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Diatonic News - Jan-2012
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Voci Armoniche


Happy New Year - 2012 - WORLDWIDE
Accordion Yellow Pages/Events - CYBERSPACE
Kreuzschiffsfahrt mit Stars aus der Volksmusik - Deutschland/Österreich
Andy Cutting in concert - UK
BeauSoliel & Michael Doucet - USA
Sväng Harmonica in January - Germany/Luxembourg
Kaapse Affodille – South Africa

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Summit School Folk Music Festival! - Montpelier (VT) - USA
Stage Organetto con Gianni Ventola Danese - Italia
Cygnet Folk Festival - Australia
Celtic Connection Festival - Scotland/UK
we folk Changé (72) - France
6. Internationalen Avsenik Akkordeonwettbewerb 2012 - Slowenien
Temple Bar TradFest - Irland
12. Fürstenecker Bordunale , Burg Fürsteneck – Germany
6° Trofeo Città di Greci - Italia
Trek'n Folk Festival - France
Peter Brice, Button Accordionist and Balladeer

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Zydeco in Campout/January 13-14th - USA
MES SOULIERS SONT ROUGES / Trek'n Folk Festival - France
Folk Music Workshop, Salford – UK
2012 South Pacific Accordion Championships & Festival Prospectus – New Zealand
Edel Fox at the Temple Bar TradFest 2012 - Irland
Zydeco/Campout 6-7th January - USA

Titano Accordions

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

Grove Lane...by the master of diatonic accodion/Joe Derrane - USA
Samurai Awarded 'Grand Prix International du Disque 2011', Paris – France

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

Happy New Year - 2012 - WORLDWIDE

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
To all our readers, enthusiats, clients, artists and supporters from around the world - HAPPY NEW YEAR from all the staff of DIATONIC NEWS!

Please keep us sending your news, your events, your concert details in order that all accordion interested friends can follow you wherever you are!

Have a great and successful NEW YEAR!

Sounding Out the Accordion

Accordion Yellow Pages/Events - CYBERSPACE

by Harley Jones
Accordion Yellow Pages headerAll concert, competition and festival organizers are reminded to list their Future Events in our yellow pages website. Its free to list and you can do it yourself. You can also change and update your listing yourself as further information becomes available.

The accordion yellow pages Future Events calendar displays at the top right hand side of this Weekly News of accordions.com in all 7 languages plus other popular sites such as the USA News and the Diatonic News.

Huge numbers of readers every year view the accordion yellow pages Future Events, so all accordion event organizers are urged to take full advantage of this free service to keep the accordion community informed.

Alle Akkordeon-Konzert sowie Wettbewerbs- und Festival-Organiatoren möchten wir daran erinnern, alle bevorstehenden Veranstaltungen in den aktuellen Akkordeon-Gelben Seiten, www.accordion-yellowpages.com Webseite einzutragen. Alle Einträge sind kostenfrei und können direkt online selbst auf die Seite gestellt und aktualisiert werden. Bereits bestehende Informationen sollten auf ihre Richtigkeit und Gültigkeit geprüft werden

Alle Veranstaltungen sind in unseren Eventkalender ersichtlich und dies auf allen unseren 7 übersetzten Sprachen. Der Event-Kalender ist gelb und auf der rechten Seite/oben auf unseren verschiedenen Seiten zu finden. Dies inkludiert unsere USA Nachrichten Edition accordions.com und das neue Portal, das den diatonischen Instrumenten gewidmet ist - diatonische-news.com

Eine große Anzahl von Lesern konsultieren täglich, wöchtenlich, monatlich, jährlich unsere Akkordeon-Yellow Pages Future Events Seiten. Nützen Sie diese Gelegenheit – es ist ein kostenloses kostenlosen Service für die Akkordeon Gemeinschaft.

Tutti gli organizzatori di concerti, concorsi e festival devono ricordarsi di inserire i loro eventi futuri nel sito Accordion-YellowPages.com.

La segnalazione è gratis e potete farlo autonomamente. Potete cambiare e aggiornare il vostro annuncio da soli e far rendere l'informazione disponibile.

La voce Eventi Futuri si trova in alto sul lato destro delle notizie di accordions.com in 7 lingue più altri siti come accordionsusa.com e diatonic-news.com.

Un enorme numero di lettori visiona le pagine di Accordion Yellow Pages Future Events ogni anno, così prende tutto il vantaggio di questo servizio gratis per la comunità fisarmonicistica.

Tous les organisateurs de concerts, de festivals et de concours sont rapplelé d'insérer leurs événements à venir sur le calendrier du site Accordéon-YellowPages.com.

L'insertion est gratuite et vous pouvez le faire individuellement. Vous pouvez modifier et mettre à jour votre annonce par vous-même et de rendre l'information disponible.

Le calendrier des Événements à venir est sur le côté supérieur à droit des nouvelles hebdomadaire en 7 langues du accordions.com et que accordionsusa.com et diatonique-news.com.

Un grand nombre de lecteurs consultes les pages jaune de l'Accordéon pages chaque jour et année est surtous l’ événements futures, profiter pleinement de ce service gratuit pour la communauté des accordéonistes.



by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
The Câmara Municipal de Cantanhede Council organizes and presents the 2012 New Year concert on Saturday, 7th January at 9.45 pm in the do Centro Paroquial São Pedro em Cantanhede again João Gentil joining on the accordion and bandoneon the classical string quartet.
Re-edition of the concert after the huge success of the former year in honour of the aniversayr of the Museu da Pedra, Cantanhede

A special selected program to meet the timbres of violins, viola, cello, accordion, bandoneon and accordina. Powerful themes of Astor Piazzolla, Ennio Morricone, L. Bacalov, Vivaldi, Bach, among many others. A program divided into two parts for two hours of music and unforgettable experience.

Rodrigo Queirós - 1º violino
Marta Eufrázio - 2º violino
Dírio Alves - Viola de Arco
Katerina Nikus - Violoncelo
João Gentil - Acordeon,Bandoneon,Acordina

Information: João Gentil joaogentil1@gmail.com

A Cultura da Câmara Municipal de Cantanhede organiza e apresenta o concerto de Ano Novo 2012 no dia 7 Janeiro, Sábado, 21h45 no Auditório do Centro Paroquial São Pedro em Cantanhede juntando novamente o acordeon e bandoneon de João Gentil às cordas da formação clássica do quarteto.
Re-edição deste concerto após o enorme sucesso do anterior no âmbito do aniversário do Museu da Pedra, Cantanhede.

Um programa especialmente escolhido para o encontro timbrico entre violinos, viola de arco, violoncelo, acordeon, bandoneon e ainda a acordina. Poder-se-á ouvir temas de Astor Piazzolla, Ennio Morricone, L. Bacalov, Vivaldi, Bach, entre muitos outros. Um programa dividido em duas partes para duas horas de música num espectáculo imperdível.


Rodrigo Queirós - 1º violino
Marta Eufrázio - 2º violino
Dírio Alves - Viola de Arco
Katerina Nikus - Violoncelo
João Gentil - Acordeon,Bandoneon,Acordina

Information: João Gentil joaogentil1@gmail.com

Voci Armoniche

Kreuzschiffsfahrt mit Stars aus der Volksmusik - Deutschland/Österreich

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Auf geht es - nach Gran Canaria - vom 2-10. April 2012. Mit dabei sind Marc Pircher, der sein 20 jàhriges Jubliàum feiert und die Donautaler, die Styroler, die Hattiner Buam, Lara Bianca und es moderiert: Ingo Rotter.

Wenn Sie mehr darueber wissen mòchten, dann besuchen Sie die Seite:


Friedrich Lips Book

Andy Cutting in concert - UK

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Andy Cutting will be touring shortly in:

Jan 7, 2012 Andy Cutting Solo Haddenham Village Haddenham Village Haddenham, AYLESBURY. 01296 415333
Jan 22, 2012 Cecil Sharp Project Bristol, St Georges Bristol, St Georges 0845 402 4001 / http://www.stgeorgesbristol.co.uk

Jan 23, 2012 Cecil Sharp Project Buxton, Opera House Buxton, Opera House 0845 127 2190 http://www.buxtonoperahouse.org.uk/whats-on/P256/

Jan 24, 2012 Cecil Sharp Project Derby, Derby Theate Derby, Derby Theate 01332 255800 www.derbylive.co.uk/Public_Event.aspx?ID=1281

Jan 25, 2012 Cecil Sharp Project Glasgow, Celtic Connections Glasgow, Celtic Connections 0141 353 8000 www.celticconnections.com

Jan 26, 2012 Cecil Sharp Project Burnley, Mechanics Burnley, Mechanics 01282 664400 www.burnleymechanics.co.uk/list.php?month=01&year=2012&Go=Go&Cat=null

Jan 27, 2012 Cecil Sharp Project London, Cecil Sharp House London, Cecil Sharp House 020 7485 2206 www.efdss.org/

Jan 28, 2012 Martin Simpson Trio Hailsham Pavilion Hailsham Pavilion, George Street, HAILSHAM, East Sussex, BN27 1AE. 01323 841414 7:30 PM www.spyboy.co.uk www.spyboy.co.uk

Feb 2, 2012 Martin Simpson Trio The Met, Bury The Met Market Street, BURY, Lancs, BL9 0BW. 0161 7612216 www.themet.biz

Feb 3, 2012 Martin Simpson Trio Kendal Brewery Arts Centre Kendal Brewery Arts Centre 22 Highgate, KENDAL, Cumbria, LA9 4HE. 01539 725133 �15 www.breweryarts.co.uk

Feb 5, 2012 Martin Simpson Trio Birmingham Town Hall Birmingham Town Hall, Victoria Square, BIRMINGHAM, B3 3DQ. 0121 7803333 7:30 PM www.thsh.co.uk www.thsh.co.uk

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

BeauSoliel & Michael Doucet - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
BeauSoleil and Michael Doucet
Poway Center for Performing Arts Presents
BeauSoliel &Michael Doucet
on January 21, 2012 at 8 pm
• Celebrate Mardi Gras with Grammy Award-winning Cajun band, BeauSoleil! Come see one of the longest standing and most beloved Cajun bands in the world
• BeauSoleil holds the distinction of being the most frequent guests on National Public Radio's legendary program, A Prairie Home Companion. BeauSoleil are synonymous with New Orleans's Cajun music. Their fans and awards speak for them:
• "THE BEST CAJUN BAND IN THE WORLD" - Garrison Keillor, Prairie Home Companion
• "BeauSoleil play music that's honest to the bone!" - Allen Toussaint
• 2009 GRAMMY Winner for Live at the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival (Best Zydeco Or Cajun Music Album)
• 1998 GRAMMY Winner for L'Amour Ou La Folie (Best Traditional Folk Album)
• 2010 Winner: Best Cajun Performer - Best of The Beat Awards, presented by New Orleans' offBeat magazine, an amazing 14th win for them in this category
"That's my kind of music!" - Bob Dylan, upon listening to Beau Soleil during the New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival
Info: www.powayarts.org

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Sväng Harmonica in January - Germany/Luxembourg

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Svàng Harmonica Quartet/Finland
"Harmonica Ensemble" may not immediately inspire thoughts of high art or serious music-making, but Sväng, founded in 2003, have proved to the disbelievers that this tiny instrument can be very expressive and that its potential is, in fact, unlimited!
With a dynamic, energetic stage presence and a repertoire of original music composed by the group themselves, Sväng are set to dazzle and delight listeners the world over. In their music, Slavic melancholy is bolstered by a compulsive rhythmic groove which betrays the groups' love of music of all stripes.
Sväng's debut album, released in 2004, was an instant success and has already achieved fame around the world. Following successful tours around the USA, Germany, France, Holland, Belgium, Austria, Hungary, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Mexico, UK Japan, China and Croatia, including many radio and television appearances, in March 2008 Sväng released their album Jarruta. The third album Schladtzshe! will be released fall 2010. In addition Sväng released an album of self arranged music by Fryderyk Chopin in May 2010.
Perhaps their strong appeal can be attributed to the novelty of the ensemble sound coupled with their unique program of virtuoso Balkan rhythms, swinging ragtime, passionate tango, world music from the North and wild improvisations. A spectacle that must be witnessed live!

Tuesday 01/17/2012 Philharmonie Luxemburg - Luxembourg at 8:00 pm

Wednesday 01/18/2012
Solingen, Germany at 7:30 pm

Thursday 01/19/2012
Kammgarn Kaiserslautern

Friday 01/20/2012
Unterfahrt - München, Germany
Saturday 01/21/2012


Kaapse Affodille – South Africa

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
'Die Kaapse Affodille' is a unique ladies band, playing traditional music with a modern twist. The play traditional South African folk music (boeremusiek) with instruments such as the concertina (konsertina), melodica, accordion, banjo and guitars. They play traditional numbers such as 'Sarie Marais, Suikerbossie' and all-time favourite, 'Hartebeesfontein', by Fanie Botha.

7 band members: Mariaan Wiese, Rena Smuts, Sandra Prins, Rene Steenkamp, Luzette Stemmet, Karin K & Leonie Avenant

E-mail: affodille@gmail.com

Titano Accordions

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Accordion Jazz Chord

Summit School Folk Music Festival! - Montpelier (VT) - USA

by Webmaster
Jeremiah McLaneJannuary
14th and 15th

Winter Folk Music Festival in downtown Montpelier,

Sheesham and Lotus
Jeremiah McLane and Sarah Blair Mayfly
the Speckers
Brendan Taffe.

For further information visit: http://www.summit-school.org

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Stage Organetto con Gianni Ventola Danese - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Gianni Ventola DaneseRoma - 28 gennaio 2012
L'uso ritmico armonico dei bassi.

“Che accordi ci metto?” è questa una delle domande più frequenti. La risposta è “dipende, perchè ci sono molte possibilità”. La qualità diatonica dello strumento permette infatti di generare decine e decine di accordi che possono essere suonati per accompagnare in modo più suggestivo e ricco la linea del canto. Non solo. I bassi possono essere usati in modo “cantato” o ritmicamente asimmetrico, infrangendo la rigida scansione ritmica, per rendere più dinamico un determinato passaggio o per aggiungere sincope laddove l'elemento ritmico può arricchire l'interpretazione. I bassi possono essere usati per sovrapposizione e in congiunzione con la tastiera generando modulazioni ed effetti ritmici.

Lo stage si rivolge a coloro che suonano l’organetto a 8, 12 o 18 bassi, e che desiderano ampliare il repertorio e migliorare il loro stile esecutivo. Allo stage possono partecipare anche coloro che non leggono la musica.

Info e costi
Costo dello stage: 80 euro. La quota può essere versata tramite vaglia postale, bonifico bancario, carta di credito o conto PayPal.

Programma delle attività
Ore 9:30 Accoglienza partecipanti
Ore 10:00-13:00 Stage (prima parte)
Ore 14:00-19:00 Stage (seconda parte

Info: 06.92938383, 329.3738715 info@organetto.info

Cygnet Folk Festival - Australia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Mick Flanagan6th - 8th January 2012

Irish-born Mick Flanagan had run a folk club in Sydney before moving to Franklin in 1979. He began a monthly folk club in Franklin’s Federal Hotel. A typical night on the first Saturday of the month would include two booked acts, then a ‘Come all Ye’ – a chance for new performers to perform a couple of pieces.
Many had young children and these nights were an important social event for the whole family. They would take along bedding, food and drink for the young children. The kids were expected to show respect for the musicians. They would listen for a while and then settle down. Many of these children grew up to be musicians themselves. This is where the family-friendly spirit of today’s Cygnet Folk Festival comes from.
Mick and his fellow musicians also wanted to showcase Tasmanian talent. This is another important strand in today’s programming. Those involved with those monthly folk club sessions in Franklin held the first annual festival three years later in Cygnet in 1982. It has run continuously ever since with many generations of volunteers. It is now Tasmania’s premier folk, dance and music event.
It has been cited as the inspiration for the high level of artistic activity in the Huon Valley. Many Tasmanian bands grew from chance collaborations at the festival and many musicians have moved to the valley to live because of the festival. Musical events and small group sessions are held throughout the year, albeit hidden among the hills sometimes! Performance at the festival provides a goal which can sustain an emergent band or solo performer for the year.
Musicians from all over Australia are keen to participate in the Cygnet Folk Festival and competition by performers is stiff. Each year the festival employs over one hundred local musicians and brings more than three hundred visiting musicians to Tasmania along with their many more fans
Part of it this year:
Uisce Reatha (issh-ker rah) is a group of friends who play Traditional Irish Music as a way of life. Their name literally means Running Water, and this is easy to see as they play sets of Traditional Irish Jigs and Reels, Hornpipes and Polkas, flowing seamlessly from one tune to another.

Hemlock – A Celtic-style group of local musicians from nearby beautiful hills and valleys, inspired by the likes of Turloch O’Carolan, Planxty, Steeleye Span, Loreena McKennitt and traditional tunes. Hemlock’s eclectic performances include beautiful haunting instrumental and vocal pieces which range from the slow, melodic and ethereal, to lively and vibrant jigs and reels and their own take on traditional songs.

Mick Flanagan is one of the founders of the Cygnet Folk Festival from 30 years ago!! Mick will sing the songs and play tunes from his native Ireland in the time honoured manner of Irish home based entertainment and dance. This is the sound that you feind from Clare to Cork, from Armagh to Kerry, in any parlour or pub

For information: http://www.cygnetfolkfestival.org

Charnwood Music Publishing

Celtic Connection Festival - Scotland/UK

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
19 jan - 5 feb 2012

It’s January, it’s Glasgow, the nights are long and cold. But with a jig here and a Scotch snap there, out of the darkness erupts the noisy winter carnival that is Celtic Connections, a riotous assembly of music and musicians drawn from five continents for an 18-day, 300-event hoedown that truly brings the city to life.

On Tuesday 24th January 2012, 8.00pm
Celtic Connections Box and Fiddle Night
Glasgow Royal Concert Hall : Strathclyde Suite
Nearly 60 years since Jimmy Shand played ‘The Bluebell Polka’ on Top of the Pops, this all-star gathering – specially curated for Celtic Connections – celebrates the proud history of Scottish accordion and fiddle music, and remembers its most legendary figures, with a selection of classic tracks from classic albums, dating right up to the present. Described as “the ultimate dance-band mix tape”, and featuring plenty of tall tales and anecdotes in between sets, the show is hosted by the inimitable John Carmichael, presiding over a line-up including Duncan and Robert Black, Marie Fielding, Alasdair MacCuish and Tom Orr, plus some very special surprise guests.

For much more information upon all happenings and events – consult: http://www.celticconnections.com/2012Festival

Voci Armoniche

we folk Changé (72) - France

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Duo Absynthe
Philippe Plard2 jours de fêtes pour les musiques traditionnelles !
Vendredi 20 Janvier : 20h30
Carte Blanche à Philippe Plard

Accordéoniste, danseur et compositeur, originaire du Mans. Il se produit en solo ou en trio dans de nombreux festivals dans toute l'Europe. Ses rencontres et échanges avec des musiciens venus de tous horizons, lui permettent de dénicher des groupes de musique représentatifs de la nouvelle scène Trad' actuelle, s'inspirant d'un répertoire traditionnel, mais en lui apportant une modernité et une énergie communicatives, sans jamais oublier la dimension festive et dansante !

Un trio de cordes à découvrir ! Fabuleux , extraordinaire, original ….. La guitare autrement ! ! ! !
Ils nous viennent de Belgique.

Ils ne mettent pas de barrières dans leur musique :avec leur mélange de compos et de morceaux trads, ils touchent un public très large, aussi bien chez les folkeux pur-sang que chez les mélomanes aux oreilles acérées. Ils se sont produits au Nanjing Jazz and World Festival (Chine), Festival des Luthiers et Maîtres Sonneurs (F), Rudolstadt (Allemagne), Kaustinen Folkfestival (Fin), Kinnersley Festival (GB), Mandopolis (F), Viljandi Folkfestival (Est), Sunrise Celebration (GB),…
Autant agréable en concert qu'en bal, à ne pas manquer si vous aimez la guitare !

TRIO PHILIPPE PLARD Ce trio jovial nous fait vivre la passion des bals folks en tenant en haleine les danseurs toujours demandeurs des mélodies tendres et festives... Philippe Plard :accordéon diatonique, chant - Thomas Leverger :saxophone -Philippe Etienne : guitare

DUO ABSYNTHE : guitare/ Accordéon
La rencontre entre deux noctambules. Mazurkas rêveuses, scottischs dynamiques bourrées délirantes, voici les ingrédients du bon bal d' Absynthe. Ils voyagent à travers l'Europe pour donner le plaisir aux danseurs : Une réussite à chaque fois ! Aurélien Clarambaux : accordéon diatonique - Sylvain Letourneau : guitare
Samedi 21 Janvier :

renseignement : Le Rabelais 1 place Victor Hugo 72560 Changé 0243401304
Philippe Plard and Friends


6. Internationalen Avsenik Akkordeonwettbewerb 2012 - Slowenien

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
• Tastenakkordeon – Solisten
* Knopfakkordeon - Solisten
• Steirische Harmonika - Solisten
• Gruppenauftritt

Und wieder werden sich viele Akkordeonspieler im Gasthaus Avsenik v Begunjah eintreffen. Seien auch sie dabei beim 6. internationalen Harmonikawettbewerb für den grossen Avsenik Preis!

Weitere Informationen: http://avsenik.com/
Musikschule Avsenik, Begunje 9, 4275 Begunje na Gorenjskem, Slowenien
Tel. ++386 4 530 73 05 oder GSM 040 240 400, 031 764 500
e-mailk: gsa@avsenik.com

Temple Bar TradFest - Irland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Dublin’s festival of Irish Music and Culture, the Temple Bar TradFest will be back for the 7th year from January 25-29th 2012. The 2012 festival will include headline concerts in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin City Hall and The Button Factory. Other highlights include over 200 free events, music trail, singers club, open sessions, two outdoor stages, the international Celtic Irish dance show, master classes and showcases, gigs for kids, children’s club, pipe bands, street performers, a rural Irish village in the city and much more. The Iconic surrounds of Christ Church cathedral will play host to Michael Mc Goldrick, Ralph Mc Tell and The Dubliners 50th anniversary concert. Dublin’s city hall will resound to the sounds of Irish Music all week with lunch time and evening intimate concerts with some of Irelands best known artists including Voices and Harps with Moya Brennan and Cormac De Barra, Frankie Gavin, Sean O Riada’s Cor Cúil Aodha, Tommy Sands, Mick O’ Brien, an evening of Irish Culture in Song and story with Noel O’ Grady and a very special gala benefit night for the Pecker Dunne

Information: http://templebartrad.com/
Or call +353 1 7030700

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

12. Fürstenecker Bordunale , Burg Fürsteneck – Germany

by Harley Jones
Sigmar GotheSkandinavische Musik auf dem diatonischen Akkordeon
Für Fortgeschrittene mit Sigmar Gothe vom 1. bis 4. Januar 2012

Anhand charakteristischer Stücke wird ein Einblick in den Stil und die Rhythmik traditioneller Tanzmusik aus Schweden und Norwegen gegeben. Der Kurs vermittelt Tipps und Anregungen wie diese Musik, die sich ursprünglich eher am Geigenrepertoire orientiert hat, auf dem diatonischen Akkordeon gespielt werden kann. Der Schwerpunkt wird auf Polska- bzw. Pols-Melodien liegen. Die einzelnen Melodien werden wir mit unterschiedlicher Intensität bearbeiten, so dass einerseits ein vertieftes Verständnis und andererseits ein vielfältiger Überblick möglich werden.

Sicheres Melodiespiel, eine gute Koordination von rechter und linker Hand sowie die Bereitschaft nach Gehör zu spielen werden vorausgesetzt. Wenn möglich einfaches Aufnahmegerät mitbringen. Benötigt wird ein diatonisches Akkordeon in G/C (ohne Gleichtöner) möglichst ohne Terz im Akkord. Diese kann aber auch noch vor Ort und vorübergehend abgeklebt werden.

Sigmar Gothe, Trossingen, arbeitet als Handzuginstrumentenmacher und spielt schwäbisch-allemannische (mit den "Stäffelsgeigern") und skandinavische Musik auf diatonischem und chromatischem Akkordeon.

6° Trofeo Città di Greci - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
ORGANETTO (fino a 4 bassi) (oltre 4 bassi)
Per la sezione ORGANETTO
Primo assoluto borsa di studio delle categorie A-B è di euro 150 e trofeo
Primo posto coppa e diploma di merito
Secondo-Terzo posto medaglia e diploma di merito
Per le categorie C-D-E il primo assoluto avrà una borsa di studio di 200 euro e trofeo
Primo posto coppa e diploma di merito
Secondo-Terzo posto medaglia e diploma di merito.

Per ulteriori Informazioni: www.trofeocittadigreci.com

e-mail: VINCENZO NORCIA norcia.vincenzo@gmail.com

Titano Accordions

Trek'n Folk Festival - France

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
a Halluin/Menin
Janvier 14-21 2012

• Le festival Trek'n Folk propose un cocktail musical aux sonorités dansantes et exotiques : un programme éclatant, pendant 5 jours, beaucoup des groupes, 1000 spectateurs, des centaines de danseurs et bénévoles motivés... Tous les ingrédients sont réunis pour combler les amateurs de musiques traditionnelles et charmer les néophytes : concerts, bals folks, fest-noz,....

Information: http://www.treknfolk.com/


Peter Brice, Button Accordionist and Balladeer

by Rita Davidson Barnea
Peter BricePeter Brice plays Irish Traditional music on the button accordion and sings old songs in a traditional style. A protégé of legendary accordionist Billy McComiskey, Peter has pursued the traditional style with special regard for the playing of the old Galway button accordionists, particularly Joe Cooley, Kevin Keegan, and Raymond Roland.

Peter's interest in obscure music and songs from printed collections has earned him a reputation in the United States and in Ireland as an enduring source of little known repertoire. Peter is the founder of the Baltimore Singers Club and a charter member of the Old Bay Ceili Band. He holds a B.A. in Irish Traditional Music and Dance from the University of Limerick.

Peter performed in "A Celtic New Year", celebrated at Kennedy Center's Millennium Stage on Saturday night, December 31st, with Irish music and dance in the form of jigs and reels. He performed with the New Century Ensemble and its leader, accompanist and producer, Zan McLeod.

"Technically, I'm more Scottish than I am Irish," said McLeod, a multitalented accompanist and producer. "But the word 'Celtic' has become a popular [term] in the last 15 years. As people get more familiar with the music, they realize a lot of it came from England and Scotland, as well as Ireland."

Having performed in many musical styles and genres, this native of North Carolina co-founded the Irish-American group Touchstone. In 1988, McLeod migrated north to D.C., where he met up with his Irish musician buddies and began touring and recording.

Now, guitarist McLeod (who has performed and recorded with such Irish notables as the Chieftains and Seamus Egan) works with his New Century Ensemble, and its Celtic cast of performers that include Peter Brice on the accordion, Rosie Shipley on the fiddle and the professional New Century Dancers under the direction of Kate Bole.

At the Millennium concert, Peter performed the dance music that you hear from Ireland and Scotland; the traditional jigs and reels and Caeli [dance] repertoire along with some holiday songs and a Celtic version of "Auld Lang Syne," a traditional Scottish tune by Robert Burns.

Voci Armoniche

Future events / Concerts

Zydeco in Campout/January 13-14th - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

MES SOULIERS SONT ROUGES / Trek'n Folk Festival - France

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Saturday 21 Januuary 2012


"Retour aux sources" (Fr)

avec Loened Fall (Fr/Bzh)

Naragonia (Be)

Birgit Bornauw (Be)

+ Invités

Tickets : http://www.digitick.com/mes-souliers-sont-rouges-concert -salle-du-manege-halluin-21-janvier-2012-css4-sortir-pg101-ri1055017.html

Accordion Jazz Chords

Folk Music Workshop, Salford – UK

by Rob Howard
Accordionist Steve Burgess leads the first Folk Music Workshop of 2012 on Friday January 6th, 8pm, at Room 824 8th floor, Maxwell building, Salford University M5 4WT. The workshop is open to players of all instruments, and of any standard.

For further information email: saxton_s@yahoo.co.uk

2012 South Pacific Accordion Championships & Festival Prospectus – New Zealand

by Harley Jones
New Zealand Acordion Association logo
Concertina and Diatonic solo categories for international contestants. Also Festival performance opportunities for groups and soloists featuring concerina, diatonic, etc.

Download the 2012 NZ Prospectus containing the rules and regulations for the 2012 South Pacific Accordion Championships & Festival, held in Auckland on Saturday June 2nd and Sunday June 3rd 2012. This is the 41st consecutive annual competitions run by the New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA).

International competitors should be aware that that one week later, the AATA run their international competitions in Sydney Australia using the the same rules for the top solo category. Competitors have the opportunity to travel, perform or compete at two different festivals one week apart.

NZAA President Sonja Palinich writes: “The NZAA is delighted to once again have the use of the outstanding Raye Freedman Arts Centre, a venue that is ideally suited, with excellent acoustics, lighting and all its ‘state of the art’ facilities under one roof.

There are various solo categories for international competitors and festival performances available for all types of accordion combinations including orchestras with very appreciative audiences.

On Sunday evening, there will be a ‘Formal Dinner’ during which we will present trophies to the South Pacific Championship winners. This evening features a wealth of accordion entertainment and dancing, to cap off what is always a most exciting weekend”.

For further information, download the 2012 NZ Prospectus or view the NZAA website.

Titano Accordions

Edel Fox at the Temple Bar TradFest 2012 - Irland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Edel FoxTemple Bar TradFest 2012
Gigs - 26 Jan
at City Hall, Dublin
Edel Fox is a concertina player from Miltown Malbay Co. Clare. She began playing at the age of 7 and was fortunate to be brought up in an area and environment where traditional music was in abundance. In 2004, Edel was awarded the TG4 Gradam Ceoltóir Óg na Bliana (Young Musician of the Year). Since then she has travelled extensively as both a teacher and performer of the tradition. She released an album to critical acclaim with Ronan O’Flaherty in 2006. Edel spent some time studying in the Irish World Academy of Music and Dance at the University of Limerick where she received a BA in Irish Music and Dance in 2007. Edel is a recent graduate of the MA in Music Therapy. In addition to her work as a music therapist, Edel continues to teach concertina and perform extensively. Edel has just released her debut solo CD entitled 'Chords and Beryls'

Info: www.edelfox.com

Zydeco/Campout 6-7th January - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations)

eSheet Music Titles

Grove Lane...by the master of diatonic accodion/Joe Derrane - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Grove Lane by Joe DerraneJoe DerraneGrove Lane’ is the title of a wonderful CD from Irish-American accordionist Joe Derrane, featuring a splendid selection of traditional jigs, reels, hornpipes, waltzes, barndance, plus ‘Tango Derrane’, a self composition.

Joe Derrane (born 1930), from Boston, Massachusetts, is widely regarded by his peers as the greatest exponent of the 2-row D/C# system diatonic accordion. Playing professionally and recording since 1947, Joe Derrane’s Irish dance music has been much admired for his vigorous, accurate and highly ornamented playing.

By the late 1950s Derrane had switched to piano accordion and formed a band to play for weddings and similar engagements, moving away from Irish music to popular music and music from other traditions, including Italian and Jewish. By the mid-1970s musical tastes had changed once more and Derrane again switched instruments, moving to the electronic organ.

In 1994 Derrane switched back to the button accordion and began performing and recording again, with great success. He has appeared on radio and television many times, and was the subject of an Irish TV documentary, ‘As Played By Joe Derrane’. He has toured Canada, Switzerland and the Netherlands, and appeared with The Chieftains at Boston Symphony Hall. In 1998, Derrane was inducted into the Hall of Fame of Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann (North American Province) for his contribution to Irish traditional music.

For further information email: support@allcelticmusic.com

Titano Accordions

Samurai Awarded 'Grand Prix International du Disque 2011', Paris – France

by Harley Jones
Accordion Samurai
The diatonic accordion quintet Samurai have been awarded the 'Grand Prix International du Disque 2011' for their recent CD ‘Accordion Samurai’ at l'Académie Charles Cros in Paris.

The members of Samurai are Italy’s Riccardo Tesi (Italy), Didier Laloy and Bruno Le Tron (Belgium), Markku Lepistö (Finland), and David Munnelly (Ireland).

For further information email: frederique.dawans@belgacom.net

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