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Highlights |
Happy New 2019by Diatonic News |
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To all our readers, enthusiasts, clients, artists and supporters from around the world - HAPPY NEW YEAR from all the staff of DIATONIC-NEWS! Please keep us sending your news, your events, your concert details in order that all accordion interested friends can follow you wherever you are! Have a great and successful NEW YEAR - 2019! |
Happy New 2019by Diatonic News |
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To all our readers, enthusiasts, clients, artists and supporters from around the world - HAPPY NEW YEAR from all the staff of DIATONIC-NEWS! Please keep us sending your news, your events, your concert details in order that all accordion interested friends can follow you wherever you are! Have a great and successful NEW YEAR - 2019! |
Diatonic News wishes happy 2018/19 Festivities - Worldwideby Diatonic News |
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The Group of ACCORDIONS WORLDWIDE wishes all Readers from around the world happy and joyful musical festivities in 2018/19 |
Late News: Grammy Winner Chubby Carrier On New Year’s Eve Show - USAby Rita Davidson Barnea |
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![]() On December 31, 2018, Chubby Carrier (picture left) and his Bayou Swamp Band will perform on “Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve with Ryan Seacrest” on ABC. Seacrest will host the five and a half-hour broadcast for Times Square in New York and over 10 million people are expected to watch! Carrier said tentative plans call for his band to play their hit, “Who Stole the Hot Sauce,” before he and other performers play the New Year’s Eve standard, “Auld Lang Syne,” to bring in 2019. Carrier formed his Bayou Swamp Band in 1989 and has since recorded 13 CDs, including “Zydeco Junkie,” winner of the 2010 Grammy for Best Zydeco of Cajun Music Album. |
"mad in Louisiana" by Roger Morand - France/Usaby Diatonic News |
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https://www.facebook.com/roger.morand.3/media_set?set=a.10209031285038150&type=3 |
Harmonika-WM 2019 in St.Peter-Freienstein! Svetovno prvenstvo 2019 ! - Austriaby Werner Weibert |
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![]() O Harmonika-Weltmeisterschaft 2019 Die Ausschreibung für diesen wichtigen Wettbewerb ist schon online auf www.harmonikaverband.at !!! O Svetovno prvenstvo 2019 Obvestilo o tem pomembnem tekmovanju je že na spletnem naslovu www.harmonikaverband.at !!! O World Championship 2019 The announcement for this important competition is already online at www.harmonikaverband.at !!! O Campionato Mondiale 2019 L'annuncio di questa importante competizione è già online su www.harmonikaverband.at !!! ANMELDUNG ab 7. Jänner auf www.harmonikaverband.at möglich!!! Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme. Werner Weibert Online translation |
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Accordion Babes 2019 Pin-Up Calendar and CD - USAby Rita Davidson Barnea |
![]() What is the Accordion Babes Pin-Up Calendar about? Why does it exist? Excerpts from their website: The Accordion Babes Pin-Up Calendar is the brainchild of Renée de la Prada, who was working as a street performer, professional Irish musician and accordion repair technician in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2008 when the first Accordion Babes calendar was produced. Through her job at Smythe’s Accordion Center, and through her gigs with the celtic band Culann’s Hounds, Renée got to meet hundreds of accordionists who travelled through California. One day, she was invited to do a photoshoot in the San Francisco Mission district by photographer Keith Brown. The resulting photos featured her accordion prominently, and they were sexy and raw and rebellious, very different from the accordion’s reputation as an instrument which is only for grandpas. That’s when the wheels started turning in her head. There was no place to publish these accordion photos, but there should be… wouldn’t it be great if someone published a pin-up calendar with sexy accordion photos? Wouldn’t it be an amazing vehicle for promoting indie artists, if it also came with a compilation CD? Renée kept this idea in the back of her mind and handed out her business card to dozens of female accordion players whom she met at gigs and at Smythe’s Accordion Center. When she earned the interest of two phenomenal artists, Big Lou the Accordion Princess and Isabel Douglass, she decided to go for it. Who wouldn’t want to be in a calendar with their heroes? Smythe’s Accordion Center agreed to put up some money for an ad in the calendar… and that started a whole path of creating ad spaces, to pay for the print run with sponsorships. The first editions of the calendar relied heavily on the go-getter nature of all the Accordion Babes, who had to promise to distribute 50 copies, and sell advertising to be participants. Today it’s a little different, the print run is funded with crowdsourcing and pre-sale orders. Have a look at the link below and if you like it, please help share the link to the indiegogo campaign so enough Money can be raised to print the calendar. You can also pre-order it here, or preview the other hot accordion photos.... about 300 pre-orders is all what is needed: https://igg.me/at/accordionbabes2019/x/9730983 If you have any questions about the 2018 Calendar’s shipping, or about wholesale orders and price breaks, or for updates and general inquiries: editor@accordionpinupcalendar.com |
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
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Online translation |
X-mas Idee/Harmonika Geldbörse - DEby Diatonic News |
![]() https://www.musiker-geschenke.com/Geldbeutel-Steirische-Harmonika |
Musik-Socken Steirische Harmonika als Geschenksidee - Worldwideby Diatonic News |
![]() Die schwarzen Socken mit eingewebtem Motiv Steirische Harmonika sind eine tolle Geschenkidee für echte Vollblutmusiker! Suchen Sie das passende Instrument bzw. Motiv aus und machen Sie Musikerkollegen oder Musikliebhabern zum nächstmöglichen Anlass eine Freude. Gesehen auf: https://www.musiker-geschenke.com/Musik-Socken-Steirische-Harmonika |
Key Chorale Introduces Us to the Bandoneon | Suncoast View - USAby Diatonic News |
Joseph Caulkins & Ben Bogart preview this weekend's Key Chorale show. By November 21 at 2:06 PM don't miss to watch... http://www.mysuncoast.com/video/2018/11/21/key-chorale-introduces-us-bandoneon-suncoast-view/?fbclid=IwAR1SMlbPTcm8lYj33L_4OL4DxM3xzt4dabGmDxZZRQSSx-psGK0asBfgVtc |
Weihnachtsideen aus der Schweiz - CHby Diatonic News |
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Möchten Sie noch Ihre Lieben mit musikalischen weihnachtlichen Harmonikageschenken gedenken - dann können Sie wählen und zwar auf: https://www.vedia.ch/weihnachtsmann-mit-akkordeon/ |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
33rd Woodford Folk Festival - Australiaby Diatonic News |
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The Woodford Folk Festival is held annually over six days and six nights, from Dec 27th through to January 1st. More than 2,000 local, national and international, artists, musicians and presenters put on over 438 acts to an audience of an estimated 132,000 people. The festival begins each year with the iconic Opening Ceremony and closes with the spectacular showcase, the Fire Event on New Year’s Day. This year will be the 33rd Woodford Folk Festival and the 24th held at Woodfordia. It is the largest gathering of artists and musicians in Australia. The Woodford festival experience is deep, rich and colourful. It is based on a vision of inclusive and creative community, culture and tradition passed through generations, expressed through story and ceremony. The site, a former barren dairy farm, has been lovingly regenerated with over 120,000 subtropical rain forest trees, orchids, ferns and sedges, planted to create a habitat for butterflies and wildlife. Woodfordia is transformed into a village that hosts over 25,000 daily patrons, performers, stallholders, volunteers and organisers. As many as 2,680 volunteers across 162 departments are at the heart of the organisation and contribute to the setup and day-to-day running of the festival. During the event, the festival is actually the 67th largest town in Australia. Each year construction begins in early December and continues up until Christmas Day. Over 450 contractors and volunteers build the village. Many come from around the world to be part of the festival build and then stay for a week after to pull the event down. https://woodfordfolkfestival.com/ |
Workshop for Musicians /// The Improvisation In Tango Music - FRanceby Diatonic News |
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DATE AND PLACE From the 3rd to the 6th of December between 14:00 to 18:00. Milonga CAMINITO, 1 Rue du Chevet, 75002, Paris (FRANCE) The workshop is dedicated to all musicians from different grounds who would like to discover the world of the musical improvisation, especially inside the Tango and Argentinian music. OBJECTIF The central idea is answering next two questions : - What do we do, musicians, during the moment of the improvisation? - Which are the different ways to get in the process? MODALITIES Workshops have a theoretical part with an exposition of the contents and an analyse of the examples, and a practical part with exercices. It is interesting that all the students take part playing with themselves. DURATION Four (4) workshops of 4 hours each, the complete course is 16 hours. THEMATIC CONTENT We will get in the improvisation from different points of view: 1) Construction of the musical gesture; 2) Comprehension of the central tone and of the harmony; 3) Analysis of the rhythmical configurations and development of the consciousness of the musical form; 4) Functions et role playing solo or in a group. Advises to survive in “una guitarreada” or in a “tango a la parrilla” (jam de tango). PRICE Complete course (16 hours) : 120 Euros Only one workshop (4 hours) : 50 Euros LANGUAGE Workshops will be given in French, but English and Spanish can be used in fonction of the inscriptions. TARGET AUDIENCE All the musicians, professional or not. It is important to have basic knowledge of musical lecture. more: http://www.pablomurgier.com/ |
19. Fürstenecker Bordunale - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() In Kooperation mit Bordun e.V. 03. Januar 2019 18.30 Uhr bis 06. Januar 2019 13.00 Uhr http://www.burg-fuersteneck.de/kursprogramm/folk_bordunmusik/fuerstenecker_bordunale/18-33301/ |
Noberto Vogel - Haiti/Miami-USAby Diatonic News |
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5 al 12 de diciembre 2018 HAITI -MIAMI Per info: norbi@vogel.com.ar http://www.vogel.com.ar/ |
Stage di organetto con Antonio Grosso a Milano - Italiaby Diatonic News |
![]() La Scighera, via candiani, 131, 20158 Milano 02 4867 1300 info@scighera.org |
Le Réveillon de Chatillon 2018 - Franceby Diatonic News |
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http://folkendiois.fr |
Beginnerscursus trekharmonica spelen/Jos Lambregts - Hollandby Diatonic News |
![]() Tijd: 19-21 uur. Niveau: beginners. Stemming instrument: C/F nhoud: Wilt u graag trekharmonica leren spelen? In deze beginnerscursus van zes lessen leert u uw instrument kennen en eenvoudige melodieën spelen. U leert een melodie spelen op gehoor en met behulp van bladmuziek. U hebt voor dit instrument geen muzikale kennis of ervaring nodig en ook zonder speciaal talent speelt u al snel een deuntje. Toch vraagt ook de trekharmonica doorzettingsvermogen en tijd. Vooral de coördinatie van de rechterhand, die een melodie speelt, en de linkerhand, die de ritmebox bedient, is niet voor iedereen gemakkelijk. Docent: Jos Lambregts is een enthousiaste trekharmonicaspeelster die van meerdere genres houdt, waaronder Nederlands, Frans en Italiaans. Ze speelt al lange tijd mee met Gezelschap Goet ende Fyn. Bij Jos komt speelplezier op de eerste plaats. Meer informatie: info@trekharmonica-adam.nl http://www.trekharmonica-adam.nl/show.asp?pagina=70&submenu=5 |
Diatonisches Akkordeon, von der Tradition zur Neuen Musik mit Riccardo Tesi - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() Dieser Kurs bietet einen Einblick in verschiedene Aspekte heutiger Musik auf dem diatonischen Akkordeon. Wir lernen traditionelle italienische als auch zeitgenössische, speziell für das Akkordeon komponierte Musikstücke und befassen uns dabei sowohl mit technischen Fragen (Verwendung des Balges, lineare Cross-Technik, Fingersatz, Koordination etc.) als auch mit der Interpretation (Ornamentik, Ausdruck, Staccato und Legato etc.). Viel Raum soll der Harmonik und der Komposition mit dem Instrument und seiner Verwendung in nicht-traditionellen Kontexten gewidmet sein. Dies ist eine besondere Spezialität von Riccardo Tesi. Der Workshop richtet sich an Musiker, die die Grundtechniken beherrschen. Kenntnisse der Musiktheorie sind nicht erforderlich. Erforderliches Modell: G/C ohne Gleichtöner mit mindestens acht Bässen, oder erweiterte Modelle. Bitte möglichst ein Aufnahmeinstrument mitbringen. Die Unterrichtssprache ist Englisch. Riccardo Tesi: Pistoia, Italien, ist international anerkannter Akkordeonspieler und Komponist. Er gilt als einer der kühnsten und maßgeblichsten Musiker der europäischen Weltmusikszene und als der Großmeister des diatonischen Akkordeons in Italien. Riccardo Tesi hat einen leicht erkennbaren, sehr persönlichen Stil. In seinen Kompositionen verwendet er sowohl archaische als auch moderne Elemente, bewegt sich innovativ und stilsicher von der Tradition bis hin zu Anklängen von Minimalmusik, und erweitert so den „Wortschatz“ und die Technik seines diatonischen Akkordeons. Riccardo Tesi ist ein musikalischer Pionier, der für das Akkordeon, das lange Zeit nur als Traditionsinstrument betrachtet wurde, Anerkennung auf der ganzen Welt auch im Bereich zeitgenössischer Stilrichtungen gewonnen. Riccardo Tesi hat in seiner über 35-jährigen Karriere mit Weltmusikkünstlern wie Elena Ledda, Justin Vali, Kepa Junkera, John Kirkpatrick und Patrick Vaillant, mit Jazzmusikern wie Gianluigi Trovesi und Gabriele Mirabassi sowie mit großen Songwriter wie Ivano Fossati, Fabrizio De Andrè und Gian Maria Testa zusammengearbeitet. www.riccardotesi.com Anmeldung: https://www.burg-fuersteneck.de/kursprogramm/folk_bordunmusik/fuerstenecker_bordunale/19-33301/ |
Future events / Concerts |
Mendoza Tango Quartet - Australiaby Diatonic News |
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As one of Australia’s most danceable tango bands, the Mendoza Tango Quartet has been invited to perform at many of Australia’s tango festivals and events including the Australian Tango Festival, Byron Bay Tango Festival, Maleny Tango Festival and BASH – Buenos Aires in the Southern Highlands. They will perform at the Woodfort Folk Festival: Buenos Aires Tango Soirée | Dance & Movement Fri, Dec 28 7:30PM–8:30PM Dancehall https://woodfordfolkfestival.com/programme/2018-programme-explore/artist/mendoza-tango-quartet/# |
Concert Paris Orquesta Silbando XL + Juanjo Mosalini - FRby Diatonic News |
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4 /12 /2018 from 20:30 until 23:30 h at: Studio de l'Ermitage - 8 rue de l'Ermitage, 75020 Parigi The Silbando XL orchestra returns for a concert at the Hermitage Studio, with the awesome Juanjo Mosalini as a special guest !! 11 musicians on stage for this unique concert. Continuing with the release of the new album MANO SINISTRA, for which Juanjo Mosalini was the artistic director and the editing, mixing and mastering, the desire to extend their precious collaboration. He is one of the greatest bandoneonists of the current scene, and it is during this unique concert they we will have the pleasure to welcome their friend to share the stage with them, and to prolong, sublimate for the occasion our line of bandoneons : they will be 4, what a luxury !! To celebrate new songs in preparation, there will be surprises, but also some standards of their repertoire. Doors open 8:30 pm Price: FULL 15 € / PREVENTION 13 € / REDUCED 13 € The Ermitage Studio: 8 rue de l'hermitage - 75020 PARIS Remember to book! Info and reservations here: http://www.studio-ermitage.com/index.php/agenda/date/orquesta-silbando-4 Guest Bandoneon: Juanjo Mosalini Piano direction, arrangements: Chloë Pfeiffer Singing: Sebastián Rossi Bandoneons: Lysander Donoso, Carmela Delgado, Maxime Point Violins: Mathias Naon, Aurélie Gallois, Anne The Pope Alto: Romain De Mesmay Double bass: Lucas Eubel Frontini https://www.silbandotango.com/ |
Beltango Quinteto in December 2018 - SI/IT/NLby Diatonic News |
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![]() 07/12/2018 BELTANGO @ Tabor Milonga LJUBLJANA - SLOVENIA 08/12/2018 BELTANGO @ BRUNICO - ITALY 09/12/2018 BELTANGO @ Tango Marathon FIRENZE - ITALY 26/12/2018 BELTANGO @ TABOE TANGO UTRECHT - NETHERLAND 28/12/2018 BELTANGO @ TABOE TANGO UTRECHT - NETHERLAND 29/12/2018 BELTANGO @ TNT MILONGA DORTMUND - GERMANY More on: https://www.beltango.com/agenda CD's available online at: Beltango |
Geno Delafose & French Rockin' Boogie in Dec 2018 - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() December 02 Sunday,Cajun Country Bar, Church Point, LA. 4-7:PM December 07 Friday, Toby's Lounge, Opelousas, LA. 8:30-11:30pm December 08 Saturday, La Poussiere - Authentic Cajun Dancehall, Breaux Bridge 8:pm December 09 Sunday, Route 92 Bar Youngsville, LA. 4:PM December 14 Friday, Feed N Seed, 106 N Grant St, Lafayette, LA. 9:pm December 15 Saturday, Route 92 Bar, Youngsville, LA. 9:30PM December 16 Sunday, Rock 'N Bowl de Lafayette, Lafayette, LA. 5:30PM December 21 Friday, Delta Downs Racetrack Casino Hotel, Gator Lounge, Vinton, LA 9:PM Free Admission December 22 Saturday, Delta Downs Racetrack Casino Hotel, Gator Lounge, Vinton, LA 9:PM Free Admission December 23 Sunday, Route 92 Bar, Youngsville, LA. 4:PM December 24 Monday, Christmas EVE, PAT’S ATCHAFALAYA CLUB December 27 Thursday Rock N Bowl/New Orleans, LA. 8:30PM December 28 Friday Cowboys Night Club/Scott, LA. 10:PM December 29 Saturday, Buck N Johnny's, Breaux Bridge, LA. 8:30am December 29 Saturday, ROX) Cypress Bayou Casino, Charenton, LA 10:PM FREE ADMISSION December 30 Sunday, Route 92 Bar, Youngsville, LA. 4:PM December 31 Monday, New Years Eve Celebration, Vermilionville Living History & Folk Life Park, Lafayette, LA. 9:30 For more view: https://www.genodelafosemusic.com/tour-dates.html |
Guardia Nueva Christmas Concerts - Finlandby Diatonic News |
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The very successful Guardia Nueva orchestra has charmed audience in Turkey, Argentina, Germany and many cities in Finland. For two major Christmas concerts, Musical Director Raimo Vertainen will conduct performances with one of the most significant Finnish entertainers, solo vocalist Arja Koriseva. Christmas Concerts: - 11 December 2018 at 19:00 hours Joulukonsertti, Kokkolan kirkko - 12 December 2018 at 19:00 hours Joulukonsertti, Lappajärven Kirkko Arja Koriseva has been a star for nearly 30 years and this is the first time she has performed Christmas Concerts with Guardia Nueva. Concert information on the poster. Music includes pieces from Astor Piazzolla - suitable for church and Finnish and international Christmas songs. Three CD's available online at: Guardia Nueva |
Andreas Gabalier & Band 1.12.18 - Graz/Austriaby Diatonic News |
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![]() Die Erfolgsserie des Andreas Gabalier reißt nicht ab: ausverkaufte Arena-Tourneen, monatelange Charts-Platzierungen, Auszeichnungen wie Echo, Bambi, Amadeus und Auftritte in den größten Stadien – man kann sagen, dieser Mann hat es geschafft. Angekommen ganz oben in der Musikszene ist es ihm wie kaum einem anderen Künstler zuvor gelungen, sein ganz eigenes Genre und den unverwechselbaren Stil im Trachtenlook zu etablieren. Die Mischung aus Pop, Schlager, Rock'n'Roll und eingängigen Melodien kommt an und lädt zum Mitsingen und -feiern ein. Seine Fans sind zwischen 8 und 80 und dass Musik verbindet und als universelle Sprache gilt, erlebt man selten so, wie auf den Konzerten von Andreas Gabalier. Er ist der derzeit erfolgreichste Musikact der deutschsprachigen Szene und schaffte es in den letzten Monaten mühelos, die größten Stadien zu füllen. Nach 3 Jahren geht der steirische Superstar im Winter 2018 in gewohnter „Mountainman-Power" und in Begleitung seiner VolksRocknRoller-Band mit seinen Fans auf Live-Tuchfühlung. Wenn Andreas seine Harmonika und seine Stromgitarre im satten VolksRocknRoller Sound aufheulen lässt, wenn er dazu seine Lederhosenhüften schwingt – dann geraten die Fans vor der Bühne geradezu in Ekstase! Das will sich keiner entgehen lassen - am wenigsten Andreas Gabalier selbst! Tickets für die Gabalier-Hallentour 2018 sollte man sich rasch sichern. Denn Mister „Hulapalu" ist live einfach ein unvergleichliches Erlebnis! |
Hoctomoz à Châtillon-en-Diois/Franceby Diatonic News |
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a nouvelle année avec Hoctomoz dans le Diois : Samedi 29 décembre 2018 à partir de 20h30 Châtillon-en-Diois Informations et réservations (22€) : http://folkendiois.fr/index.php/reveillon-de-chatillon-2018/ |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
CD Historias by Gianni Ventola Danese - Organetto/Italyby Diatonic News |
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Alfonsina y el mar - A. Ramirez/Gianni Ventola Danese - Organetto This piece of music was born as a tribute to the figure of Alfonsina Storni, poet Argentinan, who died in 1938, at the age of 46, in the waters of the Atlantic facing Mar del Plata. Gianni Ventola has transcribed and arranged the piece for his CD Historias, dedicated to the Argentine tango, for organetto (8 bass). The lesson is available in the Organized Online Multimedia Stay tuned - stay diatonic! - for more: www.organetto.name Questo brano nacque come l’omaggio alla figura di Alfonsina Storni, poetessa Argentina, morta suicida nel 1938, a 46 anni, nelle acque dell’Atlantico di fronte a Mar del Plata. Gianni Ventola ha trascritto e arrangiato il brano per il suo CD Historias, dedicato al tango argentino, per organetto (8 bassi). La lezione è disponibile nel Corso Multimediale Online di Organetto. Stay diatonic! piu su: www.organetto.name |
CD by Facundo Petruccelli - Argentinaby Diatonic News |
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https://www.facebook.com/PetruccelliFacundo/about?lst=1514118074%3A100008773711909%3A1542716107 |
Video: Harmonikarski Orkester Pustotnikby Harley Jones |
Harmonikarski Orkester Pustotnik |
CD "Aonair" by David Munnelly - Ireland/Hollandby Diatonic News |
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https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10158291138424199&set=a.10150193515374199&type=3&theater |
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