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Voci Armoniche


Accordeons Viseur" has opened a new shop in Puurs - Belgium
CapoDanZe 2009 A S. Agata (FG) - Italia
Gloucester Cajun & Zydeco Festival - UK
TAG DER HARMONIKA auch ein Fest der "Steirischen" ! - Österreich
‘Celtic Connections’, Glasgow – UK
Legendary Rhythm and Blues Cruise - Caribbean/USA

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

4° Festival/Concorso Etnie Musicali - Italia
10. Fürstenecker Bordunale - Deutschland
Bellowhead Features in BBC 4 Xmas Special - UK
Afghanistan Pipe Ballad Dedicated to Troops - UK

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Cygnet Folk Festival - Australia
Da Zillertaler und die Geigerin im Jänner - Österreich
Luis di Matteo New CD and Tour - Uruguay, Europe
Cajun Roosters on Tour - Germany/Deutschland
Die Trenkwalder Anfang Jänner - Österreich
Northeast Concertina Workshop - USA
Capotango Extensive Tour - Europe
Avsenik-Wettbewerb - Slovenien
Mandrágora Tango East Coast Tour - USA
11. Irish Muisc Workshop Weekend, Kronberg - Deutschland
Pine Leaf Boys, Louisiana Busy New Year Schedule - USA
Smone & the Superstars - Beaumont/USA
Zydeco/Angleton - Texas/USA

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Titano Accordions


The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Accordeons Viseur" has opened a new shop in Puurs - Belgium

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
This accordion and harmonica only shop , was founded in May 2003 and has ever since been steadily growing and improving. Over the years It has build up a good reputation in Belgium but also welcomes customers from further away. The owner "Iwein Jacobs" is an accordion player himself and can service and tune accordions in his workshop or give advice to people about which new accordion is most suitable or them. Players can also find quality straps, gigbags, cases, amplification , midi etc.

Accordeons Viseur has built up a fine relationship with the "vibrant Belgian" folk scene and has a unique expertise ( for Belgium) in tuning/modifying and selling diatonic accordions.
For the "harp" players, Accordeons Viseur has since 2003 been representing "C.A.Seydel" . Other very special instruments that you can find here is the "accordina" made by Marcel Dreux and the Bandonion designed by Harry Geuns.

The grand opening of this small but highly specialised shop is on 30th JANUARY Visitors are welcome between 10 am and 18 pm to attend the official opening day Visitors can expect some surprise "gig's" , a warm welcome and many fine accordion stories to be told! You can find them near the A12 between Antwerp and Brussels

Iwein Jacobs at Accordeons Viseur, Sauvegardestraat 17, 2870-Puurs (Ruisbroek) Belgium phone : 0032/3866.47.57 e-mail : info@accordeons-viseur.com

Voci Armoniche

CapoDanZe 2009 A S. Agata (FG) - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
L’Associazione culturale Carovana Folkart nell’ambito del progetto APULIA BAL FOLK patrocinato da Regione Puglia Assessorato al Mediterraneo e Amministrazione Provinciale di Foggia presenta il
CapoDanZe 2009 S.Agatadanze
A S. Agata (FG)

27 dicembre 2009 - 3 gennaio 2010

con capodanno folk nel palazzetto di Accadia (FG)
festival itinerante di musica e danza tradizionale
con stages (mattina 10,00-13,00 e pomeriggio 16,00-19,00),
spettacoli e concerti a ballo (sera e notti bianche)

Con i festival Zingarìa e Capodanze l'Associazione promuove musica, canti e danze tradizionali in chiave multietnica, cioè sia della Puglia e del sud in genere (pizziche, tarantelle, tammurriate, ecc.) che di altre regioni e nazioni, senza bisogno di contaminarle anzi difendendone l'identità.
Ciò che rende diverso e unico nel centro sud il festival Zingarìa (estate) o Capodanze (inverno), rispetto agli altri, sono 300 - 400 stagisti residenziali (uno o più moduli di 5 giorni) provenienti per il 70% dal centro nord e dall'estero.
Infatti oltre al pubblico serale che ascolta concerti o guarda un'esibizione folkloristica, come negli altri festivals, a Zingarìa e Capodanze partecipa anche un folto numero di appassionati del settore per una full immersion che comincia con gli affollatissimi stages della mattina e del pomeriggio e prosegue con concerti a ballo e jam session improvvisate della sera/notte, spesso sino all'alba, e così per 5 o 10 o 15 giorni consecutivi, secondo il numero di moduli organizzati
Gli artisti:
Il magico sud...
Ràreca Antica **Campania** tammurriate (29-31)
La Paranza 'O Lione **Pagani - SA** tammurriate (31-3)
Suoni Rurali **Salento** pizzica brindisina (28-3)
Malarazza **Salento** pizzica salentina (28-31)
Scuola di Tarantella **Montemarano -AV** montemaranese (31-3)
Nagrù **Calabria** tarantelle calabresi (28-31)
Pina Pisani & C. **Lucera** tar. del Gargano (28-3)
Serenata Battente **Gargano** tarantelle (29)
Aiarule**Gargano** tarantelle (3)

… contro il resto del mondo

Borèale **Francia** francesi e bal folk (28-31)
Diamantini Battilani **Verona Imola** catalane, basche e bal folk (28-30)
Andrea Capezzuoli e Luca Rampinini **Lombardia** bal folk (31-3)
Spadara **Piemonte** valli occitane e bal folk (31-3)
Daskaloi se kinisi**Creta- Grecia** danze greche (28-3)
Roberto Lucanero Band **Marche** saltarello marchigiano (1-3)
Isis **Olanda** danza del ventre (28-3)
Jenni Bordones **Venezuela** danze trad. venezuelane (31-3)
Anna Cirigliano **Roma** Sevillanas e flamenco (8-12)
Lucrezia Lo Bianco **Roma** danze israeliane (28-31)
Informazioni: +39380 437 91 40 carovanafolkart@gmail.com
Online translation

Sounding Out the Accordion

Gloucester Cajun & Zydeco Festival - UK

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
This internationally known festival returns for it 17th year on the 22nd - 24th January 2010 in Gloucester Guildhall, 23 Eastgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 1NS.
Gloucester Guildhall will be putting on some of the best Cajun and Zydeco bands as the Cajun Festival brings the sound and atmosphere of Louisiana to the Guildhall.

There will also be workshops, films and a selection of mouthwatering authentic cajun food on offer.
Here some of the participants:
Friday 22nd:
The Whiskey River Zydeco Twisters.....
...are back again after three years in the GCZF wilderness, and happy to be there. Stand by for some suitably TWISTED ZYDECO with the W.R. Zydeco Twisters!Aidan, Martin, Andy, Pedro, Dennis and Ted will have the joint jumping! http://whiskeyriver.co.uk/

Saturday 23rd:
Sarah Savoy and the Francadians.....
.... are a group of dedicated musicians based in Paris, France, led by Louisiana-born and raised Sarah Savoy. Brought up by two of the most influential names in Cajun music (Ann and Marc Savoy), Sarah fronts this band of French musicians David Rolland (Stompin’ Crawfish, Daisy Belle, Villaine Maniere), Vincent Blin, and Manolo Gonzales as if it were any group of similarly young musicians playing in the Cajun heartland of Lafayette, Louisiana, where Sarah got her start. With the Francadians, Sarah performs traditional Cajun and Zydeco music, reaching back as far as the earliest roots of Louisiana music with covers of Amedee Ardoin, Joe and Cleoma Falcon, and Iry LeJeune, among others

The Boat Band
After playing for many years, trawling the venues of Britain and beyond, THE BOAT BAND have picked up a huge and varied catch of tunes: Creole, Caribbean, gospel, Cajun, Irish, zydeco and blues-not much slips through the net.If it can be played on accordion and fiddle (or trombone, washboard, trumpet, banjo etc), if it touches the heart and moves the feet, it`s in the repertoire.

Their latest venture takes the band away from the cajun twosteps of South Louisiana to the dance music of northwest England, drawing on the rich tradition of some thousands of tunes collected by and from the musicians of Cheshire, Lancashire and Cumbria. The favourite current source of good tunes is the Langdale fiddler William Irwin. and The Boat Band have just released new CD "A TRIP TO THE LAKES" featuring these tunes.

Come along to a gig and enjoy the English tunes and songs nestling in alongside the already eclectic offerings, whether it's at an all out ceilidh, a strictly cajun dance or a sit-down concert. The line-up is based on: Kate Barfield (fiddle, trombone, vocals), Mark Burke (percussion, accordions, vocals), Greg Stephens (guitar, banjo, vocals), Tony Weatherall (accordions, vocals), plus occasional special guests.
The Doughboys
Since their debut appearance at The Ellesmere Port Festival in the early 90s the Doughboys have played at virtually every major cajun festival and cajun dance club in the country including clubs in Bolton, Brighton, Chester, Derby, Hinckley, London, Manchester, Peterborough, Portsmouth and Jersey to name just a few and regular appearances at the File Gumbo nights and festivals in London.
With half of the band being of Latvian origin it comes as no surprise that the band have toured the Baltic Republic of Latvia where they astonished audiences with performances of Cajun, English and Latvian roots music.

Delta Maid

Sunday 24th:
Cajun Company
The Cajun Company has been playing traditional Cajun music for over 14 years. They play this music the old timey way, in the spirit of early Cajun tradition, with all the raw edges and emotions right up front. They maintain the basic instrumental setup of the 20's and 30's: accordion, fiddle, acoustic guitar and 'tit fer. They're digging for the roots of Cajun music and as such they delve back through dancehall classics, rare fiddle tunes and old Creole songs.
Led by Bas van der Poll, one of the most acclaimed accordion players outside of Louisiana, the Cajun Company's solid acoustic sound has earned them a place at the top of the European Cajun scene. Over the years they have performed at every Cajun festival in Europe, toured in Louisiana many times to perform at the Cajun Awards festival in the Blackham Coliseum, Lafayette, in the Liberty Theatre in Eunice and at the Festivals Acadiens, Lafayette. http://www.cajuncompany.net/

Information upon the festival: http://www.gloucestercajunfestival.co.uk

online translation


TAG DER HARMONIKA auch ein Fest der "Steirischen" ! - Österreich

by Werner Weibert

Voci Armoniche

‘Celtic Connections’, Glasgow – UK

by Rob Howard
The annual Celtic Connections festival takes place at venues in Glasgow, Scotland, and features over 300 concerts, ceilidhs, talks, free events, late night sessions and workshops. The festival focuses on the roots of traditional Scottish music and also features international folk, roots and world music artistes.

The 2010 event takes place from January 14th to 31st, and includes performers from Japan, Brazil, Mexico, Cuba, Colombia, India, Africa, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Norway, Corsica, Serbia, Romania, Canada and the USA.

Performers involving accordions include Sandy Brechin (pictured above), John Carmichael, Cherish the Ladies, Phil Cunningham, Dervish, Blair Douglas, Mairearad Green, Le Vent du Nord, Maggie MacInnes and the James Graham Trio, Gary Innes, Alan Kelly, Felpeyu, Fergie MacDonald, Niall Vallely (concertina) and Seamus Begley (diatonic accordion), The Occasionals, Tom Orr, The Outside Track, Donald Shaw, Emily Smith, and John Somerville.

A ‘Beginners’ Accordion’ workshop, led by John Carmichael, takes place in the Clyde Foyer, Royal Concert Hall, on January 23rd, 11am. John Carmichael will help accordion players to develop techniques and skills.

Online translation !

Friedrich Lips Book

Legendary Rhythm and Blues Cruise - Caribbean/USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
January 23-30, 2010 Caribbean Cruise on the luxury Liner "MS Eurodam" with Blues-Music gogo parting from Ft. Lauderdale (USA/Florida) passing Curacao, Aruba, Bahamas.... with international stars on board:

Taj Mahal & Phantom Blues Band • Keb’ Mo’ (Band) • Johnny Winter • Legendary Rhythm & Blues Revue w/ Tommy Castro, Magic Dick, Deanna Bogart & Kenny Neal • Tommy Castro Band • Deanna Bogart Band • Tab Benoit & The Swamp Band Jam w/ Cyril Neville, Jumpin’ Johnny Sansone & Chief Monk Boudreaux • Kenny Neal & The Neal Family Band • Curtis Salgado Big Band • The Mannish Boys • Ruthie Foster • Theodis Ealey • Duke Robillard • Joe Louis Walker • Magic Slim • Guy Davis • Super Chikan & The Fighting Cocks • Trampled Under Foot • Jason Ricci & New Blood • Paul Rishell & Annie Raines • Hans Theessink & Terry Evans • JP Soars • Piano Bar Hosts: Mitch Woods Club 88 • Eden Brent • Scottie “Bones” Miller • Plus Surprise Guests

From Ft. Lauderdale, FL to Aruba, Curacao and Half Moon Cay on Holland America’s ms Eurodam.

Artist Line-up and Cabin Details. The Pre-Cruise Party featuring Billy Gibson, Dave Fields and JP Soars & the Red Hots will be 1/22 at 8:00 pm at the Sheraton Ft. Lauderdale Airport Hotel. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the door. Sponsored by the South Florida Blues Society.

Information: http://bluescruise.com/?p=106

Online translation

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

4° Festival/Concorso Etnie Musicali - Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Il 16, 17 gennaio 2009 a Teramo (Italia) si svolgerà il 4° Concorso Internazionale ETNIE MUSICALI.
Il concorso si articolerà nelle seguenti SEZIONI:
- ORGANETTO (fino a 4 bassi)
- ORGANETTO (oltre i 4 bassi)

Sergio Scappini (fisarmonica classica)
Mario D'Amario (fisarmonica virtuoso)
Andrea Tini (organetto e vincitore dell'ultimo trofeo mondiale)

direttore artistico DANILO DI PAOLONICOLA
presidente della giuria RENZO RUGGIERI

scarica regolamento http://www.etniemusicali.com/2010Regolamento_it.pdf


The 4° International Contest “ETNIE MUSICALI”will take place on the 16th and 17th of January 2010 in Teramo (Italy)

The contest will be divided according to the following SECTIONS:
- DIATONIC ACCORDION (up to 4 basses)
- DIATONIC ACCORDION (over 4 basses)

- Sergio Scappini (classical accordion)
- Mario D'Amario ( virtuoso accordion)
- Andrea Tini (diatonic accordion and the winner of the last final trial )


Download rule http://www.etniemusicali.com/2010Rules_eng.pdf

Online translation

10. Fürstenecker Bordunale - Deutschland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
10. Füstenenecker Bordunale" Fortbildungsveranstaltung der Akademie burg Fürsteneck in Eitefeld (Hessen)findet vom 1.-5. Jänner 2010 statt. Für den diatonischen Handhamronikakurs ist Yann Dour als Dozent anwesend und wird mit fortgeschrittenen Spielern "Bretonische Musik" erarbeiten. Weiters werden präsent sein: Profimusiker f. diatonische Harmonika/Pädagoge Torsten Deher.

Wenn Sie zusätzliche Informaition wünschen, dann schreiben Sie bitte an die Akademie für beruflische und musich-kulturelle Weiterbildung, Herrn Karsten Evers, Am Schlossgarten 3, 36132 Eiterfeld. oder via e-mail and bildung@burg-fuersteneck.de

online translation

Titano Accordions

Bellowhead Features in BBC 4 Xmas Special - UK

by Harley Jones
Half the band will appeared on the BBCI Breakfast Show on Thursday 17th December for a wee tune and a brief chat about the filming of the BBC 4 Xmas special.

The special featured an exhilarating blend of folk and tradition and burlesque fun. Energetic 11-piece Bellowhead and The Unthanks get together with the impressive young singers Thea Gilmore and Lisa Knapp, plus other special guests.

Steered by genial host Paul Sartin, the assembled artists perform seasonal song of their own alongside yuletide favourites, ranging from folk ballads and carols to parlour songs and carousing dance numbers, with everyone coming together for a final knees-up.

Filmed at the atmospheric Shoreditch Town Hall, the setting evokes an old music hall combined with a festive Victorian family aprolour bedecked with garlands, period lamps and fireplace. Even the audience are dressed up in old-fashioned finery and prove themselves ready to kick up their heels. The Xmas special was broadcast 7 times on BBC national broadcast including BBC 4 on Christmast Day.

The year finished up for Bellowhead with a New Years Eve Party, all 2,200 tickets sold out, at Southbank Centre.

Online translation

Accordion Jazz Chord

Afghanistan Pipe Ballad Dedicated to Troops - UK

by Fergie MacDonald
Fergie MacDonaldHaving been a physical training instructor during my service in the British armed forces, I feel that being an ex-serviceman prompted the motivation to compose a tune for our boys on active service in Afghanistan.

The tune is a slow march dedicated to these brave boys in the front-line battle groups whose lives are on the line day in day out. During tours of duty in the war torn battle zones of Afghanistan.

If is inevitable that battle groups take causalities. This tune is totally dedicated to them. Be it loss of limb or loss of life. Their bravery is unquestionably supreme.

Although the tune is more suited to regimental bands and pipe bands, I think that my ceilidh band has re-created this beautifully and it touches the heart.

I only hope I live long enough to hear it played by one of our famous regimental pipe bands.

The Ceilidh Band Line-Up is:
Fergie MacDonald \
John MacDonald The Family Ceilidh Band
Morven MacDonald /
Grant Lyall - Drums
Addie Harper - Accordion
Carol Ann Mackay - Pipes

Online translation

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Future events / Concerts

Cygnet Folk Festival - Australia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
8-10 January 2010

Steve Turner - from the UK, Steve Turner is universally acclaimed as one of Britain's finest Folk singers. Critics and audiences are also effusive about his fine concertina playing.

Steve Turner joins a array of groups and individual festival performers for this 3 day festival. The event also hosts a Young Performers’ Blackboard Concert competition every year. Information on the website.

Online translation.

Charnwood Music Publishing

Da Zillertaler und die Geigerin im Jänner - Österreich

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Da Zillertaler und die Geigerin mit 58 Musikstücken auf fünf CDs und mehr als 100 Auftritte im Jahr sind am

Fr, 22.01
Stimmungsauftritt 20:30 Zillertaler Abend in der Tanzbar Höhle mit 4 Stunden Live-Musik
Veranstalter:Familie Klaudia und Gerhard Schönherr
Veranstaltungsort:Tanzbar Höhle, Slvrettastraße 79, 6791 St. Gallenkirch Beginn um 20:30 Uhr

So, 24.01 um 14:00 Uhr
Radio-Auftritt 14:00 Radio U1 Tirol zu Gast am Spieljoch Schneefest

Möchten Sie mehr über beide erfahren....dann besuchen Sie ihre Seite unter http://www.zillertaler-geigerin.com

Online translation

Voci Armoniche

Luis di Matteo New CD and Tour - Uruguay, Europe

by Harley Jones
At 75 years of age, Luis di Matteo is about to release his new CD titled "Iceberg". This will be his 3rd bandoneon solo album, and is due for release this month. Then, from Febuary 24th until March 6th, Luis will go on tour through Europe.

Luis di Matteo learned to play the bandoneon from his father and he perfomed at an early age on stage. Luis finished his musical education at the Conservatory in his native city Montevideo, Uruguay. His studies of the bondoneon led him to Buenos Aires in the late 1950s where he met Astor Piazzolla for the first time. In 1962 he founded his first ensemble and began recording with his own formation as well as with other musicians.

This led to international tours and some interesting projects with the film industry. In 1980 he gave his first performances in Europe where he has been touring regularly. Between 1983 and 1986 he cooperated with the music conservatory of Detmold, Germany. In 1987 he wrote the music for the Swedish film production Black Dawn/Los Dueños del Silencio. He took the opportunity of working and recording with a string orchestra for the first time in 1990/91. In the city of Uljanowsk (Lenin's birthplace) he recorded compositions of his own with the chamber soloists of the Uljanowsk National Symphony Orchestra.

The last years have included new CD's, compositions and national and international performances.

Tango (1984) JARO 4116-2 / Luis Di Matteo
Por Deatro De Mi (1988) JARO 4137-2 / Luis Di Matteo
Del Nuevo Ciclo (1991) JARO 4155-2 / Luis Di Matteo
Escribo Para Los Angeles (1995) JARO 4198-2 / Luis Di Matteo
Un Dia De Mi Vida (1998) JARO 4211-2 / Luis Di Matteo
Candombe Uruguayo (2001) JARO 4231-2 / Luis Di Matteo
Siempre Hay Algo Nuevo (2004) JARO 4259-2 / Luis Di Matteo
Retrospectivo (2005) JARO 4258-2 / Luis Di Matteo
Tango Y Mas Allá (2005) JARO 4257-2 / Luis Di Matteo

Online translation


Cajun Roosters on Tour - Germany/Deutschland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
The CAJUN ROOSTERS are a multi talented multi award winning truly International band bringing together some of the finest and most experienced Cajun and Zydeco musicians in Europe.

They have a reputation as one of the most authentic Cajun and Zydeco bands around which has put them in the forefront of the scene and earned them headline festival appearances in Germany, France, Netherlands, UK, Denmark, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Austria, Belgium and Italy.

They are equally at home playing blues festivals, jazz festivals, folk roots festivals, and Cajun/Zydeco festivals as their varied repertoire gives them an unmatched ability to appeal to so many audiences.

Die Mitglieder der CAJUN ROOSTERS zählen mit zu den besten Cajun- und Zydecomusikern aus England und Deutschland, was die Band zu einer wirklich europäischen Formation macht. In kürzester Zeit konnte sie sich zudem den Ruf als eine der besonders authentischen Gruppen aus Europa erspielen, was sie in die vorderste Front der Szene katapultierte, und ihr damit nicht nur in Deutschland, sondern auch Frankreich, England, Benelux, Dänemark, Österreich, Schweiz und Italien Auftritte als Headliner einbrachte. TV und Radio Auftritte unter anderem BBC 2 (UK) in Mark Lamarrs: God's Jukebox Show Juni 2008.

Die CAJUN ROOSTERS spielen Musik, deren Ursprung in den Sümpfen Louisianas und den Prärien im Nordwesten New Orleans liegt, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der unverfälschten Tanzmusik aus Louisiana, Cajun und Zydeco liegt, angereichert mit einer gesunden Portion Louisiana-Blues und Swamp, der regionalen Rock'n'Roll-Variante.

They will be in Germany in January on the following dates:

Fr. 22.01. 89584 Ehingen (Donau), Am Viehmarkt 9, Brauereigasthof "Schwert"
"Cajun Roosters3", 19h30pm Info: www.jazzclub-ehingen.de

Sa. 23.01. 81371 München, Schäftlarnstr. 156, im Oklahoma, "Cajun Roosters3", 20h30,
Infos: www.oklahoma-saloon.com, 089-7234327

The group:
Chris Hall - cajun and zydeco accordions - vocals - fiddle -scrubboard - triangle
Hartmut Hegewald - fiddle - scrubboard - vocals
Klaus Warler - guitars
Michael Bentele - bass
Sam Murray drums - scrubboard - vocals - triangle
Information: http://www.cajunweb.de

Online translation

Die Trenkwalder Anfang Jänner - Österreich

by Rob Howard
Neujahrsevent - 01.01.2010 um 18.00 Uhr
A-6416 Obsteig, Gruenberg-Lift
+43-52 64-81 31
Eintritt frei !! mit den Trenkwaldern, Norbert Rier (Kastelruther Spatzen) u.v.a. mit großem Feuerwerk !!

Apres Ski-Party - 03.01.2010 um 13.00 Uhr
A-6474 Jerzens, Jerzner Tanzalm
+43-5414-87 000 im Schigebiet Hochzeiger/Pitztal

Jungbauernball - 05.01.2010 um 20.30 Uhr
A-6414 Mieming, Gemeindesaal
+43-5264-52 17

Online translation

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Northeast Concertina Workshop - USA

by Harley Jones
Northeast Concertina Workshop logoThe Button Box invites all concertina players to come to Sunderland, Massachusetts, on Saturday, April 17, 2010 for the 6th annual Northeast Concertina Workshop.

Workshop classes will be geared toward players of varied skill levels on anglo, English, and duet system concertinas.

There are three class periods during the day and a public concert in the evening featuring the Button Box staff.

Teaching in 2010 will be concertina adepts Dave Townsend, Mícheál ÓRaghallaigh, Ian Robb, Rachel Hall, George Keith, Jody Kruskal, and Bob Webb.

Registration will open in early 2010.

Online translation.

Capotango Extensive Tour - Europe

by Harley Jones
Capotango logo
Pablo Greco - bandoneonistThe popular Argentine group Capotango consisting of Pablo Greco (bandoneon, musical co-ordinator - picture left), Pablo Lazarte (guitar, bajista), Gustavo H. Lorenzo (percussion, composer), have planned a major tour to Europe in 2010.

Dates already set are: 24 April Brussels, 1st May Lisbon, 23 May Prague, 10 June London

Those wanting to book concerts, should email: capo_tango@yahoo.com.br

Online translation

Titano Accordions

Avsenik-Wettbewerb - Slovenien

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
23. und 24. Januar 2010
Organisator Galerija Avsenik - Hohner, d.o.o.
Begunje 22, Begunje na Gorenjskem, Slowenien
Tel. +386 453 07 300
e-mail galerija@avsenik.com

•Klavier- / Kromatisches akkordeon – Solo
•Diatonisches Akkordeon - Solo
•Kammermusikgruppen / Ensemble

A bis 12 Jahre
B von 12 bis 15 Jahren

Online translation.


Mandrágora Tango East Coast Tour - USA

by Harley Jones
Mandrágora Tango is a vibrant collective of tango musicians based in Minneapolis, dedicated to preserving the musical forms of tango for today's listeners and dancers. Mandragora is comprised of Bob Barnes (bandoneon and bandleader), Laura Harada (violin), Scott Mateo Davies (guitar) and Rahn Yanes (bass).

Bob Barnes was born in Frankfurt, Germany and was raised in Gaithersburg, Maryland. Bob attended the Oberlin Conservatory of Music where he earned degrees in music composition and computer science before returning to live in the USA in Minneapolis.

Mandrágora will be making a quick 5-day East Coast tour January 18-25. They will be playing in Princeton, Washington, Allentown, Philadelphia, Raleigh/Durham and possibly a quick stop in Chicago.
Jan 19, 8-12 East Coast Tour: Princeton, NJ
Jan 20, 8-12 East Coast Tour: Washington, DC (Tentative)
Jan 21, 8-12 East Coast Tour: Allentown, PA
Jan 22, 8-12 East Coast Tour: Philadelphia
Jan 23, 8-12 East Coast Tour: Durham, NC
Jan 24, 6-10:30 DJ only at Loring Pasta Bar

For further information, Email: booking@mandragoratango.com

Online translation

Voci Armoniche

11. Irish Muisc Workshop Weekend, Kronberg - Deutschland

by Harley Jones
19. bis 21. Februar 2010, Workshop Anglo-Concertina mit Claus Kessler. Wir freuen uns, dass wir nach langer Zeit wieder einen Concertina Kurs mit Claus Kessler anbieten können.

Das Lernen typischer irischer Tanzweisen (Jigs, Reels, Hornpipes...) steht beim Concertina-Kurs im Mittelpunkt. Durch das Lernen der Musikstücke sollen die einzelnen Elemente des Irish-Concertina
-Style angesprochen und vermittelt werden, zB Rhythmik, Verzierungen, Fingersatz usw. Dabei werden Stücke ausgewählt, die in einer traditionellen
irischen Session zum Standardrepertoire gehören, denn das Erleben des gemeinschaftlichen Musizierens ist das A und O in der irischen Musik!

Grundkenntnisse über das Spielen auf der Anglo-Concertina werden bei diesem Kurs vorausgesetzt.

Kontakt: Stefanie Bieber Tel. 069-54804710

Online translation.

Pine Leaf Boys, Louisiana Busy New Year Schedule - USA

by Harley Jones
Pine Leaf Boys
The Pine Leaf Boys, three-time Grammy nominated Cajun group, have a busy schedule for January. with appearances in California, New York, New Mexico, Michigan, Colorado.

Fri Jan 1 Blue Moon Saloon 8pm, Lafayette lA
Sat Jan 2, '10 La Poussiere 7pm Breaux Bridge, LA
Fri Jan 8, '10 Rosendale Cafe Rosendale, NY
Sat Jan 9, '10 Let's Zydeco at Connoly's New York City, NY
Sun Jan 10, '10 APAP Conference (Private) New York City, NY
Fri Jan 15, '10 San Juan College, Henderson Center Farmington NM
Sat Jan 16, '10 Swallow Hill Music Hall Denver, CO
Sun Jan 17, '10 Swallow Hill Music Hall workshops Denver, CO
Thurs Jan 21, '10 Rio Grande Theatre Las Cruces, NM
Fri Jan 22, '10 New Mexico Tech, Macey Center Socorro, NM
Sat Jan 23, '10 Norman Petty Theatre Clovis, NM
Sun Jan 24, '10 South Broadway Cultural Center Albuquerque, NM
Sat Jan 30, '10 Finch Fieldhouse Central Michigan University, Mt Pleasant, Michigan
Fri Feb 12 DBA New Orleans 10pm-1am, Frenchman St Mardi Gras Show!
Sun Feb 14 Pat's Atchafalaya Club 4pm - 6:30pm w/ the Mamou Playboys
Tues Feb 16 Mardi Gras day Mardi Gras run

For further information, email: wilson@pineleafboys.com

Online translation

Smone & the Superstars - Beaumont/USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Accordion Jazz Chords

Zydeco/Angleton - Texas/USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

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