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Highlights |
What Are You Doing For World Accordion Day? - Internationalby Harley Jones |
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![]() World Accordion Day was started in 2009 by the CIA and has been very successful, generating a lot of positive publicity for the accordion. A key part of this event is the World Accordion Day website. Every association, group, orchestra, performer and teacher, is asked to actively support this event by encouraging national and local accordion activities to happen in their country on this day or the weekend either side of Accordion Day if that should be more convenient. Everyone can register their World Accordion Day activity on the website and send a report of their event after, for that website. No event is too big or too small. ALL accordion events celebrating World Accordion Day are welcome. This is a CIA promotion for the accordion in which every accordion enthusiast can participate and help bring our accordion world together as well as strongly promote the accordion. |
20. INTERNATIONALE AKKORDEON FESTIVAL 2019 (23.02.-24.03.2019)by Diatonic News |
![]() 20 ausufernde, programmatisch dichte Kulturfeste ganz im Zeichen des Akkordeons. Ein Instrument, in Hoch- und Volkskultur gleichermaßen vertreten, das zu E- und U-Musik ebenso stets etwas zu spielen weiss, wie es bei der Wiener Musik und der Weltmusik souverän mitzureden hat, regionale Dialekte diverser Folkloren ebenso fließend spricht wie die vielen Zungen der globalen Popmusik, mit den Jazzer_innen beseelt jamt und improvisiert, dass es eine wahre Freude ist, und sich dann in der Kammermusik subtil diszipliniert. Dennoch war im Jahr 2000, als Friedl Preisl das erste Akkordeonfestival umsetzte, nicht abzusehen, dass sich im Zeichen dieses großartigen Instruments eine solche Erfolgsgeschichte entwickeln würde können, als die das Akkordeonfestival Wien heute international wahrgenommen und nicht nur in Wien wertgeschätzt wird. Dies mag damit zu tun haben, dass beim Akkordeonfestival Wien immer wieder auch die Nähe und Querverbindungen oben aufgeführter Begrifflichkeiten, die tatsächlichen Wahlverwandtschaften vermeintlich unterschiedlicher Genres manifest werden, und es in der Essenz um lebendige Schönheit, um Lebendigkeit und deren in vielen musikalischen Formen wertigen Ausdruck gehen darf. Information - 39 Festivalkonzerte: 2019Vienna.pdf http://akkordeonfestival.at/ |
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The 2019 Che Bandoneon International Competition will be held in Stowe, Vermont USA from August 12 – 18, 2019 as a part of the 2019 Stowe Tango Music Festival. The Competition is open to bandoneon players of all nationalities and at least 18 years of age by August 1, 2019. All application materials must be submitted using the online application form. TIMELINE March 18 : Application Deadline April 20 : Video Submission Deadline May 1 : Announcement of the Finalists August 12 : Finalists join 2019 Stowe Tango Music Festival August 18 : Finals and Award Ceremony http://stowetangomusicfestival.com/CheBandoneon.php |
Harmonika-WM 2019 in St. Peter-Freienstein! Svetovno prvenstvo 2019 ! - Austriaby Werner Weibert |
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![]() O Harmonika-Weltmeisterschaft 2019 Die Ausschreibung für diesen wichtigen Wettbewerb ist schon online auf www.harmonikaverband.at !!! O Svetovno prvenstvo 2019 Obvestilo o tem pomembnem tekmovanju je že na spletnem naslovu www.harmonikaverband.at !!! O World Championship 2019 The announcement for this important competition is already online at www.harmonikaverband.at !!! O Campionato Mondiale 2019 L'annuncio di questa importante competizione è già online su www.harmonikaverband.at !!! ANMELDUNG ab 7. Jänner auf www.harmonikaverband.at möglich!!! Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Teilnahme. Werner Weibert Online translation |
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Big Squeeze/Texas Folk Life 2019 - USAby Diatonic News |
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Do YOU want to participate in the Big Squeeze 2019? Just follow these steps! Read the entry rules: 2019BigSqueeze.pdf Decide if you are going to perform at any of the showcases above in person or submit two songs digitally. a) Applicants can enter by performing two songs at a showcase where they will be videotaped by Texas Folklife or submit a video entry digitally, by mail or e-mail. They do not have to do both. b) If you live more than 20 miles from a showcase location and cannot travel that far, that is fine! You can still enter by submitting your song performances digitally by doing ANY of the below. Make sure you indicate on your form how we should expect your submission. 1) Mailing a USB Drive with video and photo to The Big Squeeze at: The Big Squeeze c/o Texas Folklife 1708 Houston Street Austin, TX 78756 2) Mailing a DVD with my video and photo to The Big Squeeze at: The Big Squeeze c/o Texas Folklife 1708 Houston Street Austin, TX 78756 3) E-mailing a YouTube Link with my video and a photo to bigsqueeze@texasfolklife.org 4) E-mailing a video from my phone and a photo to bigsqueeze@texasfolklife.org Accordionists can enter by performing two songs at any of the below showcases where they will be videotaped by Texas Folklife OR if they live more than 20 miles from an audition location, they can submit a video entry digitally, by mail or e-mail. They do not have to do both. If a contestant makes it to finals, they must travel to Austin to compete at the Finals at the Bullock Texas History Museum on May 11. 2019 Schedule of Showcases Ennis - Ennis Czech Music Festival - Sokol Activity Center - February 9, 2019 Port Arthur - Cajun Accordion Workshop (not an official audition) - February 16, 2019 |
Frankfurt MusikMesse 2019 - Germanyby Diatonic News |
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The Musikmesse in Frankfurt is the international trade fair for musical instruments, sheet music, music production and marketing. This year’s event will be held from April 2nd to 5th and will be open daily for Trade and Private visitors. This new Musikmesse Plaza is an innovative event concept focusing on musicians and music lovers. In different areas there will be vintage exhibitions, record fair, music instrument market, an instrument auction and lots more. In addition there will be stage performances, workshops, demonstrations and discussion events. A full report of the 2018 Frankfurt Musikmesse with photos will be available after the opening. |
Steirisch aufg'spielt - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
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Online translation |
‘Folk n’ Irish Cruise’ New York/Bahamas - USAby Diatonic News |
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![]() Your host Joanie Madden (picture left), invites you to join her and an astonishing array of world-class talent onboard the beautiful Norwegian Escape for her ninth annual cruise! This Celtic themed cruise has become legendary for its fun filled top Irish Entertainment! Get ready to sail one of the most exciting ships on the high seas! The Norwegian Escape is ready to whisk you away and indulge your every whim and that is what unforgettable vacations are made of. Get ready to chase sunsets on The Waterfront. Splash around at the Aqua Park with Free Fall - the fastest waterslides at sea. With 25 restaurants, 21 bars, the Mandara Spa an award-winning Casino at Sea, Broadway entertainment and Headliners Comedy Show plus NCL's other outstanding entertainment, there is something for everyone! Discover a new world of Freestyle Cruising on Norwegian Escape, voted Ship of the Year by Ocean & Cruise News. We'll be sailing to gorgeous Bermuda and spending three days at the tip of Bermuda's West End, Royal Naval Dockyard which is home to pristine pink beaches and exceptional shopping. The beautifully restored Royal Navy Dockyards provide quaint boutiques, a crafts market and fascinating maritime museum. Don't miss the chance to try out one of the many water sports offered in and around this gorgeous harbor. With Joanie's fabulous entertainment, a fun loving group of Irish music lovers from around the globe and an amazing cruise ship and destination, what’s not to love! Amazing entertainment with fantastic music and Broadway Shows will be there for your enjoyment too!! Complete artists list: Joanie Madden, Cherish The Ladies, Sharon Shannon, Lúnasa, Makem & Clancy, Johnny McEvoy, Don Stiffe, Ennis Sisters, Tommy Sands, Daoirí Farrell, Padraig Allen & The McLean Ave, Arty McGlynn & Nollaig Casey, Máirtín de Cógáin, Eddi Reader, Phil Cunningham, Gabriel Donohue, Kate Purcell, Billy McComiskey, Dylan Foley, Joshua Dukes, Pride of Moyvane Ceili Band, Sean Fleming, Mirella Murray, Kathleen Boyle, Mary Coogan, Cormac De Barra, John Nolan, Donnchadh Gough, Kevin McHugh, Tony Corbett, Bruce Foley, Pat Shortt, Pat Kane & Terry Kane, Patrick & Conor O’Sulliv, Fr. John Griffin, Donny Golden, Cara Butler, Jon Pilatzke, Michael Boyle, Gerry Timlin, Padraig and Roisin McEneany, Paul Keating, Marianne MacDonald. To enquire about the price/book, phone: +1-855-474-7427 |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
Celtic Connections Festival - Glasgow/Scotlandby Diatonic News |
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17 January - 3 February 2019 Glasgow’s annual folk, roots and world music festival, Celtic Connections celebrates Celtic music and its connections to cultures across the globe. From 17 January – 3 February 2019, 2,100 musicians from around the world will descend on Glasgow and bring the city to life for 18 days of concerts, ceilidhs, talks, art exhibitions, workshops, and free events. Celtic Connections is programmed by Artistic Director (and founding member of Celtic supergroup Capercaillie) Donald Shaw, and features more than 300 events across multiple genres of music. The festival is renowned for its strong spirit of collaboration, bringing together one-off line-ups for very special one night only collaborative shows. The camaraderie between musicians continues into the wee small hours at the late-night Festival Club – home of legendary musical collaborations and spontaneous sessions. https://www.celticconnections.com/ |
Mundharmonika/Mehrstimmiges Spielen in der Gruppe - Germanyby Diatonic News |
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Sa 16.03.2019 09.00 – 12.00 und 14.00 – 17.30 Uhr So 17.03.2019 09.00 – 12.30 Uhr Anmeldeschluss: 25.02.2019 Dozententeam: Mundharmonikaquartett „Harmonicamento“: www.harmonicamento.de Brigitte Burgbacher/Kathrin GassBirgit Käfer/Gerhard Muller (Anzahl der Dozenten richtet sich nach der Teilnehmerzahl) Voraussetzungen: Spielerische Vorkenntnisse. Vorhandene Notenkenntnisse sind von Vorteil! Bitte bringen Sie einen eigenen Notenständer mit. Thema: Im Seminar werden Sie verschiedene, mehrstimmige Arrangements unter Einbindung von Bass- und Akkordinstrumenten kennenlernen. Beim Spielen in der Gruppe erfahren Sie Neues über die musikalischen Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten und die damit verbundenen technischen Elementen. https://www.hohner-konservatorium.de/produkt/mehrstimmiges-spielen-mit-der-mundharmonika/ |
Corso Organetto/fisarmonica diatonica con Danilo Di Paolonicola - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Sono aperte le iscrizioni per la classe di Fisarmonica Diatonica (Organetto) del Conservatorio Santa Cecilia (RM). Le domande per accedere all'esame di ammissione dovranno essere trasmesse alla segreteria del Conservatorio all’indirizzo conservatorioroma@postacert.it entro il 5 Febbraio 2019. |
Cajun Youth Accordion Workshops & Concert - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() Workshop instruction and performances by Big Squeeze winners and Cajun accordion masters! Museum of the Gulf Coast 700 Procter St, Port Arthur, TX 77640 Workshops 1pm-4pm Concert 4pm-5pm Youth 21 and under: Free with RSVP Adults: $10 donation Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/big-squeeze-2019-traditional-cajun-music-workshops-concert-tickets-53887617314 All ages and experience levels welcome Accordions provided, or bring your own! |
HARMONIKAWORKSHOP mit Johannes KÖLBL - Austriaby Diatonic News |
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HARMONIKAWORK JOHANNES KÖLBL (AT) SO., 17. März 2019 von 15:00 UHR - 18:00 UHR System oder Chaos? Was die Steirische Harmonika alles kann Johannes „Jonny“ Kölbl (Tubonika, Quetsch´n´Vibes) gibt Fortgeschrittenen Einblick in die Evolution der diatonischen Harmonika. Aufgegriffen werden Notationsarten, Stimmungen und die unterschiedlichsten Diskant- und Basssysteme, die anhand von Beispielen verglichen werden. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die harmonischen und klanglichen Möglichen der diatonischen Harmonika bis an ihre Grenzen auszuloten. Teilnahmegebühr: EUR 40,00 Anmeldung erforderlich! bei Kontakt/Anmeldung/Ort Österreichisches Volksliedwerk, Operngasse 6, 1010 Wien office@volksliedwerk.at, www.volksliedwerk.at, +43 1 512 6335 |
Stage "Improvisation musicale" - Franceby Diatonic News |
![]() Maison Familiale Rural La Grive Stage d'impro encadré par Jérémie Mignotte, Stéphane Milleret, Norbert Pignol, Patrick Reboud, Christophe Sacchettini et Jean-Pierre Sarzier. Maison Familiale Rural La Grive Contact : mydriasestage@free.fr - +33 (0)9 53 38 00 50 https://www.mustradem.com/dates |
Mundharmonika-Reparatur-Workshop - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
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So 17.02.2019 14.00 – 17.00 Uhr - €30,00 Dozentin: Gaby Hand Thema: Dieser Workshop zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie Ihre Mundharmonikas selbst reinigen und reparieren können. In 3 Stunden lernen Sie, wie man Ventile austauscht, Löseabstände einstellt, Stimmzungen mit dem Hohner Instant Workshop Toolset austauscht und Ihre Mundharmonika pflegt. Des Weiteren wird es eine Einführung zum Stimmen der Mundharmonika geben. Info: https://www.hohner-konservatorium.de/produkt/mundharmonika-reparatur-februar/ |
XXI Kokkolan Talviharmonikka/Winter Festival - Finlandby Diatonic News |
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Kokkola winter accordion Festival takes place in the middle of winterwith shows in all parts of the city. The Church of Konservatoriolta, S-Kallentorille, Lohtajalta Ullavalle and Kälviälle. Very small it started for the first time in March 1999 with five concert. The line was clear at the time: varied, high-quality and for people of all ages! – In February, Kokkola, with many international guests arriving, will celebrate the 21st edition of the Festival. https://www.talviharmonikka.com/?page_id=20&lang=en |
Beginnerscursus trekharmonica spelen/Jos Lambregts - Hollandby Diatonic News |
![]() Tijd: 19-21 uur. Niveau: beginners. Stemming instrument: C/F nhoud: Wilt u graag trekharmonica leren spelen? In deze beginnerscursus van zes lessen leert u uw instrument kennen en eenvoudige melodieën spelen. U leert een melodie spelen op gehoor en met behulp van bladmuziek. U hebt voor dit instrument geen muzikale kennis of ervaring nodig en ook zonder speciaal talent speelt u al snel een deuntje. Toch vraagt ook de trekharmonica doorzettingsvermogen en tijd. Vooral de coördinatie van de rechterhand, die een melodie speelt, en de linkerhand, die de ritmebox bedient, is niet voor iedereen gemakkelijk. Docent: Jos Lambregts is een enthousiaste trekharmonicaspeelster die van meerdere genres houdt, waaronder Nederlands, Frans en Italiaans. Ze speelt al lange tijd mee met Gezelschap Goet ende Fyn. Bij Jos komt speelplezier op de eerste plaats. Meer informatie: info@trekharmonica-adam.nl http://www.trekharmonica-adam.nl/show.asp?pagina=70&submenu=5 |
Blues Harp-Workshop für Einsteiger Basic 3 - DEby Diatonic News |
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Sa. 16.02.2019 10.00 h – 13.00 h 14.00 – 16.00 h So 17.02.2019 9.00 – 12.00 h Dozent: Riedel Diegel (www.blues-delivery.de) Voraussetzung: Eigenes Instrument mitbringen (Blues Harp 10 Loch diat. Mundharmonika in C-Dur). Thema: Schwerpunkt des Workshops Basic 3 ist die Spielpraxis. Die wichtigsten Spielfertigkeiten werden vertiefend geübt und verbessert: Einzeltöne / Bending, Klanggestaltung / Vibrato, Spielen zu/mit Begleitung / Aufbau und Improvisation einfacher Soli, rhythmisches Spielen. In den „Verschnaufpausen“: Die grundlegenden Zusammenhänge zwischen dem Tonumfang der Blues Harp, den Harmonien des Blues-Schema und der Funktion von Blue-Notes darin. Wenn die Zeit reicht ggfls: Spielen in 1. und 5. Position. Voraussetzungen: Einigermaßen sicheres Spielen von Einzeltönen (nur gezogen) Mitzubringen: Blues Harps in C- und A-Dur, Gerne auch Stücke, die man nachspielen möchte (Bitte im mp3-Format) https://www.hohner-konservatorium.de/produkt/blues-harp-workshop-basic-3/ |
Future events / Concerts |
Banda das Crechas and Maija Kauhanen - Scotlandby Diatonic News |
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2 February 2019 7:30PM Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, New Auditorium Banda das Crechas has the face of a collective universe which we started constructing between us 31 years ago based on conversation, art, live music, the love for our own culture and our curiosity for the strange at “Casa das Crechas”. An open collective; a band 2.0 in which the usual musicians get together with occasional visitors to keep the tradition alive, with the sound and emotion of the ceilidh session. This disc is a recording of one of those nights of song and dance in which Casa das Crechas honours its history converting itself, once more, into the meeting place it has been since the middle of the 19th century https://www.celticconnections.com/events/Pages/event.aspx?event=1/banda-das-crechas-and-maija-kauhanen |
Tango en Madrid / Facundo Petruccelli - Spainby Diatonic News |
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BayanTonic performing in Kokkola - FINLANDby Diatonic News |
![]() Lars Karlsson diatonic accordion Qivind Farmen accordion / bajan Lars Karlsson captivated Winter Accordion audiences last year and now he’s back with his duo. The Swedish one-row accordion virtuoso was chosen ”Accordionist of the Year” in Sweden and as a soloist won the Norwegian Championship. Øivind Farmen from Trondheim is an accordion master who performs Norwegian folk music as well as music from the present era. He is considered one of Norway’s best accordionists. Bayan Tonic combines lyrics with folk, tango, world music and classical styles. This duo has toured the world, performing in, among others, the USA, Austria, England and Iceland, and has earned acclaim with its unique mix of two different accordions, which together produce a rarely experienced sound. In 2011 the duo performed for a live DVD and in 2014 released a single. www.farmen.net www.farmen.net www.karlssonsmusik.se BayanTonic Lars Karlsson kaksirivinen Qivind Farmen harmonikka/bajan Lars Karlsson valloitti yleisön viime vuonna, ja saamme hänet uudelleen festivaalille. Ruotsalainen vähärivistaituri on valittu sekä vuoden harmonikkataiteilijaksi Ruotsissa että voittanut Pohjoismaiden mestaruuden solistisarjassa. Öivind Farmen on norjalainen, Trondheimista kotoisin oleva harmonikkamaestro, joka esittää niin norjalaista kansanmusiikkia, kuin aikamme musiikkiakin. Yhdessä Lars ja Öivind ovat soittaneet Bayan Tonic duona mm. USA:ssa, Itävallassa, Englannissa ja Islannissa. Ohjelmisto kattaa lyyrisiä lauluja, kansanmusiikkia, tangoa, maailmanmusiikkia ja klassisia kappaleita. Yhtye on nauhoitti live-dvd:n vuonna 2011 ja julkaisi singlen 2014. www.farmen.net www.karlssonsmusik.se |
Bass- und Akkordmundharmonika für Einsteiger - DEby Diatonic News |
![]() Bass und Akkord für Einsteiger Anmeldeschluss (25.02.2019) Dozent: Birgit Kaefer und Brigitte Burgbacher Dozentinnen: Brigitte Burgbacher und Birgit Käfer Voraussetzungen: Bitte bringen Sie Ihr eigenes Instrument mit. Theoretische und praktische Vorkenntnisse sind nicht erforderlich. Thema: Grundkenntnisse des Bass- und Akkordspiels. Ziel: Haltung und Ansatz mit verschiedenen Spielübungen https://www.hohner-konservatorium.de/produkt/bass-und-akkordmundharmonika-fuer-einsteiger/ |
Floating Sofa Quartet (INT) @ Copenhagen Winter Jazz Festival - Denmarkby Diatonic News |
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Sunday 10/2 2019, kl. 15:00 ALICE cph , København N Floating Sofa Quartet is a modern Nordic folk music ensemble consisting of four young musicians from Denmark, Sweden and Finland. With a unique combination of instruments this quartet performs handmade music with a scent of dewy pine trees, salty sea breezes, and freshly brewed coffee. They play a mixture of their own compositions and traditional pieces from their respective countries; tender melodies and feisty dance tunes are performed with intriguing harmonies, intensity, humor and the warm acoustic sound of wooden instruments. Take a seat on the sofa and float away! http://jazz.dk/en/vinterjazz-2019/concerts/54864/ |
Noémie next - FR/Switzerlandby Diatonic News |
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For more than 10 years, Noémie has been travelling through the world of traditional music, along with her inseparable diatonic accordion. Through various influences in festivals ans workshops, she has developed a style all of her own... and immediately recognisable by all. Through her keyboard, she makes us discover partner dances that are out of the ordinary, to the sound of a soft and mesmerizing music. She knows how to mix sighs and irregular notes, surprising those who dance, and entrancing those who are listening. https://noemiesolo.jimdo.com/présentation/ |
2019 Events at A World of Accordions Museum, Wisconsin - USAby Rita Davidson Barnea |
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![]() Dr. Helmi Harrington (pictured left) founded A World of Accordions Museum and Harrington Arts Center. She also founded, established the curriculum for, and teaches Accordion-concertina Repair and Technicians’ School in Duluth, MN. Helmi Harrington has been recognized in various Who’s Who listings, through regional awards, and awarded the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Honored Friend of the Accordion in 2006. Scheduled opening hours are: Saturday, Sunday and Monday from 10am until 2pm. Other times are possible by appointment. For further information email: accordion@sprynet.com |
Victor Hugo Villena in concert - Spainby Diatonic News |
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Milonga & Tango del Norte - Finlandby Diatonic News |
![]() Kauppatori 4 An evening of Argentinian Tango. Come and experience the heat of tango and get your Latin glow on. Dance or just listen and enjoy the music – it’s all up to you! The evening will begin with a Tango DJ and then from 22-23 the fine Finnish tango duo Tango del Norte will take the stage. Tango Del Norte are guaranteed to wow audiences with its skillful Argentinian and South American Tango music performances. The acclaimed duo has toured extensively throughout Finland, performed abroad and worked with famous Argentinian vocalists. Years of study and experience has resulted in an authentic Tango experience like that found in a Buenos Aires restaurante. In August 2018, Sami Pirttilahti won the prestigious Che Bendoneon competition in the US. Sami Pirttilahti bandoneon Ville Westergård piano Free admission |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
CD Quarterlife/ DJAL - Franceby Diatonic News |
![]() http://mustradem.com/boutique/fr/djal/202-djal-quarterlife.html?search_query=quarter&results=1 |
CD “dentro desse mar” Live #2 / Danças Ocultas - Portugalby Diatonic News |
![]() Four magical accordions from the edge of Europe Danças Ocultas are four accordionsts from Agueda near Porto who are among the most innovative and most exciting representatives of contemporary Portuguese music. For some years now they have been rising on the international world music scene – with an apparently very simple concept: quiet, lyrical, more or less traditional, with only four diatonic accordions. New album “dentro desse mar” Recorded at Casa do Mato Estúdios – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Produced by Jaques Morelenbaum With the participation of: Carminho, Zélia Duncan, Dora Morelenbaum, David Feldman, Marcos Suzano, Paulo Braga, Lula Galvão, Rogério Caetano, Luis Barcelos, Marcelo Costa, Robertinho Silva, Tiago Abrantes and Jaques Morelenbaum Lyrics by Arnaldo Antunes – Tribalistas, Carlos Rennó II and Tiago Torres da Silva Mixage | Ronaldo Valentim and Nuno Rebocho Master | Carlos Freitas Mastering Photos | Alípio Padilha, Alx Almeida e Bernard Lessa Design | Sílvia Franco Santos Costumes | Filipa Malho https://dancasocultas2.wordpress.com/ |
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CD Präsentation "...muass sei!" v. Rene Kogler - AUSTRIAby Diatonic News |
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![]() Termin: Samstag, 16. Februar 2019 Beginn: 19:00 Uhr Gewerkschaftshaus Eisenerz mit dabei: Wengerboch Musi aus Salzburg & Bayern Karten für die Präsentationen gibt's: - im Tourismusbüro Eisenerz - unter blusnknepf@gmx.at - bei Familie Maier (0676/7718969 od. 0676/7834417) Vorverkaufspreis: 6€ Abendkassapreis: 10€ Exklusiver Verkaufspreis der CD bei den Präsentationsveranstaltungen: 15€ |
DVD "L'air et le Geste" Cours d'accordéon diatonique tous niveaux - Franceby Diatonic News |
![]() Le débutant et l’esthète aguerri y trouveront chacun de quoi nourrir leur histoire personnelle avec l’instrument. Rien ne remplace les yeux et les oreilles pour aller à l’essentiel. On y parle de position, de son, de geste, de soufflet, de soupape d’air, de bras et de main gauches, de rythmiques, de groove. http://mustradem.com/boutique/fr/dvd/9-l-air-et-le-geste-3760238260375.html |
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