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Highlights |
2022 Musikmesse Cancelled - Germanyby Diatonic News |
![]() ![]() However, they are already planning to re-establish the audience format Musikmesse Plaza and Musikmesse Festival for a later year. Further details will be announced when available. www.musikmesse.com |
Prolight+Sound Musikmesse Frankfurt 2022 in April - Germanyby Diatonic News |
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The international music trade fair in Frankfurt is back live in 2022 with many new ideas, events and full of energy. Do note this important date for the music-industry. Prolight+Sound: 26-29th April 2022 Safe trade fair attendance The regulations currently in force allow the 3G rule (vaccinated, recovered or tested) for trade visitor fairs. In addition, the modern exhibition center, protection and hygiene concept provide an optimal basis for safe business encounters. https://www.messefrankfurt.com/ |
Jetzt anmelden! 1. CYRILL-DEMIAN-PREIS AUSTRIA / Tag der Harmonika- Österreichby Werner Weibert |
![]() Na to mednarodno tekmovanje vljudno vabljeni vsi štajerski harmonikarji! Tutti i suonatori di armonica della Stiria sono cordialmente invitati a questo concorso internazionale! All Styrian harmonica players are cordially invited to this international competition! >>>www.harmonikaverband.at |
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Accordion Fashion Trend - Worldwideby Diatonic News |
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Metallic accordion-style tote WBAG1MINIS17S10GOLD Unfortunately this item is out of stock - but any home made bags-fashion designer might want to take some hints for a real and personal custom made instrument item! good luck Parisian elegance and urban finesse infuse the collections of the brand that brings streetwear into a new level of refinement. Statement silhouettes, distressed detailings and clever design elements mean Y/Project sets the bar when it comes to a contemporary cool aesthetic. |
23rd International Accordion Festival 2022 – Austriaby Diatonic News |
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![]() ![]() The event will include 41 events with a wide range of concerts, silent films, comedy, workshops and dancing. The concerts include those that were booked for the 2021 Accordion Festival and did not take place as they had fallen victim to the Covid-19 circumstances and restrictions. The festival will also celebrate the 101st birthday of Astor Piazzolla in March 2022. Piazzolla's importance for music and especially that played with the accordion/bandoneon cannot be emphasized enough. Download festival program here: 2022Akkordeonfestival.pdf |
Postponed: World Music Festival New 2025 Dates - Germanyby Diatonic News |
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![]() Therefore the 14th World Music Festival will now take place from May 29th to June 1st, 2025 in Innsbruck. Further new dates: For the first time on Ascension Day, the Accordion Music Prize (AMP) will take place in Ettlingen from May 9th to 12th, 2024. This enables musicians from federal states in which Corpus Christi is not a public holiday to participate in the AMP. Please make a note of these two dates now. For further details email: info@dhv-ev.de |
Postponed: 14th Harmonica Masters Workshops, 08 -12 June 2022by Diatonic News |
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The 14th Harmonica Masters Workshops were originally planned for November 2020, but had to be cancelled due to the COVID pandemic. A free 3 hour Zoom event with all instructors on October 31st, intended as a gesture of thanks to our regular students, was virtually attended by over 150 people from around the world. Now we are looking ahead and have rescheduled the 14th HMW for June 2022. Organisational changes and the non-availability of the Trossingen Music School in November made it necessary to find a new date, and the Whitsun school holidays are the only viable time when all facilities are not otherwise in use and there are no competing events. We ask for your understanding for this change and hope that the HMW 2022 will be able to take place under something approaching normal conditions. Following the withdrawal of the Conservatory, Hohner has kindly taken on the local organisation in addition to providing logistical support and sponsoring. Your contact person for registrations and all other administrative questions is Product Manager Ines Weber. The website is now being updated and we will be accepting registrations as soon as this is complete. The Harmonica Masters workshops 2022 will introduce several new instructors alongside many of our long time staff. Joe Filisko, Marko Jovanovic and I will again be presenting classes and we are happy to announce three new instructors who promise to provide fresh impulses: the irrepressible Jason Ricci will be joining us for the first time to share his vivid insights into contemporary harmonica, Marcos Coll will be teaching an introduction to diatonic and chromatic harmonica in Latin music, and renowned Hohner Affiliated Customizer and Celtic music virtuoso Joel Andersson will present an introduction to the harmonica in Irish music. As in previous years, Eric Noden will teach acoustic blues guitar and Riedel Diegel is again presenting our beginners class. Due to family obligations, David Barrett will be unable to attend in 2022 as originally planned, but promises to be back in 2023. https://www.harmonica-masters.de/en/ |
Mollie B to be Inducted to the 2022 Minnesota Music Hall of Fame - USAby Rita Davidson Barnea |
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Mollie B (Mollie Busta Lange) is a 2021 inductee to the Minnesota Music Hall of Fame. The induction ceremony will take place in New Ulm, Minnesota, USA on April 22nd, 2022. Mollie has dedicated much of her life to music between practice; traveling and performing in many ensembles; hosting the “Mollie B Polka Party” TV show; co-hosting the “Mollie B Polka Party” radio show with her husband Ted Lange; hosting the PBS documentary, “Polka;” teaching students of many ages; promoting events, musicians, and recordings; arranging music; composing; appearing and performing an original composition and dancing with Clint Eastwood in the Warner Brothers movie, “The Mule”: and recently creating over 75 videos and over 65, 90-minute variety shows on Youtube.com/mollieb with Ted Lange, which are still being produced on a weekly basis. For more information email: bustamollie@yahoo.com |
BRUNCH AMERICANA (Blues) chez COMPTOIR - Franceby Diatonic News |
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De 11h30 à 15h, après le «Marché de Romaric» au coin de la rue, deux dimanches par mois, au Comptoir et sous la Halle pour les beaux jours, David Gastine invite la fine fleur du jazz manouche, ou propose des Americana concerts (petites touches manouches assurées) avec l’inégalable Vincent Bucher à l’harmonica. Les enfants ne sont pas en reste ! Un dimanche par mois, le Théâtre Halle Roublot propose aux petits bruncheurs dès 6 ans et aux plus grands, de partager un atelier ludique et pratique avec es artistes de la saison pour explorer les différentes facettes du théâtre de marionnettes de 13h30 à 15h au petit théâtre face au Comptoir. nfos et résas pour l’atelier: contact@theatre-halle-roublot.fr Et en cadeau, la Halle ouvre sa grande baie sur le square aux Chats, pour le plus grand bonheur des enfants et de leurs parents, dès que le temps le permet. www.musiquesaucomptoir.fr |
Amadeus Austrian Music Awardsby Diatonic News |
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Amadeus FM4 Award: Die Top 5! Die FM4 Hörer:innen haben aus 20 österreichischen Acts ausgewählt: Bibiza, Buntspecht, Cari Cari, Eli Preiss und Granada! Bis 22.03. kann wieder abgestimmt werden: Hier geht’s zum Voting! https://fm4.orf.at/ Bei Rückfragen wenden Sie sich bitte an: IFPI Austria - Verband der Österreichischen Musikwirtschaft. Mag. Thomas Böhm Telefon: +43 1 535 60 35 Email: boehm@ifpi.at SPUTNIK public relations e.U. Dunja Stachl Telefon: +43 664 531 55 32 Email: dunja.stachl@sputnik-pr.at https://www.amadeusawards.at |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
Jetzt anmelden! Harmonika-WM 2022 in Terme Olimia/Slowenien! Svetovno prvenstvo 2022 ! - Austriaby Werner Weibert |
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Liebe Fans der Steirischen Harmonika! Die Harmonika-WM 2022 findet wie geplant in der “Terme Olimia” im slowenischen Podcetrtek statt! Es freut uns sehr, diese Veranstaltung in Kooperation mit dem slowenischen Verband ZDHS an einem so schönen Ort ankündigen zu können. Die Ausschreibung ist wieder in 4 Sprachen ONLINE. Anmeldung ab SOFORT möglich!!! Wir freuen uns schon auf viele internationale Kandidaten! Dragi ljubitelji štajerske harmonike! Svetovni pokal harmonike 2022 bo po načrtih potekal v Termah Olimia v Podčetrtku v Sloveniji! Z velikim veseljem napovemo ta dogodek v sodelovanju s slovenskim društvom ZDHS na tako lepi lokaciji. Obvestilo je spet ONLINE v 4 jezikih. Prijave možne TAKOJ!!! Veselimo se številnih mednarodnih kandidatov! Dear fans of the Styrian accordion! The Harmonica World Championships 2022 will take place as planned in the "Terme Olimia" in Podcetrtek, Slovenia! We are very happy to announce this event in cooperation with the Slovenian association ZDHS in such a beautiful place. The call for entries is again ONLINE in 4 languages. Registration possible NOW!!! We are already looking forward to many international candidates! Cari fan dell'armonica stiriana! I Campionati Mondiali di Armonica 2022 si svolgeranno come previsto nelle "Terme Olimia" di Podcetrtek, in Slovenia! Siamo molto felici di annunciare questo evento in collaborazione con l'associazione slovena ZDHS in un posto così bello. Il bando è di nuovo ONLINE in 4 lingue. Registrazione possibile ORA!!! Stiamo già aspettando con impazienza molti candidati internazionali! www.harmonikaverband.at Online translation |
Melodeon Building Course (2.5 row) - GBby Diatonic News |
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with Emmanuel Pariselle Monday 21 Mar 10am — Monday 28 Mar 4pm, 2022 at the moment the course is fully booked - but please get back to the organizer for any possible available place due to a cancellation. Emmanuel will guide novice makers through the steps to build your own two and a half row melodeon. You will leave with your own professional standard instrument; whilst having a great sense of humour (and extremely good English) Emmanuel is also a demanding task master and will ensure that all instruments made are of the highest possible calibre. In addition to having a wonderful instrument, you’ll also benefit from the inestimable experience of working with a master craftsman and learn techniques for construction, maintenance and repair in the future. The box you build will reflect your individual preferences and there is flexibility in terms of key, inlay and accidental layout (see below). Case wood is carefully selected for quality and beauty, and reeds are hand-made by Binci, Italy. Left hand chords have fundamentals and fifths – ie. no thirds – so work with major and minor keys. For much more visit: https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/melodeon-building-course-2-5-row-with-emmanuel-pariselle-6/ |
Beginners' course playing the diatonic accordion - Hollandby Diatonic News |
![]() In the autumn of 2021 the beginners course Tractonica playing started, this course will be continued in the spring of 2022. The lessons will again be given by Jos Lambregts on six Wednesday afternoons from 15:00-17:00 in Q-Factory Amsterdam. The basis is laid in the first six lessons, but new students can also join this group. After you have signed up, we will contact you to find out what your level is, so we can take that into account in the course of the lessons. We play on a C/F harmonica. Location: Q-Factory Amsterdam Dates: 12 January, 26 January, 9 February, 23 February, 9 March Day and time: Wednesday 15:00-17:00 Cost: € 90,- Registration: via the registration page https://www.trekharmonica-adam.nl/inschrijven/ Number of students: max. 6 https://www.trekharmonica-adam.nl/ Entrance only with a valid QR code or valid negative test certificate! |
Reprinted: Friedrich Lips Book The Art of Accordion Playing - Germanyby Harley Jones |
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![]() The Art of Accordion Playing by Prof. Friedrich Lips is one of the most popular educational books for accordion with its focus being: Technique, Interpretation and Performance of Playing the Accordion Artistically. The high-quality content now corresponds to the outward appearance of the book: four color printing on high quality hard cover in exclusive design with lamination and paper binding with long lasting thread-stitching. Printed on chlorine-free, bleached, acid-free, stable and age resistant, high quality, matte, non-reflective paper for fatigue-free reading uses a high quality paper made in Germany. The major technical difference of the new print run comparing to the old one is the cover, paper quality and the binding: high quality hard cover with lamination now instead of plain softcover previously and thread-stitching instead of simple gluing. The book is great value at Euro 29, Catalog kslips00 the same price as the older lower quality print version. |
Workshop Steirische Harmonika 17. Juni 2022 - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
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www.harmonikaverband.at |
TAG DER HARMONIKA 2022 - International Advertisings online! - Austriaby Werner Weibert |
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Anmeldungen ab SOFORT möglich! Prijave od TAKOJ možne! Iscrizioni da IMMEDIATAMENTE possibili! Registrations from IMMEDIATELY possible! www.harmonikaverband.at online translation |
Orkney Folk Festival - Scotlandby Diatonic News |
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Orkney Folk Festival to return to full-scale live event in May Stromness is set to come alive to folk music from around the world once again, as the team behind the Orkney Folk Festival have announced a return to a full-scale live event this spring. In the first wave of line-up announcements, 24 acts have been unveiled for the 39th outing of the award-winning festival. Musicians and singers from throughout Scotland will join artists from England, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Canada, USA and India in appearing alongside scores of home-grown Orcadian artists in venues throughout Stromness and the Orkney mainland, over May 26-29. This year’s live festival will be the first since 2019, and follows two highly successful digital editions that brought a worldwide online audience to Orkney... https://orkneyfolkfestival.com/ |
Archie’s Box Academy (Getting Started) - Englandby Diatonic News |
![]() Archie’s ‘Getting Started’ workshop is players of the DG melodeon, levels 0 and 1. (for full details view: https://halswaymanor.org.uk/halsway-melodeon-workshop-levels/ ) Archie Churchill-Moss: Widely regarded as one of the best players of English traditional folk, Archie has worked as a session musician for some of the UK’s top folk acts (Cara Dillon, Eliza Carthy, Blair Dunlop), as well as performing with the trio, ‘Moore, Moss, Rutter’ , the outfit which saw him receive the coveted BBC Radio 2 Young Folk Award in 2011. The past two years have seen Archie tour extensively across Western Europe and perform at some of Europe’s top music festivals, including headline slots at ‘Colours of Ostrava (Czech Republic), Tønder festival (Denmark), Cropredy Convention (UK) and Cambridge folk festival (UK). For all details see: https://halswaymanor.org.uk/event/archies-box-academy-getting-started-4/ |
Texas Folklife Announces 16th Annual Bg Squeeze Statewide Youth Accordion Contest - USAby Diatonic News |
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Texas Folklife announces the 16th annual Big Squeeze youth accordion contest. This year’s event will include a mix of virtual and in-person events in traditional Texas accordion music genres including conjunto, polka, Cajun, zydeco and more. Cajun, zydeco and polka categories are open to ages 25 and under and Conjunto is open to 21 and under. Big Squeeze season opens March 1, 2022 when Texas Folklife begins accepting contest entries, which will be sent in by video. Sign-up, event details and contest rules are now available at texasfolklife.org/bigsqueeze2022. All entries are due by March 31st by 11:59 p.m. A pair of in-person events will follow the virtual entries. The Conjunto Semi-Finals return live to the Museum of South Texas History in Edinburg on Saturday, April 23, 2022. Then on Saturday, May 14, the ever-popular Big Squeeze Finals return live to the Bullock Texas State History Museum in Austin. Grand prize winners each will receive a cash prize, future performance opportunities with Texas Folklife, publicity, professional development and other professional opportunities. In addition to the contest, this year’s Big Squeeze also will feature a series of virtual discussions with members of Texas’ accordion community about the future of the Big Squeeze. “We are looking to make changes and to improve the program,” said Texas Folklife Executive Director Charlie Lockwood, “and community input will be an important part of this process.” Interested players are encouraged to submit an application no later than March 31st at midnight. The complete contest rules and entry forms are available online at texasfolklife.org/bigsqueeze2022 or by calling 512-441-9255. The Big Squeeze is presented by Texas Folklife as part of its mission to preserve and present Texas’ diverse cultural heritage. Since 2007, Texas Folklife has promoted Texas accordion music genres through the Big Squeeze program. More than 300 young, talented players from dozens of Texas communities have participated in the program, which supports these vital community-based accordion music traditions. The 2022 Big Squeeze Program Director is longtime Texas Folklife producer and partner Sarah Rucker. This is Rucker's 12th Big Squeeze in its 16-year history. Sponsorship: The Big Squeeze offers a variety of opportunities for individuals and organizations to become sponsors of this distinguished program. For more information on becoming a Big Squeeze Sponsor, visit texasfolklife.org/bigsqueeze2022 or call 512-441-9255. The 2022 Big Squeeze is supported in part by the generosity of H-E-B, a Squeezebox Legend Sponsor, who has contributed to worthy causes through Texas and Mexico for 115 years. We also are grateful to the City of Houston through the Miller Theatre Advisory Board for their long-time support. This project is made possible in part by a grant from the Texas Music Office, Office of the Governor, as well as contributions from Hohner Accordions, Texas Commission on the Arts, City of Austin Cultural Arts Division and other regional partners. About Texas Folklife: Texas Folklife (TXF) is a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to presenting and preserving the diverse cultures and living heritage of the Lone Star State. TXF is designated by the National Endowment for the Arts as the official folk and traditional arts organization for the state. Since 1984, TXF has honored traditions passed down within communities, explored the importance of traditional arts in contemporary society, and celebrated the state’s vibrant heritage by providing arts experiences enjoyable for all generations. For further information: Rebecca Johnson: rebecca@artsarticulated.com Sarah Rucker, Program Director: bigsqueeze@texasfolklife.org |
Future events / Concerts |
Gianni Iorio @ Casa del Jazz - Roma/ITby Diatonic News |
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26 marzo a Roma. Casa del Jazz https://www.facebook.com/gianni.iorio.50 |
"Flogging Molly" St Patrick’s Day Concert – USAby Christine Johnstone |
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Video: Flogging Molly - Live From Ireland (Covid 19 Stream) playing The Hand Of John L. Sullivan and Devil's Dance Floor. Seven piece Celtic punk band “Flogging Molly” will perform a live (and online) concert to celebrate St Patrick’s Day at the Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles, USA on March 17th, 2022, presented by Bushmills. The event also celebrates the grand re-opening of the group’s free annual outdoor festival, which includes “a day stacked with live performances, beer, food, games and more!” In addition, their performance will celebrate the release of their brand new single “These Times Have Got Me Drinking”, arriving worldwide on March 10th through Rise Records. "Flogging Molly" includes Matt Hensley (accordion, concertina, vocals) along with players of a variety of instruments such as guitar, bodhran, violin, tin whistle, bass guitar, mandolin, banjo, drums, percussion and vocalists. For details email: floggingmolly@5bam.com |
ZYDECO ANNIE/SWAMP CATS im März 2022- DEby Diatonic News |
![]() 20:00 Uhr Jazz- and Blues Days http://beringer-jazz-and-bluesdays.ch/ 19.03.2022 Kapuzinerhalle 89331 Burgau, Kapuzinerstr. 9-11 20:00 Uhr https://www.burgau.de/ 25.03.2022 Speidlerhaus 88255 Baienfurt, Waldseer Str. 4 20:00 Uhr manufaktur Kulturverein https://www.manufaktur-baienfurt.de/ 26.03.2022 Forum am Hofgarten 89312 Günzburg, Jahnstr. 2 20:00 Uhr 40 Jahre Musikschule Günzburg https://www.musikschule-guenzburg.de/ https://www.zydecoannie.de/konzerte.html |
BiB Balfolk, stage di danze con i Loogaroo a Palo del Colle - Italiaby Diatonic News |
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Sono partite le prevendite per partecipare, sabato 26/3 alle 18,00, allo stage di danze di balfolk e alle 21,00 al concerto a ballo dei Loogaroo con Pablo Golder e Florian De Schepper, in arrivo da Bruxelles, al Rigenera Laboratorio Urbano di Palo del Colle. Posti limitati, greenpass necessario, prenotazione obbligatoria https://www.facebook.com/events/1129931134485105. Loogaroo è il nuovo duo balfolk di Pablo Golder (organetto diatonico) e Florian De Schepper (chitarra acustica). Dopo aver suonato per anni con diversi progetti, Pablo e Florian hanno recentemente iniziato a suonare insieme dando vita al duo chiamato “loogaroo”, creatura mitologica caraibica che si trasforma in una luminosa sfera di luce per tormentare la notte, da non confondere con il loup-garou (lupo mannaro). Le melodie potenti e sorprendenti della chitarra si insinuano piacevolmente nella potenza dell’organetto per far ballare tutta la notte, anche sotto la luna piena. https://bari.ilquotidianoitaliano.com/eventi/2022/03/news/bib-balfolk-stage-di-danze-con-i-loogaroo-a-palo-del-colle-349396.html/ |
RICCARDO TESI @ Akkordeonfestival - Vienna/Austriaby Diatonic News |
![]() 19/03/22 Zentrum - Feldbach Austria 20/03/22 Akkordeonfestival - Vienna Austria Für genauere Information: https://www.cultureworks.at/on-tour/ |
Paudie & Aoife Live in Concert @ National Folk Theatre - Irelandby Diatonic News |
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25 MARCH 8.00 PM Siamsa Tíre/he National Folk Theatre Paudie O' Connor is an accordion player from Sliabh Luachra Kerry and his wife Aoife Ní Chaoimh is a fiddle player from Tralee Co. Kerry. They both share a passion for slides and polkas and this is evident in their playing, as they have grown up surrounded by the rich musical heritage that is in abundance in the Sliabh Luachra area. Nowhere are their symbiotic relationships more explicit than in the music of Sliabh Luachra, where dance music (largely polkas and slides) reigns supreme. Ticket reservation: https://www.siamsatire.com/events/trad-connections-5 |
Bandoneon concerts with Davide Vendramin Feb/Mar - ITALYby Diatonic News |
![]() He recorded the world premiere of “Tango”, by the Latvian composer Artur Maskats. He plays in Piazzolla’s “Maria de Buenos Aires” produced by the Ravenna Festival and in Kurt Weill’s “Die Dreigroschenoper” at the Piccolo Teatro Strehler in Milan. He played Martín Palmeri’s “Misa a Buenos Aires” with the Orchester de Chambre de Toulouse and the famous Astor Piazzolla Concerto “Aconcagua” with the Orchestra della 11.03 Museo Piaggio di Pistoia/Ensemble Bosso Concept Works by: Bosso, Piazzolla, Cobian, Salgan 23.03 Fabbrica del vapore di Milano, Daniele Ghisi “Fathers” Divertimento Ensemble Charles Eric Fontaine, direttore 27.03 Teatro del Fiume di Boretto, Ylenia Volpe, fisarmonica, Davide Vendramin, fisarmonica e bandoneon ( works by: Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich, Stravinsky, Sollima, Piazzolla) Per ulteriori informazioni. http://www.davidevendramin.it/ |
Trio Hiltula Perform Lunch time Tango Live – Japanby Diatonic News |
![]() The trio includes Ville Hiltula (bandoneon), Hanako Tanimoto (violin) and Satoko Tsutsumi (piano). Their program will include a variety of Piazzolla works as well as classical tango to modern tango to original songs. For details email: villehiltula@gmail.com |
John Kirkpatrick in Mar/Apr 22 - GBby Diatonic News |
![]() Fri 18 Mar 2022 to Sun 20 Mar 2022 Halsway Manor, Crowcombe, Taunton, Somerset Concertina Workshop - JK leading the Anglos on the West Country Concertina Players annual instruction weekend Sat 2 Apr 2022 to Sun 3 Apr 2022 Melodeons in Wensleydale JK one of the tutors on this annual melodeon workshop weekend. Fri 8 Apr 2022 to Sun 10 Apr 2022 The Church Barn, Bishop's Castle, Shropshire Chords and Keys on the Anglo Concertina. JK leads a workshop weekend taking a first look at playing in the harmonic style - tune on the right hand, accompaniment on the left, in at least the two basic keys. Details in "Squeezer Weekends" on the left hand side of this page. JK is also offering online lessons on Anglo concertina, single row and two row melodeons, button accordion, accordion left hand, or song accompaniments, via Zoom or Skype for more: https://www.johnkirkpatrick.co.uk/ |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
Marco Wagner feat. Die Obersteirer / Boyfriends - Österreichby Harley Jones |
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Marco Wagner feat. Die Obersteirer - Boyfriends |
Quetschn Academy videos - Austriaby Harley Jones |
junges Harmonika Talentby Harley Jones |
Noch so klein und schon so gut auf der Harmonika |
Enzo Emanuel Castro Receives Golden Buzzer on Got Talent Uruguayby Christine Johnstone |
Young accordionist Enzo Emanuel Castro performing on Got Talent Uruguay 2021. He wows the judges with his playing and gets the golden buzzer! |
New and Updated Sites |
Site Update: eTracks Album Norske Drag by Jon Faukstad - Norwayby Diatonic News |
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![]() Jon Faukstad is a genuine folk musician. As a teen-ager he often played at local dance arrangements in his home area of Gudbrandsdal. In 1970 he started playing together with the folk violinist Hans W. Brimi. Together they have made countless folk music concerts in Norway and numerous programs for radio and TV. Hear music samples and purchase at: faukstad203eT Other mp3 albums and CDs by Jon Faukstad are: Çatalog: faukstad201 Çatalog: faukstad202 |
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