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Highlights |
New Ideas for Accordion Fashionists - Worldwideby Diatonic News |
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The 2022 has started and the world is seeking for new fashion ideas - here some help, if needed! Appropriately titled 'Instruments played in the street corner,' the Xiaoping Huang Graduate Collection looks like it is comprised of outfits made out of accordion parts. Quirky and not a bit bizarre, the fashion is as creative as it gets. Taking a strong 3D approach, the recent University of Central Lancashire fashion graduate focuses on bright colors, bold prints and unusual textures to make a fashion statement like no other. The winner of the Zandra Rhodes Textile Award, the Xiaoping Huang Graduate Collection was inspired by an accordion the designer found in a flea market. She then turned to contemporary street musicians’ paintings to better flesh out her concepts, creating ensembles fit for a traveling circus. Huang is currently promoting her graduate collection in London, England. This award was given already 10 years ago, but as we say: fashion always comes back ;-) |
Back to live mit Andreas Gabalier - Austria/DE/CH/ITby Diatonic News |
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Nach über zwei Jahren Zwangspause steht der Sommer 2022 für Andreas Gabalier und seine Band unter dem Motto BACK TO LIVE! Endlich wieder Konzerte spielen und das Leben feiern. Gabalier, der gerade erst beim SCHLAGERBOOOM 2021 die ausverkaufte Dortmunder Westfalenhalle zum Kochen brachte und den Diamond-Award für 1Mio verkaufte Einheiten seiner Single HULAPALU erhielt, zeigte erneut seine unermessliche Spielfreude und seine grandiose Kunst Menschen musikalisch in seinen Bann zu ziehen. BERN 2. Juli 2022 MERAN 7. Juli 2022 BERLIN 16. Juli 2022 MÖNCHEN-GLADBACH 23. Juli 2022 MÜNCHEN 6.8. 2022 KITZBÜHEL 19./20.8. 2022 Vorverkauf www.eventim.de, www.oeticket.com und www.ticketcorner.ch |
World Accordion Day - What are you Doing? - Internationalby Diatonic News |
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What are you doing for World Accordion Day to promote the accordion in your country? World Accordion day is on May 6th, which is the day the accordion was patented in 1829. World Accordion Day was started in 2009 by the CIA and has been very successful, generating a lot of positive publicity for the accordion. A key part of this event is the World Accordion Day website. Every association, group, orchestra, performer and teacher, is asked to actively support this event by encouraging national and local accordion activities to happen in their country on this day or the weekend either side of Accordion Day if that should be more convenient. Everyone can register their World Accordion Day activity on the website and send a report of their event after, for that website. No event is too big or too small. ALL accordion events celebrating World Accordion Day are welcome. This is a CIA promotion for the accordion in which every accordion enthusiast can participate and help bring our accordion world together as well as strongly promote the accordion. Due to new COVID-restrictions - let us know, if you instead of live-events plan some online activities - we are happy to report |
Jetzt anmelden! 1. CYRILL-DEMIAN-PREIS AUSTRIA / Tag der Harmonika- Österreichby Werner Weibert |
![]() Na to mednarodno tekmovanje vljudno vabljeni vsi štajerski harmonikarji! Tutti i suonatori di armonica della Stiria sono cordialmente invitati a questo concorso internazionale! All Styrian harmonica players are cordially invited to this international competition! >>>www.harmonikaverband.at |
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Free Postage, Super Value Books Until 7th February - Franceby Diatonic News |
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Free Postage Special Until 7th February: The Ins and Outs of the Accordion by Thierry Benetoux (catalog benetouxen00). A quality book about accordion repairs, tuning etc. that is very popular indeed. In English In French. Comprendre et Reparer Votre Accordeon (catalog benetouxfr00). Free Postage Special: Sounding Out The Accordion by Thierry Benetoux (catalog bthierryen). A very quality book that cares of the sounding and tuning up your accordion. In English. In French. L’Accordeon & SA Diversite Sonore (catalog bthierryfr). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frais de port gratuits, grande valeur au 7 février - France Frais de port gratuits, disponibles jusqu'au 7 février : The Ins and Outs of the Accordion by Thierry Benetoux (catalog benetouxen00). A quality book about accordion repairs, tuning etc. that is very popular indeed. Comprendre et Reparer Votre Accordeon (catalogue benetouxfr00). Frais de port gratuits, disponibles jusqu'au 7 février : Sounding Out The Accordion by Thierry Benetoux (catalog bthierryen). A very quality book that cares of the sounding and tuning up your accordion. L’Accordeon & SA Diversite Sonore (catalogue bthierryfr). |
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Orientierungstag zum Zertifikatslehrgang Steirische Harmonika am 14.05.202 - DEby Diatonic News |
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Orientierungstag zum Zertifikatslehrgang Steirische Harmonika mit Alexander Maurer Kursnummer: 22_23_ZL_1 14.05.2022 Inhalt Der Lehrgang bereitet Sie auf Ihre Tätigkeit in künstlerischen und/oder pädagogischen Arbeitsfeldern vor. Sie erwerben die Kompetenzen, verschiedene Musikstile in unterschiedlichen Formaten zu unterrichten, neue Wege der musikalischen Vermittlung zu entwickeln und sich als stilistisch vielseitige/r Musiker*in solistisch oder im Ensemble zu präsentieren. • Solo-Repertoire • Improvisation • Das Instrument • Basics am Instrument • Die Pädagogik • FAQ – Das handwerkliche Drumherum https://www.hohner-konservatorium.de/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Zertifikatslehrgang-Steirische-Harmonika-Hohner-Konservatorium-2.pdf |
23. INTERNATIONALES AKKORDEON FESTIVAL 2022 - Viennaby Diatonic News |
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![]() The organizers, Friedl Preisl and Franziska Hatz are giving absolute preferenze to live-events than streaming performances and state as follows: Not sure at any time whether all programmed events will be able to take place, but nevertheless a dense and exciting program has been planned. On the one hand, there are concerts that were already booked for the Accordion Festival 2021, which did not take place, but had to fallen victim to the Covid circumstances and restrictions. In addition, the Festival is celebrating Astor Piazzolla's 101st birthday in March 2022 for reasons of circumstance, round anniversaries are usually overestimated anyway ... Piazzolla's importance for music and especially that played with the accordion/bandoneon cannot be emphasized enough at any time anyway! The MAIN FOCUS AUSTRIA remains as self-evident as it is necessary, since international artists are currently almost inevitably absent. The richness of the local musical landscape has always been an essential, always exciting and diverse component of the Festival programs. Download festival program here: 2022Akkordeonfestival.pdf The 2022 is fully planned and with many interesting events to be looked up at: http://akkordeonfestival.at/ |
Herbert Pixner Sommerkonzerte - DE/IT/ATby Diatonic News |
![]() 30.07.2022 DEGGENDORF (DE) STADTPLATZ Ersatztermin für das verschobene Konzert von 2020/21 31.07.2022 GRAFENEGG (AT) WOLKENTURM 01.08.2022 BURGHAUSEN (DE) WAFFENPLATZ 02.08.2022 BURGHAUSEN (DE) WAFFENPLATZ Ersatztermin für das verschobene Konzert von 2020/21 03.08.2022 FÜRSTENZELL (DE) KLOSTERPARK Ersatztermin für das verschobene Konzert 2020/21 (ursprünglich Röhrnbach) 06.08.2022 TELFS (AT) KUPPELARENA Ersatztermin für das verschobene Konzert 2020/21 07.08.2022 MÜNCHEN (DE) BRUNNENHOF (Zusatzkonzert) 08.08.2022 MÜNCHEN (DE) BRUNNENHOF Ersatztermin für das verschobene Konzert von 2020/21 09.08.2022 NÜRNBERG (DE) SERENADENHOF Ersatztermin für das verschobene Konzert von 2020/21 13.08.2022 BAD SCHALLERBACH (AT) ATRIUM 15.08.2022 GRAZ (AT) KASEMATTEN 16.08.2022 GRAZ (AT) KASEMATTEN 19.08.2022 KUFSTEIN (AT)´ FESTUNG Ersatztermin für das verschobene Konzert von 2020/21 20.08.2022 FINKENSTEIN (AT) BURGRUINE FINKENSTEIN 28.08.2022 BRUNECK (IT) KRONPLATZ Alle weiteren Informationen oder Änderungen (die aufgrund der aktuellen Covid-Bestimmungen anfallen könnten) auf der Seite: https://www.herbert-pixner.com/concerts/ |
Free: Accordion-YellowPages.com Listing of your 2022 Accordion Events - Cyberspaceby Diatonic News |
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All concert, competition and festival organizers are reminded to list their Future Events in our yellow pages website. Its free to list and you can do it yourself. Its free to list and you can also change and update your listing yourself as further information becomes available. The accordion yellow pages Future Events calendar displays at the top right hand side of this Weekly News of accordions.com in all 7 languages plus other popular sites such as the USA News and the Diatonic News. Huge numbers of readers every year view the accordion yellow pages Future Events, so all accordion event organizers are urged to take full advantage of this free service to keep the accordion community informed. Any internet challenged organizers may email their event details: harleyjones.nz@yahoo.com |
15. internationalen Slavko Avsenik-Wettbewerb - Österreich/Slovenienby Diatonic News |
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![]() Mit ihrer Harmonika holten sich Fabrice Schmidmaier, Gabriel Bürger und Raphael Maier Gold in der Kategorie Solo. Erstmals eine große Bestätigung für ihren Leher Werner Katolning (Foto rechts) von der Musikischule Katoling in Ebenthal / Kärnten, seine Schüler dreimal Gold bei einem Wettbewerb erspielt zu haben. Vorbereitet wurden seine Schüler ein halbes Jahr auf ihren Vorstellungen. Ein Ausrasten gibt es für die talentierten Harmonikaspieler leider nicht, denn sie sind damit beschäftigt, sich für die Junioren-Weltmeisterschaften im Mai 2022 vorzubereiten https://www.krone.at/2611868 |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
1st World Concertina Day - Worldwideby Diatonic News |
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The first-ever World Concertina Day will be on Sunday, February 6th, 2022, the 220th anniversary of the birth of Sir Charles Wheatstone, inventor of the English concertina. World Concertina Day is sponsored by the International Concertina Association, in celebration of the 70th anniversary of our founding in 1952. Many celebrations will be around the Globus and you may watch comfortably from your home. Watch and listen anytime, starting on February 6 International all-star concert put on by the International Concertina Association. Part 1 will become available at 8 am GMT, Part 2 at 2 pm GMT and Part 3 at 8 pm GMT. All three parts will be permanently available to view after they are posted. Eastern North America online concert (premiere on YouTube at 12 noon EST / 5.00 PM GMT) Randy Stein solo video mini concert New video performance by the Cafe Orchestra in Holmfirth, England, featuring five concertinas along with other instruments. All details and reservations you can find on the website: www.concertina.org |
Jetzt anmelden! > Harmonika-WM 2022 in Terme Olimia/Slowenien! Svetovno prvenstvo 2022 ! - Austriaby Werner Weibert |
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Liebe Fans der Steirischen Harmonika! Die Harmonika-WM 2022 findet wie geplant in der “Terme Olimia” im slowenischen Podcetrtek statt! Es freut uns sehr, diese Veranstaltung in Kooperation mit dem slowenischen Verband ZDHS an einem so schönen Ort ankündigen zu können. Die Ausschreibung ist wieder in 4 Sprachen ONLINE. Anmeldung ab SOFORT möglich!!! Wir freuen uns schon auf viele internationale Kandidaten! Dragi ljubitelji štajerske harmonike! Svetovni pokal harmonike 2022 bo po načrtih potekal v Termah Olimia v Podčetrtku v Sloveniji! Z velikim veseljem napovemo ta dogodek v sodelovanju s slovenskim društvom ZDHS na tako lepi lokaciji. Obvestilo je spet ONLINE v 4 jezikih. Prijave možne TAKOJ!!! Veselimo se številnih mednarodnih kandidatov! Dear fans of the Styrian accordion! The Harmonica World Championships 2022 will take place as planned in the "Terme Olimia" in Podcetrtek, Slovenia! We are very happy to announce this event in cooperation with the Slovenian association ZDHS in such a beautiful place. The call for entries is again ONLINE in 4 languages. Registration possible NOW!!! We are already looking forward to many international candidates! Cari fan dell'armonica stiriana! I Campionati Mondiali di Armonica 2022 si svolgeranno come previsto nelle "Terme Olimia" di Podcetrtek, in Slovenia! Siamo molto felici di annunciare questo evento in collaborazione con l'associazione slovena ZDHS in un posto così bello. Il bando è di nuovo ONLINE in 4 lingue. Registrazione possibile ORA!!! Stiamo già aspettando con impazienza molti candidati internazionali! www.harmonikaverband.at Online translation |
Beginners' course playing the diatonic accordion - Hollandby Diatonic News |
![]() In the autumn of 2021 the beginners course Tractonica playing started, this course will be continued in the spring of 2022. The lessons will again be given by Jos Lambregts on six Wednesday afternoons from 15:00-17:00 in Q-Factory Amsterdam. The basis is laid in the first six lessons, but new students can also join this group. After you have signed up, we will contact you to find out what your level is, so we can take that into account in the course of the lessons. We play on a C/F harmonica. Location: Q-Factory Amsterdam Dates: 12 January, 26 January, 9 February, 23 February, 9 March Day and time: Wednesday 15:00-17:00 Cost: € 90,- Registration: via the registration page https://www.trekharmonica-adam.nl/inschrijven/ Number of students: max. 6 https://www.trekharmonica-adam.nl/ Entrance only with a valid QR code or valid negative test certificate! |
Harmonikaseminar “Weiberleit”mit Irmi Schuhbauer - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() Harmonikaseminar "Weiberleit"! Ort: Volksmusikakademie in Bayern, 94078 Freyung (Konzept: Eva Haslbeck und Irmi Schuhbauer) Ein Harmonikaseminar für Deandl, Damen und Weiberleit mit Yogaeinheiten. Veranstalter: HAGLMO Harmonikabau GmbH und Co.KG in Kooperation mit der Volksmusikakademie in Bayern Die Anmeldung zum 2. Harmonikaseminar “Weiberleit” 2022 ist auf den Seiten der “Volksmusikakademie Bayern” möglich! Bitte benutzen sie diesen Link und füllen Sie zur Anmeldung das Formular aus. Zur Anmeldung auf www.volksmusikakademie.de |
Archie’s Box Academy (Getting Better) - UKby Diatonic News |
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Monday 21 Feb 2pm–4:30pm, 2022 Archie Churchill-Moss to continue with Halsway’s once-a-month box club. Now in term two, Archie’s ‘Getting Better’ workshops aim to support and develop the skills of Improver and Intermediate level melodeon players in enjoyable workshop sessions. Each 2.5 hour session will present a new challenge, with time for individual help to support less confident / less advanced players and to stretch more ambitious / more accomplished musicians. You’ll be learning new tunes and techniques each month, while also developing a working knowledge of music theory, and your own creativity as the course progresses. Archie Churchill-Moss: Widely regarded as one of the best players of English traditional folk, Archie has worked as a session musician for some of the UK’s top folk acts (Cara Dillon, Eliza Carthy, Blair Dunlop), as well as performing with the trio, ‘Moore, Moss, Rutter’ , the outfit which saw him receive the coveted BBC Radio 2 Young Folk Award in 2011. The past two years have seen Archie tour extensively across Western Europe and perform at some of Europe’s top music festivals, including headline slots at ‘Colours of Ostrava (Czech Republic), Tønder festival (Denmark), Cropredy Convention (UK) and Cambridge folk festival (UK). https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/archies-box-academy-getting-better-6/ |
Workshop Steirische Harmonika 17. Juni 2022 - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
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www.harmonikaverband.at |
TAG DER HARMONIKA 2022 - International Advertisings online! - Austriaby Werner Weibert |
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Anmeldungen ab SOFORT möglich! Prijave od TAKOJ možne! Iscrizioni da IMMEDIATAMENTE possibili! Registrations from IMMEDIATELY possible! www.harmonikaverband.at online translation |
Stage d'accordéon Diatonique avec Alain Pennec - Franceby Diatonic News |
![]() Spécialiste de la musique celtique, Alain vous fera découvrir les secrets de l'accordéon diatonique, les ornementations, le phrasé, le soufflet. Y seront également abordés les différents styles liés aux musiques folkloriques. Nombre d'heures : 25 heures Coût du stage en autofinancement et en externat : 335€ Nous contacter en cas de prise en charge. https://www.cnima.com/agenda |
Concertina Cruinniú - Irelandby Diatonic News |
![]() Miltown Malbay, Co. Clare 18th-20th February 2022 The Cruinniú is a festival weekend consisting of Concertina classes, lectures, recitals, and sessions, like a mini Willie Clancy boutique festival. They cater and welcome all age groups and abilities and run concertina classes on Saturday and Sunday mornings and host informal music sessions in the afternoons so that our students can practise what they have learned in a friendly and open environment. There is a supervised Junior session on the Saturday afternoon and we also host an adult session to encourage and support our students. For more - view https://concertinacruinniu.ie/ |
50th Annual Kerrville Folk Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
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May 26 - June 12, 2022 Kerrville's GRASSY HILL NEW FOLK COMPETITION FOR EMERGING SONGWRITERS Entries are welcome from a diverse array of subgenres including, but not limited to Appalachian, Americana, Blues, Bluegrass, Celtic, Cajun, Country, Global Roots, Gospel, Hip-Hop, Old-Time, Zydeco, or various fusions as long as the songs are original compositions of the artist making the submission. The Kerrville Folk Festival Foundation and the Community who attends our Festivals value diversity, equity, and inclusion. We strive for gender parity and actively welcome participation from individuals of all cultures, races and religions. https://www.kerrvillefolkfestival.org/newfolk-guidelines |
Workshop Musette by Mark Söhngen - Netherlandsby Diatonic News |
![]() You register by e-mail to the THA (info@trekharmonica-adam.nl) How do you register? Indicate your name and phone number for any necessary contact on the day of the workshop. Reservation is only valid upon paid fee of euro 38 and registration is handled by first come first serve! Please also transfer the course fee! Your registration is only valid after you have paid. You will receive confirmation of your transfer by e-mail within 7 days. If the workshop/course cannot take place due to insufficient numbers or corona measures, the course fee will be refunded. Cancellations can only be taken into consideration if replaced by another participant. for exact information upon paymenty pls visit: https://www.trekharmonica-adam.nl/inschrijven/ |
Mundharmonika Online-Training Basic mit Naoko Nebl - Germanyby Diatonic News |
![]() Kursnummer: 21_22_On_3 vom 05.04.2022 bis 28.06.2022 immer dienstags während der Schulzeit (Baden-Württemberg) von 18:45 – 19:45 Uhr Veranstaltungsort: Online-Plattform Zoom Teilnahmegebühr: € 75,- Anmeldeschluss: 03.04.2022 Training ist das A und O – auch auf der Mundharmonika. Um musikalisch auf der Mundharmonika fit zu bleiben und sein Niveau zu halten oder zu verbessern, ist regelmäßiges Training sehr wichtig. Dieses Online-Angebot wendet sich an Mundharmonikaspieler/innen, die über Grundkenntnisse auf der chromatischen Harmonika verfügen und diese ausbauen bzw. trainieren wollen. Zuerst wird die Basis wie Mundform, Atmung und Körperhaltung bearbeitet. Die Teilnehmer werden ihre Grundlagen auf der chromatischen Mundharmonika verbessern, wie beispielsweise die Atemtechnik, Sprünge und Treffsicherheit. Dies wird anhand einfacher Literatur geübt, sodass jede/r das neu erlernte gleich ausprobieren und anwenden kann sowie Spielsicherheit gewinnt. Themen des Online-Trainings sind somit: Atemtechnik Grundübungen/Etüden leichte Spielliteratur Sprünge und Treffsicherheit Legatospiel Das Online-Training findet jeweils dienstags während der Schulzeit (Baden-Württemberg) von 18:45 – bis 19:45 Uhr über die Kommunikationsplattform Zoom statt. Somit kann auch ein direkter Austausch mit der Dozentin stattfinden. Nach verbindlicher Anmeldung erhalten Sie kurz vor der Veranstaltung einen Link für den Zugang zur abendlichen Veranstaltung. Naoko Nebl ist Dozentin am Hohner Konservatorium für das Fach Mundharmonika. https://www.hohner-konservatorium.de/produkt/mundharmonika-basic/ |
Scoil Cheoil An Earraigh - Irelandby Diatonic News |
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The next Scoil Cheoil will run from Wednesday the 19th to Sunday the 23rd of February, 2020. Held wil be about 20 classes in a wide range of instruments as well as sean-nós singing workshops and a sean-nós dance workshop. Over the 5 days there are concerts, sessions, singers’ nights, recitals, a pupils’ concert, guided walk, and all sorts of other events based on various aspects of our tradition. Concerts and classes will feature many musicians including Breanndán Ó Beaglaoich, Allan MacDonald, Cárthach MacCraith, Kevin Burke, Mick O’Brien, Caoimhín Ó Raghallaigh, Fidelma O’Brien, Eithne Ní Chatháin, Christine Primrose, Desi Wilkinson, Jeremy Spencer, Muarice McKenna, Muireann Nic Amhlaoibh, Gearóid Ó Duinnín and plenty more. For more visit: https://www.scoilcheoil.com/ |
XXIV - Kokkola Winter Accordion Festival - Finlandby Diatonic News |
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Kokkola Winter Accordion is a winter city festival for the whole family in Kokkola and Pietarsaari from the 12-20 Feb. 2022. By its nature, the Kokkola winter accordion is a holistic cornucopia that takes full advantage of the phenomena in the field of life of our time, utilizing the light and glory of winter and the historical environment of the city. https://talviharmonikka.com/en/home/ |
Celtic Connections Festival - Scotlandby Diatonic News |
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20 Jan - 6 Feb 2022 “If there’s one thing that makes wintertime in Glasgow great then it’s Celtic Connections.” The Guardian Glasgow’s annual folk, roots and world music festival celebrates its connections to cultures across the globe. From 20 January - 6 February 2022, over 2,100 musicians from around the world bring the city to life for 18 days. During that time, there are concerts, ceilidhs, talks, art exhibitions, workshops, and free events. Creative Director Donald Shaw programmes more than 300 events across multiple genres of music. The festival is renowned for its ability to bring together one-off line-ups for special collaborative shows. The camaraderie between musicians continues late into the night at the Festival Club - home to legendary musical collaborations and spontaneous sessions. “There are situations that you’ll see where people are playing that you’ll never see again, or if you do, it’s because it worked here first.” Donald Shaw, Creative Director The festival has also curated key parts of the cultural programme for major international events, including: Ryder Cup Chicago Ryder Cup Gleneagles London 2012 Olympics Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games European Championships 2018 In 2015 the festival won the Art and Culture Award at the Inspiring City Awards ceremony. The event was organised by the Herald and Glasgow Chamber of Commerce in association with People Make Glasgow. The awards were created to celebrate the people and organisations that make Glasgow great. In 2021, due to Covid-19, the festival went online for the very first time. Over 100,000 people tuned in from 65 countries to watch over 10.5 million minutes of content across 19 days. More on https://www.celticconnections.com/about-celtic-connections/ |
Future events / Concerts |
Ville Hiltula Performs with Pianist Asako Yada - Japanby Diatonic News |
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Ville Hiltula (bandoneon) will perform a concert with Asako Yada (piano) at the Amadeus Classic Salon in Motomachi, Kobe, Japan on February 13th, 2022 at 2pm. Their program will include a variety of tango styles such as Piazzolla works, classic tango, modern tango, and two original songs. Tickets are limited. For details email: villehiltula@gmail.com |
Live-Performance by A.Meixner in Feb 22 - USA/Floridaby Diatonic News |
![]() SAT 05 FEB 2022 GERMAN AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA ALEX MEIXNER DUO - ALEX & TOM HALLER German American Society of Central Florida, 381 Orange Lane, Casselberry, FL 32707 TUE 22 FEB 2022 THE BLACK BOX @ THE SUNRISE THEATRE GUESTING WITH THE FDO BAND Sunrise Theatre, 117 S 2nd St. Fort Pierce, FL 34950 https://alexmeixner.com/ |
Danny O Mahony Feb 22 concert with Steve Cooney - Irelandby Diatonic News |
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Friday February 25th @ 8pm at Tralee, Co Kerry, Ireland Two of Ireland's finest musicians share the Siamsa Tíre stage. Danny O’Mahony a renowned traditional musician from Ballyduff, in North County Kerry, joins forces with the equally renowned Steve Cooney, who was born in Melbourne, Australia and came to Ireland in 1980. This concert promises to be one of the highlights in the traditional music calendar in 2022. A wonderful night of music and story is guaranteed, with two of Ireland's finest musicians sharing the one stage. For more: www.dannyomahony.com ticket reservation: https://www.siamsatire.com/events/trad-connections-danny-omahony or: |
John Kirkpatrick in Feb/Mar/Apr 22 - GBby Diatonic News |
![]() Starts 7.30 p.m. johnpeelcentre.com | 01449 774678 Fri 11 Mar 2022 Worcester Live Gig Fri 18 Mar 2022 to Sun 20 Mar 2022 Halsway Manor, Crowcombe, Taunton, Somerset Concertina Workshop - JK leading the Anglos on the West Country Concertina Players annual instruction weekend Sat 2 Apr 2022 to Sun 3 Apr 2022 Melodeons in Wensleydale JK one of the tutors on this annual melodeon workshop weekend. Fri 8 Apr 2022 to Sun 10 Apr 2022 The Church Barn, Bishop's Castle, Shropshire Chords and Keys on the Anglo Concertina. JK leads a workshop weekend taking a first look at playing in the harmonic style - tune on the right hand, accompaniment on the left, in at least the two basic keys. Details in "Squeezer Weekends" on the left hand side of this page. JK is also offering online lessons on Anglo concertina, single row and two row melodeons, button accordion, accordion left hand, or song accompaniments, via Zoom or Skype for more: https://www.johnkirkpatrick.co.uk/ |
ZYDECO ANNIE/SWAMP CATS im Feb/Mar 2022- DEby Diatonic News |
![]() 26.02.2022 Zum Fröhlichen Nix 89143 Blaubeuren, Hirschgasse 1 20:00 Uhr https://zumnix.de/ 18.03.2022 Zimmerberghalle CH-8222 Beringen, Schulstr. 12 20:00 Uhr Jazz- and Blues Days http://beringer-jazz-and-bluesdays.ch/ 19.03.2022 Kapuzinerhalle 89331 Burgau, Kapuzinerstr. 9-11 20:00 Uhr https://www.burgau.de/ 25.03.2022 Speidlerhaus 88255 Baienfurt, Waldseer Str. 4 20:00 Uhr manufaktur Kulturverein https://www.manufaktur-baienfurt.de/ 26.03.2022 Forum am Hofgarten 89312 Günzburg, Jahnstr. 2 20:00 Uhr 40 Jahre Musikschule Günzburg https://www.musikschule-guenzburg.de/ https://www.zydecoannie.de/konzerte.html |
33 Gran Duelo del Chamamé - Villa Atamisqui/Argentinaby Diatonic News |
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Stefano Intelisano Feb/May 2022 - USAby Harley Jones |
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Stefano Intelisano and the Group BoDeans will perform on: FEB 2022 Fri/Sat Feb 18/19 with The BoDeans / Music instrument Museum - Phoenix, AZ MAY 2022 Thu May 19 with The BoDeans / Kent Stage - Kent, OH Sat May 21 with The BoDeans / City Winery - Philadelphia, PA Sun May 22 with The BoDeans / Ram's Head on Stage - Annapolis, MD For more detailed information pleaes view: https://stefanointelisano.com/ |
LOUISE JALLU concerts in 2022 - Franceby Diatonic News |
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Winner of the Jean-Luc Lagardère Foundation With over twenty years of squeezing out music on the bandoneon, but still quite young, Louise Jallu can legitimately be considered an accomplished musician. She began playing at the age of five and attended the highly-reputed music conservatory in her home town of Gennevilliers, France. She grew up in a family of music lovers who listened to Monk, Bartók, and Piazzolla. In the first half of the year 2022 she will be performing around France (see image) or consult: https://en.louisejallu.com/ |
Sun Yang Kim Performs Piazzolla Double Concerto, Daegu – South Koreaby Diatonic News |
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![]() Sun Yang Kim will perform with the Vielle Chamber Ensemble (formerly Daegu Strings Chamber Ensemble) at their first New Year concert in Daegu. See poster for details. |
DANÇAS OCULTAS on tour in the first half of 2022 - FR/DE/AT/Portugalby Diatonic News |
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23/02/22 Café de la Danse Paris France 24/02/22 Arsenal Metz France 25/02/22 Le Rocher de Palmer Bordeaux France 29/04/22 Forum Unterschleissheim Germany 30/04/22 Odeon Göppingen Germany 30/06/22 Masala Festival Hannover Germany 02/07/22 Kulturquartier Kufstein Austria Information: culturworks.at Sabine Schrebak |
MARÍA DE BUENOS AIRES im Landestheater/Tirol - Austriaby Diatonic News |
![]() Tiroler Landestheater & Orchester GmbH Innsbruck Rennweg 2 . 6020 Innsbruck T +43 512 52074 Santiago Cimadevilla - bandoneonist, composer, arranger was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He played guitar from a young age and studied classical piano at the Conservatorio Municipal Manuel de Falla. In the Netherlands he studied bandoneon at the Rotterdam Conservatory with Victor Villena and Leo Vervelde. After his graduation concert he was awarded with a prize from the Foundation Friends of the Rotterdam Conservatory for outstanding study results and artistic quality. In 1968 Astor Piazzolla composed his only opera as a declaration of love to the tango and his home town. Through the figure of María, the tango, which stands for a whole attitude to life and world-weariness, takes on a form of its own. The Tango Nuevo developed by Piazzolla is brilliantly presented in his Operita (= little opera), which is based on the highly symbolic, highly musical poetry of the Uruguayan lyricist and tango historian Horacio Ferrer. The floating feeling of the tango, which results from the tension between closeness and distance as well as melancholy and beauty, becomes the narrative of the story. MARÍA/Greta Marcolongo PAYADOR/Andrea De Majo DUENDE/Alexander Medem BANDONEONIST/Santiago Cimadevilla https://www.landestheater.at/produktion/maria-de-buenos-aires-3/ |
“Flogging Molly” 2022 Salty Dog Cruise - USAby Diatonic News |
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“Flogging Molly” will hold their next Salty Dog Cruise from March 28th to April 1st, 2022. The 4 day floating festival will take place on the cruise ship “Norwegian Pearl”, which will sail from Miami to Nassau and Grand Bahama Island. The festival will include a variety of concerts, on-board activities, a skate ramp with pro skaters and tattoo artists. “Flogging Molly” is a seven piece Celtic punk band, which includes Matt Hensley (accordion, concertina, vocals) along with players of a variety of instruments such as guitar, bodhran, violin, tin whistle, bass guitar, mandolin, banjo, drums, percussion and vocalists. For cruise details email: floggingmolly@5bam.com |
Bandoneon concerts with Davide Vendramin Feb/Mar - ITALYby Diatonic News |
![]() He recorded the world premiere of “Tango”, by the Latvian composer Artur Maskats. He plays in Piazzolla’s “Maria de Buenos Aires” produced by the Ravenna Festival and in Kurt Weill’s “Die Dreigroschenoper” at the Piccolo Teatro Strehler in Milan. He played Martín Palmeri’s “Misa a Buenos Aires” with the Orchester de Chambre de Toulouse and the famous Astor Piazzolla Concerto “Aconcagua” with the Orchestra della Svizzera italiana in Lugano. 19.+20. 02 Teatro del Giglio di Lucca, Astor Piazzola ” Maria de Buenos Aires” Orchestra LaCorelli con Jacopo Rivani/direttore 24.+25.02 Auditorium Rai di Torino, Berio/Weill Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della Rai ( Roberto Polastri, direttore) 11.03 Museo Piaggio di Pistoia/Ensemble Bosso Concept Works by: Bosso, Piazzolla, Cobian, Salgan 23.03 Fabbrica del vapore di Milano, Daniele Ghisi “Fathers” Divertimento Ensemble Charles Eric Fontaine, direttore 27.03 Teatro del Fiume di Boretto, Ylenia Volpe, fisarmonica, Davide Vendramin, fisarmonica e bandoneon ( works by: Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich, Stravinsky, Sollima, Piazzolla) Per ulteriori informazioni. http://www.davidevendramin.it/ |
The Fureys concert - Killarney/IEby Diatonic News |
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Venue: Gleneagle INEC Arena Killarney, Co.Kerry, Ireland 5th Feb 2022 - 20:30 The Fureys The Furey's have been entertaining audiences worldwide for 38 years, audiences that have included former Australian Prime Minister John Howard, Former Irish President Mary McAleese and the late Pope John Paul while Tony Blair has publicly stated his favourite peace song of all time is the Furey's “Green Fields of France”. Recently Ireland President Michael D Higgins attended their concert in Dublin’s National Concert Hall. The band was formed in 1978 literally by accident. George, Paul and Davey were playing in Denmark with their own band called the Buskers and Eddie and Finbar, while touring in Germany were involved in a road accident. When George and Paul got news of the accident they immediately travelled to Germany to be with their brothers. They then decided that they should all be playing together and this was the start of the Furey's. The Furey's are responsible for some of the most stirring music ever to capture the public imagination. Their folk based music has received standing ovations in some of the biggest concert halls of the world and they credit their musical ability to their parents, Ted and Nora, who were well known musicians themselves. They encouraged their sons to play music from a very early age and there was live traditional music in their house almost nightly. Their emotive songs stir many emotions….tears and laughter, sadness and joy. https://www.inec.ie/gigs/the-fureys/ |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
Stefan Rauch & Marco Wagner - Dosenbier (feat. Hermann K.) - Österreichby Harley Jones |
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Goldene Schallpolatte f. Stefan Rauch & Marco Wagner - und ihre single: DOSENBIER mit 3.184.329 Besuchern auf youtube.com! |
2021 Big Squeeze Zydeco Grand Prize Winner - Kaleb LeDayby Harley Jones |
2021 Big Squeeze Zydeco Grand Prize Winner - Kaleb LeDay |
Volksmusik Griffschrift & CD | Herbert Pixner Projekt - Italien/Sud Tirolby Diatonic News |
![]() CD "Volksmusik!" von Herbert Pixner Projekt im Innenteil beiliegend. Inhaltsverzeichnis: Hochalm Diandl Marsch Wildschützen Landler Poldi Boarischer Verena Walzer Lust und Leben Rittner Walzer Uralt Boarischer Sternenschein Rieder Polka Passeirer Landler Annen Polka Alpler Polka Frühlingsmorgen Katrin Boarischer Pretuler Polka https://threesaintsrecords.jimdo.com/alpine-volksmusik/ |
![]() Rollston Press Over 70 tunes that John plays, transcribed by Gary Coover onto the 30 button Anglo in C and G. Musical notation supported by fingering charts, tablature, discography, biography, and a load of other information, with John’s articles on How To Play The Anglo from the 1970’s and a few other words of wisdom from the man himself. https://www.johnkirkpatrick.co.uk/ |
CD "Music With My Friends"by Alex Meixner - USAby Diatonic News |
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CD – Music With My Friends – Alex Meixner Digital Download Version of Full Album is Included With the Purchase of The CD Music with My Friends is the latest album by Grammy-nominated accordionist Alex Meixner. The collaborative process with current and former members of Alex’s regular touring band is showcased in repertoire that ranges from the bluegrass inflected solos on “When Tears Become Laughter” to a mashup of the AC/DC rock anthem “Thunderstruck” with the Sousa march “The Thunderer”. Other highlights of this collection include Polka Hall of Famer, Hank Guzevich vocalizing on his Grammy-nominated composition “Fiddle Faddle”, a new Austrian vocal tune entitled “Wildes Mad’l” and the “Air Accordion Song” which is encouraging audiences to get into the groove by playing along with Alex! In February he will be performing in: SAT 05 FEB 2022 GERMAN AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA ALEX MEIXNER DUO - ALEX & TOM HALLER German American Society of Central Florida, 381 Orange Lane, Casselberry, FL 32707 TUE 22 FEB 2022 THE BLACK BOX @ THE SUNRISE THEATRE GUESTING WITH THE FDO BAND Sunrise Theatre, 117 S 2nd St. Fort Pierce, FL 34950 https://alexmeixner.com/ |
2021 CD releases by Markku Lepistö - Finlandby Diatonic News |
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The most popular Finnish diatonic accordionist Markku Lepistö has released to CD's in 2021. The album "EUROPEAN SOIRÉE" by Markku Lepistö (1- and 3-row accordions) and Ilpo Laspas (piano and harpsichord) brings together the 19th century classical repertoire for accordion by Greggiati, Reisner, Lumbye, Donizetti, Händel, Flotov, Gungl and Bellini. Second Album "LAKEUDEN KUTSU" was released in the end of August 2021. For more information pls view: https://www.markkulepisto.com/ |
CD "sing" by Folkshilfe - Austriaby Harley Jones |
![]() In 2019 they were co-headliners at the Donauinselfest and heated up the crowd at Nova Rock. https://www.folkshilfe.at/ |
Playing the Accordion at 4 years old - Italyby Harley Jones |
Video 1: At 4 years old this young Italian boy Matteo Tortora shows us his talent as he plays his accordion just like a professional! Video 2: PIF World Music Junior winner in Castelfidardo 2021 Picture below: A list of achievements by Matteo Tortora since he was four! |
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