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Fisarmonica Diatonica al Conservatorio Tchaikovsky - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Formazione Permanente e Ricorrente Sono aperte le iscrizioni al Corso di Formazione Permanente e Ricorrente in WORLD MUSIC. Per l'ammissione non sono previsti limiti d'età e nessun titolo di accesso specifico. Il Corso è articolato nei seguenti indirizzi: Canto Leggero, Chitarra Moderna, Fisarmonica Moderna, Fisarmonica Diatonia, Batteria e Percussioni. Il Corso ha la durata di 6 mesi ed è attivato ai sensi dell'art.44 del Regolamento Didattico Generale dell'Istituto, approvato con D.M. n.38 del 14.02.2011, il conservatorio promuove i corsi per la formazione permanente e ricorrente al fine di: a) Sviluppare conoscenze culturali, abilità e competenze musicali; b) Favorire la crescita culturale degli adulti; c) Contribuire all’educazione e alla formazione musicale dell’infanzia; d) Concorrere alla diffusione della cultura musicale Al termine dei corsi di cui al comma precedente l’Istituto rilascia agli interessati un’attestazione delle competenze acquisite e della frequenza. Tali corsi di formazione sono destinati sia alla promozione culturale, quindi, che all’aggiornamento e formazione professionale. il corso vuole diffondere e sviluppare una nuova didattica musicale e riscoprire tradizioni popolari di diverso genere e nazione, nel completo rispetto di questo strumento chiamato comunemente Organetto, radicato nella nostra cultura ormai da secoli e che sta riscuotendo sempre piu successo fra i molteplici progetti di svariata estrazione artistica, ritagliandosi sempre piu pezzetti della musica e delle progettualità moderne, ritrovandolo nei gruppi popolari , etnici, new age , ma anche nel jazz e nella musica pop , che lo vede oggi come uno strumento nuovo con potenzialità e sonorità diverse. Per informazioni: http://www.altaformazionemusicale.it/ |
Dietrich Mateschitz ... berührende Weihnachstgeschichte, Salzburg – Austriaby Diatonic News |
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In der "KLEINEN ZEITUNG" wurde eine berührende Geschichte, die sich schon vor Weihnachten beim Harmonikabauer Peter Müller in Bad St. Leonhard zugetragen hat, aufmerksam gemacht. Stefan Wallner aus Dellach, der in Salzburg eine Mechanikerlehre absolviert, wollte mit seinem Vater eine neue Harmonika bei der Firma Müller kaufen. Nachdem Stefan, der schon seit seinem fünften Lebensjahr Harmonika spielt, einige durchprobiert und sich bereits für die Passende entschieden hatte, betraten 2 Männer und eine Frau den Verkaufsraum der Fa. Müller. Die wollten auch eine Harmonika kaufen, konnten sich wegen der großen Auswahl nicht entscheiden und fragten die Verkäuferin Margit Mellunig, ob sie einige Stücke auf verschiedenen Harmonikas vorspielen könne. Die Verkäuferin, die zwar auch Harmonika spielen kann, bat Stefan, von dem sie wusste, dass er sehr gut und gefühlvoll spielen kann, ob er das machen möchte. Der ältere der beiden fremden Herren war von seinem Spiel so beeindruckt, dass er gleich zwei Harmonikas kaufte. Als Stefan seine Harmonika zahlen wollte, zeigte die Verkäuferin ihm die Rechnung über 4.600.- Euro und sagte sie hat eine Überraschung. Der Herr, dem er vorgespielt hat, habe bereits alles erledigt. Der junge Mann und der Vater staunten nicht schlecht als sie erfuhren wer der Herr war, dem er vorgespielt hat. Es war Dietrich Mateschitz der Chef des "Red Bull" Imperiums. Durch einen Artikel in der "KLEINEN ZEITUNG" wurde ich auf eine berührende Geschichte aufmerksam, die sich schon vor Weihnachten beim Harmonikabauer Peter Müller in Bad St. Leonhard zugetragen hat. Stefan Wallner aus Dellach, der in Salzburg eine Mechanikerlehre absolviert, wollte mit seinem Vater eine neue Harmonika bei der Firma Müller kaufen. Nachdem Stefan, der schon seit seinem fünften Lebensjahr Harmonika spielt, einige durchprobiert und sich bereits für die Passende entschieden hatte, betraten 2 Männer und eine Frau den Verkaufsraum der Fa. Müller. Die wollten auch eine Harmonika kaufen, konnten sich wegen der großen Auswahl nicht entscheiden und fragten die Verkäuferin Margit Mellunig, ob sie einige Stücke auf verschiedenen Harmonikas vorspielen könne. Die Verkäuferin, die zwar auch Harmonika spielen kann, bat Stefan, von dem sie wusste, dass er sehr gut und gefühlvoll spielen kann, ob er das machen möchte. Der ältere der beiden fremden Herren war von seinem Spiel so beeindruckt, dass er gleich zwei Harmonikas kaufte. Als Stefan seine Harmonika zahlen wollte, zeigte die Verkäuferin ihm die Rechnung über 4.600.- Euro und sagte sie hat eine Überraschung. Der Herr, dem er vorgespielt hat, habe bereits alles erledigt. Der junge Mann und der Vater staunten nicht schlecht als sie erfuhren wer der Herr war, dem er vorgespielt hat. Es war Dietrich Mateschitz der Chef des "Red Bull" Imperiums. English: An article in the newspaper “Kleine Zeitung”, was a touching story, that had taken place near Christmas at the business of accordion maker Peter Müller in Bad St. Leonhard, Carinzia, Austria. Stefan Wallner from Dellach, had completed his apprenticeship as a mechanic in Salzburg and wanted to buy a new Steirische Harmonika together with his father at the company Mueller. After Stefan, who has been playing the Steirische Harmonika since the age of five, tried out the instruments and decided which one he wanted, two men and a woman entered the sales area of Müller. They wanted to buy a Steirische Harmonika, but could not decide because of the large selection and therefore asked the saleswoman Margit Mellunig if she could play some songs on different Steirische Harmonikas. The vendor, who may indeed play, asked Stefan to play for them on different accordions and he did this very nicely with lots of feeling. The older of the two foreign gentlemen was so impressed by his playing that he purchased two Steirische Harmonikas. When Stefan wanted to pay for his Steirische Harmonika, the saleswoman showed him the bill for €4,600 and said she had a big surprise for him. The gentleman for whom he had played, had already paid for everything. Stefan and his father were amazed – especially when they learned who the gentleman was. It was Dietrich Mateschitz, the owner of the huge “Red Bull” empire. What a generous and wonderful Xmas Gift for helping! |
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Hohner Announces the Anacleto Collection - USAby Scott Emmerman, Hohner Marketing |
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![]() Scott Emmerman says that "Hohner is proud to collaborate with the Italian accordion company (IMC) located in Castelfidardo, Italy", a region famous for its high quality instruments. We begin a new and exciting chapter in the accordion world by offering these hand-made works of art, produced by master craftsman utilizing old world expertise. Anacleto accordions will be available in different keys and colors including the three-switch, five-switch, nine-switch, two-tone, four-row diatonic, and 48 bass piano models as well. All are hand crafted with hand-made reeds, beautiful crystal design, and the legendary fingerboard with smooth action that has become the trademark of Anacleto. For years these quality accordions have been a part of the music scene in many music genres including Norteño, Tex-Mex, and Zydeco." For further information email Scott Emmerman: semmerman@hohnerusa.com |
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Festival Het Accordeon 2012 in Deventer - Hollandby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() A wide range of musicians, bands, and orchestra's playing different genres make the Festival a surprising, diverse, and fascinating event. We feel priviliged that Carel Kraayenhof, player of the bandoneon, connects his name to our Festival. He will also be host and programmer of the evening programme on Saturday. There are several workshops which you can find under the button 'Workshops' on the left. For questions please use the 'contactformulier' under the Info menu. evening programme Carel Kraayenhof, bandonéon player, composer, and music arranger, is one of the most fascinating and all-round bandonéon player of our time. This evening he takes on the role of programmer and host and plays together with a number of his favorite artists: Flemish folkband Hot Griselda and tango and fado pianist Juan Pablo Dobal. - Nederlands Jeugd Accordeon Orkest [Dutch Youth Accordion Orchestra] with Ellen Zijm, Bram van Weverberg and Kwintetto. - Hans Günther Kölz and Matthias Anton (Accordion and saxophone) - Luciano Biondini and Maarten van der Grinten (Jazz: accordion and guitar) - Marijke Boon (Humor: accordion and saxophone or clarinet) - Gertie Bruin, Mia Gast en Nanne van der Werff (Chansons: accordion, voice and piano) - Claudia Buder en Matias de Oliviera Pinto (Classical: accordion and cello) - Rick Slagers (Bluesharp) - Beltuner (French folk: ensemble) - Tref: Balfolk (Folk: diatonic button accordion) - Quatuor d'Amore and actor Hubert Damen (Tango: music and poetry) Information: http://www.hetaccordeon.nl/festival2012/index.html |
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Hohner Launches the Vamonos Wireless Microphone System at NAMMby Scott Emmerman, Hohner Marketing |
![]() ![]() The wireless systme is designed to allow performing accordionists to freely move about the stage and promises to deliver professional sound quality and durable on stage performance. This system saves having to permanenty install costly wired microphones and the no wires Vamonos attaches to the accordion grille with magnets making it simple to immediately switch from one accordion to another with ease. Players do not need to modify their expensive accordions. Scott Emmerman wrote that: "The Vamonos one-piece wireless microphone and transmitter module is made of rugged plastic construction and features two highly sensitive, precision mic elements that offer smooth frequency response, exceptional resolution and the ability to handle high sound pressure levels with limited feedback. This system will capture both the high and low reeds with exceptional quality, amplifying the natural accordion sound that players desire." Other interesting features is its operation over an 18MHZ UHF bandwidth with ability of selecting up to 90 UHF frequencies. The dual internal receiver circuits compete for the strongest possible reception resulting in less noise and RF interference. The rear panel features both XLR and ¼” outputs. For further information email Scott Emmerman: semmerman@hohnerusa.com |
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Bandoneon Categories, 49th International Accordion Competition, Klingenthalby Diatonic News |
![]() Download the 2012 Rules and Regulations: 2012Kling This prestigious competition has two categories specifically for the bandoneon: Category VII Bandoneon soloists of any age Category VIII Instrumental groups with up to six musicians including at least one but no more than two bandoneons. Entry closing date is: 15 March 2012 The International Accordion Competition in Klingenthal has featured bandoneon players for several years now with success and continues to do so again in 2012. For further information, view the Klingenthal International Accordion Competition website. |
Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival - Finlandby Diatonic News |
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Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival, 19.-26.2.2012 This festival really brings out the extraordinary versatility of the accordion as a musical instrument. Highly skilled musicians will provide sublime interpretations of classical, sacred and modern works, jazz, chanson and light music. The programme will also include outdoor events. Information:www.talviharmonikka.com marjo.hukari@gmail.com raimo.vertainen@pp.inet.fi . |
Michel Teló - No.1 in Most Charts Around the World - Brazilby Diatonic News |
![]() Michel è un cantante e compositore brasiliano e ha fatto parte di due gruppi musicali, raggiungendo il successo con il Grupo Tradição. Fra i brani più conosciuti del gruppo sono da citare: Barquinho, O caldeirão, Pra sempre minha bida, A brasileira, Ai se eu te pego e Eu quero você, i quali portano tutti la sua firma. Oltre ad essere un cantante, egli è anche un polistrumentista (suona tra l'altro fisarmonica e armonica) e ballerino. Il suo più grande successo nazionale e internazionale "Ai sé eu pego te!", Un numero 1 in molti paesi europei. Con il brano "Ai se eu te pego" è diventato famoso al di fuori del Brasile, grazie al giocatore brasiliano Neymar che, in un video diffuso nel web e visualizzato da numerose postazioni, si esibisce nello spogliatoio prima di una partita del Santos in un ballo sulle note della canzone. In seguito il brano è stato ballato anche da altri popolari calciatori. With the song "Ai se eu te pego " he became famous outside of Brazil, thanks to the Brazilian player Neymar that, in a video posted on the web and viewed from many locations, he performed in the dressing room before a match in Santos dancing to the tune of the song. After this, the song was danced by many other popular playersHis biggest national and international hit is "Ai se eu te pego!", a number 1 in most European countries. |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
Corofin Traditional Festival 2012 - IRLANDby Diatonic News |
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![]() Masterclases for: Button Accordion - Maurice Egan, Colm Gannon Concertina - Jack Talty, Cormac Begley, Caitlin NicGabhann Festival Program Monday 8PM Teach Ceoil Official opening of Festival 8pm and launch of 'The Teach Ceoil Concerts', a compilation double-CD of the first ten years. * Monday 8PM TBC Session TBC * Tuesday 8PM Teach Ceoil Tribute to Pat Mullins (fiddle), followed by recital by Pat and guests. * Tuesday 9.30PM Jimmy Daffys Noel O'Donoghue, Sean Vaughan, Blackie O'Connell and Felim Collins * Wednesday 8PM Teach Ceoil Recital and CD, with Denis Liddy and Elvie Miller. Special guest Verena Commins * Wednesday 9.30PM Bofey Quinns John Boyd and Friends * Thursday 10PM Crowleys Padraic O'Reilly, Damien O'Reilly, Liam Ryan * Thursday 8PM Teach Ceoil Dessie O'Halloran, Johnny O'Halloran, Ronan O'Flaherty, Don Stiffe * Friday 8PM Teach Ceoil Colm and Seamus O'Donnell, Derek Hickey, Marcus Moloney and Alec Finn, Jimmy Morrison * Saturday 4PM Teach Ceoil Donal and Mick McCague, Jack Talty and Cormac Begley * Saturday 8PM Teach Ceoil Kevin Crawford, James Cullinan and John Doyle; Caitlin NicGabhann and Jack Talty. http://www.corofintradfest.com/ |
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15th Cobargo Folk Festival – Australiaby Dominic Karcic |
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![]() Over 200 performers converge on the Cobargo Showground over the last weekend in February and provide a pageant of Australian and international talent. The next festival will be held on the 24th, 25th & 26th February, 2012. Performers and audiences alike have described this festival as "the best little folk festival in the country" (Bob McInnes - Cornstalk Gazette). . Cobargo is situated on the far south coast of New South Wales, mid-way between Narooma and Bega. It is about three hours drive from Canberra and about five hours from Sydney (Click here for a map) Bus services between Sydney and Melbourne stop at Cobargo. The festival started out as a small celebration in the village centre but the growth in popularity of the festival resulted in a move to the Cobargo Showground in 2005. This has been recognised as a positive move in the development of the festival due to the beautiful rural setting, ample space and excellent facilities (including onsite camping with all amenities). Being fully self-contained means that it is great for young children and the festival is very family-friendly. It has also enabled the expansion of both the children’s activities and the dance program. The Cobargo Showground is situated on the Bermagui Road. It's a short walk to the Cobargo village where there is a good pub, coffee shops, a supermarket and service station. There's also some tempting craft and antique shops. A huge range of food and craft stalls are also provided as part of the festival. For further information e-mail: Public Officer: Michael Hoorihan (02) 6493 6177 Information: http://www.cobargofolkfestival.com/ Email: cobargofolkfestival@bigpond.com |
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Video of Diatonic Categories, 2011 Trophée Mondial, Now Online - Italyby Frédéric Deschamps |
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![]() The performances in this category are now available on the CMA website for free video download to your computer. See the Lisbon Duo of Yohann and Yannik Lopes performing and also the Gabriele and Gabriele Guglielmi of Italy performing. These are large files but good quality for assisting teachers and students performances. This was an exciting category that most bellows interested people will enjoy watching. The rules for the music you will hear are: 2011CMA-video Junior Variety - Diatonic. (Maximum Age 18 years) 1 Round: Own Choice Program with maximum time limit of 8 mins to include at least two pieces of different style and character. The pieces chosen should be mainly original works for Diatonic accordion. Senior Variety - Diatonic. (Maximum Age 35 years) 1st Round: Own Choice Program with maximum time limit of 9 mins. 2nd Round:Own Choice Program with maximum time limit of 9 mins. Music performed in the second round must be different from those performed in the first round. The pieces chosen should be mainly original works for Diatonic accordion. |
15th Irish Music Workshop Weekend in Neu Anspach - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() Werkstätten Anglo-Concertina (Klaus Kessler) Termin: 10.-12. Februar 2012 Veranstaltungsort: Alte Schule, Schulstraße 3, 61267 Neu Anspach Zeiten: Beginn: 10. Februar 2012, 18.00 Uhr (Anreise ab 17.00 Uhr, die erste Unterrichtseinheit beginnt um 20.00 Uhr). Ende: 12. Februar 2012 (nach dem Mittagessen und gemeinsamen Aufräumen). Konzept An diesem Wochenende geht es in den sechs Instrumentalworkshops um irische Tunes (Jigs, Reels, Hornpipes etc.) und deren harmonisch-rhythmische Begleitung. In den Instrumentalkursen soll außerdem ein Stück erarbeitet werden, das von allen Teilnehmern gemeinsam gespielt und vorgeführt wird. Geeignet sind die Workshops für Fortgeschrittene und nach Absprache auch für Anfänger mit Vorkenntnissen, wie z.B. auch Quereinsteiger aus anderen Musiksparten. Mit dem Konzept von wechselnden Gastdozenten zusätzlich zum Stamm-Dozententeam haben wir dieses Mal Steffen Gabriel (Flute), Claus Kessler (Concertina) und erstmals Klaus Feketics (Bouzouki) als Kursleiter gewinnen können. Donal Campbell wird den Fiddleworkshop leiten, Ekhart Topp betreut wie immer die Gitarren in Standard Tuning und Stefanie Bieber übernimmt den Tin Whistle Kurs. Kurse Concertina mit Claus Kessler Information: http://www.irishmusicworkshops.de/ Oder e-mail: irishmusic@stefanie-bieber.de |
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North Carolina Symphony's Tango Nuevo Concert - USAby Harley Jones |
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This has been edited from a review by Karen Rivas. The concert on Thursday 23rd January 2012 was mainly a tribute to Argentine tango master composer Astor Piazzolla, the bandoneón, and the Nuevo Tango style that Piazzolla made so famous. The Thursday night concert opened with Last Round for Strings, a dramatic piece composed by Osvaldo Golijov in honor of Piazzolla. Meant to evoke the sound of the bandoneón, which Piazzolla played, the piece required the string sections to stand opposite of each other, creating a musical dialogue that simulated the opening and closing of the instruments bellows while imitating the movements of dancers as they weave their bodies in and out of each other. The second piece, Concerto for Bandoneón, was written by Piazzolla and featured acclaimed Argentinean bandoneón player Coco Trivisonno (pictured). The high-energy piece that turned melancholic towards the third movement showcased a unique fusion of European classical music with distinctive tango rhythms. The second half of the concert opened with another tribute to Piazzolla, Re-collecting ASTORoids, this time by composer Elena Kats-Chernin. Using some of Piazzolla’s unusual harmonic tunes, the piece delicately unfolded in front of the audience, going from slow to fast, to middle slow, and then back to fast to close with a slow epilogue. The concert closed with an energetic ballet suite that symbolized the various daily activities of an Argentinean ranch, the audience was delighted by the performance of tango dancers Daniel Arredondo and Karen Jaffe (pictured), who brought the sensuous music to life during the orchestra’s rendition of Adiós Nonino, one of Piazzolla’s best-known compositions. As the orchestra’s music director Grant Llewellyn put it at the beginning of the performance, the show was “an Argentinean party,” a new interpretation of this provocative South American art form that is worth rediscovering. |
Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh Festival - IRLANDby Diatonic News |
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Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh is a 5 day Traditional Music School paying particular attention to the music, style and of the Corca Dhuibhne peninsula in Co. Kerry, Ireland. The next Scoil Cheoil will run from Wednesday the 15th to Sunday the 19th of February, 2012 with about 25 classes in a wide range of instruments as well as sean-nós singing workshops and a sean-nós dance workshop. Over the 5 days there are concerts, sessions, singers’ nights, recitals, a pupils’ concert, guided walk, and all sorts of other events based on various aspects of our tradition. Coming to Scoil Cheoil an Earraigh not only gives people the opportunity to get a taste of the local music and song, but it gives people a chance to experience the richness of the Irish language here in the heart of the Kerry Gaeltacht. People have the opportunity to attend a ‘ciorcal comhrá’ (conversation circle) where they can practice their cúpla focal, and for those whose ambitions lie further afield, we have classes in Gáidhlig (Scotts Gaelic). We are also delighted to have the opportunity to invite musicians from all over Ireland to come to Scoil Cheoil to take part in teaching classes and performing at concerts and recitals. This year fantastic musicians are joining the festival for concerts and classes, including Seán and Cian Talty, the Campbells from Donegal, Jackie Daly and Matt Cranitch, Claire Keville, Cathal McConnell, Nell Ní Chróinín and many more. Baile an Fheirtéaraigh is a small village with a great energy and a huge enthusiasm for music and is a great place to spend a few days enjoying the music and the company. Information: eolas@scoilcheoil.com |
POPOLO 'E TAMMURRIATA a Salerno - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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![]() Il Popolo 'e Tammurriata è un progetto ideato e prodotto dall'Associazione Daltrocanto Sotto la direzione di Antonio Giordano. Quest’anno si svolgerà dal L'Organetto nella Pizzica del Salento con Donatello Pisanello(Officina ZOE') Per ulteriori informazioni sull’evento visita www.daltrocantoweb.org o contatta la direzione 328 7254831 – per e-mail: info@daltrocantoweb.org |
14. Fürstenecker Folk&TanzTage/diatonisches Akkordeon - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
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![]() Anfänger/innen unter der Leitung von Karsten Evers Es werden die grundlegenden Kenntnisse über Aufbau, Haltung und Spielweise des Instruments vermittelt. Anhand einfacher Stücke werden das Melodiespiel, die Bassbegleitung im 2/4 und 3/4 Takt und die Koordination der Luftklappe geübt. Alle Einsteiger/innen sind herzlich willkommen. Instrumente: Leihinstrument auf Anfrage / Gebühr: 25,00 €. Spiel- und Verzierungstechniken für Fortgeschrittene ab mittlerem Spielniveau Leitung: Oliver Stoffregen Anhand einfacher Stücke erarbeiten wir verschiedene Variationsmöglichkeiten im Melodiespiel, der Bassbegleitung und der Balgführung. Ziel ist es, das eigene Repertoire interessanter und vielfältiger gestalten zu können. Die Stücke werden in Noten und Tabulatur ausgeteilt, es wird jedoch auch das im Folkbereich traditionelle Erlernen der Melodie nach Gehör geübt. Voraussetzungen: Sicheres und flüssiges Spielen einfacher Melodien. Die Koordination beider Hände sollte kein Grundproblem sein. Information: http://www.burg-fuersteneck.de Email: bister@burg-fuersteneck.de |
How Ernesto Guerra Became one of Tejano's Most Acclaimed Accordionistsby Harley Jones |
![]() When he was a 17-year-old shoe shine boy, Ernesto Guerra bought his first two row diatonic accordion for $32 in 1956 at the old Ross Department store in McAllen. His father maintained orchards, keeping the trees cleaned and the irrigation ditches flowing. Ernesto, who helped in the family business when his father demanded it, had no musical training nor any musical tradition in his family. What he had was an inexplicable love for accordion music and an urge to make it himself. “I’ve always had that sound in my mind, the sound of the accordion,” says Guerra, now 73. He dedicated much of his life throughout the next five and a half decades to making accordion music, self-taught and enamored with the squeeze box. Nowadays, with his legs slowed by diabetes and his lungs made weak by serious respiratory problems, he has retired from the instrument he loves, spending his days at home with his daughter Melissa and her son. And even though the music has stopped, Guerra’s memories remain – the shows in Los Angeles, Mexico City and Chicago. The time on stage with Cornelio Reyna and Juan Gabriel. The inductions into regional music hall of fames and the feature in the Smithsonian Institute in Washington D.C. “I’m proud,” Guerra says. “I’m proud that Jesus gave me the talent to play the accordion.” Guerra credits his entire career to a firm devotion to Christianity, thanking his faith for everything from the invitations to tour with some of tejano and conjunto’s greatest legends to the late nights spent practicing after working at a paint can factory in Illinois. One of his greatest lasting accomplishments is the music Guerra recorded with Tomas Ortiz, of Los Alegres De Teran. To this day he keeps DVDs and CDs of his work with Ortiz, who combined his bajo sexto with Guerra’s accordion. His musical career wasn’t always easy though. When he would depart for weeks to play and work in Los Angeles or Chicago, he would leave his young family. “It was the hardest thing in the world,” Guerra says. “When I went on tour, I would leave my wife without a vehicle.” His wife, Pura Sylvia Guerra, worked as a nurse. She passed away recently, but back then, she worked as a nurse and depended on rides from friends when her husband took to the road to pursue his music. She supported his career, though, and when he could he brought his family with him. Melissa Guerra, who is now 47, remembers growing up surrounded by tejano. “When I was a baby, that’s all I ever heard,” she says. “He was always practicing, practicing, practicing.” Melissa inherited her father’s love of music. She still works as a vocalist, covering singers that range from Mariah Carey to Rihanna. Her husband, who recently lost a battle with cancer, was also involved with music, working for Melhart’s Music and doing the sound for his wife and his father-in-law. “My daughter has a beautiful voice,” Ernesto says. Melissa even performed with her father for a time with her band Savannah. These days she performs as a solo artist under the name Melissa Guerra. And also, he can rattle off a list of tejano musicians who became close friends – Ruben Vela, Roberto Perez, Narcisso Martinez, who is also known as the father of conjunto. Sadly, he can also make a long list of fellow musicians who have passed on. None of his own ailments are life-threatening, and Guerra says he’ll be ready when it’s his time. He enjoys living with his daughter, surrounded by family. In the corner of the living room in their South McAllen home, there is a poster-sized black and white photo. It is a photo of Guerra when he was 17, shining shoes at the McAllen bus station and just discovering that he could bring to life his mind’s music with an accordion. His thick, dark hair is slicked back and he smiles a wry grin, like he has just found his life’s calling. Those are the days Guerra remembers now. “I was young and strong, and I always played my accordion, no matter how tired I was,” he says. “I was never too tired to practice a while. I loved my squeezebox.” |
Future events / Concerts |
“Le Vent du Nord” is blowing through ... USAby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() And if you want to get carried away with this wind....don’t miss: February 10, 2012, 20:00 Le Vent du Nord One Longfellow Square 181 State St. Ste. 201, Portland Maine, United States February 11, 2012, 20:00 Le Vent du Nord Somerville Theatre 55 Davis Square, Somerville Massachusetts, United States February 12, 2012, 19:00 Le Vent du Nord Iron Horse Music Hall 20 Center St. Northampton Massachusetts, United States February 16, 2012, 20:00 Le Vent du Nord Dana Center 100 Saint Anselms Drive, Manchester New Hampshire, United States February 17, 2012, 20:00 The French Connection Le Vent du Nord and Pine Leaf Boys Flynn Center for the Performing Arts 153 Main St. Burlington Vermont, United States A lot more about them – you can find under http://www.leventdunord.com/ e-mail: genevieve@leventdunord.com |
An Lár Live - Schweizby Diatonic News |
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![]() Sind Sie irgendwo in den Gegenden von: 04.02.12 Schmidechäuer, Burgdorf (BE), 20.30h 17.02.12 Kulturhof Schloss Köniz (BE), 20.30h 28.02.12 Hey City, Oerlikon (ZH), 20h 03.03.12 Wespennest, Neustadt an der Weinstraße (D), 20.30h 17.03.12 Bar King, Neuchâtel, 21h 24.03.12 Forum St-Georges, Delémont, (JU) ...dann machen Sie halt und geniessen eines der Konzerte der beliebten Gruppe. Mòchten Sie noch etwas mehr über sie lesen, dann navigieren Sie auf ihrer Webseite http://www.anlar.ch Oder schreiben ihnen via e-mail: info@anlar.ch |
Quartango in February in Québec- Canadaby Diatonic News |
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When four classically trained musicians explore their passion for tango, the result is nothing short of delightful. Quartango takes tango in new directions, with impeccable arrangements, unexpected allusions to classical music and a dose of humor, woven together by the elegant interplay of ensemble playing at its best. The chemistry between the musicians and their engaging rapport with the audience create a memorable experience that always brings down the house. (Quartango - Lorsque quatre musiciens de formation classique se réunissent pour explorer leur passion commune du tango, le résultat n’est rien de moins que savoureux. Quartango porte le tango vers de nouveaux sommets, grâce à des arrangements soignés, des allusions à la musique classique aussi subtiles qu’inattendues et une bonne dose d’humour, le tout amalgamé par le jeu élégant d’une formation musicale à son meilleur.) Quartango is René Gosselin, double bass and artistic direction, Denis Plante, bandoneon, Stéphane Aubin, piano, and Antoine Bareil, violin. Together, they offer up a repertoire ranging from the classic tangos to tango nuevo and Piazzolla. They also explore other genres, from jazz and opera to waltzes and jigs, in their own inimitable style. Quartango has charmed audiences across Canada and theUnited States, and inTokyo,Taipei,Paris andSão Paulo Join them on: Dimanche 5 février 2012, 15 hSalle Pauline-Julien, Sainte-Geneviève (Québec) Further information: http://quartango.com e-mail: quartangocom@gmail.com |
Andrea Capezzuoli in Febbraio - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Andrea Capezzuoli - Organettista, cantante, suonatore di cornamusa, compositore, arrangiatore, nato a Milano nel 1970, si occupa da sempre di musica folk. E’ stato fondatore di molti gruppi folk: 24 febbraio JAMtrad Arci Corvetto Milano 18 febbraio Andrea e Compagnia locale (info a breve) Venezia 17 febbraio Andrea e Compagnia ballo (info a breve) Venezia 16 febbraio Andrea e Compagnia locale (info a breve) Venezia 15 febbraio Andrea e Compagnia Paradiso perduto Venezia 14 febbraio Andrea e Compagnia Paradiso perduto Venezia 11 febbraio Bandabrisca Ballo di carnevale Rocca Grimalda - AL http://www.andreacapezzuoli.com/ andcapezzuoli@gmail.com |
World Accordion Day Will Be Here In Mayby Harley Jones |
![]() World Accordion Day is held on 6th May because that is the day the accordion was first patented in 1829 in Vienna. World Accordion Day started in 2009 and everyone is urged to register their World Accordion Day activity on the website and send a report (and pictures) after the event. World Accordion Day is a Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) international promotion and CIA President Raymond Bodell said “ALL accordion events celebrating World Accordion Day are welcome. This is a promotion for the accordion in which every accordion enthusiast can participate and help bring the accordion to the attention of the people of their country or region. I particularly ask all major associations and events organizers to plan a special promotion for the weekend of 6th May 2012." For further information email: harleyaccordion@yahoo.com |
World Accordion Day Will Be Here In Mayby Harley Jones |
![]() World Accordion Day is held on 6th May because that is the day the accordion was first patented in 1829 in Vienna. World Accordion Day started in 2009 and everyone is urged to register their World Accordion Day activity on the website and send a report (and pictures) after the event. World Accordion Day is a Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) international promotion and CIA President Raymond Bodell said “ALL accordion events celebrating World Accordion Day are welcome. This is a promotion for the accordion in which every accordion enthusiast can participate and help bring the accordion to the attention of the people of their country or region. I particularly ask all major associations and events organizers to plan a special promotion for the weekend of 6th May 2012." For further information email: harleyaccordion@yahoo.com |
Fasching mit dem Stoaberg Echo - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
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Eine Musikgruppe mit Andreas, Daniel und Florian, drei junge Vollblutmusiker aus dem Bayerischen Wald. Ihren Durchbruch schafften sie mit dem Südtiroler Alpen Grand Prix, wo sie sich für das Finale in Meran qualifizierten und dort mit dem Titel 'Fesche Maus komm tanz mit mir' den 1. Platz belegten. ….das sagen sie: STOABERG ECHO - ein Name, ein Begriff, wenn es um fetzige Unterhaltung und beste Stimmung geht….sehen Sie selbst, sie sind am: 04.02.12 Faschingsball FFW Straßkirchen D-94121 Straßkirchen Veranstaltungssaal 20.00 Uhr 11.02.2012 Faschingsball FC Straßkirchen D-94342 Straßkirchen Gasthof zur Post 20.00 Uhr 18.02.2012 Faschingsball der Vereine D-94130 Nottau Gasthaus Reichersdorfer 20.00 Uhr 25.02.2012 Starkbierfest D-94163 Preying Mehrzweckhalle 19.00 Uhr Weitere Informationen auf: http://www.stoabergecho.de oder via e-mail: andreas@hocnet.de |
Mai 2012: TAG DER HARMONIKA ! - Austriaby Werner Weibert |
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Wir freuen uns über Ihre Anmeldung! Alle Details auf www.harmonikaverband.at Werner Weibert (Präsident HVÖ) |
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The Beltango Quintet on Tour in February - Austria, Maltaby Harley Jones |
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The Beltango Quintet are on tour in February to Austria and to Malta. Dates are: 17 February, Feldkirchen, Austria 18 February, Steyr, Austria 25 and 26 February,Valleta Malta The Beltango Quintet have performed all over the world including the 2007 World Tango Festival in Buenos Aires. Beltango are led Aleksandar Nikolic (bandoneon) and Ivana Nikolic (piano) with, Jovan Bagosavljevic (violin), Bogdan Pejic (electric guitar) and Ljubinka Lazic (bass) and are famous for their tangos by Astor Piazzolla and other typical South America melodies. Order online now the Triple CD by Beltango. |
Alex Meixner in Feb/March - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() Upcoming Appearances • 02/18/12 Titusville, FL at Titusville Elks Lodge • 02/19/12 Daytona Beach, FL at Polish American Pulaski Club • 03/10/12 Holiday, FL at Polish American Pulaski Assoc. • 03/11/12 Vero Beach, FL at Polish American Social Club dont miss, if you are anywhere near - for further information upon the artist visit: http://alexmeixner.com or contact him via e-mail for any bookings: alex at alexmeixner.com |
21 BOuTONS – Belgique/Franceby Diatonic News |
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Rencontre inopinée de deux jeunes accordéonistes talentueux: Marinette se trouvait à Vienne en janvier 2006 pour perfectionner son allemand, Pere y était étudiant érasmus en ethnomusicologie. Le courant passe et la musique jaillit. Une proposition de concert leur donne l’occasion de jouer ensemble et de concrétiser leur duo, qui perdurera au-delà des frontières alors que chacun a réintégré son pays natal. De l’exploration de leurs traditions respectives naît le répertoire de 21 BOuTONS, mélange savamment dosé de Wallonie, de Catalogne, de Pays Basque, de musique de bals folk et de compositions de Pere. Du concert au bal, leur prestation touche leur public, leur complicité se met au service de la musique, et les pieds ont envie de danser!! 21 BOuTONS propose des stages d’accordéon diatonique (sur les répertoires wallon et catalan et le jeu à deux accordéons) et des stages de danses, parfois avec la collaboration d’animateurs spécialistes en danses. Après l’Autriche, 21 BOuTONS s’est naturellement produit en Belgique et en Catalogne ainsi qu’au Pays Basque, en Italie, en France, aux Pays-Bas, au Luxembourg, en Espagne et même à l’Île de La Réunion. Propers concerts 11 fevrier, 19.30 – Bal à La Saltarelle (avec La Saltarelle+21BOuTONS+J’en rafolk) – Salle Jules Collette. Avenue des combattents, 16. Bierges (Wavre), Belgique. 25-26 fevrier – Stage+bal folk – 21 BOuTONS+Michel Jacqmain (cistre irlandais) – Valbonne, France (06). http://21boutons.wordpress.com e-mail: pereromani@ g m a i l.com |
Andrew Mac Namara, Orla Harrington, & Ged Foley – USAby Diatonic News |
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Wed 22 Feb Somerville MA, details tba Thu 23 Feb Assonet MA, 7 pm, Music by the Bay House Concerts Fri 24 Feb Fairfield CT, 7:30 pm, Shamrock Traditional Irish Music Society, email Sat 25 Feb Rosendale NY, 8 pm, Rosendale Cafe, 434 Main Street, Ph 845-658-9048 Sun 26 Feb Coatesville PA, 8 pm, CTIMS at Coatesville Cultural Society, 143 East Lincoln Hwy, www.ctims.info Mon 27 Feb Pittsburgh PA,8 pm, The Map Room, 1126 South Braddock Avenue, 412-371-1955 Tues 28 Feb Columbus OH, 7:30 pm, Tara Hall 274 East Innis Avenue, Tickets or info 614-263-0264 Thu 1 Mar Madison WI,7:30 pm, CMA at The Brink Lounge 701 E. Washington Ave. #105, www.celticmadison.org www.thebrinklounge.com Fri 2 Mar Urbana IL , Pipers Hut Concerts, details tba Sun 4 Mar St Louis MO, 7 pm, The Focal Point, 2720 Sutton Blvd, Maplewood MO, www.thefocalpoint.org Fri 9 Mar Los Gatos CA, 8 pm House Concert, Info & reservations email Sat 10 Mar San Francisco CA, 9:15 pm, The Plough & Stars, 116 Clement Street, www.theploughandstars.com Wed 14 Mar Asheville NC, 7:30 pm, House Concert, info Ph H 828-277-9160 M 828 275-0832 Email 16 Mar Fri Winston Salem NC 8 pm, Community Arts Café, 411 West 4th St, Winston-Salem NC, info www.fiddleandbow.org Sun 17 Mar Durham NC, 8 pm, The Common House, 1 Indigo Creek Trail, email for info & directions pmitchel@email.unc.edu Ph H 919.644.0912 C 919.698.8612 For further information: andrewmac@eircom.net |
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Zydeco Annie & Swamp Cats - Deutschland/Österreichby Diatonic News |
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Die beliebte Gruppe Zydeco Annie mit ihren Swamp Cats ist wieder unterwegs und bringt heißen Rhythmen aus Louisiana. In den kommenden 2 Monaten Februar und März sind sie: 02.02. 85238 Petershausen, Dorfstr. 27 Wirtshaus zu Asbach 09.02. 65203 Wiesbaden, Armenruhstr. 23 Kulturclub Biebrich 10.02. 65817 Eppstein, Am Stadtbahnhof 1 Wunderbare Weite Welt 11.02. 91054 Erlangen, Heinrich-Lades-Halle Jazz Band Ball 18.02. 89143 Blaubeuren, Hirschgasse 1 Zum fröhlichen Nix 02.03. 74072 Heilbronn, Berliner Platz 12 Ebene 3 03.03. 30559 Hannover, An der Bahn 2 Alter Bahnhof Anderten 10.03. 67256 Weisenheim am Sand, Ostring 4 MUK Weisenheim 22.03. 85395 Attenkirchen, Hauptstr. 5 Willi-Bräu 29.03. 83410 Laufen, Briouder Platz 1 Salzachhalle 30.03. A-5020 Salzburg, Schallmooser Hauptstr. 50 Jazzclub Life Möchten Sie zusätzliche Information – dann besuchen sie die Seite www.zydecoannie.de oder schreiben an Zydeco Annie mail@zydecoannie.de |
Steve Turner/Concertina - UKby Diatonic News |
![]() February 6th: Swinton Folk Club, The White Lion, 242 Manchester Road, Swinton, Manchester February 9th: Lewes Folk Club, Royal Oak Station Road 01273 478124 February 11th - White Hart Folk Club, Mickleby, N.Yorks 0191 211 113 February 17th: Deal Folk Club, Royal Marines Club, Walmer, Deal, CT14 7DX Tel: 01843 864 208 February 18th: Sheffield, Wortley Folk club, The Venue, Stocksbridge. Tel: 0114 284 7190 February 22nd: Edinburgh Folk Club, The Pleasance Cabaret Bar, 60 The Pleasance, Edinburgh 0131 650 2458 February 23rd : Star Folk club, Glasgow, St Andrews in the Square Church , St Andrews Street, Glasgow Tel: 0141 563 0454 February 24th: Girvan folk club, Queens Hotel, Montgomery Street, Girvan Tel: 01465 714 934 For further information visit his website: http://www.steve-turner.co.uk or contact him via e-mail: info@steve-turner.co.uk |
Les Zéoles / Bal Folk – FRANCEby Diatonic News |
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![]() Le bal est toujours au centre de leur travail, mais, de par leur formation respective de pianistes classiques, elles proposent également une formule concert, avec toujours ce même amour de la recherche, de la note juste, celle qui donne des papillons dans le ventre et que l’on garde bien au chaud une fois qu’on l’a trouvée… Donc...ne manquez pas le prochain rendez-vous avec ces deux jeunes musiciens ... 09 Fev 2012 Bal Folk Noe Trad Project 0.11 Milan/Lobardie/Italy 22.00h 24 Fev. 2012 Bal Folk au Sixième Continent LYON, France, FRANCE – 21.00 h Pour plus information: http://www.leszeoles.net ou e-mail: eszeoles@hotmail.fr |
"Tango Fusión" mit Lothar Hensel - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() 3.2. 20 Uhr, Augsburg, Rathaus, Goldener Saal Innerhalb des Brecht-Festivals 10.2. 20 Uhr, Seebad, Müggelseedamm 216 12587 Berlin – Friedrichshagen Möchten Sie zusätzliche Information, dann schreiben Sie an: Lothar Hensel - email: lothar-hensel@arcor.de |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
CD "The Lark's Air" by Dan Brouder - Irlandby Diatonic News |
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Dan Brouder produced by Lark Records released on 1st November 2011 the CD "The Lark's Air" The album "The Larks Air" will be lauched during the Gathering Festival Killarney co. Kerry on the 26th feb 2012 in the Gleneagle Hotel at 2:30pm. Running Time: 50mins. Tracks: 1 Jigs: Little Joey's - Finbar's Farewell to Limerick - The Blossom of Ballisisland 3:43 2 Slides: Round the House & Mind the Dresser - The Carrigkerry Slide - Con Cassidy's 2:51 3 Jigs: The Kettle Boiled Over - Patie Leary's Jig 3:51 4 Reels: Eddie Kelly's - The Sailor's Cravat - Miss Johnson 4:16 5 Hornpipes: Madam If You Please - The Boys of Bluehill - The Brigade 4:23 6 Air: Cailin Deas Cruite na mBo 3:01 7 Reels: Francis O'Connor's - Ted Furey's - Francis O'Connor's 3:50 8 Slides: The Cock of the North - Paddy Cronin's - Echoes of Killarney 2:43 9 Reels: Old Maids of Galway - A Letter From Home - Mickey Rattley's 2:47 10 Jigs: Flan's Jig - The Lark's Air - An Seanduine Seoirse 3:04 11 Flings: Maggie Pickin's - Turn Hill 2:35 12 Reels: Farewell to Cailroe - Finbar Dwyer's 4:16 13 Jigs: The Humours of Ballingarry - The Pilgrimage - The Streams of Killanspig 3:15 14 The Knocknaboul Polkas - The Girl I Left Behind - Finbar Dwyer's Polka 5:03 Further information: danbrouder1@gmail.com |
Kepa Junkera’s New CD ‘Fandango’, Bilbao – Spainby Rob Howard |
![]() The titles include ‘Fandango’, ‘Ataun’, ‘Madagaskar’, ‘Huriondo’, ‘Senora Moca’, ‘Santimamineko Fandangoa’, ‘Kokkola’, ‘Nondik Jo Maurizia?’, ‘Uluka’, ‘Bok Espok’, ‘Piti’, ‘Tatihou’, ‘Napoli’, and ‘Jainkoaren Poza’. For further information email: support@allcelticmusic.com or kepajunkera@telefonica.net |
CD "The Hollytree" by Maurice Egan - Irlandby Diatonic News |
![]() Released: 1st November 2011 Running Time: 41 mins. Tracks 1) Reels: The Berehaven - Dinny O'Briens 2) Jigs: The Stormy Night - Return to Burton Road 3) Hornpipes: Spellan the Fiddler - Johnston's Fancy 4) Reels: Micho's Mason's Apron - Primrose Lass 5) March: Parnell's 6) Jigs: The Lucky Penny - Old Man Dillon Jigs 7) Reels: Paddy Fahy's - Aughamore - The Coachman's Whip Reels 8) Jigs: Miss WAlsh's Fancy - Farewell to Jim 9) Reels: Forget Me Not - Matt People's 10) Hornpipes: McDermott's - Queen of the West 11) Jigs: The Boys of Tandragee - Finbarr's 12) Reels: Colonel Rodney's New Mown Meadow Information: support@allcelticmusic.com |
CD Release: The Original Sound of Cumbia - USAby Harley Jones |
![]() Cumbia has arguably had a strong influence on the music of the Americas as rock ’n’ roll, and producer, DJ and musical archivist Will “Quantic” Holland has demonstrated, with this double-disc/triple LP/55-track collection. Not only instructive but absolutely swinging and dynamic, “The Original Sound of Cumbia” is rich and varied; congas and various rhythmic accents — what Holland in his fantastic liner notes perfectly describes as “the percussive ‘shuck shucka shuck’ of cumbia” — drives the songs. The other key instrument, the diatonic accordion, peppers many of the pieces with magical riffs and improvised solos — as do trumpet bursts, jazz-suggestive saxophone lines, and the occasional Yiddish-accented clarinet run. What’s most surprising is the range on the collection and what’s best, is that any time the compilation threatens to repeat itself, Holland drops in a song — like the washboard-click and clave breakdown of Carlos Ramon’s that completely redefines what Cumbia can be. Soundway Recordings |
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