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Lorenzo Antonelli Awarded 24th Premio Nazionale Gentile da Fabriano - Italyby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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![]() Lorenzo Antonelli is the President and CEO of Voci Armoniche, (a company that makes reeds for many of the diatonic, concertina, bandoneon instrument manufacturers). The company, founded in 1935 in Osimo by grandfather Luigi, is in the Marche district where companies have been producing accordions for more than a century. The reeds (voices) are the heart, the sound principle, the essential physical element of accordions. These are highly precise metal assemblies that generate the sound through the flow of air. Markets today require vision, courage to change, energy and expertise. Lorenzo Antonelli, after graduating and mastering in business management, was trained in the most advanced organizational methods. Since 2012 he has started an all-out reorganization to adapt the company to the current challenges and through the choice of 100% made in Italy. He has been able to take the best of their respective specificities from the craftsman and industry, in a synthesis that can be defined as manufacturing of excellence. Lorenzo Antonelli has combined the knowledge of the traditional Marche workman ship with the most advanced organizational and technical - production methods, creating a structured system of skills and creating a beauty of sound that conquers the entire world out of the region Marche. By the President of the Jury / Prof. Vilberto Stocchi |
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Stéphane Chapuis Passes Away - Switzerlandby Diatonic News |
![]() Christine Savioz (Le Nouvelliste in Valais, Switzerland) wrote the following article: “Stéphane Chapuis, a virtuoso of the accordion and bandoneon, died on Tuesday after a long and cruel illness. The news of his death created much sadness among the artists of Valais and elsewhere and tributes poured in on social media. Musician Rolan Sprenger can't believe it, still remembering his encounter with Stéphane just after last year's Winemakers' Day. Stéphane Chapuis was one of the show's soloists. "He was radiant!" adds Sprenger. "He loved this project," confirms the musician Hervé Forclaz, longtime friend of the virtuoso, who collaborated with him for some thirty years. "He was a master of the accordion and known and respected all over the world. In fact, he had performed concerts in the United States, Paris, Northern China, Brazil, Africa, Italy" adds Hervé Forclaz. In addition to his concerts and performances, Stéphane Chapuis, who had obtained an accordion virtuosity with distinction and congratulations from the jury and a teaching diploma with excellence, was a highly respected teacher at the Lausanne High School of Music, the Nion Cantonal Conservatory of Music and the EJMA-VS. From 1983 to 1992, he was a multiple winner of international competitions. He was also awarded the Valais State Incentive Award in 2010. On this occasion, Sprenger had written a text about his friend. "Stephane gives the accordion its ranks of nobility. He said too modestly, "All I did was jump into the pioneers' breach, like my teachers who fought for the recognition of the accordion," Sprenger described at the time. Stéphane Chapuis, a father of five, was a modest man who had fallen in love with the Valais several years ago. "He was a very generous musician, popular and so loved. Here in Valais, all the artists who required accordion music in their recordings, worked with him. Everyone is upset by his death," says Hervé Forclaz. |
Geschenks-Ideen mit Marc Pircher - Weltweitby Diatonic News |
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https://www.marcpircher.at/ |
Steirischer ORF-Wettbewerb 2020 - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
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![]() >>> Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZmUOtMyjEA Fünf junge Finalisten traten vor einem großen Fernsehpublikum an, um der Jury ihre Pflicht- und Wahlstücke vorzustellen. Das Ergebnis: Nach einem sehr engen Wettbewerb wurden die Gewinner wie folgt bekannt gegeben: 1. Platz: Johannes Grabner (Bild rechts) 2. Platz: Christina Schneeberger Beide hatten gleiche Punkte = 52, es gab einen mündlichen Jury-Entscheid. 3. Platz: ex aequo Lukas Sattler und Daniel Schwarz 5. Platz: Maximilian Pacher Online translation |
Harmonika-WM 2021 in Terme Olimia/Slowenien! Svetovno prvenstvo 2021 ! - Austriaby Werner Weibert |
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Video: Karlssons Musik Celebrates their 50th Anniversary - Swedenby Harley Jones |
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Picture above of Karlssons Team: Sven Karlsson, Siv Karlsson, Ingvar Karlsson, Lars Karlsson, Daniel Bengtsson, Sofi Blücher. Ingvar and Siv Karlsson started the company on March 3rd 1970 and now are one of the famous families of the accordion world. This year Karlssons Musik celebrates their 50th anniversary. Their planned celebration with a big charity concert at the Kungsbacka Teater has been postponed until next year because of the Covid-19 pandemic, however they held a small celebration of their jubilee with a free livestream concert on October 4th. The video above features as the first performers the Lars Karlsson Band, led by Lars Karlsson on diatonic accordion. Enjoy their very popular folk rock style. Their main 50th anniversary celebrations will now be held on October 9th, 2021. |
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Texas Folklife Seeks Participants for its 2021 Apprenticeship Program - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() Texas Folklife has made the 2021 application for the Apprenticeships in the Folk Arts Program available to the public. The application along with program guidelines, a video overview of the program, and additional information are available on the Texas Folklife site. Deadline for applications is Tuesday, December 1, 2020, at 5:PM. Texas Folklife’s Apprenticeship Program provides awards of up to $3,000 for artist mentors to offer intensive, one-on-one training in a specific traditional art form or cultural practice to dedicated apprentices for six to eight months. With support and assistance from Texas Folklife, each selected artist team implements a self-designed and directed work plan and presents a final public presentation that showcases the results of its training. What are the Folk & Traditional Arts? Folk and traditional arts are transmitted, engaged, and reinvigorated within communities whose members often share a common heritage, language, religion, occupation, or region. The folk and traditional arts not only are rooted in and reflective of but actively shape a community’s values, aesthetic ideals, and life experiences. Expressing this common ethos, these artistic traditions are typically passed on from one generation to the next, or from one community member to another, through extended periods of observation, demonstration, conversation, and practice. An artist mentor is someone who is recognized by their community and peers for expertise in a particular traditional art form. As someone who studies under an artist mentor, an apprentice demonstrates an intention to enhance their established skills and cultural understanding of the art form as well as a long-term commitment to carrying the tradition forward. Who Can Apply? Texas Folklife welcomes applications from all folk art traditions that have been brought to, taken root in, or are indigenous to Texas. From conjunto accordion, horse saddlery, and chair caning to Micronesian stick dancing, West African dance-drumming, and Native American healing arts, the Apprenticeship Program has awarded apprenticeships to over 250 practitioners of a diverse selection of cultural practices. Artist mentors and apprentices should apply together and submit one application. Apprentices must reside in Texas; artist mentors may reside in Texas or the four surrounding states of Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico. There are no age requirements for an artist mentor or apprentice to apply. Program Summary: Applications are due December 1, 2020 by 5:PM. A review panel made up of folk and traditional arts specialists as well as past program participants will meet in December to evaluate applications. Applicants will be notified of their awards in January 2021. Program awardees will participate in an interview with Texas Folklife in which they will discuss their experience with the tradition, its significance to their community, and demonstrate skills, techniques, or lessons learned during their apprenticeship. Each artist team will also showcase the results of its training in a public performance at the conclusion of the apprenticeship period. Texas Folklife’s Apprenticeship Program supports the continuity, transmission, and celebration of our state’s extraordinary cultural traditions,” said Executive Director Charlie Lockwood. “Especially during these challenging times, the undertaking of artists and tradition bearers is critical to the health and well-being of communities across Texas. We are committed to supporting the creative resilience of folk and traditional artists as they embrace adaptive approaches to passing on their craft, and sharing that work with the public in exciting new ways.” This program is made possible in part by the board and members of Texas Folklife and from a State Partnership award from the National Endowment from the Arts, which believes that a great nation deserves great art, in partnership with the Texas Commission on the Arts. Additional support provided by the City of Austin through the Cultural Arts Division, believing an investment in the Arts is an investment in Austin’s future. About Texas Folklife: Texas Folklife is a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to the presentation and preservation of the diverse cultures and living heritage of the Lone Star State. Since 1984, Texas Folklife has honored the cultural traditions passed down within communities, explored their importance in contemporary society, and celebrated them by providing accessible and joyful arts experiences. Media information: Charlie Lockwood (512) 441-9255 / clockwood@texasfolklife.org Program information: Pete Breitha upt (512) 441-9255 / apprenticeships@texasfolklife.org by Charlie Lockwood, Executive Director of Texas Folklife |
Zweijähriger Zertifikatslehrgang f. Steirische Harmonika - DEby Diatonic News |
![]() Zweijähriger Zertifikatslehrgang für Akkordeonist*innen und Harmonikaspieler*innen mit Alexander Maurer am Hohner-Konservatorium, Trossingen November 2020 bis Juni 2022 Lehrgangsbeginn: 28.11.2020 Hohner-Konservatorium Zielgruppen • Akkordeonist*innen mit Abschluss (Bachelor oder StMP) • Fortgeschrittene Akkordeonist*innen oder Harmonikaspieler*innen Inhalte und Ziele • Solo-Repertoire • Improvisation • Das Instrument • Basics am Instrument • Die Pädagogik • FAQ – Das handwerkliche Drumherum Der Lehrgang bereitet Sie auf Ihre Tätigkeit in künstlerischen und/oder pädagogischen Arbeitsfeldern vor. Sie erwerben die Kompetenzen, verschiedene Musikstile in unterschiedlichen Formaten zu unterrichten, neue Wege der musikalischen Vermittlung zu entwickeln und sich als stilistisch vielseitige/r Musiker*in solistisch oder im Ensemble zu präsentieren. Termine Schuljahr 2020/2021 28./29.11.2020, 19./20.12.2020, 09./10.01.2021, 27./28.02.2021, 20./21.03.2021, 10./11.04.2021, 22./23.05.2021, 12./13.06.2021, 03./04.07.2021 Schuljahr 2021/2022 02./03.10.2021, 23./24.10.2021, 20./21.11.2021, 08./09.01.2022, 29./30.01.2022, 26./27.02.2022, 26./27.03.2022, 30.04./01.05.2022, 14./15.05.2022, 18./19.06.2022 Die Anzahl der Ausbildungsplätze ist begrenzt. Info https://www.hohner-konservatorium.de/produkt/steirische-harmonika-zertifikatslehrgang-mit-alexander-maurer/ |
Hohner Echophon Added to A World of Accordions Museum - USAby Diatonic News |
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![]() ![]() While the instrument is not extremely rare, it has eluded their acquisition until now. This model’s outstanding visual feature is the brass horn etched with “Echophon” that covers the treble pallets and issues overtones-modified, reinforced sounds. Other than a slightly enlarged size, the instrument is a conventional one-row button diatonic in the key of “C.” It sports ten treble buttons, three bass buttons on the front of the bass hand-hold plus an air-button behind, and four banks of “Steel Bronze Reeds” in two octaves engaged by pull-stops. The solid wood body frame is attached to twelve bellows folds with two support frames, front and back metal bellows closures (entirely intact), and is ornamented with Ernst Hohner’s picture and logo imprinted on metal at each body-frame corner. An impressed D.R.P. 200625 is found on the bass plate. The instrument is faultlessly perfect. According to German Accordion Museum curator Dr. Martin Haeffner’s book Ewig Jung Trotz Vieler Falten, the Echophon was manufactured in five advertised model variations 1907 to 1908. The Museum proudly display it in the museum’s Early Diatonics section. For more information: aworldofaccordions@gmail.com |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
'American Cajun, Blues & Zydeco Festival' - Germanyby Diatonic News |
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The organizers write: POSTPONED TO 2021 We are extremely sad and dissappointed to announce that due to the Covid19 crisis the 'American Cajun, Blues & Zydeco Festival' won't happen in 2020. NEW DATES will be announced shortly between October 21st - November 8th 2021. Same artists as 2020. The Daiquiri Queens (USA) Rusty Metoyer & The Zydeco Krush (USA) Roddie Romero & Michael Juan Nunez (USA) First time in Europe: 'The Daiquiri Queens' as a six-piece band. Zydeco from Lake Charles with 'Rusty Metoyer & The Zydeco Krush', And Swampblues Masters Roddie Romero & Michael Juan Nunez will bring the Blues from Louisiana. Stay tuned - be patient! http://www.americancajunfestival.com/cms/index.php/en/ |
1st “Golden Keys” International Online Accordion Competitionby Heather Masefield |
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The first “Golden Keys” International Online Accordion Competition is open to accordion soloists, standard or mixed ensembles and orchestras that include at least one accordion in the instrumental composition of the ensemble. The event will be held within the framework of the Musical Feasts “Euro Folk” organised by the Euro Folklore Academy with the assistance of World Association of Folklore Festivals (WAFF) and European Association of Folklore Festivals (EAFF). The competition will include a variety of age groups in solo, ensemble and orchestra categories from under 6 years old up to over 25 years old in classes with the themes Traditional folklore and/or Processed folklore or music adapted from folklore themes. The competition jury includes Chairman Prof. Nikolay Kravtsov (Russia), Prof. Kazys Stonkus (Lithuania), Vesselin Dzhankardashliiski (Bulgaria) and Namsrai Buyanbaatar (Mongolia). Applications are now open and will be accepted until December 12th, 2020. Publication of the results will be online December 18th, 2020. Download Rules and Application Form here: 2020GoldenKeysRules.pdf For details email: office@eaff.eu |
akkordeon akut! global music festival - DEby Diatonic News |
![]() Next edition is scheduled for 2021 pls check back on the present website for exact information https://www.global-music-festival.net |
Mücke-Kurs der Hummel soll im November stattfinden! Deutschlandby Diatonic News |
13.11. - 15.11.2020 in Mücke bei Gießen Der Veranstalter schreibt: Die Hummelkurse – Wochenenden mit Musik und Tanz rund um Drehleier, Dudelsack, Diatonisches Akkordeon, Geige, Konzertina und andere Instrumente – finden zweimal jährlich statt, seit mittlerweile über 36 Jahren! Der Herbstkurs wird auch dieses Jahr als Mücke-Treffen in der Jugendherberge "Flensunger Hof" in Mücke bei Gießen stattfinden. Dort erwartet uns etwas weniger Komfort als im Wilhelm-Kempf-Haus, dafür können sich den Kurs aber auch wieder Familien und Menschen mit weniger Geld leisten... Dort wird das Konzept der Hummel mit seinen Instrumental-Workshops weiter bestehen. Es werden für jedes Instrument drei Niveaus angeboten. Im Unterschied zu den bisherigen Hummel-Kursen aber, soll hier eher das Ensemble-Spiel im Vordergrund stehen. So wird es sieben verschiedene Ensemblekurse geben, die einen mit einem Instrumenten-Schwerpunkt, die anderen ohne. Einen für Jugendliche, einen auch für Anfänger. Es sollte also für jeden etwas dabei sein - traut euch! - denn "zusammen klingt man weniger allein" Neben verschiedenen Instrumenten- und Ensemble-Kursen gibt es jede Menge Bal-Folk, Sessions, Fachsimpeln, Zuhören, einen Musikalienmarkt... Es wird in kleinen bis mittleren Gruppen unterrichtet, das Niveau wird auf den Kenntnisstand der Teilnehmer abgestimmt. Die Referenten der "Hummel" sind erfahrene Musiker und Kursleiter aus dem ganzen Bundesgebiet. Mehr auf https://bordun.de/kurse/hummelkurse |
Tejano Music Awards - USAby Diatonic News |
![]() TMA is asking all artist who submitted during this time frame to forward their confirmation email they received shortly after they submitted that verifies which category(s) they submitted for. Please forward to Admin@TejanoMusicAwards.com If you can not find your confirmation email please resubmit by clicking the link below: https://www.tejanomusicawards.com/tma-nomination-form |
XV International Folklore Festival "Griežynė", Vilnius - Lithuaniaby Christine Johnstone |
Large video takes a little time to load. The XV International Folklore Festival "Griežyne" was held in Vilnius, Lithuania last month. A variety of accordionists performed at the event. Video above shows some excerpts from the festival concerts. |
Fürstenecker Akkordeonale-Workshops - Deuschlandby Diatonic News |
![]() Bereits zum zwölften Mal geht Servais Haanen 2020 mit seinem internationalen Festival „Akkordeonale“ auf Tournee (www.akkordeonale.de). Zum zehnten Mal bietet Burg Fürsteneck in Kooperation mit ihm Workshops aus dieser wunderbaren Welt an. Geleitet werden die Workshops auch in diesem Jahr von einem großartigen Team. Jede*r Musiker*in hat einen ganz eigenen Zugang zum Akkordeon. So kommen diverse Instrumententypen der Akkordeon-Familie und unterschiedlichste musikalische Einflüsse zum Einsatz. Wer die Vielfalt der Akkordeonmusik nicht nur hören, sondern selbst spielen möchte, sollte sich diese Gelegenheit nicht entgehen lassen! Bitte geben Sie bei der Anmeldung Ihren Workshopwunsch sowie Ihre Zweitwahl an, falls Ihre erste Wahl belegt ist. Die gleichzeitige Belegung von zwei Workshops ist nicht möglich. https://www.burg-fuersteneck.de/kursprogramm/musik_und_tanz/akkordeonale_workshops/20-35201/ |
Imparare a suonare l'organetto - Italiaby Harley Jones |
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Video: Antonio Grosso performs Czardus Disponibile anche corsi ONLIN E con il Maestro Antonio Grosso puoi. Per Informazioni: tel 320 312 5600 oppure email: antoniogrossoschool@gmail.com |
Sean McComiskey Mini Online Concert for Milwaukee Irish Fest - USAby Christine Johnstone |
![]() The trio played a variety of traditional Irish music in this second episode of CelticMKE Aoibhneas Sessions. |
Video: Alessandro Gaudio and Dino Calicchia Perform Romanticoby Harley Jones |
Video: Alessandro Gaudio and Dino Calicchia Perform Romantico (Valzer) |
Future events / Concerts |
Le Vent Du Nord - Front Row Virtual Show! - Canadaby Diatonic News |
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Le Vent Du Nord - Front Row Virtual Show! Saturday, Nov 7th, 2020 1:30 AM CET Streaming on tickets.anselm.edu 46 Tuning In Experience what it's like to sit front row with one of the most-exciting Quebecois bands in the world! High Definition cameras with up close and personal shots, professional sound design for an optimum listening and viewing experince!! First 100 tickets sold will receive a ticket to a zoom call with the band immediately following the performance. VERY LIMITED! So order today! https://www.facebook.com/TheDanaCenter Le Vent du Nord - Virtual international tour - The Met in Manchester, UK Friday, Nov 6th, 2020 9:00 PM CET Live Stream 29 Tuning In Saturday, November 21st, 2020 8:30 PM CET Salle Bourgie 1339 Rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montréal, Canada 1 RSVP Non seulement considéré comme un ambassadeur francophone incomparable, Le Vent du Nord est aussi un groupe phare dans le mouvement de renaissance de la musique traditionnelle du Québec. Depuis sa fondation en 2002, il a réalisé plus de 1800 concerts sur 5 continents et a fait paraître 8 albums. Sa très forte présence scénique empreinte d’une profonde générosité est dorénavant reconnue à l’échelle mondiale ! Aujourd’hui formé des chanteurs et multi-instrumentistes Nicolas Boulerice, Simon Beaudry, Olivier Demers et Réjean Brunet et d‘André Brunet, le groupe interprète des œuvres tirées de son tout dernier opus, Territoires. Une veillée quivous fera swigner sans retenue ! https://leventdunord.com/en/dates/ |
TAG DER HARMONIKA 2021 - Internationale Ausschreibung! - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
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>>> www.harmonikaverband.at Online translation |
Danças Ocultas in November 2020 - PORTUGALby Diatonic News |
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14 NOV 20 • GOUVEIA • Teatro Cine • 21h30 • 78º Aniversário Teatro Cine 7 NOV 20 • SEIXAL https://dancasocultas.com/agenda/ |
1. CYRILL-DEMIAN-PREIS AUSTRIA - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
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>>> www.harmonikaverband.at |
Lidia Kaminska Performs with Heartland Festival Orchestra - USAby Rita Davidson Barnea |
![]() “Four Seasons of Buenos Aires” {Las Cuatro Estacionies Portnas) by Astor Piazzolla was arranged by Leonid Desyatnikov. the solo part was adapted by Lidia Kaminsky who was the bandoneon soloist. I.Primavera Porteña (Spring) – Allegro II. Otoño Porteño (Autumn) – quarter note = 112 III. Invierno Porteño (Winter) – Andante moderato IV. Verano Porteño (Summer) – Allegro Accordionist Lidia Kaminska, the winner of Astral Artistic Services’ 2007 National Auditions, has performed extensively in both the U.S. and Europe. Ms. Kaminska’s chamber music, concerto, and solo performances explore the complex and expressive range of the accordion as a classical instrument, and her repertoire includes a broad range of classical, contemporary, and avant-garde music. She conceived her first album, "Breaking Boundaries", as part of her mission to change the perception of the accordion from parlor entertainment to a serious classical instrument; Philadelphia Magazine claims “she transforms the accordion into a massive force – more pipe organ than squeezebox – and burns through [classical repertoire] with virtuosic speed and technique.” Ms.Kaminska began playing the accordion at the age of eight. By eleven she was competing in International competitions in Bulgaria and Germany, and just a year later gave solo performances in Holland, Austria, and Germany, as well as in her native Poland. Upon receiving a Master’s degree from the Chopin Academy of Music in Warsaw, she came to the U.S. to study at the University of Missouri in Kansas City (UMKC) studying with Joan C. Sommers, and at 25 she became the first person in the U.S. to receive a Doctorate in Accordion Performance. The recipient of a 2009 Career Advancement Award from the Musical Fund Society of Philadelphia, Ms. Kaminska also received First Prize in the 2002 Accordion Teachers Guild, International (ATG) Competition in Orlando, Florida, the Special Prize in New York City’s International Tango Music Competition, with the Argentine tango ensemble Tango Lorca and Second Prize at the 2007 Coupe Mondiale International Competition for Ensemble Music. She has researched and performed the works of Astor Piazzolla extensively. Also possessing a special interest in new music, Ms. Kaminska has premièred works by Julia Alford Fowler and Paul Rudy and has appeared with the contemporary music ensembles New Ear and Musica Nova. She has also performed with both the Owen/Cox Dance Group and at the world première of BalletX; she went on to collaborate with Mathew Neenan of BalletX, and with dancer/choreographer Jorge Laico, for Pennsylvania Dance Theatre. Ms. Kaminska performed in a concert entitled “From My Latin Soul,” with legendary tenor Plácido Domingo in Washington, D.C.’s Constitution Hall. Symphony in C featured her in a sold-out performance as soloist in Piazzolla’s Aconcagua concerto for bandoneón, and she recently made a return appearance at the Symphony. She has also been a featured soloist with the Delaware Symphony Orchestra, the Brooklyn Friends of Chamber Music, the Kielce Philharmonic Orchestra of Poland, the Strings of Lodz, the Concord Chamber Orchestra, the North Arkansas Symphony Orchestra, and the Kansas City Chamber Orchestra. She has also been presented at Philadelphia’s Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts. Philadelphia Magazine featured her in its 2006 “Best of Philly” issue, and her interview with Marty Moss-Coane was recently broadcast on WHYY and NPR. The Heartland Festival Orchestra is a versatile and innovative orchestra composed of the finest professional musicians Central Illinois has to offer. Their concerts are presented in a variety of locations, and each one benefits a charity partner doing great work for our community.The Mission of the Heartland Festival Orchestra is to serve the extended community of Central Illinois with a unique level of musical excellence, innovation, imagination, and outreach. Recruiting the finest among the region's professional musicians, our performances vary in musical styles and periods, ensemble type and size, and venue. Our concerts challenge the stereotypes of classical music performance, inviting audiences to participate in an informal, spontaneous, and interactive experience. The HFO is fundamentally committed to balancing artistic, educational, and financial goals in a way which respects the differing expertise, roles, and responsibilities of its partners: Artistic Director, Musicians, Board, Staff, Sponsors, and Concertgoers. We are committed to seeking out partners among local and regional charitable organizations in order that they may share in both outreach and financial benefit from our concerts. For further information on the Heartland Festival Orchestra: info@heartlandfestivalorchestra.org For further information on Lidia Kaminska: lidiak@lidiakaminska.com |
2020 Herbstmesse Bozen - Italienby Diatonic News |
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Die traditionelle Herbstmesse findet dieses Jahr vom 05/11 - 08/11/2020 von 09:30 - 18:30 Uhr und zwar in digitaler Form. Die Messe berichtet: FieraMesse startet wieder, seien Sie dabei Wenn wir in dieses Jahr eines gelernt haben, dann, dass die persönliche Begegnung durch keine Videokonferenz ersetzt werden kann. Der Wunsch unserer Aussteller, Besucher und Partner, einander persönlich zu sehen, ist so stark wie eh und je. Um wieder in voller Sicherheit starten zu können, setzen wir auf Maßnahmen, die sich so eng wie möglich an die gesetzlichen Vorgaben halten. Uns ist bewusst, dass die diesjährigen Herbstmessen und Events, von Hotel über die Herbstmesse bis zum Interpoma Congress,eine Herausforderung darstellen. Wir glauben jedoch, dass es gerade jetzt wichtig ist, ein Zeichen der Zuversicht zu setzen. Denn wie ein chinesisches Sprichwort schon sagt: “Wenn der Wind der Veränderung weht, bauen die einen Mauern und die anderen Windmühlen.” Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Windmühlen bauen und den Wandel mutig gemeinsam angehen! Fiera Bolzano Spa Piazza Fiera 1 — 39100 Bolzano BZ Tel. +39 0471 516000 Fax. +39 0471 516111 info@fierabolzano.it fieramesse.bz@pec.it Info für alle Harmonika Liebhaber: um die bekannten MÜLLER Instrumente zu sehen, hören und probieren besuchen Sie Firma in Bad St.Leonhard . Info: www.harmonika.at |
2021 AAA Elsie M. Bennett Composition Competition for Aspiring Composersby Harley Jones |
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![]() Entry closing date: January 10, 2021 International entrants can use the AAA Shopping basket to pay the entry fee and send the entry form information by email. Winners will be notified about January 30, 2021. Winners are invited and encouraged to perform their compositions at the 2021 AAA Festival in West Philadelphia, PA. Details at: AAA |
Pro Juventute Charity mit der Meissnitzer Band - Austriaby Diatonic News |
![]() Beginn: Wednesday, 11 November 2020 um 17:00 Uhr Ende: Wednesday, 11 November 2020 um 23:00 Uhr Location: A-5020 Salzburg https://www.meissnitzerband.com/termine/event/show/pro-juventute-charity.html |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
cD "c'est pas Banane" Bargainatt - FR/BEby Diatonic News |
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![]() Le groupe fait ses premiers pas sur les marchés de l'Hérault et du Gard au début du printemps. Avec un chapeau et plein d'envie, c'est dans la rue que se déroulent les premières répétitions et que les musiciens font leurs armes. De cette riche expérience naît le nom du groupe. Tiré des mots anglais "Bargain" (marché) et "Hat" (chapeau). En mai 2016 lors du "bal des pas amoureux" à Avignon, le groupe découvre le monde du bal, et s'en passionne, pour ne plus jamais le quitter. De gauche à droite Camille STIMBRE, Violon Youmi BAZOGE, Violon et Chant Noé BAZOGE, Violoncelle Léon OLLIVIER, Accordéon Diatonique http://www.bargainatt.com/ |
“Die Hosenstricker” Duo Compete in Radio Kärnten Musiparade - Austriaby Harley Jones |
“Die Hosenstricker” Duo from Lavant Valley in Austria are currently competing in the Radio Kärnten Musiparade. Listeners vote for the best soloist or group and each week the performers receiving the highest votes progress to the next round. The video above is their latest song entered in the competition. The duo includes Thomas Koller (Styrian harmonica) and Stephan Schriefl (guitar). They enjoy playing a mix of folk music and pop to entertain their audience. |
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Video: MORAND CAJUN BAND "Teaser" MCB Nouvel Album "Paradis Cajun"by Harley Jones |
Album disponible ici : https://www.albumtrad.com/fr/morand-c... Extraits musicaux de ce dernier album des MCB avec Lucille de Clifton Chenier, When i'am Up (Roger Morand), et Ho Why (Roger Morand) Voici le 4ème album des MCB (Morand Cajun Band), avec toujours Roger Morand à la manœuvre (mélodéon, chant et chœurs), Jean-Marie Ferrat (guitare, basse, chœurs et prise de son), Patrick Plouchart (violon, chant et chœurs) et Michel Droz (washboard, ti’fer, caisse claire). Après les 3 premiers opus, on a ici une boucle presque bouclée dans la visite des styles musicaux de la musique Cajun & Zydeco, en réalisant avec « Paradis Cajun », une belle quadrilogie musicale cohérente. Toujours partisans de la diversité, la gang des MCB ont ici fait un choix musical pas banal, en reprenant à la « sauces cajun », quelques perles musicales « Rock » des années 60/70, mais aussi de gros succès Cajun & Zydeco complètement revisités, sans oublier quelques bon vieux trad’, un détour par la Colombie (Aye Cosita Linda) et 3 compositions de Roger. « Original » pourrait-on dire de ce nouvel album, mais aussi toujours ancré dans les racines profondes, comme celles des Cyprès chauves plongeant dans les marécages des bayous du sud de cette Louisiane. Il vous transportera vers les « Paradis Cajun », paradis artificiels ou naturels, tant recherchés, mais jamais encore retrouvé … Alors, venez les découvrir sur leur nouvel album ? … Bon voyage musical ! * Vidéo tournée en public en mars 2019 ! par Axel Zord .. merci à lui ! |
video „KNALLROT“ mit Marc Pircher - Austriaby Diatonic News |
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Das neue Video und "Gute Laune Song - KNALLROT“ ist zum Anschaun und ist ein Vorgeschmack aus dem neuen Album von Marc Pircher. Er ist am Sa 21.11.2020 20:00 Uhr "9. Volkstümliches Schlagerfestival Gais" (Solo) CH-9056 Gais/Appenzell (Schweiz), Dreifachturnhalle https://www.marcpircher.at/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVxUNdH8Qwg&feature=youtu.be |
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