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Happy New 2022 - Worldwideby Diatonic News |
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Diatonic-News wishes all their readers, clients, enthusiasts from all types of diatonic instruments a happy and hopefully healthy New Year, that Covid might let us live again free and surrounded by MUSIC. We thank all artists, advertisers and event organizers for their information in order to make our news always interesting for readers that we may continue our free service to diatonic music fans worldwide. |
Accordion Yellow Pages/Future Events - CYBERSPACEby Diatonic News |
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All concert, competition and festival organizers are reminded to list their Future Events in our yellow pages website. Its free to list and you can do it yourself. You can also change and update your listing yourself as further information becomes available. The accordion yellow pages Future Events calendar displays at the top right hand side of this Weekly News of accordions.com in all 7 languages plus other popular sites such as the USA News and the Diatonic News. Huge numbers of readers every year view the accordion yellow pages Future Events, so all accordion event organizers are urged to take full advantage of this free service to keep the accordion community informed. German Alle Akkordeon-Konzert sowie Wettbewerbs- und Festival-Organiatoren möchten wir daran erinnern, alle bevorstehenden Veranstaltungen in den aktuellen Akkordeon-Gelben Seiten, www.accordion-yellowpages.com Webseite einzutragen. Alle Einträge sind kostenfrei und können direkt online selbst auf die Seite gestellt und aktualisiert werden. Bereits bestehende Informationen sollten auf ihre Richtigkeit und Gültigkeit geprüft werden Alle Veranstaltungen sind in unseren Eventkalender ersichtlich und dies auf allen unseren 7 übersetzten Sprachen. Der Event-Kalender ist gelb und auf der rechten Seite/oben auf unseren verschiedenen Seiten zu finden. Dies inkludiert unsere USA Nachrichten Edition accordions.com und das neue Portal, das den diatonischen Instrumenten gewidmet ist - diatonische-news.com Eine große Anzahl von Lesern konsultieren täglich, wöchtenlich, monatlich, jährlich unsere Akkordeon-Yellow Pages Future Events Seiten. Nützen Sie diese Gelegenheit – es ist ein kostenloses kostenlosen Service für die Akkordeon Gemeinschaft. Italian Tutti gli organizzatori di concerti, concorsi e festival devono ricordarsi di inserire i loro eventi futuri nel sito Accordion-YellowPages.com. La segnalazione è gratis e potete farlo autonomamente. Potete cambiare e aggiornare il vostro annuncio da soli e far rendere l'informazione disponibile. La voce Eventi Futuri si trova in alto sul lato destro delle notizie di accordions.com in 7 lingue più altri siti come accordionsusa.com e diatonic-news.com. Un enorme numero di lettori visiona le pagine di Accordion Yellow Pages Future Events ogni anno, così prende tutto il vantaggio di questo servizio gratis per la comunità fisarmonicistica. French Tous les organisateurs de concerts, de festivals et de concours sont rapplelé d'insérer leurs événements à venir sur le calendrier du site Accordéon-YellowPages.com. L'insertion est gratuite et vous pouvez le faire individuellement. Vous pouvez modifier et mettre à jour votre annonce par vous-même et de rendre l'information disponible. Le calendrier des Événements à venir est sur le côté supérieur à droit des nouvelles hebdomadaire en 7 langues du accordions.com et que accordionsusa.com et diatonique-news.com. Un grand nombre de lecteurs consultes les pages jaune de l'Accordéon pages chaque jour et année est surtous l’ événements futures, profiter pleinement de ce service gratuit pour la communauté des accordéonistes. |
Online Music lessons - Worldwideby Diatonic News |
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![]() YOU can DO it - and learn how to play. Online Music lessons Set you to teach tunes mainly on button accordion but can teach tunes to any instrument wanting to learn Irish traditional music. Button accordion lessons via Skype are also available to all levels of students worldwide.Also available are classes on other melody instruments for those interested in learning repitorie. Ages 14 and up preferred. AREAS COVERED Classes on button accordion are available in: C#/D, and single row systems for beginner to advanced and areas looked at are: 1) Instrument Control, i.e. fingering, bellows control. 2) Musicality, i.e. understanding of tune, phrasing, ornamentation and a special emphasis on rhythm, basses 3) Students standard will be assessed and shall be given tunes in accordance. 4) Different Box playing styles shall be discussed and advice given. 5) Classes shall be taught by ear and a recording device is advised. On other instruments is will be merely reportoire and understanding of tune, phrasing, ornamentation and a special emphasis on rhythm and dynamic. For contact: http://davidmunnelly.com/contact/ |
Bandoneon/Online lessons with Ville Hiltula - Finlandby Diatonic News |
![]() By using Skype or FaceTime it is possible to see and hear each other on the computers as well as to share audio and sheet music files by email. Online lessons make it easier to keep the study pace steady and there is no need to worry about the ever changing schedules because the lessons can be thought from any location with the high speed internet connection. For more information about the lessons and pricing don´t hesitate to contact Ville - he will get back to you as soon as possible. Info on: www.villehiltula.com |
![]() Na to mednarodno tekmovanje vljudno vabljeni vsi štajerski harmonikarji! Tutti i suonatori di armonica della Stiria sono cordialmente invitati a questo concorso internazionale! All Styrian harmonica players are cordially invited to this international competition! >>>www.harmonikaverband.at |
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Orientierungstag zum Zertifikatslehrgang Steirische Harmonika - Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() Kursnummer: 22_23_ZL_1 Anmeldung bis: 01.05.2022 Inhalt Der Lehrgang bereitet Sie auf Ihre Tätigkeit in künstlerischen und/oder pädagogischen Arbeitsfeldern vor. Sie erwerben die Kompetenzen, verschiedene Musikstile in unterschiedlichen Formaten zu unterrichten, neue Wege der musikalischen Vermittlung zu entwickeln und sich als stilistisch vielseitige/r Musiker*in solistisch oder im Ensemble zu präsentieren. • Solo-Repertoire • Improvisation • Das Instrument • Basics am Instrument • Die Pädagogik • FAQ – Das handwerkliche Drumherum https://www.hohner-konservatorium.de/produkt/orientierungstag-steirische-harmonika/ |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
Archie’s Box Academy (Getting Started) - UKby Diatonic News |
![]() Now in term two, Archie Churchill-Moss Archie continues to support beginner melodeon players in these enjoyable once-a month workshops. Each 2.5 hour session will present a new challenge, with time for individual help to support less confident / less advanced players and to stretch more ambitious / more accomplished musicians. You’ll be learning new tunes and techniques each month, while also developing a working knowledge of music theory, and your own creativity as the course progresses. Who’s it For? Archie’s ‘Getting Started’ workshop is players of the DG melodeon, levels 0 and 1 The Tutor Archie Churchill-Moss: Widely regarded as one of the best players of English traditional folk, Archie has worked as a session musician for some of the UK’s top folk acts (Cara Dillon, Eliza Carthy, Blair Dunlop), as well as performing with the trio, ‘Moore, Moss, Rutter’ , the outfit which saw him receive the coveted BBC Radio 2 Young Folk Award in 2011. The past two years have seen Archie tour extensively across Western Europe and perform at some of Europe’s top music festivals, including headline slots at ‘Colours of Ostrava (Czech Republic), Tønder festival (Denmark), Cropredy Convention (UK) and Cambridge folk festival (UK). Exact details - view: https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/archies-box-academy-getting-better/ |
22. Fürstenecker Bordunale - Deby Diatonic News |
![]() Da man noch nicht einschätzen können, ob im Januar Singen und Tanzen erlaubt sein wird, ist ein flexibles Programm aus Sessions und musikalischen Präsentationen geplant. So kann man auch nach den Workshops zusammenkommen und den Abend anschließend am offenen Kamin ausklingen lassen. Um dann in den nächsten Januarmorgen zu starten, werden kleine erfrischende Körperübungen im Freien angeboten – mit traditionellen und zeitgenössischen Impulsen für einen lockeren Start in den Tag und am Instrument. https://www.burg-fuersteneck.de/kursprogramm/musik_und_tanz/fuerstenecker_bordunale/22-33301/ |
Accordion beginners' course with Jos Lambregts - Netherlandsby Diatonic News |
![]() Location: Q-Factory Amsterdam Dates: 12 January, 26 January, 9 February and 23 March Day and time: Wednesday 15:00 - 17:00 Number of students: maximum 6 Access only with a valid QR code or a valid negative test certificate! For exact information: https://www.trekharmonica-adam.nl/ |
CCBO Fest-Deiz ha Noz - Trophées Philippe Grellier & Jean Renaud - Franceby Diatonic News |
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Le 08 janvier 2022 de 13h30 à 02h Bois Cesbron / Salle de l'Odyssée / 44700 Orvault Concours de musique « trophée Philippe Grellier » avec 8 à 10 groupes de musiciens/chanteurs déjà sélectionnés (qualificatif pour la finale du championnat de Bretagne de musique 2022 à Gourin-56 en Duos Libres). Le groupe lauréat jouera en ouverture du fest-noz. Concours de danse « Trophée Jean Renaud » (qualificatif pour la finale du championnat de Bretagne de danses traditionnelles 2022 à Gourin-56). Les Danseurs s'inscrivent sur place. Fest-Deiz - tout le monde peut y venir danser sans pour autant participer au concours 19h00 (Fest-Noz, 8 €, gratuit moins 12 ans) Olmaro Duo & Ronan Robert : deux accordéonistes avec 30 ans de pratique pour tous les 2, Olivia et Emmanuel, perdus dans le plaisir et le dynamisme à travers la musique s’associent au talentueux et bien connu Ronan Robert pour former un trio d’accordéon virevoltant. Hamon Martin Quintet (20 ans) : À l'origine, en 1991, c’est un duo formé par Janick Martin à l'accordéon diatonique et Erwan Hamon aux bombardes et aux flûtes, tous deux originaires du pays de Redon. Ils sont rejoints par Mathieu Hamon, le frère d'Erwan, au chant gallo, Ronan Pellen au cistre puis par Erwan Volant à la basse. Ils fêtent cette année leurs 20 ans de scène avec Orvault comme 1ère date ! https://agendatrad.org/e_2022-01/ccbo-fest-deiz-ha_34844.html |
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Beginners' course playing the diatonic accordion - Hollandby Diatonic News |
![]() In the autumn of 2021 the beginners course Tractonica playing started, this course will be continued in the spring of 2022. The lessons will again be given by Jos Lambregts on six Wednesday afternoons from 15:00-17:00 in Q-Factory Amsterdam. The basis is laid in the first six lessons, but new students can also join this group. After you have signed up, we will contact you to find out what your level is, so we can take that into account in the course of the lessons. We play on a C/F harmonica. Location: Q-Factory Amsterdam Dates: 12 January, 26 January, 9 February, 23 February, 9 March Day and time: Wednesday 15:00-17:00 Cost: € 90,- Registration: via the registration page https://www.trekharmonica-adam.nl/inschrijven/ Number of students: max. 6 https://www.trekharmonica-adam.nl/ Entrance only with a valid QR code or valid negative test certificate! |
Andrea Capezzuoli - the return of "Tutorials for mélodeon" - worldwide/Italyby Diatonic News |
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The return of "Tutorials for mélodeon": Endro A Bordeaux! You want to know more, than visit/subscribe to his channel: https://youtu.be/m2TnjMRvDcg |
TAG DER HARMONIKA 2022 - International Advertisings online! - Austria! - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
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Anmeldungen ab SOFORT möglich! Prijave od TAKOJ možne! Iscrizioni da IMMEDIATAMENTE possibili! Registrations from IMMEDIATELY possible! www.harmonikaverband.at online translation |
TradFest Temple Bar 2022 - Irelandby Diatonic News |
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26th – 30th January 2022 The January concert series is the pinnacle of the TradFest year, featuring an array of artists at the peak of their powers in stunning, historic locations throughout the city. But there’s so much more to the festival. The Smithwicks Sessions offers an intimate alternative, with free ticketed gigs in some of Temple Bar’s most beloved pubs. Our Showcase Nights do just that – giving the best new talent an opportunity to shine for industry insiders while TradFringe gives folks a chance to explore the interesting stuff that happens on the periphery. There’s something to surprise and delight around every cobbled corner and for the littlest visitors our friends at The Ark have arts and craft workshops to spark their imaginations. https://tradfesttemplebar.com/ |
Trad'Hivernales - Franceby Diatonic News |
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https://www.tradhivernales.com/ |
31ª Fiesta Nacional del Chamamé - Corrientes/Argentinaby Diatonic News |
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El Gobierno de la Provincia, a través del Instituto de Cultura de Corrientes, confirmó la grilla de artistas que formarán parte de la 31ª Fiesta Nacional, que se vivirá del 14 al 23 de enero del 2022 en el anfiteatro Mario del Tránsito Cocomarola y en simultáneo en distintos puntos del país y en otras naciones que se sumarán a esta fiesta. “La programación confirmada para la próxima edición de la Fiesta Nacional del Chamamé busca ser lo más abarcativa posible, con consagrados, nueva sangre chamamecera y artistas de toda la Nación Chamamecera, que nos permitan también lograr el éxito en la difusión en Brasil, Paraguay y toda la Argentina, y tratar de captar a nuevos públicos”, aseguró el presidente del Instituto de Cultura de Corrientes, Gabriel Romero. The Government of the Province, through the Institute of Culture of Corrientes, confirmed the line-up of artists that will be part of the 31st National Festival, which will take place from the 14th to the 23rd of January 2022 in the Mario del Tránsito Cocomarola amphitheatre and simultaneously in different parts of the country and in other nations that will join this festival. "The confirmed programme for the next edition of the Fiesta Nacional del Chamamé seeks to be as comprehensive as possible, with established, new blood chamamamecera and artists from all over the Chamamecera Nation, which will also allow us to achieve success in the diffusion in Brazil, Paraguay and all of Argentina, and try to attract new audiences," said the president of the Institute of Culture of Corrientes, Gabriel Romero. https://www.ellitoral.com.ar/corrientes/2021-12-9-13-9-0-confirmaron-la-grilla-de-artistas-de-la-31-fiesta-nacional-del-chamame or http://culturacorrientes.com/ |
Mundharmonika Online-Training Advanced mit Naoko Nebl - DEby Diatonic News |
![]() vom 18.01.2022 bis 29.03.2022 immer dienstags während der Schulzeit (Baden-Württemberg) von 17:30 – 18:30 Uhr Veranstaltungsort: Online-Plattform Zoom Teilnahmegebühr: € 75,- Anmeldeschluss: 16.01.2022 In diesem Online-Training können Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten auf der chromatischen Mundharmonika verbessern. Sprünge und Treffsicherheit sowie Staccato- und Legatospiel werden geübt. Auch das Spielen mit dem Schieber und das Erzeugen von verschiedenen Klängen wird anhand von Etüden und Spielliteratur in verschiedenen Tonarten trainiert. So kann jede/r das neu Erlernte gleich ausprobieren und anwenden und dadurch Spielsicherheit gewinnen. Inhalte sind: Etüden und Spielliteratur in verschiedenen Tonarten Sprünge und Treffsicherheit Staccato- und Legatospiel Erzeugung von verschiedenen Klängen Übungen mit dem Schieber Gerade in der Zeit ohne musikalische Präsenz-Proben und Auftritte ist das gemeinsame Online-Training die beste Gelegenheit, um musikalisch auf der Mundharmonika fit zu bleiben. Regelmäßiges Training ist das A und O, um das Spielniveau zu halten oder zu verbessern. Dieses Online-Angebot wendet sich an Mundharmonikaspieler*innen, die bereits über mittleres Spielniveau auf der chromatischen Harmonika verfügen und dieses noch weiter ausbauen bzw. trainieren wollen. https://www.hohner-konservatorium.de/produkt/mundharmonika-advanced/ |
Spice on Snow Winter Music Festival - USAby Diatonic News |
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Montpelier, Vermont January 28 and 29, 2022 Old Time, Cajun, Americana, Folk, and Roots Music Workshops, Jam sessions, and Events across town The Spice on Snow winter music festival is a multi-day celebration of roots and contemporary folk music. The festival features outstanding Cajun and Old Time musicians from Louisiana and Southern Appalachia, together with premier touring folk musicians and regional performers. There are concerts, dances, workshops, family events, jam sessions and free performances city-wide in Montpelier, Vermont. https://summitschool.wixsite.com/summitschool/home |
The Cygnet Folk Festival - Australiaby Diatonic News |
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The next major festival will be the 40th Festival The Cygnet Folk Festival is one of Australia’s most iconic folk music festivals. Very highly regarded by musicians and festival-goers from all over Australia and overseas, competition to come to Cygnet is at an all time high amongst performers, and last year we had a record number of applications! The Festival is a showcase of eclectic music genres featuring both local and international talent, dance, poetry, masterclasses, film, kids' entertainment, food, wine, art and local handicrafts all set in the breathtaking scenery of Tasmania's Huon Valley. The aims of the Festival are: to offer folk, ethno, world, singer-songwriter, roots and acoustic music, dance, poetry and workshops from local, national and international artists. to encourage interest in and awareness of folk music and associated activities to people of diverse ages and backgrounds. to provide support and opportunities to young musicians. to foster mutually beneficial relationships with the local community, businesses and associations. Cygnet Folk Festival COVID Statement the announcement by the Premier of Tasmania that took place on the 22nd of October, the Management Committee of the Cygnet Folk Festival made a public statement regarding the upcoming festival to take place on the 14th – 16th January 2022. Please read carefully the COVID-19 Safety Public Statement https://www.cygnetfolkfestival.org/ |
Celtic Connections Festival - Scotlandby Diatonic News |
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20 Jan - 6 Feb 2022 Live performances from Monday 24 January and digital passes on sale Friday 21 January Live indoor performances can proceed without the capacity limits in Scotland from Monday 24 January. More than 50 shows still programmed between then and Sunday 6 February will be staged for their visitors. These exciting and eclectic performances are going to be truly unforgettable and are made all the more special given the recent uncertainty. Tickets for these in-person shows are on sale now and we would encourage everyone who is able to support the festival to join us over the next three weeks for some magical live music once again. https://www.celticconnections.com/ |
15. Internationaler Akkordeonwettbewerb für den grossen Avsenikpreis - Slovenienby Diatonic News |
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Es wird wieder musikalisch fröhlich im Hause Avsenik in Begunje in Slowenien, dem Heimatort des weltbekannten Königs der Oberkrainermusik Slavko Avsenik. Schon zum 15. Mal freut man sich auf 100 junge Akkordeonisten zum Internationalen Akkordeon- Wettbewerb für den Avsenik Preis vom 22.-23. JANUAR 2022 von 9 - 17 Uhr. http://www.avsenik.com/de |
Atelier avec Clément Rousse - Franceby Diatonic News |
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Du 14/01/2022 18h30 au 16/01 18h 300 Avenue de la Gare/Kedez/30250Sommières Avec Clément Rousse du Collectif Dahu Lieu : Espace Lawrence Durell Niveau : Non débutant Nombre de places : 15 Prix : 20€ Clément Rousse est depuis son plus jeune âge interpellé par les musiques traditionnelles de sa région. Pour ce stage d’accordéon diatonique, il vous propose travailler sur les sujets suivants : – L’interprétation et l’appropriation de morceaux simples par l’apprentissage d’ornementations, accompagnements harmoniques, rythmiques… – L’emploi de ces rythmiques et ornements au service de la danse et du « groove ». – L’apprentissage d’un répertoire gascon peu connu (branle d’Arbéost, rondeaux irréguliers, répertoire de Bigorre, Haut Agenais…) Ce stage sera exclusivement basé sur du répertoire Gascon. Tout sera appris d’oreille, il n’y aura donc ni partitions ni tablatures. https://www.tradhivernales.com/ateliers/ |
Future events / Concerts |
Tribute to Joe Burke w/ Frankie Gavin, Daithí Gormley & Catherine McHugh - Irelandby Harley Jones |
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![]() JANUARY 26, 2022 8:00 PM THE PEPPER CANISTER CHURCH 2 Mount St Cres, Dublin 2, D02 HC65, The name Joe Burke has been synonymous with Irish traditional music in general and the accordion in particular for over 60 years. His passing in February 2021 marked the end of one of our most celebrated musical careers but long-time friend and student Daithí Gormally, together with the legend Frankie Gavin and pianist Catherine McHugh, has ensured that his legacy continues – capturing the musical impact and the spirited lilt of Joe’s inimitable style in an experience not to be missed. https://tradfesttemplebar.com/event/tribute-to-joe-burke/ |
Boxing Banjo in Jan 28 - Ireland/Dublinby Diatonic News |
![]() Lost Lane, 1-2 Adam Court, Grafton Street, Dublin, D02 RP20, Ireland ailing from the picturesque west coast of Ireland, Boxing Banjo bring an exciting and fresh sound to the Irish music scene. Comprising four of the most accomplished Irish musicians, brothers Darragh and Micheal Healy along with Joseph McNulty and Seán O’Meara have amassed in excess of 20 All Ireland titles on various instruments and in singing along with 4 world bodhrán titles. They have toured extensively together and performed in countries including Russia, Germany and the United States of America. In 2019 they completed a 34 date tour of Germany and also made a hugely successful debut at the world renowned Milwaukee Irish Fest in the USA. Through the combination of their considerable individual experience and talents they have created a unique blend of traditional Irish music and song, old time and bluegrass music. Combining striking vocal arrangements with a myriad of instruments including button accordion, banjo, guitar, mandolin, bodhrán and fiddle, they possess “a startling degree of accomplished maturity” (Irish Music Magazine). Their debut album, ‘Round #1’, described by Bill Margeson as “thoroughly delightful”, was released to critical acclaim in 2018. Showcasing the bands versatility, this album is imbued with a tangible reverence for their roots as well as more than a sprinkling of contemporary twists. https://tradfesttemplebar.com/event/boxing-banjo/ |
Carlos Vives on Tour Jan22 - USA/CANADA/Columbiaby Harley Jones |
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Video: Carlos Vives & Sebastian Yatra - "Robarte Un Beso" (Official Music Video) USA and Canada tour information at: https://www.carlosvives.com/tour-2/ |
Louise Jallu @ Où Théâtre Louis Guilloux - Franceby Harley Jones |
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Video: Louise Jallu interview and then performing Astor Piazzolla’s “Oblivion” on the Culturebox show. Main performance starts at 7:03 Jeude, 06.01.22 / 20h Du haut de ses 26 ans, dont plus de 20 aux claviers de son instrument, l’incroyable bandonéoniste Louise Jallu s’attaque au maître : Astor Piazzolla, dont on vient de fêter le centenaire de la naissance. Entourée de musiciens à la hauteur de son talent, l’artiste – nominée aux Victoires de la Musique 2021, dans la catégorie Révélation – offre une prestation que l’Argentin ne renierait pas. Sans tomber dans l’imitation, elle prend comme point de départ le répertoire du maestro et, grâce notamment aux arrangements du compositeur Bernard Cavanna, en tire une authentique création où le tango version 2021 n’a rien perdu de l’engagement ni de la modernité de son prédécesseur. « Sans style, il n’y a pas de musique », affirmait Astor Piazzolla. Louise Jallu a trouvé le sien, indiscutablement. https://www.lapasserelle.info/agenda/piazzolla-2021/ |
Filippo Gambetta in Jan 2022 - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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28/01/2022 Maestrale Genova 21:00 / Filippo Gambetta, Fabio Vernizzi, Sergio Caputo in concerto 29/01/2022 Filippo Gambetta e Sergio Caputo Torrazza Coste 20:00 / Balfolk con F.Gambetta e S.Caputo https://www.filippogambetta.com/portfolio/cambri-trio/ |
Faith& Branco @ Tradfest - IE/UK/RUby Diatonic News |
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Tradfringe / JANUARY 29, 2022 3:30 PM IFI This intimate documentary follows the cross-cultural relationship between Faith Elliot and Branko Ristic over seven years. Accordion-player Faith Elliot travels from England to Serbia to learn gypsy accordion. She meets Roma violinist Branko Ristic and, despite language and cultural barriers, they fall in love and decide to marry. They move from Serbia to the UK and although they perform together with enormous verve and talent, their differences become more pronounced and their marriage falls under threat. Irish filmmaker Catherine Harte creates a sensitive portrait of a difficult relationship against a lively backdrop of traditional Roma folk music. https://tradfesttemplebar.com/event/faith-and-branco/ |
Le Vent du Nord/European Tour in January 22 - FR/DE/UKby Diatonic News |
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Sun, JAN 16, 2022 Le Vent du Nord @ Lüdenscheid/Germany Tue, JAN 18, 2022 Le Vent du Nord @ Kultruzentrum Dieselstrasse, Esslingen/DE Thu, JAN 20, 2022 Le Sou / La Talaudière, France Fri, JAN 21, 2022 Espace Paul Valery/Le Plessis-trévise, France Sat, JAN 22, 2022 Centre Culturel de la Ferme Corsange/Bailly - Romainvilliers, France Sun, JAN 23, 2022 Espace Paul Jargot/Crolles, France Fri, JAN 28, 2022 20th anniversary - special show with guests @ Celtic Connections 2022 - Worldwide CD LAUNCH Glasgow, United Kingdom for more information view: https://leventdunord.com/en/dates/ |
Séamus Begley & Oisín Mac Diarmada with Samantha Harvey - UK/IE/USA/Californiaby Diatonic News |
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JANUARY 27, 2022 8:00 PM @ CASTLE HALL Dame St, Dublin 2, Ireland Expect sparks to fly when West Kerry accordionist and singer Séamus Begley joins forces with Sligo fiddler Oisín Mac Diarmada and Californian dancer/pianist Samantha Harvey. Begley is the quintessential Irish musician, an eager storyteller known for his sharp wit and the frisky spontaneity of his accordion-playing. Fiddler Oisín Mac Diarmada, founder of noted group Téada, has been described by The Irish Echo’s Earle Hitchner as “one of the most gifted and creative traditional fiddlers playing today”. He has appeared as guest soloist with the Southern Georgia Symphony Orchestra in the US and the Wurttembergische Philharmonie in Germany. Providing masterful accompaniment on piano, Samantha Harvey originally from Ventura, California, is also an award-winning step dancer, her energetic dance and musical performances on stage seeing her become an increasingly prominent touring performer and teacher. https://tradfesttemplebar.com/event/seamus-begley-and-oisin-mac-diarmada-samantha-harvey/ |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
Orchestra Popolare del Mediterraneo - Italiaby Harley Jones |
L'Orchestra Popolare del mediterraneo, diretta dal maestro Riccardo Tesi, esegue "Viddaneddha" (composta da Alessandro Gaudio) - arrangiamento del M. Riccardo Tesi |
Herbert Pixner Project "Toccata from another world" - Italiaby Harley Jones |
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Herbert Pixner Projekt und das Tonkünstler-Orchester Toccata from another world | M.: Herbert Pixner/Arr. Jakob Wagner Das komplette Konzert aus dem Programm "Symphonic Alps | plugged in" aus dem Festspielhaus Symphonic Alps ❖ 2021 Im April 2021 wären zwei exklusive Konzerte mit dem Herbert Pixner Projekt und dem Tonkünstler-Orchester Niederösterreich im Großen Saal des Wiener Musikvereins und im Festspielhaus St. Pölten geplant gewesen. Coronabedingt mussten die Konzerte auf 2023 verschoben werden. Als die zwei Termine nun frei waren, entschloss man sich kurzerhand, die Gelegenheit zu nutzen und das komplette Konzertprogramm im Festspielhaus St. Pölten für diesen Konzertfilm und als Studio-Album aufzuzeichnen. Das Tonkünstler-Orchester gilt als einer der größten und wichtigsten musikalischen Botschafter Österreichs, und es ist uns eine große Freude, das Programm "Symphonic Alps" nun als CD und als Konzertfilm auf DVD inkl. HD-Streamingcode mit unserem Publikum teilen zu dürfen. Am Pult: Herbert Pichler. Die einzigartige Sonder-Edition enstand in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Traditionsunternehmen Gmundner Keramik und Meindl Lederwaren. • Streng limitiert auf 2021 Stück. • Mit Sonderstempel auf der Unterseite. • Jede Edition ist nummeriert. • CDs auf schwarzer Vinyl-Disc. • Konzertfilm als DVD inkl. HD-Streamingcode (Vimeo) • CD-Schutzeinlagen aus Wollfilz inkl. Leder-Glücksband von Meindl Lederwaren. Zu bestellen bei: https://threesaintsrecords.jimdo.com/neuheiten/ |
Video: Happy Dog Singingby Harley Jones |
The pleasure, the joy of a puppy when he sings his song to the accordion |
CD "Pro Human" by Paolo Russo & Nuevo Trío Porteño - Denmarkby Diatonic News |
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In 2021 Paolo Russo & Nuevo Trío Porteño released their 3rd album. An album reflecting the years the trio was active on the international jazz-scene with all original music composed and performed by the members of the trio: Diego Sandullo, guitar; Ricardo Cánepa, contrabass; Paolo Russo, bandoneon. The music vibrates with a deep resounding, joyful and reflective atmosphere with strong colours from Argentine and Italian folklore, world music and jazz. https://paolorusso.com/ |
Denis Novato and Kristian Ghedina "performing" play&jump - Austriaby Harley Jones |
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The worldknown italian sci-racer/champion Kristian Ghedina on a downhill slope giving the diatonic accordion from Denis Novato a good ride. Became most famous for his "spaccata/split" on the "Streif of Kitzbühel/Austria" during his last performance in the sci-circuit and 137 km/h. |
Octetology - new album - Argentinaby Diatonic News |
https://www.kisskissbankbank.com/fr/projects/octetology-nouvel-album/tabs/description Le Quinteto Emedea et le Cuarteto Lunares se réunissent pour présenter Octetology, un projet dédié au flamboyant et emblématique Octeto Buenos Aires d’Astor Piazzolla. Dès sa création en 2020, Octetology remporte le premier prix du concours international de Castelfidardo en Italie, dans la catégorie « Piazzolla Awards » ; et compte sur de belles programmations (Théâtre de la ville, Festival Tango de Gennevilliers, Festival les Nuits de nacre, Fip Concert Live…). Lorsqu’il quitte Paris pour retourner s’installer à Buenos Aires en 1955, Astor Piazzolla est résolu à « sortir le tango de la monotonie dans laquelle il s’était embourbé », en bouleversant ses codes et ses traditions par la création d’une musique nouvelle. Il s’entoure des musiciens parmi les plus emblématiques du genre (A. Stampone, L. Federico, E. Francini…) pour créer l’« Octeto Buenos Aires », formation éphémère (1955-1958) qui marquera profondément la musique de Buenos Aires et qui restera comme l’une de tentatives les plus avant-gardiste du compositeur. Malgré l’originalité de la proposition, la virtuosité des interprètes et l’écriture flamboyante, le projet ne reçoit pas l’écho espéré auprès du public et des connaisseurs, ce qui conduira Piazzolla à l’abandonner et à détruire l’intégralité des partions de cet immense répertoire. Par un important travail de recherche et de réécriture, le Quinteto Emedea et le Cuarteto Lunares parviennent à reconstituer ce répertoire perdu, jamais recréé depuis sa disparition il y a plus de 60 ans ! |
Young Boy Entertains on his Accordionby Christine Johnstone |
This 8 year old boy from Eastern Europe entertains with a folk song on his beautifully decorated small accordion. |
Video: Young 7 Year Old Entertains – Italyby Christine Johnstone |
Video: Young 7 year old Mattia Monti from Maltignano, Italy, entertains and shows off his talents by playing the Supersaltarello and Five Finger Organet technique taught by teacher Enzo Scacchia. |
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