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2.-5. Juni: 180 Teilnehmer bei der Harmonika-WM in Inzell ! - Austria/Germanyby Werner Weibert |
![]() ![]() in der neu erbauten MAX AICHER ARENA machen! Der Zeitplan: Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2011: Anreise der Kandidaten, ab 20 Uhr präsentiert sich das bekannte und beliebte HERBERT-PIXNER-TRIO beim „Abend des Kennenlernens“. Freitag, 3. Juni: 8:30-17:30 Internationaler Wettbewerb = Harmonika-WM mit Teilnehmern aus 6 Ländern in 3 Kategorien (Junioren, Weltmeisterklasse und Senioren). 13-17 Uhr Bayerischer Wettbewerb in 8 Kategorien. Am Abend großes Konzert INZELL WIE ES SINGT UND KLINGT, und 4 der besten Harmonikaspieler – die früheren Weltmeister Hermann Huber, Denis Novato, Robert Goter und 2009-Gewinner Michael Rettig – zeigen ihr begeisterndes Können! Samstag, 4. Juni: 8:30-14:30 Österreichischer Wettbewerb in 9 Kategorien. Um 17 Uhr findet das KONZERT DER SIEGER im Rahmen der großen Preisverleihung für alle Wettbewerbe statt. Sonntag, 5. Juni vormittag geht der größte Harmonika-Event Europas zu Ende. Versäumen Sie nicht die besten Harmonikaspieler! Lassen Sie sich dieses musikalische Erlebnis nicht entgehen! Die Gemeinde Inzell/Oberbayern, die Musikschule Inzell und der Harmonikaverband Österreichs freuen sich auf Ihr Kommen! >>>> www.harmonikaverband.at und www.inzell.de Werner Weibert Präsident HVÖ Online translation ! |
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Ab 30. Mai im Tal der Musik ! - Österreichby Werner Weibert |
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TV/ARD - Die "Trenkwalder"- Deutschlandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Wann: 22.05.2011: ARD, 10:00 Uhr Trenkwalder Immer wieder Sonntags Seit mittlerweile fast 20 Jahren begeistert die vierköpfige Band rund um den charismatischen Sänger und musikalischen Kopf Hubert Trenkwalder ihre Fans mit moderner und poporientierter Volksmusik. Sie gehören zweifelsohne zu den beliebtesten Live-Acts aus Tirol, die "Trenkwalder" vom beschaulichen Mieminger Plateau. Ein junges, frisches Quartett von großartigen Musikern, die ihre Liebe zur Heimat und zur Volksmusik mit rockigem Schwung und der charmanten Wildheit der Tiroler Bergwelt weit über die Grenzen des Alpenlandes hinaustragen. Mehr Info auf |
TV / 19° Alpen Grand Prix - Austria/Deutschland/Schweizby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Vorentscheidungen 2011 Südtirol in Vorbereitung Slowenien in Vorbereitung In Österreich/ Lienz am Samstag 14.Mai 2011 In Deutschland/ Vilshofen am Samstag 21.Mai 2011 In der Schweiz/Samnaun am Samstag 25.Juni 2011 19° Alpen Grand Prix Finale in Südtirol / Meran Donnerstag 13.Oktober 2011- Schlager Freitag 14.Oktober 2011-Volksmusik |
TV/MEI LIABSTE WEIS MIT FRANZ POSCH - Austriaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() MEI LIABSTE WEIS MIT FRANZ POSCH am 21. Mai 2011 um 20.15 Uhr in ORF 2 Einzige Livesendung im deutschsprachigen Raum! |
Button Accordionist Whelan Thinks of Others First - USAby Earl Hitchner Irish Echo online |
![]() Like other Irish music critics, I get a steady stream of postal mail and e-mails notifying me about various upcoming benefit concerts. I have always admired the generosity and self-sacrifice of those who organize such events for eminently worthy causes. Where government or other bureaucracies can’t or won’t help, the Irish American community fills the breach. But my admiration for those behind the scene extends equally to those in front of the scene — namely, the musicians who perform for free on stage. A brilliant button accordionist and composer, 51-year-old John Whelan thinks first of others before thinking of himself. He has performed for countless benefit or other special concerts. Call John, and he’s there. He was one of the first musicians contacted for “A Concert for the Ages,” the Nov. 13, 2010, all-star evening celebrating the life and music of 80-year-old virtuoso Joe Derrane and benefiting the not-for-profit Shamrock Traditional Irish Music Society in Fairfield, Conn. John said yes instantly, even though he was already committed to doing a mid-afternoon concert in Tarrytown, N.Y., with Kerry singer and guitarist Tommy O’Sullivan. The two were on a U.S. tour that had been mapped out for months. John, with Tommy’s ready approval, juggled the itinerary so that he and Tommy could perform gratis that Saturday night, the most lucrative time of the week for any musician on tour. He didn’t hesitate. He did both concerts on Nov. 13. I’ve known John Whelan since the early 1980s when he was living in Kearny, N.J., and I was living in nearby Lyndhurst, N.J. We met when I asked him to participate in a benefit concert for a small, nondescript radio station where I had a Saturday afternoon program devoted to Irish and other Celtic traditional music. Again, without hesitation, John said yes, and then he brought a band with him to perform for free, including Straide, Mayo, fiddle and whistle player Sean Smyth, currently a member of Lunasa. They were a hit, and subsequent appearances by John on my radio show were always highlights for my listeners. John Whelan connects with an audience in a way some musicians can’t. I recall a member of Kips Bay, a band John performed in, telling me this: “If I’m on stage and I start clapping my hands to get the crowd involved, nothing. John claps his hands, and the whole house claps with him. He even gets them to follow him in the aisles while he’s playing.” It’s easy to take a musician like John Whelan for granted, however. His largesse and largeness of heart can blur just how talented a musician he is. Born near London to a Wexford father and Tipperary mother, John Whelan has won seven All-Ireland button accordion titles, including the prestigious senior championship in 1983, and six All-Britain titles. In 1974 he recorded his solo album debut, “Pride of Wexford,” cutting 18 tracks (16 were used) in eight hours in one day. John did this at age 14. He immigrated to the U.S. in 1980 and has been living here ever since. John, his wife Louise, and their two sons, Denis (a freshman at Villanova U.) and Emmett, reside in Milford, Conn., where John founded a Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann branch. With glowing praise I could describe the 1987 album he made with “Riverdance” fiddle star Eileen Ivers, “Fresh Takes,” or his second solo CD in 1990, “From the Heart,” or any of the many other recordings he’s made or guested on. His button accordion playing throughout is never less than stellar. But his own compositions deserve renewed critical and public attention. When I first heard “Trip to Skye,” one of three tunes he wrote and recorded on “Fresh Takes,” I was stunned by how magnificently it evoked the inspiration for it: his 1985 visit to the scenic Isle of Skye. Not surprisingly, John’s tune has been covered since then by the Breton band Skolvan and by hammer dulcimer player Jim Fyhrie, used in the HBO series “Sex and the City,” and set to lyrics by the group MaterDea, who then renamed it “Another Trip to Skye.” Other drop-dead gorgeous or riveting lively tunes composed by John Whelan include “Louise” (named for his wife and used in the routine of Canadian ice-dancers Shae-Lynne Bourne and Victor Kraatz at the 1998 Winter Olympics), “My Ballingarry Lady” (named for his mother and used in Pat Mullins’s “From Shore to Shore” documentary), “Song for Hillary” (named for the daughter of a Connecticut acquaintance and also heard on “Sex and the City”), “Ian’s Return to Ireland” (named for Ian Carney, his student who won an All-Ireland title in 1987, and recorded by Girsa on their debut CD), “Desaunay” (named for French accordionist Serge Desaunay and recorded by the Brock-McGuire Band), and “Bob’s Garden of Earthly Delights” (named for his father-in-law). Titling so many of his tunes for people reflects John Whelan’s disposition toward family, friends, and others close to him. What better gift can a musician give than dedicating his own compositions to the people he cares about? Dwelling on John’s TV and film credits — he appears on camera in three movies, including “Ride with the Devil” in 1999 and “Gods and Generals” in 2003 — might be a splashier approach to touting his achievements. I could also cite his 1998 Traditional Artist of the Year accolade, the highest bestowed by the Irish Echo on a traditional performer, or his Billboard chart success with a number of his subsequent solo albums. But in the end, it’s his personality, seeping into his music, that matters most. Around two o’clock on a Saturday morning many years ago, after John had played a triumphant concert in Manhattan, he and I were chatting in a noisy, crowded midtown pub. Sitting at the bar and looking distraught was a man nursing a beer. His head was tilted downward, and he rubbed the rim of the beer glass with his thumb in slow circles. Seeing this, John reached down for his button accordion case, took out his box, walked up to the man, and played some tunes for him. At first he was startled, as were several other pub patrons, but then the man broke into a smile while John played. Whatever weight was on that man’s mind began to lift. Everyone in the pub applauded, including him. John resumed his conversation with me as if nothing happened. I have never forgotten that moment, though I am sure John has. I know when he reads about it here, he’ll scratch his head. When it’s part of your nature, your DNA, your life outlook and core values, such gestures never stick out — except to those uplifted by them. |
LONDON TANGO MARATHON - UKby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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LA MILONGA DE LA LUNA "The Brightest of Tango Nights in London" Brings you a very special "'Après Marathon" party: The First International LONDON TANGO MARATHON, to take place 6th-8th May, will welcome 200 dancers from all over Europe. Not everyone is after so much dancing but most tangueros will certainly enjoy La Milonga de La Luna "Apres Marathon" party, an event open to all. The Glasshouse by Regents Canal, in the heart of Camden Town Sunday 8th May 8:00-9:30pm Tango lesson by DAVID & KIM BENITEZ 9:00-1:00am Milonga: Guest Dj TBC |
Diatonic, Accordion Manufacturer Paolo Soprani Transferred to Pasco Italia - Italyby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() ![]() Fausto Fabi (pictures below) is responsible for sales and marketing. Paolo Soprani has transferred to Pasco Italia where there is a great determination to re-vitalize the foundation brand of the Italian accordion industry. In fact, in 2 years time, Paolo Soprani will celebrate its 150th anniversary so there will be a great deal of activity leading up to this historic moment. Existing models will be refreshed and new models will be introduced to reflect youth, fun and above all – the Italian accordion heritage. Pasco Italia has moved into a new facility in Castelfidardo at Via Aldo Moro with a new email: paolosoprani@pascoita.com “ |
Firefighters Save Concertinas from Blaze - USAby Harley Jones |
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In New Ulm, Minnesota, 22 April, firefighters were able to save a piece of musical history from a burning home. Firemen were called early Friday to the former home of the late Christy Hengel. Christy Hengel is reported to be one of the last people to build concertinas in the USA. Hengel had his concertina shop there as well as an extensive collection of concertinas. New Ulm Fire Chief Paul Macho told the news media that firefighters retrieved "well over one hundred" concertinas from the basement. At first, firefighters didn't know the concertinas were inside until the owner arrived. The fire chief says the concertinas were saved before there was too much water damage. The home's residents reported having electrical issues Thursday night, but firefighters don't know the cause of the fire yet. Fortunately, no one was hurt. Dodie Wendinger, executive director of the Minnesota Music Hall of Fame in New Ulm, said virtually all the instruments were removed from the basement, though some received heavy damage. Hengel, former owner of the home who died in 2007, was a legend in the concertina world and widely known for his craftsmanship and the “industry standard” sounds his instruments produced. Some of his older concertinas have sold for thousands of dollars, and the Minnesota Historical Society placed one of them in its museum in 2000. |
Roland Announces Digital Diatonic Competition at the 2010 Roland U.S. V-Accordion Festival - USAby Harley Jones |
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Steven Albini, V-Accordion Product Manager, Roland Corporation U.S. announced that there will be a Diatonic (age 18 and older) category competition as part of the Roland-USA 2011 V-Accordion Festival. This is a first and co-incides with the introduction of the Roland FR-18 diatonic accordion earlier this year. Other digital accordion competition categories are: Senior (age 18 and older), Junior (age 17 and younger). The 2011 Roland-USA V-Accordion Festival finals will be on July 29, 2011 during the 71st Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) Festival in Orlando, Florida at the Renaissance Orlando Airport Hotel, 5445 Forbes Place, Orlando, Florida. For competition rules and entry form visit: www.rolandus.com/go/v-accordion_festival/ For further information contact Steven Albini: Email: steven.albini@rolandus.com |
Festivals, Competitions, Masterclasses/Seminars/Stages, Reports etc. |
7° Festival dell'Adriatico/Organetto - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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OFFIDA (AP) 15 MAGGIO 2011 Info/Email: roncogia@libero.it 328.0193689 |
6ª FESTA DELLA FISARMONICA “Notou Sounadour” – Piemonte/Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Info: info@danilodipaolonicola.com |
17. Fürstenecker Folkwerkstatt - Deutschlandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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23. Juni (Fronleichnam) bis 26. Juni 2011 Diatonisches Akkordeon für Anfänger/innen mit Vorkenntnissen Oliver Stoffregen auf Anfrage auch mit Leihinstrument (Gebühr: 25 €) Der Kurs richtet sich an Akkordeonspieler, die zumindest mit den Grundfertigkeiten des diatonischen Instruments vertraut sind. Neben einer Festigung der Grundlagen werden Techniken zur Bearbeitung einfachster Stücke vermittelt: Melodieverzierungen, Balgarbeit und Begleitmöglichkeiten mit den Bässen. Die Stücke werden in Noten und Tabulatur ausgeteilt, es wird jedoch auch das im Folkbereich traditionelle Erlernen der Melodie nach Gehör geübt. Oliver Stoffregen, Darmstadt, Dipl.Sozialpäd., Musiker u.a. bei "Dudlhupf" und den "FrontStreetBoys". Betreibt das Akkordeon-Fachgeschäft "Diatonie" in Darmstadt. Langjährige Unterrichtserfahrung besitzt er aus zahlreichen Workshops. Diatonisches Akkordeon für Fortgeschrittene Jan Budweis Einfache Tanzmelodien sind oft kurz und leben durch ständige Wiederholungen. Um sie beim Aufspielen zum Tanz abwechslungsreich und spannend zu gestalten, gibt es viele Möglichkeiten, die wir in diesem Kurs erlernen wollen: z.B. rhythmische Gestaltungsvarianten der rechten und linken Hand, das Akkordspiel auf der Diskantseite und Phrasierungs- und Verzierungstechniken. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist das Erarbeiten von Variationen bis hin zu kleinen Improvisationen. Ziel des Kurses ist, dass die Teilnehmer mit den erlernten Fertigkeiten kreativ und spielerisch umgehen können, wobei sich jede/r entsprechend seiner individuellen Möglichkeiten in das Zusammenspiel integrieren kann. Jan Budweis, Berlin, Musiker und Instrumentenbauer, Studium in Rotterdam, spielt z.Z. Bandoneon bei "Sabor a Tango" und diatonisches Akkordeon bei "Budweis-Wunderlich-Jach". Burg Fürsteneck, Am Schlossgarten 3, 36132 Eiterfeld, Tel: 06672/92020,www.burg-fuersteneck.de e-mail: bildung@burg-fuersteneck.de |
Dutch BalkanBlues Contest - Hollandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Dutch BalkanBlues Contest Zaterdag 28 mei 2011 - Toegang gratis Interpolistuin, Spoorlaan 298 Tilburg 15.00 - 21.00 uur - Tuin open: 14.00 uur Nederland barst van de bandjes die zich oriënteren op of laten inspireren door gipsy-muziek uit de Balkan. Vooral de directheid, de openheid, de vrolijkheid en de melancholie ervan spreken aan: onderdelen die wezenlijk zijn voor de blues van de Balkan. Nòg een wezenskenmerk: de muziek is hoofdzakelijk akoestisch en komt daardoor direct binnen. Dat verklaart het grote speelplezier bij de muzikanten en de lol bij de luisteraar. Voorwaarden te over om eens een selectie van groepen uit te nodigen en dan ook nog eens om deel te nemen aan een ware contest! Professionele luisteraars gaan de kwaliteiten beoordelen op originaliteit, muzikaliteit, presentatie en meer en er zijn toepasselijke awards te winnen. Ter vergroting van de feestvreugde: omdat het festival vijftien jaar bestaat is de toegang deze dag gratis! PODIUM I 15.00 'Over de Balk' 16.40 Kasha Nasha 18.20 Kalio Gayo 0.00 Afsluiting: Marius Preda's Unknown Allstars 21.00 Uitslag contest PODIUM II 15.50 L'Chaim 17.30 Branko Galoic & Skakavac Orkestar 19.10 Amariszi VELD 15.30 De Coup 16.30 Waarschuwing voor de Scheepvaart 17.30 De Coup 18.30 Waarschuwing voor de Scheepvaart Info http://www.gipsyfestival.nl or info@gipsyfestival.nl |
Bayou n’ Boogie Festival - USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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4th Annual Bayou n’ Boogie Festival May 29th and 30th, 2010 The Bayou n' Boogie festival takes place rain or shine with two huge covered pavilions with large wooden dance floors!! Indoor & outdoor stages for continuous music. This is a rare opportunity interact with some of the masters in a small, intimate setting. Featured Workshops this year will be Fiddle, Accordion & Guitar. B & B will also provide beginners & advanced Cajun/Zydeco and Western Swin Festival Hours Friday 5:00 pm - 11 pm Saturday 10:30 am - 11 pm Sunday 10:30 am -11 pm ON 3 STAGES OF ENTERTAINMENT THIS STAGE featuring Curley Taylor & Zydeco Trouble, Rosie Ledet, the Zydeco Sweetheart, Dennis Stroughmatt & Creole Stomp, Corey Ledet & His Zydeco Band, Jesse Lege’ & Bayou Brew, Cajun Hobos plus many others THAT STAGE featuring: Sonny Landreth & the Goners, Bonerama, Johnny Nicholas & Hellbent, Big Sandy & the Flyrite Boys, Paul Cebar & Tomorrow’s Sounds, The Lustre Kings, Superchief Trio, Tim Taylor’s Blues Band plus more to come... WORKSHOP STAGEDance and music workshops on both Saturday and Sunday- Information: Bayou n' Boogie Fest is a Sals Lagniappe Production Joe Giocastro • Sals Productions 401-467-9856 67 Chestnut Ave, Cranston, RI http://www.bayounboogiefest.com/ e-mail joe@bayounboogiefest.com |
19° Trofeo "Città d'Ascoli Piceno" - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Sabato 14 e domenica 15 maggio si svolgerà ad Ascoli Piceno, presso il teatro Palafolli, la diciannovesima edizione del concorso dedicato a giovani cantanti e strumentisti di tastiera, chitarra, basso elettrico, batteria, fisarmonica, organetto e gruppi di musica d'insieme. PROGRAMMA La novità di questa edizione è la possibilità di iscriversi on line attraverso le form che trovate sul sito http://www.centrostudimusicamoderna.it/trofeo-2011.html. Per info contattare la segreteria via e-mail (info@centrostudimusicamoderna.it) oppure telefonare ai nn. 0736.342224 o 347.3909968. |
Zydecozity Festival - Hollandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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19th edition which will take place on the 20th, 21st and 22nd of May 2011. Festival location : Corner of Kloosterweg and Wilhelminalaan, next to the sportfields Raamsdonksveer Every Year many C&Z artists from both Inland and Abroad are participating. The Line-up 2011 – check out on the image http://www.zydecozity.com or e-mail info@zydecozity.nl |
ACQUAVIVA COLLE CROCE, LARINO (CB) - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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1 MAGGIO 2011 |
Roland Remembers Benny Layton, Los Angeles - USAby Steven Albini, Roland Corporation U.S. |
![]() A lifelong accordion player and music enthusiast, Benny came to work with Roland-USA in 2010 as a V-Accordion product specialist after a career of devoted public service in his local Texas communities of Edcouch and Elsa, where he was regarded among residents with their highest respect and admiration. In his community, Benny served as a music educator, a municipal court judge, and as president of the Edcouch-Elsa school board. Over the years, he taught hundreds of students, and his impact on their lives has been immeasurable. In 1990, Benny instituted a school conjunto music program in order to preserve and pass on the traditional music he grew up with. In 2000, this program became part of the annual Smithsonian Folklife Festival. Benny was also highly respected in Texas’ Tejano music community. In May of this year, he will be inducted into the Texas Conjunto Music Hall of Fame during the Tejano Conjunto Festival in San Antonio. “Benny was a fine musician, but even more, he was a great person,” said Chris Halon, Director of Product Management for Roland-USA. “He and his group were a highlight of our Roland-USA exhibit at the 2011 Winter NAMM Show. Benny was truly an amazing man and he will be so dearly missed.” The Layton family has asked for privacy during this difficult time. |
15e International Gipsy Festival 2011 - Hollandby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
![]() Interpolistuin, Spoorlaan 298 Tilburg 13.30 - 21.00 uur - Tuin open: 12.30 uur ENTREE -- Orkestar Braka Kadrievi (MK) PODIUM I 13.30 Koninklijk Zigeunerorkest Roma Mirando (NL) 15.30 The Original Nadara Gipsy Wedding Band (RO) 17.30 Fatima Spar and the Freedom Fries (AT) 19.30 Balkan Brass Battle (SE/RO) PODIUM II 14.30 NO Blues feat. Vasile Nedea (NL/RO) 16.30 Kálmán Balogh & the Gipsy Cimbalom Band (HU) 18.30 Maurice Leenaars & Flamencos de Malaga (NL/ES) VELD 14.30 Gadjo Joe & marionettist (BE) 15.30 Orkestar Braka Kadrievi (MK) 16.30 Gadjo Joe & marionettist (BE) 17.30 Orkestar Braka Kadrievi (MK) 18.30 Gadjo Joe & marionettist (BE) Information: http://www.gipsyfestival.nl or info@gipsyfestival.nl |
45th National Polka Festival - Texas/USAby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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45th Annual National Polka Festival May 27-29, 2011 Ennis, TX The National Polka Festival® in Ennis, Texas invites everyone to come help celebrate forty-five wonderful years of Czech heritage festivities Friday through Sunday, May 27-29, 2011. Held annually on Memorial Day Weekend, the National Polka Festival® offers an abundance of activities to be enjoyed by the entire family in a small city atmosphere. The festival kicks off with an opening dance Friday at 7:00 pm, featuring polka music and the King and Queen Dance Contest, where articipants and non-participants are encouraged to wear traditional Czech kroj (costumes). At 10:00 on Saturday morning, floats, bands, and colorful costumes will kick-off the downtown festivities. The parade traditionally includes something for visitors of all ages. Enjoy the music of our polka bands riding on decorated floats or the sounds of our award winning Ennis High School Marching Band. The Shriners make their annual appearance, as well as celebrities, Enjoy a weekend of polka dancing, Czech foods, and 13 sensational LIVE polka bands including Grammy Award winning Brave Combo. …join…. http://www.nationalpolkafestival.com/ e-mail: director@nationalpolkafestival.com |
1° Festival del Tirreno/Scalea (CS) - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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SCALEA (CS) 7 MAGGIO 2011 1° FESTIVAL DEL TIRRENO - gara di organetto presso Hotel Santa Caterina Per info e prenotazioni: 328.4688999 - 320.3747815 |
BeauSoleil with Michael Doucet in Concert, Louisiana – USAby Rob Howard |
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On Sunday April 10th, the cajun band BeauSoleil with Michael Doucet performed at Gonzales Music, Jambalaya Park, Gonzales, near Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The band line up includes Michael Doucet - violin, guitar, accordion, mandolin, vocals, David Doucet - guitar, vocals, Jimmy Breaux – accordion, Billy Ware – percussion, Mitch Reed - fiddle, bass, and Tommy Alesi – drums. |
Future events / Concerts |
DANÇAS OCULTAS in May - Portugalby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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After their brilliant Womex showcase in Copenhagen last october the four Portuguese accordion wizards will be back in Central Europe. 25.05.11 Bregenz (A), Seelax Festival 26.05.11 Zug (CH), Theater Casino 27.05.11 Budapest (H), Palace of Arts 28.05.11 Bad Schallerbach (A), Musiksommer 29.05.11 Lafnitz (A), Pro Cultura Info: www.dancasocultas.com Click here for the Copenhagen video. Not to be missed! |
« DUO MONTANARO CAVEZ» a Bruxelles - Belgiqueby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Bruxelles - Théâtre des Martyrs Place des Martyrs Un accordéon diatonique et un violon. Un voyage jazzy entre des vents du Nord et des sons de l'Est. Une émotion parfois improvisée, parfois libre, douce ou tendue... Une musique sans frontières, sans nom, libre. Un Castagnari 3 rangs 18 basses en noyer, en sol do et accord demi-swing pour l'une. Une influence musicale par son célèbre père, picturale par sa mère, une âme de dessinateur de BD et de poète pour l'autre... Secouez ces raisons d'être et laissez reposer. Il ne faut pas longtemps au diatonique de Sophie et au violon de Baltazar pour produire de belles étincelles dans la plus grande décontraction et avec un naturel déconcertant. Ils impressionnent par leur écoute, leur générosité et leur savoir-faire. Cavez/Montanaro est un duo de musiciens connu et apprécié pour sa musicalité. Ensemble, Sophie Cavez et Baltazar Montanaro sont plus expressifs encore, ils évoluent avec un respect, une complicité et une fraîcheur rares. Les concerts se donnent toujours dans la Grande Salle http://www.theatredesmartyrs.be/spectacles.html |
Roland Announces Danilo Di Paolonicola Featured at 2010 Roland U.S. V-Accordion Festival - USAby Harley Jones |
![]() The Roland-USA 2011 V-Accordion Festival information is now online. The 2011 Roland U.S. V-Accordion Festival finals will be on July 29, 2011 during the 71st Accordionists & Teachers Guild, International (ATG) Festival in Orlando, Florida at the Renaissance Orlando Airport Hotel, 5445 Forbes Place, Orlando, Florida. Danilo Di Paolonicola, seven-time diatonic accordion champion, will be a very exciting addition to the event in Florida. |
Big Squeeze Accordion Contest Semi-Finalists Announced, Houston – USAby Rob Howard |
![]() The semi-finals take place in Austin on Saturday April 30th, 2.30pm, at the Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum, and will open Austin Latino Music Month. Up to four finalists will be selected to compete at the Houston’s Miller Outdoor Theatre, 22nd annual Accordion Kings & Queens Festival, on June 4th. The afternoon will be filled with music, headlined by accordionist Debra Peters & The Love Saints. Also performing will be Keyun and the Zydeco Masters, featuring Keyun Dickson, last year’s Big Squeeze winner. Rounding out the afternoon’s program will be Conjunto Rio Jordan with Esteban Jr. & Ricardo Jordan, continuing their father Esteben ‘Steve’ Jordan’s legacy, often referred to as “the Jimi Hendrix of the accordion” as well as ‘accordion wizard’. The Big Squeeze contest, organized by Texas Folklife, is open to Texas accordionists, 21 years of age and younger, and open to all genres of accordion-based music, including Cajun; German, Czech, Polish, Tejano, Conjunto, and Norteño, Western, and Zydeco. The Big Squeeze 2011 grand-prize-winner will receive a prize package valued at $4500, including a $1,000 cash prize, a brand new Hohner accordion and recording time at the historic Hacienda Records in Corpus Christi, as well as promotional support from SugarHill Records, Hohner, Inc., Hacienda Records and Texas Folklife, and other professional opportunities. For further information email Cristina Balli, Program Director: cballi@texasfolklife.org |
Dervish on Tour – UK, France, Ireland, USAby Rob Howard |
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The popular Irish traditional band Dervish, from Sligo, Republic of Ireland, have embarked on an international tour, with dates as follows: Based in Sligo, Dervish feature Shane Mitchell on accordion. Fronted as ever by vocalist Cathy Jordan, Dervish’s line up also includes bouzouki, mandola, flute, bodhran and fiddle. April 24th - Gosport & Fareham Easter Festival, Hampshire, England April 27th – Abergavenny, Wales April 28th - Galeri Caernarfon, Caernarfon April 29th – Guildhall, Lichfield, England April 30th - Bristol Folk Festival May 1st - The Stables, Wavendon, Milton Keynes May 4th - Lakeside Arts Centre, Nottingham May 5th - Maidment Theatre, Shrewsbury May 6th, 7.45pm - Waterside Arts Centre, Sale, near Manchester May 7th - Gulbenkian Theatre, Canterbury May 26th - Festival Violon et Chant du Monde, Calais, France May 28th - Festival de Perouges June 17th – Monroes, Galway, Rebublic of Ireland June 30th - Tall Ships Festival, Waterford July 9th – Ely Festival, Cambridge, England July 29th to 31st - Lowell Folk Festival, Massachusetts, USA |
Ciclo TangoContempo 2011 - Buenos Aires/Argentinaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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Cafe Vinilo Gorriti 3780-Buenos Aires, Argentina 4 maggio alle ore 21.30 Víctor Lavallén Grupo Víctor Lavallén: Director, Arreglador y Primer Solista ...Alejandro Bruschini: Segundo Bandoneón Pablo Estigarribia: Piano Washington Williman: Violín Silvio Acosta: Contrabajo Hernán Lucero: Voz Víctor Lavallén es un secreto a voces. Bandoneonista extraordinario, compositor y arreglador de muchísima personalidad, Víctor es uno de esos pocos músicos que generan respeto y admiración unánime entre los colegas. En los años 50 integró las orquestas de Miguel Caló, Juan José Paz, Joaquín Do Reyes y Enrique Mario Francini entre otras, y desde 1958 fue bandoneonista y arreglador de la orquesta de Osvaldo Pugliese en su mejor momento. Algunos de los arreglos más famosos de esta orquesta – como “Gallo Ciego”, “Bandoneón arrabalero” y “Lorenzo” son de Lavallén. Ya en 1968, y luego de muchos discos y giras con Pugliese, funda el “Sexteto Tango” junto a Emilio Balcarce, Julián Plaza, Osvaldo Ruggiero, Alcides Rossi y Oscar Herrero. Fueron 20 años de actividad intensa. Luego funda “Color Tango” junto a otros colegas y se integra a la orquesta de Mariano Mores. Actualmente, y desde hace ya una década, integra el espectáculo “Forever Tango” de Luis Bravo, del cual es el director musical, y con el que recorre permanentemente el mundo entero. Lavallén presenta su segundo trabajo solista “Buenosaireando” y es la oportunidad de descubrir a este gran artista, suerte de héroe anónimo, que siempre estuvo ahí, y sin embargo aún es uno de los tesoros mejor guardados del tango. Info tangocontempo@gmail.com |
‘Squeezebox Mania 1V’ Concert, Texas – USAby Rob Howard |
![]() Accordionist Juan Tejeda, appearing with the Conjunto Aztlan in the ‘Squeezebox Mania 1V’ concert, will also be taking part in the ‘Big Squeeze Accordion Contest’ concert in the afternoon in Houston. For further information email: juantejeda@sbcglobal.net |
I GATTAMOLESTA in piazza - Italiaby Holda Paoletti-Kampl |
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I GATTAMOLESTA sono formazioni di (power) folk venute allo scoperto negli ultimi anni in Italia e Czeleste, la loro terza prova discografica dopo l'ep I pesci, i pani e gli esemplari e l'album Alla festa del brigante, ne è una conferma probante. Si tratta naturalmente di un folk atipico, irregolare e bizzarro, che tiene conto e interagisce con i suoni del mondo, com'è giusto che sia nel nostro tempo. La formazione proviene da Forlì, città che li ha visti muovere i primi passi nel 2006. La loro musica è scesa sin da subito nelle strade, preferendo l'immediatezza del contatto con il pubblico alle sedute di studio al chiuso. Un modo ineccepibile per provare e provarsi, per valutare la tenuta di un brano e cogliere in tempo reale la risposta emozionale di chi ascolta. Così, da una piazza all'altra, da una piccola festa paesana al Buskers festival di Barcellona e ai palchi delle rassegne jazz, GATTAMOLESTA si è costruita una solida reputazione di band sanguigna e travolgente. . Il suono di GATTAMOLESTA è vivo e pulsante sin dai titoli (Estasiatica, Polka Punk, Boia Giuda Criminale) e nei brani, tutti originali e firmati dal capobanda, si percepisce forte e chiara, a livello strumentale, la fascinazione per i mille rivoli della musica balcanica sia del passato sia del presente (Bregovic, Kusturica, Gogol Bordello), nonché in generale il debito verso l'estetica gitana. I testi, rigorosamente in italiano, rivelano invece la tensione verso il superamento dei cliché del cantautorato del Bel Paese, proponendo versi surreal-dadaisti ubriachi di ironia e sentimenti forti, contestualizzabili in una linea d'autore che da Tom Waits arriva sino a Vinicio Capossela. Un canto libero, quello dispiegato dai romagnoli GATTAMOLESTA, che testimonia come la musica possa ancora essere vissuta, anche nella nuova era glaciale e digitale, sotto una forma semplice ma dal contenuto traboccante di umanità. Loro sono da vedere e sentire: Festival Scenica 07 Maggio 2011 ore: 22.00 - Vittoria - (RAGUSA) Antica Festa dei Testi 21 Maggio 2011 ore: 22.00 - Castelnuovo del Garda (Verona) Fieste da Viarte 22 Maggio 2011 ore: 22.00 - Cormons (GORIZIA) AcusticoMaggio 28 Maggio 2011 ore: 18.30 - Settimo Torinese (TO) AcusticoMaggio 29 Maggio 2011 ore: 18.30 - Settimo Torinese (TO) http://www.gattamolesta.it/concerti.php email: info@gattamolesta.it |
Tejano Conjunto Festival, Texas - USAby Rob Howard |
![]() The guest artistes include Mingo Saldivar, Eva Ybarra, Oscar Hernandez, Los Dos Gilbertos, Joel Guzmán, Los Monarcas de Pete, Mario Díaz, Gilberto Pérez, and many more. The festival includes concerts, dancing and jam sessions. On May 12th, 6pm, the Conjunto Hall of Fame Dinner will take place in the Guadalupe Theater, San Antonio. The festival’s special features include a free workshop on the Roland FR-18 Diatonic V-Accordion, which will cover the history of the genre and demonstrate the fusion of traditional Conjunto with modern technology. There will also be an ‘Accordion Tuning, Maintenance & Repair Workshop’, led by Tim Schofield, Hohner Accordion Repair and Parts Supervisor, who will demonstrate how to tune the reeds of an accordion and maintain it in tip-top playing shape. Accordion tuning kits will be available for purchase. |
"Forever Tango" in Shanghai - Chinaby Harley Jones |
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Luis Bravo, the creator and director of "Forever Tango", has created an entertainment event that has played to great acclaim in Europe, Canada, throughout the United States and most recently enjoyed its third run on Broadway, New York. "Forever Tango" is performing at the Shanghai City Theater for three performances, April 29 to May 1st. "Forever Tango" features 14 world-class tango dancers, one vocalist and an on-stage 11-piece orchestra, including four bandoneon players. "Forever Tango" tells the story of how the tango was born in 19th-century Argentina in a lonely and violent environment, and also how the dance gained popularity in Argentina and spread across Europe and the Americas. "It's passionate and melancholic, tender and violent. You dance it with somebody - but it is so internal that you dance it by yourself. More than just a dance, the tango is music, a drama, a culture, a way of life," says Bravo. "Forever Tango" was voted "Best Touring Musical" by Bay Area Theater Critics Circle in San Francisco where it played an unprecedented 92 weeks at the Theater on the Square and has returned season after season. It was also awarded the coveted Simpatia Prize at the 1996 Spoleto Festival in Italy. |
CD/VIDEO/Book (New/Reviews/Presentations) |
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…“il viaggio” nel jazz per l’orchestra… IN USCITA AD APRILE!!! Questa volta complice dell’orchestra sarà il musicista americano Dan Moretti, affermato sassofonista, compositore e produttore della scena jazz. “THE JOURNEY” è stato lanciato a livello internazionale ad Aprile 2011 con l’etichetta italiana Dodicilune (www.dodicilune.it). Il CD contiene nove brani, di cui sette composti da Dan e due elaborati dalla POLV. Lo style del materiale musicale è del genere world music-jazz e le influenze oscillano dal jazz e funk di New Orleans alla Bossa Nova, fino alla musica Afro. La produzione dell’album è stata resa possibile grazie all’emolumento del MacColl JohnsonFellowship per Compositori Jazz conferito a Dan Moretti nel 2009 e dal finanziamento della Fondazione PescarAbruzzo. Le registrazioni sono state effettuate sia in Italia che negli USA tra Maggio e Ottobre 2009. I brani sono stati prodotti e missati da Dan Moretti. Un tour di supporto al lancio del CD avverrà nel 2011 e 2012 in Italia e in America. LINE UP sax soprano e tenore, flauto, programming Dan Moretti voce, percussioni Antonella Costanzo direttore Alessandro Parente organetto solista, coordinamento artistico & esecutivo, percussioni Alessandro D’Alessandro Organetti Info: www.danmoretti.com www.piccolaorchestralaviola.it www.dodicilune.it e-mail: Piccola Orchestra La Viola info@piccolaorchestralaviola.it |
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