
Sara Piatanesi, danza

La natura rigenerata dopo il gelo invernale accoglie pian piano i suoi frutti maturi: è il tempo dell’amore e del lavoro, della passione e della fantasia, della spiritualità e del mito, del sole e della luna che si abbracciano.
Un suonatore di organetto, un narratore di storie, un cantore di stornelli ed una ballerina di saltarello nel corso di questo evento, a metà tra il concerto e la lettura teatrale, accompagneranno il pubblico all’interno del mondo magico ed iridato della tradizione popolare marchigiana.
Il ricco catalogo di canti, balli, testi poetici e narrativi che va a costituire lo spettacolo è stato colto dagli stessi interpreti direttamente dalla memoria collettiva dei marchigiani appartenenti alla cultura tradizionale o indirettamente, dalle opere di alcuni importantissimi maestri del passato che si sono dedicati all’attività di studio della stessa tradizione, primi fra tutti Giovanni Ginobili, Luigi Mannocchi ed Antonio Gianandrea.

Organizzazione Compagnia delle Rane
Biglietto €10,00
Prenotazioni ed informazioni 338 8525010 349 8335445

Al termine dello spettacolo degustazione di prodotti tipici locali offerti da Farmer Market di Civitanova Marche.

Avec Benjamin Macke et Birgit Bornauw "Baroque to my Ears" - Belgium

by Diatonic News
Benjamin Macke et Birgit BornauwIt’s Baroque to my Ears Avec Benjamin Macke et Birgit Bornauw

TOURNAI Samedi 7 mai 2016 20h

It's Baroque To My Ears, ce sont deux musiciens inspirés par les musiques traditionnelles, c'est un curieux siamois à quatre mains et deux pieds, c'est une musique baroque décomplexée, imaginée, réinventée avec le respect qu'on lui doit. Entre deux époques, Benjamin Macke, accordéon et basse aux pieds, et Birgit Bornauw, musette baroque et cornemuse flamande, se demandent comment les musiciens baroques se seraient approprié l'accordéon s'il avait existé à leur époque.

« La rencontre sonore de la musette baroque et de l’accordéon, anachronique instrument de ce duo, a été une belle surprise. Les sons se sont trouvés, comme de vieux compagnons longtemps séparés. »

Né vers la fin du XVIème siècle, le style baroque a inspiré des artistes bien au-delà et laissé des traces chez bien des compositeurs jusqu'à nos jours. Qu’ils soient de France, de Suède ou de Flandres, au XVIIème, XIXème ou XXIème siècle, il y a dans chaque mélodie un je-ne-sais-quoi qui sonne baroque à nos oreilles…

Ouverture des portes à 19h30.
Entrée : 5€ / 12€ avec CD
Maisons Romanes
Temple protestant
ue Barre St-Brice, 12-14 7500 Tournai/France


Titano Accordions

El Arranque Orquesta & Kevin Johansen - Buenes Aires/Argentina

by Diatonic News
El Arranque Orquesta & Kevin Johansen
Miércoles 11 MAY 2016 , 21:00 hs
Teléfono para consultas y reservas: 011 - 4307-6506 -E- mail: info@torquatotasso.com.ar Defensa 1575, San Telmo.

"El Arranque" is an integral and vibrant part of the scene of tango in Buenos Aires, playing both in theatres and rooms as in the most popular Milongas (dance rooms). During the first ten years, the group has travelled through more than 150 cities of Europe, Asia, USA and Latin America, it has published 6 cds and has obtained distinctions such as the Clarin Award, Carlos Gardel Award, Konex Award and a nomination to the Latin Grammy Awards.

Teléfono para consultas y reservas: 011 - 4307-6506 -E- mail: info@torquatotasso.com.ar Defensa 1575, San Telmo.

Accordion Jazz Chord

2. Alpe Adria Harmonikabewerb - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Joel Guzman & Sarah Fox concert tour with Paul Simon - USA

by Diatonic News
Joel Guzman will be part of the Paul Simon Tour 2016. For further details on how, where, when....will follow in one of our next news - as soon as we have the information.

Up-dates to follow - or check out: http://www.guzmanfox.com/gig/

"WHISKEY RIVER" to perform in Raamsdonksveer - Netherlands

by Diatonic News
Friday May 27 2016
Featuring: Full six piece line-up.
@ Raamsdonksveer Cajun & Zydeco Festival 2016, http://www.zydecozity.nl/


Performing - both Friday evening (main stage) & Saturday evening (House of Blues).

Contact: whiskeyriver@ntlworld.com
(0044 7812) 143226
http://www.whiskeyriver.co.uk or http://www.zydecozity.nl/

Charnwood Music Publishing

Tango Carbon en concert a Lilas - France

by Diatonic News
Tango Carbon
Samedi 21 Mai 2016 - 20 h
Le Triton
11 Bis Rue du Coq Français 93260 Lilas/France

Tango Carbon est devenu depuis sa création en 2012, une des formations des plus dynamiques, bien enraciné dans le répertoire traditionnel mais surtout dans son propre répertoire, original, prégnant, fortement ancré dans une modernité décapante, frisant parfois l’avant-gardisme.


Voci Armoniche

Jeffery Broussard & The Creole Cowboys May 2016 schedule - USA

by Diatonic News
Jeffery BroussardOne of the most influential accordionists and vocalists in modern Zydeco music, Jeffery Broussard continues to be one of the genre’s most dynamic performers. He has continually been an innovator, beginning his career with traditional Creole Zydeco music playing drums in his father’s band, Delton Broussard & The Lawtell Playboys, then moving on to develop the nouveau Zydeco sound in Zydeco Force. He now returns to the more traditional Zydeco sound with his own band, Jeffery Broussard and The Creole Cowboys.

Sarasota May 12 (Thu)
2016 WSLR - Fogartyville Community Media and Arts Center, 525 Kumquat Ct, Suite C, Sarasota, FL 34236
Info: (941) 545-5635
Delray Beach May 13 (Fri)
2016 Arts Garage, 94 NE 2nd Ave, Delray Beach, FL 33444
8:00PM Info: (561) 571-8510
Saint Petersburg May 14 (Sat)

Dance Edge of 9, 900 Central Ave, Saint Petersburg, FL 33705-1647 No Smoking
Info: (727) 843-3343
New Orleans May 26 (Thu)

Dance Mid City Lanes "rock 'n' Bowl", 3000 S Carrollton Ave, New Orleans, LA 70118-4304
8:30PM Info: (856) 316-9500
New Orleans
May 26 (Thu)
2016 Rock n Bowl, 3000 S Carrollton Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70118-4304 No Smoking
8:30PM Info: (504) 861-1700



Beoga touring in May - Ireland

by Diatonic News
May 2016
04 iRE Dublin, Whelans
05 IRE Galway, Munroes
06 IRE Belfast, Duncairn Arts Centre
07 IRE Burnavon Arts Theatre, Cookstown, Co Tyrone
08 IRE Hawkswell Theatre, Sligo
13 IRE Skerries Traditional Weekend, Co Dublin
14 IRE The Square Box, Ranfurly House, Dungannon, Tyrone


The Fureys Cheltenham - UK

by Diatonic News
The Fureys
Tuesday 17th May 2016
Venue: Cheltenham Town Hall
Imperial Square, Cheltenham, GL50 1QA

Legends of Irish music and song - the Fureys, renowned for their hit songs ‘I will love you’, ‘When you were sweet 16’, ‘The Green fields of France’, ‘The old man’ return to the Cheltenham Town Hall.

The Fureys were formed in 1978 and inevitably changes have occurred over 38 years. One of the band members - Paul died suddenly in June 2002 and Finbar left the band in December 1996, however George and Eddie have continued to delight audiences on their tours and have just released a new CD ‘The times they are a changing’.

Dave Stewart from the Eurythmics has credited Eddie with teaching him his first chords on guitar when they met up in the North East of England while Dave was still a teenager.

Their emotive songs stir many emotions, tears and laughter, sadness and joy.

Tickets http://www.cheltenhamtownhall.org.uk/event/the-fureys-2016-97753/

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Tangoabendmit dem Carel Kraayenhof Ensemble (NL) - Deutschlang

by Diatonic News
Am Samstag, 7. Mai, 19.30 Uhr
in der Aula am Amtsberg in Klingenthal

ein Konzertabend mit dem Carel Kraayenhof Ensemble aus Holland.
Eintrittskarten € 15 / Vorverkauf € 14

Info: Klingenthal

1. Harmonikatreffen Heiligengeist bei Villach - Kärnten/Österreich

by Diatonic News
22. Mai 2016 | 10:00 – 17:00 Uhr
Bergstub'n Karnerstraße 14

Titano Accordions

J.j. Caillier performing on 27th May 2016 at the RAXX - LA/USA

by Diatonic News
12812 Highway 190 W
Port Allen, LA..
+1 225-627-7299
from 10pm/22h until....


David Munnelly AND Mc Gowan Concerts - Netherlands

by Diatonic News
Mc Gowan and David Munnelly
Friday 6th May 2016 20:00 - SOLO PEROFRMANCE AT:
Folkcafé de Liemers, Remigius Plein 9 Duiven, NL

David Munnelly AND Mc Gowan
Saturday 21st May 2016 21:00 - ViaVia Joker Reiscafé Mechelen
Zandpoortvest 50, 2800 Malines

Sunday 22nd May 2016 20:00 - Herbergh 't Ijsselmeer
Oosterleek, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

Monday 23rd May 2016 20:00 - Meneer Frits
Jan van Lieshoutstraat 3, 5611 EE Eindhoven

Wednesday 25th May 2016 20:00 - De Koffieleut Veghel
Markt 3a, 5461JJ Veghel

Friday 27th May 2016 20:00 - Huisduiner Kerkje

More: http://www.davidmunnelly.com

Voci Armoniche

Kepa Junkera en Mayo 2016 - Espagna

by Diatonic News
Kepa Junkera
Xàbia 06/05/2016 /
mayo 6 @ 10:30 Zona: Riurau de Arnauda
Más info en: Xabia Folk

Kepa Junkera es músico, compositor, productor, folklorista, trikitilari nos presenta su nuevo trabajo «Trikitixaren historia Txiki bat - Una pequeña historia de la trikitixa” junto con el grupo Sorginak, formado por siete jóvenes Amets, Maria, Alaitz, Leire, Garazi, Eneritz e Irati pero ya expertas cantantes, pandereteiras y bailarinas.

mayo 20 - Abadiño
mayo 27 - National Geographic Donostia
Más info en: http://www.kepajunkera.com/actuacion/national-geographic-donostia/

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

HMBC "CD Präsentation" Grinzens - Österreich

by Diatonic News
7. Mai 2016 | 15:00 – 23:00 Uhr
Line Up
•17:00 Uhr
Harmonikaausstellung Firma Müller
•18:30 Uhr
•19:00 Uhr
Pinzberg Quintett (Vorarlberg / Salzburg)
•20:30 Uhr

Accordion Jazz Chords

CD "Violetta's Last Tango" by Ann Liebeck, Julian Rowlands - UK

by Diatonic News
Release Date: 2 April 2016
Label: Cowslip Music
Copyright: 2016 Ann Liebeck & Julian Rowlands
Total Length: 47:53
Latin Music

Info: http://www.bandoneon.co.uk/albums

CD Highs & Bellows by Mick McAuley - IRELAND

by Diatonic News
Mick McAuleyMick McAuley is an Irish musician, singer, songwriter and composer who plays traditional and original music and songs of Ireland on accordion, melodeon, whistle and guitars. This site gives some info, music previews and sign up opportunities to keep in touch with what Mick is up to at the moment.

His new Album: Highs & Bellows

An acoustic set of Irish traditional tunes and songs from one of the most unique singers and dynamic musicians in Irish Music today. Recorded in Ireland with the Kilkenny guitarist, Colm O Caoimh. Hope you enjoy 3 sample tracks! Will also be available on itunes soon.


Titano Accordions

3 CD's und DVD "Die SEER" Sonderedizion - Austria

by Diatonic News
Die Seer20 Jahre SEER "Nur das Beste" seer ab 29.4.2016 im Handel 'Auf und davon' in 20 ereignisreichen Jahren: Die Geschichte der SEER jetzt erstmals als vollständiges Sammelwerk!

8 geniale Sänger und Musiker aus unterschiedlicheren Stilrichtungen (Jazz , Pop, Country, echte Volksmusik, Rock), gepaart mit einer musikalischen Mischung aus Klängen der Heimat Salzkammergut, dazu Elemente, Grooves und Rhythmen vom Techno bis zum Rock'€n €™Roll - das alles vereint in dem einen Schmelztiegel "Die SEER"!

Diese musikalische Vielfalt und der eigenständige Werdegang ist jetzt erstmals ein einer ultimativen Sammelbox dokumentiert. Eine spannende Zeitreise in Ton und Bild!
Erhältlich als:
- Standard-Edition: Digi-Pack mit 3 Audio-CDs
- Special-Edition: Digi-Pack mit 3 Audio-CDs + DVD
- Deluxe-Edition: Special Edition in edler Holzbox + Jubiläums-Ansteck-Pin + hochwertiges Autogrammbuch mit Spezialeinband + Holzkugelschreiber mit SEER Jubiläumsschriftzug

Bestellen Sie bei: http://www.dieseer.at/seiten/iframes_main/news.html

Accordion TV/Film/Radio

TV/Radio mit und über Hubert von Goisern - Austria/Germany

by Harley Jones
Video above: Hubert von Goisern - 25 years live on stage. Published on Feb 12, 2016

01.05.16 23:05 ORF 2 Brenna tuats schon lang
Dokumentarfilm von Marcus H. Rosenmüller über Hubert von Goiserns Leben und Musik (2014) // Mehr: Brenna tuats schon lang

12.05.16 18:55 ORF III Reisen & Speisen: Verlorenes Land - verlorene Heimat
Dokumentation über Tibet - mit Interviewauszügen mit HvG (2015) // Mehr: Tibet

15.05.16 15:05 Bayern 2 radioMitschnitt
Höhepunkte des Heimatsound-Festivals 2015 und Interview mit HvG (2015) // Mehr: Federn

Weitere Infos auf: http://www.hubertvongoisern.com/tv.html

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