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Diatonic News - Feb-2010
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Voci Armoniche


TV: Die nächste liabste Weis...mit Franz Posch - Austria
52nd Annual Grammy Awards Successes - USA
Dorino Ouvrier "scultore amante dei strumenti" - Aosta/Italia
Unbedingt vormerken: Die Harmonika-WM 2011 in Bayern! - Austria
Quartango in February in Québec- Canada
Die Meisnitzerband - Austria
Accordeons Viseur" has opened a new shop in Puurs - Belgium

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Festival Het Accordeon 2010 in Deventer - Holland
Fürstenecker Folk & TanzTage - Deutschland
15th Cobargo Folk Festival - Australia
Carlingford Irish Music Winter School - Irland
11th Irish Music Workshop Weekend in Kronberg/Ts. - Deutschland
XII Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival, Kokkola – Finland

eSheet Music Titles

Future events / Concerts

Tribul à Fest Noz à Carhaix-Plouguer/France
Trouveur Valdotén al FolkClub - Torino/Italia
Termen à Amanlis - France
Cafe Accordion Orchestra Gigs, Minnesota, Wisconsin – USA
Die 4 Lavanttaler / Februar - Austria
Kendirvi à Paris le 12-02-2010 - France
Alexandra Schmied in Rieneck/Deutschland
WORLD TANGO TRIO (Argentina) in tour – Italia
Musictrad en Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur - France
Zydeco - 1st Valentine Bush - USA
Zydeco Lil Henry's Place/Beaumont/Texas - USA
Zydeco Valentine's day celebration/Beaumont - USA
Zydeco Houston/Texas 6th Feb 2010 - USA

Titano Accordions

New and Updated Sites

Sergey Petrov, Professional Musician, St Petersburg - Russia

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The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion


Voci Armoniche

TV: Die nächste liabste Weis...mit Franz Posch - Austria

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Die nächste liabste Weis...mit Franz Posch kommt am 13. Feber 2010 aus dem Kranewitter Stadl in Telfs. Im Mittelpunkt der ersten Sendung im neuen Jahr steht das traditionelle und imposante Schleicherlaufen, das nur alle fünf Jahre stattfindet.
NEU: Musikwunsch aus aller Welt
Seit der liabsten Weis in Absam haben Sie die Möglichkeit auch via Internet sich ihren Lieblingstitel zu wünschen und das aus aller Herren Länder.

Angebot für Fans im Ausland
In erster Linie richtet sich dieses Angebot an Auslands-Österreicher oder an "Mei liabste Weis"-Fans aus dem Ausland, die via Internet einen Musikwunsch abgeben können.

Und so machen Sie mit:
Suchen Sie sich aus den Titellisten Ihren Lieblingstitel aus und schicken Sie uns ein E-Mail samt Foto in guter Auflösung von Ihnen. Dazu schreiben Sie noch eine Grußbotschaft.

Sie sind Fan der "Liabsten Weis", haben Anregungen, Beschwerden oder Wünsche, was die Sendung betrifft - dann schreiben Sie uns. E-Mail: meiliabsteweis@orf.at
"Die Liabste Weis" - Karten im jeweiligen Fremdenverkehrsamt des Veranstaltungsortes Internet: tirol.ORF.at/meiliabsteweis, tv.ORF.at

Online translation

Sounding Out the Accordion

52nd Annual Grammy Awards Successes - USA

by Rita Davidson Barnea
There were plenty of diatonic accordions among the nominees announced for the 52nd annual Grammy Awards.

The Grammy Awards, was broadcast on CBS TV on 31st January throughout the USA and promoted as a "Celebration To Cap Music's Biggest Night".

The following groups with accordionists were winners:
The Best Cajun/Zydeco Album category:
"Lay Your Burden Down" by Buckwheat Zydeco was the winner of the Best Cajun/Zydeco Album.
The other nominees were:
"Alligator Purse" by Beausoleil Avec Michael Doucet
"Stripped Down" by The Magnolia Sisters
"Live At 2009 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival" by Pine Leaf Boys
"L’Ésprit Créole" by Cedric Watson et Bijou Créole

The accordion is also in the Best Norteño Album category:
Los Tigres Del Norte won in the Best Norteno Album category for “Tu Noche Con”
The other nominees were:
"Dejame Soñar" by Cumbre Norteña
"El Niño De Oro" by El Compa Chuy
"Pese A Quien Le Pese" by Los Rieleros Del Norte
"Soy Todo Tuyo" by Los Tucanes De Tijuana

The Best Tejano Album was won by Los Texmaniacs.
Congratulations to all the winners!

Online translation



by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Durante un seminario a Cerchiara di Calabria (CS) il 3 gennaio 2010 Alessandro Mugnoz ha tenuto un seminario "Fisarmonica: repertori e prospettive..." e presentato il lavoro "METODO DI BASE PER FISARMONICA DIATONICA (A 8 BASSI) scritto da lui e suo padre Edgardo Mugnoz, pubblicato dall'Ars Spoletium.
Una proposta didattica innovativa che – attraverso appropriati esercizi, studietti progressivi e brani, originali o efficacemente trascritti – apre nuove strade e ulteriori prospettive al tradizionale strumento. Il tutto con il coinvolgente supporto di un CD, contenente le interpretazioni e le basi, con stimolanti arrangiamenti, relativi al materiale contenuto nel metodo.

Per informazioni contattare Alessandro Mugnoz
Online translation !

Voci Armoniche

Dorino Ouvrier "scultore amante dei strumenti" - Aosta/Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Dorino Ouvrier comincia a scolpire nel 1977, anno in cui partecipa per la prima volta alla Fiera di Sant'Orso. Fino a quel momento gestiva un'officina, ma il lavoro non lo soddisfaceva; poco alla volta è diventato uno scultore a tempo pieno. I suoi inizi nella scultura risalgono comunque all'infanzia, allorché creava santoni su cirmolo durante le ore dedicate all'attività manuale.

Produzione: scultura. Il noce è la tipologia di legno che meglio corrisponde al suo stile e alla sua idea di scultura. Questo artista infatti non ama curare i particolari né le proporzioni, ma valorizza piuttosto il movimento e la forza dei pezzi. La sua produzione comprende molti bassorilievi e sculture in tuttotondo che esegue principalmente su ordinazione. Le sue opere traggono ispirazione principalmente dai lavori agricoli e dalle feste di Cogne e fra quali anche pezzi monumentali dedicato al mondo dei strumenti ad ancia libera.

L’atelier è visitabile previa prenotazione telefonica. Ouvrier Dorino, via Dott. Grappein, 103 - 11012 COGNE (AO) Telefono: 0165 74296

Online translation

Friedrich Lips Book

Unbedingt vormerken: Die Harmonika-WM 2011 in Bayern! - Austria

by Werner Weibert

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Quartango in February in Québec- Canada

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Virtuosity, musicality, elegance, sensuality and humor: Quartango’s music evokes deep emotions … even after 25 years!

Comprising four highly accomplished musicians, bound by their shared passion for the tango and driven by an unceasing desire to make a close connection with their audience, Quartango offers a performance filled with subtle nuances and a blend of colors that reflects both the classics and modernity and the effervescence of the milonga.

Acclaimed excellence
Quartango’s awards include three Opus Awards from the Conseil québécois de la musique, notably 2007/2008 Artist of the Year, a Félix Award and a Juno nomination. The ensemble also continues to delight critics and audiences alike: “The Montreal group heated things up with a concert that was nothing short of brilliant. It was dramatic. It was elegant. It was everything tango music should be,” wrote Kelly-Anne Reiss for the Regina Leader-Post following a concert.

Invited by major orchestras and festivals
Renowned for its performances with many important North American symphony orchestras, including Orchestre symphonique de Montréal, Orchestre symphonique de Québec, the National Arts Centre Orchestra in Ottawa, the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra, the Regina Symphony Orchestra and Orchestre Métropolitain, Quartango also wowed the critics at the Montreal International Jazz Festival, the Ottawa Chamber Music Festival, the Orford Festival and the Festival international de Lanaudière. In the summer of 2008, over the course of three concerts with the OSM, the quartet won the hearts of some 40,000 people with their contagious charm.

A rich and innovative repertoire
Quartango’s vast repertoire is characterized by refined musical arrangements, full of energy, the majority of which are the creations of pianist Richard Hunt (who has also composed some 20 original works for the group). While these arrangements explore Astor Piazzolla’s tango nuevo, they also include hints of the classics, jazz and Celtic music that are as subtle as they are unexpected. Quartango sheds new light on the music of the tango, elevating it to an international level.

For further information email: quartangocom@gmail.com

Online translation

Friedrich Lips Whole Collection

Die Meisnitzerband - Austria

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
13.02.2010 in A-5441 Abtenau(S)/ Abtenauer Bergbahnen- Karkogelhütte Fanclubausflug des Meissnitzer Band Fanclubs Abtenau - Uhrzeit: 19:00
Neben einer Schlittenpartie auf der beleuchteten Rodelbahn am Karkogel gibt es beim gemütlichen Beisammensein in der Karkogelhütte Musik von der Meissnitzer Band und allen, die mitmusizieren wollen

26.02.2010 A-5582 St. Michael im Lungau(S) TV- Aufzeichnung "Musik vom wilden Kaiser" Uhrzeit: 14:00 Uhr

Information: TOP ACT AGENCY | Eva Harring
Neukirchen 42
A-4814 Neukirchen/ Altmünster
Mobil: +43 (0)699-11- 202- 400
E-Mail: top.act@utanet.at

Online translation

Accordeons Viseur" has opened a new shop in Puurs - Belgium

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
This accordion and harmonica only shop , was founded in May 2003 and has ever since been steadily growing and improving. Over the years It has build up a good reputation in Belgium but also welcomes customers from further away. The owner "Iwein Jacobs" is an accordion player himself and can service and tune accordions in his workshop or give advice to people about which new accordion is most suitable or them. Players can also find quality straps, gigbags, cases, amplification , midi etc.

Accordeons Viseur has built up a fine relationship with the "vibrant Belgian" folk scene and has a unique expertise ( for Belgium) in tuning/modifying and selling diatonic accordions.
For the "harp" players, Accordeons Viseur has since 2003 been representing "C.A.Seydel" . Other very special instruments that you can find here is the "accordina" made by Marcel Dreux and the Bandonion designed by Harry Geuns.

The grand opening of this small but highly specialised shop was on 30th JANUARY You can find them near the A12 between Antwerp and Brussels

Iwein Jacobs at Accordeons Viseur, Sauvegardestraat 17, 2870-Puurs (Ruisbroek) Belgium phone : 0032/3866.47.57 e-mail : info@accordeons-viseur.com

Online translation

Titano Accordions

Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc.

Accordion Jazz Chord

Festival Het Accordeon 2010 in Deventer - Holland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Saturday, 13 February, Deventer Schouwburg, Leeuwenkuil, 10.00h. - 17.00h.:
Sparkling Deventer
Many different activities are on all places of these two nearby buildings. Such as:
Music market with a lot of stuff all about our favorite bellow instruments, art, notes, cd's and of course the instruments themselves; workshops for accordion, bluesharp, harmonica, Steierische Harmonika and bandonion in different styles; a reading from Wu Wei about the sheng, the 2.500 musical instrument from China; master classes by Pascal Contet, classical accordionist from France and the Motion Trio, three accordionists from Poland who are specialists in playing together.
An Open Podium where a variousity of artists and groups have the possibility to play anything they like.

Riccardo Tesi & Banditalia from Italy, this man is a master on his "Organetto Diatonico", together with his group they let the audience enjoy Italian music with a Mediterranean sauce.

Captain Gumbo from the Netherlands are taking care of a swing-party with Cajun and Zydeco music. Not only fun to hear, but also to look at.

Sunday, 14 February, Etty Hillesum Centrum, 11.30h.: Riccardo Tesi and Maurizio Geri are going to sing and play in a small, intimite atmosphere Italian traditional music from Toscane.

Sunday, 14 February, Deventer Schouwburg, 14.30h.: Temperamentvolle Piazzolla
Carel Kraayenhof, bandonion and Orkest van het Oosten, the symphony-orchestra from the East of the Netherlands. The famous Carel Kraayenhof is playing music from his big maestro, Astor Piazzolla and other great composers of Argentina. He is a soloist with the Orchestra, but also he is performing a few works on his own. A fantastic last concert of Festival Het Accordeon 2010.

Sunday, 14 February, Deventer Schouwburg, 16.00h.: Bal Folk, Thé Dansant with Cecilia from Belgium
This very good folk group is going to help us dancing out of the festival. They've played everywhere and are specialised in making folk-dance music. For everyone who wants to talk, dance, drink, remember, say goodbye to dear friends and whatever is in ones mind. Welcome to the last party of this festival!

Information:Stichting Het Accordeon, Postbus 237 - 7400 AE Deventer
telefoon: 06 40304317 - website: www.hetaccordeon.nl - e-mail: info@hetaccordeon.nl
Online translation !

Gary Dahl Arrangements

Fürstenecker Folk & TanzTage - Deutschland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
12. Fürstenecker "Folk & Tanz Tage" vom 5. - 7. Februar 2010 mit folgenden Werkstätten:
"Tour de France" - Schwerpunkt Zentralfrankreich !
Tanzworkshop mit Live Musik !
Ensemble !
Für Einsteiger/innen mit allerlei Instrumenten !
Folk-Orchester - Ensemblekurs für alle Instrumente !
Traditionelle europäische Melodien neu arrangiert !
Diatonisches Akkordeon für Anfänger/innen mit Karsten Evers !
AufAnfrage auch mit Leihinstrument (Gebühr: 25 €)
In dieser Werkstatt werden die grundlegenden Kenntnisse über Aufbau, Haltung und Spielweise des Instruments vermittelt. An Hand einfacher Stücke werden das Melodiespiel, die Bassbegleitung im 2/4 und 3/4 Takt und die Koordination der Luftklappe geübt. Dieser Kurs ist vorgesehen für Einsteiger.

Karsten Evers, Eiterfeld, studierte u. a. Musikpädagogik, ist hauptberuflicher Dozent auf BURG FÜRSTENECK und spielte früher u. a. bei "Hampelmuse" und "Berliner Stadtmusikanten".
Online translation !

Diatonisches Akkordeon - Spiel- und Verzierungstechniken für unterschiedlich weit Fortgeschrittene mit Oliver Stoffregen !

Dieser Kurs richtet sich an Anfänger/innen mit Vorkenntnissen: Zumindest die Grundfertigkeiten auf dem diatonischen Instrument sollten vertraut sein, aber auch weiter fortgeschrittene Spielfähigkeit ist willkommen. Vermittelt werden Techniken zur Bearbeitung einfacher Musikstücke. Themen wie Melodieverzierungen, Balgarbeit und Begleitmöglichkeiten mit den Bässen werden behandelt und - je nach Fortschritt in der Gruppe - Möglichkeiten der Melodievariation und Akkordbegleitung gezeigt. Die Stücke werden in Noten und Tabulatur ausgeteilt, es wird jedoch auch das im Folkbereich traditionelle Erlernen der Melodie nach Gehör geübt.

Oliver Stoffregen, Darmstadt, Dipl. Sozialpäd., Musiker u.a. bei "Dudlhupf" und den "FrontStreetBoys". Betreibt das Akkordeon-Fachgeschäft "Diatonie" in Darmstadt. Langjährige Unterrichtserfahrung besitzt er aus zahlreichen Workshops.
Online translation !

Diatonisches Akkordeon - Bourrée-Werkstatt für Fortgeschrittene ab mittlerem Spielniveau mit Andreas Bothe !
In dieser Werkstatt spielen wir Bourrées aus den verschiedenen Herkunftsregionen Frankreichs (wie Berry, Auvergne, Bourbonnais). Wie klingen diese „wirklich nach Bourrée“?

Es wird daran gearbeitet, die Stücke so zu spielen und ihnen den entsprechenden Drive und die Rhythmik zu geben, dass die Tänzer optimal unterstützt werden. Zwischen traditionellen Spielweisen und der Verwirklichung moderner Ideen steht die Tanzbarkeit immer im Vordergrund.

Dieser Kurs ist geeignet für Spieler/innen ab etwa mittleren Kenntnissen, d.h. einfache Melodien sollten sicher (ohne abzubrechen) gespielt werden können und die Koordination beider Hände kein Grundproblem mehr darstellen.

Andreas Bothe, Erlangen, spielt diatonisches Akkordeon und Percussion bei "Cassis" und unterrichtet seit vielen Jahren Akkordeon.

Diatonisches Akkordeon - ganzheitlich - hören-arrangieren-improvisieren-erfinden für alle Niveaus außer Anfängern mit Anne Niepold !
Wenn Ihr Euch eine der folgenden Fragen schon mal gestellt habt und ein wenig jenseits des Anfängerstadiums seid, dann könnte Euch dieser Kurs interessieren:

Wie begleite ich jemanden (selbst wenn ich das Stück nicht kenne)?
Zusammenspielen? Ist das nicht nur was für weiter Fortgeschrittene?
Warum klingt das bei DEM so und bei MIR nicht?
Aber wie kann man das denn interessanter machen oder variieren?
Improvisieren? Das kann ich nicht! Wie denn auch?
Wie kann ich meine Technik verbessern?
Rhythmus? Gibt es da noch mehr als den Wechsel von Bass und Akkord?
Theorie? Da verstehe ich (leider) nichts von! Ist das nötig? Ist das schwer?
Komponieren? Das ist doch sicher nur für Könner?
Wir arbeiten an wenigen und eigentlich einfachen Stücken, aus denen wir so viel wie möglich "rausholen". Auch wenn wir z.T. traditionelle Melodien spielen, geht es nicht um bal-folk-Musik, und es ist auch kein Repertoirekurs! Ein bisschen spielen können reicht. Sonst sind keine theoretischen oder praktischen Vorkenntnisse nötig. Bitte mitbringen soweit vorhanden: was zu schreiben, Notenpapier, Aufnahmegerät, ggf. auch Metronom und Notenständer.

Online translation !
Weitere Information unter: BURG FÜRSTENECK
Karsten Evers
Am Schlossgarten 3
36130 Eiterfeld
Telefon 06672 - 92 02-0
e-Mail: Bildung@Burg-Fuersteneck.de
Internet: http://www.burg-fuersteneck.de/

15th Cobargo Folk Festival - Australia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
The historic and picturesque village of Cobargo on the far south coast of New South Wales has been hosting this fun-filled weekend of music, dance, song, comedy and poetry and yarn-telling for the past 14 years.

Over 200 performers converge on the Cobargo Showground over the last weekend in February and provide a pageant of Australian and international talent. The next festival will be held on the 26th, 27th & 28th February, 2010.

Performers and audiences alike have described this festival as "the best little folk festival in the country" (Bob McInnes - Cornstalk Gazette).
Cobargo is situated on the far south coast of New South Wales, mid-way between Narooma and Bega. It is about three hours drive from Canberra and about five hours from Sydney (Click here for a map) Bus services between Sydney and Melbourne stop at Cobargo. The nearest airport is at Merimbula. [see more information and accommodation listings]

The festival started out as a small celebration in the village centre but the growth in popularity of the festival resulted in a move to the Cobargo Showground in 2005. This has been recognised as a positive move in the development of the festival due to the beautiful rural setting, ample space and excellent facilities (including onsite camping with all amenities). Being fully self-contained means that it is great for young children and the festival is very family-friendly. It has also enabled the expansion of both the children’s activities and the dance program.

The Cobargo Showground is situated on the Bermagui Road. It's a short walk to the Cobargo village where there is a good pub, coffee shops, a supermarket and service station. There's also some tempting craft and antique shops. A huge range of food and craft stalls are also provided as part of the festival.

The organisers are all volunteers and the festival itself could not operate without the wonderful people who volunteer their time during the weekend of the festival each year. Volunteering gives a different perspective of the festival, enhances enjoyment and gives free admission. Many volunteers have such a good time that they volunteer year after year. Interested in volunteering? Visit the volunteers page on this website to learn how.

Festival attendees will experience a full program of concerts, workshops, dances, poets breakfasts, comedy acts, sessions, intimate blackboard concerts, plus exotic food stalls, bar and refreshments. This is a very friendly festival and judging from the many accolades from last year's festival it just keeps getting better.

The Cobargo Folk Festival has become a regular treat for residents of the South Coast and many visitors from NSW and interstate. You might like to stay awhile and explore this beautiful region. There's lots to do; beautiful beaches and the historic town of Tilba nearby, visit Bega Cheese and local wineries, explore the stunning local national parks.

For further information e-mail: Public Officer: Michael Hoorihan (02) 6493 6177 cobargofolkfestival@bigpond.com

online translation !

Charnwood Music Publishing

Carlingford Irish Music Winter School - Irland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Carlingford Community Arlingford Development
In association with St Oliver’s Primary School & Cultúr Traidisiúnta na hÉireann present as part of the Carlingford Lough Youth Peace Project (CLYPP)
Ceol Chairlinn
Carlingford Irish Music Winter School
4TH – 7TH February 2010
Friday Night Concert
5th February Featuring Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh & Mánus Lunny
Venue: Foy Centre Carlingford. Doors open 8.00pm. Tickets €12 / €10 (concessions)
Ceol Chairlinn
Saturday Night Concert
Featuring Gerry O’ Connor, Paddy Keenan, Tommy O’Sullivan,
TÉADA and… Cross border – Cross Community traditional music sensations
The CLYPP Band
Venue: Holy Trinity Heritage Centre Carlingford Saturday 6th February.
Doors Open 8.00pm: Tickets €12 / €10 (concessions)
A weekend Workshop Programme with Expert tuition in:
Fiddle, Flute, Uilleann Pipes, Song, Button Accordion, Banjo / Mandolin, Bodhran and Set & Sean Nós Dance
Ticket Prices:
Individual Tuition Ticket: €50 / €45 (concessions)
Family Tuition Ticket: €90 (2 or more family members) Tuition tickets include entry into Saturday night concert. Concert only tickets €12 / €10 concessions
Information and Concert Tickets available from: The Foy Centre, Dundalk Street Carlingford
Contact: (T) 00353 42 9383624 email: events@carlingfordbeds.com web: www.carlingfordbeds.com

Online translation

Voci Armoniche

11th Irish Music Workshop Weekend in Kronberg/Ts. - Deutschland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Workshop Anglo-Concertina mit Claus Kessler vom 19. bis 21. Februar 2010

Das Lernen typischer irischer Tanzweisen (Jigs, Reels, Hornpipes...) steht beim Concertina-Kurs im Mittelpunkt. Durch das Lernen der Musikstücke sollen die einzelnen Elemente des Irish-Concertina-Style angesprochen und vermittelt werden, z.B. Rhythmik, Verzierungen, Fingersatz usw. Dabei werden Stücke ausgewählt, die in einer traditionellen irischen Session zum Standardrepertoire gehören, denn das Erleben des gemeinschaftlichen Musizierens ist das A und O in der irischen Musik! Grundkenntnisse über das Spielen auf der Anglo-Concertina werden bei diesem Kurs vorausgesetzt.
Veranstaltungsort: Fritz-Emmel-Haus,
Königsteiner Straße 33,
61476 Kronberg/Taunus

Information: www.doubletop.de

Online translation


XII Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival, Kokkola – Finland

The 12th Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival takes place from February 14th to 21st. This festival includes a wide variety of concerts, workshops dances, and other events, with genres including classical, jazz, folk, contemporary, rock, and sacred music. There are also dance and outdoor events, and even an ‘Accordion Skiing’ event!

Artistes appearing include the Amoroso Orchestra (MD Atso Almila), Guardia Nueva Orchestra (MD Raimo Vertainen), and accordionists Leo Holmgren, Torikööri Kallentori, Niko Kumpuvaara, Martin Lubenov, Denis Patkovic, Jarmo Tinkala, and Sari Viinikainen.

For further for information email: raimo.vertainen@pp.inet.fi

Online translation

Future events / Concerts

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Tribul à Fest Noz à Carhaix-Plouguer/France

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Samedi 06/02/2010 - Fest Noz à Carhaix-Plouguer/France

Membres actuels
Patrick LANCIEN Accordéon diatonique
Claude LE BARON Biniou, Bombarde
Yann LE BOZEC Contrebasse
Fabien ROBBE Cornet à piston Hautbois
Roger NEGARET Chant, Clarinette
Thierry TOQUIN Guitare acoustique

Online translation

Trouveur Valdotén al FolkClub - Torino/Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Torna al FolkClub dopo sei anni questo gruppo nato alla fine degli anni '70, che continua imperterrito il suo percorso di ricerca etnomusicologica nelle Alpi occidentali. L'obbiettivo è sempre lo stesso: dare a questa espressione culturale una dimensione vivente, attuale e sensibile al paesaggio sonoro dei giorni nostri. Il nuovo album, Cromozome, è il risultato di un lavoro di analisi e di elaborazione di un patrimonio orale fatto di canti e di danze, di immagini sognate o di circostanze reali, che concorrono alla salvaguardia della specificità di una regione francofona come la Valle d'Aosta. Questo album è anche bilancio del lavoro compiuto e degli incontri fatti negli anni, che hanno allargato gli orizzonti e le intenzioni musicali dei membri di questa famiglia.

Il concerto è una rara occasione di ascoltare l'esecuzione di un materiale in gran parte inedito, che, tramite l'uso di strumenti della tradizione locale (organetto, violino, ghironda, cornamusa, clarinetto, flauti e percussioni varie, soprattutto in legno, osso e pelle) mantiene il suo carattere arcaico d'origine, valorizzato da arrangiamenti ricchi di freschezza e dinamismo. La dimensione propriamente familiare di questo atipico ensemble di musicisti composto dai membri della famiglia Boniface (padre, madre e due figli) avvicina l'orecchio e il cuore dello spettatore, che attraverso la musica scopre una realtà culturale e linguistica unica.

I Trouveur Valdotén, molto attivi sia a livello locale che internazionale, hanno partecipato a numerosissime iniziative musicali; tra le quali un serie di trasmissioni tematiche dedicate alla musica tradizionale alpina, sulle emittenti radiotelevisive pubbliche e private italiane, francesi e svizzere. Prima di Cromozome hanno pubblicato quattro raccolte: nel 1984 (Meusecca pe vivre), nel 1993 (Le conte di soufflo è di soflet) nel 1998 (Tsanten Tsalende), sui canti e le melodie natalizie delle Alpi, e nel 2000 (Lo bouque que son-e) incentrato sulla millenaria Fiera di Sant'Orso. Oltre ai concerti, alcuni membri del gruppo si occupano di animazioni nelle scuole, proponendo corsi d'apprendimento di strumenti della tradizione e di avvicinamento alla danza tradizionale, di organizzazione di festival (tra i quali Etétrad, che raccoglie ampi consensi a livello internazionale), di esposizioni di strumenti della tradizione (notevole la loro collezione di organetti e fisarmoniche), di pubblicazioni discografiche.
CONCERTI in Via Perrone 3/bis 10122 Torino/Italia Tel. +39 011/9561782 o Fax. +39011/9554546 – Info folkclub@folkclub.it
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Titano Accordions

Termen à Amanlis - France

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Samedi 06/02/2010 - Fest Noz
à Amanlis organisé par la Rimandelle et France Palestine
Thierry BESNARD Violon
Martine BOUTARD Accordéon diatonique
Hubert JUMEL Biniou, Chant
Lanig JUMEL Bombarde, Chant, Flûte irlandaise, Hautbois
Roger NEGARET Chant, Clarinette
Thierry TOQUIN Guitare acoustique

Online translation


Cafe Accordion Orchestra Gigs, Minnesota, Wisconsin – USA

by Rob Howard
The Café Accordion Orchestra, featuring accordionist Dan Newton, performs an eclectic mix of vintage Swing, Latin, American, and French café music, evoking the repertoire of the Bal Musette orchestras of Paris from the 1920s to the 1950s. Their music is equally good for dancing or listening. The CAO’s gig list includes:

February 2nd, 6pm - Loring Pasta Bar, Minneapolis, MN
5th, 7.30pm – Honey, 205 East Hennepin Ave, Minneapolis
9th, 6pm - Loring Pasta Bar, Minneapolis, MN
12th, 9pm - Brink Lounge, 701 E. Washington Ave, Madison, Wisconsin
16th, 6pm – Loring Pasta Bar, Minneapolis, MN
23rd, 6pm - Loring Pasta Bar, Minneapolis, MN
26th, 7.30pm - Honky Tonk Café, 1011 County Road M, River Falls, Wisconsin

For further information email: daddysqueeze@yahoo.com

Online translation

Voci Armoniche

Die 4 Lavanttaler / Februar - Austria

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
"Die 4 Lavanttaler" - drei Vollblutmusiker aus dem Lavanttal und ein junger dynamischer Musiker aus der Steiermark, die dem "Lavanttaler Sound" treu geblieben sind und auch moderne Rhythmen wie Rock, Pop, Evergreen´s bis hin zu den aktuellen Hits in ihrem Programm mit hoher Professionalität zu ihrem Bestem geben. Durch ihr hohes musikalisches Niveau und dem "richtigen Draht" zum Publikum, verstehen es die vier Musiker, Stimmung in jede Veranstaltung zu bringen...und so sind sie am:
06.2.2010 / Jagaball / A-9064 Pischelsdorf - GH Kurat St. Filippen /Kärnten
13.2.2010 / Maskenball / A-9714 Stockenboi - Mehrzweckhaus Zlan /Kärnten
27.2.2010 / Oldieabend / A-9400 Wolfsberg - Brauhof Kraschowitz /Kärnten

Kontakt: www.die4lavanttaler.at
Online translation !

Kendirvi à Paris le 12-02-2010 - France

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Le groupe Kendirvi sera a Paris le 12/02/2010
avec un Concert au café les Trois Arts - 21 rue des Rigoles

Les Membres actuels
Romaric BOUGE Trompette
Kévin COLAS Bombarde, Clarinette
Jean-Marie LEBORGNE Guitare acoustique
Jérome LEBORGNE Accordéon diatonique
Julien MEHEUST Percussions
Agnès PELE Violon
Vincent VALO Guitare basse, percussions pédestres

Online translation

Alexandra Schmied in Rieneck/Deutschland

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Am 12.02.2010 ist Alexandra Schmied ab 20 Uhr auf der -SCHIRMPARTY- in 97794 Rieneck IM SKI UND TENNIS CLUB!
Alexandra hat im Jahre 2003 bei einem Wettbewerb im Allgäu teilgenommen und schaffte es im ersten Vorentscheid unter den besten fünf Akkordeonspielern aus ganz Deutschland. Mit dem selbst komponierten Stück "Der Hohenkemnather" zog sie als einziges Mädchen von ganz Österreich, Deutschland und Schweiz ins Finale und ist seitdem beste Nachwuchssolistin. Nach diesem großen Erfolg folgten in kurzer Zeit 4 TV Auftritte ihrer Heimatregion.

Online translation

Fùr zusàtzliche Information http://www.alex-schmied.de

Accordion Jazz Chords

WORLD TANGO TRIO (Argentina) in tour – Italia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Tre dei più grandi musicisti argentini del nostro tempo rivisitano in modo personale la tradizione del loro paese d’origine e le contaminazioni jazz vivificano ancor di più lo spirito originale dell’anima argentina. Tre virtuosi di fama mondiale e un vero evento musicale per il Teatro Filodrammatici.

Il: 21.02.2010 al Teatro Filodrammatici - Via Filodrammatici, 1 - 20121 Milano - Tel. 02 36595671 / 02 36595675 - info@teatrofilodrammatici.com

Il: 20.02.2010 Al Folkclub di Torino alle ore 21.30 – Ingresso 20 Euro in Via Perrone 3/bis 10122 Torino/Italia Tel. +39 011/9561782 o Fax. +39011/9554546 – Info folkclub@folkclub.it

Dopo piu di 20 anni passati a suonare in giro per il mondo con artisti di grande spessore, come Astor Piazzolla, Gotan Projet, Rodolfo Mederos, Luis Bakaloff, Mercedes Sosa, Juan Carlos Caceres, solo per citare i titani, tre grandi virtuosi argentini del tango, si ritrovano per dare vita a un trio che rilegge il tango in modo molto originale, un viaggio dell'immaginario, nel profondo sud del mondo.

Juanjo Mosalini, erede della tradizione del bandoneòn, ha quindici anni di carriera alle spalle, che lo hanno reso figura chiave dell'avanguardia musicale argentina ed europea. Ha fatto parte per anni del quartetto di Luis Bacalov -con cui ha composto tra l'altro anche Misa Tango, Stabat Mater ed il Concerto Triplo- ed è stato scelto dallo stesso Bacalov come strumento solista per la sua opera in musica Y Borges Cuenta Que. Ha partecipato a varie tournée dei Gotan Project e, in Italia, ha collaborato con Francesco Guccini e Lucilla Galeazzi. È membro stabile del quintetto di Tomás Gubitsch ed è solista di alcune prestigiose orchestre. È interprete prediletto dai compositori più avanzati nel campo del tango contemporaneo.
Tomás Gubitsch è universalmente riconosciuto come uno dei migliori chitarristi di tango al mondo. Nato nel 1957 a Buenos Aires, a soli 17 anni è già una star in Argentina con il gruppo rock Invisible, che riempie i palazzetti dello sport con migliaia di persone.
Carlos Buschini è bassista e compositore. Proveniente dagli studi classici, è sul tango che ha rivolto negli anni studi e pratica musicale. Ha suonato con affermati artisti latino-americani (Flaco Biondini, Luis Agudo, Gustavo Ovalles, Javier Girotto) e nelle migliori formazioni di settore (Los Angeles Negros, Los Tambores del Sur, Cordoba Reunion, Horizons Quartet, World Tango Project, Cuarteto Nuevo Tango).

Online translation !

Musictrad en Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur - France

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
EN FEVRIER en Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur :

le samedi 6 février 2010 à Les Adrets de l'Estérel 83
Organisation: Association le L.A.C. Loisirs Arts et Culture

le samedi 6 février 2010 à Gap (05)
Aisling: musique traditionnelle irlandaise
Showcase pour la sortie de notre cd "Old Dogs & New tricks".
16h, espace culture du centre Leclerc.

le samedi 13 février 2010 à Opio 06
Bal Trad de la Saint Valentin.
DE 16H30 à 19h atelier de danse avec Marie Jo Carrére.
Repas en commun.
Bal 21 h Lieu Salle des Fêtes.
Organisation association l'Olivetto

le samedi 20 février 2010 à VALBONNE 06560
samedi 20 février 2010 à Valbonne 06, Espace Pré des Arts:
Bal avec Philippe GAILLARD et OCCITANISS à partir de 21h
organisé par l'Association JOGAM DIJOUS

Samedi 20 et dimanche 21 février 2010 à Valbonne 06,Espace Pré des Arts:
stage de bourrées Crédanse avec Bernard COCLET et Sabine CARSANA
organisé par l'Association JOGAM DIJOUS

Renseignements : ou ou jogam.dijous@orange.fr - site : http ://jogamdijous.free.fr

le dimanche 21 février 2010 à valbonne 06560
20 et 21 février 2010 : Week-end Stage et Bal à Valbonne (06560) organisé par l'association JOGAM DIJOUS
Programmation à venir... Réservez votre week-end !

le jeudi 25 février 2010 à Bar sur Loup
Bal avec nos amis basques Patxi Perez et ses musiciens à la salle des fêtes du Bar sur Loup à partir de 20h30.
Organisé par "la banda dau Cigalon" et Jogam Dijous.

le samedi 27 février 2010 à 84100 ORANGE
- 21H30 BALETI

TARIFS ET RESERVATIONS: - adulte: 15€ / adhérent - 18€ / non-adhérent
- enfants : gratuit pour les - de 12 ans
- balèti uniquement : 5€
reservations au ou baleticalandreta@sfr.fr

Online translation

Titano Accordions

Zydeco - 1st Valentine Bush - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Zydeco Lil Henry's Place/Beaumont/Texas - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Accordion Repairs Made Easy

Zydeco Valentine's day celebration/Beaumont - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

eSheet Music Titles

Zydeco Houston/Texas 6th Feb 2010 - USA

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl

Titano Accordions

New and Updated Sites

The Ins and the Outs of the Accordion

Sergey Petrov, Professional Musician, St Petersburg - Russia

by Holda Paoletti-Kampl
Sergey Petrov, professional musician from St Petersburg (Russia), has an updated site about his performing and new CD. Sergey is probably the only professional musician in Russia , promoting such music styles as Zydeco and Cajun and plus cultivating variety-jazz style in playing accordion.
Sergey Petrov plays in several own musical projects: «Zydeco Project», «Chanson Defile», «French cocktail», «ELITE». «Zydeco Project» is the own musical project of Sergey Petrov. Zydeco music style, created in New Louisiana, is based on Creole music, including blues and r’n’b elements. Zydeco style harmonically combines forro, musette, Cajun music and even Balkan motives.

Online translation

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