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Woodford Folk Festival, Queensland – Australiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() ![]() Six days and nights of concerts, dance from around the world, workshops, forums, street theatre, films, the comedy club, the GreenHouse venue dedicated to sustainability and the environment, Folk Medicine, an entire children's festival, music, art, dance and circus workshops, late night cabarets, street theatre and special events including a spectacular fire event. 580 acts and 3,000 individual performers come together with an aggregate attendance of between 120,000 and 130,000 patrons; Woodford Folk Festival is one of the largest ‘folk’ festivals in the world. The festival site, an all ages audience and the sense of community help make Woodford Folk Festival a unique festival experience. Set in a lush valley, framed by the Glasshouse Mountains, bordered by Bellthorpe National Park, 5kms from the tiny township of Woodford and only hour from Brisbane, Woodford Folk Festival is a cultural expression of community through engagement and interaction; a special time and space where connection, celebration and growth is the focus, where people can embrace and be embraced by the spirit of Woodford. A delight for the senses, Woodford is diverse, rich and colourful. The festival celebrates the essence of Australia by bringing together and celebrating our cultural diversity. The programme runs from 8am until late every night, with hundreds of concerts, shows, talks and workshops every day. The programme is available online at www.woodfordfolkfestival.com or by calling the Queensland Folk Federation - 612 07 5496 1066 There's an incredible array of talented performers and artists appearing at the festival, ranging from jazz to hip-hop, classical Indian to burlesque, bluegrass to gypsy, musical to comedy, and the inimitable 'folk', with every gradation between. This is a very inclusive festival; with its broad definition of folk music and wide range of audiences of all ages the festival metamorphism has been from a ‘folk’ festival to a ‘folk in spirit’ festival. It's more than the performances; it is an adventure into another world. On the pictures left….Rapskallion top, Folkaholic lower. Online translation |
Chango Spasiuk – new CD/Tour dates – Argentinaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() ![]() An exceptionally expressive performer, Spasiuk taps into a higher animating spirit, playing like a man possessed, visibly transported amidst the affecting swirl of the category defying resonance of his enchanted squeezebox. His rapt, dervish-like stage presence and his extraordinary ensemble make for a music of profound beauty and feeling. While his artistry articulates a deep sense of melancholy - so much a part of Argentine social history - it also conveys a resilient optimism before the tragic destination of all human endeavours. Chango Spasiuk has released six solo albums in Argentina, among which the many-awarded ‘Polcas de mi Tierra’ (1999). With his first international release ‘Tarefero de mis Pagos’ (Piranha) winning him a BBC Award for World Music (Best Newcomer 2005) as well as a Latin Grammy nomination in 2006, Chango is now fast building his international reputation with a busy touring schedule in Europe and more recently, North America. His long-awaited new album is scheduled for release in early 2009 on Hamonia Mundi/World Village. His new CD «Pynandí (Los Descalzos)» / 2009 Sony BMG Argentina His next tour dates: 15 y 16 de Enero - Club Medio y Medio de Punta del este 28 de Diciembre - Festival del Musica del mundo - Joao Pessoa - Brasil 13 de Diciembre - Teatro Maria Auxiliadora - España e Ing. Huergo - Comodoro Rivadavia 12 de Diciembre - Complejo Deportivo “Ing. Knudsen” - Mariano Moreno y Alsina - Caleta Olivia 11 de Diciembre - Complejo Municipal (Ex gas del estado - Saavedra 550 - Pico Truncado 10 de Diciembre - Complejo Municipal 11 de Julio - Malvinas y Estrada - las Heras ( Chubut) Contact: katerina@kapa-productions.com Online translation |
CD/Arctic Paradise 2010– Helsiniki/Finlandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Book and CD-insert. 76 pages. Artists on CD Tsuumi Sound System, Sväng: Haidukka, Sanna Kurki-Suonio, Trepaanit, Henriksson-Kleemola-Prauda, Lepistö & Lehti, Vilma Timonen Quartet, Alamaailman Vasarat, Ulla Pirttijärvi, Spontaani Vire, Frigg, Jouhiorkesteri, Paratiisin pojat, KTU, Senni Eskelinen & Stringpurée Band For Information – pls contact the Finnish Music Information Centre | Lauttasaarentie 1 | FI-00200 Helsinki Finland | Tel +358 9 68101313 | Fax +358 9 682 0770 | info@fimic.fi Online translation |
Concerto di Natale / Roma - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() 20 dicembre 2008 alle ore 21:30 Beba do Samba Music Club Via de’ Messapi 8 Roma (Zona San Lorenzo) Info: 329.3738715 info@organetto.info Concerto di NATALE organizzato: dall'’associazione Accademia del Mantice diretto da: Gianni Ventola Danese con: gli allievi dell’Accademia e molti altri artisti. |
Michael Rettig mit großem Erfolg in Moskau - Russlandby Werner Weibert |
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Der zweifache Harmonika-Weltmeister und mehrfache deutsche Akkordeonmeister wurde zum 7. Moskauer Musik-Festival "Duscha Rossii" eingeladen. Dieses hoch angesehene Festival wird von Natalia Voronenko, Leiterin des Alfred-Mirek-Museums mit Unterstützung des russischen Kultusministeriums und der Stadtverwaltung Moskau, jährlich veranstaltet. Es umfasst eine fünftägige Konzertreihe in verschiedenen Theatersälen Moskaus und findet seinen Höhepunkt beim Gala-Abschlusskonzert im weltberühmten Tschaikowski-Konzertsaal. Bei Nachfrage von Frau Voronenko, einen deutschen Spieler nach Moskau einzuladen, empfahl Prof. Ullrich Schmülling, Herausgeber der Intermusik-Zeitung für Akkordeon- und Harmonika-Kultur, sofort Michael Rettig, als herausragendes Talent. Fünfzig internationale Akkordeon- und Harmonika-Virtuosen, präsentierten Musik auf höchstem Weltniveau als Solisten oder im Ensemble mit anderen Instrumenten so u.a. mit der russischen Balalaika. Die herzliche Gastfreundschaft und die perfekte Organisation trugen ebenso wesentlich zum Gelingen dieses aussergewöhnlichen Musikfestes bei. Die Musikpädagogen Vitali Neifert aus Pforzheim (Bajan-Akkordeon ) und Hubert Klausner aus Aschau/Zillertal ( Steirische Harmonika ) ließen es sich nicht nehmen, ihren langjährigen Schüler Michael Rettig zu begleiten und dieses Highlight zu genießen. Diese äußerst vielseitigen Instrumente haben sich längst ihren Platz in den Konzertsälen der Welt erobert, ob im klassischen oder modernen Bereich. „Die Kreativität kennt keine Grenzen“, so Michael Rettig, „und ich möchte dieses fantastische Erlebnis mit den vielen mitgebrachten Ideen und Eindrücken aus der Weltmetropole Moskau in Zusammenarbeit mit Vitali Neifert und Hubert Klausner musikalisch in meinen nächsten Konzerten umsetzen.“ Online translation |
CapoDanZe 2009 A S. Agata (FG) - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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L’Associazione culturale Carovana Folkart nell’ambito del progetto APULIA BAL FOLK patrocinato da Regione Puglia Assessorato al Mediterraneo e Amministrazione Provinciale di Foggia presenta il CapoDanZe 2009 S.Agatadanze A S. Agata (FG) 27 dicembre 2009 - 3 gennaio 2010 con capodanno folk nel palazzetto di Accadia (FG) festival itinerante di musica e danza tradizionale con stages (mattina 10,00-13,00 e pomeriggio 16,00-19,00), spettacoli e concerti a ballo (sera e notti bianche) Con i festival Zingarìa e Capodanze l'Associazione promuove musica, canti e danze tradizionali in chiave multietnica, cioè sia della Puglia e del sud in genere (pizziche, tarantelle, tammurriate, ecc.) che di altre regioni e nazioni, senza bisogno di contaminarle anzi difendendone l'identità. Ciò che rende diverso e unico nel centro sud il festival Zingarìa (estate) o Capodanze (inverno), rispetto agli altri, sono 300 - 400 stagisti residenziali (uno o più moduli di 5 giorni) provenienti per il 70% dal centro nord e dall'estero. Infatti oltre al pubblico serale che ascolta concerti o guarda un'esibizione folkloristica, come negli altri festivals, a Zingarìa e Capodanze partecipa anche un folto numero di appassionati del settore per una full immersion che comincia con gli affollatissimi stages della mattina e del pomeriggio e prosegue con concerti a ballo e jam session improvvisate della sera/notte, spesso sino all'alba, e così per 5 o 10 o 15 giorni consecutivi, secondo il numero di moduli organizzati Gli artisti: Il magico sud... Ràreca Antica **Campania** tammurriate (29-31) La Paranza 'O Lione **Pagani - SA** tammurriate (31-3) Suoni Rurali **Salento** pizzica brindisina (28-3) Malarazza **Salento** pizzica salentina (28-31) Scuola di Tarantella **Montemarano -AV** montemaranese (31-3) Nagrù **Calabria** tarantelle calabresi (28-31) Pina Pisani & C. **Lucera** tar. del Gargano (28-3) Serenata Battente **Gargano** tarantelle (29) Aiarule**Gargano** tarantelle (3) … contro il resto del mondo Borèale **Francia** francesi e bal folk (28-31) Diamantini Battilani **Verona Imola** catalane, basche e bal folk (28-30) Andrea Capezzuoli e Luca Rampinini **Lombardia** bal folk (31-3) Spadara **Piemonte** valli occitane e bal folk (31-3) Daskaloi se kinisi**Creta- Grecia** danze greche (28-3) Roberto Lucanero Band **Marche** saltarello marchigiano (1-3) Isis **Olanda** danza del ventre (28-3) Jenni Bordones **Venezuela** danze trad. venezuelane (31-3) Anna Cirigliano **Roma** Sevillanas e flamenco (8-12) Lucrezia Lo Bianco **Roma** danze israeliane (28-31) Informazioni: +39380 437 91 40 carovanafolkart@gmail.com Online translation |
1° Festival della Fisarmonica Città di Trebisacce - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() “1° Festival della Fisarmonica Città di Trebisacce” che si terrà il prossimo 19 Dicembre alle ore 21.00 presso l’Auditorium dell’Istituto “Virgo Fidelis” sito in P.zza San Martino. Alla manifestazione parteciperanno: il M° Domenico Tunno (Sibari, Concertista e Docente di Fisarmonica) e gli allievi di Fisarmonica, Organetto e Tastiera Elettronica della “Sybaris Accordion School” diretta dal M° D. Tunno. Ospiti d’onore: il M° Giuliano Cameli (San Benedetto del Tronto, Campione del Mondo di Organetto), e il M° Giancarlo Caporilli (Roma, Concertista e Compositore di Fama Mondiale). |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
2010 Vancouver Folk Music Festival/Application - Canadaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Festival Information; “Each fall, we begin with an artist list that far exceeds the number we can realistically program. Throughout the process many new artists are discovered through submissions and conferences. We review the overall mix of the line-up as we go through the organic programming process and hire artists based on the strength of their performances and material, plus their fit with our international event. We usually avoid repeating artists over several years to give others an opportunity, and to present a fresh program to the audience. If you wish to perform at the Festival, please send a short email introducing yourself and your music. Please include links to your web site, Myspace page or YouTube links to programming@thefestival.bc.ca. If we are interested in learning more, or in receiving a complete package, we will be in touch. Photo: Geoff Berner /Klezmer trio - one of this years participating performers Due to the thousands of inquiries we receive each year, we regret we do not have the resources or the staff to discuss your work or to respond to questions regarding your submission. Thanks for your interest - The Vancouver Folk Music Festival” |
4° ETNIE MUSICALI Concorso Internazionale e Festival - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Il 16, 17 gennaio 2009 a Teramo (Italia) si svolgerà il 4° Concorso Internazionale ETNIE MUSICALI. Il concorso si articolerà nelle seguenti SEZIONI: - ORGANETTO (fino a 4 bassi) - ORGANETTO (oltre i 4 bassi) - FISARMONICA VIRTUOSO (variété) - FISARMONICA CLASSICA - TASTIERE ELETTRONICHE / PIANOFORTE MODERNO - CANTO MODERNO - PREMIO INTERNAZIONALE “Etnie Musicali”, FINALE OSPITI: Sergio Scappini (fisarmonica classica) Mario D'Amario (fisarmonica virtuoso) Andrea Tini (organetto e vincitore dell'ultimo trofeo mondiale) direttore artistico DANILO DI PAOLONICOLA presidente della giuria RENZO RUGGIERI scarica regolamento http://www.etniemusicali.com/2010Regolamento_it.pdf English: The 4° International Contest “ETNIE MUSICALI”will take place on the 16th and 17th of January 2010 in Teramo (Italy) The contest will be divided according to the following SECTIONS: - DIATONIC ACCORDION (up to 4 basses) - DIATONIC ACCORDION (over 4 basses) - ACCORDION VIRTUOSO (variété) - CLASSIC ACCORDION - ELECTRONIC KEYBOARDS / MODERN PIANO - MODERN SONG - INTERNATIONAL PRIZE “Etnie Musicali”, FINAL TRIAL SPECIAL GUEST: - Sergio Scappini (classical accordion) - Mario D'Amario ( virtuoso accordion) - Andrea Tini (diatonic accordion and the winner of the last final trial ) Artistic Director DANILO DI PAOLONICOLA Jury President RENZO RUGGIERI Download rules http://www.etniemusicali.com/2010Rules_eng.pdf |
Musica Marchigiana in giro per il Sud Italia con Roberto Lucanero – Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() - giovedì 3 dicembre a Cassano allo Ionio (Cs) dove suonerà assieme al maestro Domenico Tunno ed agli allievi della sua scuola di musica; - lunedì 14 dicembre terrà una lezione-conferenza sul Saltarello Marchigiano all'università di Salerno, assieme a Domenico Candellori. Volete saperne di più – visitate il sito di Roberto Lucanero www.lucanero.com |
Diatonischer Akkordeon-/Mundharmonikakurs auf Burg Fürsteneck - Deutschlandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Diatonisches Akkordeon XXL Kurs 361 - TLA B2 Spezialkurs für Instrumente mit 12 Bässen und Halbtönen 04. Dezember 2009 18.30 Uhr bis 06. Dezember 2009 13.00 Uhr Kursgebühren: 185 - 235 € (inkl. 89,88 € Ü/VP), 145 € Jug Leitung: Jan Budweis Dies ist ein Kurs für die "Großen" unter den "Kleinen": Voraussetzung ist ein diatonisches (wechseltöniges) Akkordeon in G/C mit mindestens 5 Knöpfen in einer 3. (Halbton-)Reihe auf der Melodieseite und 12 Köpfen auf der Bass-Seite. Gegenüber dem 2-Reiher erweitert sich das Repertoire dieser Instrumente durch die zusätzlichen Töne und Akkorde, so dass neben den gewohnten weitere Tonarten entdeckt werden können. Wie diese neuen Möglichkeiten kreativ und spielerisch in das eigene Spiel integrieret werden können, ist Thema dieses Kurses. Anhand von Stücken aus Folk- und Weltmusik wollen wir die Chromatik auf unserem Instrument erforschen, uns mit dem Erarbeiten von 2. Stimmen und verschiedenen Begleitmustern beschäftigen und einfache Arrangements für Solisten und/oder Gruppe erspielen. ******************************** Mundharmonika for everybody Kurs 362 - TLA B2 Für Einsteiger/innen und Interessierte mit Vorkenntnissen 04. Dezember 2009 18.30 Uhr bis 06. Dezember 2009 13.00 Uhr Kursgebühren: 185 - 235 € (inkl. 89,88 € Ü/VP), 145 € Jug Leitung: Dale King Die Mundharmonika ist ein relativ preiswertes Instrument, in der Hosentasche zu transportieren und leicht zu erlernen. Wer vielleicht nie die Möglichkeit hatte, ein Instrument zu erlernen, wer keine Notenkenntnisse mitbringt, wer Blues, Country, Rock'n Roll oder Volkslieder nicht nur von der Platte oder Kassette abspielen lassen sondern sie selbst auf der Mundharmonika interpretieren will und wer die verschiedenen Techniken erlernen möchte - der ist in diesem Kurs richtig! Das Repertoire im Kurs wird vor allem aus deutschen und amerikanische Volksliedern und Blues bestehen. Kursteilnehmer können bei Bedarf eine geeignete Mundharmonika (in C-Dur) sowie das schriftlichen Begleitmaterial und eine CD für insgesamt 35,- € vom Kursleiter erwerben. Information: bildung@burg-fuersteneck.de Online translation |
Beoga Reviews 2009 Year - Irelandby Harley Jones |
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Since the birth of the Irish band Beoga in 2002 they have received great reviews and become very popular. Some interesting parts of their Christmas newsletter say: “The Beogas have hung up the weapons for a wee while and are taking a well earned rest. It’s been quite a year, with the new album release, 142 concerts, including our special 400th gig, 54 flights, 13 countries, 4 lost suitcases, 10,022 beers (mostly Damian’s), and thousands of pounds in excess baggage charges (Ryan Air, we salute you).” Quite a year for the exciting band Beoga. Online translation |
Stage/Arezzo - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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52nd Annual Grammy Awards - USAby Harley Jones |
![]() The five CDs that get the most votes will qualify for the next round and become the official Grammy Nominees for 2010! The Grammy process is unique in that the musicians themselves, and people involved in the music industry get to vote for their peers, not the general public. Registrations closed for musicians to take part in the final voting on 2nd November. The nominees for the 52nd Grammy Awards are announced on December 2nd. Online translation |
Beltango Takes a Break - Serbiaby Harley Jones |
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The superb Beltango group are taking a break after a momentous and very busy year. A highlight of the year was not all musical with the proud parents Aleksandar (bandoneon, dancer) and Ivana (piano, vocals, dancer) Nikolic having twins, Maria and Marko, born on the 22nd July 2009. The popular Beltango group were back performing only weeks later in Poland, and since then performances in Serbia, Slovenia and in November at the Budapest National Dance Theatre in Hungary. Congratulations on a great year. Listen to samples of their Trilogia Triple CD Pack at Beltango. Online translation |
Future events / Concerts |
Zydeco Annie + Swamp Cats/on tour - Deutschlandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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![]() In Louisiana vermischen sich Nationen und Kulturen auf einzigartige Weise. So entstand, ausgehend von New Orleans, aus dem afro-karibischen Lebensgefühl der vielen Kulturen und der französisch sprechenden Akadier, nachdem sie aus Kanada vertrieben wurden, der Zydeco. In New Orleans, dem „Big Easy“, gilt heute noch die Devise „Laissez le bon temps rouler“ – „Lasst es Euch gut gehen“. Und das ist bei dieser Musik schon vorprogrammiert! Zydeco ist eine schnelle, tanzbare Musikform und Lebensfreude pur! **************************** All musical ways of the USA are leading down south. Rock, Soul, Blues, Gospel, Rock ’n’ Roll, Jazz and Country - they all have their roots down here. In Louisiana nations and cultures are mixed in a unique way. Beginning in New Orleans, Zydeco originated out of the afro-caribian lifestyle of all the cultures also the french-speaking Akadians, after they were displaced from Canada. Zydeco is a fast-tempo, danceable kind of music and pure vitality! In New Orleans, the „Big Easy“, till this day the motto is „Laissez le bon temps rouler“ – „Let the good times roll“. And that's preassigned with this Music! Zydeco is a fast-tempo, danceable kind of music and pure vitality! ****************** For more translation... To see and hear: 03.12. 85356 München-Flughafen, Terminalstr - Airport Center Wintermarkt längster Wintermarkt der Welt! • Über 45 Marktstände zum Bummeln, Schlemmen und Staunen • Große Kunsteisbahn und Eisstockbahn - Benutzung kostenlos! Schlittschuhe können gegen eine geringe Gebühr vor Ort ausgeliehen werden. • Bühnenprogramm mit Bands und Musikern aus der Region • Abendliche Lichterfahrten über das Flughafengelände • Einkaufsmöglichkeiten in den Geschäften am Flughafen München auch an Sonn- und Feiertagen • Last-Minute-Weihnachtsshopping am 4. Advent • Bis zu 5 Stunden kostenloses Parken im Parkhaus P20 05.12. 33758 Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock, Hauptstr. 65-67 - American Store Niebel 11.12. 86150 Augsburg, Zeugplatz 4 - Weihnachtsinsel 26.12. 86836 Untermeitingen, Siemensstr. 1 - Four Corners Music Hall Information Anja Baldauf +49 160 96940461, Fax +49 8223 409105 mail@zydecoannie.de |
![]() £15 -- doors 8.00pm 01473 412 034 www.peppery.co.uk Sat 5 December - NORWICH ARTS CENTRE, £16 doors 7.45pm 01603 660 387 www.norwichartscentre.co.uk Sun 6 December – SOUTHAMPTON, THE BROOK £17/15 - doors 7.30pm 023 8055 5366 http://the-brook.com Tue 8 December - MANCHESTER, BAND ON THE WALL £14.50 - doors 7.30pm 0161 834 1786 www.bandonthewall.org Wed 9 December - BRIGHTON, KOMEDIA £15 - doors 7.30pm 01273 252 318 www.komedia.co.uk/brighton Fri 11 December - HOLMFIRTH, PICTUREDROME £17/15 - doors 7.30pm 0871 230 1101 www.picturedrome.net Sat 12 December - KNIGHTON, Powys KNIGHTON COMMUNITY CENTRE £15 - 01547 528 833 www.trevorlloyd.co.uk/oysterband Sun 13 December - BATH, KOMEDIA £15 - doors 7.30pm 07852 303 892 www.komedia.co.uk/bath |
Balkan Cabaret performing in Astoria OR - USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() There are songs for sitting and listening while enjoying drink and conversation with friends, as well as high energy dance tunes. Whether on your feet or sitting back, you are taken to a time when feelings, reflection and community were not so overwhelmed by the rush of tech There are songs for sitting and listening while enjoying drink and conversation with friends, as well as high energy dance tunes. Whether on your feet or sitting back, you are taken to a time when feelings, reflection and community were not so overwhelmed by the rush of tech. Their next appearance: Astoria OR December 5, 2009: Balkan Cabaret with Mary Sherhart Clatsop College Performing Arts Center 16th & Franklin, Astoria OR 3:00-5:00pm culture presentation on Bosnia, Bulgaria and the Balkans- followed by a folksong/folkdance teaching session with Mary Sherhart and Susan Reagal. FREE. 7:00pm Concert/Dance Party $5.00 admission. For more information, Carol Newman: 503-458-6837 or caroltov@pacifier.com Latest CD: Somewhere Far Away/by Balkan Cabaret Online translation |
Piffere, Muse e Zampogne - Arrezzo/Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Festival "Musica senza Parole"/Castelfidardo - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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giovedì 10-12-2009ore 21:15 al Teatro Astra: 8° edizione del Festival nazionale "Musica senza parole" e consegna dell’"Oscar per la musica da ballo. Un appuntamento per farci amare la musica ed il suono della fisarmonica attraverso l’esibizione di bravi fisarmonicisti provenienti da varie parti d’Italia. La serata è organizzata dall’Associazione Culturale Meg Music, grazie all’impegno del suo presidente Giorgio Galeazzi in collaborazione con il Museo Internazionale della Fisarmonica di Castelfidardo. Il programma della serata comprende l’esibizione dei seguenti fisarmonicisti per musica da ballo con brani inediti: Fabio Alderighi, Vincenzo Ceroli, Orietta Delli, Gianni Mirizzi, Marco Rossi, Giuseppe Santamaria, Roberto Zorzo, Stefano Carlini, Federico D’Angeli, Antonino De Luca, Angelo Ramacciati, Gennaro Ruffolo, Luigi Simonetti. Oscar musica da ballo: Antonio Del Sordo - chitarrista Walter Giannarelli - Fisarmonicista Roberta Cappelletti - Cantante Ospiti: Trio Tanguedia Angel Mauro - Cantante Orchestra Mario Riccardi Presentano: Mirko Alvisi e Daniela Gurini |
LE BÉBERT ORCHESTRA in dicember - Canadaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() ![]() A new mix with strong roots in Québec patrimony, the Bébert Orchestra is a band with multi-instrument musicians coming from different areas such as Jazz, classical, pop-rock, country, traditionnal. Olivier Rondeau, Tommy Gauthier, Robin Boulianne and Jean François Déry distances themselves by their passion and virtuosity. When maturity and youth get together, it’s a noble and familiar world that is offered to us by the charismatic Yves Lambert, with subtle arrangements and complicity. When they get together, they reveal the love for their roots and music, exploring mixed sounds in an open-minded attitude and curiosity. >>> Youy can see and hear them in dicember: 04/12/2009, Alexendria (Ontario)- Salle des Trois petits points 12/12/2009, Longueuil- Longueuil - Avec M.Calliari 27/12/2009, Ste-Thérèse- Ste-Thérèse - Avec M.Calliari 28/12/2009, L'Assomption- L'Assomption - Avec M.Calliari 30/12/2009, Québec- Grand Théâtre - Avec M.Calliari 31/12/2009, Québec- Grand Théâtre - Avec M.Calliari Contact: chris@adastra-music.co.uk or pruchelibre@yahoo.ca online translation |
Herrn Stumpfes Zieh & Zupf Kapelle - Deuschlandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() ![]() Im 18. Jahr sind die ‚Stumpfes’ nun auf einer ungebremsten Tour, bei mehr als 1.900 Konzerten haben sich die vier Ostälbler einen legendären Ruf als Wiederentdecker weit gereister Melodien verdient. Mehr und mehr gehören auch Stücke aus eigener Feder zum Programm. Die ‚Stumpfes’ holen sich Jazz, Blues, Folk und die Lieder ihrer ostälbischen Heimat nach Hause und beleben sie mit der bodenlosen Tiefe schwäbischer Mundart. Mit dem Handwerkszeug eines durchgeknallten Orchesters und Texten von markerschütternder Ernstlosigkeit legen sie unschuldig dreinblickend ganze Säle in Lachfalten und viele Seelen in Glück. Zwischen Mannheim und Allgäu, zwischen Freiburg und der Aalener Heimat ist auch 2009 kaum eine Halle sicher. Ob “allein zu viert“, mit Hannes und dem Bürgermeister oder in der Mäulesmühle: Die ‚Stumpfes’ tragen ihr Herz ins Land, ehrlich, herzhaft und von karstiger Tiefe. Hier sind sie demnächst zu sehen und zu hòren Sa 05.12.09 BB Renningen Stegwiesenhalle www.kultundfun.de und allen Easy Ticket Reservix VVK-Stellen Sa 12.12.09 BC Bad Schussenried Bierkrugstadel Schussenrieder Bierkrugmuseum 07583-40411 So 27.12.09 UL Ulm Roxy Ulm Roxy Ulm (0731-968620) www.roxy.ulm.de Mo 28.12.09 WN Schorndorf Barbara-Künkelin-Halle MK Ticket Schorndorf (07181 - 929451) Di 29.12.09 HD Wiesloch Palatin Theaterkasse PALATIN 06222/582660 Mi 30.12.09 AA Aalen Stadthalle Tourist Info Aalen 07361- 522359 und www.stumpfes.de Kontakt: stumpfes@stumpfes.de oder Tel : 07361/9863-0 Online translation |
Kepa Junkera Masterclasses - Spainby Harley Jones |
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Kepa Junkera – Basque accordion master. According to the Boston Globe, “One of the most impressive world music debuts in years comes from a Basque accordionist, Kepa Junkera…Junkera is a dazzling master of the two-row diatonic button accordion.” Playing with his sextet on the mandolin, cuatro, double bass, drums, and txalaparta, Kepa’s trikitixas ". Kepa Junkera will be holding masterclasses: 01 December: Masterclass KALEA en FNAC Bilbao 02 December: Masterclass KALEA en FNAC Barcelona 03 December: Masterclass KALEA en FNAC Donostia On 24/25 April 2010, Kepa Junkera and his group are performing in La Fayette, USA and no doubt other USA cities around that time. Online translation |
Eventi/Dicembre in AOSTA - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
mercoledì 23 dicembre ore 21:00 BAL DE TSALENDE - BAL FOLK DI NATALE con CHEMIN DE FER Auditorium biblioteca - Châtillon (AO) Ingresso: € 5,00 giovedì 31 dicembre 2009 ore 23:30 ANIMAZIONE MUSICALE con CHEMIN DE FER Terme di Pré Saint Didier www.termedipre.it |
Kas a barh Ploue - Franceby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Enfin, Kas a barh est le nom donné à une danse du pays vannetais, dérivée de l'En Dro. Elle se danse en cortège de couples et à un moment de la danse, le cavalier qui tient sa cavalière par le petit doigt, conduit celle-ci (d'un mouvement énergique du bras qui décrit un S ) à se retourner vers le couple situé derrière, à faire un pas vers ce couple (qui lui-même en fait autant vers l'arriège du cortège) avant de reprendre la marche vers l'avant. De Kas a barh on retiendra surtout la notion d'énergie et de dynamisme. Calendrier des manifestations Tous les mardis - cours d'accordéon diatonique de 14.oo-21.oo h (Maison des asso) Dimanche 20 Décembre Animation marché de noel A partir de 11H30 (Place de l'église inguiniel) Information: Edmond Beuzet, par téléphone au ou mobile: ou Josiane Salié 0297332303 ou par e-mail à ebeuzet***club-internet.fr (recopier l'adresse et remplacer les étoiles par @) Online translation |
Wayne Toups Concerts - Decemberby Harley Jones |
![]() Friday 4 December, Texas Club, Baton Rouge, Louisiana Friday 18 December G.G.’s Club, Alexandria, Louisiana Saturday 26 December Cowboys Club, Scott Louisiana Monday 28 December, Independence Bowl, Shreveport, Louisiana For 2010, he writes: "We'll be out there doing 100 or 125 shows and I'd like to get it even higher than that. I love to work. It's exciting. I'm still loving every minute of it." For more information: info@waynetoups.com Translation Online |
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