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Diatonic News - Jan-2019
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Voci Armoniche


Accordion Yellow Pages/Future Events - CYBERSPACE
Maugein 100° Anniversario TV Film, Tulle - Francia
Harmonika-WM 2019 in St.Peter-Freienstein! Svetovno prvenstvo 2019 ! - Austria
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich
‘Accordion Babes’ 2019 Calendar, California – USA

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Celtic Connections Festival - Glasgow/Scotland
Cygnet Folk Festival - Australia
Ricardo Ferreira Promotional Video - Portugal
La 29 edición de la Fiesta Nacional del Chamamé - Argentina
TradFest - Ireland
Video: Gerald Ranacher Performs Tango in h.
Workshop serie/Remco Sietsema - Netherlands
21. Fürstenecker Folk&TanzTage - Deutschland
Roda de Tocadores de Concertina - Cardielos - Viana - 29.12.2018
Beginnerscursus trekharmonica spelen/Jos Lambregts - Holland

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Concert Guitare et Bandonéon - Montecarlo
Sharon Shannon @ Celtic Connection - Glasgow/Scotland
David Munnelly/DUO on stage in Jan 2019 - NL/BE
PÓLCA 4 performing at the Tradfest - Ireland
Giuliano Gabriele in concerto a Frosinone - Italia
DANÇAS OCULTAS in Jan 2018- Germany/Austria
The Fureys performing in Dublin - Ireland
Dermot Byrne, Éamonn Coyne & John Doyle - Scotland

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Danú's New Album- Digital Download released - Ireland

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Submit Your Question, Comment

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

Accordion Yellow Pages/Future Events - CYBERSPACE

by Diatonic News
Accordion Yellow Pages header
All concert, competition and festival organizers are reminded to list their Future Events in our yellow pages website. Its free to list and you can do it yourself. You can also change and update your listing yourself as further information becomes available.

The accordion yellow pages Future Events calendar displays at the top right hand side of this Weekly News of accordions.com in all 7 languages plus other popular sites such as the USA News and the Diatonic News.

Huge numbers of readers every year view the accordion yellow pages Future Events, so all accordion event organizers are urged to take full advantage of this free service to keep the accordion community informed.

Alle Akkordeon-Konzert sowie Wettbewerbs- und Festival-Organiatoren möchten wir daran erinnern, alle bevorstehenden Veranstaltungen in den aktuellen Akkordeon-Gelben Seiten, www.accordion-yellowpages.com Webseite einzutragen. Alle Einträge sind kostenfrei und können direkt online selbst auf die Seite gestellt und aktualisiert werden. Bereits bestehende Informationen sollten auf ihre Richtigkeit und Gültigkeit geprüft werden

Alle Veranstaltungen sind in unseren Eventkalender ersichtlich und dies auf allen unseren 7 übersetzten Sprachen. Der Event-Kalender ist gelb und auf der rechten Seite/oben auf unseren verschiedenen Seiten zu finden. Dies inkludiert unsere USA Nachrichten Edition accordions.com und das neue Portal, das den diatonischen Instrumenten gewidmet ist - diatonische-news.com

Eine große Anzahl von Lesern konsultieren täglich, wöchtenlich, monatlich, jährlich unsere Akkordeon-Yellow Pages Future Events Seiten. Nützen Sie diese Gelegenheit – es ist ein kostenloses kostenlosen Service für die Akkordeon Gemeinschaft.

Tutti gli organizzatori di concerti, concorsi e festival devono ricordarsi di inserire i loro eventi futuri nel sito Accordion-YellowPages.com.

La segnalazione è gratis e potete farlo autonomamente. Potete cambiare e aggiornare il vostro annuncio da soli e far rendere l'informazione disponibile.

La voce Eventi Futuri si trova in alto sul lato destro delle notizie di accordions.com in 7 lingue più altri siti come accordionsusa.com e diatonic-news.com.

Un enorme numero di lettori visiona le pagine di Accordion Yellow Pages Future Events ogni anno, così prende tutto il vantaggio di questo servizio gratis per la comunità fisarmonicistica.

Tous les organisateurs de concerts, de festivals et de concours sont rapplelé d'insérer leurs événements à venir sur le calendrier du site Accordéon-YellowPages.com.

L'insertion est gratuite et vous pouvez le faire individuellement. Vous pouvez modifier et mettre à jour votre annonce par vous-même et de rendre l'information disponible.

Le calendrier des Événements à venir est sur le côté supérieur à droit des nouvelles hebdomadaire en 7 langues du accordions.com et que accordionsusa.com et diatonique-news.com.

Un grand nombre de lecteurs consultes les pages jaune de l'Accordéon pages chaque jour et année est surtous l’ événements futures, profiter pleinement de ce service gratuit pour la communauté des accordéonistes.

Sounding Out the Accordion

Maugein 100° Anniversario TV Film, Tulle - Francia

by Diatonic News
Maugein Accordeons header
100 candlesL’azienda di fisarmoniche Maugein, con sede a Tulle, è stata fondata nel 1919 e presto festeggerà il suo centenario di produzione di fisarmoniche. Maugein è ora il più antico produttore di fisarmoniche in Francia ed è gestito dai fratelli Jean, Antoine e Robert Maugein.

L’azienda ha in programma di produrre un film per la TV, diretto da Mehdi Lallaoui, che sarà disponibile in DVD.

Con la sua videocamera, Mehdi segue la fisarmonica in tutte le sue avventure, e il suo uso in ogni tipo di luoghi, grandi e piccoli, e nelle orchestre.

Per ulteriori informazioni scrivere a: maugein.accueil@orange.fr

Maugein 100th Anniversary TV Film, Tulle – France

The Maugein accordion company, based in Tulle, was founded in 1919, and is soon to celebrate its centenary of manufacturing accordions. Maugein is now the oldest manufacturer of accordions in France, and is run by brothers Jean, Antoine and Robert Maugein.

The company is planning to produce a TV movie, directed by Mehdi Lallaoui, which will become available on DVD

With his camera, Mehdi follows the accordion in all its adventures, and its use in all sorts of venues, large and small, and in orchestras.

For further information email: maugein.accueil@orange.fr


Harmonika-WM 2019 in St.Peter-Freienstein! Svetovno prvenstvo 2019 ! - Austria

by Werner Weibert
Harmonika-WM 2019 header
logo smallDas nächste Grossereignis für die STEIRISCHE HARMONIKA steht vor der Tür = 30. Mai bis 2. Juni 2019!

O Harmonika-Weltmeisterschaft 2019
Die Ausschreibung für diesen wichtigen Wettbewerb ist schon online auf www.harmonikaverband.at !!!

O Svetovno prvenstvo 2019
Obvestilo o tem pomembnem tekmovanju je že na spletnem naslovu
www.harmonikaverband.at !!!

O World Championship 2019
The announcement for this important competition is already online at www.harmonikaverband.at !!!

O Campionato Mondiale 2019
L'annuncio di questa importante competizione è già online su www.harmonikaverband.at !!!

ANMELDUNG ab 7. Jänner auf www.harmonikaverband.at möglich!!!

Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme.
Werner Weibert

Online translation

Voci Armoniche

Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreich

by Werner Weibert
Online translation

Friedrich Lips Book

‘Accordion Babes’ 2019 Calendar, California – USA

by Diatonic News
Renee de la PradeThe 2019 ‘Accordion Babes’ calendar, produced by Renee de la Prade, is now available. As usual, all the ladies featured are accordionists, not models, and the calendar includes a CD featuring each of them. Accordion Babes are pro-level women musicians who are out there proving that the accordion is sexy. The 2019 Accordion Babes Pin-Up Calendar photos were taken by Sean T Vallely.

What is the Accordion Babes Pin-Up Calendar about? Why does it exist? Excerpts from their website: The Accordion Babes Pin-Up Calendar is the brainchild of Renée de la Prada, who was working as a street performer, professional Irish musician and accordion repair technician in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2008 when the first Accordion Babes calendar was produced. Through her job at Smythe’s Accordion Center, and through her gigs with the celtic band Culann’s Hounds, Renée got to meet hundreds of accordionists who travelled through California.

One day, she was invited to do a photoshoot in the San Francisco Mission district by photographer Keith Brown. The resulting photos featured her accordion prominently, and they were sexy and raw and rebellious, very different from the accordion’s reputation as an instrument which is only for grandpas. That’s when the wheels started turning in her head. There was no place to publish these accordion photos, but there should be… wouldn’t it be great if someone published a pin-up calendar with sexy accordion photos? Wouldn’t it be an amazing vehicle for promoting indie artists, if it also came with a compilation CD?

Renée kept this idea in the back of her mind and handed out her business card to dozens of female accordion players whom she met at gigs and at Smythe’s Accordion Center. When she earned the interest of two phenomenal artists, Big Lou the Accordion Princess and Isabel Douglass, she decided to go for it. Who wouldn’t want to be in a calendar with their heroes? Smythe’s Accordion Center agreed to put up some money for an ad in the calendar… and that started a whole path of creating ad spaces, to pay for the print run with sponsorships. The first editions of the calendar relied heavily on the go-getter nature of all the Accordion Babes, who had to promise to distribute 50 copies, and sell advertising to be participants. Today it’s a little different, the print run is funded with crowdsourcing and pre-sale orders.

The accordionists featured for 2019 are:
Erica Mancini (cover)
Onah Indigo, USA
Sapo, Canada
Guro von Germeten, Norway
Charlotte Bessard, France
Molly Kennedy, Canada
Ann Savoy, USA
Susan Hwang, USA
Squeezebox Rosie, UK
Anitta, Finland
Renée de la Prade, USA
Sarah Savoy, France and USA
Adriana Sanchez, Brazil

The calendar costs $20 (US) + postage

For further information email: squeezeboxgoddess@gmail.com

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Celtic Connections Festival - Glasgow/Scotland

by Diatonic News
Celtic Connection
17 jan - 3 feb 2019

Glasgow’s annual folk, roots and world music festival, Celtic Connections celebrates Celtic music and its connections to cultures across the globe.

From 17 January – 3 February 2019​, 2,100 musicians from around the world will descend on Glasgow and bring the city to life for 18 days of concerts, ceilidhs, talks, art exhibitions, workshops, and free events.

Celtic Connections is programmed by Artistic Director (and founding member of Celtic supergroup Capercaillie) Donald Shaw, and features more than 300 events across multiple genres of music.

The festival is renowned for its strong spirit of collaboration, bringing together one-off line-ups for very special one night only collaborative shows. The camaraderie between musicians continues into the wee small hours at the late-night Festival Club – home of legendary musical collaborations and spontaneous sessions.


Cygnet Folk Festival - Australia

by Diatonic News
From the 11th - 13th of January 2019 the small town of Cygnet will again play host to the annual Cygnet Folk Festival.

This year will be the 37th Cygnet Folk Festival, one of Australia’s most iconic folk music festivals. Very highly regarded by musicians and festival-goers from all over Australia and overseas, competition to come to Cygnet is at an all time high amongst performers, and last year we had a record number of applications!

The Festival is a showcase of eclectic music genres featuring both local and international talent, dance, poetry, masterclasses, film, kids' entertainment, food, wine, art and local handicrafts all set in the breathtaking scenery of Tasmania's Huon Valley.


Titano Accordions

Ricardo Ferreira Promotional Video - Portugal

by Diatonic News
Ricardo Ferreira video promoting his lessons and performing at events. For more information:

Accordion Jazz Chord

La 29 edición de la Fiesta Nacional del Chamamé - Argentina

by Diatonic News
La 29 edición de la Fiesta Nacional del Chamamé, que se celebra en la norteña provincia argentina de Corrientes, se presentó hoy en Buenos Aires bajo el lema "Chamamé de la humanidad" y tendrá lugar del 11 al 20 de enero de 2019.

"El Chamamé es mucho más que una música y una danza, es una manera de estar y sentir, como se dice en guaraní: Ñande Rekó", declaró el presidente del Instituto de Cultura de Corrientes, Gabriel Romero, en la rueda de prensa que tuvo lugar en el Centro Cultural Kirchner de la capital.

Este popular estilo musical de origen guaraní es también una tradición que comparten el litoral de Argentina, el sur de Brasil, parte de Paraguay y el noreste de Uruguay, en total, unos 30 millones de personas, según calcula el Instituto de Cultura de Corrientes.

A finales de año se espera que el Chamamé sea proclamado por la Unesco patrimonio inmaterial de la humanidad y que se sume, junto con el tango y los 'filetes' porteños, a la lista títulos del ente internacional.

"El tango identifica a la Argentina, pero el Chamamé identifica a estos 30 millones de almas que nos sentimos parte de esta cultura y de este ritmo, que cuando lo escuchamos nos vibra la sangre", enfatizó el gobernador de Corrientes, Gustavo Valdés.

Valdés opinó que el próximo nombramiento como patrimonio de la humanidad sería una postulación "muy justa" para toda la "nación chamamecera" ya que amalgama a jóvenes y mayores, así como a la lengua española y a la portuguesa.

Una celebración que, según las autoridades presentes, dura de "sol a sol" durante 10 días.

Los espectadores podrán disfrutar de diversos grupos del género procedentes de toda esta "nación" en diversos escenarios de Corrientes y, además, como destacó Eduardo Sivori, director general de la Fiesta Nacional del Chamamé, podrán vivirlo en el mismo lugar donde los propios bailarines se inspiran y crean sus bailes, en los pueblos colindantes a la capital.

El ministro de Medios y Contenidos Públicos argentino, Hernán Lombardi, afirmó que son "optimistas" y que esperan conseguir el esperado título a finales de este año.

Gary Dahl Arrangements

TradFest - Ireland

by Diatonic News
TradFest 2019, 23rd - 27th Jan. Ireland’s largest festival of traditional music and beyond, in some of Dublin’s most historic places.

The festival started out in 2006 as a small niche traditional music festival, a first for Dublin, to create something special – a festival showcasing the cream of both Irish and international trad and folk artists while also providing a stage to promote the next generation of Irish musicianship. From modest beginnings the festival has gone from strength to strength. The past decade has has seen the festival grow in terms of size, ambition and musical breadth, with a line-up that now appeals to the purist and the merely curious alike.

Although TradFest today is Ireland’s largest festival of traditional music - now also feature artists from the worlds of folk, nu-folk, and even (whisper it) rock and roll!

To keep the festival special – it is still a boutique Winter festival – closing the door on the darkest season and ushering in the light and energy of Spring.

TradFest also offers concert goers unique opportunities to experience live music in some of Dublin’s most historic places. From the breathtaking nave of St. Patrick’s Cathedral to the grandeur of City Hall, this is the difference between memorable and unforgettable.



by Diatonic News
20 gennaio 2018 LECCE

Lo stage vuole rappresentare una prima esperienza didattica intorno all'organetto brasiliano, con particolare riguardo verso il repertorio del sud del paese, con influenze legate alle musiche popolari di Uruguay e Argentina. Tra gli stili regionali proposti vi sono lo Chamamé, la Vaneirae la Milonga. Verranno presentati i temi “Serrinha” (Folclore / Renato Borghetti), “Milonga para as Missões” (Gilberto Monteiro) e “Prelúdio para um Beija Flor” (Gilberto Monteiro), che verranno anticipatamente forniti agli iscritti.
Anche il forròe la musica nordestinaper organetto verranno presentati da Renato durante questo incontro di una giornata che si terrà a Lecce. Lo stage si inserisce nella Rassegna MareAperto ed è organizzato dall’Associazione Culturale Manigold di Lecce e dall’Associazione LAMP “Laboratorio Artistico Musicale Popolare” di Villa Castelli. Fa parte di un programma di appuntamenti di studio centrati sull’organetto, che proseguiranno durante l’anno e che hanno come obiettivo la divulgazione e lo sviluppo della conoscenza dello strumento in Puglia. Il prossimo stage sarà condotto da Filippo Gambetta il 16 e 17 Febbraio.

Per informazioni: info@manigold.it

Charnwood Music Publishing

Video: Gerald Ranacher Performs Tango in h.

by Diatonic News
Gerald Ranacher performs Tango in h from the Harmonika Müller site.

Voci Armoniche

Workshop serie/Remco Sietsema - Netherlands

by Diatonic News


21. Fürstenecker Folk&TanzTage - Deutschland

by Diatonic News
Andreas Neumann01. Februar 2019 18.30 Uhr bis 03. Februar 2019 13.00 Uhr

Französischer Folkstanz mit Live-Musik

Wir werden dieses Mal gründlich Le tourniquet de St Flour- Lo tournijaire erarbeiten. Das ist eine Kreisbourree mit verschiedenen Figuren, deren Ursprünge mindestens bis zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts zurückzuverfolgen sind. Wenn überhaupt, wird sie zur Zeit nur von Folkloregruppen aufgeführt, die sie wegen ihrer Schönheit und Eleganz schätzen. Ansonsten wird sie heutzutage selten getanzt, ist fast vergessen. Nun habt ihr in Fürsteneck die Möglichkeit, diesen wunderschönen Tanz kennenzulernen und zu tanzen.
Als zweites Thema werden wir an Kreistänzen aus dem Poitou und der Vendée arbeiten, die oft auf Bal Folks erscheinen: z.B. Demi–rond, Demi–tour, Rond de l’île d’Yeu, Polaie, Mardi gras, Bal limousine oder Marchoise.
Solltet ihr spezielle Wünsche an den Tanzkurs haben, schickt diese an Burg Fürsteneck.

Andreas Neumann

spielt diatonisches Akkordeon als Solist sowie mit verschiedenen Folkbands bei Bal Folk / Fest Noz im In- und Ausland und begleitet viele Tanzworkshops musikalisch.


Roda de Tocadores de Concertina - Cardielos - Viana - 29.12.2018

by Diatonic News
Festa de São Silvestre - Cardielos - Viana do Castelo - 29.12.2018

English: Wheel of Concertina Players - Cardielos - Viana - 29 December 2018
Feast of Saint Sylvester - Cardielos - Viana do Castelo - 29 December 2018

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Beginnerscursus trekharmonica spelen/Jos Lambregts - Holland

by Diatonic News
Jos LambregtsData: maandag 14 en 28 januari, 11 februari 2019 (6 lessen).
Tijd: 19-21 uur.
Niveau: beginners.
Stemming instrument: C/F

nhoud: Wilt u graag trekharmonica leren spelen? In deze beginnerscursus van zes lessen leert u uw instrument kennen en eenvoudige melodieën spelen. U leert een melodie spelen op gehoor en met behulp van bladmuziek. U hebt voor dit instrument geen muzikale kennis of ervaring nodig en ook zonder speciaal talent speelt u al snel een deuntje. Toch vraagt ook de trekharmonica doorzettingsvermogen en tijd. Vooral de coördinatie van de rechterhand, die een melodie speelt, en de linkerhand, die de ritmebox bedient, is niet voor iedereen gemakkelijk.

Docent: Jos Lambregts is een enthousiaste trekharmonicaspeelster die van meerdere genres houdt, waaronder Nederlands, Frans en Italiaans. Ze speelt al lange tijd mee met Gezelschap Goet ende Fyn. Bij Jos komt speelplezier op de eerste plaats.

Meer informatie: info@trekharmonica-adam.nl


Future events / Concerts

Titano Accordions

Concert Guitare et Bandonéon - Montecarlo

by Diatonic News
Concert Guitare et Bandonéon
thursday 24 jan 2019 from 20:00 until 23:00 h

Théâtre des Variétés
1, bd. Albert 1er, Principato di Monaco

LE JEUDI 24 JANVIER 2019 - 20h00

Emmanuel Rossfelder (guitare) – Victor Villena (bandonéon)

Tarif adulte : 20 € – Tarif adhérent et enfant : 5 €
Réservation au ou
Billetterie sur place à partir de 19h00


Sharon Shannon @ Celtic Connection - Glasgow/Scotland

by Diatonic News
Sharon Shannon22 January 2019 7:30PM
Glasgow Royal Concert Hall

Sharon Shannon’s music has always been wide open to the world, and never more so than on the stellar Irish accordionist’s latest album, 2017’s Sacred Earth, which runs a joyous gamut of global cross-fertilisation, from New England to West Africa, Louisiana to Shetland, with vocal tracks adding dashes of vintage pop, rockabilly and hip-hop.


Voci Armoniche

David Munnelly/DUO on stage in Jan 2019 - NL/BE

by Diatonic News
David Munnelly/DUO
04 Jan 2019 De Schoverik Vrouwstraat 22, B-3590 Diepenbeek
11 Jan 2019 Pete and Leni's Damsterweg 20 9629PD Steendam /solo
19 Jan 2019 Filmhuis Oosterbeek /Duo
20 Jan 2019 Het Bruggenhuis Geraardsbergen, BE /Duo
24 Jan 2019 Theaterhoeve Horckerhof Horckerstraat 5,Baexem /Duo
25 Jan 2019 Huisduinen Kerk Huisduinen, NL /Duo
26 Jan 2019 Dranouter Muziekcentrum Dranouter, BE w/ Duo
27 Jan 2019 Kuntskerkje Velp, NL /Duo
27 Jan 2019 Cafe Gezeligheid Zwolle /Duo
30 Jan 2019 Genegenheid O/D Hemel Nijmegen, NL /Duo
31 Jan 2019 Akoestische Kamer Utrecht, NL /Duo


PÓLCA 4 performing at the Tradfest - Ireland

by Diatonic News
Date: Fri Jan 25, Sat Jan 26
The Ark & TradFest present the TradFest Children’s Hub

Pólca 4 perform the high energy music the West Kerry tradition. The music of this region is renowned for its distinctive driving rhythms and speed! Pólca 4 are amazing exponents of this tradition; Pádraig Ó Sé – button accordion player and RTE Raidió na Gaeltachta presenter, Gary O’Brien on guitar, Jeremy Spencer on fiddle and Robbie Harris on bodhrán and percussion. The music in this concert will be big on fun and knock steam out of slides and polcas. Presented bilingually in English and Irish the band’s performances and are bound to delight children of all ages.

These energetic music concerts will explore the Listening & Responding strand of Music Curriculum.

DATE: Fri 25th & Sat 26th January
TIME: Friday 25th: 10am & 12pm / Saturday 26th: 2pm & 4pm
VENUE: The Ark
TICKETS: €12.50/€9.50 (20% off for Ark members)


Giuliano Gabriele in concerto a Frosinone - Italia

by Diatonic News
Giuliano Gabriele
E’ tutto pronto per il grande evento in programma alla Casa della Cultura di Frosinone, l’ex Mattatoio, che i prossimi 5 e 6 gennaio si tingerà dei colori del cinema e dell’audiovisivo. Andrà in scena “Monoscopio Meltin’Arts Experience”, un viaggio alla scoperta del ciclo produttivo di un film attraverso la scrittura, la fotografia, il montaggio, la regia, la recitazione, la musica.

Domenica 6 gran chiusura con il concerto di Giuliano Gabriele, voce e organetto accompagnato da Lucia Cremonesi alla viola, con Lira Calabrese ed Eduardo Vessella ai tamburi, a cornice in uno spettacolo intimo ma intenso, che racconta lo splendore di una terra che affonda le sue radici nel cuore del Mediterraneo assorbendo tutta la sua energia.


Accordion Jazz Chords

DANÇAS OCULTAS in Jan 2018- Germany/Austria

by Diatonic News
Danças Ocultas
24/01/19 Esslingen Kulturzentrum Dieselstrasse Germany
25/01/19 Dreieich Bürgerhäuser Dreieich Germany
26/01/19 Langenau Pfleghof Germany
30/01/19 Vienna Konzerthaus Austria

Info: https://dancasocultas.com/agenda/

The Fureys performing in Dublin - Ireland

by Diatonic News
The Fureys
Date: Thurs Jan 24, Fri Jan 25

Legends of Irish music and song The Fureys, renowned for such hit songs as ‘I Will Love You’, ‘When You Were Sweet 16’, ‘The Green Fields of France’, ‘The Old Man’ and ‘Red Rose Café’ will perform in concert as part of the Front Row Sessions at TradFest January 2018. This storied band have been entertaining audiences worldwide for 39 years, audiences that have included former Australian Prime Minister John Howard, Former Irish President Mary McAleese and the late Pope John Paul II. Having formed in 1978. They are responsible for some of the most stirring music ever to capture the public imagination. Their folk based sound has received standing ovations in some of the biggest concert halls of the world and they credit their musical ability to their parents, Ted and Nora, who were well known musicians themselves. They encouraged their sons to play music from a very early age and there was live traditional music in their house almost nightly. Expect things to get emotional!

The Arlington
Thursday Jan 24th 6pm (Doors 5pm)


Titano Accordions

Dermot Byrne, Éamonn Coyne & John Doyle - Scotland

by Diatonic News
Dermot Byrne, Éamonn Coyne & John Doyle
21 January 2019 8:00PM
Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, Strathclyde Suite

The seeds of this new collaboration, between former Altan accordionist Dermot Byrne, Salsa Celtica/Treacherous Orchestra banjo ace Éamonn Coyne and Transatlantic Sessions guitarist/singer John Doyle, were sown over 30 years ago. For it was back in the early 1980s that the three first met and played together at festivals around south-west Donegal, and both the place ¬– one of Ireland’s most fertile traditional heartlands – and those experiences remain inspirational cornerstones of their respective illustrious careers. Featuring tunes and songs sourced from this area, alongside others reflecting the diverse styles first encountered in those early sessions, tonight’s show serves up a foretaste of the trio’s forthcoming album.


CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Danú's New Album- Digital Download released - Ireland

by Diatonic News
DanúCD: Ten Thousand Miles

Hailing from Counties Waterford, Cork, Dublin and Donegal in Ireland, Danú is one of the leading traditional Irish ensembles of today. The band formed in 1995 as part of Irelands delegation to Lorient Inter-Celtic Festival in Brittany, France (an annual event that is the biggest gathering of celtic nations in the world). The debut album simply entitled 'Danú' was released by the band in 1997 to huge critical acclaim and in 1999 Danú signed a multi-album record deal with the US based recording label Shanachie Entertainment with whom they subsequently released five albums and a live DVD internationally between 2000 and 2006. Over the past few years Danú has added three independent releases to their discography

Info for their new Album:

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Accordion Repairs Made Easy


by Holda Paoletti-Kampl | Modify | Delete
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The exciting part of this concept is that readers can list their own comments about any accordion subject they wish, ask questions, ask the accordion world for information. Its YOUR Diatonic Accordion World on www.diatonic-news.com News.

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Diatonic News hat eine neue interaktive Funktion in den Nachrichten aufgenommen. Diese trägt den Titel "Help Desk, Information gesucht, Leser Kommentare" und ist am Ender der Nachrichtenausgabe positioniert.

Der interessante Teil dieses Konzeptes ist, dass unsere Leser selbst auf dieser Seite akitv sein kònnen. Jeder Leser kann ab sofort online eigene Kommentare zu jedem Akkordeon Thema, generelle Fragen und Suche nach Information an die Akkordeonwelt/leser auf www.diatonic-news.com ins Netz setzen.

Nehmen Sie Anspruch von dieser interaktiven Mòglichkeit, die das Ziel hat, unseren Lesern eine intensivere und sofortige Kommunikation mit anderen Akkordeoninteressierten zu ermòglichen

Facile funzione interattiva su www.diatonic-news.com !

Diatonic-news ha inserito questa funzionalità interattiva nella sua edizione di notizie. Questa è intitolato "Help desk, informazioni, commenti dei lettori, ed è posizionata alla fine è della pagina.

La parte interessante di questo concetto è la possibilità di attività da parte dei lettori di essere se stessi in questa pagina. Ogni lettore è ora disponibile online e condividere i tuoi commenti su ogni tema fisarmonica, questioni generali e la ricerca di informazioni al mondo della fisarmonica / lettori sul AWW rete.

Prendete vantaggio di questa opportunità interattiva che ha l'obiettivo di permettere ai nostri lettori di una comunicazione intensa e immediata con altri interessati di www.diatonic-news.com .

Nouvelles hebdomadaires initiés fonction interactive

Diatonic News a ajouté cette fonctionnalité interactive à la Nouvelles. C'est intitulé «Help Desk, les informations nécessaires, Commentaires des lecteurs" et se situe en dessous de la Nouvelles hebdomadaires.

La partie intéressante de ce concept est que les lecteurs peuvent publier leurs propres commentaires sur n'importe quel sujet accordéon elles le souhaitent, poser des questions, demander de l'accordéon monde pour l'information.

Alors s'il vous plaît utiliser et de profiter de cet outil interactif, visant à permettre une plus grande communication entre les accordéonistes.


《环球手风琴》在“每周新闻”中增加了一个新的交互式的特色栏目. 标题是“Help Desk, Information needed, Readers Comments” ,放在下面的每周新闻中.

这一理念令人兴奋的地方是读者可以加入他们自己关于手风琴主题的任何评论、提出问题、询问手风琴演出信息. 这部分内容在《环球手风琴》每周新闻的“ 你的手风琴世界 ”栏目中.

因此请你使用并欣赏这个交互式的工具, 目的是增强手风琴家之间的沟通.

Раздел «Еженедельные новости» инициирует новую интерактивную функциию

Сайт Diatonic News добавил новую интерактивную функцию в раздел еженедельных новостей. Она озаглавлена "Доска помощи, необходимая информация, комментарии читателей" и расположена под разделом еженедельных новостей.

Важной частью этой новинки является то, что читатели смогут составить список собственных комментариев по любым вопросам, касающимся аккордеона, задать вопросы, запросить информацию, касающуюся аккордеона. Это ВАШ Мир Аккордеона на сайте www.diatonic-news.com.

Пожалуйста, пользуйтесь и наслаждайтесь этим новым интерактивным сервисом, направленным на достижение более тесных связей между аккордеонистами.

Information: Webmaster / Online translation !


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